Installation of heating in a private house with gas cylinders. Advantages and disadvantages of heating with gas cylinders Heating a private house with liquefied gas in cylinders

It often happens that it is not possible to connect a building to centralized heating. If the owner, having gone through all the options, stops at such a heating method as liquefied gas, you should take into account all the nuances, calculate the consumption of liquefied gas for heating the house and weigh whether this method of heating the home is rational.

What is liquefied gas

Liquefied gas is natural gas that has changed its state of aggregation and turned into a liquid, significantly decreasing in volume. The transition requires low pressure and normal temperature. As a result, a much larger volume of fuel is placed in gas storage tanks.

Cylinders are filled with a mixture of propane and butane, which remains liquid under high pressure. This makes transport easier and safer. There are three options for the fuel that cylinders are filled with, depending on seasonality:

  • technical butane;
  • technical mixture of propane and butane (summer version);
  • technical mixture of propane and butane (winter version).

In order not to face the problem of the impossibility of heating in the winter due to high frosts, it is necessary to insulate the boxes where the cylinders are stored and equip them with a heater. At low temperatures, the gas does not freeze, but turns into a liquid, and does not enter the heating system. This is due to the boiling of the mixture at a temperature of ten degrees below zero, the pressure drops. To prevent this from happening, in addition to insulation and heating during outdoor installation of cylinders, airflow from the boiler room through specially made air vents is provided.

Safe use of LPG at home

LPG mixture is much heavier than air. And if there is a gas leak from the cylinders, it always collects above the floor surface, and you can feel the presence of gas in the room already when it reaches a critical explosive level. For this reason, the gas cylinder should only be installed outdoors, in a special metal compartment in a vertical position. The device must be equipped with holes for ventilation.

  • in case of freezing, it is forbidden to heat the cylinder with electrical appliances, heating elements;
  • structures with a balloon installation are located on the outside of the dwelling and preferably on the north side, to exclude sunlight;
  • the cylinder is filled with less than eighty percent of its volume, the remaining percent of the space is given for expansion;
  • systematically check cylinders for leakage;
  • gas pipelines must be made of reliable and powerful materials.

Liquefied gas for home heating

The presence of gas cylinders with propane - butane in country dwellings no longer surprises anyone. People where gas is not connected actively use this option in the kitchen, for conservation, cooking. But recently, more and more often you can hear that country houses are heated with liquefied hydrocarbon gas, LPG. Recently, the purchase of equipment and installation of a heating system has become quite affordable for the general population. More and more people who do not have the opportunity to receive centralized gas for heating are installing equipment for heating with liquefied gas.

Among the advantages of this option for using liquefied gas, the following features stand out:

  • the ability to make independent autonomous heating in a place where it is impossible to use centralized heating;
  • gas can be used all year round;
  • the system is of high quality and reliable operation;
  • the gas tank is a small and visually invisible reservoir, does not take up space, as it is located underground;
  • ease of delivery of raw materials that does not require the construction of a pipeline;
  • liquefied gas has a higher heat capacity than natural;
  • raw materials are considered environmentally friendly;
  • compared to other heating options, the low cost of gas, not dependent on fluctuations in the cost of natural.

But we can not say about the disadvantages of using liquefied gas:

  • provided that the dwelling is located far from the city, the cost of raw materials may be increased due to travel costs;
  • at high frosts when using liquefied gas, there is a danger of freezing of the gas reducer;
  • due to bad weather conditions, roads can be swept up, making it difficult to bring in a new supply of fuel;
  • it is permissible to design and install an autonomous heating installation on liquefied gas only to qualified specialists who own the issue; only the simplest units can be made independently.

Features of heating a residential building using liquefied gas

One of the main inconveniences is that the owner must constantly monitor the gas level, monitor stocks and replenish them on time. Independence from the central gas supply and complete autonomy is considered an advantage for some, a disadvantage for others. But with responsible control of the level of stocks, there will never be problems and interruptions in heating.

A fifty-liter cylinder is filled with liquefied gas and serves as fuel for heating small-sized cottages, cottages and houses. Every few days, changing an empty cylinder to a full one is rather inconvenient, so experts advise connecting several cylinders into a battery and looping them. When mounting a heating system with liquefied gas on your own, it is permissible to make a battery of three cylinders. If you want to combine a larger number, you need to prepare a project and documents.

Gas cylinders must not be installed indoors. They are located only on the outside of the house in a special metal cabinet. In frosty weather, there are cases of freezing of the gearbox or condensation, which makes it difficult to supply gas. To avoid such inconvenience, a small electric heater is installed in the closet.

Heating with liquefied gas is especially convenient if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building is not very large and there is confidence that there will be no problems with access to raw materials. If this moment is a big question, it would be better to purchase a gas tank. This is such a large bunker for liquefied gas filling and storage, such a tank is filled once every two to three years. The volume of the tank may vary. The owner selects it according to his needs: from three to ten cubic meters. The gas tank can be placed at a distance of at least ten meters from the dwelling, and a convenient road - an entrance - should be equipped to the tank.

Consumption of liquefied gas for home heating

The most important question that worries the future user of such a heating system is: “Is gas-balloon heating rational?”. On the one hand, not many items are needed to build a heating system and it seems very simple. Is it really? To build a heating system with liquefied gas, you will need:

  • buy a special gas boiler that can operate on raw materials such as gas-balloon raw materials or independently rebuild the control system and replace nozzles;
  • buy fittings, reducer and gas-balloon equipment;
  • connect all the mechanisms and set up the heating system.

The question of the amount of gas that is spent on heating the house and the ability to warm up the entire cubic capacity of the dwelling is one that needs to be calculated in advance. As can be seen from the feedback from users of such a system, provided that the house is not sufficiently insulated and the total area is over two hundred square meters, it is better not to start installing such a heating system. It will be unreasonably expensive. In this case, you should switch to solid fuel boilers.

Heating your own home with liquefied gas

Heating a country house with liquefied gas is an excellent option for residents of remote settlements, where it is very expensive or even impossible to supply gas. In this case, the use of liquefied gas for home heating is an excellent solution. User reviews claim that this kind of heating is an alternative to any other, and even to the once popular diesel fuel. Gas holders located on the territory of the yard provide uninterrupted gas supply. When installing the tank, it is important to take into account the requirements for the required distance from the house - at least ten meters and the distance to communications - no closer than two meters. The capacity is selected taking into account the individual needs of the dwelling and the boiler. In private buildings, when using liquefied gas during the heating period, boilers with a capacity of up to ninety kilowatts are installed, the storage capacity ranges from three to nine cubic meters. Replenishment of stocks in the storage is carried out at the expense of a special machine that delivers liquefied gas as needed.

Liquefied gas is recognized as an economical type of fuel. It is relatively inexpensive to heat a room of a sufficiently large area.

For example, to heat an area of ​​two hundred square meters, you need to purchase a boiler with a capacity of twenty kilowatts. For such a unit, you will need a five-cube gas tank that requires refueling, depending on the temperature regime, no more than once a year.

The sequence of organizing heating with liquefied gas

It must be understood that it is impossible to do the work of mounting the heating system on your own, without special education and experience. All these stages: design, installation, installation of a gas tank, connection of related equipment, should be carried out only by masters. It will not be superfluous to check their permits and licenses to carry out this kind of work. It is not difficult to find specialists in the installation of autonomous gas supply; at present, there are many offers from companies capable of creating a gas supply and heating system.

When installing gas supply, follow the instructions that guarantee the reliability, safety and high-quality operation of the heating system:

  • drawing up project documentation - the first stage, during which a decision is made on the type of system, pricing policy, performance, power and other parameters are calculated;
  • purchase of equipment - there have been no problems with the purchase of equipment for a long time, gas equipment for autonomous heating offers a large number of companies, and you can choose an option based on the price, video guides on the operation of the equipment are offered, which helps to make a purchase decision;
  • installation and work on starting the heating system - the performance of this work by professionals guarantees the smooth and efficient functioning of the equipment for a long period of time;
  • filling the system with liquefied gas;
  • maintenance of technology.

If there is no desire or opportunity to install a gas tank, then heating is done using cylinders combined into a battery. This is the same heating, but the boiler will not work from the storage tank, but directly from the cylinders. For small buildings, cottages and summer cottages, this is a suitable option, since it is not always possible to locate a storage facility in a small area, taking into account the required distances from the reservoir to your own and neighboring buildings.

Consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house 100m2 and 150m2

It is an undeniable fact that the better the house is insulated, the lower the gas consumption. It is necessary to insulate all problem areas: the attic, windows, floors and walls. If we talk about heat loss through these sections, then heat loss schematically looks like this:

  • thirty-five percent of heat is lost through the roof;
  • at least twenty-five percent of the heat is lost through the attic;
  • twenty-five percent of the heat escapes through uninsulated windows;
  • ten percent comes out through the door;
  • the floor impoverishes the room by ten percent.

You can calculate the fuel using the formula. To find the desired amount of gas, you need to divide the heating power by the minimum specific heat in kilowatts and multiply by the efficiency of the boiler. Experts have calculated the cost of different types of fuel when heating a house with an area of ​​one hundred square meters for six months. It does not make sense to give numbers, since the prices for everything change, but among all the options:

  • main gas;
  • pellets;
  • coal;
  • firewood;
  • bottled gas;
  • diesel fuel;
  • electricity.

The leader in terms of cost, that is, the most expensive, turned out to be heating with the help of electricity and diesel fuel. The cheapest option is centralized gas heating, which, unfortunately, is not always available. That is why we have to look for alternative options, one of which is liquefied gas.

Calculating the consumption of raw materials, use the above formula. The result is considered in kilograms, but the answer is translated into liters. Then we multiply by the number of days that the heating will work. If we take the average boiler efficiency of ninety-two percent, then a house of one hundred square meters will need about five hundred and seventy liters. As for a dwelling with a cubic capacity of one hundred and fifty square meters, the consumption is not less than eight hundred and forty liters. The cylinder that is used is usually forty-two liters of gas. Dividing the amount of gas required for heating by the amount of gas in the cylinder, that is, forty-two, we get the number of cylinders. And already when multiplying the result by the cost of liquefied bottled gas, we find out the amount needed to heat the home throughout the season.

Heating a house with liquefied gas in cylinders, reviews

Reviews that heat their home with liquefied gas agree on one thing - the home must be insulated so that there is no gas overrun. Consumption depended on weather conditions, and on the cubic capacity of the house.

A well-insulated dwelling with an area of ​​​​one hundred and fifty square meters, at a fixed set temperature of twenty-three degrees, required the following amount of raw materials for heating with liquefied gas cylinders:

  • at air temperatures from zero to five above zero, four cylinders were needed - November;
  • at temperatures from minus ten to minus twenty-eight, ten cylinders were used up - December;
  • at temperatures from five to twenty below zero, eight cylinders were used up - January;
  • at temperatures from five to fifteen below zero, seven cylinders were spent;
  • with a run-up in temperature from five degrees below zero to five degrees above 0, six cylinders were needed.

As you can see, during the heating season of five months, the user used up thirty-five cylinders.

LPG heating efficiency is high in the absence of other sources. Each region has its own priority fuel or heating option, depending on the climate, the availability of one or another option. The discussion about the fact that some kind is cheaper and more priority is unreasonable.

If you do not install a gas tank, then you should take into account the fact that gas cylinders will have to be taken to a gas station, which will entail additional financial and time costs.

Experts insist that heating with liquefied gas will be beneficial under the following conditions:

  • the dwelling does not have a very large area - about a hundred squares;
  • the house must be insulated with high quality;
  • heating with this type of raw material is temporary and in the future it is planned to connect to a centralized gas system, in which case you will not have to spend money on buying an additional boiler;
  • there is a backup option for heating, which, in the event of unforeseen situations, will help to cope with the problem of heating the home.

If the cylinders operate in isolation, without being connected to a battery, it is necessary to have at least three pieces: one for the operation of the boiler plant, the second for changing, and the third as a reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Heating with liquefied gas is a convenient and affordable option when it is impossible to use centralized gas. All recommendations and safety precautions must be followed. In this case, your home will always be warm and cozy.

One of the most popular topics of discussion at various construction forums is heating in a private house with gas cylinders. This raises several important issues related to operation, self-installation and maintenance, as well as security measures.

Is it possible to heat the house with a gas bottle

Individual gas heating of a private house with cylinders is a good alternative, in the absence of the possibility of connecting to a central highway. The cost of heating from gas is much lower than those that have to be paid for heating with electricity, solid fuel and diesel fuel.

The heat output of the system is enough to warm the house, heat enough water. It is possible to make autonomous gas-balloon heating of a country house or summer house with bottled gas in a simple way.

Cylinders with liquefied gas Propane-Butane

Fundamentally, this scheme is no different from the operation of a gas tank. The propane-butane mixture has a high evaporation rate. The gas evaporating from the surface is suitable for the operation of hot water equipment. For efficient operation, it is necessary to connect gas cylinders to each other in a single fuel supply network to the boiler.

Depending on the season, a summer and winter gas mixture is used. In the first, the ratio of propane and butane is approximately 50 to 50%, the second is 85 to 15%. During the winter season, gas with a high butane ratio freezes, causing the system to shut down.

Cylinders are filled under high pressure, which results in the transformation of the gas into a liquid state. To ensure the reverse process and obtain a gaseous mixture, it is necessary to lower the pressure back. Continuity of gas supply is provided by a special reducer.

The node lowers and stabilizes the pressure. Only a hot water boiler can operate on liquefied gas, with a minimum operating pressure of 3-4 mbar. For convenience, autonomous gas heating of the house operates from a bundle of several cylinders connected to a ramp, which automatically switches the flow rate from the main to the backup fuel source.

The disadvantage of using tanks with liquefied propane gas is the impossibility of heating the entire building. Basically, the systems are used for heating tourist tents, country houses, building change houses, etc.

Do I need a permit for heating from gas cylinders

Gas heating systems from cylinders do not need official registration and registration with the gas service or the fire inspectorate. But, the legislation stipulates the norms and requirements necessary for safe operation, which apply both to the very connection and placement of gas-cylinder installations, and to the room used as a boiler room and LPG storage.

The legality of the use of gas cylinders for heating is stipulated in the Federal Law. Subject to the requirements of fire supervision, autonomous gasification of a private house through gas-balloon installations does not require registration. In practice, this means that the only possible claims may be from the fire inspector. At the next check, he can pay attention to errors, and in case of gross violations, he can seal the installation.

According to it, it is forbidden to install more than one fuel cylinder in the room. The heating system based on several individual cylinder installations must be removed from the residential building.

How to calculate how many bottles of gas you need per month

On average, a cylinder is enough for 3-4 days of work, subject to heating of 100 m². It turns out that for continuous operation of the boiler during the week, it is necessary to empty two containers of 50 liters each. each. Further calculation of gas consumption for heating when using bottled gas is carried out in the following way:
  1. With the help of two 50l. cylinders can heat a house of 100 m² for a week.
  2. For a month, respectively, about 10 cylinders are needed.

In order to accurately calculate heating using cylinders, it will be necessary to determine the possible heat losses, as well as the additional number of parsing points that will be used in addition to the heating boiler. The approximate consumption of liters of bottled gas per month will be about 500 liters.

The exact number of cylinders required to maintain a comfortable temperature is calculated only after the thermal engineering examination of the building.

What type of balloons to choose?

Since at least 4 cylinders of gas are needed to heat a house, it becomes a difficult task for the consumer: to choose the right container for storing LPG. You can understand the presented assortment if you conditionally classify products into several classes according to the following criteria:

The weak point of all LPG storage tanks is the shut-off valve - the valve. To extend the service life, you will need to put another control valve on the pipeline for each cylinder separately.

How to make gas heating from cylinders yourself

It is better to entrust the installation of autonomous gasification of a private house to specialists, but it is possible to connect the system with your own hands. To do this, it will be necessary to strictly comply with existing fire safety standards and SNiP.

For the correct implementation of the work, several questions will need to be clarified:

  1. Where to locate and how to ensure the storage of cylinders.
  2. How to properly connect several containers to a single network.
  3. Is it possible to heat the cylinder in the winter season.

Where is the LPG equipment located?

Strictly speaking, the placement of gas cylinders in a room is possible only if no more than two containers are connected at the same time (the norms may vary depending on the region). If the number of tanks exceeds the allowable limit, they are installed outdoors in a special cabinet. Additionally, the following rules apply:

Do not store empty containers together with filled ones. Every 4-5 years, the tanks are tested, after which they are again allowed to operate.

How to connect gas cylinders into a single system

The practice of heating from propane cylinders shows that you can significantly reduce costs if you connect not 1-2 containers at the same time, but the whole system. For the installation of gas-balloon heating, the following conditions must be met:

The scheme of the autonomous heating system for a summer house or a country house with gas-balloon equipment with a ramp allows you to simultaneously connect from 1-10 tanks with LPG. The actual need for the number of tanks is calculated from the total heated area.

How to heat a gas cylinder in winter

Heating of cylinders in winter can be done in several ways:

Methods for heating gas cylinders in winter do not allow the use of open flames.

Safety measures for the operation of cylinders

To heat a private house, you need from 4 to 10 cylinders of gas, which in itself is potentially dangerous. For this reason, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the PB:
  • The installation of portable cylinders is carried out strictly according to SNIP. Installation of the gas pipeline and connection to gas consumption points is carried out along the outer walls of the room.
  • The room used as a boiler room must have natural and forced ventilation.
  • The technical conditions for the installation and connection of Propane-Butane bottled gas for home heating allow installation in residential premises of 1 LPG tank. A system of several cylinders is installed exclusively on the street.
  • The warehouse for tanks should not have pits and basements.
  • Do not expose the tank to direct sunlight. The cylinder storage cabinet must be waterproof.

The use of liquefied gas in household cylinders for individual heating of residential buildings is permitted by SNiP and PB, but it is best to entrust the installation of the system to professionals. Practice shows that with self-connection it is quite difficult to take into account all existing requirements and ensure safe operation.

Sometimes it is not possible to "power" the house with main gas, but this does not mean that you need to look for options with solid fuel or electricity as an energy carrier. Heating the house with gas cylinders has long been successfully operated by our compatriots. In terms of its practicality, liquefied gas used for heating is not much inferior to network gas. The cleanliness and convenience of blue fuel will be available to the homeowner, although you will have to overpay for autonomy.

A little about liquefied domestic gas

Production features and composition

Natural gas under the influence of excess pressure changes its state of aggregation and becomes a liquid, while it significantly decreases in volume. Moreover, the transition is carried out at a relatively low pressure and normal temperature. It turns out that a significant amount of potential energy can be stored in relatively small, simple reservoirs.

Propane cylinders are produced in volumes of 2, 5, 12, 27, 50 liters, according to regulatory requirements, they are painted red

Liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHG), which are used as fuel for automobile engines and for heating houses with gas cylinders, are a mixture of propane and butane. Associated petroleum gases, as well as condensate fractions of natural gas, serve as raw materials for the production of LPG.

Important! The main difference between propane and butane is that the latter has a weak ability to evaporate, so it has to be mixed with more active propane.

Domestic liquefied gas is measured by mass, it is sold in liters at car gas stations

Fuel types

Depending on the content of the main components in the mix, GOST 20448-90 “Liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gases for domestic consumption. Specifications” the following brands of domestic liquefied gas are distinguished:

  • PT - technical propane with its content in the mixture of 75 percent,
  • SPBT - a technical mixture of propane and butane with a butane content in the mixture of not more than 60 percent,
  • BT - technical butane with a content of more than 60 percent in the mixture.

It is noteworthy that each brand corresponds to a different allowable percentage of liquid residue, which significantly affects the quality of equipment operation. It, respectively, is 0.7 / 1.6 / 1.8 percent of the total volume of LPG.

Delivery of gas to the population (tanks are provided for exchange)

The letters PA and PBA mark automotive mixtures in which more stringent requirements for the content of impurities (sulfur, liquid residue, unsaturated hydrocarbons) are applied.

Key consumer properties

The density of propane-butane is from 510 to 580 grams per liter, up to 250 liters of gaseous fuel can be obtained from this amount of liquid substance. About 30 m 3 of air is needed to burn one cubic meter of the resulting gas.

In cylinders, the fuel is partly in the liquid phase and partly in the vapor phase. The working pressure in the tank is created by the vapor phase of LPG, and the actual volatility, in turn, depends on the ratio of propane and butane in the mixture, as well as the temperature of the liquid part of the fuel. That is, the ambient temperature has a direct effect on the ability of liquefied fuel to become a gas again. In severe frosts, the percentage of the vapor phase decreases, the pressure decreases, and there is a possibility that the boiler burner may not receive enough gaseous energy carrier. The threshold of -20 degrees often becomes critical.

It can be seen that the gas in the cylinder in the liquid phase is greatly cooled

Important! In order to compensate for the weakening evaporation process, in winter it is better to use LPG with an increased propane content, which increases the pressure, and vice versa, in the off-season, when the pressure can rise and damage equipment when the temperature rises, bottled gas heating is best fed with mixtures with a higher proportion of butane. The percentage of evaporating phase can also be increased by using more cylinders.

Do not allow the cylinders to heat up more than 45 degrees. To avoid an accident, they can only be filled up to 85% of the free volume. According to the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels, a 50 liter container will contain no more than 40 liters of gas - about 20-22 kg.

Important! The density of LPG is higher than that of air, therefore, in the event of a possible leak, propane-butane can accumulate near the floor, in the basement and in various pits.

A single cylinder can supply local heating

How is balloon heating

Which boiler to use

When organizing heating with gas cylinders, boilers operating with a water circuit are usually used as a heat generator. All the same models that are designed for connection to the main gas are suitable. However, in order for the equipment to work on liquefied gas, it is necessary to change the burner or adjust / replace nozzles (many manufacturers complete their products with a special kit for LPG).

By a similar principle, the power of the heating device and its type are selected. But, given the rather high operating costs for fuel, it makes sense to purchase a boiler with the highest efficiency, for example, a condensing gas heat generator.

Cylinders vs gas tank

Liquefied gas for heating is stored in gas tanks or steel cylinders. Naturally, the cylinders will have to be periodically refueled, while a large gas tank can be enough for half or even the whole season. However, in the first case, we can buy and bring fuel on our own, in any volume convenient for us. And the capital costs will be much less, you will not have to carry out extensive earthworks.

Important! In order for the heating system to work smoothly, it is recommended to use several vessels at once. It's not just about the supply of energy carrier: one cylinder has too small an area of ​​"evaporation mirror", it will not give enough gas for a more or less powerful burner. To heat a private house with gas cylinders, a battery is assembled from 2-10 containers.

Heating cylinders are most often placed outdoors in a ventilated metal box.

Why do you need a gearbox

The pressure in the cylinders is a variable value, depending on several factors (the volume of remaining fuel, the number of cylinders, temperature, mixture composition, distance from the vessel to the consumer). To convert and stabilize the pressure of the vapor phase of liquefied gas, it is necessary to use a reducer.

When choosing a gearbox, two key characteristics are taken into account (all the necessary data are indicated on the case):

  • Performance. Here it is necessary to take into account how much gas the boiler consumes. The performance of the reducer must be no less than the injectivity of the heat generator. Most likely, a gearbox with a minimum capacity (about 1 kg / hour) is not suitable for heating, since, for example, a 20 kW boiler consumes about 2-2.4 kg of liquefied gas per hour of operation.
  • Operating pressure. It must match the performance of the heating device. If the reducer gives too much pressure, then the boiler automation can be damaged or the flame will “break off” and the burner will die out. Traditionally, reducers are offered with a working pressure of 30, 37, 42, 50 mbar. There are also models that allow you to adjust the pressure in the range from 20 to 60 mbar.

If the connection is made with flexible hoses, then a reducer with a herringbone fitting is required, if rigid pipes and combs are used, then products with threaded outlets are needed.

Reducer for domestic propane installations with built-in relief valve

Other accessories for connecting cylinders

Cylinders are connected to the installation by means of a metal bent pipe, manifolds, combs or reinforced flexible hoses. Gas vessels are usually arranged in a linear pattern, but a more convenient configuration can be chosen.

Vessels are usually combined into one common system, where they work simultaneously. Another option is also possible. Around the automatic (or manual) gearbox, an installation is created in which gas is pumped from only one part of the vessels, while the other is a reserve. When the pressure in the cylinders becomes insufficient, the system switches to reserve cylinders. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to remove cylinders for refueling without turning off all heating.

In addition, automatically switched gearboxes are equipped with protective elements that are triggered (the relief valve opens) when the pressure rises critically, for example, if the cylinder overheats.

Connection of two installations of two cylinders via a switchable reducer

LPG consumption

To heat a house with an area of ​​​​100 squares, a boiler with a capacity of about 10 kW is required. To get one kilowatt of thermal energy, the heat generator will burn from 100 to 120 grams of liquefied gas per hour, that is, 1-1.2 kg / hour of gas when operating at full capacity. If the heating season lasts 7 months, then theoretically the consumption can be up to 5 tons of fuel. In practice, the level of bottled gas consumption for heating is approximately half as much, since the automation reacts to changes in the temperature regime in the premises (or to the timer readings during programming) and switches the heating device to more economical operating modes.

If we compare the costs with the use of main gas, then such heating will be somewhere 5-6 times more expensive. But much cheaper than electric.

Given the price of LPG for the population, heating from gas cylinders can be a good alternative to electric and liquid fuel systems, as well as solid fuel heat generators, if it is expensive in your area. This is certainly the best option if gasification of the village is possible in the short term, because then you will not have to buy a new boiler.

Video: autonomous heating system from gas cylinders

To create a well-functioning piping of the heating system of a private house, as a rule, gas boilers are used. Compared to alternative heating devices, they are the most cost-effective and easy to operate. But what about those who do not have the opportunity to connect a private house to a centralized gas pipeline? In this article, you will learn whether it is possible to heat a house with gas from cylinders and how to properly set up safe heating with gas cylinders.

What is more profitable - to use a convector or a balloon?

Until recently, all experts unanimously argued that heating with gas cylinders in a private house is a prohibited way to warm up a home. And all because it carries a danger to the health and life of people living in a room heated in this way. Today, thanks to many years of attempts to introduce this version of the heating system, the opinion of experts has changed. The main thing is to properly tie the heating circuit.

According to expert estimates, as of today, heating a country house with bottled gas is becoming more and more popular. In addition, qualified specialists recommend equipping individual rooms with special convectors. So, in a matter of minutes, they can warm up the air in the room due to the appearance of gas combustion products. As a rule, most models of gas convectors have compact overall dimensions and are resistant to freezing.

Thanks to innovative technologies, manufacturers of heating equipment offer potential consumers the widest range of units that operate using liquefied gas. This option is not much different from equipment that is identical in functionality, for example, water boilers. However, there are some subtleties: you will have to regularly monitor the amount of gas in the vessel. When using two boilers at once, you can in some sense insure yourself, thereby eliminating the need for constant checks of cylinders to control the volume of fuel resources.

The use of electric convectors for heating a private house, although it is faster, is less comfortable and more expensive in everyday life.

Proper storage is the key to safety

To avoid emergency situations when using gas cylinders for heating a private house, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  1. Gas cylinders are placed away from the gas stove at a distance of at least 50 cm. Whereas the minimum distance between liquefied gas tanks and heating radiators should be 100 cm.
  2. Gas cylinders for heating are stored outside. To avoid direct sunlight and climatic precipitation on fuel containers, it is necessary to securely protect it, placing it, for example, in a metal sealed cabinet. In addition, there are special safes for storing such items, which you can easily purchase at any specialized store.

For the winter, the box where the cylinder is stored is insulated with mineral wool, rags, sand, etc. The main task is to avoid freezing of the container, otherwise the entire heating system will stop, the coolant in the pipes will freeze, which can lead to a rupture of the line.

  1. When using liquefied gas in cylinders for home heating, give preference only to those containers that have successfully passed the suitability test.
  2. The residual pressure should not exceed 0.05 MPa.
  3. The gas cylinder must not have mechanical damage and deformation.

Gas cylinders with slight corrosion damage on their surface are not suitable for use!

  1. When storing gas cylinders indoors, special attention should be paid to temperature conditions. So, it is strictly forbidden to operate such containers at temperatures above 45 ° C.

By adhering to these rules, you will not only be able to keep the heating system intact, but also protect yourself and your family, ensuring their safety. It is strictly forbidden to neglect such recommendations for storing gas cylinders!

Advantages of gas-balloon heating

Gas-balloon heating of a private house is a financially profitable investment. And all because in such vessels there is liquefied natural gas. It is able to literally change its state in a few seconds and transform into a gaseous state. In addition, it has a high efficiency compared to other, more expensive fuels. And this is a decisive factor in the choice of energy resources.

If you are planning to equip your home with autonomous bottled gas heating, then believe me, in this case it will be truly autonomous. This is directly related to the fact that vessels with fuel can be transported from place to place without any problems. And even outside of civilization, this heating option will be an excellent way to create comfortable temperature conditions in the house.

In addition, using gas cylinders for heating your home, you not only heat the room, but you can also use hot water at any time, which circulates through the heating main. For this reason, heating on gas cylinders is an indispensable and most profitable way of arranging a thermal unit in rooms where it is not possible to use any other alternative type of fuel. And besides, it can rightfully be considered an independent heating method, since the availability of fuel resources depends solely on you and your reserves.

As of today, propane (propane-butane) is considered the most common fuel for heating country houses. Such systems are environmentally friendly, they are easy to operate and maintain, economical in financial costs, and stable (pressure drops in the system are not observed).

Regardless of what type of energy resources you used before, firewood, gas, coal, at any time you have the opportunity to switch to such a heating system.

And if you read reviews about heating a country house with liquefied gas, you will surely make sure that this option is indispensable for the construction of both country houses and residential private buildings.

Disadvantages of heating with liquefied gas

Like any other heating system, the use of gas cylinders as a fuel for space heating has a number of disadvantages. And if you want to equip your home with just such a thermal block, then it will not be superfluous if you study the negative aspects of this issue.

The very first disadvantage of such systems is the instability of the cost of fuel. So, in one region, gas will have one price, while in another it will be somewhat different.

Purchase gas only from trusted suppliers. Otherwise, the risk of reducing the efficiency of the heating unit from low-quality fuel is very high.

In addition, liquefied gas is an explosive substance. Therefore, follow the rules for the installation and operation of containers with this type of fuel.

Secure storage

And at the end of this publication, I would like to add: if you heat your home with a gas-cylinder installation, then do not neglect any advice given to you by professionals when buying containers for this fuel. If you adhere to the set of rules presented in our publication and do not violate them, then the heating unit will work efficiently and smoothly. In addition, the consumption of fuel resources for heating your home will be minimal, and you will be able to protect yourself from emergencies.

VIDEO: Autonomous gasification system from propane cylinders (standard 50 liters)


The most popular way to heat country houses today is to use gas boilers, you can see how they look in the photo. This is influenced by several factors, and above all - the cost of resources. Heating your home with gas cylinders is an economical and efficient method.

Features of heating a house with gas cylinders

Propane or butane is used as a heat source (read also: ""). The gas is liquefied and driven into cylinders, which are then connected to the heating equipment through a reducer - a device for reducing pressure. In a gaseous state, it occupies a larger volume, in a liquid state, a smaller one. Therefore, it is possible to pump a considerable amount of the resource into the cylinders.

The gas leaving the cylinder through the reducer, as a result of a rapid decrease in pressure, returns to its natural state. It is then burned in a boiler, releasing a large amount of heat.

Advantages of heating on gas cylinders

Heating with bottled gas has many advantages:
  • environmentally friendly fuel is used;
  • autonomy;
  • fuel consumption;
  • pressure stability in pipes;
  • ease of operation and ease of management.
Heating with bottled gas of a private house also provides the possibility of heating hot water for domestic needs. This method of heating is highly efficient, since the gas quickly changes from liquid form to its normal state. Despite this, gas cylinders are used only if it is not possible to connect the boiler to the main gas pipeline. Thus, this heating method is completely autonomous - the cylinder can be brought anywhere.

Gas heating boilers from a gas cylinder allow not only to heat rooms, but also to heat water for domestic purposes (this requires a heat exchanger).

It is possible to organize gas heating from cylinders not only in a new house, but also in one in which they have been living for a long time - for this you will not have to carry out any work. But in order to connect to the main gas pipeline, it is necessary to lay pipes and carry out repairs in the house.

It is also possible to switch to heating a house with gas cylinders if it has become unprofitable or inconvenient to use other resources.

Disadvantages of gas heating on cylinders

Like any other heating method, this one also has its drawbacks:
  • if the cylinder is outside, in case of severe frost, the system may turn off - the condensate will freeze and prevent the gas from escaping;
  • do not place cylinders in unventilated areas;
  • since the gas is heavier than air, if it leaks, it can go down (into the basement, underground), and if there is a strong concentration, serious consequences will occur.
Thus, heating with gas cylinders, if certain conditions are not met, can be very dangerous. Therefore, they should be stored only in ventilated rooms, under which there is no basement. It is even advisable to place them in a separate extension on the site. The room must be warm so that the system does not turn off in frost. If it is cool in the annex, then you will have to make an insulated metal or plastic box for the cylinders. For insulation, the walls are sheathed with foam plastic 5 centimeters thick. Ventilation holes must be made in the lid of the box.

Organization of heating from gas cylinders

To make gas heating on cylinders, you need to choose a suitable boiler, since not every equipment is able to use liquefied gas as a heat source. This requires a special burner designed to operate from a cylinder. It is recommended to choose a device with a capacity of 10-20 kW, depending on the area of ​​​​heated premises.

The gas boiler is connected to the cylinder using a special reducer. The flow rate is approximately 1.8-2 m³ per hour, in the case of a conventional gearbox 0.8 m³/h.

You can also use a burner designed to operate from the main pipeline, but in this case it is necessary to adjust the valve for proportional gas supply, since the pressure in the line is lower. In addition, in such devices, the opening in the valve is larger.

Each burner, designed for heating with gas from cylinders, is regulated in its own way. A detailed description can be found in the instructions for this equipment. In order to save money, you can also use old boilers, but in them it is necessary to replace the jet with another product that has a smaller hole.

When buying a burner, keep in mind that some stores are trying to sell more expensive devices, arguing that the selected product will not work on liquefied gas. In this case, you need to look at the instructions for the selected device.

Heating from gas cylinders is cheaper if they are refueled. However, it should be borne in mind that at some GZS they seek to save money and fill only half of them. At the same time, the station employees say that the gas boils at only 40 degrees, so it is unreasonable to fill a full cylinder - it can burst. At the same time, purchased products are almost completely filled with gas. Therefore, such proposals should not be accepted.

Heating the house with bottled gas is quite economical. One cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters is enough to ensure the normal operation of the heating system with a capacity of 10-20 kW. It is recommended to buy automatic devices - they do not work all day, but about a third of the day, starting gas heating of a private house with cylinders only when the temperature drops below the specified one. The functioning of conventional systems has to be regulated independently. Thus, if you specify the required room temperature at 20 degrees, the boiler will consume approximately 5 m³.

Regardless of whether there is automation or not, in order to save money, it is advisable to turn off the boiler at night.

Reasons for choosing gas heating from cylinders

Heating with gas cylinders is quite common, mainly because gas is relatively inexpensive (especially compared to electricity), and a significant amount of heat is generated with low fuel consumption (read also: ""). In addition, the connection of such a heating system can be performed at any time, including after using another type of boiler.
If you use first, for example, wood-burning equipment, then you can always buy and install a gas boiler on bottled gas. But in order to connect to the gas main, you will have to do some work, including those related to the house.

Even though cheaper heat sources exist, gas is still the most common fuel. This is also affected by the fact that a gas boiler from a cylinder can work in any area and building, so this heating method is indispensable if there is no access to other sources of energy.

An example of heating a house with gas cylinders in the video: