Garage roof with corrugated floor slabs. How to cover the roof of the garage? How to cover the roof of the garage with roofing material? Multi-pitched roof view


When the walls of the garage are erected, it is necessary to make a roof on the building. Regarding how to cover the roof in the garage correctly so that it is reliable and has a long service life without repair, the answer can be found both in the specialized literature and on numerous sites on the Internet. Please read the information before proceeding with preparatory stage to the construction works for the construction of a building in which the car will be protected from external influences that are unfavorable to it.

Types of roofs for garages

You can solve the problem of how to cover the roof of the garage after choosing the type of roof, which, depending on the preferences of the owner of the vehicle, can be:

After deciding how to block the garage, they begin to implement the project. Depending on the choice of the type of roof, they begin to erect a certain truss structure.

Materials for covering the garage roof

Covering product range garage roofs so varied that it is difficult to make a choice. The most popular, according to experts, are corrugated board and slate (asbestos-cement or onduline). The reason for their popularity is considered to be relatively low cost, ease of installation technology, and, therefore, there is no need for the developer to have experience and special skills in performing such construction work. True, minimal knowledge and a desire to build a roof on a garage are still required.

No less famous than slate and corrugated board, garage roof covering material such as ceramic tiles, looks more attractive, but its price is much higher.

Different types of coatings for garages have the following characteristics:

Creating a truss structure

After choosing the type of roof and deciding how to roof the garage, proceed to the construction work. First of all, it is necessary to build a truss structure - this will require wooden bars or boards without knots.

The thickness of the blanks is selected taking into account the following parameters:

  • the distance to be observed between the legs of the rafters;
  • roof weight;
  • length of rafter legs.

Before installing the rafters, it is required to lay a Mauerlat, consisting of special beams, which are laid on the load-bearing garage walls along the perimeter of the building. The rafters are attached to these beams, inserting them into pre-prepared nests with the help of spikes.

Then the extreme rafter legs are mounted, and after them the intermediate elements, be sure to align them.

In order to avoid demolition of the roof with a strong gust of wind, the rafters are nailed to the walls, but first they are attached using wire ropes to crutches built into the wall.

Care must be taken that the well-dried wood used does not have knots, otherwise damage to the floor may occur. After creating the rafter system and the battens, they begin laying the roofing material.

Garage roof made of ruberoid

Used as a filler the following materials:

  • fibrous - for example, asbestos;
  • pulverized - ground limestone, slag dust, sawdust, etc.;
  • combined - representing a mixture of pulverized and fibrous products.

Before applying the coating for the roof of the garage, the surface of the lathing is thoroughly cleaned and primed using drying oil with a dye. All cracks and crevices on it close up. First, the primer is applied across the wood fibers, and then along them. Pre-bitumen for application is heated. When the primer dries, mastic is applied to the crate and roofing material is placed on it (read also: ""). The next layer of rolled material is laid so that it slightly overlaps the first, and the third at the edges is larger than the second.

Over the entire length of the roofing installation, the roofing material is overlapped so that it extends beyond the roof ridge by about 15 centimeters. The formation of bubbles should not be allowed, therefore, in the process it is most carefully smoothed out.

Garage roof made of asbestos-cement slate

How to cover the roof of the garage, look at the video:

  • the size of the overlap with a slope of less than 14 degrees must be at least 20 centimeters;
  • when the slope is 15-30 degrees, an overlap of 15 to 20 centimeters is required;
  • if the slope of the garage roof exceeds 30 degrees, the horizontal overlap cannot be less than 10 centimeters and more than 15 centimeters;
  • in the event that the slope is less than 14 degrees, overlaps, both vertical and horizontal, are sealed using silicone sealant.

The size of the crate is chosen in full accordance with the height of the corrugation of the corrugated board of the material used and the angle of inclination of the roof slope. Sheets of this roofing product are attached to wooden elements roof structure into the lower part of the wave, using special self-tapping screws with a sharp drill and a neoprene gasket. The skate is not fixed in its upper part with large self-tapping screws.

When the slope level is not more than 15 degrees, a continuous crate with an overlap of two waves is required. If the slope exceeds this parameter, then the crate step should be in the range from 35 to 50 centimeters.

According to experts, it is allowed to use any materials for the roof of the garage, the main thing is to correctly perform the truss structure and be sure to waterproof the roof.

The excellent quality of the garage roof is the key to successful and reliable storage of a car in it. It is she who protects the vehicle from precipitation, wind and influence sun rays.

How to cover the roof of the garage? A question that many motorists ask themselves. Much depends on the design of the building, the time of its service, the financial capabilities of the developer. The main criterion when choosing a roofing material is its quality. Don't skimp on it. Inexpensive material has a quality corresponding to the price and will only speed up the subsequent repair of the roof.

Despite the abundance of various roofing materials, all of them are not without their pros and cons, regardless of price. When choosing, choose best option roofs. The garage is a non-residential premises, so you should not purchase expensive materials that provide its noise isolation.


Garage structures include gable, single-pitched and flat roofs. On adjacent buildings, flat or shed roofs. On apart standing garages gable roofing, they can be equipped with an attic for storing tools.

Roofing materials

Asking himself the question of what is the best way to cover the roof of the garage, the developer must know that it is not only protection against precipitation.

When choosing a material for a roof, you need to pay attention to its cost, durability, ease of installation.

When purchasing expensive material, the developer must be sure that he can cover the roof of the garage with his own hands. To work with some materials, you need to have professional skills and knowledge, as well as a special tool.

A detached or attached garage on a personal plot must be covered with the same roofing material as the adjacent building. The better to cover the roof of the garage is not an idle question, the safety of the vehicle and the cost of work largely depend on its decision.

Inexpensive roofing materials - slate, profiled sheet, roofing material - can be used House master. For their installation, it is enough to have a hammer, a hacksaw and other simple tools that should be in any home.

Having chosen the roofing material that you like and suits all the criteria, you can proceed to cover the roof of the garage.


How to cover the garage roof with roofing material - the most popular and available material with excellent waterproofing properties? It withstands low and high temperatures, exposure to sunlight and precipitation.

The roofing felt consists of roofing paper treated with special bitumen, which is covered with a refractory alloy on top. The material is characterized by a long service life and reliability. It is also easy to maintain and install.

Making mastic

Before covering the roof of the garage with roofing material, it is necessary to prepare mastic from bitumen. She is hot and cold.

Cold is prepared from kerosene, bitumen and asbestos, which is used as a filler. A container of suitable volume is filled with a mixture of 2/3 and heated over moderate heat. In the process of boiling it is necessary to carefully remove the foam. After cooling, the mastic is ready.

To prepare hot mastic, you will need a thin-walled container with a lid, it will protect the mixture from impurities. Bitumen is prepared within 1-3 hours and is consumed only hot.

Garage roof preparation

Before laying any roofing material, the surface of the garage roof must be carefully prepared. All dust and dirt is removed, all irregularities are removed.

Roofing material laying

When asked what to cover concrete roof garage, many experienced motorists and garage owners answer - roofing material. This is a simple and inexpensive way.

Before starting work, you need to prepare right amount materials. It is especially necessary to ensure that the surface of the roofing material is not overheated, otherwise it will lose its qualities.

The laying of roofing material begins with the lubrication of the roof surface with mastic. Then the bitumen is heated by a gas burner, after which the first layer of roofing material is laid on it. It must be well pressed to the surface of the roof. This is done with a special roller. Experienced Builders it is recommended to carry out work on laying roofing material at positive temperatures.

Cost calculation

How much does it cost to cover the roof of a garage - this question interests everyone who has ever built it. Approximate cost equals quantity financial resources spent on the purchase of all materials.

A simple counting example. The roof surface of the garage is 13 m². The roofing material is laid in two layers, which means that it will need 26 m². It is recommended to take material with a small margin. Two rolls of 15 meters are purchased, its average price is 250 rubles. 2 x 250 = 500 rubles were spent on roofing material. When buying ready-made mastic, 20 liters costs 450 rubles, you must expect that it takes 2 liters per 1 m². For an area of ​​30 m² you will need 60 liters, that is, three packs ready mix. It will cost 3 x 450 = 1350 rubles. If the roof is covered with one's own hands, then these are all expenses, if not, the cost of paying hired workers must be added.

Bikrost - soft roofing material

To the question of how to cover the roof of a garage with a slight slope, there is an adequate answer - bikrost. This soft roofing material is worth paying attention to, it combines a low price and excellent quality.

Bikrost is a layer of fiberglass coated on both sides with a bitumen compound. This makes the material universal for any type of roofing. It protects the roof well from moisture, it is used for laying on a new roof, as well as for repairing an old roofing surface.

Bicrost laying

How to cover the roof of the garage with bikrost so that it meets all the requirements for it? It should be noted that this material is laid on top of a concrete screed, on which the installation of thermal and waterproofing has been completed.

According to the accepted technology, bikrost on new roofs is laid in two layers, and these layers should have different technical characteristics.

Varieties of bikrost

To understand how to cover the roof of a garage with bicrost, you need to have an idea of ​​​​the various types of bicrost and choose the one that is most suitable for this particular roof.

Bikrost HPP is made of a canvas made of fiberglass coated with a layer of bitumen. To protect it, a film is applied on both sides, which protects it from sticking foreign particles. This type of material acts as the bottom layer when laying roofs.

Bikrost HKP has a difference from the type of HPP: on its upper layer applied granulate, which plays a protective role. This view is great for arranging the top layer. The slate or granulate serves to protect the bituminous layer from exposure to sunlight.

Bikrost TKP has more improved parameters compared to HKP. It consists of frame fiberglass. The top protective layer is similar to HKP and is made of slate and granulate, and the other is made of film. TKP is suitable for laying on any roofs.

Bikrost TPP serves as the initial layer of the welded roof, and the top layer is made of HKP or TKP.

The answer of many people to the question of what is better to cover the garage is this: bicrost is an excellent material for arranging a welded roof. The only note: do not use the same types for the top and bottom layers.

Stages of laying a bicrost

The material is laid on a carefully prepared surface. concrete screed cleaned of dirt and dust. Humidity of the surface to be coated should not exceed 4%. When repairing a garage roof, you need to remove all the old coating.

Before laying the bicrost, the roof surface is primed with a primer having special compound. It is made from bitumen and gasoline in a ratio of 1/3. The primer is applied to the surface with brushes or brushes. The primer must dry completely.

After that, the final stage begins - laying bikrost. Work begins from the bottom of the roof, the rolls are rolled across. The overlap at the ends, which should not form a common butt line, must be at least 15 cm.

Material Handling

So, let's cover the roof of the garage with a bikrost. This is done in the following way. First, the desired piece of material is measured, cut off and twisted to the middle from both edges. It is subjected to heating with a gas burner, while the roll should be untwisted towards itself, pressing with a roller. Then repeat the operation from the other side. It is not recommended to walk on a newly laid roof, as the waterproofing layer of the bicrost can be damaged.

When working with a roller, it is necessary to ensure that bitumen streaks that appear at the junction do not form folds. To prevent this, it is recommended to roll pieces of bicrost from the center to the edges. At the junction, two layers of material should be glued. By the same principle, the top layer of the roof is laid.

Roof made of corrugated board

The safest roof is reinforced concrete covered with welded roofing material. The most beautiful is a gable of metal tiles. The lightest and most inexpensive is a roof covered with corrugated board. What material to cover the roof of the garage, the owner himself decides, based on several factors: the size of the garage, its location, the design of the roof.

The professional flooring represents the pro-thinned-out sheets on which the layer of special polymer is applied. This roofing material has a number of distinctive characteristics that significantly distinguish it from others:

  • It has a small weight, which makes it easier to truss the roof system.
  • Galvanization and polymer coating greatly increase the operational life of the material, make the corrugated board invulnerable to aggressive environmental influences.
  • Material is released various colors, this allows the developer to choose the right tone.

Installation of a roof from a professional flooring differs in simplicity. Any home craftsman will make it with his own hands, having initial building skills and simple tools. Work can be done at any time of the year.

How to cover the roof of the garage with corrugated board and what is needed for this, we will tell further. The installation of the material is carried out on a wooden crate, which must be mounted on the garage roof before starting work. The design of the crate is selected depending on the slope of the roof and the height of the corrugation.

Decking is fixed to wooden crate roofing screws at the bottom of the sheet. On the sloping roof installation is carried out from the top, on a flat one - from left to right.

Like many materials, corrugated board has its own small minus. During installation, additional parts will be required, with the help of which the joints and sides are finished. When performing work, it will be necessary to adjust the parts to each other. When deciding how to cover the roof of the garage, the developer should keep this in mind.

Fiberglass garage roof

This material is in great demand by garage developers, they are attracted by its water-repellent properties, strength, and long service life. A big plus that increases its popularity is the ability to use it as the main roof. The cost of glass isol is relatively low, so its use significantly reduces the cost of building a roof. This is an important fact for many Russians.

Consider step by step how to cover the roof of the garage with glass insulation. The material is used for laying flat roofs having a solid base.

The first thing to do is to remove debris, dirt and dust from the roof.

Secondly, the surface is checked for defects. If they are, then they are removed or repaired with bitumen, putty and other similar materials.

Thirdly, after the removal of defects, a primer is applied, if there are difficulties with its acquisition, then the primer can be made from ordinary bitumen. It just needs to be diluted with gasoline. Then the roof is covered with a primer coat with a roller.

The material is laid on the roof of the garage in several ways.

mechanical laying

The most popular and affordable method, but experienced roofers warn that it does not guarantee absolute reliability. On a cleaned base with an overlap of at least 15 cm, rolls of glass isol are rolled out. This option is good for a roof that has a slope that promotes water runoff.

Installation of glass insulation begins from the lower edge of the roof. After finishing work, the seams are best treated with resin or mastic.

Laying glass insulation with a burner

Heating the lower layer of glass isol with a gas burner, it is simultaneously laid on the base of the roof. The heated bitumen and the lower surface are firmly bonded to each other.

Work should be done in pairs. One worker warms up the stekloizol, and the other presses it to the surface of the roof base.

The next piece of glass isol is laid on the rolled out previous piece with an overlap of 10 cm, they are firmly fastened together.

Laying with mastic

Mastic is applied to the roof, glass insulation is laid and crimped with a heavy roller. Absence gas burner simplifies this method and makes it less dangerous. The fact is that glass isol is a flammable material. When carrying out work on fire hazardous objects, it should be laid using mastic or mechanically.


How to cover the roof of the garage, it is written in this article. Which method is better to use, what kind of material is more suitable for a particular garage, the developer himself will decide. The article will help him understand all the intricacies of the choice of roofing material and the methods of its installation.

For many men, the garage is their second home. Here they can relax, do what they love. It is important that in such a building it is comfortable. After all, often the acquired buildings are not in the best condition. In addition, if you are going to leave the car in the garage in the future, then high humidity will have a negative impact on the state of transport. The car will fail in a short period of time, which means you will spend money on repairs.

Today on the market you can find a lot of roofing materials with which you can cover the roof of the garage. You need to give your preference to the worthwhile option.

In this article

Material for work

Before you think about how to cover the roof of the garage, you should decide on the main roofing material. Among great variety, there are several basic materials that are actively used in our time. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. They need to be carefully studied, weighed all the pros and cons and accepted optimal solution. Many are interested in how much it costs to cover the roof of the garage. It is the choice of material (or rather its cost) that directly affects the budget of the developer.


This material has been used for a long time. He has proven himself to be good. He is easy to work with and he has affordable price. Roofing material is used as an independent roofing material, and as an additional, acting as a waterproofing. When choosing a roofing material, you should pay attention to its surface. It should not have cracks, and its thickness in different parts should be the same. In addition, a conscientious manufacturer necessarily gives a guarantee for their products.

Metal tile and corrugated board

Metal tile and corrugated board are metal materials. At the final stage of the roof construction, the use of these materials is ideal. The metal is thin, light, covered with special polymers. Installation of corrugated board and metal tiles is easy, takes a minimum of time. Duration of operation from 20 years, fastening occurs with the help of self-tapping screws. This is a durable and reliable material.

Bituminous tiles, slate

Bituminous tiles and slate are especially popular. They are relatively durable. Temperature drops for slate are not terrible, but in summer time it softens, respectively, the strength is significantly reduced. But on this material the fungus does not multiply.

Bituminous tiles are fastened to the crate by gluing. Unfortunately, the duration of operation of such material is lower than that of the above.

Study in more detail the properties of each roofing material, and then you will know exactly how to cover the roof of the garage. Remember, this directly affects the duration of the operation of the structure as a whole.

Remember, before proceeding with the construction of the roof, you should prepare a building project. At least schematically. So you will think everything through, and do not miss anything. For example, placement special pipes, which are designed to remove precipitation, you need to think in advance.

Ondulin or slate for garage roofing

For many people, originally from the USSR, the answer to the question: “what is the best way to cover the roof” is known. Of course it's slate. This material is still popular today. Its modern counterpart is ondulin. How to cover the roof with this material?

We prepare the base, that is, we build a high-quality crate. For ondulin we use a board 1.5 cm thick with a step of 35-50 cm, for slate - a board 2.5 cm, a step - 20-30 cm.

Lay waterproofing (often it is roofing material), glued in overlaps with bitumen.

Stack sheets from bottom to top. It is best to carry out the installation in a checkerboard pattern. Fastening takes place with galvanized nails with gaskets in the upper wave. Install the skate.

Covering the roof of the garage with metal

In fact, metal tile and corrugated board have a lot in common. Most often, corrugated board is used to build a garage roof. Therefore, we will consider how to properly cover the roof of the garage with our own hands from corrugated board.

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the required amount of material. To do this, you need to know the angle of inclination of the roof, and its area. There are online calculators that will help you calculate the correct amount. required material. Experts advise to buy metal with a margin. Prepare tools for work, fasteners in advance.

Remember that a high-quality profiled sheet is characterized by increased strength and rigidity. In such a sheet there are both transverse and longitudinal stiffeners. Any person who has little experience in the construction industry can carry out the installation of corrugated board. You need to know how to properly lay sheets and secure them. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts.

Remember that the installation of a metal profile with your own hands provides for an overlap. On roofs with an angle of more than 30 degrees, the horizontal overlap should be 14 cm. If the angle of inclination is less than 30 but more than 15 degrees, the overlap should be 20 cm. A smaller slope angle implies an overlap of more than 20 cm.

In addition, if the angle of inclination is less than 14 degrees, all joints (vertical and horizontal) must be sealed to prevent the roof from leaking during operation. For this, sealants are used, the basis of which is silicone.

Before laying roofing material, it is necessary to take care of high-quality hydro and thermal insulation. In this case, you need to leave a small gap, so the air will circulate, and the material will “breathe”. If this is not foreseen, then soon there will be increased humidity in the room and a fungus.

The fastening of the profiled sheet is carried out in the direction from the bottom up. For fastening, it is better to use special self-tapping screws with a pointed end. Be sure to use neoprene gaskets that seal the mounting hole.

Skate fasteners are best done with long self-tapping screws. Remember that you must definitely leave gaps near the ridge for air circulation.

Roofing material for roofing

You can cover the roof with roofing material yourself. First of all, you need to make sure that the material is of high quality. Secondly, the base of the roof must be even. If these two conditions are met, then the installation of roofing material will be easy and fast.

Ruberoid - great option for the construction of flat roofs. Special attention should be given to the construction of quality solid crate. It is better to use a crate with a three-layer coating, which is excellent for the composition of the filler and heated bitumen. In this case, a special homogeneous mastic is obtained.

Before overlapping, the crate must be thoroughly cleaned of debris, dirt and dust, primed and covered with drying oil. After that, a thick layer of mastic is applied, on top of which roofing material is laid. Remember that overlaps should be more than 20 cm.


Each of these materials is good. You must choose your option that suits you perfectly. It is up to you how much roofing from a profiled sheet is better than ondulin one. remember, that quality roof- a guarantee of long-term operation of the entire structure.

Construction modern garages not without the use of overlays. The structural element takes on a significant load and prevents the destruction of the roof. At the stage of constructing the roof slab in the garage, it is necessary to choose the appropriate variety and observe the nuances of installation.

Floor slabs are horizontal structures that act as a partition between the upper floor of the building and the roof. The structure is used as a stiffening diaphragm, as it provides the stability of the building and perceives the load.

Types of floors

There are several types of floors that differ in material, manufacturing method, dimensions and other technical properties. When choosing, individual preferences must be taken into account, design features garage, financial possibilities and the planned load indicator.


Despite the abundance of modern building materials, classic asbestos-cement slate does not lose its relevance. The material is appreciated due to the following advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • the possibility of installation without the use of specialized equipment;
  • high rate of resistance to static load;
  • resistance to negative impact;
  • ease of processing.

Slate is suitable for the use of standard single-pitched and gable roofs, tent and hip four-pitched roofs. The only drawback of the material is the large mass.

Metal tile, corrugated board

Materials such as metal tiles and corrugated board are suitable for use as a floor and at the same time serve as a roof covering. The main advantage of materials is decorative appearance. Color variety allows you to choose suitable option to suit any requirement.

The use of profiled sheets and metal tiles does not require additional reinforcement of the erected truss system, foundation, etc. building structures. In addition, the materials have an optimal ratio of cost and durability. Given that correct installation the roof will last without the need for replacement for several decades.

bituminous tiles

The bituminous variety of tiles is made in the form of soft plates, consisting of several layers with a total thickness of 3-5 mm. The basis of the tile is fiberglass treated with polymer- bituminous composition. outer side material is covered with stone chips, which performs a protective function and affects decorative characteristics. Inner side tiles are covered with a film and an adhesive layer.

Varieties of roof structures

It is allowed to build on the garage different kinds roofs. At the stage of development of project documentation, it is required to determine suitable material, the number of slopes and other requirements.

Sloped pitched roof

Shed roofs are distinguished by their unpretentious shape and simplicity of lines. The roof consists of one pitched plane formed by a truss structure. The edges of the rafter legs are strong supporting elements, therefore, this variety is among the inclined ones. Despite the simple device, pitched roofs are presented in different categories and types. The roof can be insulated, supplemented attic space etc.

Gable roof

Option gable roof is the most common. The design consists of two slopes inclined in different sides to the outer walls. The elements of the truss system rely on each other. Pairs of rafters are fastened with crates.

The gable roof contains a minimum number of joints, joints and ribs, which ensures quick and easy installation. The coating creates a uniform load on load-bearing elements structures and has a long service life.

mansard roof

The use of a mansard roof allows you to use the maximum possible area, give the building an original appearance and reduce heat loss through the roof. The attic located above the floor performs the function of an attic space. The construction of the attic does not require large financial expenses, since the construction will cost less than attaching an additional room to the garage in order to increase the space.

Roof with three and four slopes

A roof with a large number of slopes looks more compact compared to classic options. In spite of complex structure, to build this option for a small garage is not particularly difficult. A roof with three or four slopes can be complemented with various elements, including skylight and an attic.

How to properly close the roof of the garage with your own hands?

The process of overlapping the garage roof with slabs is carried out in several stages. Including:

  1. On the bearing supporting elements is laid out concrete mix from 20 mm thick.
  2. The floor slab in a horizontal position rises to the required height.
  3. A suitable position of the plate is adjusted, after which it is fixed on the supports.

In order for the slab to be securely fixed in place, a minimum distance of 50 mm must be left to the wall on the long side. The width of the support on the short side must be greater than 150 mm. In the case of using several plates for a spacious room, a gap cannot be left between them.

Overlapping technology without the use of plates?

Modern construction suggests the possibility of overlapping without the use of standard plates. Alternatively, I-beams or wood beams can be used. Mounting various designs has its own nuances.

Roof installation with I-beams

An I-beam is a metal profile made of carbon steel. The H-shaped beam is fixed on supports, the role of which is played by columns and load-bearing walls. Docking of several I-beams is performed in one of the following ways:

  • welding of milled ends;
  • using flanges;
  • overlays with welded joints.

From a wooden beam

Using wooden beams as an overlap, it is necessary to prepare a reliable foundation for them. If there is no support, then the rafters must be organized on the intermediate wall according to the hanging principle. If there is a rafter support, it is allowed to place it on the beam without the use of additional structural elements. Wooden rafters can be fastened together and lifted to the roof in the finished state, or connected at the final location.

What material to choose as a finishing roofing

Choosing a garage roof finish depends on a number of factors. It is important to consider not only technical specifications, but also their own requirements for the appearance and installation of the roof. The most common options are:

  1. Ceramic tiles. The material is resistant to corrosion and temperature extremes, but has a high cost.
  2. Ondulin. The coating is valued for its practicality and long service life. The color variety of ondulin allows you to choose the option that suits your design.
  3. Decking. Sheets of metal are valued for ease of installation and availability polymer coating providing protection against climatic influences.
  4. Ruberoid. Roll material often used for arranging a flat variety of roof. The coating is very cheap and durable, but has an unaesthetic appearance.
  5. Polycarbonate. The material is suitable for arranging the roof on open garages. Polycarbonate is easy to bend, resistant to damage and has a long service life.

Is it necessary to waterproof the roof?

The need for additional waterproofing of the garage depends on the type of roofing chosen. If the material does not fully protect the room from penetrating moisture, it is recommended to lay an additional waterproofing layer on top of the ceiling. The presence of waterproofing is determined at the stage of preparing project documentation and drawing up visual drawings.

Owners Vehicle interested in safe and comfortable conditions car storage. An important role in this is given to the roof structure. Problematic situations with the roof adversely affect the thermal insulation of the garage space, its waterproofing protection, and also increase the likelihood of intruders gaining access. The variety of roofing materials on offer confuses the owners of garage premises and makes you think about how to cover the roof of the garage in order to get a decent result at a minimal cost.

Choosing how to cover the roof of the garage

Specialized stores offer a variety of building materials for roofing activities. They allow you to provide reliable protection garage space from the negative impact of natural factors.

The materials are divided into the following groups:

  • rolled materials - roofing felt, linokrom, uniflex, bikrost and others;
  • metal sheets of profile section - corrugated board, metal tile, galvanization;
  • roofing building materials on an asbestos-cement basis - slate, euroslate;
  • special bitumen-based coatings - ondulin and others;
  • solid and hollow concrete panels reinforced with steel reinforcement bars.
When the walls of the garage are erected, it is necessary to make a roof on the building

Each type of roofing material has its own advantages. Buyers are attracted by high performance characteristics, affordable prices, and easy self-fulfillment installation work.

It is important to decide what is better to close the roof of the garage, taking into account the following factors:

  • reliability of building materials;
  • durability of roofing;
  • acquisition and transportation costs;
  • specifics of the installation work;
  • maintainability of roofing material;
  • the possibility of self-assembly;
  • load on truss system roofs.

It is important to pay attention to harmonious combination floors of a garage with roofing material of a nearby building. It is easy to equip a detached garage building with an economy class ceiling. Consider the characteristics of popular building materials used for roofing events.

Covering the garage with slate

wavy or flat slate- a traditional roofing material made on the basis of asbestos cement. It has a number of advantages:

The most demanded asbestos-cement products
  • long period of operation;
  • ease of machining;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • increased hardness;
  • susceptibility to the effects of local loads;
  • reduced moisture absorption.

Developers are attracted by the opportunity self-laying, availability, and reasonable price. One of the advantages of the material is the absence of rain noise in the garage, unlike the metal profile.

Along with the advantages, slate also has weaknesses:

  • increased weight of sheets, creating difficulties when lifting material;
  • high probability of damage as a result of impact;
  • reduced resistance to significant temperature fluctuations.

Despite the shortcomings, slate is preferred, as proven in various conditions exploitation of the material.

Decking and metal tile for garage flooring

The specified roofing materials are made of corrugated steel sheets coated with protective layer zinc.

Profiled sheets and metal tiles are a modern roofing material with a set of advantages:

Their advantage lies in increased strength, long service life, low weight, easy installation.
  • increased strength;
  • long service life;
  • ease of self-installation;
  • wide color palette;
  • increased margin of rigidity.

Roof profile sheets allow to ensure the tightness of the overlapped space. Blocking the garage is easy on your own, using self-tapping screws. They cut special holes in the metal when screwing, through which the access of moisture to the room is limited due to rubber seals. Profile sheets hide the unevenness of the overlapped surface well. However, the material is susceptible to corrosion in places with damaged paintwork.

Bitumen tiles

Some garage owners prefer shingles. It is a multilayer material based on fiberglass impregnated with a bitumen composition. On the outside bituminous base coated with basalt chips or mineral granulate different colors. The bottom side is treated with a self-adhesive compound on a polymer-bitumen basis. As a result of the heating caused by the influence of sunlight, the tiled petals stick together into a common coating.

Compared to other roofing building materials, bitumen-based tiles have a number of advantages:

Her styling is easy
  • unpretentiousness in operation;
  • ease of installation and repair;
  • soundproofing properties;
  • increased water resistance;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • reliability and durability;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations.

An important advantage is the small mass of tiles, as well as the possibility of using them on roofs. complex shape. Main disadvantages:

  • the need to equip a continuous crate;
  • the possibility of laying the material only on a moisture-resistant plate;
  • increased cost and fire hazard.

Overlapping the garage with tiles allows not only to reliably protect the building from moisture, but also to give it an original look.

Varieties of roof structures

When deciding how to cover the roof in the garage, the design features of the roof structure should be taken into account. Consider the types of roofs and the floor materials recommended for each option.

Shed - the most cheap way block the building

Roof with one slope

Shed roof with a slight slope - budget solution The structure is different:

  • simplicity of construction;
  • economy;
  • ease of repair.

As a roofing material is used:

  • metal profile;
  • ruberoid;
  • galvanized.

Double pitched roof

The design features of the gable version with a roof slope of more than 18 degrees allow the use of most roofing building materials:

  • asbestos-cement slate;
  • metal tiles;
  • professional sheet and galvanization;
  • ondulin.

Gable - this option allows you to reasonably organize the free space available above the main room

The use of a smooth metal profile capable of absorbing the mass of snow cover will ensure independent snow melting. Rigid corrugated board with an increased margin of safety - the best solution for cold climatic zones. It is important to securely insulate the roof so that condensation does not drip onto the car and the floor during the cold season. Overlapping the garage is easy to insulate with modern materials with your own hands.

Mansard roof

The roof structure of the mansard type allows you to rationally use the space and place a rest room or workshop above the garage.

It is advisable to use as a material:

  • metal tile;
  • profiled sheet;
  • ondulin.

It is undesirable to use heavy slate or thick metal, which create significant forces on the rafters.

Multi-pitched roof view

A garage with three or four roof slopes is not common. However, if you want to give an original look to the garage building, you should choose a multi-pitched roof structure. It is preferable to use metal tiles to cover the garage, which allows you to reduce costs and reliably protect the room from precipitation.

Mansard - a similar type of roof for a garage is one of the most expensive projects

General garage roof covering technology

For most types of roofing materials, the algorithm for installing a garage floor should provide for the following work:

  1. Roof truss construction.
  2. Laying waterproofing material.
  3. Roof fixing.
  4. Installation of a heat insulator.
  5. Fastening the vapor barrier.
  6. Performing interior decoration.

For collective buildings, the floor is often made of concrete. Concrete roofing is durable and protected from precipitation with bitumen or roofing material. The concrete slab is monolithic or formed from individual reinforced concrete slabs.

At the final stage, you should take care of connecting the electricity. It is not necessary to invite for laying wires under the cover of an electrician. Wiring is easy to install on your own, subject to safety requirements and knowledge of the basics of electricity.

The choice of building material for roofing - the main requirements

When deciding on the material for overlapping, pay attention to its characteristics:

The range of products for covering garage roofs is so diverse that it can be difficult to make a choice.
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • appearance;
  • mass;
  • price.

When deciding on the purchase of material for the garage floor, consult with professional builders or consult with a sales assistant in a store.

How to cover the roof of the garage with euroroofing material?

Vehicle owners do not always know how to cover the garage roof with roofing material. Carry out the work, following the sequence of operations:

  1. Clean the surface of resin, oil and dirt.
  2. Remove the remnants of the previous coating.
  3. Apply hot bitumen to the prepared surface.
  4. Lay a rolled roofing material on the mastic with an overlap of 15-20 cm.
  5. Lay the second layer of roofing material on the bitumen.
  6. Remove air inclusions with a special roller.

When doing work, use blowtorch to melt the polymer layer. Check the slope for unhindered drainage of precipitation. If necessary, consult with professionals who will tell you how to close the garage roof with your own hands.

Ruberoid is a natural choice if you need to quickly and inexpensively cover the roof

Galvanized metal garage cover

Carry out the laying of galvanizing according to the following algorithm:

  1. Lay the vapor and waterproofing on the prepared base.
  2. Securely fix protective covering stapler.
  3. Install the 5x5 cm bars and fasten to the rafter beams with self-tapping screws.
  4. Nail the batten boards at 50-60 cm intervals.
  5. Attach profiled sheets to the base with self-tapping screws.

It remains to install the skate and fix the cornice strips.

The use of polycarbonate as a roofing material

For light garage or a garage shed will do cellular polycarbonate. The popularity of the material is due to its high performance characteristics:

  • light weight;
  • increased strength;
  • flexibility;
  • transparency;
  • durability.

It is not difficult to build a polycarbonate garage cover on your own. It is important to prepare a reliable basis for fastening the sheets and firmly fix the material.

AT last years polycarbonate is especially popular for roofing - a lightweight but durable material

Is it necessary to waterproof the roof?

Waterproofing protection is essential for all types of roofing. It performs the following functions:

  • prevents moisture from entering the room;
  • allows unhindered steam to escape from the garage.

As a waterproofing material, a membrane is used, made in the form of elastic sheets up to 3 millimeters thick.

Thinking to build capital garage or garage for screw piles, decide how to block the roof of the garage. Useful to learn how to do solid foundation do-it-yourself for the garage, as well as figure out how to make a floor in the garage. A well-made garage floor will reliably protect the room from moisture and dampness. In such a garage, it is worth allocating space for storing the grown crop. How to do it is described in the corresponding article.


If you are going to block the garage, be responsible for the choice of roofing material. Do not give preference to cheap building materials manufactured by unverified manufacturers. When doing work, follow the technology. In the absence of experience, use the services of professionals.