Pine does not. Ship pines. What is a ship pine. Pine pollen and other diseases

Family: pine (Pinaceae).


In its natural environment, pine is widely distributed in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Some types of pines are also found beyond the Arctic Circle, and in the Southern Hemisphere, in Java and Sumatra. In total, the genus "pine" has about 100 species.

The form: evergreen large trees (less often shrubs and dwarfs), usually with a powerful crown, horizontal or raised branches.


Scotch pine, thanks to its far-reaching root system, grows both on sands and in swamps and even on granite rocks. Scotch pine is undemanding to the composition, quality and moisture of the soil, the only thing to avoid when planting pine is soil compaction. It tolerates both cold and hot climates, is photophilous, does not tolerate shading, the ornamental effect of Scotch pine is year-round.

Mountain pine is not demanding on soil and air pollution, it is very frost and snow resistant, it is decorative year-round.

The Siberian cedar pine is unpretentious, very resistant to winds, pests, diseases, the decorative effect of the tree is year-round.

European cedar pine is much more durable than Siberian, surpasses it both in terms of shade tolerance and undemanding to the composition and quality of soils (with the exception of moisture). Decorative tree - year-round.

Weymouth pine can be planted in almost any part of the garden, it is photophilous, but it also tolerates partial shade, grows even on poor soils, and is resistant to wind and frost. Does not tolerate drought, stagnant water, proximity to a number of horticultural crops (gooseberries, currants, beets) because of the risk of infection with fungal diseases. The decorativeness of the tree is year-round.

Black pine is resistant to wind, unpretentious to the composition and quality of the soil, but not too frost-resistant. The decorativeness of the tree is year-round.

Crimean pine is especially good for planting in areas with calcareous soil, drought-resistant, but prefers southern latitudes. The Crimean pine is photophilous, it gets sick in the shade. The decorativeness of the tree is year-round.

Himalayan pine does not tolerate wind, frost, snowfalls. Light-requiring, undemanding to the composition and quality of soils. The decorativeness of the tree is year-round.

Rumelian pine is frost-resistant, drought-resistant, photophilous, resistant to diseases and pests, unpretentious to the composition and quality of soils. The decorativeness of the tree is year-round.

The main advantage of lodgepole pine is excellent productivity and unpretentiousness, resistance to wind and frost, love for marshy soils. The decorativeness of the plant, regardless of the variety, is year-round.

Planting pines requires compliance with several conditions. When transplanting, pine cannot be transferred with bare roots: the roots of a young pine die in the open air in ten to fifteen minutes. You should also not place pine seedlings in garden soil, because they do not like soil rich in organic matter, but feel best on light, breathable sandy soils, in sunny places. In case the earth is especially heavy, it is imperative to make drainage from expanded clay or broken brick with sand. Fifty grams of nitrophoska can be added to the landing pit.

The distance between large pines should be at least four meters, between undersized - about one and a half. The root neck should be at ground level. In large trees, the root neck should be raised above ground level. Transplantation of pine trees is difficult due to the peculiarities of the structure of the root system; when transplanting large-sized trees, this is especially true. It is best to make such a transplant in the period from November to March, with the involvement of specialists and special equipment.


Pines are widely used in ornamental gardening, form arrays. For decorative purposes, they are planted in open areas one by one or in small groups. Large size pines are especially good as tapeworms in large areas. Low-growing species are best planted in front of taller plants, and creeping species are best planted on the slopes of the landscape.

Scotch pine is ideal for landscaping a sandy or swampy garden plot.

Mountain pine is highly valued in the formation of a garden: it is used in, when creating coniferous and undersized decorative groups. Due to the fact that it is often rooted by lower branches, this shrub is excellent for securing slopes on the site.

The shape of the crown of the Siberian cedar pine makes it especially attractive both in a single and in a group composition.

Due to its not too wide distribution in landscape design, European cedar pine may well become the “highlight” of the site.

Weymouth pine is perfect for decorative purposes: it grows quickly, easily tolerates a haircut, so you can grow a tree with the most unusual crown shape.

Due to the color of needles and bark, black pine is indispensable for the formation of dark, shady plantations, as well as for creating contrasting compositions.

Crimean pine looks great in a single planting in the sunny part of the garden.

Himalayan pine is very beautiful, decorative and exotic, but requires special growing conditions. Does not tolerate frost, perfect for southern gardening zones.

Rumelia pine is preferably planted in single plantings - this is how the tree grows in all its beauty.

Pine has a light resinous wood. Resin, resin, resins, turpentine and rosin (hard resin) are extracted from pine. Petrified pine resin - amber - a wonderful decoration. Pine buds and extracts, as well as resin and essential oils, are used in the treatment of bronchitis and lung diseases. The seeds of some pine species are edible. The needles of the South American Mantezuma pine (P. montezumae) are used to stuff pillows and mattresses.


Varieties and forms of mountain pine

black pine variety ‘Nana’ (‘Nana’)- dwarf (up to 3 m) shrub form of black pine with a wide pyramidal crown and dark green needles. Growth is slow. Photophilous, unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Black pine ‘Nana’ is used both in groups in rocky gardens and hills, and in single plantings.

Variety of Weymouth pine ‘Radiata’ (‘Radiata’)- dwarf (up to 1.5 m) squat form of Weymouth pine with a spherical crown and green (inside - bluish-green) needles. Frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, very decorative. Weymouth Pine ‘Radiata’ is great for rocky areas and growing in containers.

Pine (Pinus) is an evergreen coniferous tree, shrub or dwarf, belongs to the coniferous class, pine order, pine family, pine genus. The life expectancy of a pine tree ranges from 100 to 600 years. Today there are single trees whose age is approaching 5 centuries.

Until now, it has not been precisely established which word formed the basis of the Latin name of the Pinus pine. According to some sources, this is the Celtic pin (rock or mountain), according to others - the Latin picis (resin).

Pine - description and characteristics of the tree

The pine tree grows very quickly, especially in the first 100 years. The height of the pine trunk varies from 35 meters to 75 meters, and the diameter of the trunk can reach 4 meters. On waterlogged soils and under unfavorable growing conditions, the height of century-old trees does not exceed 100 cm.

Pine is a photophilous plant. Flowering time comes at the end of spring, but the process occurs without the appearance of flowers. As a result, pine cones are formed, which are distinguished by a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

Male cones of most pine species are elongated, cylindrical-ellipsoidal in shape and up to 15 cm long. Female pine cones are mostly round, broadly ovate or slightly flattened, 4 to 8 cm long.

The color of the cones, depending on the species, can be yellow, brown, brick red, purple and almost black.

Pine seeds have a hard shell and are both winged and wingless.

In some species of pines (cedar pines), the seeds are edible.

Pine is a tree whose crown has a conical shape, turning into a kind of huge umbrella in old age.

The structure of the cortex also depends on age. If at the beginning of the life cycle it is smooth and almost without cracks, then by the age of one hundred it acquires a fair thickness, cracks and acquires a dark gray color.

The appearance of the tree is formed by long, woody shoots with time, on which needles and needles grow. Pine needles are smooth, hard and sharp, collected in bunches and have a lifespan of up to 3 years. The shape of the pine needles are trihedral or sector. Their length ranges from 4 to 20 cm. Depending on the number of leaves (needles) in a bunch of pines, there are:

  • two-coniferous (for example, Scots pine, seaside pine),
  • three-coniferous (for example, Bunge pine),
  • five-coniferous (for example, Siberian pine, Weymouth pine, Japanese white pine).

Depending on the species, a pine trunk can be straight or curved.

Shrub varieties of pines have a multi-top crown of a creeping type, formed by several trunks.

The shape of the pine crown depends on the species and can be

  • rounded
  • conical,
  • pin-shaped,
  • creeping.

In most species, the crown is located quite high, but in some varieties, for example, in the Macedonian pine (lat. Pinus peuce), the crown begins almost at the very ground.

The plant is unpretentious to the quality of the soil. The root system of pine is plastic and depends on growing conditions. In sufficiently moist soils, the roots of the tree spread parallel to the surface to a distance of up to 10 meters and go down shallowly. In dry soils, the tap root of the tree goes 6-8 m deep.

Pine does not react well to urban, polluted and gassed air. At the same time, almost all representatives of the genus tolerate low temperatures well.

Where does pine grow?

Basically, pines grow in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, the boundaries of growth extend from northern Africa to areas beyond the Arctic Circle, including Russia, Europe, North America, and Asia. Pine forms both pine forests and mixed forests along with spruce and other trees. Currently, thanks to artificial cultivation, such a type of pine as a radiant pine can be found in Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar and even South Africa.

On the territory of Russia, 16 wild-growing species of pines are widespread, among which ordinary pine occupies a leading position. Siberian cedar is widespread in Siberia. Korean cedar is often found in the Amur region. Mountain pines grow in the mountainous regions from the Pyrenees to the Caucasus. Crimean pines are found in the mountains of the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Types of pines, photos and names

  • Scotch pine(Pinus sylvestris)

grows in Europe and Asia. The tallest pines can be found on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea: some specimens are up to 40-50 m high. Other pines grow up to 25-40 m and have a trunk diameter of 0.5 to 1.2 m. Scotch pine has a straight trunk with a thick gray-brown bark, cut with deep cracks. The upper part of the trunk and branches are covered with thin, scaly orange-red bark. Young pines are distinguished by a cone-shaped crown, with age the branches take on a horizontal arrangement, and the crown becomes wide and rounded. Scotch pine wood is a valuable building material due to its resinousness and high strength. Ethanol is obtained from pine sawdust, essential oils and rosin are produced from resin resin. Scotch pine varieties: Alba Picta, Albyns, Aurea, Beuvronensis, Bonna, Candlelight, Chantry Blue, Compressa, Frensham, Glauca, Globosa Viridis, Hillside Creeper, Jeremy, Moseri, Norske Typ, Repanda, Viridid ​​Compacta, Fastigiata, Watereri and others.

  • Siberian cedar pine, she is Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica)

the closest relative of Scotch pine, and not true cedars, as many mistakenly believe. A tree up to 40 m high (usually up to 20-25 m) is distinguished by thick branches and a dense crown with many tops. The straight, even trunk of a pine has a gray-brown color. The needles are soft, long (up to 14 cm), dark green, with a bluish bloom. Siberian cedar begins to bear fruit at about 60 years of age. It produces large egg-shaped cones that grow up to 13 cm in length and up to 5-8 cm in diameter. At the beginning of growth, they are purple in color, mature they turn brown. The term of maturation of cones is 14-15 months, falling off begins in September of the next year. One Siberian cedar pine yields up to 12 kg of nuts per season. The Siberian cedar is a typical inhabitant of the dark coniferous taiga in Western and Eastern Siberia.

  • Pine marsh (long-coniferous) (Pinus palustris)

a massive tree growing up to 47 m in height and having a trunk diameter of up to 1.2 m. Distinctive features of the species are yellow-green needles, the length of which can reach 45 cm, and exceptional fire resistance of wood. Longleaf pine grows in southeastern North America, from Virginia and North Carolina to Louisiana and Texas.

  • Montezuma Pine (White Pine)(Pinus montezumae)

grows up to 30 m in height and has long (up to 30 cm) grayish-green needles, collected in bunches of 5 pieces. The tree got its name in honor of the last leader of the Aztecs - Montezuma, who decorated his headdress with the needles of this pine. The white pine grows in western North America and in Guatemala. In many countries with a temperate climate, it is grown as an ornamental plant, as well as for the collection of edible nuts.

  • elfin pine, she is cedar elfin(Pinus pumila)

a species of low bushy trees with widely spread branches, characterized by a variety of crown shapes, which can be tree-like, creeping or bowl-shaped. Tree-like specimens grow up to 4-5 m, rarely up to 7 m in height. The branches of creeping pines are pressed to the ground, and their tips are raised by 30-50 cm. The needles of the dwarf pine are gray-green in color, from 4 to 8 cm long. Pine cones are medium-sized, ovoid or elongated. Nuts are small, up to 9 mm long and 4-6 mm wide. In a harvest year, up to 2 centners of nuts can be harvested from 1 ha. Cedar elfin is an unpretentious plant adapted to the harsh northern climate. Widespread from Primorye to Kamchatka, in the north of the range it goes beyond the Arctic Circle. Elfin pine varieties: Blue Dwarf, Glauca, Globe, Chlorocarpa, Draijer's Dwarf, Jeddeloh, Jermyns, Nana, Saentis.

  • , she is Pallas pine(Pinus nigra subsp. Pallasiana, Pinus pallasiana)

tall tree (up to 45 m), with a wide, pyramidal, umbrella-shaped crown in old age. Pine needles are dense, prickly, up to 12 cm long, cones are shiny, brown, oblong, up to 10 cm long. Crimean pine is listed in the Red Book, but is used as a valuable building material, in particular for shipbuilding, and also as an ornamental tree for park landscaping and creating a protective forest belt. Crimean pine grows in the Crimea (mainly on the southern slopes of Yalta) and in the Caucasus.

  • mountain pine, she is European elfin pine or zherep (Pinus mugo)

tree-like shrub with a pin-shaped or creeping multi-stemmed crown. The needles are twisted or curved, dark green in color, up to 4 cm long. Wood with a red-brown core is widely used in carpentry and turning. Young shoots and pine cones are used in the cosmetic industry and medicine. Zherep is a typical representative of the alpine and subalpine climatic zone of Southern and Central Europe. Mountain pine and its varieties are very often used in landscape design. The most famous varieties are Gnome, Pug, Chao Chao, Winter Gold, Mugus, Pumilio, Varella, Carstens and others.

  • White pine, she is white-trunk pine(Pinus albicaulis)

has a smooth light gray bark. A straight or winding pine trunk grows up to 21 m in height and looks almost white from afar. In young trees, the crown has the shape of a cone, becoming rounded with age. The needles are curved, short (up to 3-7 cm in length), of intense yellow-green color. Male cones are elongated, bright red, female cones are distinguished by a spherical or flattened shape. The edible seeds of the white-barreled pine are an important food source for many animals: the American walnut, the red squirrel, the grizzly bear and the baribal. Golden woodpecker and blue sialia often nest in treetops. White-barreled pines grow in the mountainous regions of the subalpine belt of North America (Cascade Mountains, Rocky Mountains). Popular pine varieties: Duckpass, Falling Rock, Glenn Lake, Mini, Tioga Lake, Nr1 Dwarf.

  • Himalayan pine, she is Bhutanese pine or wallich pine(Pinus wallichiana)

tall, beautiful tree, widely cultivated throughout the world as an ornamental. The average height of a pine is 30-50 m. The Himalayan pine grows in the mountains from Afghanistan to the Chinese province of Yunnan. Himalayan pine varieties: Densa Hill, Nana, Glauca, Vernisson, Zebrina.

  • (Italian pine) ( Pinus pinea)

very beautiful tree 20-30 meters high with a dark green, compact crown, with age taking the shape of an umbrella due to outstretched branches. Pine needles are long (up to 15 cm), graceful, dense, with a slight bluish bloom. Pine trees have almost round large cones up to 15 cm long. Pine seeds are 4 times larger than cedar seeds, up to 8 tons of nuts are obtained from 1 ha. Crushed pine seeds, known in Italy as pinoli, are used to make the famous pesto sauce. Due to the exceptionally beautiful shape of the crown, pine pine is a valuable ornamental plant, actively used in the art of bonsai. In its natural environment, pine grows along the Mediterranean coast, from the Iberian Peninsula to Asia Minor. Cultivated in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

  • Black pine, she is black austrian pine ( Pinus nigra)

grows in the northern part of the Mediterranean, less common in parts of Morocco and Algeria. The tree, from 20 to 55 meters high, prefers to grow in mountains or on rocks of igneous origin and often grows at an altitude of 1300-1500 meters above sea level. The crown of young trees is pyramidal, becoming umbrella-shaped with age. The needles are long, 9-14 cm, a very dark shade of green, depending on the variety, they are both shiny and matte. The species is quite decorative and is often used by lovers of coniferous trees for landscape plantings. Popular varieties of black pine are Pierik Bregon, Piramidalis, Austriaca, Bambino.

  • , she is oriental white pine ( P inus stro bus)

Under natural conditions, the species grows in the northeast of North America and in the southeastern provinces of Canada. Less common in Mexico, Guatemala. A tree with a perfectly straight trunk, reaching a girth of 130-180 cm, can grow up to 67 meters in height. The crown of young pines is cone-shaped, becoming rounded with age, and more often irregular in shape. The color of the bark is slightly purple, the needles are straight or slightly curved, 6.5-10 cm long. Weymouth pine is widely used in construction, as well as in forestry due to numerous varieties. The most popular pine varieties are Aurea, Blue Shag, Brevifolia, Сontorta, Densa.

  • is an ecotype of the common pine (Pinus sylvestris)

The species is widespread in Siberia, in the area of ​​the Angara river basin, and occupies fairly large areas in the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the Irkutsk Region. Angarsk pine can grow up to 50 m in height, while the girth of the trunk often reaches 2 meters. The crown of the pines is pyramidal, with a sharp top, the bark has an amazing ash-silver shade.

Pine tree planting and care

The pine tree is used for landscaping park areas, sanatoriums and household plots. For this, seedlings aged 3 to 7 years are used. The best soil for pine is sandy soil. For heavy soils, additional drainage is carried out. A distance of at least 1.5 m should be left between seedlings.

Mature trees do not need additional watering, it is necessary only for young plantings. For better survival of seedlings, the first 2 years they are fed with mineral fertilizers. In order to avoid freezing, young growth should be covered for the winter. Pruning of adult plants is needed to form a crown and remove diseased branches.

Draijer's Dwarf Ermine Pine

The healing properties of pine were discovered by our distant ancestors: clay tablets 5 thousand years old with recipes for extracts from pine needles were discovered during excavations of ancient settlements of the Sumerians. Pine needles are rich in phytoncidal volatile substances that disinfect the air, due to which medical institutions and children's camps are trying to place it in pine forests.

Pine buds and needles have a truly unique chemical composition, containing a lot of substances useful for the human body:

  • vitamins C, K, B, PP and E;
  • carotene;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • terpenes;
  • benzoic acid;
  • lignins.

In folk and traditional medicine, there are many recipes for using pine buds and needles to help fight many serious ailments. Here are some of them:

  • hypoxia (oxygen deficiency in tissues and organs);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • BPH;
  • gum bleeding.

The highest concentration of nutrients is found in the needles of 2-3 years of age and in swollen, but not yet blossoming pine buds.

Pine essential oil is used to treat colds (bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.). In psychotherapy, it is used to treat nervous disorders.

Resins and pine tar are used to prepare ointments needed in dermatology.

Contraindications for taking pine-based drugs are chronic renal, hepatic failure and pregnancy.

Pine wood is a valuable material that has been used by man for many centuries. It is indispensable in the construction of private houses and household buildings, and wood is used both as the main and as an external finishing material. Durable, beautiful and inexpensive furniture is produced from pine wood, parquet and veneer are made. Pine wood is indispensable in the construction of some types of bridges and railway tracks, where it is used in the form of manufactured piles and sleepers. Wood wool is produced from pine wood, and pine firewood is considered one of the best in terms of heat transfer.

Pine for the New Year

Traditionally, in Russian homes, it was customary to decorate a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. But with the advent of many nurseries where they grow special ornamental varieties of pines, most Russians are eager to buy pine trees for the New Year.

Such trees look simply luxurious: they are distinguished by a beautiful compact shape with strong branches and long fluffy needles. In addition, pine, compared to a Christmas tree, does not crumble much longer and has a refreshing, pleasant, resinous aroma.

  • For many nationalities, the pine tree is a symbol of fertility and immortality, and according to one of the legends, the pine tree is a beautiful nymph, enchanted by the jealous god of the winds.
  • In the old days, it was believed that a talisman made from a piece of pine wood protects against damage and the evil eye, drives away evil spirits and relieves many diseases.
  • Petrified pine resin (resin) is a well-known amber. If an arthropod got into a drop of hardening resin, then amber with an inclusion of more than 1 cm in length belongs to precious stones.
  • Due to the powerful antiseptic properties in a pine forest, there are only 500 microbes per 1 cubic meter of air, and in a metropolis - 36,000!

Botanical name: Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris)

Homeland: Siberia, Ural, Europe

Lighting: photophilous

The soil: sandy, sandy

Max Height: 40 m

Average life expectancy: 200 years

Reproduction: seeds, grafting

Synonym - Scotch pine

Description of Scots pine

The pine tree is one of the most valuable in our country. Reaching 35-40 m in height, it belongs to the trees of the first magnitude. The circumference of the trunk reaches 1 m. It is covered with reddish-brown, with grooves, exfoliating bark. At the base of the trunk, the bark is much thicker than the one at the top. Such an "idea" of nature has a protective function, protecting the tree from overheating and ground fire. In pines that grow in closed forest stands, the trunk is more slender with an openwork crown. While the tree is young, the crown has a conical shape. With age, it rounds, becomes wider, and in old age it acquires a flat or umbrella-shaped shape. Pine needles have a bluish-green color. It is quite dense, often sticking out, curved, collected in bunches of 2 needles. Length 4-7 cm. The needles are pointed, slightly flattened, have a thin longitudinal stripe. Needles live 3 years. In autumn, more often in September, part of the needles fall off. Before this, the needles turn yellow, from which the crown looks mottled.

Cones are located singly or in 2-3 pieces on the legs lowered down. The immature cone is conical in shape and dark green in color. Sometimes a brownish tinge may be present. Pine cones ripen in the second year. Ripe buds become brown or brown. The length is 3-6 cm, the width is 2-3 cm.

Pine is a coniferous tree that prepares for the winter period in a peculiar way. After all, evaporation at a "minus" temperature is detrimental to the plant, at the same time, the needles remained on the branches. The plant copes with this quite simply: with the onset of cold weather, a thin layer of wax falls on the needles, the stomata close, therefore, breathing stops.

coniferous plant pine

Scotch pine forms a number of forms that differ in crown structure, color and shape of cones. Meet with a weeping and pyramidal crown. The color of the needles in young shoots can be golden, whitish or silver. The bark is found scaly or lamellar.

The pine plant has a wide range, which extends to different, from an ecological point of view, areas, so the species is characterized by a large number of ecotypes. To date, more than 30 such ecotypes have been identified by ecologists. For example, the Angarsk pine growing in the river basin. Angara is an ecotype of Scots pine. The study and observation of Scotch pine seedlings of different origin grown under the same conditions shows the difference in plants in the ability to drought and cold resistance, to growth, and resistance. Also, these plants may differ in morphological features, such as: the shape of the crown, the length of the needles, the structure of the trunk, etc. However, all these features are prone to change and are not used to distinguish the species.

Characteristics of Scots pine

Growing in adverse conditions, such as in a swamp, Scots pine can remain a dwarf. Moreover, even century-old specimens may not exceed 1 m in height. Pine is a light-loving plant, frost- and heat-resistant. Of all the representatives of tree species growing on sandy soils, Scotch pine is the most resistant to lack of moisture. Under such conditions, the roots are able to penetrate the soil to a depth of 6 m. Therefore, even in drought conditions, they can supply the tree with water. This ability of plants determined the different root system of different populations. In arid areas, the taproot develops well at the tree, and in conditions of close occurrence of groundwater, the root system is formed mainly by lateral roots branching in all directions.

The average life expectancy of pines is about 200 years. Individual specimens, under favorable conditions, live up to 400 years.

They grow quickly, especially a significant increase from a year to 100 years - 50-70 cm. According to this indicator, this representative of conifers is second only to larch. Begins to bear fruit at the age of 15. In conditions of dense planting - from 40 years. Abundant harvests, as a rule, can be repeated after 4-7 years.

It grows well on sandy and sandy soils. It is extremely rare in the steppe southern regions. Therefore, in recent years, Scotch pine has often been planted in shelterbelts along the slopes of ravines, on sands, in steppe ravines.

Very often you can find information that pine is a dioecious plant. This is a mistake, in fact, this is a monoecious plant, that is, with a predominance of flowers, either male or female. Thus, on one tree, female flowers are predominantly contained, and on the other, male inflorescences predominate. Female flowers are located at the ends of the shoots and have the shape of a small cone. And the male ones are near the base of the shoot. It is believed that the predominance of inflorescences of a certain sex is a hereditary factor. But it turns out that depending on the conditions in which the tree grows, its “sex” can change.

Scotch pine blooms at the end of May, when the air temperature is already high. Pollination occurs due to the wind. Fertilization itself will come only next year. During the pollination period, a yellow coating can be seen on the trees. This is pine pollen. By and large, the pine plant is distinguished by good pollination. This is possible due to the air sacs that pine pollen has, with the help of which it is carried by the wind over long distances. Pollination time varies depending on the weather. In clear sunny weather, pollen can scatter in 3-4 days. In the rain, this process is delayed.

How is a pine tree different?

The wood of common pine is dense, sound, containing a lot of tree resin. Young plantings are characterized by straight-grained wood, which over the years becomes oblique. The density of wood and its mechanical properties, which are important in construction, depend on a number of factors, in particular: soil moisture. So, pine growing on dry soil has a denser and more resistant to damage wood. Conversely, a plant that has grown in well-moistened soil has wood with low mechanical characteristics.

This breed is well propagated by seeds. This requires good soil and plenty of sun. It is best to transplant seedlings at the age of 3-7 years.

Pine does not react well to polluted city air, although it grows there quite often. For 2 years of living in the city, the resinous surface of the needles is covered with dust and soot, which interferes with the photosynthesis of the plant.

Fast-growing coniferous plants, including Scotch pine, without pruning, are ahead of the surrounding trees and successfully dominate them in growth. Conifer pruning is performed to form and maintain the structure of the tree and increase its lifespan. Competent pruning reduces the likelihood of defects, structural deviations of the tree. In addition, the formed crown prevents the pine tree from falling as a result of the negative effects of weather conditions. Branches that are broken, dry or diseased are removed immediately to prevent the spread of fungal diseases. The live branch can also be deleted. This happens in exceptional cases and is necessary to ensure sunlight and air circulation inside the crown.

Scotch pine range

This species of conifers is widespread in Siberia and Europe. Forms pine forests on sandy or sandy loamy soil, can be found on peaty and very rarely on clay soil. This is a widespread tree of Eurasia. It can be found from Spain and Great Britain east to the river. Aldan and R. Cupid in Siberia. In the north, the tree grows to Lapland, and in the south it is found in China and Mongolia. It forms both pure stands and together with other conifers, oak, birch and aspen. The plant is undemanding to soil conditions and very often grows in areas unsuitable for other species: sands, swamps.

The Siberian area covers an area of ​​about 5.7 million km2. The largest pine forests are concentrated in the river basin. Angara, in the upper reaches of the Irtysh, Ob, Podkamennaya Tunguska. In the northern part of the range, the distribution of pine rises to a level of 1000 m above sea level, and in the south - up to 1500 m above sea level.

Scotch pine: application

The branches and trunk of a pine tree are pierced with resin passages, which are filled with resin, commonly called "sap". "Sap" is of great importance for the plant: it heals wounds, repels pests. Such resin is obtained by tapping. It is used to obtain rosin, turpentine. The main thing is that you can get it not only from a living tree, but also from a pine stump. The air in the pine forest ("resinous") is rich in ozone and does not contain microbes. Pine forests have long been famous for their human-friendly properties.

In medicine, buds are widely used, which must be collected in early spring, before they bloom. The kidneys contain essential oils, resins, starch, tannins and bitter substances. Pine needles contain a large amount of carotene and vitamin C. Due to the value of wood, pine forests are considered the main object of forest exploitation.

Scots pine is one of the most ancient medicinal plants. Its needles were part of poultices and compresses 5000 years ago. In ancient Egypt, pine resin was found in embalming compositions. By the way, even now, after 3000 years, these compounds have not lost their bactericidal properties. In Rome and Greece, pine needles were used to treat colds. And in Russia, to disinfect the oral cavity, strengthen teeth and gums, it was customary to chew pine resin.

Pine wood is widely used in the manufacture of furniture. It is also used in the construction of ships and wagons. Port facilities, dams and moorings are being built from it today. The pine forest was even called "ship grove" or "mast forest". And the ships are “floating pines”. Pine resin was intensively used by shipbuilders to process ropes, ships and boats. All this speaks of the high characteristics of pine wood.

However, pine plantations are also used for other purposes. So, a kind of pine root system helps to prevent soil erosion, provides an optimal level of moisture, protects cliffs and ravines from sprinkling.

It is rarely used as an ornamental crop. It is more often used in landscaping country estates, dispensaries, sanatoriums. It is planted in mixed stands, singly, in masses or in groups. They can be used in landscaping forest parks and landscape gardening areas, for planting a country road, especially on poor sandy soil. In culture, it grows in a group or singly in large parks, gardens and squares. The decorativeness of the young planting is inexpressive. Trees become highly decorative by the age of one hundred, when the trunk in its upper part begins to be covered with a thin orange bark, which gives elegance and attractiveness to the tree. The aesthetic characteristics of individual pines are enhanced as the stand thins out. Old pines, attracting glances from afar, have a special originality. In the absence of air pollution, Scots pine has high sanitary and hygienic characteristics.

Pine pollen concentrates a lot of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, natural enzymes and amino acids that help to improve the body, increase physical strength and energy.

The composition of pine pollen is free from impurities, does not contain nitrates, pesticides, toxic substances, and is biologically stable. The constancy of the composition of pine pollen compares favorably with other types of pollen produced by bees, which facilitates its use for medicinal purposes.

Pine pollen contains more than two hundred biologically valuable substances, while their percentage is higher than that of most other products. Thus, most fruits and vegetables after dehydration retain no more than 10% of the mass, while the dry residue of pine pollen without water is 94.7%, which makes it an extremely concentrated and complex food product.

The composition of pine pollen includes nucleic acids, poly- and monosaccharides, 20 basic amino acids, including 8 essential ones that cannot be synthesized in the body on their own and must be supplied with food.

Medicinal properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen has a huge range of medicinal properties:

    The antioxidant activity of pine pollen exceeds ascorbic acid by 20 times, and tocopherol or vitamin E by 50 times. That is why pollen is successfully used both for toning and strengthening the body during the period of illness and rehabilitation after illness. This natural medicine can be used as an immunomodulatory agent and a stimulant that increases the body's reserves in the fight against stress.

    Pine pollen has blood-thinning properties, enhances tissue respiration and increases the activity and concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which successfully shows itself in neutralizing free radicals. After the use of pine pollen, the amount of lipofuscin in the liver, heart and brain decreases. Lipofusin is a substance formed in the body under the action of free radicals. As a result of this, the resistance of cells increases, their life cycle increases, the risk decreases, they do not settle on the walls of blood vessels.

    The healing effect of pollen on the walls of blood vessels improves blood circulation, reduces the level of bad blood, enhances brain nutrition, which also prevents memory deterioration, and prevents psychasthenia. The restorative effect of pine pollen on capillaries enhances visual acuity, which may decrease due to diabetes and other systemic diseases.

    The anti-inflammatory effect of pine pollen prevents and.

    Pine pollen is used to treat diseases of the digestive tract - the stimulating effect of pine extract increases appetite and restores healthy intestinal microflora, prevents intestinal disorders, indigestion, and.

    Pine pollen is used for treatment, since this natural remedy increases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and enhances the processes of hematopoiesis.

    The anticarcinogenic properties of pollen, its resistance to radioactive radiation and the ability to prevent radical oxidation processes ensure the effectiveness of this phytoconcentrate in the fight against cancer cells.

    After a course of pine pollen, the reproductive abilities of men improve, and are cured, as well as inflammatory processes and pathologies of the prostate gland. Pine pollen also has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of women, normalizes the cycle and alleviates negative manifestations.

    Pine pollen is deservedly called a panacea for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. It effectively heals and, blackouts on the lungs, defeats strong and.

Cosmetic properties

Pine pollen is widely used for cosmetic purposes, both for home and industrial cosmetics. Back in 1950, the first patent for pine pollen was registered in France as a component of skin care cosmetics, and in the 1970s there were already three patents in Japan.

Home use of pine pollen for cosmetic purposes is based on the properties of lignin (one of the polymers in the composition of inflorescences) to improve the permeability of the skin to other beneficial components of cosmetics.

Vitamins A, C and E in pollen have a number of skin benefits:

    Tocopherol expands superficial vessels, improving blood microcirculation in the skin, which gives the face a healthy color, and the skin - smoothness and well-groomed appearance;

    Ascorbic acid is necessary for the synthesis of the collagen framework of the skin, which is necessary for its firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the face oval; in addition, vitamin C inhibits the activity of melanocytes, eliminating excessive pigmentation. After the application of pine pollen, a lightening of senile pigmentation on the face of the elderly was found.

    Vitamin A prevents the formation of blisters on the skin, is the prevention of purulent skin diseases, including youthful ones.

The antiseptic properties of pine pollen inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria on its surface, which often cause acne.

To prevent sagging, skin aging, it is recommended to take pine bud pollen inside.

Pine pollen for various diseases

Pollen is a male pine inflorescence, containing all the necessary substances for the fertilization of female cells and the birth of a new plant. That is why pine pollen has a rich and varied composition of proteins, minerals, vitamins, nucleic acids and enzymes.

About 30 essential minerals in the composition of pollen are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, the flow of biochemical reactions. Taking pine pollen extract or pure pollen to restore mineral balance is much more effective than pharmaceutical mineral supplements, since microelements are better absorbed as part of a natural product.

In addition to the antioxidant vitamins described above, the composition of pine pollen is rich in vitamins D3, which are necessary for the formation of bone tissue, contains B1, which prevents heart failure and diseases of the nervous system, and riboflavin is important for the normal course of metabolic processes.

Amino acids are also found in pine in a form that is biologically available to the body. Unlike the proteins that make up protein foods (meat, eggs, fish), which contain amino acids in a bound form, the amino acids of pine pollen are not bound into protein structures. Therefore, when they enter the body, they are immediately absorbed, entering the places of synthesis of new proteins.

Valine, threonine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and tryptophan are among the essential amino acids that must be constantly supplied to the body with food. From amino acids, as from bricks, the body can synthesize all the necessary structures - these are not only proteins of muscles, skin and organs, but even enzyme proteins that carry out general regulation.

Pine pollen and fatigue relief

Pine pollen is used by professional athletes as a stimulant to relieve fatigue and increase the physical reserves of human health, since it does not contain components that doping control does not pass. Pine pollen was taken by the winner of the cycling marathon from Finland at the Munich Olympics, which allowed him to increase his endurance and strength. Another well-known athlete who prefers drinks based on pine pollen to replenish energy reserves and give vigor is the crowned boxing champion Muhammad Ali.

Pine pollen supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels

Magnesium in the composition of pollen is not only a component of many enzymes and cell structures, but also participates in the transport of nutrients in the cell. Pine flavonoids contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis, as they lower the level of bad cholesterol and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, these substances increase the blood supply to the brain and heart muscle, preventing stroke and coronary disease, and make the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

Antitumor activity of pine pollen

The anticarcinogenic properties of pine pollen are manifested in its ability to enhance the antioxidant activity of cells and tissues of the body, as well as in the suppression of aflatoxins that promote tumor growth. In addition to the targeted action on malignant neoplasms, pine seeds contribute to the restoration of the body after radio- and chemotherapy procedures.

The role of pine pollen in the treatment of prostate diseases

The therapeutic effect of pine pollen in prostate diseases is due to its complex action. Firstly, biologically active substances in the composition of inflorescences (enzymes, enzymes, flavonoids, vitamins) restore the function of the secretory organs of the endocrine system.

Secondly, the components of pine pollen have a general health effect on the cardiovascular system, in particular, they increase the patency of the smallest vessels, increasing the elasticity of their walls and preventing blockage by atherosclerotic plaques.

Thus, the blood circulation of the tissues of the prostate gland is restored, swelling and blockage of the urethra are reduced.

Pine pollen and diabetes

Pine pollen stimulates the immune system in general, and its healing effect is primarily reflected in the human endocrine system. Thus, trace elements of pine pollen restore the body's mineral reserve, contributing to the proper flow of synthesis processes, regeneration of cells and tissues after damage by free radicals and toxins.

Biologically active components of pollen restore the function of pancreatic secretory cells, increasing the amount of insulin produced by them. taking pine pollen as part of a diet for diabetics improves the condition of patients and is an effective and safe method of treatment.

Pine pollen and other diseases

External use of pine is recommended for all kinds of rashes and purulent skin diseases. Applying dressings with pine pollen on the surface of the wound prevents tissue decay and inflammation. In addition, pine pollen is used to treat bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, anemia and colds.

How to collect pine pollen?

The flowering time of pine usually coincides with the flowering of apple trees in mid-May. Male inflorescences, as they mature, turn from greenish to yellow, and after three days they are carried by the wind. Since pine belongs to wind-pollinated plants, its pollen is very light and easily carried away by air currents, and therefore the collection period is no more than 1-3 days. In the distant parts of the forest, where there is not as much sun as at the edge, pollen can still be found within 3-5 days. In any case, in order to correctly determine the period and carry out the harvesting of pollen, experience, attention and efficiency are needed.

After collection, pollen must be dried by laying it out in a thin layer on paper in a warm, dry room. After that, it is sifted to separate small scales. Use a sieve with the smallest mesh size and a clean plastic bag. Additionally, you can sift pollen through nylon to get rid of the smallest impurities.

Pine pollen in folk medicine, recipes for use

prescription for asthma

The benefits of pine pollen for asthmatics are clear. This natural concentrate contains more than 27 mineral microelements and a complex of easily digestible vitamins, but in the treatment of asthma, the most important ingredient in pollen is histamine H1 receptor blockers, which are responsible for sharp spasms of the bronchial muscles during an allergic reaction. The histamine antagonists contained in pine pollen, when taken regularly, permanently block these receptors, which can save the asthmatic from the need to constantly carry an inhaler with him.

To get the desired effect and solve the problem of asthma for a long time, first you have to prepare a pollen-based healing agent according to the following recipe:

    Take 0.5 kg of pine anthers;

    0.5 kg of sugar;

    0.5 l of water.

Cones pour boiling water with sugar so that the syrup completely covers them. It is not recommended to boil the solution - the active components of pollen are destroyed by temperature. The hot solution is covered for steaming until cool. After a few hours, the cold syrup is squeezed out through a clean cloth or sieve, after which it is necessary to infuse it for a day in a dark place. As a result, a precipitate forms, which must be disposed of by pouring the finished syrup into a separate vessel with walls impervious to sunlight (ceramic, wooden, but not plastic or metal). The precipitate can also be used to enhance, in the treatment of colds and other diseases.

Sweet and sour syrup with floral and pine aromas must be stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the syrup in tablespoons three times a day, about half an hour before each meal. After three weeks of treatment with the drug, it is necessary to check the effect by stopping its use for the next week. You do not need to leave the inhaler if the effect was observed during the reception. You can forget about it only if the control week passed without attacks. After it, the reception of the syrup resumes.

Subsequently, after several courses of asthma control with the help of pine pollen, a partial refusal to take syrup based on it is also possible. You can gradually get rid of the need for daily medication in 2-3 years, reducing the dose or weakening the regimen. After three months of use, the amount of syrup consumed can be reduced to 1 teaspoon per day.

The anthers remaining after making the syrup can be used to brew pine tea.

Recipe for bronchitis

Bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases that doctors have to deal with. A doctor can prescribe a lot of different pharmaceuticals to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but few people know how useful pine pollen is in this regard.

The evergreen Pine is a symbol of immortality and vitality. Even in winter, when nature sleeps, this beautiful green tree reminds us that spring is coming soon.

In old times Pine branch considered magical. The Western Slavs kept the branch for a whole year and only replaced it with a new one on New Year's holidays. She guarded the peace and well-being of the hut and was a kind of amulet against evil forces. And now in the villages you can find the "spruce" of Pine, standing in a vase as a decoration.

Pine name

Origin Pine names. One of the two versions produces the Latin name of the tree from the Celtic word pin, which means rock, mountain, that is, growing on rocks, the other - from the Latin words pix, picis, which means resin, that is, a resinous tree.

Widespread in Russia Scotch pine". Most often it is found in the northern part of the country and in Siberia. Pine trees form forests mixed with other species, as well as pure forests, popularly referred to as "pine forests". The soil for the Pine is diverse - from arid and rocky places to swampy areas.

Pine He loves sunlight very much, so in the forest among his fellows, the trunk stretches up, from which it takes the form of a mast. No wonder they were previously used in shipbuilding.

On the Pine plain looks completely different. Having spread the branches, it takes on bizarre shapes and curvatures, dense crowns and zigzags. The trunk becomes stocky and powerful, like a hero.

Pine Needles have a green color with a bluish tint.

Pine Bark- reddish-brown and cast copper.

Pine Wood- a yellowish tint due to the high content of resin in it. It is not for nothing that during the construction of the log house, the lower crown always consisted of pine logs in order to avoid rapid decay. That is why some buildings from the times of ancient Novgorod have been preserved.

When the Pine Blooms

Pine blossoms May or June depending on the weather. A mature tree is considered 80-100 years old.

In April, on quiet sunny days, standing next to this fabulous idol, you can hear a barely perceptible pine seed clicking. This dried up and the cones began to open, releasing the ripened winged seeds. These seeds will give life to new trees.

By the way, pine cones are an excellent fuel for Russian samovars and a favorite delicacy. protein and birds.

Medicinal properties of Pine

Pine is used as an expectorant, diaphoretic and diuretic. Pine has an analgesic property and kills disease-causing microbes in the body.

Sap- a thick light yellow liquid flows out of the damaged branches and trunks of the Pine. Possessing antibacterial properties, it prevents the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the trunk.

If there was no first-aid kit in the forest due to injuries and scratches, instead of a plaster, you can apply clean Zhivitsa to the wound. It is also able to relieve toothache, so medicinal chewing gum is made from resin in some regions.

Has an antibacterial effect burning tar smoke. Rooms, cellars and barrels for salting are “fumigated” with smoke.

For pain in the joints and muscles, another component of the resin is used for grinding - turpentine.

Pine- that rare tree that goes into business completely from head to root.

Pine Bark cut well. It can be used in the manufacture of floats and crafts.

In folk medicine Pine is used most often in the form of decoctions, tinctures and tea. Infusion and decoction of the kidneys of the plant are used for inflammation, cough, bronchitis, dropsy and liver diseases.

From pine needles prepare an infusion and decoction, used as a prevention of beriberi.

From pine pollen you can make a tea that helps with gout and rheumatism. Pollen mixed with honey is used after a major operation or illness.

In the Caucasus, young cones and flowers of Pine make delicious jam.

Amber- lain in the ground for millions of years pine resin. Thanks to the resin, scientists had a chance to study prehistoric insects frozen in Amber.

By the shape of the crown and branches of Pine, geologists can determine the composition of the soil.

During the war, in the villages, they removed the thin bark from the Pine trees and scraped off the "pulp" - the living layer of the tree. It was dried and mixed with flour.

Thin and long pine roots were used to make dense “root” dishes in which starch, sand or salt were stored.

Another use of the roots is as fuel in lamps. In the old days, when fishing on a sharp night, only Pine roots went into the lamp to avoid unnecessary crackling of firewood, which could scare away the fish.

In 1669, near Moscow, in the village of Kolomenskoye, the first wooden royal palace. Pine logs served as the material, while the carpenters did not use a single nail. In the palace there was a whole a thousand windows and 270 rooms. Unfortunately, to this day the structure has survived only in memories and drawings.

Photo credits: Diverso17 , GraAl , ALICE :) , VasiLina (Yandex.Fotki)