Which kindergartens provided heating? Heating of kindergartens. Comments on this post

Presented with some abbreviations


Due to increased metabolism, the growing child’s body needs increased oxygen delivery to the tissues. The amount of air passing through the lungs of a one-year-old child in 1 minute per 1 kg of weight is 220 ml, while in an adult it is only 96 ml.
By the end of the child’s first year of life (with a minute breathing volume of 2600 ml), about 4000 liters of air pass through the lungs per day, and in older children even more.
Breathing in children has features associated with the incomplete formation of the respiratory apparatus. It is more superficial, and the child breathes quickly to meet the need for oxygen. The younger he is, the faster his breathing.
So, in 1 minute a 5-6-year-old child makes 25 respiratory movements, a one-year-old - 30-35, a 6-month-old - 35-40, and a newborn - up to 40-60.
All this indicates that for the normal functioning of a child’s body it is especially important that the surrounding air has the necessary chemical composition, physical properties and was free of harmful impurities. These conditions are satisfied by fresh atmospheric air.
As for the air in enclosed spaces while children are in them, it largely loses its positive properties.
As a result of human activity, harmful substances released by the skin (sweat, decomposing surface layer skin - epithelium), intestines, dirty clothes, leftovers and waste of food, etc.
The deterioration of air quality in residential premises is usually judged by the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) in them, which increases simultaneously with other harmful substances. Based on research, it has been established that the air should be considered harmful to people in the room if the carbon dioxide content in it exceeds 0.1%.
Children, while staying indoors in one hour, emit: heat (up to 30-50 calories), moisture (about 20 g), carbon dioxide(10-12 l). As a result, the temperature and humidity in children's rooms rise, and the concentration of carbon dioxide increases.
The electrical state of the air also changes, in particular its ionic composition, which is considered as a kind of good quality criterion air environment.
It is known that what cleaner air, the more light negatively charged particles of air ions it contains and the less heavy positive ones. In clean country air Usually there are about a thousand light ions in one cubic centimeter and about the same number of heavy ions. In polluted city air, the concentration of heavy ions reaches tens of thousands, and the concentration of light ions is incomparably lower (150-200).
The presence of children in an enclosed space increases the number of positively charged ions that adversely affect the human body and decreases the number of negatively charged ions that have a beneficial effect.
The air in an enclosed space often has a specific, often unpleasant odor due to the presence of gaseous organic substances in it. The reasons for their appearance may be poor care of untidy children, drying of soiled children's clothes and linen, as well as wet outerwear after walks, drying rags after cleaning. Air leakage from a poorly maintained toilet, nearby laundry room or kitchen can also cause organic air pollution and significantly reduce its quality in children's rooms.
In gasified buildings, the microclimate of children's premises may deteriorate due to products incomplete combustion gases and carbon monoxide formation. This happens when the layout of children's rooms is incorrect (they are close to the kitchen) and there is no complete ventilation in the places where gas appliances are installed.
Research has established (M. N. Troitsky) that three-hour burning of one gas burner in a kitchen with a cubic capacity of 21 m3 increases the content of carbon dioxide in the air to 5%o and carbon monoxide to 0.1 mg/l (the permissible concentration of carbon monoxide is 0.002 mg/l l).
If ventilation is faulty, the carbon monoxide content reaches 0.3 mg/l. The number of heavy horses in the air increases many times. This deterioration of the air environment in gasified kitchens affects the air quality of nearby rooms, including children's rooms.
To maintain adequate air in gasified kitchens, you must constantly use exhaust ventilation, install wall fans that are mounted directly at the openings of the exhaust ventilation ducts, and regularly ventilate the kitchen.
From a hygienic point of view, it is advisable to arrange improved gas burners and stoves with removal of gas combustion products.
There is always dust in the air of enclosed spaces. There are easily visible dust, consisting of large dust particles, which quickly settle when the air is calm, and fine dust, which remains in the air even when the air is calm. The length of time dust stays in the air depends on the size of its particles, temperature, humidity and air speed.
Dust particles, along with the air, enter the child’s respiratory tract and mechanically irritate their mucous membrane, which is more delicate than that of an adult; Therefore, dusty rooms are more dangerous for children. A large accumulation of dust in the air can cause painful processes in the lungs.
The vast majority of microbes in the air of enclosed spaces are harmless to humans, but there are also pathogenic ones.
The degree of contamination of air and household items with microorganisms is directly dependent on the number of children and the duration of their stay in the room.
A flu outbreak causes an increase in the number of germs in the air. In a kindergarten, during an outbreak of influenza, in 2 days the number of microorganisms in 1 m5 of air increased from 6460 to 9072. After the cessation of the disease, the number of microorganisms in the air gradually decreased.
Microbes that do not enter the respiratory tract settle on surrounding objects and, when they dry out, form bacterial dust, which again easily rises into the air as it moves. It has been established that some pathogenic microbes are capable of quite long survival.
After the removal of a patient with streptococcal infection, viable microbes were found in the dust of the room and on the clothes of children within 4-5 days. Consequently, germs can persist in a room even in the absence of sick children. This should be taken into account by workers in child care institutions.
One of the conditions for providing children with adequate air is the sufficiently large size of children's premises. In a group room, 2.0-2.5 m2 is allocated for one child, and 50 m2 for a group of 20 people, with a wall height of 3.0 m.
But it's not enough to provide for children the right amount air, it is necessary to take care of its quality.
The air temperature should help maintain the thermal balance of the child's body.
The incompleteness of the thermoregulatory apparatus makes the child more susceptible to overheating and hypothermia; Therefore, in children's institutions, significant fluctuations in indoor air temperature are extremely undesirable.
In heat exchange between a person and the environment great value have humidity and air movement. The high humidity of cold indoor air increases heat transfer, and a person experiences a feeling of chilliness. Increased air humidity at a high temperature sharply disrupts heat transfer, and the body overheats: body temperature rises, pulse quickens, and profuse sweat appears.
A favorable temperature is one at which children, both at rest and in motion, in ordinary clothing accepted in children's institutions, feel good, i.e., a temperature that does not cause significant stress on thermoregulatory mechanisms.
Observations of the physiological reactions of children showed that the most favorable air temperature in children's institutions for infants is +21, +22°, for children 2-3 years old - from +19 to +20°, for children 3-7 years old - from + 18 to +20°.
The given air temperature standards are not established once and for all. They are to some extent indicative and can change mainly due to the expansion of the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body as a result of its training and hardening. However, the group may include children with eating disorders (hypotrophy) and patients with rickets. In such children, heat exchange is somewhat impaired: therefore, they overheat and cool down faster. Such children need special attention from adults.
It is also necessary to take into account the content of water vapor in the air. The most favorable relative humidity for humans is 35-65%. High air humidity has a negative effect on the human body. With constant high air humidity, the walls in the room become damp and cold, fungi develop, destroying wooden walls and equipment.
The reasons for dampness in a building are varied: damp area, defects in construction (for example, poor insulation of soil water), malfunction of water supply, drainage or heating pipes, improper operation of premises (cooking, washing and drying clothes in residential premises), irregular heating of premises, insufficient ventilation.
To avoid high air humidity in children's rooms, you should first of all pay attention to their correct operation. It is necessary to ensure that children’s underwear, diapers, as well as clothes and shoes (coats, leggings, mittens, boots, felt boots) are not dried in group rooms after children have been out for a walk. For this purpose, children's institutions should have drying cabinets or special rooms (far from the children's place of stay).
An effective measure to combat dampness is a combination of good heating of rooms and their ventilation. The task of combating dampness is more difficult when it is caused by deficiencies in the construction of the building. In these cases, the intervention of construction organizations is necessary.


Can be used in preschool institutions different systems heating. However, any of them must not only maintain the desired and uniform temperature in the room, but also satisfy other, including hygienic, requirements.
Children's institutions use both local and central heating systems. With local heating, the combustion of fuel and the transfer of the heat generated during this process into the air of the heated premises are structurally combined in one heating device.
Local heating is carried out mainly heating stoves with high heat capacity. With this type of heating, the air should not be contaminated with dust, soot, soot, smoke, or harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide. The latter can occur from improper oven design and premature closing of the views. When firing stoves, fire safety rules must be observed.
Stove heating is allowed temporarily in cases where other types of heating are not applicable for technical and economic reasons. In this case, stoves with high heat capacity are installed, ensuring daily temperature changes of no more than 2-5°.
In rural populated areas In one-story nursery buildings with no more than 50 seats, stove heating is allowed.
When heating with stoves, the installation of combustion openings in children's rooms, toilets, and dressing rooms is not allowed. The stoves are heated in the morning, before the children arrive. If there are 24-hour groups in a children's institution, it is prohibited to light stoves at night.
In cities, most child care institutions have a central water heating. The advantages of central heating over local heating are obvious. Operation and maintenance of central heating devices is incomparably simpler and requires fewer people.
The best type of central heating for children's institutions is low-pressure water heating. Such a system consists of a boiler located in the basement of the building and pipelines connecting the boiler with heating devices located in heated rooms.
The water in the boiler is heated (up to 70-90°) and sent through pipelines to radiators, heating of which to 60-70° is sufficient to maintain a uniform air temperature in the rooms. With this system, you can reduce or increase the temperature of the water in the boiler and thereby regulate the air temperature in the rooms.
To maintain normal temperature indoor air, it is necessary that the temperature of the water in the boiler and the outside air be in a certain ratio.
In those preschool institutions that still use another, less convenient type of local heating, such as a stove, it can be recommended to convert the heating system to the so-called local apartment water heating.
With this method, a small cast iron boiler produced by our industry is installed. Hot water flows from the boiler to heating devices (Moscow-132 and Moskva-150 radiators) through pipes laid along the top of the wall, and then back to the boiler through pipes at the bottom of the wall (near the floor).
High heating output of the boiler, long burning of fuel (up to 8-10 hours between loads), the ability to burn various types of fuel, 45% less labor costs for the installation and operation of this type of heating compared to a stove, as well as great sanitary, hygienic and fire safety advantages allow us to recommend it instead of stove heating.
Radiators, convectors with casings and tubular heaters are used as heating devices. heating elements, built into concrete panels.
To protect children from bruises, it is necessary that heating devices in children's rooms have removable barriers that do not retain heat.
IN lately Panel heating is widely used in construction practice. With this type of heating, instead of radiators, massive heating panels are used, which are included in the structure of the floor, ceiling or walls. Hot water flows through tubular coils or registers embedded in the building envelope (ceiling, wall or floor).
Sometimes heated air is used as a coolant, circulating through the heater and panels in a closed system of channels located in the thickness of the enclosing structures. Panel heating provides a more uniform distribution of warm air in the room and maintains comfortable conditions even at low air temperatures.
Therefore, with such a system it is possible to use more intensive ventilation. With panel heating, the location of the heating panels is crucial to create a favorable microclimate.
According to D.I. Ismailova (1970), the most favorable microclimate conditions are provided when heating panels are located in the outer wall (external-wall heating system) or with a contour-partition system. It is unacceptable to place heating elements in the partitions of internal walls, as this creates an uneven temperature in the room, does not allow comfortable placement of furniture, interferes with the correct use of the room for recreation and activities, etc.
The design temperatures of heating surfaces for panel heating are as follows: with a ceiling radiant heating system, the ceiling temperature should be 28-30°; with floor - 25-27°; with a wall - 40-45°.
In children's institutions especially important has heating of the room in the area where children are present. This can be provided by an underfloor radiant heating system in combination with another, such as wall panel heating.
In kindergartens that have a common heating system with residential buildings, uniform deadlines are established heating season. If there is an unexpected cold spell in spring or autumn, the temperature in children's rooms drops below normal, and this can affect the health of children. For fear of further cooling the room, ventilation is stopped.
Therefore, it is desirable that heating of buildings preschool institutions did not depend on the heating system of residential buildings. It is allowed to design built-in boiler rooms as a heat source only in buildings of children's institutions. To create a stable climate in children's rooms, it is good to provide an automated supply of hot water to the heating network at the required temperature, corresponding to the season and weather conditions.

Room ventilation

To maintain normal air regime indoors, it is important to regularly remove poor-quality air and replace it with outside air, which is close in composition to atmospheric air. This is achieved by ventilating the room. A constant but insignificant supply of outside air into the room occurs through the walls (through the pores of the building material), through closed windows, doors.
This is the so-called natural ventilation. It occurs, on the one hand, under the influence of wind, on the other, due to the difference in air temperatures outside and inside the room. However, this kind of ventilation is absolutely insufficient. Under these conditions, a single exchange of air in the room requires a long time - 6-9 hours. If the walls are completely covered with oil paint, natural ventilation through them stops, since the pores of the building material become impenetrable to air. But maintaining indoor air purity only through natural ventilation is ineffective.
To enhance natural ventilation, they resort to ventilation through windows, transoms, and vents. To achieve a good result, their size must be at least 1/50 of the floor area of ​​the given room. Transoms and vents should be in the upper third of the window, since the higher they are located, the more air is set in motion and exchange occurs. Windows and transoms located at the bottom of the windows (at the height of the child) also make it difficult to ventilate rooms in the presence of children in the cold season.
The most appropriate for ventilation in the cold season are transoms designed in such a way that air enters through their outer flap from below, and then passes upward through the inner flap.
The outside air, entering the room, rushes upward en masse, mixing with warm air, heating up and filling the room. To prevent cold air from flowing downwards, side shields are made on the inner flap of the transom. This device allows you to widely use the transom not only for periodic, but also for constant ventilation of the room in cold weather, even with children.
To ensure regular ventilation of children's rooms, you need to carefully monitor the serviceability of the devices used to open and close transoms. During the repair of children's institutions, it is also necessary to correct the transoms, arrange convenient devices for them, levers for opening and closing instead of the cord, stick, etc. currently used.
The most convenient mechanism is mounted on the vertical bar of the middle blind sash of the window. The transom opens by turning the handle down; when turned up, the transom closes tightly. The production of such devices is highly desirable not only for the construction of new, but also for existing children's institutions.
Building codes require tilt-up transoms with lever-operated fixtures for at least 50% of windows in all rooms.
In the absence of transoms, children's rooms are most often (especially in cold weather) ventilated through vents, less often through an open window. If their area is sufficient, the temperature difference between the outside air and the room is significant, and the wind moves towards an open vent or window, a complete exchange of air in the room will be ensured quite quickly.
However, in the absence of the above conditions, complete replacement room air externally will require a very long time. For a constant flow of fresh air into children's rooms, you can use a window attachment. It is attached to the inner window frame and provides long-term or even round-the-clock ventilation of premises during the cold season.
The flow of outside air entering through the open window, passing through several hundred holes (5 mm in diameter) of the attachment attached to the inner window, is divided into many small jets and quickly mixed with warm room air.
It is not allowed to seal vents and transoms for the winter. In addition, in winter you should leave one window in each room uncovered. In nurseries designed for areas with a design outside temperature of -40° and below, windows and balcony doors with triple glazing should be provided. In warmer seasons, transoms, vents and windows should be kept open throughout the day.
It is necessary to provide for such a small detail: hooks should be attached to the vents and window sashes, which would protect them from slamming in case of gusts of wind.
Ventilation of premises, and even more so a constant flow of fresh air, significantly improves air quality, in particular, reduces its bacterial contamination and, therefore, is one of the effective means for the prevention of airborne infections.
Observations carried out in a children's institution showed that ventilation for 30 minutes through a window at an outside air temperature of +8 to +10° reduces bacterial contamination of the air by 40%, and at an outside air temperature of -3 to -9° - by 65%.
By opening the window sashes, the area of ​​which is 4 times larger than the window, you can reduce bacterial air pollution in the room by 70% within 10 minutes at an outside air temperature of +8 to +10°, and by 85% in 30 minutes.
As mentioned above, the ionic composition of indoor air can also serve as an indicator of the good quality of the air, while at the same time determining the effect of ventilation.
Long-term (2-3 hour) ventilation combined with thorough wet cleaning of the room had a different effect depending on the time of year and the type of ventilation associated with it ( open windows or windows).
In all cases, the number of heavy air ions, indicating air pollution, as a rule, decreased, and light air ions increased, but with open windows the effect was greatest.
A quick and complete change of air in the room is achieved through through ventilation.
It is forbidden to open vents, transoms, or windows in the restroom. To ventilate restrooms, enhanced exhaust ventilation is provided, and fresh air flows through adjacent rooms. An open window in the restroom will cause the movement of air (and with it the smell) into the corridors and group rooms.
Air renewal during cross-ventilation in winter through vents occurs 5-7 times faster than with one-sided ventilation.
Cross ventilation is possible if the windows are on two opposite walls or at an angle. If the windows are located on one side of the room, then cross-ventilation can be used by opening the windows and doors to adjacent rooms: the reception (dressing room), the lobby, the veranda.
The duration of through ventilation depends on the outside temperature, wind strength and direction. On cold winter days, short-term cross-ventilation is enough to completely change the air in the room.
At very low outside temperatures (below -20°C), to avoid overcooling of the room, through ventilation is used for two to three minutes. During the transitional season, it is carried out for at least 10-15 minutes.
In bedrooms, in the absence of children, it is advisable to keep the windows and transoms open throughout the day; in the cold season, you should close the windows and transoms 30 minutes before going to bed, and in the warm season it is recommended to sleep with the windows wide open.
In summer, to protect from the sun, it is often practiced to hang curtains on open windows. This makes it difficult for fresh air to enter the room. For this purpose, it is better to use sunscreens such as awnings, visors, blinds, preferably with a mechanical regulator (tilt-and-tilt). Their use reduces the air temperature in the room and does not interfere with the access of fresh air.
Note. Building codes(1972) in nurseries designed for construction in a hot climate region, south of 45° north latitude, sun protection devices (blinds, visors, curtains, etc.) are provided in long-term children's premises.
Sun protection devices are allowed in group rooms, playing and dining rooms, bedrooms, and on the verandas of nurseries and kindergartens designed for construction in other climatic regions. Combustible polymer materials are not allowed for sun protection devices.
To protect group rooms from overheating, windows should be opened on the side not illuminated by the sun.
Very often in children's institutions, to combat flies in the summer, window openings are covered with fine metal mesh or gauze. This leads to a sharp slowdown in air exchange and, in hot weather, to a cessation of fresh air supply.
So that the change of air through the window of the room where children are located does not cause a sharp drop in temperature and noticeable currents of cold air, on frosty days and when strong wind You can allow ventilation through a window covered with gauze.
At a distance of 1.5 m from the window, the speed of air movement during aeration through a window covered with gauze is three times less than during conventional ventilation. When ventilated through gauze, the air temperature remains almost at the same level all the time: +20, +20.5°. If the window is not covered with gauze, then the temperature drops from + 20.8 to + 18.8° in 30 minutes.
Tightening the window with gauze reduces the efficiency of air change; therefore, in the absence of children, even on frosty days, gauze should not be used for ventilation.
The greatest air pollution, especially in the cold season, is observed after children stay indoors for a long time, i.e. after classes, lunch, naps, towards the end of children’s stay in a child care facility, in the bedroom after a night’s sleep.
Therefore, during these hours, children's rooms should be ventilated most intensively in the absence of children (going for a walk, going home) or take children to another room for a short time, for example, to the reception room (locker room).
In one of the kindergartens in Moscow, constant ventilation of the group room was organized - in winter through 1-2 transoms and in spring - through transoms and windows.
Under these conditions, we observed natural fluctuations in air temperature in the group room and the thermal reactions of the children in them. Average monthly air temperature in a group room kindergarten at a level of 1.5 m from the floor (at the generally accepted height for a room thermometer) averaged 19-20°. The air temperature at the level of 1 m of the floor (the approximate height of children of this age), as a rule, was lower.
When at the height of an adult the air temperature was + 18°, the average air temperature at the height of a child was + 16.5; therefore, the difference was 1.5°.
The data we obtained indicate that it is incorrect to assess the air temperature in children's rooms only based on the readings of a thermometer located at the height of an adult, as is usually done.
Air temperature determination and recommendations temperature standards Children's institutions, especially with constant ventilation, should be done at a level of 1 m from the floor.
Our data suggests that it is most acceptable for most children preschool age air temperature +18, +20° at relative humidity 40-60%. At the same time, most children have a favorable thermal state.
Constant ventilation in the presence of children not only supplies the room with fresh atmospheric air, but also contributes to the systematic hardening of the body, increasing its resistance to fluctuations in ambient temperature.
The number of colds in children in cold weather did not increase with constant ventilation of the room.
This means that with good heating and proper organization Ventilation can also ensure a constant flow of fresh air into the room where children are in cold weather.
However, it should be remembered that in windy weather children should not be allowed to stay near open transoms for a long time.
Air exchange in the room is also carried out using a central artificial ventilation. There are three types of central ventilation: supply, exhaust and combined - supply and exhaust.
In children's institutions, it is advisable to use only central exhaust ventilation so that used, poor-quality air is removed through it. Receipt of clean atmospheric air access to the room is provided through windows, transoms, and vents.
The central exhaust system must have separate shafts for removing spoiled air from restrooms, kitchens and isolation rooms, and one common shaft for all other rooms of the child care facility. There are exhaust vents on the top of the wall: two for each group room, kitchen, hall and one in the remaining rooms. Each exhaust vent is equipped with louvres to regulate the air flow from the premises. Switch to turn on the central exhaust system located in a locked locker in the hallway or on the landing.
The artificial ventilation device is based on the difference between internal and external air pressure. From the room, air enters through the duct into the ventilation chamber located in the attic, which has a thermal stimulus that creates a draft of air from the room into the duct.
Wind energy is also used for ventilation. In this case ventilation ducts brought to the roof in the form of a pipe, put on it special nozzles(wind vanes, deflectors), which, in any wind direction, suck air from exhaust pipe and this causes a draft from the room. The effectiveness of this method of ventilation is reduced by the fact that its use is limited and depends on the wind.
The advantages of the first two types of artificial ventilation, therefore, are that they use special stimuli and can act constantly and evenly, regardless of fluctuations in outside air temperature, wind strength and direction. With the help of artificial ventilation, you can regulate the rate of air removal from the room.
In autumn winter period, with the beginning of the heating season and before the onset of warm days, central exhaust ventilation is used to remove stale air. In spring, summer and early autumn, extensive ventilation is provided through open windows, vents, transoms, which sufficiently ensures a constant flow and exchange of air in children's rooms. For the correct functioning of the central exhaust ventilation childcare center staff need to learn how to use it.


In the improvement of preschool institutions, lighting is of great importance - both natural and artificial. Natural light - necessary condition normal functioning of the body. If a person is deprived of natural light for a long time, the body’s defenses are weakened and the mineral metabolism, functional disorders are observed nervous system.
At the same time, the sun's rays, penetrating into the room through the window, give, although insignificant, a bactericidal effect.
The correct light regime contributes to better visual perception, prevents the development of myopia in children.
In preschool institutions, systematic classes are held, children play with large and small toys, look at pictures, draw - all this causes significant eye strain and is closely related to general fatigue of the body.
Conducted physiological studies (E.D. Demina) show that classes in kindergarten at low levels of artificial lighting affect the functional state of the central nervous system and visual apparatus: visual acuity decreases, the speed of discrimination decreases.
Good lighting creates an active state and a cheerful mood in children. In a bright room, disorder, dirtiness of the room, furnishings and clothes are more noticeable, and there is a need to constantly maintain cleanliness.
There should not be a single dark, insufficiently lit corner in the premises of children's institutions.
The norms of natural lighting are expressed not in absolute, but in relative values: the ratio of indoor illumination to simultaneous outdoor illumination is taken into account. This ratio is expressed as a percentage and is called the natural illumination coefficient (KEO).
According to sanitary standards and rules, the coefficient of natural illumination of premises is currently: in group rooms, bedrooms, isolation wards and the room of a sick child, in the hall - 1.5%; in the reception and locker rooms - 1.0%.
The quality of natural light in children's institutions depends on many reasons, primarily on the size of the windows. It is normal for the ratio of their glazed surface to the floor area (light coefficient) in children's rooms to be 1:4. Windows should be wide, with small partitions. The deeper the room, the greater the height of the windows.
In order to increase the illumination of children's rooms, small frames should not be made near the windows; the distance from the ceiling to the top edge of the window (the most useful in terms of lighting) should be minimal (15-25 cm). The height of the window sill above the floor is 60 cm. This will allow children to look into the distance from time to time and give rest to tired eye muscles.
To create a normal light regime, the location of children's rooms is of great importance. The best orientation is considered to be south.
In rooms with a southern orientation, the most uniform lighting prevails.
IN northern regions this will make it possible to increase the duration solar lighting, very important for this climate zone.
In the south, the sun is at its zenith during the hottest hours of the day, and its rays do not penetrate deep into the room, but only glide over the surface of the building, so overheating of children's rooms does not occur.
Note. When bedroom verandas are oriented to the north, additional natural lighting should be provided from the east or west side.
It is important that sunlight not only penetrates into the room, but is also not absorbed. This largely depends on the color of the ceiling, walls, and furniture. They should be coated with light-colored paints that provide the greatest reflection of light rays.
Thus, the reflection coefficient of a ceiling painted white is 70% and even 100%; walls painted light yellow, cream, pale pink give a reflectance coefficient of 60-75%, light yellow floors - 25-30%; floors made of light wood - 15-30%.
In addition, by correctly using a combination of colors, you can make the room for children elegant and cozy. Conversely, randomly selected, ill-considered colors create a variegated or gray, unsightly environment. The combination of colors should take into account the purpose of the room.
Window frames, window sills, and doors should be coated with white oil paint. It is also advisable to paint furniture in light colors.
You should not darken window openings with curtains or tall flowers; Be sure to wash your glass regularly. All this will contribute to the greatest reflection of light rays and the best illumination of the room.
Artificial lighting must meet the following requirements: be sufficient, uniform, non-flickering, without sharp shadows, not deteriorate the air with combustion products, and be fire safe.
With artificial lighting, it is possible to normalize not only the quantity, but also the quality of illumination.
Artificial lighting is created by using incandescent or fluorescent lamps. The norm for artificial lighting in group rooms is 100 lux when using incandescent lamps and 200 lux when using fluorescent lighting. Conducted by the Institute. F. F. Erisman's research (E. M. Demina) allows us to conclude that it is advisable to increase these standards.
In this regard, in group rooms for preschool children you need to have 8 electric light bulbs, 200 W each; for children early age 6 light points, 200 W each. In both cases this amounts to about 25 watts per incandescent lamp. square meter floor area, for fluorescent lighting - 50 W per 1 m2.
With kerosene lighting, which is still used in some children's institutions in rural areas, only pendant lamps(not lower than 2 m from the floor), mainly with a round burner at the rate of 3 lines per 1 m2 of floor. This standard does not provide good lighting conditions, but the number of lamps cannot be increased, as this releases excess heat and carbon dioxide, which are harmful to health.
In addition, kerosene lighting is dangerous in terms of fire.
Lighting fixtures must provide uniform diffused light; therefore, in preschool institutions it is recommended to use ring-type lamps SK-300 or lamps of the KSO-1 type; Milk balls with a diameter of 350 mm are also allowed. Lamps open at the bottom and lamps not protected by fittings are not allowed, as they cause rapid visual fatigue. The use of wall sconces and chandeliers is strictly prohibited.
For fluorescent lighting, it is better to use white (BS) and warm white (WLS) light lamps.
For fluorescent lighting, lamps of the SOD type (school general lighting diffuse) are used. Fluorescent lamps glow along their entire length and create uniform illumination. Its spectrum approaches natural light.
In some cases, for example in the Far North, under polar night conditions, ultraviolet deficiency is observed, which leads to a disruption in the formation of vitamin D in the body, which causes rickets in children. In these cases it is required artificial lighting of a different type.
IN recent years Soviet engineers designed an erythema fluorescent lamp. It is designed like a fluorescent lighting lamp, and its inner surface is coated special composition, radiating ultraviolet rays low intensity compared to a mercury-quartz lamp.
Irradiation of school-age children with erythema lamps has a beneficial effect on their health and vital functions of the body; children gain weight and get sick less.
E. M. Demina (F. F. Erisman Institute) conducted observations in a kindergarten in Moscow, where this type of artificial lighting was installed. Lamps and erythema irradiators were used (4 fluorescent lighting lamps and 2 erythema lamps), and they were mounted so that they could be used together or separately. This made it possible, in conditions of good natural light, to turn on only erythema lamps that produce an ultraviolet stream of rays.
From November to April, children were irradiated daily. At the same time, they did not undress, but only rolled up their sleeves and lowered their stockings. Irradiation of the bare surface of the arms, legs, head and neck during a 4-5 hour stay in the group room turned out to be sufficient, the children received required quantity ultraviolet rays.
Compared to the children of another group in this kindergarten who were not exposed to radiation, the health and physical development of the irradiated children was significantly better.
According to A. M. Vorobyova, daily preventive ultraviolet irradiation with erythemal fluorescent lamps at the rate of 1/8-1/6 erythemal dose per day increases the body’s ability of preschool children to absorb nutrients(calcium by 9.3-20.3% and phosphorus by 6.3-17.5% of the administered amount).
Lighting using erythema lamps is currently recognized as the most effective. Such lamps are highly desirable for all preschool institutions, but they are especially necessary in the Far North, where it is important not only to provide adequate artificial lighting, but also to improve living conditions during the long polar night.
In areas north of 65° N. w. sources of ultraviolet radiation (UV, etc.) are provided in the general lighting system of group rooms, playing and dining rooms, bedrooms, in isolation wards and rooms for sick children or in the fotaria.
Artificial lighting can be used in two types: general and combined (by combining general and local lighting).
Local lighting is provided in reception areas, locker rooms, bedrooms, in the medical room, in the manager’s office, and in washrooms. In other rooms, the use of local lighting alone is not allowed.
In bedrooms, veranda bedrooms, rooms for sick children and the isolation ward, emergency (night) lighting with a voltage of no more than 36 W, connected to the emergency lighting network, is provided.
For emergency lighting, lamps with blue glass and a screening grille should be used, installed at a height of 0.3 m from the floor, close to the entrances to the premises.
All premises of the kindergarten are equipped with plug sockets to connect local lighting and cleaning machines.
In group rooms and halls, sockets and switches should be installed at a height of 1.8 m from the floor.


For the right sanitary maintenance In preschool institutions, the nature of the water supply, in particular the quality and quantity of water, plays an important role. Where there is city and village water supply, proper water supply is easier to ensure.
In cases where central water supply is absent, but in the microdistrict there are enterprises and institutions provided with local water supply, and if the supply of water and sanitary conditions allow, the buildings of preschool institutions must be connected to this water supply system.
Where the specified conditions do not exist, local water supply must be provided for the child care facility. When installing a water supply system, the choice of water source and the amount of water in it must comply with GOST standards.
If it is completely impossible to provide a preschool institution with running water, it is necessary to take water directly from underground ground and artesian sources, for example from wells, the design and maintenance of which must meet basic sanitary requirements.
The best type of local water supply should be considered bore wells, in particular artesian wells. The water in them is not polluted from the surface of the earth, and usually its quality is quite satisfactory.
If it is impossible to have drilled wells, you can use dug (mine) wells, subject to the established sanitary requirements.
The well should be laid no closer than 25-30 m from sources of soil and water pollution (residential buildings, unsewered latrines, cesspools, garbage dumps, old, abandoned wells, barnyards, etc.). Wells should not be installed in low-lying and swampy areas that are flooded with rain and melt water.
The inner surface of the well must have a dense concrete, brick or wood lining. This will protect it from contamination, as well as from water seeping through the walls of the shaft from the upper layers of the soil.
The above-ground part of the well frame should be 0.8-1 m high. To prevent contamination from penetrating through the soil, a clay castle must be made outside, for which it is necessary around the frame 0.5 m wide and 1.5-2 m deep remove the soil and fill the resulting depression with crumpled clay. There should be a slope from the well for water drainage. The opening of the log house should be kept closed at all times.
To protect the upper hole from debris and foreign objects getting into the well, a hinged lid is installed above the well, or even better, a closed booth with the pump handle and the neck of the drain pipe leading out. The door to the booth must always be kept locked.
To draw water from a well, it is better to have a pump, gate or “crane” with a firmly attached bucket. The drain pipe must be equipped with a hook for hanging the bucket. The use of individual buckets should be strictly prohibited to avoid water contamination.
The area near the well must be kept clean at all times. You cannot rinse clothes, wash various items in the immediate vicinity of the well, or allow livestock and vehicles to approach it. A fence must be built around the well. Periodic cleaning of the well is mandatory.
Supplying children's institutions with household and drinking water from open reservoirs (river, pond, lake, dammed storage facilities, etc.) is unacceptable, since the water in them does not have the required physical, chemical and bacteriological composition. In addition, their contamination or contamination is always possible (discharge from industrial or waste water, washing away all kinds of litter from the banks with rainwater, watering holes and grazing animals, etc.).


It is most advisable to connect children's institutions to the city or village sewerage system, and in case of its absence, use the local sewerage system (by agreement with nearby enterprises or cultural institutions). If there are no other possibilities, a child care facility is arranged local sewer in accordance with the rules for the design of these structures, provided for by the current standards of the State Sanitary Inspection authorities. In case of emergency, a cesspool system with the installation of backlash closets in external latrines is allowed (the latter in warm and hot areas of the country).
According to sanitary standards, kindergarten buildings with a capacity of up to 50 places in unsewered areas are allowed to be designed without internal sewerage. In these conditions, it is necessary to strictly observe hygienic and anti-epidemic requirements. Lavatories are installed no closer than 25 m from the building, with convenient approaches to them.
The most important sanitary part of such a latrine is the sewage receptacle. The cesspool should, if possible, be hermetically sealed from the soil.
Construction of absorption wells that allow liquid to seep into the soil, sanitary rules is strictly prohibited.
To prevent soil contamination and groundwater, the walls and bottom of sewage receptacles (as well as receptacles for liquid waste) must be waterproof - made of stone, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete. The outer part of the cesspool has a double lid. Restrooms should be cleaned daily, including toilet seats and floors. hot water with lye.
Backlash closets should be installed outside the main building, in the form of a one-story extension connected by a warm passage to the main building. The backlash closet consists of a latrine and an airlock with a stove. The gateway has natural light and can be ventilated. The furnace firebox goes into the airlock. The backlash closet cesspool is located on the shady side of the building, but not under the windows of the children's premises.
To disinfect restrooms, it is recommended to use a 10% clarified bleach solution, which is used to moisten the toilet seats and the lower parts of the walls. Seats, handles, floors, and walls should be wiped with a one percent clarified bleach solution.
In the warm season, the contents of the receivers must be disinfected with dry bleach. To clean cesspools, appropriate transport must be provided (bulk barrels filled with scoops or pumps, tank trucks).
In winter, when some of the liquid waste and sewage freezes, they need to be cleared out and transported on special rattles, lined inside with galvanized iron and covered with lids.
Liquid waste must be removed at least once a month, without allowing the cesspool to overflow by more than 3/4 of its volume. If necessary, the period for waste removal can be reduced.

When reconstructing heating systems in preschool institutions, a huge number of problems arise that can only be solved by completely replacing the heating system layout, pipe routing and heating appliances. The cause of these problems is:

  • wear and tear of pipes and heating devices;
  • redevelopment of premises;
  • insulation of the external walls of the building;
  • tightening of norms and rules for design;
  • transition to independent system heat supply from heating networks.

The most optimal heating system for kindergartens is a horizontal dead-end floor heating system. If horizontal pipes it is impossible to lay it in the structure of the floor or walls and a huge number of passages through the main walls are required, then a riser can be used two-pipe scheme heating.

It is not allowed, as a coolant, to use non-freezing liquid with additives of harmful substances of the 1st - 4th hazard classes.

The system is mounted from metal-plastic pipes. Pipes laid openly along walls must be covered plasterboard boxes. Pipes are laid in thermal insulation, ensuring a surface temperature of no more than 40 degrees C,

Bimetallic ones are optimal as heating devices. sectional radiators. In this case, radiators must be closed with plasterboard boxes with grilles (for heating devices) made of wood or other heat-resistant materials. The length of the radiator must be at least 75% of the width window opening. The radiator can be installed at a height of 50mm from the floor level. All heating devices must be equipped with thermostatic valves with a device for balancing the system. Heating appliances are designed taking into account ventilation. When ventilating, a short-term decrease in the air temperature in the room is allowed, but not more than 2-4 degrees Celsius. Ventilation is carried out for at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours.

On the first floors, for group rooms, sleeping rooms and dressing rooms, a heated floor installed from metal-plastic pipes or cross-linked polyethylene pipes is required. In winter, the floor surface temperature should be at least 22 degrees C,

As a rule, steam heating is not allowed in kindergartens. For newly constructed and reconstructed kindergarten buildings, stove heating is not used.

The design of the kindergarten heating system should be carried out according to the following regulatory documents:

  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations”;
  • SP 118.13330.2012 “ Public buildings and structures”;
  • SP 60.13330.2012 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”.
Technical and economic indicators of the kindergarten heating system
Indicator name Meaning
Density of heating pipeline networks average
Specific maximum power consumption per 1 sq.m. from total area object 60 W*h/sq.m.
Specific annual consumption thermal energy per 1 sq.m. of the total area of ​​the facility 0.136 Gcal*year/sq.m.
Specific financial costs for heat supply to the heating system of the facility by heat generating companies at a cost of 1 Gcal - 1100 rubles. 149.6 rub.*year/sq.m.
Specific fuel consumption for heat supply of the facility's heating system with natural gas 19 cubic meters*year/sq.m.
Specific financial costs for heat supply to the facility's heating system with natural gas at a cost of 1 cubic meter. - 4 rub. 76 rub.*year/sq.m.
Specific fuel consumption for heat supply to the facility's heating system with wood 53 kg*year/sq.m.
Specific financial costs for heat supply to the facility’s heating system with wood at a cost of 1 kg. - 3.4 rub. 180.2 rub.*year/sq.m.

It is profitable to order a high-quality heating project for a kindergarten without intermediaries from the engineering studio of Kiselyov - a designer of ventilation, heating and air conditioning

Heating system for a school, kindergarten, college, university: a range of services from our company

  • project development internal system heating educational institutions;
  • thermal and hydraulic calculation boiler room of a school, kindergarten, university;
  • reconstruction and modernization of the heating system;
  • installation internal networks and heating equipment;
  • selection and boiler installation heating systems for children's and educational institutions;
  • calculation, selection and installation water heated floor systems;
  • maintenance and repair heating and boiler equipment;
  • coordination with supervisory authorities.

For educational institutions in areas with an estimated outside air temperature of –40°C and below, it is allowed to use water with additives that prevent it from freezing (harmful substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes according to GOST 12.1.005 should not be used as additives), and in buildings of preschool institutions it is not allowed to use coolant with additives of harmful substances of hazard classes 1–4.

Design and installation of autonomous boiler houses and heating systems in schools, preschool and educational institutions

The heating system of schools, kindergartens and other children's and educational institutions (universities, vocational schools, colleges) in cities is connected to central system heating and hot water, which is powered from the city thermal power plant or its own boiler house. In rural areas, they use an autonomous scheme, placing their own boiler room in a special room. In the case of gasified areas, the boiler operates from natural gas, boilers are used in small schools and preschool institutions low power powered by solid or liquid fuel or electricity.

When designing an internal heating system, microclimatic standards for air temperature in classrooms, school classrooms, canteens, gyms, swimming pools and other premises should be taken into account. Various by technical purpose building areas must have their own heating networks with water and heat meters.

For heating gyms, along with a water system, it is used air system heating combined with forced ventilation and operating from the same boiler room. A water floor heating device may be present in locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, swimming pools and other premises, if available. Thermal curtains are installed at the entrance areas of large educational institutions.

Heating system of a kindergarten, school, educational institution - list of works on the organization and reconstruction of the heating system:

  • identifying needs when creating a project or sketch diagram heat supply;
  • choice way and place installation of pipelines;
  • selection equipment and materials appropriate quality;
  • thermal and hydraulic calculation of the boiler room, determination of technology and testing it against the requirements of SNiP;
  • possibility of increasing productivity, connecting additional equipment(if necessary);
  • load calculation and the performance of the heating system as a whole and by area of ​​heated premises;
  • during the reconstruction of the facility - site preparation, foundation and walls for subsequent installation;
  • defective sections of the building heating system;
  • calculation of terms and costs works and equipment, coordination of estimates;
  • supply of equipment and execution of work on time at a pre-agreed cost estimate.

For heating appliances and pipelines in children's preschool rooms, staircases and lobbies, it is necessary to provide protective fences and thermal insulation of pipelines.

Fresh air is a necessity for young children, it gives them the opportunity to grow, provides full-time job all organs, helps prevent allergies and respiratory diseases. Therefore, authorities and supervisory authorities place high demands on institutions where young children are kept and stay for long periods of time. According to them, strict, scientifically based standards are being developed so that the health and safety of children is not threatened. Kindergartens must keep incoming pupils in conditions that fully comply with the rules - in particular, they need to take care of timely and high-quality ventilation.

Children spend a lot of time in kindergarten. They gather in groups, sometimes quite large, and ensuring the quality of ventilation is an important and time-consuming task. Air characteristics (cleanliness, humidity, temperature) are key factors in maintaining the health and activity of children. Heating and ventilation of the kindergarten, adjusted in accordance with the standards, help maintain immunity, promote hardening of the body and allow:

  • reduce the level and frequency of diseases caused by viruses and infections;
  • ensure the influx and circulation of fresh air flows saturated with oxygen;
  • create a favorable microclimate;
  • eliminate air pollution;
  • normalize indoor humidity;
  • minimize costs for heating and air purification.

We offer ready-made solutions for ventilation of kindergartens and schools

Parameters and limitations for air ventilation systems in kindergartens

A kindergarten ventilation project is always developed carefully. At the initial stage, engineers collect all information about existing restrictions, standards, and requirements. It is contained in special tables (for calculated temperatures and air exchange), which are formed by sanitary control authorities, and take into account seasonality, regionality and all other factors.

The ventilation mode of kindergartens provides for many restrictions:

  • it is impossible to seal the natural inflow holes in the windows (their presence on each window is mandatory);
  • after children leave their bedrooms, classrooms or sports facilities, you need to ventilate them intensively;
  • if the outside temperature is not higher than +20°C, then you cannot keep the windows open for more than a three-minute period;
  • in rooms where children are located, there should be a pair of holes for natural air exhaust (along the upper edge);
  • the area of ​​the ventilation openings (together with the vents) should be 1/50 of the floor area;
  • ventilation in utility rooms (laundry room, toilet, kitchen) should not pass through children’s rooms.

The ventilation standards for kindergartens have been developed in detail and are regulated by SNiP P-L No. 3-71. At least 50 m3/h per hour should be supplied per child.

Organization of ventilation in preschool institutions

The main type of ventilation used in kindergartens is supply and exhaust. In all rooms where children spend a lot of time, it is necessary to ensure a favorable microclimate. It is permissible to remove contaminated air through adjacent rooms, for example, from the bedroom through the playroom.

Ventilation in the catering unit in a kindergarten should be organized especially carefully. It is impossible for ducts and exhaust air vents to pass through rooms where children spend a long time, play, dine and sleep. The same applies to toilet and laundry areas.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, every year in our country the number of children who need a place in kindergarten is growing. Thus, in 2002, 6.7 million children aged 3 to 7 years were registered in Russia, in 2012 - 7.6 million, and by 2015 there will already be 8.4 million. “And this is not a forecast, but actual data, since these children have already been born,— Olga Golodets clarifies. — There are about two million children on the waiting list for kindergarten.”

On the other hand, the number of preschool educational institutions themselves has halved compared to 1990.

Even a year or two ago, the most active mothers of preschool children organized rallies, the leitmotif of speeches and propaganda posters of which was the call “Give children back kindergartens!” It was about the eviction of all kinds of municipal services from the former buildings of preschool institutions, which occupied them in the 1990s, as well as the resettlement of families, to whom some former kindergartens were given for housing (often received by doctors and teachers). However, if you understand the situation at least a little, it turns out that the eviction of state and municipal services from yesterday’s kindergartens will not solve the problem.

“The vast majority of those built before 1990. preschool institutions do not comply with modern building standards and the provisions of the law “On Energy Saving”, and therefore require serious investment in reconstruction,- says Sergei Ponomarev, director of Teploset LLC (Biysk, Altai Territory). — The minimum that today solves this problem in existing preschool institutions is the installation of plastic windows with triple glazing, metering devices, heat automation equipment, and in some cases, insulation of facades. The return of old kindergarten buildings, which are now occupied by government services and housing, will require reconstruction in both the construction and energy sectors: the presence of only plastic windows and metal-plastic heating risers will not solve the problem. From an economic point of view, it is much cheaper to build new buildings, providing them with modern energy-saving equipment". “Replacement of worn-out pipes in existing institutions social sphere, installation of plastic windows and other similar measures are certainly important, but do not play a priority role in solving the problems of creating a comfortable microclimate and heat conservation,- agrees Anton Belov, Deputy Director of the Danfoss Thermal Department. — Without comprehensive automation and the use of modern energy-efficient engineering equipment, these issues cannot be resolved. In addition, experience shows: no matter how expensive these solutions may seem at first glance, they pay for themselves in an average of 2-3 years.”. The need to create comfortable conditions for children is another problem in preschool institutions today. An unbalanced microclimate in kindergartens is becoming one of the main reasons for the increase in morbidity among children. “When we got a place in kindergarten, joy knew no bounds. But very quickly it gave way to disappointment: my son went to kindergarten for only a week - and got sick,- says Anna Kudryavtseva, mother of 4-year-old Maxim from Biysk (Altai Territory). — It turned out that there is nothing surprising in this, and it is not at all a matter of the child’s adaptation. One teacher forces children to dress warmer, does not ventilate the room, believing that in this way he will save them from colds, and another, on the contrary, brings hot children home from a walk, although the windows in the group are not yet closed.”

As can be seen from the example, the comfortable level of temperature in the room is often assessed by the teacher or educator based on his own feelings and opinion about what the optimal microclimate for the child should be. Moreover, kindergarten workers, as a rule, have to independently regulate the temperature in the kindergarten premises (mainly by opening and closing the windows), since automation of this process is not provided for by outdated projects. In particular, familiarization with the Federal Data Bank for Object Design capital construction and the most cost-effective reuse projects on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (for example, Moscow, Tomsk region and Altai Territory) are disheartening - the kindergarten projects presented here can hardly be called fully heat-saving. At best, the documentation provides for the use of water heated floors and installation of plastic windows.

Meanwhile, today there are successful completed projects, proving that modern solutions for heating and water supply systems are able to immediately answer all existing questions. As Anton Belov (Danfoss) notes, in the vast majority of cases, solving the problems of creating a comfortable microclimate and energy saving is achieved through the use of automated individual heating points (AITP) with weather compensation. One of the features of this solution is that the automation allows you to set different operating modes heating system. For example, you can program a decrease in indoor air temperature at night and on weekends when there are no children in kindergarten. And the rest of the time - maintain the temperature at the level required by sanitary standards. In this way, the tasks of maintaining a healthy microclimate and saving heat are simultaneously solved.

Automatic radiator thermostats installed on the premises also play a significant role in creating comfortable conditions in kindergartens. heating devices. For children's institutions, experts recommend using thermostats with a gas-filled sensor, as they are the most sensitive to changes in air temperature.

There are even more progressive solutions. For example, in Tomsk, an energy-efficient kindergarten of category “A” is successfully operating, where to ensure a comfortable microclimate in groups central heating not used at all. The basis of the kindergarten’s heat supply system is Danfoss heat pumps, which allow for each kilowatt of electricity consumed to obtain from 4 to 6 kW of thermal energy. In other words, between 75 and 84 percent of heating energy is free when you compare the heating system of a new kindergarten with classical scheme heat supply. It is interesting that such solutions in Tomsk pay for themselves even at the construction stage, since connection to the city heating network is more expensive than a fully installed turnkey system based on heat pump. The municipal authorities plan to replicate the experience gained in new social facilities being built in the city.

No less interesting is the example of kindergarten No. 347 in Perm: here an energy service company, at its own expense, installed energy saving equipment Danish concern, in order to return the funds spent by saving on the consumption of fuel and energy resources. Moreover, the very next year it amounted to 54% of the amount of costs for modernizing the kindergarten.

It is noteworthy that both projects - both in Tomsk and in Perm - allow us not only to talk about significant savings in resources and financial resources for their payment, a high return on investment, but also about the formation of a comfortable climate in the premises of kindergartens. The heads of the institutions note that pupils get sick less, and they no longer have problems with regulating the temperature in the premises.

When addressing the issue of shortage of preschool institutions, we must not forget about the related tasks - creating a microclimate that is comfortable for children and saving energy. As practice shows, they not only do not contradict each other, but are links in one unbroken chain: you can save heat without harming the health, first of all, of the youngest citizens of our country.