Gas-fired boilers principle of operation. What are the advantages of gas fired wood burning boilers? Disadvantages of gas generating plants

Despite the high cost, after the purchase, a solid fuel gas-generating boiler helps to save on heating by reducing fuel consumption by 15-20%. An added advantage is a long time of operation of the gas generator from one bookmark.

Gas boiler device

Modern gas-fired heating boiler solid fuel, bears little resemblance to the first gas generators. As a result of design and engineering solutions, internal organization and appearance have undergone significant changes. Only the operating principle used remains the same, which is as follows:
  • Wood, when burned, emits a large number of carbon dioxide. This process is called gas generation or oxidation.
  • If create the necessary conditions, the burning rate slows down and the amount of CO increases.
  • Carbon dioxide, after mixing with air in the required proportions, forms a combustible-air mixture.
  • The gas-air mixture burns well, and at the same time releases additional thermal energy.
The design and arrangement of a solid fuel gas-fired heating boiler differs depending on the model and manufacturer. The following nodes are required:

Depending on the model, the combustion process is carried out in full offline or with some human involvement. Classic wood-fired units are loaded manually. Air supply settings, ash removal and other functions are performed by a person.

Automatic boilers on, operate in a completely autonomous mode. The whole process, from air supply to combustion waste removal, is controlled by automation.

Specifications for gas generation

Gas generation or carbon dioxide emission, in the process of wood oxidation, can only begin under certain conditions:
  • Limited air access - in order for gas to begin to be released, it is necessary to restrict the flow of air, causing the wood to literally smolder.
  • High temperature - the wood chars, turning into carbon and mixing with oxygen, forms carbon dioxide. For the production of CO, it is required to maintain heating in the furnace above 600°C.
  • Humidity - raw wood, when heated, releases steam instead of carbon dioxide. For gas generation, it is required that the humidity does not exceed 20%.

Domestic gas generators solid fuel boilers heating domestic production, less whimsical to the quality of the wood used. In models with vertical loading and, it is allowed to use firewood with a moisture content of 30 to 42%.

Fuel consumption in gas generating boilers

Solid fuel boilers with gas generator combustion have several advantages that make their operation economical:
  • The combustion of fuel in gas-generating boilers is carried out more slowly, due to the lack of intensive air flow. When a tree smolders, less heat is released than when it is fully burned. The lack of thermal energy is compensated by the afterburning of the released carbon dioxide.
  • Fuel consumption compared to classic boilers, reduced by 15-20%. At the same time, the amount of heat released during combustion practically did not decrease.
  • The use of automation reduces fuel consumption by at least another 10%.
A solid fuel gas-generating boiler of long burning, designed for wood, working on coal, quickly fails. Therefore, gas generators should be heated exclusively with wood or its waste. An exception is made for models specially designed to work on coal.

Is it possible to make a gas generator out of a simple boiler

The principle of operation of the gas generator solid fuel boiler implies the use of mandatory nodes in the construction:
  • Furnaces and afterburners - in the device of gas generators, an enlarged combustion chamber is specially provided. Afterburning is carried out in a separate chamber made of fireclay bricks.
  • The coolant surrounds not only the furnace, but also a broken smoke channel located inside the boiler. The scheme of the heat exchanger is quite complicated. The coolant must surround not only the furnace, but also the smoke channels.
Make a gas generator from an existing one wood boiler possible, but at the same time, you will have to face the following difficulties:
  • Limitation in the size of the combustion chamber - to create the temperature necessary in the process of gas generation, it will take a full-fledged burning of firewood for half an hour. All fuel will burn out in approximately 1.5-2 hours, which negates the efficiency of the converted boiler.
  • Flaw free space will lead to an even greater reduction in the furnace, due to the installation of an afterburner.
After conversion, you should not expect the same performance indicators as for factory-produced gas generator models. It is much easier to make a gas generator again than to remake an already existing boiler.

Rules and conditions for installation and operation of the boiler

Gas-generating boilers on solid fuel of long burning, demanding on operating conditions. The efficiency of work is influenced by the characteristics of the boiler room, smoke exhaust and ventilation systems. The room used for the boiler room is subject to the rules of the PPB regarding the operation of solid fuel units. General recommendations by installation are:
  • Installation of a boiler with a capacity of up to 40 kW is carried out anywhere in a residential building, subject to compliance with the rules fire safety. A heat generator with a capacity of 40 kW or more is installed in a separate room.
  • The size of the room for the boiler is at least 8 m². The presence of supply and exhaust ventilation is mandatory.
  • The walls and floor of the boiler room are lined with non-combustible materials: ceramic tiles or cement-sand plaster.
  • The chimney is made with a minimum number of corners and maximum length vertical section no more than 1 m. When passing through floor slabs and roofing, fire breaks are provided.
As a recommended measure, smoke detectors are installed in the boiler room. If a connection to the mains is required, a switchboard with automatic machines is arranged outside the room where the solid fuel unit is located.

How to choose a gas generating boiler

When choosing suitable model gas generating equipment, take into account several features related to the operation and functionality of the boiler, and its performance:
  • Design features - the consumer is offered boilers using the principle of upper and lower combustion, with a vertical and horizontal firebox. From these characteristics depends on the operating time, the acceptable quality of the fuel used and other operating parameters.
  • Power - with an average thermal insulation of the building and a ceiling height of not more than 2.7 m, a formula is in effect that allows you to calculate the required boiler performance: 1 kW = 10 m². Accurate calculation required power, taking into account all the features and specifications buildings, perform with the help of special.
In addition to the listed criteria that affect the selection of heating equipment, additional attention is paid to the country of origin and the cost of the gas generator.

The best manufacturers of gas generating equipment

Literally 5-10 years ago, on the market heating equipment only 4-5 brands of gas-generating boilers, exclusively of European production, were presented. On the this moment, the range of products has expanded so much that when choosing equipment, it became impossible to do without qualified advice.

In addition to the European factories that have already proven themselves, domestic companies have established the production of gas-generating boilers. To facilitate the choice, all models can be divided into several groups on a territorial basis:

  • Russian gas generating boilers - domestic companies manufacture products either independently (as in the case of BTS, Teplov, F.B.R.Zh., Phantom, Bastion, Gasgen), or with the support foreign partners(Lavoro). Products are adapted to domestic conditions. Changes in the design made it possible to use fuel with a moisture content of up to 30-42%.
  • European boilers are traditionally considered the best in their class. Products are offered by Viadrus, Stropuva (practically the founder of gas-fired boilers), Atmos and others. Boilers of European concerns have a long service life, are reliable, a high degree automation and economy.

The cost of gas-generating boilers

European companies offer products of the Premium class, which affects both the comfort of control and operation, and the cost of heating gas generating units. So, the Latvian Stropuva can be purchased for about 100 thousand rubles. Czech Viadrus will cost between 180-200 thousand rubles, Atmos - 120 thousand rubles. and higher.

Domestic boilers can be found starting from 30 thousand rubles. For a high-quality gas generator, similar to European models, you will have to pay about 80 thousand rubles. (Prices are approximate based on 30 kW output).

Pros and cons of boilers with gas fuel generation

The experience of operating long-burning gas-fired boilers by domestic consumers made it possible to see the advantages and disadvantages of this type equipment. There are several advantages to gas generators:
  • The duration of fuel burning in the gas-generating boiler is at least 6 hours. Some models, both domestic and European manufacturers, are able to work up to 3-5 days from one tab.
  • Greater heat dissipation compared to the classic model. The efficiency of gas generating boilers is 80-92%.
There are disadvantages:
  • Fuel restrictions. The heat exchanger of a gas-generating boiler that runs on wood, when switching to coal, burns out after a year of operation. It is impossible to heat with wet firewood and wood waste.
  • Cost - a classic boiler costs about 2-3 times cheaper.
Another disadvantage is special rules kindling and maintaining combustion during the operation of gas-generating models. This disadvantage is temporary. After several fireboxes, the owner of the heating equipment gets used to the features.

Gas-generating boilers have no analogues among other models, regarding the duration of work from one bookmark, heat performance characteristics and other operating parameters. Somewhat limit the popularity of models - the high cost and features of operation.

Gas-generating boilers are one of the types of solid fuel, usually water-heating devices. The essence of his work is that the fuel and volatiles are burned separately. In other words, pyrolysis occurs solid fuel, therefore boilers are also called pyrolysis. Especially this heating equipment is effective when working on firewood, wood briquettes, borax and some coal fractions.

Use gas boilers to heat your home

Unit device

The design of the gas generating boiler is a furnace with two chambers, which are separated by cast-iron grates. The first chamber is designed for pyrolysis of firewood, and the second - for burning the emitted gas. In some designs gas chambers connected to cookers. The main parts of such a device are:

  • nozzle;
  • fan;
  • controllers;
  • air channels;
  • water pipes;
  • chimney.

In this video, we will consider the principle of operation of gas-generating boilers:

In addition, in order to ensure safe operation boiler equipment in the design are: safety valves, pressure measurement sensors, air supply regulators. General control and adjustment of the operational process is carried out using an electronic control unit. Some models of boilers have a remote control.

Fuel selection rules

During the combustion of any solid fuel, carbon monoxide is released. From the experience of using gas generators, it has been proved that the release of this gas in a particularly large quantities occurs when wood is burned.

Hence the conclusion that it is best to heat this unit with firewood. AT modern boilers their ignition and further combustion process is fully automated. At the same time, certain requirements are imposed on such fuel.

The moisture content of the wood used should not exceed 20%, otherwise it will have to be dried beforehand. At the same time, it is worth choosing only the most solid types of wood: beech, oak, acacia. You can not use coal in those models where this option is not provided, since the unit may fail.

The principle of operation of the equipment

During combustion, solid fuel begins to release gas, which continues to support this process. Wood-fired gas-fired boilers are designed in such a way that they cannot burn quickly as in conventional stoves. This happens because carbon monoxide burned in a separate chamber. Thus, the whole process is divided into several stages:

  1. First, solid fuel undergoes a drying process in a special section of the gas generator boiler.
  2. Next, the firewood burns in the firebox at temperature range from 200 to 850°C. Oxygen practically does not enter the furnace during this process.
  3. The released gas burns in a special chamber using burners.

As a result, the fuel is separated into two components: a solid fraction and a gaseous substance. The removal of these parts from the boiler takes place separately, and when the gas and carbon come into contact during combustion, the smoke is purified from harmful substances.

Popular Models

Currently, gas-fired boilers for wood and other solid fuels are widely represented on the market for space heating equipment. They differ from each other both constructively and in cost. Among them it is worth noting the following models:

  1. OPOP ECOMAX 30 - economical boilers from Czech manufacturers. The presence of an electronic unit allows you to control two circulation pumps, thermostat and fan. The performance factor of the unit reaches about 90%.
  2. Viadrus Hercules U32 - the body of this unit is made of cast iron. The operation of the boiler is carried out on wood, coal and does not depend on the availability of electricity. There is no fan in its design, air is supplied naturally.
  3. ATMOS DC is a steel wood fired boiler. Availability exhaust fan allows to collect ashes practically without dust. Some varieties of this model also have a fan forcing air.
  4. Bastion M-KST-15P - non-volatile boiler from Russian manufacturers. Possesses large capacity, which allows the coolant to circulate through the system due to inertia. In such a heating system, circulation pumps are not needed.

The following models are also considered popular and inexpensive: Divo-10, Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20, Wattek PYROTEK 36, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of boilers

The main advantage of these units is high efficiency combustion of solid fuels. When compared with simple ovens working on wood, then when using a gas generator, the coefficient is usually useful action much higher.

Most of these installations are non-volatile devices and can be installed at facilities that are not supplied with electricity. Such units were previously successfully installed on cars. In addition, boilers that do not need electricity are much cheaper.

To operate this device, you can use any type of wood, even waste from its production. Another significant advantage of such heating is that the boiler is able to work for a long time from one portion of solid fuel.

This feature makes it easier to operate these units. But still, these devices have a number of disadvantages, based mainly on the mandatory presence of a person during their maintenance.

This is especially important when choosing such devices in comparison with gas units. Besides, the gas generator needs to be serviced periodically, clean from soot and soot, since decay products exist in them.

8 January 2014 Alexei

There are a large number of ways to heat rooms for various purposes. All of them are sorted out by the owner of the building in search of the optimal and most profitable option.

But the possibility of using solid fuel equipment is most often not considered at all. Although modern gas-generating solid fuel pyrolysis boilers have a lot of advantages.

And in some respects, they even surpass models that run on gas.

The principle of operation of pyrolysis equipment

The development of new devices for heating systems is carried out on the basis of research by specialists from institutes. At the same time, great attention is paid to the study and modeling of combustion processes. various kinds fuel to achieve:

  1. Reducing his expenses
  2. Increasing the level of heat transfer
  3. Abbreviations harmful impurities in exhaust gases

The result of this work was pyrolysis solid fuel gas-generating boilers, the principle of operation of which is based on the property of wood to decompose into gas and a solid component.

This was found out during the research. But they also drew attention to the need special conditions for the most effective course of the pyrolysis process.

  • Firstly, these are established conditions, such as a temperature of about 1000º C and oxygen deficiency during the combustion process.
  • Secondly, a certain moisture content of wood used as fuel

Only in the presence of all factors, firewood, burning, will be able to produce additional view fuel - gas This process is called gas generation. This feature made it possible to call these solid fuel apparatuses gas generating or pyrolysis, because the process of obtaining gas from solid organic fuel is called pyrolysis.

Principle of operation:

Based on the features of the operation of such pyrolysis equipment, it was possible to achieve best performance by the amount of generated thermal energy than conventional models. And although almost all types of solid fuels are subject to such a process, but the most maximum amount it is wood that can emit gas, which was taken into account by the developers.

The unique design of the gas generating boiler

The biggest disadvantage of such equipment is its high cost. But she is the result of design features, and not some desire of the manufacturer to earn as much as possible. A pyrolysis gas-generating boiler must extract gas from wood, and for this certain conditions must be created, such as:

  • Temperature in the furnace up to 800º C
  • Minimum oxygen supply

To achieve such indicators, the developers had to divide the firebox into two chambers:

  • boot
  • combustion

The volumetric compartment in the lower part is used to load firewood and, depending on the power of the apparatus, it holds various amounts of fuel. It heats up the wood required temperature in isolation from excess oxygen. The gas released in this case is fed into the upper chamber, where it is mixed with air and burned.

A design feature is the presence of reverse air movement in the lower chamber. The movement takes place from above, and this requires the presence of a smoke exhauster equipped with an electric drive and automation.

Heating compartments to significant temperatures requires high-strength materials. Therefore, in these boilers, the combustion chambers are most often made of steel or cast iron. Each of the materials has its own advantages and it is impossible to say that one of them is the best.

Equipment manufacturers

Choice of difficult technical devices associated with certain difficulties. So it's better to trust technical documentation without forgetting the reputation of the manufacturer. Based on these parameters, the most competitive in the domestic market are gas-generating pyrolysis boilers of the following brands:

Their choice is not accidental, in addition to the excellent quality of products, all documentation is drawn up taking into account the rated power of the equipment.

Therefore, its study will allow the consumer to obtain truthful information about the duration of work on one tab and many other features of the functioning of the boiler.

To give you some insight into the possibilities this equipment, let's spend short review several models. For example, consider gas-generating pyrolysis apparatuses operating on solid fuels:

  • Logano (Buderus)

German boilers are presented model range with a power of up to 45 kW for steel samples and 36 kW for cast iron. Their efficiency reaches 85%.

At the same time, the duration of work on one tab is 2 hours. They are equipped with an automation system that includes a water temperature indicator and a safety limiter.

To distinctive features include wood lengths up to 680 mm and the presence of built-in cooling heat exchangers.

French devices are somewhat inferior in power, it is limited to 30 kW. In terms of efficiency, they are also inferior to German models, having it from 50%. But here the length of the log was somewhat surpassed, in them it can reach 800 mm.

As you can see from the listed characteristics, each of them has its own advantages, and the choice depends only on your needs.

Main characteristics

Having decided on the manufacturer, you must select a model. To do this, you should specify such features as:

  1. Permissible fuels
  2. Energy dependence
  3. Availability of automation systems
  4. Price

Of all these parameters, consumers are most often interested in fuel. And if, theoretically, a gas generating boiler can operate on any of the solid types that have organic origin, then in practice not all of them have good energy efficiency.

Why choose gas-generating solid fuel boilers, watch the video:

For example, wood does not have the highest heat transfer, but it is chosen more often than others precisely for minimum expenses. However, for pyrolysis devices, this type of fuel is considered ideal because of the possibility of releasing large volumes of combustible gas, which is very important for this type of apparatus.

Such models are especially popular in production where wood processing is carried out. In this case, the pyrolysis gas generating boiler is the best choice, as it will successfully work on production waste.

This will solve two problems at once:

  • waste disposal
  • Space heating

Your right choice

The purchase of heating equipment is based primarily on the availability of one of the fuel types.

And for those who do not have the opportunity to connect to the gas main the best option is a solid fuel gas generating boiler.

And this is facilitated by positive traits, such as: economical consumption of products and a small amount harmful emissions which is the most relevant today.



The gas boiler is the most effective view a boiler that runs on solid fuel - wood. Various versions and equipment modifications can significantly increase the efficiency of such a boiler up to 93-95 percent. The main feature of the devices is practically complete combustion firewood.

The principle of operation of a gas-generating boiler

To understand what a gas generating boiler is, you need to understand its principle of operation.

  1. Pyrolysis is the basis of the solid fuel combustion process in gas-fired boilers. When bookmarking new portion firewood or briquettes, the process of fuel combustion begins, divided into several stages.
  2. The first step is finding solid fuel in a special drying chamber. It allows you to bring the state of firewood to the ideal for efficient combustion.
  3. Then the wood starts to burn. The temperature can be 20-850 degrees Celsius. During this stage, the combustion chamber practically does not receive oxygen. This contributes to the oxidation of firewood.
  4. During oxidation, a gas is formed that moves into the combustion chamber. There burners ignite the gas, it starts to burn.

This principle of combustion allows the most efficient use of wood fuel and achieve such high performance efficiency factor.

Gas generating plants have another feature - a water circuit. Inside the circuit, water flows through a pair of heating chambers, after which it moves into heating batteries- radiators located in the rooms.

Fuel used

Why do many people decide to assemble a gas-generating boiler with their own hands or install this unit with the help of specialists? Largely due to the availability of fuel used for equipment operation.

Almost any solid fuel is used in gas-generating boilers:

  • Firewood;
  • wood waste;
  • Shavings;
  • Sawdust;
  • Briquettes;
  • Pellets etc.

When it is not possible to connect a gas boiler due to problems with access to main gas, gas generators become ideal solution. Fuel burns almost without waste, unlike traditional solid fuel units.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before installing a gas-generating boiler with your own hands, you need to consider this installation from all sides. It is important to understand not only the advantages, but also pay attention to the characteristic disadvantages.

This will help you decide whether a gas generating type of solid fuel boiler is right for you, or whether it is better to opt for a gas, liquid fuel, or even an electric option.

To strengths a gas-generating boiler can be attributed to a number of characteristics.

  1. Increased combustion efficiency of the used solid fuel. No matter how efficient a conventional solid fuel boiler is, its efficiency cannot rise above the 90 percent mark. In gas generators, it is capable of reaching 95 percent.
  2. Energy independence. These units can be completely independent of the presence of the mains. Since electricity is not used, total operating costs are reduced. At the same time, you have the opportunity to automate boilers.
  3. The versatility of the fuel used. For heating own house With a gas generating boiler, you can use any kind of solid fuel that you have. all sorts of wood waste will go not to a landfill, but will serve as effective remedy for heating the house for a few days.
  4. The impressive volume of the furnace of the gas-generating boiler. Due to the fact that a large amount of fuel can be put into the furnace for one bookmark, the frequency of bookmarking increases. You do not have to constantly monitor whether firewood is left inside the chamber.

This is not the whole list of advantages, but they are quite enough to appreciate the capabilities of gas-generating boilers.

But now let's look at the other side - the disadvantages. These include:

  • Limited autonomy. Most gas-fired boilers are non-volatile. This has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. The lack of automation requires constant supervision of the equipment;
  • Service. Although the fuel burns much more efficiently, it is not possible to completely get rid of waste. Therefore, you will periodically have to clean the surfaces of accumulating soot and soot;
  • High price. Pyrolysis boilers noticeably more expensive than traditional solid fuel installations. The difference in price can be 1.5-2 times. But the higher cost pays off over time as you save on the efficiency of the pyrolysis unit. On average, with the active operation of the boiler, it pays for itself in 2-3 seasons;
  • fuel quality requirements. An important role in the performance of pyrolysis-type equipment is played by the dryness of the solid fuel used. If sawdust or firewood is wet, pyrolysis may not start. So that users do not have to puzzle over how to dry firewood, engineers have provided drying chamber in the design of the unit. Before starting the combustion process, the fuel is dried in the chamber, after which the pyrolysis proceeds perfectly.

Traditions against pyrolysis

Does it make sense to purchase gas-generating boilers if there are quite attractive traditional solid fuel units? To answer this question, both devices need to be compared according to some criteria.

  1. Automation. The ability to connect automation to a gas generating device allows the unit to independently control combustion processes, regulate them according to parameters pre-set by users. Traditional models work in the same way as classic wood-burning stoves.
  2. Efficiency. Another point where pyrolysis becomes the undisputed winner heating unit. If the efficiency of a traditional wood-burning boiler can hardly reach 85-90 percent, then the pyrolysis one easily overcomes the mark of 90 and moves to 95 percent.
  3. Service. Again, pyrolysis wins, since with almost complete combustion of the fuel, the amount of waste is minimal. Classic stoves need to be cleaned several times a day, the condition of the combustion chamber should be monitored, and the chimney should be cleaned. Plus, the bookmark is carried out every few hours. With a pyrolysis device, everything is much simpler. One bookmark can last for a day of battery life.
  4. Operating requirements. The only point on which the pyrolysis model is inferior to the traditional one. Classic wood boilers have the simplest design so breakdowns are rare. Pyrolysis units are more complicated, therefore, during operation, a number of rules must be observed. But in practice, it is not so difficult if you correctly perform the initial installation.

Gas-generating boiler plants actively broke into the heating equipment market. Today they are used everywhere, becoming an indispensable device for heating and hot water in homes.

Natural gas is the cheapest and most efficient heat source. Unfortunately, the main gas pipeline has not been carried out to all regions of our country, and even bottled gas is not delivered everywhere. However, this is not a reason to refuse to use it when heating a house, with the only exception being that you will have to make a wood-fired gas generator with your own hands. it alternative way heating, where not only firewood, but sawdust, pellets, waste from the woodworking industry, etc. will be used as the base fuel.

In the article, we will take a closer look at how to properly make such a unit, what is needed for this, and also look at the advantages and possible disadvantages of it.

How it works

In order to get natural gas, it is not necessary to look for a deposit and open a well, you can use a pyrolysis boiler. This is a special type of boiler equipment, where the fuel burns with minimal access to oxygen, decomposing into wood residue (coal) and combustible gas (propylene and ethylene).

Considering that the process of combustion of pyrolysis gases occurs simultaneously with the fuel, the efficiency of the boiler increases by 1.5-2 times at the same fuel consumption as a conventional boiler.

Slow combustion of fuel (wood, sawdust, pellets, etc.) provides a much longer burning process (12 hours compared to 3-4 hours in a normal one).

The diagram shows the principle by which the pyrolysis boiler works and how the process of formation of combustible (wood) gas proceeds.

Being already, in fact, gas generating equipment, such a boiler performs a number of tasks, namely:

  1. Produces low molecular weight olefins as a result of combustion of firewood and its cellulose.
  2. Purifies olefins from all third-party impurities, resulting in a clean combustible gas.
  3. Cools gases by reducing the amount of energy during the final combustion of fuel.

The pyrolysis boiler is always divided into 2 chambers, in one of which the main fuel burns with minimal access to oxygen, the exhaust gases enter the second and, when air is pumped in, they are burned.

Such optimization of the combustion process allows solving 2 key tasks at once - an increase in the efficiency of the boiler and the ability to organize a water-heating boiler by connecting it to a water jacket.

The pyrolysis process ensures complete combustion of fuel with maximum return heat, which at the output gives more than 35% cost savings.

It is quite possible to make a gas-fired boiler on wood with your own hands, but before that you need to understand the principle of its operation, the arrangement of cameras internal combustion and safety precautions to exclude the slightest violations of technology.

Wood-burning model device and diagram

This type of boiler is fired exactly according to the same principle as a conventional solid fuel boiler. Firewood, pellets, briquettes, sawdust and other types of fuel are placed in the lower chamber, set on fire, after which the air damper opens to create traction.

The air damper should only be half open to avoid excess air entering the combustion chamber.

The device of a home-made gas-generating boiler is very simple. The basis is 2 chambers closed in one case. Solid fuel burns at the bottom, and at the top - wood gas. At the same time, the heated air constantly circulates through the air ducts - the warm air rises up and goes out, the cold air is sucked in from the outside, it heats up and also goes out. This process continues until the fuel is smoldering in the chamber.

The convection of a wood-fired gas-generating boiler warms up the room quite quickly (50 sq.m. in 60-90 minutes), while the heat is retained for a longer period of time.

How to DIY

The diagram shown above shows how the boiler functions, where and which chambers are located, therefore, before proceeding with your own assembly, you need to understand the principle of operation of the finished boiler, and also use the drawing of a solid fuel boiler.

On the video you can see how the gas generating boiler works:

  1. The basis of the boiler (casing) is any metal barrel, even used gas bottle. It is possible to make such a cylinder from a sheet of steel 8-10 mm thick, for which we weld it around the circumference and weld the bottom.
  2. In the upper part of the cylinder, make a chamber with a minimum volume of 0.7 cubic meters, where solid fuel will be loaded in the future.

  1. At the very top of the cylinder, weld an additional circle of steel from which cold air will be drawn (skirt).

  1. Rings are used to purify wood gas from foreign impurities. coarse cleaning. It is blown through the tuyere.

  1. To cool the gas from the skirt is taken cold air. It passes through a zigzag of pipes equipped with several metal rings, gradually cooling down.

  1. If insufficiently dry fuel is used for combustion, condensate will collect during operation of the boiler. It must be regularly lowered, for which a similar crane is used.

  1. The gas-generating boiler is the only one in the line of heating equipment that allows you to use even wet - freshly cut - firewood. In contact with the cold air coming from the skirt, too much water is formed, which must be constantly drained. For this purpose, the so-called. separator. It is made from a pipe with a diameter of 3-5 mm, where a plate with ribs is inserted. Passing through the separator, water is removed from the system along the drain tape.

  1. Dry gas is required to increase the power of a gas-fired boiler. To do this, just close the condensate drain valve and open the valve for gas pipe, which is located immediately behind the separator tube. When gas flows from a small pipe into a large one, it breaks up into gaseous and liquid fractions, after which it passes into the combustion chamber.

  1. For heating large areas it is recommended to install a water circuit. You can even make a separate chamber in a gas-generating boiler, where water will be heated with the help of incoming combustible gas. Due to convection during heating, it is simultaneously cooled.

  1. When piping the boiler, it is recommended to use gas as a source of additional fuel. To do this, it is enough to connect the circuit and open the gas supply valve to the additional zone.
  1. The combustion chambers are made of low carbon steel, which is not affected by high temperatures and condensate.
  2. Inside the body of the combustion chamber are fixed with bolts.
  3. The housing and chamber cover is always sealed to prevent uncontrolled air ingress. An asbestos cord can be used as a sealant.
  4. The body of the gas generating boiler is best made from an empty gas cylinder. To eliminate the risk of ignition of residual gas during installation work, fill it to the brim with water.
  5. Be sure to install on the gas generator check valve which will prevent gas from escaping.
  6. A fan can be used to pump air, but in this case the boiler will be volatile.
  7. The grate for the solid fuel combustion chamber is made of cast iron strips. In order to make such a unit convenient to clean, make the center of the grate movable.
  8. Provide a hatch in the loading chamber - with an excess of fuel and gas, it will allow you to dump part of the ballast.
  9. To make a gas-generating boiler with your own hands, be sure to use the drawings, or even better, a failed boiler in order to accurately observe all proportions and dimensions.