How to make a lawn on the roof. A quick and easy way to make a lawn on the roof with your own hands

All over the world greening of roofs of buildings becomes. This trend is especially common in Europe and is popular among owners of business centers and hotels. In Russia, this type of building decoration is still poorly developed, however, more and more owners, paying attention to the West, are striving to give their buildings an unusual look with the help of plantings on the roof of lawns and various plants. How to make a lawn on the roof so that it pleases the eye and does not bring problems in the future? The answer to this question will be the article you are reading.

Types of landscaping

Turning to the issue of arranging the lawn with your own hands, it should be noted right away that before starting work, it is necessary to take into account several important points.

  1. The roof structure must be strong enough to withstand the weight of such a design, in the event that there are doubts about this, it is better to turn to professionals who will evaluate the strength of the roof of the building.
  2. You need to properly calculate your own strengths and finances. If you plan to take all the work into your own hands, then it is best to first try breaking up the lawn on small surfaces, such as the roof of a booth, shed, or garage.

These two points also determine which roof greening path you choose: extensive or intensive. If you plan to do all the work yourself, spending a minimum financial investments, the extensive method is suitable for you, while it is important to consider that the roof of the building must be horizontal, although on this moment german technology created plant mats that replace the soil layer, which are able to grow at a slope of up to 45 degrees. The extensive method implies a relatively small load on the roof of the order of 20 kg per 1 m².

The procedure for creating extensive landscaping

  1. The technology for creating extensive landscaping is that it is necessary to remove all roofing materials from the roof - tiles, slate, leaving only concrete surface, which must be prepared in advance: provide a slight slope towards the drain, for example, using a sand-cement screed.
  2. Do not forget also about the permeable barrier around the perimeter of the roof, which will not allow the soil to slide, but at the same time will provide an opportunity for water to drain.
  3. One of milestones roof construction - waterproofing. It is extremely important to use quality waterproofing materials otherwise, in the future, to eliminate the leakage, it will be necessary to raise the remaining layers of the green roof.
  4. After waterproofing, the roof surface is thermally insulated with materials such as polyurethane or cork, and then a root protection film (membrane), such as non-woven polypropylene, is laid to prevent roots from growing into the roof.
  5. After that, geotextiles are applied, and then drainage with a layer of 5–7 cm. For example, pumice or expanded clay gravel can be used as drainage.
  6. The next layer becomes directly soil 5–20 cm thick, depending on the needs of the plants. For planting plants on the roof, special lightweight soil is used, which usually includes sand, peat, slate, tree bark (ordinary soil from a personal plot will not work).

The process of creating a living roof can be simplified if containers, flowerpots or pots with already planted plants are placed on a waterproofed and root-protected surface. This will greatly facilitate not only the process of greening the roof, but will also help in the future with the care of plants, as well as if it is necessary to repair the roof or change the landscape.

German companies have simplified the creation of a green roof by releasing a special ready-made roof lawn, which already has all the necessary layers.

With the extensive method, plants with a small root system can be planted in the ground. fit different kinds lawn vegetation such as:

  • ground cover plants;
  • plants with fibrous root system;
  • meadow and bulbous herbs and flowers.

Feel good, for example:

  • saxifrage;
  • alyssum;
  • oregano;
  • carnation;
  • lavender;
  • bell;
  • sedum.

You can plant shrubs, trees, but they must be dwarf, decorative rocks. When choosing plants, also consider that growing on a roof is akin to conditions on a hill or in the mountains - plants are exposed to direct sun rays and winds. At correct selection plants in accordance with their growth, flowering, as well as optimal watering, top dressing and regular shearing, your living roof will delight you for a long time, and the flowering of some plants will be harmoniously replaced by the flowering of others.

Intensive technology

Intensive roof greening technology is more costly from a financial point of view, but the result is much more impressive. The embodiment of this technology can be seen on the roof of a house, hotel or restaurant, where not only lawns, but also shrubs and even small trees are grown, recreation areas, paths, playgrounds, pools are provided. Landscape designers and professional builders know how to create such magnificence, in this case it is better to resort to their help.

With this technology, the weight of the finished landscape reaches 700 kg per m², so it is necessary professional assessment capabilities of the building and its roof.

So you can realize your wildest desires, and place:

  • benches;
  • sculptures;
  • fountains;
  • ponds and streams;
  • lanterns;
  • shaped barriers.

When creating such a garden on the roof, an automatic irrigation system is immediately provided. Professionals recommend starting roof gardening at intensive technology immediately after the construction of the house is completed, and the best option is to include roof gardening in the building project.

Greening the roof is quite laborious and costly pleasure from a financial point of view, but the result exceeds all expectations. You get a well-insulated, fireproof, leak-proof and overheat-proof, beautifully soundproofed roof of the building and, of course, admiring glances from your neighbors.


In this video, you will get acquainted with the plants that are best suited for creating a lawn on the roof and learn what is needed to perform such roof gardening:

In this video, the roof of the gazebo is greened, pay attention to how this is done:

The concept of "living roof" appeared relatively recently, in Paris at the end of the 19th century. Planting vegetation really liked the people and they often began to mount such a miracle in their homes. Designers use a special term to describe such a solution - “ green roof". It is becoming increasingly popular both in Europe and in our country.


In addition to the fact that this element is incredible fashion solution, there are a number of factors due to which it is worth equipping such a garden on your roof.

  1. Space saving is perfect option for those without land. If the roof is well fixed, then you can move around and relax on the lawn.
  2. Ecology - all materials used for roof installation emit harmful substances, but if they are covered with a lawn on the roof, then this trouble will be neutralized.
  3. Liquid absorption - all the moisture that gets on the roof is absorbed by the soil and plants, so you don't have to worry that it will leak.
  4. Durability - thanks to the placement of the garden, it is possible to significantly extend the life of the roof, as it will be reliably protected from the influence precipitation and ultraviolet.
  5. Additional heat and sound insulation.

Types of gardens

Green roofing can be divided into two main types.

    extensive- such landscaping involves the use of light soil, the thickness of which ranges from 5 to 15 cm. This is the easiest way to protect the roof from the influence of external factors and to create an autonomous ecosystem. For this, exclusively unpretentious plants are used that do not require regular watering and meticulous care. Extensive landscaping is the creation of a continuous lawn on the roof of evergreens. This option does not imply the presence of a recreation area. Often, such a system is used for gazebos, private houses and outbuildings.

    intensively e - in this case, a real garden with picnic areas, walking paths, gazebos and even ponds will appear on the roof. Of course, for planting shrubs and trees, a reliable foundation is required that can withstand a layer of soil of 1.5 meters. Most often, intensive landscaping is used for high-rise luxury buildings, shopping centers, hotels and fairly large facilities.

According to the type of roof on which the lawn or garden will be located, landscaping is divided into two types:

  • pitched - in this case, only extensive planting is allowed;
  • flat - both extensive and intensive decorative lawn are used on such surfaces.

It all depends on financial capabilities and the strength of the foundation.

Safety requirements

It was said that extensive landscaping is applied to pitched and flat roofs, but it should be noted that their slope should not exceed 30 degrees. If this is not done, then the lawn on the roof will simply collapse down.

A flat roof must withstand a significant load, because square meter soil only 5 cm deep weighs up to 100 kg, and the earth is just one of the layers of the future garden. Special lightweight substrates are used to facilitate, but it is recommended to consult a specialist before installing them.

And also it is necessary to take into account that in winter the volume of precipitation will be added to the main weight, all this can increase the load on the roof up to 400 kg per m 2.

To reduce pressure, landscape experts advise planting large trees and shrubs on load-bearing structures.

Another important point is wind protection. For this, it is recommended to strengthen vertical structures and make reliable parapets, as well as provide a convenient entrance to the lawn from the top floor.


Initially, it is required to seal the entire roof so that it can withstand a considerable load. Then the surface is treated with different compositions such as water repellents and primers. For protection against high humidity and the actions of the soil lay down the root protection film, in addition, it becomes an active protection against the soil sliding down.

When choosing soil, it is required to give preference to a homogeneous substrate in which the plant will germinate more actively. It is also necessary to use a geotextile that will separate the land and drainage.

Styling features

Since the rooftop lawn is new technology, then we can easily say that only reliable and durable materials are used for it, and the installation process is quite simple.

  1. The most important thing for such beauty is the presence of a solid foundation in the form of a crate or cement floor.
  2. Next, it is possible to proceed to the main layers. Protective waterproofing is required. For this, polyethylene film is used or liquid rubber which is secured with screws.
  3. Then you need to lay a heat-insulating layer, which is made up of cork boards. For their installation, a special glue is used, and they are placed tightly to each other.
  4. Next, protection against root formation is mounted. In specialized stores, you can already find waterproofing materials with root protection.
  5. A drainage layer is required to retain water that will feed the plants. For this, expanded clay is used.
  6. As a fixation of the soil, a crate is chosen, which perfectly restrains the entire earth.
  7. At the time of soil selection, it is necessary to carefully examine all the plants that you want to grow on the roof. A simple lawn requires a small layer of 10 cm. It must be remembered that the soil must be porous and light.

Flor Depot system

Today, this technology has become very popular. Developed it German company"Bow Trade". This system allows you to create a lawn on the roof, the degree of which reaches 45-50. Installation requires only three layers. To begin with, waterproofing is completed, on which root protection is covered, and then a special plant mat is laid, the basis for the manufacture of which is foam. Such material perfectly replaces drainage and natural soil. He has various nutrients and clay materials, which are specially selected for climatic conditions Russia and CIS countries. Next, a small layer of substrate is applied to this rug and landscaping is carried out.

Lawn cost

Very often, to simplify landscaping work, it is precisely rolled lawn. Its cost, depending on the type of grass per square meter, starts from 80 rubles. average price quality lawn is 150 rubles per 1 m 2. If you choose to buy seeds, then their price is minimal and reaches about 200 rubles per pack.

Landing before winter

In order for the vegetation to grow well and grow well in early spring, you must use this method of disembarkation. Optimal time early autumn is considered for sowing, during this period it is still not cold and not too hot. And it should also be noted that just at this time a sufficient amount of precipitation falls, all this will have a great effect on the growth of grass.

If all processes are carried out later, then the lawn on the roof may not be strong enough and, as a result, will not withstand the winter.

One of the main advantages of such seeding is the minimum number of weeds that so often interfere with the development of shoots and root systems. First you need to prepare the soil and level it. A week before planting, you will need to apply fertilizer, which will make the soil more favorable for sowing. Planting is best done on a calm day so that the seeds do not scatter and the lawn on the roof of the house is more uniform.

Roof care

It is necessary to follow the roof in the same way as for a regular lawn, provided that it is lawn grass that will grow there. This means that in dry weather, the lawn needs to be watered, as well as mowed once every two weeks with a trimmer. The device is recommended to choose portable and lightweight, which will not damage the roof luxury home. by the most the best option will become a battery-powered electric scythe. Popular brands for the production of such devices are Worx, Bosch, Gardena and Flymo. It should be noted that it is quite simple to take care of the vegetation on a flat roof, but on a pitched roof it is recommended to hire specialists for this purpose.

Surely at least once, but you have heard about this miracle of Scandinavian gardeners - the “green” roof. It covers many houses of our northern neighbors. Beauty: instead of tiles or slate - a real carpet of flowers and herbs ... But, it's one thing - Scandinavia, with its cool summers and warm winter, and quite another - Russia. Here you gape for a week, and sorry, goodbye, beloved garden! Will the "green" roof survive in domestic conditions? Are alternative solutions possible? Let's try to understand our article.

Why is it necessary? Or why not

There are several obvious advantages of a “green” roof at once: they are beautiful, practical and perfectly enrich the air with oxygen. Such roofs absorb rainwater well. A layer of soil up to 10 cm thick absorbs three-quarters of rainfall. This reduces the load on drainage system and storm sewer.

Scandinavian roofing is an excellent sound insulator. Neither the sound of rain, nor the clatter of birds that tire you in houses with metal tiles will disturb you. Another advantage is passive energy saving. Green spaces prevent the heating of the roof in summer and retain heat in winter. Accordingly, the rooms themselves will have a more balanced climate all year round.

Oddly enough, but Scandinavian roofs also have financial benefits. Greenery protects roofing from UV radiation, bad weather and mechanical damage(for example, as a result of hail), and therefore the roof will last much longer. If you want to sell a “green” house, then for sure its price will be higher than the cost of an ordinary building.
Now - about the shortcomings.

The most important, of course, has to do with money. The arrangement of the Scandinavian roof will require serious investments. Especially when it comes to intensive gardening. In addition, not all roofs can be made “green” (unless they can be painted! :)). Some of the houses already built may not be able to withstand the additional load.

Another important issue is the protection of the roof from leakage. Even if you lay down a waterproof membrane, the roots of plants (especially trees and shrubs) can tear it. If during installation you did something wrong, leaks will begin. And repairs will be expensive and difficult. We'll have to dismantle the entire roofing "pie". Finally, such roofs are simply difficult to assemble. Surely, you will spend a lot of time trying to find or grow the most resilient plants.

What is more profitable?

A typical Scandinavian roof is with slopes and a layer of soil of about 20 cm. This is enough to grow not only grass, but even trees and shrubs on it. This type of landscaping is called intensive.

A rooftop garden is a spectacular, but also expensive option. But sod roofs with extensive landscaping require almost no maintenance. Low unpretentious plants are planted on a thin layer of soil or compost. Enough 5-7 cm.

“Green” roofs are made not only flat, but also tilted. The pitched design has advantages over the flat one. For example, thanks to her excess moisture flows down by itself. Therefore, sometimes waterproofing and drainage systems, without which a flat roof with vegetation cannot do, are not installed on slopes at all.

What to plant?

The most inexpensive and suitable landscaping option for the Russian climate is steppe grasses: dandelion, plantain, knotweed, wormwood, cuff. They can be allowed to grow without mowing. This will add a special “Russian” charm to the roof. You can also try bent grass. This grass does not need to be mowed, but it does not like to dry out.

A more “cultural” option is stonecrop, young, sedum. They are quite decorative: there are many types with different shades, from yellow and green to reddish. These plants practically do not need watering, rain is enough for them. They also do not require fertilizer. The disadvantage is that these herbs grow for a long time.

In the nursery, one such plant costs 25-40 rubles. To save money, many summer residents grow them below, and then transplant them to the roof. Florists note that it is better to grow sedums not from seeds, but from cuttings: cut branches and immediately plant them in the ground.

An even simpler option is moss. It is known that it can grow even on rocks. This hardy plant is perhaps the most suitable option for those regions where winter lasts nine months.

Installation cost

The price per square meter of a Norwegian roof depends on many factors, including the type of greenery on the roof. Protection (hydro, steam, thermal insulation), drainage and filtering layer will cost about 10 euros per sq.m. The substrate costs about 11 euros, plants - 10 euros. On average, extensive landscaping per 1 sq. m will cost from 30 European "money", for intensive gardening you will pay from 50 euros per sq.m.

Domestic experience

Not only summer residents have been interested in the installation of Scandinavian roofs in Russia for more than a decade. Back in 2000, they developed standard solutions landscaping flat roofs. Moscomarchitectura, with the support of the Moscow Government, even issued recommendations for the design and improvement of such coatings for residential and public buildings. But already there it was stipulated that roof gardens can be arranged only on a limited number of objects. That is, in other words, this pleasure is not for mere mortals.

And yet, many summer residents dared to implement a bold idea. Others, after a grueling struggle for the life (and happiness!) of plants, gave up. But someone did a really good job...

So, one summer resident near Moscow built a real “Hobbit house” on his site. When calculating loads, I studied different variants frame structure. In his choice, he was guided by two criteria: low cost and ease of installation. As a result, the owner settled on a round metal frame sheathed with waterproof plywood.

Not bad, right?

The story of a resident of St. Petersburg is known (as you know, this city differs from Moscow in an even harsher climate). Once Alla Sokol was carried away by the overseas project “Feed Yourself”: she watched a program where they talked about growing on the roof ornamental plants and vegetables. Back in the 1990s, she, a pioneer of urban gardening, began landscaping with the help of volunteers. apartment buildings. I started, as usual, from my own roof. I just planted greens. And then ... For many years of landscaping, I have not tried anything. Well, except that she didn’t grow potatoes!

In 2002, the hobby has already grown into a whole project "City Mini-Farm", which was financed by the charitable "Gagarin Fund". Gardeners themselves prepared biosoil from peat, made biohumus. They proved that it is possible to grow vegetables on the roof, and seedlings for sale, and flower seedlings ...

In the course of their work, Alla Sokol's associates made another important discovery. The sections of the roof that were under the “green” coverlet were better preserved than those that were “bare”. There were no cracks on them: the film on which the lawn was located protected the roof from drying out ...

By the way, you can read more about Alla Sokol and her experiments.

Have we still not convinced you that a green roof is worthy of your attention? Then there is another example. Highly original house built for himself by the Russian architect Igor Firsov. The building is located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, 140 km from St. Petersburg.

The handmade log cabin was made of rounded logs. The architect laid the rafter system like a fan. The result is unusual design, which the author calls the “canonical hyperboloid”. small house for 60 sq. m harmoniously blended into the landscape, which is called the "northern": with ship pines, gray boulders and crystal clean air. The cottage seemed to have grown up in the midst of this wild splendor ...

"Green" roof only enhances the impression. For its device, the architect used a special flooring made of logs. He laid it on top of a wooden truss system. Then there was such a “pie”: three-layer waterproofing, insulation 10 cm thick, expanded clay, geotextile material, soil and grass. To prevent the soil from sliding down, stones were laid along the perimeter of the roof. The edges of the grass roof are lowered - this allows excess moisture to drain.

By the way, to collect rainwater, Igor Firsov came up with an equally beautiful structure - he walled plastic barrel with a tap into the stones. The sloping roof, moreover, makes it easy to climb it if the need arises. And to make it easier to do, on one side of the house there is another ingenious design in the form of a stone staircase. And how beautiful it must be flowing rainwater from the roof along this cascade!

Alternative Solutions

What about those who do not want to mess with a complicated structure, but still want to make their roof “green”? There are several simpler solutions.

  • The easiest thing is to arrange plants in pots with a soil substrate on a flat roof. In the summer you can enjoy a mini-garden, for the winter it is removed into the house.
  • Grass can be grown on the roof in temporary pallets. In November you remove the cassettes, in the spring you put them out again ...
  • On a flat roof, you can equip greenhouses. They will become unique winter gardens. By the way, according to research, roofs with greenhouses protect the house well from overheating - they take away excess heat.

Finally, one more interesting option, which has already been partially mentioned, is moss. Surely, many summer residents have noticed how this velvet plant eventually settles on tiled roofs. And not one has already tried various ways fight against the green scourge. But why not look at the problem differently? ..

Agree - the moss on the roof makes the house more romantic and colorful. But how do you grow moss if you don't wait for nature to take its course? There are many ways. We will talk about the most unusual - drawing with moss.

For three handfuls of moss, you will need 2 tsp. hydrogel (sold in flower shops, it absorbs well, but also gives up water), water, kefir. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and pour into a bucket. Then apply to the surface (roofs, walls, fences, etc.) with a brush or spray gun. All! All you have to do is water once a week.

Summer residents note that moss grows especially well on the north side of the house. After all, it was not in vain that in childhood we were taught to look north in the forest along the moss-covered side of the trees! So that this plant does not dry out in summer, it is better to plant tall trees on the south side of the buildings. Keep in mind that as moss grows, it regularly blocks drains. This can be avoided by using wider drains (up to 125 mm).

Hassle with the arrangement of sod roofs still not scared you? Then in the next issue we will tell you about green roof installation technologies, how to calculate roof loads, and much more…

AT great variety roofing there is one type, which is called green roofing. In fact, this is grass that is planted on the roof of the house. Therefore, in that article will talk about how to plant a lawn on the roof own house. What are the advantages of this roofing, are there any disadvantages. What technologies are offered today so that the grass on the roof grows lush, giving the building an unusual look.

A bit of history

The grass roof is not new. We can say that this is one of the oldest ways to protect the house from the weather. Such a coating was used in ancient times in Russia and in northern European countries. Moss was used in Scandinavia. In Russia, a thatched roof was additionally covered with turf, thereby protecting your house from fires.

Gradually, these roofs began to be forgotten. But famous architect Karl Rabitz, who invented the grid of rowan grouse, named after him, again revived the concept of "green roofing". In the 19th century, at the World Exhibition in Paris, he provided a model of a house covered with grass. The surprise of visitors knew no bounds. The idea was liked by many, which gave rise to the revival of forgotten technologies.

Rooftop lawn types

The easiest way to create a grass roof is to use container gardening technology. This is when the grass is planted in special boxes or boxes, which make the roof area of ​​the house. This option of landscaping is convenient in that there is no need to prepare the surface of the roof itself for planting plants. The latter grow in containers. If necessary, they can be replaced with a new box or rearranged.

Sod laying technology is solid foundation on which the soil is poured. And then grass seeds are planted in it. Or sod is planted in rolls on prepared soil. There are two main technologies here - an intensive method and an extensive one.

The first is difficult to prepare the soil layer, the thickness of which varies between 1-1.5 m. It must be carefully looked after. But on such a green roof you can safely walk, build platforms and paths, even build gazebos. In addition to grass, shrubs and dwarf trees are planted in the ground, which is why the thickness of the soil layer is so large.

The second is unpretentious, does not require special care. But it does not tolerate loads, even from the weight of the child. Therefore, this variety is mainly used to cover steep roofs - with an inclination angle of not more than 45 0. The thickness of the soil layer here is small - 15 cm.

On our website you can find the most . In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Flat roof lawn - how to make

The simplest solution is to build a grass roof on a flat roof. If you work hard, you can subsequently organize an excellent recreation area. We will assume that the roof of the house is covered with a built-up roof. For flat roof structures, this is an ideal option today, durable and inexpensive.

To create a lawn would need:


    special membrane with convex large bosses on the front surface;

    double sided tape for attaching geotextiles and a special adhesive tape for the membrane;

    peat substrate;

    lawn rolls.

All this is sold in stores, that is, you will not have problems with the purchase. Prices can be an issue, but if you've finally made up your mind to have a lawn on your rooftop, don't skimp on the expense, especially in terms of savings. That is, it is recommended to use these materials. Although expanded clay instead of a membrane is also suitable.

So, what is geotextile for? Its task is not to let through the roots of plants that can damage the layers of the built-up roof and the roofing carpet. That is, they can violate the integrity of the roofing, thereby causing roof leaks.

What is a membrane for? This is a layer of polymer material which organizes drainage. The space between the bosses is the drainage system, through which excess moisture will be removed, as well as precipitation.

Consistently laying green roof layers

Everything must start with cleaning the plane of the roof. It is simply swept with a broom, removing dust and debris. Further in such sequences:

    Geotextiles are laid out overlapped in stripes relative to each other with an offset of the edges within 10 cm. The edges of the material are glued together with double-sided tape.

    Unfold the membrane in the same direction as the geotextile. Laying is carried out with an overlap with gluing with a special tape. Between themselves, both layers (membrane and geotextile) are also glued with adhesive tape.

    On top of the stacked materials, another one is laid geotextile layer, only in the transverse direction.

    The basis for the landscaping structure is ready, fall asleep peat substrate. It is evenly distributed over the entire area. flat roof. Optimal Thickness backfill - 4-5 cm.

    Now spread rolls of grass. Someone recommends doing the layout in a checkerboard pattern. But, as practice has shown, this is not the most important point in the construction of a grass roof.

    Remains only water the lawn well. After a few days, the seams between the laid rolls will not be visible.

Video description

The video shows how to make a green lawn on the roof of your own house:

it classic way plant grass on the roof of the house (the technology is not only simple, but also inexpensive). Another option is to plant seeds of vegetation on prepared soil. In fact, all the above marked layers are stacked in the same order. Only the peat substrate is mixed with the soil, and then this mixture is scattered on the geotextile. After leveling, seeds are planted in it, which are watered abundantly.

In principle, this option is not so complicated, but here you have to wait for the grass to grow. At the same time, there is always a possibility that in some areas it will be less or more. And not all sprouts will be accepted. Therefore, it is optimal to purchase ready-made grass rolls. They are already adapted to growth, the main thing is to maintain the required water balance and temperature regime. Although the rolls are also adapted to the temperature.

Advantages and disadvantages of a green roof

Let's start with pluses:

    This is first of all unusual. Thus, you can stand out among the neighbors in the holiday village.

    More green- More oxygen.

    grass cover - extra layer, restraining heat loss through roof structure. And this is savings of thermal energy and money allocated for heating the house.

    Improved sound insulation.

    Possibility organize a great recreation area, but it is necessary to take into account the degree bearing capacity the roof itself.

Concerning shortcomings:

    Per grass roof have to all the time look after.

    She increases wall loads and the foundation of the building.

    Under it will have to build a more durable roof structure taking into account a more complex waterproofing system.

    These are additional financial investments.

Conclusion on the topic

Lawns on the roof are technologies that have long been worked out to the smallest detail. Many today seek to do something unusual on a suburban area. Many companies offer this service. It is not so cheap. By choosing a green roof, you will additionally receive not only a beautiful landscape design, but also an original approach to decorating your yard.

Art landscape design fascinates many gardeners. Suburban plots of the creators beautiful flower beds, sculptural compositions, reservoirs and other objects look like fabulous places that attract attention with their beauty and aesthetics. One of the ways to decorate a summer house is to green the roof of the house. We will consider all the details about the creation, varieties, advantages of this creation in our article.

Types of roofing lawns

Lawns on the roof country house are divided into two main varieties:

Lawn type Description
1 Intensive This type Roof greening is possible on solid roofs larger area. An intensive look implies the creation of a full-fledged garden with the inclusion garden paths, gazebos, miniature ponds, fountains, planting shrubs and dwarf trees, arranging a picnic area. This landscaping is suitable for multi-storey buildings, hotels, shopping centers and other large facilities.
2 Extensive The best option for owners of suburban areas with gazebos, outbuildings, garage, cottage / house. An extensive type of roof gardening involves the use light soil no more than 15 cm thick. As a result, the summer resident receives a continuous roofing lawn, consisting of evergreen undemanding plants.

Also, the choice of the type of roof landscaping depends on the type of roof. Only an extensive lawn can be planted on a pitched surface; on a flat surface, it is possible to create both an intensive and an extensive lawn.

Rooftop lawn house

Of course, roof gardening is carried out not only to decorate the site. This landscape object has additional advantages.

  • Improving the heat and sound insulation layer. Soil and vegetation on the roof reduce background noise penetrating into interior spaces from the street. Also, the upper part of the house covered with greenery will provide warmth in winter and coolness in summer, which will save the owners financial resources for heating and air conditioning.
  • Extending the life of a roof. plant layer protects the roof from destructive weather conditions, ultraviolet radiation and external influences. With proper care of the roofing lawn, the roof will last 15-20 years longer.
  • Moisture retention. During rains, the roof lawn will absorb moisture, thereby protecting the beds, "ground" lawn and other objects from flooding.
  • Provide roof fire protection. Proper Care behind the roofing lawn will protect the house from the occurrence of fires.
  • Improvement of ecology. The materials used to create the roof often emit toxic substances. By covering the roof with a lawn, you will solve the problem of the penetration of toxic compounds into the atmosphere. Plants purify oxygen by trapping a quarter of all dust particles in the air and harmful substances. In addition, the microclimate of the local ecosystem is preserved and the area that was occupied by the construction is compensated.

By covering the roof with a lawn, the owner of the cottage provides the house with excellent protection against many threats from outside. external environment and gives your home a unique look.

Optimal plant species for a rooftop lawn

For gardening the roof of a house in a country house, you need to select special varieties of unpretentious plants that can withstand the possible vagaries of the weather. These include:

  • frost-resistant lawn grass;
  • bell;
  • creeping phlox;
  • sedum;
  • lavender;
  • stonecrop;
  • oregano;
  • carnation;
  • gypsophila;
  • saxifrage;
  • allisum.

With the right approach, you can make a real work of art out of the roof, which has similar features with a motley Moorish lawn.

On a note! To create a green roof, choose plants with a fibrous root system.

Rooftop lawn - technology

Basic Rules:

  • Creation of a roofing lawn is possible on any roof. In the presence of flat roof the summer resident will have to make an artificial slope, which will help to avoid stagnant water.
  • Mandatory requirement- the presence of a drainage system in the absence of natural drains.
  • Of course, the structure of the house must be strong and able to withstand the loads imposed on it.
  • The roof must be protected with a reinforced waterproofing layer and provide protective measures against penetration of roots.
  • The lawn is evenly distributed over the entire roof. In places with heavy and massive elements, supporting supports should be provided.

Rooftop lawn - construction and repair

Greening the roof involves the construction of several layers that protect the house from destruction from the side of the roof. The design of the future "green" object is as follows:

  • Basic structure. To create a solid foundation, choose responsibly load-bearing structure. The first layer of the roofing lawn is the crate of a pitched roof or a concrete floor slab (for a flat surface). If there were tiles or slate on the pitched roof before creating the lawn, then they should be removed. Using concrete slab take care to create a slope (1.4-5 degrees) to drain water using a cement-sand screed.
  • waterproofing layer. Do not save on materials that create waterproofing. It should be as reliable as possible to avoid leaks. Successfully proven bitumen-polymer material attached to the first layer mechanically. The waterproofing is welded and the seams are soldered, while the edges are bent above the thickness of the insulation.
  • Thermal insulation layer. The third layer is laid out with polyurethane foam, cork boards or extruded polystyrene foam. The materials are pressed tightly against each other or, in the absence of required pressure upper layers, stick together special glue. Thermal insulation is not attached to the base.
  • Root layer. To protect the roof from the roots allows a film coated metal coated, or a polymer pad with water retention cells. Protection against penetration of roots is established when planting trees or plants with a strong root system. When choosing a normal lawn grass this layer can be omitted.
  • intermediate layer. The fifth layer is represented by geotextiles sold in rolls. The material is laid in layers - one on top of the other by overlapping. Geotextiles perform an important filtration function.
  • drainage layer. The role of the sixth layer is to retain moisture and remove excess water during heavy rains. For this, loosened clay, polyamide, perlite coke, expanded clay gravel or crushed pumice are used. The thickness of the drainage varies between 5-10 cm. To improve the flow, you can add perforated pipes.
  • intermediate layer. Geotextiles are back in business. The function is the same - filtering particles penetrating into the lower layers from the soil.
  • Soil layer. Last layer represented by a substrate that serves to grow selected plants. Its thickness depends on the type and needs of the representatives of the flora. As a rule, it is within 5-50 cm. Experts do not recommend using ordinary earth for a roofing lawn.

On a note! When landscaping a pitched roof, take care to create protective barriers around the edges that prevent soil from sliding.

Lawn care

Updated "green" roof requires maintenance. The main rules are presented below.

  • Before creating a landscape object, consider whether you can fully care for it. An abandoned and sloppy roof garden will spoil the aesthetics of the house and reduce your work to nothing.
  • Roof gardening is best done in April in warm weather.
  • The soil layer must be loosened and fertilized before laying.
  • Monitor the condition of the soil. When dry, do not forget to water the plants.
  • Overgrown vegetation should be trimmed and tidied up as needed.
  • The first six months, the plants need monthly top dressing. Then it is recommended to fertilize the soil every 6 months.
  • With the onset of autumn, the roof requires special attention. The roofing lawn is treated with fungal fungicide, cleared of foliage and debris. In the presence of damage, the upper layers are repaired, plant seeds are sown.
  • In winter, the load on the roof increases due to the additional layer of snow. Don't forget to clean up regularly.

A green roof will last a long time if its creator adheres to the following recommendations:

  • Calculate the potential of your home. Do not overload the roof with heavy materials: choose lightweight drainage systems and light substrates. Distribute the load evenly, install massive structures (vases, gazebos, fountains) in those places where the supporting supports are located.
  • Appearance plants depends on your concern. Install vertical structures at the top to protect the vegetation from the wind.
  • Don't forget about your own safety. Provide a safe and comfortable exit to the lawn.
  • Consider the climate of the area where you are suburban area. At in large numbers rainfall, pay due attention to the drainage system, in case of high aridity - to the irrigation system.
  • If you don't want to spend a lot of time caring for a green roof, then use plant containers. This will save you from a multi-layer coating device, trips to the country in winter time to clean the roof of snow and allow you to fantasize with the design of the design of the country house.
  • To prevent plant seeds from being scattered all over the site, sow the lawn in calm weather.

Roof gardening is a great way to update a boring cottage design, protect the building from external environmental factors and use your creativity for a good cause. To get started, experiment with small objects - the roof of a gazebo, a barn, or a canopy over a well. Having created a “rough” creation, you will be convinced of the simplicity of creating a roofing lawn and with confidence proceed to larger-scale work to improve your suburban area.

Helpful Hints, informative articles for summer residents and gardeners. Planting, care, harvesting. Of course, a lot of information about flowers, berries, mushrooms. On site pages