Why does a climbing rose have no buds. Climbing rose does not bloom: basic mistakes and emergency help. Young or old plants

Roses decorate parks and gardens with exquisite flowers. And, when suddenly flowering does not occur, gardeners, especially inexperienced ones, begin to panic. The reasons why a rose does not bloom are numerous: age, lack of attention, improper pruning.

General rules for caring for roses

Outdoor roses, as well as domestic roses, need a certain level of soil moisture, proper pruning, and winter rest.

Pre-winter pruning

Every year, so that roses can fully relax in the winter and gain strength, autumn pruning is carried out. After it in the spring, the shrub will be able to bloom much earlier. If the reason for the lack of color lies only in the absence of pruning, then by the summer it will be possible to admire the blooming buds.

The rose does not bloom

The most favorable time for pruning is when the night temperature approaches zero degrees and will stay at this mark for some time. If the procedure is carried out earlier, during a warmer period, then the bush can continue to grow, forming young shoots. Frosts will destroy them, and the flower will lose strength.

Important! Pruning is carried out over the cinquefoil, strong and developed, the kidney should be external.

The trimmed bush can withstand temperatures down to -10 ° C without additional shelter. For a quiet wintering, the plant is covered using a dry leaf, sawdust, spruce branches. Many flower growers cover the garden bush with plastic bags and dig in the bottom with earth to create a more comfortable wintering condition for the crop.

The indoor flower also needs rest. Continuous flowering can quickly deplete the plant.

When flowering is over, cut off the trunk. The old stem is removed at the root, the height of the stumps should not exceed 3 cm. A strong young shoot is cut off above the fifth bud.

Important! On the shoot of a room rose, there must be leaves.

After that, flower pots are taken out to a cool room.


Garden roses can also be grown in pots, but their root system develops faster. In this regard, it is necessary to transplant annually, each time increasing the volume of the pot. However, no matter what size the flowerpot is, for 5-7 years the flower must be planted outside.

Rose transplant

For indoor varieties, you can not immediately use a large flowerpot. Until the roots fill the entire volume, the rose will not bloom. You can correct this error by transplanting into a smaller flowerpot.

Important! A spray rose transplant is carried out a month before the pre-winter pruning.

Watering and fertilizing

Garden flowers, and especially indoor flowers, need fertilizing and watering. If you stop watering a garden flower, it will be able to get the necessary moisture from the soil and survive the forced drought, while a rose in a pot will completely dry out in a few days.

Immediately before autumn pruning, watering garden bushes is stopped. An excess of moisture in the soil will negatively affect the root system.

Watering resumes after the earth dries out from melt water. At the same time, nitrogen is introduced to make the plant bush more intensively.

Feeding roses

rose health

Any rose loves spraying with cool water. From this procedure, new buds form faster and their color is richer. After spraying, the room is ventilated. With stagnation and lack of air, indoor roses get sick.

A rose will signal a lack of moisture with yellowing and drying leaves. On hot summer days, when the buds begin to bloom intensively, the frequency of watering and spraying increases.

Important! Watering in the heat is carried out in the early morning and evening. If spraying is carried out during the day, the drops will act as a lens and can burn out the leaf.

Some varieties of roses cannot bloom because they have a bad neighbor in the flower bed. Lilac, spirea, mock orange prevent roses from blooming. They oppress the flower, actively taking away food. You should help the rose and transplant it to another place.

How many times a year do roses bloom

The nature of flowering subdivides plants into single and re-blooming. Many species form buds on last year's shoots. Wild roses bloom first, but their flowering is short and single.

wild roses

Garden roses bloom a little later, but among them there are varieties that have a repeated flowering period. The second time roses bloom weaker, their flowers are smaller.

Modern selection has provided a huge number of varieties of re-blooming roses that decorate the garden until frost. It is very rare to see when a rose blooms for the third time. This mainly happens in plants whose age exceeds 20 years. It would not be superfluous to mention that proper care was taken for such specimens.

Additional Information! Although it is generally accepted that roses live no more than 12 years, however, centenarians approaching the age of 40 are quite common among them.

It is possible to make a rose bloom for the third time, only for this it is necessary to create ideal conditions for it to grow and make a series of manipulations with equalizing pruning and reblooming. This is done in greenhouses where flowers are grown for sale.

Planting bushes of the first year may not bloom. It depends on the planting material and the literacy of the grower. Moreover, the first flowering is not at all a necessity: the shrub should first be allowed to get stronger, then the flowering will be generous, however, next year.

Note! A climbing rose always throws out buds in the second year. In addition, in order to wait for flowering, the plant must be properly prepared for wintering.

Why do roses bloom poorly

If the rose bushes began to bloom poorly or stopped altogether, then something in the care was done wrong. Or maybe the pests tried.

Wrong landing site

Of decisive importance in the cultivation of roses is the place of their landing. Flowers love warmth and lots of light. They can develop normally if they are provided with full sun exposure for at least 8 hours a day. In shady places, the plant will not bloom.

Important! For planting roses, you need the most open area.

The necessary ecological conditions for a flower are the absence of competition, permeable fertile soils, sunlight. The best option for planting a flower is monoflowers or rose gardens.

Incorrect cropping

Incorrect pruning is also the reason why the rose does not bloom. Some rose bushes cannot be severely pruned in the spring, only sanitization is practiced. This group includes climbings, English varieties, scrubs.

rose pruning

A long stalk shrub, shortened by half, will bloom too late, if at all deigns to throw out the buds. The rose will eliminate the lack of green mass at the expense of flowering.

To stimulate the appearance of flowering shoots, wilted flowers must be removed in a timely manner. It is advisable to carry out this procedure daily. At the same time, blind shoots should be identified and shortened by a strong bud. The rose begins to branch, throwing out new shoots on which there will be buds.

Spring pruning helps correct autumn mistakes. All missed unproductive shoots, very thin, damaged should be eliminated immediately. The shrub freed from them will concentrate on the creation and flowering of the main ones.

Wrong care

The culture requires intensive care: disease control, pest control, additional nutrition. An underfed, weakened shrub is more likely to drop leaves than bloom.

However, in feeding the plant, you need to observe the measure, so that later you will not be surprised why the rose does not bloom, but only leaves. So many media have recommendations for weekly feeding of roses. This cannot be done. Overfed plants grow intensively and increase green mass. And if they devote time to flowering, then it is extremely small: 1-2 buds may appear for the entire season.

Top dressing roses for abundant flowering

Feeding roses should be justified and balanced. Signs of lack of fertilizers:

  • thin shoots;
  • spots appear on the foliage;
  • weak flowering.

Only then can you help the roses with food. With the onset of flowering, the culture will need potassium magnesia, potassium monophosphate. Florists with extensive experience often refuse chemical dressings in favor of organics: why process them if there is horse manure. Its effects on roses are simply magical - the flowers are bright, strong, flowering is long, and the rose itself does not get sick.

Aging, growth

Full flowering will not occur if the bush strangles the root growth. Rosehip, on which a rose is grafted, will give birth to a lot of shoots. It is easy for an inexperienced summer resident to make a mistake and take it for the stems of a grafted culture. Continuing to curl inside the bush, wild shoots drown it out, take away food, space, air, light. The dominance of the wild rose indicates a mistake made during planting: incorrect depth.

Important! The appearance of root shoots must be stopped immediately.

Very old rose bushes also stop intensive flowering - for the whole season only one bud may appear on the bush. Such plants rejuvenate.

It is difficult for old pink wood to feed foliage and, especially, flowers. Spring sanitary pruning helps to avoid this problem. Cutting out the woody stems, the owner helps the rose in the formation of new, young ones.

Important! The old branch is cut at ground level.


It happens that all the conditions for caring for a rose are met: young, has optimal nutrition, there is no root growth, the landing site is good, but still it does not bloom. The young florist is perplexed and lowers his hands.

Actions to be taken:

  • Remove all, without exception, unnecessary shoots - thin, blind, small.
  • Following is a stimulating circumcision on a strong bud, leaf.
  • Offer the culture humate and potassium with trace elements.

Pests and diseases do not allow the plant to bloom. For each variety, the reason for this case is individual:

Having been engaged in flowers for a long time, each gardener accumulates his personal experience, writes down useful observations and methods applicable to certain flowers. However, there are universal tips and observations that can be applied to many species:

  • Feeding indoor roses while dormant will cause the stems to stretch too much.
  • Picky home roses can be protected from pests by putting a few match heads when transplanting into a pot.
  • When a rose is stunted, it is difficult to wait for flowering from it. Onion infusion will help correct this situation. It is a unique natural stimulant and antibiotic.
  • Faded colors of foliage and flowers on rose bushes can be revived with a banana decoction. The crushed peel is poured with boiling water and kept for 2 days before feeding.

If rose bushes are given due attention, no pests and external causes will prevent them from delighting everyone with their flowering.

Sometimes even experienced flower growers find it difficult to say why a rose does not bloom. Knowing the basic rules for caring for a beautiful flower will allow you to enjoy its magnificence of colors and delicious aroma.

When breeding roses, you need to be prepared for the fact that theoretical recommendations from specialists and the real situation in practice may have some discrepancies between them. Therefore, it is very difficult for even experienced flower growers to determine why a rose does not bloom. The reason for the lack of buds on the bush can be both insufficient air humidity, impurities in the soil, the composition of local water, and insufficient knowledge of the basics of caring for this beautiful flower. Let's analyze the main mistakes of flower growers. Read about

The rose does not bloom: the wildness of the bush

In most cases, growing roses in our area are grafted, not own-rooted. Therefore, you may not notice the appearance of wild shoots from the rootstock of a bush on which a cultivated rose is grafted. Such wild shoots weaken the bush, and it gradually loses its varietal properties. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove this insidious growth, which is located at the very bottom, in a timely manner. It is easy to identify by very small leaves and a large number of thorns. As soon as you see such a whip, tear the earth and boldly cut it off at the very base.

Soil quality

Often a rose does not bloom due to unsuitable soil structure or improper processing. To prevent this from happening, you should not plant it in dense, heavy soil. To obtain a lighter composition, sand can be added under the bush and carefully loosened to a depth of 5-7 cm.


The reason why a rose does not bloom on the site may be a lack or excess of fertilizers applied to the soil. The main sign of an excess of nitrogen fertilizing is the active growth upwards of lush foliage without the formation of buds. You can correct the situation by applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizer or ash.

The menu of roses should include top dressing of low concentration from infusion of liquid organic matter or mineral fertilizers. Nutrient mixtures are applied alternately, alternating them every two weeks.

Pruning a rose bush

The purpose of pruning a bush is to rejuvenate it, which allows you to increase the abundance of flowering. The event is held every spring, thereby ridding the plant of weak, diseased and unproductive shoots, and the rest to receive impulses for further development.

First of all, when pruning, all weak, diseased branches damaged by frost and diseases are removed. Next, cut off the shoots that are directed inside the bush.

This will ensure ventilation of the inside of the rose and eliminate the possible accumulation of pests and fungal diseases.

Next, all unproductive shoots are removed, which include branches older than 3 years. They are easily identified by their strongly lignified trunk and dark color. It is on such branches that in most cases buds do not appear, since their vessels have lost their elasticity and are completely clogged with salts. The remaining shoots are shortened in accordance with the rose variety. Pruning can be done up to 3-4 buds (short), 5-7 buds (moderate) and up to 8 buds (weak).

Wintering rose bush

Also, the rose does not bloom as a result of improper wintering. To avoid freezing and exposure to moisture before the onset of cold weather, the rose bush should be covered with rotted peat, covered with protective material or fallen leaves. Also, experienced gardeners make special polystyrene foam cones and cover plants with them.

In addition to the above reasons, when choosing a variety, pay attention to its features. Since the reason why the rose does not bloom may be that the conditions of your site do not match for its full development.

Video: blind shoots of roses

Rose is the queen of the flower garden and the estate. But what if the expectations of abundant flowering did not materialize, and rose bushes pleased only with juicy greenery. Asking the question "Why do roses not bloom but bush?" it is necessary to answer several other questions and analyze what exactly is wrong.

There can be several reasons for the poor flowering of the bush. By denying and analyzing each of them, one can find the answer to the question asked.

The reasons why roses do not bloom and bush can be of the following nature:

  • wrong landing site;
  • improper feeding (not so, and not how much);
  • landing site - shade, partial shade

If it is decided to equip an old garden with a rose garden, where there are huge trees, wattle fences and lianas, and you really want to bring part of the world into it, then preference should be given only to the latest selections. If a rose is planted, but it was bred in the last century, then no matter how beautiful it differs, it will not bloom in a sunny area, in partial shade.

Very often, compatriots visiting Europe do not even think that the rose gardens created there, with the play of light and shadows, lovely aromas and breathtaking views, are a finely selected assortment of varieties. Trying to embody what they saw, disappointment follows the planting, because in the shade the rose “drives” abundant foliage, and flowering is either absent or very poor.

How to choose a place to plant roses

The answer to the question why roses do not bloom but bush also depends on the place where the bush is planted. When planting a rose bush, it is necessary to be guided solely by the agrotechnical characteristics of the variety. If a rose is chosen for partial shade, then the description of the variety must necessarily indicate “The variety is tolerant to shade” or simply “Partial shade is allowed”. Otherwise, flowering will be poor.

How to be? Several options are possible:

  • cut huge tree branches (at least provide oriental lighting);
  • transplant the bush to a well-lit place.

Also, roses can and should decorate the northern walls of our houses. But, again, preference should be given to the latest varieties that are adapted for flowering from the north side.

If the rose is of unknown origin and planted at random, on the north side, it is unnecessary to wait for flowering.

Moreover, return frosts can destroy tender young shoots, and flowering will also be absent.

How to feed roses

Having planted a rose bush, flower growers are in such a hurry to get lush flowering that diligence in top dressing leads to the opposite result. As a result of the use, especially nitrogenous ones, the bush is fattening when it grows annual shoots that are superior in thickness and length to the varieties. In this case, the question arises - Why roses do not bloom and bush.

The main mineral fertilizer for roses are nitrogen (ammonium nitrate, urea). It is they who will give strength to the growth of shoots, provide foliage. However, a high dose of these fertilizers:

  • in spring and in the first half of summer - it will delay flowering, or even stop it altogether;
  • in the second half of summer - will prevent the ripening of shoots;
  • the formed buds will rot without entering the flowering phase;
  • will promote the growth of fatty shoots and attract aphids to young and juicy pink branches.

Rose bushes overfed with nitrogen have fat shoots with little branching and no flowering. If the bush did not lay buds by mid-July, it is cut off by a third.

What fertilizers do roses like

Phosphate fertilizers for roses

If a rose bush is planted in soils of light granulometric composition with an acidic reaction, then this element is in an inaccessible form. In order for the plant to be able to use the element for the formation of buds and flowers, you must either:

  • add organics (microflora will process inorganic phosphorus into organic, accessible, digestible - but for a long time);
  • apply water-soluble phosphate fertilizers in the form, for example, of superphosphate.

It is necessary to make only in dissolved form, so that the element reaches the level of the root system. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that as soon as the soil dries out, the assimilation of the element stops.

Potash fertilizers for roses

Without an optimal amount, bud formation is also not possible. Moreover, potassium helps to increase the immunity of the rose bush, resistance to both adverse weather conditions and infectious diseases.

Among the potash fertilizers for roses, potassium sulphate is the most acceptable. Rose growers prefer this drug because:

  • fertilizer does not cake;
  • applicable on any soil;
  • well soluble in water.

Complex fertilizers for roses

Agrochemistry is a rather complicated science and it is not always possible to create the composition necessary for roses yourself. That is why scientists went to a meeting and put into production ready-made, complex preparations specifically for roses.

It is not at all difficult to buy them now, and using the instructions, you can carry out high-quality top dressing, both under the root and foliar.

In places of sale, especially large flower growing centers, sales managers can give comprehensive advice on the timing and doses, as well as help determine the choice of mineral fertilizer specifically for roses. Take full advantage of their knowledge and experience.

How not to overdo it with fertilizers

The use of complex top dressing of organic fertilizers together with mineral fertilizers contributes to the best absorption of all nutrients.

Using a scheme proven by rose growers, fattening can be avoided and abundant flowering can be achieved.

If, when planting, the root pit is plentifully seasoned with fertilizers, then in the first year, top dressing is not carried out. The schedule for next year is something like this:

  1. the first top dressing is carried out in the period as soon as the roses start to grow intensively. In different regions in different ways, but about 2-3 weeks after the spring opening. 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate is dissolved in a bucket of water;
  2. the second top dressing during the period of intensive growth of shoots. On a bucket of water take 1 kg of cow manure, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate;
  3. the third top dressing in early July is carried out with the same components, but without ammonium nitrate, and the dose of potassium sulfate is increased to 30 g.

Features of soil and climatic conditions for roses

When planting a rose bush, and especially top dressing, it must be taken into account that clay soils retain nutrients for a long time, so the amount of nutrient supply should be limited.

If the soils are sandy, then leaching occurs quickly, and the soils become "fresh", therefore, top dressing should be carried out more often, but in small doses.

If the summer is rainy, the nutrients are quickly washed out from the root zone of the plant, and they must be renewed in a timely manner.

During hot summers, fertilizing is reduced, and watering is increased.

When roses don't feed

The rose bush blooms in waves. After feeding the plant and waiting for the first wave, you need to:

  • fully enjoy the flowering;
  • cut off what has faded;
  • give the opportunity to "rest" for 1.5-2 weeks, during this period complex biochemical processes take place, in which there is no point in interfering;
  • timely remove, easy to loosen and regularly water the root zone.

It is necessary to wait with top dressing until new points of growth appear and at this moment give another top dressing.

Considering the question “Why do roses not bloom but bush”, weighing all the features of your pink kingdom, you can easily identify the causes and try to eliminate them. This does not always work out in the current flower season, but next year roses will certainly please with an abundance of fragrant and beautiful flowers.

A flower garden or an ordinary small flower bed is considered a picturesque corner of the site. They grow a wide variety of flowers there. No flower bed is complete without roses. This royal plant will not only delight your eyes, but will also add a wonderful fragrance to the garden. Growing a rose is difficult. If you are a beginner and have a question, we will help you figure it out.

There are several main problems that affect the development of roses. Consider each of them separately and learn how to deal with the problem.

wild Rose

In many flower beds there are flowers that are not root-bearing. Basically all roses are grafted. In this regard, the plant gradually begins to run wild and ceases to bloom. It's easy to determine. It is enough to do the following:

  • examine the bush from below;
  • on wild shoots small leaves and a large number of thorns.

Correcting the situation is easy. To do this, it is enough to cut wild branches at the base. It is imperative to remove such shoots, it is they who do not allow roses to bloom.

fertilized soil

If you are wondering why the rose does not bloom, pay attention to the quality of the soil. The royal plant does not like heavy and dense soils. To see the beauty of her buds, you may have to replant the plant. You can try soil fertilization. You should be careful here, because an excess of nutrients will lead to the active growth of greenery, not buds. In order for the flower to develop properly, you need to add to the soil:

  • organic or mineral fertilizers;
  • top dressing in which there is phosphorus and potassium;
  • wood ash is great.

All top dressings should be made in small portions and in low concentration.


Still thinking why the rose does not bloom in the garden, then remember if you are pruning the bush. This procedure is aimed at rejuvenating the plant, due to which a large number of buds appear. Pruning is carried out only in the spring. To be removed:

  • old and diseased branches;
  • shoots that have suffered from severe frosts and various insects;
  • branches that are more than three years old;
  • shoots directed inside the bush.

It is worth explaining the last point in more detail. Such branches must be deleted. Inside the overgrown bush, insects can accumulate and fungal diseases can multiply, which will lead to the death of the flower. You can easily recognize old branches for removal by their dark, lignified bark. The rest of the shoots are simply shortened according to the following scheme:

  • short pruning up to 4 buds;
  • average removal of up to 7 kidneys;
  • weak circumcision up to 10 kidneys.

Choose the type of pruning according to the variety of your rose. We have considered many answers to questions about why the rose does not bloom, but we missed one more main point.

Proper wintering

The rose is considered a thermophilic plant. It may not bloom due to improper wintering. The stages of preparing a plant for frost are as follows:

  • hilling a bush using peat;
  • covering the plant with special material, hay or fallen leaves;
  • you can make a special cone of polystyrene foam and additionally cover it on top.

We have analyzed the reasons that affect the formation of buds in an ordinary plant, and that's why a climbing rose does not bloom.

Other variety

Why the rose does not bloom, you know, but here it still depends on the variety. Climbing representatives may not produce buds for the same reasons:

  • bad soil;
  • incorrect pruning;
  • poor care and watering.

If you normalize all of the above points, then you can no longer return to the question of why the climbing rose does not bloom, and calmly grow a hedge in your garden.

Experienced summer residents who have been growing such ornamental plants for more than one year know why the rose does not bloom in the garden. They share their tips and tricks with you:

  1. Deep planting flowers. This inhibits the growth and development of the plant and therefore it does not produce buds. All forces are spent on building up the root system. The optimum planting depth is about 10 cm.
  2. Overfertilization with minerals. If you like to use organic fertilizers, then their concentration should be weak. Otherwise, the roots of the plants will burn.
  3. Wrong cut. After flowering, do not rush to cut the rose. The plant will hibernate and will not have the strength to form new buds.

Now you know why the rose does not bloom. Troubleshooting is easy. There is one point to which you must pay attention. The rose may not bloom due to the fact that the selected variety cannot take root in your area. Choose plants carefully, having studied all their characteristics.


We have answered the main question about why the rose does not bloom. We have provided you with comprehensive information on how to get beautiful and fragrant buds. Hurry to your flower bed and start correcting your mistakes as soon as possible.

I don’t know myself, I found it on the internet, maybe you can figure out your reason:
1. Improperly selected or cultivated soil
Roses love fertile, loose soil, so soil that is too dense and heavy is unlikely to work. If, nevertheless, the choice is small, and a place with depleted soil is chosen, then it is worthwhile to approach the issue of feeding more carefully. An obligatory stage in preparing the hole for planting is loosening the soil to a depth of 50-70 cm, it is to this depth that the roots of the rose grow.

2. The wrong place

Roses love open spaces, well lit by the sun and protected from the wind. In the shade and in a draft, these fragile flowers will not only not bloom, but will generally develop very slowly.

3. Insufficient watering

Roses are drought tolerant, but plants will devote all their energy to maintaining viability, and not to flowering. Therefore, in the hot time of the day, the soil around the bushes should be regularly moistened.

4. Poorly endured wintering

A rose bush can stop the development and formation of buds if it has not wintered well, it has frozen. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly, starting preparations even before the season of prolonged rains, otherwise the bush will pick up moisture.

5. Incorrect cropping

This is a whole science, and for different groups and varieties of roses there are certain rules. For example, if roses bloom a second time, you need to remove the upper part of the shoot with a dried flower, cutting it obliquely and leaving 5-8 mm above the next eye. Caution should be done on climbing roses of the Rambler group, which bloom only on last year's shoots, removing only the frozen ends of the lashes - then you will not have to wonder why the rose does not bloom.

Periodically, old bushes need to be rejuvenated, also pruning according to the rules, removing thin and weak branches, as well as old stiff lashes, leaving 3-5 strong lashes.

6. "Wild" rose bush

Since most of the roses in our area are grafted, and not rooted, you can miss and not remove the wild shoots from the rootstock, the bush on which the cultivated rose sprout is grafted, in time. These wild whips gradually weaken the plant, and the rose can easily lose its varietal qualities. It is very easy to recognize the insidious growth: it grows from below, the leaves are smaller, a large number of thorns. As soon as you see something like this, tear up the ground and cut off the branch at the very base.7.

7. Incorrect feeding or overfeeding

Sometimes a rose bush instead of flowers begins to violently form lush foliage and actively grow up. This, in most cases, is a consequence of an excess of nitrogen fertilizers. This is corrected by the introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or simply ash, but the effect will not be immediately noticeable.

We hope that the analyzed situations will help you avoid mistakes and now you already know exactly why the rose does not bloom.