Testing in the preparatory group before school. First grade interview questions: what children are asked

The process of admission to school is a rather difficult procedure for a child, for which it is advisable to prepare in advance. And this article will help you with this, in which we tried to highlight the main points of the interview with a psychologist when admitting children to school.

It's no secret that now enrolling a child in school very high demands are placed on the future first-grader. If even 30 years ago the baby could easily enter the primary school, not knowing how to count or read, today these skills are considered not just the norm, but a prerequisite for admission to educational organization. Therefore, many parents try to pay great attention to preparing the child for school: someone does it on their own at home, and someone sends the baby to paid additional classes in development centers or courses organized at elementary school.

It should be noted that in additional classes, teachers teach children in a special way. educational program, which includes, in addition to basic lessons in counting and reading, such areas of training as speech development, psycho-gymnastics, literacy, and mathematical modeling.

Upon admission to school, the child will also have to be interviewed by a psychologist, whose task is to identify the level preparing a child for school and the degree of development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, speech. At the same time, if not the ability to count or read a child can still be forgiven, then a positive verdict of a psychologist is a fundamental factor. That is, as you probably already understood, the process of admission to school is a rather difficult procedure for a child, for which it is advisable to prepare in advance. And this article will help you with this, in which we tried to highlight the main points of the interview with a psychologist when admitting children to school.

How is an interview with a psychologist?

An interview with a psychologist, as a rule, lasts about 30-40 minutes. A prerequisite interview is the presence of one of the parents, because, firstly, these are the requirements of the Law, and secondly, the child in this case feels more comfortable and confident. You must have a folder with files (5 pieces) and sheets of A4 paper (10 pieces) with you.

Parents fill out a questionnaire in which they provide basic information about themselves (name, date of birth, place of work and position, education), indicate the composition of the family, housing availability (including the requirement to indicate whether the child has own room, sleeping place and work corner), describe what the child is doing in free time, whether he has health problems, etc.

After the end of the "official" part interviews with a psychologist, the time comes for direct communication between a specialist and a child. The future first-grader is asked a few general questions and asked to complete a series of tasks.

Key questions in an interview with a psychologist

The questions of a school psychologist may vary depending on the qualifications of the specialist and his responsibility in the performance of his professional duties. However, there are a number of key questions that are likely to be asked. And if you "rehearse" them with your child in advance, then your baby will be able to go to school without too much trouble.

So, it is advisable to prepare the child for the following questions:

  1. Tell me, please, what is your name?
  2. How old are you? What is your date of birth? What season is it now?
  3. Tell us about your mom (dad): what is your name, where does he work, how old is he?
  4. Where do you live? Give me your address.
  5. Who lives with you? Tell me about your brother (sister), grandmother (grandfather), cat, etc.
  6. What do you do in your free time?
  7. Do you want to go to school? Why?

in different educational institutions there may be other simple questions to which a child of 6-7 years old usually knows the correct answer:

  • Count from 1 to 10 and back.
  • Which is less (greater) - 2 or 5?
  • What pets do you know? And the wild ones?
  • What days of the week do you know? Months of the year?
  • What season is it now? Why do you say that? and etc.

The main tasks performed by the child during an interview with a psychologist

After oral testing, school psychologist asks the child to complete a series of tasks. The following tasks are especially popular with specialists:

The psychologist asks the kid to draw a person on a sheet of paper (here the specialist will evaluate the location of the drawing on the sheet, the thickness of the lines, how drawn the details of the drawing are: are there fingers on the hands, neck, hair on the head, nose, eyes, eyebrows on the face, ears).

The child is offered to continue the sentence: “It’s light now, which means ...”, “We have breakfast in the morning, and in the afternoon ...”, etc.

The specialist invites the child to play a game. The psychologist asks questions, and the kid must answer them the way he wants, but you can’t use the “forbidden” words: “yes” and “no”. For example, "Do you like to play?" (the child should answer: I like to play), "Do you like to be sick?" (I don't like being sick), etc.

The task for knowledge of geometric shapes includes not only questions like: "What geometric shapes do you know?" and "List the geometric shapes", but also the execution logic test. Geometric figures with a pattern inside are arranged in a row on a sheet of paper, it is necessary to finish the missing figures, and also draw the desired pattern inside the figure.

The psychologist asks the child to arrange the cards in such a sequence as to make a story. In addition, the child must voice his story.

The specialist names a number of words: forest, water, bread, etc. (only 10 words). The child must repeat all the words. If the child cannot remember them, the psychologist repeats the words, then asks them to name them again. To pass this task, the child is given three attempts.

The psychologist lays out pictures in front of the child (10 in total), asks the child to carefully consider them and remember them, and then the pictures are removed. The future first grader is offered to name all the pictures that he remembers. If necessary, the task is repeated several times.

For clarification child's mathematical ability offer to solve simple mathematical examples (for addition and subtraction).

Fine motor skills, accuracy and the ability to concentrate are tested by asking them to cut a picture along a line.

Another mandatory task is a test with extra pictures. The child must be excluded extra item from a series of cards. For example, the card shows animals: a cow, a goat, a horse, and a cat. You need to find an extra item and explain your choice.

The psychologist offers the child to perform a graphic dictation on a sheet in a box. The specialist dictates the route of movement from a certain point: for example, three cells up, one cell down, two cells left, three cells right, etc. Then the child should draw the resulting drawing below, but in such a way that it looks the other way.

As you can see, the above questions and tasks aimed at determining child's readiness for school, not so complicated. And any more or less prepared kid can easily pass an interview with a school psychologist. The main thing is not to worry, to systematically prepare the child for school (including using the questions and tasks we mentioned), but at the same time not to limit him to ready-made answers and templates.

When a preschooler reaches the finish line before entering first grade, parents have significantly more worries. Long before the long-awaited event, moms and dads begin to prepare the baby for an adult, school life, try to teach him to observe the regime, independence and, of course, strive to prepare the child for admission to the first grade. What are the requirements and entrance tests for admission to school put forward for children 6-7 years old, we will consider in the materials of this article.

1. Basic requirements for admission to the first class.

2. Testing for health reasons.

3. Testing intellectual abilities.

4. Tests for future first graders.

Basic requirements for enrollment in the first class.

Enrollment of first-graders in elementary school is carried out without competition. Upon reaching the age of 7, in the absence of nervous disorders and serious diseases that interfere with the learning process in the children's team, the child is automatically enrolled in the first class of the nearest district or selected school. own will school parents.

However, parents should be prepared for the fact that teachers and psychologists will communicate with the child before enrolling in primary school.

Each future first-grader will be offered feasible tests, questions will be asked, based on the results of which it will be possible to judge whether the child is ready to enter the school codes or whether he still needs to stay in a preschool institution.

If the school board invites your child to stay in kindergarten, don't worry about it. This does not mean that your child is lagging behind his peers in development, it is simply that he is not yet mentally and mentally ready for a new stage in his life. In a year, he will get stronger, gain strength, and study will be easier for him than if he started studying at school this year.

Health testing.

Testing children for health reasons is nothing more than a medical board. According to its results, the physical and somatic health of the child will be assessed, and it will be revealed to which health group the baby belongs. In addition, the medical report is necessary document to enter primary school.

The medical examination takes place in district clinics or directly in kindergartens. For graduation groups, specialized specialists are invited to examine children, assess their state of health and issue appropriate conclusions. The option of passing a medical examination in kindergarten significantly saves time and nerves for both parents and children.

Inspection of specialized specialists can be carried out immediately before September, and six months before the start school year. In the second case, the child will not have to immediately take tests, this will need to be done no earlier than a month before the start of classes.

Before entering school, the child needs to obtain the opinion of the following specialists: an orthopedic surgeon (he will determine the condition of the spine, identify possible posture disorders and give recommendations); an ophthalmologist (will determine the visual acuity of the child, identify possible violations and give recommendations); otolaryngologist (assess the condition of the child's hearing and nasopharynx); dentist (evaluates the correctness of the bite, the presence of caries, gives recommendations on treatment); cardiologist (assesses physical and emotional development, ability to withstand stress); speech therapist (determines the ability to pronounce all sounds, the formation of the speech apparatus); neuropathologist (assesses the neuropsychic state of the child); gynecologist (for girls).

Directions for laboratory tests (scraping for enterobiasis, general analyzes blood and urine) are given to the parents of the children, and they take tests on their own in the clinic. The results are pasted or written into the medical record.

Testing of intellectual abilities.

Here it must be said right away that school tests for first-graders for intellectual abilities are in no way an indicator of a lag in the development of a baby. The rating scale is advisory in nature, and the decision on whether the child is ready for schooling or not, is taken on the basis of the general opinion of the child.

It is possible that during an interview with teachers, the kid will get scared, get excited or start to be shy, therefore, during testing, close relatives should be with him: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. They will be able to cheer up the child, support him and even suggest an idea if the child is confused.

Testing of future first-graders is necessary in order for children and teachers to get to know each other, so that teachers focus on the already acquired knowledge of children and can adjust the curriculum.

Parents should understand that this kind of testing and interviews do not violate the current legislation and do not infringe on the rights of the child.

Testing of intellectual abilities should be aimed at determining the level of mental and moral development of the child, his logic, the ability to express his thoughts, to compose stories according to the proposed pictures.

The teacher assesses how attentive the child is, whether he is able to highlight the main and secondary things in the story, whether he can compose or solve a simple problem, how he holds a pen, whether he knows letters, whether he can combine syllables, read.

Tests for future first graders.

A class will be selected for the interview, in terms of time, communication between the teacher and the child will take about 15-20 minutes. The child will be offered several tasks on various topics (for logic, thinking, mathematics and grammar, and other tests), several questions will be asked.

In this section, we will present several thematic tests to prepare the child for the beginning of schooling. We repeat that all tests are advisory in nature and are not an indicator for enrolling or not enrolling a child in school.

Test #1 - General Information

The child should be able to coherently talk about himself, using the questions of the teacher.

1. Give your first and last name

2. Give your full date of birth

3. Name the full home address (street, city, region, country)

4. Give the full names of the parents, their age, field of activity

5. Name brothers and sisters, if any, their age, and occupation (schoolchildren, preschoolers, etc.)

Evaluation of the results is carried out in a subjective way: good results are considered if the child gave full detailed answers to the questions posed, bad - if there are no answers to any question. However, even here one should take into account the degree of tightness and embarrassment of the child during the interview.

Test #2 - General Knowledge

The questions on this test allow the teacher to evaluate general level child's knowledge. For each correct answer, the child gets 2 points, for an incomplete answer - 1 point. Points are not counted for an incorrect answer.

1. Name the days of the week, months, seasons, or selectively the months of a specific time of the year, part of the day.

2. Name 5 names of boys and girls (separately).

3. Name the musical instruments known to the child.

4. Name 5 wild and domestic animals (separately).

5. Name 5 wild and domestic birds each (separately).

6. Name 5 names of trees, shrubs, mushrooms.

7. Name 5 indoor and outdoor flowers.

Evaluation of results: 10-14 points - an excellent result. 6-9 points - a good result, 2-5 points - a satisfactory result, less than 2 points - an unsatisfactory result. The teacher will give the parents of the children appropriate recommendations, explain what they should work on.

Test number 3 - Mathematical knowledge and orientation in space

The questions of this test allow the teacher to assess the level of mathematical knowledge of the child and how he knows how to navigate in space. For each correct answer, the child gets 2 points, for an incomplete answer - 1 point. Points are not counted for an incorrect answer.

2. Name the even numbers in order from zero to ten and back.

3. Name the odd numbers in order from one to nine and back.

4. Be able to identify neighbor numbers.

5. Be able to determine the composition of the number.

6. Be able to identify geometric shapes, compare objects in shape, color, size, quantity, and so on.

7. Be able to perform simple arithmetic operations with numbers.

8. Understand and be able to show the directions of the sides (right, left, top, bottom).

9. Understand and be able to navigate in time (morning, afternoon, evening, night).

10. Understand and be able to navigate the seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

Test number 4 - Literacy and speech development

The questions of this test allow the teacher to assess the level of development of the child's speech and his grammatical knowledge. For each correct answer, the child gets 2 points, for an incomplete answer - 1 point. Points are not counted for an incorrect answer.

1. Be able to distinguish vowels from consonants.

2. Be able to distinguish between hard and soft sounds.

3. Be able to determine the number of sounds in a word.

4. Be able to compose simple sentences with the given word.

5. Tell a poem.

6. Be able to retell a simple text, story, fairy tale.

7. Be able to select synonyms for a given word.

8. Be able to select antonyms for a given word.

9. Understand and be able to distinguish between the concepts of “high-higher-highest” and other options.

10. Be able to group objects according to common features.

Evaluation of results: 15-20 points - an excellent result. 10-15 points - a good result, 5-10 points - a satisfactory result, less than 5 points - an unsatisfactory result. Based on the test results, the teacher will give appropriate recommendations to the parents of the children, explain what they should work on.

Test number 5 - Logic and attention

The questions of this test allow the teacher to assess the level of development of attention and logic in the child. For each correct answer, the child gets 2 points, for an incomplete answer - 1 point. Points are not counted for an incorrect answer.

1. Be able to choose an extra item from the total number of those offered and explain your choice.

2. Find the differences in the proposed pictures.

3. Perform a certain sequence of 3-5 actions that the teacher will offer (for example, take a pencil from the pencil case, draw a circle, take the sheet to the table, put the pencil in the pencil case).

4. Be able to explain simple phenomena (for example, why snow melts in a room).

You can find questions for logic and attention on your own and thoroughly prepare with your child for the upcoming test.

Based on the results of all tests, the teacher will determine the level of preparation of the child for the beginning of training and, if necessary, give parents useful advice. Reading speed is not tested in many schools, it is enough that the child knows the letters and knows how to merge syllables.

To enter the first grade, a child must be able to coherently express his thoughts, navigate in space and time, have elementary knowledge of mathematics (add numbers, name geometric shapes), and work with writing materials.

Here are some recommendations for parents of future first graders, based on the experience of teachers primary school. Thanks to these recommendations, parents will be able to independently prepare their child for testing.

A child going to first grade should be able to compose a simple story about himself and his family, know what his parents do on duty, navigate in time and space. A plus to the knowledge of the child will be the ability to distinguish between different professions, to know who and what can do. The kid must understand the difference between wild and domestic animals and birds, know the main types of trees, shrubs, flowers, understand which of them are indoor and which are outdoor.

To prepare a child for testing, you can use notebooks with a printed basis for preschoolers. They contain understandable exercises for the development of attention, logical thinking, memory development.

To develop a child's mathematical knowledge, teach him to count sticks, cubes, steps, do arithmetic exercises, do not forget that you need to work with preschoolers in a playful way. To develop writing skills, let your child draw, write, color pictures, sculpt from plasticine and do applique. The better his fine motor skills are developed, the better his success in writing will be.

Set your child on the fact that there is nothing wrong with testing and behave calmly yourself. Your excitement will be transferred to the child, and he will also begin to worry.

A simple test for future first graders

The minimum knowledge of a future first-grader is evaluated not by the number of words that he can read per minute, and not by knowledge of the multiplication table. To assess a child's readiness for primary education, they may be asked the following questions:

    Give your last name, first name, patronymic.

    How old are you? How much will it be in a year? And after two?

    What are your parents' names?

    In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon...?

    Compare an airplane and a bird. What do they have in common, how do they differ?

    Football, gymnastics, tennis, swimming is...?

    What needs to be done to make the water in the kettle boil?

    Knife - what is it? Bicycle - what is it? Kilogram - what is it?

    Compare square and rectangle. What do they have in common, how do they differ? What other geometric shapes do you know?

    What country do you live in? What is your address?

    Birch, oak, aspen - is it ...?

    What domestic, wild animals do you know? Why are they called that?

    A cow has a calf, a dog has ..., a horse has ...?

    Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?

    Cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet - is this...?

Every preschooler knows how to draw, as well as draw different lines on paper. But his ability to do this is most often tested in very specific ways. For example,Kern-Jirasek test.

It consists of three tasks during which the child should not be prompted:

    Draw a human figure (the more details the child reproduced - fingers, eyelashes, hair - the better);

    Copy a short phrase (for example, write “He ate soup” on a sheet and ask the child to rewrite the phrase as accurately as possible on a blank sheet);

    Copy 10 points, located one below the other on equal distance vertically and horizontally.

Another "drawing" test showing the development fine motor skills in a child, consists in the following: draw a circle with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm with a compass. Let the child circle it along the contour without taking his hand off the paper. Pay attention to how accurately he will complete the task.

Teachers also offer parents to attend school preparation courses at least a year before school, or to develop their child’s attentiveness, observation and perseverance on their own, offering him to perform various exercises ... For example:

"Ten Triangles" Invite the child to draw ten triangles in a row with colored pencils. When the work is completed, ask him to shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles. The task is repeated only once. The child performs it, as he understood on the first try.

"How can it be used?" Any object can be made an object for the development of the child's thinking and ingenuity. For example, a regular pencil. Ask your child how to use it? Let him come up with at least 10 options (draw like a stick, a fishing rod, a thermometer, etc.).

"Nonsense". For this task, you need to prepare pictures with absurdities - for example, vegetables hanging on trees and fruits growing on the beds. Within two minutes, the child must find all the inconsistencies shown in the picture.

Psychologists say that a child should not only be able to do many things, but also want to go to school. Does your child want to be a first grader? This can be tested by asking him a few questions. True, the test offered on many educational sites will surely cause a smile from parents who, in all honesty, would choose the “wrong” answer options ...

A test that can be used to determine whether the child wants to go to school and what attracts him there

    If there were two schools - one with lessons in Russian, mathematics, reading, singing, drawing and physical education, and the other with only lessons in singing, drawing and physical education - which one would you like to study in?

    If there were two schools - one with lessons and breaks, and the other with only breaks and no lessons - which one would you like to go to?

    If there were two schools - one would give tens and nines for good answers, and the other would give sweets and toys - which one would you like to study in?

    If there were two schools - in one you can get up only with the permission of the teacher and raise your hand if you want to ask something, and in the other you can do whatever you want in the lesson - which one would you like to study in?

    If a teacher in your class fell ill and the director offered to replace her with another teacher or mother, who would you choose?

    If there were two schools, one would give homework and the other would not, which one would you like to go to?

    If mom said: “You are still quite small, it’s hard for you to get up, do your homework. Stay in kindergarten, and go to school on next year“Would you agree with this proposal?

    If mom said: “I agreed with the teacher that she would go to our house and study with you. Now you don’t have to go to school in the morning,” would you agree with such a proposal?

    If your friend (girlfriend) asked what you like most about school, what would you say?

Review the child's responses. 1 point is given for each correct answer, 0 points for an incorrect answer. If the child scored 5 points or more, we can safely say that he is internally ready for school.

However, let's leave the child behind. Indeed, often our parental opinion about our own child seems to us much more objective. In this case, you can try to assess the readiness of the baby for school by answering questions ...

Test for parents of future first graders

    Does your child want to go to school?

    Is your child attracted to school because he learns a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?

    Is your child able to do something on his own that requires concentration for 30 minutes (for example, building a construction set)?

    Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?

    Does your child know how to make up stories from the picture in at least five sentences?

    Can your child recite a few poems by heart?

    Can he change nouns by numbers?

    Can he decide simple tasks to subtract or add one?

    Is it true that your child has a firm hand?

    Does he like to draw and color pictures?

    Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, to make appliqués)?

    Can he assemble a cut-away picture from five parts in one minute?

    Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?

    Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word “vegetables”)?

    Does your child like to do things on his own - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?

    Can he understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the points for further efforts;

9 and under - read special literature, try to devote more time to activities with your child and pay attention Special attention for what he can't.

Advanced test for future first graders

Parents who doubt whether to send their child to school from the age of 6 or 7 can use the advice that the interfax.by portal published in the article and in material . If you are completely sure that your child is completely ready for the gymnasium at the age of 5, and the whole environment considers you crazy, take the test below with your child, which is used by some development centers to assess the capabilities of their pupils and answer questions which are designed to determine whether your child has all the abilities that a 6-7-year-old child needs - the one who goes to first grade ...

    How old is dad (mother, sister, brother)? When are their birthdays?

    Where and by whom does father (mother) work?

    What shoe size do you have?

    How to thread a needle?

    How to sew on a button?

    What to do if you cut your finger?

    What to do if you hit your head and feel sick?

    How to make a phone call?

    You swim (in a river, in a lake, in the sea). What are the signs that you need to get out of the water immediately?

    Where can you not eat ice cream?

    How to behave at the table?

    When does a bee sting? The difference between a bee and a wasp.

    What can you eat if your stomach hurts?

    What can not be eaten if the tooth hurts?

    What food do you want to drink after?

    How much and when can you drink in the heat?

    How to wash dirty dishes?

    Which potatoes boil faster - whole or sliced? How to fry it?

    How to peel old and young potatoes? How to clean carrots?

    Where to put leftover food, unusable?

    How to make tea? How much sugar should be put in a glass of tea?

    How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?

    Can you bathe a dog the same way you bathe a cat? If possible, how?

    The apartment smelled of gas. What to do?

    How to clean shoes, wash a shirt?

    Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?

    There is a puddle of water on the floor. Which rag is best to remove water - dry or wet?

    Why can't zoo visitors feed the animals?

    What rubbish should be swept with a wet broom?

    How to behave at a party?

    What does dad (mom) love the most?

    Why not play on the construction site?

    How many slices of bread do you need for lunch?

    How many minutes does it take you to get to school on foot?

    How to deal with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches?

    What is your address (home phone number)?

    How to care for indoor flowers?

    The electrical appliance began to spark and a burning smell appeared in the apartment. What to do?

    A glass object (glass, decanter) fell to the floor and broke into small pieces. What to do?

    The ball flew to the pavement. How to proceed?

    The earthquake happened at night. What to do?

    Bitten by a dog. What to do?

    In front of you is a wounded bird. How to proceed?

    How to draw a correct circle without a compass?

    How to draw a straight line without a ruler?

    There was a sharp pain in the foot while walking. What to do?

    What to do with old newspapers and notebooks?

    A spoon or cup has fallen into boiling water. How to get it?

    During the rain, a large puddle formed in front of the entrance of the house. What can be done to make it easier for people to get in and out?

Tests and exercises for the future first grader

General training
Every child should know the answers to these questions.
1. Name yours full name and last name.
2. How old are you?
3. Give your date of birth.
4. Say the name and patronymic of your mother.
5. Where and by whom does she work?
6. What is the name and patronymic of your dad.
7. Where and by whom does he work?
8. Do you have a brother or sister? How old are they? Are they older or younger than you?
9. State your home address.
10. What city do you live in?
11. What is the name of the country where you live?
12. Do you want to go to school? Why? Do you like to exercise?

Ability to follow the rules.
Methods of "yes" and "no"

You and I are going to play a game where you can't say the words "yes" and "no". Repeat, what words can not be spoken? ("Yes and no"). Now be careful, I will ask questions, and you will answer them, but without the words "yes" and "no".
Trial questions (not graded):
Do you like ice cream? (I like ice cream)
Does the hare run slowly? (The hare runs fast)

1. Is the ball made of rubber?
2. Can you eat fly agaric?
3. Is the snow white?
4. Is the fox red?
5. Is a crow smaller than a sparrow?
6. Does the frog crow?
7. Can pigeons swim?
8. Does the watch have one hand?
9. Are bears white?
10. Does a cow have two legs?

Evaluation of the results obtained:
High level - no errors were made
Medium level - one, two errors
Low - more than two errors

Check how your child's attention is developed.

Task 1: I will pronounce the words, if you hear the name of the flower, clap your hands.
Carrot, poppy, tit, plane, chamomile, pencil, notebook, comb, aster, grass, rose, birch, bush, leaf, branch, gladiolus, ant, peony, spy, pirate, tree, forget-me-not, cup, pencil case, cornflower.


Medium level - 1-2 mistakes
Low - more than 2 errors

Task 2: Clap your hands when you hear the sound A in the words that I will name.
Watermelon, bus, pineapple, iron, hat, bow, fox, wolf, bear.

High level - no errors
Intermediate level - 1 mistake
Low - 2 or more errors

Task 3: I will name four words, and you name two of them that sound similar.
Bow, bear, grass, beetle.
Donkey, sled, watering can, banks.
Bear, shirt, bump, birch.

A child's success in school largely depends on his memory. With the help of the tasks below (it is better to complete no more than one task per day), you will be able to assess the memory of your child. Don't be discouraged if the result isn't brilliant. Memory can be improved!

Task 1: Listen carefully to 10 words and try to remember them.
Ball, cat, forest, window, mushroom, watch, wind, table, glasses, book.

Ask your child to repeat the words he memorized in any order.

At least 6 words - high level
4-5 words - intermediate level
Less than 4 words - low level

Task 2: Read the phrase to the child one at a time and ask them to repeat each.
1. Mushrooms grow in the forest.
2. It was raining heavily in the morning.
3. Mom reads an interesting book to children.
4. Vova and Sasha carried red and blue balloons.

Result: It is good if the child literally repeated the phrase from the first time and did not change the words in places.
High level - repeated all 4 phrases exactly
Intermediate level - I made a mistake in only 1 phrase
Low level - made a mistake in 2 phrases or more

Task 3: Listen and memorize the poem.
Read the poem to your child and ask them to repeat it. If the child repeated with errors, read it again and again ask to repeat. The poem can be read no more than 4 times.

Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass

High level - repeated the poem verbatim after 1-2 readings
Intermediate level - repeated the poem verbatim after 3-4 readings
Low level - made mistakes after 4 readings

Task 4: Listen carefully to the pairs of words and try to remember them.
Read to your child all 10 pairs of words. Then call the child only the first word of the pair, and let him remember the second word.

Autumn - rain
Vase - flowers
Doll - dress
Cup - saucer
book - page
Water is fish
Machine - wheel
House - window
kennel - dog
Clock - arrows

High level - 8-10 pairs of words
Intermediate level - 5-7 pairs of words
Low level - less than 5 pairs of words

Task 5: Exercise for the development of the volume of short-term auditory memory "Word Cascade".
Ask your child to repeat the words after you. Start with one word, then name two words, the child must repeat in the same sequence, three words, etc. (intervals between words - 1 second).
When the child cannot repeat a certain word sequence, read him the same number of words, but different ones (for this, another list of words should be prepared).
If in the second attempt the child coped with this verbal row, then go to the next row, and so on until the child can not reproduce the specified number of words in the second reading.

1. Fire.
2. House, milk.
3. Horse mushroom, needle.
4. Rooster, sun, asphalt, notebook.
5. Roof, stump, water, candle, school.
6. Pencil, car, brother, chalk, bird, bread.
7. Eagle, game, oak, phone, glass, son, coat.
8. Mountain, crow, clock, table, snow, book, pine, honey.
9. Ball, apple, hat, carrot, chair, butterfly, subway, chicken, socks.
10. Truck, stone, berries, briefcase, sled, hammer, girl, tablecloth, watermelon, monument.

The child learns the world and learns to think. He learns to analyze and generalize, to establish causal relationships.
The child may find it difficult to complete these tasks. In this case, explain to him the principle of performing tasks, and then offer him similar exercises.

Task 1: Answer the questions:
1. What is more in the garden - potatoes or vegetables?
2. Who is more in the forest - hares or animals?
3. What is more in the closet - clothes or dresses?

Answers: 1 - vegetables, 2 - animals, 3 - clothes.

Activity 2: Read the stories to your child and ask them to answer a question after each story.
1. Sasha and Petya were wearing jackets different color: blue and green. Sasha was not wearing a blue jacket.
What color jacket was Peter wearing? (blue)
2. Olya and Lena drew with paints and pencils. Olya did not draw with paints. How did Lena draw? (paints)
3. Alyosha and Misha read poetry and fairy tales. Alyosha did not read fairy tales.
What did Misha read? (fairy tales)
4. Three trees grow: birch, oak and pine. The birch is lower than the oak, and the oak is lower than the pine. Which tree is the tallest? What is the lowest?
5. Seryozha, Zhenya and Anton competed to see who runs faster. Seryozha ran faster than Zhenya, and Zhenya ran faster than Anton. Who came running first, and who came last?
6. Once upon a time there were three puppies: Kuzya, Tuzik and Sharik. Kuzya is fluffier than Tuzik, and Tuzik is fluffier than Sharik. Which of the puppies is the most fluffy? Which one is the smoothest?

Task 3: Answer the questions:
1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?
2. In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon ...?
3. It is light during the day, but at night ...?
4. The sky is blue, but the grass ...?
5. Cherry, plum, cherry - is it ...?
6. Why, before the train passes, are barriers lowered along the way?
7. What is Moscow, Kaluga, Kursk?
8. What is the difference between day and night?
9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ...? The little sheep is...?
10. Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? What, what do they have in common?
11. Why do all cars have brakes?
12. How are hammer and ax similar?
13. How are a squirrel and a cat similar to each other?
14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here next to you, on the table?
15. Football, tennis, swimming is ...?
16. What types of transport do you know?
17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one?
18. Why do people go in for sports?
19. Why is it shameful to shy away from work?
20. Why does a letter need to be stamped?

When possible, try to get the child to give 2-4 answers, asking him the question: “What else?”
The norm is at least 15 correct answers.

Task 4: Find the extra word:
Read a group of words to your child. 3 words in each are close in meaning and can be combined according to their common feature, and 1 word differs from them and should be excluded. Ask your child to find the odd word.

1. Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.
2. Brave, evil, brave, courageous.
3.Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
4. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.
5. Hour, minute, summer, second.
6. Spoon, plate, bag, pan.
7.Dress, hat, shirt, sweater.
8. Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo.
9. Birch, oak, pine, strawberry.
10. Book, TV, tape recorder, radio.

Task 5: Mind flexibility exercise.
Ask your child to name as many words as they can for the concept.

1. Name the words for trees.
2. Name the words related to sports.
3. Name the words for animals.
4. Name the words for pets.
5. Name the words denoting land transport.
6. Name the words denoting air transport.
7. Name the words denoting water transport.
8. Name the words related to art.
9. Name the words for vegetables.
10. Name the words for fruits.

Speech development
By the age of 6-7, the child's speech should be coherent and logical, with a rich vocabulary. The baby must hear and pronounce all sounds correctly. mother tongue. Development oral speech- the main condition for the successful mastery of writing and reading.
Talk more with your child, ask him to retell the cartoons he watches, the books you read. Offer to make up stories from pictures.
If your child has difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or has difficulty distinguishing sounds by ear, then you should seek help from a speech therapist.

Task 1: Determine by ear what sounds the words differ in.
Read a couple of words to your child. The child must give an answer after each pair.

A goat is a braid, a game is a needle, a daughter is a dot, a day is a shadow, a kidney is a barrel.

High level - no errors
Intermediate level - 1 mistake

Task 2: Clap your hands when you hear a different sound.
Read the chain of sounds to the child.


High level - no errors
Intermediate level - 1 mistake
Low - 2 or more errors

Task 3: Clap your hands when you hear a word that differs from others in sound.
Read the word sequence to your child.

Frame, frame, frame, lama, frame.
Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, Box, Gingerbread Man.
Spit, braid, braid, goat, braid.
Voice, voice, ear, voice, voice.

High level - no errors
Intermediate level - 1 mistake
Low - 2 or more errors

Task 4: Choose the correct words that are opposite in meaning.
The child must correctly choose the opposite word for each of the proposed. An error is considered to be a “loud-soft” answer.

Slow - (fast)
Day Night)
Hot Cold)
Thick - (thin)
Kind angry)

High level - no errors
Intermediate level - 1 mistake
Low - 2 or more errors

Task 5: Answer the questions.
Read the questions to your child. He must choose the right words for each of the proposed.

What happens: sour, fast, red, soft?
Who can: jump, swim, growl, sing?
What does: fish, plane, frog, car?

High level - no errors
Medium level - 1-2 mistakes
Low - 3 or more errors

Task 6: Explain the meaning of the words.
Read the word to the child. Ask them to explain its meaning. Before doing this task, explain to the child, using the example of the word "chair", how to do it. When explaining, the child must name the group to which this item belongs (a chair is furniture), say what this item consists of (the chair is made of wood) and explain what it is for (it is needed in order to sit on it).

Notebook, plane, pencil, table.

High level - the child explained all the concepts correctly
Intermediate level - the child explained correctly 2-3 concepts
Low level - the child explained correctly no more than one concept

Task 7: Listen carefully to the story.
Read the story to your child and ask them to answer the questions.

Winter storm
In the morning, Tolya, a first grader, left the house. There was a blizzard outside. The trees were noisy. The boy was frightened, stood under a poplar, thinking: “I won’t go to school. Scary".
Then he saw Sasha standing under a linden tree. Sasha lived nearby, he was also going to school and was also frightened.
The boys saw each other. They became happy. They ran towards each other, joined hands and went to school together.
The blizzard howled and whistled, but it was no longer terrible.

Answer the questions:
1. Who was mentioned in the story?
2. What class were the boys in?
3. Why did the boys feel happy?

High level - the child correctly answered all the questions
Intermediate - the child correctly answered 2 questions
Low level - the child correctly answered only 1 question

The world
At the time of entering school, the child must have a certain stock of knowledge and ideas about the world around him. It is good if he has elementary knowledge about plants and animals, about the properties of objects and phenomena, knowledge in the field of geography and astronomy, an idea of ​​time. Below are the basic questions about the world that the child should be able to answer.

Name the seasons and the signs of each season.
What is the difference between wild animals and domestic animals?
What are the benefits of pets?
What kind of predatory animals do you know?
What herbivores do you know?
Name migratory and wintering birds. Why are they called that?
What herbs, trees, shrubs do you know?
How are herbs different from trees and shrubs?
Name garden and wild flowers.
What are the fruits of pine, oak, apple trees called?
What natural phenomena do you know?

List the parts of the day in order.
How is day different from night?
List the days of the week in order.
Name the spring, summer, autumn, winter months of the year.
Which is longer: a minute or an hour, a day or a week, a month or a year?
List the months in order.

What countries do you know?
What cities do you know, in what countries are they located?
What is the difference between a city and a village?
What rivers do you know?
How is a river different from a lake?
What planets do you know?
What planet do we live on?
What is the name of the earth's satellite?

4. World and man
Name professions:
Who teaches children?
Who heals people?
Who writes poetry?
Who composes the music?
Who paints pictures?
Who builds houses?
Who drives cars?
Who sews clothes?
Who plays in cinema and theater?

What item is needed to:
- measure time;
- talk at a distance;
- watch the stars
- measure weight;
-measure the temperature?

What kinds of sports do you know?
What sports require a ball? Skates?
What musical instruments do you know?
What writers do you know?
What is honesty, kindness, greed, cowardice, laziness, diligence?
Why do you need to study? Work?
How to cross the road?

5.Properties of objects.
What happens wooden, glass, metal, plastic?
What happens soft, hard, free-flowing, smooth, liquid, sharp?

A child entering grade 1 should know:

  • In what country does he live, in what city, on what street, in what house and in what apartment
  • Full names of family members, their professions
  • Rules of conduct in in public places and on the street

In the area of development of speech and readiness for literacy

  • Be able to clearly pronounce all speech sounds
  • Be able to distinguish sound intonation in words
  • Be able to isolate a given sound in a speech stream
  • Be able to identify the place of a sound in a word
  • Know how to pronounce words
  • Be able to make sentences of 3-5 words
  • Be able to use generalizing concepts in speech
  • Be able to tell a story from a picture
  • Be able to make multiple sentences about a subject
  • Distinguish genres fiction(fairy tale, story, poem, fable)
  • Learn to recite your favorite poem
  • Know the author of the poem you read
  • Be able to convey the content of a fairy tale

By the beginning of schooling, the child should have developed elementary mathematical concepts:

  • Know the numbers from 0 to 9
  • Be able to count to 10 and back
  • Be able to name the previous and subsequent number relative to any number within the first ten
  • Know the signs +, -, =,<, >
  • Be able to compare the numbers of the first ten
  • Be able to correlate the number and the number of objects
  • Be able to compare 2 groups of objects
  • Be able to compose and solve problems in one step for addition and subtraction
  • Know the names of the shapes: triangle, square, circle
  • Be able to compare objects by color, size, shape
  • Be able to operate with concepts: “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, “earlier”, “later”, “forward”, “for”, “between”
  • Be able to group the proposed items according to a certain attribute

In the area of ideas about the environment The future first grader needs:

  • Be able to distinguish appearance plants common in our area
    (spruce, birch, oak, sunflower, chamomile, etc.)
  • Be able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals
  • Be able to recognize the appearance of birds
  • Be aware of seasonal signs of nature
  • Know 1-3 indoor plants
  • Know the names of the 12 months of the year>
  • Know the names of the days of the week

Tests and exercises for future first graders

Exercise for the development of voluntary attention.

The child is given a sheet of paper, colored pencils and asked to draw 10 triangles in a row. When this work is completed, the child is warned to be careful, as the instruction is only spoken once. “Be careful, shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles with a red pencil” If the child asks again, answer - let him do as he understands. If the child coped with the first task, you can continue to work, gradually complicating the tasks.

Exercise for the development of observation.

Offer the child a game: "Carefully look around the room and find objects that have a circle, a circle." The child names objects - a clock, a pencil base, a switch, a vase, a table: You can play this game in a competitive form for a group of children, come up with similar tasks.

Game for the development of memory.

This game can be played with a child, for example, during long trips. The adult starts this game and says: "I put apples in the bag." The next player repeats what was said and adds something else: “I put apples and bananas in the bag.” The third player repeats the entire phrase and adds something of his own. You can simply add one word at a time, or you can select words alphabetically.

Game for training thinking and ingenuity “How can this be used?”

Offer the child a game - find as many options as possible for using any object. For example, you name the word “pencil”, and the child comes up with how to use it - write, draw, use it as a stick, pointer, thermometer for a doll, fishing rod, etc.

Test "Nonsense" - to assess the figurative - logical thinking

Show the child a picture that depicts various nonsense and ask him to carefully consider the picture and say what is drawn wrong. Ask your child to explain what exactly is wrong in these ridiculous situations. The entire task is given 2 minutes. It is good if the child notices more than 8 absurdities during this time.

Test for future first graders:

- give your last name, first name, patronymic;
- how old are you? How much will it be in a year? And after two?
- What are your parents' names?
- In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...?
Compare an airplane and a bird. What do they have in common, how do they differ?
- football, gymnastics, tennis, swimming - is it ...?
What needs to be done to make the water in the kettle boil?
- knife, what is it? Bicycle, what is it? Kilogram, what is it?
Compare a square and a rectangle. What do they have in common, how do they differ? What other geometric shapes do you know?
- what country do you live in? What is your address?
- birch, oak, aspen - is this ...?
What kind of domestic, wild animals do you know? Why are they called that?
- a cow has a calf, a dog has ..., a horse has ...?
Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
- cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet - is it ...?
Look at which group of questions the child managed to cope with less successfully, and pay special attention to this side of vocabulary thinking.

One of the most accessible and common methods for testing a child's readiness for schooling is the Kern-Jirasek test.
It consists of three tasks:
- draw the figure of a person;
- copy a short phrase;
– copy 10 points located one below the other at an equal distance vertically and horizontally.
Prepare a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, two task cards. On one of them, with a black felt-tip pen (not very thick), you need to write the phrase “He ate soup”, vertical dimension letters - 1 cm, and capital letters - 1.5 cm. On the second card, you need to depict 10 points, the distance between the points vertically and horizontally - 1 cm, the diameter of the points - 2 mm. When completing the first task, tell the child: “Draw here (on a blank sheet) some man, uncle, as best you can.” Children often ask many additional questions, it is better to answer them: “Draw as you can.” You can encourage the child if he is not sure.

After the child finishes drawing, you need to turn the sheet over and give the following task: “Something is written on this card, you still don’t know how to write in written letters, so try to copy as accurately as possible at the top of the sheet” (the task card must be placed in front of child). Then offer to draw dots at the bottom of the sheet.

Each task is evaluated on a five-point scale, with 1 - best estimate, and 5 is the worst.
Criteria for assessing the image of a person: 1 point is given when the figure has a head, neck, torso, arms and legs, hair on the head, eyes, nose, mouth on the face, there are signs of clothing, and 5 points - when the figure " something" cephalopod.
When evaluating the phrase, 1 point is given when the phrase is copied accurately enough, 2 points - the sentence can be read, 3 points - at least 4 letters can be read, 4 points - at least two letters are similar to the sample, the visibility of the letter is preserved, 5 points - scribbles.
When evaluating the drawing of points: 1 point - a fairly accurate reproduction of the sample, but it is possible to increase or decrease the figure while maintaining vertical and horizontal symmetry; 2 points - a slight violation of symmetry is possible, the image of circles instead of dots is acceptable; 3 points - a group of points does not correspond well to the sample, symmetry is broken, possibly more or fewer points; 4 points - the points are located in a heap, but resemble any geometric figure; 5 points - scribble.

The scores for each task are summed up. A school-ready child usually gets from 3 to 9 points. As you can see, the range is quite wide, so don't worry if you think you can't accurately rate. The Kern-Jirasek test gives an idea of ​​the level general development child, spatial perception, copying abilities, as well as the degree of development of hand-eye coordination - all this is necessary when teaching a child at school.

A test with which you can determine whether the baby wants to go to school and what attracts him there:

1. If there were two schools - one with Russian language, mathematics, reading, singing, drawing and physical education lessons, and the other with only singing, drawing and physical education lessons - which one would you like to study in?
2. If there were two schools - one with lessons and breaks, and the other with only breaks and no lessons - which one would you like to study in?
3. If there were two schools - in one they would give fives and fours for good answers, and in the other they would give sweets and toys - which one would you like to study in?
4. If there were two schools - in one you can get up only with the permission of the teacher and raise your hand if you want to ask something, and in the other you can do whatever you want in the lesson - which one would you like to study in?
5. If a teacher in your class fell ill and the director offered to replace her with another teacher or mother, who would you choose?
6. If there were two schools - one would give homework, and the other would not - which one would you like to study in?
7. If my mother said: “You are still quite small, it is difficult for you to get up, do your homework. Stay in kindergarten and go to school next year,” would you agree with such a proposal?
8. If mom said: “I agreed with the teacher that she would go to our house and study with you. Now you don’t have to go to school in the morning,” would you agree with such a proposal?
9. If your friend (girlfriend) asked what you like most about school, what would you say to him?
Review the child's responses. 1 point is given for each correct answer, 0 points for an incorrect answer. If the child scored 5 points or more, we can safely say that he is internally ready for school. (END)
It would be nice to watch how your child plays with children, whether he knows how to play “by the rules” not only with peers, but also with adults.

If for some reason the test results confuse you, seek help from specialists. Maybe there is a psychologist in your kindergarten who will answer all your questions and dispel your doubts. Now a network of psychological, medical and social centers is being developed in Moscow and other Russian cities. Here, specialists will consult you for free, conduct qualified diagnostics, and determine the level of preparation of the child for school.