Outdoor toilet made of foam block. We are building a toilet in the country: step-by-step instructions for constructing a toilet such as Birdhouse and Hut. Foam block toilet design

You shouldn’t deny yourself comfort even at the dacha. There are a huge number of projects country toilets that every person can bring to life. But first you need to decide on a drawing and, according to it, build the future structure.

A huge amount of materials and all kinds of designs for country toilets leads to the fact that people are simply lost against the backdrop of all this diversity. That is why the theoretical part is so important. Based on the data in this article, you can choose optimal project for your dacha.

Typical designs of country toilets

Basically, to create a country toilet project, the following types of structures are used:

  1. toilet house with cesspool,
  2. dry closet,
  3. powder-closet.

Each of these designs has its own advantages. That is why it is so important to decide on the type before starting construction.

Country toilet with cesspool

The project must include a foundation pit. You also need to take care of its arrangement. For this it can be used plastic barrel or brickwork, reinforced with reinforcement.

In the project you must provide required quantity bricks and cement, also do not forget about reinforcement. The walls you create are subsequently covered with plaster. It is the pit that sets the character of the above-ground building. Usually it's small wooden house, created from scrap materials. It may be in the form of a hut, miniature house and even a tower.

According to this country toilet project, all waste will accumulate in a pit. For further cleaning you will need a vacuum cleaner. The main disadvantage of the project is the unpleasant smell. That is why it is very important to provide for ventilation at the planning stage.

Ventilation can be either natural or forced. In the first case, two holes are made in the structure at the bottom and top. Their purpose is extremely simple - to create air disturbances. This way, the unpleasant odor will not linger inside for long.

Forced ventilation is a simple fan that blows everything out unpleasant odors from the toilet. When installing it, you need to think about the compensation hole through which air will penetrate inside. Its diameter must be no less than the diameter of the fan. All this is written down in the project.

Important ! Don't forget about the cesspool. It also needs air circulation. For this purpose, a ventilation pipe is installed.

Powder closet

When creating this project country house a cesspool is not provided. All waste is collected in a reservoir under the toilet seat. It is best to include two containers in the design different sizes. In the smaller one you need to make several different-sized holes and insert it into a larger container, on the side of which there will be round exit. A drainage hose is connected to it.

The liquid goes into the ground through the hose or drainage system. Main role In this country toilet project, the container for the filler plays a role. Peat is most often used as a mixture. The filler helps control unpleasant odors. Once the tank is full, it should be taken out to compost heap.

When you make a drawing, it is important to take into account the ease of removing the container. There are two possible options solutions to this problem. In the first of them, the reservoir is removed when the seat is raised. In the second, a small door is cut out at the back of the building. It allows you to remove the filled container without much difficulty.

Dry toilet

You don't even need to build anything here. In fact, you are buying finished project country toilet. All you need to do is install the product in convenient place. In this case, you can purchase either a finished structure or a whole cabin.

Advice ! The finished structure is easy to install even in the house. All you need to do is take care of the drainage.

Shower and toilet under one roof

Nowadays, designs for a country toilet combined with a shower are very popular. This is especially beneficial from a financial point of view. In addition, such a project allows you to significantly save free space on the site.

In the project, a toilet and shower will have one common wall. The result is savings building materials. In this case, the bathroom can operate both on the basis of a tank with a mixture, and on the basis of a cesspool.

How to create a drawing

The main task of the drawing when creating a country toilet project is to detail the design. The paper clearly indicates the size, shape and type of building. At the same time, there are a number of standards that must be observed.

Firstly, the distance from a country toilet to a water supply point cannot be less than 30 meters. This must be specified in the project. Secondly, a residential or commercial building should not be located closer than 15 meters. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of the same septic tank with biological system cleaning.

Dimensions are of particular importance in the drawing. You are free to ask them yourself. But there are certain standards that make it possible to create a beautiful and easy-to-use building with a high guarantee.

The height of the future dacha building should not exceed two and a half meters. In this case, the minimum indicator is at the level of 2 meters. The length of the building is from 1.2 to 1.8 m. The width is in the range from 1 to 1.2 m.

Many novice builders do not attach enough importance to the parameters of the cesspool. This is unacceptable. After all, it also needs to be included in the drawings. Estimated depth 1.5-2 m, diameter from 2 to 2.5 m. If groundwater lie close to the surface, then the pit will have to be abandoned.

Projects of superstructures for country toilets

When choosing a suitable country toilet project special meaning has a selection of materials. It is he who largely sets the parameters of the future building. There are several typical options, which will be discussed further.

Brick toilet

The advantages of this material can be listed endlessly. It is resistant to atmospheric influences, retains heat and cool equally well, and is environmentally friendly. Moreover, it allows you to give the structure any shape.

The basis of this project is the foundation. Without it, creating a country toilet out of brick is simply impossible. Separately, it is necessary to mention the quality of the masonry. This is the real art of laying bricks that will last forever. The top of the building is covered with a roof, a material for which in most cases slate is used.

In the picture you see an example of a related project. One design combines a toilet and a shower. This is not only practical, but also allows you to save a lot on the cost of building materials.

Wooden toilet

The project of a wooden country toilet is a classic. Its construction takes a minimum of time, but in order for the structure to serve you faithfully, it is necessary to strictly follow the planned plan during the work process.

The picture shows one of the most popular options among summer residents - a teremok. As you can see, he has a small internal space and small dimensions. This allows you to install it anywhere. Also worth noting is the aesthetic appearance.

Metal toilet

This project option will appeal to those who want to save time and money. During construction, you can use sheets of metal left over from the construction of the house. The only thing you need to take care of is interior lining. Of course, you can do without it, but in winter it will be very problematic to stay in such a structure.

The main advantage of the project is that there is no need for any knowledge. Almost anyone can build such a country toilet. This is the most cost-effective option you can imagine. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the toilet seat. It is best made of wood to make it comfortable to sit on.

Types of wooden cabins

Exactly wooden cabins are most popular among summer residents. This is explained quite simply. The timber is inexpensive, but provides good thermal insulation and has a pleasant appearance. During construction, the following projects are most often used:


As you can see, there are many different designs for country toilets. During construction, you choose the material, type of construction and internal structure. Any of the above options has its own disadvantages and advantages. Therefore, it is very important to weigh all the pros and cons of each project and make a choice in favor of the optimal one.

Let's see if it's possible to build. And let's start with how to choose the right place. As far as we know, toilets should be built no closer than 30 meters from an open or closed source of water. It is advisable that the building should be located on a hill so that melt water does not fall into the cesspool.

A reasonable question arises: is there a well or a well nearby, and how to do it so as not to infect them. To do this, we negotiate with neighbors in the area and find out if they have any active wells or wells nearby.

Then, you need to take measurements from the proposed location of your toilet to neighboring wells or wells. Once again we would like to emphasize that the distance between your toilet and the nearest wells or wells should be at least 30 meters. It would not be bad if you could get a receipt from your neighbors in the area that they do not object to the construction of an outdoor toilet in the area where you indicate.

When starting to build your structure, you need to decide what type of toilet you want to build. Toilets are divided into several types: stone and plank (frame). As you understand, a brick toilet will be expensive, but a frame toilet is an economical option. Under brick toilets a foundation is needed, but for wooden toilets, a foundation as such is not needed; it can be built on wooden poles.

If we consider the construction of a toilet in terms of importance, then the most important part is the cesspool. When building it, you need to take into account its volume, which should be approximately 70 liters per month per person. It should also be airtight and easy to remove from the pit.

The tightness of the pit is achieved by making a clay castle, the thickness of which should not be 50 centimeters. For this design, a regular 200-liter steel or plastic barrel may be best suited.

What's good about foam block? It is light, strong and holds heat well. An old one will go under the foundation of such a toilet. fireclay brick, we lay it out in two rows. We lay waterproofing on top of the brick, for which ordinary roofing felt can be used.

No one will argue that such a primitive building as a country toilet is one of the main structures, the construction of which begins first. Agree that suburban area You can do without a country house, a gazebo or a fence, but you can’t do without a toilet in the country. A self-built country toilet will provide minimal comfort, which will allow you to fully relax and work.

Before you start earthworks, you need to study the sanitary and hygienic requirements and, in accordance with them, choose the installation location.

Features of country toilets

Installing a toilet in a country house is not difficult, but you can do it yourself without resorting to outside help. It is important to take into account some features of such construction:

  • Mandatory compliance of the installation site with sanitary and hygienic requirements , presented to cesspools;
  • You cannot allow a country toilet installed with your own hands to create inconvenience to neighbors ;
  • At the beginning of construction there must be there is a method for emptying the cesspool ;
  • The choice of toilet design directly depends on the water horizon of the site. If the groundwater level is low, the cesspool should only be of the sealed type .

By following our instructions, you will not only be able to properly build a country toilet with your own hands, but also save yourself from the problems associated with its operation.

Types of toilets for summer cottages

At your dacha you can build one of several toilet designs. The selection criteria can be both the height of the water horizon and the frequency of use of the closet, as well as the size financial costs, which are planned for its construction and maintenance.

All existing outdoor latrines can be classified according to the method of waste disposal. Let's look at a few of the most popular designs.

Pit toilets for summer cottages

This is perhaps one of the most popular designs in rural farmsteads and dacha areas. Build a toilet cesspool type It’s not difficult to do it yourself at the dacha, because the sewage system is an ordinary deep hole, in which the liquid residues evaporate or are absorbed into the soil.

The depth of the pit directly affects the frequency of its cleaning, so it is not necessary to remove waste often. Most often, the hole is simply filled with soil and a new one is dug nearby. The above-ground structure can be anything - you can build a country toilet with your own hands from boards, bricks, slate sheets or metal profiles. The main thing is that the necessary strength of the frame is ensured and ventilation is present.

  1. Wooden toilet. The choice of such a design is justified by both the ease of construction and its low cost. Agree, build wooden toilet you can do it yourself with minimal skills. Wooden structures are often stylized as fairy house, having received not only a functional, but also an aesthetic structure. Often, clapboard, rather than boards, are used to cover the frame. Such a country toilet, built with your own hands, also looks stylish, as evidenced by numerous photos posted on the Internet. The most important advantage wooden building is that when the hole is filled, it is dug in another place, and the house is moved.

  1. Toilet made of metal profile sheets. There are two ways to install such a structure. In the first, a wooden frame is used, and in the second, a base welded from profile metal pipes. Then the base is sheathed slate sheets using self-tapping screws or rivets. It is not difficult to build a toilet from profile sheets with your own hands, but this design gets very hot in the summer at the dacha. It is best to install a metal closet in a constantly shaded place and line it from the inside with polystyrene foam sheets.

  1. Brick toilet. Before you build a brick toilet in your country house with your own hands, take a good look at the site, study existing projects, and watch the video. It will not be possible to move such a structure to a new location, so it is necessary to provide a method for cleaning the cesspool. When constructing a brick building, do not forget about the need to install a concrete floor.

Backlash closet

This type of toilet resembles the design described above. Its special feature is the construction of a cesspool. Most often her walls and bottom are sealed so that when filling, waste can be pumped out using a sewer truck. Equipping this toilet in the country with their own hands, they dig elongated pit, for the smooth installation of sewer hoses. A huge disadvantage of backlash closets is the impossibility of cleaning them in winter period , therefore, if necessary, install a pit heating system.

Powder closet

This toilet has a small (maximum 20 l) waste container installed under the toilet seat. After dealing with natural needs, the waste is covered with ash, sawdust or peat. To do this, install a box with these in the room. bulk materials. If you are interested in the question of how to make a toilet in the country, remember the disadvantages of powder toilets: pour out the contents with your own hands sewer tank V compost pit- not the most pleasant procedure. Let’s not keep silent about the huge advantage of such a closet - with proper ventilation, it can even be placed in a country house.

Peat toilet for a summer residence

The peat toilet is a more advanced design of the powder closet. The peculiarity of the device is that there is no need for an additional box of peat - it is poured directly inside. After visiting a peat toilet, the waste is “powdered”, and after filling the sewer container, it is taken out and taken out.

Choosing a place to install the toilet

Our recommendations regarding choosing a site for future construction will help you build a toilet in your country house with your own hands:

  • If you are planning a building equipped with a cesspool, then be sure to take into account the need for an access road for a sewer truck;
  • The distance from the toilet to the water intake point should not exceed sanitary standard 25 meters, the distance to nearby buildings should be more than 5 meters, and to the border of the site - 1 meter.
  • Be sure to study the wind rose map and take into account their direction.
  • The toilet door should open in the direction opposite to the nearest boundary of the site.

Also, do not install the toilet in very remote areas or obstruct the access route. Provide free access to the building.

We build a country toilet of the Birdhouse type with our own hands

The “birdhouse” is a wooden one, covered with any available material, with one or gable roof. This toilet is installed in conjunction with a cesspool. When arranging a country toilet of this type with your own hands, you can use ready-made drawings or create an individual project.

As standard project You can take the following dimensions for a Birdhouse toilet with a pitched roof:

  1. height back wall- 2 m,
  2. front - 2.30 m
  3. with a width of at least 1 m.

The dimensions of the base are at least 1x1m. When installing a wooden toilet with your own hands, it is mandatory control of horizontal and vertical surfaces using a building level.

So, we are building a Birdhouse toilet. For work you will need :

  • Concrete border 2 m long - 2 pcs. or sand-cement blocks - 4 pcs.
  • Ruberoid - 2 m2.
  • Sand.
  • Edged boards: 6000x100x50mm - 3 pcs., 6000x100x50mm - 1 pc., 6000x90x32mm - 3 pcs.
  • Lining 3000x87mm - 40 pcs.
  • Wooden beam 6000x50x50 - 1 pc.
  • Galvanized steel profile sheet 1520x2000x0.4mm - 1 pc.
  • Door block 900x2000mm
  • Door hinges, latch, handle, nails, screws.
  • Paint or varnish.

Let's describe toilet construction process at the dacha with your own hands step by step:

  1. Digging a cesspool size of at least 1x1x2 m. Remember that the dimensions of the toilet that you plan to install in your dacha with your own hands are determined by the dimensions of the pit. Place a layer of broken brick or crushed stone at the bottom of the hole.

  1. As the foundation of a house We install a concrete curb at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the edges of the pit as a ceiling. To do this, we dig it in so that the height concrete base above the ground was no more than 10-15 cm. Instead of a border, you can dig four blocks of sand-cement mortar, on which we subsequently install the frame.

  1. Place it on a concrete curb roofing material in 3-4 layers as a moisture insulator.
  2. We build a wooden frame and cover it with boards, clapboard, etc. The toilet floor must be laid with boards at least 40mm thick. Better to use hard rocks wood - oak, beech, larch and others.

  1. Cut a hole in the floor up to 30cm in diameter. The shape of the “glass” can be arbitrary: oval, heart, rhombus, circle, etc.

  1. Installing the door and cut out a window of any shape in it for the passage of light.
  2. The roof of the house is covered with roofing felt, asbestos-cement or profile steel sheet.

  1. Painting the structure oil paint or varnish.

When arranging wooden country toilets with your own hands, do not forget to install simple ventilation. Its purpose is to remove air from the pit into the atmosphere. To do this, you can take any pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Then a hole of the required diameter is cut in the roof and podium of the toilet and the pipe is installed to a height of at least 20 cm above the roof. All passages of the hood are sealed, and a deflector is installed at its end, which will create the necessary draft.

You can do it yourself from the inside of the "Birdhouse" country toilet cover with foam plastic, and to beautifully veneer it suitable material, just watch a video from the Internet and use ready-made ideas.

We build a “Shalash” type toilet with our own hands

Although the “Shalash” type toilet is more difficult to manufacture, it looks much more impressive than the “Birdhouse”.

Some craftsmen style a country toilet like a fairy-tale house, creating real masterpieces with their own hands. Photos of such buildings from the Internet amaze the imagination with their thoughtfulness and skill in execution. Well? Are we building such an original toilet in the country? Then we get down to business and start digging a cesspool. Its dimensions can be taken from the previous project. At the corners of the pit, a recess is dug in the ground for installing concrete blocks. To control squareness, not only the distance between blocks is measured. The diagonals of the base must also be the same.

When installing the foundation, control the horizontal position by placing a level strip on two adjacent blocks and a building level on top. The height of the concrete base should be no more than 15 cm above the surface of the site.

In order not to miss important details, install a country toilet with your own hands step by step :

  1. Place any moisture barrier on the improvised foundation. Roofing felt laid in 2-3 layers copes well with this function.
  1. A frame is assembled from 50x50mm timber bases measuring 1x1m and nail it down edged boards. On top of this “deck” there is a flooring made of floorboards.

  1. Cut a technological hole in the bottom. You can go beyond the circle and come up with interesting shape"points".

  1. Cover with antiseptic wooden base from all sides. If, when installing a toilet in your dacha with your own hands, you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, study the instructions, in which all the processes are described step by step.
  2. Using a sketch or drawing, assemble the back and front parts.

  1. Sew both pieces“Hut” with clapboard inside.

  1. Install the back and front walls on the floor and fasten them with scraps of boards.
  2. Nail the sheathing boards. At the end of the work they also need to be sheathed.
  3. Take boards at least 1800 mm long and, leaning them on the back and front of the “Hut”, nail them to the slats. Thus, we get the roof of the house.

  1. The roof on our built In your dacha, you can install a toilet with your own hands by studying photos of similar structures or by putting your imagination to work. In principle, any material will do, but do we really need banality when we are creating a house from a fairy tale?
  2. Installing the skate, you can decorate it with a suitable figurine.
  3. We hang the doors, having previously provided them with a handle and a hook. WITH outside nail a spinner of any shape.

  1. Painting the toilet house oil paint or varnish.

When installing a toilet in your country house with your own hands, use your imagination or watch a video showing the gallery toilet houses, don't be afraid to experiment. Only in this case you will receive an elegant, exclusive structure.

Features of installing a peat toilet

The use of peat substrate for sprinkling waste is justified for several reasons.

  • Firstly, peat perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors.
  • Secondly, the increased hygroscopicity of the substrate contributes to increased absorption of liquid, which ultimately helps to increase the frequency of cleaning the toilet.
  • Thirdly, after direct application, the mixture is used as a fertilizer, since peat is initially rich in bacteria that process organic waste into compost.

A factory-made peat toilet does not require connection to electrical network, water supply and sewerage, so it is a truly autonomous structure for a summer residence.

The operation of such a toilet is based on the separation of waste into solid and liquid fractions. If the device is expected to be used frequently, then removal of the purified liquid fraction is provided by drainage or a special hose. The solid fraction is located in the lower container and, if necessary, can be easily removed, since the container is easily removed and has handles for carrying.

The advantage of factory designs is that they are easy to maintain - just remove waste from the storage tank, rinse the container and add substrate.

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made device. For those who want to save money, we will tell you how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands. To do this you will need several boards, a sheet of plywood, nails and screws, as well as a toilet seat. So, let's describe it step by step, how to build a peat-type country toilet with your own hands :

  1. Assembling the box, connecting four boards with self-tapping screws. We make a cutout in the front part of the structure for easy installation of the container.

  1. Sew up the top side of the box plywood sheet , having previously cut a hole in it for a bucket.
  2. We screw the legs to the corners of the box in such a way that the waste container can be easily replaced.

  1. Installing the structure on the legs and attach a seat to the functional hole (can be factory made of plastic or wood).
  2. Place a plastic bucket under the hole with a layer of peat previously poured onto the bottom up to 5 cm.

  1. If you plan to place peat toilet in an open space, then build a house, for example, the same “Shalash”.

We specifically do not give the dimensions of the toilet, which is intended for DIY installation in the country. It is so simple that even a schoolchild can repeat the design. Let me just give some recommendations :

  • Stock up on several buckets with lids. This makes the toilet easier to use.
  • Empty the bucket when waste is no more than one-third full.
  • Add composting bioaccelerators to peat.
  • Use factory filler.
  • Place the extracted waste in a compost heap and after the required time has passed, you can use it as fertilizer for garden crops.

We hope that our instructions, which describe step by step how to install a country toilet with your own hands, will help you solve one of the primary problems that arise when developing a country plot.

After purchasing a private house, the first thing you should think about is an outdoor bathroom, even if there is one in the house itself. Outdoor toilet- this is a very profitable building in warm time year. At the same time, when working in the garden, you do not need to dirty clothes go to the house. It can be built quickly enough and construction will cost quite inexpensively. Walls can be built from various materials: boards, slate, brick, cinder block, etc., but don’t forget about external beauty bathroom.

We bring to your attention the option of building an outdoor bathroom from cinder block.

Required materials
1. Red brick (depending on the size of the cesspool).
2. Old boards.
3. Fittings.
4. Sand, crushed stone, cement.
5. Hatch for the cesspool.
6. Concrete blocks(12 cm thick).
7. Frame for doorway.
8. Window frame.
9. Door.
10. Window.
11. Plastic (for interior decoration).
12. Tiles (for interior decoration).
13. Toilet with cistern.
14. Decorative mesh (for vent).
15. Decorative stone.
16. Slate or other roofing material.
17. Decorative stone for exterior finishing walls

First, you need to decide on the location of the future bathroom. It must be removed from the recreation area, but the path to it should not be difficult.

It is necessary to dig a 2x2.5 hole with a depth of 1.5 m.

The bottom is not concreted, and the walls are made of red brick. Why red? Because it is more resistant to moisture. At the same time, do not forget about the gaps between the bricks, of which there should be quite a lot. They are needed so that moisture goes into the ground.

Along the upper perimeter of the walls of the pit, formwork should be laid and a 150 mm hole should be left for installing the drain. At the back of the pit, provide a hole with a diameter of 50 cm for a hatch.

Rebar, old boards should be laid on the formwork and filled with pre-prepared cement mortar(cement, sand, crushed stone and water). This is the future floor of the summer bathroom. To be reliable, it should be 10 cm high.

The floor hardens for several days. If it holds hot weather, then to prevent cracks, it needs to be watered periodically.

Then the concrete block walls are laid out, but first the frame for the doorway must be installed and secured. If desired, you can also consider a window.

On top of the walls it is necessary to install logs and formwork for the future ceiling with a slope to drain water.

Fill the ceiling with cement mortar and, after complete hardening, cover it with any roofing material of your choice.

The door is hung and the window is installed.

Begins interior decoration. The walls and floor can be tiled, and the ceiling can be covered with plastic.

A toilet with a tank is installed. You should make an opening in the wall and cover it with a decorative mesh.

Then water and light are supplied. Plastic or metal-plastic pipes for water it is necessary to lay it through the air in order to drain water in the winter.

An exhaust pipe is installed from the cesspool to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the bathroom.

It is necessary to install a sewer hatch.

Device external sewerage on summer cottage often does not require special knowledge, the main thing is to choose the right place and draw up a simple drawing. It will not be difficult to build a toilet in your country house according to the drawing with your own hands if you adhere to the technology and carry out each process efficiently. Country toilets come in several types, so before starting construction you should familiarize yourself with the features of their construction.

Their design is extremely simple: a hole dug in the ground, a solid ceiling with a hole in the center on top, and a frame with doors covered with boards or iron. You can install such a toilet in a few hours. More durable structures made of brick, but the principle remains the same.

The next option is a backlash closet. This type of toilet has a completely sealed pit, the contents of which are removed using a sewer ora machine. The toilet cabin is not always located above the pit and can be built into the wall of the house. Pros: no need to look for a site for a building, convenient to use in any weather. Disadvantage: for cleaning you need to hire special equipment, which is very expensive.

Another type of country toilet is a powder closet. This structure is being erected on a flat area, without a cesspool. Place a container under the toilet seat for feces small sizes, which is taken out after filling. This option is convenient for those who visit their dacha only periodically, because regular emptying of the container will still require the construction of a cesspool.

Choosing a place for the toilet

When choosing a site for construction, it is necessary to take into account the distance to residential buildings and neighboring areas, the height of groundwater, the location of wells with drinking water, terrain of the site.

Even with proper care, unpleasant odors may emanate from the toilet, and the contents of the cesspool will seep into the ground. According to sanitary rules, the distance between a domestic well and a country toilet must be at least 25 m. This includes not only wells located on the site, but also those belonging to neighbors.

You need to retreat at least 12 m from the residential building, and 1-1.5 m from the boundaries of neighboring plots. It is allowed to build a cesspool only if the height of the groundwater is no more than 2.5 m. On relief terrain, choose the lowest one for the toilet plot.

And lastly: the toilet should have easy access not only for household members, but also for special equipment, which will have to be periodically hired for cleaning. These rules apply only to toilets with pit cesspools; there are fewer requirements for the construction of other types.

Closet construction technology

The most labor-intensive is construction of a pit toilet, so it is recommended to study the technology from it. Construction process includes the following steps:

  • pit preparation;
  • strengthening the walls;
  • construction of a toilet house;
  • ventilation device.

You can complete each stage yourself using the simplest tools. After choosing a site for construction, you should decide how to strengthen the walls of the pit, as well as what the house will be assembled from.

For wooden frame Any foundation will do, but if the house is planned to be built of brick or stone, the walls of the pit must be reinforced very securely. For convenience, first draw up a drawing of the future toilet and calculate the amount of material from it. When everything is ready, you can start working.

To dig and strengthen a hole you will need:

  • roulette;
  • pegs and cord for marking;
  • ladder;
  • bayonet and picking shovels;
  • sand and crushed stone;
  • tamping;
  • concrete solution;
  • brick, stone or concrete rings.

On the prepared area, markings are made in the form of a square with a side of 1 m. Use shovels to remove soil to a depth of 2 m, trying to leave the walls even so that the hole does not lose its shape. If the pit is reinforced with concrete rings, the pit is made round; its diameter should be 7-10 cm larger diameter rings.

It is not worth digging a pit of greater depth: this will require additional expenses material, and the time to fill the hole will increase quite a bit. But you also don’t need to save money and make the pit too small, because then the toilet will have to be cleaned very often.

There is no need to remove all the soil taken out of the hole right away - it will still be needed for backfilling the floor. If groundwater lies close and the soil on the site is not dense enough, the pit should be made airtight to avoid soil contamination. To do this, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand and small crushed stone, thoroughly compacted, and filled with concrete.

The concrete solution is prepared in the following ratio:

  • 1 part cement M 400;
  • 4 parts sand;
  • 6 parts fine crushed stone.

Crushed stone can be replaced with medium fraction slag, reducing the amount to 4 parts. Water is added after mixing the dry ingredients in small portions. The finished solution should slide off the shovel easily, but not spread. After pouring the concrete, work is suspended for at least 7 days: during this time, the bottom will be sufficiently hardened and subsequently will not be eroded by the contents of the pit. To avoid cracking, during drying the bottom should be periodically moistened with water and covered with a film from the sun's rays.

Most practical option strengthening the walls of the pit is brickwork. You can lay brick walls yourself, even without the relevant experience. It is not recommended to use sand-lime brick; it is better to use fired red brick. The masonry is made in half a brick in a checkerboard pattern, using a sand-cement mortar. The wall thickness should be about 20-25 cm, then the reinforcement will be quite reliable and durable. Top row brick wall usually raised above the soil level by 10-15 cm.

To ensure that the masonry remains vertical during work and does not deform, it is recommended to lay no more than 6 rows of bricks at a time and continue work no earlier than after 7-8 hours. During this time, the solution will have time to set and dry a little, so the walls will remain smooth. Every 3 rows you need to check the verticality of the masonry building level. Finished walls plastered with the same solution and covered with bitumen mastic.

If concrete rings are chosen for strengthening, you will not be able to do the work yourself. To facilitate the installation process, the hole is first dug to a depth corresponding to the height of the ring. With the help of technology concrete product lift it above the hole and carefully lower it down, and then dig in with a shovel and remove the earth from under the base.

The soil must be chosen evenly so that the ring that settles under its own weight is horizontal. Any, even minor, distortions will complicate the sealing of the pit.

After installing the first one, proceed to installing the second ring. The concrete is lifted again on cables and leveled above the hole, after which it is carefully lowered. Now they dig up the ground below in exactly the same way until the concrete drops to the required depth. The last ring should rise above the soil by about 10 cm. All joints are sealed with mortar and covered with bitumen mastic. When the walls are strengthened, the bottom is covered with crushed stone and sand, compacted and filled concrete mixture.

In areas with dense soil and low levels groundwater sealing the pit is not necessary. After excavating the earth, the bottom of the pit is covered with sand and compacted, and then red brick walls are laid out. The lower rows are laid with staggered gaps, which provide additional drainage. As the walls rise, the gaps between the bricks are reduced, and, starting from the middle and to the top of the pit, the masonry should be continuous.

Such strengthening will protect the walls from destruction by the roots of trees that may grow nearby. Finally, the bottom is covered with a layer of large pebbles or crushed stone for filtration.

Construction of floors

The ceilings for a country toilet must be strong enough to support the weight of the house and a person. For wooden structure simple will do columnar foundation and ceilings made of thick timber. At each corner of the cesspool, stepping back from the walls by 15-20 cm, make a square depression, fill it with crushed stone and sand and concrete it.

Brick pillars up to 20 cm high are laid on top of the concrete and covered with a piece of roofing felt for waterproofing. While the foundation is being built, the floor beams are being prepared. Choose strong, even beams from dense wood, cut them to the required length, soak them in antiseptic primer and dry them.

Dry beams must be coated with two coats of paint to extend the life of the wood. After this, a rectangular frame 1x1.2 m is assembled, securing the beams with bolts. In the middle, the frame is fastened with a beam, and then one of the resulting halves is once again partitioned with a piece of timber.

Now the frame is installed on pillars so that there is a whole half frame. The part with the partition will be under your feet. The bolted frame is covered with boards 3 cm thick.

If the toilet is made of brick, it is necessary to make strip foundation. A shallow trench 25-30 cm wide is dug on three sides of the pit. The fourth side of the pit should protrude 20 cm beyond the perimeter of the foundation. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the trench and laid reinforcement cage, pour the foundation with concrete.

The resulting box is covered with metal channels or concrete columns every 30 cm, the rest of the space is covered with reinforcement or chain-link mesh. A spacious hole is left above the pit itself, and a plastic pipe with a diameter of 15 cm. One end of the pipe is lowered into the hole 10 cm, the second end is brought out.

After this, the ceiling is poured with concrete.

Construction of a wooden house

To build a wooden house you will need:

  • dry timber with a section of 100x100 mm;
  • 4 wooden beams;
  • boards for cladding;
  • level and tape measure;
  • hammer, nails;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • wood primer;
  • slate;
  • loops and hook.

First, the front and back frame. The height of the front part is approximately 2.1 m, the height of the rear is 2 m. The width of both frames is about 1 m. The inside of the frame is reinforced with spacers made of timber, while in the front part the spacers should not block the passage. On the base of the floor, 4 beams are installed in the corners and secured with metal plates and anchor bolts. All frame elements are treated with a primer and the installation of the frame begins.

The face frame is inserted between the front beams and leveled vertically using a level. Having secured it with nails, insert the rear frame and also level it. The frames are fastened together with transverse bars on the sides of the building.

The upper bars on which the roof will be attached are located at an angle, since one frame is lower; The bars should protrude 30 cm in front and 15 cm in the back.

The next step is to install the frame for the pedestal. To do this, another beam is nailed inside the box at a height of 45 cm, which will divide the toilet into 2 parts. Parallel to it, the same beam is attached to the rear frame and 2 more on the sides. When the frame is ready, you can sheathe it. Boards, thick plywood, imitation timber, and corrugated sheets are suitable for cladding. The inside of the pedestal is covered with boards in which a hole is cut.

You can insert glass above the doors or simply cut out a small diamond shape.

A ventilation pipe is attached to the rear wall using special clamps and its upper end is brought out through the roof. Then boards are placed on the frame beams at regular intervals, and slate is laid on them. All that remains is to assemble the door, fasten the hinges and hook, and hang door leaf. Many people install lights in the toilet to make it easier to use in the dark. To make it more decorative, the house can be painted or painted.

Brick house

To build brick house To use the toilet, you need to have at least minimal skills. Such a structure is more reliable and durable, and also has an attractive appearance.

It is very important to lay out the corners correctly, otherwise the structure will be skewed.

After laying the first two rows of bricks, you should install wooden frame for doors; it must be strengthened with spacers made of beams or timber installed outside. At a level of 40 cm from the floor, insert between the bricks of the rear wall metal corners for attaching the podium. Having reached the top, another 1-2 rows of bricks are made in front to raise the roof. If wiring is planned in the toilet, a section of hollow tube is concreted between the bricks, through which the wire can be easily pulled.

For the podium, boards 30 mm thick are attached to the corners, and the vertical part is laid with bricks. You can sheathe the entire podium with boards by cutting a hole at the top.

The next step is fastening ventilation pipe. Not yet roofing, a plastic pipe mounted into the base of the toilet from the pit side is lifted and fixed to the back wall with clamps. The upper end is passed through the floor beams and raised above the building by 20 cm. After this, the roof is mounted, the door is hung, and a light bulb and switch are hung.

This toilet is installed directly in country house or next to it. A wide pipe extends from the toilet, the other end of which is built into the septic tank. The construction of a septic tank begins with digging a pit, the depth of which is about 1 m. The bottom is filled with crushed stone, formwork is installed along the walls, and then everything is filled with concrete mixture. When the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed, and after complete drying, the surface is treated with mastic.

Outside, around the perimeter of the pit, clay is poured in a layer of about 50 cm. The septic tank is covered with shields on top, covered with clay and only a small hole is left for the hatch. The hatch is tightly closed first with cast iron, and then wooden lids, laying insulation between them.