Frozen water supply in a country house: defrosting pipes or what to do. What to do if the water in the water supply freezes

The answer to the question: the water supply system is frozen, how to defrost, is of interest to many owners of private houses in Russia. The fact is that the freezing of the water supply is not a rare phenomenon in our country, where low temperatures are present in most of the country for at least six months. This phenomenon can lead to disruption of life in large areas.

As for private households, a frozen pipeline can make almost any house unsuitable for living in it. In this case, if emergency measures are not taken to defrost it, the housing will have to be left before spring, while irreparable damage will be caused to it and its communications.

In order to successfully deal with the freezing of pipelines in winter, it is necessary to find out in advance why the pipes freeze, because normally they should not be covered with ice. In addition, the appearance of ice and complete blockage may indicate that negative changes have occurred in the system that significantly affect its performance. In the event that the homeowner notices this in time, he may have time to take measures to remove ice in advance, before he caused significant damage to the pipeline.

If we talk about the most common cause of pipe freezing in winter, then it is usually:

  • Errors in design and installation pipeline.
  • Often homeowners are too lazy to dig a deep trench, which leads to laying the line above the freezing point of the soil in this locality. As a result, during severe frosts, the soil “stands up like a stake”, which leads to ruptures in pipelines and damage to pipes.
  • Incorrect plumbing in the building.
  • And also because lines are not insulated.

When placing such communications, even in warm basements, it is necessary to periodically carry out work to monitor the integrity of the insulation and, if necessary, replace it with a new one. This also applies to inspection wells, which some homeowners do not look at for years. As a result, almost ideal conditions are created for the formation of frost and frost in the winter.

In addition, a great influence on the freezing of utilities also has the speed of the water flow through the pipes, as well as their diameter. So in the main pipelines of housing and communal services, water flows constantly, which allows them to be operated normally even in icy soil. In private households, where this flow is relatively weak, and pipes are one or two inches in diameter, pipes need to be laid approximately half a meter deeper freezing point of the ground in winter.

In order to get rid of such a negative moment, many homeowners leave the water taps open in the cold. As a result, the system will be operational during the entire time of its use. If the valve is closed, then it is quite possible that the process of ice formation will begin in it.

Another common and natural cause of freezing pipes is laying of engineering communications in unheated premises, it can be an entrance or a basement. Here, ice plugs usually occur at night when the water flow drops to a minimum. At the same time, if access to pipes is open in apartment buildings, which facilitates the fight against traffic jams, in private households they are usually difficult to access. As a result, it is quite difficult to deal with ice here and such activities require a lot of time and, in some cases, money.

How to find a frozen area

Before proceeding directly to the heating of pipes, it is necessary to determine that section of them where the freezing section is directly located. The fact is that the method used to heat the entire line will depend on where exactly it is located and what its dimensions are. At the same time, if it is damaged by ice, the question will arise of repairing it, and not of getting rid of ice plugs.

In total, there are two ways to detect an ice jam:

  • visual,
  • tactile.

The visual method consists in careful studying the external state of the pipe. To do this, the water supply system is inspected throughout the areas to which there is free access. So, if communications are made of a plastic material, for example, metal-plastic, the homeowner will see swelling or deformation of a different shape.

A frozen section of metal-plastic pipes can be seen by swelling or deformation of a different shape.

As for metal pipes, which are not ductile, the blockage is difficult to detect visually. In this case, and also when the communication is done by a covert method, it will be necessary to use the tactile method. It consists of groping for a blockage with a feeler gauge:

  1. nearest detachable knee to a suspicious place dismantled.
  2. In the resulting hole introduced normal plumbing cable or thick wire.
  3. Rope or wire moves along the pipe until it stops.
  4. Them length, after they are attached to the wall or soil, point out to the expected freezing point.

There are also special devices designed to determine the places of ice formation in engineering communications. They are used by professional plumbers and in everyday life these devices are practically not used.

How to defrost a pipe indoors

The methods used to defrost utilities directly depend on where exactly the pipeline is located. So if it is mounted indoors, then you can get rid of ice jams using:

  • hot water;
  • building hair dryer;
  • electricity.

hot water used for heating pipes in open sections of highways, while this method can be used to clean products, both metal and plastic. In this case, it is best when it is boiling water, since it is it that allows you to melt the ice the fastest. In addition, rags and rags are also used to speed up the process.

  1. To start rags and rags placed on the pipe.
  2. Location of suspected blockage start pouring boiling water or hot water. The process is lengthy, since the surface of the line will have to be constantly irrigated with new portions of hot water.
  3. The heating process stops only after water does not start flowing from the open taps.
  4. Complete removal of ice from the system can be completed in a few hours and during this time the valves should not be closed.

Rags and rags are needed here to increase the area of ​​​​contact of the pipe with boiling water, as well as to extend its impact on it.

Rags and rags increase the area of ​​​​contact of the pipe with boiling water, and also prolong its effect on it.

Frozen plumbing can also be warmed up with hot air by exposing it to open areas of the system. For this purpose, they usually use heat gun or powerful building hair dryer. At the same time, a temporary canopy from improvised materials is erected over the problem area. In the same case, when the homeowner does not have industrial equipment, he can use any device that generates warm air. So they can be a regular household hair dryer.

The third common way to defrost pipes is to use electricity. It is considered one of the most effective and can be used to get rid of ice from both metal and plastic products. It should be noted separately that this method requires the adoption of certain precautions.

metal lines heated in this way using welding transformer.

  1. The output cables of the machine must be connected to a suspicious area away from the blockage. at least half a meter.
  2. Voltage is applied so that a current of magnitude passes through the metal from 100 to 200 amps.
  3. Usually a few minutes Such an impact causes the ice to melt, thereby restoring the patency of the pipe.

As for plastic communications, then they are heated using a two-core copper wire having a cross section 2.5 - 3 mm:

  1. One of the veins is partially cleaned and performed 5 turns around the cable.
  2. The second vein falls below the first and the same manipulations are performed on it. Trying to perform helical winding at a distance of 3 mm from the first winding. The resulting device is the simplest homemade boiler.
  3. Ready product inserted into the pipe and turn on the current. Under the influence of the potential that has arisen between the coils, the water heats up, and the ice begins to melt.

This method is good because when using it, the system does not heat up and the plastic does not deteriorate.

How to defrost pipes on the street

The defrosting of pipelines on the street has its own specifics, due to the fact that here the temperature is usually much lower than indoors. At the same time, pipes in the fresh air are also heated with electricity, a building hair dryer and hot water, as well as indoors. In addition, due to more severe weather conditions, powerful special equipment is also used. So, for example, heating of highways is performed using:

  • heating cable for plumbing;
  • steam heater;
  • autoclave;
  • hydrodynamic machine.

If it is decided to use electricity, then it is advisable to use not a welding transformer for this, as when performing a similar procedure indoors, but a special device, because:

  • it has great power
  • allows you to adjust the current
  • allows you to adjust the voltage of the supplied current.
  • safer to operate than a misused welding transformer.

The modern industry also offers homeowners pipe heating cable. It should be distinguished from such a product as pipe heating cable, since this product is not intended to combat ice that has already formed, but to prevent this phenomenon. If you equip the pipeline with such a cable in dangerous areas, ice simply cannot form there.

Heating cable for plumbing inside the pipe used in the case when it is not possible to warm it from the outside. The fact is that the electric current supplied to it is converted into thermal energy, which allows you to melt the ice. At the same time, it can be used to clear the ice jam in the most inaccessible place, since:

  • the cable can be inserted into the pipe for several tens of meters
  • he is flexible, which makes it possible to reach with its help even ice in complexly curved knees.

Building hair dryer it is rarely used on the street, since it is simply not able to warm up problem areas in windy conditions. If there is no other way out, you will have to build a temporary shelter from improvised materials to complete the work.

As for hot water, then in this case it will need to be poured into the system. For this, it is used

  • funnel,
  • a flexible hose that, as the ice thaws, moves deep into the pipeline.

In difficult cases, industrial equipment is used: steam generators, autoclaves, hydrodynamic machines. steam generator performs defrosting with steam. To do this, a hose is inserted into the pipeline through a pipe or a disassembled elbow and hot steam is fed through it until it is completely cleared of ice.

The hydrodynamic machine creates a hydrodynamic pressure that “breaks through” ice jams.

Autoclave can also generate steam, so it can be used to combat ice blockage. Here the scheme of work is approximately the same as with the steam generator. In this case, it is preferable to use a steam generator, since it is more suitable for performing the described operation. As for hydrodynamic machine, then it creates a hydrodynamic pressure that “breaks through” ice jams. This machine is professional and is commonly used by organizations specializing in the maintenance of utilities.

Checking the plumbing after defrosting

After the water supply is defrosted, it is necessary to check it for damage. This can be done visually first. To do this, the surface of the pipes is inspected for the presence cracks, rips and blisters. In severe frosts, such damage is usually visible to the naked eye.

When they are insignificant, it will be necessary to carry out a line pressure test. In this case, the resulting defects can be detected by leaks that have appeared. Some malfunctions may appear much later, so the system should be left under supervision for about a week in order to avoid an emergency.

Pipeline insulation and prevention of freezing

In order for the pipes not to freeze in winter, it is necessary to carefully follow the procedure for assembling and laying the water supply. So it should be placed in the ground to a depth below the freezing point of the soil in this region. Information about this can be found in a special directory, which lists freezing points in all regions of the Russian Federation.

In the event that the weather conditions in your region are severe and frosts are not uncommon, all communications should be laid in special heat-insulating canisters. In addition to saving heat, such devices prevent pipes from freezing. Such pencil cases do not rot, are not afraid of moisture and therefore can last at least 50 years old without replacement.

As for the insulation of pipelines, it is usually used for this glass wool or polyurethane foam. Also, relatively recently, special heat-insulating covers mounted on top of the existing insulation. If the pipe lies in the ground and needs to be protected from freezing, it is laid in a trench with it expanded clay or the same pencil case made of insulation.

Summing up

In conclusion, it can be noted that there are many ways to clear the pipeline of ice in case of freezing, and it is better not to bring the matter to their use. In the event that all communications are made in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations, they will not be afraid of any cold. At the same time, the service life of water supply and sewage systems will increase significantly, and the cost of their maintenance will decrease significantly.

Pipes freeze for various reasons: insufficient laying depth, lack of insulation, small volume of transported water, use of the pipeline during frosts. Defrosting the water supply in an accessible place does not cause difficulties. The question of how to defrost a plastic water pipe underground requires attention.

Now, pipes made of high-density polyethylene are used for water supply, which does not deteriorate when frozen, has anti-corrosion properties and does not conduct electricity. But heating the water supply is not possible by all available methods.

Defrosting pipes with a heating cable

Before you begin to thaw a frozen water pipe, find the place where the ice plug has formed. Search methods:

  1. visual inspection. When the liquid freezes, it increases in volume and leads to swelling, the place of freezing is colder to the touch.
  2. Internal check. In the absence of the possibility of a complete inspection, use a flexible wire or cable. The area where the cable does not pass further will be the site of the formation of a traffic jam.

How to thaw an icy area will depend on the availability of free access to the problem.

Effective ways to solve the problem

It is difficult to warm a water pipe located in the ground. In this case, it is not possible to apply external defrosting methods. We'll have to defrost the system from the inside. Consider common ways to eliminate ice plugs.

Hot water application

Prepare a metal-plastic pipe, the cross section of which is 2 times smaller than the diameter of the main pipe. Carefully bring it inside the pipe to the frozen area and pour boiling water, which will gradually wash away the ice.
When defrosting water pipes in this way, do not forget to open the tap so that the pressure in the system remains low.

Heating with a hair dryer

This method of heating is suitable for water supply, which is located in the public domain. A stream of air is directed to the icy area. To avoid deformation of the plastic, the temperature of the hair dryer should be set to the minimum level. After heating with hot air, wrap the section of the pipeline with insulation.

Anti-icing with electric current

It is permissible to deal with the freezing of pipes using a welding machine. But it should only be used to thaw a water supply system made of steel, copper and other metal products.

Metal is a conductor of electric current. Electrons and ions under the action of an electric field, moving and colliding with each other, form energy. The latter turns into heat.
Plastic does not conduct electricity. Therefore, it is pointless and irrational to use a welding machine on plastic products.

Soldier's boiler for plastic pipes

Water is an electrolyte due to its salt content. Therefore, to heat it, you need a pair of electrodes under voltage. This method is only suitable for a water supply system made of polyethylene and is based on the principle of the boiler.

You will need: two-core copper wire and steel wire, tools. The strands of the wire are stripped and wrapped around the wire. Make sure that the turns do not touch each other, as a short circuit may occur. A plug is attached to the free end of the wire.
Lower the homemade boiler into the pipe to the ice plug, plug it into the network. After a while, the water supply will warm up, the icing will melt.

How to prevent the system from freezing

To do this, remember the following:

  1. Lay pipes at a sufficient depth, below the freezing level of the ground.
  2. The water supply should not run near reinforced concrete structures (foundations, beams and supports), since this material has a higher thermal conductivity. If you cannot find another place for laying, insulate the pipes.
  3. Those places where the sewer passes the walls of the building are recommended to be insulated with mounting foam, glass or mineral wool.
  4. Use pipes with a diameter of at least 50 mm.
  5. When choosing between products made of polymers, remember that polyethylene reacts stably to the freezing and thawing process. Polypropylene may burst after two defrosting.
  6. If the pipeline does not work regularly in winter, it is better to drain the water from the system.

It is also possible, if possible and finances, to lay a heating cable.

Heating cable application

The cable is used for heating water pipes and preventing freezing of plastic and metal pipes. Nuances in use:

  • the operating time of the device should not be constant, night time is enough;
  • the heating cable is recommended to be used immediately when laying a section of the pipeline that is subject to freezing;
  • The device is divided into 2 types: a cable with a self-regulating function and a simple one.

Subject to the conditions for laying the plumbing system, you will not have to face the problem of freezing.

When the water in the pipes freezes, it's not so bad. But if the water breaks the pipes, then there will really be trouble. Not that the water will blow the pipes to pieces, but the fistulas on the pipes will be good, not always collar will help. Therefore, if the water in the pipes is frozen, you should immediately call the housing office or another organization responsible for the operation of this network. True, the housing office is not Chip and Dale, and is usually in no hurry to help, in the private sector there are no housing departments at all, and companies involved in defrosting pipes are far from everywhere, and then you yourself have to engage in an unequal battle with the elements. Although, of course, you can wait for spring and completely change the pipes, the reasons for the freezing of pipes still need to be dealt with and eliminated so that this costume ball happens as rarely as possible.

First of all, pipes are heated where there are metal parts: valves, adapters. Since metal conducts heat and cold much better, freezing of water in plastic pipes in such places is most likely. You should also warm up places where there is an obstacle to the flow of water or the flow rate drops: at turns, bends, pipe branches.

From the point of view of physics, everything is quite simple here, in order to make a phase transition of a certain amount of matter from a solid state to a liquid one needs to expend energy. And to put it in a more understandable language, to melt 1 kg of ice, you need to spend 79.4 Kcalorie or 334 KJoule or 92.8 Watt hours. It remains only to choose how to transfer heat to ice. Most often, pipes are heated from the outside, transferring heat to metal pipes.

There are many ways to heat pipes, I will give only the most common:

1. Hot water (boiling water)

Pipes are wrapped with rags or foam rubber and periodically poured with boiling water. Although this is the most affordable way, it can only be used in the basement, sometimes in the entrance. If the pipe is frozen in the ground, then pouring boiling water on the ground is useless. It can take from 2 to 10 hours to defrost pipes in this way. If you can’t defrost pipes in this way, then you should think about another way.

2. Hot air

The source of hot air can be a building hair dryer, various types of electric heaters with fans (so-called "dukes") and without fans. This method has many disadvantages: firstly, plastic pipes must be heated very carefully so that the pipes do not melt, and secondly, low efficiency, since most of the heat is not used for its intended purpose. It can take from 2 to 10 hours to defrost pipes in this way. If you can’t defrost pipes in this way, then you should think about another way.

3. Thermal conductivity

Special wires are wound onto the pipe in a spiral, which are used to install underfloor heating, then the wires are connected to the electrical network. The disadvantage of this method is that such wires are usually sold in coils or sets and are not cheap, however, there are no simple and cheap ways to defrost pipes. It can take 1-3 hours to defrost pipes in this way. But the main drawback is that this method is not suitable for pipes laid underground.

4. From the inside

In order to melt the ice plug in the pipe, hot water is used, but it only needs to be somehow delivered to the ice plug or heated, for this you need a good entrance to the pipe.

Hot water can be driven into a pipe under pressure or made something like a boiler. These methods are enough, so I will not repeat. I will only add that pipes can be heated in such ways only on flat areas and it can take a lot of time - up to 2-3 days, but there are no other relatively simple and cheap ways to warm plastic pipes in the ground. If all else fails, then you will have to call a team with special equipment and they will arrange a hydrodynamic flushing of pipes for you.

If the water pipes in the ground are frozen, then there is only one reason - the pipes are laid at insufficient depth, i.e. above the depth of soil freezing, which means that if the pipes are not laid deeper, then the water in them will freeze every cold winter. It is possible to determine the depth of soil freezing on the map . Main water pipelines of large diameter, in which water flows constantly, can be laid at a shallower depth, and water pipes with a diameter of 20-32 mm are better to be laid below the freezing depth or, if this is not possible, immediately along with the water pipe, lay a water heating system.

If the water pipes periodically freeze, then so that the water in the pipes does not stagnate and freeze, you need to turn on the water in the apartment at night, the greater the pressure, the less likely the water will freeze in the water supply, though the more bills from the water utility will be, but there is no choice account for. And if you turn on the water with a little pressure, then the sewage system may freeze, but this is a slightly different topic.

Almost all homeowners have experienced the annoying problem of freezing water in pipes. Naturally, for warm regions, this is not relevant.

But for places of residence with a harsh climate, certain actions have to be taken. Of course, they need to be insulated in advance so that the pipeline does not have to be heated. But, unfortunately, clever thoughts will dawn late.

Useful information is available to prevent and fix this problem.

Freezing point of water

Contrary to physical laws, which state that the hardening of any substance occurs below 0 degrees, the water in the pipe freezes at different temperatures.

In many ways, it depends on the material from which it is made, as well as the conduct of the plumbing. Freezing requires a stable minus temperature (5‒7 degrees) for several days or a sharp drop to -20 degrees.

What can be done to keep the water pipes from freezing?

First of all, you should decide on the type of pipes. If they are metal, then they should be replaced with plastic ones.

And the most correct decision is the purchase of reinforced thick-walled PVC pipes. They are not afraid of corrosion, they withstand a pressure of 15 bar and a temperature of minus 35. There will be no need to be afraid that they will crack in the cold.

Freezing can be prevented by competent pipe laying. It is desirable to bury them deeply. The depth is affected by the freezing of the soil and the type of land in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence. For example, in the Moscow region, the freezing depth is 1.35 m.

Deep digging is good, but it is also desirable to play it safe. The plumbing needs to be insulated. It is better to make thermal insulation in a closed box, that is, from all sides.

In addition, there is a heating cable, which is laid during the wiring period or during pipe replacement. For example, there is a cheap resistive cable, but it has many disadvantages. It does not shorten, and in case of an inflection, closes and quickly deteriorates.

There is a better cable - self-regulating. It has a high efficiency, heats only the desired area without additional sensors. The price is quite high.

What to do when the water pipe freezes?

If the problem has already arisen, and there is no desire to make repairs, you will have to warm the pipe. For metal and plastic products, such procedures differ.

Metal pipe:

  1. It is warmed in the "old-fashioned" way - with boiling water.
  2. current.
  3. The use of a building hair dryer.
  4. When the pipe is buried, a fire is made over it.

From plastic:

  1. Wrapped in rags and doused with hot water.
  2. Boiling water is poured into the water supply.
  3. You can also use a building hair dryer, but the procedure is lengthy, plastic does not conduct heat well.

There are no other heating methods.

Non-freezing plumbing

This topic requires special consideration. Many people are worried - is this a myth? There is no unequivocal answer to this question. If the pipe is laid above the ground, then the water will still freeze in frost.

Non-freezing water supply is a complex construction of concrete rings or the creation of a well with sediment. The methods are quite expensive, but quite effective.

Plastic pipes have become a very common material in recent years. To date, they are used both for laying pipelines in apartments, and for arranging risers and long highways.

Plastic pipes owe their popularity to a considerable number of advantages, among which it is worth noting:

  • Good visual qualities;
  • Complete resistance to corrosion;
  • Simple and fairly quick installation;
  • Conductivity of electric current.

Despite good performance, plastic pipes can freeze just like any other. A pipeline that has stopped its work due to frost is always a serious problem that needs to be addressed promptly. This article will discuss how to warm water in a plastic pipe.

Causes of pipes freezing

The main reason why water pipes located in the ground freeze through is the too small depth of the pipeline. When installing pipes on the street, it is necessary to calculate the depth of their occurrence so that they are below the freezing level of the soil. If this condition is not met, then the pipes will freeze annually.

An exception to this rule is any large-diameter main water supply: in such systems, the movement of water is constant, so it cannot freeze. However, such pipes are usually used for laying industrial routes, and in private construction, pipes with a diameter of 20 to 32 mm are used, which must be laid at a greater depth.

In some cases, installation of pipes at a sufficient depth is not possible. To avoid freezing, you will have to use active or passive insulation, which will protect the system from exposure to low temperatures.

If the pipeline freezes with noticeable regularity, then to prevent this factor, it is worth leaving the system running even at night. A very important nuance is that the increase in pressure in the system is inversely proportional to the probability of its freezing. The desire to save money, for the sake of which the pressure in the system is deliberately reduced, can also lead to its freezing, so you should avoid such situations.

Methods for heating pipes

If the water in the plastic pipe is frozen, there are several ways to warm it up:

  1. Heating with hot water. To warm the pipes in this way, they must first be wrapped with a material like foam rubber or rags. After that, the pipes should be regularly watered with water heated to a state of boiling water. This method of heating pipes is very simple, but it can only be implemented in a building - plastic pipes located underground will have to be heated for at least ten hours.
  2. Heating with hot air. To warm the pipes with hot air, you need a building hair dryer or some good heater. It will take from 2 to 10 hours to warm up the pipe, and there are some risks: firstly, uncontrolled heating can lead to softening and deformation of the pipes, and secondly, the efficiency of such heating is too low due to the large dissipation of thermal energy. See also: "".
  3. Heating by conduction. The pipe is wrapped with cables that are used in underfloor heating. The cables are connected to power and begin to warm the pipe, which can take about three hours. This method of heating does not allow pipes laid underground to be brought into working condition. In addition, heating cables are quite expensive, so buying them for a one-time use is unprofitable.
  4. Warming from the inside. Heating the pipe from the inside allows you to completely melt the ice plug formed in the pipe. The main requirement for this method is good access to the pipe so that hot water can be poured there. The water supply is carried out either under pressure, or using devices similar to a boiler. It takes a lot of time for such heating of pipes (up to three days), and there is a limitation - internal heating is suitable only for horizontal sections of the pipeline.

Do-it-yourself heating of plastic pipes

If the pipe to be heated is underground, and the pipeline itself has turns or a bend, then the methods of heating the structure described above will not help. In this case, it will not be possible to break through the ice plug with the help of a wire, because the length of the frozen pipe section is unknown.

One of the methods suitable for solving such a problem is a folk remedy: the welding machine is connected to the two ends of the pipe and started. There is another effective way to heat pipes, which is to supply hot water directly to the area where it cannot get on its own.

The sequence of actions required to heat the pipe with hot water is as follows:

  • First you need to take a high-rigidity hose or a metal-plastic pipe with a smaller diameter;
  • The hose or pipe is pushed into the frozen pipeline until it hits resistance in the form of an ice plug;
  • Hot water or strong brine is poured into the pipe;
  • Melting water will gradually flow out of the pipe, so you need to take care of the container in which it will be collected in advance;
  • When the ice plug resolves, it is necessary to run running hot water in order to completely eliminate the effects of freezing.

Heating of metal-plastic pipes

Before you warm up a plastic pipe, you need to study well the algorithm for performing this work, which includes several stages:

  1. The first step is to localize the frozen part of the pipeline. To do this, you need to carefully examine the pipes located right next to the house. As a rule, the problem area is tactile - it is usually much colder to the touch than the functioning part of the pipe.
  2. After the localization of the ice plug, the pipe is wrapped with a rag. Next, you need to open all the taps of the water supply, having a supply of hot water with you. If not, you can melt the snow.
  3. The pipe is poured with water in two stages: first it is cold, and after it - hot. A gradual increase in water temperature is necessary so that the pipe is not damaged due to sudden temperature changes.
  4. Water that has changed from solid to liquid will exit through open taps.

So that the defrosted pipe does not freeze in the future, it is better to immediately take measures to insulate it - then in the future you will not have to think about how to warm the pipe with water.

If the water is frozen in plastic pipes located under a layer of soil or foundation, then to warm them up you will need a barrel, a pump and an oxygen hose, with which you need to carry out the following steps:

  1. The barrel is filled with hot water, the temperature of which is constantly rising.
  2. The hose is inserted into the pipeline exactly until it hits the ice crust.
  3. The tap opens and connects to the hose, which must be brought into the barrel. If the barrel itself or the possibility of installing it near the tap is not available, then an ordinary bucket will do.
  4. The pump starts, after which the water heated in the barrel is pumped into the plastic pipeline. The hose must be constantly pushed inside the pipe so that it defrosts all the ice in the system. The pump periodically turns off to drain excess water.
  5. When the blockage has resolved, the hose is removed and the water is drained from the pipeline.

Heating a plastic pipe can be done in other ways. For example, a hydrodynamic machine can always be used for these purposes. Her hose is launched into the pipe, after which the device starts. The ice in this case will break with the help of pressure.

A safer option for plastic pipes is a steam generator, which eliminates ice by turning it into a gaseous state. A pressure gauge and a valve designed for a pressure of 3 atm are attached to the thick-walled pipe of the device. When working with a steam generator, you must strictly follow the instructions in order to avoid possible troubles.


Questions like “a pipe froze underground - what to do?” quite common among owners of private houses. Solving the problem with a frozen pipeline is not so difficult, but the task itself is quite troublesome and time-consuming. It would be much better to design the pipeline in advance so that the water in it does not freeze even in the coldest times.