Calculate a house from a bar. How to calculate the amount of timber per house, assembling a house from a timber. cubic meter of solid wood

Building a wooden house requires careful preliminary calculation and preparation of the most detailed budget. Any large construction project is associated with significant costs, and it is important to initially correctly assess the financial possibilities and present all future costs.

An important expense item is the foundation, but the “box” itself will become the most expensive part, so you need to perform a preliminary calculation of the material for a house from a bar. In this case, it is advisable to consult with a professional architect and builders who know the real prices on the material market.

Which timber to choose for construction

First you need to choose the material for the house from the timber. It differs both in characteristics and in cost:

  • Most cheap optionordinary timber natural humidity. It is the most common, but the least reliable. During the drying process, it can significantly deform, which leads to the formation of cracks and crevices in the walls.
  • Dried timber - wood material, passed the preliminary chamber drying. Most of the natural moisture is removed from it, so it will be more reliable, but the cost will also increase significantly.
  • Profiled timber is an even more expensive type of material that will allow you to build a completely smooth walls without gaps between the crowns. Special system of spikes and grooves on the top and lower sides will allow you to build a building with the most durable walls.
  • Glued laminated timber - the leader in cost. This is not exactly a bar, since it is not made from solid wood, but from several layers of wood glued together. Such material requires long processing, and it will be very expensive.

Thus, the calculation of material for building a house from a bar begins with an analysis of the construction market and the choice suitable material. When this issue is resolved, you can proceed directly to the calculations.

How much material is required to build a log house

The calculation of the material for building a house from a bar can be carried out using a special calculator program that is posted on construction sites. This will speed up the calculation, but the result will still only be an approximation. You can also calculate the material manually using the following parameters:

  1. Bar section. It depends on the required thermal conductivity: for a house without additional insulation a bar with a section of 200x200 mm is required: this is quite expensive, so future owners often prefer to purchase a thinner and cheap material and then insulate the building with inexpensive materials. Build a building for permanent residence permissible from a bar with a thickness of 150x150 mm or 150x100 mm.
  2. House dimensions. The standard project is a building made of timber 6x6 meters in size, as it will allow you not to connect the timber to each other.
  3. The height of each floor. Minimum Height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 m, often it is made larger, so that later you do not limit yourself in the choice of furniture and finishes.
  4. Area of ​​window and door openings. It is clear that what more area windows, the less material is required. When developing a building project, the dimensions of the openings are indicated in the drawings, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare used for calculations.

An example of calculating materials for a standard house

It will be of great help in calculating the required amount of timber for building a house. But let's try on simple example perform simple calculations.

Calculation of materials for a house from a bar requires doing enough simple calculations, forcing to remember school lessons of geometry.

Preliminary calculation of the material for a timber house:

Required to build small house with linear dimensions 6x6x2.5 meters. For construction, you need to purchase an ordinary bar with a section of 200x200 mm. It is planned to make a door with an opening size of 800x2000 mm in the building, in addition, it will have two windows measuring 600x800 mm.

Let's move on to the calculations:

  • The perimeter of the house: 6 * 4 = 24 meters. We multiply this value by the height: 24 * 2.5 \u003d 60 square meters. meters - the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.
  • We calculate the area of ​​windows. We multiply 0.8 * 2 \u003d 1.6 square meters. m. - door area, 0.6 * 0.8 * 2 \u003d 0.96 m. - area of ​​\u200b\u200btwo windows. These values ​​must be subtracted from total area walls: 60 - 1.6 - 0.96 - 57.44 sq. m. - this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.
  • Since the thickness of the timber is 0.2 meters, the volume of the walls is calculated as follows: 57.44 * 0.2 = 11.488 cubic meters of timber will be required for construction.

Important points when calculating the material

If you need to build a house from a bar, the calculation of materials will always be approximate. It is imperative to add at least 15% to the obtained value, which will be required for trimming, damage, arranging corners, etc.

The timber is required not only for the construction of the box, but also for the installation of rafters, floor logs, ceilings, etc. As a result, in the final calculations, the amount of timber increases by about a fifth.

The exception is the construction of a house from a finished house kit. In this case, together with the architect, it is calculated exact amount materials that will be required for construction, and all details are pre-processing in factory conditions.

A ready-made set of numbered parts arrives at the construction site, from which the building is being erected, like a large constructor. All the details are exactly adjacent to each other, nothing needs to be adjusted and modified. You only have to buy fasteners and heaters, and the work can be completed faster.

The calculation of lumber should take into account not only the purchase of the timber itself. You will need an inch board for the construction of a rough and fifty for a finished floor of a given area, material for construction roofing cake and other expenses.

Each wooden element used in construction must be treated with antiseptics and flame retardants, finished house needs to be painted or otherwise finished. The walls can be sheathed with drywall and additionally insulated.

A log house is relevant, but far from always convenient, since the walls need to be leveled with sheathing, a wooden profile is much more practical, so sometimes it’s better calculate the amount of timber per house.

What you need to know to calculate the amount of timber per house?

- is it a little, or a lot, and how many crowns of the house will this amount of timber be enough for? Trust me, it's not like that a large number of products of the woodworking industry. In particular, six-meter bars with a width and height of 200 millimeters each will amount to only 4.17 pieces, or, since sellers like to round down, only 4 units. True, if you need more than 10 cubes, such rounding can play a cruel joke, and you will miss one or even two lumber that you need so much. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the amount of timber per house as accurately as possible.

To begin with, determine the dimensions of the future building, that is, the length and height of the walls, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindow and doorways, step frequency of the crossbars (it is unlikely that in a wooden house you will fill in a monolithic concrete slab). You will also need to take into account the height rafter legs, and if the gables are made in the same style as the building, then their geometry. In other words, immediately estimate where your timber will be used, and include all the nuances in the calculations. Also immediately consider using profiled, glued or rough logs, the latter are cheaper, but will decrease somewhat in size after processing in place.

Concerning overall dimensions, then from existing options with a section of 100x100, 150x100, 120x120, 140x140, 150x150, 200x150, 180x180 and 200x200 centimeters is usually selected golden mean. Dimensions 150x150 fully meet the requirements for timber, both in terms of thermal conductivity and ease of assembly. Reducing the dimensions will lead to an increase in the amount of materials, which means more labor costs, even if the volume in cubes is the same. An increase in size will mean an increase in the cost of the timber, its mass.

We use the beam calculator in practice

Since it is rare for anyone to buy (and sell) lumber by the piece, when tens or hundreds of units of one type or another are required, we need to determine how many cubic meters of lumber to purchase. To do this, you need to know the dimensions of the house, and since they are reflected in the plan, it is enough to include them in the beam calculator. Suppose we are building a small country cottage 6x5 meters, with a ceiling height of 3 meters. It is best to buy a corresponding six-meter wooden profile. Knowing the height of the wall, we divide it by the side of the section of the lumber we have chosen. Since we previously settled on dimensions of 150x150 centimeters, we get 3 / 0.15 \u003d 20 bars, which will make up the wall of the building.

I must say that insulation is usually placed between the crowns, which should increase the height, but shrinkage wooden profile compensates for this error in our calculation. We add a plinth crown, which gives 21 beams, and then we calculate how many similar woodworking products will be obtained in the entire building. To do this, we multiply the result we obtained earlier by 4 (by the number of walls). However, it is unlikely that there will be one room in the house, so the fifth wall immediately appears, the inner one, which can also be capital, taking into account the minimum span of 5 meters. So, we multiply by 5. As a result, it turns out that 105 bars will be needed to build a house. Too much? Let's see how we can save.

Recall that the rooms should have windows and doors, which mean the presence of fair openings. Suppose the entrance from the street is planned in a five-meter facade, exactly in the middle, and it will be exactly one meter wide. Since here the crowns are a meter shorter than the actual length of the timber, it turns out that we need 2-meter segments to form the doorway. Then from every two bars you get exactly three crowns on this side. If a inner door between the rooms will be on the edge, four-meter profiles will be needed there, the trimmings of which can also be used to create an external opening. Thus, for every three crowns of this wall, we save one beam until the jumper is laid over the entrance.

Sometimes sawn in the form of spikes, the ends of the lumber from which the house is composed, in the door and window openings rest against the groove of the riser, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the wall.

If the door height is 2.1 meters, we will have 14 crowns, that is, there will be 4 six-meter wooden profiles in the balance. In the same way, you can save on windows by correctly arranging them in the general layout of the premises, and then, quite possibly, you will need not 105, but some 98 bars. Those that can be gained, use for attic floor and fasteners for rafters, since such material will not work as interfloor logs, a profile is needed there, the sides of which are related as 7: 5, and the height is the first in proportion.

How to calculate the cube of timber per house - the simplest method

We have already obtained the result necessary for further calculations, namely, the number of wooden profiles that will be needed for construction. Now you need to determine how to calculate the cube of timber per house, and how much lumber is needed. Knowing the dimensions of the product of the woodworking industry, from which the crowns are knitted, it is not difficult to obtain its volume. In our case, this will be the formula V = h . b . l = 0.15 . 0.15 . 6 = 0.135 cubic meters, here h- beam height, b is the width, and l- length. We find out how many units of lumber are in 1 cube as follows: 1 / 0.135 \u003d 7.41 pieces. They may not sell that much, sellers do not like sawing a six-meter beam, so they can cut it down to 7, or you will have to pay up to 8 beams.

But, since we need a lot of materials, and we know that the number of profiles will be an integer, we calculate how many cubic meters of a wooden profile will have to be transported to the site. We multiply the total quantity by the volume of one, for example, we managed to save money and really got 98 bars, then we get 0.135 . 98 = 13.23 cubes. However, all these calculations can be eliminated using the following table.

The number of timber in 1 cubic meter for calculating the beam on the house

[Section]x[length] beam,

Volume 1 piece,

The amount of timber in 1 m 3,

Can go more simple way. To do this, we calculate the perimeter of the house, multiply it by the height of the walls and get total area the outer surface of the building, with the exception of the roof. Next, subtract the area of ​​window and door openings, if necessary. high accuracy, or leave as is, if the savings are not critical. The calculation is completed by multiplying by the thickness of the beam. In our case, the short formula will look like this V = P. H. b=27. 3 . 0.15 \u003d 12.15 cubic meters excluding the basement crown and based on the fact that 3 walls are 5 meters each. As you can see, such a calculation is less accurate, since the length of all lumber is 6 meters, and we took many for five meters.

Timber houses are very popular and have a number of advantages over log houses. wooden houses. The geometrically correct shape of the beam (a rectangle or a square is obtained in the section) allows you to create more usable space, and it becomes much easier to calculate the amount of material needed to build a house. To do this, you need to know the length and height of all sides of the structure and multiply by the thickness of the timber.

Types of timber products

Today, in the construction market you can find a bar of various sections. Yes, often buy lumber products section 120x120, 150x100, 180x180, 200x150, 150x150, 100x100, 140x140 mm. All of them are purchased for certain structures. But the most popular is the section of the beam 150x150 mm, since it combines good value and excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Also, timber products with a section of 150x150 mm are simply laid, a pronounced number of seam caulked joints is obtained.

Plus, recently, prefabricated glued lumber material, that is, profiled, has been supplied to the market. When compared with typical lumber, it has increased strength properties, heat-saving characteristics due to tongue-and-groove joints, as well as lower shrinkage. Therefore, many experts recommend using it. There is only one drawback - the high cost of the material. Prefabricated adhesive timber has a higher cost, but it is fully justified, since the service life exceeds the time of using conventional lumber.


Vbeam = wall height x wall length x beam thickness

By doing the calculations in this way, we get required amount material for building a house. Let's take a simple example. If you are going to build a house, the height of the walls of which will be 3 meters, and the length of the walls is 9 and 6 meters from a bar 150x150 mm, then you need to first calculate the perimeter. That is, we add up the length of all walls: 9 + 9 + 6 + 6 \u003d 36 linear meters. Next, multiply the resulting number by 3 meters and get 108 square meters. On the last step multiply by the thickness of the beam, that is, by 0.15. As a result, it turns out 16.2 cubic meters. Thus, the question of how to calculate the amount of timber per house should no longer arise.

Calculation example

As you know, the sale of bars, boards on the market is carried out precisely in cubic meters. This is very often used by many sellers, who allow you to take the excess in your pocket, because buyers do not know how to calculate the cubic capacity of the timber. At the same time, find out required cubic capacity not so difficult. There is one easy method. So, if you buy lumber the same size, then you need to multiply the length of the beam by its cross-sectional area. Thus, you will find the amount in cubic meters in one unit of lumber. And then multiply this number by the number of units.

Let's give an example: if you bought 20 units of timber with a length of 6 meters and a section of 150 x 150 mm, then first we find the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lumber. To do this, we multiply 0.15 by 0.15 = 0.0225 m2. Then we multiply the resulting number by 6 (the length of the beam). As a result, it turns out 0.135 m3. Well, at the last stage, we multiply by the total amount, that is, by 20. The total cubic capacity of the acquired timber will be 2.7. That's enough simple method you can calculate the cubic capacity for any lumber. By applying this formula, you will save a lot of money.

Of course, during construction it is very important to correctly calculate the right amount of materials. After all, each log costs a lot of money, and its transportation is associated with certain difficulties. And if a mistake was made in the calculations, this can lead to serious difficulties. Our online lumber calculator will help you do this online.

With a lack of material, you have to interrupt building process, and wait until the timber is delivered to the right amount. If too much timber was bought, then there will be a few extra logs, the money for which was thrown to the wind.

But if you use a calculator when calculating the amount of timber, you will get the most accurate result. It is also important that the calculator is very easy to use, thanks to which even an inexperienced person will be able to carry out the necessary calculations in the shortest possible time.

To get started, you need to enter approximate dimensions future home - the height, length and width of the walls. Of course, to know this data, you need to have

Only then will you be able to use accurate data.
The next step is to choose the length of the beam. The beam can have different lengths, usually from 5 to 12 meters. This allows you to choose the optimal length for any project without overpaying extra money and without wasting time connecting two elements.
The last stage is an indication of the cross section of the beam.

In private construction, a bar with a section from 150x150 to 200x200 is usually used. The choice of a suitable timber depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner of the house.

But it is worth noting that the thicker the beam, the better heat and sound insulation characteristics it will have. However, at the same time, the cost also increases. building material. So, you should seriously approach the choice of material so that it meets not only your requirements, but also its cost does not make the material inaccessible to you.

In the construction of any building, the main issue is the selection required material and determining the required amount. Even before the start of construction, a good owner draws up a plan for the upcoming work and an estimate. The most popular material used in the construction of individual buildings is timber.

But the residential building has a rather complex architecture. Therefore, even the same type of materials are used different sizes, depending on which part of the building they are used for. The amount of purchase depends on the "dimensions". Moreover, the price of lumber is expressed, as a rule, in rubles per cubic meter. After all, it is bought mainly in “cubes”, and not by the piece.

First of all, it is required to make all measurements as accurately as possible. After that, to determine the required amount specific products, summarize all the results and translate into "m 3". It's easier to count that way.

To begin with, you should compile a list of blanks necessary for construction, “sorting” them by size. As already mentioned, for various structural elements of the house, the beam needs a different one: both in length and in cross section. After that, the volume of the workpiece is determined (length, section width, its height), just do not forget about the units of measurement.

In construction, data expressed in "mm" is often used. Including and. For example, 100 x 100 means that this is a blank with square section. The side of such a square is 100 mm (or 10 cm, or 0.1 m). Multiplying the obtained value by the required number of products, we obtain the "cubic capacity" of the required material of certain dimensions.

Let's say we need to buy 20 beams with a section of 150 x 150 mm, having a length of 6 m.

We translate "mm" into "m": 150 mm = 0.15 m.

We multiply: 0.15 m x 0.15 m x 6 m = 0.135 m 3. This is the volume of one bar. Now multiply the resulting value by their number: 0.135 m 3 x 20 \u003d 2.7 m 3.

Another example

It is necessary to purchase 30 blanks with dimensions: 120 mm x100 mm x 3 m. Similarly, we convert all measurement units into meters. We get: 0.12 m x 0.1 m x 3 m. Multiplying these data, we get the volume of 1 product - 0.036 m 3. The total "cubic capacity" will be 0.036 m 3 x 30 \u003d 1.08 m 3.

Sometimes you need to determine how many pieces of timber will be in 1 m 3. We perform the opposite action - division. To do this, divide 1 m 3 by the volume of one workpiece.

Most often in individual construction products of several basic sizes are used. We give data for such products based on 1 m 3, and take the length equal to 6 m.

  • 100 x 100 - 16.6 pieces in a cube; the volume of one blank is 0.06 m 3
  • 100 x 150 - 11.1 pcs. with a volume of 0.09 m 3
  • 150 x 150 - 7.4 pcs. with a volume of 0.135 m 3
  • 200 x 200 - respectively 4.1 pcs. and 0.24 m 3

When determining the quantity, consider the following points:

  • Almost never in 1 m 3 of products there will be an “even” amount of timber.
  • When installing structural elements of a house, something is definitely missing somewhere.
  • Even in the highest quality delivery, there can be from one to several “units” of marriage.
  • If you buy more, then most likely it will be another batch. And it is undesirable to use blanks from different ones. There may be some deviations in processing technology. And, as a result, there will be difficulties when joining elements.