Diagram of dimensions of barbecues and brick stoves. Brick brazier: the best projects, repair features and ideas for building a brazier (95 photos). Photo of a brick grill

Anyone can make an outdoor oven at their dacha - a barbecue home handyman who knows how to work with bricks. The purpose of this article is to help the homeowner correctly build a garden stove with his own hands, using finished project with orders. For convenience, we provide some drawings and examples of masonry.

We are building a barbecue complex with a hob

For the construction of an outdoor stove on summer cottage We propose to implement the project shown in the photo. Let's list technical features facilities:

  • 2 workplaces capable of functioning simultaneously - barbecue and hob;
  • overall dimensions in plan – 1660 x 1020 mm, height – 3220 mm (including the chimney with the cap);
  • collection flue gases from both fireboxes organized into one pipe;
  • the design is simplified as much as possible - instead of the arched arch of the firebox used in, a direct ceiling is provided metal frame;
  • under the kebab grill there is a niche for storing and drying firewood;
  • the chimney is equipped with a closed brick cap, which prevents precipitation from entering the flue.

Note. At the request of the homeowner, the scheme can be changed. For example, install a cauldron instead of a stove, and adapt the grill to a grill. Cabinets for placing dishes or a smokehouse must be built separately.

At first glance, the design of a universal barbecue stove seems complicated, but in reality it is quite simple to implement. It is better to place the structure under a canopy or inside so that the masonry is not washed by rain and lasts longer.

Before starting construction, a platform measuring 176 x 112 cm must be provided on the veranda (a margin of 50 mm on each side of the stove body). Make sure that the chimney pipe does not coincide with the load-bearing roof beams, otherwise the roof will have to be redone.

Construction materials

To build a complex barbecue oven with your own hands, shown in section in the drawing, you will need to buy the following set of materials:

  • clay brick standard sizes– 720 pcs. (full-bodied recommended);
  • fireclay stone grade SHA-8 for laying fireboxes – 80 pcs.;

  • loading door 25 x 21 cm, ash pan - 25 x 14 cm;
  • cleaning doors 13 x 13 cm – 3 pcs.;
  • equal angle corners 40 x 4 mm, 4 studs with M12 threads and nuts (length - 70 cm) for assembling the floor frame;
  • cast iron panel for 2 burners 71 x 41 cm;
  • sheets of basalt cardboard and roofing felt;
  • fittings periodic profileØ 12-16 mm into the base.

Note. The quantity of bricks is indicated taking into account the construction of the chimney pipe and the cap.

Sectional diagrams of the furnace

For fireclay masonry, you should purchase special refractory clay or mortar. The body of the furnace is laid out on a clay-sand mortar with the addition of M400 cement. Crushed stone, sand and Portland cement will be used to construct the foundation. How much building materials are needed depends on the stability of the soil and the depth of its foundation.

Laying a reinforced concrete foundation

Since the weight of the structure exceeds 1 ton, build it on the ground or cement screed it is forbidden. Required reliable foundation, spaced 5-10 cm from the base of the veranda. A pit is dug for construction, the depth of which depends on the occurrence of dense soil horizons. As a rule, it does not exceed 1 m.

Reference. In soils subject to the forces of frost heaving, it is necessary to arrange pile-screw foundation, related metal beams or a concrete grillage.

The step-by-step foundation laying technology looks like this:

  1. Mark and dig a hole 1760 x 1120 mm, compact the bottom with a vibrating plate or manually. Place a cushion of sand 0.1 m thick and repeat compaction.
  2. Fill the pit to ground level with rubble - fragments of stones, bricks and other solid construction waste excluding wood. Fill the voids with clay and water slurry and let it harden.
  3. Make a reinforcing mesh by tying the rods at intervals of 10-15 cm. Install it on top of the backfill, lifting it by 3-5 cm using stands so that the rods are in the thickness of the concrete.
  4. Make homemade formwork from boards 20 cm high.

Last stage pouring - preparing concrete grade 150 and laying the mixture into formwork. Proportions bulk materials– 3 parts sand + 5 parts crushed stone per 1 measure of Portland cement M400. Upper plane Place the monolith horizontally and leave it to harden for 4 weeks. It is recommended to remove the formwork after 7-10 days.

Under iron concrete slab It is advisable to place a layer of roofing felt for waterproofing purposes, as shown in the diagram. Then the monolith will not be saturated with moisture from the soil. More information about laying furnace foundations is described in the video:

Preparing for construction

To begin, cover the hardened concrete slab with 2 layers of roofing felt to ensure waterproofing. brick building. Assemble the standard set of stove-maker tools shown in the photo: trowels, brushes, measuring devices, and so on.

You can make the mortar for a backyard barbecue oven yourself or buy a ready-made building mixture. In the first case, proceed in this order:

  1. Soak the clay, as free from soil as possible, in a trough with water for 1-2 days.
  2. Pass the clay solution through a sieve, separating the pebbles and kneading the lumps.
  3. Sift the sand and mix with liquid clay in a ratio of approximately 1:1.
  4. Before laying, add cement in the amount of 200-300 grams per bucket.

The finished solution should not stick too much to the trowel, and when squeezed by hand, give a minimum of cracks. To achieve best properties, experiment with the proportions of sand and clay.

Note. Mortar for fastening refractory bricks is prepared according to the instructions on the packaging (bag).

Laying instructions

To build a brick oven-barbecue, we suggest using step-by-step instructions, accompanied by photos and procedures:

Using the ordering example as a guide, lay out the chimney with the cap closed on top. The height of the pipe can be adjusted by decreasing or increasing the number of identical levels from the 28th to the 38th tier. The process of laying this barbecue structure is discussed in detail in the video:

Advice. If you want to expand the functionality of the building, just add more additional elements on the sides of the stove. Masonry back wall you can continue to the sides using any red brick.

When finished, let the stove dry for 2-4 days, depending on the weather. Then test fire both BBQ chambers using a small amount of wood.

How to lay stove bricks correctly

To successfully build a working outdoor stove, be sure to follow following rules masonry:

Remove the solution protruding outward with a trowel, and wipe the internal surfaces with a damp cloth. If you lack experience, do not try to chop stones with a pick; it is better to use a grinder with a cutting wheel for concrete.

In conclusion - the simplest stove options

We deliberately proposed to immediately build a serious complex garden barbecue, since a multi-function oven is of more interest to users. If you manage to build a similar barbecue out of brick, then adding bedside tables, a smokehouse, and even building a fireplace will not be a big problem.

Instead of a capital structure, you can make a simple structure, shown in the photo. No mortar is required here, and no foundation is needed: just buy ready mesh for a barbecue and lay out a brick cabinet according to its size. To prevent the building from collapsing, select a flat, solid platform.

The simplest barbecue with a smoke collector is built in the form of two retaining walls on cement-sand mortar. It is cast for installation of the brazier reinforced concrete slab(or a ready-made one is used). Alternative option– tie the brick walls together with a frame of corners. The smoke collection umbrella is made of ordinary roofing steel.

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Correct masonry Brick stoves are not only an architectural balance that preserves the durability of the structure, but also a guarantee of functional benefit and safety during operation. Setting up a barbecue is necessary even to an experienced master. Everyone's knowledge brick row with a given number of elements and precise location gives an invaluable effect in the speed of doing the work with your own hands and a high-quality result.

The term “order” characterizes two construction concepts, used in one architectural field - bricklaying. It is this division that sometimes confuses a novice stove maker. It is important to keep ready both definitions, which by their name provide not only control of the masonry in rows, but also the order in which the masonry is executed.

If there is not enough time to build a stove, we recommend contacting the company: “Fireplace Ochag”.

Test device

Originally professional word“ordering” describes the elementary device necessary to control the height and horizontality of each row of bricks.

The device consists of two vertical slats 1.5-2 m high, fixed on opposite sides of one wall to the bottom rows with two brackets each. The latter are used to safely connect the lath without bolts, so as not to “injure” the fresh brickwork.

The minimum number of tiers that allows you to establish an order is 2. Since the masonry is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, one bracket engages with the brick of the first row on one side of the masonry, and the second with the element above, but on the adjacent side - this is the same for both racks. The cross-section of the ordering strip is not specified: the thickness must be such as to withstand the tension between the two parts of the installation. As a rule, 50×50 bars are chosen.

Control is carried out by applying notches to the row every 77 mm in height. These intervals require the greatest possible accuracy, since the construction balance of the masonry depends on them. If on one rail at least one of the intervals differs by 1 or 2 mm from opposite side, horizontality will be disrupted. The distance 77 mm consists of the height of the brick and the thickness of the connecting seam: 65+12 mm.

A cord called a mooring is stretched from notch to notch. It allows you to track the accuracy of the laying of each brick in a row. If the first tiers were folded using a level, the pier serves them in the following stages. A tension bolt is provided at the place where the bracket is attached, either in row or nearby. It is enough to screw it in on one side, and the mooring can be completely straightened between the bars. Stretching the cord is extremely important so that there is no sagging in the middle of the masonry and horizontality is most accurately tracked.

Sometimes the order is installed on three or even four brick walls. This helps to track the symmetry of sizes and angles, as well as maintain the horizontal position of the masonry on all its sides at once.

You can make a control device yourself. The device consists of simple elements, which literally lie underfoot during construction work.

The difficulty lies only in ensuring the accuracy of the order itself - every millimeter and degree is important. Homemade device It will be beneficial if the work on a brick barbecue is a one-time job. For example, for your own gazebo.

The meaning of schematic structure

The second meaning of the word “order” appeared thanks to popular vernacular. Control over the rows is no longer carried out by height and horizontality, but by quantity and location. The barbecue order is the scheme by which step by step masonry.

The drawings help both the novice stove maker and the experienced professional equally. If the diagram will help a beginner understand the design of the stove and become useful instructions to carry out work, then the ordering master will come in handy in the quick implementation of similar projects. Once drawn up, the drawings will serve as a multiplication table for a schoolchild - all tests are “5”, or from time to time a major barbecue with a cauldron or Russian oven.

Balanced base

The basis for a balanced masonry is the right foundation. – a heavy structure, if we consider the load per unit area. In this regard, she needs monolithic base. Sand cushion, crushed stone, reinforcement cage, high-quality cement mortar - all this will make the foundation strong and durable, but it is equally important to take into account its balance:

Construction of the furnace in order

Before laying refractory bricks, it is necessary to carefully consider the structure of the barbecue. The better presented step by step diagram, the less likely there are errors. Ordering also helps to calculate the amount of building materials in advance, draw up an estimate and purchase the required volume on time. This is an efficient approach that eliminates delays due to element shortages.

Meat, fish, vegetables, cooked with your own hands in a barbecue oven, have an impressive taste and special aroma. It is not difficult to lay out the barbecue oven, observing necessary technology furnace work. We have prepared for you detailed instructions with drawings and order so that you can fold it yourself.

E. Gudkov's barbecue oven well combines two functions in one design - a barbecue grill and a hob with a burner.



The main materials for a monolithic slab are: concrete, reinforcing mesh.

To construct the foundation, it is enough to use concrete with compressive strength B15 (M200). You can prepare it by following the following proportions:

  1. Cement M 400 - 1 part.
  2. Crushed stone or gravel, the size of which should be less than 30 mm - 4 parts.
  3. Sand - 2 parts.

Impurities in the sand of clay, organic particles, mica, and dust inclusions should be no more than 10% of its volume. In coarse aggregate (gravel, crushed stone), the amount of impurities that reduce the strength properties of concrete should be less than 2%.

Consumption of concrete components by weight per 1 m3:

  • cement - 325 kg;
  • sand - 1300 kg;
  • crushed stone - 1300 kg;
  • water 205 kg.


To reinforce the foundation, a mesh of class AIII reinforcement is taken

We accept the size of the foundation larger size oven 10 cm from each edge. If the furnace has a size of 1400x1000 mm, then the foundation will be 1600x1200 mm.


  • probe (for compacting concrete);
  • tamper (narrow), protected by metal;
  • tamper (round) with two handles;
  • rammer (square), covered with metal underneath;
  • smoother (for leveling concrete);
  • scraper (to remove laitance);
  • grater;
  • board (for smoothing concrete);
  • trowel;
  • shovel - straight cutting part;
  • shovel - pointed lower part;
  • shovel for mortar.

Laying concrete mixture

A properly selected and constructed foundation is a guarantee of the strength and durability of the entire structure. Here it is very important to know what kind of soil will become the basis for the stove. Sufficiently dense soil can easily support the structure of a barbecue oven. But there are pitfalls here that you need to be aware of.

There are soils that can change their volume due to wetting or lowering the temperature. These are swelling clay, subsiding loess and containing soluble salts, water-saturated (when ice freezes, the volume of soil increases), with particles of biological origin (peat), etc. These soils require special measures to strengthen them.

The marking of the future foundation can be done by pulling the twine over the pegs. The size of the pit for the sand cushion is taken according to the size foundation slab(160x120 cm). Since the barbecue oven will be located outside, the soil will winter period time will be subject to freezing and thawing. Depending on the type of soil, the depth of the sand cushion can reach 1000 mm.

Filling the hole with sand must be done in layers (15 cm) with compaction or pouring water to compact it. Before laying the sand, you can lay geotextiles on the ground, which allows water to pass through but prevents the sand from being washed away by groundwater.

On sand cushion you need to lay waterproofing from 2 layers of roofing material. This will protect the concrete from water in the ground and keep uncured concrete from flowing into the sand.

Formwork boards are used from coniferous and hardwood with a thickness of at least 2 cm and no wider than 15 cm. The posts, to which the formwork boards will later be attached, are driven into the ground after 50 cm, and then reinforced with struts. Before you start installation concrete mixture, it is necessary to clean the formwork from dirt and moisten it.

Next, the reinforcement is installed in the formwork. The reinforcing mesh is tied into a three-dimensional frame using vertical rods, taking into account the distance between them and the size of the protective layer of the working reinforcement - 2 cm.

It is advisable to do concreting in one go. This will ensure the same curing time for concrete. Also, we must not forget about tamping the concrete mixture to remove formed air bubbles and compact the concrete.

To maintain the moisture regime necessary for normal hardening of concrete, it is covered with moistened burlap, tarpaulin or other similar material. You can, 3 hours after pouring the concrete, pour a layer of wet sawdust or sand onto its surface, which is periodically moistened (5 times a day). This regime is maintained for 7-14 days until the concrete reaches 50-70% of its strength.

Important! When the outside air temperature is below +5 °C, fresh concrete must be insulated to maintain a uniform setting regime.

The formwork can be removed when the concrete has gained at least 50% strength. In days it will depend on the air temperature:

  • +5 °C – 12 days;
  • +10 °C - 8 days;
  • +15 °C - 7 days;
  • +20 °C - 6 days.

In any case, the indicator for the possibility of removing the formwork will be the hardness of the corners and surface of the structure. It is possible to begin work on the construction of a barbecue oven only after 2 weeks, taking into account the air temperature.

Gudkov barbecue oven body


  1. Fireproof brick (fireclay) GOST 390-96.
  2. Clay brick ordinary GOST 530-2012.

The furnace body is made of either refractory or ceramic brick (necessarily solid). Fire brick withstands temperatures of 1300 °C and more. Ordinary clay brick must be well fired. Unburned, hollow, silicate, as well as bricks with cracks for stove masonry doesn't fit.

The stove will require 465 bricks.

Furnace appliances:

  • single-burner hob 420x500 mm;
  • barbecue grill 420x500 mm;
  • metal sheet 500x600 mm;
  • cleaning door 140x140 mm;
  • blower door 270x140 mm;
  • combustion door 250x270 mm;
  • grate 300x200 mm;
  • steel corner 32x32x4 mm, length 500 mm - 4 pieces, 600 mm - 6 pieces;
  • steel wire 2 mm - 10 m;
  • asbestos cord 5 mm - 10 m.

Clay-sand solution

For furnace work, mainly plastic, most often red clay and fine sifted sand are used. The required proportion of the solution composition is taken based on the fat content of the clay. Fat content depends on percentage composition there is sand in it:

  • oily - 2-4%;
  • average - 15%;
  • skinny - 30%.

Composition of the solution (clay, sand):

  • oily - 1:2.5;
  • average - 1:1.5;
  • skinny - 1:1.

Important! Before starting work, the clay is soaked for a day, and then, gradually stirring, sand is added little by little.

You can also buy a ready-made mortar mixture for furnace work. Such mixtures can withstand high temperatures and will significantly reduce the time required to prepare the solution.

Stovemaker's tool

Stove masonry is the same as brick masonry, so basically the tools for it are almost the same.

1 - pickaxe; 2 - trowels; 3 - mallet; 4 — jointing; 5 - plumb line; 6 — level; 7 - square

Garden combi stove body

Work on the construction of the furnace body must be carried out only if there is at least a temporary canopy over it. For ease of work, you can first lay out the body dry, selecting bricks.

Important! The chipped side of the brick cannot be placed inside the firebox or chimney.

Before laying, clay bricks are moistened for 1-2 minutes. dropping into the water. Fireclay brick Just rinse to remove dust. The seam thickness for clay bricks should be less than 5 mm, and for fireclay bricks - 3 mm.

When performing furnace work, it is necessary to maintain strict horizontality of the surfaces of each row and verticality of the corners. The dressing of the seams should be 1/2 brick.

All stove appliances are installed simultaneously with masonry work. Metal and brick have different sizes linear expansion, so all metal elements of the furnace are installed with a gap of 3-5 mm, then this gap is filled with asbestos cord.

Steel wire is attached to the stove doors to embed it into the masonry.


You can install a cast-iron cooking stove, or you can install a barbecue grill if desired.

When installing a vault over hob brick is installed on steel corners. A barbecue grill or cast iron stove is also placed on the corners. The chimney channel for a garden barbecue stove can be made 270x140 mm, 270x270 mm, and also 400x140 mm. The inner wall of the chimney must be plastered so that it is level and does not allow soot to accumulate in uneven areas.

For fire safety The barbecue oven is installed no closer than 7 m from the walls of the house. The finishing of such a stove is chosen according to the owner’s taste. This can be jointing, plastering or tiling.

Drying the oven is done carefully, without rushing. It is heated with a small amount of fuel for 3-8 days.

Any holiday on fresh air One can hardly do without deliciously cooked food on the fire, which saturates it with the energy of nature. And a home-made oven will embody any recipes of a hospitable host.

It's good if personal plot There is metal grill, but not only practicality is important for a person, they also want beauty. Functional and attractive appearance- This is a brick barbecue. There are both simple models, the manufacture of which does not require special skills, and there are very complex designs- real brick complexes that only a professional can make. It is better not to take on the construction of such structures without experience, but anyone can try to build a simple brick grill or barbecue oven.

What is the difference between a grill, a fireplace, an oven and a barbecue?

Near the fireplace, stove and barbecue, on the back side of the brazier there is brick wall, which the grill does not have. It is necessary to retain heat and to reflect it onto frying food.

The design of a fireplace, stove and barbecue provides for the construction of a chimney, which allows heated air and smoke to be vented away from the cook; the grill does not have this element.

In fireplaces and stoves, the heat is located in the firebox; in the grill device there is a metal tray for this purpose.

The heat from the grill, fireplace and barbecue is retained only while the fuel is burning, and the stove is capable of long time stay warm.

Barbecues and ovens combine the function heating device with cooking, the grill is needed only for cooking, and the fireplace is exclusively a heating device.

What tools and materials will be needed to build a brick barbecue:

Preparing the mixture for masonry

For brick construction, you need to choose high-quality mortars. You can use 2 options for such solutions:

  • ready-made compositions (separate mixtures for walls and fireboxes);
  • clay mixed with clean sand.

Such compositions have their own disadvantages and advantages; they need to be understood in detail. Previously, only clay was used in the construction of furnaces, but it has a serious drawback. Heating structures, folded on a clay mortar, must be well protected from moisture. It cannot be used for laying bricks on a pipe; in such places, mixtures based on cement or lime are used. IN recent years fire-resistant compounds have become available, which are sold dry in construction stores. They go to work after diluting with water.

Clay is the cheapest binder that is completely environmentally safe.

For masonry, you must choose dark red clay. The quality of raw materials and the finished mixture is checked as follows:

  1. You need to take 500 gr. clay, stir it with 200 ml of water so that it does not stick to your hands.
  2. A lump is made from this mass and thrown onto the floor or against the wall; if cracks appear on the lump, the clay is too greasy; if the lump immediately crumbles, there is too much sand in the solution; a good clay mixture for laying a stove should look like plasticine.
  3. Laying 1000 bricks will require approximately 50-70 liters of mixture. To increase the strength of the mixture, add 0.5 cups of table salt to each bucket of clay. To increase the strength of the masonry, in weakly heated areas of the structure, it is permissible to add no more than 500 grams of cement to the mixture. on a bucket of clay.
  4. The resulting mixture should look like thick homemade sour cream.
  5. Often when building brick heating devices Various dry mixtures are used. Methods for their preparation and use are always indicated in the instructions.

Don’t forget that they sell formulations that are designed for different temperature conditions warming up the oven. There are mixtures intended only for laying fireboxes, and there are simple compositions for constructing the walls of a fireplace or stove.

How many bricks do you need?

Before building a brick barbecue with your own hands, you need to calculate how much it will be needed. There are many programs designed for such calculations. You can roughly calculate the need using a pre-prepared barbecue drawing. Dimensions of standard brick:

  • length – 25 cm;
  • width – 12 cm;
  • height – 6.5 cm, together with the solution the height reaches 7 cm.

Taking into account the design and size of the brick, a calculation is made. Instead of a brick chimney, you can install a tin pipe. Before work, focusing on drawings and photographs of a brick barbecue, be sure to prepare layer-by-layer sketches of the masonry. In the figure there are 28 layers of brick, 18 rows of which are the distance to the pipe and 10 rows to the lattice of the structure. Make 18 drawings and schematically mark the sequence of brick laying on them. Do not forget that the bottom brick should always be overlapped with 2 bricks on top. Also, a brick lying longitudinally must be overlapped on top by 2 transverse bricks. You can see the finished oven in the photo of a brick barbecue.

Need to pick up convenient place to build a barbecue, you need to consider:

  • the barbecue should be located no closer than 5 meters from the neighboring plot (better further);
  • the structure is built at the maximum distance from wooden buildings;
  • there should be no bushes or trees on the lawn near the barbecue;
  • it is necessary to be able to supply lighting and water to the barbecue;
  • It should be possible to build a canopy or gazebo.

Foundation structure

You immediately need to make markings for the foundation of the barbecue at the selected location; its dimensions must correspond to the order of the brick barbecue and take into account the masonry drawings. In addition, the dimensions depend on the layout of the site - whether there will be a gazebo being built nearby or whether a foundation needs to be made just to build a barbecue. It is best to use a slab base:

  1. Using pre-established markers, a pit is dug 40-50 cm deep.
  2. Fill it with a mixture of gravel and coarse sand to the soil level, compact it and install formwork 150 mm high on top.
  3. IN assembled structure assemble the reinforcement frame.
  4. A concrete solution is poured into the formwork and compacted well so that there is no air left in the body of the foundation.
  5. Use a level to check the level of the site.
  6. After this, everything is covered with damp burlap in order to increase the drying time and prevent cracking of the concrete.

The foundation will be completely ready in three days, then the formwork can be removed.

Construction of barbecue walls

To protect the foundation and bricks from moisture penetrating from the ground, the foundation walls must be treated with tar, and 2-3 layers of roofing material are laid on top of it. Mix the masonry mortar (recipe listed above). The first row of bricks is laid on roofing felt laid on the foundation. On rows 7 and 10, metal plates are inserted into the masonry. The sheets of metal should be narrower than the oven by ½ the length of the brick.

When laying bricks, be sure to take long breaks, which are necessary for the mortar to set, otherwise high design may spread.

Fresh mortar sags, the seams between the rows of bricks dry out and become smaller, for this reason deviations from the project are possible. It takes 2-3 days for the walls to shrink; this is affected by the ambient temperature. Self-construction allows for breaks in work - this is a significant advantage over using hired builders who try to completely complete the project as quickly as possible.

Using a saw or grinder, cut off 1/2 half of the brick so that a sheet of metal can be placed in the groove made. We raise the walls further, laying bricks according to the drawings. On the 15th row, it is necessary to lay out the arch; for this, semicircular wooden templates are used. A pattern of the required curvature is made from plywood, a cutting line is marked along it with a pencil and cut out with a jigsaw. Prepare the second board in the same way. To strengthen the vault template, another board is inserted between the boards and everything is connected. Ready template can be used. It is placed between the walls of the firebox, and the laying of bricks begins, connecting them with mortar.

The middle brick of the vault should be located exactly in the center of the firebox opening.

For laying the firebox and barbecue pipe, it is necessary to use heat-resistant bricks.

The pipe begins to be laid from the 18th row; to reduce the width of the hole in each row of masonry, ¼ of the width of the brick is removed. Thus, 28 rows of masonry are laid out. Instead of a brick vault, you can prepare a metal box and install it into the masonry.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. When using a barbecue on your site, you must not violate fire safety rules, otherwise your vacation may be ruined.
  2. Do not light a barbecue with gasoline or kerosene; use special compounds for this purpose;
  3. You should not soak coals or firewood with ignition compounds; they should only be sprinkled on top of the kindling;
  4. Do not forget that high-quality fuel is good rest and delicious food. For this reason, worry about dry firewood in advance. Experts advise using birch coals, which make food aromatic and tasty.

Barbecue made of white clinker bricks - video

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick barbecue

A brick barbecue grill is a stationary building where barbecue, vegetables, fish and other food are prepared on outdoors. Cooking occurs with the help of hot smoke and heat coming from an open fire.

Unlike collapsible metal structures, brick grill- a solid structure that has been used for years. It can serve as an alternative to a stove and smokehouse. On suburban area he may also be original decoration territories.

We will tell you how to build brick barbecues with your own hands (drawings, photos, orders at the end of the article).

How to make a barbecue out of bricks in the country

Have you decided to build an outdoor brick grill with your own hands? There are a huge number of photos of barbecue designs, diagrams, orders. How to choose suitable option?

There are homemade brick barbecues with and without roofs. Garden grill without a roof it is a brazier of varying heights.

Simple design, not requiring special costs and effort during construction, but you won’t be able to use the barbecue during rain.

The presence of a roof implies the presence of a chimney, which is covered from precipitation with a canopy. This grill looks like a fireplace.

Closed barbecues are solid street structures, they are often completed additional elements. It could be grill grate, oven, cauldron. A grill with space for a cauldron can be used for cooking pilaf or to heat up food. If you remove the cauldron, you are left with a full-fledged roasting pan. If you cover the hole for the cauldron with rings, you can place any dishes on them, just like on a stove. The design can be supplemented niches for firewood, coals and utensils.

What elements will be included and how to do it country grill made of brick so that it suits you is determined at the design stage, based on the planned dimensions, how much food will be cooked in the grill simultaneously, and what types of food will be cooked on it.

Designing a brick grill

Ordering construction is an expensive pleasure, but With minimal masonry skills, you can freely build a brick grill with your own hands. What elements will be needed (cauldron, place for heating food, grill grate, smokehouse) should be thought out in advance. There are many drawings. Below is an example of building a simple indoor barbecue with a pipe.

ATTENTION! We strongly recommend that you take design seriously. Many summer residents build brick barbecues with their own hands, without using drawings. As a result, the structure, at best, turns into a flowerbed. Since it is impossible to use a homemade brick grill for its intended purpose. Inconvenient.

When choosing or drawing up a project, you should proceed from the dimensions of the future building. They depend on plot size. It is worth remembering that the land occupied by the barbecue will no longer be used for other purposes. The size of the firebox will depend on how much food will be cooked in the grill at the same time.

Brick barbecue projects: drawings, photos

Peculiarities: the length of the firebox should not exceed 1 m - this is enough for 8-10 skewers at a time. The width should be consistent with the length of a standard skewer - 47-62 cm. The height of the frying area is ideally just above the waist of the person who will cook.

Since stationary grill often becomes central decorative element plot, this should be taken into account when designing and selecting a location. Its reverse side looks like a solid brick wall, so it is advisable to position the structure so that it was not visible from the reverse side. Or provide for its decoration taking into account fire safety.

Choosing a place for a barbecue

A barbecue area is also a place to relax. Nobody wants to build a stationary brick grill with their own hands so that it is not convenient to use. When choosing where to place it, be sure to consider a number of points:

  • proximity to vacation spot- not far from the gazebo, summer kitchen or a canopy with benches and a table;
  • flat area, specially equipped;
  • required convenient approach, ideally - several;
  • proximity to a water source(often a water supply is connected to the barbecue and a sink is installed. In this case, you will have to drain the water from the system for the winter to avoid cracking of the pipes);
  • protection from atmospheric precipitation (canopy), sometimes they set up a barbecue and a resting place under one canopy;
  • sufficient distance from trees, flower beds and beds- from high temperatures, plants will wither and may die;
  • sufficient distance from garbage containers and toilets;
  • wind direction(if it is unchanged, place the grill so that the smoke blows not towards the home, but towards the vacant lot).

Important! The grill is a fire hazard. It should be located in the garden far enough from the house, flammable wooden buildings, areas for cars.

Tools and materials

Before you build a brick barbecue in the country, you need a ready-made or pre-drawn project calculate it yourself required amount of materials.

This is necessary so as not to encounter a shortage or, conversely, excessive remaining surpluses. Based on the quantities of material calculated for the project, an estimate is drawn up.

The calculation is done so that there is a small margin of material. Tools you will need:

  • shovel;
  • trough or concrete mixer;
  • buckets for solution;
  • trowel;
  • level, plumb line;
  • circular saw A.
  • fireclay (kiln) brick, withstands temperature changes without cracking;


  • foundation material(rubble stone, cement, sand, crushed stone, boards or smooth plywood for formwork);
  • reinforcement mesh ;
  • iron sheet;
  • metal gratings, latches, corners, doors.

If the grill is designed with niches and a work area, you will additionally need stone countertop. A mixture of clay and sand is usually used as a masonry mortar, at least for the firebox.

Cement mortar will quickly deteriorate and crack when exposed to high temperatures(can reach 1000 °C in the firebox) and temperature changes. Clay must be pre-applied soak for several days. Clay and building mixtures are offered with it in construction stores.

Reference: fireproof material is required for laying out the firebox in direct contact with the fire. In order to save money for the construction of the plinth and elements that are not exposed to open flame and high temperatures, you can take ordinary brick - incl. remaining from the dismantling of any structures, cleared of solution residues.

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A simple do-it-yourself brick grill: step-by-step instructions

As an example, step by step, in a “do-it-yourself” format, we will analyze how to build a barbecue with your own hands from brick, the simplest option. The only complication that our simple brick grill will have (photo of the proposed option below) is a pipe. We consider pipe laying necessary in Russian conditions. Let's build! Below is a construction diagram.

Foundation for barbecue

The first stage of construction is pouring the foundation. A deep hole is dug for him 30 cm and size, which is 20-30 cm exceeds the size of the future structure. The walls and bottom are leveled and compacted. A cushion of sand and gravel is laid on the bottom. The layers are laid alternately, each subsequent one must be moistened and compacted. Pillow thickness - 15 cm.

Before pouring, formwork is installed, protruding above the ground by 10 cm. Placed at the bottom of the pit reinforcement mesh and is poured cement mortar. At the final stage, the foundation should be leveled using level. Complete hardening of the concrete occurs 3-4 weeks, i.e. you should wait before further construction 28 days. To ensure uniform setting in hot, dry weather, the concrete surface should be periodically moistened.

Clay is diluted with sand in the ratio 1:1 . The consistency of the solution should be like thick sour cream. It should be easy to handle with your hands, without spreading. If a small amount of clay mortar with sand easily rolls into a rope with a diameter 1 cm without cracking, spreading or losing shape, then the quality of the solution is good.

While the foundation is hardening, you should take care of the clay mortar in advance. G lina is soaked in water for a week and stir periodically, adding water if necessary. Clay and earthenware masonry mortar sold in construction stores. We supply electricity while still pouring, before laying out the brick grill. We draw out the contacts for connection with our own hands.

Waterproofing is laid on a completely hardened foundation - polyethylene, folded several times, a layer of roofing felt or other bitumen material. Country barbecues are built in compliance with standard bricklaying rules. It is recommended to water the brick the day before laying or immerse it in it for 20-30 seconds immediately before laying. Then it will not take moisture from the clay, and the grip will be better.

Order: how to build a brick grill

Despite the fact that we are dismantling an outdoor brick grill that is easy to build, the order of laying the bricks (diagram) is drawn up in advance, taking into account the selected dimensions and configuration. It is most convenient to do this on a checkered sheet.

How to lay brick? The easiest installation method is with each row offset by half a brick in relation to the previous one. The first two rows are laid out solid. The very first row is made up of solid bricks, without halves.

The lower part of the grill is the base. The laying pattern is from the corners to the center along the lines outlined in advance. Every 3 rows it is necessary to check the correct installation level and plumb, lay out the mesh for reinforcement.

The height of the plinth depends on the project. It may have one or more niches where firewood, coal and other utensils are stored. It is laid out in continuous masonry.

The central part of the structure is the firebox. The base for the brazier is prepared in advance cast from concrete with reinforcement or laid out of brick. If arches for the firebox and niches are built according to the project, apply circled. To distribute the bricks evenly, chips are inserted between them.

The gaps are the same, approximately 1 cm. Only after the arch has been completely laid out is the space between the bricks wetted and filled with mortar. The laid arch is left to harden with a circle on a day or two.

If the grill will also be used as a barbecue, you should in advance be concerned about the possibility grille installation. Leave a small ledge for it, or several protrusions so that the grille can be placed at different levels. Install it on reinforcement rods embedded in the walls of the barbecue.

Advice: If you leave small gaps between the bricks when laying the firebox, when using the barbecue in the future, thanks to the air penetrating into the cracks, combustion will be better.

The roasting pan is placed on metal corners, which are attached to the masonry with pins. Keep this in mind when assembling a country brick grill with your own hands (photo of a correctly folded firebox below).

Important! It is unacceptable for precipitation to enter unfinished brickwork. If it starts to rain, it must be carefully covered with polyethylene.

The last stage is the construction of the chimney. Its presence allows you to maintain heat in the grill longer and remove smoke. For chimney The masonry continues to be laid out, gradually narrowing it towards the top. This is done by shifting the bricks in rows. The displacement is made no more than a third of a brick- otherwise the structure may turn out to be unstable.

Peculiarity: The pipe is a heavy part and requires support columns for its installation.

If the display brick pipe seems too complicated - you can install a metal one. Upon completion of the masonry, the walls of the firebox must be fired. To do this, light wood in the hearth and increase the heat to the maximum.

The construction of a brazier and the installation of a cauldron or tray are carried out at the final stage. After this, decoration is carried out. If there is a tabletop, it can be decorated with a slab of porcelain stoneware. The grill itself is lined plaster, decorative stone , facing tiles etc.