Mansard pie. How to insulate an attic roof - step-by-step instructions. Features of calculating the attic roof

Most of the complaints, already finished attic, you can hear that the built-on room is not warm enough, it is humid, and there is a bad smell. It seems that everything was taken into account, they were insulated, waterproofing and vapor barriers were laid, but they did not get the desired result.

The first mistake made may be not following all the subtleties when carrying out insulation works. For example, lack of thermal insulation pads when mounting rafter legs from boards.

There are also mistakes when arranging the roof “pie” itself. The roof of an attic differs from a conventional roof in that it experiences a double impact of heat flows: heat and moisture enter the roof from the lower floor, and from above the roof susceptible to external temperature changes and precipitation. And these temperatures do not always coincide, especially in winter. Hence condensation, moisture, and evaporation.

If the thickness of the insulation is not calculated using special tables and formulas, this next error construction. Installation by eye leads to unnecessary temperature loss in winter. It should be noted that the choice of insulation has great value. If you have a choice, take roll insulation or tiled, give preference to tiled. Insulation does not slide in slabs, does not deform or move out.

Don't forget about ventilation, vapor barrier, etc. The use of waterproofing or vapor barrier film with ruptures or deformations is not allowed. Even a small hole caused during transportation or installation itself will lead to unnecessary consequences. Each section of the roof must be thoroughly ventilated. This is difficult to do if the attic roof has many windows and various holes for room ventilation, chimneys.

There are cases when waterproofing material, in order to save money or out of ignorance, is not overlapped. Then atmospheric moisture will definitely get on the insulation, hence the bad smell, and rotting rafters. On modern market A lot of new waterproofing films are appearing. When installing, you should carefully read the instructions for using such film. It is especially worth paying attention to membranes that need to be laid with a certain face up. By violating this installation method, you get defective waterproofing.

Another roofing pie scheme

For good ventilation, it is recommended to use “super-diffusion” waterproofing films. Then ventilation will occur only under the outer layer roofing material and films due to the space formed by the lathing or counter-lattice.

The next mistake when arranging a roofing “pie” can be incomplete adhesion of the vapor barrier film to the insulation. Available due to the presence of holes near the windows, chimney, etc. Through them, warm air from the lower rooms will penetrate to the insulation, condensation will fall out, which will cause heat loss and rotting of the wood. It is recommended to glue the vapor barrier at joints, to walls, and around any openings.

Failure to comply with all requirements leads to a reduction in the service life of the attic roof.

Experts call the pie of attic insulation a heat-insulating structure consisting of successively laid layers of materials, starting with the roof covering and ending with the internal lining of the room. The filling consists of insulating materials laid in a certain order.

Poor quality of roof insulation technologies can lead to the emergence of a major enemy wooden house– dampness. Moisture can come from both outside and from living quarters. The formation of condensation in the under-roof space will lead to wetness of the thermal insulation material, the appearance of mold and rot, and destruction truss structures and damage to roofing material. The result will be complex, expensive repairs. The correct attic pie will not only protect the living space from heat loss, but will also protect the wooden and metal elements of the roof. Since the attic is located in close proximity to the roof, the process of heating and cooling the air in it occurs much more intensely than in other rooms. Thermal insulation materials are designed not only to protect internal space from the penetration of cold from outside, but also from overheating in hot weather.

When building a new house with an attic, all stages of insulation occur during the process of creating the roof. But often owners of already built houses with an attic strive to rebuild them themselves top part buildings and create additional living space. The technology of roof insulation is not too complicated, and with some skills construction work and the necessary information, it is quite possible to create a high-quality attic roof pie with your own hands.

Necessary insulation materials for insulating the attic roof

Of great importance correct selection insulating materials to create the right pie attics. Many owners country houses prefer mineral wool as a material that has all the characteristics necessary for insulation and is low cost.

No less popular is the use of polystyrene foam. He has good thermal insulation properties, waterproof and light weight. Dense structure allows you to cut it into pieces required sizes, which greatly simplifies the process of installing insulation. Modern industry offers great variety thermal insulation materials made according to the latest technologies and having excellent characteristics. But usually their cost is higher than traditionally used materials.

You need to be no less careful when choosing hydro- and vapor barrier materials. The efficiency of the thermal insulation material depends on their quality.

Sequence and rules for arranging an attic pie

The main attention should be paid to the technological side of creating an attic insulation cake. To do this, you need to have knowledge about the processes occurring in the under-roof space under the influence of external conditions.

Work must be carried out in strict sequence and in compliance with all installation rules:

Video - Attic insulation, roofing pie

Metal tiles are roofing materials made from sheets of steel, copper or other metal.

The material has a wave-like structure of various configurations.

This material is covered with a protective coating.

In order to cover the roof with metal tiles, it is necessary to provide correct under-roof space.

When arranging the roof important indicator its functional purpose is roofing pie.

They call it a roofing pie set of layers, of which the roof is laid. Depending on the purpose of the room(warehouse, industrial, residential) number of layers and method of laying them may change.

How are metal tiles constructed? The roof pie under the metal tiles is laid in the following order:

  • (roof frame, made, as a rule, from wooden beams, serves as the basis for applying layers of roofing cake);
  • (prevents moisture from entering to roofing pie);
  • (provides heat preservation indoors);
  • (serves to ensure dryness of the room, prevents moisture from entering the room(waterproofing films, membranes));
  • counter-lattice;
  • sheathing ( wooden frame , which is applied and transfers the roofing load to the rafters. The sheathing has a pitch smaller than that of the rafters, and the beams are laid perpendicular to the rafter boards);
  • (outer covering roofs, providing protection of the roof from atmospheric influences, wind, dust, moisture entering the room: metal tiles, ondulin, corrugated sheets).

In addition, between the layers of the roofing cake they are arranged.

Each layer separately has its own laying characteristics.

Sheathing pitch for metal tiles and counter-lattice

Sheathing is a solid or lattice roofing decking that provides base for laying roofing layers.

How to calculate the step?

To calculate the amount of material consumed per sheathing, you need to know the step lathing etc. The step size is affected by the wavelength of the coating. The sheathing pitch is the distance between the boards of the structure.

When laying with gratings, determine the pitch based on the dimensions of the roofing covering.

It should be borne in mind that the distance from the edge of the roof (first board) to the second board should be less than the pitch along the entire perimeter of the roof. Sometimes two boards are attached in a row from below in increments of 1-2 cm, and then lay out the boards with the calculation of the step for of this type tiles.

IN in this case The metal roofing pie consists of the following layers:

  • rafter system;
  • thermal insulation;
  • sheathing;
  • counter-lattice;

An important indicator of durability, warmth, and quality of roofing covering for metal tiles is correct layering, ensuring air gaps in the roof and choosing the material used.

You should not skimp on materials, since their quality is one of the conditions for ensuring quality roofing and warmth and dryness in the room as a whole.

Sooner or later, everyone who has already started building their own house or is just thinking about building it has to deal with such unfamiliar words as “insulation circuit”, “rafters”, “steam and water barrier”. In search of answers comes the concept that the roof is not only a visible part that has unusual shape and beautiful coverage. This turns out to be a multilayer structure with many main and auxiliary elements. And the longevity of the roof and the house as a whole depends on how well they work.

What is a roofing pie

It would seem such a strange combination - confectionery And construction term. But it is precisely this that fully reveals the structure of the roof, its meaning and tasks - to protect the house from negative natural influences and ensure a good microclimate in residential premises. And this is achieved thanks to numerous layers of insulating materials and additional components.

The roofing pie, where each element is in its intended place and performs the functions assigned to it, is the main filling of the roof. And the functionality of the roof depends on the correctness of its installation, namely the order of arrangement and technology for fastening the layers.

A standard roofing pie consists of several layers arranged in a strictly defined order.

Video: roofing pie of a pitched roof, the role of insulating layers and ventilation

Roofing pie composition

The roof structure is equipped in two versions - for a cold attic space and for an insulated roof.

Cold roof installation

A roof is considered cold if the space under it remains uninsulated and most often unused. There are times when it is deliberately left cold, for example, to store canned fruits, vegetables and produce.

For sloping cold roof The roofing cake is divided into two parts located in different zones.

The layers of the roofing pie of a cold roof are divided and arranged in different zones - on the slopes and ceilings

On the slopes, the layers of the roofing cake (from the inside out) are as follows:

  • waterproofing laid along the rafters;
  • counters and sheathing;
  • roofing covering.

On floor slabs (from interior spaces to the attic):

  • ceiling lining;
  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation.

For flat attic roofs the principle remains the same, except for the top attic floor, on which waterproofing is usually not laid. Soft roofing sheeting, most often used on flat roofs, itself is a 100% sealant. Yes, and lay it on a durable concrete base or profiled sheets, on which an expanded clay layer is laid along the slope and a leveling cement-sand screed. This is quite enough to prevent any roof leaks.

The only exceptions are structures in which the attic roof is supported by a system wooden beams. In this case, on top wooden elements additionally lay waterproofing material.

Waterproofing layer on flat attic roofs laid only in structures with a wooden base

Cold roofs are considered the most correct, since they provide free air circulation, which, if necessary, is supplemented with roof aerators. Such a roof can last up to 100 years, keeping the rafter system intact and suitable.

Insulated roof

For an insulated roof with an attic space being used, the roofing pie is characterized by the fact that all its components are combined into an integral structure with a strictly determined alternation of layers and the arrangement of ventilation gaps.

If you look from the inside of the room, the arrangement of the layers of the roofing pie looks like this:

When installing an insulated roof, you need to pay attention special attention tightness of joints of all roofing layers in places that are difficult to access for installation and therefore especially problematic - walls, ventilation risers and chimney pipes, flashings skylights and valleys. Violation of the tightness is fraught with the appearance of cold bridges and heat loss through the roof.

Let's take a closer look at the layers of the roofing pie warm roof and their purpose.

Interior finishing of the roof space

The under-roof space in the form of an attic or attic is an interesting structure. Even being luxuriously finished, it does not look solid. Often, sloping walls and ceilings give this room an aura of romance, airiness and lightness.

When choosing finishing material it must be taken into account that the rafter system under the influence of wind and snow load, seasonal temperature changes will still show signs of deformation. They will be very small and invisible, but you will have to take them into account so as not to crack the joints on the cladding over time.

The main task of the finishing layer of the roofing pie is to refine the under-roof space and protect the next layer - the vapor barrier - from moisture from the premises of the house. For cladding they mainly use:

  • blockhouse or clapboard;
  • drywall (gypsum plasterboard);
  • MDF or OSB boards.

Drywall is perhaps the most popular material for interior decoration, especially on complex sloping roofs. It is easy to cut, making it possible to sew up elements of the most intricate shapes. In addition, drywall creates a perfectly smooth surface, which is subsequently easy to paint or apply a beautiful decorative plaster. In addition, it can be used to make any decorative elements and make the interior of the room incredibly attractive.

You can decorate an attic space with plasterboard facing elements and even divide it into zones

Attics and attics lined with OSB or MDF boards look no less beautiful. This material is as smooth as drywall, but much stronger.

Lining the under-roof space with moisture-resistant materials MDF boards using the play of light allows you to create unusual bright accents on individual elements interior

The big advantage of plasterboard and slabs is that they can be mounted under hidden wiring, but with the use of fire-retardant corrugations. But when covering with wood, the electrical wiring will have to be made open and then decorated. But, despite this, many still prefer wooden linear materials - lining and blockhouse with imitation of rounded logs or timber, as they are environmentally friendly clean materials, never goes out of fashion.

Attic lined with dark clapboard classic style in combination with light walls looks strict and elegant

The main enemy of any insulation is steam. Rising from heated rooms, it meets cold air in the under-roof space, as a result of which it condenses and settles in the layers of the roofing pie. To prevent this, a vapor barrier layer is laid between the heat insulator and the inner lining. But in addition to protecting the insulation, the vapor barrier also retains heat in the under-roof space, which is especially important in the off-season.

How standard option, as a vapor barrier you can use a two-layer plastic film with a reinforcing mesh of polyethylene strips between the layers.

The vapor barrier layer in the roofing pie is located between internal lining and insulation

When choosing a vapor barrier material, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The tensile strength of the film or membrane. On vapor barrier material the insulation exerts pressure, as a result of which the thin film can tear, and then the condensation will do its dirty work.
  2. Vapor permeability indicator. If this coefficient varies from 0 to 90 g/m² per day, then it is a vapor barrier material. A coefficient over 100 indicates a vapor-permeable waterproofing material, which is not suitable for installing a vapor barrier layer.

There is no universal “vapor and waterproofing”. Vapor barrier films or membranes and vapor-permeable waterproofing are different concepts, and their incorrect use will result in bad consequences for the entire house.

Thermal insulation material for roofing pie

Just as a person needs clothing, a home needs protection from heat and cold. Therefore, thermal insulation is the simplest and effective method energy saving. good thermal insulation materials can reduce heat loss by up to 70%. In addition, they provide:

  • indoor comfort;
  • effective noise and sound absorption;
  • saving costs on heating and air conditioning at home;
  • increasing the service life of main structures;
  • emissions reduction carbon dioxide into the environment.

In private housing construction, mineral wool insulation is widely used - inexpensive, perfectly retains heat and coolness, and is chemically and biologically resistant. In addition, they have a fire resistance limit of more than 1000 °C established by regulations.

When insulating the attic mineral wool laid in the spaces between rafter beams

IN lately New insulation materials have appeared on the construction market.

  1. URSA staple fiberglass is a wide-profile insulation that can be easily installed in hard-to-reach places.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam, different high performance heat and sound insulation, ease of use and for a long time service - up to 100 years.
  3. Sprayed insulation, which is applied using special equipment and forms an even layer on a surface with any geometry.
  4. Polystyrene foam is the most budget-friendly insulation option.

Polystyrene foam is widely used to insulate roofs and walls of a house because it is easy to install and inexpensive.

The owner decides which insulation to choose. They all deserve attention. However, to obtain the maximum effect, it is necessary not only to correctly select insulation according to the roof structure, but also to follow the installation technology offered by manufacturers of insulating coatings.

Roof waterproofing

The next layer of the roofing pie is waterproofing, located above the insulation with an air gap for ventilation of the latter. Waterproofing device - necessary measure to protect all roofing structure from atmospheric precipitation. Waterproofing material is laid along the entire roof, starting from the end of the rafters to the ridge itself, with the organization of air outlet so that moisture does not remain in the insulation.

For roof waterproofing, reinforced film is often used, which is laid along the rafters with a slight sag

The waterproofing film is laid with a sag between the rafters of no more than 20 mm. Membrane materials are mounted directly on the insulation without sagging, which significantly reduces the wind load.

Waterproofing materials must have:

  • mechanical strength;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • elasticity and heat resistance.

In addition, it is not necessary, but desirable, that they have heat-saving qualities. Protection from cold and moisture in one insulating material - great solution for home.

Ventilation gaps in the roofing pie

When arranging the roof, you need to remember - it must breathe well, regardless of its design. Otherwise, the roof will “cry” and no insulating layers will help. Warm roof usually installed above attic spaces, which do not provide the necessary space for free air circulation.

There are all conditions for natural ventilation of a cold roof in the attic, and when arranging warm attic ventilation gaps must be provided

Therefore, when constructing an insulated roof, it is necessary to provide for the installation of three ventilation gaps in order to ensure full natural ventilation under-roof space:

  1. Eaves channel along the entire length of the overhangs for the flow of cold air under the roof.
  2. The space between the counter-lattice and the sheathing for the movement of air along the roof.
  3. Ridge vents through which warm air will flow out.

To enhance traction natural circulation air supply is supplemented with ventilation roofing components - aerators, valves or turbines.

Roof aerators supplement the insufficient natural ventilation of the under-roof space

Roof anti-icing system

The age-old struggle with ice and snow can be solved quite simply these days. Created for this purpose modern systems anti-icing of the roof, which replaced mechanical snow removal using a shovel and crowbar and chemical treatment. Unlike the last two methods of snow removal, in which there is a high probability of damage to the roofing, anti-icing systems are completely safe and highly effective. However, they have their drawbacks:

  • additional energy consumption;
  • high cost;
  • the need to attract professionals who will competently carry out calculations, installation, testing and debugging of the entire system.

Video: heating the roof, gutters and gutters with electric cables

Roofing material

Every developer wants to see his home bright, individual, eye-catching and impeccable in everything. And if the facades are still clad in a moderate manner, then the roof more than compensates for this. Fortunately, modern roofing materials are a haven of imagination that can give any home style and character.

A huge variety of textures and colors reigns in the world of roofing decking today. If you want a roof to match the young greenery or like a bright orange color - no problem. Red, lilac, red, yellow, blue - whatever your heart desires.

Saturated blue roofing from bitumen shingles looks beautiful against the background of a light facade

But when choosing a roofing covering, it is worth remembering that the key requirements still remain:

  • fire resistance of covering material;
  • wear resistance, strength and durability;
  • ease of installation and accessibility.

And only after this comes the turn of aesthetic criteria.

Video: review of popular roofing coverings, their pros and cons

Types of roofing pie

It should be noted that the structure of the roofing pie may change. Depending on the roofing covering and the type of roof, some layers are absent or partially laid, while others appear additionally, which is dictated by the characteristics of a particular structure.

Types of roofing pie depending on roofing covering

Let's consider the composition of the roofing cake for the most popular covering materials.

Corrugated sheeting is the most unpretentious material, so it won’t be difficult to arrange a roof for it yourself. Particular attention should be paid to two layers - thermal insulation and sound insulation.

The insulation is placed strictly in the space between the rafters. To improve the performance of the heat insulator, it is covered windproof film, which does not allow steam to pass through, and stuff the sheathing onto which the corrugated sheets are already mounted. The pitch for the sheathing is chosen according to the size of the sheet and the slope of the roof, taking into account the overlap of one or two corrugations. Peculiarities metal roofing require:

  1. Mandatory installation of ventilation gaps between the insulation layer and the roof covering. The size of the ventilation ducts is not fixed, but not less than the thickness of the beam sheathing (3 cm).
  2. When assembling the sheathing, it is advisable to install additional stiffening ribs, which will significantly extend the operation of the roof.

Installing insulating strips of felt or polyethylene foam along the rafters will help solve the problem of sound insulation.

Standard composition of the roofing pie for corrugated sheeting:

Roofing pie for flexible tiles

Soft tiles have a great advantage - it is an absolutely waterproof material. Therefore, among the layers of the roofing cake there is no waterproofing, but additional layers appear - a solid base made of moisture-resistant particle materials and an underlay carpet.

The pie is arranged under the tiles by alternating the following layers:

Original roofing materials from the Ondulin company do not require the installation of a roofing pie as such. They don’t care whether there is an insulating layer and vapor or waterproofing films or not. They themselves reliably protect the roof from bad weather if the rafter system, sheathing and, if necessary, counter-lattice are installed correctly. In addition, branded materials retain heat well. This is what we talked about in the “Waterproofing” section: two significant functions in one material - perfect solution the issue of water protection and thermal protection.

Of course, in our frosty winters in our houses permanent residence The roof needs to be insulated. Nevertheless, there are no special requirements for insulation under ondulin. Except for one thing - its thickness must comply with SNiP standards. For example, for Moscow and the region this is at least 25 cm of mineral wool material.

The order of layers from roofing indoors:

Roofing pie for metal tiles

Seam roof with matte finish gray beautifully harmonize with the wooden architecture of the house in the same color scheme

Roofing pie for standing seam roofing:

Video: installation of seam roofing

Rafter pitch for sloping roof determined by the roof structure and covering material, recommended value - from 600 mm

  • Then a vapor barrier made of polyethylene or polypropylene films or breathable membranes is laid along the rafters from inside the room. The canvases are fixed together with construction tape, a stapler and, if necessary, secured with slats from the side of the room.

    The vapor barrier film is laid along the rafters and fixed with a stapler

  • WITH outside On the roof, insulation is laid between the rafters. The thickness of the insulation depends on the roof covering, wind and snow loads of a particular region, climatic features terrain and type of insulation itself. But in any case, the layer of thermal insulation must end below the upper edge of the rafters to create a ventilation gap. If necessary, raise bars are placed on the edges of the rafters.

    The insulation layer should be located below the edge of the rafters to ensure free air circulation

  • Waterproofing material is laid on top of the insulation along the rafters or beams and secured with counter-battens.

    Hydromembrane, unlike films, is laid freely, but without sagging between the rafters

  • A lathing is laid across the counter-battens (counter-battens) - continuous or step-by-step, depending on the roofing material and location on the roof (valleys, abutments, cornices, ridge ridges require continuous flooring, regardless of type finishing coating).
  • Under some types of covering material, a continuous flooring made of moisture-resistant particle board materials is installed over the sheathing, or clamps are attached.
  • A roofing covering is installed on top of the entire pie in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of this material.

    Laying the finishing coating completes the work on the outer part of the roof

  • The attic or attic space is covered.
  • Video: rules for installing roofing pie

    Recently, attic floors have become very common in private construction. And this can be simply explained, the presence of an attic floor is, first of all, a fairly large cost savings at the construction stage, and secondly, such a solution gives the owner of the house, albeit inferior usable area, but quite suitable, for example, for a bedroom.

    At the same time the device mansard roof a slightly more complex task that requires additional attention. The attic roof must be made in full accordance with the technology. Particular attention must be paid to the construction of the roofing pie, and in particular to the vapor barrier membrane; it is this that will make the attic roof dry.

    Mansard roofs can have different kind. Several types of roofs can be used in private construction mansard type. The main options are options gable roofs, but there are also other design solutions.

    We must not forget that a warm attic roof in itself is quite expensive, but the arrangement of an attic floor is much cheaper than the installation of a full floor with a gable roof.

    Features of the attic roof.

    Any mansard roof has a number of distinctive features. Below we will try to give a few key points, which distinguish attic roofing from other types.

    1. The main feature of an attic roof is its functionality. We must not forget that the attic roof is both a roof and a wall. attic space or attic floor.
    2. The height of the attic roof is usually more than 2.5 meters at the highest point.
    3. The surface area of ​​an attic roof is always larger than that of a conventional gable roof.
    4. The rafter system of the attic roof must be designed in such a way that the design solutions of the struts and rafter legs occupy minimal usable space.

    Video about the construction of an attic roof

    Selection of coating material

    The selection of the finishing roof covering in cases with an attic design has a number of subtleties and nuances. The main factor of choice is the lightness of the material. Perfect for attic roof light metal tiles, piece adhesive tiles, lightweight coverings such as ondulin or profiled metal sheet. Heavy materials such as slate and clay tiles are rarely used in the construction of attic roofs.

    Features of calculating the attic roof.

    When calculating this type of roof, special attention is paid to several roof elements.

    • First of all, the calculation of the structural part of the roof. The design includes calculation of the angle of inclination, pitch of the rafter system, thickness of lumber, its length and total quantity.
    • The second part of the roof design solution is the calculation of the final covering and sheathing
    • All of the above solutions are based on the definition usable space attic room. The attic space must be more than 1.5 meters high at its highest point. The design of the rafter system and the roof as a whole depends on the height of the attic floor.
    • The useful space of the roof is the entire area where the height from floor to ceiling exceeds 90 centimeters. Those places in the room where this condition is not met are called blind zones. From the area of ​​the blind zone and from its appearance depends on the structure of the stiffeners and additional ligaments of the roof rafters.
    • Calculating the area of ​​the finishing coating only at first glance looks quite complicated, in fact, calculating the final finish is the simplest part of everything preparatory stage. To calculate the final coating from the entire roof, several simple geometric shapes. This is true for roofing complex type with several slopes located at different angles. By calculating the area of ​​each figure, taking into account all technological overlaps, you can easily obtain the sum of all areas - this will be the amount of finishing coating.

    Installation of a roofing pie in an attic roof

    Roofing pie and its correct device- this is the main problem in installing the entire attic roof.

    The first signs of improper installation of a roofing pie are the formation of condensation and the formation of icicles on the roof slopes. As soon as the first icicles appeared on the roof, this sure sign release of warm air outside. It is not at all necessary that it will immediately start dripping from the ceiling, but you should still be worried.

    Correct roofing pie

    Each layer of the roofing pie is responsible for its functionality. And each layer must be completed correctly, in accordance with all norms and building regulations.

    Conventionally, roofing pie can be divided into two types. Roofing pie without insulation. This design can only be used in summer attic floor. And a large roofing pie with a thermal contour - this option is great for building a full-fledged warm floor.

    Pie without insulation. The main task of such a pie is to protect the attic space from moisture and condensation. The construction of such a pie looks quite simple. The first layer is the flooring vapor barrier membrane on the rafter system, a counter-lattice is mounted on top of the membrane, then the lathing and the finishing coating.

    The main problems in constructing a pie without insulation.

    The first thing you need to do is to install the vapor barrier correctly, the second thing is mandatory air gap between the sheathing and the membrane (this is why the counter-lattice is needed).

    Warm roofing cake. More often than not, the attic space is residential, so it is very important to install the correct warm roofing pie. You need to understand that the roof is exposed not only to cold, but also to heat. sun rays can heat the roof up to 70 degrees, such a temperature makes it impossible to stay in the room. Therefore, the attic roof should not only keep heat inside the building, it should not let in hot air inside.

    IN rafter system roofing pie, the thickness of the insulation must be taken into account; this is very important for ease of installation and further proper functioning of the roofing pie.

    Layers of roofing cake:

    1. The first layer is a vapor barrier, and this is where you should start installing the cake. The vapor barrier is rolled out onto the rafters and attached to them. A clear fixation of the vapor barrier is necessary; this is often done using construction stapler. Roll out the vapor barrier, overlapping each other from 10 to 15 centimeters. The overlaps are sealed using a special sealing tape.
    2. The second layer is insulation. The insulation must be selected based on climatic conditions, environmental friendliness and soundproofing qualities. We must not forget that the roof of the house is essentially the ceiling of your room, and the sound of rain will be heard more than ever in attic room. Now the insulation market is very large selection. Materials based on various types of wool are in great demand, including glass wool and stone wool, and other materials. Enough budget option The insulation is polystyrene foam, but its sound-absorbing properties leave much to be desired.
    3. The third layer is a moisture-proof membrane; it is also rolled out on the rafter system, but from the street side. It is the membrane that will prevent external precipitation from penetrating into the roofing pie. Some membranes can be used both indoors and outdoors. Installation of such a film occurs in the same way as a vapor barrier, the joints are sealed, and the film is rolled out, ensuring an overlap of 10-15 centimeters.
    4. The next stage is the installation of counter-lattice, although manufacturers of materials with a wavy pattern (ondulin, slate, metal tiles) claim that passive roof ventilation is sufficient - this is not always the case. A counter-lattice, even a minimal one, creates a good ventilation gap, which helps to quickly remove moisture from the inner surface of the final roofing covering.
    5. Lathing. The sheathing itself mansard roof can be either continuous or thinned out. It all depends on the material that is used as the finishing coating. For piece tiles, a continuous board sheathing or sheet material is used instead of sheathing. For sheet material, thinned sheathing is used.

    The main problem of an attic roof is its insulation and protection from moisture. Otherwise, the construction steps are the same as in a conventional gable roof.

    1. The first step is to calculate the materials, calculate the load
    2. Second fastening of supporting beams
    3. Assembling the rafter system template
    4. Assembly roof trusses according to the template, in accordance with the quantity according to the project
    5. Installation of rafters
    6. Roofing pie device
    7. Finishing device
    8. Interior finishing from the roof side

    Interior finishing of the attic roof

    The inside of the attic roof can be decorated with almost any material. This includes lining, plasterboard, and plastic decorative panels. But from the point of view of practicality, ideal for an attic roof is removable material, such as lining; in cases of improper installation of the roof, such material will make it possible to carry out repair work roofing pie.