How to easily clear a roof overhang from sliding snow. Removing snow from the roof of a house: risks, features and methods for removing snow and ice from roofs of houses How to properly remove snow from the roof

Lush caps of snow on the roof look very beautiful, but homeowners have good reasons remove these white covers. Fortunately, today there are many tools to make your work easier.

If you do not clear the snow, its masses will put pressure on the roof, which can lead to subsidence and even collapse. But this is not the only danger. A series of frosts and thaws leads to the formation of ice. In spring, the ice crust melts and water seeps into the smallest cracks roofing. At the same time, rafters and other wooden structural elements begin to rot.

It is not yet possible to solve the issue of cleaning the roof without human intervention. Cable heating systems prevent snow from collecting around the perimeter of the roof and accumulating in gutters, but the bulk of it remains on the slopes. Snow retention systems (grids installed at the edges along the overhangs) save from sudden avalanches, but also do not completely solve the problem. Snow from the roof has to be removed manually. More precisely, using various tools.

Snow shovels

If the roof is flat and you can walk on it without risking your life, the easiest way is to use a regular shovel. But even this simple tool must be chosen wisely. What should you pay attention to first? Of course, onto the ladle.

Shovels with metal bucket durable, but quite heavy. In addition, during operation they produce an unpleasant grinding noise, which can be heard inside the house.

When clearing snow with a metal shovel, you need to act carefully. The sharp edges of the bucket can damage soft roofing materials such as shingles.

Wooden shovels also quite heavy, but safe. True, their lifespan is relatively short. Usually, after one or two seasons of use, you have to buy a new tool.

Finally, plastic shovels light, comfortable, but also not very durable. Under the influence low temperatures The plastic becomes brittle and breaks easily. Of course, there are models made from high-quality frost-resistant polymers, but they are not cheap.

Now let's talk about the cuttings. It should be comfortable, durable and lightweight. The wooden ones are not very good - they are too smooth, which is why they slip out of your hands, and are quite heavy. Plastic ones are much lighter and more convenient, but they do not withstand the cold well. But the metal cuttings show themselves in the best possible way, although they are relatively expensive.

It is best if the shovel handle has telescopic design. Then the snow can be removed almost without leaving the spot.

Scrapers (scrapers)

If the roof of the house is pitched, it is unsafe to walk on it. It is better to remove snow from the ground using a scraper. Typically, a tool of this kind has a telescopic handle (metal or plastic). But some manufacturers offer prefabricated structures of 3-4 tubes 1.2-1.5 m long. If very long handle is not needed, you can remove several knees, thereby reducing the weight of the equipment. And this is very useful, because it sometimes takes several hours to remove snow from the roof, constantly holding your hands up.

When choosing a scraper for cleaning roofs, you should pay attention to its weight. It should not exceed 3 kg, otherwise it will be difficult to work with the tool

The tool's scraper is a long, narrow blade mounted at an angle, much like a garden rake. For most models on the market, it is made of frost-resistant plastic. Metal blades are quite rare. They are more durable than plastic ones, but they are also heavier, more expensive and more dangerous.

When choosing a scraper, you should pay attention to the number of attachment points for the scraper to the handle. It is desirable that there be three of them, not one. It will be stronger this way. Stiffening ribs on the back side of the blade also significantly extend the life of the tool. Some manufacturers equip their models with rubberized pads or plastic brushes, which improves the quality of cleaning.

In addition to the "rake" there is another interesting variety scraper. Instead of a scraper, a metal puller in the form of a loop is attached to its handle rectangular shape. It cuts off layers of snow and they just roll down. Some tools have a special tape - a guide that regulates the movement of the snow flow, but you can do without it.

The main advantage of a scraper with a metal puller is that it allows you to remove huge layers of snow from your roof in one motion. Working with a conventional scraper requires much more time and effort.

Do-it-yourself snow removal from the roof: quickly and safely With the onset of winter, cottage owners and country dachas Problems arise related to removing snow from roofs. This is an important process that cannot be neglected, since snow masses put a strong load on rafter system and lead to deformation of the roofing material. During the spring thaw, snow turns into blocks of ice, which can fall off the roof, damaging gutters and other façade elements.


With the onset of winter, owners of cottages and country houses have problems related to removing snow from their roofs. This is an important process that should not be neglected, since snow masses place a strong load on the rafter system and lead to deformation of the roofing material. During the spring thaw, snow turns into blocks of ice, which can fall off the roof, damaging gutters and other façade elements.

Instructions for clearing snow from roofs

Like any occupation, cleaning work has specific features. To carry them out you will need warm clothes, non-slip shoes, a rope and tools. So, how to properly remove snow from the roof with your own hands? Follow the instructions below:

  1. Wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Things should be light but warm. Then you will not freeze and will be able to move freely on the roof. Give preference to non-slip shoes. For example, these could be boots with spikes on the soles.
  2. Start clearing snow by knocking down icicles. For this purpose, use a long rod. Do not hit the icicles too hard as you may damage your gutters.
  3. Be sure to take care of safety devices, because removing snow from roofs is a dangerous activity that requires safety measures. Use thick rope. Wrap it around your belt and secure the other end to the pipe.
  4. Securely install the ladder that you will use to climb onto the roof of the house. On roofs with a steep slope, use metal staircase with hooks at the ends and with a width of steps of at least 40 cm. It is laid on the slope, fixed at the ridge fracture.
  5. First, clear the snow from the edge of the roof. Move higher and higher systematically. Follow exactly this sequence of actions. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to clear the huge debris formed at the edges of the roof. Clear snow carefully. If at the roof soft covering, You can damage it. Then the roof will start to leak.
  6. After completing the work, unhook the end of the thick rope and go down the ladder. Throw snow thrown off the roof away from the house. In the spring it will melt and water will flow into the basement.

Preparing the roof for winter

Before the cold weather sets in, you need to prepare your roof for winter. This process consists of the following steps:

  • Thorough roof cleaning and gutters from leaves, branches and other debris. With the onset of frost and snowfall, this will be difficult. Wet leaves and branches weigh down the roof;
  • Be sure to close the funnels special plugs;
  • Inspect the roof in order to detect corrosion and other defects. Pay great attention to the joints. Repair damaged areas;
  • Install snow guards, if they are not there. Such structures prevent the rapid convergence of snow masses and increase the service life of roofing materials.

Roof cleaning tools

Snow removal must be done with the “right” tools. Use a wooden or plastic shovel that will not damage the roof. It is possible to use a special two-handed shovel, which is called “spreading”. Snow scrapers equipped with aluminum are very popular. telescopic handle. The scraper blade is made of plastic and reinforced with stiffeners.

There are also special devices that can be used to clear non-packed snow from the ground. Just below, the video material clearly shows the technology for quickly cleaning the roof:

Cleaning methods

The roof is cleared of snow and ice in two ways:

  1. Cleaning the entire area is a serious undertaking that requires compliance with safety rules. To avoid injury, use a safety rope, a portable ladder with hooks for fastening, or a mounting belt. Then you can safely clean the roof, reducing the possibility of injury to zero.
  2. Partial cleaning - it is carried out when there is little snowfall. You can do it without getting out onto the roof.

If you want to clear the snow yourself, use our tips:

  1. Get to work during the day. Poor lighting increases the risk of injury;
  2. Consider weather conditions. Blizzards, heavy snowfall and wind make working at height difficult. For difficult climatic conditions postpone the process for another day;
  3. Choose where the snow falls. During cleaning, make sure that snow does not fall on wires or structural elements protruding beyond the walls. For example, these could be outdoor units of air conditioners;
  4. Work with a partner. He will serve necessary tool and will insure you.

And one more interesting point: the dark color of the roof heats up better, so the snow on such a roof melts faster. Detailed information You can learn about choosing the color of materials by reading the article “

Removing piles of snow from the roof after a snowstorm, of course, is not on the list of favorite activities for many of us. This can be a very difficult and even dangerous endeavor. That's why we have advice that will completely change the way you look at this routine. winter work. Read on to find out more!

This method became famous thanks to one of the videos on YouTube. They show us how easy it is to get rid of hundreds of pounds of snow.

The video begins with a beautiful picture of a house that looks like it belongs in a Kincaid painting. This picture is breathtaking; there is a lot of snow on the roof. Any northerner will remember his native expanses. But, of course, you need to get rid of the snow and ice!

Next, we see a man securing a thick thread to the highest points of the roof. After that, he came down from the roof, holding the second end of the threads in his hands. By pulling, it seems to create a “mini-avalanche”, and the snow very quickly rolls off the roof. Magic!

Even if it seems that this method will not work on flat roofs, this is wrong. If you have a lot of strength and there is someone who is ready to help you pull the rope, then you can handle it. This means that the method is suitable for almost all types of roofs; if there is even a slight slope, the problem with snow removal is solved!

There is another tip to avoid slipping on the roof when there is a lot of snow and ice, you can fasten the threads before the snow falls, then your task will become much easier, plus it will become safer.

Danger if you don't remove snow

Those who live in places where there is a lot of snow know that they have to remove snow almost every day or even several times a day. The main danger of large amounts of snow is that it is heavy, and its weight can cause significant damage to your roof.

So how much snow can a roof hold? Well, the answer is not quite that clear cut because there is no specific weight or volume that is standard for all types of roofs. It comes down to the amount of support various fastenings, the very material from which the roof is made, whether there are additional supporting mechanisms or not.

However, you can get a rough estimate of the snow's weight by its height above the roof. For example, the experts at Logic report that “6 inches of wet snow equals about 38 inches of dry snow.” This gives some idea of ​​how heavy snow can actually be!

In short, if there has been a heavy snowfall, it is definitely time to use this method that we have shared with you!

Now that you're certainly ready to remove that much snow, be sure to watch the video first to see how effective this method is. Just remember: if there is no snow on the roof, you can protect yourself from various dangers!

What do you think about this method of removing snow from your roof? Have you done this before? If yes, are you satisfied with the result? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

  • 1 Special devices
  • 2 Bottle-rope method
  • 3 Warming the roof

To a certain extent, snow cover can serve as insulation in winter period time. The problems start when there is precipitation large number. Their significant weight can damage the entire structure. Also, layers can melt and build up, which can lead to damage to the roof. To prevent all this from happening, you need to know how to remove snow from the roof with your own hands.

Special devices

Can adapt a hoe

If you live in a private house, then cleaning roofs will not cause much difficulty, as it might seem at first. To do this, you can build several simple devices. In most cases it is enough to simply pry top layer, and it may already entail everything else.

  • If you have personal plot, then a hoe must be available. You need to take it and close the blade with a plastic or wooden cover. To do this, you can make a small slot in the block at half the depth and use plastic ties to secure it. Now you need to lengthen the handle. This can be done using aluminum or other light alloy tube. A long wooden holder is also suitable for such purposes. Next, using this tool, carefully pry up the layers and pull them towards ourselves. It is important to stand at a sufficient distance so that you yourself are not covered.
  • The next option would be a similar design, but instead of a hoe blade, you can take a piece of corrugated sheet or tin, fix it perpendicular to the holder at the end and clean it in the same way.
  • You can make another simple device. For this we need steel wire with a diameter of more than 10 mm. You need to make a rectangle out of it. Its sides can be 30×20 cm, 40×30 cm. They are selected depending on the circumstances. It needs to be made in such a way that the two ends meet in the middle and they can be bent at an angle of 90˚ for the outlet, which will then be attached to the rod. The result should be a bent rectangular net. On bottom side the frame must be secured PVC cloth or thick oilcloth, which will be the same in width as the larger side of the rectangle, and 1.5-2 m in length. Cleaning is done as follows: the device must be positioned so that the film is at the bottom. We move our tool so that the layers of snow pass through the net. Once on the oilcloth, they will roll down freely. Thus, in several passes you can remove all or part of the sediment from the roof.

Special device

If you don’t want to do something yourself, you can purchase a ready-made structure. In appearance, it usually resembles a curved snow shovel with a telescopic handle. The canvas is made of plastic, so it is light in weight and can be easily raised to roof level.

Device in action:

Bottle-rope method

For this option we will need the usual plastic bottles(it is better if it is possible to use plastic cans), as well as strong rope. The length of the rope should be several meters longer than the size of the two roof slopes.

  • Cut off the neck of bottles or canisters. The total length can be up to 10 cm. There is no point in making it too long, because they will bend.
  • We select a drill according to the diameter of the rope and drill a hole in the lid. You can do it with a knife. We put the lid on the rope and tie knots on both sides so that it is fixed.
  • If desired, you can cut sharp teeth on the scraps of the bottle for better grip.
  • We screw the neck that we cut onto the lid. We place everything in such a way that at one end of the stretch the covers are facing up. At the second end we place everything in the same way, but we unfold the bottles in the opposite side.
  • The distance between these two parts should be equal to the length of the roof slope. It is better not to reduce it so as not to catch the skate when performing the task.
  • If you used bottles rather than cans, you can make several of these ropes and tie them into a knot along the edges.
  • Next, we throw the rope over the roof and play tug of war with your friend or life partner. This way we can remove the thickness of the snow.

If there is no one who could hold the other end, then you can hook the middle of the structure to a chimney or other stand and alternately pull the edges of the rope yourself.

Warming the roof

Heating cable on the roof

It is important to know that this method is not suitable for all types of roofing. Some floorings from sharp drop temperatures may simply explode and there will be more harm than good. Others can easily ignite. For such purposes it is sometimes recommended to use construction hair dryer. But imagine how long you will have to run and stay on the roof to warm up the whole thing. Please note that this method will be available if you have an attic that is not used for an attic, and the roof itself is not insulated along the perimeter of the flooring.

  • To be achieved maximum result, apply heat guns. It would be better if these were electric units.
  • Do not use devices that contain open flame.
  • The heating location must be changed at regular intervals, otherwise unnecessary temperature changes may occur.
  • Always stay close to the device so that you can take action in case of an unexpected situation.
  • Provide good ventilation. During operation, heating devices very quickly absorb oxygen from the air.

When cleaning your roof, use a safety net.

Sometimes clearing the roof of snow and ice can be done using a hammer drill or a chisel with a hammer. This happens when the frozen layer has already reached sufficient thickness and can cause injury to others when it slides. In other situations you can go standard method. To do this you will need a shovel and a long ladder that can be raised to the ridge. You just need to climb in and throw off the snow.

This should be done very carefully so that the layers do not begin to shift and knock you down along with the stepladder. Use safety belts. You can speed up the melting of snow by installing a heating cable system in advance. In this case, you don’t have to make any special efforts - just click the toggle switch. The collected snow can be taken to the garden or flower beds. Subsequently, it will become a source of moisture.