Do-it-yourself brick tandoor. Do-it-yourself tandoor made of bricks is the simplest and most inexpensive photo, diagram. Preparation of mortar for masonry and plastering

Today it is difficult to imagine a vacation in the country without juicy, delicious kebabs. However, not only the brazier attracts vacationers. Have your own tandoor personal plot- fashionable, stylish, comfortable.

In fact, the design of the tandoor performs the same functional features, which is the brazier.

A big advantage of this type of furnace is the possibility of self-assembly and installation.

In fact, a tandoor brazier is not much different from this type ovens. However, certain differences cannot be ruled out. These include external characteristics. As a rule, furnaces of the type in question do not have decorative finishes. In turn, can be decorated ceramic tiles. As for the type of fuel, wood, coal can be used here, brushwood is less often used.

According to external indicators, it can be compared with a large jug. Fuel, regardless of type, is placed directly into inner part designs. characteristic feature is the location of the skewers. They are attached to specialized, pre-installed perches. The tip of the skewer must be pointing down.

What are the advantages of a tandoor over a barbecue?

Probably, everyone at least once faced with the fact that the barbecue was not fried enough. This is due to the fact that the meat is exposed to heat treatment with improper heat distribution. That is why a piece can have one side fried to coals, and the other will remain with blood. If the coals are unevenly distributed on the surface of the brazier, respectively, the heat to the products will do the same. Also, do not forget that each individual coal has its own heat supply temperature.

With a brick tandoor, everything happens quite differently. Its design is unique. It is it that ensures uniform frying of meat of any size. Separately, I would like to note that not only meat is perfectly fried in this brazier. From time immemorial, corn cakes have been baked in such ovens, which differ not only in their amazing taste, but also useful properties. This tradition, fortunately, has survived to this day. Try a flatbread or meat and you will feel the difference.

What is the tandoor made of?

As for the materials used, preference here should be given to a clay solution. Such a design will not contain other types of materials, respectively, environmental performance will be on top. The clay tandoor turns out to be mobile, that is, convenient enough to move if the need arises. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the structure can only be installed during the seasonal period, in the fall it can be removed for storage. Another important factor is the need to build a foundation.

Do not forget about economic features. Tandoor comes from countries that were far from the use of fuel, gas. That is why there was a need to build a stove that would serve for cooking for decades.

The idea of ​​building a tandoor did not arise by chance. This is justified by the fact that a small amount of coal is placed in the brazier, which is enough only to fry a certain amount of barbecue. But the brick tandoor, in turn, is able not only to fry meat, but also to bake bread (cakes). In addition, this heat is enough to heat several liters of water. Simply put, performance is striking in its functionality.

As practice shows, construction can cause concerns associated with the performance of pottery work. However, they can be avoided. How to do this - we will consider in more detail later. In fact, he does not put forward special requirements for the criteria of the material. Even from an ordinary brick, you can build an Uzbek stove.

Buy or make?

Once you have come to the conclusion that in the country you do not have enough tandoor, then you should come to right decision: purchase a structure in a specialized store or build it yourself. Undoubtedly, the purchase of a finished furnace is the most simplified option. It is important to know what exists for consumers today huge selection models with guaranteed quality.

You can make a tandoor with your own hands, but there are certain criteria. on them in without fail worth paying close attention to. So, for example, in the middle latitudes, not quite suitable conditions for the manufacture and operation of the considered design. Do not ignore the fact that here the construction without specialized equipment just impossible. The main problem, as a rule, is the formation of cracks in the structure during firing. In this case, the quality of the clay does not matter.

In this case, experts recommend buying a ready-made tandoor design. The cost will be several times cheaper. At the same time, in addition to the main structure, upon purchase, you will receive utensils, a lid (intended for heating the kettle, installing skewers). As a rule, all this is included in the factory package.

Self-assembly can only be done with certain skills. Moreover, it is impossible to completely build the oven yourself. Its internal component will have to be bought or made to order. The "heart" of the tandoor is in a different price range. The cost is determined depending on the size of the device, material.

It is a furnace, a brazier, presumably round in shape. The structure can be located both in the ground and above it. Increasingly, today, brick is used for construction. It is advisable to give preference to a specialized type for the brazier. You can build such a furnace without much difficulty and in short time. But it will function long years, delighting your family, friends, comrades with delicious food.

Important! The brick tandoor is an oriental type of brazier. The tradition of its installation originated from there. As a rule, in the countries of the East, the construction was erected in the central part of the house. It served not only for cooking, but also as a heat supply during the cold season.

How to make a brick tandoor with your own hands

A miniature oven is very popular, which can move around the summer cottage with the help of wheels built into the platform. Naturally, the construction under consideration can be encountered in implementation already in ready-made. However, its acquisition will require considerable financial investments.

If, nevertheless, it was decided to build a tandoor with your own hands, then here you should pay attention to the fact that the soil under the tandoor is always dry. To do this, it is best to use a coating of sand, stone.

So how to build a tandoor with your own hands? Perfect for this kind of construction. the following types material:

  • stone blocks;
  • clay ceramic brick;
  • brick white color which is resistant to fire.

The main thing here is to remember that the structure in question will have a large mass. Hence it follows that a strong foundation must be erected under it. It is with its construction that work should begin.

According to external characteristics, the base of a brick tandoor can be compared with the foundation of a house. The only difference will be the opening, which will serve as a place for laying wood (fuel).

It is impossible to exclude the possibility of building a tandoor on the ground. In this case, the base will be a shallow depression (preferably round), covered with a thin layer of sand. On top of this, you can start building a well from any kind of brick. Do not ignore the masonry mortar. Experts recommend opting for a ready-made specialized mixture. The masonry itself can be carried out in two ways: horizontally, vertically. In the case of horizontal masonry, the heat in the oven remains for a long period of time. Vertical masonry, in turn, is economical option. It is connected with minimum cost bricks during construction.

In order to have a visual idea of ​​​​what the final result will be, it is worth making a masonry without the use of a mortar (the so-called ordering). The required shape of a brick can be given with a "grinder" with a blade on ceramics. As long-term practice shows, laying out a tandoor in the shape of a circle is not an easy task, which is why it is worth modeling a drawing before starting construction work. It is preferable that it be made in real size, which will greatly facilitate the workflow. The made brick template will be the key to successful masonry.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that you should not save on masonry mortar, then the structure will turn out to be more durable. Do not forget to use the building level in your work, which will lead to the construction of an even furnace.

The base of the tandoor is always wider than its top. This is done so that the heat remains inside the brazier as long as possible, and is not wasted. As a result, the appearance of a do-it-yourself brick tandoor should look like a vault. Once the entire structure is ready, you should start disposing of the remaining solution in the inside of the product. wall with outside kilns must be treated with dry clay, especially for brick joints. If desired, the inside of the tandoor can be treated with a mixture of clay and grass.

After all the mixtures dry well, you can start firing. You should start with paper, then the temperature is increased by changing the raw material. The considered method is simple in its kind. If you want to give the design a pleasant appearance, then you can decorate it with mosaics, hand-sculpted.

Wooden barrel for tandoor

There is no doubt that a brick oven has more positive characteristics. However, the construction of this structure may not always be convenient. Here you can use other improvised means, for example, a barrel made of wood. In this case, a certain skill in working with clay is required.

Preparatory work begins with impregnation inside barrels of sunflower oil. It is preferable to leave it to soak overnight. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the iron hoops on the barrel are not too tightly fixed. Next, the mixture is mixed in the following proportions:

  • wool of a sheep no more than 15 centimeters long;
  • fireclay clay - 0.05 kilograms;
  • fireclay sand 1 kilogram.

All components must form a mixture of special density. This mixture should stick around the inside of the barrel, thereby creating the shape of the future tandoor. The thickness of the walls should be at least 20 centimeters, but not more than 30 centimeters. It will take about seven days for the solution to dry completely. It is advisable to use incandescent lamps during this period to dry, which will help achieve a more effective result. As soon as the solution dries, the hoops are removed from the barrel, and the barrel itself is disassembled. There remains a finished frame, which should be fired.

Brazier from a plastic barrel

Barrel standard size made of plastic is densely filled with liquid, as a result of which its sides slightly increase in size. From the outside, fireclay mixture should be applied. It is applied in a dense layer, rubbed well. Here it is worth “smoothing” the solution until the desired shape of the furnace is obtained. Drying is also carried out for seven days. After that, the liquid should be removed, the empty barrel should be carefully removed. Now the do-it-yourself tandoor can be considered completely finished.

On what principle does it operate?

Before you start making a tandoor brazier with your own hands, you should pay close attention to the principle of functioning of the structure itself. An example for this is the Armenian tandoor, made of bricks. Here it is worth paying attention to the drawings. In order not to spend a lot of time and energy on compiling them, you can turn to the Internet for help. There are already ready-made schemes, according to which you can build a tandoor with your own hands of absolutely any size.

Equally important is the option of the brazier itself. As a rule, the following are distinguished:

  • conventional oven;
  • underground tandoor;
  • horizontal/vertical brazier

In more detail, you can consider the possibility of making a ground-type do-it-yourself tandoor. Here it is important to choose right place for installation. It is most preferable if the structure is located under a roof, a canopy. It is important to pay special attention to the construction of the foundation. It is from its strength that the reliability of the entire structure will depend. Do not forget that concrete, mortar for laying bricks must be well dried. To do this, it is better to leave the finished product to dry for several days, only after that it is fired. Once all the required conditions are met, the oven-brazier can be used for its intended purpose.

Basic rules of use

As you know, there is a certain list of rules for the operation of the brazier (tandoor). Their implementation is mandatory. Great importance has a season. So, for example, during the cold season (in winter), the temperature in the tandoor should rise gradually.

The first step is to ignite the chips, only after they burn out the main part of the fuel is added. In the summer, the ignition of wood chips can be excluded. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the fuel should fill 2/3 of the dimensions of the furnace. Of course, you can add a large part to the brazier, but do not forget that some of the heat will be wasted.

There are no restrictions for the temperature level, just as there are no restrictions in terms of operation. The main thing is to take into account time preferences.

Caring for the brazier is quite simple. All that is required of you is just the timely cleaning of the ashes. If fat accumulates inside the oven, you should not worry, because during the next use of the tandoor, the fat will simply melt.


However, one should not forget that the design has certain disadvantages. These include the inconvenience of cleaning. This is due to the fact that the ash will have to be removed through the upper part of the hole, which is not very convenient. It is important to note that the oven portable type has a different way of cleansing.

With a competent approach to the manufacture of the tandoor, the structure will be able to function non-stop for six hours. In this case, only one kindling will be used. Separately, I would like to note that experts refer the portable product to one of the types of barbecue. Pit tandoor, as a rule, is intended to a greater extent for heating the room. Cooking in it is a secondary matter.

Making a tandoor on your own In fact, it turns out to be a simple, quite affordable and interesting activity. Therefore, the question of how to make a tandoor in the country with your own hands does not seem particularly difficult. However, it is very important to follow the rules when building a brazier. technological process. If you follow all the recommendations, then the result of a high-quality oven will undoubtedly please you. Compliance with all the rules during construction work will allow the tandoor to function for decades.

Tandoor is a Central Asian stove in the shape of a jug. Folding such a "brazier" with your own hands is easy. A step-by-step description of the bricklaying process will be given below.

Today, urban residents mainly use a barbecue or barbecue for cooking. However, the tandoor, so common among the Eastern peoples, is in no way inferior to modern devices.

Inside the oven, you can cook a variety of dishes: pita bread, samsa, meat. Their exquisite taste is a strong argument in her favor. Distinctive feature Asian oven - vertical arrangement of products. Thanks to this device, the juice from the kebab soaks the meat, and does not drip into the fire. The result is a juicy dish with a rich taste.

Operating principle

The work of the tandoor can be compared with the functioning of a conventional boiler, in which heat is accumulated and stored.

In the tandoor, heat is accumulated by means of fireclay clay. After the firing process, this natural material acquires the characteristics of ceramics.

First, firewood is laid in the structure and a fire is lit. The heat generated during combustion will remain inside the stove. When the firewood burns out and the heat weakens a little, they begin to lay the dough and food. To keep warm, the oven is covered with a lid of the appropriate size.

Note: the internal temperature in the tandoor after warming up is kept at 250 degrees. This is the optimum setting for tasty and healthy food.

fold brick structure easy, because the masonry technology does not provide for the presence special materials or tools. Everything you need for construction is sold in specialized stores. Full instructions and the layout of the building are shown below.


  1. Due to the peculiar shape, the structure requires less fuel, which makes its construction economically viable.
  2. simple and quick installation. It can be done by yourself, without the involvement of specialists.
  3. As the main building materials are used exclusively environmentally clean materials that do not emit toxic substances when heated.
  4. The same dishes are prepared in the oven as on the grill or barbecue. In addition, you can bake delicious oriental dishes in it.

masonry materials

The construction of the tandoor involves the use of the following materials:

  1. For the construction of the walls you need refractory fireclay bricks . Its quantity is calculated according to the wall thickness and dimensions of the furnace. The masonry will take about 700-1300 pieces.
  2. The masonry mixture can be prepared independently. To do this, take clay and clean sand. If there is no desire to knead the solution and calculate the ratio of components, you can purchase ready mix in any building supermarket.
  3. The constructed structure is coated with clay. If desired, mosaic decor or natural stone is used. If cakes are cooked in the tandoor, then the inside must also be coated with fire-resistant clay.
  4. For the construction of a reliable and durable foundation, cement reinforced with a bar is used.
  5. A mandatory attribute of the furnace is a blower, which is made of brick or a small piece of pipe with a cross section of at least 10 cm.
  6. To circle with top layer masonry was even, it is necessary to lay out a template of wooden bars and boards.

To work, you need the following tool:

  • Bulgarian;
  • spatula (width not less than 12 cm);
  • a suitable container or bucket for mixing the solution (concrete, facing mixture);
  • plaster rule;
  • paint brush.

Preparatory stage

Before you start building a tandoor, you need to decide on its location.

For safety reasons, the stove should not be located near buildings, trees and plantings.

It is desirable that the soil at the construction site be dry, and the level ground water- low.

The selected place is leveled, then a layer of quartz sand 20 cm thick is poured. A small depression is made from an asbestos-cement or metal pipe for a blower.


To prevent the masonry from collapsing under the influence of seasonal movements, it is necessary to establish a solid foundation.

It is made from a concrete slab or poured cement mixture into the prepared hole.

Competent approach and observance of construction stages-main criteria long service life products.

  1. First of all, markup is carried out, including the designation of dimensions future design. If desired, a special platform is poured for a convenient approach to the furnace.
  2. Grass and debris are removed from the site. If the area is flat, then sand leveling is sufficient. On the loamy soil remove the layer of soil and pour sand into the recess, which is spilled with water and carefully compacted.
  3. When the site is located on a hill, the foundation can be made flush with the ground. It is advisable to raise a place with constant stagnant water 20 cm above the ground. In this situation, a special formwork made of wooden bars will be required.
  4. Further, a lattice of reinforcement is installed, with a cross section of at least 10 mm. The rod is knitted with wire. Optimal distance between bars - 15 cm.
  5. The formwork is poured with concrete and leveled with a board. It is important to use high-quality cement, since the design of the furnace is quite massive and the base must withstand significant loads. Dry cement is sprinkled over the mortar, which will give the foundation moisture resistance.
  6. In the central part of the foundation, a recess is made for the template. The structure is then closed plastic wrap and leave to dry. As the concrete dries, it should be moistened. Construction begins after curing. This period usually takes about 2 weeks.

Template installation and masonry

The tandoor oven should have an even circumference.

In order to achieve the same radius when laying bricks, you need to use a template.

For its installation, drawings and preliminary calculations are used.

Note: the distance between the two template elements is calculated according to the height of one row of bricks.

The tandoor is laid out of refractory bricks, which are placed on the end part. Therefore, the height of one row together with cement joint will be equal to 26 cm. Therefore, it is better to lay out the height of the straight part of the stove from 2 rows.

So that the walls of the furnace do not turn out to be curved, a right angle is left around the perimeter of the lower part of the structure. The second row exactly repeats the first, however, for strength, each brick is shifted exactly by half. In the same row, they make a blower from a pipe. Why two blocks are sawn in the center.

Next, bricks with a pipe are covered with cement. Further, the narrowing of the structure will begin, corresponding to the height of the two rows. To build a slope, the blocks are sawn with a grinder at a given angle.

Master's advice: when equipping a blower, instead of a pipe, you can use a brick, which is left loose.

In subsequent rows, the amount of material will decrease, respectively, the dressing will be equal to 1/3 of the brick. At the end of the work, the tandoor oven is dried. In the summer, for uniform drying of the mixture, the masonry is constantly moistened.

To mask all the seams formed between the bricks, you will need fireclay clay.

So that the bricks are not saturated with moisture from the liquid composition, they are moistened in advance. The mixture is kneaded from clay, quartz sand and salt. The proportions depend on the degree of fat content of the natural material.

The mortar is applied to brick blocks from 3 sides - two side and one bottom. As soon as the first layer dries, the bricks begin to be coated with a reinforcing layer. The main thing to remember is that the structure must be protected from rain with plastic wrap.

To increase the strength of the tandoor, a reinforcing metal mesh is mounted on the clay layer, and a layer is also applied. concrete mix. It is prepared from cement, sand and granite screenings. Consistency masonry mortar should resemble plasticine. For decorative decoration, a mosaic or natural stone is laid out on the outside of the furnace.

The finished tandoor is dried for at least 2 weeks. After the first drying, the oven is heated. First, only paper is used, then sawdust and wood chips are added. Thus, the structure is dried every day for 2 weeks.


After complete drying, the tandoor is fired. To do this, make a fire and maintain it for several hours.

The first firing should be long. When the oven has cooled down, it must be checked.

If the structure rings on impact, then the home-made brick tandoor is ready. In the future, it is periodically cleaned of soot and ash.


The oven can cook several dishes at the same time. For their placement, special devices are used.

For example, a metal portable rod on which skewers are fixed. Its dimensions should correspond to the diameter of the tandoor neck.

Another option is a pot lid. It is made from ordinary sheet metal. For cooking meat, vegetables and cakes, holes are cut in the lid.

Tandoor is used not only as a barbecue or barbecue, but also as a Russian oven. Vegetables are stewed in it, rich cabbage soup, meat stew are made.


Stationary tandoor is protected from precipitation with a canopy.

First, small indentations are dug from four sides, into which they are installed metal pipes or wooden beams. The recesses are covered with sand and poured with a concrete solution.

When it dries, sheets of corrugated board or slate are mounted on the device. The canopy can be anything, it all depends on the imagination and possibilities. An interesting option can be seen in the photo.

A real brick tandoor is a functional oven that ensures even roasting of vegetables and meat. Such a device helps to save on the consumption of electricity and gas.

In addition, the oven is easy to operate and maintain. Its installation will not take much time, but it will allow you to enjoy fragrant dishes and delicious pita bread.

Watch the video, which shows in detail how to make a brick tandoor with your own hands:

Barbecue or barbecue - traditional way barbecue and other dishes fresh air. An excellent alternative to the usual barbecue will be the tandoor. With it, you can cook not only barbecue, flat cakes, pilaf, fragrant soups, but also other oriental dishes. Using the tandoor allows you to forget about what a burnt shish kebab or boiled pilaf is. Cooking on such a device gives maximum pleasure, and makes it possible to cook delicious oriental dishes even for novice cooks.

The traditional tandoor is made of clay, after which it is dried and fired in a certain way. However, an inexperienced craftsman will not be able to make such a product the first time. A good alternative is a do-it-yourself brick tandoor, which takes less time to make, and the food in it is also cooked efficiently and quickly.

Before making a brick tandoor, you should understand the principle of its operation. It is a special vessel designed for the preparation of various meat dishes, pilaf, soups and flatbreads. Its features include:

1. The lower part has a blower that provides traction. The upper part of the structure has a hole through which firewood is laid. In addition, it is through the upper opening that dishes for cooking are placed in the tandoor.

2. When making a brick tandoor, it is required to additionally process the inner surface of the structure with clay. To ensure long-term preservation of heat between clay and brick, it is necessary to put a layer thermal insulation material. Sand or salt can be used as such material.

3. After burning firewood in the tandoor, the temperature rises to 250-400 degrees. This allows you to cook food quickly. In addition, a feature of such an oven is uniform cooking.

4. Heat after combustion, the fuel remains in the structure for up to four hours. If you build the product correctly, the heat will be stored inside, and not go outside. So quality construction guarantees high rate economy and efficiency.

5. One more unique feature brick oven is the uniform distribution of heat. This ensures uniform roasting of meat and bread, as well as the ability to cook pilaf that is unique in its taste.

Therefore, for those who dream of cooking the most delicious pilaf and barbecue, you need to know how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick.

Materials and tools

The tandoor is a universal design for preparing various dishes, so its manufacture will require the use of a large number of materials and tools. To build a brick oven yourself, you will need:

1. Refractory fireclay bricks. It is used to make the walls of the structure. The number of bricks depends on the size of the finished structure and the wall thickness. For construction, 300-1200 pieces will be required.

2. Solution. When building a tandoor, it is better to make a masonry mortar yourself. To do this, mix clay, sifted sand and water. You can also buy a special heat-resistant compound based on fireclay. However, when buying, it should be clarified that it will be used for the tandoor device in order to purchase a solution that can withstand significant temperatures for a long time.

3. Clay mortar. Required for coating the structure from the outside. If pita bread, cakes and samsa are baked in the tandoor, the structure should also be coated inside.

4. Concrete and reinforced rod. Components for the foundation of the tandoor.

5. A piece of pipe with a diameter greater than 10 cm. Must be used to make a blower. If there is no pipe trimming, the blower can also be made of brick.

6. Boards or timber. Boards are needed to make a template for laying. It will be problematic to fold an even circle without using a template.

Additionally, you can use natural stone or other decorative elements flat shape for finishing the tandoor outside.

Do-it-yourself brick tandoor manufacturing technology

The process of building a do-it-yourself furnace from refractory bricks takes several weeks. It is better to do the work in the summer. This will speed up the process of solidification of the clay solution. In addition, work with masonry mortar is possible only at dry and above-zero temperatures. In order for the finished furnace to perform its functions, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology of its installation.

Details of making a brick tandoor can be found in the video:

Foundation construction

One of the most milestones construction brick tandoor is the construction of a strong and durable foundation. It is necessary so that during seasonal soil movements brickwork didn't collapse. An excellent option would be the foundation of the finished concrete slab. But if it is not there, you can build a concrete base and reinforced mesh. The area of ​​​​the foundation should correspond to the size of the future tandoor.

Do-it-yourself foundation pouring steps:

1. Site preparation. At this stage, the marking and cleaning of the site is carried out. After that, the sod should be removed from the designated area. If the soil is clayey, then after removing it, the trench must be covered with sand. It remains only to fill the prepared area with water and compact it.

2. If the site is dry, then the base can be built flush with the ground. But if the site is wet, and in rainy weather, water stagnation is possible. Therefore, it is better to raise the foundation by 15 cm. To do this, formwork must be made around the perimeter of the base.

3. Rebar should be used to strengthen the foundation. It can be a reinforcing mesh or rods. If rods are used, they must be connected to each other with wire.

4. Pouring the foundation with concrete, and leveling the surface with a board. To give the base moisture-resistant qualities, it must be sprinkled with clean cement on top.

5. In the center of the base, it is necessary to make a recess into which the template will be installed.

6. The foundation should be covered with a film for the time of solidification. If construction takes place during a hot period, the base surface requires periodic moistening.

The hardening time of the foundation is at least two weeks. During this period, he must gain the necessary strength. After that, you can start building the tandoor.

Template making

During the drying period of the foundation, you can start making a template with your own hands. It is he who will be used for laying the tandoor. Without applying the correct template, it will not be possible to make an even circle and vault.

When building a tandoor, a brick is placed on a short edge. In this case, the height of the row should be 26 cm. This indicator also includes the thickness of the solution. The optimal height of the straight part of the structure should be two bricks or 52 cm. After that, it is necessary to gradually narrow the furnace. The height of the tapering part of the tandoor should also be two bricks or 52 cm.

To make a template, it is advisable to use boards, bars or a sheet of plywood. Using a template allows you to ensure perfectly even walls of the tandoor, which guarantees not only a presentable appearance, but also strength, durability, and reliability of the structure.

Masonry features

Laying the furnace takes an average of 1-2 days. In a short time, laying the structure is possible only in preparation for construction in advance. Brick for laying the vault must first be cut. To do this, it is most convenient to use a grinder and special stone circles. Also for the construction you need to prepare the building level, trowels various sizes, as well as a special rubber mallet. Before starting construction, it is necessary to prepare a masonry mortar based on clay, sand and water. Bricks before laying must be soaked in water, so you need to put a container of water.

When mixing the solution, it is recommended to add salt to it - at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket. The amount of clay in the solution should be moderate, otherwise the masonry joints may crack during the use of the tandoor. If there is any doubt about high quality prepared masonry mortar, it is better to purchase a ready-made heat-resistant mixture at a hardware store.

First you need to put the bricks of the first row according to the pattern without using mortar. Bricks are laid out on a narrow edge so that the furnace wall turns out to be half a brick. In this case, the inner radius should be with a minimum gap, and the outer one should be wide enough.

After placing the bricks of the first row without mortar, you can start laying them. To do this, you need to remove the bricks one at a time, place them in water for a while, and then apply a solution to the brick. The finished brick is returned to its place in a row, after which all the bricks of the first row are subjected to these manipulations.

After applying the mortar to all bricks in a row, the masonry should be carefully checked. The solidification time of such a solution is quite large, so there is time to check the quality of the masonry. From the outside of the masonry, the seams should be filled with mortar in order to improve the adhesion of the mortar to the tandoor wall during further finishing.

The second row fits in the same way as the first. However, in order to increase the strength of the structure, it is recommended to do the second row with dressing, while shifting the brick by half. Also in the second row, a blower is installed, which is made from a piece of large-diameter pipe or brick. To install the blower, two bricks must be cut in half, and then inserted this window under the pipe. It remains only to fix all the elements with a solution.

The third row differs from the previous two in that with its help, the tandoor arch begins to be created. To give the wall a slope, you should slightly file the bricks with a grinder. If the angle is calculated correctly, then the next row can be installed on the third without the need to file the bricks. If done correctly, the tandoor will taper closer to the top, which gives it its special heat retention properties. To do this, the shift of the quadruple row relative to the third must be done by a third of the brick.

After completing the laying of bricks, the tandoor must be completely dried. The drying process should take place at optimum temperature. AT hot weather masonry should be periodically moistened, and during the rainy season - covered with a film.

Finishing and firing of the tandoor

The finished brick tandoor has a good indicator thermal insulation. However, to increase its heat resistance, it is recommended to additionally coat the structure with a special clay solution. At the same time, the tandoor is always coated with a solution on the outside, and inside only when it is used for baking samsa and pita bread. In this case, the same mortar is used as for laying bricks, but mixed more densely, and with the addition of salt for plasticity.

Masonry should be well moistened, and then apply a layer of mortar on it. The layer of clay solution should be no more than 10 mm, otherwise it may crack during the firing process. Special attention should be given to the neck of the tandoor. When smeared with a solution, it must be carefully rounded to give the design aesthetics.

To give the structure a presentable appearance, you can additionally overlay it with stone, refractory mosaics or other decorative elements.

After finishing, drying will take at least two weeks. Next, you need the correct heating of the product. To do this, it is necessary to heat the tandoor with paper, small chips and shavings. The walls should heat up, but not overheat. This procedure should be carried out every day for two weeks.

And only after that you can proceed to the firing of the tandoor. For this, it is necessary to use fruit or other firewood. deciduous trees. Firewood must be spread out to a quarter of the height of the structure, after which they are set on fire and burn until coals are formed. After that, a new batch of firewood is poured. This procedure should be carried out until the coals fill the tandoor by two-thirds of its volume. After that, the structure closes and slowly cools down. The next day, the tandoor is completely ready for use.

Dishes cooked on the tandoor are distinguished by their rich taste, uniform roasting and appetizing crust. The advantage of this design is the ability to cook several dishes at once. With it, you can cook pilaf, flatbread, samsa, stew, soups, barbecue and other oriental dishes. Most often, such a furnace is built of clay. However, the clay tandoor is quite difficult to build. To facilitate the construction process with your own hands, it can also be made of brick.

Photo gallery of brick tandoors:

In this publication, we will look at ways to build a tandoor in a country house - a street wood stove made of oriental bricks. After studying this material, you can choose suitable option and perform simple construction work with your own hands.

Construction of a traditional tandoor

First, a few words about what a tandoor is. This is an old-style oven without a chimney, located outside and designed for cooking and baking according to oriental recipes - flat cakes, pita bread, samsa, and so on. What the device of a stationary stove looks like is shown in the diagram.

What does a classic tandoor oven consist of:

  • foundation - reinforced concrete slab;
  • a clay firebox in the form of an amphora without a bottom, closed on top with a metal lid;
  • hearth part and outer walls made of bricks;
  • between the inner and outer walls there is a filler made of heat-intensive building material (sand, fine gravel);
  • at the bottom of the firebox there is an iron grate and an ash chamber with a blower door.

The principle of operation of the tandoor is similar to the Russian stove: the flame of burning firewood heats thick walls that retain heat for a long time. Due to which, after the fire is extinguished, homemade dishes of meat and flour are prepared: shish kebab, kebab or flat cakes (according to the old technology, the dough sticks to the inner surface of the firebox).

Reference. Similar commercially manufactured portable stoves are commercially available. They have a grill (as in a barbecue) and electric heating cameras.

We prepare building materials

To make a foundation and build a furnace, you will need the following materials:

  • a ready-made ceramic vessel for a tandoor furnace, resembling a pot without a bottom;
  • ceramic brick, preferably solid;
  • clay and sand for masonry mortar;
  • grate and ash pan door;
  • metal for the manufacture of the cover;
  • sand or fine gravel - to fill the gap between the walls;
  • cement M400, rebar and crushed stone - for pouring the foundation.

Finished ceramic insert in the oven

Note. It is quite difficult to make an internal ceramic insert shown in the photo with your own hands. If you can’t find it on sale, then you will have to build a budget version of the tandoor with clay coating, as described below.

The amount of building materials depends on the dimensions of the furnace, which are chosen arbitrarily. To correctly lay out the fuel chamber with convex walls, it is necessary to maintain the ratio of the diameters of the hearth and the upper opening, as shown in the drawing.

If you plan to use the tandoor at the weekend, then do large structure meaningless. Feel free to reduce the dimensions indicated in the drawing by 1/3, or half. The finished insert - an amphora does not have to be bricked in a circle, the body can be built square shape which is what is shown in the photo.

Reference. It is allowed to put the stove from fireclay bricks and refractory clay, but at a price the construction will cost much more.

A brick wall of arbitrary shape is built around the clay insert - round or square

We fill the foundation

Since any brick oven is a heavy structure, it cannot be installed directly on the ground. Before making a tandoor suburban area, cook concrete base according to step by step instructions:

According to the requirements for concreting foundations, it is allowed to load a fresh foundation after 28 days. The formwork is removed earlier - after 5-7 days. More details about filling foundation slab under the tandoor, look at the video:

Building a stove

To protect a homemade brick tandoor from moisture from the side of the foundation, cover concrete surface doubled roofing material, and then proceed to construction. The order of work is as follows:

Advice. When adding sand to the solution, make sure that the sample does not begin to crack when squeezed into a cake - this is a sign of a lean solution.

A cake is made to test the solution

To give the firebox a convex shape, use the wooden template shown in the photo. It is easy to put together from wooden planks, checking the angle of inclination of the support rail according to the drawing.

When laying the inclined walls of the tandoor internal corners it is better to cut bricks. It’s easier to work with an internal clay coating when the structure dries, which we will discuss later. The construction process is shown in more detail in the video:

Finishing the firebox and ignition

According to the old technology, the tandoor firebox is supposed to be coated with a solution of clay, sand and sheep wool working as a reinforcing component. Now to apply modern materials that give the best result - refractory clay "Mertel MP-18" and liquid glass.

The consistency of the mixture becomes thick

Finishing is performed according to the following algorithm:

You will need to apply several coats to get an even coverage. Do not strive to make the surface perfectly flat, the main task is to ensure smoothness and remove flowability so that sand does not get into the pita bread.

After the finishing layer has completely solidified, kindle the tandoor with a small amount of firewood and heat it in a gentle mode, allowing the masonry to dry completely. Watch the video of the master for performing the coating procedure:

Budget options for tandoor

One of the easiest ways to make a heat-intensive cooking oven is to use a 200-liter iron barrel as a frame. The base will be an old car wheel, partially dug into the ground, reinforced concrete foundation no need to build.

Manufacturing technology is simple:

Under certain conditions, the tandoor is laid out of bricks without the use of mortar. The stones are placed "on the butt" in the form of a semicircle and tied with wire. The procedure is as follows:

Advice. For the solution to adhere well to brick walls, moisten the latter with plenty of water from a spray bottle.

The finished tandoor must be ignited and heated several times. How is the simplest and inexpensive option stoves, see the video.


In fact, budgetary ways constructions allow you to create an imitation of a tandoor, as they differ in a cylindrical or conical shape. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, a real Asian stove should have an amphora or jug-shaped firebox. If this was not achieved, you get a simple heat-consuming stove for cooking.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

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On the land, which to this day is used by many peoples, using it to prepare their national dishes. The simplicity of its construction and functionality is amazing. Therefore, if you want to make a tandoor with your own hands, our master class will help you with this.

Preparation for work, necessary materials and tools

To build a tandoor, you will need the following consumables:

Name of consumables and building materials Quantity Price, u. e.
Sand and gravel 150 kg 10
Cement brand M400 50 kg 6,2
Grid for masonry with a cell of 5 cm (for an area of ​​1 sq. M) 2 pcs. 3
Refractory (chamotte brick) 50 pcs. 30
asbestos fiber 5 kg 6
Water-based, acrylic, fireproof paint 1 l 5
Fireproof masonry mix 20 kg 4
Fiberglass fittings Ø 6 mm 15 m 3
Steel wire Ø 3 mm (the main requirement for it is that it should easily bend when twisting) 15 m 5,8
Total 73

To work, you will need the following tool:

  • container for mixing building mixtures(concrete, mortar, facing mixture);
  • plastering rule;
  • spatula (width 12 cm);
  • paint brush (width 10 cm);
  • grinder with a cutting diamond wheel for ceramics.

Making the foundation for the tandoor

Despite the fact that the tandoor is a light oven structure, it will be installed in the open air, therefore, a solid foundation is needed under it.

First, determine the type of soil, if you have heaving, heavy (clay, loamy or lowland) soils, then they need to cast a reinforced foundation. A columnar foundation will solve this problem. If the soil is light (sandy loam, sand or soddy-podzolic), then you can simply cast a monolithic concrete slab.

The base of a standard tandoor is 100x100 cm, thickness monolithic slab the foundation for such a structure is enough 10 cm. Along its perimeter, we select the soil to a depth of 15 cm, at the corners of the slab we make recesses to a depth of at least 70 cm and a diameter of 12-15 cm.

We reinforce the resulting holes (we recommend fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm, connected by a quadrilateral), and pour concrete. Concrete is prepared in a ratio of 3: 1: 1 - one part of gravel (with a fraction diameter of not more than 1 cm) and one part of cement grade not lower than PC 400 are taken for three parts of sand. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency (porous formations form in more liquid , and a thicker one will not fill all the voids).

We fill the recesses above the level of the bottom of the pit by 5 cm. This can be done using a formwork 5 cm high laid on the bottom. To simplify the formwork, you can use a container tape, folding it into a ring or any similar material.

After that, we pour sand at the bottom of the pit, which will play the role of a damper cushion. The height of the sand layer should not be higher than the recess molds. Then we spill the sand abundantly with water so that there are no cavities in it, and we lay the formwork for a monolithic slab on top.

As a formwork, we use an edged roofing board 15 cm wide (10 cm in the ground and 5 above the ground). We lay a reinforcing mesh on a sand cushion (ideal if you fix it 5 cm from the level sand cushion). Be sure to level everything with a level and then fill it with concrete.

Concrete sets for at least 72 hours, during which time we will prepare a rule and bricks of a certain shape.

Masonry base tandoor

As the main building material for the tandoor we will use refractory (fireclay) bricks. It is dense enough not to adsorb moisture on itself at the moment of temperature difference, and, as a result, practically does not collapse under the influence of seasonal temperature fluctuations.

The base of the tandoor is a circle; in order to form it, we draw a circle along the pattern (diameter 75 cm). Then we lay out the bricks, numbering them in order so as not to get confused, and using a cutting wheel, carefully cut off everything superfluous from each brick.

We lay roofing material on a concrete base for waterproofing from groundwater.

As a connecting solution, we use a refractory oven mixture for fireclay bricks (sold in any specialized store). The usual clay-sand mixture cannot be used, because it:

  • cracks quickly due to temperature changes;
  • does not form a rigid coupling with fireclay bricks.

The mixture is thoroughly kneaded and then applied with a spatula to the roofing material. On top of the mixture lay out the scraps of bricks, according to their numbering.

Making a "rule" for the tandoor

Now we make a rule for laying walls, as indicated in the photo above. According to tradition, the width of the base of the tandoor should be equal to its height, while the neck should be 1/3 less than the base.

Therefore, we collect the rule of the following sizes:

  • pole height - 1 m;
  • base length 30 cm, second level 25 cm and third level 20 cm;
  • step between guides 25 cm;
  • as a template for vertical wall used a piece of plywood (you can use a lamella from the bed on which the mattress is placed).

We raise the walls of the tandoor

All bricks are stacked upright. Therefore, the strength of the installation of the first row is very important for the whole work.

We put the bricks on the base of the tandoor, put the inner edge close, and coat the seam with mortar.

After the first row is laid out, we tighten it with steel wire. We twist its ends and hide it in the seam between the bricks (the wire will remain on the tandoor).

Lay out the second row in the same way. However, starting from the second row, the bricks will have to be cut (through one) into a wedge.

At the same time, we also lay the inner end faces as tightly as possible, and thoroughly coat the outer faces with a solution.

After the third row has been brought out, we begin to plaster the tandoor with an oven mixture.

The total layer of plaster over the tandoor should be at least 10 mm. We form the upper edge in the form of a roller.

After the solution layer dries (at this time, the tandoor should be covered with a plastic film from rain and shaded so that it does not dry out from direct sun rays), we cover it with acrylic refractory paint, although in the East it is customary to whitewash the tandoor.

When the solution is completely dry (not earlier than after 72 hours), inner space the tandoor is cleaned of sagging, dirt, etc. - this is best done with a hard broom.

Tandoor is ready. You can fry cakes and treat guests.