How to clean old grease from dishes and kitchen accessories. How to wash old grease in the kitchen: cleaning kitchen furniture, stoves, walls How to clean furniture in the kitchen from grease

The owners of glossy kitchens often have a question: how to wash a glossy kitchen set?

Today, the most popular are kitchen sets made of bright and stylish glossy materials. Such a kitchen looks aesthetically pleasing and completely changes the room. Thanks to a variety of colors, even the most capricious person will find the right one for himself. Many people like standard white kitchens, others prefer darker tones, but the reflective abilities of glossy surfaces of any color transform the room, increase the visual volume.

But the owner of such a kitchen should not forget that proper care for it will help to preserve such beauty. The owner of a glossy kitchen must have certain knowledge and follow the conditions for proper care of it. What needs to be done to keep the bright and shiny surfaces of such a kitchen?

A glossy kitchen has a number of advantages.

Gloss, reflecting light, visually enlarges the space of the kitchen. This coating is resistant to fading, so the beautiful appearance remains for a long time. The gloss is resistant to minor damage. Cleaning the headset does not require any particular effort. A glossy surface, regardless of color, can bring something new to your interior.

Glossy Kitchen Care Methods

Users of glossy kitchens recommend purchasing only wall cabinets with a glossy finish. An important role is played by the color of kitchen furniture. On a surface that is black, spots and marks are most visible. Therefore, many are confused by this kitchen set. White color hides all these defects.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to clean glossy facades daily, because the gloss perfectly collects all drops of grease, fingerprints, liquid stains and more. By fighting them, you prolong the time during which you will enjoy the beauty of your kitchen.

So, what are the “enemies” and how to deal with them in order to emerge victorious:

Abundance of moisture. Glossy facades are prohibited from cleaning with a large amount of liquid, since the film that covers the furniture will suffer from moisture penetration. What should be done? Always keep the kitchen dry, clean with a little water. At the stage of ordering a kitchen, you need to consider which places will be most susceptible to excessive moisture and order their production from another material that is not so capricious. For example, the upper facades are made of glossy material, and the lower ones are made of MDF.

Several applications of these compounds will cause irreparable damage to your kitchen. Therefore, it is better to use products specially designed for delicate cleaning of glossy surfaces. They have a liquid base, do not contain a large amount of abrasive agents in their composition.

Important: the main rule is that the surface of kitchen furniture should always be kept dry, otherwise moisture will penetrate into hard-to-reach places, as a result of which the film will peel off a little.


This is the most important question: how to wash a glossy kitchen set, if powders, aggressive substances cannot be used for cleaning?

There are tools and methods that will help you get rid of various stains, stains or traces of something:

In order for a glossy headset to please your eye, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

First, the headset must be cleaned - the spray will handle this.

  1. Then dry the surface with a microfiber cloth.
  2. To enhance the shine, apply polish with wax.

If you carry out these actions regularly, you will be able to extend the life of your kitchen furniture, and you will not have to do a general cleaning afterwards, getting rid of old stains formed from grease. Just do not forget to wipe the headset with a soft cloth or wet wipes after each cooking. After rubbing, the facade will acquire the desired gloss. To maintain it, you just need to wash small grease stains daily.

Important: before using any detergent, it should be tested on an area of ​​kitchen furniture that is almost invisible.

There is no one specific option for caring for a glossy kitchen set. This decision is individual, the owner or hostess decides which detergents to use and how often to wash the furniture.
You can make a mixture consisting of apple cider vinegar and vodka. With this mixture, you can wipe the surface of kitchen furniture constantly, the dirt simply will not have time to accumulate.


The main thing in caring for a glossy kitchen set is the daily elimination of grease stains and marks. We think the tips in this article will help you keep your kitchen in the best possible condition.

Every housewife wants the kitchen to be always perfectly clean. That is why grease stains that appear on kitchen furniture are the subject of a relentless struggle for cleanliness.

Follow the rules for cleaning

You can apply a few simple tricks to make the task easier.

  • In the process of cooking, it is better to immediately wipe off greasy blots, then further painstaking work may not be necessary. To do this, moisten a paper towel or rag with warm water and wipe off the dirt, preventing it from drying out.
  • If grease stains are thoroughly located on kitchen cabinets, it is worthwhile to pre-prepare the contaminated surface. This will facilitate further work on removing fat. Lightly squeezing paper towels soaked in warm water, press them tightly against the stain, leave for 5 minutes to soften the fat. If the furniture is made of fiberboard or similar materials, then water cannot be used, since such surfaces are able to absorb moisture, collapsing at the same time.
  • For cleaning, you need to choose soft fabrics: sponges, microfiber, flannel, etc. Avoid metal washcloths and brushes. Otherwise, scratches form on the surface of kitchen furniture, which are quickly saturated with grease, dust and dirt. It is very difficult to clean them up afterwards.
  • It is best to do this cleaning with rubber gloves to protect your hands and nails.
  • You need to know exactly what materials are used to make the kitchen set in order to choose the right cleaning products.
  • Before using any cleaning agent, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture.
  • Cleaning requires regularity. When a greasy stain has just formed, it will take much less time and effort to remove it than to fight old frozen blots.

Improvised means for removing fat

Before resorting to "heavy artillery" in the form of super-powerful household chemicals, you can use folk remedies and wash grease from kitchen furniture in the following ways:

  • Lemon Works great on grease stains. To do this, pour lemon juice on the problem area, and sprinkle soda on top. As soon as the fat begins to curl into lumps, wipe it off with a paper towel. The method is also good because after such a cleaning in the kitchen there will be a fresh smell of citrus.
  • Lemon acid. Add a lemon at the rate of 15 grams per liter and a little dishwashing detergent to the water. Apply the resulting solution to the spots, and then wipe them with a sponge.
  • Vinegar. If the fat is old, then ordinary table vinegar diluted in water will help. Wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in the product, you can leave it for 5 minutes to act, then it remains only to wash it off with a damp cloth. A solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice works on the same principle.
  • Mustard. Walk on the dirt with a damp sponge, well sprinkled with dry mustard or soda. But if the dirt is old and it was not possible to remove it immediately, then you can prepare a thick slurry from it, apply it to the surface of the greasy stain and leave it for a while. Then remove the solution with a paper towel or sponge.
  • Baking powder or soda, but the latter has a more pronounced abrasive effect, so it is not suitable for glossy and varnish surfaces. Dilute the selected ingredient with water to a slurry state, apply to contamination, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse. By the way, it is convenient to clean the dough with baking powder.
  • Vegetable oil and soda. If you need to clean wooden furniture, MDF sets, as well as doors and chairs from fat, then a mixture of a creamy consistency of two parts oil and one part soda is ideal for this. Composition to process pollution, rub a little. If necessary, leave for half an hour, and then remove the lumps of remaining fat with a paper towel. For old greasy blots or very large ones, you will have to repeat the procedure again. By the way, such a treatment with a soda and oil scrub is useful for furniture, as it can protect it from high temperatures in the kitchen and drying out, or vice versa, high humidity.
  • Universal solution with vodka. A tool that is able to clean even the oldest greasy stains from kitchen surfaces. To make it, you will need 200 g of vodka and the same amount of vinegar, add ½ tsp to them for flavor. essential oil. The resulting solution is applied through a sprayer both on the vertical surfaces of kitchen cabinets and horizontal ones, which is very convenient. After waiting 10-15 minutes and making sure the product is effective, remove the residue with a paper towel or sponge.
  • Laundry soap. Grate brown soap 72% on a coarse grater and pour warm water to dissolve. The resulting soap solution washes oily dirt well. Suitable even for marble and granite surfaces.

Not all of these methods are universal and good for all furniture surfaces. You need to be especially careful when choosing cleaning products for wooden and glossy kitchen sets.

Kitchen cabinets shine and delight the eye with cleanliness? It's time to continue the general cleaning of the kitchen or take note,.

Separately about the nuances

Before using any cleaner on furniture, test it on a small, inconspicuous area.

If it is a glossy, enamel or polished surface, then you can not use various powders with an abrasive effect in order to avoid violating its integrity in the form of small scratches.

  • To clean glossy surfaces based on MDF, it is better to choose various gels that do not contain chlorine, ammonia or aggressive acids. If the facade is made of PVC film, the cleaning cloth should not be excessively wet.
  • Plastic kitchens are easy to clean with baby soap or dish soap. A soap solution is made from one of these components and fat is removed with a sponge.
  • Separately, it must be said about untreated wooden surfaces. To clean such furniture, it is best to use an ordinary soapy solution, and then rinse off the soap residue with water and be sure to wipe it dry. After all, an unprotected wooden surface has the ability to absorb any solutions like a sponge.
  • Wet cleaning is not suitable for a polished kitchen. It is advisable to wipe such furniture daily with a soft cloth coated with cleaning polishing wax.

Which cleaner to choose is up to you. There is no single algorithm here. The main thing is to get the desired result with less effort and cost.

The kitchen is the place where masterpieces are born. In the midst of a culinary experiment, it is not always possible to notice how splashes of fat fly from the pan onto the walls, leaving streaks. And then the question arises of how to wash grease from kitchen furniture, especially since there are many means, including folk and household chemicals. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not harm the kitchen environment, you need to know the nuances of each of them.

If you remove greasy splashes and drips from furniture immediately, then this is easy to do. Sometimes it is enough to wash them off with a damp sponge, maximum - with the addition of a drop of dishwashing detergent. However, it is not always desirable or there is an opportunity to wash the kitchen to a shine after cooking. And the fat, meanwhile, dries up, getting rid of it becomes more and more difficult.

Not too old stains are easier to wipe off with folk methods. They are gentle and safe, including non-toxic. But for tightly dried fat, more powerful tools will be needed. However, no matter what tool is used, you will need sponges, brushes (for small parts, pens, decorative elements, an unnecessary toothbrush, preferably hard), rags, napkins is ideal.

The whole process fits into a simple scheme: the surface needs to be slightly moistened, apply the product, rub with a sponge, leave for a few minutes to act, rub again, rinse with water. If necessary, repeat the procedure, then wipe the surface dry. Read on to learn more about the various cleaning methods.


At present, when there are a lot of liquids, gels, powders for cleaning a variety of surfaces, many people still prefer to use folk methods. They do have a number of advantages:

  • sparing for surfaces;
  • safe for health;
  • do not spoil the skin of the hands;
  • accessible and inexpensive;
  • harmless to small children, pets.

But they have a drawback - they are not as effective for removing fat as industrial ones. Therefore, it makes sense to use them when the fat layer has not yet eaten tightly.

So, getting rid of fat with folk remedies most often occurs with the help of:

  • soda;
  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice or citric acid.

Baking soda and mustard are great for cleaning kitchen furniture, stoves, and sinks. They are gentle yet effective. The powder should be diluted with a small amount of water to make a thick slurry. Then apply to oily spots and act according to the above scheme. If the abrasive properties of these substances are required, then we proceed as follows: pour a little powder onto a slightly damp sponge, wash what is needed. For wooden furniture, a gruel of soda with vegetable oil is used. Vegetable oil dissolves fat, and soda neutralizes it.

Before washing something with vinegar or alcohol, you should test it on a small, inconspicuous area, because these substances are not suitable for all materials. Vinegar for cleaning should, of course, not be concentrated. The maximum is six percent. If you are afraid of doing harm, you can take vodka instead of alcohol.

To clean kitchen furniture from grease with salt, it (salt, not furniture) should be ground in a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting fine powder with water or - for greater efficiency - with lemon juice until a mushy state. Well, then, as usual - apply, three, rinse. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice alone, after diluting it with water in a one-to-one ratio. Citric acid is also diluted. Either its solution is used - a more gentle option. Either a slurry is prepared from it, then applied to a greasy coating.

Excellent detergent and disinfectant properties of laundry soap. In fact, it is an industrial tool, but in fact it is harmless, like a folk one. Its foam can wash any objects from any dirt.

Household chemicals

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease with improvised means is understandable. If cleaning in the kitchen has not been carried out for more than one week (alas, this happens), or someone has been in charge there without a hostess and soiled everything, something more serious than soda or vinegar will be required. It is good that there is "chemistry" for all types of pollution and materials.

Before using any drug, you must carefully study the instructions. After all, a tool that is suitable, say, for tiles, can harm wooden or plastic surfaces.

Furniture in the kitchen is best cleaned with gels, liquids and sprays. Abrasive powders act aggressively, they can scratch, especially a glossy surface. The table below is a mini overview of the most popular drugs.

Name Advantages Flaws Fits Doesn't fit
shumanit Removes old fat, soot, soot When applying, carefully protect the skin, eyes and respiratory organs. Cookers, ovens, tiles Painted, aluminium, wooden surfaces, plastic
Silit Bang Economical, easy to use, does not leave streaks The sprayer does not always work as it should, the solution is too liquid Chrome-plated, ceramic surfaces, plastic and glass Natural wood surfaces
Mister Muscle Cleans all types of dirt, disinfects Does not always work against old fat, can leave streaks Any non-glossy kitchen surfaces glossy, polished, lacquered

The innovation of the last few years among the means with which it is easy to wipe off any dirt at home, including stubborn fat, is a melamine sponge. It works on the principle of an eraser: that is, I simply cut off a piece from it and rub off everything I need with a corner. The sponge wears off and disappears. However, it is not yet fully known how toxic this miracle remedy is. Precautions include using it with gloves, with a window open, and away from children and animals.

Silit Bang

Mister Muscle


More and more popular are devices that can remove any dirt on kitchen furniture. We are talking about steam generators. This is a device into which water is poured, if necessary with drugs. Then it produces steam, with a jet of which we easily and simply clean the entire kitchen. The secret is that with ordinary wet cleaning, you can use hot water, which also cools quickly, but not boiling water. The temperature of the steam produced by the generator reaches 150 degrees Celsius, which allows you to remove even the most old fat, dirt, fungus and mold.

In addition to fighting grease, the steam cleaner:

  • has the ability to clean without chemicals;
  • disinfects;
  • destroys unpleasant odors;
  • does not cause allergies.

The cleansing process is quick and easy. When using a steam cleaner, you need to be careful not to burn yourself, because the temperature is very high. Remove children and pets from the room. Do not hit the jet of steam on houseplants.

The nuances of cleaning taking into account the surface

Understanding what and how to remove grease from kitchen furniture, the most important thing is to determine exactly what the item you are working with is made of. You can wash with abrasive products (powders) gas stoves, ovens, rough plastic panels. You can not use them on glossy, enamel, polished coatings, as scratches may appear.

MDF facades cannot be treated with "harsh chemistry" containing chlorine. But this chemistry is suitable for cleaning tiles, plumbing and removing blockages. How to clean unfinished wood furniture? The safest thing is to wash with soapy water. After that, carefully wash off the soapy traces and wipe it dry. Any products on such furniture should be used with caution, since natural wood, like a sponge, absorbs everything into its pores. Therefore, it is better to test a small amount of the product on a small inconspicuous area. In general, in order not to make a mistake and not cause harm when using a new remedy, you need to carefully study its contraindications and test it on a small part.

Rules for the care of a polished surface

Most grease removers, both industrial and folk, are suitable for matte surfaces. How do you clean polished furniture? Better to keep it from getting dirty. To do this, it must be wiped daily with a soft cloth using a special cleaning and polishing wax. It is important not to clean with ordinary water - this will lead to the appearance of streaks and a specific plaque.

Any housewife tries to keep the kitchen set clean, as a result of which she carries out regular cleaning. However, there is not always the strength and time to wash the wall apron or countertop from greasy deposits, which accumulate in a very short time. After a certain time, the neoplasms turn into persistent greasy spots that cannot be washed off with dishwashing liquid or running water. At this point, the first difficulties begin, since hygiene needs to be carried out, and there are not so many effective methods of removal. Let's consider each and them in order.

Baking soda and sea salt

A positive characteristic of this method is its versatility. The abrasive composition can be used on almost any surface with the exception of lacquered panels. An excellent result is achieved by processing aprons and a kitchen set made of wood, tiles.

Before proceeding with the direct use of the mixture on a wide area, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen set. Wait a quarter of an hour, then evaluate the result. If the abrasive particles have not damaged the panel, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

  1. Put on thick rubber gloves, take a kitchen sponge and soak it in hot water. Walk over the surfaces of the headset, softening the fat.
  2. Take 100 gr. sea ​​salt without dyes and fragrances, place in a coffee grinder, grind. If there is no coffee grinder, crush the composition into powder with a hammer. Mix salt with 100 gr. baking soda, dilute the dry mixture with filtered water. In the end, you should end up with a thick mass that can easily process both horizontal and vertical panels.
  3. Scoop a generous amount onto the rough side of a sponge or use an old toothbrush. Treat the places contaminated with grease, carefully rubbing the mixture into the surface. Wait about 15-20 minutes.
  4. At the end of the term, take a sponge, soak it in water and wipe the panels again. After that, rinse completely with cold water, evaluate the result. If necessary, repeat the previous manipulations several times.


To prepare a cleansing mixture, you will need 100 gr. chopped edible salt and half a grapefruit. Pass the citrus through a meat grinder or blender, mix with salt. As in the case of soda, the composition should be thick, otherwise adjust it by adding salt or, conversely, water.

Scoop a large amount of the product on the toothbrush, rub the places with greasy stains. Glue cling film on top, wait half an hour. At the end of the period, wash off the composition. If the result does not please you, repeat the procedure.

Salt does not always effectively remove old fat stains, in most cases it is necessary to repeat the manipulations 4 or even 5 times. If the kitchen is equipped with a light set, we recommend adding a teaspoon of peroxide to the saline solution. This combination will speed up the cleansing several times.

mustard powder

Mustard has been used in everyday life since ancient times; it is used to clean not only the kitchen set, but also interior items in the bathroom. Also, the product is used to wash dishes and remove complex contaminants from the surfaces of household appliances.

To properly use mustard powder, mix 50-60 gr. product with cool water, you should get a thick mixture. Now cut the lemon into 2 parts, wipe the grease stains with it, wait 5 minutes, wipe again.

Repeat steps 5-7 times, only after that use mustard. Scoop some of the mixture onto a wet kitchen sponge, scrub the panels well. Leave to soak for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. If you don't like the effect, repeat the steps.

Citric acid and alcohol

The product has not only cleaning properties, but also perfectly disinfects the surface. To prepare the mixture, take 3-4 sachets of citric acid, dilute with cold water. Do not wait for the complete dissolution of the granules. Scoop the composition onto a sponge, apply to the kitchen set, wait 10 minutes. Rinse the sponge, soak it in medical alcohol or vodka, remove excess product. For best results, dilute vodka/alcohol with vinegar in a ratio of 3:1.


It makes no sense to talk about which manufacturer to give preference to. Choose a composition according to financial capabilities. Below are practical recommendations for the selection and use of household chemicals.

  1. It is important to understand that powder products involve processing with abrasive particles, due to which it severely damages the varnish surface. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at drugs that are available in the form of an aerosol, gel or spray.
  2. To remove fat, it is not necessary to pick up a hard metal sponge. Household chemicals will dissolve pollution if you wait a certain period of time (indicated on the back of the bottle).
  3. The oven, electric / gas stove, extractor hood and other metal surfaces will require special efforts from you. One soaking is not enough, you will have to repeat the manipulations at least 3-4 times.
  4. If you don't have a hood, which causes all the fat to rise and settle on the upper cabinets, soak them using polyethylene. Apply the product, glue the cling film and fix it with electrical tape. Wait a while, clean the surface with a sponge.
  5. When choosing a drug, carefully read the label, most manufacturers indicate for which type of surface this or that product is suitable. Do not thoughtlessly cover the headset with unfamiliar means. To begin with, do a test on a small area of ​​​​the countertop / cabinet, then proceed with processing.

table vinegar

The main disadvantage of using a table vinegar solution (6%) as a cleanser is considered to be low efficiency. If grease stains appeared a long time ago, and you pulled with their removal, it will not work to clean the headset in a short time. You will have to repeat the procedure daily several times for 3 days.

Fold gauze or bandage in 8-10 layers, put cotton between the rows. Moisten the compress in vinegar solution (not to be confused with vinegar essence), rub the contaminated area. If the coverage allows, use a hard sponge. In case of low efficiency, add a small amount of thick dishwashing liquid to the vinegar.


As a means to clean the kitchen from grease, use laundry or tar soap of maximum concentration. To properly use the product, take a double-sided kitchen sponge (foam rubber and abrasive coating), lather the hard part and walk over the surface. Wait 20-30 minutes, rub the headset again. At the end of the second step, rinse off the excess with water and polish with a soft cloth.

It is necessary to deal with grease stains on the panels of the kitchen set immediately after they appear. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to achieve results in 1 session. To get started, try folk remedies, if the result is low, take a closer look at household chemicals.

Video: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture

Old fat left on various surfaces of the kitchen is the number 1 problem for hundreds of housewives. That is why they are constantly looking for effective ways to get rid of ugly yellowish stains on household appliances, kitchen apron and furniture. Many women cope with the problem with various folk remedies. Which one is the best? What is the easiest way to wash old drops of fat? Soda, vinegar, soap and other available products are suitable for removing them.

Getting rid of fatty plaque can be quite difficult. High employment, a fast pace of life do not allow even the most accurate and clean housewives to notice the presence of ugly spots in a timely manner and remove them. However, it is quite possible to effectively deal with old fat. Cleaning kitchen surfaces with folk remedies is quite productive. Such methods are effective and more economical when compared with the use of familiar household chemicals.

If the hostess refuses to use industrial formulations to tidy up the kitchen, then safe folk recipes based on:

  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • citric acid;
  • soaps;
  • clay;
  • essential oils;
  • mustard powder.

However, when deciding to use such compounds, it is very important to work only in a ventilated room. This will avoid feeling unwell, strong odors and dizziness in the process of using unusual means. It is also recommended to protect the skin of the hands with rubber gloves. They will help to avoid burns and injuries.

All folk methods act individually, but, like chemical solutions, they require basic safety rules and the correct concentration of components. This rule is aimed at maintaining the integrity of the cleaned surfaces.

Using Vinegar

Vinegar is one of the most common anti-drip agents in the kitchen. This is a universal composition that allows you to return "to life" plastic, ceramic and wooden surfaces.

Advice. Vinegar can also be used to remove lime deposits on metal parts.

To remove greasy drops, it is recommended to make a special solution. For 0.5 cups of vinegar, you need to use an identical amount of vodka. The second component can be replaced with medical alcohol without compromising efficiency. A few drops of eucalyptus ether and ½ small spoon of orange essential oil are added to this mixture. The resulting composition is poured into a container with a sprayer.

Before processing the problem area, the composition is shaken, after which it can be applied to pollution. The mixture is recommended to be left for about 30 minutes, and then it is washed off with a damp sponge or cloth.

By the way, vinegar works great with clay. Such a tool allows you to remove old greasy stains on tiled surfaces and dishes. It is very important to wipe them dry after processing.

Attention! In this recipe, you can not use clay, which contains small pebbles and grains of sand. Such a tool will only scratch the surface.

Baking soda, soap and mustard powder

An unsurpassed "assistant" of clean housewives in the kitchen is baking soda. This product works great on grease. It is especially productive in restoring the original purity of ceramics and glass. It is recommended to clean dishes with it. Baking soda is great for removing old stains and giving surfaces an attractive sheen. After such processing, they will delight with their ideal purity: vases, glasses, glasses, crystal salad bowls.

Also, soda powder perfectly restores the appearance of household appliances, the body of which is made of plastic.

The combination of baking soda and soap is really effective. Such a composition easily dissolves old fat from household appliances, dishes and furniture. To obtain an effective remedy, you need to grate the soap and pour a small amount of water. When the product dissolves, they are saturated with a sponge, on top of which you need to pour a little soda powder. All surfaces are treated with the resulting composition and left for a quarter of an hour. Then the agent is washed off with warm water.

Advice. The recipe is not suitable for cleaning varnish and glossy surfaces. They may have scratches.

Mustard is also an excellent grease remover, which can be removed from the sink, stove, kitchen furniture and refrigerator. However, the product is not suitable for wood surfaces.

Folk remedies are excellent helpers in the fight against chronic fat spots. There are many really effective recipes that are in no way inferior to household chemicals.

How to wash fat in the kitchen - video

How to wash old fat - photo