German experiments. Monstrous historical facts about concentration camps. sea ​​water experiment

Ahnenerbe is a secret institute of occult sciences, which brought together many scientists of Nazi Germany, who, along with the ruling elite of the country, were remembered in history as big villains.

The blood-twisted philosophy of the Second World War, ruthlessness, numerous secret projects of the organization with a sinister look at the same time bear the stamp of incomprehensible mystery and inexhaustible mystery.

Developing secret superweapons, occult powers, secret underground lairs, and bringing in powerful ancient artifacts is the perfect recipe for organizing worldwide villainy. Rumor has it, since then, the technique has been declassified, and you will find everything about the sale of the soul on our website.

Perhaps there are more rumors than truth in this matter, however, the ideas of the Nazis that matured in the laboratories of the Ahnenerbe covered a vast area of ​​​​activity from the material to the mystical and otherworldly. The Nazis really went deep in research expeditions and collected a huge amount of ancient relics.

The fantastic and often downright absurd experiments were so deeply rooted in the dark world of mysticism and the occult that many of them did not become widely known as too ridiculous and incredible.

Hitler, Ahnenerbe, heritage of ancestors.

Hitler, and many of the Nazi leaders, had a huge interest in the field of the occult that is fairly well documented. In fact, the Nazi Party was originally organized as a cabinet of occult brethren, up to the point of their rise to destructive political power.

An extremely heightened interest in the occult caused the formation of a secret intrigue - the Ahnenerbe Institute. A real and complete clan of mystics, originally founded on July 1, 1935 by Heinrich Himmler (the infamous leader of the SS), Hermann Wirth and Darre.

The Ahnenerbe, literally meaning "inherited / heritage from the ancestors", originates as an institute dedicated to the study of archeology, anthropology, and the cultural history of the Germanic heritage. In fact, it was much more - the search for evidence of the Nazi theory, according to which the Aryan race is the best creation of God, and they are destined to rule the life of the planet!

It was imperative for the Nazi Major League to find the fundamental evidence to support the twisted ideology. To this end, this ghostly organization is funding numerous expeditions and archaeological excavations around the world: Germany, Greece, Poland, Iceland, Romania, Croatia, Africa, Russia, Tibet and many other places in search of the lost secret runes of antiquity.

Artifacts, relics were searched, the ruins of crypts were searched, everything was conducted in search of ancient scrolls - evidence that could strengthen the claim that the Aryans were the dominant race over all.

Tibet was of particular importance for the scientists of Ahnenerbe, because it was believed that it was here that the great civilization of antiquity lived. It is in these places that the pure, ideally built Aryan race originates. They were convinced of the idea that their greatest ancestors still live in these places, hiding in huge underground cities.

Ahnenerbe is an organization branched from science to the occult, which, given the lineage of its fathers-organizers, is not surprising. Hermann Wirth was a Dutch historian obsessed with an idea. The future leader of the SS, Himmler, is well known for his ardent fascination with all things occult in nature to a maniacally disturbing degree.

In fact, Himmler was a kind of deranged man, possessed by a grandiose desire to one day replace the Christian religion with one of his own solutions. He was one of the driving forces behind the steady divergence in the Ahnenerbe from its original purpose and increasing role towards the occult. In such an impulsive mode, this sinister organization lived and grew, spreading across the world with the tasks of fantastic quests.

Ahnenerbe agents in search of lost lands and ancient relics visited remote areas of the world, climbed all the crypts available to them; they were not afraid to disturb the bones of the dead; they searched for mystical texts, magical items, ancient rarities, bizarre paranormal sites, collecting supernatural artifacts of all kinds.

With official Nazi approval, the Ahnenerbe Institute expands to 50 branches dealing with everything from long-term weather forecasting, archeology and spaceflight to supernatural research. Significantly, the Nazis stepped up their operations in search of such legendary miracles as the Holy Grail, the location of Atlantis, the spear of Destiny, with which the Roman warrior Longinus ended the suffering of Christ on the cross.

The groups have also searched for various portals to ancient lost lands, including Atlantis, under the influence of an equally secret organization known as the Thule Society. The mysterious land called "Thule" was also believed to be the true birthplace of the Aryan race. The discovery of a fantasy land as desired by the Nazis would endow them with vast superhuman powers: telekinesis, telepathy and levitation, abilities that they have lost over the centuries of mixing with the "inferior races".

The obsessively strong desire of the Nazis was to create a powerful weapon based on the technology of their ancestors. The idea is boldly spreading in the "scientific" divisions of the organization, which actively sought to develop new technologies based on ancient lost or forbidden knowledge, mystical texts, alien technologies, as well as their own secret research.

Members of the Ahnenerbe were deeply interested in the possibilities of the occult, magic and psychic powers to use as weapons against their enemies. To this end, various research projects in this area have been launched. They even tried to create assassins who could kill using astral projection.

Among many other strange projects, they wanted to develop the use of magic spells as weapons, and even penetrate through the astral into the future - and this was not considered something impossible and beyond.

There are many speculations that the organization was very interested in finding and using alien technology to create weapons, allegedly in one of the searches they managed to find a crashed ancient UFO! All this may seem absurd, but in the case of the Nazis, this is not a joke, some of their projects were too revolutionary. Many Nazi characters in power believed fervently in these many programs and projects, investing a lot of money and manpower.

In the case of the Ahnenerbe and the Nazis in science, we see malicious and sinister human experiments being carried out in secret lairs and secret laboratories. This is especially noticeable when the Ahnenerbe was incorporated into the Institut für Wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung (Institute for Military Research) during World War II, where all the unthinkable research and development was discovered that began a dark era of terrible experiments on concentration camp prisoners.

Most of these projects were of dubious aims and results, but all of them were extremely ruthless in content, demonstrating a lack of respect for the non-Aryan human life. In fact, the Nazis did not perceive the captives as a person at all.

Reality Ahnenerbe, Dr. Rascher and his experiments.

One of the most famous examples of the use of the Ahnenerbe is a project to determine the physical limits of the pilots who fly the increasingly modern aircraft of the Luftwaffe. A series of experiments were overseen by Ahnenerbe director Wolfram Sievers and the notorious SS doctor Rascher. The concentration camp prisoners, requested for this purpose from Himmler himself, were used in the experiment - since none of the "true Aryans" were crazy enough to be willing to volunteer for such a dangerous experience.

Rusher had unlimited access to helpless people to use in his crazy experiments. He laid the prisoners in portable vacuum chambers, reminiscent of medieval torture devices, to simulate varying altitudes in flight. The capsules simulated pressure at various altitudes during rapid ascents of the aircraft, as well as the state of free fall without oxygen in order to analyze the consequences and effects on the human body of such situations.

Most of the subjects could not stand the inhuman experiments that pushed people far beyond the physiological limits of the body. I note that Rusher was surprisingly cruel even to those who survived the experiments. When Himmler offered to pay for "services" to the survivors, Rascher refused, saying that all prisoners were Poles and Russians and therefore did not deserve amnesty or pardon.

Rusher's thirst for human suffering is insatiable, and heinous experiments come one after another. In one such experiment, more than 300 prisoners became test subjects to find out how long German pilots could survive if they were shot down over frigid waters.

Subjects were frozen naked for 14 hours, or completely immersed in ice water for 3 hours. All this time, their condition was carefully monitored. Numerous different methods followed to revive them: scalding baths with hot water, or other unconventional methods - they were laid between naked women, who were also taken from concentration camps.

Another experiment was to test a substance called "Polygal" derived from beets and apple pectin. The drug, in capsule form, was expected to quickly stop bleeding, and Rascher saw it as a revolutionary solution for the treatment of gunshot wounds and for use in surgery.

In some cases, subjects have been amputated without anesthesia to test Polygal. Rascher was so confident that the drug was ready for production that he even created a company to release it. And while Polygal never saw mass production, the design of the capsule led to the invention of the infamous cyanide capsule.

Multiple human experiments have explored possible treatments for deadly diseases caused by biological weapons. At the same time, they searched for antidotes for a wide range of chemical weapons and poisons: injections exposed unwitting test subjects from concentration camps to various pathogens from poisons and deadly chemicals - this is how they searched for an antidote.

But even in death there was no rest for the emaciated martyrs. Many of the dead mortified by these cruel experiments became part of a macabre collection of Jewish skeletons that were preserved to be used for further research. The Nazis from the organization "legacy of the ancestors" did not give rest even to lifeless bodies.

The possibility of somehow manipulating the human body was also considered by Josef Mengele, a sadistic doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Mengele was especially interested in identical twins, experimenting on hundreds of pairs of young children.

The monstrous experiments on children pursued the following goals: to change the color of the eyes, to study the possibilities of the mental connection of the twins, for example, one of the twins was intentionally hurt and suffering, while they coolly watched how the other child felt at that moment.

In laboratories overflowing with suffering and pain, they arranged for one twin to be infected with typhoid or malaria, and then a blood transfusion was performed from the brother / sister, finding out if she would treat the infected.
Numerous experiences with transplanting a body part from one twin to another, and even tried to surgically connect the twins into Siamese twins.

The end goal of the twin experiments was also comparative analysis: when one of the twins eventually died, the other was euthanized by an injection of chloroform. Both bodies will then be dissected with laudatory German pedantry for careful comparative analysis.

Ahnenerbe: Aryan blood zombies and super-soldiers.

The use of experimentation in the Ahnenerbe on people did not stop at the search for the limits and limitations of man. Wandering among living and dead bodies, they were looking for a mental connection between the twins, but the Nazis were also consumed by a great desire to improve the human form - to create super-soldiers of a great nation.

Among the ways to achieve the goal, a selective breeding process designed to produce people of "pure Aryan blood" gained popularity, a project called "Lebensborn". The project needed ideal samples capable of having children without "impurities" in the race, which "polluted" the human potential of the "master race".

The Ahnenerbe seriously believed that work in the field of genetics would help unlock the vast potential of the mysterious psychic power allegedly lost due to the "erosion" of their true heritage, which would then give them the opportunity to once again rule the world from the "lower races".

In many cases, those who were recognized as the perfect exemplar - according to Nazi criteria - of blue eyes, blond hair and Scandinavian features, were far from willingly entering the program. They were abducted or otherwise forced to participate in the project.

However, in order to achieve the required results, the ambitious project of high goals required many generations of careful selection, so the organization moved towards the goal by a shorter path.
The program, designed to create super soldiers with enhanced physical capabilities for use on the battlefield without restrictions, included an experimental drug called "D-IX". A wild cocktail of cocaine and a powerful stimulant (pervitin) was mixed with the powerful painkiller eucodal.

It was believed that D-IX stimulates an increase in attention, concentration, fearlessness, heroism and self-confidence, increases endurance, strength, reduces sensitivity to pain to almost zero, reduces hunger and thirst, and reduces the need for sleep.

For the first time, the drug was tested on prisoners in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and showed such encouraging results that the developers soon recruited participants from the military environment. Soldiers received capsules and went on long marches in harsh terrain in full gear.
And in fact, D-IX showed a dramatic increase in stamina and concentration in the subjects. The soldiers, having taken the drug, freely overcame more than 100 km without stopping.

True, the wrong side of the “strength” capsule turned out to be that long-term use caused addiction to the drug. Nevertheless, the D-IX was a resounding success and was officially used in the field from March 1944, albeit in limited dosage.

Ahnenerbe: resurrect Hitler?

While the D-IX, like its more advanced combat stimulants, does actually exist, there are actually more mysterious things out there. Some conspiracy theories believe that the Nazis worked in the field of resurrection of the dead with the help of unknown means brought from Tibet and Africa.

An interesting incident related to this case was made in April 1945, when the Allied forces seized the Bernterode military plant, located in the German region of Thuringia. When American intelligence officers explored a tunnel inside the plant, they discovered suspicious brickwork disguised as part of a natural rock.

The destruction of the masonry opened the entrance to an underground cavern, which contained huge deposits of stolen art and ancient relics. Many new Nazi uniforms were also stored here. But a more mysterious find was waiting in the next chamber - four extremely large coffins were found here!

One of the coffins (real sarcophagi) kept the remains of the 17th century Prussian king, Frederick the Great, others Field Marshal von Hindenburg and his wife. The fourth coffin did not have the owner's body, but had a plaque engraved with Adolf Hitler's name.

Although the reasons why these remains were so carefully preserved are unknown, some have suggested that the Nazis had plans to resurrect or clone the deceased at a later time. - At this point, I do not want to say that the Ahnenerbe literally expected to bring the dead leaders back to life, however, serious work was carried out in the field of cryogenics, which was probably planned to be done with Hitler's body.

Much closer to the truth, that persistent rumor among a number of fans of secrets and conspiracy theories is that the Ahnenerbe actively led projects seeking to create mindless zombies in order to send hordes of troops not afraid of injury to the enemy. And it would not be zombies at all, whose bodies would be raised from the dead.

Everything is much simpler and at the same time more terrible - a special medical procedure designed to destroy the intellect and destroy everything human to the very foundation. That was the recipe for creating indefatigable super-soldiers in the army of the Reich.

Yes, the Ahnenerbe did lead many strange research directions, which are extremely important for the "dark" organization. Here, all employees were deeply involved in various projects, research, studies of the occult and the supernatural, medical experiments and the development of secret weapons from great ancestors. And no one knows for sure what they managed to uncover from the ancient secrets and comprehend from the sphere of the astral world.

With the end of the Second World War, the mysterious Ahnenerbe "dissolved", disappeared. It is believed that most of the data, documents, ancient texts and artifacts that the organization has collected over the years have been destroyed or stolen by intelligence agencies.
In the absence of real evidence, it is impossible to fully highlight the extent of their success in extracting ancient relics and artifacts, so we are left with a lot of speculation and rumors regarding the dark legend of the Ahnenerbe.

The most eminent German doctors worked in these operating rooms and X-ray rooms: Prof. Karl Klauberg, Dr. Karl Gebhard, Sigmund Rascher and Kurt Plötner. What brought these luminaries of science to the tiny village of Sztutowo in eastern Poland, near Gdansk? Here are heavenly places: picturesque white beaches of the Baltic, pine forests, rivers and canals, medieval castles and ancient cities. But the doctors didn't come here to save lives. They came to this quiet and peaceful place in order to do evil, cruelly mocking thousands of people and conducting savage anatomical experiments on them. No one came out alive from the hands of professors of gynecology and virology ...

The Stutthof concentration camp was created 35 km east of Gdansk in 1939, immediately after the Nazi occupation of Poland. A couple of kilometers from the small village of Shtutovo suddenly began active construction of watchtowers, wooden barracks and stone guard barracks. During the war years, about 110 thousand people ended up in this camp, of which about 65 thousand died. This is a relatively small camp (compared to Auschwitz and Treblinka), but it was here that experiments were carried out on people, and in addition, Dr. Rudol Spanner produced soap from human bodies in 1940-1944, trying to put things on an industrial footing.

From most of the barracks, only the foundations remained -

But part of the camp has been preserved and you can fully feel the tin for what it is -

Initially, the regime of the camp was such that the prisoners were occasionally even allowed to meet with relatives. In these rooms. But very quickly, this practice was stopped and the Nazis came to grips with the destruction of prisoners, for which, in fact, such places were created.

I think comments are unnecessary -

It is generally accepted that the most terrible thing in such places is the crematorium. I do not agree. Dead bodies were burned there. Much worse is what the sadists did to people who were still alive. Let's take a walk to the "hospital" and see this place where the luminaries of German medicine saved the unfortunate prisoners. I said this sarcastically about "rescued". Usually relatively healthy people got to the hospital. Doctors didn't want real patients. Here people were washed -

Here the unfortunate relieved themselves. Notice what the service is - there are even toilets. In barracks, toilets are just holes in the concrete floor. In a healthy body healthy mind. Fresh "sick" were prepared for medical experiments -

Here, in these offices, at different times in 1939-1944, the luminaries of German science worked hard. Dr. Klauberg enthusiastically experimented with the sterilization of women, this topic has fascinated him throughout his adult life. The experiments were carried out with the help of x-rays, surgery and various drugs. During the experiments, thousands of women were sterilized, mostly Poles, Jews and Belarusians -

Here they studied the effect of mustard gas on the body and looked for ways to cure it. For this purpose, the prisoners were first placed in gas chambers and gas was launched into it. And then they brought them here and tried to treat them.

Carl Wernet worked here for a short period of time, devoting himself to finding a way to cure homosexuality. Experiments on gays began late, in 1944, and were not brought to any obvious result. Detailed documentation has been preserved of his operations, as a result of which a capsule with a "male hormone" was sewn into the inguinal region of homosexual prisoners of the camp, which was supposed to make them heterosexuals. They write that hundreds of ordinary male prisoners, in the hope of surviving, pretended to be homosexuals. After all, the doctor promised that the prisoners cured of homosexuality would be set free. As you understand, no one escaped alive from the hands of Dr. Vernet. The experiments were not completed, and the test subjects ended their lives in the gas chamber in the same place, next door.

While the experiments were being carried out, the subjects lived in more acceptable conditions than other prisoners -

However, the close proximity to the crematorium and the gas chamber, as it were, hinted that there would be no salvation -

Sad and depressing sight -

Ashes of prisoners -

The gas chamber, where at first they experimented with mustard gas, and since 1942 they switched to Cyclone-B for the consistent destruction of concentration camp prisoners. Thousands died in this little house across from the crematorium. The bodies of those who died from the gas were immediately dumped in the crematorium furnace -

There is a museum at the camp, but almost everything there is in Polish -

Nazi literature in the museum at the concentration camp -

Plan of the camp on the eve of its evacuation -

Road to nowhere

And you say that the movie "Cargo 200" is terrible. There is nothing worse than reality.

The fate of the fascist fanatic doctors developed in different ways:

The main monster, Josef Mengele fled to South America and lived in Sao Paulo until his death in 1979. In the neighborhood of him, sadistic gynecologist Karl Vernet, who died in 1965 in Uruguay, quietly lived his life. Kurt Pletner lived to a ripe old age, managed to get a professorship in 1954, and died in 1984 in Germany as an honorary veteran of medicine.

Dr. Rascher was himself sent by the Nazis in 1945 to the Dachau concentration camp on suspicion of treason to the Reich, and his further fate is unknown. Only one of the monster doctors suffered a well-deserved punishment - Karl Gebhard, who was sentenced to death by the Nuremberg court and was hanged on June 2, 1948.

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We can all agree that the Nazis did terrible things during World War II. The Holocaust was perhaps their most famous crime. But in the concentration camps, terrible and inhuman things happened that most people did not know about. The camp inmates were used as test subjects in many experiments that were very painful and usually resulted in death.
blood clotting experiments

Dr. Sigmund Rascher performed blood clotting experiments on prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp. He created a drug, Polygal, which included beets and apple pectin. He believed that these pills could help stop bleeding from battle wounds or during surgical operations.

Each subject was given a tablet of the drug and shot in the neck or chest to test its effectiveness. The limbs were then amputated without anesthesia. Dr. Rascher created a company to produce these pills, which also employed prisoners.

Experiments with sulfa drugs

In the Ravensbrück concentration camp, the effectiveness of sulfonamides (or sulfanilamide preparations) was tested on prisoners. Subjects were given incisions on the outside of their calves. The doctors then rubbed the mixture of bacteria into the open wounds and stitched them up. To simulate combat situations, glass fragments were also brought into the wounds.

However, this method turned out to be too mild compared to the conditions at the fronts. To simulate gunshot wounds, blood vessels were tied off on both sides to cut off blood circulation. Then the prisoners were given sulfa drugs. Despite the advances made in the scientific and pharmaceutical fields through these experiments, the prisoners experienced terrible pain that led to severe injury or even death.

Freezing and Hypothermia Experiments

The German armies were ill-prepared for the cold that they faced on the Eastern Front and from which thousands of soldiers died. As a result, Dr. Sigmund Rascher conducted experiments in Birkenau, Auschwitz and Dachau to find out two things: the time required for the body temperature to drop and death, and methods for reviving frozen people.

Naked prisoners were either placed in a barrel of ice water, or driven out into the street in sub-zero temperatures. Most of the victims died. Those who only fainted were subjected to painful resuscitation procedures. To revive the subjects, they were placed under lamps of sunlight, which burned their skin, forced to copulate with women, injected with boiling water or placed in baths of warm water (which turned out to be the most effective method).

Experiments with firebombs

For three months in 1943 and 1944, Buchenwald prisoners were tested for the effectiveness of pharmaceutical preparations against phosphorus burns caused by incendiary bombs. The test subjects were specially burned with a phosphorus composition from these bombs, which was a very painful procedure. Prisoners were seriously injured during these experiments.

sea ​​water experiments

Experiments were conducted on Dachau prisoners to find ways to turn sea water into drinking water. The subjects were divided into four groups, whose members went without water, drank sea water, drank sea water treated according to the Burke method, and drank sea water without salt.

Subjects were given food and drink assigned to their group. Prisoners who received some form of sea water eventually suffered severe diarrhea, convulsions, hallucinations, went insane, and eventually died.

In addition, the subjects were subjected to needle biopsy of the liver or lumbar punctures to collect data. These procedures were painful and in most cases ended in death.

Experiments with poisons

In Buchenwald, experiments were carried out on the effects of poisons on people. In 1943, poisons were secretly administered to prisoners.

Some died themselves from poisoned food. Others were killed for the sake of an autopsy. A year later, poisoned bullets were fired at the prisoners to speed up data collection. These test subjects experienced terrible torment.

Experiments with sterilization

As part of the extermination of all non-Aryans, Nazi doctors conducted mass sterilization experiments on prisoners from various concentration camps in search of the least laborious and cheapest method of sterilization.

In one series of experiments, a chemical irritant was injected into the reproductive organs of women to block the fallopian tubes. Some women have died after this procedure. Other women were killed for autopsies.

In a number of other experiments, prisoners were subjected to intense X-ray radiation, which led to severe burns on the abdomen, groin and buttocks. They were also left with incurable ulcers. Some test subjects died.

Bone, muscle and nerve regeneration and bone grafting experiments

For about a year, experiments were carried out on the prisoners of Ravensbrück to regenerate bones, muscles and nerves. Nerve surgeries included the removal of segments of nerves from the lower limbs.

Bone experiments included breaking and repositioning bones in several places on the lower extremities. Fractures were not allowed to heal properly as doctors needed to study the healing process and also test different healing methods.

Doctors also removed numerous fragments of the tibia from the test subjects to study bone regeneration. Bone grafts included transplanting fragments of the left tibia to the right and vice versa. These experiments caused unbearable pain and severe injuries to the prisoners.

Experiments with typhus

From the end of 1941 until the beginning of 1945, doctors conducted experiments on the prisoners of Buchenwald and Natzweiler in the interests of the German armed forces. They were testing vaccines for typhus and other diseases.

Approximately 75% of test subjects were injected with trial typhoid vaccines or other chemicals. They were injected with a virus. As a result, more than 90% of them died.

The remaining 25% of the test subjects were injected with the virus without any prior protection. Most of them did not survive. Physicians also conducted experiments related to yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid, and other diseases. Hundreds of prisoners died, and more prisoners suffered unbearable pain as a result.

Twin experiments and genetic experiments

The purpose of the Holocaust was the elimination of all people of non-Aryan origin. Jews, blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals and other people who did not meet certain requirements were to be exterminated so that only the "superior" Aryan race remained. Genetic experiments were carried out to provide the Nazi Party with scientific proof of the superiority of the Aryans.

Dr. Josef Mengele (also known as the "Angel of Death") had a strong interest in the twins. He separated them from the rest of the prisoners when they entered Auschwitz. The twins had to donate blood every day. The real purpose of this procedure is unknown.

The experiments with twins were extensive. They were to be carefully examined and every centimeter of their body measured. After that, comparisons were made to determine hereditary traits. Sometimes doctors performed mass blood transfusions from one twin to the other.

Since people of Aryan origin mostly had blue eyes, experiments were carried out to create them with chemical drops or injections into the iris of the eye. These procedures were very painful and led to infections and even blindness.

Injections and lumbar punctures were done without anesthesia. One twin deliberately contracted the disease, and the other did not. If one twin died, the other twin was killed and studied for comparison.

Amputations and removals of organs were also performed without anesthesia. Most of the twins who ended up in the concentration camp died in one way or another, and their autopsies were the last experiments.

Experiments with high altitudes

From March to August 1942, the prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp were used as experimental subjects in experiments to test human endurance at high altitudes. The results of these experiments were to help the German air force.

The test subjects were placed in a low pressure chamber, which created atmospheric conditions at altitudes up to 21,000 meters. Most of the test subjects died, and the survivors suffered from various injuries from being at high altitudes.

Experiments with malaria

Over the course of more than three years, more than 1,000 Dachau prisoners were used in a series of experiments related to the search for a cure for malaria. Healthy prisoners were infected by mosquitoes or extracts from these mosquitoes.

Prisoners who contracted malaria were then treated with various drugs to test their effectiveness. Many prisoners died. The surviving prisoners suffered greatly and were mostly disabled for the rest of their lives.

In 1947, there were 23 doctors on trial in Nuremberg. They were tried for turning medical science into a monster that was subordinate to the interests of the Third Reich.

January 30, 1933, Berlin. Clinic of Professor Blots. An ordinary medical institution, which is sometimes called the "devil's clinic" by competing doctors. Medical colleagues do not like Alfred Blots, but they still listen to his opinion. It is known in the scientific community that he was the first to study the effects of poisonous gases on the human genetic system. But Blots did not make public the results of his research. On January 30, Alfred Blots sent a congratulatory telegram to the new Chancellor of Germany, in which he proposed a program of new research in the field of genetics. He received the answer: “Your research is of interest to Germany. They must be continued. Adolf Gitler".

What is "eugenics"?

In the 1920s, Alfred Blots traveled around the country giving lectures on what "eugenics" was. He considers himself the founder of a new science, his main idea is "racial purity of the nation." Some call it the fight for a healthy lifestyle. Blots argues that the future of a person can be modeled at the genetic level, in the womb, and this will happen at the end of the 20th century. They listened to him and were surprised, but no one called him "Devil Doctor". Yudin Boris Grigorievich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, states that “eugenics is a science (although it is difficult to call it a science”), which deals with the genetic improvement of a person.”

In 1933, Hitler believed the German geneticists. They promised the Fuhrer that within 20-40 years they would raise a new person, aggressive and obedient to power. The conversation was about cyborgs, the biological soldiers of the Third Reich. Hitler was on fire with this idea.
During one of Blots' lectures in Munich, a scandal erupted. When asked what the doctor proposes to do with the sick, Blots answered "sterilize or kill", and what exactly is the purpose of eugenics. After that, the lecturer was booed, and the term "eugenics" appeared on the pages of newspapers.
In the mid-30s, a new symbol of Germany appeared, the glass woman. This symbol was even shown at the World Exhibition in Paris. Eugenics was invented not by Hitler, but by doctors. They wanted good for the German people, but it all ended with concentration camps and experiments on people. And it all started with a glass woman.
Boris Yudin claims that the doctors "incited" the German leaders to Nazism. At a time when this term did not yet exist, they began to practice eugenics, which in Germany was called racial hygiene. Then, when Hitler and his associates came to power, it became clear that it would be possible to sell the idea of ​​racial hygiene. From Professor Burle's book, Science and the Swastika: “After Hitler came to power, the Fuhrer actively supported the development of German medicine and biology. Funding for scientific research has increased tenfold, and doctors have been declared an elite. In the Nazi state, this profession was considered the most important, since its representatives had to be responsible for the purity of the German race.

"Human Hygiene"

Dresden, Museum of Human Hygiene. This scientific institution was under the personal patronage of Hitler and Himmler. The main task of the museum is the mass promotion of healthy lifestyles. It was in the museum of human hygiene that they developed a terrible plan for the sterilization of the population, which Hitler supported. Hitler insisted that only healthy Germans had children, so the German people would ensure the "thousand-year existence of the Third Reich." Those who suffer from mental illness and physical handicaps should not make their offspring suffer. This speech was related not so much to individuals as to entire nations.

In Hitler's hands, eugenics became the science of racial murder. And the first victims of eugenics were the Jews, because in Germany they were declared an "unclean race." According to Hitler, the ideal German race should not have "contaminated" blood by mixing with Jews. This idea was supported by the doctors of the Third Reich.

Eugenicist professors developed the laws of racial purity. According to the laws, Jews did not have the right to work in schools, state institutions, and teach at universities. And first of all, according to the doctors, it was necessary to clear the scientific and medical ranks from the Jews. Science was becoming an elite closed society.

In the mid-1920s Germany had the most advanced science. All scientists and doctors who worked in the field of genetics, biology, obstetrics and gynecology considered it prestigious to take an internship in Germany. Then a third of the doctors were Jews, but after a great purge in 1933-1935, German medicine became completely Aryan. Himmler actively attracted doctors to the SS, and many joined because they were supporters of the Nazi idea.
According to Blots, the world was originally divided into "healthy" and "unhealthy" peoples. This is confirmed by data from genetic and medical studies. The task of eugenics is to save humanity from disease and self-destruction. According to German scientists, Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Chinese, Negroes are nations with an inadequate psyche, weak immunity, and an increased ability to transmit diseases. The salvation of the nation is in the sterilization of some peoples and the controlled birth rate of others.
In the mid-30s, in a small estate near Berlin, there was a secret facility. This is the Fuhrer's medical school, patronized by Rudolf Ges, Hitler's deputy. Every year medical workers, obstetricians and doctors gathered here. It was not possible to come to school of one's own free will. The students were selected by the Nazis, the party. SS doctors selected cadres who took refresher courses at the medical school. This school trained doctors to work in concentration camps, but at first these personnel were used for the sterilization program of the second half of the 30s.

In 1937, Karl Brant became the official boss of German medicine. This man is responsible for the health of the Germans. According to the sterilization program, Karl Brant and his subordinates could get rid of mentally ill people, disabled people and children with disabilities with the help of euthanasia. Thus, the Third Reich got rid of "extra mouths", because military policy does not imply the presence of social support. Brant fulfilled his task - before the war, the German nation was cleansed of psychopaths, invalids and freaks. Then destroyed more than 100 thousand adults, and for the first time used gas chambers.

T-4 division

September 1939, Germany invaded Poland. The Fuhrer clearly expressed his attitude towards the Poles: “The Poles must be slaves of the Third Reich, because at the moment the Russians are beyond our reach. But not a single person capable of governing this country should be left alive. Since 1939, Nazi doctors will start working with the so-called "Slavic material". The death factories began their work, only in Auschwitz there were one and a half million people. According to the plan, 75-90% of the applicants were to immediately go to the gas chambers, and the remaining 10% of people were to become material for monstrous medical experiments. The blood of children was used to treat German soldiers in military hospitals. According to the historian Zalessky, the rate of blood sampling was extremely high, sometimes they even took all the blood. Medical personnel from the T-4 unit developed new ways of selecting people for destruction.

The experiments at Auschwitz were led by Josef Mengel. The prisoners nicknamed him "the angel of death". Tens of thousands of people became victims of his experiments. He had a laboratory and dozens of professors and doctors who selected children and twins. The twins received blood transfusions and transplanted organs from each other. Sisters were forced to have children from brothers. Sex reassignment operations were carried out. There have been attempts to change the color of the child's eyes by injecting various chemicals into the eyes, amputating organs, attempting to sew children together. Of the 3,000 twins who came to Mengel, only 300 survived. His name has become a household name for a killer doctor. He dissected live babies, tested women with high voltage shocks to find out the limit of endurance. But that was just the tip of the iceberg of killer doctors. Other groups of physicians experimented with low temperatures: how low a degree a person can withstand. What is the most effective way to supercool a person, and how can he be resuscitated. Experienced the effect of phosgene and mustard gas on the human body. They found out how long a person can drink sea water, performed bone transplantation. They were looking for a remedy that would speed up or slow down the growth of a person. Treated men of non-traditional orientation,
With the outbreak of hostilities on the military front, hospitals were overflowing with wounded German soldiers, and their treatment requires new methods. Therefore, they began a new series of experiments on prisoners, causing them injuries similar to the wounds of German soldiers. Then they were treated in different ways, finding out which methods are effective. They injected fragments of shrapnel to find out the stages at which operations are needed. Everything was carried out without anesthesia, and infection of the tissues led to the amputation of the prisoner's limbs.
To find out what danger threatens the pilot when the aircraft cabin is depressurized at high altitude, the Nazis put prisoners in a low-pressure chamber and recorded the reaction of the body. Experiments were carried out on the use of euthanasia, sterilization, checked the development of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, typhus and malaria. Infected - cured - again infected until the person died. They experimented with poisons, adding their food to prisoners or shot them with poisonous bullets.

These experiments were not carried out by sadists, but by professional doctors from a special SS unit T-4. By 1944, the monstrous experiments became known in America. This caused unconditional condemnation, but the results of the experiments were of interest to the special services, military departments, and some scientists. That is why the Nuremberg trial of murderous doctors ended only in 1948, and by that time the case materials had disappeared without a trace, or ended up in US research centers, including materials on the “Practical Medicine of the Third Reich”.

1. Homosexuality
Homosexuals have no place on the planet. At least that's what the Nazis thought. Therefore, they, led by Dr. Karl Wernet in Buchenwald, since July 1944, have been sewing capsules with "male hormone" into the groin of gay prisoners. Then the healed were sent to concentration camps to women, ordering the latter to provoke newcomers to sex. History is silent about the results of such experiments.
2. Pressure
The German physician Sigmund Rascher was too concerned about the problems that the pilots of the Third Reich could have at an altitude of 20 kilometers. Therefore, he, being the chief physician at the Dachau concentration camp, created special pressure chambers in which he placed prisoners and experimented with pressure. After that, the scientist opened the skulls of the victims and examined their brains. 200 people took part in this experiment. 80 died on the surgical table, the rest were shot.
3. White phosphorus
From November 1941 to January 1944, drugs capable of treating white phosphorus burns were tested on the human body in Buchenwald. It is not known whether the Nazis succeeded in inventing a panacea. But, believe me, these experiments have taken a lot of prisoners' lives.
4. Poisons
The food in Buchenwald was not the best. This was especially felt from December 1943 to October 1944. The Nazis mixed various poisons into the products of the prisoners, after which they investigated their effect on the human body. Often such experiments ended with an instant autopsy of the victim after eating. And in September 1944, the Germans got tired of messing with experimental subjects. Therefore, all participants in the experiment were shot.
5. Sterilization
Carl Clauberg is a German doctor who became famous for his sterilization during World War II. From March 1941 to January 1945, the scientist tried to find a way by which millions of people could be made infertile in the shortest possible time. Klauberg succeeded: the doctor injected the prisoners of Auschwitz, Revensbrück and other concentration camps with iodine and silver nitrate. Although such injections had a lot of side effects (bleeding, pain and cancer), they successfully sterilized a person. But Klauberg's favorite was radiation exposure: a person was invited to a special chamber with a chair, sitting on which he filled out questionnaires. And then the victim just left, not suspecting that she would never be able to have children again. Often such exposures ended in severe radiation burns.

6. Sea water
The Nazis during the Second World War once again confirmed: sea water is undrinkable. On the territory of the Dachau concentration camp (Germany), the Austrian doctor Hans Eppinger and Professor Wilhelm Beiglbeck decided in July 1944 to check how long 90 gypsies could live without water. The victims of the experiment were so dehydrated that they even licked the freshly washed floor.
7. Sulfanilamide
Sulfanilamide is a synthetic antimicrobial agent. From July 1942 to September 1943, the Nazis, led by the German professor Gebhard, tried to determine the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of streptococcus, tetanus and anaerobic gangrene. Who do you think they infected to conduct such experiments?
8 Mustard Gas
Doctors cannot find a way to cure a person from a mustard gas burn unless at least one victim from such a chemical weapon gets on their table. And why look for someone if you can poison and exercise on prisoners from the German Sachsenhausen concentration camp? This is what the minds of the Reich did throughout World War II.
9. Malaria
SS Hauptsturmführer and MD Kurt Plötner still could not find a cure for malaria. The scientist was not even helped by a thousand prisoners from Dachau, who were forced to take part in his experiments. Victims were infected through the bites of infected mosquitoes and treated with various drugs. More than half of the subjects did not survive.
10. Frostbite
German soldiers on the Eastern Front had a hard time in winter: they had a hard time enduring the harsh Russian winters. Therefore, Sigmund Rascher conducted experiments in Dachau and Auschwitz, with the help of which he tried to find a way to quickly reanimate the military after frostbite. To do this, the Nazis put Luftwaffe uniforms on the prisoners and placed them in ice water. There were two ways of heating. The first - the victim was lowered into a bath of hot water. The second one was placed between two naked women. The first method proved to be more efficient.
11. Gemini
Over one and a half thousand twins were subjected to the experiments of the German doctor and doctor of sciences Josef Mengele in Auschwitz. The scientist tried to change the color of the eyes of the experimental subjects by injecting chemicals directly into the protein of the visual organ. Another crazy idea Mengele - an attempt to create Siamese twins. For this, the scientist sewed prisoners together. Of the 1,500 participants in the experiments, only 200 survived.