How to build a toilet with your own hands drawings. Toilet house for a summer residence

    Price \u003d 22,000 rubles.

    STROY NES-AB has managed to win the trust of its customers, because we first of all take into account all your wishes when planning and designing any of the buildings: a cottage, a country house, a module or a garden toilet

    Price -16 000 rubles.

    We present to your attention great news - a promotion from construction company OOO "STROY NESAB-n"! For all customers, when placing an order for the construction of a garden toilet house No. 2, we will manufacture and install a locker (seat with an opening lid) absolutely free of charge!!!

    Price -15 000 rub.

    The specialists of STROY NES-AB claim that that happiness is to see the toilet and have time to run to it . We invite you to take advantage of our unique garden houses toilet type, because the language does not turn to call our creations - village toilets

    Price \u003d 38,500 rubles.

    The subject of special pride of the company STROY NES-AB is the appearance of the manufactured products. The specialists of our company constantly study and study the construction market in order to identify latest developments various finishing materials. We are HAPPY to surprise you!

    Price \u003d 50,000 rubles.

    Due to your numerous requests, we have made a unique toilet house No. 5, taking into account your wishes. We remind you that we provide the opportunity to make your own proposals to this project, well, and our specialists will finalize your ideas and dreams, and bring them into line with technical standards and safety rules.

    Price \u003d 55,000 rubles.

    Any construction is a painstaking process, requiring special professional skills, experience, implying maximum responsibility for the quality of the erected building. All buildings manufactured by STROY NES-AB are bright, beautiful, versatile and multifunctional. We are happy to work for you!

    Price - 20,000 rubles.

    The only panel products manufactured by STROY NES-AB are incredibly cute and positive toilet houses that can be transported with shields or in ready-made. When buying a toilet with shields, you assemble it yourself - it's very simple.

    Price = 35,000 rubles.

    Garden toilet houses from the company STROY NES-AB fulfill not only their intended purpose, but are also a wonderful decoration for your summer cottage or suburban area. We remind you that our experts can make for you any design of the toilet house, adding any options to it.

    Price - 33,000 rubles.

    STROY NES-AB offers you various booths for remote and latrines various styles and shapes. The parts are connected with self-tapping screws and nails. For an additional fee for protection against atmospheric influences booths are impregnated with protective antiseptics

    Price - 30,000 rubles.

    We remind you that in order for your country toilet to be reliable and stable, and not be blown away by gusts of wind, it is necessary to securely fix the bottom of the building. Please don't forget about foundation blocks(200 rubles per 1 piece), because it is necessary to install the structure approximately 20 centimeters above the ground level.

    Price \u003d 22,000 rubles.

    Mankind is developing by leaps and bounds, and strives to make its life as easy and convenient as possible. Comfort surrounds us everywhere, we are so used to it that we do not notice it. Therefore, the very first and simple building on a summer cottage should be a detached small house.

    Price=34 000 rub.

    It is worth paying attention to several conditions for choosing suitable place: It is best to place it in a corner. Of course, you can put it in the middle of the site, but it will be inconvenient first of all for you and your guests, since there is a high probability that the wind will carry a “pleasant” aroma

    Price=15 000 rub.

    Please note that door block must always open outward, otherwise the entrance to the building will be difficult and problematic. Give your attention and light window to avoid having to turn on the lights during the day. The economy must be economical

    Price \u003d 28,000 rubles.

    From the above, it turns out that, ideally, the toilet in the country should be located in a place where it does not draft much, but always in the direction of the prevailing side of the wind and away from prying eyes. Especially if your site is not surrounded by a solid fence and all your country life is visible at a glance.

    Price \u003d 15,000 rubles.

    Please note that when choosing a location for installation country toilet, it is imperative to take into account the factor that the wooden toilet must have access to the sewer machine, otherwise you will have to clean the toilet manually, which we would not like very much

    Price = 25,000 rubles.

    Pay SPECIAL attention to excavation cesspool. Its depth should not exceed several meters. It doesn’t make much sense to do it more and deeper, since you will clean it in further operation. Special attention must be paid to the bottom of the pit

    Price \u003d 22,000 rubles.

    The bottom of the cesspool without fail it is necessary to fill it with a mixture of sand and gravel, or you can even completely concrete it. This procedure is necessary for a standard cottage toilet so that waste does not enter the soil

    Price \u003d 30,000 rubles.

    If you wish to purchase a bright and stylish design, then toilet number 18, this is really what you need. Toilet house No. 18 is a separate wooden structure, which is produced only from high-quality and natural wood

    Price \u003d 15,000 rubles.

    Toilet No. 19 is practically the standard reference for a toilet house. It has everything: a combination of practicality, individual style, rationality of use, budgetary cost. Made from wood conifers. Assembly is carried out both independently and with the help of STROY NES-AB specialists.

    Price \u003d 35,000 rubles.

    Still don't have a charming toilet house on your property? So, it's time, right now, to place an order with STROY NESAB-N. After placing an order, in just a couple of days you will not have to puzzle over how to equip your country life and solve all the basic human needs

    Price=23 000 rub.

    Toilet summer house No. 21 with a funny appearance, a beautiful gable roofing system perfect addition to your suburban area. Emphasize some notes of charm, individuality and, of course, style. This model is made from softwood.

    Price=15 000 rub.

    Your attention is invited to an excellent toilet house number 22. Despite the simplicity and conciseness of the project, its external image will emphasize the individuality of your garden plot, and will become a worthy and multifunctional decoration. We are happy to pamper you!

    Price \u003d 16,000 rubles.

    The company "STROY NES-AB" offers you to purchase toilet houses for reasonable price. We guarantee that the assortment produced by our company will please you. Size range - any. You choose any model you like, and we collect according to the size range you need

    Price \u003d 15,000 rubles.

    Pay attention to this charming and original toilet house No. 24. Its main advantage is reliability, strength, solidity and orgonomics. It is worth noting the factor that it will certainly decorate any garden plot, as well as the territory of a country house.

    Price \u003d 10,000 rubles.

    Toilet house No. 25 is not only a combination of maximum simplicity and practicality, but, of course, reliability and know-how of appearance. This model is made from softwood. Assembly is carried out by the specialists of the company STROY NES-AB or independently

    Price = 12,000 rubles.

    It is practically the standard shield house for the toilet. It has everything: a combination of practicality, individual style, rationality of use, budget cost. Made from coniferous wood. Assembly is carried out both independently and for an additional fee.

    Price \u003d 15,000 rubles.

    Attractive and nice external design of the toilet house No. 27 will not leave indifferent any purchaser and, of course, will become worthy decoration Your suburban area! Simplicity, conciseness - two characteristic guides of this design solution

    Price \u003d 40,500 rubles.

    The company STROY NES-AB is pleased to offer you a huge variety of buildings. First of all, it is worth noting the non-standard approach of our designers to the creation of buildings. All products presented on the site are unique, as comfortable as possible, and are made in just 1-3 days.

    Price \u003d 50,000 rubles.

    Charming toilet house No. 29 is a stylish outbuilding designed to meet domestic sanitary needs. All buildings manufactured by STROY NES-AB will give you a lot of positive and joy, excellent and sunny mood. We are happy to pamper you!!!

    Price \u003d 50,500 rubles.

    Thanks to own production and qualified employees, we have the opportunity to reduce production costs, and you can buy a toilet house much cheaper than before. It is worth noting the fact that thanks to our experience and a well-coordinated team, we will relieve you of the worries associated with delivery, installation

    Price \u003d 35,000 rubles.

    Toilet house No. 31 is typical variant hut, with a funny appearance, beautiful and stylish design solution will perfectly complement your suburban area. Emphasize some notes of charm, individuality and, of course, style. This model is made from softwood.

    Price \u003d 13,500 rubles.

    We present to your attention a miniature toilet house. Please note that the reduced weight of this structure shortens the cycle foundation works to a minimum, which, of course, has a positive effect on the time and cost of construction. 4 blocks and the foundation is ready!!!

    Price \u003d 15,000 rubles.

    Do you need budget decision to make everything comfortable summer time out of town, but at the same time do not want to acquire wretched and typical buildings? We bring to your attention a panel toilet house No. 30, which will become great solution this question.

    Price = 12,000 rubles.

    If you love your dacha and stay in the garden, then you assume the seasonal operation of the toilet building. Toilet house No. 34 is a building quite suitable for these purposes. And it is made from quality wood, but sold at a reasonable and budget price

    Price \u003d 15,000 rubles.

    If you want to purchase a bright and stylish design, then the toilet house No. 35 is really what you need. It is a separate wooden structure, which is made only from high-quality and natural wood. Any size range. Complete set. We are happy to pamper you!

Everyone knows what a toilet is for. The oldest of them was found during excavations in the Mohendhjo-Daro fortress located in Pakistan. The age of this building, as archaeologists, is 5000 years. Today's toilets are not much different from those used by our ancestors, except that modern materials and technology has made privacy more comfortable.

Most happy owners suburban areas face a problem toilet in the country. People are accustomed to the benefits of modern civilization and do not want to give them up in the bosom of nature. And first questions, that come before them are:

  • how to choose a place for a toilet;
  • what type of toilet to choose;
  • how to build it.

In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Before proceeding with the construction of the toilet, it is necessary decide on a place where we will build this important building. In doing so, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the place should be chosen at least 30 meters from the well or well;
  • if the site has a slope, then the toilet is located below the wells and wells;
  • when constructing a cesspool should be considered depth and rise ground water, with a depth of more than three meters, it is recommended to use a backlash closet, otherwise a powder closet.

play closet

This type of toilet is chosen if the distance to groundwater is more than three meters and it is possible to clean the septic tank with the help of sewage machines. The advantage of this choice is the ability to place the toilet in the house itself or an extension.

The disadvantage of this design is the need to constantly monitor for the filling level of the septic tank, for timely cleaning, and check its integrity. If not done on time cleaning works waste can poison a well or well located nearby, so that this does not happen, it is recommended to have a cesspool at least 30 meters from water sources. Another disadvantage of this design is the need to insulate the cesspool in winter time, or if you do not plan to use it with the onset of frost, then it should be completely cleaned.

The main differences between rest rooms of this type from their brethren are:

  1. Sealed pit, allows waste not to soak into the ground. For this, the walls and bottom of the septic tank pour concrete as a whole structure. Or they buy ready-made plastic caissons, by the way, average cost a septic tank for 1500 liters is about 25,000 rubles, 2000 liters - 38,000 rubles.
  2. The septic tank must be equipped ventilation pipe . It is desirable that the pit has heating, this will avoid freezing in winter frosts.
  3. Cesspool should close cover or hatch. To avoid freezing, the cover is made double. Thermal insulation is laid between them.
  4. For ease of cleaning, the floor in the pit is made oblique. Tilt is recommended to be done in opposite side from the house.


The main problem in the construction of a play closet is in the arrangement of a cesspool. Based on this, the construction begins with it. The main work in the construction of this important part is divided into several stages:

peat toilet

Powder closet or peat toilet differs from the previous species in the absence of a cesspool. Instead, it is attached under the toilet seat waterproof container, which must be cleaned as it is filled. This view resembles an ordinary home toilet, and is the forerunner of the dry closet booths familiar to urban residents, only the role of water in cistern here performs peat, and sewer pipes are replaced sealed container. Such a toilet can be installed even in the house.

The toilet house can be any type pyramidal, trapezoidal, square, with several compartments, with outbuildings.

If you want to place powder lozet on your site, then you need to select a house for it with a wide base so that a peat box can be installed in it. If you need Summer shower, then you can build a house with two private rooms - one for the shower, the other for the toilet.

it practical solution useful for those who do not have a central sewer system.

As a rule, houses for toilets are built rectangular shape with single slope or gable roof. For construction you will need:

  • sheets of plywood or lining;
  • timber 50 × 50;
  • Styrofoam;
  • slate, roofing material or any other material for the roof;
  • saw, planer, nails or self-tapping screws.

Building a toilet house

Lavatory set on a strapping of beams, treated with an antiseptic solution. Strapping elements are interconnected lock connection"in half a tree" and additionally fastened with nails.

The strap dimensions should fit to size cesspool, if present, or the dimensions of the future house.

Also, a frame is made from a bar. It's a must reinforce with scarves and internal braces.

At a height of 40-50 centimeters they cut two cross bars later they will serve as the basis of the toilet seat. If you plan to use the toilet in the future, then they are optional.

The base of the structure is the floor. It is made of boards with a thickness of 40 millimeters. treated with an antiseptic. Leave a hole under the locker. In the corners, grooves are cut to the size of the racks so that there are no gaps. Above racks pull together between themselves, crossbars, struts and crossbars will also add rigidity to the frame elements of the roof.

After assembling the frame needs to be sheathed. Almost any material is suitable for this: wooden or plastic lining, corrugated board, slate or other material, but traditional wood gives this structure the most deserving kind.

If you have a peat toilet, then in the back, you need to make a door to remove impurities.

for the roof choose the material with which all other buildings are covered, so as not to distinguish the closet from the overall composition.

for door we make a frame and stitch it up. We hang it on two loops. We choose the closing mechanism at our discretion. It can be: a hook, a latch, a latch or a latch.

If you understand that building experience you have little or just reluctance to build a toilet yourself, then you can buy ready bathroom in the shop. To date, manufacturers are ready to provide products of any design and design solutions. True, for any whim you have to pay. For example, a standard cabin with a receiving tank equipped with heating, a ventilation pipe, with a plastic floor will cost 20-25 thousand rubles. A frame wooden toilet costs from 7 thousand, and the simplest house for a utility block (toilet + shower) from 25 thousand rubles. The price of houses very much depends on the chosen configuration, as well as the materials used.

Whatever choice you make, the main thing is that it is consistent with yours. feeling of comfort after all, the toilet is the only place where you will rest your body and soul, reading a newspaper or thinking about something of your own.

  1. The first and main purpose is the arrangement of a toilet for a summer residence, garden plots, country estates. The house can be equipped with either a dry closet or cesspool.
  2. The second purpose is an outbuilding, a mini-hozblok for garden tools, for garden care equipment. Comfortable small house, which can be placed directly in the garden between fruit trees or in a certain place of the site, so as not to carry the tool far. To have everything at hand.
  3. Alternatively, you can use it as a mini-warehouse for industrial use, in factories, factories. As a storage box for fire stray and so on. Since it is possible to hang a lock and hide something from prying eyes.

Materials for the manufacture of a toilet house.

The simplest is wooden house. Environmentally friendly and safe, integrated into the country landscape, pleasing to the eye with fresh wood. The material of the walls of the board of different caliber and format, assortment, from edged board to a planed lining with a tenon-groove connection. Also, the walls can be made of plywood, OSB boards, sheet metal or plastic. However, this embodiment is inferior in external perception, but it is cheaper and unpretentious in use. For example, plastic is better to wash, and metal is more burglar-resistant.

Toilet house dimensions.

Most small size 1x1 meter. Of course, there is not very spacious, it is the cramped toilet. Then you can make it 1.2x1.2 in size - this is already much more spacious, and of course 1.5x1.5 is better - that's where there is room for asses of any size. There are toilet houses measuring 2x2 meters. In fact, you can make any size, and call this building a toilet house. Well, at least let it be 2x3 - why not? After all, what larger size, the more things you can place, put a wardrobe, bedside table, chest of drawers - why not? And store everything you need there, from toilet paper and ending at least with a garden cart. After all, a toilet can always be combined with other buildings, for example, a utility block, a shower, etc.

The location of the toilet house on the site.

If the house is not a work of art, then it is better to put it away from the eyes. Do not forget that it will not be a joy for the neighbors either, so it is advisable to hide it from their eyes too. After all, it's not so much in the eyes, but also in the nose. If the house is not equipped with a dry closet, then write, it's gone, it will stink, or rather, its contents will be decent. Consider this! Try to think about the quality of the path to the house, because during rain or ice when hiking out of need, you can famously slip and fall.

The toilet is the first and foremost important room, the construction of which is the first thing any summer resident thinks about. It is extremely important that the country toilet is strong and reliable, but most importantly - easy to use. When building a structure, it is important to think not only about the beautiful appearance, but also convenient location where it will be located, as well as the type of waste disposal. Before choosing suitable option country toilet, you should learn a little about each type.

What are the toilet houses for summer cottages

The relevance of the issue of choosing a country toilet is high, because it is this structure that is one of the most common in the country sectors. Having acquired a summer house and thinking of putting a toilet on the site, it is important think through every detail: where it will be located, what material it will be made of, and what type of waste disposal it will be.

Types of country toilets

  • Toilet houses with a cesspool.
  • Toilet powder closet.
  • Toilet backlash-closet.
  • Dry closets for giving.

Toilet houses with a cesspool

This option is not suitable for all plots of land, but, despite this, it is the most common, is it right? If there are groundwater on the surface, it is impossible to put such a toilet and it does not make much sense, but if the occurrence of groundwater is deep, this type of installation is allowed. Optimal Height the cesspool ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 meters, and if at a distance of a meter you stumble on groundwater channels, all the effort spent will go in vain, since it will be impossible to dig further and the hole will have to be buried.


  • Simple and reliable device, quick installation.
  • With sufficient hole depth pumping can be done once per year with regular use.


  • Before starting construction, it is necessary check for groundwater. In this case, groundwater should not be higher than 4 meters to the surface of the earth.
  • because of strong winds Maybe distribution of odors throughout the area.
  • This type of toilet it is forbidden to put near wells and wells, the distance to the water intakes should not be less than 30 meters.

Powder closet toilet

Differs from the previous type capacity, into which all impurities are directly collected. As a rule, such a container is located directly under the chair in the toilet cabin itself. The absence of a cesspool allows you to put this view on any site, regardless of the location of groundwater underground. In order to prevent the smell from rising to the top, after each visit to the toilet, the contents of the container are covered with a small layer of ash or sand. Empty the container when it is full. For the construction of this type, a rather large room is required, since an additional container with ash or sand must fit.


  • No cesspool required.
  • maybe any location toilet on site.
  • Hygienic and economical.


  • Necessary empty the container frequently for impurities.
  • Presence unpleasant odors with rare emptying of the container.

Toilet backlash-cousette

This type of country toilet can be arranged not only in a country toilet house, but also in the room itself, in a separate small room. For this, it is necessary cesspool, its advantages and disadvantages have been discussed above. The ability to install indoors is achieved thanks to good ventilation, which helps to get rid of unpleasant odors.


  • Possibility of installation both outside and inside the house.
  • In the case of choosing a separate house for the toilet, you can choose any of its options.
  • Availability good ventilation.


  • Labor-intensive installation with a call by a specialist, it costs a lot of money, but it pays off with positive qualities in use.
  • It is impossible to build in the presence of closely passing groundwater.

Dry closets for giving

AT modern world dry closets are becoming popular. They came to Russia not so long ago, but have already attracted attention. Disposal of sewage here occurs with the help of bioactive mixtures or liquids. AT recent times this method of disposal is very popular. The point is to fill in the reagent, which in a short time is able to decompose all the existing waste.


  • hygiene which the modern future is so chasing.
  • No unpleasant odors.
  • Convenient disposal method.
  • Location allowed anywhere.


  • Expensive reagents for the decomposition of waste.
  • Frequent emptying of the container.

What to look for when choosing a model

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a toilet model for a summer residence is 3 criteria:

  1. Place accommodation.
  2. Type of toilet.
  3. Material making a toilet house.

We will talk about everything in a little more detail, so that it is easier for the summer resident to do right choice and the building has served for many years.

There are 2 options for placing a toilet in the country: the first - indoors, second - outside. In the first option, convenience takes place in several cases: you don’t need to go far, you don’t need to dress in the cold season to get there, etc., each has its own positive traits. But there are also disadvantages: installation costs, separate room under the toilet, sewerage and ventilation, also the disadvantages include the fact that it is very difficult to put such a toilet without the initial planning stage even before the construction of the house.

At the second stage of choosing a toilet model for a summer residence, we will consider the type of device itself. As in the first case, there are 2 of them: with a pit and without her. The advantages of a cesspool are immediately visible: the possibility of arranging a toilet, both indoors and with a separate toilet house.

Also, the advantages include the lack of constant emptying of the container, since it simply does not exist here, and the pit is enough for more than a year of use. A pitless toilet can also be installed indoors and in a detached house, but the container will need to be emptied at least once every few days. I think the principle of these 2 types is clear, which one you can choose for yourself, starting from what is written in this article.

If the toilet is made indoors, everything is clear here, but what if it is outside? After all, a person will not go to the toilet in front of everyone. For this, it is necessary to build toilet house with lock, the only way you can retire from everyone. A variety of materials can be used for manufacturing: wood, plastic, stone, polycarbonate, etc.

The frame of the house itself can be built from metal, but for this you will need welder skills and iron corners and pipes. On the modern market there are many ready-made country houses for the toilet, you can stop your choice on any one you like, there are no special requirements for the choice. Plastic houses are lightweight, installation is carried out in short time, they are often used if in the future it is necessary to change the place of the toilet, since they easy to transport.

With brick houses, everything is not so easy, they are more beautiful in appearance and stronger, but it is quite difficult to move such a toilet, and installation takes a lot of time. Wooden toilets are considered the most convenient, their installation takes little time, they are beautiful in appearance and light in weight, making it easy to change the place of the toilet.

You should not save money on choosing a country toilet, spending it 1 time, you can save a lot more for future use. With the help of this article, making the right choice is easy, the main thing is not to rush to make a decision and be careful: check each option, take a good look around, whether the winds often blow, there is no groundwater underground, etc.

There are no bad toilets, there are poorly organized ones. That is why consult with a specialist even before installing the future toilet. It is difficult to answer the question which toilet is suitable for one or another. suburban area, much depends on taste of the owner, money investments and time for installation. Decide for yourself whether it is worth saving on personal comfort or not.