Brick tandoor do it yourself. How to make a tandoor in the country with your own hands? How to bake cakes in the tandoor

Brazier, barbecue, grill - you will not surprise anyone with these cooking devices, because they are in almost every country house. Tandoor is an exotic oven for our country, in which to cook delicious food pure pleasure. Make a tandoor with your own hands, drawings and photos, step-by-step instruction- will help the summer resident to lay down the stove and save the family budget.

How to make a tandoor with your own hands, video

Asian peoples have been preparing food in the tandoor for many centuries. It is designed for baking delicious bread, baked meat, fish, vegetables and more. The advantage of the oven is that all dishes are tasty, the food is evenly fried, remains juicy and preserves everything. beneficial features. Tandoor has simple design, so that any owner of a country house will fold it with his own hands.

After pouring the foundation, proceed to the laying of refractory bricks

talking plain language, tandoor - a brick oven in the form of a hollow vessel with a wide base and a narrowed neck. Through the hole at the top of the tandoor, firewood and food for cooking are put into the oven. At the base there is a small window that serves as a blower. A damper is also installed there, with which you can easily adjust the level of thrust.

Tandoor is made of clay - natural material, which, when heated, does not emit any harmful substances. The disadvantage of clay is that it quickly heats up and cools down. To keep the heat in the oven, it must be additionally insulated. Along the perimeter, the furnace is lined with refractory bricks so that the shape of a vessel rounded up is obtained. So that there is no air gap between the brickwork and the walls of the brazier, this space is covered with clay or sand.

We offer you to watch a video about the principle of operation of the tandoor:

Due to the thick walls and special shape, the tandoor quickly gains temperature and the heat lasts for several hours. Asian housewives have adapted to simultaneously bake bread, bake meat and cook the first course.

In the manufacture of tandoor, ancient masters used special clay, which has high thermal insulation properties. To prevent the tandoor from cracking due to high temperature, natural wool was mixed into the clay. Modern tandoors are made a little differently, since all the ancient secrets have remained undiscovered and many details of the correct modeling of the furnace are unknown.

Wooden template makes brick laying easier

Exist various technologies making tandoor. For example, you can buy a ceramic tandoor. It can be stationary or portable. It is very convenient to cook delicious dishes in it, as special compound ceramics also holds heat well and the dishes remain fried and juicy. However, the disadvantage of ceramic tandoor is its high price.

The main material of the classic oven is white clay containing kaolin. The material has high refractory properties and poor ductility. These are the ideal characteristics of the material for the manufacture of high-quality tandoor. White clay is used to make porcelain, ceramics and refractory bricks. Powdered dry kaolin can be purchased from wholesalers and retailers building materials. average price per ton is about 100 dollars. The main problem faced by craftsmen who make the oven on their own is the cracking of the oven during prolonged drying. Therefore, only professionals take up the work.

We offer you to learn how to make a tandoor with your own hands according to a drawing from kiln brick. Step by step instructions include the following steps:

Tandoor device

  1. Purchase of materials. The builder will need to buy refractory brick, special oven mixture, concrete, white clay, sand, fittings.
  2. Foundation pouring. The pit is dug round, with a diameter of about 120 cm. The depth of the pit is about 20 cm. The first 10 cm are covered with sand. A mesh is made of reinforcement, which is installed on supports, as shown in the photo. Poured concrete mortar 10 cm thick.
  3. Bricklaying. The diameter of the furnace is traditionally equal to its height. If the width of the base is 100 cm, then the height should be the same, and the neck should be 3 times smaller. To lay out a brick in the shape of an oven, you need to make a wooden template, as shown in the photo. When laying, a special refractory mixture is used, but it is important to leave a hole for installing a blower. According to the template, 4 rows of bricks are laid. For greater strength, the first and second row can be pulled together with steel wire.
  4. Finishing work. Brickwork should be coated with a 5 cm layer of clay. The top edge must be made oval. Masters usually line the tandoor with stone, ceramic tiles or simply painted on the outside with refractory paint.
  5. Burning. After completion of all work, the tandoor is left to dry. At this time, the structure is covered with a film and protected from the sun and rain. After drying, the product is gradually heated, lighting a fire inside. The product is then allowed to cool.

Video about the first firing of the tandoor:

To make the tandoor beautifully folded, it is recommended to build a template in advance. It is very convenient to use it. The base is installed in the center of the future furnace and is displaced during masonry. The wooden template is made as follows:

  • base height - 100 cm;
  • the length of the lower crossbar is 30 cm, the middle one is 25 cm, the last one is 20 cm;
  • plywood is attached to the crossbars, as shown in the photo.

The resulting pattern can be used when laying a brick oven. The rows will be equal, and the work will be done easily and quickly.

Video about making a tandoor with your own hands from brick:

Do-it-yourself tandoor, drawings and photos, step-by-step instructions for making a structure - this is what will allow even a novice builder to easily cope with the construction of a structure. Thanks to this, he will be able to save a lot of money, and enjoy wholesome food prepared in the bosom of nature.

A country holiday cannot do without cooking, namely barbecue. As a result of a long search for the best options for cooking on outdoors, began to appear multifunctional . But even they do not provide such gustatory qualities of food as the Central Asian cuisine offers. What is it about?

Many summer residents have long been using the tandoor instead of the standard and familiar barbecue. For a summer residence, it is one of the best options, since you can cook a lot in it. more species food (up to 40 dishes of meat, vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken) than in the grill. In addition, you can make a tandoor in the country with your own hands, practically, from improvised means, without spending a lot of money.

Tandoor first appeared in Asia. Uzbekistan is considered the birthplace of this miracle stove, although there are numerous modifications of it by the peoples of such countries as Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. The Japanese, Russians and Mongols also contribute to the improvement of this Asian stove. Tandoor in Ukraine is just beginning to take root in the country life.

Tandoor - what is it?

The building is a kind of oven-brazier. Exist various forms Asian tandoor. His internal form made in the form of a jug. By functional purpose tandoors can be divided into devices for roasting vegetables, meat, bread. These separate braziers have a narrow purpose. In summer cottages, multifunctional stoves are made.

There are also various methods installation. You can build it above the ground, or you can dig it into the ground. The construction technologies are almost the same, only in the case of an underground tandoor, an opening 1.2 m deep is dug in the ground, and desired diameter(0.8 m.). As the bottom layer, crushed stone with sand is used, and for the base - a concrete pad.

Outwardly, the tandoor in the country (see photo, video) can have completely different design decorations. It is often used in landscape design projects. Its inner part is necessarily lined with a mixture of straw and clay. It is this element that gives the tandoor its final, complete form and advantageous qualities. This is its highlight and peculiarity. Food from it turns out amazing, refined, tasty.

The principle of operation of the tandoor is to achieve maximum effect when minimal cost source of energy (wood). Simply put, you don't need a lot of wood to cook any dish or several dishes in a row. It is enough to burn a few fields in it and this is enough, since the design of the furnace provides for ideal thermal insulation and the furnace is able to retain heat inside for a long time. On the modern market you can buy a tandoor for a summer residence in the form of a portable jug-shaped device. They are mainly made from a mixture of ceramics and slaked clay. Its inner part is also qualitatively smeared with clay, and the outer shell is decorated with decorative elements made of porcelain and ceramics. It is equipped with several stainless steel appliances in the form of grids, grills, stands for preparing a variety of dishes.

For those summer residents who have construction skills, and also know how to handle hand power tools and welding machine, it is quite possible to build a tandoor in the country with your own hands.

How to make a tandoor in the country?

In the classic version, such a brazier is made purely of clay with the addition of sheep or camel hair. The walls of such a structure are quite thick. According to the technology of creation, the design in ready-made should dry well in the southern sun. This period is about 1 month.

An alternative option is to use publicly available materials - clay, straw, cement mortar, brick, metal, wood. How to build a tandoor in the country? It should be noted that the main parameter of the tandoor is the depth and diameter of the internal space.

There are several options for creating Asian stoves. There are large tandoors in which it is possible to place and cook several dishes at once. It is also possible to build compact portable ovens on a special platform trolley. They are designed to cook one type of dish.

The main material for the construction of the oven-brazier is brick. It is on this method that we should dwell in more detail. So, how to make a tandoor yourself in the country?

Detailed scheme construction of a stationary tandoor:

For the convenience of erecting the walls of the tandoor, it is necessary to create their future shape from wood with jumpers for strength. Its lower part will be equal to the radius of the inner part of the brazier.

At first glance, the construction of a tandoor is a very troublesome business. To some extent this is true. But the result is worth it. It is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations and long-proven schemes and everything will work out.

How to make a tandoor in the country with your own hands, video

Fans of country rest cannot imagine their pastime in the country without barbecue. Indeed, can there be anything tastier than fresh meat, richly flavored with spices and thoroughly fried on charcoal? If this exists in nature, then it can only be meat that is baked in a brick tandoor. Who does not know, the tandoor is a special Turkish oven, thanks to which a shish kebab is obtained with simply incredible taste. And the whole secret of such an exquisite taste lies in the fact that the meat is baked extremely evenly, and only due to the fact that the distribution of heat in such a design is balanced. So, today we will find out how to build a tandoor with our own hands, get acquainted with possible options and give detailed instructions for manufacturing.

How to make a tandoor on your own

Option number 1. Traditional clay tandoor

According to the ancient technology mentioned earlier, a true tandoor should be molded, not built. Moreover, kaolin clay (ideally, of Akhangar origin), which has excellent thermal insulation qualities, should be used for this. To prevent the stove body from cracking under the influence of high temperatures, wool of sheep or camels is added to the clay. It is extremely difficult to make an authentic tandoor, since Asian craftsmen do not spread much about the exact composition of kaolin clay. Simply put, you will have to perform all the manipulations "by eye", constantly conducting experiments.

An approximate manufacturing technology for the classic version of the described furnace is approximately as follows.

Step 1. To make a tandoor with your own hands, you need to mix clay with wool (the length of the fibers of the latter should be about 1-1.5 cm). The result should be a fairly viscous mixture, reminiscent of sour cream in its consistency.

Step 2 Next, you need to wait 7 days for the resulting composition to dry and acquire the required condition. During all these days, the mixture should be stirred periodically so that drying occurs evenly. All water accumulating on top must be removed immediately (it must not be mixed into the composition).

Note! The lower the moisture concentration in the composition, the lower the risk that the oven will crack during drying or firing. When the preparation period is over, the consistency of the mixture should resemble a dense plasticine suitable for modeling.

Step 3 From the resulting "plasticine" it is necessary to mold long sheets of oblong shape with a thickness of at least 5 centimeters. From these plates, gradually moving in a circle, you need to build a tandoor.

Traditional dimensions look something like this:

  • the neck should be 50-60 centimeters in diameter;
  • before narrowing, the diameter should correspond to 100 centimeters;
  • the recommended height of the structure is from 100 to 150 centimeters.

From below, in the side of the case, it is necessary to leave a hole through which air will flow inside.

Step 4 When the oven is ready, it is transferred to the shade and left for another 30 days to dry.

Step 5 The walls must be overlaid with fireclay bricks, and adhesive composition in this case both kaolin clay itself and a special clay oven mixture, which contains plasticizers and quartz sand, can act. Sand or salt should be poured into the cavity between the formed layers, periodically tamping when backfilling.

Step 6 The inner surface is coated with cottonseed oil.

Step 7 After that, it remains only to perform the firing of the finished furnace, that is, to bring the material to the state of ceramics. The temperature should rise gradually and not very quickly. The duration of firing can reach 24 hours, this is explained by the fact that if raw clay is subjected to sudden heating, then it can crack.

Video - Traditional tandoor: technology and curious facts

Option number 2. Making a tandoor with your own hands from a barrel (simplified technology)

It's no secret that making such a furnace using the technology described above is extremely difficult, especially in the absence of special skills and knowledge. And many home craftsmen will confirm this. The surfaces are curved, and the clay often cracks when it dries. To avoid this kind of trouble, a simpler "recipe" for this design was developed, which is based on the creation of walls of clay around a barrel made of wood.

To create such an Asian oven, you must prepare in advance:

  • kaolin clay;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fireclay sand (and its fraction should not exceed 0.5 mm);
  • a wooden barrel with iron hoops;
  • wool (one of the options listed above).

And now let's find out how a tandoor is made from all this with our own hands. First fill a full barrel of water and wait at least 24 hours for the wood to soak and swell. After that, mix wool (0.5 parts), sand (2 parts) and clay (1 part), wait a few days until the resulting mixture dries. The next step is to drain the water, the complete drying of the wood. The inner surfaces of the barrel are treated with vegetable oil and then soaked overnight. Next, the inside of the barrel is covered with a 4- or 5-cm layer of the resulting clay mixture. The composition is leveled with wet hands so that the walls are as even as possible. When moving up, the thickness of the clay layer should increase, that is, the neck of the furnace should gradually narrow. Traditionally, it is necessary to leave a small hole at the bottom, through which air from outside will enter the case.

Note! For drying, the structure should be transferred to a ventilated, shaded and dry place. The process can take 3 to 4 weeks. Over time, the barrel will begin to lag behind the clay walls.

When everything is dry, the iron hoops must be removed, and the barrel itself removed from the tandoor. Next, the furnace is installed on a thick “pillow” of sand and fired, that is, it is first melted. Inside, it is necessary to kindle a small flame and maintain it for approximately 6 hours, periodically loading small portions of fuel. After this time, the stove is covered with something, the fire is made stronger and eventually brought to the maximum rate. It is important that the tandoor subsequently cools down slowly.

If desired, you can additionally insulate the oven to improve its thermal insulation qualities. To do this, you can build brick walls around it.

Option number 3. We make a brick tandoor on our own

So, do classic version furnaces are difficult enough, we have already found out. What is already there, not all masters succeed in this! Therefore, in order to simplify the task and not take risks in vain, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the manufacturing technology of a brick tandoor - this way you are guaranteed to get the desired result, despite the fact that the finished oven will be very different from the traditional version described above.

First you need to prepare:

  • oven brick;
  • wood pattern;
  • masonry sand mixture;
  • cement;
  • kaolin;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • sand.

The main thing is just beginning - the manufacturing procedure itself. The process consists of several stages, we will consider the details of each of them.

First stage. Base

Choose a suitable flat area on which the future tandoor will be located with your own hands. Dig a round hole there, the diameter of which should slightly exceed the planned diameter of the structure. Fill the bottom of the resulting pit with a “pillow” of sand (the thickness should be about 10 centimeters).

Cover the finished “pillow” with an iron mesh constructed from reinforcing bars or thick wire.

fill the hole concrete mix, carefully align everything using an iron rule. Don't forget to check the levelness of the surface with horizontal level. Now wait at least 7 days for the solution to set and concrete surface regained its original strength.

Second phase. Brick walls

Start laying the brick in a circle, the diameter of which you indicated at the planning stage. As a rule, it is about 100 centimeters. Lay the bricks on the end and, using the frame as shown in the image below, begin to form a circle. For laying, use only an oven mortar consisting of fireclay clay, appropriate plasticizers and, of course, quartz sand. This will lead to the fact that the composition will not crack during firing, will quickly set and will generally be plastic.

Traditionally leave at the bottom of the case small hole, which during operation will serve as a blower. It can be either a small window equipped with an iron door or a chimney.

If the height of the furnace is 100-120 centimeters, then four rows of bricks will be enough. Tellingly, when laying the last row, a tapering neck should be formed in parallel, therefore, the brick at this stage should be laid with a slight inclination towards the inside.

Third stage. Carry out coating and cladding

Cover the inner and outer surfaces of the constructed furnace with refractory clay, the thickness of which should be approximately 5 centimeters. In addition, trim the body of the tandoor natural stone- so the finished product will look more attractive.

Fourth stage. We make kiln firing

Immediately make a reservation that the firing procedure in this case is performed in the same way as in the previous two options. Inside the tandoor, it is necessary to kindle a fire, the walls of the furnace must gradually heat up to a high temperature (more precisely, up to 400 degrees), and then slowly - and this is very important! - cool down.

For a more detailed acquaintance with how to build a brick tandoor at home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the thematic video below.

Video - Making a tandoor with your own hands

Operation features

There are a number of requirements that without fail must be followed when using an oven such as a tandoor. Let's start with kindling. A lot depends on the season here. In winter, for example, the temperature should rise gradually - first kindle the wood chips, let them burn out, after which you can put the main fuel. In the summer, it is quite possible to do without preliminary kindling with chips. As for the volume of fuel, it should be 2/3 of the total volume of the furnace. You can put more, but a lot of thermal energy in this case will simply disappear without heating the walls of the case.

As for temperature restrictions, they are absent in relation to the tandoor at all. Use it whenever you want, the main thing - do not forget what was said in the previous paragraph.

Cleaning the stove is also not difficult: just take a shovel, a poker and collect the ashes. If fat gets on the walls, do not worry - with subsequent use it will simply burn out.

Benefits of using the design

The problem of poor roasting of kebabs is familiar to everyone: with poor quality heat treatment part of the meat is fried to a black crust, while the remaining pieces are almost raw. Why is this happening? The reason lies in the uneven arrangement of coals under the skewers, and also in the fact that they - coals - with different temperature indicators. And the results of such roasting are described above.

But the brick tandoor is a completely different thing. Thanks to the unique design, such an oven allows you to completely forget about such an unpleasant thing as undercooked meat. Another advantage of the tandoor is that not only meat is baked in it, but also traditional oriental cakes - tasty, and at the same time very healthy for the body.

Tandoor - design features of the furnace

The device of such a furnace is very similar to most of the structures of this kind, however, some differences still exist. So, the inner surface is made of an unusual (at least for such furnaces) material - ceramics. But both wood and coal can serve as fuel (firewood can also be used).

Outwardly, the brick tandoor is very similar to a hypertrophied earthenware jug, which was overlaid with bricks. Coal or wood is placed directly inside the structure, after which it is set on fire. Then, when the fuel turns into coal, kebabs are put into the oven. Tellingly, the meat can be hung on a hook to a special pole, which should be taken care of in advance, and laid with a sharp end on the foundation.

Note! Another advantage that a brick tandoor has is that it retains heat for quite a long time. Thanks to this, you can have time to make several batches of baked meat at once.

An interesting fact: the described furnace first appeared in distant Mesopotamia, and soon gained considerable popularity among Asian peoples. It is for this reason that a number of oriental cuisines cannot be imagined without this wonderful oven.

Operating principle

To figure out how to make, you must first familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of this design. As an example, consider the classic Uzbek tandoor made of bricks. Outwardly, such a tandoor is comparable to a clay cauldron, but only turned upside down (the top seems to have been swapped with the bottom). In the lower part of the furnace there is a special hole, which is also called a blower.

The base, consisting of clay, is lined with bricks. What is important, between the inner and outer layers there is a slight air layer, which is subsequently filled with sand or salt (the latter option is more preferable).

Fuel is placed into the housing through a hole located on top. Although there are variants of the furnace in which it is located on the side, however, in the classic Uzbek version, this arrangement is practically not found.

Note! The main disadvantage of the tandoor is that the ash is removed from the body through the upper hole, which obvious reasons very inconvenient (this does not apply to portable stoves).

And to make it more convenient to fry shish kebab, a special grate is provided in the oven of the Uzbek version. On such a grill, you can put not only meat, but also, for example, fish or vegetables. All these products are guaranteed to bake equally well.

Note! If the tandoor is built correctly and in compliance with the technology, then you can cook on it for six hours after a one-time kindling.

What is the secret of such high heat-saving properties of the structure? And the secret lies in the materials from which such furnaces are built. Such materials have simply incredible heat-accumulating properties: for example, if you try hard, then the walls of the tandoor can be heated up to a temperature of 400 degrees.

As for the varieties of tandoor, the classification in this case is based on the installation site of the device - according to this parameter, the described furnaces can be:

  • pit;
  • ground;
  • portable.

In today's article, several options for creating a tandoor at home will be considered at once, however Special attention will be given to the manufacture of a brick oven. This is explained by the fact that, for example, a portable structure is, in fact, a type of barbecue, and a pit is used in most cases for heating small spaces. So let's get started.

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How to make a tandoor from oven bricks

Today I will tell you how I realized my old idea to make a tandoor.

The tandoor was originally sculpted from special clay, which was mined in one single place, mixed with sheep's wool, and then a huge jug was molded from this mixture (let's call it that). They cooked not only cakes and samsa in them, they fried meat in it, which in the end had an excellent taste, as for me, shish kebab is no longer close by.

I did not go so deeply into the primary sources and decided to make it out of brick. Because the main task of the “jug” is to retain heat, the brick copes with this perfectly. Closer to the topic...


Like many things on my site, I designed the tandoor in a computer program.

The result should be the following

As you can see, the product is not a simple shape, and to build it with a brick shape, you need to work.

It consists of:

  1. Base(foundation)
  2. platform with channels
  3. 3 “rings” refractory bricks
  4. lid with thermometer
  5. suspension

In order to bring the project to life, it was necessary to bring the bricks into shape with the necessary angles and sizes, and the program helped me with this.

In it, I calculated these parameters.

It was not difficult with the bottom two rings, it was necessary to cut off 2 faces in them so that they fit together precisely with planes, and not with corners. And with the top ring it was more difficult. It was necessary to create a truncated cone, again for joining bricks with planes. The figure below indicates in red what needs to be cut off.

Base for tandoor (foundation)

I did not plan to make it a grandiose structure, everything was just ...

I made a recess in the ground of a round shape with a diameter of 2 meters and a depth of 25 cm.

Waterproofed all around. He fell asleep about 10 cm of crushed stone, then about 5-7 cm of sand, moistened it with water from a watering can and tamped it down. Laid the mesh for the bundle. Then concrete was mixed and poured.

The next day I ironed the surface to give it a perfect flat surface and strengthen upper layer concrete.

brick processing

This is the most painstaking process and quite dusty. The edges were cut with a grinder with a dry concrete disc. In the photo there are bricks for the upper ring.

All corners of the brick were also processed, so it looks more aesthetically pleasing.


For masonry, a refractory mixture based on fireclay clay was used. It is diluted with water, kneaded to a certain state and infused. The peculiarity is that after it has been infused, it is impossible to add water (according to the instructions), so you need not make a mistake with the amount of water.

2 rows of bricks were laid out - a platform with channels, a blower.

Next, using a pattern for laying bricks in a circle, 2 “jug” rings were laid out. The template is made in the shape of an inverted letter “G” with a hole that is put on the pin in the center of the platform and then it determines the radius of the laying of the rings.

At the end of the masonry, all three rings were pulled together. The lower rings are die-cut, the upper ones are aluminum wire.

According to the instructions for the refractory mixture, you need to wait 2 weeks and do not heat.


The lid was made of wood. Built-in thermometer. In the photo, the temperature for the bookmark.

The brick tandoor is the best option for making your own. Many people want to make this oven out of clay, but such a design will not last long, because ceramics need a temperature of over 1000 degrees to bake. In addition, the bricks are cheap enough and the process is so simple that there is no reason to refuse to build a tandoor with your own hands.

Drawings and dimensions

Brick tandoors are of two types - horizontal and vertical. The vertical one is considered classic, its lid is on top, and not on the side, and it is he who is used to prepare dishes of Uzbek cuisine. In addition, it is easier to build, since there is no need to brick the base.

The general scheme of the tandoor looks like this:

Three-digit numbers are dimensions(in mm). It should be noted that they may vary depending on the type of masonry and the number of rows typed. The rest are labeled:

  1. Bassoon clippings.
  2. Chamotte brick laid vertically in three rows.
  3. Expanded clay.
  4. Red brick.
  5. Expanded clay with clay mortar.
  6. Bassoon clippings.
  7. Paving slabs.
  8. It blew.
  9. Metal plate above the blower.
  10. Grids.
  11. Galvanized.
  12. Hanger for vegetables.
  13. Skewers.

What will be needed?

To stock up on everything you need to build a tandoor, you will have to visit a hardware store.


The following tools will be used:

  • Bulgarian with a diamond wheel designed for ceramics.
  • Plaster rule and spatula.
  • Paint brush.
  • A vat for mixing concrete or an electric concrete mixer.
  • Building level.
  • Saw-hacksaw.
  • Hammer and nails or screwdriver and screws.
  • Shovel.
  • Pliers.


Titles necessary materials and them approximate quantity displayed in the table. Please note that the actual consumption may differ both up and down.

Table. Consumption of material for the construction of a tandoor

Making a tandoor with your own hands

Since the brick tandoor has enough big weight and installed under open sky, only the right foundation can provide its long-term service.

Before building it, you need to find out how high the The groundwater in the proposed installation site of the tandoor. If they are close to the ground surface, you will have to find another territory. Next, determine the type of soil. If it is clay or loam, you will need reinforced columnar foundation. On sandy and sandy loam, as well as on sod-podzolic, you can get by with a monolithic casting concrete slab. Since these types of soil are most common, a method for creating a concrete foundation will be described.

Foundation pouring

The base for the tandoor has a size of 100 x 100 cm and a thickness of 10 cm. They make it like this:

The concrete solution is prepared according to this recipe: for three parts of sand, one gravel and cement. Water is added so much that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

Rule making

While the foundation is hardening, it's time to start making the rule. In shape, it resembles a yacht sail and serves to ensure that the walls are even.

Since a regular tandoor has the same height and width at the base, the length of the lower part of the rule will be equal to half its height. The diameter of the neck is a third of the width of the base. Based on these measurements, a rule is made, placing its transverse strips at a distance of 25 cm.

For convenience, you can draw a pattern on any sheet of paper or cardboard.

building walls

When the foundation has gained sufficient hardness, the walls begin to wall.

This can be done in two ways - placing the bricks vertically or horizontally. In the first case, significant savings consumable, and in the second, the tandoor keeps heat much longer and can gain more high temperature. If it is planned to build a tandoor for domestic use, vertical masonry will fully justify itself, besides it will take less time.

The process looks like this:

Not found in classic tandoor exhaust pipe. Some craftsmen include it in the design of their stoves and claim that it greatly facilitates use. For example, it can be used in rainy weather, because air access to create traction occurs not through an ajar lid (where water enters, which extinguishes the fire), but through a horizontally located pipe.

External processing

When brickwork will be finished, you need to start processing the outer part of the tandoor. It is plastered with oven mixture, making sure that its layer is not less than 1 cm.

The upper edge is rounded and four recesses are made in it, into which the supporting parts of the lid are then placed.

After that, the tandoor is covered with cellophane and left until the plaster is completely dry.

Terms of Use

Tandoor is a unique and multifunctional oven. In it you can bake cakes and pies, fry meat, bake potatoes and cook many more dishes.

Flour pastries are “glued” to the walls of the tandoor. This is how the process of making samsa looks like:

Ready pies are pry off with a special metal spatula, substituting a metal sieve with a long handle. The cake falls into the sieve and is taken out.

Shish kebab is prepared by hanging skewers vertically on a special stand and closing the top with a lid. In the absence of such, it is possible to build such a structure from two empty skewers or thick metal rods:

Vegetables are baked, laid out on special grills. You can also put pizza, a large pie with filling or put tin bread there. Assembling such a device with your own hands is not difficult. The grate is hung in the same way as skewers with barbecue:

Cooking begins after the firewood burns out and only coals remain, giving heat. The tandoor heats up to a temperature of about +450 ° C and gradually cools down. It stays hot enough for cooking for 6-7 hours.

It is important to remember that there is a risk of getting burned, so you should work with the tandoor carefully and in no case should children be allowed near it.

Tandoor built near a private house or on suburban area, can easily replace both the grill and the oven. It can be used at any time of the year, and the wood consumption is so economical that it cannot even be compared with other stoves. If the question is what to build - a tandoor or a barbecue, the choice is obvious.