How to make a warm roof. Warm roof. Roof insulation technology. The question of waterproofing and ventilation

For a long time in Russia, there were no problems with roof insulation at all: straw was knitted or reed was dried, and that’s it - the roof of the house was reliably protected from both rain and cold. But modern coatings do not have heat-insulating properties at all, and with all the development of progress, up to 30% of all heat flows through such a roof.

Therefore, if you do not want to warm the atmosphere, study the roof insulation from the inside in detail - in this article we will reveal all the points!

Conventionally, roof insulation in the construction world is divided into attic, when the roof slopes are insulated, and attic, when the ceiling is thermally insulated.

Like this? We can say that attics also have their own attic - this is a ventilation gap between the internal insulation and the laid roofing. The fact is that according to all the laws of physics, heat always rises and looks for its way out into the atmosphere. It passes both through the insulation and through the vapor barrier, and together with water vapor. And then, in the eaves plumb line, outside air is drawn in, which passes to the ridge and along the way picks up with it both vapors and excess heat. Through aerators or the same skate, all this is safely removed and does not cause any problems.

Those. in an ordinary, unused roof, the attic occupies the entire space from the ridge to the attic floor, and in the attic, the attic is just a small space under the slopes between the insulation and the roofing. And in the insulation of both, the type of roof is its own approach, which we will now study.

Cold roof insulation technology

If your roof is cold, then the heat-insulating layer should not be on the slopes, but on the floor of the attic. It is here that it stops the heat flow coming from below and prevents the cold from the roof from descending into the lower living space. As a result, the temperature in the attic is kept within + 1-2 degrees, the roofing material is not heated. In fact, such an attic serves as a necessary air gap between the living rooms of the house and the thin roof slab.

All rolled, slab and loose heaters are suitable for attic flooring. Because the overlap of the slope does not have, it does not have any special requirements for the heat-insulating material used: nothing will crumble and will not be exposed.

Pay attention to the fact that after the insulation of the roof, properly organized ventilation remains in it: there must be dormer windows located opposite each other, ventilation ridges and aerators, and in the cornices - round-the-clock access for outside air suction. As a result, the temperature in a non-residential attic should be as close as possible to the street temperature, and the living space is already separated from it below - competent thermal insulation of the floor.

Now let's take a closer look at the insulation of a cold roof.

Warming with mineral wool

When insulating the attic floor with mineral wool, first of all, pay attention to the distance between the slats or logs - it should be slightly less than a roll or mat of insulation.

Usually, the thermal insulation of the internal space of the roof is complicated by the uneven surface of the attic floor, its height differences, a large number of rails and bars, not to mention ventilation pipes and electrical wiring:

Ecowool insulation

If you want the house to breathe and the steam to easily go up, then insulate the attic floor with modern ecowool:

Insulation with blown wool

Recently, blowing - roof insulation with blown wool has become increasingly popular. The Japanese "insulation" Esbro-Vul II is used here, which does not emit dust, and therefore does not create problems. And the blowing method itself is actually quite simple:

  • Step 1. We put a vertical ruler on the floor and mark the required height for spraying mineral wool.
  • Step 2. Apply insulation in an even layer to the desired level.
  • Step 3. We lay the insulation so tightly that it has 25 kg of weight per cubic meter.

Note that this type of insulation in Japan is the most popular, and has already found many supporters in Russia.

Glass wool insulation

And finally, glass wool - if you do not use the attic at all. The fact is that even glass wool closed under the crate sometimes causes irritation of the ENT organs. Why do you have to wear a respirator and goggles when working with it:

Insulation with sawdust

When insulating the roof with sawdust, follow these instructions:

  • Step 1. First of all, you need to protect the wooden structure. To do this, we first apply an antiseptic composition, then fire-bioprotective mixtures, and on top - water repellents.
  • Step 2. The next step is to put a substrate (you can use cardboard) and close the seams and cracks, if any, with foam (large) or sealant (small). At the end, we cut the foam that has come out and equalize it with the beams.
  • Step 3. Now we fill up the sawdust, in two layers: first, a larger fraction, as well as chips, and then a fine one, so that dust does not form in the room.
  • Step 4. But so that rodents do not start on the attic floor, in addition to sawdust, mix dry lime and small broken glass.

Warm roof technology

The mansard roof is a special design. Here, too, there is a cold attic, only it is very small, because. the insulated attic ceiling is almost closely drawn to it with the help of an additional crate. In fact, there is only space for ventilation, and no more. And ventilation serves to ensure that the heat from the attic does not touch the roofing, on which the snow in winter should remain as a heat insulator, and not melt.

Here is a vivid example of the most standard situation of improper insulation of the attic: they install the cheapest 15 cm rafters, put fluffy mineral wool in two layers of 5 cm each and cover it all with roofing. Ventilation - only 5 cm, without inflow and exit, because There was no expert around to advise. As a result, in summer - unbearable heat, from which even air conditioners do not save, and in winter - generous frost on the roof. And all because street air is heated most of all in this scheme. In other words, the very small attic that we talked about must be, and far from 5 cm.

And especially carefully in such a roof you need to think over the vapor barrier:

And further. The material for the manufacture of rafters is always designed for a certain weight. So, a roof under soft tiles can also be built from drywall profiles, only it cannot be insulated with heavy basalt wool. Also, the mansard roof needs good forced ventilation so that the insulation does not rot and deteriorate. Therefore, carefully read all the points of the master classes prepared by us:

Warming with mineral wool

Follow this simple guide:

  • Step 1. We install hydro and wind protection. If possible, use modern membranes - they are stronger and more durable. In any case, fasten the material with an overlap, and glue all the joints with construction tape.
  • Step 2. Now we measure the distance between adjacent rafters.
  • Step 3. Using a regular or clerical knife, we easily cut the insulation into the desired pieces and insert it between the rafters.
  • Step 4. We install an additional crate between the membrane and the inner lining.

Please note that you need to fasten the vapor barrier membrane with the smooth side to the insulation, and the fleecy side already inside the room.

If the distance between the beams is not more than 60 centimeters, it will be more convenient for you to use square insulation mats:

  • Step 1 Inside, under the rafters, it is desirable to finish off the rough crate - so that the insulation has something to rest on. Make the distance between the bars about 20-30 cm. Ordinary uncut wood with medium-sized nails is quite suitable for this purpose, it is only important that the bars are of the same thickness.
  • Step 2. After installing the rough crate inside the structure, remove all dust and dirt with a construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Step 3. Next, we process everything wooden with a special remedy for fungus, rot and mold. Just use for this purpose not a spray gun, which is less effective, but an ordinary paint brush. With its help, you can achieve deep penetration of the product into the wood, and this is important.
  • Step 4. Let the product fully absorb and dry for two to three days.

As a result, all your sheets should lie tightly - a little denser than you need at first glance. This is the only way to avoid the presence of cracks and subsequent freezing of the roof.

And one more thing: ordinary mineral wool boards are not very suitable for insulating roof slopes, because. they do not hold well between the rafters, but the pediments can be insulated with them.

Glass wool insulation

To insulate the roof slopes, get the best glass wool from well-known manufacturers. Such glass wool practically does not contain dangerous glass dust, which most of all annoys workers. Also, even after laying, it does not emit harmful substances, which is even confirmed by the Finnish Institute of Health. After all, it is one thing to throw this “thorn” on the floor of an unused attic, and another thing to cover it with clapboard in a billiard room or private office on the attic floor.

Combined insulation

If desired and expedient, it is possible to insulate the roof from the inside with two different types of heaters at the same time. But one important point must be taken into account - vapor permeability. The fact is that when choosing different heaters for an effective combination, we usually only summarize their heat-insulating properties. But their steam capacity is completely different!

And, if, for example, you put mineral wool down during insulation, and then foam plastic on top, then the water vapor that got into the cotton wool will begin to tend to the colder part of the roof and bury itself in an absolutely non-breathable foam plastic. As a result, all the insulation will simply suffocate and “please” with mold. But on the contrary, it is possible: first we put polystyrene on the bottom of the rafters, and on it already - mineral wool. If some steam passes through the vapor barrier and the gaps between the foam plates, it will easily overcome the mineral wool and enter the ventilation duct. Therefore, there is such a rule: the top layer of insulation should always have high vapor permeability and thermal conductivity.

And, finally, if a warm roof is to be used as a sauna or an additional bathroom, the insulation and roofing cake in it must be thought out especially carefully.

Hello! In order to properly insulate the roof, you will need to complete the following steps: installing a vapor barrier layer, laying insulating material, a water-repellent layer, a crate made of wooden bars, a metal tile coating. It is advisable to change this order only in order to improve the properties of the structure. To get a warm roof with your own hands, waterproofing is very important - this will help protect the house even when rain moisture seeps through the roofing material.

It is necessary to lay the waterproofing material on the rafters, it is advisable to press it with a crate of bars. When roofing with metal tiles, it is better to choose a special material, laying it so that the absorbent composition would be facing towards the living quarters, that is, down. This will prevent condensation from forming under the roof. For a roof made of metal, a vapor barrier layer should also be arranged. To fix the material, galvanized nails or a construction stapler are used.

It is better to use special membranes as a vapor barrier - they will not allow condensation to accumulate, and the insulation will not get wet. So you can greatly increase the time of operation of building structures, to prevent their decay. Wet insulation is much heavier than usual, and it must be borne in mind that, together with rotten rafters, it can cause the roof to collapse.

Attach the vapor barrier material to the rafters. The optimal distance between the rafter legs for this is no more than 1.5 m. Start fixing the film from the edging, gradually move up to the ridge. Lay the film overlap. The sagging of the waterproofing material between the rafters is no more than 20 mm.

Perform the crate for laying metal tiles only after the waterproofing material has been laid and fixed. For it, you can use bars 50X100 mm, which must first be treated with an antiseptic - a composition to protect wood from decay. It is acceptable to use metal profiles with perforation.

Before installing metal tiles on the roof, determine from which place it is better to start work. If the roof is gable, start installation from one of the ends. If a hipped roof, start laying at the highest point of the slope, moving a little in both directions.

It is possible to insulate a roof from a metal tile with materials such as fiberglass, basalt fiber, expanded polystyrene plates, polystyrene foam. Insulating materials should have the lowest possible thermal conductivity, and when choosing, pay attention to fire safety and lightness of the material - the rafters should not be loaded.

During storage and installation of the insulation, care should be taken to ensure that moisture does not get on it. It must be stored in a dry place specially equipped for this, which must be able to be well ventilated. When wet, the performance of the insulation will be seriously affected, and a warm roof is unlikely to work. Be sure to carry out work in accordance with the instructions attached to the material. Use only serviceable tools, for example, blunt knives can hopelessly ruin high-quality and expensive material.

When building a house, it is important to create warmth and comfort, which helps a lot with a warm roof.

The creation of a heat-insulating layer is a very important stage, which, in addition to the main function, also performs soundproofing.

How to choose a heater

The technology itself, according to which the roof insulation will be carried out, depends on various climatic factors of a particular region.

So, the thickness of the material for insulation is calculated based on the lowest temperatures in this area. To get the maximum effect, during the roof insulation with your own hands, it is recommended to combine materials.

When making a choice of those, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as:

  • the climate of the region;
  • the thickness of the walls of the structure;
  • the level of strength of the roof, as well as its shape and angle of inclination.

To insulate a mansard roof, it should be covered with good thermal insulation materials. But in order to create thermal protection for the attic floor, it is already possible to use cheaper bulk options in the form of sawdust or expanded clay. At the same time, it is important to remember that proper thermal insulation of the roof will help to maintain a reliable state of the structure of the entire building for a longer time.

Roofing cake features

The most popular option for roof insulation, and at the same time very easy for self-construction, is considered the “Canadian sandwich”.

This technology involves the creation of a multilayer coating. The arrangement of such a roof does not require the involvement of specialists, the main thing is to follow the correct sequence of laying all layers.

It is important to prevent moisture from entering the insulation. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions under which condensate will not appear. To accomplish this, just such elements as wind and moisture protection, vapor barrier, hydrobarrier, as well as the creation of small gaps between these layers for ventilation are needed.

You also need to create air circulation in the gaps from the bottom to the top. Due to this, all the resulting moisture will not fall on the heat-insulating layer, as it will evaporate and be removed due to ventilation in the gaps.

This is important to do, since mineral wool or any other similar insulation must always be kept dry so as not to lose its properties.

Roof preparation

First of all, for the work it is necessary to draw up a clear work plan, as well as select the materials that will be used.

Any roof, regardless of its type, has several parts, external and internal. So, its outer part is directly the roof, and the inner part consists of floor slabs, as well as a frame of rafters.

In order for the roof to serve for a long time and provide high-quality insulation, it is necessary to first carry out certain preparatory work.

First of all, you need to get rid of moisture, as well as any other negative elements on its design, such as rust, mold and even fungus. To do this, the surfaces are cleaned with a metal brush, after which it must be coated with anti-corrosion agents.

Note: those sections of the roof and walls that were affected by mold or fungus must also be treated with antiseptics.

Overview of heaters

Regardless of the type of roof in the house, if it has not been insulated, the house will lose on average up to a quarter of the heat generated. Therefore, you need to wisely approach the choice of thermal insulation material.

To simplify installation, it is better to choose plates that correspond to the existing distance between the rafters. Otherwise, areas will be formed through which cold will pass, which will significantly reduce the quality of insulation.

In the case of using rolled heaters, their width must also be selected based on the distance between the rafters.

In total, the insulation can be chosen from a large number of options, each of which has its positive and negative sides:

  1. . This material is relatively cheap and very easy to install. It has excellent thermal insulation properties. However, glass wool should only be used together with some kind of waterproofing, since if moisture gets on it, it loses most of its insulating properties.
  2. . It has almost identical properties as glass wool, but its service life is much longer and is almost 50 years.
  3. . This material is highly resistant to fire. However, similarly with glass wool, it loses its properties if it gets wet.
  4. . It is one of the most affordable heaters, but it is very effective. It is produced in the form of plates of different sizes, which makes it possible to use it for arranging almost any type of roof. The main disadvantages of this material are its fragility, as well as susceptibility to rodent habitation.
  5. . Its main advantages are environmental friendliness, as well as fire resistance. In addition, this material is resistant to various biological influences. However, its use is possible only on horizontal surfaces, due to its shape. At the same time, expanded clay has a greater weight than mineral wool.
  6. Polyurethane foam. It is a liquid insulation with very low thermal conductivity. It is applied by spraying on pre-prepared waterproofing. Indispensable for quick and easy thermal insulation. (Read about roof insulation with polyurethane foam).

Operating procedure

The insulation technology of the “Pie” type will be the same regardless of the type of building. In this case, all work should be done after the roof has been made and roofing materials have been laid on it.

All work is carried out from within:

  1. First, waterproofing is laid in one layer. It must be fixed to the crate to the bars, using brackets for this. The material may sag a little, but not more than 10 cm.
  2. Next, the heater is installed. In this case, there should be no gaps between it and the rafters.
  3. If necessary (if the weather in the region is very severe), you can lay another layer of insulation. At the same time, its seams should not be next to the seams of the first.
  4. Now the insulation needs to be covered with a vapor barrier film, for this it can be fixed to the crate using a stapler. In this case, the sheets must be overlapped and connected with construction tape.
  5. There should be a certain distance between each layer of such a cake so that moisture does not linger in the roof.
  6. From the inside, such insulation must be covered with plywood sheets, and if it is used as a living space, it can be upholstered with a decorative coating.

How to avoid mistakes

Any well-insulated roof should also have the right appearance. To achieve this, you need to accurately measure in advance all the indicators of the structure from the width and length to its height, as well as the diagonal.

Usually, in this case, unpleasant moments are revealed that prevent the creation of the correct roof. This may be a big difference between the sides of the house or in the distance between the lags, due to which the building has received an irregular shape.

Therefore, to ensure proper thermal insulation of the roof, it is necessary to eliminate various structural defects in time. It is necessary to carry out the installation of the rafter system only after the evenness of the slope, as well as the roof ridge, has been achieved.

If this is not done, then in the future, so-called cold bridges will appear in the “roofing cake”, through which heat will leave the house. They are areas where the integrity of the insulation is broken.

It's important to know: when a lot of icicles begin to form on the roof in winter, this will mean that there are gaps in the insulation of the building, due to which the roof is heated by warm air and the snow melts on it. To eliminate this, you need to additionally insulate the roof with felt.

Dry, and most importantly, a warm roof is the key to a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house. At the same time, the insulation does not only keep the house warm in winter, but also allows you to keep cool inside it in the heat.

Watch the video in which the specialist explains in detail the nuances of warming the roof of the house:

Magazine "Favorite Dacha".

According to rough estimates, the roof accounts for a third of all heat loss at home. To minimize them, this part of the house must be properly insulated. Consider how and with what materials it is best to do this.

Why and how to insulate?

As a rule, the roof is insulated in case of exploitation of the under-roof space, that is, when arranging an attic in it. If the attic is not going to be used, then they only insulate top floor covering. But in most modern private houses, attics are residential. This means that the roof plane must be insulated according to the regulations (in energy efficient houses the heat transfer coefficient must be less than 0.20 W/m²∙°C). At the same time, the thickness of the roof should be minimal so as not to limit the space under the bevels that can be used.

One way or another, the insulation will be able to fully function only if moisture does not accumulate in it. In any weather and at any time of the year must stay dry. With an increase in the moisture content in it by only 5%, its heat-insulating ability decreases by almost half. On the inside, facing the room, the insulation must be protected from moisture by vapor barrier, and from the outside - by waterproofing.

Exists many thermal insulation materials: mineral wool based on basalt and fiberglass, expanded polystyrene, foam glass, cellulose, cork agglomerate. Roofing is usually used materials with a fibrous structure - based on basalt or fiberglass. They are not only characterized by good thermal insulation properties, but also perfectly dampen noise. In addition, they are not flammable. The total thickness of mineral wool layers under the roof of an energy-efficient house should be at least 20 cm. At the same time, it is important to fix the insulation well so that it does not slide down over time, especially for soft heat-insulating materials.

In addition to mineral wool insulation based on basalt, you can use fiberglass materials, which consists of many glass fibers, between which there is air. The thickness of glass wool fibers is less than the thickness of a human hair and mineral fibers, so their number in a conditional volume is greater. Consequently, this insulation has more air gaps, which means that its thermal conductivity is lower, although both materials have similar performance characteristics.

Can be used as a heater liquid foam - penoizol, which belongs to a new generation of urea foams. This material differs from expanded polystyrene in vapor permeability and high resistance to fire, low density, resistance to microorganisms and affordable price. In addition, penoizol has good thermal insulation properties.

Characteristics for choosing a heater

When choosing heat and sound insulating materials, it is advisable to focus on the following universal criteria:

. specific gravity. The smaller it is (up to a certain level), the better. The standard range is 14-20 kg/m³. Lightweight material saves delivery costs and installation time, reduces the load on the structure and often wins in terms of heat and sound insulation parameters;

. thermal conductivity. The smaller it is, the lower the cost of heating the room. This value indirectly depends on the air content in the material (specific gravity);

. durability. The period of effective operation should be at least 25 years;

. high vapor permeability. This is a guarantee of optimal humidity conditions indoors and in roof structures.

. incombustibility. A particularly important indicator for the components of the roofing "pie", since there are ventilated gaps in the roof structure, which contribute to the rapid spread of the flame in the case of using combustible materials;

. environmental friendliness. Natural raw materials must be used as part of the materials, they must have the appropriate European certificates.

Insulation of roof slopes

First waterproofing is laid on the counter-lattice. It is placed horizontally, providing an overlap of the film by at least 10 cm and slight sagging in case of thermal expansion of the material. The joints of the film are sealed. Then between the rafters tightly, without gaps, lay insulation, which from the side of the under-roof space is sewn up with a vapor barrier film. It is desirable that this layer also be airtight. Thermal insulation boards or mats must be semi-rigid so that they hold well on inclined and vertical planes. The number of layers to be laid depends on the thermal conductivity of the insulation, the value of which is indicated in the certificate of conformity.

Thermal insulation of the top floor

The insulation is laid on the floor in two stages. First mats or slabs are placed between the beams. For ventilation between the insulation layer and the windproof film (regardless of how well it passes air), it is recommended to leave a gap of 3 cm. Then follows nail an additional wooden grate and lay a layer of mineral wool. Its thickness is individual for each material, and also depends on building codes for the corresponding climatic region. The insulation should be laid tightly, avoiding gaps at the joints in order to exclude linear cold bridges. It is possible to prevent the formation of point cold bridges at the junctions of the beams and the coating by nailing another grate and laying another layer of insulation. Instead of wooden bars, you can use profiles for drywall systems.

Closed loop principle

When starting to insulate a house, remember: in order to achieve the maximum effect of heat conservation, you need to follow the principle of a closed thermal circuit, which excludes the presence of uninsulated areas. That's why thermal insulation material should be laid tightly, avoiding the formation of cracks and gaps between adjacent plates. The most unreliable in this regard are the joints of walls with ceilings and roofs, slopes of window openings, places under window sills, exits to a balcony or terrace.

In addition to the loose fit of the material causes cold bridges there may be insufficient thickness of the heat-insulating layer. Too thin a layer of insulation will not cope with the resulting loads. It will let in cold air in winter and hot air in summer.

Usage insulation of insufficient rigidity and the wrong choice of geometric dimensions can lead to slipping and sagging of the material, the result of which is ruptures of the heat-insulating carpet and the appearance of cold bridges.

Cold bridges are linear and point. Linear causes discontinuity of the thermal insulation layer (for example, along the perimeter of window slopes or balcony doors and lintels in the area of ​​​​structural nodes), point - various fasteners (suspensions, anchors, etc.), at the junctions with house structures (for example, at points installation of television antennas, awnings, etc.)

Heat-insulating tandem for roof and walls

Roof insulation is carried out by laying insulation on floors above the top floor(when arranging a non-residential attic) or on the slopes of the attic(when arranging living space). In most cases, wall insulation is carried out from the outside - these are plaster and ventilated facades, as well as insulation for siding. Be sure to ensure that wall and roof insulation creates a continuous thermal circuit. After all, the essence of the insulation of any structures lies precisely in the creation of a thermal circuit, the interruption of which leads to heat losses, a violation of the microclimate and even the destruction of structures.

If the elements of the thermal insulation of the roof and walls are in close contact with each other, then it is enough just to fix them in the desired position by tying them with a fishing line or tape. It should be ensured that no gaps form in these places.

According to the law of convection, which all gases obey, heated air in a heated room will rise up. Therefore, the main heat loss in the house occurs through the roof. A sufficiently large slope area and high thermal conductivity of the roofing material lead to an increase in heating costs by 15-20%. To keep the heat inside the house, as well as to prevent the heating of the roof by the sun, roof insulation is performed. In this article we will tell you how to choose the selection of insulation and thermal insulation of the slope with your own hands.

Roof types

To understand how to insulate the slope and calculate the layer of thermal insulation material, you need to determine what type the roof belongs to. However, in the conditions of the cold, windy and rainy climate of Russia, it is almost impossible to make a warm house without roof insulation work. In our country, with its difficult climate, where the heating season in some regions lasts more than six months, thermal insulation of premises is of particular relevance. Thanks to modern high-quality insulation materials, it has become much easier to carry out thermal protection of premises and reduce heat loss, and this, in turn, helps to save significant funds on space heating.

Materials for insulation of rooms must have special properties, since they not only serve for thermal insulation, but are also exposed to various weather conditions. In addition, they are usually designed for residential use, so they must have properties such as fire safety and non-toxicity. Moisture-proof and durable thermal insulation materials, among other things, should serve a long service,

The volume and cost of installation of thermal insulation depends on the thickness of the layer of thermal insulation material, which determines the calculation, as well as the nature of the use of the under-roof space. According to the method of insulation, 2 types of roofs are distinguished:

· Cold roof. Cold called the roof, under which there is an unheated attic or attic. In the past, this type of roofing was considered the most rational, since the layer of air that separates the attic floor from the inner surface of the roof serves as a kind of natural insulation. This air cushion prevented the slope from heating up from the inside, thanks to which the snow cap was preserved, but ice did not form. In houses with a cold roof, the slope is not insulated; thermal insulation work is performed from the side of the attic, on the floors.

· Warm roofs. A warm type roof is used if the attic of the house is heated. In this case, the roof is deprived of its natural insulation, due to which the snow on the surface of the slope melts, forming ice, which, when slipping, scratches the roofing. To prevent these negative phenomena, they calculate the thickness of the material and mount it on the surface of the ramp with their own hands. Since the slope area is larger than the floor area, the cost of insulating a warm roof is more than a cold one.

Important! Thermal insulation of the roof is carried out using polymer or mineral insulation. In order for the material not to lose its thermal insulation qualities during operation, it must have low hygroscopicity, low thermal conductivity, and be well tolerated by temperature extremes and frosts.

Warming methods

Roof insulation can be mounted on a slope with your own hands in various ways, the efficiency of work depends on the laying technology. Thermal insulation is a complex process that takes into account the climatic conditions of the region, roofing material, and the type of roof. In order to avoid an error that can lead to an increase in humidity and a deterioration in the temperature regime of the room, a calculation is performed that takes into account all these factors.

Do-it-yourself installation of insulation is done between the rafters, along the rafters, and also along the floor of the attic. There are 3 ways to perform thermal insulation work:

1. Between the rafters. This do-it-yourself roof insulation method consists in fixing the thermal insulation material to the rafters in the space between them. For this, materials are used in the form of rolls, mats or plates. The disadvantage of this technology is that, unlike the method of laying on the rafters, the insulation for the roof does not adhere tightly to the frame elements. Because of this, “cold bridges” are formed, low-temperature air flows that penetrate into the room. If the calculation determined that the thickness of the insulation should be greater than the width of the rafters, this method is not advisable to use. The effectiveness of thermal insulation work performed using this technology depends on the correct installation and tightness of the insulation to the rafters.

2. On the rafters. Installation of thermal insulation along the rafters is performed in 2 cases: if the thickness of the insulation layer, which was determined by the calculation, is greater than the width of the rafter legs, or if thermal insulation work is performed after the roofing. The effectiveness of roof insulation from the inside along the rafters is higher, since it does not form "cold bridges". In order to isolate the slope with your own hands in this way, you need to nail a crate of a metal profile or wooden bars to the rafters, and then attach a heater to it. Styrofoam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polyurethane foam are mounted along the rafters.

3. Insulation of the attic floor. If the roof is of a cold type, then it is the ceiling between the residential floor and the attic that is insulated, since the efficiency of such thermal insulation work is much higher, and the cost is less. To isolate the attic floor, backfill and tile heaters are used. The easiest way is to fill the space between the floor lags with expanded clay or clay-saw mixture, the thickness of the layer of which is determined by the calculation.

Important! The cost of thermal insulation work depends on the area of ​​​​the roof slopes, the price of insulation, as well as the thickness of the material, which engineering calculation helps to calculate. The cheapest way is to insulate the ceiling under the attic with bulk insulation. However, maximum efficiency can be achieved with an integrated approach, using waterproofing and vapor barrier material during installation.

Types of heaters

The effectiveness of thermal insulation work depends on the correct choice of material. The quality of the insulation is determined by the following parameters: thermal conductivity coefficient per 1 m2 of area, density and weight of 1 m2 of material. It must have high resistance to temperature extremes, frost, low hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. It is important to take into account the service life of the insulation, since dismantling and replacing the heat-insulating material with your own hands without removing the roofing is a costly and long process. Professional roofers use:

Mineral wool. For thermal insulation of the slope, you can use glass wool, stone wool or slag wool. The thermal resistance of these materials is 1.19 W/(m2/K), the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.042 W/mK. It is produced in the form of rolls, mats or plates of different thicknesses. Among the range of mineral wool, it is easy to choose the material of the thickness that the calculation determined. This material is mounted along the rafters or between the rafters, as it is elastic and fits snugly to the frame elements. The mass of 1 m2 of mineral insulation weighs 15-38 kg.

Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam. These foamed polystyrene insulations have a thermal resistance of 1.35 W / (m2 / K) - 6.35 W / (m2 / K). They are in the form of plates of different thicknesses with standard dimensions. Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam are more convenient to mount along the rafters. Since it is a rigid material, gaps remain between it and the rafter legs during installation. The weight of 1 m2 of heat-insulating materials based on expanded polystyrene is only 9-15 kg, which allows installation without strengthening the frame and crate.

· Polyurethane foam. Rigid polyurethane foam in the form of foam is used to isolate slopes. It is applied to the inner surface of the slope using a special installation that foams the liquid mixture with air or carbon dioxide. The thermal resistance of this material is 1.85 W / (m2 / K) - 9.26 W / (m2 / K), thermal conductivity is 0.027 W / mK. The weight of the material is only 11-22 per 1 m2. The density of insulation for roofing based on polyurethane foam is in the range of 54-55 g/m3.

Professional roofers recommend using a respirator, goggles, and gloves when working with thermal insulation materials. Since many heaters are dusty, releasing small particles that enter the respiratory tract of a person, causing harm to health. Expenses are a meager price for the comfort under the roof of your home, the optimal level of humidity and the absence of fungi. An additional plus is the necessary sound insulation, which is so important in houses with a metal roof.

Roof insulation is best done using fibrous thermal insulators (usually mineral wool or glass wool). The price of these materials is quite affordable. The materials also have an equally high degree of protection against cold and noise.

Mineral wool, in terms of thermal conductivity and durability - the best option. This versatile material has been successfully used for many years for facades, roofs and even floors.

From mineral wool, as you know, it has the ability to quickly absorb moisture, due to which it significantly loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is laid between the roof rafters on a layer of vapor barrier film, which can be bought at any hardware store at a relatively low price. From below, the insulation is sewn up with drywall, clapboard or any other finishing material, and from above it is covered with a diffusion or anti-condensation membrane attached to the rafters or roof sheathing. Remember - between the insulation and the film it is necessary to leave some ventilated space. Then excess moisture from the fiber could easily evaporate. Only then can you proceed with the installation of the roofing. It is advisable to follow the sequence of all layers, otherwise the price of omission may be too high.

In some cases, extrusion can be used for thermal insulation of the roof, which is a more expensive "relative" of foam. Its price, indeed, is still high, although in terms of operational parameters it is somewhere comparable to mineral wool. We recommend using extruded polystyrene foam for the floor.

Insulation tasks

Roof insulation is a mandatory technological procedure, without which it is impossible to operate a residential building in the Russian climate. Without thermal insulation work, 20-30% of heat losses occur through the roof surface, which increase fuel consumption, as well as heating costs. Installation of insulation solves the following tasks:

1. Optimizes the temperature regime inside the house. Insulation prevents heated air from escaping into the atmosphere, meaning less wood, gas or electricity is needed to maintain the optimum temperature.

2. Protects the roof from overheating. In summer, roofs made of materials with high thermal conductivity become very hot, which makes it impossible to stay in the attic. Slope insulation slows down this process by protecting the roof from excessive heat from the sun.

3. Prevents the formation of icicles, frost. Installation of insulation does not allow the lower surface of the roof to heat up, thanks to which the snow does not melt, and frost does not form. When the ice crust melts, it scratches the roofing material, accelerating the formation of corrosion.

4. Reduces the noise level in rain, hail, wind. The insulation has a high noise-canceling ability, therefore it dampens the sounds of falling drops, hail and wind.

Warming methods

Before you start work on the insulation of the roof, you need to choose the method that will be used. In general, only one moment will influence the choice: whether it is planned to use the attic space as an attic or whether it will be non-residential. If in the future it is planned to build another room under the roof, you will need to perform insulation directly from the inside of the roof.

If, due to the area of ​​​​the attic or other features of the attic, it is not possible to organize a room there, the issue of insulation must be resolved regarding the floors, which are the ceiling for the rooms in the house.

Important! The insulation technology will also depend on the type of roof on the house. If the roof is flat, you will need to insulate both the outside and the inside. If pitched - only from the inside.

The choice of material for roof insulation

So, the roof is prepared, now you need to choose the material for its insulation. On the modern market, there is such a variety of materials in order to insulate the roof that at first you can simply get confused.

However, if you sort it out in order, then it will not be so difficult to decide on the choice of insulation.

§ Fiberglass. This material is often used to insulate pitched roofs. It is distinguished by excellent thermal insulation and good soundproofing, provides vapor barrier and fire resistance, which again is important when choosing a material for roof insulation. Inside this insulation are fibers filled with air. This explains such good qualities of fiberglass. It is worth saying that this is one of the most economical ways to insulate the roof.

§ Polyurethane foam. This is a relatively modern way to insulate the roof with your own hands. This material, unlike many other materials, is not glued or nailed to the roof surface, but sprayed onto it. This is a very interesting way to insulate the roof: polyurethane foam is sprayed onto the entire necessary surface, it itself perfectly and reliably adheres to it and forms a continuous structure with absolutely no seams, which does not allow moisture or cold to pass through.

§ Styrofoam. This material has excellent value for money. In addition, the insulation has long and reliably established itself in the building materials market. Expanded polystyrene has excellent thermal insulation, soundproofing, its only drawback is that when performing work on roof insulation, you need to perform many, albeit simple, steps to install it.

§ Mineral wool. This has long been a well-known material in order to insulate the ceiling, mineral wool is inexpensive and easy to work with.

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roof insulation technology

To insulate the roof, you need the following tools:

§ a hammer;

§ Bulgarian;

§ planer;

§ hydraulic pistol;

§ screwdriver;

§ screwdriver;

§ clamping tool;

§ goniometer;

§ doboynik;

§ level;

§ hacksaw.

When studying the range of building materials for roof insulation, it should be noted that the savings here should be reasonable. For example, if the roof is made of metal profiled sheet, it is better to choose mineral wool for thermal insulation. When evaluating the available options, we pay attention to the following characteristics:

thermal conductivity of the insulation: this indicator should have as low a value as possible;

The weight of the material - the heavier the insulation, the greater the load on the roof;

degree of resistance to mechanical or climatic influences.

It is best to choose one of these materials:

Mineral wool slabs

glass wool

styrofoam panels.

Important! The building material chosen for roof insulation must have sufficient softness and have good elasticity. This will allow them to completely fill the inter-rafter space.

According to the insulation technology, materials (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene, etc.) should be placed in layers. Their task will be to maintain heat in housing, as well as to provide vapor barrier, waterproofing. For waterproofing from the inside, you can use roofing felt or a special film - they will become an obstacle to the penetration of moisture to the insulating material.

To perform the vapor barrier of the walls, choose from the following materials:


· ruberoid;

polyethylene film;

vapor barrier membrane

foil materials.

Important! When choosing a heater, you should not take as a guide the material that was used to build the house. It is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the area where the house is located.

To begin with, consider ways to insulate pitched roofs.

Before proceeding with the insulation, it is necessary to decide what purpose the room located directly under this roof will have.

If it is just an attic room, where there is no need for heat, then in this case we insulate the floor of the attic itself, that is, the overlap between the lags, it is there that the heaters should be laid, and not between the roof rafters. In this case, it is best to insulate the roof with your own hands with mineral wool. To do this, it is necessary to lay the insulation itself along the logs, and cover it with a membrane on top in order for steam to escape.

But in the event that under the roof it is supposed to make an attic-type living space, then the instructions on how to insulate the roof with your own hands will be completely different.

To begin with, it is necessary to make a layer of waterproofing in order to ensure that the insulation is protected from external influences, from possible wetting. Insulation must always be dry!

The waterproofing membrane should be laid over the battens on the outer side of the roof and secured with counter battens. Here it is possible that the waterproofing membrane will sag slightly - this is acceptable. The main thing is that the sagging is no more than 100 mm.

Then you should start directly warming. Plates of material for insulation should be laid between the rafters in such a way that in no case there are gaps left, and if it is planned to insulate the roof in two layers, then the insulation must be laid on top of each other so that the second layer necessarily overlaps the seams between the material in the first layer, that is, lay the insulation in a checkerboard pattern.

At the next stage, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film over the heaters, which will protect the material from condensation and unnecessary moisture. This vapor barrier membrane should be attached to the battens with a construction stapler. In those places where there are joints, the film should be overlapped with a large gap and additionally secured with adhesive tape.

Now you need to consider the insulation of a flat roof.

Here, as well as with a pitched one, first you need to decide on the purpose of the roof itself and the room that is located under it.

If you plan to use a flat roof as a garden area, sports ground or just a terrace, then in this case you need to pay special attention to the fact that the roof must be strong enough to withstand very serious loads.

For such a roof, you first need to make a cement screed directly on the reinforced concrete floor slab. This is done in order to form a slight slope.

After that, it is necessary to lay waterproofing according to the technology described above.

Then, a layer of expanded polystyrene with a density of more than 35 kg / sq.m must be laid on top, this layer must be covered with fiberglass in order to obtain good filtration.

A layer of gravel should be poured over the fiberglass. After that, you can decorate a flat roof at will with any tile, paving or floor.

Another algorithm of actions is also possible to insulate a flat roof. To do this, apply foam concrete to the vapor barrier layer so that the layer thickness is at least 270 mm, then lay a foam fiber concrete screed on top. On top of this entire structure, a membrane coating can be made.

In the event that there is an attic under a flat roof, then the vapor barrier and insulation should be laid in the attic itself, but the waterproofing layer should be laid under the roofing material itself.