Made with soul! How to build a brick tandoor with your own hands? Do-it-yourself tandoor: ways to make a real Uzbek oven Tandoor with your own hands from brick is the easiest

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Tandoor (tanur - Farsi; tone - Georgian; tono - Turkic; tandoori - Hindi; tandoor - English) is today a popular trend of country-stove fashion. However, it's not just about fashion. In the tandoor, you can cook everything the same as on or in, and many other dishes of oriental cuisine. And at the same time, it is generally easier to make a good tandoor with your own hands than any other country stove.

Another important advantage of the tandoor is that it can be made of clay, i.e. "True furnace", without the slightest admixture of metal in the design, and at the same time mobile. At the end of the season, it can be hidden indoors or taken with you when moving. Installation will require a minimum of work, and the foundation as such is not needed for the tandoor at all.

Finally, the tandoor is economical. He was born in places that never abounded with fuel, and the design was worked out not for centuries - for millennia. Bookmarks of fuel, in the brazier barely enough for a heel of kebabs, in the tandoor there is enough for a dozen of them plus cakes, and plus the tea will boil while the cakes are being baked.

Many who want to acquire a tandoor of their own making are frightened off by the complexity of pottery. But they can be simplified, see below. And the tandoor, in general, is unpretentious in the choice of material - you can even lay out an Uzbek brick tandoor. Ancient nomads in the vastness of Turan, Takla-Makan and Tsaidam at the next parking lot generally made tandoors from anything, and the food turned out to be licking your fingers. A galaxy of Russian travelers in Central Asia in the 19th - early 20th centuries. confirms unanimously.

Make or buy?

As for the tandoor for the dacha or just for the household, here you first need to decide whether to make it yourself or buy it ready. There is no shortage of proposals, and the quality of products, as a rule, does not require separate praise, see fig. on right.

The fact is that it is difficult to make a real clay tandoor in the middle latitudes, and without special technological equipment it is completely impossible. A special section will be further devoted to this issue, but for now we will only note that already during the initial firing, tandoors crack even from selected fireclay clay, which requires at least 1,500 rubles for each attempt, not counting work.

Meanwhile, the price of purchased mobile tandoors, such as shown in fig. above, ranges from 11,500 to 70,000 rubles. depending on the size. The smallest one is about the size of a large pot. It can be put on the table, and one person carries it without effort. And the same person, if necessary, can climb into a large one, for 60-70 thousand rubles. Here it is clear that it is better to buy: after all, the price includes a set of utensils, a lid with a hatch for a kettle and slots for skewers. Doing all this on your own will cost more.

But if we are talking about a stationary tandoor oven, then the cheapest work of a custom-made tandoor master will cost no less than 100,000 rubles, and he will not take this money in vain. At the same time, the heart of such a furnace, the actual tandoor (see the figure on the left above) of branded manufacture, properly fired and with a guarantee, will cost from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. depending on the size and method of delivery (to the place, pickup). And the oven itself, framing it (see the figure on the right), is quite within the power of any artisan to lay down, even if before that he had only looked at the bricks. Materials are also the most common, see below.

Video: the basics of building a tandoor (1 channel)

About electric tandoors

Civilization with electrification did not bypass tandoors. In the end, it is simply impossible to heat wood in a city apartment or restaurant. The obvious solution is to place an air heating element above the hearth, left pos. in fig. below. The finished factory-made product looks elegant (middle pos.), And the price is not much higher than for wood-burning ones - from 14,500 to 80,000 rubles, again, depending on the size.

But an electric tandoor with an open heater is more of a prestigious gift than a culinary technique. Even an inexperienced grocery store will distinguish the taste of dishes from it from real ones. For the worse. The reason is that the heating element dries the air. Of course, it does not absorb moisture vapor, but as the temperature rises, the relative humidity of the air drops, the cakes dry out, and the taste of burning is clearly felt in meat, fish and poultry. If you heat with wood, then water, along with carbon dioxide, is one of the main products of combustion. It penetrates into the microporous body of the tandoor during heating, and then is gradually released, maintaining the desired microclimate inside.

Trying to humidify the air by placing a bowl or tray of water on the grate is useless. It boils away, the steam flies out, at the same time spoiling the food. Trying to saturate the tandoor with moisture during heating is also useless: in order for its vapor to penetrate the burnt clay, their temperature is needed at least 350 degrees, and not 100, as during boiling.

Therefore, a real electric tandoor is a device that looks like a stove (on the right in the figure), but inside is very complex and controlled by an on-board computer. The same clay tandoor is entwined with an electric spiral, coated with an additional heat-resistant dielectric lining, lined with heat-reflecting screens, and moisture is introduced into the baking chamber in precise doses using inserts made of nanomaterials, similar to those used in mobile air conditioners, only heat-resistant. The price is appropriate. Replace the above rubles with US dollars, there will be no big mistake.

What and how is cooked in the tandoor?

There are countless recipes for oriental dishes for the tandoor. In addition, bread is baked in it, barbecue is cooked. After removing the lid and placing a grate in the neck, the tandoor can be used as a barbecue. And putting there a teapot with a neck for a teapot, or a cast iron, we get tea no worse than the best samovar or daily cabbage soup without.

To describe at least the basics of tandoor cooking, you need not even a separate article, but a voluminous monograph. Therefore, we confine ourselves to the most general instructions.

First - if you cook any meat, especially lamb, you need to put a grate over the coals, and on it - a bowl into which the juice will drain. Without it, shurpa or tandoor-shurva will not work properly.

Secondly, if a barbecue or kebab is cooked in an Uzbek tandoor, the skewers are either simply inserted into its mouth (on the left in the figure), or first inserted into the slots of the lid, then the meat is strung, and the tandoor is closed with a lid. The second method is more economical (literally a handful of coals is enough) and guarantees uniform baking of pieces of any size.

If the kebab is cooked in the Armenian tandoor - tonir - then the skewers are hung vertically on the hanger (right pos.). Not every cook can cook kebab in the tonir, but in any case, you do not need to turn the skewers.

Thirdly, cakes in the Uzbek tandoor can be baked both inside and outside, see fig. on right. Which one - depending on the recipe. In general, lunch bread is baked inside, and muffins outside.

Fourth, by hanging a grate on hooks of adjustable length at the mouth of the tandoor, you can cook everything the same as in a Russian oven. At the cut of the mouth, the temperature will be approximately the same as in the cauldron, and right above the coals - as at the back wall of the crucible immediately after heating. An additional plus is that it is not necessary to cook in cast iron, it turns out just as well in ordinary pans.

Fifth, dishes in the tandoor cook much faster than similar ones in other ovens:

  • Beef - no more than half an hour.
  • Pork, lamb - 15-20 min.
  • Fish, poultry - 7-10 min.
  • Vegetables - 3-5 min.

Sixth - a little culinary secret. After cooking, when the tandoor has not yet completely cooled down (you can put your hand inside, but it burns), we put inside the pan filled with pieces of old, impossibly veiny beef. Close the lid tightly, wait until the morning. Now you can cook anything from this meat, and it will melt in your mouth.

About firewood and firebox

Tandoor is critical to fuel. At home, Central and Central Asia, it is drowned mainly with saxaul. Occasionally - elm or plane tree (sycamore). Of these, in the southern regions we have only plane tree, but here it is a valuable decorative tree and is not allowed for firewood.

Saxaul and ready-made saxaul firewood

In our area, tandoors are heated with wood of tree species, the same as barbecues. Charcoal and pellets do not fit well - they give too much heat, an expensive tandoor can crack, but cannot be repaired. Coal is absolutely unsuitable: the tandoor will be saturated with coke oven gases and forever become stinking and poisonous.

The fuel filling in the tandoor is small, about 1/5-1/6 of its height. It is specifically determined by the experience of use, so that there is enough coal for cooking. In general, a barbecue requires half or three times less fuel. Cooking begins when the fuel burns to coals. A prerequisite is that soot and soot on the walls must also burn out. With good-quality fuel, it is always respected.

In tandoors with a built-in firebox, the blower is not closed after heating, so that the coals smolder without burning. And in order not to create excessive traction, the mouth of the tandoor is not completely covered with a lid, if it is solid. In mobile Uzbek tandoors (see below), the lid is made double; at the end of the furnace, the smaller one is removed. Her nest in a properly made tandoor is made serrated, then you can put a kettle on it without disturbing the draft.

History and evolution

So how do you build such a wonderful culinary unit yourself? In order to approach construction with skill, let us dwell a little on its origin.

Initially, the tandoor is the same hearth, a fire in a fence or recess so that the wind does not blow the flame away. However, the heart of Asia, where the map is full of mountains, oddly enough, is poor not only in fuel, but also in stones. The reason is the strongest wind erosion in a sharply continental climate. N. M. Przhevalsky described how in the Gobi, right before our eyes, granite boulders were abraded to dust. The author of the article happened to be in those places, to see something himself in the summer, not in the winter, and he has not the slightest doubt about the veracity of the great researcher.

But the same terrible winds, combined with daily (!) temperature drops from +45 to -30 degrees, supply the Asian plains in abundance with loess - the smallest stone dust. She buries very quickly what the wind carrying her did not have time to abrade. Layers of loess on the plains of Asia reach a thickness of hundreds of meters. To see at least some pebble, you need to climb quite high in the mountains.

Actually, dust is not yet loess. Loess is obtained when dust is churned into a dense conglomerate by the wind that carries stones the size of a fist, periodically baked by the Sun during the day and frozen in dry air at night. Loess has incredible properties. It is exceptionally fertile, gives stable yields of wheat at 40 centners per hectare in monoculture and without any agricultural technology.

But it is more important for us to know something else: loess is heat-resistant, like fireclay clay. When dry, it is as strong as cement, but it is all riddled with microscopic pores, i.e. breathable and fairly easy to process. And if you soak it a little, then you can sculpt it like plasticine. True, if heavy rain pours, then the loess soaks into the mud, in which the tank gets stuck up the tower. But heavy rains where there is loess occur once every 10 years, and even then not every decade.

It is clear that in such conditions it is useless to simply enclose the fire with stones: they will simply be blown away along with the fire and food. But the same wind also gives a solution to the problem - loess. Ancient Asians sculpted their hearths from it 6000 years ago, and in some places they still sculpt, see fig.

The tree of the evolution of European ovens, from barbecue to Russian, is entirely made of stone. The Asians, settling outside the loess plains, everywhere looked for a replacement for such a wonderful material. They had three more allies - the hot Sun of low latitudes, the eternally cloudless sky and very dry air. As a result, various types of tandoors appeared, and culinary subtleties were added to them in the course of development.


The simplest tandoor is a hole in loess soil with a diameter of about 0.5 m and a depth of about 35 cm, to the bottom of which an inclined course is dug from the side - an air duct. Loess tandoors are still in use, connoisseurs say that only they produce real tandoor delicacies.

Where there is no loess, the pit is lined with dry bricks (see Fig.), and pipes made of fireproof materials are used to supply air. However, the same experts claim that such a tandoor is no longer a tandoor.

In the loess, you can dig a hole in the form of a jug without the danger of its collapse. This made it possible to significantly save fuel: due to the reflection of the IR, the heat was concentrated in the center of the chamber. In areas without loess (in Fergana, for example), you cannot build an earthen tandoor, but there are also many deposits of high-quality clay, and pottery has been developed since time immemorial. It was there that the Uzbek tandoor was born.


The scheme of the Uzbek tandoor is shown in fig. The fire under it is an ordinary one, made of masonry with slots for air access. But the main secret of the Uzbek tandoor is in the clay top placed on the fire. It is, as can be seen from the figure, two-layered.

The first, inner layer was made from high-quality clay with a small (1:1 or 1.5:1) admixture of sand and the addition of chopped wool; wall thickness - half a span. The solution was made very thick, the consistency of plasticine. To achieve its complete homogeneity, knead the solution with your feet.

Next came into force natural conditions. In the center of the Asian continent, the air is constantly saturated with the finest dust; The sun in a completely clear sky is seen as if in a haze. Meteorologists call this phenomenon pasnost. You can fully understand the degree of dustiness of the local air when you see a phenomenon common in those places - dry rain. Drops of water collect, flying, dust particles. The water evaporates due to the extreme heat and dryness, and dry spools fall to the ground.

Dust completely absorbs ultraviolet, even at an absolute height of 1800 m there is almost no ultraviolet in daylight. Caucasian Asians come to the sea in the summer with the same "cheese" tan as northerners from Olenegorsk, Naryan-Mar or Norilsk. But the dust re-radiates all absorbed radiation (UV and upper visible spectrum to blue-green) in the IR range - the air is oversaturated with thermal rays. Asians seem to live in an annealing furnace.

Having molded the workpiece, they exposed it to the Sun. Unbearably hot light, combined with very dry air, literally expelled water from the workpiece in an hour or two in the morning, but drying (in fact, low-temperature firing; at noon, the workpiece was heated to the temperature of sand in the desert, 70-80 degrees) lasted two weeks. The preform turned out to be microporous. In the same way, the famous Bukhara sweating jugs were prepared for firing, keeping the water poured into them cool in any heat.

It is precisely because of the impossibility of organizing such a natural technological process in cooler and / or humid places that home-made Uzbek tandoors do not work out. During drying, a crust forms on the workpiece that does not release water from the solution. Gradually, it nevertheless evaporates, but the workpiece goes into firing with residual stresses, which is why it cracks during it. In middle latitudes, the maximum wall thickness of pottery is about 13 mm; for the tandoor, this is clearly not enough, and it is impossible to build up and dry in layers because of the same residual stresses.

But you can’t sweat in a tandoor, and the heat capacity of a vessel with a wall thickness of 40-50 mm is not enough for proper fuel economy. He must return the water received during the heating. Therefore, the first layer after drying was lined with a solution of ordinary white or gray clay without fibrous additives. After 2-5 days of drying, the product was fired. The top layer often cracked, see fig. higher, but this did not worsen the quality of the tandoor: the outer layer is just additional thermal insulation.

Over time, small portable single-layer tandoors appeared, with their own firebox and grate. They were no longer suitable for baking bakery products, but the meat in them was cooked perfectly. Such were more in use among the nobility and were richly decorated. Most of the modern tandoors available for sale (see the following figure) are from the Bai branch.

“Bay” tandoors

Uzbek tandoor oven

There is also a class of tandoor consumers in Central Asia, which require a very large heat capacity at a reasonable price. These are tavern-keepers (tavern-keepers) and teahouse-keepers. The stationary tandoor was supposed to provide continuous preparation of food for visitors within 3-4 hours from one heating. Asians are patient people when they have to pull up the sash, but if a few tangas on pilav or beshbarmak are wound up in the belt, they become very active. Yes, wood is expensive.

For catering tandoors of the old times, craftsmen began to make ready-made burnt inserts, which are still exhibited quite a lot in Central Asian bazaars, see fig. Most of them are in the form of a cap, they are cheaper, and the stove is also cheaper: ordinary brick, thermal insulation - bulk from unbaked clay. The scheme of the device of such a furnace will be given below.

In areas that are especially poor in fuel, starting from the 18th century. kilns with an insert in the form of a jug became widespread. The chamber was made relatively small (see the figure on the left), lined with a thick layer of fireclay bricks. The blower air duct was made long to heat the air from the furnace body. An elbow-length bundle of saxaul, which can be clasped with the fingers of two hands, was enough to bake a dozen cakes and boil a kumgan of water for five; Kumgan was installed in the neck of the tandoor instead of the lid. Such a tandoor oven is called tandoor-nan or tandoor-non.

Video: Uzbek traditions of building tandoors


The second trunk of the tandoor evolution tree came from Transcaucasia. It's hot here too; in Shamakhi, perhaps, it is hotter than in Fergana. And the air is also dry, but clean and transparent. This alone was enough to prevent pottery tandoors from being made here.

But the Transcaucasian Highlands is perhaps the first region on Earth where people discovered deposits of fireclay clay and learned how to work with it. Armenians are considered jacks of all trades and the best artisans among the Caucasian peoples.

The Armenian tandoor, or tonir, is laid out of fireclay bricks on clay; in terms of properties, its body is equivalent to the Uzbek clay body with walls half as thick as bricks. Outside, the tonir is lined, like the Uzbek one, with clay, see fig. The purpose of the lining is the same - additional thermal insulation. It could also be made of brick, but it will turn out to be difficult and expensive.

On Uzbek tandoors, decorations are mostly glazed stucco: such a large “pot” without fittings is not very durable and may not withstand additional loads. Tonir, like a brick structure, is much stronger. Therefore, the external decoration of tonirs is much more diverse and richer: from simple coating with decorative colored clay with burnishing and facing with wild stone to the most complex tiled compositions, see fig.

Armenian tandoors - tonirs

It is much more difficult to build a brick vessel of a complex curvilinear configuration than to mold it from hand-thick clay sausages, crushing and pinching them. Therefore, tonirs are most often made in the form of a cylinder topped with a truncated cone, or even in the form of a straight pipe. At the same time, the IR can more freely flee outward to no avail. The high heat capacity of chamotte, combined with its negligible thermal conductivity, to some extent compensates for this drawback, but still, a tonir of the same capacity per unit of finished product consumes the same fuel by 15-20% more than the Uzbek tandoor, not to mention the nan oven .

Another (however, like the first, not significant) disadvantage of tonir is due to its “brick” strength: it also gives a “brick” weight. Mobile toners, if they are made, are on a stand with wheels. And horizontal tonirs, embedded in the wall, are found as an exception. Of the "Uzbeks", almost a third goes to the bricking up.

There is also a difference in soils: in Central Asia they are more alluvial, alluvial, i.e. weak, and in Transcaucasia - volcanic, durable, waterproof. Therefore, in Armenia (more for the sake of saving space and space) earthen tonir was revived. It is made in the form of a well (see fig.), and in terms of product quality it is not inferior to the earthen tandoor in loess. But trying to build the same in the black earth or loam of the middle zone is a waste of time, soil moisture will get inside through any lining and ruin the whole gastronomy.

About the cauldron

Tandoor is done quite simply: at the mouth, or on it, depending on the size of the tandoor / boiler, they put a boiler with water. If baking or cooking is being done and the skewers do not stick out, the water heater can be combined with cooking: the hot air above the mouth is exhausted, and the body will not give off more IR than it can emit, so the product will not spoil. It is only necessary to place pieces of something durable and non-flammable under the bottom of the boiler so that a gap is formed for the air to escape.

About form and mouth

The shape of the tandoor slightly affects the fuel consumption in it, but it does not noticeably affect the quality of the prepared dishes. Tandoor can be made spherical, oval, ogive (jug), in the form of an inverted cardioid, barrel, cylindrical-conical or in the form of a straight pipe. The usual diameter of the mouth of the Uzbek tandoors is 0.35-0.7 of the inner diameter of its lower back, and for tonirs it is 0.5-1.0 of its own.

Domed with a wide mouth, cylindrical-conical and cylindrical tandoors are better for baking: lumps of dough stick more conveniently and in larger quantities on the inner surface of a large area. Other tandoors are mainly meat and fish, but in general the specialization of tandoors is relative. When used by a skilled cook, it comes down simply to the dosage of fuel.

Making a tandoor

From the foregoing, it is clear that the manufacture of a tandoor on its own boils down to two options: a brick tonir or something like “Uzbek” from it. There is, however, a way to make a clay tandoor even in Murmansk, we will also dwell on it.

A brick tandoor can be erected by anyone whose hands have not grown into their pockets, are able to distinguish their wife’s chest from her own head by touch, lift a clerical folder with papers and bring a cup of coffee to his mouth, without spilling, in the morning after yesterday. The sequence of works is basically clear from the figure, we will give only some explanations.

Materials - fireclay bricks (300-1500 pieces, depending on size), ready-made dry oven masonry mixture, which is diluted with water to the desired consistency, and ordinary building sand. The foundation is not needed: we dig a pit two diameters of the base of the tandoor and a depth of a shovel bayonet. We fill it halfway with sand, and fill it to the ground level with a liquid, creamy, furnace solution. Exactly in the middle we stick an even pole or rod and set it vertically along the plumb line. We fix it from the wind with temporary stretch marks on pegs. We also cover from the rain with a temporary canopy made of slate or galvanized steel. Film or fabric cannot be stretched for reasons that will be clear from what is described below.

While the clay dries (this is 1-3 weeks), we prepare the main working equipment: a rotary template according to the shape of the inner surface. In order to avoid undercutting of bricks during laying, we link its shape with the dimensions of the brick and the permissible thickness of the seams - 3-13 mm.

When the fill dries, we lay out the first row of bricks on a dry one. We lay the masonry with pokes (bricks across the masonry line; if along - the bricks are called spoons, or spoons; the emphasis is on the penultimate syllable) upright. Having expanded, adjusted the width of the seams and leveled by turning the template a full turn, we take out the bricks one at a time, dip them into clean water for a second, apply the masonry (dough-like) mortar, and insert them into place. At the end of the row, turn the template again and level. We work slowly, the clay solution hardens for a long time.

In the first row we leave an opening of two bricks, this will be a blower. The same brick will go to the beam above it, see the middle pos. in fig. We lay out the arc of the row above it from the halves of the brick. We put it and the subsequent rows, like the first one: first on a dry one, and with a double check with a template. If the template is calculated correctly, then by changing the width of the seams, it will be possible to lay out all the rows with full-bodied (solid) bricks, changing only their number in a row.

The third and all other rows will be solid. But already from the second row, you need to try to withstand the dressing of the seams between the rows: set the first brick of each subsequent row in the middle on the seam between the bricks of the previous one, as highlighted on the right pos. Here, at the stage of calculating the template, you also need to follow the rule: the protrusion of the row inward is no more than 1/4 of the width of the brick. The second option, but less durable, is to lay bricks with a slope of bricks in a vertical plane; then no inner lining is required.

A complete dressing will not work, because. row diameter changes smoothly. Therefore, we begin the laying of each subsequent row not from the same place as the previous one, but shifting by 1/5-1/3 along the circumference; it is convenient to navigate along the blower. This technique is called bandaging through the rows. So we bring the masonry to the top.

Video: an example of building a simple brick tandoor

Video: tandoor based on the finished insert


If the tandoor is also intended for baking, then after the masonry dries (2-4 weeks under a canopy), we line it from the inside with the same masonry mortar, but already with plasticine viscosity. Before lining, the tandoor is properly sprayed from the inside with a spray gun.

After another 1-2 weeks, we begin the preliminary firing. First - paper, cardboard or shavings. We set fire to a handful and through the mouth we also toss a handful, until the outer wall becomes slightly warm. Then cover with a lid and let it cool completely, it will take about a day. We gradually increase the dose of heating for 2 weeks until the water dripped onto the outer surface begins to boil, shooting back and splashing. You can’t pour a lot, half a liter can be ruined by a tandoor that has not been annealed to the end!

Now it's time for the final firing. We fill the tandoor by a quarter with regular fuel, let it burn out to coals. We add fuel in the same portions until the tandoor is at least half full of embers. It is better to take firewood that burns quickly, but smolders slowly (cherry, apple), so that the level of coals approaches the mouth. Let cool, still covered. In this case, care must be taken and fire safety rules: a hot stream of air from the tandoor will beat with reactive force. Cooled down - we unload the ash, the tandoor is ready for work.

Tandoor ovens

The best tandoor oven is from a ready-made purchased tandoor-hood in a brick shell with thermal insulation, it is also an additional heat storage device. The scheme of its installation is shown in fig. The foundation is two rows of tongue-and-groove blocks (PGB) on a cement-sand mortar and a cushion of sand or crushed stone. Thermal insulation - the same crushed stone or vermiculite chips (more expensive, but better), mixed with clay oven mortar - "sour cream". Masonry - from ceramic bricks on a cement-sand mortar (walls) and clay oven (under and foot).

And here is another exotic option: a tandoor-barbecue oven. True, only the name comes from the tandoor: the authors of the design honestly warn that it is unsuitable for baking. However, this product has an undoubted advantage: a chimney, and it is suitable for installation not only outside, but also indoors. Therefore, it would make sense to lay out the firebox not with a cone, but as the brick tandoor described above.

The drawing and ordering of the "tandoor-combi" are given on the next. rice. Under it, you need a full-fledged furnace foundation, so this work is not for beginners. The 31st row is reinforced with a sixty steel corner. The smoke collector is made of steel from 2 mm. Chimney diameter - from 250 mm.

And yet - clay!

And now we will tell you how to make the clay tandoor yourself. They say that this method was invented by specialists from military-chemical and bacteriological enterprises of the USSR. This extremely dangerous production was concentrated in Central Asia - away from the center, closer to the then potential opponents with a dense population and poor medicine.

Already in the 70s, the production of this muck was completely discontinued, enterprises were redeveloped for agricultural chemistry, insecticides, and plant protection products. Specialists who served 8 years (the year there went for 2.5) received a severance pay, which allowed them to immediately buy a cooperative apartment in a regional city and, if they wanted, resign. Of course, they immediately pulled away from the terrible climate, deadly poison and plague at hand. But they missed the dishes from the tandoor in new places.

The way out was found very simply: the usual, from under cucumbers or cabbage, a barrel. A very competent engineering solution: since the matter is in the unevenness of drying over the thickness of the material, it is necessary to make it uniform. Is there an industrial drying chamber? We will ensure uniformity from the opposite: not by heating, but by moisture. Will the process take longer? For myself, don't worry.

The technology is as follows: wash the barrel and fill it with water. We withstand 2 weeks until the wood swells completely. Then we pour out the water, thoroughly coat the barrel from the inside with vegetable oil. Linen is best, but refined sunflower or corn will also do.

Next, we tightly wrap the barrel with a rope, but so that it does not grab the hoops. We protect the coils from slipping with carnations. Now we cut the hoops, remove them. In the bottom we cut a hole along the diameter of the mouth of the tandoor.

By this moment, firstly, a temporary cushion should be ready, at least from bricks laid directly on the ground on a dry one. The furnace solution, which is described above, must also be ready, the consistency of plasticine. Nowadays, there is no need to trample clay with your feet to exhaustion: a 1.5-2 kW perforator with a mixing nozzle at low speed will bring the solution to the desired homogeneity in an hour and a half.

Instead of wool, 25% by volume of fluffed asbestos was added to the solution for strength. It is necessary to work with fibrous asbestos in the open air with full protection of the respiratory organs, eyes, face and body, but those men for demobilization, just in case, dragged gas masks with OVZK with them.

The barrel was placed on a pillow, and from the inside it was covered with clay with a layer of 60-70 mm. Then they turned it upside down and put it on 4-6 bricks so that there was a gap at the bottom. After 2 weeks, the strapping was removed and waited until the rivets began to fall off on their own. The last one fell off - it dried out enough, you can burn it. Work began, a little warmer in the spring: drying continued for months.

Roasting was carried out as described above initial. Upon its completion, they were lined with clay without filler, like the Uzbek tandoor, dried again and finally fired. This method does not give a 100% guarantee, but with some ingenuity and observation, out of 10 blanks, 7-8 are fired without problems.


So what, do tandoor or buy? The cap insert is definitely a must buy. It also makes sense to buy a small family tandoor for meat and fish. An Armenian tonir, built independently, can be a source of pride, but in terms of time and labor it will cost more than a stove with a ready-made ceramic tandoor-cap.

To diversify the country menu, you can lay out a brick tandoor with your own hands, spending very little time on the device of this unusual stove. The design of the tandoor has historically developed among the steppe nomadic peoples, who were forced to conserve fuel. For heating such a hearth, very little firewood is required, after which you can bake bread or cook food in the heat that the heated walls give. In a dome-shaped oven, the desired temperature is maintained for quite a long time without fire, and if necessary, it can be maintained by adding wood chips or dry plant branches.

Currently, Asian hearths are one of the types of exotic stoves. Traditional methods of making them from clay are quite complex and labor-intensive. Therefore, more and more often you can find country mini-ovens made of bricks. There are both electric and gas models of industrial production.

But anyone who is a little familiar with the masonry technique can make a brick tandoor with their own hands. There are several varieties of homemade foci:

  • vertical square;
  • vertical cylindrical;
  • horizontal (Central Asian).

Cylindrical vertical models are especially popular. They are made both submerged in the ground, and ground, and even mobile. This design allows you to use the hearth for different purposes: bake cakes or samsa, fry barbecue, cook pilaf or other dish in a cauldron, and even just boil water in a kettle.

The vertical square tandoor is also quite versatile, but its design is less perfect, because the interior of the furnace will warm up worse in the corners. But you can bake bread in such a hearth, although you will have to place the cakes closer to the middle of each side. In all other cases, a simple design is quite justified, allowing you to bake meat in the same way or cook something in a kitchen utensil installed on top of the hole.

The horizontal tandoor is traditionally molded from clay, which makes it possible to make an arched vault without much effort. But you can also make a front-loading brick tandoor yourself. When cooking in a container, you will need to place it inside the firebox. This gives the horizontal hearth a distant resemblance to a Russian stove. Cakes or samsa in Central Asia in this case are still baked, attaching them to the walls of the firebox.

Preparatory stage

Before you make a brick tandoor, you need to perform a number of preliminary work. They depend on the design of the hearth, but in general they boil down to the preparation of the base and the selection of materials. An important point in the manufacture of a cylindrical mini-stove is the manufacture of a template. It is needed in order for the rounded arch to turn out to be even.

Brick for the tandoor can be taken as usual: red full-bodied or even facing. But the best choice would be refractory fireclay stone, which is designed to withstand high temperatures. The heating and cooling time for all brands of brick is approximately the same.

In addition to building stone, a number of additional materials will be required:

  • cement, sand and gravel - for the foundation of the ground variation;
  • masonry mortar for stoves and fireplaces (dry mix);
  • a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm (asbestos cement, sandwich, tin) - for some models of tandoors;
  • grate;
  • clay;
  • reinforcing mesh, wire;
  • cutting boards and plywood;
  • grinder and disk for ceramics;
  • measuring tools.

If you add decorative elements to the structure, then you can even decorate the site with a tandoor. In this case, it is best to sketch the building in color, and then make drawings according to the desired dimensions of the hearth.

The place for the mini-oven must be chosen so that the building is flooded with water as little as possible during the spring snowmelt. If necessary, you can build a raised platform for its installation. For a ground model, you will have to fill in the foundation, and for an in-depth model, you will have to dig a hole.

How to make a ground tandoor

For a furnace of this design, a foundation is required. Even a small tandoor will weigh quite a lot, so during the period of thawing and freezing of the soil, it can lead and the masonry will simply crumble. But since the building is still not very large, you can get by with a slab foundation, the dimensions of which should exceed the diameter of the furnace by at least 20 cm around the entire perimeter.

Under the foundation, you need to dig a pit up to 50 cm deep. A layer of sand or ASG should be laid at the bottom of the pit, leveled and tamped. The thickness of the pillow is 10-15 cm. After that, a solution is kneaded from 1 part of M400-M500 cement, 3 parts of fine sand and 4 parts of crushed stone, adding water until a plastic mass is obtained.

Concrete must be poured into the pit, filling it to the level of the soil. Then install the formwork from the boards along the contour of the pit and raise the concrete level by another 5 cm. If you want to protect the homemade brick tandoor from melt water, the site can be made higher. After preparing the base, work will have to be interrupted for 7-10 days until the concrete gains strength.

Cylindrical tandoor masonry

Before you build a brick tandoor, you need to make a template. The construction of boards and plywood is traditionally used:

  1. Pick up a pole with a length not less than the height of the future tandoor (about 1.2 m).
  2. Attach slats to it in increments of 30 cm (along the height of the pole). The length of the bottom and the one following it is 30 cm. Then you need to make smaller boards, forming a bend: the length of 3 supports is 25 cm, and 4 bars are 20 cm.
  3. Attach a strip of plywood to the free ends of the laths, bending it in accordance with the profile formed by the shortening parts. The length of the rails can be chosen arbitrarily, depending on the size of the hearth, and be half its diameter at the base and at the top. A convenient height of the oven is about 1 m.

The laying of a vertical configuration tandoor begins with the formation of its bottom. To do this, several fireclay bricks must be laid on the foundation without mortar. Draw a circle on them, with a diameter equal to the future building. Taking out 1 piece, cut off the excess parts of the stone with a grinder with a ceramic disk. After sawing, the bricks must be put in place. The result is a round base. In order not to confuse the parts during masonry, you should number them.

Remove the base parts from the foundation, prepare the solution. You will need a refractory mixture for laying stoves and fireplaces. In the dry composition, add water according to the instructions on the package, kneading a viscous clay dough. Apply the mortar to the foundation, lay out the numbered bricks, pressing and lightly rubbing them to the base.

The construction of walls can be done in different ways:

  • install the brick vertically, with a long narrow edge outward;
  • perform the usual masonry in 1 brick around the circumference;
  • place the stones with the poke side out (for this method, halves of bricks are usually taken).

If the masonry elements are installed vertically, you need to slightly trim the ends (butt sides) of each brick. So they will easily form a vault.

Set the template on the bottom of the future tandoor. At the same time, the pole should be located in the center of the brick circle, and the plywood strip should be 12.5 cm from its edge. A bed of mortar should be applied to the free space.

After that, the laying is carried out, pressing the inner edge of each brick to the template plywood. Turning the pole, lay out 1 row in a circle. At this level, you need to leave a small hole for blowing. Therefore, 1-2 bricks in the masonry are not installed.

The next level is raised according to the same principle, pressing the edge of the stone against the template. The masonry parts must be shifted relative to the lower ones in order to get the dressing of the seams. Block the blower hole, completely closing the ring of fireclay bricks. Tie and tighten the row with thin steel wire or reinforcing mesh.

Continue to raise the walls of the tandoor, orienting the narrowing of each circle along the pattern. When laying bricks vertically or with a poke, it is imperative to ensure that the inner faces of each of them are in contact with the neighboring ones. As a result, small gaps are formed between the outer sides. You can fill the space between the parts with the same masonry mixture during work.

After the construction of the brick tandoor is completed, the template must be removed through the upper hole. Align the internal surfaces by applying a clay mortar or a refractory mixture to them. Cover with clay and the outer surface, finishing it to taste: facing with stone or tiles, decorative mosaics or otherwise.

The side of the hole on top must be carefully smeared with clay dough, giving it a roundness. Very often, at this moment, supports for suspensions are formed. To do this, you just need to make 4 cross-shaped recesses in the upper edge of the tandoor. It will be possible to put sticks in them, on which skewers with meat, a grill for roasting vegetables, etc. will be hung.

Square tandoor

A very simple hearth model can be made by hand even without a template. To build a square brick tandoor oven, a rough order of 2.5x2.5 masonry stones can be used. If desired, you can choose other sizes, the principle of construction will not change. The coarse pattern has a hole for the furnace door. Since the vertical tandoor does not have this detail, you need to lay out bricks where the door opening is indicated.

The slab under the foundation must be poured in the appropriate form, and after the concrete has hardened, lay bricks on it, forming the base in the form of a square. Elements of the next level should overlap the joints of the lower bricks. In the middle you need to leave a small hole for blowing, bringing it to one of the sides of the square. Raise 1 more row, install the grate.

At the next level, overlap the blower channel by laying out a solid hearth with a hole above the grate. For the walls of the furnace, several rows should be laid around the perimeter of the square, carefully aligning the verticals of the sides and the horizontality of the upper edge. At a convenient height, you need to start narrowing the dome.

To get a kind of furnace roof, you need to slightly move each element of the masonry inward. In this case, you will have to cut the bricks so that they fit on the ever-shortening sides of the square. When the top hole reaches a size of 20x20 cm, you need to slightly raise the side. Clean the internal surfaces from the influx of the solution; if desired, the stove can be plastered from the outside.

How to make a tandoor in the ground?

On a dry and elevated area, you can make a furnace, wholly or partially immersed in the ground. Such a building can become the center of a recreation area, replacing the Scandinavian hearth. Before you make a tandoor with your own hands out of brick, for such a design it is necessary to find a sufficiently long asbestos-cement pipe for making a blowing channel.

Given that the height of the tandoor is about 1.2 m, you need to be prepared to dig a pit of the specified depth. With partial deepening, the pit may be smaller. Its width is chosen arbitrarily. At the bottom you need to lay a layer of ASG, tamp it down and pave the pit with bricks.

1 row of masonry is laid out on this impromptu foundation. The shape of the stove can be round or square, and the building stone can be laid both with a spoon and vertically. After 1 tier is formed, a pipe for blowing should be installed. To do this, a trench must be dug with a slope that will allow the other end of the pipe to be brought to the surface of the soil. To fill the gap between the wall of the pit and the masonry, you can use excavated soil or ordinary clay, sand, crushed stone.

At the next levels, the furnace walls simply need to be raised to the desired height above the ground. If the building will have to perform decorative functions, finish the edge according to your own taste. In order for the tandoor not to cool too quickly, you need to choose a lid that is suitable in diameter for the upper hole.

What is a horizontal tandoor?

The Central Asian oven is also very interesting, in which there is no upper hole. Its pharynx is located on the side, which makes such a design related to the Russian or Pompeian oven. The manufacture of a tandoor of this design is traditionally made from clay mixed with straw or sheep's wool. Near such a hearth it is convenient to bask in the winter cold, it is often installed under the roof, indoors. But the construction of a brick tandoor is also possible in this case.

To create it, you need a circle, or a template made of plywood and boards. It will help you quickly build a tandoor with your own hands, ensure ease of laying the vault and give support to the bricks until the mortar sets. A template is made in the form of 2 connected arches, the width of which is equal to their height. You can draw a circle of the desired size, draw a horizontal diameter and lower 2 straight lines from the points of intersection of it with the circle. Transfer the resulting figure to plywood and cut out 2 identical parts.

Connect them with bars along the top edge. The length of the rails is equal to the desired oven depth. Sheathe the upper edge with thin plywood, bending the sheet along the contour of the arch and attaching it to the bars.

Prepare the base of the oven. Traditionally, it is built in the form of a table about 1 m high. Cinder block, brick, natural stone can be used for the base. You can weld the construction of a steel corner and put a metal worktop on top.

A layer of bricks on a clay mortar is laid on the finished base, forming a furnace with a channel for blowing. On the next row, you need to block the channel, leaving a hole in the center.

After that, install the circle on bars 3-5 cm thick and align it horizontally and vertically. For masonry, it is best to use wedge-shaped bricks, specially designed for the manufacture of vaults and arches. In their absence, cut off a part of an ordinary masonry stone, giving it the desired shape.

Lay out the uncut stone with a spoon in 1 row to the left and right of the template, close to its plywood vault. When shifting the bricks for dressing the seams, evenly raise both sides to the beginning of the arch. After that, use only cut or wedge-shaped stones, gradually closing the arch in the middle. Leave a small hole for the chimney. Dry the masonry for 4-5 days.

Carefully knock out the bars from under the wheel. At the same time, it will drop a little, which will allow you to freely remove the template from the firebox. Install grate.

Brick the open back of the arch. On the facade, you can make a damper or decorative doors. Press in the chimney pipe and bring it outside if the stove is located indoors. For an outdoor stove, a chimney is optional.

Preparing the tandoor for operation

But the work on the made tandoor is not over: the hearth laid out with your own hands must first be burned. They do this only after the clay has dried, that is, a few days after the construction of the building itself is completed.

Make a fire out of paper and small chips. Heat the oven until the outer surface is heated to +350°C (warm to the touch). Extinguish the fire and let the stones cool completely. Next time bring the oven temperature up to about +700°C (hot). It can cool for several hours, you can leave it overnight.

The last heating should heat up the tandoor to the operating temperature (+1500°C or more). After that, it is completely ready for use.

To bake bread and samsa, you need to heat the oven well and let the firewood burn down to coals. Dough products are glued directly to the walls. The cauldron can be installed on a round hole from above, and skewers with meat are hung on sticks in a vertical position. You do not need to turn them, as they heat up evenly from all sides.

Tandoor - handy cooking tool. Initially, tandoors were made earthen, a little later - ground.

In both cases they were built from clay. New technologies make it possible to create portable "jugs" from fireclay mass.

Materials for the manufacture of the furnace

For brick tandoor suitable for several types of material:

  1. white refractory brick;
  2. ceramic clay brick;
  3. stone blocks.

How to make a square brick tandoor with your own hands

This type of oven is quite simple to build, as it does not require special skills. The vertical design reaches 1-1.5 meters in height.

Reference. With the proper skills, the device can be laid out even without a template of everything for half an hour or an hour.

Project selection

It is not necessary to look for a detailed construction scheme in this case. The main thing is to choose the right the size structures, for example 2.5 by 2.5 bricks. If a large oven is planned, the technology for its creation will not change from this.

For building square tandoor you will need:

  • brick;
  • masonry mortar;
  • spatulas;
  • grate;
  • clay;
  • sand, crushed stone, cement, fittings and form (pit) for the foundation.

Foundation arrangement

Choose the dimensions of the furnace, fill the plate for the base of the desired shape. For this dig a hole of suitable size: the foundation should be slightly larger than the base of the structure. Place ten centimeters of sand at the bottom, pour concrete on top. In the middle of the base have reinforcement for fastening.

Important! Remember that brick buildings ponderous, so the foundation must withstand the entire structure.

Laying out the base

After the concrete has hardened, you can start laying the bottom row. Bricks are laid out on concrete, a square base is built. If the design size is selected 2.5x2.5 brick a, put the bottom layer spiral inwards.

Bricks of the next row cover the joints of the lower level. This principle is followed when laying out each new row.

Second level completely covers the first.

Wall masonry

During the construction of furnaces, the opening of the furnace door is usually taken into account. In a square tandoor instead of a door only a small hole remains so there, too, you need to lay out bricks.

On the third level lay out the walls of bricks, leaving the inner space empty. A grate is installed on the same layer.

In the center of one of the walls of the third level, a place is left for blowing half a brick in size.

Fourth level repeats the previous one, raise the hole for blowing. The next row closes the blower.

All subsequent rows should narrow, creating a semblance of a chimney. With size 2.5x2.5 bricks enough to raise the chimney five rows. The narrowest row reaches dimensions 20x20 centimeters. After it, a row or two should be wider than the previous ones. Just here a device for holding skewers is installed. In this embodiment, skewers with meat will be located vertically.

After completion of work clean interior walls from cement mortar.

Insulation and exterior finish

Outside walls can plaster or cover with clay mortar.

If you cover the tandoor with clay, you will need a few days to dry before the appliance can be used.

In the square tandoor scheme, the chimney is open. In order to keep the heat better inside, you need to create heat resistant steel cover.

How to build a horizontal brick tandoor

Horizontal tandoor requires more costs for the purchase of materials: during construction, more bricks are used, and, accordingly, mortar, the foundation should also be larger.

But in use, the horizontal tandoor is convenient and retains heat better.

The difference between the device and the standard oven- No top hole. Smoke exits through the side opening. Usually this structure is made of clay mixed with wool or straw, but it is also possible to build an aggregate of bricks.

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List of tools and materials

Creating a horizontal tandoor somewhat more difficult than vertical. Outwardly, the device is very similar to a conventional stove and differs mainly in the chimney. Due to the complex structure here need a little more material:

  • a template from boards or circles;
  • metal door;
  • grate;
  • clay;
  • bricks, including wedge-shaped;
  • mortar and spatulas.

Plank template

Plank template can be built by yourself. It helps to build a tandoor, creates a support for the bricks, and allows you to carefully lay out the vault.

The template is two connected arches with the same width and height. The easiest way is to draw a circle of the desired size, draw a horizontal diameter and lower two straight lines from the intersection with the circle.

Project this figure onto plywood and cut it out two identical pieces.

Along the top edge to link with bars. The length of the rails is the same as the planned depth of the furnace. The upper edge is sheathed with plywood, the sheet of which is bent along the contour of the arch to the bars.

Foundation preparation

The base usually resembles a table about a meter high. It can be constructed from natural stone, brick or cinder block, suitable steel metal top design. The main thing is to calculate that the foundation can withstand the entire brick tandoor.

Laying walls, arranging a channel for blowing, installing a grate

  1. A layer of brick on clay mortar is laid out on the base. The blowing channel is formed. The next row covers the channel, the hole in the center remains.
  2. A circle or a wooden template is installed on bars with a thickness three to five centimeters. Align them vertically and horizontally. Since the tandoor is laid out in the shape of an arch, wedge-shaped bricks are most suitable for such work.
  3. A number of bricks are laid out on the sides of the template so that they fit snugly against the plywood arch. Bricks are displaced to dress the seams and are raised at the same angles to the right and left of the arch. Further, only wedge-shaped or cut stones are used, closing the arch in the middle. There should be a small hole for the smoke to escape.
  4. The masonry is allowed to dry within five days.
  5. Knocking out the bars from under the circle. They take out a wooden template and put a grate.
  6. The back of the tandoor completely bricked up. A flap is made on the front. You can install doors.
  7. If the tandoor is built indoors, take the chimney outside. If this is an outdoor structure, a chimney is not needed.

Drying and initial firing

Before using the tandoor, several steps need to be taken.

Wait until the mortar between the bricks is completely dry. This may take up to one week.

To dry, leave the device in a ventilated area. If the unit is outdoors, then you can dry the stove in the sun. Then the process will take a little over a week.

After that, the flame is extinguished, the brick is allowed to cool. The second time they kindle a fire and heat the stove up to 700 degrees while the walls become hot to the touch.

The third time the tandoor warms up to the standard operating temperature, up to 1500 degrees. After that, you can start using the device.

Possible manufacturing problems

When building a horizontal tandoor, you need wedge bricks. If such material is not at hand, ordinary bricks will do, but they will have to be cut to the desired shape.

Today it is difficult to imagine a vacation in the country without juicy, delicious kebabs. However, not only the brazier attracts vacationers. Having your own tandoor in your backyard is fashionable, stylish, and convenient.

In fact, the design of the tandoor performs the same functional features as the barbecue.

A big advantage of this type of furnace is the possibility of self-assembly and installation.

In fact, a tandoor brazier is not much different from this type of oven. However, certain differences cannot be ruled out. These include external characteristics. As a rule, furnaces of the type in question do not have decorative finishes. In turn, it can be decorated with ceramic tiles. As for the type of fuel, wood, coal can be used here, brushwood is less often used.

According to external indicators, it can be compared with a large jug. Fuel, regardless of type, is laid directly into the interior of the structure. A characteristic feature is the location of the skewers. They are attached to specialized, pre-installed perches. The tip of the skewer must be pointing down.

What are the advantages of a tandoor over a barbecue?

Probably, everyone at least once faced with the fact that the barbecue was not fried enough. This is due to the fact that the meat is subjected to heat treatment with improper heat distribution. That is why a piece can have one side fried to coals, and the other will remain with blood. If the coals are unevenly distributed on the surface of the brazier, respectively, the heat to the products will do the same. Also, do not forget that each individual coal has its own heat supply temperature.

With a brick tandoor, everything happens quite differently. Its design is unique. It is it that ensures uniform frying of meat of any size. Separately, I would like to note that not only meat is perfectly fried in this brazier. From time immemorial, corn cakes have been baked in such ovens, which are distinguished not only by their amazing taste, but also by their beneficial properties. This tradition, fortunately, has survived to this day. Try a flatbread or meat and you will feel the difference.

What is the tandoor made of?

As for the materials used, preference here should be given to a solution of clay. Such a design will not contain other types of materials, respectively, environmental performance will be on top. The clay tandoor turns out to be mobile, that is, convenient enough to move if such a need arises. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the structure can only be installed during the seasonal period, in the fall it can be removed for storage. Another important factor is the need to build a foundation.

Do not forget about economic features. Tandoor comes from countries that were far from the use of fuel, gas. That is why there was a need to build a stove that would serve for cooking for decades.

The idea of ​​building a tandoor did not arise by chance. This is justified by the fact that a small amount of coal is placed in the brazier, which is only enough to fry a certain amount of barbecue. But the brick tandoor, in turn, is able not only to fry meat, but also to bake bread (cakes). In addition, this heat is enough to heat several liters of water. Simply put, performance is striking in its functionality.

As practice shows, construction can cause concerns associated with the performance of pottery work. However, they can be avoided. How to do this - we will consider in more detail later. In fact, he does not put forward special requirements for the criteria of the material. Even from an ordinary brick, you can build an Uzbek oven.

Buy or make?

Once you have come to the conclusion that in the country you are missing exactly the tandoor, then you should come to the right decision: purchase the structure in a specialized store or build it yourself. Undoubtedly, the purchase of a finished furnace is the most simplified option. It is important to know that today for consumers there is a huge choice of models with guaranteed quality.

You can make a tandoor with your own hands, but there are certain criteria. It is imperative that you pay close attention to them. So, for example, in the middle latitudes, conditions are not quite suitable for the manufacture and operation of the structure in question. Do not ignore the fact that construction here without specialized equipment is simply impossible. The main problem, as a rule, is the formation of cracks in the structure during firing. In this case, the quality of the clay does not matter.

In this case, experts recommend buying a ready-made tandoor design. The cost will be several times cheaper. At the same time, in addition to the main structure, upon purchase, you will receive utensils, a lid (intended for heating the kettle, installing skewers). As a rule, all this is included in the factory package.

Self-assembly can only be done with certain skills. Moreover, it is impossible to completely build the oven yourself. Its internal component will have to be bought or made to order. The "heart" of the tandoor is in a different price range. The cost is determined depending on the size of the device, material.

It is a furnace, a brazier, presumably round in shape. The structure can be located both in the ground and above it. Increasingly, today, brick is used for construction. It is advisable to give preference to a specialized type for the brazier. You can build such a furnace without much difficulty and in a short time. But it will function for many years, delighting your family, friends, comrades with delicious food.

Important! The brick tandoor is an oriental type of brazier. The tradition of its installation originated from there. As a rule, in the countries of the East, the construction was erected in the central part of the house. It served not only for cooking, but also as a heat supply during the cold season.

How to make a brick tandoor with your own hands

A miniature oven is very popular, which can move around the summer cottage with the help of wheels built into the platform. Naturally, the construction under consideration can be met in the implementation already in finished form. However, its acquisition will require considerable financial investments.

If, nevertheless, it was decided to build a tandoor with your own hands, then here you should pay attention to the fact that the soil under the tandoor is always dry. To do this, it is best to use a coating of sand, stone.

So how to build a tandoor with your own hands? For this kind of construction, the following types of material can perfectly fit:

  • stone blocks;
  • clay ceramic brick;
  • brick of white color, which steadfastly resists fire.

The main thing here is to remember that the structure in question will have a large mass. Hence it follows that a strong foundation must be erected under it. It is with its construction that work should begin.

According to external characteristics, the base of a brick tandoor can be compared with the foundation of a house. The only difference will be the opening, which will serve as a place for laying wood (fuel).

It is impossible to exclude the possibility of building a tandoor on the ground. In this case, the base will be a shallow depression (preferably round), covered with a thin layer of sand. On top of this, you can start building a well from any kind of brick. Do not ignore the masonry mortar. Experts recommend opting for a ready-made specialized mixture. The masonry itself can be carried out in two ways: horizontally, vertically. In the case of horizontal masonry, the heat in the oven remains for a long period of time. Vertical masonry, in turn, is an economical option. This is due to the minimum cost of bricks during construction.

In order to have a visual idea of ​​​​what the final result will be, it is worth making a masonry without using a mortar (the so-called ordering). The required shape of a brick can be given with a "grinder" with a blade on ceramics. As long-term practice shows, laying out a tandoor in the shape of a circle is not an easy task, which is why it is worth modeling a drawing before starting construction work. It is preferable that it be made in real size, which will greatly facilitate the workflow. The made brick template will be the key to successful masonry.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that you should not save on masonry mortar, then the structure will turn out to be more durable. Do not forget to use the building level in your work, which will lead to the construction of an even furnace.

The base of the tandoor is always wider than its top. This is done so that the heat remains inside the brazier as long as possible, and is not wasted. As a result, the appearance of a do-it-yourself brick tandoor should look like a vault. Once the entire structure is ready, you should start disposing of the remaining solution in the inside of the product. The wall on the outside of the furnace must be treated with dry clay, especially for brick joints. If desired, the inside of the tandoor can be treated with a mixture of clay and grass.

After all the mixtures dry well, you can start firing. You should start with paper, then the temperature is increased by changing the raw material. The considered method is simple in its kind. If you want to give the design a pleasant appearance, then you can decorate it with mosaics, hand-sculpted.

Wooden barrel for tandoor

There is no doubt that a brick oven has more positive characteristics. However, the construction of this structure may not always be convenient. Here you can use other improvised means, for example, a barrel made of wood. In this case, a certain skill in working with clay is required.

Preparatory work begins with the impregnation of the inside of the barrel with sunflower oil. It is preferable to leave it to soak overnight. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the iron hoops on the barrel are not too tightly fixed. Next, the mixture is kneaded in the following proportions:

  • wool of a sheep no more than 15 centimeters long;
  • fireclay clay - 0.05 kilograms;
  • fireclay sand 1 kilogram.

All components must form a mixture of special density. This mixture should stick around the inside of the barrel, thereby creating the shape of the future tandoor. The thickness of the walls should be at least 20 centimeters, but not more than 30 centimeters. It will take about seven days for the solution to dry completely. It is advisable to use incandescent lamps during this period to dry, which will help achieve a more effective result. As soon as the solution dries, the hoops are removed from the barrel, and the barrel itself is disassembled. There remains a finished frame, which should be fired.

Brazier from a plastic barrel

A standard-sized plastic barrel is filled tightly with liquid, as a result of which its sides increase slightly in size. From the outside, fireclay mixture should be applied. It is applied in a dense layer, rubbed well. Here it is worth “smoothing” the solution until the desired shape of the furnace is obtained. Drying is also carried out for seven days. After that, the liquid should be removed, the empty barrel should be carefully removed. Now the do-it-yourself tandoor can be considered completely finished.

On what principle does it operate?

Before you start making a tandoor brazier with your own hands, you should pay close attention to the principle of functioning of the structure itself. An example for this is the Armenian tandoor, made of bricks. Here it is worth paying attention to the drawings. In order not to spend a lot of time and energy on compiling them, you can turn to the Internet for help. There are ready-made schemes here, according to which you can build a tandoor with your own hands of absolutely any size.

Equally important is the option of the brazier itself. As a rule, the following are distinguished:

  • conventional oven;
  • underground tandoor;
  • horizontal/vertical brazier

In more detail, you can consider the possibility of making a ground-type do-it-yourself tandoor. Here it is important to choose the right place for installation. It is most preferable if the structure is located under a roof, a canopy. It is important to pay special attention to the construction of the foundation. It is from its strength that the reliability of the entire structure will depend. Do not forget that concrete, mortar for laying bricks must be well dried. To do this, it is better to leave the finished product to dry for several days, only after that it is fired. Once all the required conditions are met, the oven-brazier can be used for its intended purpose.

Basic rules of use

As you know, there is a certain list of rules for the operation of the brazier (tandoor). Their implementation is mandatory. The time of year is of great importance. So, for example, during the cold season (in winter), the temperature in the tandoor should rise gradually.

The first step is to ignite the chips, only after they burn out the main part of the fuel is added. In the summer, the ignition of wood chips can be excluded. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the fuel should fill 2/3 of the dimensions of the furnace. Of course, you can add most of it to the brazier, but you should not forget that some of the heat will be wasted.

There are no restrictions for the temperature level, just as there are no restrictions in terms of operation. The main thing is to take into account time preferences.

Caring for the brazier is quite simple. All that is required of you is just the timely cleaning of the ashes. If fat accumulates inside the oven, you should not worry, because during the next use of the tandoor, the fat will simply melt.


However, one should not forget that the design has certain disadvantages. These include the inconvenience of cleaning. This is due to the fact that the ash will have to be removed through the upper part of the hole, which is not very convenient. It is important to note that the portable oven has a different cleaning method.

With a competent approach to the manufacture of the tandoor, the structure will be able to function non-stop for six hours. In this case, only one kindling will be used. Separately, I would like to note that experts refer the portable product to one of the types of barbecue. Pit tandoor, as a rule, is intended to a greater extent for heating the room. Cooking in it is a secondary matter.

Making a tandoor on your own turns out to be a simple, quite affordable and interesting activity. Therefore, the question of how to make a tandoor in the country with your own hands does not seem particularly difficult. However, it is very important to follow the rules of the technological process when building a brazier. If you follow all the recommendations, then the result of a high-quality oven will undoubtedly please you. Compliance with all the rules during construction work will allow the tandoor to function for decades.

Dacha - most often used as a place to relax. Tandoor will be an excellent addition to it. With it, you will be able to please your friends or relatives with delicious and delicious dishes cooked on fire. The main advantage of the tandoor is that food is hung upright. Thus, the fat that is formed during the cooking process flows evenly over the sinter, and does not immediately fall on the coals. We will talk about the features of making a tandoor in the country house further.

A small tandoor for giving with your own hands

In the tandoor, you can cook various dishes in the form of cakes, samsa, barbecue, fish, etc. At the same time, dough products are fixed directly on the walls of this device. This bread has a special, refined taste.

We bring to your attention several options for making a tandoor. Traditionally, this oven has a round shape. It is both above ground and underground. In some oriental dwellings, the tandoor is located directly inside the kitchen, most often in the center. Thus, this stove is not only a place for cooking, but also to some extent a heating device.

It is possible to manufacture a small portable tandoor, in which case wheels are additionally installed in it. In the manufacture of a stationary version of the furnace, it must be located on soil made of sand or stone. In this case, the soil in any case, should not be wet.

Before you build a tandoor with your own hands, you should prepare the drawings. To make a tandoor, use stone blocks, ceramic clay bricks, or white bricks with refractory characteristics. Initially, you should equip the base, since the tandoor has an impressive weight, the base in the form of a foundation should be quite strong. Fuel will be laid inside the base, so care should be taken to make it from refractory materials.

It is possible to make a tandoor directly on the ground. In this case, it is enough to equip a small recess of a round shape. At its bottom, you need to make a sand cushion, and start laying a brick well.

Bricks are interconnected with a special solution. A variant of the use of ready-made furnace mixture is possible. It contains plasticizers, red clay and red sand. There are two ways of laying - horizontal and vertical. The first option is different in that the finished tandoor keeps the accumulated heat longer. The second option is more economical and requires fewer bricks for its manufacture. In the lower part of the furnace, a hole should be equipped through which the combustion products of the fuel will be removed. Initially, we recommend laying out the oven without the use of mortar.

If you need to cut bricks, use a grinder with a special disc for ceramic products. After completing the ordering, bricklaying is carried out on a previously prepared mortar. The process of building a round furnace is quite lengthy and requires experience with similar materials. All bricks must be sealed together.

In order to form the correct round shape, you will need a brick template. During the laying process, periodically use the level to measure the evenness of the tandoor. Oriental stoves narrowed slightly at the top, for these purposes, the craftsmen used patterns according to which the laying was carried out.

After masonry is completed, the inside of the furnace gets rid of mortar, dust and dirt. In order to fill the outer seams between the bricks, use clay. The inside of the oven is also coated with clay, pre-soaked and combined with other components in the form of finely chopped grass. Additionally, ceramics, mosaics, tiles or natural stone will help decorate the oven.

Do-it-yourself tandoor in the country: photos and unusual manufacturing ideas

To make a brick tandoor, you must have some experience with bricks, as well as special tools. To simplify this process, we offer the option of making a tandoor from an ordinary wooden barrel.

In the process of work, in addition to the barrel, clay will be required, as well as skills in working with this material. The inside of the barrel is covered with a solution of refined oil. In order for the mail to absorb the oil well, leave it for 12 hours. To prepare the solution, you will need the presence of clay, sheep's wool, with which reinforcement is performed and sand with refractory characteristics.

The consistency of the solution should be thick, with its help the inside of the barrel is covered. To smooth the mortar, use special tools in the form of trowels. To dry the barrel, use incandescent lamps. This is followed by the process of removing the hoops and disassembling the barrel. Thus, it is possible to obtain a clay tandoor oven. In this case, the product must be fired again.

DIY tandoor video:

To make another unusual tandoor, you will need a plastic barrel. Initially fill it with water and wait for it to increase in size. The outer part of the barrel should be treated with a solution based on fireclay clay. Thus, the formation of the contour of the furnace is performed. Next, the product is dried for seven days. After that, the water is drained from the barrel and it decreases in size. It is at this moment that the barrel is removed from the furnace.

Such an oven allows you to install special supports for a cauldron on it, in which you can cook a variety of food. To install skewers for barbecue, you will need to make metal fasteners. Additional decoration of the furnace is carried out using tiles, ceramics, paint and other decorative elements.

Do-it-yourself tandoor: step-by-step instructions - options and manufacturing features

There are several varieties of tandoor ovens. The first one is stationary. This structure is distinguished by a hemispherical design, with a volume of one cubic meter. The side wall of the furnace has an opening with a diameter of about 60 cm. The technology for making a traditional Uzbek tandoor with your own hands is particularly difficult and time-consuming.

A simpler option is to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick. Most often, firewood, coal or brushwood is used to fire the tandoor. The inner part of the walls is wiped, the cinder is removed from it and traditional cakes of dough are placed on it. To take out the cakes, special devices in the form of hooks are used. Fuel is loaded through the same opening as food.

The second option is the manufacture of a portable tandoor. For these purposes, chamotte clay is most often used. The thickness of the walls of such a furnace reaches seven centimeters. Among the advantages of this material, we note a high level of heat resistance, high thermal output and thermal capacity. Thus, dishes can be cooked in a short period of time, with low fuel consumption. The shape of the oven most often resembles a barrel, the sides of which are equipped with handles, with the help of which it is transported from place to place. To improve the strength of the structure, it is tightened using vertical and horizontal strips of metal.

Among the additional elements of such a tandoor, we note the details in the form of:

  • grids, grill nets or baking sheets;
  • hooks for pulling out food;
  • skewers, additional attachments;
  • utensils for preparing combined dishes.

The lid is equipped with a device on which the skewers are fixed in a vertical position. The lower part of the furnace is equipped with a blower. With its help, the furnace is kindled, the ash pan is cleaned. Clay portable stoves must be protected from the harmful effects of moisture and frost.

Another variation on the traditional tandoor oven is the electric oven. In terms of external characteristics, it looks like a regular stove. In its lower part there is an element in the form of a heating element, which performs the function of heating the oven and cooking. However, an electric oven is not able to release heat like coal or wood, as a result, the food turns out to be overdried, devoid of natural moisture.

The main advantage of an electric tandoor oven is that they can be used anywhere that has access to electricity. They differ in original design and good operational characteristics.

How to make a tandoor in the country with your own hands

It is difficult to make a portable version of the tandoor, it is better to buy a finished oven in a specialized store. But, if you decide to make a stationary tandoor, then in this case, use the recommendations below.

We offer the option of making a tandoor in the country with your own hands from brick. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a special brick with refractory characteristics. In addition, you will need previously developed drawings, a template made of wood and mortar for masonry.

To prepare the solution, fireclay clay, water and ordinary salt are used. It is possible to use the finished composition, which also contains plasticizers that improve the resistance of the solidified solution to temperature changes and moisture.

The laying is carried out in three bricks, then the structure is coated with kaolin clay. The drying time of the solution is about 25 days. After that, the stove is heated daily with a small amount of firewood. After the solution is completely dry, the product can be fired. The tandoor oven can have various shapes, ranging from an oval to a jug or a straight pipe. Among the advantages of making a tandoor with your own hands, we note:

  • fast food preparation
  • a small amount of fuel used for cooking;
  • the possibility of self-production of the furnace;
  • the possibility of preparing dishes of various compositions with an unsurpassed taste.

Particular attention should be paid to the process of kindling the tandoor. If the weather is hot outside, the stove is filled with firewood completely. In the winter season, small chips are first laid, which gradually heat the walls of the furnace. Next is the laying of firewood. The use of wood from fruit trees will saturate your dishes with an unsurpassed aroma, coniferous trees emit resin - we do not recommend using them when cooking. The best option is birch, acacia, oak.

Please note that the use of coal for cooking is unacceptable. In the process of its combustion, toxic substances are released in the form of coke oven gases. The filling of fuel is carried out in such a way that it occupies no more than half the volume of the furnace. The oven melts and warms up for an hour, only after that the cooking process begins.

It is not recommended to install the stove in a closed room, as there is a risk of ignition of objects that are close to the stove. Stationary models have a high ignition height, reaching 100 cm. Therefore, when working with them, keep the maximum safe distance. Do not allow water to come into contact with hot parts of the oven, as there is a risk of cracking. The heating temperature of the oven sometimes reaches 450 degrees, so keep children away from it. When working with the tandoor, wear gloves with heat-resistant characteristics. Before transporting the oven from place to place, wait until it has completely cooled down.

Additional accessories for the oven can be made independently or bought in specialized stores. It can be all kinds of shovels, potholders, skewers, grills.

If you still decide to purchase a tandoor, we recommend that you stop at models that have additional glazing. They are practical in operation, as they are easily cleaned of grease and soot. A high-quality Uzbek tandoor with your own hands will become not only a place for cooking on a fire, but also a decoration for the exterior of the cottage, so the process of its manufacture should be taken with particular seriousness.

Do-it-yourself tandoor in the country house video: