The draft of smoke in the iron furnace disappeared. What to do if there is no draft in the chimney. How to improve draft in the oven

The issue of the lack of draft can be divided into two main points: when there is no draft in the furnace from the very beginning of operation and when the draft disappears over time.

No draft in the oven at home when first used.

After the construction of the furnace, it does not matter whether it is made of brick or welded from iron, a test firebox is carried out to check the reliability of the entire structure. The lack of draft in the furnace could be due to the following factors:

  1. The chimney is not built according to technology. The length of the horizontal channels exceeds the allowable dimensions of 1.5-2 meters or the width of the gas channels does not have sufficient throughput. With a narrow channel, the chimney does not have time to pull all the smoke into the chimney; if it is too wide, the draft increases greatly, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the furnace. The width of the channels is calculated from the dimensions of the furnace and the purpose of the furnace itself.
  2. Incorrectly designed exit to the chimney well. The exit to the chimney must exceed the diameter of the gas channel or be equal to it, and the upper edge of the outlet to the well must be located above the upper edge of the furnace door, since when the door is open, smoke will escape into the room. When the outlet cannot be made higher, the problem is solved by lining up additional wall at the back of the stove, which also prevents the entry into the chimney a large number, unburned fuel and ash.
  1. When lining the chimney with a metal pipe, the diameter of the pipes must be the same, this prevents the rapid formation of soot at the junctions of the pipes.
  2. The blower is not long enough, the fire does not have enough air flow, which reduces traction.
  3. On the crown of the pipe is missing protective cap, which protects the chimney from precipitation, and significantly reduces the possibility of reverse thrust.
  4. When laying the stove, the tightness of the seams or cleaning doors was broken.
  5. The height of the pipe above the roof ridge. It is recommended to make the pipe higher than the ridge. Since wind turbulence, from the roof ridge, creates an air lock in the chimney. The height depends on the distance between the pipe and the ridge in horizontal plane. With a distance of up to 1.5 meters, the height will be 50-70 cm, with a horizontal distance of 1.6-3.0 meters, height coincidence is allowed. When the pipe is more than three meters away from the ridge, the angle between the tops should not exceed 10 degrees.
  6. Violations of the ventilation of the room. Reverse thrust occurs when open windows located much higher than the furnace door, with a strong wind, drafts occur that introduce an imbalance in the movement of exhaust gases through the chimney channels. The opposite situation is also possible, in the absence of ventilation and air flow, a kind of vacuum is created in the room, and periodically the air will be sucked back through the chimney. In this case, when mounting ventilation system difficult, periodically creates an influx of air into the room by opening a door or window for a short time.
  7. If in a multifunctional furnace, in which there is more than one firebox, the dividing wall between them is designed incorrectly, or the chimney throughput is not sufficient.

The cravings disappeared over time.

  1. The most common case is the formation of soot in the chimney channels, it is recommended to clean the chimney at least once a year. To clean the chimney use a variety of tools:

A) When vertical chimney, the pipe is cleaned with a special brush or any heavy object right size tied to a rope.

B) With a horizontal chimney design, the ash is removed through special cleaning doors, or holes closed with bricks, which, if necessary, are pulled out.

B) When the chimney is made of metal pipe, use aspen firewood. The logs must be dried, since aspen flares up very difficult, it is easier to make a fire, for example, with birch firewood, and only after reaching optimal temperature fill the firebox with aspen. Since aspen has a very low resin content, which is the main cause of soot formation, the aspen furnace firebox, with an open blower, cleans the chimney. You should follow the safety rules when cleaning the chimney in this way, since soot burns directly in the pipe, the draft becomes stronger and burning sparks break out, and the pipe itself heats up much more. Similar way- this is the burning of potato cleaning coals, when burned, they emit substances that remove soot. Another folk way- this is coarse salt poured on hot coals. When the question arises why there is no traction in sauna stove, these methods are the most acceptable.

Oven preparation

D) There are chemical powders that remove soot. There are many types of such substances, they are made in the form of powder or solid mass. The method of application is to burn chemical agent together with ordinary firewood, the substances released during this process remove soot from the walls of the chimney. After the firewood burns out, it remains to clean the crumbling ash.

The methods described in paragraphs "C, D" are applicable if the soot layer does not exceed 3 mm, in the case when the chimney is clogged more thoroughly, it will be more efficient to use mechanical methods cleaning the chimney or gas ducts described in paragraphs A, B.

  1. The lack of traction often occurs during the cold season, or when the stove has not been used for a long time. formed in the chimney airlock, which blocks hot air. In these cases, it is necessary to warm up the air in the pipe, by burning easily and quickly combustible paper in the firebox or with a burning torch through the cleaning hole, a large and rapid appearance of hot air will push the cork out. This problem is especially common in tall, horizontal chimneys, such as in two-story buildings.
  2. There is a possibility of loss of tightness in the design of the furnace, due to the deformation of a poor-quality foundation, or too thick a layer of seams in the masonry, not right choice or the consistency of the solution, this leads to the appearance of cracks through which exhaust gases can enter the room or roof, such defects can cause a fire.

How to increase draft in the furnace?

Near the oven

After the preventive work for cleaning the chimney from soot, and checking the integrity of the entire structure, it is possible to increase traction without the involvement of specialists, or complex electrically dependent drafts in the furnace, which is what to do. Installation of a smoke vane or deflector. These are modified versions of a conventional chimney cap that use the wind as a means of "drawing" the air. There is a more complicated and expensive way - installing an electric smoke fan. It is used in construction and operation multi-storey buildings, in which a complex multi-level chimney is constructed.

Why is there no draft in the chimney, this is a very common question among users heating equipment operating on solid and liquid fuels, requiring the removal of combustion products.

This question should be divided into two parts: the draft was and then disappeared, or it was not there initially after construction.

If a heating device(stove, fireplace, gas, diesel or solid fuel boiler) worked normally for a long time, and then the draft in the chimney suddenly disappeared, then this is an acquired problem that is caused by some reason. In the practice of a chimney sweep, there were different cases, among which:

  • The brick smoke channel began to collapse and one or more bricks fell into the channel, blocking it.
  • During the summer period, the heating device was not operated and the birds built a nest inside the canal.
  • Hornets are very fond of non-working chimneys and in the summer they can easily arrange a hive in it.
  • The chimney was not cleaned for a long time and the collapsed soot filled up the channel.

Perhaps someone will feel ashamed now, but among the stove-makers there is a harsh, but probably fair punishment for those who do not pay for the work performed. A bucket of cement poured into the chimney completely blocks it and creates very serious problems, the elimination of which can be comparable to the cost of building the chimney itself.

Brick fell down the chimney

The bird got into the chimney

Insect nest in the chimney

If the first option is yours - more about the service chimney cleaning on this page:

Bad chimney draft

Poor draft of a new chimney of a stove, fireplace, boiler, or its complete absence, is a consequence of non-compliance with building codes and rules for the production of chimney works.

The most common causes of poor traction

  • the cross section of the pipe or internal smoke channels is narrowed;
  • the chimney pipe is too short and does not create an impulse;
  • the pipe head is located in the zone of wind backwater;
  • airtight doors and windows can also cause poor draft, since oxygen is needed for the combustion process, which quickly burns out in a poorly ventilated room.

In any case, you are unlikely to be able to determine and eliminate the cause yourself, so we advise you to invite a qualified specialist for diagnosis.

How to improve traction

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. First, it is necessary to establish the reason for its absence or weak indicators, and only after that to work out possible options for improvement. Among the activities: installation window handles with micro-ventilation, installation of deflectors, rotorvents, smoke exhausters, replacement of chimneys with a larger section, etc.

Employees of our company will professionally approach the solution this issue will provide practical and advisory assistance. Just invite a Chimney Sweep, he will return warmth and comfort to your home, and possibly bring good luck!

If the problem is not acquired, then we are talking about chimney repair, we recommend that you read the information on this page:

Back to the list of useful tips

1. The main causes of poor draft in the chimney

2. How to get rid of reverse thrust?

The presence of good draft in the chimney is an essential condition for the full functioning of the stove or fireplace (read also: “How to make a chimney for a fireplace”). Draft is a directed air flow that occurs in the exhaust structure due to the difference in air pressure inside and outside, while the air masses will always tend to where there is the least resistance. Accordingly, the reverse draft in the chimney is a phenomenon in which the air flow with smoke from the fuel burning in the stove does not go out through the chimney, but back into the room. If the direction of the air flow is reversed for a short time, then this is called thrust tipping.

Why is there no draft in the chimney? There can be a variety of reasons for this, ranging from improper chimney design to nearby tall buildings or trees. At bad traction when burning in the stove, firewood will emit a large amount of smoke, the door will instantly smoke (this is especially noticeable if there is glass on the door), and when it is opened, smoke will pour into the room. In such cases, it is extremely important to identify the cause of insufficient traction as soon as possible and try to eliminate it.

Checking the draft in the chimney can be carried out using a sheet toilet paper(it is necessary to observe its deviation) or with the help of smoke from a cigarette (it is necessary to trace in which direction it moves). The appearance of smoke in the room during the combustion indicates reverse draft, a yellow-golden flame indicates good draft, and a white flame and a hum in the chimney indicate excessive draft. There are also more modern and exact ways how to check the draft in the chimney, for example, special measuring instruments, allowing to determine the draft at the base of the chimney and at its outlet. By analyzing the data obtained, it will be easier to determine what causes underdraft or reverse thrust.

The main causes of poor draft in the chimney

Most often, draft problems arise due to miscalculations made at the design stage of the chimney, because often people who do not have any special education or sufficient experience do this.

In addition, clogging of the chimney pipe, strong air currents arising in it, as well as various atmospheric factors often lead to a violation of draft.

Reason one - errors in the design of the chimney. Poor draft in the chimney may be the result of a pipe that is too low, while excessive high pipe on the contrary, there is too strong traction. The optimal height is considered to be slightly higher than 5 meters, in which case there should be no problems with traction. Of no small importance is the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the chimney pipe, which must correspond to the size of the furnace. So, the combination of a narrow pipe with a powerful stove will lead to the fact that a large amount of smoke will not be able to exit normally and will begin to seep into the room. With a disproportionately large chimney, all the heat generated as a result of fuel combustion will be in literally fly out the pipe. Strongly not recommended for different areas install pipes of different diameters, as this will inevitably lead not only to problems with traction, but also to the excessively rapid formation of soot deposits. Soot, accumulating, in turn will reduce the diameter of the pipe, as a result of which the process of kindling the furnace will become more complicated each time.

It affects the draft force and the shape of the chimney opening: with a round draft it will be much better than with a square or rectangular one. The fact is that additional turbulences form in the corners, which create obstacles for the general air flow, as a result of which there will be observed overall decrease traction.

As for materials, the least of all will complain about the lack of draft in the chimney are those who have it made of bricks, but if there is metal chimney traction problems are very common. The fact is that the metal heats up quickly, but at the same time it cools down just as quickly, as a result of which cold air goes down.

Reason two - violation of ventilation. The reverse draft in the chimney can be caused both by a complete lack of ventilation in the furnace room, and, conversely, by strong drafts that seem to confuse the smoke, which changes its direction of movement and begins to enter the room.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of ventilation even if heating is used geyser. During operation, it will burn the air in the room, as a result of which there will be a serious lack of oxygen and the air will become very rarefied. Because of this, a stream of air will periodically rush through the chimney, which will invariably lead to attenuation of the column and smoke in the room. The situation can be further complicated by the presence of airtight plastic windows that do not let air in from the street. In such a situation, be sure to take care of proper ventilation.

Reason three - external factors. If you can’t determine why there is a backdraft in the chimney, pay attention to the various atmospheric phenomena, it is quite possible that they were the cause of this trouble. Traction problems can be caused, for example, by high humidity or strong wind. A similar situation is observed when it is much warmer outside than in the house (in particular, this often happens in spring time). AT this case you just need to open the window and ventilate the room well, allowing the temperatures to even out.

When trying to find out the reason why there is no draft in the chimney, it is necessary to pay attention to the location of the chimney. It is best if it is placed in the inner part of the building, in which case it will be less affected by various external factors. If the chimney is built from the outside of the house, then in cold weather it will warm up longer, and the draft will be much worse. In addition, condensation will often form in it.

How to get rid of reverse thrust?

One of the ways to deal with back draft is to use a deflector - a mechanical fan, the function of which is to suck smoke from the chimney (read: "How to make a deflector on the pipe with your own hands"). Another chimney draft regulator is a damper, which is a special damper. One gate is usually fixed in the chimney channel, and the second - either in the furnace itself or in its door. Having tried various options their location, you can find the optimal one, allowing you to solve the problem with traction.

How to make a draft regulator with your own hands, details on the video:

Sometimes reverse thrust can be temporary, occurring for several days. This may happen at the beginning heating season when, in wet autumn weather, the oven is lit after long downtime. In this case, the cold air accumulated in the chimney acts as a chimney draft limiter, and the smoke, instead of going outside, begins to fill the room. To solve the problem of temporary reverse thrust, you should find out the cause of its occurrence, and then eliminate it.

Additionally, you can also use a chimney draft stabilizer, which provides air supply and thereby optimizes the force of its movement along the chimney. The stabilizer is equipped with a safety valve that prevents excessive pressure. You can eliminate cold air in the pipe after a long break using plain paper. It is enough to burn a few sheets, slightly heated air will begin to rise through the chimney and push out the cold.

There is no draft in the furnace. The reasons

After that, the stove should melt without problems (more: "How to increase the draft of the chimney").

Naturally, the key to good draft in the chimney is the absence of soot deposits in it, therefore, at least once a year, it is necessary to resort to the mechanical cleaning of the chimney. See also: "How to clean the chimney from soot."

Conditions for the appearance of smoke in the house
Occurrence of reverse draft in the furnace
Strong gusts of wind
Incorrect oven masonry
Wear and tear is a popular reason why the stove smokes.
Mistakes during laying furnace well- What to do now?

Stove heating is still quite common in private urban homes and country cottages. If it functions correctly, the house creates comfortable atmosphere and comfort. But if the stove does not work properly, smoke can pour out of it, which will become not only a source bad smell, but it can also threaten human health and even life. In this article we will talk about what to do if the stove smokes. In doing so, we will consider probable causes and troubleshooting options.

Conditions for the appearance of smoke in the house

If the stove smokes in the house - what to do in this case can only be understood by considering the conditions under which smoke occurs.

To do this, we will answer a number of questions:

  • What are the contributing factors when smoke enters the house?
  • At what point does smoke occur - immediately after kindling or after a while?
  • How long has the stove been smoking?

There are several various reasons Why is the oven smoking? What they consist of, and what is the procedure for each of the cases, we will describe below.

Occurrence of reverse draft in the furnace

In cases where the stove has not been used for several days, a back draft may form in the chimney. This means that the air flows do not move outside, but into the room. This phenomenon quite often becomes the reason why the stove smokes during kindling. Please note that weather conditions have nothing to do with this phenomenon - reverse thrust appears in both warm and cold seasons.

It should be noted that draft tipping is possible even in furnaces with perfect design collected by experienced stove-makers.

So, the answer to the question of what to do if the stove smokes into the house is to increase the air temperature inside the chimney. Moreover, these manipulations can be performed independently.

Chimney heating can be done in the following ways:

  1. Treatment of the inner surface of the chimney with a hot air gun through the open door to remove soot.
  2. Gaining access to the chimney by dismantling or opening the hog in the attic and further heating it building hair dryer or other devices.
  3. They remove the cap from the top of the chimney and throw paper on fire into the chimney.

Strong gusts of wind

Sometimes the reason why there is no draft in the stove at home can be a strong gusty wind blowing inside the chimney.

No draft in the chimney: ways to improve draft

In this case, there are two options for resolving the issue:

  1. Increase the height of the chimney, including the tip.
  2. To slightly modify the structure of the visor mounted on the head.

Incorrect oven masonry

Often the reason why a new stove smokes is errors in the laying of the entire structure, or its individual elements. In particular, smoke accumulates inside the house if the section of the chimney is not enough for its timely evacuation to the outside.

You cannot solve this problem on your own - this should be done by the stove-maker. It is worth noting that the completion and repair of the structure will cost you less than a complete redevelopment of the furnace.

Wear and tear is a popular reason why the stove smokes.

Like any other design, each furnace has its own service life. Over time, its elements wear out and require overhaul or partial restoration.

Furnace aging is manifested in the following:

  • A large amount of soot accumulated on the inner walls of the chimney, which significantly narrowed its clearance.
  • Due to thermal loads, cracks appeared in the masonry, which led to the loss of the tightness of the pipe.

So, if the stove smokes due to wear - what to do, consider the steps:

  • We carefully clean the inner surface of the chimney not only from accumulated soot and debris, but also from staggering or fallen parts of the brickwork.
  • All existing cracks are re-sealed with furnace mortar, restoring the integrity of the masonry.

Such work can be done both independently and entrusted to the stove-maker. Experienced Master will do everything very quickly and efficiently.

Miscalculations during the laying of the furnace well - what to do now?

In some cases, smoke enters the house at the moment when the firebox door is opened. When the door is closed, carbon monoxide gases are evacuated normally. In this case, the reason lies in the inexperience of the furnace master.

During the opening of the door, smoke occurs if the entrance to the well is located too low and the shortest path for heated air with carbon monoxide lies exactly in the direction of the firebox doorway.

For any responsible person, when the stove smokes in the house, what to do is the main and paramount question. You can solve the problem if you build a wall inside the furnace, the upper edge of which will be several centimeters higher than the upper edge of the door.

Thus, hot air carbon monoxide will move to the well opening even with the firebox door open.


In the article, we examined the most likely causes of smoke inside the house, as well as ways to deal with it. It is noteworthy that in most cases the work is not difficult and can be done independently.

How to increase draft in a heating boiler

From this material you will learn how to increase the draft in the boiler, what to do if the draft in the boiler suddenly disappears, we will consider only the most effective methods draft entrainment in heating boilers.

Draft in a furnace or boiler is the main process that provides heating for any room. If there is no draft, then the heat will be only from the combustion of fuel in the furnace chamber, and the heat distribution, that is, convection, will be weak, as a result, “heat will leave” and erode. In this case, the layman faces a difficult question: how to increase the draft in the boiler? There is an answer to this question and it is quite simple.

No draft in the boiler?

6 reasons why there is no draft in the chimney and how to fix it?

There are ways to solve this problem:

If there is no draft in the boiler, then there are several simple and effective means in order for the draft to increase significantly and the heating to circulate freely throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house through the heating registers:

  • one of the old, but effective methods is calcining the boiler, that is, overheating the boiler and keeping the heat in one volume, after which it is necessary to sharply open the damper between the combustion chamber and the boiler, in which case a large amount of heat escapes through the damper and begins to circulate in the necessary directions . The method is applicable if the entire "system" has passed the test for sealing;
  • improved sealing of the boiler. Lack of draft occurs if there are any voids, "holes" and heat leakage from the boiler. In this case, the circulation of heat is not carried out at full strength and a small amount of heat goes into the boiler, which does not satisfy the heating needs;
  • modernization of the boiler and installation of a second outlet boiler-flavor. In this case, the heat begins to circulate and "stretch" through two lines-pipelines: one is a heating line, the second is a return line to the boiler, where a vacuum is formed during combustion. In this case, the kindling of the boiler or furnace will be somewhat longer than in a boiler without a bypass boiler;
  • the design of the chimney also significantly affects the state of draft. If the chimney large diameter installed at the boiler low power, then there will simply be no traction. These data must be taken into account during the initial laying and construction.

Sometimes the lack of draft leads to a complete replacement of the boiler, when all possible options solutions to the problem were invalid. In some cases, low-power compressors and heat convectors are installed for a short period, which are designed to “fire up” the boiler and establish heat convection and draft, but such options are applicable only to home masonry stoves.

Draft in the boiler is the key to coziness and comfort in a warm house.

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Without the normal draft of the stove, fireplace, heating boiler or gas water heater, you can forget about domestic comfort forever. The issue is relevant not only for residents of a private house, it is also close to the townspeople. Let's talk about the causes of traction violations, the intricacies of ventilation and the installation of heat generating systems on different types fuel.

    When not artificial ventilation(referring mentally to natural conditions, as everything happens in nature) air masses behave as follows:
  • air by default tends to where it meets the least resistance;
  • as soon as aerodynamic “help” appears in the form of an elongated “corridor”, the intensity of air flow increases. They are forcibly moving to where an empty, unoccupied place awaits them.
    As a matter of fact, chimneys and pipes just play the role of such corridors. This is a man-made option to force draft to extract combustion products from the premises:
  • as a result of certain engineering calculations, the pipe of the furnace, column or boiler has such characteristics that an aerodynamic directed air flow of flue gases is created;
  • draft arises due to the fact that the air pressure inside the furnace and outside is different.
Traction disturbance is not a consequence Bad quality chimney. The reverse course of air flows can occur even during the operation of prestigious equipment.

Backdraft detection

To denote the reverse movement of air flows (not through the chimney, but back into the room), there is a term - overturning draft. The name speaks for itself: the flow of gases from the burning fuel tends back into the room, and not out. There are many videos on the net with detailed descriptions about this.

Before each start-up of heating devices, it is recommended to determine the force and direction of thrust with the ventilation devices turned off (if any are installed).

Folk methods

    We will talk about the factors and reasons a little lower, but now let's figure out what needs to be done in order to identify the very fact of overturning thrust:
  • if there is a glass door in the furnace (for example, such an element is quite common near fireplaces) - you can clearly see through the glass how quickly it is smoked. One has only to open the door, and a cloud of smoke immediately breaks out, that is, into the room;
  • it is enough to attach a sheet of thin paper to the opening of an open firebox and see in which direction it deviates. A smoking cigarette will show the same thing instead of a paper sheet.

professional methods

There is a measuring equipment that allows you to measure the draft in the chimney with maximum accuracy, in units of pressure. Indicators in the range of 10-20 Pa are considered normal.

    Measurements are made by a two-way method:
  • at the top of the chimney;
  • at its base.

However this technique for a private house is hardly relevant - most people get by with folk visual methods.

The anemometer does not provide objective information at wind speeds below 1 m/s. That is, in calm weather, using such a device does not make sense.

visual cues

    If the ratio of combustion and thrust processes is normal, then:
  • the flame has yellow with a golden hue;
  • smoke appears and immediately disappears into the chimney - without jerks, smoothly and at the same time vigorously.
The situation when the normal thrust is too high is not good, because the fuel will burn out too quickly. Talk about excessive traction White color flames and hum in the chimney.

Why Backlash Happens

Of the reasons and factors why traction is reversed, the most common should be identified. In turn, they can be divided into simple (temporary, easily removable) and complex (requiring drastic intervention).

Complicated reasons

      Most often, this is what happens:
    • structural defects (the presence of horizontal or too narrow sections in the chimney, incorrect calculation of the cross-section of the pipe, the height of the pipe below the level of the ridge of the roof of the house) - engineering flaws must be eliminated;

  • - will have to clean up;
  • too tall trees grow near a residential building or are located high-rise buildings- it is necessary to resolve the issue of redesigning the entire chimney system;
  • errors in the installation of ventilation indoors ( supply air not enough) - accordingly, ventilation diagnostics, dismantling and reinstallation will be required.

Simple reasons
There are times when the thrust "tip" literally for a couple of days, although before that everything worked fine.

Reverse thrust occurs due to the fact that:

  • cool weather set in;
  • the firebox or stove has been out of service for a long time.

How is this explained physical phenomenon? Very simple:

  • a fair amount of heavy cold air has accumulated in the chimney;
  • the cooled air mass will be the very obstacle that the air does not like to overcome (see the beginning of the article - the correct thrust is always directed where there are no obstacles).


  • endure the smoke in the room and continue heating the pipe - soon the cold "pillow" will be able to break through, and the draft will be restored. Burn 3-4 paper sheets without firewood - there will be no big smoke, and the pipe will warm up;
  • use in such situations a device called a draft stabilizer. With it, the secondary air supply will accelerate the movement of air in the chimney.
The stabilizer is equipped with a safety valve that prevents excessive pressure build-up.

Back draft and ventilation

    The natural laws of ventilation have not been canceled:
  • warm air has a much lower density than cold air;
  • so warm air tends to rise;
  • if somewhere inside the house windows or doors are open to the street with cool weather, the air will go there when the heaters are turned on, and not into the chimney (as the user would like).

Force of ventilation at air outflow

    The internal architecture of the building is of great importance:
  • if there are many windows in the house, there are balcony doors or stairs to the upper floor - all this will lead to the formation of drafts;
  • it is not recommended to open windows and doors to the street on the platforms located above the level of the firebox.
Failure to comply with such simple tips- a guarantee that air currents that knock down draft are formed.

Provision of fresh air ventilation

    Sometimes the following happens:
  • the room is airtight (doors are locked, windows are closed);
  • when melting the furnace or turning on the gas boiler or column of the area low pressure pull up Fresh air from the chimney;
  • result - thrust overturns;
      The solution suggests itself - it is necessary to create the required air circulation. What needs to be done for these purposes:

  • install wall supply valves;
  • install supply valves on PVC windows;
  • place a forced ventilation device on the window to take air masses from the street into the room (such devices crash directly into window glass- how to make a sidebar, you can watch the video on the Internet);
  • slightly open the window, door or window.
The implementation of one of these measures will lead to the fact that Atmosphere pressure in the room will decrease, and the reverse draft will disappear.

In the presence of a gas column

    A gas-powered column has a number of features:
  • its combustion chamber draws air from the room;
  • the lack of oxygen becomes noticeable rather quickly (the air is rarefied, oxygen deficiency is felt);
  • air will periodically penetrate from the chimney, which will lead to the extinction of the column and smoke in the room.
Sometimes the user rushes about in search of a defect in the geyser instead of carefully analyzing the ventilation - its consistency and efficiency.

Ways to normalize traction

Summing up, let's clarify once again how to increase weak traction and prevent it from tipping over. The choice of method depends on the reasons for the violation of air flows. Sometimes it is recommended to adopt more than one method - consult with professionals so as not to make even more mistakes.

Structural changes to the chimney

    It was noted a little higher that the chimney may not be made correctly:
  • too low upper edge of the pipe;
  • narrowed aisles;
  • a lot of extra bends, etc.

Such defects must be corrected.


A reliable chimney draft stabilizer is one of the most actionable solutions. Devices modern type equipped with automation. It is enough to turn on the device when there are problems with the direction and strength of air flows in the chimney. As soon as the pressure level reaches the optimum level, the device turns itself off.

    Such a device makes a significant contribution to improving traction:
  • we are talking about an extension in the form of an umbrella on the chimney;
  • under the umbrella open area for air access from outside;
  • under the cap of the umbrella there is a temperature sensor for recording the temperature of rising gases from the furnace or column;
  • the sensor is automatically switched off due to overheating by gases accumulated during poor draft.


The task of these devices is to increase traction by deflecting air flows. The principle of operation is based on the fact that at the moment air flows around obstacles, a decrease in pressure occurs. The lack of products is almost zero efficiency in calm weather.

In the absence of wind on the street, the deflector is not only useless, but can also worsen traction.

Rotary tubes

A turbine is installed above the chimney head. Wind energy rotates the turbine head. Rotation always occurs in one direction - due to this, over smoke channel a vacuum is created.

Unfortunately, in calm weather, the efficiency of the rotary tube is minimal. But on the other hand, the ingress of debris and precipitation into the chimney is almost completely excluded. To understand all the intricacies of this method, a video with step-by-step instructions will help you.

An additional plus of rotary pipes: the operation of the turbine continues even when the heating is turned off.

Revision of the ventilation system

    In most cases, it is enough to analyze the ventilation in the house, and thereby eliminate the back draft. As noted above, you should carefully:
  • regulate the formation of drafts;
  • prevent rarefaction of air in a heated room;
  • if necessary, install ventilation devices on the windows.
Never forget: the thrust must not have a reverse motion. With a strong tipping over, there is a threat not only of smoke in the room, but also of sparks, followed by ignition of surrounding objects. If you are having difficulty, have an experienced

Owners of home stoves know that it is sometimes very difficult to start a fire. This may be due to raw fuel or insufficient airflow.

With the first problem, everything is very clear, but as for the second, it is necessary to understand in more detail.

The reverse draft problem is the wrong direction of air flow. That is, the flow of gases emanating from the combustion products is not directed directly into the chimney, but back into the room. There is a concept called “thrust overturning”, this is how they describe the process in which the movement of flows changes for a short time to the opposite.

This may be due to trees nearby, or high houses, which stand nearby, and possibly insufficient height of the chimney. As you can see, there are enough factors.

So what to do if there is no draft in the furnace?

It is quite easy to see that there is no traction. When you began to notice that the glass on the door was covered with soot, the firewood was burning, but emitting a large amount of smoke, and when the stove door was opened, the room was literally filled with smoke, which means that the draft was very weak. And if you do not figure it out in time and do not fix the problem, then the thrust will worsen and become reversed.

Before you start any manipulations, you need to know for sure why there is no draft, maybe it is too weak or not at all in the chimney. Most effective method- anemometer. The tool is good, but not everyone has it. If there is an opportunity to ask for such a thing, then use it.

If there is nowhere to take an anemometer, then go the "folk" way. Light a piece of paper on fire and put it out, then take it to the stove and watch where will he go smoke. When the smoke slowly goes into the chimney, there is a draft, but it is too small. If smoke goes into the room, there is no draft at all. If the smoke begins to blow in the other direction, there is draft in the chimney, but the opposite.

The amount of thrust can also be determined by the color of the flame. For example, when everything is normal, the color will be golden. If the flame is reddish in color, there is not enough oxygen for normal combustion. But if you hear a rumble during the firebox, the hood is too large.

The unpleasant smell of burning, smoke in the room, poor burning of firewood - all these are consequences reverse draft in the chimney. This is a problem faced by many owners of stoves, solid fuel boilers and other wood-fired heating appliances.

Why is there no draft in the chimney

Chimney clogged with soot

This is perhaps the most common and main reason traction deterioration.

When wood is burned, soot is formed. It is particles of combustion products that stick together and settle on the inner walls of the chimney, which leads to a narrowing of its diameter. As a result, the movement of air becomes difficult.

Therefore, the soot must be removed regularly. So you will not only improve traction, but also increase the efficiency and fire safety of the heater. To make the walls of the chimney less polluted with soot, you can use ones that contain less moisture and other harmful impurities.

Insufficient air supply

When burning firewood, it is necessary that the air moves “from bottom to top”. That is, from the room to the chimney and to the street. To do this, in the room where it is installed heater, air flow must be ensured - draft.

If all the windows are closed, if the ventilation is malfunctioning, then the smoke begins to move in the opposite direction - from the chimney to the room. That is, there is a backlash.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to create the right air movement in the room. For example, open a window before lighting a fire and close it 10-15 minutes after the flame flares up.

Cold outdoor air pressure

The draft in the chimney may deteriorate due to a decrease in the outside temperature. Since cold air is heavier than warm air, it sinks down and "presses" inside the pipe. This problem is especially often manifested in the presence of the previous two - the lack of air flow and a clogged chimney. It enhances their influence.

Therefore, the solution is: insulating the chimney, removing soot and creating an air flow.

The presence of a visor on the chimney

Often a hood is installed on chimneys, which can prevent smoke from escaping from the chimney. As a result, an air "plug" of smoke is formed and traction deteriorates.

In such cases, the visor should be replaced with a higher one or removed.

Incorrect chimney design

Backdraft can occur as a result of improper chimney design: narrow diameter, too high a height, a large number of bends or narrowings.

To eliminate problems of this kind, you will have to rebuild the chimney, which will entail a significant investment of time, effort and money.

brick collapse

because of ongoing process heating-cooling brick chimney, it can collapse. Bricks will fall off, fall down and clog the chimney.

To avoid such a situation, the chimney must be insulated. This will also solve the cold air pressure problem.


So, how to increase the draft in the chimney? Here are a few simple steps that do not require much time and money:

  • Clean the chimney of soot. This is the first thing to do. You can do it on your own with minimal cost time, effort and money.
  • Ensure air flow. Open a window for 5-10 minutes before starting a fire. This will create the correct movement of air in the room "bottom-up". The window can be closed after the fire flares up.
  • Insulate the chimney if it is not insulated. This will reduce the influence of cold air and also extend the life of the chimney.

As a rule, these simple actions enough to increase chimney draft. If the problem is related to design features chimney channel, then more serious resources will be required to solve it.

No draft in the chimney: 6 reasons for reverse draft and how to improve it yourself