Types of green roofs "Green roof". Let's create it together with the members of the forum! Varieties of green roofs

Roofing with landscaping is the planting of plants, shrubs and trees instead of a traditional roof. Such roofs have been used for a long time, but modern engineering technologies have made it possible to bring the mechanism of their arrangement to almost perfection. A green roof provides effective heat saving, protects the building from the effects of wind, precipitation and temperature fluctuations, serves as an additional source of oxygen and a place where you can have a good time.

green roof technology

At the heart of creating a green roof that can last for many years is the design and installation of a multilayer roofing pie. Each of its layers performs its function:

  1. Thermal insulation. Foam glass, extruded polystyrene foam, basalt wool can be used to create this layer. The main thing is that the material should provide heat retention, be non-hygroscopic, and also withstand the pressure of plant roots.
  2. Waterproofing. Such a layer is laid using a special waterproofing membrane, which can be made on a bituminous or synthetic base. It is necessary both to protect the building structures from moisture, and to provide a comfortable microclimate for the life of plants. Together with a waterproofing membrane, an anti-root film can be used, which enhances protection against mechanical impact of plant roots, as well as aluminum or copper foil, which provides additional protection of load-bearing structures from moisture.
  3. Drainage. A drainage system is necessary when installing a green roof in order to provide plants with the most comfortable conditions for growth. It is created on the basis of durable roll materials, which are made from perforated polyethylene or high pressure polystyrene. The drainage system keeps plants at the level of moisture they need and removes excess liquid.
  4. Filtration. To create this layer, geotextiles or special thermo-riveted material can be used. Its main task is to prevent the drainage system from becoming clogged with pieces of soil, as well as to prevent the leaching of nutrients from it that vegetation needs for healthy growth and development.
  5. soil substrate. It can have different ingredients in its composition, but its task is the same: to serve as the basis for the vital activity of the plant layer. Modern technologies make it possible to create nutrient-rich substrates that can support the functioning of a green roof for many years.
  6. plant layer. The last layer of any roof of such a plan is directly the plants themselves, flowers, shrubs and even trees. It can be planted on almost any type of crop that easily tolerates exposure to a large amount of sunlight. Recently, even real gardens placed on the roofs have become popular.

In order for the design of a green roof to please the inhabitants of the house with its beauty and practicality for many years, the presence of all these six layers is necessary, although their composition and features may vary depending on the project.

Extensive roof landscaping

All options for creating a green roof can be divided into two large groups, the first of which is extensive gardening. It involves the creation of a beautiful grass cover that will be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roof or part of it, and, accordingly, the use of a sufficiently thin layer of soil substrate.
Extensive landscaping, in the vast majority of cases, is among the unexploited. This means that it does not imply the presence of people - it will be possible to go out onto such a roof only occasionally, and then to ensure that it is taken care of. The latter will be very simple and rare. For extensive green roofing, plants (such as sedum) and lawn grasses are used that are resistant to temperature extremes and lack of fluid.

Intensive roof greening

An intensive green roof device is the creation of a full-fledged garden, vegetable garden, flower beds and similar objects on the roof surface. This is a more complex system, but it leaves the possibility of exploitation, that is, the release of people to the surface for recreation and entertainment. Such a green roof involves not only more complex and painstaking project development, but also more complex and frequent maintenance.

To create an intense green roof, landscape designers are often involved, who help organize a real work of plant art on the roof surface. Another distinctive feature of such a roof is that sometimes the heat and waterproofing layers are interchanged for it, that is, the waterproofing is placed under the thermal insulation. Due to this, the waterproofing layer performs its functions in a warm temperature regime and is less exposed to mechanical stress.

Main types of green roofs

The device of a green roof depends not only on the type of landscaping chosen, but also on what type the roof itself belongs to. Thus, the following main varieties can be distinguished:

  • Green roof slope.

The main problem when greening a roof with a large slope is the possibility of soil sliding under the influence of gravity. Therefore, when arranging it, transverse stops or a special geogrid with small elements are used, inside of which the soil substrate is placed. Another nuance of sloping green roofs is that they are usually exposed to long and strong exposure to solar radiation. Therefore, lawn grasses, sedum, unpretentious wildflowers are used for them. Most often, such roofs are landscaped according to the extensive option.

  • Green pitched roof.

A pitched roof also assumes a slope, but it can be relatively small, which allows for the possibility of exploitation (that is, people walking on it). To prevent the soil layer from sliding and the formation of "bald spots" that contribute to rapid erosion, a geogrid with small cells is also used for pitched roofs. Additionally, an irrigation system can be thought out, since precipitation flows off such a roof quickly enough.

  • Green roof "pie".

On a flat roof, a classic six-layer “pie” can be laid according to the scheme described above. The device of the green roof "pie" creates a lot of room for imagination and allows you to use not only the simplest herbs and flowers, but also plants that are more whimsical to care for, as well as shrubs and trees. If desired, on the surface of a flat roof, you can create a full-fledged relaxation and entertainment area, as well as a vegetable garden, a garden or even a greenhouse.
In regions with long and cold winters, greenhouses or glazed rooms on the roof surface can be created for green roofing. Another option is to plant lawn and field grasses, and place more whimsical plants in pots that can be removed inside the house for the cold season. At the same time, the remaining vegetation cover in winter will help to save heat throughout the building.

Green roof design and installation

The installation of a green roof at any facility must be preceded by a thorough development of a plan, in accordance with which its installation will be carried out. This plan must include:

  • The list and sequence of the layers of plant roofing.
  • Information about the materials that will be used to create each layer.
  • Accurate layout of all components of a green roof structure, including geogrids for pitched roofs and irrigation systems for steeply sloping roofs, as well as additional maintenance systems for heavily green roof maintenance.
  • Information on how to fasten all parts of each system and the materials that must be used for this.
  • Data on plant varieties and places of their planting.
  • The layout of the decorative elements.

Professional installation of a green roof is carried out in full accordance with the project documentation, since even the slightest violation of technology can significantly reduce its quality and viability.

The calculations take into account, among other things, the load that such a roof exerts on the supporting structures of the building. The minimum load is created by extensive landscaping with simple lawn grasses or sedum, the maximum is intensive landscaping with complex landscape structures, shrubs and trees. For regions with severe winters, all snow in the cold season is additionally taken into account.

Benefits of a green roof

A green roof is a grass roofing technology that has many advantages, the main of which are the following:

  • Passive heat saving. In houses with such a roof, a less powerful heating system can be dispensed with.
  • Protecting the building from precipitation and wind exposure, as well as improving sound insulation.
  • Increasing the fire safety of the building. When a fire occurs, it will spread through the green roof more slowly than through a conventional one.
  • Creating an additional source of oxygen - green roofing as a type of ecological building allows you to create a green zone without spending a new land plot.
  • Creating a place for pleasant recreation and entertainment.
  • Reducing the amount of dust and harmful substances in the air.

Green roofs on small houses

The device of a green roof can be performed not only on large city buildings, but also on low-rise construction sites.

In a country house

Depending on the size of such a house, both intensive and extensive landscaping can be performed on its roof. In any case, it will contribute to hydro and thermal insulation, as well
will also serve to increase the area of ​​the green zone, for the sake of which many people move out of town.

In a wooden house

A green roof can be created even on the roof of a wooden building - you just need to take care of the strength of its lower layers, which protect the roof from moisture and mechanical damage. In the context of wooden buildings, a particularly important advantage of a green roof is its ability to slow down the spread of fire in case of fire.

On the farm

On a farm, a green roof can become not only an additional source of oxygen, a means for building thermal insulation and air purification, but even a platform for planting various crops. Plants that need a lot of sunlight will thrive on the surface of a building.
Thus, a green roof is a modern system that is created using well-thought-out technology and gives residents of any home many advantages. It is also an effective means of protecting the environment, purifying the air and producing oxygen, which is so necessary for our life.

The article was prepared with the participation of the head of the technical department of PENOPLEX SPb LLC Zherebtsov Andrey Vladimirovich

Houses with green roofs are rare, but always make a strong impression. One immediately thinks: people live here who stand firmly on their feet, and who have something to pass on to their children. This is an interesting but rather complicated solution. We will tell you about how to properly mount a green roof with the help of PENOPLEX® specialists.

Benefits of an "inverted" roofing pie

sv-k Member FORUMHOUSE

In my opinion, the green roof looks great and, I'm not ashamed to say, cool. Features: it doesn’t rattle and doesn’t click, it doesn’t climb, nothing drips from the roof in light rain, another 1-2 days flow in heavy rain (this is also a disadvantage, icicles grow in winter).

In inverted green roofs, including those in operation, the thermal insulation layer is located above the waterproofing layer, it can be said that it is “upside down” relative to the ordinary roof pie. Therefore, a green roof is not just beautiful. Protecting the waterproofing layer from seasonal temperature fluctuations, thermal insulation significantly extends its service life, and the fertile layer absorbs a significant part of precipitation and serves as excellent sound insulation. In winter, a green roof helps to keep warm (and as you know, heat loss through the roof can be up to 35-40%), and in summer it protects from heat.

  • Types of green roofs: intensive and extensive.
  • How green roofs were made before the invention of modern materials.
  • Green roof pie: bottom to top.
  • How to prepare the base of a green roof.
  • What to make the separating layers of the green roof.
  • How to choose waterproofing for a green roof.
  • How to choose green roof insulation.
  • What should be the soil for a green roof.
  • What plants to plant on a green roof.

Two types of green roof

There are two types of green roofs: intensive and extensive. Intensive green roofs are being built on the flat roofs of shopping centers and hotels; these are full-fledged gardens with trees and shrubs, often with paths, gazebos and pools. An intensive green roof requires a solid foundation and a thick, up to 150 cm, layer of soil. The load of such a green roof is up to 700 kg per square meter.

In private housing construction, extensive green roofs are used. This is a simpler technology. Extensive green roofs can be done on both flat and pitched roofs. Here you can already get by with a small layer of soil (5-15 cm). The load is 60-150 kg per square meter (plus an estimated snow load of up to 180 kg), and unpretentious plants that do not require complex care are chosen for planting.

If the green roof cake is made to last, all materials are selected taking into account the characteristics of the plants to be planted, the total weight of the structure, climate, etc., then it will last you 30-50 years. The selection of plants is almost as important as the quality of roofing materials and the technology of their installation. For an extensive roof, it is better to choose plants with predominantly horizontal roots and, for reliability, use additional root protection in the design of the green roof pie.

green roof pie

People have covered their houses with green roofs for centuries; and in Scandinavia, and in Siberia, and in other places, the roofing cake, before the advent of modern materials, was carried out according to one scheme:

  • wooden roofing made of poles or logs;
  • six or more layers of birch bark;
  • drainage from stones of various fractions;
  • sod layers with a total thickness of 7-9 cm.

It is interesting that the lower sods were laid down with grass so that the birch bark would not be destroyed by the action of humic acids from the soil.

Currently, when forming a green roof cake, new materials are used, and of course, they are superior to birch bark in all respects. The roofing pie looks like this:

  • vegetative layer
  • drainage layer
  • heat-insulating layer (extruded polystyrene foam);
  • anti-root layer (contains fungicidal additives);
  • waterproofing layer (polymer membrane);
  • separating layer (geotextile or fiberglass);
  • prepared base of the roof with a slope-forming cement-sand screed.

Yarik FORUMHOUSE member

I was in Norway, where in the countryside all the roofs are like that. I swear. And sometimes goats graze on the roofs of low sheds.

How to prepare the base of a green roof

The supporting structures serve as the basis of the green roof. At a pitched roof, the basis for a green roof will be a solid crate, at a flat one, which we are considering today, concrete floor slabs. When preparing the base for a green roof, it is necessary to make a slope of at least 1.5% (according to German standards - at least 2%) and no more than 5%. With such a slope, on the one hand, an optimal level of water drainage is created, and on the other hand, soil sliding under its own weight is excluded, and transverse clamps are not required to hold it. The slope-forming layer is usually made of cement-sand mortar.

Separating layer in a green roof pie

A separating layer of geotextile or fiberglass protects the membrane from contact with materials that could impair its performance. The separation layer is laid with roll overlaps of at least 10 cm.

Waterproofing in a green roof pie

When installing the insulation boards, they are laid tightly to each other.

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is very important, and for each region it will be selected based on regulatory documents.

Root protection and drainage layer in a green roof pie

To prevent plant roots from damaging the roof, a root protection layer is needed. This is a special material impregnated with a fungicidal (anti-root) solution. Pieces of the root protection film are also overlapped (at least 10 cm).

FORUMHOUSE participants, who have already made and are successfully operating green roofs, when choosing plants, preferred low-growing, low-maintenance plants, such as, for example, stonecrops of various species, young offspring, fescue, saxifrage, rough kotula, small-bulbous flowers.


For six months after planting, the roof was overgrown by about a third, this year we will continue to plant, sprinkle, etc. The neighbors do not understand me, I also have their metal roofs.

Member of our portal maxsimus1974 sowed the roof with hydroseeding at the construction stage of the Norwegian facade, arranged an irrigation system there (a sprinkler and a drainage pump with a pressure of 40 meters). The grass has grown rapidly and forced out the weeds, and now such beauty stands in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it surprises and pleases.

Be prepared, especially in the early years, to work on the beauty of your green roof. You will have to sow the seeds, mow the lawn, fertilize, think over the irrigation system. But the result is a hundred times worth the effort and money spent.

Building their dwellings, mankind has made a grass roof since ancient times. In some cases, this type of roof is called earthen. This type of roof does not present any difficulty and the construction scheme is not difficult.

There is, however, one indispensable condition: the weight of such a roof is large enough, so the roof rafters must be as reliable as possible. If structures are built from logs, beams, gun carriages, then a grassy, ​​heavy roof is even preferable - with its additional weight, the building being erected will go through the shrinkage process much faster. Also, the crowns will close much tighter.

You can divide the varieties of grass roofing into the following types:

- Turf.


Shingled (wooden).




How to make a grass roof

Let's highlight the main components of a grass roof.
First of all, absolutely any vegetation can be used for laying. But still better hardwood.
Next, a dense layer of earth (peat, turf) is laid, waterproofing is possible if necessary. Also, you can not do without a heater. Do not forget about drainage - it is permissible to use gravel or crushed stone as it.
Please note that the geogrid is used with a large roof slope. It makes sense to cover the drainage layer of crushed stone with a layer of geotextile.

Consider an eco-friendly way of laying a grass roof.

The construction of a grass roof is similar in most cases. This is a supporting truss structure and a crate made of unedged boards, on top of which turf was laid.
Instead of the waterproofing that is widely used today from rolled bitumen or other materials, a layer of birch bark was laid on the crate, on top of which turf was laid in two layers or the soil mixture was poured for sowing it with grass seeds.

However, before touching on the technology of laying bark and turf, it should be noted that the own weight of a green roof is about 250 kg/m2. This means that the shear load (especially on roofs with steeper slopes) can move all the grass down. To avoid this, fences were an indispensable constructive element of green roofs. Their function was traditionally performed by sod-protecting beams or boards laid along overhangs - the so-called sod holders.

At the same time, when creating a grass carpet, the construction of the roof had to ensure unhindered runoff of rainwater from the roof slopes. To do this, it was necessary not only to choose the right shape of the sod holders, but also to properly attach them to the crate.

Strips of birch bark were laid overlapping each other. In the overhang zone they were laid in 5…8 layers. At the same time, the strips released from under the fencing beam and put on it were laid with the outer side up. This was done in order to ensure effective water drainage and protect the sod holder and the end parts of the batten boards from moisture. In addition, the bark, laid with the outer side up, is an important decorative element of a green roof.

To increase the life of the roof, the rest of the bark was laid with the outer side down, since the inner side of the bark provides more effective protection of the batten from the mixture of sigumic acids contained in the soil.

To protect the turf laid on the sides of the pediment from wind and water erosion, natural stones were laid on the edges of the pediment. Later, gabled wind elements, which were used as logs, began to be used for this. They were laid so that the ends protruded above the ridge. Connected logs crosswise. And since the logs had the same thickness as the turf holders, together they formed a kind of wooden frame for the entire roof.

In another version, a windboard was used to protect the turf from erosion. They fastened it with wooden pins, and covered it with birch bark from moisture. Sometimes, instead of bark, a horizontally laid covering board was used.

One of the important elements of traditional grass roofs is a wooden gutter, which was made from boards connected to each other on screws at right angles or hollowed out from a tree trunk.

The weak point of grass roofs is openings (in particular for chimneys). To avoid water runoff along the walls of the pipe into the house, stone slabs protruding beyond the pipe were immured into its masonry.

At the same time, sheets of birch bark were placed under these slabs, diverting the flow of water to the roof. Stone slabs on the side of the slopes were arranged in steps, which contributed to a more efficient removal of rain or melt water from the pipe walls.

As a fencing element, a log is used here, supported by a thrust hook fixed under the crate. In this case, the hook, cut into the log of the upper crown, is fixed under the crate, and the round timber itself lies completely on the birch bark. So that water does not accumulate on the roof, slots are made in the sod holder for its drain.

Round timber, in turn, is also lined with birch bark. Despite the presence of such moisture protection, the sod holder still needed to be periodically replaced with a new one.

For example, when attaching a thrust hook over a crate, a space is formed between the birch bark and the sod holder, which ensures effective water drainage. And when fastening the enclosing element with the help of a dowel, special slots were provided in the sod holder for water drainage.

The solution is also interesting, when the fencing beam is attached to the side, with an indent of 5 cm from the edge of the overhang, which also ensures a quick runoff of water.

In all these cases, the sod holders are protected by birch bark. The overhang zone itself is covered with bark in several layers.

You can also apply the option of fastening the fencing beam using a powerful dowel, cut into the end part of the rafter. This method of fastening was used for roofs with hanging rafters protruding from the overhang by about 12 cm.

Often, in order to save wood, instead of logs or beams, boards 3–4 cm thick and 12–16 cm wide were used to protect the grass cover, depending on the thickness of the green roof.

To ensure water runoff, holes or cuts 3 × 3 cm in size were made on the lower edge of the board every 20 cm. On the side of contact with the turf, they were expanded, giving the shape of a funnel. Sometimes boards were installed without drain holes. In this case, they were fastened so that they protruded 2 ... 3 cm beyond the overhangs. For this, as a rule, persistent steel corners were used, which were screwed to the crate with screws.

Using the roof for planting is considered know-how in landscape design. But this is far from true. Green roofing has long been a well-known roofing material in Central Asia and Scandinavian countries, which effectively protects the house from overheating in the heat, and retains heat well in winter.

The idea is based on the use of the roof area to place a layer of soil on it with various plants.

The arrangement of such a green roof allows you to create not only vegetable beds and plant flowers, but even equip your own small garden. An artificial meadow of yarrow, lavender, echinacea and sage looks very beautiful on it. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, such a roof will emit a pleasant aroma.

Features of operation and installation of a roofing pie

For long-term operation of a green roof, you will need to make a roofing pie in accordance with its purpose. Usually, the choice of material with the required characteristics is made by the designer, taking into account the total weight of the structure, solar radiation, and water loads. A properly executed technological process guarantees the service life of such a green coating from 30 to 50 years.

In addition to the appropriate technology for laying materials, the pie requires attention to the fertile layer of the earth. A properly selected assortment of plants is of great importance, since the depth of the roots should be less than the thickness of the soil. To extend the life of the roof and its individual elements, it may be necessary to apply anti-root protection. It can be made from non-woven geotextiles or some types of polymer-bitumen membrane. If you plan to plant plants with a developed root system, it is better in this case to use special flower beds and tubs for them.

Consists of the following layers:

  • floor slab;
  • waterproofing carpet;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • profiled drainage membrane;
  • filter layer;
  • the soil.

To create a green roof, the main supporting structure must be made of reinforced concrete slabs or monolithic reinforced concrete.

The formation of the slope and direction of water drainage from the surface provides this layer. And for a good flow of water, you need to properly plan its angle of inclination. Typically, this value ranges from 0.5 ... 3%. The slope-forming layer can be made as a bearing base or created as an additional layer of expanded clay, slag or foam concrete.

Waterproofing and thermal insulation layer

The use of bituminous and polymeric membranes, as well as sealants, helps to prevent the penetration of water into the building. The main requirements that are put forward to these materials are: service life from 20 to 50 years, increased tensile strength and other types of loads.

It should be noted that steam accumulates under the waterproofing layer, which causes the structure to become wet and fungus to form. To avoid these troubles, the installation of droppers or wind vanes to remove condensate from under the waterproofing will help.

In addition to the above layers, the cake also requires good thermal insulation. The function of this layer is to keep warm in winter and cool in summer. The type of material and thickness of the coating are calculated by specialists who must take into account the operating conditions of the coating, climatic features and the location of the house. If errors are made in the calculations, the material will get wet, which will lead to the appearance of moisture inside the room. In addition, such a coating will lead to a holistic violation of the entire roofing pie.

Drainage layer and drainage system

The purpose of this coating is to drain water and prevent its stagnation. In addition to engineering purposes, the drainage system plays a significant role in the existence of vegetation. Therefore, this layer consists of perforated drainage and special pipes.

In this case, high-strength roll materials are used. In the process of their production, perforated polystyrene or high-density polyethylene with spike-like growths is used. When arranging a territory where this problem is not so significant, you can use perforated polystyrene slabs or simply cover the area with gravel, expanded clay or gran-slag.

This complex should provide high-quality removal of rainfall, melted snow and water used to irrigate vegetation on the roof. For this, drain funnels should be provided during the design. A feature of their installation is a uniform arrangement, without strong differences between the crest and the funnel itself. In this case, the area, slope, type of soil and type of vegetation should be taken into account.

A green roof requires the use of multi-level funnels that provide water flow not only from the roof surface, but also from the drainage layer. The axis of the funnel is mounted at a distance of at least 600 mm from the parapet, the funnels are attached to the supporting base of the roof, connected through expansion joints with the main risers. The connection of the funnel with the waterproofing mat is provided by a removable or non-removable flange or an integrated connecting apron combined with the waterproofing mat. Gravel filling up to 250 mm wide is made around the water intake funnel.


First of all, for laying a waterproofing layer in a green roof pie, it will be necessary to bring the main coating to the required standard. If the design does not provide for a slope, then the best option would be a claydite-concrete carpet with a reinforced cement-sand screed arranged over it. In such screeds, there should be temperature-shrinkage joints up to 10 mm, which divide it into sections of 6x6 m. They are installed strictly according to the project in low places with mechanical fastening to the building structure. Next, the base is checked for cracks and irregularities. If required, it is necessary to seal with a cement-sand mortar.

Scheme of installation of a green roof.

To ensure good adhesion of the roll material to the main layer of the green roof, the entire surface is treated with a primer using a brush or roller. And only after the entire surface has completely dried, the installation of a waterproofing coating begins. The waterproofing of a roofing pie can be improved by applying a welded reinforced material to places where water intake funnels, engineering equipment, and antenna extensions are installed. The laying of the roll material begins with the lowered places of the roof. With a slope of more than 15%, it is done along, and less than 15% - perpendicular or along the slope. The overlap of rolls during coating should be about 150 mm. For interconnection, a bitumen-polymer binder mass is used.

The second layer in the waterproofing is an anti-root film, which is laid over the entire surface with an overlap of 150 mm. At the locations of the drainage funnels, the film is cut along the diameter of the drain. In the process of laying, the panels should not have wrinkles, folds and waviness. To do this, all work is carried out with soft brushes and rolled with rollers. Particular attention is paid to the edges on which the connection technology is repeated several times.

Assumes the presence of a thermal insulation layer. Since it has direct contact with water, the insulation should be used with low water absorption. These include extruded polystyrene foam or foamed glass. Having a closed cell structure, they practically do not absorb water (less than 0.5%) and therefore are quite effective throughout the entire service life. Plates made of extruded polystyrene in inverted roofs are laid in one layer and connected to each other in a groove (dowels).

Next, a drainage layer is laid in the green roof pie. It consists of a filter element and a drainage core. As the latter, both natural materials (expanded clay, slag) and artificial (drainage mats or profiled membranes) are used. The filtration layer is intended for the passage of water into the drainage cavity, but at the same time does not allow it to silt. In addition, it prevents clogging of the drainage and prevents it from mixing with the soil. Made from thermally bonded fabric.

If a green roof is installed on an existing structure, calculations must be made taking into account possible pressure increases.

If the cake has a drainage substrate made of natural material, then they will need to cover the entire surface of the roof. As for laying artificial drainage, it has its own characteristics. The drainage mats will need to be sawn with a wide, fine-toothed saw before being installed. For the funnel, a hole for the drain is cut out of the appropriate size. Next, you will need to install inspection wells, dividing corners and other structural elements.

A filtering membrane is laid over the core of the drainage layer with an overlap of at least 200 mm. It will need to be brought out above the vegetation layer by 100 mm. In places where various structural elements are installed, the filter coating is brought out to the level of landscaping.

The final stage

The intensive type includes a full-fledged garden, which consists of coniferous and deciduous trees, the height of which reaches 4 meters, and shrubs. The fertile soil layer must be at least 1 meter. In this case, the building structure must be designed for a mass of 150 ... 750 kg / m². As for the exterior type of landscaping, in this case only the grass cover is planted, and large plants are placed in special containers. The soil layer is not more than 600 mm. Such light landscaping can be placed even on pitched roofs.

Sometimes the design of the territory requires the presence of pedestrian zones. The arrangement of such paths excludes the use of concrete. In this case, the laying of the coating should be carried out using sand or gravel, which are the basis for this coating. The use of this type of material will ensure the outflow of water to the drainage layer and prevent the appearance of puddles and ice. In some cases, it makes sense to carry out gravel filling along parapets near flammable structural elements and objects. It is separated by metal L-profiles with perforation. The installation of such separators is carried out even on the drainage layer.

Decorating a dacha is no less an important task than growing juicy vegetables and fruits, and therefore, when working in a summer cottage, it is sometimes worth thinking about the beauty of the landscape and buildings. Today, a green roof came into our field of vision, and in more detail about this design now.

A green roof in a country house is not just a green roof that is clearly visible from afar, it is a whole complex of processes, objects, individual actions and stages of creation, which leads to an incredible result. At the same time, if everything is done correctly and in accordance with the latest requirements, then we will not load the ceilings, we will not spoil the roof and we will not spread fungus and mold on the roof, but only beautiful ornamental plants that will seriously change the look of the dacha and its status.

Greening the roof is a great way to expand the usable area of ​​the site, but not only, because we can decorate any building in an original way, carefully and originally fitting it into the landscape and exterior of the territory.

Features and design requirements

As far as you understand, a green roof is a certain weight, and therefore, having decided to organize such a decor, we must accurately calculate everything. First of all, it is required to take into account the strength of the floors, and only on this basis, calculate the thickness of the soil and the type of plants for planting. We want to state right away that the safest and most suitable roof for our project is reinforced concrete, which can withstand, at times, up to half a meter of soil in thickness, which means that it will be possible to plant not only decorative flowers, but even shrubs and small trees. If the strength of the roof is doubtful, then it’s not worth the risk, because it can be decorated with other plants that require much less soil, for example, stonecrops or.

Any green roof is a multilayer structure, you can even say that this is an original layered cake, created from a variety of materials to decorate a country house.

Do-it-yourself green roof device

We will describe the process sequentially and step by step so that absolutely everyone, even a beginner, can understand and assimilate it.

The basis

There can be many options here: from a wooden batten for installing a green roof, and solid wood material, and even a special frame at an angle if you need to change the format of the roof and its design. But it should be assumed that the substrate or frame must be durable and well protected from atmospheric phenomena.

waterproofing layer

Each plant requires timely watering, otherwise you may not get a green, but, for example, a yellow roof from dry plants. But water for irrigation has a beneficial effect only on plants, but not on the roofing material. Therefore, we need high-quality waterproofing, which will not allow irrigation water to penetrate under the frame, stagnate there and destroy materials. Water will be stored in cassettes with soil and constantly feed the plants, or you can make a light drain on waterproofing (which is very correct and according to technology), but then change the irrigation schedule, make it a little more frequent.

Liquid rubber, polyethylene film or special polymeric membranes are tightly laid on the base of our structure and fixed.

Plant Root Barrier

The next layer must be placed on the waterproofing, otherwise, over time, the plants will grow and increase the root system, which will spoil the waterproofing layer. It will not be easy to replace it, and therefore, it is better to take care of its protection in advance. A polymer film can be used as such a barrier, or, when purchasing waterproofing, make sure that it already has a special anti-root layer.

drainage layer

The drainage layer will ensure the retention and runoff of water, that is, the regulation of its correct and required amount in the cassettes with plants. On a sloping roof, part of the water will leave through the drain, which is desirable to think over in advance; on a flat surface, it will be necessary to provide for the flow of water from the waterproofing into the storm drains, since stagnant moisture will not lead to anything good.

Drainage can be arranged from expanded clay, choosing a medium and large fraction for covering the layer, but geomats can also be purchased - special gratings that resemble washcloths and have good drainage properties.

Filtration layer

The next layer is a special filter that prevents and completely eliminates clogging of the drainage with various inclusions. For this, a special geolayer is usually used, which prevents mixing of soil and drainage.


A geogrid or cassette is necessary if the roof is uneven and has a certain angle. Naturally, on such a roof, the soil will not linger on its own, and even if you manage to lay it somehow, after watering and raining, it will slip and ruin everything.

In addition to the fact that a grille or cassette properly fixed to the roof plane will retain the ground, it will also help in the design and create an additional aesthetic effect.

A fertile substrate for a green roof

Both the layer and the composition of the soil will vary significantly, depending on the choice of plants for formation. For example, if you decide to cover the plane with ground-blooded species, then a soil layer of only 5-7 cm will be enough, but if the plants are decorative, with a solid root system, then the soil layer will have to be adjusted for them. Therefore, it is very important to think in advance what exactly you will plant on the roof.

Remember that fertilizing such soil is mandatory, especially since some of the fertilizer will simply be washed off during irrigation and rainfall. This does not mean that top dressing will need to be applied more often or in large quantities, you just should not forget about their timeliness.

Creating a green roof on video

Before installing the structure, you will definitely need to create a consistent work plan, and then follow it clearly. In addition, make a general estimate so as not to lose sight of the acquisition of the most necessary and not to spend extra money.

Every person can make a green roof with their own hands and we are absolutely sure of it. One has only to have the desire, use imagination, work consistently and in compliance with the laying technology, so that the landscaping turns out to be of high quality and durable.