What causes condensation on windows. Reasons for fogging of plastic windows in winter. What harms condensation on windows?

Condensation on windows- it’s an unpleasant thing, it’s dampness in the apartment and puddles on the windowsills. If you want to get rid of condensation and freezing of glass, you should use these tips. When they stand severe frosts, windows in apartments freeze quite strongly, this unpleasant surprise especially for those who have installed plastic windows. If glass is an excellent heat insulator, then metal is no less good guide heat. Freezing of glass occurs precisely along the perimeter of the window. The resulting condensate flows onto the window sill and slopes, causing numerous puddles and stains to form. Even though PVC windows are not afraid of water, this phenomenon is extremely unpleasant. How to get rid of condensation?

First of all, you need to understand the cause of freezing. This happens because the temperature of plastic windows is lower than the “dew point” in the apartment, steam condensation occurs on the glass, because it does not warm up. When windows are replaced with plastic or wooden ones with double-glazed windows, the window deepens significantly. A frame with a double-glazed window generally has a width of 90-120 millimeters, although the thickness of the wall is 50-70 centimeters. As a result, the glass becomes inaccessible to the convection stream of warm air from the radiator, so an unventilated zone appears in the window sill area.

Many housewives who grow flowers on window sills, when replacing windows with plastic analogues, try to make wider window sills so that they protrude another 5-10 centimeters. This further blocks the convection flow from the radiator by half, and, accordingly, the ventilation deteriorates. And the abundance of flowers on the windowsill does not have a very favorable effect on the situation. Condensation on plastic windows - this is a consequence of poor ventilation.

Problems such as condensation can be avoided by making sure that the glass does not cool so much. If you are just planning to replace the windows with double-glazed windows, you should give preference to the thickest possible frame profile in order to reduce the depth. Of course, you will have to sacrifice a couple of centimeters of the window sill, but condensation on windows will bypass you. In addition, it is advisable to order not double (the most popular), but triple glazing, or double with additional glass. Such a double-glazed window is not only a guarantee of excellent sound insulation, but also that the windows will not freeze even at a temperature of minus 35 degrees.

You shouldn’t try to expand the window sill; pots with plants will fit on a standard one, but ventilation from radiators will help avoid problems with “crying” windows. If you have already encountered a problem like condensation on plastic windows, there is nothing left but to establish air exchange in the window niche.

How to get rid of condensation on plastic windows

  1. One of the simplest ways to prevent condensation is to burn a candle. To do this, in severe frosts, place a pair of candlesticks with thick, slowly burning candles near the window. When burning, a warm air flow is created, warming the glass, and a romantic mood in the apartment will not hurt.
  2. If there are practically no plants on your windowsill, but the option of candles causes hostility, you can try building convection screens. These are small width plates that will guide warm air from the battery to the window. This plate needs to be fixed at an angle of 30-60 degrees. To prevent them from standing out, you can disguise them as the sides of a window sill or a decorative element.
  3. The easiest way to create air flow in a niche is with fans. It is enough to turn it on at low intensity so that it captures several windows. Can also be used homemade fans with micromotors and wings made of thick cardboard and tin.
  4. Some people prefer to solve the problem with chemistry. To do this, just go to a car cosmetics store and buy anti-fog aerosols. Before treating glass with them, they need to be washed and dried. The glass will stop fogging up so much, but only by certain time, so this method cannot be called a radical solution to the problem. Besides, chemical substance for cars - no best option for residential premises.
  5. Some craftsmen manage to turn the glass in their own apartment into heated glass. To do this, foil, conductive film or nichrome thread is glued around the perimeter of the window, and a small voltage is applied to it - 24 volts. The part of the window that freezes the most will be warmed up; this technique also works in cars.

The occurrence of condensation that accumulates on the surface window glass- quite a common occurrence in apartments and private houses. When it gets colder, moisture begins to collect on the windows in most residential buildings. As a result, the window sills become wet and there is increased dampness in the air. Such conditions can reduce the comfort of living in the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent glass fogging as soon as this phenomenon is detected. If condensation appears on plastic windows from the side of the room, you should use a number of means to eliminate it.

Where does condensation come from?

There is always a certain amount of water vapor in the air. When it cools, it turns into water droplets. These droplets settle on the surfaces of the lowest temperature in the room. That's exactly what windows are. The settled steam is called condensate.

If there is a lot of water vapor in the air, the problem of condensation is quite serious. It is fogging that moistens the structures from which the house is made. The result of this process is the development of fungus. In winter, condensation transforms into a different state - frost appears on the window. To understand why condensation forms on plastic windows, you should become familiar with one more concept.

Dew point

The dew point is the temperature at which vapor becomes liquid. This point may be in the thermal insulation layer. It can't be adjusted. The lower the percentage of water vapor in the air, the lower the dew point will be.

Factors that influence dew point:

  • outside temperature;
  • humidity outside;
  • the density of the materials from which the walls are made;
  • humidity and temperature in the room.

Considering these factors, you need to learn how to properly deal with condensation on windows.

Danger of condensation

Installing a double-glazed window allows you to increase the comfort of living indoors. However, fresh air does not leak into the room. That is why the apartment owner himself contributes to the deterioration of the microclimate of the room. Condensation that forms on plastic windows is evidence of an unfavorable atmosphere in the room. In conditions of high humidity, various bacteria and fungi develop on the walls.

As established in SNIP 2.04.05-91, the air in residential premises should have a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. In this case, humidity should be maintained in the range of 30-45%. Such indicators can provide comfortable accommodation person indoors. At the same time, the windows will not start to fog up. For this reason, condensation on windows is the main and first sign of a disturbed microclimate.

Reasons for condensation on windows

The fogging process may occur due to insufficient heating of the room. In this case, the steam condenses directly on the surface of the glass unit. There are many reasons why condensation appears:

Such conditions for the formation of condensation on plastic windows must be taken into account before getting rid of the source increased dampness.

Condensation on wooden windows

In the case of wooden structures There is often no condensation. This is explained natural properties material. Wood is able to let air in from the street. Additionally, wooden structures are not as airtight as plastic bags. Due to this, an optimal level of humidity is maintained in the rooms.

Modern PVC bags are quite airtight, which eliminates air flow. Due to these parameters, there is no natural ventilation in the room. To maintain optimal moisture levels, rooms should be ventilated every day. Modern double-glazed windows provide the option of gentle ventilation. Air flow between the room and external environment occurs through a special valve.


Before starting work to get rid of condensation, you should think about preventing the problem. There are several precautions you should take:

  • maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room;
  • system creation natural ventilation in the room;
  • external insulation of the building;
  • reducing the air humidity level in the room to 50%;
  • eliminating sources of moisture penetration into the room - leaky roof, dampness in the basement;
  • Creation effective system heating the glass unit.
  • Removing plants from the windowsill.

These precautions will help prevent excessive condensation from forming on the window design.

Removing condensation

There are several proven ways to get rid of condensation on plastic windows. You just need to follow simple steps:

These methods of dealing with condensation provide a reliable solution to the problem of window fogging.

There are other, more expensive methods. For example, insulating a house from the outside. If the described methods of counteracting condensation are ineffective, you should replace plastic bag to energy saving.

Condensation can also be caused by poor installation of plastic windows. In this case, it may be necessary to dismantle the package. In some cases, you can get rid of condensation by seasonally adjusting the window. If the seal of the product is broken, the rubber seals will need to be replaced.

To avoid problems with the appearance of condensation on plastic windows, you should trust the installation of double-glazed windows professional installers. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the work done. It is especially important to pay attention to insulation.

Condensation from the outside of the glass unit

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Incorrect installation of windows. They are either installed too close to the outer plane of the wall or are flush with the insulation layer.
  • Room humidity is too high.
  • There is no ventilation in the house.
  • The sashes do not fit tightly to the frame.

It is usually not possible to immediately recognize the causes of condensation.


To prevent windows from fogging up, certain measures should be taken. The main condition is that the double-glazed windows must be installed correctly. They should not have any leaks. Other precautions:

  • regular ventilation of rooms where condensation occurs;
  • Creation high-quality ventilation in the house;
  • correct choice of profile and glass unit.

By complying with these conditions, you can reduce the risk of condensation on the windows. If it does appear, you should use some ways to eliminate it.

For example, you can put a fan or a candle on the windowsill. In both cases, warm air will warm the glass, which will prevent condensation from settling. Often the cause of window fogging is a large window sill. It can be cut so that heat flows upward from the battery unhindered.

When performing window repairs or installations, you should contact experienced professionals. This will eliminate the risk of double-glazed windows fogging.

Today among different types PVC windows are the most popular. And this is completely understandable, because they do not require insulation in winter, periodic painting, and also perfectly protect your home from noise and dust. But with the onset of cold weather, condensation may form on plastic windows. As a result, such troubles as puddles on window sills, ice on windows, dampness in the room and even the formation of mold and fungi appear.

To prevent moisture condensing on plastic windows from damaging comfortable conditions living, it is necessary to know the causes of this process, as well as methods for its prevention and elimination. This is what we will talk about next.

Condensation and its effect on the indoor microclimate

Condensation is the result of a violation of the optimal indoor microclimate. High humidity is a favorable environment for the development of fungi, mold and bacteria.

Sanitary standards and rules in paragraph No. 2.04.05-91 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning” establish that optimal humidity air in a living room cannot exceed 30-45%, and the temperature should be 20-22 °C. These conditions are the most suitable for a person’s comfortable existence. Condensation will not form if these conditions are met. Therefore, if you find moisture accumulated on the windows, this is the first sign that the favorable atmosphere in your home has been disturbed.

Why doesn't condensation form on old wooden windows? Firstly, wooden windows They have a fairly large distance between the glasses in the frames, so the glass on the inside has a higher temperature than the same glass in a single-chamber plastic window. Secondly, wooden windows are not highly airtight, so there are drafts in the room where they are installed, which is similar to constant ventilation.

Plastic windows are sealed, so they do not allow drafts to pass through, causing increased humidity in the room and, as a result, condensation. The formation of condensation is a common phenomenon of the transition of water from a gaseous state of aggregation to a liquid state, which occurs when the temperature decreases. When the temperature is enough high water is in the air in the form of vapor. As the temperature drops, moisture begins to condense on the surface that has the most low temperature. In a living room, such a surface is windows.

In physics, there is such a thing as the “dew point” - this is the temperature level at which the air becomes oversaturated with moisture when it rises, and when it falls, it gets rid of it.

When constructing a building, the “dew point” is located either outside it or within its walls, but circumstances can always arise that shift this point inside the living space. Construction technology takes this fact into account and creates all the conditions to prevent such a shift. These conditions include:

  • By placing the radiators under the windows, this creates a thermal barrier that prevents the passage of cold street air into the home.
  • Installing frames closer to the inner window opening for better heating of the glass.
  • Selecting the width of the window sill so that it does not create obstacles to the rise of heated air from the radiators.

Make even minor changes and the balance can be upset. Below is a table showing the air temperature directly near the double-glazed window at which condensation will form on the plastic window.

Advice ! Use a hygrometer to measure indoor humidity levels.

Causes of condensation

There may be several reasons:

Ways to eliminate condensation on plastic windows

Let's consider measures that will help get rid of condensation that appears on the windows:

Attention ! It is not necessary to change the entire structure; you can only replace the double-glazed window itself and leave the profile the same.

Replacement of a double-glazed window is carried out in just a few minutes, but this work must be carried out by a specialist. In addition, when contacting the seller of a defective double-glazed window, its replacement should be free.

September 20, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Condensation on windows is a common problem during the cold season. In most cases, you can get rid of it, however, to do this, you first need to establish the cause. To help with this issue, in this article I will tell you about the 5 most common causes of condensation and how to fix them.

Why does condensation appear?

Condensation on windows must be dealt with as soon as you notice this problem. The fact is that this phenomenon indicates an unfavorable indoor microclimate. In addition, condensation leads to the formation of mold, which is hazardous to health.

But, as mentioned above, before dealing with condensation, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. Most often, windows fog up in the following cases:

Reason 1: poor ventilation in the apartment

First of all, I will say a few words about the nature of condensation on windows. So, condensation is nothing more than steam, which, upon contact with a cold surface, turns into a liquid state. Since the coldest surface in the room is usually the window glass, the steam settles on them.

This raises the question - where does this steam come from? The fact is that a small amount of moisture is almost always contained in the air. In housing, the humidity level increases during cooking, washing, taking water procedures, etc.

Therefore, to maintain an optimal microclimate in a home, there must be ventilation, which ensures the removal of moist air from the room and the influx of “dry” air. If the ventilation is ineffective, then it’s easy to guess that condensation will accumulate abundantly on the windows.

If you encounter a similar problem, you need to follow these steps:

  • first of all check the work ventilation system . To do this, bring a lit match or lighter to the ventilation grilles - the flame should deviate strongly to the side ventilation grille. Otherwise, you must contact the Housing Office;
  • People often wonder why condensation forms on plastic windows when the exhaust system is working well. The reason for this lies in the lack of influx fresh air. The fact is that wooden windows are less airtight, resulting in air flow in a natural way, double-glazed windows are sealed, which leads to the formation of condensation.

To solve this problem, you just need to ventilate the room more often or even install a suction valve.

If you notice that condensation appears on the windows only during cooking, you need to install a hood in the kitchen.

Reason 2: window depressurization

As we found out, condensation on plastic windows on the side of the room can occur as a result of their complete sealing and lack of fresh air flow. However, depressurization of windows can also lead to this phenomenon.

Of course, most often wooden windows fog up for this reason, however, double-glazed windows are not immune to this problem. The fogging process in this case occurs as a result of the fact that cold air penetrates into the home and greatly cools the glass.

This reason is easy to determine in winter period on the formation of ice on glass in places of depressurization. This problem is solved as follows:

  • the places where the glass comes into contact with the frames must be coated silicone sealant. This procedure can be carried out with both wooden and plastic windows;
  • To eliminate the joints of the sashes, you should use special seals, for example, self-adhesive ones. Typically, this procedure is required for wooden frames.

Pay attention! If condensation appears outside, this is normal and indicates that you have high-quality windows.

Reason 3: wide window sill

As you know, under each window in an apartment or house there are heating radiators. This is done for a reason:

  • warm, rising air creates thermal curtain, thereby preventing the penetration of cold from the window into the room;
  • Radiators heat the window, as a result of which they prevent the formation of condensation.

But what happens if there is a wide window sill above the battery or adjacent to it? blackout curtain? That's right, it cuts off warm air from the window, as a result of which the latter becomes supercooled and small droplets of water form on it.

If the window sill is plastic or even wooden, then dismantling it and changing it is absolutely not necessary. The problem can be solved with your own hands more in a simple way– using special gratings.

Their installation is carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, purchase suitable grilles for the window sill. They can have any design and color. Therefore, you can choose products that will also serve as window decoration. The price of gratings averages 300-500 rubles, however, you can find more expensive models, for example, adjustable;
  2. Next, you need to cut holes in the window sill according to the size of the grilles, or more precisely, their fasteners, since the grille overlay should hide the cut lines. For this first apply the markings, then drill a hole to the size of the hacksaw or jigsaw blade. After this, you need to cut a hole according to the markings;
  3. Now you just need to insert the gratings into the holes made.

Here, in fact, are all the instructions for installing grilles on window sills. After performing this procedure, the glass will begin to warm up and the moisture will disappear.

Reason 4: poorly executed slopes

People often wonder why condensation forms on plastic windows from the side of the slopes? The reason is in this case lies in the slopes themselves.

If the slopes are plastic, then the problem can be solved quite simply and quickly. You just need to do the following:

  1. dismantle plastic panels. To do this, you need to carefully pick them out of the profile and pull them out;
  2. if necessary, the space between window frame and the opening should be foamed with high quality. The surface must first be cleaned of dust and moistened;
  3. Before installing plastic panels in place, they should be placed in the space between the wall and slopes mineral wool, which will serve as insulation.

People often wonder what to do if condensation appears on single-chamber plastic windows? If it is not the reasons stated above, then most likely the windows themselves are to blame, as they do not provide sufficient thermal insulation. This problem can be temporarily solved only by forced heating, however, it is better to replace the double-glazed windows.

If the slopes are from, then, unfortunately, it will not be possible to reuse them. In this case, you will have to dismantle them, then insulate the opening and then install new ones. On our portal you can find detailed information about how to install slopes from different materials.

Reason 5: plants

Often the reason for glass fogging is trivial - it is the presence large quantity plants on the windowsill. The fact is that plants require watering, and they also evaporate moisture on their own.

In this case, you need to reduce the number of plants. Especially, avoid moisture-loving breeds. It is not necessary to get rid of them completely, but you can only find a more suitable place for them.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to get rid of condensation on windows.


As we have found out, the reasons for the formation of condensation on window glass there are several. Almost all of them are quite easy to fix; the main thing is not to delay solving this problem. The only serious reason is low-quality single-chamber glass, so it is better to immediately refuse to purchase them.

See the video in this article for more information. If you have any problems in the fight against glass fogging, leave questions in the comments and I will be happy to help you.

September 20, 2016

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Plastic windows are now no longer a sign of luxury, but a necessity, because stylish designs can be seen in almost any apartment. Windows can be conditionally classified by the number of cameras (from one to four) and the opening mechanism (fixed, tilting, rotating, combined, rotating). The temperature in the room will depend on the number of cameras (interglazed spaces) - the cooler the climate, the more cameras need to be installed.

The main concern of the owners of these modern designs– condensation on plastic windows that forms during the cold season. You can choose windows with a self-cleaning surface - the need for cleaning will occur less frequently, but this will not affect the frequency of vapor formation. Here it is important to influence the cause of the appearance of drops and smudges that interfere with the view and increase the humidity in the room. We will talk about how to get rid of fogging of plastic windows a little lower.

Why does condensation collect on plastic windows?

The water contained in the air is in a vapor state. You can measure the humidity of the room using special instruments - its normal indicator will be 30-45%. At a certain low temperature, moisture changes from vapor to liquid. Because The coldest place in the apartment is the window; steam tends to escape there and, encountering a temperature barrier, turns into water, settling on the glass. It is important to understand why condensation accumulates on windows in order to properly eliminate the cause of its occurrence. The formation of fumes on the windows can be noticed:

  • During cooking (heated air is distributed throughout the entire volume of the room, a transition between liquid states occurs in the area of ​​the cold window)
  • At high humidity(make sure that indoors the indicator is no more than 50%)
  • In apartments with wide window sills(heat from the battery is blocked, so plastic windows are not heated)
  • If the windows are not insulated during installation or before the start of the season
  • In case of leaks
  • If the room is crowded

Having found out why condensation collects on plastic windows, we will describe the consequences of its occurrence:

  1. Bad review
  2. Unaesthetic appearance
  3. Formation of dirty smudges and puddles on the windowsill
  4. Due to the constant humidity in building structures fungus forms, which has a bad effect on respiratory system apartment residents
  5. In winter on inside frost appears on the glass

How to get rid of fogging of plastic windows?

If you are faced with the question of how to get rid of moisture on windows, you should first measure the air humidity. If it is too large, you need to normalize the home “atmosphere” with the help of frequent ventilation - fresh air flows stabilize the moisture content. Modern wooden windows with plastic double glazed windowsgreat solution to prevent evaporation, because thanks to natural materials the air flows freely, “gentle ventilation” is carried out. The disadvantage of this type of structure is the low level of tightness. An apartment with wooden structures may be too cold, especially in winter.

You can prevent the occurrence of fumes in the following ways:

  • Remove plants from the windowsill
  • Narrow the width of the window sill to ensure the windows are heated by the radiator. You can install a more powerful battery or install a “window” (convection tap) in the window sill.
  • IN country houses sometimes it is necessary to eliminate the flow of moisture into the room - this can be achieved by repairing the roof or basement area
  • Keep rooms stable comfortable temperature– ventilation and installation of hoods will save
  • Insulate the outside of the building
  • If these methods do not work, it is advisable to replace the PVC block with an energy-saving one.
  1. Ventilate several times a day;
  2. Almost all modern windows There is a function for winter ventilation - just turn the knob 45 degrees. The opening structure will move slightly away from the frame - this will ensure air exchange with virtually no change in the temperature in the room. The quality of sound insulation is also not compromised;
  3. Folk simple solution complex problem how to get rid of condensation, – 2-3 regular wax candles installed on the windowsill, will warm the air near the window to the desired level;
  4. A fan can improve air exchange in a room - just install the device on the windowsill so that it is directed towards several windows. Wet streams will be “thrown away” from the window, which will prevent droplets from settling;
  5. You can use a car decondensation product on windows. Before use, the window must be washed and wiped, after which the anti-fog agent is sprayed and rubbed. This method does not remove moisture - the coating only slightly repels liquid, reducing the formation of evaporation.

In case of unscrupulous installation and poor-quality insulation of slopes, it may even be necessary to dismantle and install a new plastic window. Sometimes it helps to seasonally adjust the window and install a built-in ventilation valve in the unit. If the issue is the tightness of the structure, it will not be superfluous to replace the rubber seals.

In order not to wonder how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows, trust the installation to experienced installers, monitor the progress of the work (especially the final part - insulation).