How to make an extension to the house of gas blocks. Extension of foam blocks to a wooden house: pros and cons, stages of construction. Possible types of foundation

Extensions to residential buildings made of lightweight blocks are a popular way to expand the usable area without resorting to drastic measures. This solution allows you to build on a relatively small areas all necessary household and support services, rationally mastering a few hundred square meters. An annex of foam blocks is assigned to a garage, summer kitchen, bath. Near the porch, you can arrange a veranda or a mini-boiler room for an individual heating system.

It is important to correctly determine the type of foundation, because it is he who will provide communication with the main building. The height of the adjoining structure is selected so that its roof is at least 2-3 cm lower than the level of the main roof. Pay special attention to the walls if one becomes common. In this case, it is better to break through the passage in place of the old window so as not to weaken the supporting structure.

Construction technology step by step

All elements except the very first row are recommended to be laid not on a thick layer of mortar, but fastened special glue. The thickness of its application is only 1-3 mm, so the geometry of the foam blocks must be perfect, and the surface of the first belt must be set to a horizontal level.

1. The construction of the foundation is carried out according to the selected technology: the tape foundation is poured into the formwork and reinforced with steel rods, the pile or column foundation is immersed in the wells and aligned with the headbands in the same plane.

2. The finished base is waterproofed with bituminous mastic or two layers of roofing material. Combining the two methods will not be a mistake either. Insulation of the foundation of the extension is carried out if necessary, but most of these objects usually do not need this.

3. Lay several foam blocks at the corners in 2-3 rows, carefully leveling them in all planes. It will be convenient to navigate them during further laying, if you pull the cords.

4. After 4-5 rows are ready, longitudinal grooves are cut in them and reinforcement is performed with steel rods. From above, the frame is poured with glue and the laying of blocks continues.

5. To cover the outbuilding from foam blocks, light cellular or hollow-core slabs or dry prepared timber are used. The latter is laid only on a layer of waterproofing.

6. The roof is laid separately and docking with the main roof is not performed.

Attach additional space to finished house- the same as building a new object. The only difference is that there will be more free space on the site.

Binding Options

Two foundations can be attached to each other and rigidly connected only if several conditions are met:

  • block construction is carried out on soils that are not prone to heaving;
  • the house has stood for several years and has passed a full draft;
  • both bases have approximately the same depth of occurrence.

If all the points are fulfilled, a trench is dug along the old foundation and short reinforcing bars about 30 cm long are embedded in it to the middle. The free ends are fixed in the second base.

Extension from foam blocks to brick house can be fastened with metal rods 6-8 mm thick. They are driven into old masonry every 2-3 rows to a depth of about 15 cm and the same amount is left for bonding with foam concrete. In the brick thickness, reinforcement is additionally fixed cement-sand mortar. Such docking is performed only up to a level of 2.5-3 m above the foundation, since it is not possible to calculate the difference in shrinkage above.

The situation is more complicated with heterogeneous materials. For example, to wooden house you can attach a kitchen or a veranda made of foam blocks, but you cannot make a rigid connection between them. Due to the difference in the properties and time of construction of the objects, their shrinkage will occur unevenly, which will lead to the rapid destruction of the walls at the junction points. Other methods apply here:

1. Sliding fixation is carried out through longitudinal grooves cut in the blocks, which ensure free vertical movement of the walls relative to each other.

2. Insulated gap. As in the case of a bundle of two foundations without reinforcement, there are no anchor points here. The house can be closely attached to the main one, and the joint can be filled with any insulation: cord, mineral wool or mounting foam.

The appearance of such heterogeneous tandems leaves much to be desired, so that subsequent finishing, for example, with siding, will hide the specific seams between the walls.

The cost of blocks and masonry

To estimate how much an extension will cost, you will need a plan with dimensions and a calculator. The calculation is more convenient to make when you have already chosen the size of the foam blocks. Stones of 600x300x200 mm are usually used, but there are quite a few options. You will also have to take into account the brand - factories produce products with a density from D400 to D1000, but D600 will be enough for an extension. Them average price does not go beyond 3100-3200 rubles.

Dimensions, mmPrice per piece, rublesPrice per cube
600 x 300 x 10057,6 3200
600 x 300 x (150-250)83,8 – 139,5 3100
600 x 400 x 200151,2 3150
600 x 400 x 300234 3250
500 x 300 x 10058,5 3200
500 x 300 x (200-250)93 – 116,2 3100
500 x 400 x 200126 3150

A house made of foam blocks can easily be calculated according to the project by calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls from the foundation to the roof minus the openings. After that, the number of stones in the masonry and their total cost are determined. If you attach a kitchen or garage so that one of the walls is common with the house, the costs will be significantly reduced.

You will have to spend money on reinforcement and adhesive composition. The consumption of metal rods will be determined by the height of the extension and the pitch of the armored belts. Glue for each cube of foam concrete masonry will take about 20 kg (slightly less than a bag) - this is another 240 rubles / m3.

The services of professional builders will cost at least 2000 rubles / m3.

An extension to the house allows you to increase the usable area. One option is a foam block porch that can be used as a dining area or a place to relax. As a rule, the external decoration of the extension is carried out in the same style as the main building.

Construction features

Before you start adding a veranda to the house, you need to decide on the size of the structure and the type of foundation used. Particular attention should be paid to checking the condition of the soil, as well as the walls of the house and the roof, to which the veranda will adjoin.

Thematic material:

An extension project will be required. For a simple design, a drawing is enough, but with detailed details.

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account the size of the structure and the number of building materials, as well as answer the following questions:

  1. Will the roof elements need to be removed?
  2. What type of connection of the veranda with the main building to choose?
  3. Where will the extension entrance be located: separately or through the house?

Usually the design of the veranda, especially the foam block version, does not differ in complex elements. Without special knowledge, the structure can be erected independently, without resorting to the help of professionals.


After choosing a project, it's time to pour the foundation. But first you need to find out what kind of foundation is under the main building. This will be required for owners of old houses or those who bought a plot with a finished building. To study, they make a shufr (undermining) 1x1 m. Depth - to the base. The main rule is to fill in the same type of foundation that is under the main structure. If this is neglected, then a deformation seam will be needed. When in doubt, it is best to consult a specialist.

purpose expansion joint- reduce the load on the main foundation. It occurs due to temperature changes, subsidence of the soil and other natural phenomena. Used to attach a veranda to a wooden house.

  1. tape;
  2. columnar.

The first is created by the solid fill method. The second - with the help of bricks, on separate supports. It is cheaper than tape. The depth of the pit is no deeper than the foundation of the house. After pouring, the base is covered with a waterproofing material.

The attached terrace is a separate issue. If there is a foundation of sufficient strength under it, you can build a veranda on the terrace. If there is no base, you will have to fill it again.

Construction of an extension

The main material for construction is foam blocks, which are beneficial to use due to their large size, low cost and low weight. Due to the large dimensions, construction is accelerated, and the insignificant mass of the blocks makes it possible to reduce the cost of the foundation and work with just one assistant.

Wall construction

The main issue is the connection of the walls of the auxiliary and main structures. Perform fastening with metal brackets or fittings.

The construction of walls starts from the corners. To connect the foam blocks, use a conventional solution or special glue. In order for the mixture to better set with the blocks, they are moistened with water.

Masonry features:

  • seam thickness - no more than 3 cm;
  • leveling the level vertically by increasing / decreasing the thickness of the seam;
  • block irregularities are removed with a grinder.

You can't put block on block. Each new row of foam blocks must be shifted 15 cm to the side. This will increase the strength of the building at times.

Roofing and lintels for windows and doors

For jumpers use U-shaped blocks. Their advantages:

  • a light weight;
  • the possibility of creating an opening with a width of more than 1.75 m.

U-shaped block is placed together with the formwork or metal profile. You can use a timber beam. Reinforcement is mounted in the groove of the block and concrete is poured.

The design of the roof depends on the project:

  1. Shed is a logical continuation of the roof of the house over the veranda.
  2. Double slope - requires more rafters and finance. In addition, with such a roof in the veranda it will be colder in winter. Warming will help save the situation. Rafters use durable, made of quality wood or metal profile. Tiles are laid on top.

In a roof properly attached to the house, water should not penetrate through the cracks.

Combination of foam blocks with a wooden wall of the building

With this option, it is important to consider the following nuances:

Wood is subject to deformation from changes in air temperature and humidity. Therefore, between the wooden structure and the veranda of foam blocks, a deformation seam is made - a flexible layer of mounting foam 1-1.5 cm thick.

Once construction is completed, move on to exterior finish and interior landscaping. Bare foam blocks cannot boast of a presentable appearance, so it is better to line the walls from the outer and inner sides with any material you like.

Foam blocks - inexpensive modern material perfect for building outbuildings. With their use, you can assemble a very comfortable structure, warm and durable. Despite the fact that this material looks similar to traditional cinder blocks and bricks, its masonry is made using a slightly different technology. An extension to the house of foam blocks must be erected in compliance with certain rules, which cannot be violated.

Foam blocks can be used to expand the area of ​​houses built from any materials. Such an extension is perfect for a chopped building, and for brick, and for concrete. Sometimes in this way the area of ​​\u200b\u200beven light frame structures is increased.

Actually, the very question of how to make an extension to a house from a foam block comes down mainly to the following:

  • to the correct choice of the type of foundation,
  • compliance with masonry technology,
  • the correct choice of the method of pairing the details of the extension and the main building.

What you need to know

Foam blocks are a material characterized by ease of installation, low thermal conductivity and low cost. This is what determines its popularity. However, this material also has one fairly serious drawback. Foam blocks are fragile. Therefore, despite the fact that they have a small weight, the foundation for the walls of them should be built as reliable as possible. Only in this case will a durable extension to the house of foam blocks be obtained. It is not difficult to build a strong foundation with your own hands. The most important thing is not to save on materials and choose the right laying depth depending on the type of soil. The width of the foundation should be approximately 10 cm greater than the thickness of the foam block walls.

Do you need a clean finish?

Another slight disadvantage of this material is its not too high resistance to high humidity. Therefore, when drawing up a project, among other things, it will be necessary to decide on the type of finishing of the walls. It can be plaster, siding or lining. In the event that the extension is residential, the walls should also be insulated. The thickness of the foam blocks to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature in winter in the Russian climate is still not enough.

The construction of the strip foundation

Usually, an extension to a foam block house is built on this basis. A columnar foundation for it is arranged only if the walls of the main building are made of wood. This is due to the fact that the base of the extension must have the same design as the building itself. Under wooden structures, it is usually a columnar foundation that is arranged. The only thing is that this option cannot be used for two-story extensions of foam blocks. In this case, a more reliable concrete tape should be poured.

The foundation is built like this:

  • A pit is dug around the entire perimeter of the extension, the depth of which is equal to the depth of the base of the house.
  • Formwork is installed, which can be knocked down from wooden planks.
  • Sand is poured at the bottom with a layer of 5-15 cm.
  • Next, the footing is poured with a thickness of about 5 cm.
  • The reinforcing frame is installed. It is knitted from 12 mm rods. The base of the extension cannot be rigidly connected to the foundation of the house. Otherwise, it may simply break due to the shrinkage of the new structure. Between the foundations, you should simply lay tarred boards.
  • The concrete mixture is being poured. The proportions of binder and filler should be 1:3. Cement should take brands not lower than M400. The batch itself is best done in a concrete mixer.

The finished base for the extension must stand for at least 30 days.

Column Foundation

An extension of foam blocks to a wooden house can be built, as mentioned above, and on this basis. When pouring column foundation along the perimeter of the future structure, they first dig holes with a step of no more than one and a half meters. Next, they lower the formwork from the roofing material rolled into a roll. Then crushed stone is poured onto the bottom and reinforcement is installed from four bars connected with a clamp. Produce pouring concrete mixture. Above the ground, the posts should rise to the level of the grillage of the house. The bars are released by 20 cm. Subsequently, they will need to be connected with the reinforcement of the grillage. The latter is poured into formwork knocked down from boards, just like a strip foundation. Before pouring, soil is raked under the bottom of the future tape. After the concrete has hardened, it will simply need to be removed. Rigidly with the foundation of the house, the base of the extension in this case is also not connected.

Wall masonry

So, how is an extension to a foam block house made? The photos of structures made of this material, presented on the page, seem to demonstrate the usual simple masonry with elementary dressing of the seams. However, in reality, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, the assembly of walls from foam blocks is carried out exclusively along the mooring cord. The laying must be perfectly flat. Otherwise, due to internal stresses, a rather fragile wall may subsequently crack.

Secondly, you should be aware of what cement mortar only the first row of foam blocks is laid. All subsequent ones are assembled using special glue with careful fitting. The thickness of the seam of the first row should be about 1.5 cm. Adhesive - no more than 1 mm. Before applying a mixture of sides of foam blocks and upper part the previous row is moistened with water.

You should also be aware that for the strength and durability of the walls, foam block masonry in without fail reinforced. To do this, in every fourth row, two grooves are made on top of the grinder and steel bars are placed in them. To build an extension to the house from foam blocks without reinforcement means you will almost certainly get a number of problems in the future. Walls can crack even from minor movements.

The masonry itself is carried out with dressing of the seams with an offset of ½ block. over finished walls armopoyas is arranged. This will prevent cracking due to roof pressure. The armored belt is poured with concrete with reinforcement.

Roof extension

The assembly of the roof is what the construction of such a structure as an extension to the house should end with. From foam blocks (the photo on the page confirms this), you can build a fairly convenient and, most importantly, durable structure. But, of course, only if the roof is mounted in accordance with all the rules. For example, roofing materials that are too heavy for an extension from foam blocks should not be taken. For such walls, light metal tiles or profiled sheets are more suitable.

As for the design, most often the roof on the extension is installed shed. In this case, a Mauerlat is placed on the armored belt. The upper beam is fixed along the upper edge of the wall of the house. Next, the rafters are installed. Then the crate is stuffed and the roofing material is mounted. The rafters on the upper and lower beams should be fixed not on the corners, but on special sled fasteners. It is very important. If rigid elements are used, subsequently, during the settlement of a new structure, intractable problems may arise associated with the displacement of roof structures.

Wall joints

An extension of foam blocks to a wooden house, just like a stone house, is not rigidly attached. It's all about the same shrinkage. gaps between the new building and stone house usually filled with mounting foam. With a wooden structure, the extension is connected a little differently. The gap is closed with bars. They need to be stuffed on the walls of the house itself on both sides of the extension.

After a few years, the connection can be made rigid - with the help of special brackets.

As you can see, using foam blocks to make an extension to a building made of brick, concrete or wood is not too difficult. The most important thing is to fill in a reliable foundation and follow the masonry technology. An extension to the house made of foam blocks, built in accordance with all the rules, can last for many years - as much as the building itself.

Extension to the house of foam blocks - simple and effective method improving the external appearance of a private dwelling and expanding it usable area. The special technical characteristics of such blocks ensure their demand among individual developers.

1 Foam concrete blocks - an easy-to-use building material

The process of erecting extensions from foam blocks with your own hands is characterized by low labor intensity and ease of installation. Such blocks have a number of unique characteristics. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Incombustibility (foam concrete products comply with fire safety standards).
  • Affordable cost (compared to wooden beams and bricks).
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Creating an ideal microclimate for a person in a residential building due to the ability of the material to breathe.
  • Cellular structure, providing low thermal conductivity of the material.
  • A small mass (no need to equip an overly powerful foundation, which allows you to reduce the cost of building an extension to the house) and the dimensions of the foam blocks that are convenient for work.
  • High strength and long service life (foam concrete structures are built for 50-70 years).
  • Compliance of the material to processing (drilling, cutting, fitting to specified dimensions).

Foam block extension

An extension of foam blocks is allowed to be erected on all types of soil. They are built even on very difficult soils. The structures of foam concrete that interest us can be attached to houses made of any materials. Foam concrete almost does not shrink during operation. This distinguishes it favorably from wooden buildings, the walls of which are significantly reduced in height. Another advantage of foam concrete blocks is the ability to work with them without any special building skills. Almost everyone home craftsman will be able to attach foam to his dwelling concrete structure, spending a minimum of time and effort on such an operation.

We also note the shortcomings of the considered building material. There are few of them. Firstly, foam blocks outwardly do not look very presentable. Therefore, after the construction of the extension, you will have to spend money on it. quality finish. Secondly, foam concrete is characterized by increased hygroscopicity. This necessitates the device additional protection erected walls.

2 Do-it-yourself design – no professional engineers needed!

A self-taught master may well develop a project for a new building on his own. It is not necessary to invite specialists in the field of architecture for these purposes. Appearance extensions must match the design of the main building. When designing, it is important to do the following:

  1. 1. Competently calculate the load of the new structure on the ground. The power and type of the required foundation depends on its indicator.
  2. 2. Decide on the lighting option for the extension in order to provide for right amount window openings and mount them in optimal locations.
  3. 3. Decide how many entrances should be in the extension. You can design just one door, which will connect the main and additional structures. And if you wish, it is easy to make two exits (one - to the house, the second - to the street).
  4. 4. Decide on the need for additional noise and heat insulation of the new building, conducting water supply, electricity, and sewerage into it.

Extension from foam blocks

If you rationally design an additional structure, taking into account all of the above, you will be able to build a durable and easy-to-use room.

3 We build the foundation and build the walls - the work of the master is afraid!

The issue of building the base of the extension should be approached truly responsibly. The reliability of the structure under construction depends on the quality of the foundation. In addition, you need to correctly pair the new base with the one already under the house. For an extension of foam concrete blocks, columnar, linear, pile-screw foundations. The latter are the most difficult to implement. Arrange them with your own hands home master is often not feasible. Linear bases are suitable for small and light structures, such as car garages, saunas. On such a foundation, an extension to a wooden house made of foam blocks is most often installed. In other cases, it is desirable to make the same foundation as under the main structure.

Extension foundation

The scheme of its arrangement is simple:

  • You dig a pit a meter deep, pour sand or a fine-stone mixture into it (layer height - up to 20 cm).
  • Place the roofing material on the made pillow. You can use other waterproofing material.
  • Mount reinforcing bars, fill them with stones, pour concrete mortar.

The posts, which play the role of the base of the extension, can be connected to each other with wooden logs. But it is better to build an elementary formwork and fill it with a concrete mixture. As a result, you will receive a high-strength encircling foundation. Don't forget to cover it with another layer of waterproofing.

The walls of the extension always begin to mount from the corner. Laying of foam blocks of the first row is carried out on a sand-cement building mixture.

Important! All subsequent rows are laid on a special glue (sold in building stores), which is used to process the side and bottom sides of the installed foam concrete products. To reduce the risk of cold bridges, the seam should be made with a maximum thickness of 1 mm. The first row of masonry must be perfectly even. This can be achieved with a laser level.

In every fourth row, experts advise sawing a small groove and laying reinforcement in it. Such a precaution will protect the walls of the foam concrete extension from cracking. Note! Rows of blocks are mounted according to the standard ligation principle. The joints of individual products in adjoining lines should not coincide. Foam blocks protruding along the length when the building approaches the wall surface of the house should be cut with a hacksaw. This process is not difficult. Foam concrete is cut with minimal physical effort.

4 Final stages - the new building is almost ready!

Door and window openings in the constructed walls are equipped with special steel lintels or special parts in the shape of the Latin letter U. There is a slight subtlety here. U-shaped elements are mounted in cases where the width of windows and doors does not exceed 170 cm. If this figure is greater, it is necessary to install steel lintels according to the following algorithm:

  1. 1. Weld the reinforcing cages required along the length.
  2. 2. Nail wooden support bars on the sides of the door (window) opening. You mount the formwork structure from the magpie board from above. Be sure to install shields on the sides of the opening.
  3. 3. Saw foam concrete products into blocks of small thickness and place them inside the formwork.
  4. 4. Mount the frame from the reinforcement, fix it with wood spacers.
  5. 5. Pour the foam blocks with ordinary water, then pour concrete around the perimeter of the walls.
  6. 6. The concrete mixture must be well compacted, leveled and smoothed.

U-shaped parts are mounted much easier and faster. Formwork for them does not need to be poured. Mount a foam block on the sides of the opening, in which you make an approximately 0.25-meter support in advance. Check the horizontal level of the latter (it is recommended to use a hose level). If necessary, grind the U-product with a float and install it on the adhesive (the hole should look up). Then put the armature, fasten it, spill it with water. It remains to fill the structure with several concrete layers, leveling and compacting each of them with a construction trowel.

Strengthening the wall with a reinforced belt

In order for the attached garage, shed, utility room to have maximum reliability, it is advisable to strengthen the wall of the structure from the inside with an additional reinforced belt. The work is simple. Prepare templates from wood, lay pieces of reinforcement of a suitable length on them. Weld metal rods into a single skeleton. After that, fill the template with concrete, wait about 5-7 days.

Now you can start to mount the floors. They will hold the roof of the foam concrete building. Ceilings are usually made of hollow concrete slabs, aerated concrete blocks or wood. Wooden crafts it is mandatory to process with bio- and fire-retardant mixtures. The roof is erected conventional technology. Install wooden bars across the walls, make a truss system, mount a crate on it and lay the selected coating. Advice. Use metal tiles, profiled sheets or similar lightweight coverings.

5 Warming and ennoblement of the structure of foam blocks

The best option is when the extension will only adjoin the main building (a house made of wood, brick, stone) using an expansion joint. But it can also be rigidly fastened to it by attaching steel rods inserted into the masonry to the old reinforcing frame. The gaps between the structures are filled with mounting foam. An important point. If an extension is made to a wooden house, it is better not to use foam. Instead, stuff on both sides of the additional structure small bars. They will close all the gaps qualitatively.

The walls of the extension need to be thermally insulated and give them an attractive appearance. For this, decorative foam panels, which after installation is covered with a thin plaster layer. Outside, an extension made of foam concrete products is usually ennobled with artificial stone or decorative plaster.

Is it true that the foundation for the extension differs from the main one, what are its features? Many people are looking for the answer to this question, because when adding additional rooms to an existing house, you want these rooms to also have a reliable foundation. Most important tips and instructions we have collected in this article.

Wouldn't the extension be complete without a foundation?

Everyone knows what role the skeleton plays in the human body, similar functions are assigned to the foundation. In fact, this is the basis that is responsible for the reliability and durability of the building. Also, it is the foundation that provides heat and dryness in the room. If the base is of poor quality or does not fit under specific conditions, then dampness will appear inside, the floors can be deformed and even deteriorate. It also levels the ground level and prevents the penetration of carcinogenic gas from the soil into the dwelling.

Extension base

The choice of foundation should be treated with particular care. After all, it is necessary that it freely withstand the load and correspond to the type of soil. At the same time, there is no need to overdo it, for example, if you can fill in a strip or column foundation, then there is no point in replacing these simpler options with a complex monolithic base. Firstly, it is too expensive and will not justify the investment. Secondly, the first ones are much easier to perform and you can do them yourself even without outside help, but lay concrete slab will not be able to do it on its own.

It is mainly built of stone or concrete, but there are also wooden structures. If the building is lightweight, then you can give preference to a shallow base located above the freezing point. But most often its depth should be below this level. According to its purpose, it is divided into carrier and combined. The latter, in addition to standard load-bearing functions, must also provide seismic protection. There is also a special type, it includes "swinging" and "floating" foundations, their pressure corresponds to the pressure of the excavated soil.

What kind of foundation to choose from?

In this paragraph, we will consider what types the foundation for an extension is divided into. Tape can rightfully be called universal, because it is perfect for both heavy and lightweight structures. It is located only under the outer and outer load-bearing walls. It is mainly poured from concrete; to make the structure more reliable, it should be reinforced with iron rods. If you are going to make this type of foundation with your own hands, then it is better to give preference to the prefabricated version. The disadvantages include high cost.

Universal strip foundation

But the columnar, on the contrary, refers to budget options. But it is advisable to use it only when it comes to lightweight structures, for example, you need to tie a frame extension to a wooden house. The supports are special pillars located at intervals of 1.5 to 3 meters. These poles must be placed at the intersection bearing walls. It is best to make such elements from brick or reinforced concrete, but larch bars can also be used. However, such supports are expensive, and wood is not durable.

If you are going to build a rather massive building, then weak ground, then it is worth giving preference to the pile type of foundation. This design consists of supports connected by means of a strapping beam.

How can two foundations be connected?

The foundation for an extension can be rigidly adjacent to the base of the housing, resulting in the formation single design. Such a decision is relevant if the site has a weakly or non-heaving type of soil. It is also worth giving preference to this option when you are going to make an extension of several floors and want to connect it to the main housing through one roof.

If the base is a slab, then additional housing should also be poured monolithic foundation. At the same time, it is necessary that its thickness be at least 400 mm or the base of the residential building should have protrusions. In this case, it is possible to weld the reinforcement of the slab to the frame of the new foundation. In addition, if you wish, you can do everything with your own hands.

Monolithic foundation slab

The "tape-to-tape" connection assumes the presence of a sand cushion and reinforcement with a longitudinal slot. Metal rods are driven into specially prepared holes in the base of the house and form a frame for a new foundation. Next, the joint is made by means of a release about 40 cm long.

You can also build a separate base for an extension, which will be in close proximity to the house. A sheet of roofing material should be placed between the two bases. This material acts as an excellent waterproofing, you can also place a layer of thermal insulation or get by with a simple tow. In this case, it is very important that this layer allows the new base to not collect water during rainfall and not damage the foundation of the house. With outside special decorative overlays are fixed to the wall, covering the seam.

Laying the foundation - we do it according to science

Now let's move on to the practical part and consider how to make a foundation for an extension with your own hands. This detailed instructions will help save on the services of a master, because it is designed for self-fulfillment construction works.

Building a foundation for an extension with your own hands

How to make a foundation for an extension to a house - step by step diagram

Step 1: Choosing a base

The new foundation must fully comply with the type of the old foundation. In addition, the load and type of soil are taken into account. For example, if we are talking about a massive extension to a brick house, then it is necessary to lay a tape or make a pile foundation. But if the additional room is adjacent to the wooden housing, then it is possible to get by with a cheaper columnar option.

Step 2: Calculations

Regardless of whether you prefer a rigid type of connection or a separate foundation, the depth and width, as well as the dimensions of the foundation pillars, if any, should be the same as that of the foundation of the house. Determining these parameters is quite simple. It is necessary to dig a hole next to the housing wall and measure the dimensions of the base. If there should be no questions about how to measure the depth of the structure, then in order to measure the width, you should take a rod, bend one of its edges by 90 ° and put it in a horizontal position under the foundation. Then we turn the rod until its bent part rests on the back side. After that, you need to make a mark on the bar and pull it out. By measuring the distance from the hook to the mark, we find out the width.

Step 3: Preparatory work

Before pouring the foundation for an extension, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. If you decide to give preference to a rigid connection, then we dig a trench of a given size and drill holes in the existing base. Moreover, their diameter must exceed the thickness of the reinforcement. Metal rods should also be prepared. It is necessary to make a longitudinal slot on their end and insert a special wedging insert into it.

Step 4: Forming the frame

We drive the reinforcement with wedges into the prepared holes. The number of rods is taken at the rate of 20 pieces per square. Thus, the frame of the future foundation is formed. To provide reliable connection the following parts, it is necessary to leave the edges of the reinforcement about 300 mm long, which will subsequently need to be welded.

Step 5: Mounting the formwork

Now you need wide wooden boards. We form the formwork of the given dimensions. We securely fix its walls with props, earth, cinder block, etc. Can be closed inner part polyethylene formwork. The latter is especially true if you are pouring only part of the foundation and you will have to reuse these boards.

Step 6: Pouring Mortar

We prepare a mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water. It is very important to keep the proportions right. For example, for the M300, you can take 10 kg of cement, 30 kg of sand, 40 kg of gravel, mix everything well and pour 40 liters of water. If the concrete is too dense, then you should dilute it with a liquid, but only add it in small parts so as not to spoil the solution. We pour concrete into the formwork and wait a few days until it completely hardens. We moisten periodically, otherwise cracks may appear.

Step 7: Forming the Column Foundation

Making such a foundation is relevant when a lightweight extension adjoins a wooden house. We drill wells so that they are below the freezing level of the soil. We form a sand cushion and install fiberglass reinforcement. This material has excellent properties and does not require additional treatment with waterproofing compounds. Formwork of specified dimensions is also formed and poured with concrete. This foundation for an extension is the easiest to perform, and everyone can create it with their own hands.

Step 8: Building a Separate Foundation

But when the number of storeys of the main and adjacent housing is different, then a separate foundation should be made in close proximity to the former one. The distance between the two bases is from 2 to 5 cm, depending on the number of storeys of the new premises. The higher it is, the wider the seam is selected. We fill this gap with thermal insulation materials or tow. Then a special decorative overlay is attached to the wall of the housing. In this case, it is very important to correctly mark the base. To do this, we stretch the cord on the pegs around the perimeter of the future site and check if the diagonals are equal. If the heaving type of soil prevails on the site, then the floor of the extension must be made so that it is not lower than the flooring of the main housing by the amount of possible deformations.

An extension to a house made of foam blocks is one of the ways to increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house. When performing construction work, it is necessary to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements and established standards, as well as to know the features building material, methods of laying walls and features of foam concrete, its properties.

Wooden house with a block outbuilding.

You can independently build an extension from foam blocks saving your own money. The information article should help novice builders cope with the construction of an extension using foam blocks.

About the advantages of the material used

Foam blocks are a modern building material with an affordable price. It is suitable for the construction of various extensions. Using foam blocks, you can install a convenient, in all respects, warm and durable structure.
Masonry is somewhat different from the technology of using bricks and cinder blocks. But before moving on to the process of describing the masonry and building the foundation for the building, let's look at its advantages and pay attention to the disadvantages.

Advantages of the blocks used

Advantages of building material.

  1. You can do the work yourself.
  2. Save money.
  3. The workflow is not stretched. The construction of an extension from foam blocks will not take much time.
  4. Foam concrete does not burn.
  5. Possessing a porous structure, foam concrete does not exert additional pressure on the entire structure, shrinkage is minimal.
  6. The material is considered environmentally friendly.
  7. Blocks have low thermal conductivity due to porosity.
  8. It is easy to process, including, it can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw for wood.
  9. The durability of structures where blocks were used is determined by 50 years of age. These are the minimum times.

In addition, foam concrete blocks perfectly "breathe" due to the cellular structure.
They can, without problems, be used in the construction of extensions on all types of soil.
Everyone knows the high strength of this material.

On a note!
The light weight of the blocks during the construction of the extension allows you to abandon the powerful foundation (foundation).
Not the last place in the choice of material is the speed of masonry.

About the shortcomings of the material

The main problem with using this building material is that it requires strong protection against impact. precipitation.
An unpresentable appearance makes home owners resort to exterior decoration, which leads to an increase in the cost of work.

Which houses can be built on

Using blocks, you can expand the area of ​​​​an already built house. Moreover, it does not matter what material the house was built from, whether it be a chopped building, a brick structure or a concrete structure. AT individual cases extension to light frame structures is allowed.

If the house to which the extension is planned is 15 years or more, it is necessary to make a careful calculation of the strength. This is the opinion of professional builders.

The question of how to make an extension of foam blocks comes down to:

  • to the choice of a certain type of foundation;
  • compliance with the technology of laying blocks;

It is important to consider a way to interface the details of the extension to the main structure.


Since construction work is being carried out from scratch, it is necessary to build a foundation. Let's take a look at pairing methods. Work can be done in two ways:

  1. The use of a rigid, reinforced connection. This option is suitable for the already established foundation of the main structure, which has undergone a drawdown, and the overhang of the new structure will not affect the strength. This type of foundation is recommended for use on non-rocky soils.
  2. The second option: the arrangement of an expansion joint. This is, from an economic point of view, the most profitable option. The construction is much simpler than a reinforced connection. You can use one of three methods: screw piles, columnar or tape version.

Tape type foundation

First of all, you should dig a pit, at the level of the foundation of the erected structure. The pit should cover the entire perimeter of the extension.
The next step is the installation of formwork. The structure is built from wooden boards.
Further, the bottom of the pit is covered with sand. The embankment layer is within 5-15 cm and is poured with concrete (footing) about 5 cm thick.
The reinforcing cage is knitted with 12 mm rods. The frame should not be brought close to the main structure, so as not to cause shrinkage of the main structure. Just lay the tarred boards, and the issue will be closed.

The foundation of the tape type with a slight deepening.

We fill the base of the pit with a concrete mixture prepared in a ratio of 1/3. Experts recommend using cement M-400, not lower. You can knead the mortar by hand, but for the quality of the mixture it is better to do this using a concrete mixer.
Then it is necessary to withstand the time for the finished base to stand. The process usually takes 30 days.

Column foundation option

An extension to a house made of foam blocks, including a wooden house based on a columnar foundation. It must be dug around the entire perimeter of the future structure. The work is being done in stages. First, pits are arranged in increments of up to 1.5 meters, into which the formwork is lowered.
An extension to a wooden house made of foam blocks involves the arrangement of formwork, which is a roofing material rolled into a roll. The bottom is covered with rubble, fittings (4 bars) are put together with clamps. The structure is poured with a pre-prepared concrete mixture. It is important that the posts are at the level of the grillage of the house.
In this case, the bars should protrude 200 mm upwards, which should be connected with the reinforcement of the grillage during work.
The final stage of work involves pouring the formwork, knocked down from the boards, with a concrete mixture.
The analogy of execution does not differ from the arrangement strip foundation. Previously, soil is raked to the bottom of the tape. When the concrete hardens, it can be removed.

Pillar foundation.

Having withstood the required period of solidification of the concrete mixture, you can move into the masonry of the walls.

What you need to know about wall laying

Block laying starts from the corners.

To improve adhesion to the solution, the underside of the block is wetted with plain water. In order to prevent moisture seepage in the future, a waterproofing composition is laid in several layers as protection on the first row.
Before installing the next row, the previous "floor" is wetted with water. Close attention should be paid to the laying of the first row. The check is performed horizontally and vertically.
The further process and the correctness of the masonry depend on the quality of the initial structure. Subsequent work must be performed on the adhesive composition.
This will allow you to get seams of small thickness, about 1 mm. Usage adhesive composition reduces total area seams that can let in the cold. Seams are also called "cold bridges".
Each finished row of masonry is checked horizontally and rubbed with a grinding float. All work is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions. Having thus laid out 5 rows of the wall, reinforcement should be used at the corners, designed to more firmly bind the entire structure and prevent the formation of cracks.
Using a circular saw, you need to make a square cut to a depth of 50 mm. The cut edge should not exceed 30 mm.
Having knocked out a groove with a hammer and / or a chisel and having cleaned it, welded reinforcement is placed in the center of the groove. It must (mandatory) be filled with adhesive. An extension to the house of foam blocks involves the further arrangement of window and door lintels, the manufacture reinforced belt and overlays.

You will learn more about how to connect the wall of the house and the extension from this video:

Window and door lintels

If the jumper is installed incorrectly (meaning a large clearance), an increased load will adversely affect it. In this case, you can make a brick lining, which will strengthen the structure.

Arrangement of jumpers.

But this situation rarely occurs. Arrangement of jumpers and window structures can be done using two methods: by resorting to the installation of a removable or fixed formwork.

reinforced belt

An extension of foam blocks is not possible without arranging a reinforced belt.


It is necessary to give the house stability, including strengthening the load-bearing walls of a new structure.


When an extension is installed from foam blocks, the ceiling is the final phase of construction work. The foundation of the house is poured, the openings are ready, the construction of the erected walls is not satisfactory, therefore, it is possible to proceed with the overlap.

Overlapping of an extension from foam concrete material.

After a pause of several days, after installing the reinforced belt, an overlap is made. The material for the work is most often wood and aerated concrete slabs.
If mounted wooden details they must be impregnated with a bio/protective and flame retardant composition. The foam block extension is ready. It is necessary to bring an external gloss, give a decent look to the walls, and insulate them. Decoration involves the use of artificial stone in the decoration, decorative plaster or foam.


The foam block extension is completely ready. As you can see, there is nothing supernatural and archi-complex. It is necessary to have the desire and implementation of the planned plans to come true. For self-confidence, before starting work, look through the technical literature and see how others are building. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the video material, which is in sufficient quantity on YouTube.

What kind of foundation is needed for a house made of foam blocks on loam soil?

Over time, in almost every family there is a need for additional living space. The ideal option there will be an addition to the house made of aerated concrete with your own hands in compliance with the basic rules of construction work. Given all the undeniable advantages of this modern analogue of concrete, the construction of a new building will be quick, easy and will not require a lot of money.

Preparatory work

Before you make an extension of aerated concrete and start construction, you must obtain official permission from the relevant authorities. To do this, the design of a new part of the building is preliminarily done, preferably with the participation of specialists in order to avoid significant errors during independent construction, which entail destruction during operation.

An additional room, bedroom, veranda, kitchen, loggia, etc. can act as an annex. When constructing any type of extension, the foundation and walls are mandatory elements. The roof can be made in the form of:

  • adjoining to the slope of the roof of the house;
  • adjoining to the gables;
  • devices of a common truss system;
  • independent design option.
Attention: the construction of aerated concrete blocks is fast and does not require significant building knowledge and skills.

Given the differences in loads, it is recommended to make the foundation of a new building separately to prevent the formation of cracks in case of possible seasonal heaving of the soil. It is more rational to make the walls of the annex from modern analogues of concrete. We are talking about aerated concrete and blocks of this porous thermal insulation material. Aerated concrete is really very effective material, which has a high degree of thermal insulation, due to the presence of a lower density and a large number internal pores.

Features of aerated concrete

The more voids in the material, the higher its heat-saving property. This is confirmed by building practice on the example of hollow bricks. In aerated concrete, the pores are evenly distributed throughout the volume. A kind of foamed concrete is a material in the case of the construction of not a whole house, but its part in the form of an extension. Aerated concrete extension is an inexpensive and reasonable solution to the problem of lack of living space, especially if done by hand.

Tip: laying gas blocks is similar to masonry brick wall, the difference is only in size. Aerated concrete blocks have a standard of 20x20x40 cm.

The popularity of this building material is also due to its optimal strength, ease of use and high environmental friendliness. Aerated concrete walls "breathe" and do not create dampness in the room, they are built easily, quickly and without significant time and money.

Foundation - the basis of the extension

The construction of a new room in your house must be preceded by a mandatory foundation device for its load-bearing and internal walls. The connection scheme of two foundations, old and new, assumes the coincidence of the horizontal lines of buildings. Before starting the construction of a new foundation, the corners of the future building are measured. The diagonals of the resulting perimeter should be equal to each other and located at the same distance from the existing walls of the house. It is necessary to carry out a control measurement of the corners of the future building - they should be 90 degrees.

Under the walls of aerated concrete, a standard foundation thickness is selected. For middle lane- this is 40-50 cm. The depth of the foundation is chosen taking into account the depth of soil freezing in this climatic zone. The optimal depth is usually considered to be 50-60 cm. After marking and earthworks on the construction of a trench under the foundation, it is necessary to reinforce it using metal elements to give the foundation greater strength. Ribbed steel reinforcement is best suited for this purpose.

Important points of construction

The crucial moment at this stage of construction is the obligatory binding of the new foundation and its armored belt to the old one. To do this, end cuts are made in the old foundation and the reinforcement of the new and old foundation is connected by welding or tying with a strong metal wire. After that, you can proceed directly to pouring the foundation. For this, preparation concrete mix from sand, gravel, cement and water. It is desirable to use cement of a high grade with a short shelf life, since the strength of the cement is lost during long-term storage.

To prevent shrinkage of the walls during operation, the new foundation must be given time to stand and gain strength. This takes about two weeks. The plinth of a new building is laid out on the surface of the foundation. Brick is usually used for this purpose, because it is easily formed around the perimeter and gives good additional insulation from soil moisture. This is very important in our case, because aerated concrete has a porous structure that is prone to absorbing, absorbing moisture, which can further cause dampness in the corners of the house.

Attention: The finished foundation is covered with bitumen mastic and covered with roofing material for additional waterproofing.

After following all the preparatory processes, you can proceed directly to the construction of an extension of aerated concrete. In order to improve the thermal insulation properties of concrete with the help of foaming, its structure changes, pores form, and the density of the source material decreases. It turns out that with an increase in the ability to save heat, some of the strength is lost and the ability to withstand loads decreases. Therefore, the construction of new buildings entirely from aerated concrete blocks requires special building technologies.

Features of working with aerated concrete

The construction of an extension to a house made of aerated concrete is technologically and economically justified and contains many advantages, namely:

  • there is no need for insulation;
  • walls to build easily and quickly;
  • construction skills are not required;
  • aerated concrete has optimal strength with high heat retention.

Aerated concrete blocks are produced in production in autoclaves, which significantly increases and provides a sufficiently high strength. Walls built of aerated concrete blocks 40 cm thick have heat retention equal to a meter thick brick wall. To simplify the installation and construction of walls made of aerated concrete allows its property to be sawn with a hacksaw. Installation of blocks for an extension is carried out using a special building adhesive or concrete mortar.

Tip: Working with aerated concrete blocks conducted exclusively in dry weather, as it is very hygroscopic.

A feature of working with aerated concrete is also the need to cover it with waterproofing layers. Typically, such walls are plastered from the outside and inside. The extension will be even warmer, drier and more reliable if fiberglass is glued to its surface before applying putty and plaster. After the final layer of plaster, the facades of the walls made of aerated concrete blocks are painted or subjected to another design at the request of the developer.

As you can see, aerated concrete has a number of advantages and advantages in the construction of attached premises, especially good heat preservation and ease of installation. The construction of the roof for such a building is best done from shingles, bituminous slate and other non-heavy roofing analogues.

One of the ways to solve the problem of increasing the usable area of ​​the building is to build an extension. The material for construction is selected depending on its purpose, the planned service life. Using foam concrete block, you can build any residential and utility facilities.

The specificity lies in technological process combining two or more structures into one.

1. You can attach another room only to a building with a large margin of safety, after all necessary calculations obtaining permission for redevelopment.

2. The structure being erected in the process of subsequent operation should not have a destructive effect on the main structure or its foundation. Therefore, it is desirable to use a lightweight material.

3. An extension of foam blocks has a number of obvious advantages:

  • differs in small weight;
  • it does not require a strong foundation;
  • compatible with virtually any material.

4. Cellular concrete> D600 can withstand continuous deformation loads as solid walls.

Every building must be built on a foundation. From right choice its type depends on durability. At the same time, it is required from the base that it be no deeper than the main foundation, and also have the same design with it.

There are two ways to attach to an already built house:

Docking option Implementation nuances Restrictions
Hard connection If you plan to lay a foundation similar to the main one. It is produced with the help of durable reinforcement, below the freezing depth, followed by concreting. The new construction should not have a destructive effect on the building. The house must have been built long ago for the foundation to shrink. Work is not carried out on heaving soils.
Expansion joint It is carried out by the formation of a strip, pile or column foundation. The gap is filled with insulation. The ground around the object is disturbed minimally. Strength parameters must be preserved.

Attachment at the docking points must be waterproofed. To do this, the seam is treated with bitumen mastic, covered with roofing felt or other additional insulation material so that moisture does not get into it.

Calculation of the number of foam blocks

You should know the length, thickness, height of the outer and internal walls, as well as the parameters of a single element. The thickness of the walls is determined depending on the climatic zone of the construction site and the purpose of the extension. According to the regulations, for residential premises, laying in two blocks is required, for the rest - in one.

1. It is necessary to draw up a project or an exact sketch, indicating on it:

  • walls;
  • internal partitions;
  • door and window openings.

2. Decide what will be a multiple of the thickness of the masonry: the length or width of the element. Foam concrete blocks have standard width 60 cm, and their height varies with length.

3. The annex itself consists of 3 walls. Therefore, you need to measure its perimeter, divide by the length of the brick. The result obtained is equal to the number in one horizontal row. Then:

  • find out the number in the vertical row, for which the planned height of the structure is divided by the height of the product;
  • multiply the received data. The work is the amount of material needed for the extension, but without deducting openings;
  • calculate the area of ​​the openings, divide it by S of the element;
  • subtract the result from the total.

4. If it is planned to install partitions inside, then the number is calculated in the same way as for the annex.

5. A more complex option when it is planned to erect an object with atypical architectural forms of the walls. In such a situation, all parts are measured separately, the results are summarized.

The resulting number should be multiplied by 5%, since this is a rather fragile material, it may be damaged during delivery.

Nuances of construction

If facade cladding is supposed, then any building, including a wooden one, can be supplemented with a foam concrete structure. Consideration of regulatory requirements allows you to make the connection technically correct and inconspicuous.

1. At the preparatory stage, you cannot ignore the analysis of the state of the house:

  • initially you need to check the walls, if necessary, replace rotten logs;
  • for uniform shrinkage of both parts, the depth of the bookmark, the size and features of the foundation are checked.

2. In order to properly and securely fasten an extension and a brick or wooden house, you must follow the basic installation algorithm. The layout starts from the corners, this allows you to measure the horizontal and vertical position of each block using building level and check the alignment of the rows.

3. Rigid connection of the roof of the main building with the roof is not required due to shrinkage. Is done:

  • adjoining to the slope or gables:
  • arrangement of a common truss system;
  • another version of an independent design.

To prevent the ingress of moisture and precipitation into the building, the roof is overlapped at different levels.

4. Shrinkage of the walls can be reduced if the new foundation is allowed to stand for six months.

5. It is better to attach a room made of a similar material to the house. Otherwise, due to the difference in properties, the decrease in their size with volume will occur unevenly and may lead to deformation of the walls at the junction points. Therefore, 2 docking options are used:

  • longitudinal grooves are cut in the foam concrete, providing free-sliding movement of the walls relative to each other.
  • a gap is left, which is subsequently filled with mineral wool, polyurethane foam or other insulation.

The connecting seam is closed with trim.

6. If you are going to attach a garage or a bathhouse to a brick house, you should consider:

  • the connection with the masonry is made through 4 rows, for this, holes are drilled in advance, the ends of the metal mesh are embedded there, everything is filled with mortar;
  • if the extension is equal in height to the level of one floor, then the connection is not made;
  • the junction is plastered.

7. A foam block house has only two drawbacks:

  • loss of thermal insulation qualities due to its hygroscopicity;
  • unpresentable appearance of facades.

In both cases, the issue is resolved by arranging a protective layer with a finish. Low weight eliminates the need to strengthen the foundation, which simplifies construction processes helps to save.

Price of work and blocks

The cost of building a building is usually equal to 1/3 of the estimated cost the entire turnkey project. To calculate the total amount, you need to take into account:

  • territorial location of the object;
  • planned arrangement of communications;
  • the total area of ​​the extension with its number of storeys;
  • the cost of insulating and finishing materials.

If the installation is not carried out independently, but by a construction team, then the estimate should include payment for the services of workers.