How to defrost water pipes. How to defrost a water pipe: advice from experienced craftsmen. Causes of freezing pipes and its prevention

Low temperatures in winter become the causes of unpleasant moments associated with the water supply at home. If you approach the laying of water pipes illiterately, then in winter the question is, the water has frozen in a private house - what to do will occur quite often. Moreover, there are always situations related to track accidents. This is a pipe rupture, if it is steel, a rupture of valves. And if this problem in the summer can be dealt with quickly with minimal cost, then in the winter everything becomes more complicated. Therefore, it is very important to first correct installation. And there is only one condition here - to insulate the pipelines or lay it below the freezing level of the soil.

Frozen home plumbing

How to defrost pipes

It should be noted that water supply network consists of two sections: external (outer), it is most often both underground and internal. As for the latter, the main part of the route is laid inside heated premises, so the question of whether the water has frozen in a private house - what to do, is not appropriate here. But partially internal plumbing passes through unheated rooms. For example, in the basement and in the attic. This is where pipes can freeze. How to defrost them?

There are several options. We will take into account that plastic pipes were laid inside the house.

  • You can use hot water to defrost. To do this, first wrap the pipe with a rag, and only then pour boiling water on it. The process can take several hours, everything will depend on the length of the frozen area.

    Defrosting hot water
  • You can use a hair dryer (construction or household). Highly effective option, but requiring a certain approach to the process itself. The thing is, especially with a building hair dryer, that the air from the device comes out with enough high temperature which can melt plastic. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately set the distance from the nozzle of the hair dryer to the surface of the pipe.
    We use a hair dryer
  • Can be used for defrosting heating cable, which fits into the electric floor heating system or a special cable for plumbing systems. They are wrapped around a frozen section of the track and plugged into an outlet. This is the most fast option. Usually in this way it is possible to defrost a sufficiently long water supply in 2-3 hours.

Attention! Before defrosting the water in a private house, it is recommended to open all the valves on the route completely. Water from defrosting must move freely through the pipeline and flow out of the taps.

Unfreezing pipes underground

It is clear that water pipes located in the ground are more difficult to defrost. The easiest of all options is to dig out the place where they were laid, get to the track and apply one of the methods described above. But there are several problems here.

  1. Digging frozen ground is not easy. It will take a lot of time, effort and labor. In any case, the owner of the house cannot do this on his own.
  2. There is always a chance that when digging a trench, you can damage the plastic pipe. And this is another problem that will have to be solved immediately.

Therefore, it is better to use alternative options. One of effective methods defrosting is the use of hot water. True, for this you have to prepare. First, you need a supply of the water itself, which must be heated. The easiest way to do it without high costs- install a barrel under which to make a fire. Secondly, it is necessary to somehow organize the supply of water inside plumbing system. To do this, it is best to install a small electric pump. It is even better if hot water is poured into a hose of a smaller diameter than the route, which will need to be pushed into the pipeline.

Defrosting a water pipe with hot water

That is, the hose is pushed to the ice plug, then hot water is pumped into it. It quickly melts the ice, and the hose must be moved further as the track thaws. As soon as water flows out of the tap with great pressure, that's it - the ice plug has melted. It should be noted that this option for defrosting the water supply is one of the most effective. True, you prepare for it longer than you produce the process itself.

Applying electricity

Another option that answers the question of how to heat water in a private house. For this, electricity is used. It must be noted right away that the use of electric current- It's always dangerous. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this option for defrosting the water supply. But, as an alternative, you need to know it.

For this, a conventional two-wire wire is used, the cores of which must be disconnected and stripped for a length of 20 cm, that is, freed from insulation. The bare wire is twisted to a size of 8-10 cm.

Attention! It is impossible to allow both bare wires to be connected to each other. This will lead to a short circuit, so it is imperative to install a jumper between them, preferably a wooden one. Its size should be less than the diameter of the water pipe.

Now the prepared two-wire wire is pushed into the pipeline to the ice plug. After that, it is connected to a 220 volt supply network. The water inside the pipe begins to boil and defrost the ice. In fact, the bifurcated wire performs the functions heating element. As it thaws, it will need to be moved inward.

We use steam

And a few more alternatives that use steam. It should be noted that they are used infrequently only because installations that produce steam are not cheap pleasure.

steam generator

  • Use of a steam generator. His hose is inserted into the pipeline, where steam is pumped.
  • Using an autoclave. This is an installation that works on the basis of boiling water. The process itself is exactly the same as in the case of the steam generator. That is, a hose connected to an autoclave is inserted into the water pipe, through which steam from boiling water enters the route.
  • The use of a hydrodynamic machine. it professional equipment, which is based on the process of heating water and supplying it under pressure inside the water line.

All three options are very effective. If the water inlet to the house or the entire route is frozen, then with their help it is possible to warm the pipes in a few minutes.

So, the answer to the question was given, the water in the house froze - what to do? The proposed technologies have very simple ways, which do not require large expenditures, there are quite serious options based on the use of special equipment. If the problem is not very big, then you can get by with small funds. If everything is very difficult, then it is better to call specialists. They will not only solve the problem of defrosting, but also help prevent subsequent troubles.

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When frozen plumbing- a piece unpleasant and always out of time.
In our private house, water has been supplied for more than ten years, and the plumbing has frozen for the second time.
The first time freezing happened at the end of March in the first year of operation, then I could not defrost it like that - in early May, the water itself went.
That first time, the lack of water was somehow calmly experienced - all the technologies in life have not yet been lost since the time when water was brought from the pump.
This winter of 1916, the whole of January stood at 20, and at the beginning of February, as soon as it got a little warmer, everything shut up for once.
Here I had to move. Firstly, the summer is still hoo far away, and secondly, washing machine does not work without water.
And thirdly, a shower cabin has just been put into operation, a warm toilet bowl - you get used to the good very quickly.
The guys from the housing and communal services looked at the pipes in the well - all are warm and working.
Entering the house is also clean and free.
The place of the ice plug was roughly determined - the water supply runs under the snow along the road past the neighboring house, where snow is always raked out with high quality, timely and widely (about eight meters) to enter the yard and garage.
Just there, due to shedding of soil, the pipe was laid only 170 centimeters.
As a water pipe, a metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of twenty millimeters was laid in the house, they only appeared then, there were no branded heaters, and heating cables had not yet been seen.
The length of the water pipe to the well is approximately 60 meters. Correctly said smart people- do not listen to anyone and lay two and a half meters. But they didn’t want to spoil the beautiful green street with an excavator, but they couldn’t go deep by hand - maybe it won’t freeze, but it froze.
The task of defrosting the water supply is to thaw the ice plug. Heat must be supplied directly to it from the inside or outside. As a rule, when laying a pipe in the ground, it is almost impossible to do it from the outside.
From the inside, heat can be supplied through a thin hose using hot water, steam, air, or heated by electricity.
Thinking I decided unfreeze metal-plastic pipe using a galvanic boiler at the end of the wire, through which 220 volts is supplied.

I already tried this method more than ten years ago, and I came up with it myself (then we didn’t have the Internet). Now such a method is well described on the net.
I made a "burbulator" according to the description - it's easier, by winding several turns of each wire around the insulation with a small gap between the windings.
I took the wire of the PRPPM type - a communications one, it is hard polyethylene and goes well into the pipe.
At the entrance to the house in the basement on the metal plastic pipe shut-off cork tap with filter. He removed the tap, disconnecting the couplings on both sides and placed it in the open position next to the keys for emergency connection when thawing water.
Rigid PRPM goes very well down the pipe. To make the wire slide better, wipe it with a cloth dipped in silicone.
The cork, as I roughly expected, turned out to be twelve meters from the entrance to the house.

I connected the electricity and periodically began to move the wire further every half hour. It didn't move very fast. He walked three meters in a day, at night he also got up and advanced.
In order not to oversleep the water flows in the basement, I adapted a signaling device with an audible signal.
I measured the resistance of the "burbulator" with a tester - in my water it shows 2-3 kilo-ohms. This is a lot and the power of the boiler is very small.
In the morning I made a galvanic boiler from strips from a child iron constructor, tying the strips with threads through the sticks and connected through the terminal blocks, clamping the strips of steel wires from paper clips. It's almost like a nationwide razors through matches.
Things went much faster, and the resistance of the boiler in the water showed 150-200 ohms.
During the day he walked another three meters, by the evening it became worse to advance. I decided to leave the boiler for the night, because I got tired and went to bed.
This was the main mistake. When early in the morning I decided to check what was there - how everything had melted, I discovered that my wire was neither here nor there - it was frozen in the pipe in the thickness of the freezing plug in the place where I had already passed (the boiler heats up only in one place - behind him everything is cooled due to the frozen ground).
After carefully scratching my head and all other places, I decided to go through the cork with a polyethylene hose and hot water. A polyethylene hose with an outer diameter of about ten millimeters was found by friends (I am not the only one who has problems with water).
The hose had to be fed into the pipe along with the wire that was already there.
At the first stage, it was decided that it was necessary to melt the wire and pull it out of the pipe so that it would not interfere with the progress of the hose.
I connected a bucket from a summer washbasin to the hose and began to supply boiling water by gravity to the place of the cork. The displaced water flowed into a bucket at the end of the pipe. During the evening I spilled three buckets of hot water and walked about three meters. So that during the night the water in the pipe would not freeze, he poured salt water into it.

The next day I decided to supply hot water under pressure. There is a way to use a washer bottle with a pump from a car, but I decided to use a manual car pump.
By the way, it is very convenient and quite fast. He took out a rod with a rubber piston, poured water (includes about 0.7 liters), then inserted the rod and press it. In 10 seconds, under pressure, water flies into the hose.
In a couple of hours I pumped about 40 liters of water (heated on the stove), but after a couple of meters the hose refused to move at all. Moreover, in order to move the hose further along the pipe, you must wait until it cools down and becomes solid.
It took almost a week for all these procedures, along with work, household chores and other things, and there was one day off and the last option.
I cut off a piece of a metal-plastic pipe and in a trial order shoe knife carefully cut off part of the top layer of polyethylene, stripping it to half a diameter.

Investigated the strength of the remaining two layers - aluminum tube and internal polyethylene. Seems to be more or less solid. If you apply a wire bandage and then tightly wrap everything with several layers of electrical tape, the pipe must withstand its pressure.
The idea is to make a connection to the aluminum layer of a metal-plastic pipe at both ends, connect it to the water supply well using a decent-sized wire (there were 70 meters of AC-16), and connect a welding inverter to a closed circuit (I have 10-160 Amperes).
Since the length of the pipe at the connections to the water fittings is already limited, the polyethylene stripping points must remain permanently on the pipe.
The electrical connection on the pipe must have good section, so I decided to aluminum tube apply four turns of stripped aluminum wire from the same AC-16) three times - it turns out 6 wires - it must withstand.

Doubt was also caused by the fact that the welding inverter with short circuit automatically turns off - protection is triggered, but there may be enough resistance in the chain for it to work.
Did it on the day off electrical connection in the water well, unwound and connected the coil of wire, fed the wire through the window into the basement.
I made exactly the same connection in the basement, put the shut-off valve on the pipe (the frozen PRPPM had to be left in the pipe until better times).
I connected one welding wire of the inverter to the connecting wire and set the inverter to 10 amps.
I turned on the inverter, after starting I connected the electrode holder to the wire from the pipe. The inverter growled slightly, but did not turn off. I added current to half, then to the full - it works.
I control the temperature of the pipe and the connection with my hand - it is impossible to melt polyethylene and aluminum.

After a minute, the hand on the pipe feels a slight heat, the connection point is much warmer.
I reduce the current to ten Amperes and wait half a minute - the inverter is household and can overheat from continuous work. Then again for a minute I give a large current. The warmth is already felt.
Thus, intermittently, without overheating the device and the pipe, I work with the inverter for ten minutes.
When I glance at the end of the pipe, I see that water has slowly begun to flow. Joy has no limits!
I connect all the plumbing, open the faucet in the washbasin, heat it for another ten minutes, and the meter starts to spin quickly. Hooray - we won!
I touched the connecting wire and found that it had warmed up decently - it even burned. On the street, the wire melted into the snow along its entire length.
I drove water for an hour and a half to dissolve the ice plaque with a stream. The water went well and in full force.
I decided, while frosts, leave a small trickle for the night to prevent freezing. Consumption, of course, will be increased, but what to do.

This situation with water showed where and what needs to be slightly improved on the farm.
As they say, a big step forward is the result of a good kick from behind.

The results of the winter made it possible to draw conclusions for later life:
- To prevent freezing of the water supply, it is necessary to insert a heating cable inside the pipe in summer for the entire length of the resulting plug.
- It's good to drill a well with casing pipe(neighbors have 14 meters to the level), put pumping station and make an insert into the system - will be pure water for drinking and reserve (or main) for everything else.

The following can be said about the use of defrosting methods:
- The "boiler" method is good and does not require much labor, only time and attention. If the cork is not very long (2-3 meters) and is located no further than 10 meters in a plastic and metal-plastic pipe without sharp corners, then the defrosting of the pipe is quite real. This method cannot be used in metal pipes - a short circuit is possible. The length of the wire passage is limited by its rigidity. You can tie the wire to steel wire - this will give rigidity and you can go much further. With a large length of the ice plaque, it is impossible to leave the wire in the pipe without movement for a long time - it will freeze.
- The method of supplying hot water to the place of the ice plug is effective, but also up to a certain length of entry. Can also be tied flexible hose level to steel wire or use rigid polyethylene hose. It is better to supply water under pressure.
- It is possible to supply heated steam from a steamer or a special device through a hose, but this is technically more difficult.
- Can also be fed by hose hot air, for example, connect to the system household hair dryer- Automobile compressor.
- Application welding inverter(namely, the inverter - with a wide current adjustment) is very effective at any length of the ice plug (probably up to a hundred meters), but requires a long connecting wire large section and careful work with the pipe.

The situation when modern plastic water pipes freeze happens quite often. Naturally, such a problem should be eliminated as soon as possible, because otherwise the freezing area will gradually expand. In addition, in any case, there is a risk of "rupture" of the highway.

So defrosting plastic pipes is a very important and urgent task. And, in the end, except purely technical nuances, without water, sitting is also uncomfortable, you see.

In this article, we will look at all the most popular and effective ways to solve such a problem. Moreover, we will even figure out how to defrost a metal-plastic pipe underground, and not just the one that is on the surface.

Let's start by reviewing the most important point.

Why does this problem occur at all?

In fact, everything here is quite simple to understand. The causes of freezing are discussed in the table below.

As you can see, the reasons are quite logical and understandable. And if so, then before reviewing how to defrost a plastic water pipe, it is worth talking about preventive measures.

How to prevent freezing

For outdoor plumbing, measures can be as follows:

  1. Insulating plastic with mineral wool . Such work is done very simply - plastic turns into mineral wool. From above, the insulation is wrapped with a rope or wire.

Tip: if communications take place in places with high humidity, then the mineral wool on top must also be wrapped with a film, foil, or even better - with a hydrobarrier.
Then the heater will last a really long time.

  1. "Packing" the highway in special box . In fact, communications are simply sheathed on the outside with panels of wood, plastic or drywall (depending on where the communications go). And the entire space between the plane of the box and the water supply is filled mounting foam or a piece of styrofoam.

Such are the technologies.

You can not "foam" those points where important connections are located.
These areas include, for example, taps, brass fittings, threaded fittings etc.
If they are sealed with foam, it turns out that in the event of an emergency, access to such important elements will be blocked.

As for communications that are laid in the ground, then the recommendations are very simple. It is necessary to mount everything below the depth of the freezing point of the soil. At the same time, one should adhere to simple rule- if it is not possible to lay the system at the desired depth, then it should be very well insulated.

However, do-it-yourself insulation is still not a 100% guarantee that the water will not freeze. Perfect option in this case, it is to organize at least some kind of heating system for communications.

And now let's look at how to defrost plastic water pipes, that is, we'll figure out how to fix the situation when ice has already formed.

Ways of heating the line

It is worth noting one important point- as good examples we will analyze the most available solutions that do not require the purchase of expensive equipment.

In addition, these methods differ in that they have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice. Let's start reviewing the simple option.

With the help of boiling water

Heating instruction outdoor system hot water is quite simple.

In principle, in this way, communications can be warmed up quite quickly - in just a couple of hours. Here the main thing is to warm not even the entire diameter of the ice, but only a small part of it. Because even if a small “loophole” appears for the passage of water along the highway, then the rest of the ice will gradually melt by itself.

As for systems that are located underground, in principle it is possible to influence them in this way, but only the heating time will be much longer. Yes, and you still need to get to the plane of such communications. Therefore, this method is not the most the best solution for defrosting underground lines.

And if we talk about how to defrost a plastic water pipe underground, then it's best to do it a little differently. The bottom line is that you need to deliver boiling water directly to the ice plug - that is, as if inside the pipe itself. If simply pouring hot water into the line does not work, then you can try to do this with an ordinary flexible hose.

This is done like this:

  1. One end of the rubber hose is inserted into the line and the hose is pushed to the point where it meets the ice plug.
  2. The second end of the product is put on a hot water tap. At the same time, it is important that the pressure force in the tap is sufficient to deliver water to the desired point.

  1. The supply of boiling water is turned on and the heating process begins. As for the exposure time, it all depends on how many meters the ice has spread.

Please note that you will need to prepare some kind of container to collect water!
The fact is that boiling water will rest against the cork and, under the influence of pressure, the water will return “back” - that is, it will begin to flow out of the cracks between the hose and the pipe.

Let's consider another defrosting method, which is suitable for both underground and above-ground water pipes.


This option in a good way requires a special device - a steam generator. However, the price of the device is too high to purchase it for a one-time operation, so it is easier and more expedient to rent a steam generator.

The principle of operation here is quite simple - the device generates steam, which can be launched under pressure to any desired place.

The flow is usually directed with a hose.

  1. Insert the sleeve into the pipe.
  2. We turn on the device and begin to pump hot air in the direction of the ice plug.

Here the efficiency and speed of defrosting are very high level because the temperature of the steam is higher than the degree of hot water. In a good way, even in very difficult cases warming up can occur within an hour.

You can also defrost ice with the help of "artisanal" steam injection.

It's done like this:

  1. The autoclave heats up water.
  2. Take the hose. One of its ends is connected to the autoclave, and the other is launched into the pipe.

It turns out that hot air will, as it were, exit the autoclave through a hose and, accordingly, “rest” against an ice plug.

In principle, any analogue of an autoclave, even an ordinary double boiler, is suitable for small pipelines. The main thing is that the pressure of the steam is strong enough to get to the point where the ice begins.

But this method is only suitable when there is no risk of deformation of the line itself. So whether it is worth using such machines for plastic communications is a big question.

Well, now let's figure out how to defrost plastic sewer pipe more "popular" methods.

With hair dryer and fan heater

In fact, this technology involves the effect of warm air on the plastic plane. That is, we take a hair dryer or a fan heater, turn on these devices and begin to pump a hot stream towards the problem point in communications. As you understand, the method is only suitable for those who pass on open areas.


As you already understood, defrosting a line made of plastic pipes is a very real thing. Of course, situations are different, and therefore universal way there can be no warming, but still the methods that we talked about above can “work”. We hope that this is exactly what will happen.

By the way, if you want to know more visual instructions then watch the video in this article.

Russia is located in a harsh climatic region, therefore, in winter and early spring, there is a risk of defrosting of the water supply and sewerage system. This is especially true for owners of private houses, because. often systems are laid without carrying out necessary calculations and measures for insulation and protection against freezing. In this article, we will talk about how to protect pipes from freezing and what to do if the problem could not be prevented.

If the temperature outside the window has dropped to zero, that is, to the freezing point of water, this does not mean that the water supply system will freeze. Not everyone knows, but in winter the water in the pipe freezes at a temperature of -7 degrees. Water pipes burst when freezing, because. when moving from liquid state into a solid, the volume of water increases. This does not happen often, but it does happen, especially in metal systems that are not capable of stretching.

To prevent freezing of water in pipes and protect them from damage, it is necessary to take care of the heating system in advance or carry out a set of measures for thermal insulation of the pipeline.

Some measures to protect the pipeline in winter period, should be carried out at the stage of laying communications during the construction of a house. What needs to be done for reliable protection pipes from cold during laying:

  1. Lay the water supply below the freezing level of the soil. In SNiP 2.02.01-83, you can find information on the freezing depth for a particular region and type of soil.
  2. Use polyethylene or polypropylene for underground water supply.
  3. . For convenience, heaters made of foil expanded polystyrene in the form of tubes are used, or any other available insulation or insulation methods.
  4. Mount System electric heating. It is installed directly on the water supply under the heat-insulating layer. The system is guaranteed to prevent freezing or allow heating the water supply, if the heating is used cyclically and freezing has nevertheless occurred.

Thermal insulation using a heating cable — reliable way solve the problem of icing even in the most severe cold.

In private temporary residences, for example country houses, plumbing is rarely laid underground and is used mainly in the summer.

To prevent freezing of the structure located above the ground, in winter it is necessary to completely drain the water from it after each use. The second option, how you can not defrost the pipe on the street, is to leave the tap a little ajar so that the water moves. The water in the source (well, well) has a temperature of about +5 degrees. Moving, it gives off part of the heat for heating, so freezing of pipes in such a situation can only occur when severe frost, from -15.

How to defrost an open pipeline

In the case when the open water supply is frozen, it is not difficult to defrost the pipe, because. it has access.

Advice: it is necessary to start work on heating the water supply immediately after freezing is detected, otherwise, the situation only worsens every hour, especially if the heaters are used of poor quality or are completely absent.

A heating cable is required to heat frozen plastic lines. Using it is extremely simple, just wrap the water pipe and connect the cable to the power source. This option requires additional costs to purchase a cable. You can cast plastic pipes with hot water, but this option is effective only when small areas freezing, or with not severe frosts.

Heating of metal pipes can be carried out with the help of open fire. Suitable portable gas-burner, blowtorch or small diesel gun designed for heating unheated premises. It is possible to combine heating with a burner with the method of crushing ice. With a burner, you can heat the entire metal system except for cranes. Faucets have rubber (plastic) valves, which, if the temperature rises sharply, can deteriorate and the faucet will have to be changed.

Important: it is forbidden to heat frozen plastic pipes with an open fire, because. they can melt or even catch fire.

To warm the tap, it is not necessary to heat it with a burner, it is enough to wrap it with rags and pour boiling water over it. If after the first time the tap did not move away, the operation can be repeated.

To defrost open, you can use building hair dryer. It is powerful enough, warms up well and is not able to melt the material.

Defrosting hidden plastic pipes

It is much more difficult to defrost water in a plastic pipe hidden underground due to the fact that there is no access to it. Heating options that are used for open water pipes will not work.

You can quickly defrost a water supply pipe only by heating it from the inside. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Outflow of hot water.
  2. Heating with a steam generator.
  3. Warming up electric apparatus for defrosting pipes.
  4. Defrost water pipes with a homemade boiler.

Depending on the situation, the availability of tools and other circumstances, for each of the methods, you can apply various fixtures. For example, in order to pour hot water, you can use a thin hose that goes inside the water supply, or you can simply pour hot water from a pear.

To defrost HDPE pipes in the ground, you can use a cable heating system, but only if it was installed at the stage of laying the water supply. If cable heating elements are not installed, then this method is too laborious and not always possible.

Now consider the heating options that can be used if the HDPE pipe located underground is frozen.

Warming up with a steam generator

Based on the name, it can be understood that the steam generator is designed to generate steam. It sounds complicated, but it's actually much simpler. But not everyone has a steam generator. In everyday life, in the country, you can use a pressure cooker instead. Defrost a pipe with a pressure cooker is no more difficult than casting with hot water. To carry out the work you will need:

  • pressure cooker;
  • hose diameter smaller than polyethylene pipe plumbing;
  • mobile electric or gas stove.

The process itself is similar to the ebb of a water pipe with hot water, only steam is used instead. Water is poured into the pressure cooker and heated to a boil. One end of the hose is hermetically connected to the valve for releasing excess steam in the lid of the pressure cooker, the other is pushed into the line. Thus, the steam from the pressure cooker enters the hose and further into the pipeline to the place of freezing. The temperature of the steam is higher than the temperature of hot water, so using a pressure cooker is more effective and allows you to heat up faster.

Another option to replace the steam generator is to use a Karher steam cleaner. The power of the steam cleaner is enough to cope with defrosting.

ice crushing

If a underground plumbing made of iron or copper, then you can use a special device to defrost it - an apparatus for defrosting pipes. You can find out which model of the device to use for a particular pipe diameter by reading the instructions of the device manufacturer. The most popular devices in Russia are "Dragon" and their analogues.

The essence of the method is that power cables The devices are connected to the main line and voltage is applied to them, due to which the pipe walls heat up and the ice jam thaws. This method can be combined with the crushing method.

Its essence lies in tapping a metal line in order to cause ice to peel off from the inner walls or its destruction. Crushed pieces of ice, under the pressure of water in the system, can come out. Using this method, you need to take care of the unhindered passage of pieces of ice along the entire length of the water supply. This means that the outlet valve, tees and other structural elements with a smaller diameter must be dismantled.

In appearance, everything is simple, but in reality it does not always work out, because. the device has restrictions on the distance of connecting the electrodes. If it is not a problem to connect an electrode from the outlet side of the water pipe, then it is not always possible to install a second one, at a certain distance from the first, due to the fact that the system is closed and the water has frozen in the pipe underground. Sometimes such nuances make it impossible to use the device for heating a closed water supply system.

Defrosting with a boiler

At one end of a rigid two-core wire, several centimeters of cores are exposed and wrapped around the wire so that the bare contacts do not touch each other, and the distance between them does not exceed 1.5-2 cm. A plug is installed on the second end of the wire for connecting to a household outlet . Further, the structure is pushed inside the pipeline and connected to the network 220. Passing current, the water between the wire contacts heats up, and the water supply system gradually thaws.

Important: the method is suitable for use in closed system from plastic pipes, use in metal structures strictly prohibited, because the pipe wall is closed contacts.

Defrosting pipes with hot water

With little length frozen water pipe, it is convenient to pour hot water from a bucket or a rubber medical heating pad, often called Esmarch's mug. This is a simple method that requires a minimum of accessories. It is often used for self-elimination icing pipes in the country. For heating, you will need a piece of thin hose no less than the length of a frozen main and a funnel, for the convenience of filling the hose with hot water.

The hose is inserted into the water pipe until it stops, that is, until it freezes. Next, hot water is poured into the hose. Hot water, passing through a hose, enters directly to the place of freezing and gradually melts the ice. As it melts, it is necessary to move the hose inside the water supply and add hot water, because. it will gradually go away and cool down.

Elimination of ice blockage in the sewer

A sewer system that is made with the wrong slope, or from pipes of small diameter and laid without insulation, is at risk of defrosting. You can warm up the drain pipe in a private house, in the event of an ice plug, using the same methods that are used to defrost hidden water pipes.

Important: to remove ice in it is not enough to pour hot water into the toilet, because. this is ineffective, it is necessary to organize the supply of hot water directly to the place of the ice plug, which means you need to use a hose.

If the sewerage system is long enough, then to deliver the hose to the freezing point, it can be tied to a plumbing cable.

When defrosting, there are several nuances.

  1. The cause of freezing may be a blockage that has reduced throughput systems. In this case, defrosting must be carried out in conjunction with cleaning, otherwise the problem will recur.
  2. AT sewer system can defrost a septic tank or otherwise a drain hole. In this case, the outlet for water and feces is blocked, the pipes gradually fill up and freeze. To eliminate the cause, you must first warm up or clean the ice in drain pit and only then proceed to work on heating the sewer drain.

How to defrost metal pipes in the ground

You can defrost metal water pipes that are underground using the same methods that are used when you need to warm a HDPE pipe in the ground. If there is access to the pipe every 10 meters, for example, wells are installed, then it is effective to conduct heating using a pipe defrosting apparatus.

Ice in the underground pipe begins to form at minus 5 degrees, which happens closer to spring, so during this period you need to be extremely careful, especially if underground metal pipes new and hibernate for the first time.

How not to defrost plastic pipes

Like metal pipes, plastic pipes are defrosted at a temperature of -5, but warm them all accessible ways it is forbidden. For example, it is forbidden to warm frozen plastic pipes with an open flame.

Plastic is a combustible material and can catch fire in a few minutes. Also, for plastic communications, the method of crushing and heating with the help of an apparatus is not used. The appliance will not work because polypropylene pipe does not conduct electricity. At low temperatures, some types of plastic lose their flexibility properties.

If you hit a frozen plastic system with a hammer or other impact tool, the walls may not withstand and burst. As a result, part of the plumbing will have to be changed. Metal-plastic pipes burst even more easily, so crushing does not apply to them either.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to note that in order to avoid problems with sewerage and water pipes, one should not neglect the requirements normative documents, for example SNiP SNiP 2.04.01-85*. If freezing could not be avoided, then after the system is restored to working capacity, it is necessary to analyze the causes that can be eliminated in warm time of the year. Otherwise, the situation will repeat itself. It will not always be possible to get rid of only by thawing the water supply, because. integrity may be violated and the system will have to be changed in winter, or a temporary highway should be laid, which will require additional investments.

On video original way defrosting pipes with hot water from flow heater"Atmor":

In winter, not only we ourselves freeze, but also communications. And if it’s enough for a person to drink a cup of hot tea, wrap himself in a blanket and sit around, then it will be more difficult with pipes. If the water or drains in them are frozen, then you will have to deal with utilities (and we all know that this is not always fast), or take the initiative into your own hands. Fortunately, people's ingenuity came up with a lot of really working and effective ways how to defrost a water and sewer pipe without waiting for spring.

Why do pipes freeze?

No that's not rhetorical question. The reason often lies within ourselves. Yes, it is we, consciously or not, who violate the norms, and as a result, in the midst of a severe winter, we get an unpleasant consequence in the form of an icy water supply system or, even worse, sewerage.

Pipes freeze for the following reasons:

  • insufficient depth. Ideally, pipes should be below the level of soil freezing, and in some regions this level is at a depth of 1.8-2 m, or even deeper. Utilities and private developers sometimes do not adhere to this rule, either due to incorrect calculations, or in an attempt to save money;
  • inefficient insulation. So that the pipes do not freeze in winter, and those places of the pipes that pass through or brick walls, need double insulation, as these materials cool faster than the ground;
  • it is better not to place pipes close to brick and concrete structures for the same reason. Exception - entering the house;
  • low water consumption. In private unheated houses, water should not be left in pipes; it is better to drain it before winter;
  • pipe diameter too small. The smaller the diameter, the faster the liquid freezes. It is not recommended to lay water pipes with a diameter of less than 50 mm underground;
  • even if the pipe laying depth is sufficient, and they are well insulated, with extremely low temperatures that are not typical for the region, freezing may occur. This is already an emergency.

If it so happened that the pipes are frozen, and you have to defrost them on your own, then first you have to calculate the place where the water freezes. It can be outdoor or underground. Defrost methods will vary.

No. 1. Defrosting the pipe with a hair dryer or blowtorch

If the outer part of the pipe, which is in the reach zone, is frozen, then the task is greatly simplified. It is enough to expose the frozen area external heating, and for this you can use:

If the pipe is metal, then the following heat sources can also be used:

The principle is the same in all cases. Heat is applied to the frozen area. If it is a heating pad, then it is applied, if the cable is wrapped around the pipe and plugged into the network, if it is a burner or a blowtorch, the flame is directed to the pipe zone, but with a hair dryer everything is clear. An old blanket or thick cloth can be wrapped over a heating pad, heating cable, and thermal blanket to keep warm.

It is important to open the water tap before starting work so that the thawed water can safely flow out of the pipe. or shut down for the time being.

No. 2. Defrosting with boiling water and rags

The method is also suitable if the pipes are in the building and accessible. Of course, you can simply pour hot water on the pipes, after substituting containers to collect water, but it is much more efficient to first wrap the pipes with rags, and only then arrange a “hot shower” for them. The rags will absorb water, heat up and contribute to the constant exposure of the pipes to heat. If there are few rags, then it will periodically need to be moved along the pipe section. Do not forget to substitute a container to collect water that will not be absorbed.

Number 3. Defrosting the pipe with a welding machine

If the frozen area is located outside the house, then it will take more time and effort to thaw. The co method is considered one of the most effective, but it has a limitation - it only suitable for metal pipes.

To begin with, you will have to at least approximately determine the place where the ice plug forms. Then, on both sides, the water pipe is cleaned of thermal insulation and cleaned to metallic luster. These places are connected electrical cable connected to the secondary winding of the welding transformer.

Now it remains to set the minimum current on the device (about 180 A) and turn it on to the network. will begin to heat up along the entire length of the connected section. Defrosting occurs relatively quickly, but the duration of the entire process depends on the length of the pipe. At the same time, the water tap should also be kept open. Experts warn that the method has side effect- pipes after such treatment begin to rust faster.

It is very important to connect and disconnect cables to the pipe only when welding machine switched off. Otherwise, you can get an electric arc that can damage both the pipe and your hands and eyes.

No. 4. Defrosting with hot water through a hose

When the frozen area is in sight, it is enough to pour hot water directly on it. By simple deductions, we can come to the conclusion that if the congestion is located far from home, then it is necessary to somehow deliver hot water to the place of icing. Just pouring hot water into the pipe is not very effective - you have to get a little confused. This way applicable to when you can’t just take and run a current through them, like through metal.

The procedure is as follows:

  • remove the stop valve;
  • prepare a rigid hose or pipe with a diameter smaller than the plumbing. For example, for a pipe with a diameter of 25-32 mm, a diameter of 16 mm is suitable. This is if the site is completely straight. If there are twists and turns, then you will have to take a hose that can bend, but at the same time is quite rigid. You can’t take an ordinary one - it may not withstand exposure to hot water and soften, so it will be more difficult to push it through. You can take an oxygen hose or a hose that is usually connected gas cylinders. True, it can be stretched only 10-15 m from the input - it is too rigid and heavy. Alternatively, a flexible hose with attached wire can be used;
  • we put the prepared hose or metal-plastic pipe into the pipe until it hits the ice;
  • a container can be attached to the outer end of the hose, from which hot water will be supplied. If you attach a faucet to it, it will be much more convenient. However, hot water can also be poured through a funnel, but this is not very convenient;
  • instead of a simple hot ox, you can use salt solution- it freezes at a lower temperature, so that the work will go faster;
  • melt water will flow out through the gap between the pipe or hose. Prepare a container for its collection in advance;
  • as the ice plug melts, it will be possible to lower the metal-plastic pipe or hose deeper.

When the work is completed, it remains to assemble the pipeline and install shutoff valves. To prevent re-freezing, ensure that the water is constantly moving through the pipeline, at least with a slight pressure. A heating cable can be lowered into a straight pipe.

Hydraulic level method

A variation of this method is the use of a building hydraulic level of the required length. The method is good if there are 2-3 elbows in the pipe and the distance from the house to the frozen area is 20 m. To the end of the hydraulic level, a wire is wound with electrical tape. And then, and then in advance it is necessary to align a little. From the end that will be immersed in the pipe, the wire should not stick out. It is better to let it be shorter than the hydraulic level by 1 cm.

The hydraulic level is pushed inside the pipe until it hits the ice. hot water(or saline solution) can be served with the help of Esmarch's mug, in the people - an enema. When you hit the ice, you can start the water supply. To simplify, we do an enema to the pipe. We collect melted water in a basin or bucket, as we thaw, we advance the hydro level.

The method is good because the hydraulic level tube is thin enough, so it goes well into the water pipe, and it easily overcomes turns. average speed– 1 meter of ice per hour.

No. 5. Defrost with wire

Way to go for defrosting only plastic pipes plumbing located at a distance from the house. To work, you must purchase:

  • two-core wire, the length and thickness depends on the pipe, but people with experience advise taking a thicker and harder wire;
  • plug for socket;
  • a compressor and a hose will be needed if the pipeline is long enough, or if the ice plug is located far from the entry point into the house. You can buy a fuel hose, it is inexpensive, and use a pump as a compressor, or use a car compressor.

The main thing, properly prepare the wire. First, we remove the general insulation in a section of 8-10 cm and expose one of the wires. Gently bend it in the opposite direction and make several turns (3-5 is enough) around the part that remains under the general insulation (it is clear from the pictures below). The threads must be tight. The insulation is also removed from the second wire and wound below the turns of the first wire. The distance should be about 2-3 mm - the turns of the first and second wires should not touch. If you use pliers during the creation of the turns, then first wrap the wire with something tight so as not to damage the insulation.

When the first end is ready, it remains to connect the plug from the second end. Here is our working tool, popularly sometimes referred to as a "burbulator", is ready. You should not take this method if you have little understanding in electrics.

Action this method based on a simple physical phenomenon. When current passes through water, the latter heats up. What you need when you need to defrost pipes! It is important that the wire itself remains cold, only the water is heated, i.e. the likelihood of damage to the plastic pipe is minimized.

This method of defrosting frozen pipes can only be used if all parts (including shut-off valves) are made of plastic. In the presence of steel fittings a short circuit may occur.

You can check if our defroster is working with a can of water. It is enough to lower one end of the wire there, plug the other into an outlet, and you will see how bubbles begin to appear in the water, all this will be accompanied by a buzz. Do not dip your fingers into the water - it can give you an electric shock.

Now it remains to lower the wire into the pipe until it hits the ice, but without too much force. We plug it into the outlet, gently press the end of the wire to the ice and wait a couple of minutes, after which you can try to lower the wire a little more, it will seem to fall into the ice itself. If the icy area is large enough, then it is better to gradually pump out the melted water. You can do without it, but then it will take more time, because you will also have to warm up a sufficient amount of water. There is another threat - the ice that has already melted may begin to freeze while you melt its deeper layers. In general, it is better to use a pump or a compressor.

No. 6. How to defrost a sewer pipe?

Let us immediately note freeze much less often than tap water, and this is a solid reason to rejoice. The fact is that warm drains are constantly moving along them, but if it suddenly happened that the sewage system froze, try one of the following methods:

If independent attempts to defrost water and sewer pipes were unsuccessful, then one can only hope for specialists who use special steam generators. These devices are like washing machines for cars, only steam is produced at the outlet, and its temperature and pressure can be adjusted depending on the material of the pipes and the length of the frozen section. This method is very fast and efficient.

How to prevent pipes from freezing?

The answer to this question comes from the very first section of the article describing the reasons. In short, we must try to minimize possible risks, i.e.:

The only thing you can't predict is record low temperatures in the region. If usually in winter the temperature does not drop below -15 0 C, and -25 0 C is considered almost a disaster, then it is quite logical to lay pipes to a depth of 80 cm (for example, Stavropol). It's hard to believe, but still it is impossible to completely discard the situation when the temperature drops to -35 0 C or even lower. And if earlier it was only necessary to rely on nature, now we have a heating cable at our disposal, which will not allow the pipes to freeze under any conditions, so for reinsurance purposes, you can additionally use it.