Dvp semi-hard. The main characteristics and types of fiberboard boards. The use of fiberboard boards

Produced from vegetable raw materials, previously crushed and pressed under high pressure. For the construction market, this material is not new, but even with more modern innovations, fiberboard is also used stably and successfully.

Manufacturing process

Wood chips are often the raw material for fiberboard. It is obtained through waste production after sawmills. That is why the low cost of raw materials allows you to get the same inexpensive product at the output.

The production process for the manufacture of wood fiber panels is fully automated. At the initial stage, raw materials are heated with hot steam, then crushed. Grinding can be both coarse and fine format - respectively, defibrator and refiner.

The next step will be the introduction of a binder into the wood raw material, which can be paraffin and other resins. Paraffin is added to improve the moisture resistance of the board, and resins determine the strength of the board. As an additional component, antiseptic agents can be added to ensure the decontamination of the material.

Density will depend on the pressing temperature. An important role is also played by the uniform supply of raw materials and the final processing under the condition of air baths.

To improve the appearance of sheet material, several types of surface treatment are used - laminating (applying a decorative film), laminating (processing sheets with a special protective film), processing with paints and varnishes.


These panels have high-quality technical characteristics and, in combination with an affordable price, are of interest for the construction and repair process, as durable boards for interior decoration, for the furniture industry and as a heat-insulating material. Such a versatile use of fiberboard is determined by its types - soft, hard and superhard.

Each of the types of these panels characterizes the degree of density, which directly determines the direction of application of the material. Before buying, you must definitely study the product labeling, since fiberboard, which will be an excellent material for roof insulation, is categorically not suitable as flooring on a laminate floor.

Types of high density fiberboard and their application

On the packaging of fiberboards there are also characteristics that divide the material by brand:

  • "T" - unfinished surface (front);
  • "TS" - finely dispersed fibrous surface;
  • "T-P" - the front side is tinted;
  • "T-SP" - combines "TS and T-P";
  • "T-V" - the surface is not refined, the water resistance is increased.

There are other markings, among them there are those that, in turn, are divided into grades (І and ІІ) depending on the density, thickness and processing of the front surface.

Medium and low density

Fiberboard, which has an average density, is an excellent material for roofing, since its predominant characteristics are determined by high rates of heat and sound insulation.

With a low density, the material will be highly porous, which undoubtedly affects the strength, but such boards are always in demand, as they are good insulating boards.



One of the main qualities that are determined by the technical characteristics of fiberboard boards is bending strength. This parameter is indicated in kgf / cm 2. Panels are used as follows:

  • for insulation work - no more than 20 kgf / cm 2;
  • for finishing work - from 150 kgf / cm 2;
  • for production - from 500 kgf / cm 2.

moisture resistance

The second most important parameter that is taken into account when choosing fiberboard is hygroscopicity. This criterion characterizes the absorption of moisture by the material, being immersed in water for a day. The hardest types of fiberboard have such an indicator within 12%, while semi-hard ones - up to 40%. Compared to cheaper chipboard and more expensive MDF, wood fiber panel will be "in the middle". So chipboard absorbs moisture very quickly and immediately deforms. But MDF can be used both for outdoor work and for interior decoration of premises where humidity is high - pools, saunas, etc.

Thermal conductivity

No less significant is the thermal conductivity of the panels. This indicator is especially important when choosing soft varieties of wood-based materials of this type. In this case, the coefficient should not exceed the absolute value, which is measured by six hundredths of conventional units.

Myths about the dangers of fiberboard

Before choosing wood-based materials, the buyer always has a question about naturalness. The question is correct and deserves special attention.

First of all, raw materials. Wood chips, and less often waste after processing plants with a rough structure (corn, cotton) are a natural product, which means it does not harm human health.

With binders, everything is also simple. Myths about formaldehyde resins, which in large quantities have not been true for a long time. At the legislative level, a ban on their use has been issued for a long time. And if you purchase a product from a manufacturer or supplier that indicates all the marking data on the packaging, you are guaranteed to avoid counterfeiting.

Components that can be added as a binder for the manufacture of fiberboard panels:

  • paraffin - a substance from boundary hydrocarbons;
  • rosin - extracted from coniferous trees;
  • pectol - a raw material that is obtained from the processing of tall oils;
  • emulsion of synthetic resins of non-aggressive origin.

All of these components in no way emit harmful fumes in their original form. Therefore, the correct operation of fiberboard guarantees its long-term functional qualities.

Fibreboards (MDF) are intended for use in building and furniture structures protected from moisture, especially in residential low-rise buildings, for fencing and decoration, less often in art, for example, as a basis for oil paintings.

It can often be found as the back wall of cabinet furniture (wardrobes, cabinets, etc.) or the bottom (drawers, drawers for sofas and beds). It is also well suited for making speaker cabinets, as it is cheap to produce, has a uniform structure, and is easy to process. It is also used for the production of various containers, gift boxes, etc.

Composition and types of fibreboard

Medium density fiberboard (MDF; Medium Density Fibreboard) is a board material produced by dry pressing fine wood chips at high pressure and temperature. Carbamide resins modified with melamine are used as a binder. This ensures very low formaldehyde emission comparable to that of natural wood (formaldehyde emission class E1).

According to the type of board, wood-fiber boards are divided into fiberboards for general and special purposes.

Fiberboard for special purposes, in turn, is divided into:

  • bituminous;
  • biostable;
  • slow-burning;
  • slabs with a lined or painted surface - also called "hardboard".

Depending on the purpose, fiberboard is divided into: solid, semi-solid, super-hard. By appointment, fiberboard is divided into insulating finishing and insulating fiberboards.

Brands of solid boards depending on the strength and type of front surface:

  • T - solid slabs with an unfinished front surface;
  • T-T-P - solid slabs with a tinted front layer;
  • Т-С - solid slabs with a front layer of finely dispersed wood pulp;
  • T-SP - solid slabs with a tinted front layer of finely dispersed wood pulp;
  • ST - hard slabs of increased strength (superhard) with an unfinished front surface;
  • ST-S - hard boards of increased strength (superhard) with a front layer of finely dispersed wood pulp.

Solid slabs of grades T, T-S, T-P, T-SP, depending on the level of physical and mechanical indicators, are divided into quality groups: A and B.

Soft plates, depending on their density, are divided into M1, M2 and M3.


In the process of fiberboard production, special properties can be imparted: fire resistance, bioresistance, water resistance. Fiberboard is devoid of many disadvantages, in particular: it does not emit substances hazardous to health. In addition, the strength of MDF is 1.8-2 times higher than the strength of chipboard.

The density of the material is from 600 kg/m 3 to 1200 kg/m 3 .

Production process

Technological firewood and plywood production waste are crushed in chippers M PP8-50GN and MPN-50 into technological chips. Wood chips are sorted. It is washed and enters the steam boiler. After steaming, the chips are transported by a screw to the grinding plant, where they are ground into fiber, dried, mixed with additives and fed into the hopper of the forming machine. In the forming machine, a blanket is formed, which is fed by a conveyor to a roller press, where it is compacted. Then it is pre-cut and enters the calender press. Pressing is carried out between a steel strip and a calender at a temperature of 160-190 °C. Next, the fiberboard sheet goes to the format-cutting machine, where it is cut to the desired format.

Improved wood fiber boards (DVPO)

Improved wood fiber boards (DVPO) are boards based on wood fibers, manufactured and processed using a special technology. DVPO is distinguished by the presence of a decorative coating of several layers. As a rule, the compositions contain an acrylic base and are distinguished not only by their resistance to external influences, but also by a rich palette of shades.

First of all, manufacturers apply a primer layer to the surface of fiberboard. Next comes the turn of the finish coat.

It is worth noting that DVPO can imitate natural wood, for example, Milan walnut, maple. Light alder is in great demand.

Decors made using DVPO are in no way inferior to natural wood finishes, but at the same time they are much cheaper. In addition, you can purchase interior doors made from this material.

The varnish used by manufacturers to coat FBPO boards is very difficult to chip or scratch. Therefore, wood fiber boards are suitable for decorating children's rooms. We guarantee not only high quality, but also environmental friendliness of the plates.

DVPO has good insulating properties, manufacturers, in particular, advise using boards for room insulation. In some cases, the material is used to create internal partitions. DVPO, unlike natural wood, is not afraid of water. Glossy surface effectively repels water.

An article about the main characteristics and types of fiberboard boards, how to choose the right fiberboard sheets. What are the types and types of fiberboards. Recommendations when buying fiberboard.

Fiberboard, that is, fiberboard, is a fairly popular material widely used in construction and repair. Fiberboard, unlike chipboard, is produced by hot pressing wood fibers, which are made, in turn, from wood chips, wood and waste obtained from the wood processing process. Fibers are obtained by processing with hot steam and grinding wood raw materials. How to choose and buy correctly, as well as the main characteristics of fiberboard, read our article.

The use of fiberboard boards

Usually, high-quality fiberboard sheets are coated or impregnated with special compounds that make the material more durable and resistant to moisture. Fibreboards are popular primarily due to their properties, which compare favorably with those of wood. For example, it does not swell when directly exposed to moisture, without losing its shape. And laminated fiberboard, among other things, does not require additional surface treatment of the plate.
Another advantage of the material can also be attributed to its rather high density, which makes it possible to obtain strong fastenings with self-tapping screws and nails. In addition, the moderate prices and easy care of fibreboard make them the leaders in the sale of lumber.

Fiberboard boards have found wide application: in residential and industrial construction of buildings, in roofing - the material has good sound and heat insulating properties, for exterior and interior decoration of the house, in the manufacture of furniture, flooring and partitions, etc.

How to choose the right fiberboard

When choosing fiberboard, first of all, you need to pay attention to the labeling of the material, which determines fiberboard characteristics particular type of plate. Today, four main types of fiberboard are produced:

The density of this type of fiberboard is not more than 350 kg / m3, the thickness is up to 25 mm. Soft slabs are great for soundproofing because they have a fairly porous structure. Brands of products - M-1, M-2 and M-3.

Semi-hard boards. The density of such products is 850 kg/cu.m. or more, the plate thickness is up to 12 mm. Found the greatest application in furniture production.

solid slabs. The density of this material is from 800 to 1000 kg / m3 with a thickness of up to 6 mm. In turn, solid slabs are marked, dividing into four types: "T" - with a non-ennobled front surface; "Т-С" - the front surface is made of fine wood pulp; "T-P" - the front surface of the plate is covered with paint; "T-PS" - a surface layer of finely dispersed wood pulp, covered with paint.

Super hard plates. It is a durable, low porous material with a density of 950 kg/cu.m. This type of fiberboard is used in the manufacture of furniture, flooring, etc.

We buy fiberboards

It is necessary to purchase fibreboard only from large manufacturers who maintain strict quality control of their products. The content of harmful substances should not exceed the permissible limits. The dimensions of the product must be equal to those declared. In addition, foreign inclusions, paraffin stains, etc. are not allowed on the surface of the plates.

As a rule, manufacturers provide packaging with fiberboard boards with a label that contains complete information about manufacturers, applications and storage rules. Also, the brand of the product, the emission class, the date of manufacture should be indicated there. In addition, the packaging must have a technical control stamp. If the information is not complete or it does not exist at all, you should not buy such products, otherwise, in an attempt to save money, you will spend much more.

Any work requires knowledge of the material used. This is especially true if the process concerns the finishing and production of interior items. For such events, fiberboard is often used, which plays the role of rough and fine cladding or furniture parts, so it is important to take into account the features, types and scope of products.

At the mention of this abbreviation, associations most often arise with panels of small thickness used in everyday life, but for a correct understanding, decoding of fiberboard is necessary. This name is an abbreviation for the phrase "fibreboard".

This term refers to a large group of products based on wood raw materials, crushed to fibers, which are often presented as independent options. Their size can be different, which affects the parameters of the sheet - strength and density.

Fibreboards (MDF) differ from chipboards (chipboards) and oriented strands (OSBs) by the fraction of the material

Types and grades of material

Wood products are usually sorted according to the method of production and type of processing.

Classification by manufacturing method

There are two main technologies that allow you to obtain products with the desired performance.


With this method, two varieties are obtained:

  • Solid. Such material has a more common name - hardboard. The letter T is used for marking. Popular products:
    • with a front layer of wood finely dispersed mass - Т-С;
    • tinted - T-P;
    • combining the two previous options - T-SP;
    • T-S moisture resistant - T-SV;
    • superhard - ST.
  • Soft. Such parts have less strength, so they most often have a large thickness. They are also divided by density into M1, M2 and M3. The larger the number, the higher the score.

Materials made in this way are the most common. This is due to their availability and good properties.

It is impossible to speak with confidence about the advantage of wet or dry production methods, because the purpose and characteristics of the plates are very different.


This method differs significantly from the previous one. There are three categories of products by density:

  • low - LDF;
  • medium - MDF;
  • high - HDF.

All abbreviations stand for "fibreboard" with a distinctive parameter.

On a note! These materials are not reflected in regulatory documents, moreover, some of them refer to foreign standards.

Of the entire line of fiberboards, hardboard and MDF are considered the most famous, they are used both in interior decoration and in the manufacture of furniture.

decorative type

Fiberboard is also subdivided according to the type of coating:

There are also materials with low and high moisture resistance. Additional protection against water exposure depends on the additives used in the production, the most common is paraffin.

Perforated sheets are mainly used as a decorative mesh on furniture and various kinds of boxes, while the top layer can be laminated, laminated or painted.

Characteristics of fibreboard

The main parameters of fiberboard depend on the manufacturing technology and variety, so the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay vary significantly. Standard indicators:

  • Thermal conductivity. From 0.046 to 0.093.
  • Density. For soft products - from 200 to 400 kg / m 3, for hard and superhard - from 600 to 1100 kg / m 3.
  • Humidity. From 4 to 10%.
  • Dimensions. They can be different, the most common options are: 2140 * 1220, 2440 * 1220 and 2745 * 1700 mm, thickness - from 2 to 40 mm.
  • The weight. Depends on the dimensions, the minimum is 4.5 kg, the maximum is more than 100 kg for parts of the largest format.

The characteristics of wood fiber products largely depend on the level of density

Product advantages:

  1. Long service life. If the scope is defined correctly, then the operational period is at least 20 years. But this is only possible when finishing rooms that are not subject to constant impact.
  2. Additional heat and noise insulation. The sound absorption parameters depend on the density and thickness of the parts. The soft variety is well suited for studio sheathing. The reduction in heat loss also depends on the dimensions of the slab and the presence of a layer of mineral wool or other material.
  3. Moisture resistance. Only dense panels with additional protective treatment have this property.
  4. Decorative. A wide variety of coatings provides the possibility of creating individual solutions in the interior.


  • Low strength. This applies to products with low density or soft options. Although the structure is quite stable, point impacts can damage the coating.
  • Deformation. Prolonged exposure to moisture leads to swelling and delamination. Improper storage also has a detrimental effect: the panel bends, which creates internal stress during installation.

Therefore, when choosing a material, it is necessary to determine in advance the necessary properties for a particular situation.

MDF boards without decor are used for preliminary rough sheathing, and fine cladding is performed with decorative coated sheets.

Production technology

It is possible to manufacture fibreboard using different technologies, some stages of the process may vary. At the moment, the most common option in Russia is the "wet" method. The "dry" method is being introduced rather slowly, most of the products manufactured in this way come from abroad.

For production, wood raw materials are used from the remnants of the manufacture of sawn timber and second-rate coniferous or hardwood. This may be a crushed fraction of sawdust and wood chips, going for processing.

The technology for the production of fiberboards is relatively simple, but it is unrealistic to organize it in artisanal conditions.

The technology looks like this:

  1. The mass is subjected to repeated cleaning to remove dirt and impurities.
  2. The processed raw material goes through a pre-drying stage.
  3. The mixture is sent to multi-level grinding. The procedure allows you to get the fibers of the right size for a particular type of board. Often at this stage, two compositions with different fractions are prepared, mixing them allows you to increase the reliability of the material.
  4. The concentrate is treated with binding resins and necessary components.

The description of the following stages is different: with the “wet” method, the mass is placed in pools, from where, after holding, it goes under a hot press, with the “dry” method, the resulting composition is also sent under the press, where a plate is formed under the influence of temperature and high pressure.


Due to the fact that fiberboard is a sheet material, its area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is quite extensive:

  • Furniture manufacturing. Products are suitable for creating frame and facade elements. The bottom of drawers and the back walls of cabinets and chests of drawers are made from thin varieties. Colored details with decorative cladding are inserted into frame facades or cover open areas between fragments of slides and walls. It is also a great base for a mirror.
  • Construction. Although the material is not suitable for outdoor use, it is placed in attics as an additional element of floors, increasing the level of thermal insulation. When erecting interior partitions, the frame is sheathed with slabs.
  • Finishing activities. Fiberboard is suitable for many interior applications. The main purpose is wall and floor cladding, ceiling filing in a single plane. The product can also be used for cleaning work.
  • Door manufacturing. The cellular base is lined on both sides. The resulting canvas weighs a little, but is not reliable. Also, the elements are used as inserts in the production of iron doors.

Lightweight and comfortable material is now used not only in the manufacture of furniture, but also in almost all types of finishes.

The scope of fiberboard is much wider: the boards are used to make packaging, spacers, and sheathe equipment.

Harm to health

The environmental friendliness of wood-fiber materials always causes a lot of controversy. The fact is that during production (especially by the “wet” method), formaldehyde resin is added to the material. But since a very fine fraction is used and the compaction is quite dense, a small amount of binder is required. In addition, the allocation is possible only in open areas, which are practically absent in any work.

In products made by the "dry" method, a harmful component may be absent.

To minimize the risk, it is necessary to choose materials with safety certificates.

Wood has long been considered one of the best building materials, traditions are rooted in the distant past. And this is not the only direction of its application. and household items made of wood have long become interior classics. But everything changes, a person is actively mastering new technologies and materials, and materials based on wood fibers and wood chips have appeared in the field of construction and furniture production - these are various composites of wood and its derivatives: fibers, wood chips and veneer. Fiberboard (Fibreboard) - what is it? The dimensions, sheet thickness and price of fiberboard are the subject of our today's review. Let's start.

Where did it all begin? It is worth noting that before the advent of wood composites, the output of products from solid wood was only 40% at best, the remaining 60% of wood was wasted. Today, the waste figure is only 10-12%, largely due to the emergence of composite materials, which are based on wood waste from the main production. It is not for nothing that the Germans are considered a thrifty nation, it was in Germany, in the 1930s, that chipboard appeared - chipboard, more often it is called chipboard.

It was based on production waste: chips and shavings impregnated with phenolic resins. The first samples of composites were rather fragile, had a number of disadvantages, in addition, they were somewhat toxic, since the binder, based on phenolic resins, released harmful substances into the atmosphere. Today we have managed to get rid of these problems. Modern composites are durable, moisture resistant and absolutely harmless to humans: what is chipboard, what is fiberboard. This also applies to all materials based on them.

Good to know! There are chipboards (particle boards) such as delta wood or bakelite plywood. The official name of particle board is chipboard. However, the name chipboard in speech most often refers to wood chip products.

Not everyone knows what features fiberboard material has. What kind of raw material is it, how it is produced and where it is used, we will try to find out further.

Fibreboard is a sheet material made by hot pressing a wood fiber base impregnated with binder resins. It is used in construction, residential decoration, furniture production and industrial production. The scope of composite materials based on wood fiber is wide and cannot be covered in one article. There are fiberboards in any modern room, it can be a sheet laid on the floor as a substrate under, finishing the walls of the dacha and the back walls in your apartment.

Types and varieties of fiberboard

Depending on the production technology, the amount of binder and the type of wood, different physical parameters of the fibreboard can be obtained. Let's look at an example.

If you want to buy fiberboard, the price for a sheet of fiberboard of the same size varies greatly and depends on the brand of the product, its quality and characteristics. Types of wood fiber products are classified according to GOST 27935-88, but often transliterations of foreign names LDF and MDF, for example, are used to designate certain types and varieties. Separately, it is worth noting that the plates can have two quality categories - A and B, depending on the surface treatment they are divided into two grades, denoted by Latin numerals.

All the main characteristics of fiberboard are indicated in its marking. This is the type, dimensions of the plate, its thickness, quality category and grade.

Soft fiberboard: features and specifications

A characteristic difference between soft grades of fiberboard and the rest is the almost complete absence of binder chemical resins in them, the binder in this case is a natural material - lignin, which is contained in large quantities in the resin of coniferous trees. For this reason, coniferous trees are used for the manufacture of soft grades of wood-fiber composites, since hardwood does not contain significant amounts of this substance.

The characteristic features of soft chipboard are the porosity and low density of the material, which imposes certain conditions on its use. You can buy soft fiberboard for noise and residential premises, as a lining under the roof or floor of the house. It is not recommended to use this grade of fiberboard for outdoor decoration, these boards have low moisture resistance.

Soft fiberboards are produced in several grades, differing in the presence and quantity of the binder composition. Soft types are marked - M-1, M-2 and M-3. The thickness of the plates is from 6 to 16 mm.

Important! This brand of fiberboard is absolutely safe in terms of ecology! Soft varieties are made only from wet carpet and softwood. Soft fiberboard contains no chemical additives.

Fiberboard semi-solid: features and applications

Semi-hard grades, this is a medium-density fibreboard composite, from 400 to 800 kg / m3, produced by a wet method, this material is most often used for the manufacture of back walls, drawers and.

It should not be confused with other types of composites, with a low-density fibrous composite - LDF, which are produced by dry pressing and have completely different parameters, including a higher density. As well as MDF panels, which are also referred to as medium-density fibreboard composites, but have significant differences in production technology, structure and mechanical characteristics. Semi-hard plates are marked with the letters NT.

Solid fiberboard: marking and use

According to GOST 27935-88, solid fiberboard is a pressed fibreboard with a density of over 800 kg/m3. The classification of types of fiberboard of hard grades is made according to GOST 4598-86:

  • T- a regular plate, without additional grinding of the front surface. Ideal for use as a building material or substrate;
  • T-S– coated with a finely dispersed wood mass on the front surface, these boards are distinguished by increased resistance to mechanical stress and abrasion. Mainly used in the manufacture of furniture;
  • T-SP- coating the surface of the board with tinted finely dispersed wood pulp. These plates are simply necessary if, for example, you need to buy white fiberboard;
  • T-V- untreated surface, increased moisture resistance, building material and production of packing boxes;
  • T-SV- coating of the front surface, increased moisture resistance, furniture production and finishing work in places with high humidity.

The thickness of the sheets in this case: 2.5 mm, 3.2 mm, 4.0 mm, 5.0 mm, 6.0 mm, dimensions are regulated by GOST 4598-86, the maximum size of solid plates: 1.70 × 5.50 m and 2.14 × 6.10 m, but more often standard, derived sizes of slabs are used, which we will discuss below.

Fiberboard superhard: features and applications

This type of fiberboard is a high density solid board from 950 kg/m3. The high hardness of the plates is achieved by introducing pectol or other compounds that strengthen the material into the composition. Superhard grades of fiberboard are used for manufacturing, and as a building material. Including for interior decoration of premises, floors, walls, the manufacture of partitions, and arches. Also produced with different finishes of the front surface, there is both an unfinished surface and an imitation of wood texture or plastic coating with a decorative pattern.

Laminated fiberboard - a special subspecies of finishing material

One of the varieties of solid types of fibreboard, characterized by an improved surface. The surface of the plate in this case is covered with an even layer of synthetic material, which levels the panel and gives it a pleasant appearance, resistant to external factors. There are the following types of HDPE:

  • Tiled HDPE, in this case, the product has the form of a tile with a front surface covered with plastic, the size of the tile varies from 0.3 × 0.3 meters to large panels measuring meter by meter. The fastening of the panels is carried out by a tenon-groove system;
  • Clapboard–laminated fibreboard, everything is clear from the name, this material is used for finishing walls and ceilings;
  • Sheet laminated fibreboard, is used mainly for finishing horizontal and vertical surfaces.

The features of this material are high soundproofing characteristics and ease of hygienic processing of such surfaces, the use of these panels for interior decoration in some cases is simply a panacea! Especially considering that you can buy laminated fiberboard at a relatively low price. Although wall and ceiling panels have a competitor, honeycomb, but fibreboard panels are still in price.

Keep in mind that when buying laminated fiberboard, the size of the sheet and the prices for it may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, so there is always an opportunity to save some money. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that it is not worth buying building materials from an unknown manufacturer, pay attention to certified goods of more or less well-known brands. This guarantees the quality of workmanship, environmental safety and long service life of such products.

Fiberboard and chipboard - the difference is only in the name?

There are a lot of wood composites on the materials market. First you need to find out: how does fiberboard differ from chipboard, how do they differ from wood-laminated composite or oriented strand boards.

First of all, the difference between these types lies in the material for manufacturing, production technology and mechanical parameters. It seems that the difference is small, wood is used in all types of these products. But, in the production of fibreboard, fiber is used, in contrast to the chips and shavings that make up particleboard. Fiberboard or chipboard - which is better? Let's look at examples.

A larger gradation of the constituent elements affects the cost, a chipboard sheet is cheaper than a wood-fiber composite sheet, but at the same time, the characteristics of wood-fiber materials are much higher than those of chipboard. So, for example, chipboard is difficult to process, it begins to crumble when screwed into it, less resistant to moisture due to the heterogeneity of the structure.

In addition, chipboard has a large weight and a large thickness, other things being equal, this is largely due to the material used for manufacturing. Fiberboard is free from these disadvantages, but at the same time, with similar parameters, it has a higher price.

So it turns out that each material is good in its place, somewhere it is better to use chipboard sheets if the structure is not loaded and located in a dry place, and somewhere it is necessary to use a fibrous fabric, due to the load and high humidity. OSB, oriented strand board, is almost identical to chipboard, but has a higher strength.

But there is also such a composite material as plywood. A question that many craftsmen ask: is plywood chipboard or fiberboard? Neither one nor the other. In this case, veneer serves as the main material - thin layers of wood that are assembled into a package, glued with resins and pressed, in other words, plywood is a separate type of wood composite.

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One of the most reliable and durable building materials, characterized by high strength and affordable price. About the advantages and disadvantages, selection criteria and features of laying tongue-and-groove chipboard - in our material.

Scope of wood fiber materials

The use of fiberboard largely depends on its mechanical characteristics, sheet dimensions. The thickness of the fiberboard sheet also plays a role. So, relatively thick sheets of soft fiberboard are good to use as a building material, for insulation and. Medium hard fiberboard, LDF and MDF panels have taken their niche in interior decoration. Hard and superhard varieties are actively used in construction and manufacturing.

The variety of tasks and the breadth of the field of application was reflected in the range of products. The dimensions of the fiberboard sheet, the width and length of the panel depend on the manufacturer and on the needs of the buyer. Although the state standard provides for the standard sizes for the production of fiberboard sheets, but at the same time, the range of products made of fiberboard also includes ready-made finishing elements: tiles, panels and lining.

One of the main areas of use of fiberboard is finishing. It is worth considering in more detail the features of the use of this material.

wall decoration

For finishing work on vertical surfaces, mainly laminated fiberboards are used, this is due to both the convenience of working with them, the pleasant appearance of such a finish and the ease of further maintenance of the plastic-coated surface. The advantages of this type of finish:

  • No additional preparation of the wall is required, since the panels are installed on a frame made of a metal profile or a wooden bar;
  • For the production of work, special skills and special tools are not required, since fiberboard panels for walls for interior decoration have a pinch-groove fixation system, which facilitates their docking, fastening to the frame is carried out using special clamps;
  • The fiberboard wall panel is produced in a ready-made version, with a pattern or imitation of wood texture and does not require additional finishing work;
  • For wall cladding, fiberboard with a smooth surface can be used, in which case any desired coating can be applied over it. on fiberboard, although a rather laborious and time-consuming process, it will not cause difficulties when dismantling the old coating, unlike similar work with finishing from.

It is worth noting a large assortment of wood composite panels of different sizes and appearance.

Floor finishing

Floors are the most loaded element of the room, therefore, the use of sheet composites, which have relatively low strength, in their finishing, must be evaluated in each specific case. Laying fiberboard on the floor is easy, but redoing the floors is difficult. Basically, fiberboard is used when laying the floor on an existing plank floor, less often on logs. In the first case, the floor is leveled with fiberboard sheets, in the second, the floor is leveled with lags, but in this case it must be borne in mind that the loads on the floor should be small. Often, wood fiber panels are used as a gasket, for example, you can lay fiberboard under linoleum on a wooden floor.

But what is better for the floor (fiberboard or chipboard), then there is no consensus on this issue. Chipboard in this case has some advantages, as a denser and thicker material, less prone to deformation from the load. For rough laying of the floor, it is better suited than fiberboard. It is still better to lay wood fiber cloth on the old floor.

Ceiling finish

To finish the ceiling, you can use both sheet fiberboard in its pure form for finishing, and laminated panels. In the first case, a rough finish of the ceiling is possible, for example, with soft fiberboard. This will improve sound insulation and insulate the ceiling if necessary. In addition, this grade of fiberboard is more breathable. Using fiberboard for finishing the ceiling has the following advantages:

  • Simplicity of the device and installation of a ceiling made of fiberboard;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Moisture resistance, but at the same time, direct water ingress to fiberboard panels is contraindicated;
  • Vapor permeability.

In the case of using fiberboard as a draft material, the sheets can be painted quite easily or glued ceiling tiles on them. But then a quite reasonable question arises: how to paint fiberboard? Any paint, since the fiberboard surface is sufficiently resistant to chemical dyes, and can be painted with alkyd, oil, acrylic paint and even nitro enamels.

The range of wood fiber products is extremely wide. Buy fiberboard sheets or ready-made ceiling panels - then the choice is yours.

The use of fiberboard in everyday life

Fiberboards are used not only for construction, they can be used to assemble furniture, make doors and various kinds of partitions. Lightweight and durable material is needed in everyday life quite often. Especially given the large area of ​​fiberboard sheets.

So, for example, fiberboard can be used to create a bee hive. In this case, the wooden frame needs to be sheathed with sheets, the gaps between which should be filled with insulation. Homemade hives made of fiberboard will significantly outperform traditional bee nurseries made of wood with their weight and cost, which is important on the scale of the apiary.

Features of working with fiberboard

How to process chipboard, how to fix it and how to cut it - these are the main questions that have been tormenting planer and hammer masters for quite a long time. For example, few people know how to stick fiberboard on fiberboard, because even liquid nails and epoxy adhesives do not always cope with this task. In this case, ordinary construction PVA glue or special adhesives for gluing fiberboard can help.

How to cut fiberboard at home? Again, very simple - with a mounting knife, or a hacksaw for metal. It is worth paying attention to the technology of cutting with a knife. The blade of the knife must be sharp, it is best to cut along a metal ruler and slowly and carefully, otherwise there is a possibility of damaging the fingers when the blade breaks. There are also several roller-type devices for cutting fiberboard, one of which is shown in the photo.

A frequent question is the surface finish of fibreboards. or . The fact is that fiberboard does not take moisture very well and is characterized by low adhesion. In other words, the paint does not stick well to the surface of the fiberboard. For this reason, the surface must be primed before painting. For convenience, you can prime the sheets before mounting them on the frame.

A separate issue is the preparation of the fiberboard surface for wallpapering, since this material does not tolerate moisture, it is worth painting the surface before applying wallpaper glue, which can cause panels to warp. Then further finishing will not cause questions or problems. Here is the answer to the question, is it possible to glue wallpaper on fiberboard. Yes, but surface preparation is required.

Often, during the operation of fiberboard products, defects appear on them, these can be both mechanical damage and traces of operation. Traces of use in the form of dents and scratches are quite easy to repair. To do this, you only need a damaged surface, and then paint it, or paste over the surface.

In the event of a through hole in the floor or in the door made of fiberboard, such situations also sometimes arise, first of all, it is necessary to prepare materials for repair, first of all, this is a sharp mounting knife, putty, a piece of fiberboard, mounting foam and any filler.

Before closing a hole in a fiberboard door, we cut off the uneven and indented edges of the hole so that the edges of the hole are even, without dents or cracks. After that, we install partitions inside the hole, these can be fixed bars, pieces of fiberboard or crumpled, thick paper. The next step is to fill the hole with mounting foam, after it has hardened, it is necessary to cut off the protruding foam flush with the surface of the door.

After that, the surface of the door around the hole and the foam is puttied, for example with epoxy. After drying, everything is cleaned again with fine sandpaper, which is best fixed on a wooden block. This will give you a smooth surface. Then you need to restore the appearance of the door itself, this can be done either by painting, or by sticking a self-adhesive film with an imitation of wood texture, or by veneering.

If there is a through hole, on any basis, most often this happens when laying fiberboard on a wooden floor, a protruding board can wipe the sheet through. In this case, it is best to change the entire sheet, at the same time deal with the board, process it with a planer or fix it with self-tapping screws. But often this is not possible, so you can do the following. Carefully, with a mounting knife, cut the wiped hole until an even geometric figure is obtained. Then cut out a patch of the same size from a piece of fiberboard and insert it into the formed nest, securing it with screws or glue.

Thus, despite some features in the processing of fiberboard, the material is quite subject to manual work and repair at home.

Dimensions, thickness and price of fiberboard sheets

Most clearly, the calculation of the dimensions, type and price of fiberboard can be made using the example of an inexpensive turnkey construction, with interior decoration with fiberboard sheets.

It is worth considering that sheathing the surface of the bath from the inside is possible only with MDF panels, since they are most resistant to moisture, while sheets of soft fiberboard types, M-1 and M-2, 10-12 mm thick, can be used for insulation. They can be used to pad the walls and ceiling of the locker room and rest room. This will help reduce the construction budget somewhat. Insulation of wet areas is best done with foam or foil.

The calculation of the required materials is carried out using the simplest linear formulas, the length and width of the area covered by the sheet, taking into account cutting. After evaluating all the factors, you can determine the required type of fiberboard, the size and thickness of the sheets, prices. The photos will more clearly show how wood composites are used - panels in the decoration of the bath.

Standard sizes of fiberboard sheet: how to take them into account when cutting

The production of fibreboard is strictly regulated by GOST 4598-86 standards. According to him, the plates have the following dimensions:

  1. Solid grades of fiberboard:
  • length - 1220, 1700, 1800, 2050, 2500, 2745, 3050, 3350 and 3660 mm, maximum 5500 and 6100 mm;
  • width - 610, 1220, 1525, 1700, 1830 and 2410 mm;
  1. Soft grades of fiberboard:
  • length - 1220, 1600, 1800, 2500, 2700 and 3000 mm, maximum 5500 mm;
  • width - 1220 mm.

When producing plates, slight deviations within 3-5 mm are allowed. In addition, GOST makes it possible, in agreement with the consumer, to produce plates of non-standard sizes, taking into account the possibility of waste-free cutting. Variation in size is possible up to the maximum sheet size specified in the state standard.

Thus, the dimensions of standard format fiberboard can be different. Usually the main dimensions of the plate are indicated in the product marking. The size of the plate is selected based on the purpose and location of the fiberboard. The size of the sheet can be any, the main thing is to achieve a minimum amount of waste when cutting.

Standard thicknesses of hard and super hard boards, as well as equivalent semi-hard boards: 2.5 mm, 3.2 mm, 4.0 mm, 5.0 mm, 6.0 mm. Thickness of soft plates: 8.0 mm, 12.0 mm, 16.0 mm. The thickness of the fiberboard sheet is also selected based on the conditions of use.

When cutting, it is necessary to count the sheets so that they cover the maximum calculated area, with a minimum amount of waste. This will significantly reduce the budget for the purchase of material.

The price of fiberboard per sheet and what it depends on

So how much does fiberboard sheet cost? The price of a plate is made up of a number of constituent factors - the cost of manufacturing, delivery to the end consumer and the seller's margin. The cost of manufacturing a sheet is primarily affected by the fame of the manufacturer, the cost of the components used in its production. In this case, the cost of the binder is especially important. As you know, high-quality components are not cheap, it is for this reason that when purchasing building materials, one should focus on the average price category, in the case of an expensive one, there is a high probability of overpaying for a well-known brand, in case of an excessively low price, get products made from substandard materials and not corresponding to passport characteristics . But, one should not confuse substandard products in terms of quality with substandard products in appearance, these are two completely different concepts.

No less important price parameters are the overall dimensions of the sheet and its thickness. So the price of a fiberboard sheet (dimensions in this case do not matter) of an unfinished and laminated panel will increase significantly towards the latter, only due to surface treatment with plastic.

So how much does a fiberboard sheet cost? The average cost is from 160 rubles and more for a sheet measuring 2.5 × 1220x2440 mm.

The cost of a laminated board is a different price order, due to the introduction of additional components for processing the front side of the panel. The average price for a sheet of laminated fiberboard is from 300 rubles.

To purchase the required number of sheets of fiberboard, first of all, it is necessary to accurately assess the scope of work, select the required dimensions and thickness. Determine the required types and area of ​​fibreboard.

It is worth buying building materials, including fiberboards, in large hardware stores, in this case there is a guarantee that the product was transported and stored in conditions that allowed it to maintain its technical characteristics, and did not lie for weeks in the rain and in dampness, as often happens in the construction markets.

Important! When buying fiberboard panels, please note that substandard products, with broken edges, non-critical damage. The cost of fiberboard sheets with damage, or substandard type, is always lower than the average price in the store. In addition, shops often sell trimming plates, if necessary, you can buy them, these simple steps will help to significantly reduce the burden on the budget.

Thus, it can be seen that fibreboard products have taken their place in the construction and furniture industry, a niche limited by the physical characteristics of the material, but, nevertheless, fibreboard quite corresponds to it in terms of price and performance.