Boiler solid propellant world. Floor standing boilers. Classic solid fuel boilers: inexpensive and practical

Solid fuel boilers from Belkomin are an excellent alternative to gas, liquid fuel and electrical equipment. They are recommended to be installed in houses where there is no gas and electricity. The fuel is ignited by an electric ignition system or in the traditional way.

How to choose a solid fuel boiler

Industry by leaps and bounds is developing more and more new solid fuel boilers, hundreds of brands, thousands of models. In times of rising gas prices, only a lazy manufacturer does not produce such boilers. Boilers are made by reputable companies, in modern factory workshops, small workshops, with a much smaller production volume, as well as handicraft workshops.

The Belkomin company is a reliable, time-tested manufacturer of high-quality solid fuel boilers from Belarus.

Classic solid fuel boilers: inexpensive and practical

In fact, this is the simplest and most inexpensive type of heaters. The material of the heat exchanger can be made of two types of material:

  • Steel. It is a less durable material than cast iron, but, in principle, such boilers still work for 10-15 years - it still depends on the thickness of the material.
  • Cast iron. More durable, working for decades, due to the large thickness of the walls of the heat exchanger. Less high efficiency, and in case of severe overheating of the boiler, cast iron may burst. A cast iron boiler is more expensive than a steel one. Due to its special design, it is difficult to clean compared to a steel boiler.

Classic solid fuels are the most common and are installed in country houses, cottages, small workshops, garages, and they depend on the availability of electricity.

Types of fuel that such heaters use:

  • Firewood
  • Briquettes
  • Pellets
  • Coal.

In addition, the data solid fuel boilers are also used as utilizers of combustible production waste, which can make it possible not only to burn waste, but also to heat this production. The efficiency is approximately 85%.

Solid fuel boilers of long burning

Unlike the previous type, they are designed for any solid fuel. The unsurpassed advantage of such boilers is that the combustion process is very long and can go from 12 to 48 hours, because. fuel burns very slowly during its operation.

Another feature is that a sufficiently large amount of fuel is loaded into the furnace at a time. Suitable for him:

  • Firewood
  • Briquettes
  • Coal

Some TIS models are able to heat a room for up to 7 days!

Pyrolysis boilers

They have two independent combustion chambers:

  • Primary. This chamber is designed to start the pyrolysis process and generate synthesis gas. Combustion artificial, low oxygen
  • Secondary. This chamber burns synthesis gas, which allows the boiler to operate on one load of fuel for a very long time.
  • Burning lasts up to 10 hours, and the efficiency is 90%.
  • Wood is preferable to hardwood, and its moisture content should be no more than 35%. If the humidity is higher, there will be no normal combustion, since this will be prevented by water vapor.

Applicable fuel:

  • Pellets
  • Briquettes
  • Brown coal

The listed fuel contains a high yield of volatile substances, and is the most preferred for pyrolysis boilers.

Pellet boilers

  • These solid fuel boilers operate on compressed combustible material - pellets, which are granules
  • Fuel is loaded into the bunker, from where it enters the furnace through the auger
  • The operation of the boiler does not require human control as long as there are pellets in the bunker.
  • The durability of such boilers is more than 20 years.
  • The efficiency is about 90%.

In view of the fact that the fuel supply is carried out automatically, the second name for this type of solid fuel is "automatic".

The price of solid fuel boilers

Based on the foregoing, it is easy to guess that the most expensive and more complex in design are pyrolysis boilers and long-burning solid fuel boilers. The price of popular models starts from 82,000 rubles.

Yes, solid fuels require large initial costs, but in the future, during their operation, these costs quickly pay off due to fuel savings. Be that as it may, but any of the boilers will make your home non-volatile; you will not depend on the ever-rising gas and electricity, which in this regard are noticeably inferior to solid fuels.

Where to buy solid fuel boilers

  • TIS automatic solid fuel boilers can be purchased from any of our dealers, which are represented almost throughout Russia. Find more information in the section
  • In one of our offices located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar. Office phone numbers are located at the top of the site.

We wish you warmth in your home!

Each of these modifications has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, electric domestic heating boilers are characterized by safety, low noise and no exhaust gases. At the same time, they consume a lot of electricity, which leads to high heating costs. Gas and liquid fuel domestic heating boilers are also quite expensive to operate and maintain. In this regard, solid fuel equipment is gaining more and more popularity.

Solid fuel domestic heating boilers are among the most environmentally friendly and unpretentious. They can successfully work on coal, wood and other fossil fuels. The main advantages of such equipment are the low cost of heating, automatic temperature maintenance and ease of operation.

In addition, Vienybė solid fuel domestic heating boiler is also distinguished by long-term operation without refueling (up to 16 hours), a high degree of automation and an efficiency of up to 90%. The safety of operation of Vienybė equipment is ensured by the presence of a safety valve.

Installing a solid fuel boiler is one of the best, and sometimes the only possible option for heating houses that are located in areas without centralized gas supply. Alternative - electric heating, for example, cannot be used in country houses and cottages, since the power supply system available in horticultural societies is not designed for such a load. Such a solid fuel boiler is convenient and economical. Firewood, coal, wood waste, briquettes, pellets are suitable for him - everything that the owner of the house can and deems necessary to prepare.

Features of solid fuel boilers

The boiler body can be made of cast iron or steel. The advantages of steel boilers include their lower cost and lighter weight, as well as better resistance to changes in body temperature. A significant drawback is a shorter service life. Sooner or later, the body of the high-temperature chamber burns out. The advantages of solid fuel boilers made of cast iron are strength and durability, the disadvantages are high weight and increased sensitivity to rapid changes in temperature. If the temperature of the heat exchanger drops sharply even by 20°C, its sections may collapse. This feature should be taken into account in the process of designing the heating system.

An important factor is the presence or absence of an electronic combustion control system and forced pumping of the coolant. Boilers equipped with a control unit and an electric pump are more economical, but volatile. In the event of an emergency power outage, the electrified solid fuel boiler will be stopped. A simpler - non-volatile boiler does not need electricity. However, such units have a slightly lower efficiency, and in order to organize the movement of the coolant, they need a “gravity-flowing” system - a structure made of large-diameter pipes installed with a certain slope.

Long burning pyrolysis boilers

The most advanced, efficient and economical are solid fuel boilers with a stove, the design of which allows pyrolysis combustion of wood fuel - firewood, pellets, briquettes or woodworking waste. The only requirement for fuel is that its moisture content should not exceed 20%. Pyrolysis is a process of high-temperature decomposition of wood under conditions of limited oxygen supply, in which the feedstock is converted into wood gas, coal and resins.

Coal and resins smolder in the furnace, providing the temperature necessary to maintain the pyrolysis process (on average 400 ° C - 500 ° C), and the resulting wood gas is fed through a nozzle into a special high-temperature chamber, where it mixes with air and burns out with a large release of heat. The main advantages of pyrolysis boilers are an unprecedentedly high efficiency and long-term fuel combustion, which provides the possibility of autonomous operation for 14 - 24 hours. The main disadvantage is the high price and dependence on the supply of electricity, since many models are equipped with automatic combustion control systems.

Pellet boilers

According to experts, one of the most significant drawbacks of most types of solid fuel boilers is the inability to maintain a constant combustion temperature in them. The use of coal and firewood of different quality and humidity does not allow stabilizing the heating temperature of the carrier, which negatively affects the efficiency of the heating system. Boilers, which are designed for the use of special granular fuel - pellets, are deprived of this drawback. Fuel for such boilers is made in Moscow from woodworking waste, peat and residues from the processing of certain types of agricultural products.

The feedstock for pellets is crushed, dried and compressed under high pressure into oblong granules of a standard size. Stabilization of the combustion process and temperature conditions in pellet boilers is ensured by the automatic control of fuel supply from a special bunker. In the most advanced models, automation is able to clean the combustion chamber from soot and ash. Normalized fuel consumption allows you to accurately assess the need, and timely purchase the required amount of pellets. All pellet boilers are economical and have extremely high efficiency.

Solid fuel boiler WBS-N AC 50

This model has a thermal power of 50 kW. The boiler is intended for heating household objects by burning solid fuels (wood, coal, briquettes, etc.) in systems with forced circulation of the coolant and also in open systems. The boiler can be additionally equipped with a pellet, diesel or gas burner. The intelligent control unit controls the fuel combustion process, the operation of the smoke fan, the circulation pump of the central heating system and the hot water supply pump.The body of the boiler is made of high-quality steel 5 mm, outside it has a high-temperature insulation of 50 mm.

The design of the boiler complies with the requirements of EC 303-5

Features and design:

  • The intelligent unit controls the combustion process by modulating the fan speed.
  • Possibility to control the heating circulation pump and the DHW pump.
  • Simple installation and ease of maintenance.
  • The combustion chamber has a large area heat exchanger and has a low drag coefficient.
  • The large combustion chamber door facilitates fuel loading and allows even large logs to be used.
  • The boiler is equipped with a ribbed surface of the heat exchange circuit and a three-stage smoke chamber, which significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler.
  • The lower door of the combustion chamber has a built-in flange for connecting a pellet, diesel or gas burner.
  • The package includes a safety valve with a response pressure of 3 bar, thermostat, ash container.
  • The ash chamber is equipped with a removable metal grill to protect it from fire.

Boiler protection devices BURNiT WBS-N 50:

  • STB - thermostat.
  • Safety valve.
  • Anti-boil device - installed in the upper part of the boiler. In case of overheating, it opens the damper with a thermostatic valve to lower the temperature inside the boiler.
  • Valve for additional air supply to the combustion chamber

1. Control controller
2. Boiler body
3. High performance thermal insulation
4. The device from boiling the boiler
5. Three-stage smoke chamber
6. Water circuit
7. Combustion chamber
8. Metal ash grate
9. Ash container
10. Flange for installing a pellet, gas, diesel burner (optional)
11. Chimney
12. Additional air supply fan
13. Air pressure valve

To increase the efficiency of the heating system, as well as to reduce the peak loads of the boiler and increase the fuel loading intervals, it is recommended to use a heat accumulator (buffer tank) to accumulate and store excess heat from the boiler. The volume of the heat accumulator is calculated from the installed power of the boiler 1 kW x 55 liters. buffer capacity.

To control the return temperature of the boiler circuit, it is recommended to use a thermostatic mixing valve, which maintains the set return temperature of 50-55ºС.

Many villages do not have a gas pipeline, and paying electricity bills can cost a pretty penny. Of course, this is annoying, but there will be no problems with heating even in this case. Using a solid fuel boiler will allow you to forget about the inconvenience associated with the cold, even if it is very cold outside.

Firewood - out of date?

Of course, in the age of ubiquitous automation, nanotechnology and amazing technology, it is hard to believe that the use of solid fuel for heating is advisable.

But just imagine, such a boiler is not just a “potbelly stove”, into which you need to constantly throw firewood. This is the real center of the heating system, efficient, economical, at the same time inexpensive and durable.

Principle of operation such equipment is extremely simple. As for different models of fuel, you can use shavings, briquettes, granules, even corn stalks and seed husks.

The design features of the firebox are such that not all firewood immediately begins to burn intensively, but only the top layer of fuel. At the same time, its consumption is reduced significantly, which implies significant savings.

The water that circulates in the heating system enters the heat exchanger, which is heated by the energy of the burning wood. When the entire coolant warms up to the required temperature, the boiler turns off.

After connecting the unit to the water supply system and loading fuel, it can work for quite a long time without the user's attention. This time depends on both the quality of the fuel and its quantity. For example, briquettes, husks or spruce shavings burn out quickly enough, which means that it is often necessary to remove the ashes and load a new portion of fuel in order for the boiler to continue heating. Coal and anthracite burn longer, and often the energy they release during combustion is higher. This means that when working on this type of fuel, the boiler will heat up stronger and longer.

Fundamental differences

In order to make the choice of a boiler not difficult, we answered several popular questions that arise from buyers.

Are there any differences in the principle of operation and the fuel used?

Traditional devices work only on wood, coal or peat briquettes. They are completely independent of electricity, which makes them very popular with summer residents and owners of country houses. The only thing worth thinking about is the constant availability of fuel, that is, firewood, coke or coal. Such boilers perfectly maintain the set temperature, and for many years do not give any malfunctions.

Pyrolysis boilers can "boast" of very high efficiency. Their main difference from traditional ones is in the use of not only the heat from the combustion of fuel, but also the energy released by wood gas. Special fans heat the air in the combustion chamber to very high temperatures, the firewood begins to release gas, this process is called pyrolysis.

It is worth noting one more advantage of such devices - neither soot with soot nor ash is practically formed during operation.

In addition, there are also, which use special pellets as fuel - compressed wood. The advantage of such units is that they independently add pellets to the furnace using an auger.

Purchase long burning boilers , it is the ideal solution for heating large areas, such as private houses or roadside hotels. They can be universal (working on coal and wood), or wood. These units are very sensitive to the quality of the materials that the user sends to the combustion chamber. Therefore, we advise you to abandon damp firewood.

Manual or automatic fuel loading?

Wood chips, coal or peat will have to be thrown into the furnaces of traditional, pyrolysis boilers or long-burning apparatuses with one's own hands. At the same time, do not forget to periodically check the presence of fuel in the combustion chamber.

Automatic boilers , only calibrated charcoal is used as fuel, which is fed into the furnace, as in pellet boilers - using screws. Such a design will facilitate the maintenance of the boiler, but from time to time it is still worth “visiting” it.

Does the material from which the heat exchanger is made matter?

Getting more and more popular boilers made of steel . If your choice fell on a similar model, you can be sure that this equipment will last a very long time. Steel conducts heat well, in the event of a leak it is easy to solder it, carbon deposits practically do not form on it. But this material is not resistant to the formation of condensate, which means that corrosion is possible.

Cast iron boilers - a classic, but now they are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Despite the fact that the material from which the heat exchanger is made is an excellent conductor of heat and is almost 100% protected from rust formation, it has a number of disadvantages. Experts warn about the complexity of repair work - it is almost impossible to replace a cracked section due to carbon deposits.

What is the best chimney design?

In fact, several factors influence how the ventilation pipes will pass. removing combustion products.

Firstly, thrust. In this case, this is an indicator of the speed at which smoke will be removed. If you notice that smoke accumulates in the room where the boiler is operating, you need to open the damper and, thereby, increase the air flow.

Secondly, chimney section. This parameter always depends on the design features of each boiler model. But, it is worth noting that a too narrow chimney may not be able to cope with the entire volume of combustion products, especially if the unit is powerful. And in too wide air will “walk”, without taking away unpleasant odors and fumes.

Speaking about design, it is worth saying right away that only specialists can do this, because knowledge of the aerodynamic features of the heating system, the boiler itself and the chimney is important. It can be square or round. But, keep in mind, the design should not have a very large number of bends, bumps and turns. By the way, draft is always better in round chimneys (since there are practically no barriers to air flow).

A solid fuel boiler is an ideal solution for heating a private house, especially if it is not possible to use gas or electricity. This equipment can heat a large amount of water in the heating system, so it will be warm even in a large room. Check how convenient it is to use economical inexpensive fuel, and feel the result of the boiler's operation in a few minutes after turning it on.

You can order a solid fuel boiler in our online store. We guarantee you low prices and fast delivery.


If we talk about modern heating devices and the principles of their operation, then one cannot fail to note such equipment as solid fuel boilers. As it becomes clear from their name, they function by using the energy of solid fuel. These innovative devices not only effectively heat the living space, but also fit perfectly into the interior and create comfort in any home.

However, not everyone can clearly say which solid fuel boiler is better. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how to choose a solid fuel boiler that best suits a particular room in terms of its performance and efficiency and is distinguished by reliability and long service life. This is what will be discussed next.

Types of fuel for boilers

One of the main criteria when choosing such equipment is, of course, the type of fuel used. In modern models, it is customary to use different energy sources, such as peat, pellets, briquettes, as well as the usual coal and firewood.

So, thanks to innovative production technologies, heat can be obtained from almost any source, which creates a unique opportunity to save a significant part of the financial resources and relieve yourself of the need for regular purchases of expensive fuel.

Mentioning the types of solid fuel boilers, special attention should be paid to the following devices:
  • samples functioning on coal. Not knowing how to choose a solid fuel boiler for a house located away from a large settlement, special attention should be paid to just such a mechanism. These boilers are perfect if there is no way to ensure proper storage of firewood. At the same time, the performance of such equipment will be very high, and its device will not become too expensive. The main advantages of a coal-fired boiler are versatility of use, low cost of consumables, as well as the ability to work autonomously;
  • pellet boilers and wood-fired boilers. The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler of this type is based on the use of wood and pellets (special fuel pellets) as the main source of heat. The power of these mechanisms is quite high and can reach up to 200 kW, while they are economical in operation and can be installed in any room.

    The availability of wood explains the wide popularity of these devices among the population. In addition, the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler operating on wood is high and reaches 90%. Wood and pellets burn for a long time without leaving behind any harmful products;
  • pyrolysis combustion boilers. The operation of these boilers is aimed at burning bio-based solid fuels, which can be wood pulp. These substances, when burned, emit a special combustible gas, due to which heat transfer is so efficient (the efficiency of pyrolysis boilers is from 85 to 92%).
In the event that the room equipped with the boiler is not equipped with access to the electrical network, then the most appropriate choice would be a solid fuel boiler operating offline, but with manual loading. This will allow you to adjust the operation of the device so that during its operation there will be no unforeseen problems.

Selection criteria for solid fuel boilers

Before deciding which solid fuel boiler to choose, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that greatly affect the choice of a particular sample.

The main criteria in this case are the following:

  1. The area of ​​a particular building. This parameter largely determines what power boiler should be purchased, and also affects the choice of fuel for it.
  2. Height of floors in the living room.
  3. Heat loss rate. This parameter is influenced, first of all, by the thickness of the walls and ceilings in the building, as well as the material from which the house is made. It would also be useful to take into account the area of ​​door and window openings.
  4. Climatic features of a particular region. As a rule, the main emphasis is on temperature indicators during the cold season, since it is these data that allow us to calculate the optimal heating power of the boiler.
It would be more correct to entrust such a calculation procedure to a professional specialist who is well versed in this equipment and is able to determine how all brands of solid fuel boilers should be calculated. In addition, qualified craftsmen always have various photo and video materials available to help during installation. However, this work can be done by an ordinary consumer.

To do this, you should consider, first of all, the footage of the house. For example, to provide full heating to a room of 100 m², you will need to use equipment with a capacity of 10 kW. In this case, you should always remember about a certain power reserve, which should be approximately 1 - 2 kW.

The difference between manual and automatic loading of boilers

When comparing solid fuel boilers, one cannot also miss such a parameter as the mechanism for loading them, which can be of two types: automatic and manual.

The design of boilers with automatic fuel supply is based on the main part and a special hopper, into which the fuel is placed directly. In the event that it is coal, then the size of its particles should not exceed 25 mm. However, there is also the possibility of using pellets that definitely do not exceed this parameter.

For continuous and high-quality functioning, one load of fuel is enough for about three to five days, which makes working with the boiler very convenient and easy.

At the same time, the size of the boiler hopper can be very different, it all depends solely on the preferences of the owners, since a lot of consumables can be loaded into this chamber, thereby forgetting for a long time about the need to replenish the supply of coolant in the boiler.

Fuel is supplied through one of two options - either using an auger or using a piston. Regardless of this, it can be said with confidence that the most economical solid fuel boiler will definitely have an automatic fuel supply mechanism, which will not only prevent excessive material consumption, but also be able to guarantee stable equipment operation.

These devices do not differ in cost-effectiveness, in addition, it is not recommended to mount them in residential premises, since their dimensions are very voluminous, which will be extremely inconvenient. It would be much more correct to install such equipment in an industrial type enterprise, since it is far from always possible in a standard building to provide a separate room for installing a solid fuel boiler.

What is the boiler heat exchanger

The most popular materials for the manufacture of such, of course, an important functional part of a solid fuel boiler as a heat exchanger are two - cast iron and steel.

It is on these devices that we should dwell in more detail:

  1. Cast iron units are characterized by high performance if they run on coal fuel, as the use of firewood can adversely affect the power of the equipment.

    The main advantages of products made of cast iron are their affordable price, the versatility of the fuel used for operation, as well as the ability to quickly and easily repair them for the entire system. However, such a technique also has disadvantages, the main of which are a small coefficient of efficiency (about 65 - 75%), the need for regular, as well as high rates of inertia.
  2. In steel mechanisms, the main fuel is firewood or briquettes created by processing wood waste (read also: "").
The modern construction market offers a wide range of units with steel heat exchangers, which differ from each other, as a rule, in the following parameters:
  • the thickness of the metal used in the construction;
  • method of heat exchanger device;
  • productivity factor;
  • maximum operating time on one fuel load.
Such equipment is characterized by the fact that the period of operation on one load of fuel is from 4 to 8 hours, which makes it possible to avoid frequent replenishment of the boiler chamber with fuel.

Technical characteristics of solid fuel boilers

As a rule, in order to choose the best solid fuel boiler, you first need to familiarize yourself with the basic properties of this equipment.

The main technical parameters of such boilers are as follows:

  • type of fuel used for operation, which, as mentioned above, can be coal, firewood, peat briquettes, as well as recycled waste. Thanks to such a wide range of consumables, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the energy consumption required for heating;
  • combustion chamber capacity, affecting mainly the performance of the device and the number of fuel loads;
  • work automation. Many mechanisms are equipped with a similar function that helps to save yourself from constant control over the operation of the boiler system;
  • product safety performance. When choosing a particular unit, it is imperative to consider how safe its use will be. So, the main elements that any boiler should be equipped with are the automatic shutdown function, as well as the presence of an alarm;
  • energy consumption parameters. Some models are required to provide access to the mains, otherwise they will not be able to function. However, most solid fuel boilers are self-contained;
  • product price. When choosing such equipment, you should not focus only on low cost, since the technical characteristics of cheap equipment are usually far from ideal.
To decide which solid fuel boiler to choose, the video will help you:

Considering all these tips and recommendations, it will not be difficult to equip a solid fuel boiler in your own home, and if necessary, you can always seek help from qualified specialists who can provide photos of boiler samples and detailed videos showing the entire installation process.

27.03.2017 1313

Every year an increasing number of different models of solid fuel boilers appear on the market. For the right choice, you should focus on the power of the unit, the size of the area that should be heated. It is also necessary to take into account the efficiency indicator and the type of control. Based on these criteria, everyone will be able to choose the best option for themselves.

The most popular solid fuel boilers

  1. Protherm Beaver – the classic version of solid fuel boilers. It has a simple installation that even an inexperienced user can handle. This series includes boilers with different power ratings, but even the Bober 20 DLO model with a power of 19 kW can heat an area up to 190 m2. Beaver 50 DLO can handle a large house perfectly, the model has a power of 39 kW. The units are characterized by a high level of efficiency (up to 90%). The boilers are single-circuit with an open type combustion chamber. Coal and firewood are well suited as fuel, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, water must be kept within 3-4 bar.

Advantages of solid fuel boilers of this series:

  • durable cast iron heat exchanger;
  • the boiler is equipped with a thermometer and a manometer;
  • energy independence;
  • simple mechanical control;
  • high heat output.
  1. Buderus Logano - German brand, occupies a leading position among wood-fired boilers. Enjoys great popularity. It has a high level of efficiency and good thermal insulation, which provides excellent heating of a room up to 200 m2. For better performance, you can use a circulation pump. Heats up fairly quickly. Maintenance is not whimsical, well cleaned.

Important advantages are:

  • reliability;
  • suitable for various heating systems;
  • energy efficiency;
  • large furnace sizes.
  1. Stropuva S- Russian-made single-chamber long-burning boiler. The equipment is characterized by high performance, just one load of firewood or wood briquettes is enough for the house to be heated for several days. The efficiency level is 91%, and for the S 40 model it reaches 95%, the combustion process itself is very slow. Such a unit can become the basis of an autonomous heating system. Wood, coal, pellets, coke are used as fuel.

Important advantages:

  • energy independence;
  • compactness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • unusual design.
  1. single-circuit boiler with an open type combustion chamber. The heat exchanger is made of cast iron, has a sufficient level of efficiency (up to 80%), and is suitable for heating an area up to 200 m2. Wood must be used as fuel.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • economical fuel consumption up to 7 kg per hour;
  • noiselessness of work;
  • retains heat for a long period;
  • high quality heat exchanger.
  1. Bosch Solid 2000 - single-circuit boiler of German production, has excellent characteristics. The heat exchanger is made of high-quality steel, while the grate is made of cast iron. The power is enough to heat 160 m2. Can be used in combination with a gas boiler.

Main advantages:

  • automatic power control system;
  • possibility of loading through the top cover;
  • reliability;
  • stylish design.
  1. ZOTA Mix- boilers of a domestic manufacturer include a large range of reliable units. The MIX series is very popular, it includes devices with an efficiency of up to 80%. These are solid fuel boilers of combined type, they work well on coal, wood, all types of gas, electricity and liquid fuel. The boilers of this series use modern design solutions that give the units important advantages:
  • the heat exchanger has an X-shape, which increases the efficiency of heating the coolant;
  • the presence of an ejector on the doors ensures complete combustion of fuel;
  • easily reconfigured for different types of fuel;
  • designed for installation of heating elements with a power of up to 9 kW;
  • the presence of an electronic control panel.
  1. ZOTA Poplar M not inferior to foreign analogues. The copper is suitable for work in autonomous systems of heating. The equipment has high power, coal and firewood are used as fuel. You can additionally equip the devices with heating elements, then they can work with electric energy or can be modified to work with gas.


  • one bookmark of firewood allows you to heat the room for 12 hours;
  • mechanical air supply control system;
  • modern thermal insulation provides protection against overheating and helps to retain heat;
  • the presence of three heat exchangers contributes to faster heating of the room;
  • low cost.
  1. ZOTA Carbon quite popular series. The boilers are highly economical and efficient. An important advantage is the ability to control the air supplied to the furnace, which allows you to increase the duration of the combustion process. The boiler can be easily installed into an existing heating system. The boiler is able to withstand water pressure up to 3 bar and is non-volatile.
  1. ZOTA Pellet- an excellent series of reliable and high-quality boilers. A single-circuit boiler is ideal for heating large houses. The unit is equipped with an automatic fuel supply mode and also has an automatic control system. The equipment has an outdoor temperature control sensor, which allows you to control the temperature regime of the room. It is recommended to use pellets, firewood, briquettes as fuel.

The main advantages of the series are:

  • the presence of a bunker for automatic fuel supply;
  • overheating protection function;
  • the presence of numerous sensors provides control of the operation of the equipment;
  • the possibility of connecting underfloor heating.
  1. Roda Brenner German boilers, equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger. The series is represented by models with different power levels. Among the advantages are:
  • high resource of work;
  • excellent thermal insulation of the firebox;
  • possibility of connecting an external burner;
  • increased dimensions of the loading hatch.

When choosing solid fuel boilers, you should not focus on the price, first of all decide on the preferred type of fuel, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, pay attention to the technical parameters of the device. Not reasonable savings in this matter can lead to significant waste in the future.

Small solid fuel boiler 14 kW

Despite the high level of gasification, the possibility of connecting main gas is not everywhere, and solid fuel boilers continue to be in great demand among owners of private houses.

Solid fuel boilers of low power

Small solid fuel boilers include boilers with a capacity of 7-12 kW. They are compact, light weight and easy to use. Some models are equipped with a hob for cooking and heating food, which makes them an indispensable tool in a small country house.

These are floor boilers, most often equipped with one heating circuit.

The following is used as fuel for the boiler:

  • Brown and black coal;
  • Coke;
  • Firewood;
  • Pellets;
  • Fuel briquettes.

When planning to buy a small boiler for a private house or summer cottage, first decide which fuel will be mainly used. The further correct choice of a compact solid fuel boiler will depend on this. If it is firewood, then it would be preferable to choose a system with lower combustion. Typically, such a boiler is equipped with 2-3 combustion chambers, the fuel in them burns out almost completely. A small consumption of firewood, a low level of emission of combustion products into the atmosphere, favorably distinguish this boiler model from other combustion systems. A boiler of this kind allows you to control the combustion process by regulating the volume of air entering directly into the combustion chamber.

Top combustion systems are more often installed when coal is selected as the main fuel for the boiler.

Such boilers are made from the following materials:

  • steel;
  • cast iron.

Steel boilers differ from cast iron boilers of the same manufacturer by their lower cost, but at the same time a relatively short service life and a non-separable design.

Small solid fuel boiler Cleaver

How to install a solid fuel boiler

The ceiling height of the room where the boiler is planned to be installed must be at least 2.2 m, the volume of the room must be at least 8 m³, the room must be equipped with an opening window with an area of ​​more than 0.7 m². Of great importance is the ventilation system of the room and fire isolation. During installation, it is necessary to provide a separate outlet for the flue duct.

Pay special attention to the organization of the chimney. It definitely needs to be insulated. The height must be at least 6 m. Keep in mind that cast iron is unsuitable for a pipe - it cracks quickly.

The weight load is small, does not exceed the load level allowed by SNiP per unit floor area - 250 kg / m²

The efficiency of such a boiler can be easily increased by installing a circulation pump in the heating system.

Buying small solid fuel boilers, you really get the opportunity to provide the house with heat at minimal financial cost.