How and with what to heat a garden house in the fall. Heating and heating a dacha in winter Heating a room in winter

Today, thousands of our compatriots living in cities decide to acquire a dacha. And there they spend free time both in summer and winter. This, of course, can be called the right decision - every person, both a child and an adult, will be pleased to be away from large city, breathe fresh air and enjoy the peace and quiet. But here many people are faced with a very serious question - how to ensure high-quality heating dachas in winter?

On days when the temperature drops below -30 degrees Celsius, even in a well-insulated dacha without good heating it is not only uncomfortable, but simply dangerous. Therefore, the issue of heating a country house should be approached as responsibly as possible. Today there are several most common types of heating methods:

  • oven,
  • water,
  • electric.

These species can be further divided into several subspecies. Each has certain pros and cons. Every dacha owner who wants to spend a weekend outside the city in winter time year.

Today, stove heating is the least popular for dachas. But still, it enjoys some popularity, so mentioning it will be very useful.

The main disadvantage of this heating is difficult to maintain. It is necessary to put fuel (coal, peat, wood, coke) into the stove several times a day (depending on the temperature outside and the size of the room) and light the fire. When using coal, you have to remove the ash before each fire, which also takes quite a lot of time.

A plus is complete autonomy. You are completely independent from the outside world - you don’t need either electricity or gas. It is enough to stock up on a few cubic meters of firewood or several tons of coal in the summer to be absolutely sure that you can heat your dacha in any frost. The simplicity of the design completely eliminates the risk of breakage, which is also highly valued by prudent owners.

There are two main types of stoves: the Russian stove and the potbelly stove.

The Russian stove is widely known both in our country and far beyond its borders. Huge, massive, it has performed several functions since ancient times. You can cook food in it, you can sleep on its warm surface, healing from chronic joint diseases and, of course, it can be used for heating rooms. It is usually installed in the center of the house, dividing the room into several rooms - kitchen, hall, living room or others, at your discretion.

Thanks to large size it can heat several rooms at the same time. When you heat it up well, you can be sure that the brick from which it is made will retain heat for many hours, protecting you from sudden temperature changes.

The video tells about all the delights

Alas, there are also disadvantages.

The first one is large sizes. If you need a truly efficient Russian stove, be prepared to allocate at least 6-8 square meters of free space for it.

It takes quite a long time to heat - after you light the fire, several hours will pass before the cooled bricks warm up and begin to give off heat to the surrounding space. And of course, this solution is only suitable for one-story buildings. Otherwise, you will have to build a furnace similar in size to a steel blast furnace.

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A potbelly stove is very different from a Russian stove. It takes up very little space - no more than 1 square meter. It warms up very quickly, after which it begins to warm up the air around it. For one firebox it is enough to use 5-7 logs. If desired, you can also boil a kettle or cook dinner on it.

Potbelly stove

But it also has its disadvantages. Although it warms up very quickly, it also cools down in the shortest possible time. Half an hour after lighting the fire, it becomes red-hot, and after another two hours, its walls are barely warm. Frequent changes Not everyone will like the temperatures. And to maintain a constant temperature, firewood will have to be laid every hour. And if you can put up with this during the day, then at night it is much more difficult to do.

Moreover, it is suitable for heating only one, not too large room - one potbelly stove cannot significantly increase the temperature in two or three rooms. Therefore, it is better not to use it for heating a large house.

Water heating

If you are interested in how to heat a dacha in winter with greater comfort, then we can recommend using heating boilers. Yes, their installation and installation of related equipment will take more time and effort, as well as money. But you can be sure that all rooms will be warm and cozy, and you will have to put a minimum of effort and time into this.

Water heating system for a country house

Depending on the fuel used, heating boilers are usually divided into several types:

  • diesel,
  • gas,
  • solid fuel.

Diesel boilers remain one of the most common in our country. But, basically, this is a legacy of bygone decades. Today, diesel fuel is very expensive, so only very wealthy people can afford to heat their homes in this way. Otherwise, such boilers do not have serious drawbacks. The only one is the unpleasant, acrid, oily smoke. You have to extend the chimney above the roof level, otherwise soot appears on the walls, which is quite difficult to get rid of, and the constant smell of burning will probably not please any of the inhabitants of the dacha.

More the best solution the boiler will be installed in small extension 5-15 meters from the house, if the size of the plot allows it.

The advantages of diesel boilers are quite numerous. Diesel fuel can be stored in a large tank (several tons) buried on the property, close to the house, in order to be self-sufficient. High energy intensity allows you to burn relatively little fuel to maintain the desired temperature level in the house. The fuel is supplied by itself, thanks to which the temperature in the premises remains practically unchanged all day, and a person does not need to take part in this process.

Gas boilers are becoming increasingly popular these days. Today, most of the country is gasified, and even in small villages people have access to gas. Its cost is significantly lower than the cost of diesel fuel, and their energy intensity is quite comparable.

Gas boiler operation diagram

Otherwise, gas is even better than diesel fuel. It does not smoke when burned, which many users like. It is not necessary to have large reserves of gas if there is a connection to a gas pipeline.

The only disadvantage of this type of fuel is the risk of explosion. A tiny leak, which can occur due to improper installation or accidental breakdown, is enough for the owners to get a real bomb at their side. This scares off many potential owners. Although in most cases this danger is reduced to almost zero. To do this, experts recommend installing gas heating boilers not in basements, but in separate buildings. It is very important to ensure good ventilation in this room. Then the possibility of gas accumulation to a dangerous concentration is completely eliminated.

At this time of year there is no tedious weeding, planting, watering and other time-consuming work, but very interesting for people of any age. There is time to just walk around the snow-covered garden, dream and plan the beds for future planting. Clear the snow from the paths, and then warm up and drink fragrant tea infused with herbs in your home. The main thing is that there is warmth in it, which can be created, but is not always easy.

Modern technologies mastered in production building materials, allow you to choose any of them and even build a multi-story dacha in a short time. Moreover, immediately with a well-thought-out heating system, designed and implemented not only independently, but also with the involvement of specialists in this field.

Heating in old country houses

Almost all dacha owners tried to build a stove or just a brick column. Not all are nearby settlements equipped with gas supply. In many places on winter period power supply is turned off, used to supply water metal pipes, laid on the surface of the earth. It is clear that in such cases it makes no sense to talk about water heating in winter.

Coal and firewood are often used as fuel. But the main disadvantages of brick stoves are the inability to obtain the desired temperature quickly and the need to regularly fire the stove at least once a day. Immediately upon arrival at the dacha you will have to turn on the electric heater, if possible.

Brick kilns

There are all sorts of brick stoves. With a stove, oven, and numerous stoves for drying mushrooms, shoes, clothes, and storing seeds. Lined with beautiful tiles, the stove is worthily called the heart of the house. Is it possible not to come, even in the harsh winter, just to visit her?

The main elements in the construction of any type of stove are grates, views, cast iron plates, the installation of which is carried out by the stove maker in accordance with the project. They are always on sale and even in case of repair they are easy to buy and simply replace.

The efficiency of the furnace depends on the size of the combustion chamber. A variant of the stove used only for heating is the Dutch oven with a long chimney. It is often built at the dacha. It definitely requires a foundation that goes deep, and not just built into the floor.

There are many designs for brick ovens with hobs, with a boiler, if there is a heating system. They are all good, but they require at least two hours to start releasing heat into the house.

Servicing the stove is not difficult. The main thing is to stock up on time required quantity fuel, remove ash and clean the chimney from soot. This operation can be carried out very rarely, if you follow the advice, burn the aspen log at the last moment of the furnace firing process.

Metal furnaces

This type of stove is a good alternative to a brick stove. Their advantage is fast heating and heat transfer from the walls different thicknesses depending on constructive solutions during manufacture. And also the possibility of installation simply on the floor without a foundation. Unfortunately, they quickly cooled down and the combustion process had to be maintained constantly.

Modern stove models have beautiful appearance and serve as a real decoration of the house. They are reliable and can retain heat for up to 10 hours, as opposed to 3 hours with older models. This is due to the use of heat-resistant high-alloy steels.

The most popular ovens are:

  1. Pechurka. It is manufactured at the Teplodar plant and is used for heating small rooms. It can be used for cooking.
  2. Top model. Furnace design with two rows of pipes complex shape, allows you to create a powerful flow of warm air and quickly warm up the cottage.
  3. Teplodar Rus, Termofor Cinderella, Tatra 14.
  4. Vertical ceramics. Except good properties has heating glass door through which you can look at the fire.
  5. Fireplace inserts Jotul, Tarnava. Their functions are the same as metal furnaces, but the design matches the fireplace closed type. The difference is the presence of a smoke collector, a valve and a forced convection system.
  6. Cassette fireplaces. The firebox for them is made of cast iron, in which cracks do not form, and they do not smoke like brick ones. Fireplaces are fireproof structures and quickly heat the room.

Electric heaters

These devices were always one of the first to be purchased when dacha arrangement. Many models with exposed heating elements can now only be found in barns and attics. Modern heaters are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Oil heater. The operating principle of the most common device is to transfer heat from oil heated by an electric coil to a metal body. Modern models have the ability to use several operating modes. Heating of the room does not occur very quickly, but, working in economical mode, with the support of the heated stove, it heats well small room all night.
  2. Electric convector. Heating occurs due to the movement of warm air passing through the heating elements. The device is controlled using thermostats to regulate the temperature. The device turns on and off automatically. With their help, the room is quickly heated, which is very convenient to do immediately after arriving at the dacha in winter.
  3. Fan heaters. Heating of the room occurs quickly, but they burn oxygen and their long-term use is not recommended.
  4. Infrared heaters. This modern type electric heating, due to which not only the air is heated, but also all objects nearby. The heat from the appliances comes immediately after switching on, but long time It is not recommended to be directly in its coverage area. Among all the options electric heaters they are the most effective.

Heating in modern country houses

The principle of organizing a dacha heating system, thought out at the stage of designing a house, is no different from heating systems for cottages and residential buildings. The decisive point is the presence of heating mains. But, as a rule, they are not. The second difference is the implementation of an economical, periodically used heating option, rather than a daily operating one.

To do this, any system must provide: rapid heating of the room, required area, draining water from the pipeline during water heating and have greater power for effectively heating houses with low thermal insulation properties.

The heating system in the country begins with the installation of the selected type of boiler and piping the house. Such necessary work, such as preparing the premises for the boiler room, organizing the devices necessary for ventilation of solid-state boilers, installing the pipeline, starting and testing are best left to experienced specialists. The boiler can be electric, diesel, solid-state and gas.

There are hybrid boiler models that use solid fuel and electricity to operate. Their cost is much higher and they are not always profitable for a dacha where they do not live permanently in the winter. A wood-burning boiler is the easiest to withstand temperature changes in winter.

It also belongs to the category economical options. Convection type wood boiler the most common. It has a low noise level, which makes it possible to install it in ground floors. Large selection modern models boilers make it possible to increasingly use water heating.

When building a large dacha, it is the most the best option heating. Its essence lies in the possibility of constant circulation of water heated to the desired temperature through pipes to the batteries located in the house and back. To lay the pipeline, pipes made of metal, polypropylene or metal-plastic are most often used. They can be used for many decades only if properly preserved for the winter.

Another problem is the timely replacement of water filters, in the absence of which, the pipes quickly become clogged with various deposits of impurities contained in the water. Not only water, but also saline solution, glycerin, and propylene glycol can be used as a coolant.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Glycerin, for example, does not harden and retains its fluid properties even at a temperature of 30° below zero, which prevents pipes from bursting. It's very expensive. Propylene glycol is not toxic, but specific heat capacity worse than harmful ethylene glycol. Due to the increase in the construction of dachas from modern materials the best thing to do is to involve in the implementation work own system heating, experienced specialists.

To keep your dacha warm in winter, you must choose one of the heating options. At the same time very important point is early insulation of the house. Otherwise, efficiency sharply decreases and energy consumption increases. And it will be difficult to stay warm.

Oil radiators

Popularly, such heaters are called radiators, since the principle of operation of oil batteries is exactly the same as that of their relatives, screwed to the walls and connected to central system heating. There is hot liquid inside the device (in in this case oil, and in home radiators - water), which heats the metal walls, which in turn transfer heat to the air in the room. The closer you are to the heater, the warmer it is, since the air is heated unevenly. To turn this disadvantage into an advantage, manufacturers equip most models with special wheels for easy transportation around the apartment. However, on cheap models, the wheels are inhumane to the parquet.

The second disadvantage of oil heaters is that they slowly (but surely!) warm up the air. Manufacturers are trying to solve this problem in two ways. Firstly, special timers are built into the devices, which automatically turn on the heater at certain time, say, an hour before the owner arrives. And secondly, small fans are installed in the case, accelerating the heating of the air in the room. Another drawback - quite high temperature surfaces during operation (can reach more than 1000C). Therefore, you should not leave melting objects near the heater, and you yourself need to be careful not to get burned.

Despite this, this type of heater is considered the most fireproof. Although they still remain mandatory requirements: when switched on, they cannot be placed horizontally; install devices designed for large areas, in very small (utility) rooms is also not recommended.

These devices got their name thanks to natural circulation air (convection), which underlies their work, - hot air rises upward, gradually filling the space of the room, while the cold one falls down - to the heating element, and further in a circle.

At the bottom of the device there are openings - the “entrance”, and at the top - grilles through which the heated air exits. Inside the device, the air is heated using a tube with a hot spiral inside (the so-called “heating element” - a tubular electric heater).

One of the main advantages of the device is its attractive appearance, which allows it to easily fit into the interior of the apartment. In addition, the relatively low temperature of the case makes it possible to hang the device on the wall, but the higher its location, the lower the efficiency.

It is best to install the convector near a window, then it will be warm air wall will be a good barrier against the winter cold. One of the main disadvantages is the slow heating of the air.

This device can be called a hair dryer increased power, since its operating principle is exactly the same - an electric coil heats the air, and the fan sends it as far as possible. The main advantage of the device is its low price.

In addition, its small dimensions make it easy to carry this device, in other words, carry the heat with you. Some models can be hung on the wall.

Sometimes the fan rotates in the heater body to ensure even heat distribution, and in some models the blowing angle reaches 1800.

But these heaters have more disadvantages than all the others. Firstly, they have the most bad grades from the point of view fire safety.

Secondly, the hot spiral burns oxygen, dust particles and small insects, causing bad smell. There are no such problems with fan heaters that use a ceramic heating element, but their price is somewhat more expensive than oil radiators. In addition, another problem remains in a fan heater of any model - increased level noise.

Infrared heaters (infrared emitters)

They act as a home mini-sun, since they heat in the same way - they send warm (infrared) rays.

A distinctive feature is that they do not heat the air, like all other heaters, but people and objects at which they are directed. warm light, that is, energy is not wasted where it is not needed.

As a result, such “targeted” heating allows saving up to 40% of energy. Such devices are well suited for large rooms when it is necessary to “insulate” only a certain part of the territory. Also this great way stay warm by staying in the cold season open terrace, where there is simply no point in installing traditional heating devices.

“This type of heater does not burn oxygen and prevents the appearance of dampness,” assures the product manager household appliances network "Samobyt" Andrey Kravchuk. Let us add: they are indispensable in high rooms, especially in country houses, since they almost instantly heat the floor and other surfaces. And “radiant” heaters - unlike other systems - provide relatively uniform heating across the height of the room.

It is recommended to install infrared heaters as high as possible to increase the coverage area. If the ceiling is suspended, you can hide the wire in it so that it does not hang on the wall. Perhaps the main disadvantage of such devices is their high price.

What else should you pay attention to?

When choosing a heater, you must also take into account the size of the heated area. As a rule, about 100 W of power is required per 1 m2, although much depends on the quality of the apartment’s insulation.

The heater will be able to provide more comfort if it is equipped additional funds control, for example, with a sensor to monitor temperature. Such a sensor independently determines when it is necessary to turn on the device and in what mode to set it. The owner can only indicate the desired temperature. It is very convenient if the heater kit includes a remote control.

Separately, it is worth focusing on safety. Heating devices must be equipped with a protection system in case of malfunctions and dangerous situations. For example, in fan heaters, the heated filament is cooled by the supplied air. If the device falls to the floor and continues to work, the coil will heat up to such an extent that it will simply melt the body - this may result in a fire. Therefore, the heater must have a sensor that stops its operation when it tips over.

For country houses which are often left unattended, it is important that the water in the heater pipes does not freeze. Therefore, devices that can constantly maintain a low positive temperature (usually about 50C) are convenient for such rooms; sometimes this function is called “antifreeze”

Proper heating of the garage in winter is a very important and responsible matter. Today there are quite a lot in various ways heat the garage. Which one should you choose? How to heat a garage in winter efficiently and inexpensively? This article will try to find answers to these questions.

In the summer, spring and autumn seasons, the garage space does not particularly need additional heating, but with the advent of cold weather and frost, its need becomes obvious. The fact is that as a result of temperature changes, as well as snow sticking to the bottom of the car, condensation can form in the garage. This phenomenon is extremely dangerous for cars, tools and other steel objects stored indoors. It provokes the appearance of corrosive processes in the metal. That is why a heated garage is the key to the longevity of the car and other useful items that live in it.

Before deciding how to heat the garage in the winter, it is advisable to fulfill two more basic conditions to make the arrangement of the garage space as comfortable and correct as possible:

  • Correctly executed ventilation in the garage, which will be responsible for the release of moisture and exhaust gases from the room, as well as the entry of clean air.
  • Insulation of the garage, which will allow you to maintain more heat and reduce its loss.

Types of heating for the garage

The location of the building itself will help you decide how to heat your garage in winter. If the garage is part of the main house or is located a short distance from it, then you can use general heating. If the garage space stands alone or is too far from the house, then you will have to equip it autonomous system heating

Water heating

This system has been familiar to everyone since childhood. It is used in many residential buildings and premises. Its principle is based on the fact that water heated by a convector or boiler flows through a pipe system into radiators made of special alloys with high thermal conductivity. Due to their increased properties of releasing heat, radiators disperse it around themselves, thereby heating the room.

Water heating is appropriate only in cases where the garage is adjacent to the house or is large and is used for commercial purposes. If equipped separate system for a garage space, then its costs will be too high. In addition, for water heating of a garage, it is not ordinary water that is suitable, but antifreeze (which will not freeze in cold weather), the cost of which is several times higher.

To install water heating you will need the following devices and materials:

  1. Pipes (metal-plastic or PVC);
  2. Radiators;
  3. The heating device (boiler) is electric, fuel or gas.

Gas heating

It is believed that heating a garage with gas in winter is quite inexpensive due to the cheapness of the fuel itself. However, to install such heating you will need additional equipment, which is sometimes very expensive.

Today there are three gas garage heating systems:

  • Using a gas boiler as a water heater for a water heating system;
  • Application of gas in a heat gun;
  • Equipping the garage with an infrared or catalytic gas heater.

As for the gas boiler, such a system will be appropriate only if the garage is located next to a heated house or is planned to be heated large premises. Another basic condition for gas heating equipment is the presence of a nearby gas pipeline.

If the garage is separate from the house, then for installation gas heating you will need:

  • Preparation of documents for permitting gas heating;
  • Heating system design;
  • Heating system installation;
  • Purchase and installation of a gas boiler.

This procedure will require high costs, since installation of the system and boiler should be done by professionals. It’s better not to joke with gas, because errors in installation or design can lead to disastrous consequences.

A heat gun or gas generator can be installed using a gas pipeline system, or you can equip it yourself using a cylinder with liquefied gas. The operating principle of such a system is based on burning gas with a burner located in a gun and delivering the resulting energy to a special fan. When heat enters the fan, it sprays it around itself. The only drawback of such a system is that air gets into the garage harmful products combustion, therefore its installation requires a correct and powerful ventilation system.

The third type of gas heating involves the use of infrared or catalytic gas heaters. We got this type of heating relatively recently, but it has already attracted the interest of many garage owners.

Regarding catalytic heaters, then they are considered safer than infrared ones, since in the process of gas combustion almost 95% of it harmful substances eliminated by the device itself. Infrared heaters release air into the room along with combustion products.

If you ask yourself whether it is better to heat a garage with electricity or gas when using an infrared heater, then the answer will be clear - gas. Gas appliances, unlike electric ones, are capable of producing and dispersing heat quickly and efficiently. The big disadvantage of using them is the need for frequent ventilation of the room.

Important to know! If the garage is equipped gas heating, then the liquefied gas cylinder must be placed in metal box and place it at an impressive distance from the heating element.

Electric heating

Electric garage heating is already a classic. Many car enthusiasts prefer this heating method. Its great advantage is the ease of installation of the equipment - you just need to deliver it to the garage and install or secure it with your own hands in the right place.

But this system also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Dependence on the electrical network - very often in remote areas of the city or outside the city, wire breaks occur, which cannot be immediately repaired;
  • Quite frequent short circuits in networks that can destroy all electrical equipment in the garage;
  • High cost of electricity;
  • Considerable prices for the electric heating devices and systems themselves.

There are several different ways to heat a garage using electricity:

  1. An electric heat generator or gun is the most common and inexpensive electrical appliance for heating a room. Its significant disadvantage is large number energy consumed.
  2. Infrared heaters are low-cost devices whose operation is based on infrared radiation. During combustion infrared lamp its rays are directed to objects located in front of it and heat them. The big disadvantage of such devices is their effect on the paint on the car - it begins to melt and peel. Because the best option will place infrared heaters above the garage door so that their rays do not touch the car, but are directed towards the gate, thereby creating a kind of heat shield.
  3. A convector is a device that has a higher cost than previous options, but is distinguished by its efficiency and duration of action. If you compare it with a gun, it will heat the room more slowly, but it will also take longer to cool down.
  4. An inverter split is a special air conditioner that can operate at very low temperatures(up to -20°). Such systems are expensive, but their use allows you to save on electricity consumption.

Solid fuel heating

Car enthusiasts whose properties are located far from civilization are asking only one question: how to heat a garage without electricity, gas and water cheaply. Solid fuel heating systems can come to their aid.

There are several ways to heat a garage with a solid fuel system:

  • Metal stove (colloquially “potbelly stove”);
  • Brick oven;
  • Solid fuel boiler.

All of the above devices can operate on coal, peat briquettes, wood and other solid fuels.

The disadvantages of such a heating system include:

  1. Fire hazard - it is necessary to remove all flammable objects from the room and protect nearby surfaces;
  2. High cost of the boiler;
  3. Constant support of the flame - once every 4-10 hours it is necessary to add raw materials to the furnace;
  4. Reinforced chimney - it must be well insulated and made of material that is resistant to condensation.
  5. The need to constantly buy additional fuel;
  6. Arrangement of a special place for fuel storage.

Heating with waste oil

This type of garage heating is based on the combustion process of waste oil mixtures. The advantages of such heating of a garage space are:

  • The ability to create a stove with your own hands (for example, from a gas cylinder cut off at the top);
  • High fire safety;
  • Lack of soot and soot;
  • Cheap and sometimes free material for fuel;
  • Low cost industrial furnace;
  • No harmful combustion products;
  • Operability in any frost;
  • Rare major device breakdowns.

But there is of this type heating and a number of disadvantages:

  • The need to clean the chimney and oil container at least once a week;
  • The chimney device should not contain horizontal bends, but should constantly strive upward;
  • The length of the chimney must be at least 4 m;
  • Homogeneous mixtures cannot be used as fuel;
  • Do not allow flammable mixtures such as gasoline, acetone, kerosene, etc. to get into the oil;
  • Frequent minor breakdowns as a result of using fuels of different quality.

We hope that this article will help all car enthusiasts decide which type of heating to choose for their garage.

Summer residents relax on their plots not only in summer, but also in winter. Your holiday will be comfortable, if you take care of heating in advance. Country houses heated by a variety of devices.

The choice of equipment depends on the size and condition dacha, weather conditions, availability of firewood, domestic gas, electricity.

Heating a cottage without electricity or gas

In the absence of electricity and gas country house will be heated by a system powered by solar collector . You can make a simple collector yourself, but it barely heats up house, if the temperature drops below zero. Therefore, most often for economical heating building brick kilns.

Stove heating

Dacha owners build fireplaces and brick stoves and purchase potbelly stoves. Shops offer owners of private houses dozens of types of cast iron and steel stoves.

Stoves and fireplaces made of brick heated with wood and coal. In them burn any organic fuel.

  • Brick kilns install not only in the middle of the room, they are built in into the walls for heating several rooms.
  • After the fuel burns out, close the valve and the heat does not leave the house.

Bricks heat up slowly and evenly from the fire and retain heat for a long time. The oven remains warm even after 24 hours.


Fireplaces good for one room, but are unsuitable for heating several adjacent rooms. They burn a lot of fuel compared to regular ones brick stoves.

Comes from the flame direct thermal radiation, heating the space in front of the firebox. This creates convection thermal flow going up from the fireplace.

Potbelly stove

When burning solid fuel, a potbelly stove gets hot quickly. For heating the house one bookmark is enough firewood

Photo 1. Metal stove installed in the house. According to fire safety rules, the floor and walls around are covered with non-combustible materials.

This oven doesn't take up much space, but it cannot be built into openings. It is required to follow fire safety rules and move the structure away from the walls.

When fuel burns, the stove body heats up and the air temperature nearby rises.

Reference. Iron furnaces They heat up quickly, but also cool down quickly. The exception is ovens long burning that give off heat within 6-8 hours.

How to heat a dacha in winter when there is a shortage of firewood

In the absence of electricity and a shortage of firewood, they use gas. Gas supply is carried out from main networks and cylinders.

Used for heating gas appliances without fan. These are convectors, thermal and infrared catalytic heaters, mini-ovens.

Heating principle gas appliances operating without electricity is in the supply of coolant to the burners by gravity. The air is heated by natural circulation.

The heating features of such devices include increased requirements for air circulation. The room must be ventilated using a window. Gas heaters allow you to increase the temperature in your home within half an hour.

Gas guns

Thermal gas gun(heater) is designed for quick heating of cottages and houses permanent residence, and for tents.

After opening the valve, gas flows to the burners. Piezo device creates a spark, which ignites the fuel. The flame heats the air, which is blown into the room by a fan.

The peculiarity of gas heat guns is that these devices are not completely autonomous. Their housing contains a fan powered by electric current.

Important! Do not use homemade gas heaters - this is prohibited by fire safety regulations.

How to quickly warm a room if there is electricity

In many holiday villages all year round there is electricity. Electric heaters are used to quickly heat a home. infrared heaters, install the “Warm Floor” system.

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Electric heaters

There are several types household electric heaters: electric fireplaces, fan heaters, convectors, oil radiators. Such devices quickly heat the room in winter.

Electric current passing through high-resistance working elements heats them up. As a result of heat exchange with air, the house is heated.

Heating Features related to their design. The heating speed depends on this.

  • IN electric fireplaces built-in incandescent coil or heating element. A hot heater transfers heat to the surrounding air.
  • Fan heater equipped with a built-in fan that draws air into the device. After heating from the coil (heating element), the air is blown back into the room.
  • Convectors have a vertical casing. Air enters the lower slots of the housing, heats up and exits through the upper slots.
  • Oil heaters filled with special oil, there are heating elements inside the device. Heating occurs when heat is transferred from the hot body of the device.

Infrared heating

Infrared heating is created by devices operating from gas, electricity, diesel fuel . This group includes portable and stationary IR devices and film.

  • Infrared heaters Available in floor and wall and ceiling. They are also made in the form of paintings. These devices have different designs and sizes.
  • IR film consists of heating elements (tires), carbon film or foil and a plastic coating. Cover with IR films smooth and curved surfaces.

Working elements of devices create infrared radiation which is good heats solid objects, but does not heat well air gap. The walls give off heat to the air that circulates inside the room.

Peculiarities IR heating related to the design devices. IN electrical devices heating elements are heating elements. In gas IR devices, gas is supplied to metal mesh, platinum-coated ceramic plates on which combustion products decompose.

Warm floor

The "Warm floor" system creates heating lower part of the room. Heating pipes are installed under the floor of the dacha, electrical cable, IR film, metal amorphous tape.

The heat coming from heating elements systems, warms the floor and the air gap above it.

The air rises and heats the entire room.


  • Stationary"Warm floor" systems are installed on a cement-sand cushion under tiles, laminate, tiles, linoleum.
  • Mobile"Warm floor" devices are installed on top flooring, under the carpets. They are made in the form of mats.

Heating a two-story cottage in winter

Good heating two-story building is only possible using water heating. To heat water in the heating system, use the following: types of boilers:

  • solid fuel;
  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • on liquid fuel.

Burning solid fuel(wood, coal), electric heating elements, gas increase the temperature of the coolant (water). Natural flow of water(or using a pump) moves along a closed loop heating pipes and gives off heat.