How to paint the floor on the balcony in the apartment. What and how to paint a wooden floor? Criteria for choosing varnish for different rooms

In order for the floors on the open balcony to look great not only immediately after the repair, but also after a certain time, it is important to choose the right technology and materials for covering them. The absence of glazing equates the operating conditions to street ones, so the options used for exterior finish, construction and repair of verandas and terraces. Modern technologies make it possible to create durable coatings that, even when exposed to external factors, will look stylish and elegant.

Materials: requirements and features of choice

In most cases, when planning to arrange floors on an open balcony with your own hands or with the help of professional builders, they choose materials that resistant to moisture, frost and temperature extremes. At the same time, less significant, but affecting the durability and appearance coverage factors. The coating on the balcony or loggia should not collapse or deform under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (this is especially important for structures that are not shaded by trees and located on the south side or from the east), as well as fade in the sun.

Surface preparation

Preparation method base surface before installing the finishing layer depends on the type of balcony and the selected coating. Various materials impose different requirements on the evenness of the base, its rigidity and other characteristics. For example, tile or porcelain tiles, decking must be laid on a leveled surface. You can paint the floor on an open balcony with your own hands without any preparation, but this option is unlikely to be aesthetically attractive and durable.

The best option as a base can serve as a concrete screed. The solution is poured into the formwork, which is mounted with outside parties balcony. Should be considered bearing capacity balcony, for which the screed will be an additional load.

If the fences of the structure are not solid (forged gratings, welded openwork railings, panel boards with gaps from the floor, etc.), it is better to make the base with a slope in the direction from balcony door. Even with a small angle that is not visually noticeable, water will not linger on the plane.

To protect the floors on the loggia from the effects of water, they are also used waterproofing materials(roofing material, polymer films, etc.).


Many experts, when answering the question of how best to equip the floor on an open balcony, leave the choice of coverage to the discretion of the owner, but unanimously recommend installing concrete screed. It will provide the necessary evenness of the surface and its stability (the floors will not sag or deform when they are stepped on). The dry mixture is prepared from M400 cement and sand (the ratio of components is 1: 3). Two liters of water are taken per 10 kg of the resulting composition, after which the solution is brought to a homogeneous consistency with a mixer, perforator or drill with a nozzle designed for this purpose.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. dismantled old coupler and coverage (if any),
  2. Formwork is installed.
  3. Debris and dust are removed from the surface (it is also important to ensure that there is no moisture, to dry the floor if necessary).
  4. The surface is coated with primer special composition(for example, "Concrete Contact") to increase adhesion and better fix the solution.
  5. To prevent the appearance of cracks in concrete at the stage of curing, a large-mesh fiberglass mesh is laid.
  6. The mortar is laid out and leveled with or without a slope using a rule, trowel or spatula. If leveling of the plane is provided for, for these purposes it is necessary to install beacons.
  7. The resulting coating is covered with burlap, which contributes to the uniformity of drying.

Tip: Please note that a screed thickness of more than 3 cm is undesirable. If a greater height is required to level the floor or raise its level, it is recommended to use expanded clay as an additional layer under the concrete screed.

Porcelain stoneware

How to make a floor on an open balcony so that it lasts a long time, does not deteriorate when exposed to external factors and maintains an excellent appearance? Use porcelain stoneware, which is strong and durable. In many ways, these qualities are due to the absence of pores on the surface, into which moisture can get and freeze, destroying the structure.

It is better to choose porcelain stoneware tiles with a non-slip coating and a strength class corresponding to the operating conditions (2-3 if you go out on the balcony in slippers, 4-5 if you walk on the coating in boots and shoes with heels and metal heels).

The choice of color and texture is practically unlimited. Porcelain stoneware can have any shade, imitate natural stone or other materials - wood, leather, etc.


The tile looks great and is practical to use. Its disadvantage (like porcelain stoneware) is often called the fact that such floors on an open balcony turn out to be cold, it is unpleasant to step on them without slippers. However, on outdoor balcony they don't always go out barefoot.

When choosing a tile, its frost resistance is taken into account, giving preference to those varieties that are intended for exterior decoration. Strength characteristics, weight (so as not to increase the load on the support beyond the allowable one) and the presence of a non-slip coating are also important.

  • Consider the nuances of tiling the balcony floor:
  • To make the laying even, use special crosses for seams.
  • The finished look of the coating will give a seam grout.
  • Laying starts from the corner.

self-leveling floor

If you are trying to determine how to cover the floor on an open balcony, consider bulk coating. The self-leveling floor is durable and has an impeccable appearance, but in order for it to really possess these qualities, it is important to comply with certain requirements:

  • Self-leveling floor can only be arranged on a screed.
  • The screed must be well dried (at least a day).
  • The surface of the screed is primed several times before applying the self-leveling floor solution.
  • Layer thickness - 2 mm or more.
In the photo there is a self-leveling floor on an open loggia

After pouring the solution, it is “passed” with a special roller with needles. This allows you to get rid of voids and promotes uniform distribution and compaction of the stack.

More detailed instructions on the use of building mixtures of this type is always indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. It is necessary to strictly follow all its points. A mandatory requirement for the production and drying of the self-leveling floor is a temperature above zero and a low level of humidity.

Terrace board

Is it possible to arrange wooden floor on a balcony, open space, exposed to temperature changes and high humidity from precipitation? Boards without special processing under such conditions, they may warp or crack after a while. The way out can be a more expensive, but ideally suited for this purpose terrace board (decking). It is made by heat treatment of wood. hard rock or according to a special technology in which the qualities of wood are improved with the help of polymers (composite boards).

Terrace boards are much lighter than tiles or porcelain stoneware, which is their undeniable advantage. Such a floor on an open balcony in wooden house, for example, is ideally written in the general image of the structure. Although it should be noted that the pleasure is not cheap.

Floor painting

Floor painting is the cheapest, but least durable option. Most likely, such a coating will have to be updated in 1-2 years. The situation can be improved if:

  • Do not paint the base concrete slab, but first make a leveling screed.
  • At the stage of curing the screed, make ironing by covering the surface with dry cement with a brush. The process resembles painting and contributes to achieving maximum evenness and strength of the surface.
  • Use frost-resistant paints for outdoor work.

For painting the floor on a balcony or loggia, polyurethane paint can be recommended. Polymerstone-1. If there are no requirements for color, then you can use wear-resistant polyurethane varnish Tistrom. Both compositions are one-component, light and easy to apply.

Works on painting the balcony floors should be carried out at a temperature of the surface of the base and ambient air of at least +5°C.

Polyurethane paint Polymerstone-1 can be used to repair the floors of balconies and loggias. Paint can be used to paint concrete, metal and wooden balcony structures, balcony slabs and fences. As a result of application, a strong and durable coating with increased resistance to abrasion is formed.

polyurethane paint you can safely paint the open floors of the balcony. Operating temperature of the coating is from -50°С to +100°С.

Balcony floors - on site website.

Detailed information you can find out about floor coverings on the balcony (balcony floors, floor painting, balcony and loggia repairs) on the pages of our website.

Painting walls and ceilings of balconies and loggias is the most budget option finishes that do not require special skills, special tool and expensive materials. Usually, exterior painting of a balcony does not require high quality work, so almost everyone can paint the walls or ceiling with their own hands.

Rice. 1 Painting the walls on the balcony with your own hands

Coloring lends itself to all, without exception, surfaces from any finishing materials, main task is the solution to the question - how to paint the balcony.

The paint used for finishing the balcony must meet the following requirements:

  • The balcony, although located with outer side buildings, is a room where people are quite often, and in the case of glazing and insulation, it becomes a full-fledged part of the living space. Therefore, the materials used must be environmentally friendly and not harmful to human health.
  • An uninsulated balcony and a room with cold glazing are exposed to negative environmental factors - high and low temperatures, high humidity, and direct ultraviolet radiation. The paint must withstand the influence of adverse factors - do not fade in the sun, wash off with water, crack or crumble.
  • An important characteristic of paints is vapor permeability - they must pass air well and prevent moisture from accumulating in the walls - this leads to dampness and mold.

When deciding what color to paint the balcony walls, they choose such a paint so that the color of the walls most closely matches the facade (too dark color can cause criticism from architectural services).

Rice. 2 View of a black painted balcony

The main types of paints for exterior wall decoration

There are about a dozen types of dyes for exterior finish facades, in everyday life the following types are mainly used:


Leader in use in construction, paints on water based are environmentally friendly and harmless, therefore they are recommended for interior decoration of any type of residential premises. They are easy to apply, dilute and wash off with water, are odorless and dry within hours. Resistant to abrasion, UV radiation, have good vapor permeability, through tinting you can get a wide range colors. On average, the consumption of paint for a two-layer coating is 500 g per square meter, the painted surface does not lose quality for more than 10 years.

Rice. 3 Table of use of paints for exterior wall decoration


They form a waterproof film on the surface due to the latex in the composition, and therefore they have low vapor permeability, dry quickly, can mask minor defects in the walls (cracks and small pits are well painted over), and are less resistant to ultraviolet radiation.


They create a durable water-repellent vapor-permeable coating (walls can self-clean when it rains), have good elasticity and hiding power, which allows you to paint over significant defects. Paints have high resistance to abrasion and high temperatures, excellent adhesion, antibacterial additives in the composition prevent the formation of mold. They have the longest service life (about 20 years), dry for a long time and have bad smell, the consumption per layer is 200 g per 1 sq. m.

Fig 4. Acrylic paints - basic parameters


The basis is liquid glass, they provide high-strength adhesion to the mineral-based surface to be painted due to the formation of a stable chemical compound(they are very difficult to remove). The material passes moisture well, is resistant to ultraviolet, aggressive chemicals, temperature differences, drying time - 24 hours.

Alkyd paints

Obtained by mixing synthetic resins and a dye in a solvent (white spirit), they have high hydrophobic properties, a dense film, wear and impact resistance, are not affected by household chemicals. Alkyd materials are not very suitable for painting walls, they have a pungent odor and are washed off by solvents, they dry faster than oil ones.

Rice. 5 latex paint parameters

Water emulsion

Harmless water-based paints are now morally obsolete due to high abrasion and poor resistance to low temperatures; as a budget option, you can cover the ceilings of insulated balconies and loggias with a water-based emulsion.

Painting of various types of surfaces of balconies

The usual material for unfinished balcony walls is concrete in panel houses, brick in masonry or plaster. Later, homeowners finish the walls on the balcony with wood, plastic or metal coated, use drywall, wallpaper, ceramics, natural or artificial stone.

Painting plasterboard materials

Drywall installation technology includes sealing the joints of sheets and pits after fastening with self-tapping screws. Then the sheet is completely covered with putty and rubbed with abrasive materials until a smooth and even surface is obtained. You will have to paint a puttied and primed sheet, for these purposes it is better to use water-based dyes, the best choice of which is acrylic or water-based paint.

Rice. 6 Alkyd paints - properties

When deciding how to paint a balcony, they choose between a spray gun, a brush and a roller. The first method provides high quality staining, but leads to high consumption coloring materials- it is mainly used for high-quality interior decoration by specialists and requires good skills. Applying paint with a roller is an average quality method and almost everyone can do it, it was possible to use a brush before the invention of the roller - the process of painting is laborious, takes a lot of time, the resulting surface is of poor quality.

Usually the coloring is done in two or more layers, the last layer is applied in the direction of the light.

Painting of concrete, brick, cement plaster

Cover concrete or brick wall on the balcony is better with paint for facade works, choose from: acrylic, silicone, silicate, latex.

Finishing the balcony for painting includes cleaning the surface, treating areas with mold with alkaline solutions, and priming.

Rice. 7 Dyes for wood

Concrete and brick materials have a high degree of roughness, and brickwork deep seams are located - in this case, for painting it is better to choose brushes that can penetrate into deep pores.

Painting of wooden surfaces

Chipboard or fiberboard, a wooden floor or lining is painted after surface preparation, standard material for the primer is drying oil or oxol. More modern way– application alkyd primer GF-021 on penafal varnish (GF-021 has low absorbency, therefore it is not designed for processing porous materials).

processing advantage wooden materials before painting is to reduce the consumption of expensive paint - porous wood absorbs it well, and drying oil creates a protective film when dried.

coloring wooden surfaces you can use any color of the dye or clear varnish, the most efficient are paints and varnishes based on alkyd, a budget option is to use obsolete oil dyes with a long drying time. It is better to apply the paint with a mohair roller or brush for a rough porous surface.

Profile sheet - materials for painting

Rice. 8 Paints for metal

Usually, a profile sheet with traces of corrosion is painted after a long service life (10 - 15 years) - this is easier and cheaper than dismantling the old coating from the inside and installing a new one. Traces of corrosion are removed with sandpaper, rust converters can be used.

The industry produces acrylic primers for metal with a rust converter. After their application, the surface is painted with water-based acrylic paint, the method is better suited for finishing a galvanized balcony profile.

Ordinary machined metal is painted with alkyd, polyester or epoxy-polyester materials, which perfectly tolerate high and low temperatures, high humidity.

Coloring plastic

Quite often, plastic in the outer and interior decoration siding or panels fade in the sun or decompose over time, losing its appearance. It can be painted with special paint for plastic products PVC sold in cans (Maraplan, Raduga-180, Gamma, luminous Akmilight).

Rice. 9 Paint for plastic sheathing

When deciding what paint to paint the balcony inside, you should give preference harmless materials water-based (acrylic, water-based), the type of paint chosen must be suitable for the material to be painted. Painting a balcony or loggia with your own hands does not present any particular difficulties; when carrying out work, you should be guided by the basic rule - apply paint in at least 2 layers, finishing layer should be parallel to the light beam.

During almost all painting work use a roller, the structure of its surface must correspond to the material being processed - fine-mesh foam rubber or rubber for smooth plastic or metal surfaces, a mohair or fur coat for porous wood boards, concrete and brick materials.

The wagon is very popular. It is used for finishing the facades of structures for various purposes, as well as interior spaces. Balconies and loggias are often trimmed with this material. However, it should be noted that this natural material requires special care. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider how to process and how to paint the lining on the balcony.

This is natural finishing material made from wood. The lining of the lining, especially on the balcony, requires protection from aggressive influences. external environment. For example, it can be fungi, ultraviolet, high humidity and more.

One of the options for protective measures is painting. It also performs a decorative function. Depending on the design tasks set, painting will help highlight the natural texture of wood or, conversely, hide and fit the decoration of the walls and floor of the balcony into general interior apartments.

Lining on the balcony is usually processed using the following means:

  • moisture protective compositions;
  • different types antiseptics: transparent and translucent, film-forming and impregnating;
  • paints: dispersion and oil;
  • all kinds of varnishes.

Each of them performs its function, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important that before you paint the lining on the balcony, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features of the coatings, their physical characteristics and assess the feasibility of their use.

Antiseptic treatment is mandatory for lining, which is used for balcony cladding. As a rule, such processing is carried out before the installation of the trim, and the panels are processed on both sides. Let's see how you can paint the balcony lining from the lining.


If you decide to apply varnish to the lining, then it is important to know that the resulting coating may differ in its chemical and physical characteristics. Defining in this issue is the basis of the composition.

  • Water. The main advantage of such compounds is their safety. Ecologically clean materials, which are used in production, provide the coating with hypoallergenicity, the almost complete absence of a characteristic odor and other advantages.

Among the minuses, certain restrictions on their use can be noted, which are associated with the fact that the scuba coating is not sufficiently resistant to direct exposure to an aggressive external environment, therefore it is recommended to use varnishes of this type only for painting inner lining from this material glazed balcony or loggia.

  • Alkyd. In contrast to the previous version, this varnish can be used in almost any room and in any climatic conditions, since after painting the lining, a water-repellent film forms on it. This is especially valuable for areas with high levels of humidity. It is also worth noting that thanks to the film, the level of impact resistance of the coating increases.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the sharp smell of varnish and an excessively long drying period.

  • Acrylic. Provide sheathing good protection from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation and moisture. They do not contain harmful volatile components, that is, they are absolutely safe. Acrylic varnishes low cost and a wide range of colors. Before use, the product must be diluted with ethereal alcohol or water until the desired consistency is obtained. The composition is applied in two layers: the first is protective, and the second is necessary to obtain the desired shade of finish. You can use it both outside and inside the balcony. The varnish coat dries quickly.
  • Polyurethane. It is intended exclusively for external painting of lining. It concentrates important advantages of varnishes on other bases: moisture and frost resistance, effective protection against UV radiation, fast drying, long service life.

However, as noted above, polyurethane varnish is only suitable for exterior cladding, given its toxicity and specific odor.

For reference!

While doing finishing works use protective equipment, for example, a respirator, and in the absence of such, a tight gauze bandage.

Criteria for choosing varnish for different rooms

Lacquer for wooden panels must match the following parameters:

However, choosing a varnish for different rooms, their features should be taken into account:

  • The best option when finishing the inner lining of the lining - scuba gear, since they do not pose any danger to people or animals. True, they are absolutely not suitable for rooms where the level of moisture is high, such as a bathroom or kitchen. The decoration on the balcony is covered with a double layer of scuba lacquer: the first one functions as an antiseptic, the second layer is decorative.
  • Painting lining in country house primarily plays a protective role. First of all, it protects the coating from direct sunlight and exposure to ultraviolet light. Most suitable option for these conditions, acrylic varnish is considered.
  • When processing wall cladding in a bath, compounds are used that are able to withstand extreme temperatures. Synthetic options are not suitable for solving these problems, since in "bath" conditions they will release toxic harmful substances. For such cases, paints and varnishes are more suitable, the main component of which are natural oils. They will maintain the natural balance of the room.

Useful little things

  • It is preferable to eliminate minor defects before varnishing using home-made putty from a mixture of sawdust, which remain after cutting the lining panels, with PVA glue. After the glue dries, the putty will not differ in color from the color of the walls.
  • As already noted, tinted varnishes are used to emphasize the texture of wood, which makes the pattern of the lining more expressive. As an alternative to these varnishes, the panels can be pretreated with stain.
  • When painting the lining in two layers, the panels with the already dried first layer of paint or varnish must be sanded. If this is not done, the skin will be rough to the touch, since when the wood is moistened, a fine pile rises on its surface.
  • When choosing a varnish, give preference to compositions containing the so-called UV barrier, since with direct contact with direct sun rays wood in these areas darkens.


Lining paint is used in special occasions. Under such a coating, you can hide the defects of the lining or its texture, if the design requires it.

  • Oil. Suitable for lining lining Oil paint any brand. It is perfectly absorbed into the lining structure, provides strong protection against moisture, as well as ultraviolet radiation, and allows the tree to “breathe”. The skin after such processing becomes more resistant to various aggressive influences, does not crack.

Oil paint can be applied to the interior as well as outer skin from the wagon. And yet, it is not without flaws: firstly, it dries slowly - the process lasts at least 7 hours and can even drag on for several days until it completely stops sticking, and secondly, the dark-colored paint on the skin burns out over time.

  • Water based. This is an excellent protection of wood from moisture and ultraviolet rays. Scuba coating retains color saturation and shine much longer, and it dries much faster.

  • Thickened alkyd. Paints of this type are produced on the basis of high-quality drying oil. The composition is diluted to the desired consistency, preferably using the same substance. When the lining is finished with this paint, a frost-resistant film forms on its surface. She is not threatened by any deformation or cracking. Thanks to the film, sheathing on long years retains its original appearance. Therefore, this method is especially recommended for those regions where a cold climate prevails.
  • Front. These compositions are characterized by good elasticity, high level of moisture resistance. They are durable, easy to apply, able to mask flaws on the surface of the tree. Such paint will do and for painting lining with an old coating or a layer of dust that is difficult to clean. The only drawback of facade paints is strongly not big choice shades.

For reference!

If it is necessary to preserve the texture and color of wood, it is recommended to use transparent or slightly tinted varnishes. The paint will not only completely hide the texture of the wood, but also completely change the color of the walls to any desired.


  • The easiest way to protect wood is stain impregnation. For its budget cost, it is quite effective. After high-quality impregnation, the wood will successfully resist the processes of decay, mold and fungus. True, the color scheme of the stain does not differ in particular variety. For outdoor processing use a special stain, which contains additives that prevent fading of the paint.

  • Wax-based coating compounds are more suitable for areas with increased level humidity. After use, a moisture-resistant, heat-protective film that is resistant to ultraviolet is formed on the surface of the wood. The resulting coating has good heat and frost resistance. In addition, it gives the surface a shine. Depending on the composition, it can be either soft matte or glossy. it great option protection of lining from lining on the balconies of houses located in regions with difficult climatic conditions, for example, with constant fluctuations in temperature or humidity.

For reference!

The lining will retain its natural shade if it is treated with colorless fire-retardant compounds.

The sequence of painting lining

This process takes place in several stages:

  • preparatory, which involves cleaning the surface of dirt, like old dyes, and grinding;
  • treatment with antiseptics or a primer that is similar in color to the main dye;
  • direct application of paints and varnishes.

Preparatory work

First of all, the strips are cleaned of dirt and remnants of the previous coating.

  • Contaminants are cleaned using improvised materials such as a coarse brush, sandpaper or pumice.
  • old paint and varnish is removed in several ways:
  • chemical - with the help of specialized means;
  • mechanical, which is resorted to in the case of a too thick or very old layer of paintwork;
  • thermal, which involves preheating this layer.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of possible cracks and chips on the surface of the lining. These areas, as well as places of potential formation of defects, are carefully treated with sandpaper.

Working with antiseptics

Considering high level humidity on the balcony, you can expect the appearance of fungus. Therefore, wood panels must certainly be treated with an antiseptic:

  • translucent glazing compositions that do not overlap the texture of the wood;
  • opaque coating compositions that cover the texture;
  • in the case of an unglazed balcony, it is also necessary to apply a water-repellent layer;
  • it is desirable to additionally treat the tree with a fire retardant;

For reference!

Antiseptic solutions not only prevent the occurrence of fungus and mold. They are able to serve as a decorating layer themselves.

  • The resulting layer must dry, after which it is polished.

Application of paint material

Lacquer (paint) is applied with a roller or brush. In some cases, a spray gun is also used. Apply the compositions along the plank in a thin layer, making long continuous movements. How more difficult conditions operation of the lining, the large quantity layers must be applied (at least three).

  • Before applying the dye to the previous, well-dried layer, its surface is treated with zero sandpaper so that the dye lies evenly and smudges do not form.
  • Last layer applied from top to bottom so that unwanted bubbles and streaks do not form on the surface.
  • Work is recommended to be carried out on warm days with normal humidity. In this case, the paint (varnish) will dry evenly.


Working with chemical compounds need to be especially careful. The work is carried out, observing the precautionary measures: they put on tight gloves, and protect their eyes with glasses, they ventilate the room.

Before you start repairing the loggia, you need to find out how to cover the floor on the balcony better.

Balcony - a place actively exploited in household. Most people want the chosen material for flooring on the balcony to meet the following requirements: durability, reliability, beautiful appearance.

When choosing a floor finish for a given hinged structure experts recommend taking into account the fact that a large temperature drop and humidity index regularly occur on the loggia.

Factors influencing the choice of material for the improvement of the floor

The finish flooring for the balcony is selected taking into account both aesthetic and practical considerations. So, for example, the contamination of this structure has a direct impact on the hygiene of the entire apartment. Especially if the floor is laid on an open balcony. In this case, the issue of choosing a finish for an open loggia plays a decisive role in the cleanliness of housing. The selected material for the improvement of the floor must withstand both winter frosts and spring warming. Future flooring loggias should not be deformed from excessive moisture.

Use weatherproof paints marked "1". They are suitable for outdoor use. Applicable in rooms with low or high temperature conditions.

by the most simple method facilitating wet cleaning of the floor - painting the finish coat weatherproof paint. However, it should be noted that on balconies, especially open ones, a wooden floor device is rarely laid. It is not advisable to paint the cement surface with paint, since in a couple of years such a coating will again need to be painted. This can be done in one day. However, such a coating does not have a presentable appearance, although it performs its functions with dignity. To paint the floor you will need:

  • capacity;
  • paint (depending on the parameters of the balcony);
  • brush or roller;
  • thinner or drying oil (depending on the recommendations of the paint manufacturer);
  • gloves (if necessary).

Linoleum - an economical option for a glazed balcony

Linoleum flooring has enjoyed considerable success due to its durability and relative strength. Modern linoleum is beautiful, muffles steps, is easy to use, and has sufficient thermal insulation.

Some households believe that it is better to make the floor on the balcony with linoleum than with paint. After all, such a coating lends itself well to care. However, its big disadvantage is slipping when wet. In this regard, the specialists of the construction company recommend glazing the loggia. Compared to paint, linoleum is easy to maintain. However, even the most quality material of this type does not withstand temperature extremes and severe frosts. Due to water getting under the linoleum, it begins to rot. As for the installation of such a finishing floor, linoleum is easy and quick to install. Unlike floor painting, linoleum requires base preparation. To do this, you will need to take the following steps: level the base, prime it and allow time to dry. After that, you can begin to carry out a new screed and priming work.

Linoleum is attached to a clean and dry surface, usually in one piece, if the configuration of the balcony or loggia allows it. After flooring, in 10-15 days the linoleum will completely straighten out.

Next, you will need to spread the linoleum and give it time to stretch. Experts recommend laying plywood before installing linoleum. It will allow the finishing flooring to “breathe” and not absorb moisture. For such a floor, the following tools will be required:

  • roller;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • level and metal ruler;
  • large scissors;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • putty knife;
  • vinyl adhesive tape;
  • dry floor screed.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles, which is better?

Ceramic tiles are great way make an open balcony a terrace. But in this case, you will need to purchase ceramic tiles with a rough surface and high frost resistance. At the same time, the adhesive for this material and the grout for the joints should also have similar properties. Experts know how to lay ceramic tiles construction companies. Do this work harder than laying linoleum or painting the floor.

Ceramic tiles are well tolerated by various weathering, does not tear or bend like linoleum. Such floors with confidence can be called reliable and durable, if you approach this issue correctly.

This will require the following inventory:

  • tile cutter,
  • building level,
  • mixer and drill,
  • glue container,
  • putty knife,
  • grinder with a dry cutter,
  • crowns with diamond coating,
  • rubber spatula for grouting,
  • crosses.

It is better to lay tiles on the floor of the loggia along a stretched thread. In this case, you will need to indent one row from the edge. It is better to buy crosses for tiles taking into account its size. During the installation of the first tile, it is necessary to check that it is level in each diagonal, both across and along. Two next tiles stacked next to the stairs. They also need to be controlled with a level. When laying subsequent tiles, it is no longer necessary to carefully check their level. Porcelain tiles are great for landscaping an open loggia in areas with a harsh climate. This material has maximum density and lack of porous structure. It perfectly withstands frosts down to -50 °C and heat up to +50 °C. This coating has high strength and wear resistance.

The surface on which porcelain stoneware or tiles will be laid must be smooth, strong, without cracks and dirt, free from materials that reduce its adhesiveness.

Porcelain tile is laid in the same way as floor tiles. But, unlike painting, the base will need to be leveled. Next, glue is applied to the floor and tiles. It is necessary to choose it taking into account the purchased porcelain tiles. As for the inventory, for the improvement of the floor of the loggia from porcelain stoneware, you will need:

  • capacity,
  • drill and mixer,
  • spatulas,
  • tile cutter,
  • tape measure,
  • rubber hammer.

From the materials you will need to purchase porcelain stoneware, crosses, a primer for the base, grout for joints, tile adhesive, silicone sealant.

Decking and carpet - pros and cons

Decking is durable and lightweight material, which is made from solid wood species or wood-polymer composites. Precipitation and temperature fluctuations do not adversely affect the quality of the decking. It is easy to lay such a device, since the decking is presented in the form modular designs, which are fixed to each other in the same way as a constructor. You can lay such a floor on the logs. Unlike tiles, decking is a lightweight material.

Benefits of using decking (terracing board): light and quick installation, Smooth surface, easy care, large selection of colors, high-quality wood imitation various breeds, including valuable ones.

This will require the following tools:

  • level;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • trimming;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • screws, nails;
  • wedge.

According to experts, it is better to lay carpet on a glazed and insulated loggia. However, this device should only be laid on a flat surface. Tolerances should not exceed 4-5 mm. Otherwise, the base must be leveled, and the carpet must be kept on the balcony for three days.

Carpet is able to organically fit into any interior design. It provides a pleasant tactile sensation. it perfect solution in the case when the loggia is converted into a rest room or study.

To lay this material you will need the following inventory:

  • video clip;
  • tool for cutting skirting boards from carpet;
  • kicker;
  • iron for joining pieces of carpet;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • influenza;
  • glue.

There are other types of materials used to improve the floor on the loggia. To choose top coat better in each case individually.