Country stove with barbecue and stove. DIY brick barbecues: drawings. Arrangement of the firebox and chimney

It's good if personal plot There is metal grill, but not only practicality is important for a person, they also want beauty. Functionality and attractive appearance - this is a brick barbecue. There are simple models, the manufacture of which does not require special skills, and there are very complex structures - real brick complexes that only a professional can make. It is better not to take on the construction of such structures without experience, but anyone can try to build a simple brick grill or barbecue oven.

What is the difference between a grill, a fireplace, an oven and a barbecue?

Near the fireplace, stove and barbecue, on the back side of the brazier there is brick wall, which the grill does not have. It is necessary to retain heat and to reflect it onto frying food.

The design of a fireplace, stove and barbecue provides for the construction of a chimney, which allows heated air and smoke to be vented away from the cook; the grill does not have this element.

In fireplaces and stoves, the heat is located in the firebox; in the grill device there is a metal tray for this purpose.

The heat from the grill, fireplace and barbecue is retained only while the fuel is burning, and the stove is capable of long time stay warm.

Barbecues and ovens combine the function heating device with cooking, the grill is needed only for cooking, and the fireplace is exclusively a heating device.

What tools and materials will be needed for construction? brick barbecue:

Preparing the mixture for masonry

For brick construction, you need to choose high-quality mortars. You can use 2 options for such solutions:

  • ready-made compositions (separate mixtures for walls and fireboxes);
  • clay mixed with clean sand.

Such compositions have their own disadvantages and advantages; they need to be understood in detail. Previously, only clay was used in the construction of furnaces, but it has a serious drawback. Heating structures, folded on a clay mortar, must be well protected from moisture. It cannot be used for laying bricks on a pipe; in such places, mixtures based on cement or lime are used. IN recent years fire-resistant compounds have become available, which are sold dry in construction stores. They go to work after diluting with water.

Clay is the cheapest binder that is completely environmentally safe.

For masonry, you must choose dark red clay. Checking the quality of raw materials and ready mixture produce like this:

  1. You need to take 500 gr. clay, stir it with 200 ml of water so that it does not stick to your hands.
  2. A lump is made from this mass and thrown onto the floor or against the wall; if cracks appear on the lump, the clay is too greasy; if the lump immediately crumbles, there is too much sand in the solution; a good clay mixture for laying a stove should look like plasticine.
  3. Laying 1000 bricks will require approximately 50-70 liters of mixture. To increase the strength of the mixture, add 0.5 cups of table salt to each bucket of clay. To increase the strength of the masonry, in weakly heated areas of the structure, it is permissible to add no more than 500 grams of cement to the mixture. on a bucket of clay.
  4. The resulting mixture should look like thick homemade sour cream.
  5. Often when building brick heating devices Various dry mixtures are used. Methods for their preparation and use are always indicated in the instructions.

Don’t forget that they sell formulations that are designed for different temperature conditions warming up the oven. There are mixtures intended only for laying fireboxes, and there are simple compositions for constructing the walls of a fireplace or stove.

How many bricks do you need?

Before building a brick barbecue with your own hands, you need to calculate how much it will be needed. There are many programs designed for such calculations. You can roughly calculate the need using a pre-prepared barbecue drawing. Dimensions of standard brick:

  • length – 25 cm;
  • width – 12 cm;
  • height – 6.5 cm, together with the solution the height reaches 7 cm.

Taking into account the design and size of the brick, a calculation is made. Instead of brick chimney You can install a tin pipe. Before work, focusing on drawings and photographs of a brick barbecue, be sure to prepare layer-by-layer sketches of the masonry. In the figure there are 28 layers of brick, 18 rows of which are the distance to the pipe and 10 rows to the lattice of the structure. Make 18 drawings and schematically mark the sequence of brick laying on them. Do not forget that the bottom brick should always be overlapped by 2 bricks on top. Also, a brick lying longitudinally must be overlapped on top by 2 transverse bricks. You can see the finished oven in the photo of a brick barbecue.

Need to pick up convenient place to build a barbecue, you need to consider:

  • the barbecue should be located no closer than 5 meters from the neighboring plot (better further);
  • the structure is built at the maximum distance from wooden buildings;
  • there should be no bushes or trees on the lawn near the barbecue;
  • it is necessary to be able to supply lighting and water to the barbecue;
  • It should be possible to build a canopy or gazebo.

Foundation structure

You immediately need to make markings for the foundation of the barbecue at the selected location; its dimensions must correspond to the order of the brick barbecue and take into account the masonry drawings. In addition, the dimensions depend on the layout of the site - whether there will be a gazebo being built nearby or whether a foundation needs to be made just to build a barbecue. It is best to use a slab base:

  1. Using pre-established markers, a pit is dug 40-50 cm deep.
  2. Fill it with a mixture of gravel and coarse sand to the soil level, compact it and install formwork 150 mm high on top.
  3. IN assembled structure assemble the reinforcement frame.
  4. A concrete solution is poured into the formwork and compacted well so that there is no air left in the body of the foundation.
  5. Use a level to check the level of the site.
  6. After this, everything is covered with damp burlap in order to increase the drying time and prevent cracking of the concrete.

The foundation will be completely ready in three days, then the formwork can be removed.

Construction of barbecue walls

To protect the foundation and bricks from moisture penetrating from the ground, the foundation walls must be treated with tar, and 2-3 layers of roofing material are laid on top of it. Mix the masonry mortar (recipe listed above). The first row of bricks is laid on roofing felt laid on the foundation. On rows 7 and 10, metal plates are inserted into the masonry. The sheets of metal should be narrower than the oven by ½ the length of the brick.

When laying bricks, be sure to take long breaks, which are necessary for the mortar to set, otherwise high design may spread.

Fresh mortar sags, the seams between the rows of bricks dry out and become smaller, for this reason deviations from the project are possible. It takes 2-3 days for the walls to shrink; this is affected by the ambient temperature. Self-construction allows for breaks in work - this is a significant advantage over using hired builders who try to completely complete the project as quickly as possible.

Using a saw or grinder, cut off 1/2 half of the brick so that a sheet of metal can be placed in the groove made. We raise the walls further, laying bricks according to the drawings. On the 15th row, it is necessary to lay out the arch; for this, semicircular wooden templates are used. A pattern of the required curvature is made from plywood, a cutting line is marked along it with a pencil and cut out with a jigsaw. Prepare the second board in the same way. To strengthen the vault template, another board is inserted between the boards and everything is connected. Ready template can be used. It is placed between the walls of the firebox, and the laying of bricks begins, connecting them with mortar.

The middle brick of the vault should be located exactly in the center of the firebox opening.

For laying the firebox and barbecue pipe, it is necessary to use heat-resistant bricks.

The pipe begins to be laid from the 18th row; to reduce the width of the hole in each row of masonry, ¼ of the width of the brick is removed. Thus, 28 rows of masonry are laid out. Instead of a brick vault, you can prepare a metal box and install it into the masonry.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. You cannot break the rules when using a barbecue on your property. fire safety, otherwise your vacation may be ruined.
  2. Do not light a barbecue with gasoline or kerosene; use special compounds for this purpose;
  3. You should not soak coals or firewood with ignition compounds; they are only used to sprinkle the kindling on top;
  4. Do not forget that high-quality fuel is good rest and delicious food. For this reason, worry about dry firewood in advance. Experts advise using birch coals, which make food aromatic and tasty.

White clinker brick barbecue - video

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick barbecue

It seems that building a brick grill with a stove with your own hands is too complicated and expensive, and only professionals can do it. But such work really do it yourself.

You just need to be patient, get all the necessary materials and get to work with due diligence.

A good barbecue stove will not only be a good decoration for your dacha, but will also be an excellent reason to gather the whole family, relatives and friends under one roof.

In addition, food prepared in outdoors always tastier and eliminates the need to stand in a stuffy kitchen during the hot summer.

Why build a brick oven with your own hands?

This stove is ideal not only for cooking kebabs, it is possible to cook in it, in principle, any dishes, for which only there is enough imagination.

Stew vegetables, fry pasties, make jam, and if you buy a cauldron, you can enjoy delicious pilaf. The brick grill looks much better more effective portable.

Especially if it is a barbecue with an oven, to which is attached a place for preparing and cutting food. And by building a shelter over the building, you will be able to use it comfortably in bad weather.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The undoubted advantage is that brick barbecues practically eternal. Having built such a stove, you will use it for as long as you like. In addition, the possibility boast a brick oven-barbecue in front of your guests will also not be superfluous. You can solve the problem of sudden rain by attaching a canopy.

The roof will ideally complement a brick grill (see photos of closed buildings at the end of the article). The disadvantages include the fact that the cost of such barbecues is much more than portable metal ones, and if built incorrectly, they may be completely useless.

Construction planning

Where will the brick stove and grill be located? We prepare the place with our own hands

Construction must be carried out in open well ventilated area and away from flammable objects. It is also recommended to equip this place with some kind of shelter to protect the stove from bad weather. Additional convenience will be provided by a small gazebo in which guests could gather.

ATTENTION! Check with your neighbors in advance to see if stove smoke will bother them. To do this, light a fire at the construction site and make sure that the smoke will not cause inconvenience to anyone.

Additional extensions

The grill can have: a cauldron, an oven, a smokehouse, a fireplace with a grill, a tandoor, a hob.

You can build a grill with a brick oven, complement the construction with a smokehouse or work area . The number of buildings is limited only by the free space on the site.


Any barbecue starts with a project. If you don't have technical education, then it is better to order the layout from professional builders, or use one of our projects (see photos and layouts below). But you can do the order yourself, following the basic rules:

  • combustion chamber build tall four rows of masonry;
  • three rows of masonry on the grill;
  • fireplace - six rows of masonry;
  • casing - three rows of masonry high.

If you are not sure whether you can carry out the procedure yourself, it is better to turn to specialists for this matter. Improper design can significantly degrade the quality of the furnace.

Projects of brick barbecues with a stove: drawings, photos

Project for a grill-oven with a closed stove (possibly an oven)

Project for an open stove grill

Project of a stove-grill with an oven-stove

Necessary tools for work.

  • Shovel.
  • Bucket.
  • Solution container.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Trowel.
  • Rubber hammer.

Required materials

  • Ceramic brick.
  • Fireclay brick for fuel tank.
  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Dry mixes for masonry.
  • Clay.
  • Wild stone.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Gravel.
  • Metal corner.
  • Hob.
  • Grate bars.
  • Wooden beams.
  • Blower door.
  • Door for the firebox.

We build a brick grill oven with our own hands

Site preparation

If the construction site is not concreted or, for example, not lined with stone, then you will have to prepare the site under the grill First of all, clear away any debris and put away top layer soil. Required area at least three square meters .

REFERENCE! If the barbecue is not located under a canopy, then it is advisable to build it not on clay, but on cement mortar, adding salt to it in the ratio: 1 kilogram of salt per bucket of mortar.

Laying the foundation

The construction of a barbecue stove must begin with the installation of the foundation. The dimensions depend on the area of ​​the building, and the depth on the density of the soil. The lower the density, the deeper the foundation is made. Better reinforcement steel pins or wire.

The width of the pit should be greater than the furnace itself by 10 centimeters. Dig depth is approximately 30 centimeters. If there is a lot of sand in the soil, then dig a pit of shallow depth, and before pouring the foundation, formwork must be installed.

If the soil is clayey, then concrete for the foundation can be poured immediately without preparation.

After installation wooden formworks, fill the bottom with sand and gravel, compacting and watering the surface. After which, fill with the solution.

Foundation through 10-15 days will gain its strength, and then it will be possible to move on to masonry. But before that, it is better to provide the building with waterproofing. For waterproofing For example, a sheet of roofing material will do.

Here any other materials are used that will be able to retain the same heat inside the barbecue. Place a layer on top brickwork and fill everything with cement. Now you can move on to building the barbecue oven.

REFERENCE! If you live in a rainy area, it is better to use a brick platform instead of a pit. This will help reduce the oven's exposure to excess moisture.

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Construction of a barbecue with an oven

After receiving the construction plan, or having completed it yourself, you must proceed to construction brick barbecue with a stove. Construction should be carried out with due care and precision. Since incorrect and poor-quality construction can ruin the entire structure, and will cost wasted time and money.

Help may be helpful when laying bricks wooden frame , which must be installed at the beginning to obtain uniform walls of the barbecue. It is advisable to use clay in the masonry mortar. Instead of clay you can use special dry mixtures. Use a metal corner to cover stove openings. If you decide to use old brick for construction, then do not forget about pre-cleaning from dried old cement.

The hearth should be laid out from fireclay brick, due to its fire resistance. Walls and cladding can be made of ordinary ceramic bricks. The mortar for the barbecue stove is made from cement, sand and clay. For a firebox made of fireclay bricks, a solution without adding cement is used in the following proportions: three parts sand to one part clay. Bricks before laying is advisable soak in water. This will provide a stronger grip.

Before starting construction, carefully calculate the location of the brickwork and make sure there is a sufficient quantity free space around her.

Layout of a barbecue with a stove

  1. Lay out the first two continuous rows bricks in the shape of a rectangle or in the shape provided for in the layout. Without forgetting align corners and remove excess mortar so as not to spoil the appearance of the fryer. To ensure that the rows are even, use a plumb line.
  2. To the third level install the ash stove door.
  3. Fourth it is also laid out solid.
  4. In the fifth row Close the ash door of the stove with a lock and install the grate.
  5. In the sixth lay out the bricks without gaps.
  6. In the seventh You can already install the door for the firebox.
  7. At eight and ninth, bricks should be laid in a continuous layer.
  8. From level ten Usually construction has already begun stove chimney.
  9. At eleven block the firebox door opening.
  10. In the twelfth already do hob and hearth.
  11. From the fourteenth row proceed to the construction of the chimney channel and construct the side walls of the brazier and back wall.
  12. From twenty-first to twenty-third is created semicircular fireplace cover. Here, to give the brick the correct shape, it you'll have to cut it with a grinder.
  13. From twenty-fourth to thirty-first bricks must be laid out in a continuous layer.
  14. Somewhere on the twenty-sixth display in a row smoke channel.
  15. Already on the thirty-second level you can install a pipe. The cap over the chimney is usually made of the same materials from which the stove was built.

For greater comfort in using the barbecue, you should take into account some of the nuances of its construction. For example, When calculating the width of the fryer, you need to take into account the length of the skewers.

PECULIARITIES! Metal tends to expand when heated, so be sure to leave a small gap when installing a metal door. The height of the stove should correspond to your height for greater convenience when working with it.

Fire safety

Do not forget that the grill is extremely fire hazardous structures. Failure to follow safety precautions when operating the fryer carelessly can lead to dire consequences.

Do not leave explosive objects nearby. Construction should not be carried out near wooden objects, trees. Install canopies or other shelters with care to prevent the possibility of fire.

Important! Under no circumstances should flammable materials be placed on or near a working stove.

Knowing and practicing essential safety principles will eliminate the possibility of unexpected results.

What could be better than relaxing outdoors with your family and friends? Cooking fish or meat allows you to have a pleasant time and have a delicious dinner. It is for such purposes that people buy collapsible barbecues or grills.

But relatively recently, some owners of private houses or cottages began to build brick or stone barbecues around which the whole family can gather. Also, thanks to materials such as natural stone or brick, the heat will be retained for a long time and the structure can even be used as a fireplace.

This article will tell you how to make a barbecue with your own hands, and we will also look at drawings, photos and even videos. In addition, for people who do not have the opportunity to make a stone or brick oven, excellent option There will be a barbecue made from scrap materials. But first, let's look at how to make a brick barbecue.

Brick BBQ

In order to build a brick barbecue you need to purchase some materials. To build a furnace you need to purchase fireproof and facing brick. Fireclay is ideal as a fire-resistant brick. Due to the fact that this material contains a lot of clay, it can easily withstand high temperatures. It is also very important that the brick is not too fragile and does not crumble. In addition to bricks, you need to buy clay from which the mortar will be made.

In order to prepare the solution, you need to purchase cement, red or refractory clay and sand. Cement and sand will be used to line the barbecue oven, and clay will be used to lay fire bricks.

Preparation of the solution

To build a barbecue, you definitely need a high-quality solution. Prepare regular cement mortar impossible, because high temperatures the oven will crack and it will be impossible to use it. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a clay mixture.

Clay mortar is divided into two types - skinny and fatty. A thin solution will not work, as after firing it will crack or, even worse, spill out of the seams. But the fatty mixture has plasticity, thanks to which the solution will be evenly distributed over the entire plane of the brick.

The process of preparing a clay solution for a barbecue oven is as follows:

In order to understand whether the solution is of high quality or not, you need to scoop up a little of the mixture with a trowel or shovel. The solution should not stick to the shovel or leave behind too wet marks. A properly prepared solution should slowly slide off the shovel and not spread.

For a high-quality solution, you need to clean the sand from gravel or other debris. This work can be done using a sieve.

In order to give the solution greater strength, you need to add table salt to the composition. About 200 grams of salt are needed per bucket of solution.

Foundation for brick barbecue

The first thing you need to do to build a barbecue is to choose right place. Special attention fire safety should be taken into account. Trees or bushes should not grow near the stove.

Also, it is not recommended that the barbecue be located too close to the main buildings, bathhouse or utility block. Experts advise taking into account the direction of the wind so that it does not blow towards the main buildings. Also, during construction, it is necessary to think through everything in such a way that sparks are not carried by the wind to the neighbors. You can see the barbecue project in the video below.

Have land plot for a dacha outside the city is a natural desire of city dwellers. Own vegetables and fruits, fresh air and an active lifestyle is now in short supply. Even on a bare plot, while there is no house, you can arrange something for yourself, including a simple outdoor oven made of brick, and only later it is worth thinking about more serious models of a roaster with canopies and roofs.


Country stoves on the street are designed so that the owners have something to cook food on. Even if they go to a “house in the village” for two days off, they will need to eat more than once. You can also heat water for washing or showering on the stove. A simple stove in the country is also useful for keeping warm in cool weather or drying clothes.

But a barbecue oven is not just a means for heating dinner, frying potatoes or boiling water - it is already a device with several functions.

In such an oven you can perform the following actions:

  • Boil water, cook soups and porridges - that is, everything that is done in a basic outdoor oven. You can cook in any weather, whereas you won’t be able to cook in the simplest open stove in the rain: it will flood the fire, and with it the pot of food.
  • Soar.
  • Fry. For example, shish kebab or barbecue on coals or wood.
  • Smoking meat, fish or lard.

To create coziness, you can build a canopy over the stove - it will not only cover a person from the rain while cooking, but also save him from the sun on a hot day.


A feature of the device with a barbecue, which distinguishes it from simple oven options, is its versatility. Independence from the weather can be attributed to the design features - the hearths (fireboxes) of such a device are hidden and resemble fireplaces.

TO design features refers to the size of models reaching several meters in length(most simple model with two fireboxes - at least 2.5 m). Furnace height in compact version from two fireboxes together with the chimney reaches 3 m or even more. Therefore, the barbecue stove must be installed on a strong reinforced concrete foundation.

Types of structures

Under open air, when the arrangement of a summer cottage takes place, it is enough to install simplest option street grill. This brick device, 5 or 6 rows high, two and a half bricks wide and four bricks long, is a temporary structure. It weighs little, so no foundation is required. For such a stove, you should find a flat area with dry soil (but not sand), compact it to good density and lay it out brick walls without any binding materials.

You can place a thin reinforced concrete or cast iron slab on the bottom of the resulting oven. Air will flow to the fire through leaks in the brickwork. The fireplace is located inside; kebab sticks are placed on top directly on the walls of the masonry or on the barbecue grill. Cooking possible on the grill simple dishes in a frying pan or in a saucepan. It is advisable to build a canopy over such a device to protect the fryer from precipitation and wind.

Often at dachas they organize street cast iron stoves with a roof. The roof is built after the “cast iron” with a pipe is installed. If you do the opposite, you will either have to cut through the roof for the pipe, or run the pipe around the canopy (with elbows). This remark is true for any stove devices in rooms or sheds.

The most popular among summer residents are the designs of barbecues in gazebos. Some of these ideas may be of interest to most summer residents.

  • Prefabricated furnace complex. Suitable for gazebos large sizes with perspective winter accommodation at the dacha. The complex includes a stove, barbecue and auxiliary devices: a countertop, a sink, built-in compartments for firewood or coal, shelves for utensils and accessories for frying, cooking, as well as a corner for placing fireplace accessories. A unique oven, a tandoor, is sometimes introduced into the complex. Using such a device, you can bake not only delicious Asian flatbreads - it can replace a barbecue, kebab grill, and even a smokehouse.

  • Stove-grill with the design and functions of a Russian stove. A very complex design that only a professional stove maker can complete. It is best to arrange it in a permanent building with good foundation and a reliable roof.
  • An expensive stove model with three fireboxes. This device is compact two-level option, characterized by convenience and practicality. Suitable for spacious and high gazebos. It combines options for cooking stoves with fireboxes of various functions: barbecue and smokehouse, barbecue and smokehouse, barbecue and Pompeian oven (pizza oven).

  • The factory-assembled metal model is inexpensive. It can be used both permanently in gazebos and portablely outdoors. When these stoves are used indoors only, they are often lined with brick for safety and a beautiful design.
  • Fireplaces have the same device, like furnace fireboxes, but they have a different purpose. Models of fireplace stoves – good decision when combining the functions of cooking and heating the room. Such models with a chimney exist only for outdoor gazebos closed type. For open gazebos and terraces, these devices are impractical - the heat from the fireplace will not be retained in windy weather.

Models of ready-made ovens with barbecues have different solutions– they can be street, garden, with or without awnings. You can also find options with chimneys different designs, with and without pipes, expensive and budget. But if the owner has the hands and the material, then equipping his dacha with a beautiful and convenient stove device will not be difficult.

Manufacturing materials

For making a temporary barbecue oven on a dense and level plot of land open type will require the following material:

  • refractory (kiln) bricks – 50 pcs.;
  • barbecue grill;
  • cast iron sheet measuring 100x70 cm for the base of the fireplace (a thin-walled, but strong, reinforced concrete slab is also suitable).

Instead of setting up a fireplace on the ground, some experts raise 4 columns from sand-lime brick in the form of columns several rows high, a cast iron or reinforced concrete base sheet is laid on them and a stove is laid out on this sheet.

It’s more convenient to work with such a barbecue - you don’t need to bend when lighting a fire, and coal or firewood can be kept under the stove itself (between the columns).

For serious multifunctional stove complexes, the following materials will be required:

  • refractory bricks for laying high-temperature elements of the complex (furnaces and nearby structures);
  • red brick of good firing for laying out less hot elements of the furnace;
  • fireclay bricks for laying some internal parts devices;
  • reinforced concrete slabs for frame structures, partitions, shelves;
  • cast iron hob for cooking stove;
  • cast iron grates;
  • steel or cast iron vent doors complete with frames;

  • oven glue;
  • mixtures of clay and cement for preparing masonry mortar;
  • knitting wire for laying out walls and partitions;
  • a set of materials for constructing a foundation for the complex.

Another owner will not think about this yet full list required material and decides to buy ready-made option, with which you will also have to tinker a lot. But there will be less headaches from inevitable surprises in the process installation work using the data collected in different places furnace elements, construction and consumable materials.


If you decide to install a barbecue stove on your property, then regardless of the type of stove you choose, you first need to think about fire safety - the place where it will be installed. It should be understood that any device with an open flame, if neglected in its placement and rules of use, threatens serious burns, large fires, which result in harm to human health (often fatal), surrounding buildings and nature.

It is safest to place a resting place with a barbecue on an area that is located at a considerable distance from the main buildings ( country house, outbuildings, premises with animals and poultry). But this is not always convenient, especially for an open street brazier and those models that are under a roof, but do not have electricity, running water and other amenities of civilization.

Gazebos with barbecues can be placed on the same foundation as the house and under the same roof. But in this case, you must adhere to all requirements fire safety for buildings and residential premises.

  • near the storage area for firewood, hay, lumber and their waste;
  • near dry grass, fire hazardous debris;
  • close to fences and walls;
  • directly under trees and overhanging branches.

When installing a collapsible barbecue in the garden or outdoors, you need to take into account the wind speed and direction. Smoke should not go towards neighboring buildings and houses, and in cases of installing a stationary outdoor barbecue (including in a gazebo), you should take an interest in the local “wind rose” and build a protective screen on the side of the most possible “wind blower”. Special portable ones are available for sale. protective screens what is the best option solving the problem of wind direction.

You also need to take care of the convenience of using the stove in the selected location of the site.

The following questions must be addressed here:

  • a free approach to the device from at least two sides, because it is always more convenient and fun to cook with an assistant;
  • there should be space for a table and seats nearby;
  • possibility of providing a recreation area clean water and lighting;
  • Convenient access to the place from the house.

The following points should also be considered:

  • how much time is expected to be spent at the dacha (this means constantly or only in the summer) - the installation of the stove indoors or in an open gazebo depends on this;
  • how many people the recreation area is designed for;
  • what design to choose for the barbecue area and gazebo.

Each owner will probably have a lot of questions about the design and selection of stoves, but they can already be solved in the process of creating the interior.

Style and design

Zone summer kitchen with barbecue and cooking oven It is better to equip the dacha taking into account the already established natural landscape. Even beautiful hedge with trees nearby can be a great starting point for stylish design recreation areas.

Before you start building a brick barbecue with your own hands, you should make drawings and use them to calculate the quantity necessary building materials. In this case, the scheme must be created independently, since there are no universal barbecue designs.

Drawing up an action plan

During construction, you must follow the general instructions that apply to any type of barbecue:

  1. the grill should be made at least 70-80 cm, taking into account the height of the owner;
  2. the stove is traditionally located 10 cm below the grill level;
  3. a niche for firewood and cabinets, and a hook for tongs should be provided.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the small details so that later it will be convenient to use the structure. When the drawings are ready, you should make calculations, draw up an action plan and prepare a list building materials(including for the foundation).

The list of materials for main work should include:

  • fireclay and facing bricks;
  • clay and ordinary mortar;
  • metal rod d-30 mm;
  • steel sheet 5 mm;
  • doors for the firebox and ash pan;
  • grate.

And for arranging the base:

  • construction mixture;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • boards for formwork construction;
  • crushed stone and sand.

The construction of the furnace takes place on a slab base, the frame is erected from fireclay bricks. After which it is lined with stone. Granite, sandstone, dolomite, and rubble stone are suitable. You can show your imagination and give the fireplace any fancy shape.

Why brick?

Very often, barbecues and barbecues for dachas are created from scrap materials: barrels and, a little less often you can see welded structures (from the simplest to artistic casting). It is much less common to make a brick barbecue with your own hands. Many are convinced that they are practically no different from portable structures.

But the heat distribution pattern in brick structures is completely different. The heat from the coals in open barbecues is directed upward, making heat treatment only one side of meat. Therefore, during processing, it is necessary to periodically turn the product over to the other side to ensure even frying.

The brick structure of the barbecue acts like an oven, only without the door. Heat, reflected from its inner surface, simultaneously affects the entire surface of the product, ensuring its uniform processing.

This significantly improves the taste of dishes, making them more juicy and tender.

In this regard, the following advantages of a brick barbecue compared to a metal barbecue can be noted:

  1. uniform processing of food;
  2. the ability to build complex structures with additional hob, smokehouse, grill and sink;
  3. a barbecue can be made one of the most attractive parts of the site.

How to make a garden barbecue

Like any other structure, a barbecue for a summer residence is built on a foundation. The pavilion should fit harmoniously into the design of the site. Since such a pavilion will be used year-round, it is better to build garden type hearth.

The construction of the fireplace must comply with basic safety regulations; the chimney must be installed on the roof. The construction of such a structure has a rather complex technology. Externally and functionally, it is a fireplace, which is used to decorate the interior of a dacha.

Thematic material:

A gazebo or pavilion with a fireplace can be styled as a fairy-tale hut for receiving guests or arranged as summer house with kitchen utensils, dining furniture, sofa and TV. If the barbecue is located in a pavilion, it is better to entrust its construction to specialists, but if you have a little experience, you can try to build it yourself.

The basis of the elementary design of a barbecue is a quadrangular frame; coal is placed in it, over which a grate is placed. It is advisable to make a structure such as a fireplace multifunctional: build a firewood rack at the bottom, a dish rack above it, a barbecue itself above it, and a smokehouse can be located above it.

In this case, the structure will be multi-story. You should decide what the design of the future fireplace for the dacha should be, and then make drawings and outline a construction plan.

Barbecue options

When considering brick barbecue projects, sometimes there is a desire to supplement the drawings with your own elements in accordance with personal preferences. Some future owners, when building a brick barbecue with their own hands, equip it with an additional grill and stove.

Barbecues can be very diverse:

  • barbecue fireplace;
  • barbecue grill;
  • multifunctional building;
  • barbecue with one hearth;
  • barbecue with grill and cauldron;

Additional accessories for such furnaces are very diverse. For example, oven, spit, tandoor, cauldron and others. Among complex structures There are hand-made and prefabricated ones.

An interesting idea - a complex. Permanent structures can be built as a three-story structure. Semi-finished products are placed in the chamber on grates or suspended. For cold smoking, a brazier with coals and a baking sheet with wood chips are placed inside the chamber, and for hot smoking, logs of the appropriate wood species are placed in the firebox.

This smokehouse has only one drawback: it strongly absorbs odors. Therefore, if you process meat after fish, it will acquire a specific smell, and sometimes even a taste. In this case, it is better to make this device from iron.

Construction of a brick barbecue

The positive aspects of installing a barbecue stove are its decorative appearance and functionality. It is better to install such a structure not in the open air, but in a pavilion or summer kitchen.

Let's consider step by step plan construction of a barbecue for a summer residence.

Step 1: Arrangement of the foundation

Initially, a site for construction is selected. When placing a barbecue in a building, it is necessary to prepare a foundation for it. Together with it, a base for a barbecue oven is made; it is similar to a slab foundation.

The pit is made 0.3 m larger than the dimensions of the structure, and about a meter deep. The formwork is installed and a sand and gravel “cushion” is laid on its bottom. It is covered with the first layer of mortar (0.2 m), and then steel rods are laid like a lattice. From the end of pouring until the solution completely hardens, 1-3 weeks should pass.

Step 2: Preparation

Before starting construction, you should select building materials for construction. It should be remembered that for the construction of a furnace, two types of bricks are needed: the main refractory one and for cladding. At the same time, only fireclay bricks that are resistant to high temperatures are laid in the firebox area, which also has excellent heat-saving qualities and long-term heat transfer. And as a exterior finishing A standard refractory grade of brick is acceptable.

Step 3: Construction

In the construction of the structure, an ordering scheme is used (see below). It takes into account the usual brick dimensions - 230*114*65. For the firebox and stove, bricks should be laid only with clay mortar, and in places not in direct contact with fire, ordinary bricks are allowed to be used.

Pre-mixed fireclay mortar requires red clay, cement, sand and water.

Step 4: Firing

After the stove is erected, firewood or coal is placed in the firebox and barbecue and then set on fire. This is necessary for firing the inner surface of the furnace walls. The heat is brought to the maximum possible.

This is one of the most functional stoves for a summer residence. For small areas, a simplified scheme is suitable. Choosing a type garden barbecue it is necessary to take into account all its parameters: functionality, dimensions, placement on summer cottage. For the convenience and durability of the structure, it would be advisable to build a gazebo or pavilion.

Step 5: Drying

After heating the oven, the next step is drying. It should be carried out in the summer in clear weather - at least 5 days, and in the fall in cloudy weather - up to 20 days. In this case, it should be covered from possible rain with a protective film.

The final stage will be decorating the stove. The bricks should be freed from excess mortar and paint should be applied in the right places to highlight the seams. After which the barbecue oven is completely ready for its intended use.