What are the system of plastic windows. Window types. What are the windows. Wooden window profile

Plastic window profiles are already an obligatory part of new buildings and the primary task of repairing apartments in old houses. Our review information will be useful both for people who do not know how to choose plastic windows for an apartment, and for owners of old-style windows who care about the warmth and environmental friendliness of their homes.

To understand the range of existing plastic profiles and choose the best, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification into types of plastic windows according to certain criteria.

Of course, for colder climates, such as northern regions, you should set a profile with three or four cameras. Accordingly, the more chambers, the stronger the effect of thermal insulation.

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Criteria for choosing plastic windows: tips
You have decided to install plastic windows in your apartment. What models and designs to choose? Where to begin? Below are tips for choosing plastic windows. In such cases, they begin by solving the following ...

difference in shape

The choice of a variety of plastic windows for this property depends on the design and design features of the wall in which it is mounted.

  • Rectangular. This is the most popular type that is built into residential and office buildings. They are also the cheapest type among their counterparts.
  • Trapezoidal.
  • triangular;
  • Arched and other possible options of greater complexity, made to order.

In addition to all the listed classifications, you can also choose windows in which the glass will not be ordinary, but shockproof. When broken, the glass shatters into many small rounded fragments that do not have sharp edges.

One of the features of this type is the energy-saving properties of plastic double-glazed windows. Their essence is that the profile glass, covered with a special film that reflects light in the infrared wavelength range, does not transmit heat energy from the room to the outside.

It is possible to order not standard white plastic, but some original types of profiles, because now there is a wide choice of dyes added to plastic, or films imitating a wooden texture with veins and knots.

Video tips for choosing


There are several types of plastic windows and a large number of models. Often it is because of the variety that the buyer has problems when choosing.

The main types of PVC products

On sale you can find varieties that differ not only in the frame material, shape, color, but also in the properties of the double-glazed window. The frame can be made of PVC, this material is the most common, aluminum or wood is less common.

Radical differences can be in the design. For example, windows differ in the way they open, they can be hinged or sliding, and there are also blind structures that do not open. On sale there are paired, single, separate types. Double-glazed windows can have one or more air chambers filled with air or argon. Another striking difference is the shape of the windows.

Choice of sash, frame

The sash is a movable element. It is set in motion through the use of fittings. Whatever types of plastic windows are installed in the house, at least a few of them must be able to open. This is necessary for regular ventilation of the room.

Thanks to the selected one, it is possible to achieve that the window sash leans back, moves or swings open. Some designs can rotate around a horizontal, less often vertical axis. The sash can open in any direction, which is convenient if you are limited in space or indoor furniture is close to the window.

It does not have this ability. It is devoid of a sash and fittings as a whole. Such a window can be used in conjunction with others that can be ventilated. It is not recommended to put several blind windows in one room without equipping it with opening structures. Plastic models do not allow air to pass through, and it will be stuffy in the room, and condensation may begin to accumulate. For health, it is important that fresh air is regularly supplied to the room.

Different types of PVC windows may have different characteristics: for example, structures often have different widths of the glass unit. When choosing a window, it is worth paying special attention to this criterion. It is not worth overpaying for too thick double-glazed windows if you live in a relatively mild climate and a quiet place; if there is a serious minus on the street or the windows overlook a noisy highway, you should think about installing the thickest double-glazed window. It should be noted that the glass itself can be ordinary, tempered or armored. These parameters affect its strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

PVC windows, the types of which are the most diverse, can be a universal solution for any room.

The window is one of the main elements of any room, affecting the creation of coziness and comfort. Most people understand these concepts as a bright, warm room in which peace and quiet reign. However, this effect can be achieved only with the help of a high-quality window that does not let street noise into the room and does not release heat into the street.

The most popular designs are plastic windows. In connection with the development of popularity, many varieties of plastic windows have been developed.

Plastic windows have a number of advantages - low cost, resistance to moisture and other natural phenomena, no need for additional care. To choose a truly reliable and convenient window, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of available designs.

What is a plastic window made of?

  1. A frame is an element that is attached to a window opening in a building wall. It completely repeats the shape of the opening, so the frame is made individually in accordance with the shape and size of the window opening. The frame is made of metal-plastic profile.
  2. The sash is the movable part of the window, attached to the frame by means of hinged canopies. One window can have several sashes. It depends on the individual preferences of the customer.
  3. A double-glazed window is several glasses arranged parallel to each other and hermetically fastened together. Double-glazed windows are inserted into the frame and sashes of the window. The number of glasses and their thickness is selected individually, depending on the preferences of the customer. There are single, double and triple glazing.
  4. Glazing beads are plastic strips that hold double-glazed windows in the seats of the frame and sashes.
  5. - these are mechanisms for opening and closing window sashes (hinges, locks, handles, etc.).
  6. Window seals seal the joints between window structural elements.

All plastic windows consist of the listed elements, however, their individual design, quality and physical characteristics make it possible to create windows that are radically different from each other.

Main technical characteristics of plastic windows

The reliability and functionality of the window is made up of the technical features of each individual element. There are standard ready-made window sets for those who do not understand the features of their design.

But you can arrange all the elements at your discretion, and for this you need to understand the features and varieties of components.

The metal-plastic profile is a reinforced PVC, from which the supporting frame of the window (frame and sashes) is created. The main technical characteristics of the profile: heat transfer, profile width and the number of chambers in it.

Metal-plastic profile parameters:

  1. Chambers are partitions inside a metal-plastic profile, each chamber has its own purpose. The most common is the three-section profile. One section gives rigidity to the structure, the second carries out the outflow of condensate, the third is needed for fastening the fittings. However, there are four, five and six-chamber profiles. The number of chambers directly affects the thermal conductivity of the window frame, because each section is filled with air, and it is a poor conductor of heat.
  2. Increasing the width of the profile makes it possible to increase the air gap in the chambers, and also makes it possible to install thicker glasses and double-glazed windows, and this, in turn, provides more reliable protection against external noise and heat leakage.
  3. Heat transfer is a value that characterizes the profile, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the design.

double glazing

A double-glazed window is several connected glasses that create air chambers between themselves. It can be single, double or triple. The glasses themselves can also have different thicknesses.

Double-glazed windows are of various types:

  1. – the inner glass is covered with silver atoms, which ensures the reflection of heat from the radiators and reduces heat loss.
  2. covered with light-absorbing material.
  3. Impact-resistant double-glazed windows are treated with a special resin, which increases their strength.

How does changing the parameters of glass affect the reliability of the window:

  1. The number of glasses in a double-glazed window provides better thermal and sound insulation. However, a large number of glasses with strong noise can get into resonance from vibration, which is a source of noise and destruction of the window structure.
  2. The thickness of the glass in a double-glazed window directly affects the thermal conductivity and sound insulation of the window. The thicker the glass, the better the insulating properties.
Triplex has the best insulating properties - this is ordinary glass coated with a special transparent film that increases the strength of the glass and other physical characteristics.

Types of plastic windows

There are several types of plastic windows that differ in certain characteristics:

  1. Window shape. This parameter is determined by the shape and size of the window opening. There are round, square, triangular and other windows.
  2. The color of the window is also determined by the individual preferences of the customer. The most common colors are white, brown and other colors that mimic expensive woods.
  3. The type of sash opening is selected individually. There are the following types of opening: folding (fanlight), rotary (traditional), tilt-and-turn (complex) and spool (type of closing "sash in the sash"), sliding, rotary-sliding. A window can also be without shutters at all - a blind window.

Swivel opening of the window is carried out by vertical canopies. The disadvantage of this method is that the sash has a large span (takes up a lot of space) and there is no possibility of adjusting the air flow - the window can swing open under the pressure of the wind.

The hinged mechanism allows you to slightly open the sash, slightly tilting it - this ensures smooth ventilation of the room, while the window is almost closed.

Tilt and turn plastic windows are equipped with a mechanism that allows you to open the window in two different ways - traditional and hinged.

The sash-to-sash slat opening provides a large open space when both sashes are open.

Sliding windows move on rollers along the plane of the window (as in a closet). This mechanism has an excellent advantage - saving space.

Tilt-sliding windows open a little on themselves, and then move to the side. This option is much more convenient than the traditional opening.

What design of a plastic window is the most reliable

The most reliable plastic window is considered to be a design that provides the best thermal and noise insulation. If you have an unlimited budget and use every opportunity to improve the characteristics of the window, then you can assemble the following design:

  1. Use a six-chamber metal-plastic window profile with a width of 90 mm for the supporting structure of the window.
  2. Insert a triple-glazed window into the profile, the chambers of which are filled with an inert gas to improve the insulating properties of the window. For even greater insulation, you can use triplex, energy-saving and tinted glass.
  3. Install sashes with a complex mechanism that allows you to open the window in a hinged and rotary way. If you need to save space, you can install a sliding sash.
  4. It is better to choose a plastic window among the most famous brands: Veka, KBE, Rehau, etc.
Even the best plastic window will not be reliable and durable if installed incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to contact a well-known company that employs qualified specialists.

Some features that should be considered when arranging the design of a plastic window:

  1. If you increase the number of chambers in the profile, then you must definitely increase its width, if this is not done, then the desired insulating effect will not be achieved. For example, for a three-chamber profile, the optimal width is 60 mm, for a six-chamber profile, 90 mm.
  2. To increase the sound insulation of double-glazed windows, but avoid vibrational resonance, you need to alternate the thickness of the glasses. For example, the thickness of the outer glass is taken equal to 8 mm, and the next glass - 4 mm, and so on.
  3. The fittings of the window should ensure a snug fit of the sashes to the frame and provide the possibility of adjustment.

During window operation, most of the heat escapes through the glass surface and not through the frame, so there is not much point in installing an expensive six-chamber profile. And in the case of a double-glazed window, it is better to install a two-chamber version with alternating glass thickness, but increase the distance between the glasses.

If you stock up on information, then it will not be difficult to make a reliable choice of a plastic window. The main advisers for choosing high-quality and durable products are certificates and technical specifications. After all, sellers can embellish the benefits of the product.