Decorative painting of metal - current methods. Painting bronze How to paint bronze with a metallic sheen

To date, many metal alloys have been developed with different properties for different applications. The first of these was bronze. The alloy, its production, application and features are discussed below.

Composition options

This material is a mixture of copper with alloying elements, which are non-metals and metals. However, zinc and nickel should not be the main ones among them.

By varying the ratios between the components, the properties of bronze are changed. In accordance with this, there are several varieties of it, distinguished on the basis of alloying additives. They are used as:

  • tin;
  • beryllium;
  • zinc;
  • silicon;
  • lead;
  • aluminum
  • nickel;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus.

Tin bronze was the first to be developed (at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC). In small quantities, this element imparts hardness, fusibility, and elasticity. When its concentration increases to 5%, ductility decreases, and at 20% bronze becomes brittle. By bringing tin to a maximum of 33%, the alloy is given a silvery-white color.

The material with beryllium is characterized by the greatest elasticity (hardened) and hardness, as well as chemical resistance. It is suitable for processing by cutting and welding.

Zinc and silicon increase fluidity, which is important for casting, and also give the surface abrasion resistance. Silicon-zinc bronze is characterized by the absence of sparks when mechanical impact and good compression resistance.

Lead improves corrosion resistance, anti-friction properties, strength, and refractoriness.

Aluminum increases density, anti-friction properties, resistance to corrosion and chemical attack. Bronze of this composition is suitable for cutting.

Phosphorus is used in conjunction with some other additives to deoxidize the alloy. Its presence is reflected in the name when the content is more than 1% (tin-phosphor bronze).

The introduction of any alloying additives reduces thermal conductivity. Consequently, the fewer there are, the closer the alloy is to copper in this indicator, and the most alloyed bronzes have worse thermal conductivity.

As for copper, its content determines not only technological and operational parameters, but also the color that bronze has. Red color indicates a copper concentration of more than 90%. With a content of about 85% (the most common), bronze has golden color. If the alloy is half copper, its white color resembles silver. To obtain gray and black colors, you need to reduce the percentage of copper to 35. This color of the material is also common, but it must be taken into account that this alloy can acquire a dark color over time as a result of exposure various factors(temperature, water, etc.). In addition, technologies that make it possible to add alloying elements to bronze that give it a rich black color began to be used relatively recently, and products made from the alloy in question with this color have been widespread for a long time.

Thus, depending on the number of elements, these materials are divided into two-component (one alloying component) and multi-component. Their share is from 2.5%.

In addition, there is a classification of bronze based on the internal structure, namely the number of phases in the solid solution. It implies its division into single- and two-phase options.

Finally, due to the widespread occurrence of the tin type, the alloy is divided into tin and tin-free bronzes.


The raw materials for bronze are pure metals or alloys, including bronze waste. The second option is more widespread, primarily due to its lower cost. It is used as a flux that prevents excessively intense oxidation of the metal melt. charcoal. Of all starting materials compose the charge, calculating its composition based on the target parameters and the production technology used.

The melting process is carried out in a certain sequence:

  • in preheated to required temperature furnace (usually electric arc and electrical devices in view of them high efficiency) place the crucible with the charge;
  • after complete heating and melting of the metal, phosphorous copper, which serves as a catalyst, is included in its composition;
  • after exposure, binder and alloying components of bronze are added, stirring;
  • in order to remove gas impurities, degassing is carried out by blowing with nitrogen or argon;
  • To reduce the intensity of oxidation, phosphorous copper is added again before casting.

Control is required throughout the entire process temperature regime and the amount of components added to the melt.


The characteristics of the material in question are determined by two factors: composition and structure.

As noted, the chemical composition of bronze is developed in order to give it the required parameters. Some of the main ones are bronze’s ductility, hardness and strength. The first two characteristics can be varied by changing the tin concentration. Thus, its share in the composition of bronze is directly related to hardness and inversely related to ductility.

The concentration of beryllium has the greatest influence on hardness and strength. Some brands of bronze containing it are superior to steel in the second parameter. To impart ductility, the beryllium alloy is hardened. In this case, the main importance is not the quantitative indicators of the content of substances, but the severity of the properties they create. That is, with the same amount of two different elements, one of them can change the characteristics of the material to a much greater extent than the other.

As for the structure, it determines the holding capacity of the material in relation to the elements. This can be seen using the example of tin. Thus, a single-phase structure contains up to 6 - 8% of this element. When its amount exceeds the solubility limit of 15%, the second phase of the solid solution is formed. This affects the balance of hardness and elasticity. Thus, single-phase options are more elastic, while two-phase bronze is harder, but brittle. This determines further processing: materials of the first type are suitable for forging, and two-phase alloys are suitable for casting.

Below, as an example, the main characteristics of cast tin bronze are considered. Its density is determined by the tin content and with its share of 8 - 4% it is 8.6 - 9.1 kg/cm 3. The melting point is 880 - 1060°C, depending on the composition. The thermal conductivity of this material is 0.098 - 0.2 cal/(cm*s*C). This is a small value. Electrical conductivity is 0.087 - 0.176 μOhm*m, which is also not much. Corrosion intensity in sea ​​water equal to 0.04 mm/year, in air - 0.002 mm/year. That is, such bronze is highly resistant to it.


There is another classification of bronze, based on the processing technology used in the production of any products from it. In accordance with this, two types of alloys are distinguished:

  • foundries;
  • deformable.

Foundry bronzes are used to create castings complex configuration(details various devices etc.), since they are deformed only in the molten state, while deformable bronze is processed by forging, rolling, cutting, producing rolled metal in the form of wire, strip, pipes, plates, bushings, rods. In addition, bronze is suitable for soldering and welding.

Additional processing

For a decorative effect and for protective purposes, it is possible to apply varnish, chrome, gilding, or nickel to the surface of bronze products.

In addition, for the material in question there is a specific surface treatment method called artificial patination. It is based on the natural aging process of bronze, which consists of the formation of a green- white carbonate or oxide composition, called patina, as a result of exposure to air and the components contained in it. Artificial creation This coating has a decorative (vintage) and protective meaning.

This procedure is carried out by heating after applying a sulfur composition to the surface. There is also a reverse technology, that is, removing patina from old bronze products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bronze has many positive qualities. Among them:

  • variety of properties and, consequently, areas of application;
  • possibility of creating options for in various ways processing (casting or deformation) depending on needs;
  • slight shrinkage (0.5 - 1.5%);
  • the possibility of repeated processing without loss of properties, that is, bronze can be processed;
  • high performance resistance to chemical influences of the environment (water, air, acids);
  • greater elasticity of many options.

The main disadvantage is the high cost of some brands, for example, tin bronze. Types of other composition, such as aluminum alloy, are much cheaper. Thus, the cost of the materials under consideration is largely determined by the alloying elements included in their composition.


Tin material with 2% tin is suitable for forging at normal temperature due to high ductility. Options with its concentration of 15% are characterized by hardness and strength. Such bronze had a wide range of applications in ancient times. Items from it were discovered during archaeological excavations. It was used for the production of dishes, weapons, money, statues, mirrors, and jewelry. However, the best known use of bronze of this composition is for the manufacture of bells, and therefore tin bronze is still called bell bronze.

Hardened bronze containing beryllium is used for the production of springs, membranes and leaf springs.

For the manufacture of products used in particularly unfavorable conditions(high humidity, chemically active environments, etc.), use bronze enriched with aluminum. It has high corrosion resistance and strength.

Lead bronze is suitable as a material for parts subject to frictional and impact loads (bearings, etc.).

Aluminum-nickel bronze is especially relevant for parts that are constantly in salt water due to its high corrosion resistance. It's relative new material, which is used for the production of elements of offshore oil platforms.

Bronze parts

In addition, most grades of bronze are characterized by their lack of magnetism and low shrinkage. Because of this, they are suitable for the production of electrical products as well as decorative items.

Also, many variants of the alloy have low thermal conductivity, as a result of which they are used for the production of bathtubs, washbasins, and plumbing parts.

Finally, most bronze alloys are characterized by poor electrical conductivity. One of the exceptions is a silver alloy, which is close in this parameter to copper.

In addition to the above-mentioned spheres, bronze is used in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, aircraft construction, for the manufacture of moving units due to wear resistance, chemical devices and pipelines due to chemical resistance.


Currently, there are many brands of bronze. They differ in composition, which determines their parameters and scope of application. For convenience, a marking system was created on this basis, including alphabetic and numeric symbols. Thus, alloying additives are designated by the letters that represent them first in the name chemical elements. The numbers indicate the content of alloy components in fractions of a percent. However, these designations do not contain data on the amount of copper. This value is calculated as the difference between general composition bronze and the amount of alloying additives.

Bronze marking makes it easy to determine the grade required for a specific task. To do this, just use special tables. They contain data on the composition, parameters of the alloy and areas of its application.

When painting metal products, two goals are pursued: protection against the formation of corrosive areas and giving the metal an aesthetic appearance. When implementing the last task, sometimes it is necessary to cover the surface in 2-3 layers. But the end result may not always be just painting. Sometimes metal products it is necessary to give original decorative effects, for example, the appearance of an aged object. For this purpose they use special technologies. Let's try to figure out how to paint antique metal and what is required for this.

You can achieve the effect of aged metal by using the main method - aging through the creation of a patina and the formation of abrasions. Patina is applied with special paints, but for metal, metallized compositions are more often used. acrylic base. Available in stores today wide range Such paints, in addition to their decorative function, also perform a protective function.

Available to choose from acrylic paints for aged metal, namely:

  • brass;
  • bronze;
  • copper;
  • gold.

Thanks to modern technologies, an aged effect can be given not only to metal surfaces. Often this painting is performed on plastic, wood and plaster products.

The aging process is completed by applying a final protective layer. For this they often use:

  • acrylic-based varnish, which has a high degree of gloss;
  • very durable polyurethane-based varnish with a gloss level of up to 50%;
  • polyurethane-based varnish with a matte effect.

How to age metal yourself?

The choice of method for creating an interior style, which assumes the presence of traces of antiquity in the design, is quite wide. For connoisseurs of this style, it is not always affordable to purchase real old items. The way out of this situation is to imitate ancient metals. How to properly paint antique metal with your own hands? Coloring is carried out in stages:

  1. Preparing the surface for painting. We get rid of dirt, rust and traces of grease by grinding and solvent treatment.
  2. Metal priming. In this way we achieve the formation of roughness on the surface for better adhesion of the paint. We choose a primer special for metal.
  3. Application of selected metallic paint. Experts advise performing the process using a regular brush, this way aging is achieved in the best possible way.
  4. Aging stage. When the paint has dried, coat the surface with a special craquelure varnish. It is after this step that the metal object becomes covered with cracks, which create the effect of an old product.

Important! If non-metallic surfaces are being processed, then it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of primer composition to achieve reliable adhesion with metallized paints.

On video: master class on applying patina to forged metal.

Bronze painting

In the old days, many objects were made of bronze. Therefore, painting products in bronze will help decorate the interior of the house in old style. There are several technologies for coating metal with bronze. Let's consider the simplest options.

Giving a monochromatic effect

You can perform a single-color coating of metal with bronze as follows:

  1. First of all, we clean the old surface from dirt and rust. To do this, you need to clean it using sandpaper and then carry out degreasing.
  2. To increase the adhesion of the dye to the surface, we perform a metal priming process. In addition to adhesion, the primer will help further protect the product from corrosion.
  3. At the final stage, we begin painting with bronze paint. It is necessary to apply 2-3 layers evenly. But each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Achieving the effect of antique bronze

Decorative antique painting with a bronze effect is suitable for lovers of rare things. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In progress preliminary preparation old surface according to the same rules as in the previous case. Also, do not forget to coat the product with a primer.
  2. After priming, one layer of bronze paint is applied to the surface. It is desirable that the composition be applied evenly, but for an antique effect it is better to use a brush.
  3. After drying, the bronze painted surface becomes covered with a patina (paint more dark color). It is applied to the recesses. Experts advise using a translucent patina. This allows you to adjust the shade of the bronze coating.
  4. The next stage is glazing, that is, processing with a brush that is barely moistened with light paint. The process is carried out on all protruding edges and corners. This method aging allows you to give the product the effect of wear and tear, which usually appears on metal over the years.
  5. Next, we wait for some time, allowing the applied materials to dry completely, and finally we coat the product with transparent varnish.

Antique Brass Painting

Textured metallized compositions can transform a product, giving it an imitation of brass. The processing technology is almost no different from those provided above. The surface is pre-cleaned, sanded and degreased. The technique used for aging is decorative painting brass look

The application process is carried out as follows:

  1. Before applying decorative paint, the old coating is removed from the product. For this you can use wire brush or sandpaper.
  2. The key to durability and reliability of painting is the primer. Use a compound specifically designed for metal.
  3. Apply to the surface brass paint in one layer. You can age the resulting coating by painting it with craquelure. Burnt umber, which is applied very carefully using a dry cloth, will help enhance the effect. If excess is formed during the work, it must be removed before the substance dries.
  4. Finally, the surface of the painted and aged part is coated with a glossy acrylic-based varnish.

As you can see, designer antiquity is achieved in simple ways. When doing work with your own hands, paints that create the necessary effect of a bronze, brass, or copper surface help you get the desired result.

The rapid development of metallurgy requires us to study the characteristics different metals and their alloys, and this article will discuss in detail the properties of bronze and its applications. In addition, let's say a few words about its types and, of course, the features of each of them.


This alloy has a long and interesting story, after all, one of the centuries was even named after him - the bronze one, and he has not lost his popularity until our times. There is an opinion that the word itself comes from the Italian consonant “bronzo”, and the latter has Persian roots. So, this is an alloy of copper with other metals, mainly tin, and their weight ratio can be different. Depending on the percentage content of a particular element, it turns out different color bronze - ranging from red (with a high copper content) to steel gray (in this case, the alloy contains no more than 35% Cu).

However, the combination of not all metals with copper is called bronze. So, for example, if the alloying element is zinc, then the resulting yellow-golden alloy will be called brass. But if Ni and Cu are alloyed, cupronickel is formed, from which coins are minted. This material has a beautiful silver color that retains appearance very long. But in this section we will focus on the types of bronze. As already mentioned, this is basically a combination of copper and tin; such options are called tin. This is one of the first species to be mastered by humans.

The highest tin content reaches 33%, then the material has a beautiful white, slightly silvery color. Further, the content of this element decreases. Of course, the color also changes; the palette here is quite diverse – from red to yellow. The hardness of such bronze exceeds that of pure copper; in addition, it has better strength characteristics, while being a more fusible material. In this case, tin is the first alloying element; in addition to it, arsenic, lead, and zinc may also be present in the alloy, but this is not at all necessary.

There are also a number of alloys of copper with other metals (aluminum, iron, silicon, lead, etc.), but without the participation of Sn. They also have a number of advantages, and in some respects they are even inferior to tin bronzes, and great variety their palette is characterized. Therefore, the work of creating non-ferrous alloys is akin to creativity. Let's look at the properties in more detail in the next paragraph. various materials, which we can obtain from copper using additives.


So, it's not just the color that changes due to additives. In the case of tin bronzes technical specifications directly depend on the weight content of the main and additional alloying elements. So, for example, at 5% Sn, the ductility of the alloy begins to decrease, and if the amount of tin reaches 20%, then the mechanical properties of the material sharply deteriorate, and it becomes more brittle and hardness decreases. In general, bronzes containing more than 6 weight percent Sn are used in foundries, but they are unsuitable for forging and rolling operations.

If you add up to 10% by weight of zinc to the alloy, then it will have virtually no effect on the mechanical properties of tin bronze, only slightly reducing its cost. To improve the machinability of the material, up to 5% lead is introduced into it, thanks to its inclusions chip breaking is facilitated. Well, phosphorus acts as a deoxidizing agent, and if the alloy contains more than one percent of this element, then such bronzes are often called phosphorous.

Comparing tin-containing bronzes with alloys that do not contain Sn, the former significantly benefit in terms of shrinkage, it is minimal, but the latter have other advantages. Thus, the mechanical properties of aluminum bronze significantly exceed those of tin bronze; in addition, it also has greater chemical resistance. Silica-zinc is more fluid, and beryllium is endowed with high elasticity, and its hardness is at the same level.

For areas where bronze is used, thermal conductivity is especially important. We are accustomed to the fact that this figure for metals is quite high. But the peculiarity of all alloys is that, as a rule, thermal conductivity decreases with the introduction of additives. The variety of alloys we are discussing is no exception. Everyone is well aware of how high the thermal conductivity of pure copper is; often this even becomes the reason for restrictions in its use. But for bronzes everything is completely different; this quality manifests itself much less. Even compared to similar ones, the thermal conductivity of bronze is in most cases noticeably lower. The only exceptions are low-alloy copper alloys; naturally, they are close in this indicator to pure metal.

Low thermal conductivity causes difficulty in heat removal, so bronze is not used in friction units, as electrodes for welding or other mechanisms where overheating must be eliminated as quickly as possible.


Bronze is widely used in various industrial areas, and its application is very different. For example, cast tin-containing alloys with high abrasion resistance are an excellent anti-friction composition, and they are used as bearing materials. Due to the excellent durability of bronze, it is quite advisable to make reinforcement and reinforcement, the hardness and mechanical properties of which will be quite high.

It is also worth noting beryllium bronzes, which are characterized by excellent weldability, chemical resistance, and can be processed cutting tool. All these properties make this material suitable for the manufacture of critical elements, such as membranes, springs, spring contacts, etc. Since the thermal conductivity of most bronzes is low, parts made from this material are easily welded.

To determine the composition of the alloy, just look at its marking, which consists of a set of numbers and letters. So, the combination of letters “Br” always comes first in the designation. This is followed by designations of the weight of alloying additives in percentage, with alphabetic symbols first, followed by numerical values, separated by a hyphen in the appropriate order. It is worth noting that bronzes do not indicate the amount of copper.

Marking is necessary not only to find out the composition of the alloy and its characteristics (hardness, thermal conductivity, etc.), it is used to determine and specific gravity any type of bronze. To do this, you will have to use specialized reference books, but if the alloy grade is unknown, then you should do chemical analysis. By the way, the specific gravity of this alloy is also used in the preparation of any work. If you delve deeper into the formula, you will see that this is the ratio of the mass of the workpiece to its volume. Consequently, having learned from the table the specific gravity of any type of this “colorful” alloy, we can estimate what volume a part of a certain mass will have, or, conversely, how much a bar of a given volume will weigh.

Coating products with bronze paint protects their surface from the damaging effects of moisture and the spread of corrosion.

Anyone with the skills can carry out painting. necessary tool and plenty of time.

Types of dye and their advantages

Previously, bronze paint contained solvents organic origin. This resulted in a strong odor coming from the paint. Nowadays, instead of outdated compositions, mixtures are used for coloring metals. They are water soluble and contain only natural ingredients.

Modern dyes now contain metallic pigments of natural origin. They use acrylic dyes as binding elements.

Painting metals bronze has the following advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly and odorless.
  • Low price, which is explained water based coloring composition on metal.
  • Possibility of obtaining various natural stylizations (for example, antique).
  • Ease of processing products.
  • Reliable protection metal surfaces from moisture and corrosion.
  • The service life of surfaces painted with this composition is tens of years.

If the surface is pre-painted with a layer of electrically conductive paint, its corrosion protection is simplified due to the formation of a galvanized film.

Also, the advantages of bronze dye include high resistance of the coating to UV radiation and external mechanical influences.

Application of coloring compounds

Before painting metal bronze, it should be prepared.

Applying paint and varnish material to unprepared areas will not produce results.

Careful surface preparation is required to remove traces of dirt and rust. If you apply paint and varnish materials on areas damaged by corrosion, this will not protect the metal from premature destruction.

Preparatory work

Rust and remnants of old paint must be removed from the metal surface. To carry out such work, the following methods are used:

  1. Rough mechanical cleaning wire brush or abrasive disc mechanisms.
  2. Sandblasting. The advantage of this method is penetration into hard-to-reach areas. And the downside is comparatively high price unit.
  3. Surface cleaning chemical compounds, reacting with rust and old paint. At the end of it, everything can be easily washed with a soft cloth.

When carrying out this work it will be necessary protective equipment, protecting the face and hands from damage by small particles and reagents (glasses, gloves made of thick cotton fabric and a respirator).

After cleaning operations, a primer is applied to the prepared surfaces (in two layers). This improves adhesion metal surface. At the same time, an additional moisture-proof polymer coating is used. After top layer Once the primer has set, you can begin applying the bronze dye.


Depending on the type of dye, it is applied using one of the methods to form a monochromatic coating. To do this you need:

We offer painting with metallic paints:

  • Brass look;
  • Bronze;
  • Under copper;
  • Under gold;
  • Aged metal;

One of the services of our workshop is painting of various products with imitation of natural metals with the effect of patina and aging. The technology allows you to apply metallic paint to almost all types of surfaces: metal, plastic, wood, plaster.

brass paint samples

When choosing required option For painting, you can be guided by the samples presented at our production. It is also possible to select paint according to the customer’s sample.

The quality of the finishing coating is ensured by the varnish:

To create an aging effect, we use solvent-based patina. The patina is applied over the base coat of paint and using various abrasive sponges to create a sanding effect in different directions.

Painting the heated towel rail "brass".

painting chrome surface brass effect heated towel rail brass plating

Painting a heating radiator to look like brass.

bimetallic radiator
painting a radiator to look like brass
finishing layer- glossy varnish

Below is a photo of painting bathroom fittings “bronze” with a patina effect. Gloss varnish finish.

painting products in bronze color finishing layer - acrylic varnish antique bronze finish

The chrome plating is removed before painting.

repainting chrome to bronze applying primer painting bronze fittings

Aged bronze finish on chrome handles.

painting door handles in bronze aged bronze handles finishing coat varnish

Painting of installations, drain buttons.
The photo shows samples of painting with the “Antique Brass” effect under glossy and matte varnish.

brass-look drain buttons painting buttons to look like brass
repainting the button in brass (glossy varnish)

Grohe button painted brass
GEBERIT button before painting
painting the button in brass (matte varnish)

Painting the shower cabin to look like antique brass.
Initially, the cabin parts were chrome-plated, with anodized aluminum profiles.

painting aluminum profiles
details after painting
painting a shower cabin to look like brass

Coloring commercial equipment in brass color.

work in spray booth
old brass surface
shop equipment after painting

Painting the sink bronze.
An excellent example of the durability and strength of polyurethane clear varnish is painting such mechanically loaded products as a kitchen sink. The sink is constantly exposed to mechanical stress. The varnish applied to the surface in three layers and completely polymerized (after painting for up to 10 days) perfectly withstands all loads.

washing before painting applying primer bronze sink painting

Repainting the decorative caps on the lantern to look like aged bronze.
To protect the streets lighting fixtures We made custom decorative caps for our customer. The products were originally white. Futile attempts at spray painting led to damage to the product. We had to sand the product and apply an insulating primer to prevent the first layers from being undermined. Next, the product was painted to resemble old bronze and coated with 2 layers of matte polyurethane varnish.

product before painting painting - antique bronze finishing layer - matte varnish

Copper-like painting
The metal housings of the restaurant lamps were painted.

metal lamp copper painting
copper painted lamp

Painting the rotary stand parts to look like “antique brass”.
By order of the Petersburg Doors company, elements of commercial equipment were painted to resemble antique brass. The parts of the rotary stand were previously cleaned and primed. Painted using decorative sanding technology. Acrylic car varnish has an excellent gloss level and is quite durable.

products in the painting booth painting products to look like brass glossy varnish coating

To change the texture and give interior items a noble look, special paints are increasingly being used to achieve the effect of a “metallic” surface.

Metallized paints are available in a wide range color scheme and can imitate the shade of almost any metal. The finished surface acquires the color of brass, bronze, copper or gold, and additional treatment with craquelure varnish gives household items a unique antique look.

Advantages of metallized paints:

  • Large selection of shades. You can get the effect of bronze, brass, copper or other metal.
  • Used for external and interior works, wall decoration. Do not contain harmful substances and toxins.
  • They are durable and do not fade over time.
  • Painting products in damp areas.

Such textured paints used for interior decoration and decoration of various household items, including furniture, picture frames, candlesticks, etc. Interesting solutions can be obtained by finishing plumbing fixtures, mirror frames or other “bronze” or “copper” individual elements interior

You can cover a fireplace, stucco molding or part of a wall with metallic paint, while the painted surface will highlight how classic style, and will perfectly complement retro-style design or ultra-modern high-tech.

Application technology

If metallic paint is applied to interior items or furniture, then it is necessary to remove the old coating in advance. Before finishing, the surface should be cleaned of possible contaminants and a primer should be applied. The key to the durability of painted products is, first of all, the use of correct, high-quality primers for various surfaces: for plastic Plast Prime and for metal Acid 8.

The selected composition is applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, usually to obtain desired effect One layer is enough. A metal-finished design element can be left shiny or given an antique look with the help of a craquelure composition. The characteristic cracks that appear during the drying process of such varnish will artificially age the treated surface.

The resulting effect can be emphasized with burnt umber, which is carefully applied to a dry cloth. The excess should be removed before the composition dries completely, and if desired, cover the “metal-like” finish with a layer of varnish.