Arranging a brick grill with a sink. DIY brick grill. Preparing materials for barbecue

On summer cottage. As a result, picnics and various gatherings with friends will become much more enjoyable. In addition, such a structure will fit perfectly into any garden interior. Before you begin, you must familiarize yourself with step by step instructions, which will give an idea of ​​how a brick barbecue can be made with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

On initial stage it is important to make drawings future design. The advantage of a competent drawing is that it will not only allow the owner to do the job correctly, but will also provide the opportunity to calculate the amount of building materials.

Since there is no universal drawing on how to build a barbecue, you can draw it yourself or use the diagrams located at the end of the article.

Nuances of the drawing

  • The height of the grill must be at least 70 cm. This parameter depends on individual characteristics the owner who will cook on it.
  • The oven must be placed 10 cm below the grill level.
  • When designing a structure, it is important to take into account all the little details so that later it will be convenient to work. For example, where it will be possible to place tongs and coals.

Choosing a place

In order for a brick barbecue to perfectly harmonize with the interior of the site and be fireproof, it is important to carefully consider the place for its construction.

  • There should be no dry branches or old trees in the area near the structure that could be subject to fire.
  • The stove should be located away from outbuildings.
  • It is important to take into account the direction of the wind during construction - it should not blow towards the buildings located on the site.
  • It is not recommended to build a stove near playgrounds, greenhouses and gazebos.

Laying the foundation

You can give preference inexpensive option and use a strip monolithic foundation for the barbecue. At the same time, there is no need to deepen it.

  1. Having outlined the boundaries of the structure under construction, you need to dig a trench according to the markings, up to 40 cm deep.
  2. The bottom of the trench is filled with a mixture of sand and crushed stone. It needs to be watered and compacted.
  3. Now you need to lay the reinforcement bars in the form of a grid.
  4. Formwork is manufactured and installed.
  5. Concrete is poured.
  6. All you have to do is wait until the concrete sets.

After the concrete has dried, the foundation must be covered with roofing felt, which will serve as waterproofing.

Construction of the structure

Choosing a brick

Before making such a design, you should purchase required quantity facing and fire brick. Among various types Materials should be given preference to fireclay bricks, from which stoves are built. It can withstand high temperatures perfectly.

How to make a solution

Prepare a solution using red clay, sand, water and cement. Required quantity The clay is filled with water in advance and allowed to stand for about five days. Mix the clay with water until it becomes homogeneous. Afterwards you need to pour a little sand and cement into the solution (you can use the M200 brand, at the rate of 1 liter jar per bucket of solution). Mix everything thoroughly.

Clay is an important component when laying fireclay bricks. A solution is made from it. To clad the structure you will need a cement-sand mortar.

To lay a thousand bricks you will need 3 buckets of clay mortar. To increase the strength of clay, per glass ready mixture you can add ½ cup regular salt. An alternative would be 0.5 kg of cement per bucket of mortar. The finished solution should look like thick homemade sour cream and fit perfectly onto the brick.

Step by step instructions

To understand , how to make a barbecue, you need to follow the recommendations of experts.

We build a pedestal, stove and firebox

Ideally, the pedestal should accommodate a woodpile that would hold enough firewood for at least three fireboxes. For work you will need facing bricks.

After the previous stage of work has been completed, you can begin building the stove. The work is easy to do. It is worth remembering that in conclusion you need to make facing masonry.

It is very important to take breaks every 4 rows so that the walls dry out a little and the brick does not move.

To build an arch you need to make durable plywood a template that would support the design. If you want to build an opening rectangular shape, place the lintel from the corner on the last row of bricks. Next, the laying is carried out along the entire perimeter. It is important to remember that the vault of the arch must contain a central brick, the function of which is to provide load-bearing capacity designs.

The height of a wall with an arched opening can reach 80 cm.

About the pipe

For construction chimney use fireclay bricks and clay mortar. You need to make a valve inside the pipe. During the process of laying bricks, the sides of the firebox are gradually shortened. For each subsequent row of the back and front walls, the length should be reduced by a quarter of a brick. In this case, the side side is reduced by half the width of the brick. Having formed a pipe, you need to lay it out directly in 12–15 rows.

You need to let the masonry harden. Finally, the barbecue pit is lined.


Watch a video about building a brick barbecue:


It's hard to imagine modern dacha without a barbecue - an original brick structure. By building it, you will get rid of the need to carry a steel box with holes in your car. You don't have to kneel in front of it, fanning the fire and swallowing acrid smoke. A brick grill will make the process of preparing barbecue easy and enjoyable, and will also contribute to the decoration of your summer cottage.

About possible design options We will describe such a structure and the main stages of its construction in more detail.

Options for outdoor grills

How does a brick grill differ from a portable metal one? The fundamental design of these foci is the same. It is a fireproof platform for coals, equipped with sides and raised on support legs.

They also have differences:

  • The frying platform of a brick structure is higher than that of a portable one, so it is more convenient to cook on it;
  • At a stationary fireplace, you can arrange for smoke to be vented into a chimney, so you can comfortably sit next to it, regardless of the direction of the wind;
  • Brick version decorative qualities superior to portable. He becomes key element landscape design and an important part of the recreation area.

The simplest barbecue can be made from brick without using mortar. Concrete a flat area under it. After this, lay the bricks dry, carefully forming even legs and walls.

The cracks that will remain between the bricks will act as ventilation for the firebox, and the sides will protect the fire from strong wind. Having laid out the “legs”, they are covered with a homemade slab cast from refractory concrete. The work is completed by laying the walls, after which stationary grill will be ready for barbecue.

In passing, we note that the fundamental differences between a barbecue and a barbecue are more far-fetched than real. The only difference between them is what the meat is fried on. In a barbecue, a grate is used for this, and in a barbecue, steel skewers are used.

By replacing the grill with skewers, you can easily turn the grill into a barbecue. The supporting platforms on the brick sides will be a reliable support for them.

The obvious disadvantage of this design is the lack of a roof and a smoke collector. Therefore, closed buildings made of brick, equipped with a light canopy and a chimney, are most widespread.

In addition to improving the functional qualities of such a fireplace, the owner has a vast field for decoration and stylization.

If you decide to build an outdoor barbecue out of brick, but don’t feel very confident as a decorator, then cover it with a simple arched vault and crown it with a short pipe. The design will only benefit from such an addition. A sudden rain will not extinguish the brazier in such a fireplace, and the wind will not direct the smoke into the faces of the guests gathered in the gazebo.

A small canopy over the façade would also be useful. It will protect you from the rain and allow you not to interrupt the frying process.

The side cavities in a brick grill can be used to store dishes and other kitchen utensils.

By adding to the design of the hearth with chimney metal door, we get a barbecue oven. After heating, it will have enough heat not only for barbecue, but also for preparing first courses.

Under open air it should not be held. Damp brick does not hold heat well and is quickly destroyed by temperature changes. Therefore, when deciding on such a project, do not forget to draw a diagram of a canopy that will protect the fireplace from precipitation.

Note that great alternative garden gazebo. If you have not built it yet, then combine these two structures in one complex.

The considered examples convince us that building a barbecue out of brick with your own hands is not too difficult task. The most important part of this structure is the vault with brick pipe can be replaced with a smoke collector made of galvanized steel. It can be ordered from a qualified tinsmith, having previously removed overall dimensions from the drawing.

Before starting laying, you should determine a place for a stationary barbecue. Here you need to take into account the direction of the prevailing winds, the slope of the terrain and the features of the landscape.

Do not build the fireplace near trees, bushes or other flammable objects. Proximity to the recreation area is another condition that must be taken into account when searching for a place for a barbecue area. Ideally, if the continuation of the barbecue is yours summer gazebo. In this case, you won’t have to carry ready-made meals far.

When designing a grill, choose its height correctly. From an ergonomic point of view, optimal height frying area is equal to the distance from the surface of the earth to the wrist.

The length of the firebox should not exceed 100 cm. This will be enough to provide a company of 8-10 people with barbecue in one fire. The width of the firebox should be equal to length skewers (47-62cm).

Translating our recommendations into “brick format”, let’s say that the external dimensions of the masonry are 4 by 2 bricks. Accordingly, all other dimensions of the fireplace are selected: the width of the foundation and the smoke umbrella. The approximate consumption of bricks for such a design is 250-300 pieces.

Step-by-step instructions for building a barbecue

We begin work with the construction of the foundation. It should not be made too deep. The main thing is that it is strong enough and can withstand the weight without subsidence. brick barbecue.

Having marked the contours of the foundation, we remove the soil from the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm, after which we fill our “pit” concrete mixture. A pair of reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a steel masonry mesh embedded in the concrete will strengthen the base. The top of the slab needs to be waterproofed. A leveling mortar screed is poured over it, and the ceramic tiles or one layer of brick.

At the pouring stage, it can be laid to the foundation electrical cable. Concrete it into the base and bring out the contacts for connecting the lighting. This easy work will do street hearth more comfortable to use.

A simple laying of a brick barbecue begins with the construction of three supporting walls - two side and one back. If you prefer the through-hole design, back wall you don't have to build it.

We carry out the masonry using a cement-sand mortar (1 part cement to 3 parts sand).

If you want to make two compartments (for frying and storing dishes), then you can make two cavities in the supporting part by placing another intermediate wall of half a brick.

Having laid out the walls, they need to be covered with a concrete slab. For this it is better to use a piece OSB boards suitable size. It is placed from below so that after the concrete has set, the formwork can be removed. On top you need to install a square frame made of edged boards. Its height should be equal to the thickness of the slab being poured.

Having laid dense polyethylene on the OSB, it is filled with a solution (layer thickness 1-2 cm). Then 4 reinforcing bars with a diameter of 12-14 mm are laid on it and the formwork is filled with fine-grained concrete (crushed stone fraction 0.5-1 cm).

After hardening concrete slab, we carry out the laying similarly to the procedures considered. To remove burnt coals, install a galvanized or stainless steel box in the grill. Its width must be made such that skewers or a barbecue grill can be placed on the sides.

The completion of the construction will be exhaust hood made of galvanized steel. It will save you from having to waste effort on laying a vaulted brick pipe.

Attach the umbrella to brick walls You can use metal screws. Just before doing this, do not forget to place several short corners in the masonry seams to which the hood will be attached.

Many throughout working week We look forward to the weekend to go out of town for fishing, to meet friends or family. Well, what kind of vacation is complete without cooking... open fire or coals.

And to prepare them, you can quickly build devices like a barbecue, but still in modern world It is much more convenient to use stationary facilities: barbecue, grill and barbecue.

Especially if you have country house and a small area.

Of course, you can also purchase portable devices, but if the owner is an experienced person in construction matters, then it will not be difficult for him to build his own creation.

As many have already guessed, our article will focus on one of these devices, namely the barbecue.

A little history

There are several options about the origin of the name. But the most truthful is the ancient Greek version, meaning “foreigner.” In our case, this word “barbarus” meant “barbarian”.

Perhaps the very method of cooking food over fires in caves by wild tribes of nomads created such associations. However, all this has successfully taken root in our area and everyone likes it to this day.

But what are the differences between barbecue, grill and barbecue?

A barbecue is a simple structure made of metal or brick, where coals are placed, and skewers or a grate for food are placed on top.

A grill is a structure made primarily of metal with a closing top. The principle of cooking food is the same as on the grill, only with the lid closed. The grill is equipped with a pipe to release smoke.

A barbecue is a brazier, something between a barbecue and a grill. And it reminds me a lot wild conditions roasting meat. Outwardly, it looks like a hearth, open on the front side.

Perhaps the device is not in the form of a hearth, but in the form of a rim around the grate for food, which does not immediately transmit heat to the sides. Varieties of roasting pans are shown in the barbecue photo.

As you can see, all these devices are very similar, and they can be easily converted into each other.

Easy BBQ creation

Anyone can easily create a brick barbecue with their own hands in just 10 minutes. This option for building a barbecue is similar to playing with cubes.

To set it up you need:

  • almost 100 pcs. bricks, depending on the height of the structure;
  • sheet metal;
  • lattice.

The dimensions of the sheet and the grate should be almost the same, as they determine the size of the frying space.

The diagram of a simple brick barbecue shows in detail the principle of its structure and construction.

Pay attention!

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a barbecue

Brick laying is carried out without the use of cement mortar:

  • First, prepare a flat and tightly compacted area, away from trees and dead wood, to avoid fires.
  • Then a circle of flat bricks with 50 mm gaps between them is laid out on this site to allow air to pass through. The diameter of the circle must correspond to the size of the sheet and grate so that they cover this well. The diagram shows that one row consists of 12 bricks.
  • Next, 4 more rows are laid out in a checkerboard pattern.
  • A sheet of metal 2-3 mm thick is placed on top of the fifth; firewood will burn on it, which will turn into coals.
  • The next step is to lay 2 more rows of bricks to form the so-called hearth. But in front you need to leave a gap free from bricks. This is a firebox where you need to throw wood and stir the coals.
  • Now you need to place a grate for frying food on the resulting well.
  • We add 2 more on top of the grate brick rows in a circle, but without gaps. The side will fulfill the main idea of ​​the barbecue. If desired, you can leave a gap in the side so that you can turn the food over if necessary.

Such a brazier great option for the summer season.

But, if you are concerned about the integrity of the structure in your absence, the structure can be easily disassembled and placed in the pantry for storage. It won't be difficult to rebuild it.

How to make metal barbecues with your own hands from other materials

If the owner of the site knows how to work with metal, then he can create a portable barbecue using old barrel made of metal or a gas cylinder.

Detailed drawings for creating such barbecue designs can be found below or on similar Internet sites.

Solid brick barbecue construction

This option is most suitable for respectable owners of mansions and country villas with large adjacent areas who can afford to hire specialists and build a whole barbecue complex.

Pay attention!

But simpler people can also afford stationary barbecues, but with smaller sizes.

Having construction skills and knowledge, you can make it yourself.


To determine the location you need to know some rules:

  • Taking into account fire safety rules, a brick barbecue can be installed on the terrace or in the gazebo.
  • Do not have a barbecue near the house or as an extension, and absolutely not near garages and outbuildings, this is not fireproof.
  • For reasons of hygiene and convenience, do not place the barbecue near outdoor toilets and drainage pits.
  • The area for the barbecue should be well ventilated.
  • Do not place the barbecue near trees or other vegetation to avoid fire or damage to the plants.
  • When placing a barbecue in a gazebo, position the stove so that its pipe is not close to the roof rafters; optimally, it should be placed in the center.
  • Be sure to provide paths to and around the barbecue for convenience in case of bad weather.
  • Provide the barbecue area with water and electricity. But this is not necessary.
  • The decor of the barbecue area should fit into overall design plot.

For quick and quality construction barbecue area, you can resort to the help of highly qualified specialists, but this pleasure is not cheap.

Or you can, if you have golden hands and a great desire to build a barbecue with your own hands. Go for it and you will succeed!

Pay attention!

DIY barbecue photo

It seems that building a brick grill with a stove with your own hands is too complicated and expensive, and only professionals can do it. But such work really do it yourself.

You just have to be patient and get everything necessary materials and take up the work with due diligence.

A good barbecue stove will not only be a good decoration for your dacha, but will also be an excellent reason to gather the whole family, relatives and friends under one roof.

In addition, food prepared in outdoors always tastier and eliminates the need to stand in a stuffy kitchen during the hot summer.

Why build a brick oven with your own hands?

This stove is ideal not only for cooking kebabs, it is possible to cook in it, in principle, any dishes, for which only there is enough imagination.

Stew vegetables, fry pasties, make jam, and if you buy a cauldron, you can enjoy delicious pilaf. The brick grill looks much better more effective portable.

Especially if it is a barbecue with an oven, to which is attached a place for preparing and cutting food. And by building a shelter over the building, you will be able to use it comfortably in bad weather.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The undoubted advantage is that brick barbecues practically eternal. Having built such a stove, you will use it for as long as you like. In addition, the possibility boast a brick oven-barbecue in front of your guests will also not be superfluous. You can solve the problem of sudden rain by attaching a canopy.

The roof will ideally complement a brick grill (see photos of closed buildings at the end of the article). The disadvantages include the fact that the cost of such barbecues is much more than portable metal ones, and if built incorrectly, they may be completely useless.

Construction planning

Where will the brick stove and grill be located? We prepare the place with our own hands

Construction must be carried out in open well ventilated area and away from flammable objects. It is also recommended to equip this place with some kind of shelter to protect the stove from bad weather. Additional convenience will be provided by a small gazebo in which guests could gather.

ATTENTION! Check with your neighbors in advance to see if stove smoke will bother them. To do this, light a fire at the construction site and make sure that the smoke will not cause inconvenience to anyone.

Additional extensions

The grill can have: a cauldron, an oven, a smokehouse, a fireplace with a grill, a tandoor, a hob.

You can build a grill with a brick oven, complement the construction with a smokehouse or work area . The number of buildings is limited only by the available space on the site.


Any barbecue starts with a project. If you don't have technical education, then it is better to order the layout from professional builders, or use one of our projects (see photos and layouts below). But you can do the ordering yourself, following the basic rules:

  • combustion chamber build high four rows of masonry;
  • three rows of masonry on the grill;
  • fireplace - six rows of masonry;
  • casing - three rows of masonry high.

If you are not sure whether you can carry out the procedure yourself, it is better to turn to specialists for this matter. Improper design can significantly degrade the quality of the furnace.

Projects of brick barbecues with a stove: drawings, photos

Project for a grill-oven with a closed stove (possibly an oven)

Project for an open stove grill

Project of a stove-grill with an oven-stove

Necessary tools for work.

  • Shovel.
  • Bucket.
  • Solution container.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Trowel.
  • Rubber hammer.

Required materials

  • Ceramic brick.
  • Fireclay brick for fuel tank.
  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Dry mixes for masonry.
  • Clay.
  • Wild stone.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Gravel.
  • Metal corner.
  • Hob.
  • Grate bars.
  • Wooden beams.
  • Blower door.
  • Door for the firebox.

We build a brick grill oven with our own hands

Site preparation

If the construction site is not concreted or, for example, not lined with stone, then you will have to prepare the site under the grill First of all, clear away any debris and put away top layer soil. Required area at least three square meters .

REFERENCE! If the grill will not stand under a canopy, then it is advisable to build it not on clay, but on cement mortar, adding salt to it in the ratio: 1 kilogram of salt per bucket of solution.

Laying the foundation

The construction of a barbecue stove must begin with the installation of the foundation. The dimensions depend on the area of ​​the building, and the depth on the density of the soil. The lower the density, the deeper the foundation is made. Better reinforcement steel pins or wire.

The width of the pit should be greater than the furnace itself by 10 centimeters. Dig depth is approximately 30 centimeters. If there is a lot of sand in the soil, then dig a pit of shallow depth, and before pouring the foundation, formwork must be installed.

If the soil is clayey, then concrete for the foundation can be poured immediately without preparation.

After installation wooden formworks, fill the bottom with sand and gravel, compacting and watering the surface. After which, fill with the solution.

Foundation through 10-15 days will gain its strength, and then it will be possible to move on to masonry. But before that, it is better to provide the building with waterproofing. For waterproofing For example, a sheet of roofing material will do.

Here any other materials are used that will be able to retain the same heat inside the barbecue. Place a layer on top brickwork and fill everything with cement. Now you can move on to building the barbecue oven.

REFERENCE! If you live in a rainy area, it is better to use a brick platform instead of a pit. This will help reduce the oven's exposure to excess moisture.

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Construction of a barbecue with an oven

After receiving the construction plan, or having completed it yourself, you need to move on to building a brick barbecue with a stove. Construction should be carried out with due care and precision. Since incorrect and poor-quality construction can ruin the entire structure, and will cost wasted time and money.

Help may be helpful when laying bricks wooden frame , which must be installed at the beginning to obtain uniform walls of the barbecue. It is advisable to use clay in the masonry mortar. Instead of clay you can use special dry mixtures. Use a metal corner to cover stove openings. If you decide to use old brick for construction, then do not forget about pre-cleaning from dried old cement.

The hearth should be laid out from fireclay brick, due to its fire resistance. Walls and cladding can be made of ordinary ceramic bricks. The mortar for the barbecue stove is made from cement, sand and clay. For a firebox made of fireclay bricks, a solution without adding cement is used in the following proportions: three parts sand to one part clay. Bricks before laying is advisable soak in water. This will provide a stronger grip.

Before starting construction, carefully calculate the location of the brickwork and make sure there is a sufficient quantity free space around her.

Layout of a barbecue with a stove

  1. Lay out the first two continuous rows bricks in the shape of a rectangle or in the shape provided for in the layout. Without forgetting align corners and remove excess mortar so as not to spoil appearance braziers. To ensure that the rows are even, use a plumb line.
  2. To the third level install the ash stove door.
  3. Fourth it is also laid out solid.
  4. In the fifth row Close the ash door of the stove with a lock and install the grate.
  5. In the sixth lay out the bricks without gaps.
  6. In the seventh You can already install the door for the firebox.
  7. At eight and ninth, bricks should be laid in a continuous layer.
  8. From level ten Usually construction has already begun stove chimney.
  9. At eleven block the firebox door opening.
  10. In the twelfth already do hob and hearth.
  11. From the fourteenth row proceed to the construction of the chimney channel and construct the side walls of the brazier and the back wall.
  12. From twenty-first to twenty-third is created semicircular fireplace cover. Here, to give the brick the correct shape, it you'll have to cut it with a grinder.
  13. From twenty-fourth to thirty-first bricks must be laid out in a continuous layer.
  14. Somewhere on the twenty-sixth display in a row smoke channel.
  15. Already on the thirty-second level you can install a pipe. The cap over the chimney is usually made of the same materials from which the stove was built.

For greater comfort in using the barbecue, you should take into account some of the nuances of its construction. For example, When calculating the width of the fryer, you need to take into account the length of the skewers.

PECULIARITIES! Metal tends to expand when heated, so be sure to leave a small gap when installing a metal door. The height of the stove should correspond to your height for greater convenience when working with it.

Fire safety

Do not forget that the grill is extremely fire hazardous structures. Failure to follow safety precautions when operating the fryer carelessly can lead to dire consequences.

Do not leave explosive objects nearby. Construction should not be carried out near wooden objects, trees. Install canopies or other shelters with care to prevent the possibility of fire.

Important! Under no circumstances should flammable materials be placed on or near a working stove.

Knowing and practicing essential safety principles will eliminate the possibility of unexpected results.

Masonry drawings for arranging a brick barbecue are specific plans or diagrams created specifically for convenience in the process of assembling the structure. A drawing is required for any order general plan to get acquainted with the dimensions of the barbecue, calculate the amount of material for it.

The basis, naturally, for monolithic foundation, without a reinforced base, a serious structure cannot be erected. It is also important to place several layers of insulation on the already dried foundation before working with rows to avoid moisture build-up.

We work in order

We start from the first row, where it is important to maintain the level. We are talking about floor level if construction is above the natural horizon. It is most convenient to align the cord along the planes and only then use a trowel, applying cement or clay mortar to the base.

The simplest order brick barbecue

If the first row is usually just a plane made of brick, then further it can be more complicated, because some barbecue designs are built with a cauldron or an additional oven.

An example of arranging a barbecue with a cauldron or outdoor oven

Description of the masonry

From the sixth we move on to the butts (transverse masonry). It should turn out that the brick rests on the ledges on each side (plane). They are necessary for the construction of the lattice, its correct location in the future.

Continue the next 3-4 rows of half a brick, maintaining the original thickness. And from the tenth row it is necessary to repeat the order of the barbecue oven, with the expectation of repeating the transverse laying for the grates.

Although brick protrusions can be bypassed by replacing them with steel corners or other fastenings. It is important that this point is thought out at the time of laying outdoor barbecues, then you can do it yourself reliably, taking into account the space for a smokehouse or additional compartments.

Corner option More often they try to make it like an extension, when the main stove is simply placed on the foundation, and a barbecue or a place to fire a cauldron is laid out separately on the corner. Everything is simple here: we place a wall with a height below the working plane, ending the last row with bonded masonry. In a similar way, a support is placed for stone countertop, for example. But such material is not always affordable; it is often replaced with wood covered with tiles.

Variants of orders and schemes

Diagram for a barbecue or fireplace stove

Setting up a grill hearth similar to a barbecue for a gazebo

How it works in practice

The order is not difficult to imagine in diagrams created for construction literature. But in reality everything looks much more interesting.

Start work like this

This is the base and space for fuel. Then you need to raise small walls, create spaces for the door and ash pan

After this, you need to arrange the covering of the lower tier using three rows of bricks. Then you can set up a barbecue next to the firebox, just under the ash pan.

Let's just say that, having completed this work, the first cycle is downloaded. You can start creating the structure from the top, where there will be protrusions or rods.

The most important point when studying the order, you need to use a refractory type of brick, which cannot be laid on ordinary clay.

You need to purchase a heat-resistant solution or special clay.

The plan also includes a chimney installation on almost every brick BBQ project. But it is advisable to do it after the finished structure has completely dried. The way out of the situation when there is no time and excess material is to construct a frame from reinforcement and boards. It turns out to be a kind of formwork into which concrete is poured. It's cheaper and faster.

Technical points

Simple design, made from brick with your own hands, is sometimes placed on a poured foundation slab, but do not use the solution. This approach is optimal for those who are not confident in their abilities, want to save money or just test country option barbecue or grill.

It will come out quite original, and the order is the same, only this can be disassembled if necessary, enlarged in size, or even assembled into stacks of bricks

There is only one minus - the lack of good protection from the wind, because there is no usual arch. And if the structure is not assembled under a canopy, then the heat from the coal will have to be protected during the rainy season.

A barbecue without a solution, a smokehouse and a cauldron can be assembled by eye, but they always try to calculate their actions in advance, calculating similar plans or drawings on paper


Simple ovens barbecues and barbecues made of bricks are not built without several procedures that have been tested in practice. Yes, you can build for luck if you have extra money. But main mistake in this case, the problem is that nothing can be changed without damaging the stove. Therefore, before planting on the solution, they try to measure each row dry, correcting the defects, working on inaccuracies.