Manufacture of metal visors from the profile. The best metal awnings for the house. How to make shady metal canopies with your own hands. Calculation of the arched truss

metal awnings– reliable, functional outbuildings, durable, practical, but visually light, harmoniously fit into the landscape of the site, do not clutter up the natural landscape. In the article we will analyze what are the advantages and disadvantages of metal structures, what is better to build from, we will offer examples simple projects, we will tell you how to correctly calculate the dimensions of the building, as well as its individual elements.

We present a detailed step by step instructions how to do shed canopy from a metal profile with your own hands, for example, the drawings were chosen with average sizes, if necessary, they can be adjusted to individual conditions.

General characteristics of metal canopies

Canopies made of metal, a photo diagram of a standard design is given below, you can make it yourself, even if you are far from construction. The structure of the building is simple - it is vertical poles, attached to them roof truss, then the crate is arranged, then the roof.

Canopies from a metal profile, in the photo general form standard design

Application area

Metal awnings are widely popular in private individual as well as commercial construction. These are covered parking lots, stops - a shelter for people waiting for public transport, structures above the entrance to the building, according to the regulatory regulations, their presence is mandatory in houses above 2 floors, visors above the gate, galleries leading from the gate to the house, outbuildings - shelters for firewood, other utensils, gazebos - from mini designs to combined buildings sometimes two stories.

The project of a free-standing metal canopy from a profile


Metal canopies can be divided into three types:

  • Mini designs - visors, mobile gazebos, mono-product - barbecue with a roof.
  • Independent detached metal buildings.
  • Combined - extensions to the garage, house, bath, etc., more often it is a veranda, a terrace - a place to relax, or a shed for household purposes.

Drawing of a cantilever-beam attached metal canopy to the house

The project of a canopy of metal structures is made based on the functionality of the building, these can be:

  • open buildings, consisting of supports and a roof;
  • closed buildings, where the sides are sewn up with sheet material, panels, wood, gratings, glazed, closed thick curtains, awning, fabric with special moisture-resistant impregnation, tarpaulin, soft glazing.

Canopy from a metal profile and soft tiles for firewood

Advice: For glazing a metal canopy, it is recommended to use sliding aluminum systems, they do not block the view, the sections can be moved to open the building as much as possible. Such glazing reliable protection from precipitation, dust, gusts of wind, in a slight frost, it will maintain a favorable microclimate inside, which will make your stay comfortable at any time of the year.

Large metal structure combined with brickwork

Open metal canopies, due to the low weight of the structure, are often arranged on the roof of the garage, summer kitchen, gazebos. Such a solution is a great opportunity to organize a comfortable recreation area with a gorgeous view if there is no space for an independent building on the site.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal canopies

Making a canopy with your own hands from metal is profitable, practical solution, subject to construction technology, proper care - the building will serve faithfully for several decades.

Metal structures are not afraid of temperature deltas, they are resistant to natural physical-chemical, biological, mechanical loads. But the metal quickly heats up and cools down, this should be taken into account when building canopies for relaxation, over the barbecue, so it is better to provide protective elements, for example, make railings in the gazebo, as well as wooden seats.

The main enemy of metal sheds is rust, which can cause significant harm, even destroy the structure in a short time. The processing and protection of the metal elements of the canopy will help to avoid fatal consequences.

Drawing of a metal canopy over the porch


Metal canopies are divided according to the materials of manufacture:

Material supports, truss system Auxiliary elements, crate Fastening
The thickness of the walls and the section of the profile depends on the size of the structure
round pipe 50-100 mm in diameter Ø25-30 mm, often the truss is made of wood Ø18-25 mm Welding
Profile rolled Profile rib 50-150 mm 25*25, 40*30, 25*50, 40*40 mm with a wall of 2 mm for small, medium buildings, 3 mm for large buildings, or a 60*40*2 mm profile is used 40*20mm Welding on a metal scarf or bolted connection
Prefabricated structures made of aluminum profile Finished products are assembled as a constructor: on washers or end method
Canopies made of stainless steel DIY quality product only for professionals, it is required special kind welding. Canopies made of stainless steel do not require finishing or additional protection.
Forged Products The most luxurious, sophisticated type of canopies that will decorate the house and the site. There are 2 options for implementing the idea: order a finished building or do it yourself. The first solution is simpler, but comparing the cost, less financial costs if you weld a frame from a metal profile, decorate it with forged parts, serial stamping, which you can buy on the market, will cost less at a price.

More practical, more economical - to build a canopy from profile pipe with your own hands. Over time, it can be closed with curtains, glazed, overlaid with brick, stone, decorated with forging, wooden grating.

Drawing of a standard cantilever metal canopy over the front door

The technical side of the issue - projects, diagrams, drawings, calculations

Analyzing any drawing of a canopy from a profile pipe, the structure can be represented in two parts: a metal frame and a roof. Base - vertical pillars of round pipe or square profile, along the upper heads of which there is a strapping with rolled metal or the lower belt of the truss. This gives rigidity to the metal structure, helps to maintain the geometry even under significant loads.


Pillars are recommended to be placed at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. If the building is adjacent to the house, garage, sauna, etc., then it is advisable to place support columns near the main building that will hold the canopy. In the absence of such an opportunity, in order to tie a canopy to a house from a metal profile, you should do it yourself bearing wall attach cross beam, which will serve as a support for the farm. Long anchors are used in the work. The solution will help distribute the load evenly across the entire load-bearing wall.


The main load from precipitation and gusts of wind falls on the truss system of the canopy, so it is important to make the correct calculation of the trusses, to determine the thickness of the profile for its manufacture. Canopies from a metal profile, photo examples below, are arranged under a single, gable or arched roof.

Which canopies can be made from a profile pipe with your own hands, photo examples of different types of roofs

Farms are:

  • Triangular, polygonal, parallel, broken - determined by the contour of the belt.
  • Inside the belt there can be lattices - triangular, rhombic, slanted and half-slanted.
  • According to the method of support - cantilever, beam, arched, beam-cantilever.

Typical truss arches for metal canopies

In order to correctly calculate the farm from a profile pipe for a canopy, it is necessary to take into account snow, wind loads, angle of inclination of the roof, size of the structure. Experts will help you avoid mistakes in rather complex engineering calculations or you should use an online calculator.

For the manufacture of small or medium metal canopies, in private it is better to use ready-made drawings and projects, to make universal trusses that are suitable for all types of structures.

Standard shed trusses

Optimum roof slope 15-25 o, suitable for all types of roofing material: polycarbonate, corrugated board, soft roof, metal tiles, etc.

Requirements for materials and fastening

In order for a frame for a canopy made of a profile pipe to meet quality standards, a number of conditions must be met:

  • It is unacceptable to use a profile with cracks for the manufacture of nodes, load-bearing elements canopy.
  • The end face of the supporting ribs must have a roughness of Ra £12.5 µm, which is regulated by GOST 2789-73.
  • For trusses of the lower belt, steel without internal layers is used, coarse slag inclusions are strictly prohibited.
  • According to GOST in section 14771-76, joints should be made by mechanical welding, using carbon dioxide or a mixture of carbon and argon.
  • Guided by paragraphs 2246-70 and 26271-84 of GOST, PP-AN-8 wire is required for welding.
  • GOST in part 7798-70 states: rafters are attached to vertical supports and subrafters with class 5.8 bolts.

Scheme with dimensions, according to which you can build a standard carport for a car with your own hands from metal

How to make a metal canopy with your own hands - step by step instructions

We will make a canopy from a metal profile with our own hands, we took standard drawings, adapted them to the size of the site, the dimensions of the building are 4 * 3 m, the roof is made of polycarbonate 8 mm thick.

The standard scheme, according to which we will build a canopy from a metal profile with our own hands, photo standard design with arched roof


We enclose the site with pegs, pull the rope, mark the installation site for the pillars, check the geometry, the diagonals should be equal. We remove the upper soft layer of soil, dig holes for supports, 700 mm deep.

Attention: If the terrain is swampy, uneven terrain or the ground on the site is quicksand, then it is better to equip a pile foundation.

We fill the bottom with crushed stone and sandstone, layers of 100 ml, we ram the pillow. The site can be paved paving slabs or pour concrete. For concreting the site, a reinforcing frame is made of corrugated rods, a cell of 100 * 100, 200 * 200 mm, is laid on a pillow so that the reinforcement does not touch the bottom by 50 mm, pebbles or ready-made coasters should be placed. A crate is installed around the perimeter, a 100 mm thick slab is poured with concrete at once, without interruptions. The fittings must be immersed in the solution by 50 mm from all sides.

How to concrete a metal pole

We pour concrete at the bottom of the pits, a layer of 100 mm, insert pillars from a profile pipe, check the verticals, fill the mortar to ground level. If necessary, we set the selections until the concrete has completely solidified in order to maintain the geometry of the frame for the canopy.

After a week, when the solution gains strength, we file the pillars to size. We weld the harness along the upper heads, this will fasten the building and give it rigidity.

How to weld a farm for a canopy

The farm is best made on the ground, then raised to the frame. To bend the profile, you can use a special machine or make a hard template with your own hands, according to which the details of the farm will bend. In large stores, a service is provided for bending a metal profile along standard radii. Farms should be installed every meter, there are 5 of them in our construction. We need 10 curved parts, as well as a 30 * 30 * 2 mm profile for internal stiffeners.

How to attach a farm to metal frame on bolts

We cut down the elements of the farm in size, cook the main nodes truss system. When all the parts are ready, we lift them with a crane onto the frame, then we attach them to the strapping with bolts or by welding onto a steel scarf. Next, we weld the crate from a profile of 40 * 25 * 2 mm, a distance of 750 mm.


After assembly, we clean the frame with a stiff brush, remove scale, remove signs of corrosion, then go through sandpaper to finally get rid of the lesions, as well as increase the adhesion of surfaces. Before painting, to degrease the frame, it should be washed with a rag soaked in a solvent, when it has completely evaporated, it can be primed.

Useful advice: A light gray primer is suitable for any color of paint, dark mixtures are relevant for bright colors paints for pastel colors it is better to use white primer.

The primer will protect the canopy from corrosion, significantly reduce paint consumption. If a coloring composition does not have good hiding power, the primer layer will provide reliable protective layer and uniform color. Under hammer compositions, one layer is sufficient to cover ordinary paints it is better to apply primer 2 times. They paint metal canopies with brushes, rollers, spraying from an airbrush is the most profitable, which will significantly speed up the process, reduce paint consumption by one and a half to two times, and provide an even, holistic, reliable, aesthetic coating.

Standard hammer effect paint colors

How to fix polycarbonate to the metal frame of the canopy

For metal canopies it is better to use cellular polycarbonate. Cut with a grinder with a disc for metal. Sand the edges with a fine abrasive to remove burrs. You can fix polycarbonate on thermal washers or using a special profile.

In the first case, holes are made 2 mm larger than the diameter of the fastening leg. A rubber seal is put on the washer, which prevents dust and moisture from getting inside, the part is inserted into the hole until a characteristic click. Point fastening allows the material to maneuver a little, which protects the polycarbonate from deformation, cracking during the operation of the material during cooling or heating.

Thermal washer mount

The profile connection is more hermetic, it is justified when it is necessary to join the panels. The edges sit on thermal washers. Which type of profile to choose depends on the type of roof, so it is selected individually.

Detailed diagram-instruction on how to properly bend and fasten polycarbonate

Subsequently, the sides of the canopy can be sewn up with blank panels, glazed, hung curtains or planted grapes, climbing roses, climbing plants when they grow, you will get a beautiful, lively gallery.

Be sure to see how to make a canopy with your own hands from metal, the video tells in detail how to join the main components of the structure, cook the farm, and strengthen the frame. The video describes in detail what errors I encountered in practice, as well as how to eliminate them.

Sheds on metal supports and with a corrugated roof, perhaps the most reliable and practical. Their use is so widespread that they are found not only on summer cottages and in private homes, but also mainly in industry. Such canopies have special characteristics, have clear advantages. We will talk about this in the article, and also tell you how to assemble a metal canopy with your own hands.

Characteristics of the metal canopy

Metal canopies include canopies, the supports of which and the frame are made of metal, while the roof can be made of any roofing material. And here is the canopy metal roofing, but wooden poles, should not be called metal.

For the manufacture of the canopy structure, different metals are used:

  • iron;
  • aluminum;
  • stainless steel.

Profiles, corners, pipes are made from these metals different sizes and different diameter, made of iron forged elements. The most expensive are stainless steel supports. They do not need to be treated with anything, the appearance is perfectly combined with glass, polycarbonate, fabric, they are not subject to corrosion and are durable. At the same time, making a stainless steel canopy with your own hands is not easy, almost impossible if you do not know how to work with special welding.

And will cost a lot. Therefore, most often, an iron profile is used for the construction of canopies, it is not so expensive, light and easy to install. A corner is suitable for the connecting elements of the canopy structure. Both bolts and welding are used as fasteners.

Structures made of aluminum parts are assembled very simply with your own hands. Usually these are awnings. small size, collapsible type.

Round pipes are used less often, as they are more difficult to join and create right angles. In this case, only welding is suitable. The profile pipe may have different shape, metal thickness and dimensions. The picture shows a variety of profile pipes.

List of advantages and disadvantages

The metal frames of the canopies are most often covered with polycarbonate sheets. Such a design has its advantages.

  • First, at correct installation and compliance with technology, the canopy will last a dozen years.
  • Secondly, such a construction is economically beneficial, since a one-time investment of funds will pay off over decades of operation.
  • Thirdly, metal canopies are resistant to temperature changes, they are not afraid of physical exercise, chemical impact.

    Important! If a metal canopy is erected over a barbecue or barbecue, then the metal parts near the fire will quickly heat up, remember this.

  • Fourthly, metal allows you to make beautiful forged canopies that emphasize the majesty of the building.

The disadvantage of a metal canopy is that it is susceptible to corrosion and can rust, so it must be treated with anti-corrosion impregnations and paint. Unless, of course, this is a canopy made of stainless steel tubes.

Types of canopies: by purpose, device, form

Canopies are very different and may differ in shape, purpose, device of metal structures. If we talk about the purpose of the canopy and the purposes of its construction, then you can list a lot, let's name the most common:

  • carport for one or more cars;
  • canopy over the pool;
  • canopies for sheltering people at bus stops;

  • visors over the porch or gate;
  • canopy over the barbecue;
  • canopy over the woodpile;

  • canopy over the swing;
  • canopy over the gazebo;
  • industrial sheds (hangars, granaries, warehouses, etc.)

According to the complexity and size of the metal structure, all canopies can be divided into three groups:

  1. Small canopies, which include visors, barbecues with a roof, portable gazebos, awnings over swings, etc.
  2. Free-standing sheds that act as independent buildings.
  3. Combined or adjoining sheds - a shed near a house or a bathhouse, an extension to a garage, terraces, outbuildings.

Note! The listed types of canopies can be open and closed, that is, sheathed on several sides with some kind of material (wood, fabric, grating, corrugated board, etc.)

For the roofing of metal structures, polycarbonate, corrugated board, metal tiles, awning fabrics are used. The choice of material will depend on the purpose of the canopy, its shape and size. Awning fabrics, for example, are most often used for shelters from the sun and rain, equipping recreation areas. Sheds made of metal tiles often become a continuation of the roof of a house or garage, they look like a single composition. A canopy made of metal tiles is a durable structure that is not afraid of any weather conditions.

The nuances of developing a drawing and design calculations

When developing a drawing, you need to accurately determine the type of canopy and its purpose. Creating a drawing of a simple metal structure is not so difficult. First you need to sketch future design, on which indicate the measurements of the area allotted for a canopy. Then calculate the load on the canopy, in accordance with which to select the desired section of the professional pipe. Based on calculations and a sketch, create a drawing in which you indicate the amount of required material and fasteners.

Note that the drawing must contain both a solid structure and its individual elements, namely supports and trusses or metal strapping with a run. Supports of metal structures must be located at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other. For a canopy erected next to the wall of a house, garage or bath, you need to make supports not only on one side, but next to the wall. Otherwise, you will have to fix the cross beam along the wall of the house with your own hands, which must be reliable and durable. Anchor bolts must be used for fastening.

The frame of the canopy, as well as the supports, is under heavy loads from snow and wind, so the design of the truss structure must be carefully calculated. It is also necessary to take into account the slope of the roof and the size of the entire metal structure. For most household sheds, you can use ready-made truss drawings, for example, as in the figure below.

In order for a metal canopy to be reliable and safe for human life, one must not forget about the norms and standards when working with this material.

  • It is impossible to use for construction a profile that has defects and cracks.
  • The cut of the support rib should be rough and have a factor of 12.5 µm.
  • At welded joint metal parts canopy, you need to use carbon sulfur or carbon with argon, as well as PP-AN-8 wire.
  • Bolts for fastening supports and rafters must be class 5.8.

Note! The listed requirements are taken from the state standards during construction, do not be too lazy to study them when erecting sheds from metal tiles.

We prepare materials and tools

We will consider the stages of building a canopy made of metal with our own hands using an example gable design with polycarbonate roof, size 6x3m. His device is one of the simplest.

To make such a canopy, you will need the following materials and details:

  • corrugated pipe measuring 80x80 mm with a section thickness of 3 mm and a length of 3.5 m - 6 pieces;
  • corrugated pipes for a run with a size of 50x25 mm with a section thickness of 2 mm and a length of 6 m - 7 pieces and 2 pieces with a size of 50x40 mm and a length of 6 m;
  • ready gable trusses with an angle of inclination of 20 0 and a length of 3.5 m - 5 pieces;
  • sheets of cellular polycarbonate measuring 2.1x6 m - 4 pieces.
  • hardware for fixing polycarbonate;
  • straight joint profile - 10 pieces of 2 m each and corner 3 jokes of 2 m each;
  • end polycarbonate profile- 21 m;
  • crushed stone and a mixture of concrete.

You can not do without a tool, such as: hole drill, screwdriver, welding machine, drill, measuring tool, building level, marker, grinder with special nozzle for cutting polycarbonate sheets.

We fill the foundation and build the frame

The construction of a canopy begins with clearing the area under it. The selected area is cleared of debris and topsoil. Along the perimeter of the 6x3 meter site, wooden stakes are dug in, between which a rope is pulled to align the boundaries of the site. After it is ready, we proceed to laying the foundation. To do this, you need to dig 6 holes to the depth of soil freezing, approximately 1-1.2 m. The pits are dug in two rows of 3 pits, the distance between all the pits is 3 m.

Important! For swampy areas, use the piling method of installing supports, rather than concreting.

A layer of crushed stone and sand about 10 cm is compacted at the bottom of the pit. Then a layer of concrete is poured, this is another 10 cm and a professional pipe 80x80 mm is installed. After the pipe is level, you can fill it with concrete to the ground and put props so that it does not tilt. The supports are not removed until the concrete is strong, which is about a week.

The next stage is the welding of the stiffeners of the metal structure. For this, a 50x40 mm professional pipe is laid on three supports and joined by welding. You need to work with at least two people, since it is very difficult to lift heavy elements alone. Next, trusses are welded to the stiffeners, the distance between which will be 1.5 m.

After that, a run is welded to the tops of the trusses. In parallel with the welded run, the remaining 50x25 mm professional pipes are welded with a distance between them of 60-62 cm, on both sides of the roof. This will complete the assembly of the metal structure.

Let's not forget that everything metal pipes you need to clean it with sandpaper, grind it with a mixture of corrosion, and then cover it with paint.

We mount the roof with our own hands

Completes the process of building a canopy - polycarbonate fasteners. First, each polycarbonate sheet is cut into 3 parts 2 m long. An allowance of 10-15 cm must be left along the edge of the roof. The sheet is screwed to the metal structure using a hardware (screw with rubber seal and puck). A hole is pre-drilled with a diameter larger than the self-tapping screw by 2 mm. The self-tapping screw is screwed in strictly perpendicular, tightly, but not excessively, so as not to damage the material.

Between themselves, polycarbonate sheets are fastened with a special profile. Such a connection is tight and reliable. The polycarbonate joint at the top of the truss must be made using an angled profile. Thus, 6 polycarbonate sheets will be fixed on each side of the canopy. The ends of the polycarbonate are closed with an end profile, which will prevent the ingress of water and dust.

On this, the construction of a gable metal canopy with their own hands is completed. To do such work is within the power of a novice master. The main thing is to follow the instructions and technical requirements. Good luck!

The price is indicated for the area of ​​the canopy from 30 to 90 sq.m.

Do you want to install hinged structure: on the suburban area- as an extension to the house, in the yard - to protect the car. It must be reliable, aesthetic, durable. And, of course, the cost of it must remain within the budget.

In the company "Atlant Metal" (Moscow) you can order canopies and canopies of any size, from modern materials. These are stable, solid metal structures. The roof is made from metal corrugated board or polycarbonate - transparent or translucent plastic panels that transmit light. For a roof that covers the car from the sun, or for a gazebo, you can use darkened sheets.

How is the cost calculated?

Without knowing the size and design features, it is impossible to call it exact price. The calculation can be requested from specialists.

Metal canopies made of profiled sheet are always cheaper than a similar building, but with polycarbonate flooring. Indicators may differ by 15% or several times. For example, the cost of manufacturing a plastic roof depends on the type of panels, and if it is corrugated board, on the type and thickness of the sheet.

When calculating the cost, the following factors are important:

  • building size (width, height);
  • the cost of all materials;
  • the number of parts for installation;
  • panel thickness;
  • type of coating (polycarbonate or other);
  • the presence of decorative elements.

Is it possible to save?

This question interests many customers. Savings should not be at the expense of quality. Managers will tell you how to make an inexpensive polycarbonate canopy for a car or a visor from a profiled sheet for a barbecue. At reasonable economy the building will remain solid and beautiful.

Before placing an order, think about how durable an extension to the house or a gazebo in the yard should be. A small visor or a large-scale structure, metal or polycarbonate, will one day require repair. Experts will tell you about technical properties different materials. They also calculate total costs for the manufacture and installation of structures.

It is important for us to create an affordable, but at the same time reliable canopy that meets all the wishes of the customer. Call us at any time of the day - we will answer all your questions.

The theme of building a canopy is always relevant for the owners of private households, summer cottages, garage buildings. Most suitable material for them, profile pipe products are considered. Installation of such a design is simple and can be built with your own hands.

Canopy from a profile pipe, erected in the yard or on personal plot, looks modern and is able to give the territory adjacent to the house originality. Such structures must have the required strength and rigidity in order to be able to withstand different types loads. There are a number of things that need to be done before starting the installation.

Preparing to build a structure

Before proceeding with the installation work, you should:

  • calculate the expected loads - if necessary;
  • draw up detailed drawings of the canopy frame from a profile pipe - the dimensions on them must also be indicated;
  • prepare a set of tools;
  • select and purchase building materials.

Independently from profile products, you can build several options for canopies, namely:

  • arched;
  • single slope;
  • gable.

The appearance and shape of the future structure largely depend on the personal preferences of the owner of the cottage or house and the size of the unoccupied space on the land. The most pre-fabricated and most compact in relation to the occupied area is considered to be a canopy from a professional pipe single-pitched.

Approximate calculation of a canopy from a profile pipe

As a result, the area of ​​​​the canopy is 6x9 meters. At the same time, the height of the edge that will be raised is 3.5 or 3.6 meters, and the low one is 2.4 meters. As a result of the difference between the heights, the angle of inclination will be 12-13 degrees.

To determine the degree of probable loads, wind and snow maps of the specific area where the land plot. Based on the above data, do-it-yourself drawings of a canopy from a profile pipe are made.

In addition to the fact that you can draw them yourself, there are special computer programs. In order to achieve maximum accuracy when carrying out calculations, it is advisable to be at the place where the structure will be placed at this time.

Canopy elements from profile products

The design has several main elements, including:

  • racks;
  • mortgages;
  • base plates;
  • arches;
  • guides;
  • roof;
  • others - they can be, for example, lighting and a drainage system.

For the manufacture of racks and poles, both profile pipes and products with a round section are suitable. The latter option has a significant drawback, which is more complex configuration nodes of support and fastening of elements.

To ensure mating of frame parts located at an angle of 90 degrees, ideal solution is square shape pipe products. This type of section provides an equal degree of rigidity in both directions - in the longitudinal and in the transverse.

To build a canopy from a profile pipe of any shape based on the drawing, welding is used, as well as threaded or bolted types of connections. When creating trusses or girders, experts recommend taking rectangular products, since they are subjected to a significant load in the transverse direction, namely from top to bottom. In this case, there are practically no forces along the axis.

Characteristics of profile tubular products

To build a canopy frame from a profile pipe, and make all the necessary calculations, you should determine the characteristics of the manufactured pipe products. For products with square section, the required values ​​are given in special tables.

For rectangular pipes maximum size loads are calculated on the larger side. The result can also be seen in a specially compiled table, where, in addition to the desired value, the span length and pipe dimensions are indicated.

Calculation of values ​​for canopy posts

Making the selection of the parameters of the racks, they first perform the calculation of the exerted loads and draw detailed drawing. The rigidity of the product is affected by the width and thickness of its walls, which in turn depend on the length of the product.

For example, when choosing which profile pipe to use for a canopy, you can use both a thick-walled product with a small cross section and thin walls, but with a large shelf width.

It should be borne in mind that the vertically directed load exerted on the rack by the canopy ceilings is insignificant and therefore a thin corrugated pipe will withstand it without the slightest deformation. The scheme of a canopy from a profile pipe must contain the exact dimensions of each element. Quite often, a frame for a garage from a profile pipe is made using the same method.

For building with medium parameters the best option there will be products having a cross section in the range from 50 to 100 millimeters. If the racks are often located, it is acceptable to reduce the size of the pipes used. In the case when the shed canopy will have four supports, then large-section pipe products will be used.

Trusses as frame elements

Farms perform the function of an additional connecting part when arranging a canopy. They give the frame greater stability and strength (read: ""). For them, a drawing should be specially drawn. According to the norms, calculations are required for pipe trusses with an inclination angle of more than 6 degrees. But experts believe that you need to start from 8 degrees.

The fact is that in winter, fallen snow will accumulate on the roof surface at a slight angle of inclination. The optimal value is taken to be 15 - 20 degrees. Such a slope of the roof slope is suitable for coverings made of corrugated board, slate, plastic, polycarbonate and other modern materials.

Farms can take the following form:

  • triangular;
  • arched;
  • rectangular;
  • broken line;
  • trapezoidal.

Racks, girders, braces, struts are additionally mounted inside the trusses. The drawing should indicate both the dimensions and the list and quantity of materials that will be required.

Next, a crate is mounted from a beam 50 millimeters high. It is needed to fix the roof covering. wooden beam should be pre-processed antiseptic, or paint with paint to prevent damage to the wood.

Construction erection

Installation work is carried out in stages:

  1. Before making a canopy of pipes, the foundation is first prepared.
  2. Then measure and cut the materials listed in the drawing.
  3. Farms are made.
  4. The side walls are assembled from the structure.
  5. connect roof trusses and finished sections.
  6. They check the correct assembly of the elements using a level and a tape measure.
  7. Mount and securely fasten the frame to a previously prepared area.
  8. handle protective compounds metal surfaces.
  9. Prepare materials for arranging the roof, install them and fix them.
  10. Cut off excess roofing.
  11. Restore order in the surrounding area.

A cement mortar is poured into the free space. The side walls are assembled in one of the selected ways, connecting trusses and pillars that serve as a support. If a shed canopy is being built, then the side sections are mounted on the base until the roof trusses are installed.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to control the compliance with the dimensions of the design of the drawing documentation and the vertical arrangement of the elements at all stages of the construction of the canopy. Sheathing sheets should be cut with a small margin, which will correct errors made during measurements.

Selection of materials and preparation of tools

The main requirement for the quality of profile pipe products is strength. To ensure the stability of the bearing parts of the structure of them, it is necessary to choose pipes with minimum parameters equal to 80x80 millimeters. For additional elements optimal size section will be 40x20 millimeters.

To determine the amount of roofing material, first calculate the area of ​​the covered surface, and then increase the result by 5%. Fastening is carried out with roofing bolts and special gaskets.

The structure is assembled in one of the following ways:

  1. Welding. But for this it is necessary not only to have a welding machine with electrodes available, but also to know how to properly weld a canopy from a profile pipe. It is impossible to do such work without skills.
  2. Applying threaded connections . For this, it is necessary metal corners and mounting bolts.
  3. Using special clamps.

A do-it-yourself canopy is much cheaper than a store-bought one. It will meet the requirements subject to strict adherence to the technology of its construction.

It is difficult to overestimate the practicality and reliability of a metal canopy. It protects the inhabitants of the house and their property from dirt, rain, snow, sun or wind. A canopy can become a real decoration of a private house or cottage. This article will help you choose best options, as well as make a shady metal canopy with your own hands.

The metal canopy is beautiful and reliable

Metal canopies and their advantages

One of the most common types of canopy is metal. They have many advantages over traditional wooden ones:

  1. metal is very flexible material. It can be made in the shape and size you want. Therefore, the most complex canopies, canopies and other curved structures are made of metal.
  2. Due to their flexibility, metal awnings are easy to install.
  3. With the further sale of the premises, a durable metal canopy near the house will be a plus, as it does not require replacement for many years.
  4. Neither high humidity, nor sudden changes in temperature, nor other external factors affect metal canopies. They do not require as much maintenance as wooden ones.
  5. The metal frame can fit into any landscape and home design. Metal provides the best opportunities for design solutions.
  6. They are strong and reliable.

Metal canopy will last for many years

Types of metal canopies

Before installing a canopy for your home, you need to determine what functions it will perform, as well as its location. And based on these data, you can already choose best view and form.

Depending on the functions performed, canopies are distinguished:

  • shade canopies protect from the scorching sun;
  • car awnings;
  • canopies over the entrance or over the windows.

Canopy made of metal can be made in any shape

Types of metal canopies for the house:

  • small awnings and canopies attached to the house;
  • canopies that stand separately;
  • large sheds attached to the main building. These include terraces and verandas.

A canopy attached to the house will protect from the sun or rain

A detached canopy will be a great place to relax

Canopies and visors are also distinguished by shape:

  1. Straight. It is easy to make such a canopy, but it is not very practical, since water, snow and ice accumulate on it;
  2. Single or double sloping awnings;
  3. Arches and domes;
  4. Polygons and pyramids.

Arched canopy looks elegant and tasteful

The metal canopy can also be in the shape of a triangle or a polygon.

Materials for the manufacture of metal canopies:

  1. Pipes and profiles. They are distinguished by the thickness of the walls and the cross section, which is selected depending on the severity of the future structure.
  2. Coating. The most common types:
  • Polycarbonate appreciated for its grace and pleasant appearance. This coating lasts for quite a long time - about ten years. Our company will produce for you own production high-quality polycarbonate and install it at an affordable price - 3 thousand rubles per meter.
  • Metal profile sheet is exceptionally strong and durable. At proper care such a coating will last about half a century. Due to the fact that it does not require replacement for a very long time, this option is very economical.
  • Price for metal tile slightly higher than for other types of coatings. It is reliable, beautiful and will last for many years.

Metal canopy with polycarbonate coating looks stylish and expensive

We will manufacture and install for you any of the above types of canopy in Moscow and the Moscow region. In addition, we provide free shipping.

How to make a shady metal canopy

Do-it-yourself awnings will help to hide from the scorching rays of the sun or precipitation. The design of such a building is very simple. Anyone who is familiar with the welding machine will cope with its construction.

Shaded metal awnings are very popular

Materials and tools for building a canopy

The easiest way is to build shade canopies for your house from a profile pipe, and choose cellular polycarbonate as a cover.
For construction, you will need the following tools:

  1. A circular saw;
  2. Hammer, grinder, drill;
  3. Metallic profile;
  4. Sheets of cellular polycarbonate;
  5. Profile pipes;
  6. gravel, sand, cement;
  7. Roulette for measurements, building level;
  8. Thermal washers;
  9. 10 curved truss pieces.

The scheme of the shadow arched canopy

Foundation construction

First you need to install the pegs and stretch the rope between them, according to the drawings. The building will be 4 meters long and 3 meters wide.

We measure diagonals. If they are equal, then the pegs are set correctly.

We are digging holes for support at a depth of 700 meters. You also need to remove upper layer earth.
Further, crushed stone with sandstone 100 meters deep should be poured into the pits and compacted.
The resulting site can be poured with concrete or tiled. To do this, you need to make a reinforcing frame, which consists of corrugated rods. The size of each cell is 10*10 cm.

The reinforcement is laid on the pillow, not reaching the bottom of 5 cm. We install the crate around the perimeter and fill it with concrete.

Make sure that the reinforcement is at a depth of 5 cm.

The pits must be filled with a 10 cm layer of concrete, the pipes should be placed exactly (we check vertically) and the hole should be completely filled with concrete. To prevent the structure from tilting, it is better to install a temporary support.

After 7 days, when the concrete becomes hard enough, add the solution.

For greater strength, you can install additional supports near the building to which the canopy adjoins.

The area under the canopy can be tiled

Farm making

The farm is an important element of the canopy, as it bears a large load. Its production must be approached with all care.

This canopy requires 5 trusses. They will be located every 100 cm. We take curved parts and a profile of 30 * 30 * 2 mm.

In large construction stores you can bend the metal profile for a fee.

In size, it is necessary to fill in parts of the truss and weld the nodes of the truss system. Then you need to weld the finished truss onto a steel scarf.

At a distance of 75 cm we attach a crate from a profile. Size 40*25*2 mm.

Making a canopy with your own hands is easy

Frame finish

When the frame is ready, use a stiff brush to remove scale. We finish cleaning with sandpaper.

The primer will protect the metal from corrosion, and the paint will give an aesthetic appearance.

Installation of polycarbonate

Cellular polycarbonate is cut with a grinder. To make the edges even, you need to process them with a fine abrasive. Can be attached with thermal washers.

You can choose any color of polycarbonate for your home

Colored polycarbonate looks beautiful and unusual

It is not necessary to make a metal canopy with your own hands. You can entrust this time-consuming task to our experienced team of professionals. Call us and we will help in the selection and installation of any metal canopy or canopy with polycarbonate coating according to the most affordable prices in Moscow and Moscow region.