Calculate the material for a house from a bar. How to calculate the amount of timber per house on your own: examples, features and recommendations. Types of timber products

Building a wooden house is a rather expensive option, since high-quality lumber is expensive. Because of this, it is especially important to correctly calculate the amount of timber that will be required for the construction of the building.

The amount of lumber is measured in cubic meters: since the timber has the correct shape and a square or rectangular section, it will not be difficult to calculate how much timber is in a cubic meter and determine how much materials you need to purchase for a building of a certain area. How to calculate the cubic capacity of a bar for a house?

Basic calculation formula

The calculation of the cubic capacity of a house from a bar is based on several main parameters:

  • Bar section. Thermal insulation characteristics depend on the thickness of the material, therefore this parameter is especially important not for summer cottages, but for capital construction. The most common option is a bar with a section of 150x150 mm. This is enough to build a warm house, while it is inexpensive.
  • The linear dimensions of the house. It is important to calculate not only the length and height of the walls, but also the number of other additional elements that require timber: these are rafters, floor and ceiling beams, etc. They also need to be included in the calculations, since it is better to immediately purchase all the necessary material.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the type of timber used. Profiled timber differs in its geometric structure, so its quantity is calculated specifically.
How to calculate the cubic capacity of a house from a bar? The basic calculation formula is as follows: the volume of the beam = the length of the walls of the house * the height of the walls * the thickness of the beam. Let's take a closer look at the calculation example:

It is necessary to build a house from a bar with a wall height of 2 m, a wall thickness of 150 mm, the length of the walls of the house is 6x9 meters. It is planned to build a five-wall frame, therefore, the material for the construction and the fifth wall must be included in the calculations.

It turns out: 36 linear meters (the perimeter of the house) is multiplied by 3 m (wall height) and 0.15 m (beam thickness). As a result, it turns out that the construction of such a house will require the purchase of 16.2 cubic meters. m. timber. It is on this figure that suppliers will be guided.

In this case, it is necessary to subtract from the resulting amount the volume of timber, which will be saved on window and door openings. The result will be the quantity that you need to focus on when buying. If you need to calculate the cubic capacity of the timber per house, you need to round the calculations up. It often happens that at least a small part of the material is defective, so there may be a shortage.

Calculation of the volume of timber for floor and ceiling beams

It is also necessary to include a beam on logs, beams and other elements in the calculation. Their number depends on the type of rafter system chosen, on the size of the house and some other parameters. Basic provisions:

The standard distance between floor and ceiling beams is 0.8-1 meter, beam dimensions for beams are 100x150 mm. The number of beams per house is calculated as follows: the total length of the building is divided by the step length, one is subtracted from the resulting value. That is, if the length of the building is 10 meters, with a step of 0.9 m, 10 beams will be required: divide 10 by 0.9 and subtract 1.

The standard length of one beam will be 6 meters, which means that 60 linear meters of timber will be required. Since the cross section and length are known, it will not be difficult to calculate the volume: 0.1x60x0.15 \u003d 0.9 cubic meters. m. At the same time, it is advisable to purchase 1 cubic meter, so that under any force majeure circumstances you do not have to buy additional material.

Calculation of the number of timber per truss system

More complex calculations will be required for the rafter system of the house. Most often, ordinary gable roofs are used in suburban construction, and the slope will depend on the type of material chosen.

The larger it is, the less snow will linger, but the load from the wind will increase. Consider the calculation for a standard roof with a slope of 45 degrees.

The standard distance between the rafters is 60 cm; material with a section of 100x150 mm is used for them. At the same time, the smaller the rafter step, the smaller the thickness they can have due to the distribution of loads. Calculations are performed as follows:

Independent calculations take a lot of time, so sometimes it's easier to use a special calculator that can be found on construction sites. The main parameters of the building are driven into the program, after which the main calculation will be performed.

However, it must be remembered that any calculator gives only an approximate result, which must be rounded up. The result of the calculations is multiplied by the average cost of timber in the region: as a result, you can get the approximate cost of building materials for the house.

The correct calculation of the cubic capacity of the timber will allow you to make the most accurate estimate and avoid unnecessary costs. Many construction companies offer a free estimate, and you can compare several options in advance. It is necessary to discuss possible savings options with the architect, then the construction will not require sudden additional costs and will be as effective as possible.

have become especially popular in recent years. Most often, such buildings are erected in holiday villages.

And if earlier a wooden house was considered a summer option, today such complexes are being built for permanent residence. The construction itself can cause some difficulties, for example, the question arises of how to calculate the amount of timber per house.

The unit of measure for both glued laminated timber and edged boards is indicated in cubic meters.

If its width is 15 cm, length is 6 m and height is 10 cm, then the amount of timber can be found by dividing one cubic meter by the volume of the log.

Thus, 11 bars will be obtained from a cubic meter of wood.

For different elements of building construction, you will need a different number of logs.

First you need to determine the desired number of beams on the ceiling and on the floor.

  • Compared to building a cottage from logs, block buildings are easier and faster to build.
  • Wall and ceiling surfaces made of timber can be finished to your taste and preferences, which cannot be done with log houses.
  • The most convenient section of a beam is 15 by 15 cm. This is due to the fact that a beam of this thickness has the most optimal thermal insulation performance, and is also notable for its low cost.
  • The use of profiled beams allows you to build a house that will serve for many years. But it costs relatively more.

To independently calculate the building material, you must use a simple formula:

A * B * C \u003d number of timber, where
A - Wall length
B - Wall width
B - The thickness of the beam

An example of calculating the amount of material for a house measuring 6 by 8 m

  • First of all, you need to calculate the perimeter of everything:
  • Then you should calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls:
    28*2=46 m²
  • The next step is to calculate the number of cubic meters of building material:
    56 m² * 0.15 m = 8.4 m³
    0.15 m - material thickness.

After the calculations, it is necessary to calculate the amount for the construction of the roof roof. To do this, it is necessary to separately calculate the beams, rafters and Mauerlat.

The number of timber for the construction of the Mauerlat is calculated depending on the thickness of the wood. Most often, beams with a section of 15 * 15 cm are used for these purposes.

Such bars must be prepared in the amount of five pieces, since the Mauerlat is built around the entire perimeter of the building.

When independently calculating the amount of wood for the construction of rafters, it is necessary to consult experienced builders or read special literature. This is necessary in order to accurately determine the load of possible precipitation per square meter of the roof.

Depending on the length of the entire roof and rafters, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone surface of the slope is determined, and then the possible load from precipitation on the entire roof is approximately calculated.

The next stage is the calculation of the footage of all rafters.

According to the standard, one meter of the roof must withstand one hundred kilograms of weight.

The minimum distance of the rafters from each other is determined by dividing the largest load by one hundred.

To calculate the appropriate number of rafters themselves, the smallest step is divided by the value of one rafter beam and then further divided by two.

For the construction of the crate, a beam 2.5 cm thick is used. The required amount can be done in the following way:

  • First of all, a suitable amount of wood is determined for the construction of a horizontal strip. It is calculated as follows: the length of the ridge is divided by the length of the beam.
  • The number of bars in units is determined depending on the thickness of the board, the step between them and the length of the slope.
  • Then, using a special table, determine the number of beams for floors.
  • The number of beams for flooring is calculated depending on the width, length and direction of laying the beams: longitudinal or transverse.

When independently calculating the number of logs per house, you can use the services of experienced builders. But if you wish, you can calculate the number on a special calculator.
In this case:

  • building length - 6 m
  • width of the house - 8 m
  • height - 3 m
  • selected beam section - 0.15 m
  • beam length - 6 m

Thus, it turns out that:

  • The length of all walls (perimeter) - 28 m
  • Wall height in beams - 20 pieces
  • The amount of timber required for all walls is 560 meters
  • The volume of one selected timber is 0.14 m³
  • The total amount of wood for the walls - 94 pieces
  • The total volume of the selected timber for the walls is 12.6 m³
  • Wall height in beams - 24 pieces
  • For the construction of all walls, 960 m of timber is required
  • The volume of one selected timber is 0.18 m³
  • The number of selected timber for the walls of the house - 120 pcs
  • The total volume of the selected timber for the walls is 21.6 m³

Thus, in order to build a building measuring 10 by 10 m, it is necessary to prepare a construction wooden beam in the amount of 120 pieces or 21.6 cubic meters.

When building a cottage made of wooden material, one should also take into account the presence of window and door openings - their perimeter and area.

When choosing and buying a wooden beam, you need to consider several factors:

  • Log moisture. You should not choose wood with a wet structure, as the moisture will evaporate over time anyway, and the timber may lose its original shape.
  • Technological scheme for the manufacture of logs - glued or solid timber. The first most durable and reliable option, in addition, it has a high heat-saving index. But its price is comparatively more expensive.
  • External view of the cross section.
  • When building a house or a cottage in which year-round living is planned, it is advisable to use a beam of 20 * 20 cm. Such houses can be insulated with the most common and cheapest - polystyrene foam or mineral wool. If a country house is being built, in which it is planned to live only in the summer season, then wood with a cross section of 10 * 10 cm is suitable. For these purposes, a timber of this thickness is considered the most optimal, as it is able to retain heat on cold days, and in the hot season excellent air permeability.

By making the correct calculations of the required amount of material, you can ensure a quick and easy construction of a house. There will be no situations when you need to think about where to get the missing wood, because in such cases, construction can simply stop while buying the material, or vice versa, where to put the extra logs, which may remain quite a lot.

In any case, before building a house on your own, it is recommended to consult a specialist who can help and suggest how best to make the calculation, what factors and nuances to take into account so as not to be mistaken.

It does not matter whether you have found a decent construction company or decided to make a house out of timber with your own hands - at some stage you just need to calculate the amount of lumber required to build it. What do you need to know for this? Firstly, how much and what kind of timber is needed for the house. Secondly, how much is approximately in one cubic meter. And only then you can carry out a simple calculation of the cost of construction and even draw up an approximate estimate.

We calculate the amount (consumption) of timber per house

Immediately make a reservation that all the calculations below for the amount of timber per house are approximate. More accurate volumes of the required material can be determined based on the specific project of a wooden house. On walls made of timber, the cubature of lumber can be calculated as follows:

  • calculate the perimeter of the house;
  • multiply the perimeter by the height of the floor;
  • we multiply the obtained value by the thickness of the timber used to build the house;
  • as a result, we have the number of cubes that is necessary for the construction of one floor

If, in addition to external walls, the presence of internal partitions (also made of timber) is also implied, then they are additionally taken into account. If desired, you can calculate not only how much timber is needed per house in terms of volume, but also in pieces. To do this, it is enough to divide the resulting volume by the volume of the piece product.

Let's give a specific example: it is necessary to build a small one-story house 5 × 7 m with a simple attic and one partition. Ceiling - 3 m. In this case, a beam with a cross section, for example, 150 × 150 mm, will be used. The pediment will also be laid out of timber. Our calculations will look like this:
- the perimeter of the house, taking into account the length of the partition: (5 + 7)? 2 + 5 \u003d 33 m;
- the volume of the walls of the first floor: 33? 3? 0.15? 15 cubic meters;
- the cubature of the beam that went to the pediment is considered approximately as half of the material required for the construction of two walls 5 m long and 3 m high: 5 × 3 × 0.15 \u003d 2.25 cubic meters.
In total, about 17.25 cubic meters will go to the walls. timber or, taking into account 20% of the stock, about 20 cubic meters. m. material. But it should be understood that here we did not take into account, for example, floor beams made of glued laminated timber (regular or profiled), as well as other design features: window and door openings, for example, on the contrary, will reduce the need for lumber. Therefore, you can safely add 5 cubes. As a result of such approximate calculations, it turns out that the construction of our house will take about 25 cubic meters of timber.

How many timber in a cube

Simple calculations allow not only to calculate the cubic capacity of a beam per house, but also to determine almost the exact number of beams. This is easy to do: it is enough to know the required volume of lumber and the volume of a piece product. It remains only to divide the first by the second - we get how many pieces of beams are needed to build a house. Below we have presented a table in which we examined the most common cross-sectional dimensions with a material length of 6 meters.

Beam dimensions

The size of the timber used in the construction of the house matters, but everything must be approached from the point of view of economic feasibility. It is, for the most part, about the thickness of the walls and the heat-conducting characteristics of the material. Below we will consider the issue of timber thickness in two cases: during the construction of a summer (country) house and a building for permanent residence.

Thickness and width

The width of the beam should worry the developer only if it is planned to permanently live in a house built from it, and even then not always - after all, any wooden wall can be insulated with effective thermal insulation, thereby avoiding losses for "street heating". So, if you plan to build an ordinary country house, then it is quite possible to use a material with a cross section of 100 × 100 mm. Using ordinary unplaned material, you still have to deal with issues with facade cladding and interior decoration, dealing, for the most part, with the problems of the aesthetics of the house. But when building a house for permanent residence, it is better to use a profiled beam with a width of 150 mm or more. In this case, you still have to insulate the walls. As for the thickness, everything is simpler here - it just depends on the number of beams needed to build walls. But, meanwhile, this also affects the number of seams between the crowns. Summarizing the above:

  • the thickness and width of the timber for a country house practically does not matter (for seasonal living in the warm season);
  • for permanent residence, you can choose a material of greater width, but you still have to insulate the walls. And you can save on the cubic capacity of the timber, while relying on high-quality insulation - it will turn out cheaper and more efficiently in terms of reducing heat losses

So, in order to build a really warm house only from a bar, the thickness of its walls for the Moscow region should be about half a meter. The same effect will be when using a beam 150 × 150 and 10-15 cm of thermal insulation.

Please note that not all manufacturers and sellers of lumber are honest with their customers: you can often encounter a situation where the dimensions of the beam section are less than those indicated. For example, a bar 150x200 actually turns out to be a material with dimensions of 140x190 or even less. Be sure to check the actual parameters of the timber before buying! This will help you not to get into a mess, save money and nerves!

Estimate for a house from a bar

Before you decide on the choice of a construction company that will build your house, you should start monitoring offers. How to determine the most cost-effective option? Everything is very simple - request an estimate for a house made of timber according to the selected standard or individual project. In such an estimate, ALL costs associated with the construction of the house must be indicated. This includes the cost of all building materials, and in fact, the payment for the implementation of all types of construction work.

Having chosen several construction companies that you liked, you should request an estimate for a house made of timber. Normal companies offer them for free. It is noteworthy that for different companies, estimates for the same buildings can differ not only by 10-20%, but also at times - it all depends on the appetites of the builders. It is advisable to have on hand the most detailed list of works and materials required for building a house according to your project. This is the only way you can avoid unforeseen expenses that usually pop up already at the stage of building a house.

If desired, an estimate for the house can be compiled independently: for this, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of all materials and multiply their quantity by the average price. To this, you will have to add an amount of approximately 50-100% of the cost of building materials - the price of work. You will get a very approximate calculation of the cost of a house made of timber, but it can be used to analyze offers from specialized companies.

Many people think about building a country house, but most people postpone it until tomorrow due to ignorance of how to calculate the amount of timber per house. Why? Yes, because the counting process itself is not free, and no one wants to pay for something that may not be realized.

Let's try with you to understand how to correctly calculate the amount of this product for construction yourself.

Calculation of a product for the construction of a building

Factors that affect the numbers

The main thing to consider when calculating the amount of material per house is:

  • what type of timber will be used in construction;
  • how much we need;
  • how many pieces in 1 cubic meter;
  • what .

Calculation of lumber in cubic meters

Let's consider how to calculate the amount of timber in a cube in the simplest way, we can say that this is the basic principle of calculations. It should be noted that the above example is not exact. To draw more accurate figures, you need to have a project of the future home.

So, attention instruction:

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the building.
  2. Multiply the perimeter by the height.
  3. The result obtained is multiplied by the thickness of the product.
  4. As a result, the result of the number of cubes of timber required for the construction of the building is obtained.

To calculate the product for interior walls, we use the same method. If desired, you can calculate not only the cubature of the material, but also its quantity in pieces. Consider a separate example of how to calculate the amount of timber per bath 3 m by 5 m 3 m high.

We agree that the size of 150 by 150 mm will be used during construction.


  • (3 width + 5 length) × 2 = 30 m - the perimeter of the building.
  • 30 perimeter × 3 height = 90 sq.m - wall area.
  • 90 area × 0.15 material thickness = 13.5 cubic meters - needed to build a box from a 3 × 5 beam 3 m high.

Thus, the amount of timber for the walls is 13.5 cubic meters. But, it should be noted that window and door openings will reduce the amount of material used.

In most cases, the masters do not take this moment into account, it is believed that it would be even better to throw about 20% on the stock, as a result, we will get:

  • 13.5 + 20% = 16.2 cubic meters will be required for this type of building.

When building a house from a bar, the first crown should be slightly thicker than the main product used to build walls.
In our calculation, it is not taken into account, it must be calculated separately.
The first crown is laid from a thicker one, since in the future the mass of the whole house will fall on it, it is additionally recommended to treat it with machine oil or an antiseptic.

Calculation in pieces

By calculating how many cubes of lumber for building a house, you can easily find out how much timber is needed in pieces. This is the first thing you need when buying. Knowing the exact number of pieces, you will protect yourself from possible fraud by the seller.

Consider a table of common sizes for this 6m long product:

100x100 1 PC. - 0.06 cube 16.67 pcs. cubed
100x150 1 PC. - 0.09 cube 11.11 pcs. cubed
150x150 1 PC. - 0.135 cube 7.41 pcs. cubed
100x200 1 PC. - 0.12 cube 8.33 pcs. cubed
150x200 1 PC. - 0.18 cube 5.56 pcs. cubed
200x200 1 PC. - 0.24 cube 4.17 pcs cubed

In the above example, where we indicated the cubature of the beam for the bath, we will carry out a further calculation of materials in pieces.

So, in order to find out the amount of material per house in pieces, we carry out the following calculation, for this the amount of 13.5 cubic meters, which is needed to build a bath, we divide by the cubic volume of the used timber, in our case it is equal to 0.135 cubic meters based on the table :

  • 13.5: 0.135 = 100 pcs

Knowing the correct quantity of the product in pieces, you will not have to run around with a tape measure and calculate the volume when buying to find out if you received the material according to the invoice correctly, you will only need to count the product by the piece.

The role of the height and thickness of the material

Before calculating the quantity, you need to decide on the choice of thickness and height of the product.

The material can have different thicknesses and heights, we list the main dimensions:

  • 100x100 mm.
  • 100x150 mm.
  • 150x150 mm.
  • 150x200 mm.
  • 200x200 mm.

With a height, everything is simple, the higher the beam, the fewer interventional seams - construction work is faster, and naturally, the number of pieces of material for building a house decreases. But the width is more important, especially when building for all-season living.

Not all lumber manufacturers are honest with the buyer, sometimes it happens that a 150x150 mm beam actually has a size of 140x140 mm.
It’s not difficult to guess what this will lead to, if a beam of 150x150 mm in size is needed for a height of 3 meters, 20 pieces, then with a size of 140x140 mm - 21 pieces and a half, and this is one and a half crown rows.

When planning year-round living in the house, it is recommended to use a beam with a thickness of 200 mm. It is necessary to insulate such walls, but for our climate, such as polystyrene foam or mineral wool 10 cm thick is enough.

When building a bath, it is recommended to use a material thickness of 150 mm, it is quite enough to maintain the temperature for a short time. Well, if you decide to build a country house for a summer holiday, then in this case, the walls of a 100x100 mm beam will be just right.

During the construction of a wooden house, in which it is not planned to live all year round, the thickness of the timber is not important.
After all, such a building is needed only for short-term use and mainly in the spring-autumn period.

Pay attention!
Despite the large thickness of the product, you still have to insulate the walls.
Indeed, in order for the house to fully fulfill its thermal insulation properties, the thickness of the walls should be about 50 cm.

Why do you need a house project

When calculating the material for building a house, the design of the house itself plays an important role. After all, only in the finished project you can see not only the appearance of the building, but also the internal arrangement of walls and elements that need additional calculation of the necessary material.

You can get a project of a wooden house in different ways:

  • do it yourself;
  • order from a specialist;
  • buy a finished project;
  • buy on the Internet;
  • find on the internet.

It is possible to make a project at home with your own hands, but it is difficult, since you must have special knowledge. And the point here is not only to draw a future house, you need to take into account the specifics of the climate, soil, air humidity and other points.

The most correct decision is to order a project from a specialist, the price for such services is not cheap, but this is the best option, the specialist will take into account all your wishes and the possibilities of the area. This will protect against many possible troubles, and will also have someone to ask if problems arise.

Do not buy projects on the Internet from unverified persons, most often they sell those projects that are posted on the Internet for public use.


By making the right calculations, you will ensure an easy construction for yourself. There will be no need to think later - where to put extra products or, worse, suspend construction due to their shortage.

If you still have any questions, watch the video in this article, you will not only learn how to calculate the timber on the calculator, but also be able to calculate the approximate cost of the future home. You definitely will not have any doubts about your ability to calculate the material with your own hands.

A wooden house has a special attraction. In addition to excellent aesthetics, it has many other advantages, which explains the growing popularity of this type of housing. Preliminarycalculation of a house from a bar will help you accurately determine the upcoming costs and assess your financial capabilities for such a construction.

Calculation of the roof in a house from a bar

Types of materials for wooden buildings

Before making a calculation of a wooden building, it is necessary to decide what material to choose for it. Currently, developers are offered the following lumber for this:

  1. ordinary (sawn) and profiled timber from solid wood;
  2. ordinary and profiled laminated timber;
  3. calibrated (rounded) log.

These are the main lumber used in the construction of wooden buildings, but profiled laminated timber is considered the best among them. Its advantages are:

  1. minimum residual moisture in the range of 10–18%, practically excluding shrinkage and deformation of wood;
  2. ideal shape and exact linear dimensions of the material, which extremely simplifies and facilitates the assembly of the building;
  3. increased strength in comparison with a similar bar made of solid wood;
  4. no need for additional sealing of the seams between the bars.

These characteristics do not greatly affect the total amount of material for the construction of the building - except that the timber consumption will be slightly lower due to the reduction of waste losses.

Anyway preliminary calculation of a house from a bar at the design stage of the building will allow you to optimize the cost of future construction in terms of quantity and cost of material. In order to correctly calculate the consumption of timber, logs at the first stage, it is necessary to carefully prepare the project of the building and complete its detailing, taking into account the layout, dimensions, places for window and door openings.

General principles for calculating lumber for wooden houses

To calculate the total amount of lumber for a wooden building, you need to divide this procedure into three stages - according to the number of main structural parts of any building. Calculation of a house from a bar made with the following elements in mind:

  1. walls and partitions;
  2. floors;
  3. truss frame.

For each of the named parts of the building, calculations are made, taking into account the purpose of each element. For example, a wall and an internal partition that are outwardly similar are assembled from a beam of different sections, so the amount of material for structures of the same size can vary by more than twice.

Calculation of materials for walls and partitions

Walls and partitions made of timber or logs form a log house. These are the main load-bearing structures of the building, and the walls, in addition, are responsible for its thermal insulation. You can calculate the amount of lumber for walls and partitions using the following algorithm:

1.​ Walls are measured along the outer perimeter and height of the building. The minimum cross-sectional size of a beam for a permanent residence is at least 150x150 mm. In this case, the width of the timber for the first (lower) crown should be greater than for subsequent rows.

2. The volume of material in cubic meters is converted into pieces, based on the overall size of the timber. The resulting amount is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

3. The volume occupied by window and door openings is subtracted from the total amount of material.

4. For piers (partitions) and houses of seasonal residence, a bar with a section of 100x100 mm is quite enough.

Fulfilling preliminary calculation of a house from a bar, start with the optimal wall thickness - this is 200-250 mm. This value guarantees proper thermal insulation, and the walls will not need additional insulation.

If you choose a calibrated log for a log house, then its diameter must be at least 220–260 mm. When calculating a wooden bath, the thickness of the walls from a beam in the range of 125–150 mm or from a log with a diameter of 200–240 mm is considered normal.

Developers who do not have enough experience may need help to draw up a building project, calculate the amount of materials. The easiest way to find it is on the Internet. Here you can buy a finished project, get help in the form of advice on the forums from people who have already put up a log house with their own hands. However, the scope of work on building a wooden house is not limited to the construction of walls.

Calculation of materials for floors

Ceiling and basement ceilings form the volume of rooms (rooms). Their basis is wooden beams, which are based on the foundation and load-bearing walls. To calculate the required amount of material for floors, the following requirements should be followed:

  1. the step width between adjacent beams should not exceed one meter;
  2. the optimal cross-sectional size of the beams is 100x150 mm;
  3. extreme beams should be adjacent to the walls along the entire length;
  4. the number of beams, depending on the orientation of their laying, is determined as follows: the length or width of the building must be divided by the step value specified in the project and subtract one unit.

To do it right calculation of a house from a bar from the point of view of the strength of the floors, the operating load of the building should be known or predicted. So it will be possible not to lay down excessive strength characteristics of the beams, saving a decent amount on this.

Beams in a timber house

Where calculations of load-bearing structures are required, it is best to take the help of specialists. This is indispensable when implementing an individual project. The cost of design services is not so significant as not to consider such an option for preparing the construction of your own housing.

Ceilings in the house from a bar

Calculation of materials for the truss frame

arrangement of the roof in the house from a bar

Unlike walls and ceilings, the truss frame has a three-dimensional configuration. Therefore, it is much more difficult to calculate it. In addition, it consists of many parts of different sizes, it uses other materials besides timber. The roof design should take into account the following factors:

  1. operational and wind loads;
  2. type and slope of the roof;
  3. type of roofing material and so on.

Fulfilling preliminary calculation of a house from a bar at the design stage of the roof, we must not forget that when building a roof, a bar of different sections is necessarily used. The step width between the rafters should not exceed 70 cm. The ridge beam and Mauerlats have the largest section. The truss frame must ensure the presence of roof overhangs, etc.

In this case, you will need the help of specialists more than ever. For example, you can buy a ready-made house plan from timber or logs to customize it to suit your needs. The main advantage of such a solution is to eliminate the risk of errors, which can be much more expensive than the payment for the received service.

In the calculation of the roof, it is also necessary to include the crate of the truss frame. It can be solid and lattice, depending on the chosen roofing material. Since window and door blocks are most often bought ready-made, this preliminary calculation of a house from a bar can be considered complete. You just have to put the draft notes in order to proceed to the purchase of the necessary materials.

In order for your project to take on the proper form, you must complete calculation of a house from a bar finalization of its results. In the language of professionals, this is called the preparation of a material specification. This document allows you to control the amount of lumber in the range and the total cost of their purchase. The specification is made in the following order:

  1. the volume of materials in cubic meters is summarized according to the main parameters, such as the cross-section and types of timber, width, thickness and length of the boards;
  2. lumber is converted into pieces, which greatly simplifies the procurement process and makes it easy to control their quantity and assortment.

We want to note that the typical dimensions of timber, logs, boards have multiple values. You must take this circumstance into account when drafting a project. Otherwise, significant waste losses are inevitable. In other words, the dimensions of the log house should be measured in numbers of the same order as standard materials. All the information necessary for this can be found in GOST 8486-86, GOST 24454-80 and other regulatory documents for woodworking.

Final stage calculation of a house from a bar with the preparation of a material specification for the quantity and cost of lumber, it will provide you with indispensable assistance in assessing your own capabilities. At this stage, you can still make changes to the project: for example, reduce the cost of it or, conversely, use better and more expensive materials.

The main properties of wood: useful information

By implementing calculation of a house from a bar, the main characteristics of wood should be taken into account. This will ensure a rational choice of materials and will allow you to perform a number of other important calculations (for example, when constructing the foundation of a house). Among the main properties and characteristics of lumber can be called:

  1. residual moisture: it is not recommended to use wood with a moisture content of more than 23% in construction;
  2. density - this parameter directly affects the strength of the material and the weight of the building;
  3. resistance to moisture, rotting, insects - harms fir trees and other external factors.

In the aggregate of all the features, glued beams are best suited for walls. It has the lowest possible residual moisture, and, thanks to its multilayer structure, it is superior in strength to analogs made from solid wood of any species. In addition, glued lumber is usually treated with antiseptics and flame retardants.

For walls and partitions, we recommend using profiled timber. It is significantly more expensive, but these costs will be fully compensated by reducing the time of work, the cost of finishing, insulation and other costs that are inevitable when using lower quality materials. Now you can safely start building.