Which company is better to order stretch ceilings. What brand of stretch ceilings is better? So let's talk about the manufacture of PVC sheets

Publication date: Mon, 22/01/2018 Categories: News, Reviews & Trends, Q&A, Content

Sometimes there is an opinion among people that the company that installs stretch ceilings is itself engaged in their production. In the vast majority of cases, this is not the case. We work with materials from different manufacturers, each of which has its own advantages and characteristics. It is impossible to single out the best one among them. But let's see how they are similar and how they differ.

Stretch ceilings MSD

The company producing these ceilings is located in China, in the city of Haining. Founded in 2002 and by now has grown to one of the market leaders in the budget segment. The company's products are imported to more than 40 countries of the world, the manufacturer has 17 patented technologies.

Stretch ceilings MSD one of the cheapest. In their production, an inexpensive film is used. In addition, China, as you know, is famous for its cheap labor force, which also significantly affects the cost. So, if you decide to install inexpensive stretch ceilings, pay attention to canvases from MSD.

Glossy, satin and matte films are available in 76 colors to choose from.

Stretch ceilings PONGS

PONGS is a German manufacturer with over a century of history. The founders of the company began to take their first steps at the beginning of the 20th century, engaging in textile production. Over the course of a century, the company has become one of the world leaders in the production, including stretch ceilings.

PONGS attaches great importance to the environmental friendliness of production. This applies to both the technical process itself and the materials used. PONGS ceilings comply with European standards set for this product category.

Despite the above, these German stretch ceilings are relatively inexpensive. This is due to the excellent optimization of production and well-organized logistics.

You can choose from satin, glossy and matte surfaces in 73 colors.

Now let's look at more expensive options that are still popular.


Descor is a trademark of the PONGS company we already know. Under it, the German manufacturer produces fabric stretch ceilings.

The peculiarity and main advantage of Descor stretch ceilings is a special complex knitted weaving, which gives the fabric strength. The technology is patented and has a separate name - Trevira CS. In addition, polyester fabric is impregnated with polyurethane to give the desired properties.

Descor ceilings have a smooth, even surface in a classic white color (this is what you can order from our company). The production lines allow the production of fabrics up to 5 meters wide. For many rooms, this means the possibility of installing a seamless stretch ceiling.

Descor is a great option for those who love the classic look of a perfectly flat white ceiling.

Stretch ceilings Clipso

Clipso is one of the recognized leaders among stretch ceiling manufacturers in Europe and worldwide. The head office and production of the company are located in France, branches are open in the UK, India, USA, Russia. Clipso maintains the highest quality standards to rightfully be called the leader in production in the homeland of modern stretch ceilings.

Ceiling sheets are made of polyester fibers and impregnated with polyurethane. In combination with complex weaving, this gives high strength and reliability in operation. Clipso ceilings after installation do not give any smell thanks to the use of patented technologies in production. Cloths are produced up to 5.1 meters wide, thanks to which it is possible to install seamless structures in rooms of small footage.

Our company has a wide range of Clipso ceilings to choose from:

  • Acoustic ceilings in standard white;
  • Colored ceilings;
  • Translucent, with transparency 30, 50 and 70%;
  • Moisture resistant, antibacterial;
  • Ceilings with mother-of-pearl-metallic sequins.

In addition to the options described above, you can choose ceilings from TECHO with an exclusive design: galaxy, drops, clouds, metallic, starry sky. Given the possibility of mounting multi-level structures from those ceilings that we offer, you can create unique design solutions.

See options for materials and designs in the TECHO catalog.

What ceilings to choose?

It is impossible within the framework of the article to immediately give relevant advice for everyone on choosing a stretch ceiling. A more effective solution would be to ask for help from our consultants who will tell you everything that interests you.

A measurer will help you to determine more precisely, who will bring with him samples of fabrics, a catalog and give recommendations on all emerging issues. With him, you will discuss the cost of certain ceilings for your particular room. In addition, calling a measurer is absolutely free. Contact us!

TECHO editors,
Mon, 22/01/2018

Making an apartment with a stretch ceiling has become commonplace. The film has firmly entered life and does not cause negative reviews and concerns about harm to health. At the same time, canvases are produced by many countries, but more trust and preference are still given to materials from Germany.

Siling stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings - a simple and quick way to beautiful, high-quality repair of the ceiling space of the room. Today, a large number of domestic and foreign manufacturers are represented on the Russian market, manufacturing stretch ceilings of varying complexity. Vip Sealing has been operating in this field of activity for over 15 years, during which time it has managed to establish itself as a reliable and respected quality partner that produces durable products.

Production and installation of stretch ceilings

Any repair in an apartment, country house or office begins with the planning of interior design and the choice of materials for the rough and finish of the premises. Regardless of the purpose of the room, the installation of stretch ceilings will be a good option, the implementation of which will not require significant time and financial costs.

Stretch ceiling manufacturers

Stretch ceilings are among the finishing materials of the latest generation, they not only harmoniously fit into any interior design, but often become its central object and the pride of the owners. The production of stretch ceilings is carried out in different countries of the world, which is explained by the ever-increasing demand for such products.

Stretch ceilings from the manufacturer cheap

Installing stretch ceilings in apartments, private houses and premises for various purposes allows you to achieve an original, cozy and elegant interior with minimal financial and time costs. You can buy stretch ceilings from the manufacturer inexpensively and order their installation in our company.

Stretch ceiling factory

As you know, stretch ceilings according to the material of manufacture can be divided into two types

  • PVC film ceilings
  • fabric stretch ceilings.

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages, respectively, and the technology of their production and installation is different.

One of the important questions when choosing a stretch ceiling will be the question of the manufacturer, whose products you decide to prefer to the others. Today, the film for stretch ceilings, mainly made in China, is presented on the Russian market.

Stretch ceilings Extenzo

Extenzo stretch ceilings are produced in France and are available only in PVC membrane version. A wide color palette, many textures, a long warranty and a 30-year history of Extenzo make them the most popular manufacturers of stretch ceilings in Europe.

Belgian stretch ceilings

If you need high quality canvases, order stretch ceilings made in Belgium from us. You will receive European quality at an affordable price. Our ceilings are 23% cheaper than those of competitors - after all, we supply canvases from Europe without intermediaries.

Italian classic by Cerutti

Cerutti fabric stretch ceilings are a good choice for those people who want high-quality and beautiful ceilings, they will please the eye for many years.

Cerutti fabric stretch ceilings are made in Italy and are one of the most popular all over the world.

German stretch ceilings

The German stretch ceilings differ in quality and durability. Due to the variety of colors and textures, it is easy to choose a canvas for any interior.

The most popular German manufacturers are Pongs and Renolit. Their products are characterized by exceptional durability, a wide range of colors and harmlessness.

Seamless stretch ceilings Clipso

To achieve a perfectly flat ceiling surface without joints that spoil the appearance of the interior, Clipso seamless stretch ceilings are suitable.

French Clipso fabrics are high-strength knitted knit fabrics. Due to the fact that the width of the paintings varies from 2.1 to 5.1 m (there are no restrictions on the length), you can avoid seams during installation, and joints with a large area will be almost invisible.

Which ceilings are better: Chinese or German

Both Chinese and German products are durable, wide-format, rich in colors. To understand which stretch ceilings (China or Germany) you need, you should carefully study their characteristics.

Large stretch ceiling companies

Stretch ceilings are very popular, but not cheap compared to the usual way of finishing ceilings, so it is very important to install only better ceilings that can last for many years. The company "MSK-Ceilings - stretch ceilings" uses only materials that are produced by large stretch ceiling companies.

The best stretch ceilings in Moscow

Stretch ceilings are a type of ceiling covering that is becoming more and more popular every year. The best stretch ceilings in Moscow are provided by MSK-Ceilings - Stretch Ceilings. The best stretch ceiling companies use only quality materials. We will install the best stretch ceilings for you (you can see photo examples of our work on our website).

Stretch ceilings Extenzo

The company "MSK-Ceilings - stretch ceilings" is engaged in the installation of various types of stretch ceilings: fabric, PVC ceilings, as well as multi-level ceiling structures. We use products only from well-known companies, in whose quality we are absolutely confident. One such company is the French company Extenzo. Extenzo stretch ceilings are characterized by high strength and durability.

Stretch ceilings

The company "MSK-Ceilings - stretch ceilings" installs stretch ceilings, as well as multi-level structures. We do not produce stretch ceilings, but use the products of various companies. Fran studio stretch ceilings are now very popular, reviews about these ceilings are only positive. We also use Franc stretch ceilings - reviews on the company's website also indicate the high quality of products. Franc stretch ceilings are a budget solution.

Stretch ceilings wholesale from the manufacturer

The MSK-Ceilings company has been selling and installing stretch ceilings in bulk from the manufacturer for many years. During this time, we have checked a huge number of canvases and now we work only with the highest quality and trusted manufacturers, ordering canvases from them in large quantities. And thanks to large volumes, we can sell and install stretch ceilings at much lower prices than many other companies.

Stretch ceiling manufacturer: Russia

In many ways, the quality of the canvas depends on who is the manufacturer of stretch ceilings. Russia has recently been very actively developing this type of production and its canvases are popular. The main advantage of the canvas produced in Russia is the price. And the main disadvantage is the width (they produce a film only 1.4 meters wide). But, such a small width allows you to make a film of uniform thickness and color.

Stretch ceilings fabric Descor

Fabric stretch ceiling Descor is presented in 6 basic colors, they can be printed with photo printing of any image. When dyeing the fabric, only natural dyes are used, the maximum width of the fabric is 5 meters.

Descor and Monlange seamless stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are beautiful, modern and reliable. But they also have their drawbacks. For many, this is the need for welds, with a large room width. But now there is a way out - seamless stretch ceilings. The maximum width is up to 5 meters, that is, they are suitable even for large rooms. Sagging - no more than 1%, which is not noticeable to the eye. The high quality of the canvas is guaranteed by the German brand descor and the Belgian monlange.

What brand of stretch ceilings is better?

If a decision has already been made to install stretch ceilings, then, naturally, questions arise: which company manufactures stretch ceilings better, and which company to order a stretch ceiling from. And there are many companies involved in stretch ceilings. Even if you try to divide manufacturing firms on a geographical basis, it will be easiest to divide them into European and Eastern. European-made fabrics are considered to be of the highest quality, but they have a smaller selection of colors and the price is much higher. Domestic canvases are a little inferior to them, more and more conquering the market of budget ceilings.

Stretch ceilings France or Germany

The birthplace of stretch ceilings is France, and it still remains a quality model for all stretch ceilings. And we are glad that we can offer you such a service as the installation of real French ceilings.

German stretch ceilings

The use of stretch ceilings provides certain advantages over other finishing options. This is one of the main reasons for the high popularity of this type of finish today. By installing our ceiling, you get not only an excellent appearance, but also a consistently high quality product, especially when it comes to German stretch ceilings.

Russian stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings on the territory of the Russian Federation are becoming more and more popular and are moving from the elite category to the section of simply high-quality and affordable type of ceiling repair. This was facilitated by Russian manufacturers of stretch ceilings and installers like ours, who monitor both the quality of their work and the quality of the materials offered.

The best material for stretch ceilings

It is difficult to imagine modern interior design without stretch ceilings. This is a practical and profitable option for finishing the ceiling in any room. With many advantages, these ceilings have won their fans among all segments of the population and among all designers. At the same time, they all cannot decide - what is the best material for stretch ceilings - PVC or fabric? Let's determine what advantages each of them has, and what canvas manufacturers eat.

Stretch ceilings Calypso

Numerous options and flexibility of technology, combined with simplicity - that's what makes modern stretch ceilings so attractive. The variety of interior forms of such ceilings is sometimes amazing, and the possibility of combining a stretch fabric with plasterboard forms and complex lighting systems opens up almost limitless possibilities for decorating a room.

Types of fabric stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are divided into many different categories, one of the classifications is the division according to the type of stretch fabric into fabric and PVC types of fabrics. Fabric sheets differ in the material from which they are made - this is a polyester fabric with moisture-resistant impregnation, and in that they do not need to be heated before installation.

For finishing the ceilings of apartments and other residential premises throughout history, mankind has used different methods. But the most practical was the stretch ceiling, because its installation takes a few hours, the cost is from 300 rubles per square meter, and durability - from ten years. And this is not surprising - PVC materials tolerate moisture, temperature changes, small mechanical damage, are easy to clean, they can be printed and dilute the design of the apartment with something bright and pleasant.

But what is the best ceiling? This question will be answered rating TOP 7 best stretch ceilings. Reviews, company addresses, photos - we will consider all this below.

Pros and cons

  • Ease of installation. It is not difficult to install such a ceiling yourself, since there are enough videos and text articles with step-by-step instructions on the Internet.
  • Loyal price tag. The cost of stretch ceilings starts from 300 R/sq.m. for the simplest version. This is not much, and given the price / quality ratio, it is more than profitable.
  • Easy to operate. PVC ceiling withstands washing with aqueous solutions and does not deteriorate from this.
  • Reliability. The stated service life of the ceiling is at least ten years, after which time maintenance may be required, for example, tightening with an air gun, checking the fasteners.
  • Design variability. Any pattern can be applied to the polymer canvas. Thus, the ceiling in one room will complement the overall design composition of all your rooms.
  • Safety. Polyvinyl chloride is a non-toxic and flexible plastic of organic origin. It is not subject to destruction under the action of most acids, alkalis, does not burn in air. In addition, due to its elasticity, such a ceiling can save an apartment from a flood from above by negligent neighbors - the plastic film will sag under the mass of water, but will not tear and will not let moisture through.
  • Tightness. Installed stretch ceilings in the bathroom collect mold. Due to the fact that the vinyl film is very poorly passes water, and in both directions. Thus, the moisture that nevertheless got into the space between the concrete floor and the plastic sheet will remain there and will not evaporate soon. And the abundance of moisture in an enclosed space is a breeding ground for pathogenic fungi - including mold.
  • Photodegradation. Vinyl flooring is susceptible to degradation from continuous exposure to the sun. To prolong the life of the coating, special impurities are used.
  • Low strength. The surface can withstand loads up to 70 kilograms per linear meter, but can be accidentally damaged by careless use. The stretched plane is easily pierced.
  • The presence of seams. The canvas itself is sold in rolls with a maximum width of 3.5 meters. Accordingly, when installing a ceiling with a width exceeding 350 mm, two pieces of fabric will have to be welded together to achieve the required width. The weld will be visible, it does not differ in special aesthetics, it cannot be removed.

Comparison with analogues

Direct competitors of stretch ceilings are:

  • Suspended structures. Like tension ones, they do not require preparation and are mounted under the surface that already exists. They look aesthetically pleasing, it is convenient to hide communications and cable connections under it, it is easy to hide geometric and architectural defects. Difficult to install, expensive to purchase.
  • Drywall. Nice solution for many occasions. Requires additional installation of metal structures for fastening sheets, is afraid of moisture, not bad as sound insulation between floors (mineral wool can be laid in the space between the ceiling and the structure, thereby reducing audibility and insulating).
  • Rack. In installation, it is easier than drywall, it looks expensive and beautiful, but due to the use of wooden materials, they are not at all budgetary. Not afraid of moisture, minor damage. You can create multi-tiered compositions, which is ideal for finishing the attic.
  • Styrofoam tiles. Finishing with lightweight polystyrene tiles will be an option if the ceilings were perfectly even during construction. Budget option, suitable in many cases, if there is no desire to mess with suspended structures. The downside can be considered low aesthetics.
  • Painting. The simplest option, suitable only for prepared surfaces. Requires alignment work. After applying the paint, it will dry for a long time, smell, and may crack in two years due to temperature changes.

What are stretch ceilings?

PVC ceilings are classified according to:

  • manufacturing materials;
  • constructive varieties of the bearing part;
  • variety of forms;
  • design delights.

Let us consider in more detail such a topic as manufacturers of stretch ceilings. The existing set of products for arranging stretch ceiling structures undeniably indicates an increase in competition between manufacturers of PVC film and fabric fabrics for stretch coatings, and which one is better and more reliable, you can only answer by getting to know the products offered by companies. To compile the most complete picture of a given product and its manufacturer, more than one day is required, spent in searches, clarifications and consultations. In this article, we will only try to place some informational guidelines that indicate how a high-quality product for the manufacture of hinged surfaces should differ and which companies have already confirmed their reliability with time and quality of their products. This is necessary, because the most frequently worried questions when choosing false ceilings are questions about the names of companies, which one is better and which canvas is still worth choosing?

A bit of history

Western Europe is considered to be the birthplace of the appearance of modern stretch ceilings, where in the 60s of the last century they were most widely used. Although similar structures using fabrics were used in ancient Rome and medieval Armenia, tension structures acquired a modern look relatively recently. To this day, Europe deservedly remains a trendsetter for suspended coatings, constantly improving technology and quality of the material.

The functional qualities and reliability of modern structures are determined by a number of significant factors:

  • the quality of the fabric used;
  • the quality of the used load-bearing profiles for the construction of the frame;
  • availability of acceptable warranty conditions provided by the manufacturer;
  • warranty service provided by the installation company that installs the ceilings.


In the domestic market of stretch ceilings, manufacturers of suspended ceilings from Germany, Belgium, Italy and, of course, France have settled very well. Products offered by suppliers from these countries are distinguished not only by excellent quality, but also by high cost. If the focus is on the desire not to surprise someone with the high cost of the interior, but with its accuracy, then inexpensive goods for Chinese-made surfaces are quite suitable, and there is, perhaps, no one to compete with them in terms of price. Another powerful and constantly growing group of manufacturers of stretch fabrics is represented by domestic factories and enterprises located in the near abroad: Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

European firms

The experience of European companies with a long history is especially valuable, as they use the latest scientific developments in the field of polymer chemistry and the latest technical achievements.

  1. BARRISOL NORMALU is a French manufacturer. The company was founded as NORMALU SA in 1969. It occupies a leading position in the production of tension products for ceilings using the harpoon method of fastening. The first stretch ceiling at the enterprise was manufactured in 1969. The appearance of the BARRISOL brand dates back to 1975, from which the growth of the constant popularity of the company began, despite the fact that it offers the consumer a rather narrow range of products. To date, the company has more than 80 patents, which indicates its constant development and desire to be a leader in the implementation of innovations in the field of suspended structures. The disadvantage for Russian customers is, perhaps, a rather long period of order fulfillment, which is about 1 month. Also, the company's products are distinguished by a fairly high price, which can be 15% higher than that of other European companies.
  2. EXTENZO is also a company from France. It appeared in 1996. Initially, the basis of its activities was only the sale, installation of surfaces and related services. EXTENZO's products have repeatedly been highly appreciated at various international exhibitions and have received many awards. The level of quality of manufactured products belongs to the elite class. Today, the company is distinguished by the fact that its products can be installed at a distance of only a few millimeters from the ceiling, while maintaining the useful volume of the room as much as possible. It should be noted the breadth of the model range, and the abundance of stylistic proposals. In the corporate catalog you can find a description of about 130 ceiling design options. Lead time for the delivery of a tension cover can vary from 3 days to 3-4 weeks.
  3. NEWMAT S.A.S. - like the previous two, the company represents France. It has existed for about 24 years, during which time it has formed a very powerful international sales network. According to the ratings, this commercial organization occupies one of the first places in popularity among the manufacturers of canvases. The fact that NEWMAT products deserve attention can be seen by referring to numerous pictures. The technologies of this enterprise are distinguished by creativity and novelty and are capable of surprising fashion lovers. The company's product is marked with the CE mark, confirming European conformity. The list of surface decoration options offered by NEWMAT includes natural compositions, Venetian plaster, natural wood effect compositions, etc. The special NEWGRAPHIC technology is used to create images on an elastic material with a matte texture. The warranty period for such products reaches 10 years.
  4. PONGS TEXTIL is a German stretch cover manufacturer offering both fabric samples and PVC film covers. The fact that the company produces both types of products favorably distinguishes it from other serious manufacturers. PONGS TEXTIL is particularly proud of its products under the Descor brand, consisting of Trevira polyester fibers impregnated with polyurethane. These ceilings are distinguished by good fire and moisture resistance and dust-repellent properties. It is also interesting that Descor does not require an expensive heat gun for installation, but they are installed using the so-called “dry” method. Such canvases can be independently painted in the desired color with acrylic-based paints about 10 times.

Chinese made products

You can write a lot about manufacturers of tension coatings from China, but our goal is to understand how acceptable it is as a product. In most cases, there is a set of typical difficulties with a similar product. For example, there may be no warranty documents confirming that the fabric is manufactured in accordance with environmental safety requirements and does not pose a threat to the health of the consumer. Then the buyer can only count on being lucky.

With the multiple presence of low-quality goods from China, it must be said that there are many relatively inexpensive, in comparison with European, products from the Middle Kingdom, which have remarkable characteristics. You just need to make sure that they are not made at an underground factory and that they have all the necessary documents.

Dishonest merchants, taking advantage of the ignorance of buyers, give out cheap Chinese-made canvases for goods from Europe. They are completed with frame systems made in Europe. For such a “mix”, the consumer pays as for first-class coverage, completely unaware of the fraudulent scheme. In case of problems, the eminent European manufacturer turns out to be the last one. Although if all certification documents were checked during the purchase, such deception might have been avoided.

On a note: It is useful to remember that when purchasing a stretch ceiling and ordering its installation, it is better to cooperate with the same organization, because then it will be easier to solve all technical issues.

Today, domestic manufacturers of stretch ceilings have significantly increased the level of quality of the final product. We especially highlight the quality of the frame elements. The use of high-quality raw materials delivered from Europe helped to achieve this.

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Stretch fabric is the most promising material for decorating the ceiling space in an apartment or office. It provides a perfectly flat surface, has high performance and durability. Installation of a stretch ceiling is possible in renovated premises, it is carried out within 2-3 hours, does not include wet processes and does not require a radical rearrangement of furniture. A variety of textures and colors, multi-level designs, prints and special effects create unlimited possibilities for design solutions. Which canvas is better to choose? When buying, you should focus on the specifics of the premises, personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Canvas type

Which material is better: PVC, fabric or fiberglass?

For the manufacture of stretch ceilings is used:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film 0.15-0.35 mm thick. This is the most affordable and popular material for finishing apartments.
  • Polyester fabric, 0.25 mm thick, impregnated with polyurethane. Attracts with environmental friendliness and the possibility of seamless installation in large rooms.
  • Fiberglass. High strength waterproof fabric. Acts as a basis for painting. Occurs rarely.

The technical characteristics of the materials are similar, but there are some differences that determine their area of ​​\u200b\u200buse.

  • Appearance. Film ceilings are glossy, satin or matte, the texture of fabric sheets is always matte.
  • Strength. Resistance to mechanical damage by sharp objects in fabric cloths is higher than that of film ones.
  • Frost resistance. PVC at low temperatures becomes brittle and cracks. Fabric ceilings can withstand -35 C, which allows them to be used for finishing unheated rooms.
  • Water resistance. According to this parameter, the performance is better for film sheets. They are recommended to be installed in rooms with high humidity.
  • Environmental friendliness. All types of stretch ceilings are safe for health. At the same time, the presence of micropores in the fabric structure promotes air ventilation and ensures a healthy microclimate in the room. Such a canvas can be chosen for decorating a children's room.


Which texture is better to choose: matte or glossy?

All fabric stretch ceilings have a matte texture. The reflective characteristics of PVC sheets vary considerably: from 5 to 70%. Which material to choose depends on the specifics of the room and the personal preferences of its owner.

Matt stretch ceilings

In appearance, matte ceilings are similar to flawlessly executed plaster. Such discreet elegance is preferred by people of conservative views with refined taste. Matte ceilings are suitable for spacious, well-lit rooms. They are harmoniously combined with the interior in a classic style, columns, stucco, antiques. The most popular canvases are white and discreet pastel colors.

Glossy stretch ceilings

Glossy ceilings are appropriate when creating modern interiors. They are chosen by active, innovative people. The material allows you to visually increase the size of the room and is suitable for small spaces. Glossy canvases are characterized by a large selection of colors. The richer the shade, the better its reflective qualities are manifested, so even an unconventional black ceiling will not look gloomy and depressing.

Manufacturing firm

Which manufacturer of stretch ceilings is better to choose

The quality and price of stretch ceilings are largely determined by the manufacturer. On the market you can find products of European, Russian and Chinese production. Which one is better?

European stretch ceilings

Cloths from Europe occupy the largest segment of the market. Manufacturers offer a wide range of glossy and matte ceilings of the highest quality, and French companies are trendsetters. The cost of European products is much higher than Russian and Chinese counterparts.

Well-known companies: Barrisol, Alkor Draka, Extenzo, Newmat, Clipso (France), Poliplast (Belgium), Renolit, Pongs, Descor, Lackfolie (Germany), Cerutti (Italy).

Russian stretch ceilings

In Russia, the production of stretch ceilings is still poorly developed. The industry leader is Saros Design, which founded production in Moscow in 1996. To date, the company has production facilities in a number of cities in Russia, Kyiv, Narva, and Stuttgart. The company offers canvases in a wide range of sizes and colors, carries out drawings, makes computer calculations using its own program.

Budget buyers can choose stretch ceilings manufactured by the Kazan artificial leather factory and Ivanovo NIIPIK. Enterprises produce canvases up to 1.4 m wide in a limited range of colors.

Chinese stretch ceilings

The spectrum of Chinese goods is traditionally heterogeneous. Here you can find both materials that are not inferior in quality to European counterparts, as well as outright fakes. Industry leaders include companies: MSD, HALEAD, Gline. Stretch ceilings from these manufacturers compete with world leaders, and are much cheaper.


How to choose the color of the stretch ceiling

A wide range of colors of stretch ceilings allows you to implement a variety of design ideas. The appearance of the material has a serious psychological impact on the household.

White is the traditional color for ceiling cladding. It visually increases the height of the room, does not put pressure on the psyche, and is suitable for interiors made in various styles. White, as well as discreet pastel colors are appropriate in living rooms, corridors, bedrooms, kitchens and other rooms. If you wish, you can diversify the appearance on a light matte ceiling by applying elegant photo printing.

Bright orange, blue, purple, green canvases are well suited for children's rooms, fill them with an atmosphere of joy and energy. Saturated tones can be chosen for the kitchen and bathroom.

It is better to decorate the bedroom in calm, romantic colors: beige, blue, pink.

The business style of the office will emphasize the brown ceiling, but it should not be very dark and not cause a depressing mood.

Psychologists attribute many qualities to the red color. On the one hand, it is the color of love and energy, on the other hand, it gives aggression. In the interior of apartments, it is used in the form of small inserts.

Glossy dark purple, steel, black ceilings will give originality to rooms with a large height. Dark canvases are often used to create the "starry sky" effect.

In multi-level designs, textures and colors are often combined, creating a stylistic effect in contrast.


How to choose a stretch ceiling for the kitchen, hall, bathroom and children's room

Each room in the apartment performs certain functions. The choice of stretch ceiling for the living room, nursery, kitchen and bathroom should be carried out taking into account their operational features.

Living room

The living room is the largest room in the apartment. All family members spend considerable time here, so the design of the hall is given increased attention. Any materials are suitable for decorating the ceiling, the main thing is that their color and texture harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. It is better to give preference to universal calm tones that do not cause discomfort to any of the household members.


For the design of the children's room, it is advisable to choose bright fabric canvases. The matte surface is more durable and will eliminate the risk of damage to the ceiling by active children during play. A big plus is the presence of micropores in the fabric structure, which provide natural air ventilation.


Cooking is accompanied by steam rising to the ceiling and stains of fat settling on it. Here the best choice would be a glossy PVC canvas. It is highly water repellent and easy to clean.


The operation of the bathroom is associated with temperature changes and high humidity. For her, a glossy film ceiling is better suited. The canvas easily tolerates difficult conditions and is able to withstand a significant amount of water when flooded from above. After the elimination of the accident, it can be installed in its original place. The glossy ceiling looks impressive in small rooms, visually increasing the space.


What lamps for stretch ceilings are better to buy?

Stretch ceilings are ideal for built-in lights. When choosing them, one should take into account the operational features of the material and temperature limitations: if the standard values ​​are exceeded, the canvas will warp.

Incandescent lamps

The use of classic lamps with a tungsten filament in tension structures has the greatest limitations associated with their high heating:

  • power up to 40 W for film, 60 W for fabric ceilings;
  • ventilation gap between the canvas and the ceiling - at least 12 cm.

Incandescent lamps are attractive at a low price, but have a short service life: about 1000 hours.

Halogen lamps

When installing halogen lamps, the following regulations must be observed:

  • power up to 20 W for film, 35 W for fabric ceilings;
  • ventilation gap - 6 cm.

Compared to incandescent lamps, they emit a brighter light of the yellow spectrum and have a resource of 2-4 thousand hours. Halogen lamps are best used for directional illumination of work areas.

LED lamp

LED lamps practically do not heat up and have no installation restrictions. This is the best option for stretch ceilings. LED lamps can be chosen both as the main light source and for creating visual effects on matte, satin or glossy canvases. Luminaires of this type are the most economical, and their service life is about 5 years.


Which cornice to choose. Installation rules

When installing a stretch ceiling in the house, one should not forget about other details of the interior. Curtain rods are an invariable design element. They are made from various materials. Structurally, the cornices are divided into wall and ceiling. The latter look more presentable. The difficulty lies in the fact that a thin canvas is not designed for hanging heavy structures. However, there are 2 ways to solve this problem. The cornice can be fixed in an open or hidden way

Open mounting

Before installing the canvas on the ceiling, a wooden beam is mounted on the same level with the guide profiles. It is better to choose hardwood. Before installation, the beam must be treated with an antiseptic. After stretching the ceiling, the cornice is attached to the beam through the film. Holes for self-tapping screws should be burned so that the melted edges prevent further tearing of the web.

Concealed installation

With hidden installation, the cornice is attached to the ceiling above the level of the stretch ceiling. A bar or corner is installed next to it, for mounting a guide baguette. The operation should be performed before measurements. The design with curtains falling out of the ceiling looks impressive, harmoniously combined with both matte and glossy canvases.

Ceiling "starry sky"

How to make a "home planetarium" from the ceiling

Suspended ceilings allow you to create a stunningly beautiful "starry sky" effect in the apartment. Despite the high cost, this method of decoration has many supporters among lovers of progressive exclusive interiors.


To set up a home planetarium you will need:

  • glossy or satin dark canvas;
  • optical fiber;
  • light generator (projector).

Optical fiber threads, which are assigned the function of "stars", have a diameter of 0.25 mm. Collecting them in bunches, you can create "luminaries" of different brightness. The threads can be brought out through the fabric pierced in the necessary metas and cut flush with it, but it is better to fix it from the back. In the second case, you should choose a thin translucent material. The light intensity will be less, but the overall picture will become more realistic.

The optical fiber is connected to the light generator. The equipment works autonomously and is not connected to the lighting system of the room. The most advanced projector models provide such effects as: fading and flashing of "stars", flickering and movement of "celestial bodies".

Additional effects

Additionally, the ceiling can be decorated with photo printing, luminous Starpins pins, LED lighting of individual zones. Installed on the "stars" Swarovski crystals will create a unique light scattering.

The effect of "starry sky" is performed either on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, or on a separate section, combining it with light matte canvases.

"Soaring" ceilings

How to create the effect of "floating ceilings"

"Soaring" stretch ceilings will help to radically transform the appearance of the room and give it exclusivity. At the same time, the creation of the effect does not entail a significant complication and increase in the cost of work.

The design idea is to create a light barrier, due to which the visual separation of the ceiling from the walls occurs. He seems to be floating in the air. This effect is achieved through the use of a special profile, which has a groove for placing the LED strip. The rest of the installation is no different from installing a conventional stretch ceiling.

The effect is also used in multi-level designs with a combination of matte and glossy canvases in various colors. Here you can create a "floating" of the upper or lower layers, depending on the direction of the light flux. In this case, various profiles are used to provide the required angle of illumination. Baguettes made of flexible polymeric materials are used to create curved surfaces.

The LED strip works autonomously. It can be turned on and off independently of the lighting system, replaced without affecting the ceiling structure. When buying, it is better to choose low-power LEDs, unless the tape is planned to be used as the main light source in the room. Their light spectrum can be different. Fade and fade effects are also available.

Stretch ceilings in a country house

Useful tips for installing stretch ceilings in a country house

In urban conditions, stretch ceilings are installed everywhere: in apartments, offices, hotels, baths, entertainment venues. But how appropriate are they in a country house? Indeed, operating conditions are different, which requires certain adjustments.

Installation restrictions

In a new house, a stretch ceiling can be installed only after its complete shrinkage.

Preliminary work

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to perform a number of measures before installing ceilings:

  • check the condition of the roof, repair if necessary;
  • treat the wooden floor with an antiseptic;
  • carry out deratization and close up all the cracks, otherwise the space between the ceiling and the cladding will become a convenient breeding ground for rodents.

About the benefits of stretch ceilings in a private house

Thanks to stretch ceilings in a private house, you can:

  • veneer uneven overlap;
  • hide communications;
  • improve thermal insulation;
  • visually enlarge the space.

A large selection of matte and glossy canvases in various colors allows you to choose a canvas for any wall material.