What is the name of the end of the roof of the house. The main elements of the roof, the features of their installation and maintenance. Structural elements and details

Choice roofing material and the roof structure is produced during the development of the building project. It all depends on the design of the building, its construction and purpose. Roof elements, materials for the device, the choice of the type of roof depend on many factors. First of all, these are climatic and geographical conditions, architectural requirements for the structure and the degree of capitalization of the building. The design of the roof of a bathhouse or some outbuilding may be completely different from that of a residential building.

There are three main elements at the roof: rafters, lathing and a protective part, that is, a roof. The horizontal parts are called the groove, the ridge and the valley. Slopes and ribs act as inclined surfaces. Gutters are sometimes used to provide runoff at the lower edge of the slope.

Structural elements of the roof

Now consider what the roof consists of and its protective covering- roof.

It is known that all buildings have at least some upper ceiling, and in civilized buildings it can be of two types:

  • Attic (or top) ceiling. Serves to protect against cooling.
  • Roof. Provides protection for the entire building precipitation, sun and wind.

Structural elements roofs

The main elements of the roof:

  • One of the main elements is a slope - the so-called system of inclined planes, which contributes to the trouble-free removal of precipitation from the roof. We can say that it provides its water resistance.
  • Ribs are protruding corners that appear due to the intersection of the slopes.
  • The endova, or groove, is the internal corners formed at the intersection of two slopes. One of the main structural elements.
  • Descent - this is the name of the lower part of the slope.
  • Drip - and this is the lower part of the descent, which protects the cornice and wall from water.
  • Beyond the edge of the outer walls of the building protrudes the horizontal part of the slope, which is called eaves overhang.
  • There is also a frontal overhang, which is called the inclined part of the slope.
  • A gutter is necessarily made at the edge of the slope - a place to collect melt and rainwater.

The liquid collected by the gutters is discharged and discharged down with the help of a water outlet, which can be of two types:

  • outdoor, in which downpipes are installed at outer wall building;
  • internal - drainpipes are mounted inside the walls, most often used if a flat roof is installed.

However, gutters and spillways can be omitted if the height of the building is small and the construction area is small. Water will fall from the edge of the roof directly to the ground.

Roof elements stacked in the longitudinal or transverse direction. Sheets of roofing steel are joined into a lock, and all other coatings are overlapped.

A chart that helps you choose the material to cover and the type of drainage system depending on the slope of the roof.

An important parameter of the roof is the slope, which protects the roof from the accumulation of precipitation, especially snow. It is expressed mainly in degrees, but in the drawings you can also see the slope as a percentage. The coating material and the method of removing moisture from the roof depend on this indicator.

Geometric roof shapes

Surely for some people uninitiated in construction it will be a surprise how many different geometric shapes roofs. Of course, each of them is used for a certain kind buildings:

  • Single roof. Used to be enough simple buildings on which there are no downpipes and snow dumping. It is also optimal for those buildings that adjoin the longitudinal side to a larger building. It is indispensable for auxiliary buildings: baths, toilets, gazebos, etc. The simplest type of roof that does not require a large amount of material, but at the same time one of the most durable.
  • Gable, or gable. This is a design of two inclined slopes. The triangular space between the slopes is called tongs or gables. One of the most popular species roofs used in the construction of houses, cottages and buildings with large quantity floors.

Roofs are different, which shows this figure. There are no three pitched roof. The conical gable design looks the most original

  • Four-slope. It is subdivided into hip and tent. Mainly used in agriculture and cottage construction.
  • Dome. Used to cover buildings. One of the most vintage views roofs. Often used in the construction of hotels or pavilions.
  • Attic. A type of gable roof.
  • vaulted. Used to cover industrial or public buildings rectangular plan.
  • Conical. Indispensable in the construction of round buildings.
  • Pyramidal. "Serves" buildings of a square or polygonal plan.

As you can see, depending on the shape and purpose of the building, one or another type of roof is used. Use for toilet or bath four-slope design- complete nonsense, in the same way, for multi-storey buildings, a pitched roof is not a suitable option.

In addition to the shape, the roofs are also divided according to their design. According to this indicator, they can be attic and non-attic. Attic (separate) roofs, depending on the type of building, can be insulated or made cold. In combined (non-attic) roofs, load-bearing elements cover the top floor of the building. Non-attic roofs are built without ventilation or with full or partial ventilation.

Difference between attic and non-attic roof. In roofs without an attic, the load-bearing wall takes over.

As we have already mentioned, the choice of the shape of the roof depends on the architectural design, the type of roofing material, etc. The slope of the slopes and the features of the supporting structure decide a lot. cannot be neglected and climatic conditions. In warm areas, roofs with a slight slope are popular, and in snowy conditions, with a steep slope and a small overhang so that snow does not linger on the roof. In conditions strong winds the design should be flat to reduce windage.


As the base of any roof, rafters made of wooden boards or beams are used. This is a load-bearing structure that takes the weight of the roof on itself, so it is always made of high quality wood, without cracks and rot. The material for the manufacture of rafters are boards conifers or bars. They should be perfectly dried and contain a minimum number of knots. Logs are acceptable, but they are much heavier.

The support for the rafters is the Mauerlat. This is a beam with a cross section of at least 10x10 cm or a log, necessarily hewn with bottom side. This element is also intended to ensure that the load on bearing walls distributed evenly. Can be used as a Mauerlat top crown a log house for the construction of cobbled and chopped buildings.

Rafter scheme for gable roof. Mauerlat as a support is required.

The cross section of the rafters is calculated additionally, and it depends on several indicators: the load created by the weight of the roof and snowfall, the pitch of the rafters, the size of the span and the slope of the roof. According to the installation method, the rafters are divided into two types: layered and hanging. The first are installed obliquely on supports, which serve as external walls (at pitched roof) or internal with external (for a gable). Hanging rafters rest only on the walls of the building. They are installed in those buildings where there are no additional supports and internal load-bearing walls.

Sheathing is used as the basis for maintaining and laying the roof. It can be solid, but most often it is done with some step, which depends on the material. The main requirements for the manufacture of the base:

  • all parts must be tightly fixed on the supporting structure;
  • joints above the rafters must be spaced apart.

Crate with pitch is used when the coating is made of asbestos-cement sheets, tiles or sheet steel.

Solid flooring can also be used as a base, however, it is only suitable for roll material or flat asbestos cement tiles. The distance between boards or beams should be the same over the entire surface.

The frame is made from edged board. Depending on the type of proposed roof and roof structure, it can be solid or discharged.

General conclusions

The device of the roof, although it seems complicated, however, contains elements, each of which performs its own functions. A lot depends on the design of the entire roof, which is developed during the design of the building or renovation planning.

The roof of your house will be reliable and durable only when all the components are correctly and correctly installed: roofing, ribs, ridges, gutters, pipe connections and other components. It is better to buy a roof in a complete set, which has everything necessary materials and accessories, all from the same manufacturer.

Roof complex configuration with fantasy design

Private architects or design bureaus should be engaged in the design of buildings, since only they have the necessary permission to do so. Finished project houses contains a roof plan, all components and details of the roof structure. Direct construction should be trusted only to professionals who will perform quality installation and provide a guarantee for the work performed.

At the heart of every roof is a large number of beams, rafters, racks and runs, which are collectively called the truss system. Over the centuries-old history of types and methods of its organization, a lot has accumulated, and each has its own characteristics in the construction of knots and cuts. We will talk in more detail about what the gable roof truss system can be and how the rafters and other elements of the system should be attached in more detail.

The design of the gable roof truss system

In the context of a gable roof is a triangle. It consists of two rectangular inclined planes. These two planes are connected at the highest point in single system ridge beam (run).

Now about the components of the system and their purpose:

  • Mauerlat - a beam that connects the roof and walls of the building, serves as a support for the rafter legs and other elements of the system.
  • Rafter legs - they form the inclined planes of the roof and are the support for the crate under the roofing material.
  • Ridge run (bead or ridge) - combines two roof planes.
  • A puff is a transverse part that connects opposite rafter legs. Serves to increase the rigidity of the structure and compensate for bursting loads.
  • Beds - bars located along the Mauerlat. Redistribute the load from the roof.
  • Side runs - support the rafter legs.
  • Racks - transfer the load from the runs to the beds.

Filly may still be present in the system. These are boards that extend the rafter legs to form an overhang. The fact is that in order to protect the walls and foundation of the house from precipitation, it is desirable that the roof ends as far as possible from the walls. To do this, you can take long rafter legs. But the standard lumber length of 6 meters is often not enough for this. Ordering non-standard is very expensive. Therefore, the rafters are simply grown, and the boards with which this is done are called “fillies”.

There are quite a few designs of truss systems. First of all, they are divided into two groups - with layered and hanging rafters.

With hanging rafters

These are systems in which the rafter legs rest only on the outer walls without intermediate supports (bearing walls). For gable roofs, the maximum span is 9 meters. When installing a vertical support and a strut system, it can be increased up to 14 meters.

The hanging type of gable roof truss system is good because in most cases there is no need to install a Mauerlat, and this makes the installation of rafter legs easier: no need to make cuts, just mow the boards. To connect the walls and rafters, a lining is used - a wide board, which is attached to studs, nails, bolts, crossbars. With such a structure, most of the bursting loads are compensated, the impact on the walls is directed vertically downwards.

Types of truss systems with hanging rafters for different spans between load-bearing walls

Gable roof truss system for small houses

There is a cheap version of the truss system when it is a triangle (photo below). Such a structure is possible if the distance between the outer walls is not more than 6 meters. For such a rafter system, it is possible not to calculate the angle of inclination: the ridge must be raised above the puff to a height of at least 1/6 of the span length.

But with this construction, the rafters experience significant bending loads. To compensate for them, they either take rafters of a larger section or cut the ridge part in such a way as to partially neutralize them. To give greater rigidity in the upper part, wooden or metal plates are nailed on both sides, which securely fasten the top of the triangle (also see not the picture).

The photo also shows how to grow rafter legs to create a roof overhang. A cut is made, which should go beyond the line drawn from inner wall up. This is necessary to move the incision site and reduce the likelihood of a rafter breaking.

Ridge knot and fastening of the rafter legs to the backing board when simple version systems

For mansard roofs

Option with the installation of a crossbar - used when. In this case, it is the basis for filing the ceiling of the room below. For reliable operation of this type of system, the crossbar notch must be hingeless (rigid). The best option- semi-pan (see the figure below). Otherwise, the roof will become unstable to loads.

Please note that in this scheme there is a Mauerlat, and the rafter legs should extend beyond the walls to increase the stability of the structure. To secure them and dock with the Mauerlat, a cut is made in the form of a triangle. In this case, with an uneven load on the slopes, the roof will be more stable.

With such a scheme, almost the entire load falls on the rafters, therefore they must be taken with a larger section. Sometimes the raised puff is reinforced with a suspension. This is necessary to prevent it from sagging if it serves as a support for ceiling sheathing materials. If the puff is short, it can be secured in the center on both sides with boards nailed to the nails. With a significant load and length, there may be several such insurances. In this case, boards and nails are also enough.

For big houses

With a significant distance between the two outer walls, a headstock and struts are installed. This design has high rigidity, since the loads are compensated.

With such a long span (up to 14 meters), it is difficult and expensive to make a one-piece puff, because it is made from two beams. It is connected by a straight or oblique cut (picture below).

For reliable docking, the junction is reinforced with a steel plate mounted on bolts. Its dimensions must be more sizes cuts - extreme bolts are screwed into solid wood at a distance of at least 5 cm from the edge of the cut.

In order for the circuit to work properly, it is necessary to correctly make the struts. They transmit and distribute part of the load from the rafter legs to the puff and provide structural rigidity. Metal strips are used to reinforce the connections.

When assembling a gable roof with hanging rafters, the cross-section of lumber is always larger than in systems with layered rafters: there are fewer load transfer points, therefore, each element has a greater load.

With rafters

In gable roofs with layered rafters, their ends rest on the walls, and middle part rest on load-bearing walls or columns. Some schemes burst walls, some do not. In any case, the presence of a Mauerlat is mandatory.

Bezporny schemes and knots of cuts

Houses made of logs or timber do not respond well to spacer loads. For them, they are critical: the wall can fall apart. For wooden houses the truss system of a gable roof must be non-thrust. Let's talk about the types of such systems in more detail.

The simplest non-spacer scheme of the truss system is shown in the photo below. In it, the rafter leg rests on the Mauerlat. In this embodiment, it works on a bend, without bursting the wall.

Pay attention to the options for attaching the rafter legs to the Mauerlat. In the first, the support platform is usually beveled, while its length is no more than the cross section of the beam. The depth of the cut is no more than 0.25 of its height.

The top of the rafter legs is laid on the ridge beam without fastening it to the opposite rafter. Two shed roofs are obtained according to the structure, which adjoin (but do not connect) one with the other in the upper part.

It is much easier to assemble the option with rafter legs fastened in the ridge part. They almost never give a thrust on the walls.

For this scheme to work, the rafter legs below are attached using a movable joint. To fix the rafter leg to the Mauerlat, one nail is hammered from above or a flexible steel plate is placed from below. See the photo for options for attaching rafter legs to a ridge run.

If the roofing material is planned to be heavy, it is necessary to increase the bearing capacity. This is achieved by increasing the cross section of the elements of the truss system and strengthening the ridge assembly. It is shown in the photo below.

Strengthening the ridge assembly for heavy roofing material or with significant snow loads

All of the above gable roof schemes are stable in the presence of uniform loads. But in practice, this almost never happens. There are two ways to prevent the roof from sliding in the direction of greater load: by installing a brace at a height of about 2 meters or by struts.

Options for truss systems with contractions

The installation of contractions increases the reliability of the structure. In order for it to work normally, at the places where it intersects with drains, you need to attach nails to them. The cross section of the beam for the scrum is used the same as for the rafters.

They are attached to the rafter legs with bots or nails. Can be installed on one or both sides. The knot for attaching the bout to the rafters and the ridge run, see the figure below.

In order for the system to be rigid and not “crawl” even under emergency loads, it is enough in this embodiment to provide a rigid fastening of the ridge beam. In the absence of the possibility of its displacement in the horizontal, the roof will withstand even significant loads.

Rafter systems with braces

In these options, rafter legs, which are also called struts, are added for greater rigidity. They are installed at an angle of 45° with respect to the horizon. Their installation allows you to increase the span length (up to 14 meters) or reduce the cross section of beams (rafters).

The strut is simply substituted at the required angle to the beams and nailed from the sides and bottom. Important requirement: the strut must be cut accurately and fit snugly against the uprights and the rafter leg, excluding the possibility of its deflection.

Systems with rafter legs. Above is a spacer system, below is a non-spacer system. The nodes of the correct felling for each are located nearby. At the bottom - possible schemes strut mounts

But not in all houses, the average load-bearing wall is located in the middle. In this case, it is possible to install struts with an angle of inclination relative to the horizon of 45-53 °.

Bracing systems are necessary if significant uneven shrinkage of the foundation or walls is possible. The walls can sit in different ways on wooden houses, and foundations - on layered or heaving soils. In all these cases, consider the installation of truss systems of this type.

System for houses with two internal load-bearing walls

If the house has two load-bearing walls, two rafters are installed, which are located above each of the walls. Beds are laid on the intermediate load-bearing walls, the load from the rafter beams is transferred to the beds through the racks.

In these systems ridge run do not put: it gives expansion forces. The rafters in the upper part are connected to one another (cut and joined without gaps), the joints are reinforced with steel or wooden plates, which are nailed.

In the upper non-expansion system, the expanding force is neutralized by tightening. Please note that the puff is placed under the run. Then it works efficiently (the top diagram in the figure). Stability can be provided by racks, or jointing - beams installed obliquely. In the spacer system (in the picture it is below), the cross member is a crossbar. It is installed above the run.

There is a variant of the system with racks, but without rafters. Then a rack is nailed to each rafter leg, which rests on the intermediate load-bearing wall with the second end.

Fastening the rack and tightening in the rafter system without a rafter run

To fasten the racks, nails for 150 mm and bolts 12 mm are used. Dimensions and distances in the figure are in millimeters.

The roof is a structure that serves as the end of the house in its upper part.

Roof construction is one of the most important points in the process of building a house. When installing a roof, it is very important to follow the technology of roof installation, the violation of which can lead to trouble: heat loss, leakage or even distortion and destruction of the entire roof frame. In order for the roof to cope with its protective functions, it must be properly built.

The roof is an essential element of any building. Regardless of the type of roof and the materials from which it is made, this design must be durable and perform its main functions. The main purpose of each roof is to protect the building from any bad weather, and in case attic floor- serve as a high-quality hydro- and heat insulator.

Designed in accordance with the expected loads and architectural features of the building, the roof structure will not only decorate the structure, but also provide it with reliable protection. The more carefully the roof structure is thought out and the parameters calculations are more accurate constituent elements its design, the more practical it will be in the course of further operation.

Based on the slope of the roofing system, they can be pitched or flat. The latter are installed horizontally or with a slope not exceeding 3%. Pitched roofs consist of inclined planes intersecting their tops - slopes.

The slope of such roofs is calculated based on the roofing material used. So, when the roof is covered with ceramic tiles, the slope is determined by the ratio 1:2, and if it is covered with metal tiles - 1:3 (L = 16). Roofs with a slope angle of 15% or more are classified as steep, up to 15% - gentle.

What parts does the roofing system of buildings consist of?

Regardless of the features of the structure on which the installation of the roof is planned, its structure is assembled from the following main elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • rafter system;
  • crate;
  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • roofing material.

Roof system design

Mauerlat acts as a solid foundation for roof construction. This is the top trim of beams made of wood or reinforced concrete. The bars must be firmly fixed to the walls of the structure. Top surface beams or wooden logs should be horizontal, since the rest of the structural elements will be mounted on it in the future. To protect the wood of the beams from moisture, several layers of roofing material can be laid on them.

It is the most important part of the roof structure, determining its shape, as well as providing the necessary protection and stability to the entire building. Often, the features of this roof element determine its type and shape and allow you to create unique roofing systems. Rafters must withstand not only the effects of weather conditions, but also total weight roofs. Usually the size of the beam for the frames of the truss systems is 5x15 cm.


To evenly distribute the load, the rafters are reinforced with additional supports: spacers laid on the Mauerlat parallel to the rafters, uprights, inclined struts, as well as ridge and side runs located across the beams of the rafters.

The stability and strength of the roof depends entirely on its supporting structure - the truss system.

To fix the roofing material on the rafters, a crate of small planks or boards is laid. wooden boards located at a certain distance from each other, depending on the type of roofing material. If the roof is of a roll type, the step of laying the lathing should be no more than 1 cm. For metal tiles or polycarbonate sheets, a step of about 60 cm is optimal.

For waterproofing, namely protecting the roof from moisture penetration from the outside, a layer of a special film is used. It can be placed under the crate or on top of it, avoiding excessive tension and sagging of the layer. At the joints, the film sheets are overlapped with a size of 20 cm and firmly fixed with construction tape.

Exists big choice thermal insulation materials for roof insulation. They can be laid or sprayed between rafter beams without leaving gaps. Uneven distribution of insulation can adversely affect the quality of the thermal insulation layer and lead to a decrease in its performance.


To prevent accumulation in the roofing system excess moisture special gaps are required to ensure sufficient ventilation.

Thermal insulation of the roof allows not only to make the house more comfortable and the microclimate in it healthy, but also to reduce energy costs by 30%.

To protect against the penetration of moisture into the roof from the inside of the structure, the insulation is covered with another layer of film. Special membrane films are designed in such a way as to absorb water vapor without letting it into the roof. Subsequently, the absorbed moisture gradually evaporates.

The topmost part and face of the roof is the roofing material. Sheets of metal tiles, slate, corrugated board, roofing steel are mainly used to cover the roof. Less often they make a roof from polycarbonate, ceramic tiles, glass.

Metal tile is a very popular material for creating reliable roof any building

Types of roof structures depending on the shape

There are a wide variety of roofing options available. AT modern construction mainly pitched roofs are installed. Horizontal structures cannot fully protect the structure from adverse weather conditions. A lot of snow lingers on their surface, and during rain, moisture can seep into the building.

Pitched roof shapes

Pitched roofs differ in the number of sloped slopes. The simplest and most economical single pitch roof construction. Frame system such a roof is mounted on the walls of the house with a certain slope, due to the fact that they have different height. On the attic floor with such a roof it will not be possible to equip residential attic. Yes, and the building with such a roof looks rustic. Such polycarbonate roofs are often built on terraces, balconies, and verandas.

The design of a shed roof is extremely simple


Gable (gable) roofs are widely used in the construction of a wooden house in the suburbs or private buildings in small towns. Often it can be suburban buildings. 2 slopes of such a roof are interconnected by means of a ridge - a horizontally located rib. This type of roof is the most common and most practical. The space under such a roof, limited on the sides by parts of the walls of the structure, can be used as an attic or attic. The original look of the building can be given by installing slopes that differ in width or angle of inclination.

Gable roof - the most popular design in private construction

Varieties of hip roofs

A very reliable and durable design made in the European style is a hip roof (Dutch). Its frame consists of 4 slopes: 2 triangular, located instead of gables, and 2 trapezoidal slopes. The device of such a roof is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but the result justifies the efforts made.


Sometimes, in order to achieve a triangular shape on the unused part of the pediment, its lower part is covered with a slope. In this part, a window is usually mounted.

Even more difficult to perform is the semi-hip type of roofs. Such a roof has truncated triangular slopes located above the trapezoidal ones. In addition to additional attractiveness, it is characterized by high functional qualities. In addition, the half-hip design allows you to arrange a rather large window on the pediment.

Half hip roofs are one of the most interesting options, borrowed in Northern European architecture

The hipped frame roof is also a type of hip type. It is formed by three or more slopes, with their tops connecting at the top at one point. The peculiarity of this roof is the absence of a ridge. Symmetrical triangular slopes create an impressive in their own way. appearance construction. This type of roof is usually used in polygonal or square-shaped houses.

Multi-forceps design

For installation in polygonal structures, a multi-gable frame roof is suitable. This type roofing is pretty complex structure and requires a carefully thought out, precise plan.

A multi-gable roof will require colossal physical and financial costs, but will delight the creators of the architectural beauty of the building

For the device of a residential attic on the attic floor, a broken-type roof is installed. The kinks of its slopes have a significant angle of inclination, which ensures the formation of a large free space under the roof.

The broken roof structure allows you to increase the functionality of the building

Domed roof structure

Rounded roofs in the form of a cone or dome are not installed around the entire perimeter of the building. They cover such elements of the structure as decorative turrets or rounded terraces.

Dome houses are a relatively new word in construction, quickly gaining popularity due to the use of an unconventional shape.

Combined roof options

Combined roof structures can combine the most various types frames.

Combined roofing may include various elements of hip roofs. The multi-gable design can be equipped with a large number of compact glass windows, small balconies, as well as polycarbonate verandas or terraces. Thus, they allow embodying the most daring and original design solutions. Their main disadvantage is complex installation and rather expensive maintenance.

Combined roofs - the most complex in structure

What type of roofing system to choose for a private house

In construction practice, a wide variety of types are used. Basically, the uplift of one or another type of roof depends on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owner of the house. At present, it is possible to arrange the most unusual roofing systems: glass, metal, polycarbonate coverings, ceramic or metal tiles.

Giving preference to any type of roof, the owner of a private house thereby determines the features of the future frame truss system. It is also taken into account in what weather conditions the building will be located, how it is planned to use the attic space. If a residential attic is planned, the desired number of rooms in the space under the roof, as well as their purpose, are taken into account.

A flat roof is a fashionable architectural way of building a roof for country house, which has a number of advantages and functional features

Roof covering materials

Various building materials are used to cover roof structures: rigid and bending, piece and in rolls, profiled and flat. Some use for roofing small house, others - for a multi-storey city building, others - for utility buildings.

Sheet roofing:

  • sheets of metal;
  • corrugated board;
  • ondulin (euro slate, aqualine);
  • slate;
  • copper seam sheets, as well as aluminum or steel.

Profiled sheet and metal tiles are valued primarily for their durability. Slate is a more budget option. Seam coating, unlike metal tiles, is more often used for sheltering industrial buildings.

Decking is one of the best construction finishing materials value for money

Soft types of materials:

  • flexible tiles. A multi-tweezer design is mainly mounted from it;
  • roll roofing (stekloizol, hydroizol);
  • membrane roofing (EPDM, TPO, PVC), such as polycarbonate sheets.

Piece materials:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • bulk (mastic);
  • slate roof.

In the construction of country houses, polycarbonate covers are often mounted. Thanks to its features, the roof is durable and lightweight. This material is characterized by strength and lightness, passes daylight and is an alternative to glass coatings. Polycarbonate roofing is used in the construction of terraces, mansards, verandas, greenhouses. Due to the presence of air chambers, polycarbonate sheets are highly soundproof and perfectly retain heat indoors. In addition, the cost of polycarbonate is lower than glass coatings.

Gazebo with a polycarbonate roof - very good option for installation on summer cottages any size

Functions and types of roof eaves designs

The overhang of the cornice protruding beyond the perimeter of the walls of the house is designed to protect against precipitation. The elements of the cornice mask the line of connection of the inner surface of the roof slopes with the walls of the house and make the facade of the building complete.

Overhangs of the eaves are equipped on the sides of the building and from the side of its facade due to the protruding edges of the inclined slopes. The overhang of the side cornice is usually 50 cm, the front one is about 1 m.

To ensure the safety of the operation of the frontal cornice, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of materials.


An important point when finishing the cornice is the mandatory provision of sufficient ventilation, regardless of the type of design chosen and the size of the cornice.

In total, the number of ventilation holes should be within 1/400 of the area of ​​the interior space.

Roof eaves provide additional function under-roof space ventilation

Types of roof frames

Roof frame system is important bearing element any building. Depending on the materials of manufacture, roof frames are divided into the following varieties:

  • a concrete-type frame structure is used for the manufacture of flat or gently sloping single-pitched systems, it consists of special slabs;
  • roofing system rafter type is a frame made of lumber. This option is ideal for mounting various kinds pitched roofs;
  • in houses industrial type reasonable installation metal frames roofs made of durable metal beams;

In the construction of private houses, mainly frame construction is used. gable roof from lumber.


The roof frame is subjected to heavy loads during operation. To ensure the safety and reliable protection of the building, it must be as strong and of high quality as possible.

Construction frame house with mansard multi-gabled roof

For the construction of the roof of a multi-storey apartment building, metal or concrete shed structures are more often used.

The choice of the shape of the roof and the type of roofing material is largely determined by the features of the architectural configuration of the structure, weather conditions, the planned direction of water flow, as well as the individual preferences of the owner of the house. Regardless of the type of roof, if desired, it can be supplemented and old elements replaced with new ones.

Various roof designs. Part 1

Various roof designs. Part 2

Roof- the upper insulating and enclosing part of the building, which serves to protect the building from adverse environmental influences. It consists of a waterproofing layer and a base (battens, solid flooring) laid along the supporting structures of the roof.

The roof consists of bearing and enclosing structures. The enclosing structures are the roof and gable/gable. The supporting structure is a truss system.

Attic- this is the space between the surface of the coating (roof), the outer walls and the ceiling of the upper floor.

Structural characteristics

By design features:

  • the roof may have an attic or may be without an attic (such a roof is called - coating);
  • the slope of the roof can be flat or pitched;
  • the roof may have superstructures (mezzanine, dormer windows, etc.);
  • The most common roofs in terms of geometry are as follows: flat, gable, gable broken, gable with a dormer window, folding (envelope), multi-gable, tent, hip, half hip.

stingray- edge, sloping surface of the roof.

slope- the roof slope indicator, determined in three ways: in degrees of the angle between the roof slope and the ceiling of the upper floor; in percent - the ratio of the height of the roof (H) to the projection of the roof slope on the floor of the upper floor (L), multiplied by 100 = (H/L)⋅100; in proportions (H:L).

pitched roof- a roof with a slope of more than 6° (10%). With a smaller bias they call - flat roof.

Mezzanine- a superstructure of a small height above a part, usually the central one, of a low-rise residential building, which has its own roof, towering above the common one.

Dormer windows- openings for lighting and ventilation of attic spaces, as well as for access to the roof.

Roof types by geometry


Performance characteristics

According to operational characteristics:

  • the roof may have a non-residential attic and residential (mansard);
  • exploited roof and not exploited.

Attic(mansard floor) - residential loft. The attic may not be insulated (only the ceiling of the upper floor is insulated) and insulated (the roof slopes are insulated).

Roof operated- a flat roof used both for its intended purpose and for other operational purposes: a recreation area, playground, lawn etc.

Protective structures of the roof

Roof- the upper fencing (shell) of the roof, directly exposed to atmospheric influences. Protects the building from the penetration of atmospheric precipitation.

Gable- the end part of the roof, part of the facade of the building, the enclosing structure between the roof slopes. It serves to create a closed room under the roof (attic) and to protect it from adverse environmental influences. The pediment is separated from the lower part of the wall by cornices and, as a rule, is made of a different material than the wall, for example, a wall of timber or brick, a pediment of boards.

Tong (wimperg)- top end wall building, which has an acute-angled shape and is located between two roof slopes, but, unlike the pediment, the gable is not separated from the wall by a cornice and forms a single plane with the facade and is made of the same material. If we compare the gable with the pediment, then the difference will be, in the absence of a cornice that visually separates the wall and the pediment, and the material of the pediment may differ from the material of the wall.

Visor- a mini roof, which is located above the end walls under the gables and serves to protect the walls from atmospheric moisture.

Eaves- the outer strip of the roof slope, protruding beyond the line of the wall. It serves to prevent precipitation from falling on the walls and is at least 75-80 cm. The roof overhang is divided into gable and cornice.

roof eaves- this is a structure consisting of a roof overhang and its closing part from below and from the side. The cornice differs from the overhang in that it completely covers all the elements of the truss structure that extend beyond the line of the walls. The cornice protects not only from atmospheric precipitation, but also prevents the penetration of dampness and various living creatures into the attic and into the under-roof space. Cornices can be not only completely part of the roof, but also part of the wall. The cornice encircling the entire perimeter of the wall is called - crowning cornice. For example, when the roof cornice passes into a visor that separates the gable from the wall. Soffit- hemming cornice board.

Roof elements

Skate- most top element roofs in the form of a corner, which serves to close the junction of the roof slopes.

Hip- a triangular slope of a 4-pitched roof, located at the end of the house, covered from above rests with a sharp end.

Half-valma- a hip, the length of which is shortened along the slope from the side of the roof ridge or from the side of the end of the building.

Endova (groove) - inner corner roofs in the form of a gutter, formed by the connection of two slopes.

Ridge (rib)- the line of intersection of two slopes forming an external corner.

Products - ventilation holes in a pitched roof.

Aerators- flat roof vents, mechanical devices for ventilation in the layers of a full flat roof pie. Be sure to use when making a new carpet according to the old one.

fillet- a transitional ledge from the base of a flat roof to the junction, usually arranged at an angle of 45 ° to smooth the corners of the mates.

razuklonka- screed device flat roof with giving the roof small slopes and the formation of skates and valleys.

Roofing films- are used to protect thermal insulation and load-bearing structures roofs from moisture.

Basic waterproofing (or roofing) carpet- layers roll materials or layers of mastics reinforced with glass or synthetic materials, sequentially performed and on the basis under the roof.

Ballast system- soft roof fastening system on flat roofs with high bearing capacity, as well as in exploited roofs. Affordable, easy to install and does not damage the main waterproofing carpet, and in addition, provides it additional protection from mechanical damage and ultraviolet rays.

Collar- protective edging with roofing iron of the protruding elements of the roof.

dropper- element steel coating parapets, firewall walls in the form of an edge bent down.

gutter- element pitched roof with an external drain, designed to collect water and forced discharge into drainpipe atmospheric water.

downpipe- a pipe used to drain water.

Roof load-bearing structures

truss system- a structure consisting of rafters and other elements, perceiving and resisting all types of loads and transferring them to the walls of the building. Consists of roof trusses.

Farm- a structure of bars or rods fastened together.

Rafter(rafter leg) - element roof truss, perceiving, all types of loads and transferring them to the walls, and the upper floor of the structure, serve as a support for the roof. The lower end rests against the wall, and the upper end is connected at an angle to the opposite rafter leg.

Inclined rafters- have an emphasis on the ends and the middle part (at one or more points).

Hanging rafters- resting in the lower part on a puff or Mauerlat and in the upper ridge part rely on each other or on the ridge run (without intermediate supports).

Skate- the upper horizontal edge of the roof connecting the roof trusses.

Skate fight- a piece of board / plywood or a metal lining connecting the rafters in the ridge.

Mauerlat- a beam located along the perimeter of the wall, on which the lower ends of the inclined rafters rest. Mauelat allows you to distribute the concentrated load from the rafters to the entire section of the wall.

Rack- a piece of board / beam based on the puff and supporting rafter leg, serves to unload the rafters and to organize the walls of the attic.

grandma- the central rack, which rests on the ridge.

Strut- Angle stand.

Rigel- a piece of board connecting the rafter legs to each other. Serves to increase the rigidity of the truss truss and prevents the rafter legs from moving around.

puff- a log / bar / board connects the rafter legs to each other. It differs from the crossbar in that the puff is based on the Mauerlat and the bed.

filly- a piece of board that lengthens the rafter leg to organize the roof overhang.

Sleg- guide under a natural tile.

roof base- the surface on which the roofing is laid. Usually performed in the form of a crate or solid flooring.

crate- subroofing flooring from boards or bars, attached to the rafters and serving as the basis for roofing. The lathing perceives the entire weight load from the roof and transfers it to the truss system through the counter-lattice and rough flooring.

counter grating- bars with a minimum section of 30x50 mm, located under the crate, perpendicular to it and providing ventilation of the under-roof space and serving to fix the waterproofing film.

Draft flooring- flooring from boards, chipboard, fiberboard or other types of plates, which are nailed directly to the truss system and serve as the basis for the waterproofing material and the basis for fastening the counter-lattice.

obreshetina- an element of the crate, which is made of wooden bars, slats or planks of coniferous species (without wane and passing knots) not lower than the second grade, on which the tiles are laid. The minimum section of the bar is 30x50 mm.

The roof of the house is a rather complicated design. Even superficially it is difficult to understand it if you do not know the names of the elements of the roof and their purpose. Anyone who does not understand the information presented is unlikely to understand what the masters are talking about, who were entrusted with the operation of erecting the roof structure. Therefore, read carefully, look at the photos, be sure to open the video materials, where various elements of the roof will be offered for consideration.

But we will begin our analysis with one nuance. It is necessary to dot the "i" in terms of the question of how the roof differs from the roof. For ordinary people, these concepts mean the same thing. Yes, and many experts in them do not make a difference. It's easier to communicate that way. But purely in terms of construction terminology, these are two different structures.

The roof is a part of the roof, which includes the roofing and several additional elements. A roof is a structure that covers a building from atmospheric precipitation. That is, in its composition, in addition to the roofing material, it also has all the other load-bearing and additional elements. And this will be discussed below. Now let's figure out what the roof consists of.

Roof and its elements

You need to start by determining whether the crate is included in the roof structure or not. It is difficult to say, because it was determined that the roof is a roof covering. That is, it is pure water roofing material. But let's reason, starting from the type of the latter.

If these are panels or sheets, then the roof is a coating in its purest form. If the roof is used soft roof, then the crate performs not only the function of a support for the roofing material. It forms the roof itself. That is, we can assume that in this case continuous crate is an element of the roof structure.

Since the conversation turned to flexible roofing materials, it should be noted that it is in them that we can talk about elements that are separate from each other. For example, shingles. For its installation use Additional materials. Namely:

In addition to the three listed materials in roofs with shingles, and not only, other additional elements are also used. Here is their list:

    eaves plank, with which the opening between the laid rafter legs is closed, thereby protecting the attic space from wind, dust and light debris (leaves, knots, etc.);

    ridge bar, which covers the ridge of the roof, or rather the junction between two slopes, the plank can be round, flat or angular;

    gable plank, it is also end or wind, which is installed at the junction of the roof to the gables, protecting the gap from penetration of dust and debris into the attic;

    drippers- these are strips in the form of a corner, which are mounted along the overhang of the eaves, their task is to create conditions for the flow of water into the drainage system;

    valley the lower and upper, these are the strips that form the flow of water from the roof at the junction of the slopes along the inclined plane, the first is placed under the roofing material, the second is on top of it;

    adjoining strips- this is a corner with which the joint between the roofing material and a vertically located plane is closed, for example, a wall, a chimney, etc.;

    snow retainers: their main task is to restrain the avalanche of snow from the slopes of the roof, manufacturers offer several varieties of this element, which are selected for the type of roofing material, but there are also universal models;

    roof railing– enclosing structure installed along the perimeter of the roof for the safe presence of people on the roof during the production process repair work and service;

    rubber cap for sealing ventilation or chimney pipes round section that pass through the roof;

    roof ladder it is laid directly on the slope, its purpose is to use it for repair work, without stepping on the roofing.

These are all elements of the roof with names and their purposes. They are mainly made of galvanized metal sheet: painted or coated polymer composition. This does not apply to fences, stairs and some types of snow retainers, which are made of steel profiles.

Thermal insulation cake

Another controversial issue, which concerns the materials used in the process of roof insulation. That is, they refer to the roof or to the roof. This is a heater, a layer of vapor and waterproofing. Again, it is difficult to answer it, so we will not delve further.

In principle, everything with a roof. We turn to the question of what the roof consists of.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services roof design and repair. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Roof and its elements

Let us immediately make a reservation that in different roof structures various elements are present. Some of them are the most important in some designs, in others they are simply absent as unnecessary. Some roofs are built according to a simplified scheme and technology, others require more full equipment elements. So, let's understand the roofs.

The construction of the roof structure begins with the laying of the Mauerlat. This is a bar with a minimum section of 100x100 mm, which is mounted on the walls of the house, to them different ways and fastens. For example, to brick walls it is fastened with studs, which are pre-installed in the reinforcing concrete belt. They are attached to wooden ones with metal brackets.

Mauerlat appointment- evenly distribute the loads emanating from the entire roof structure. Because point loads from rafter legs will act on the Mauerlat beam. So that under their action the walls do not collapse, the Mauerlat distributes the load along the entire length of the walls.

Bearing frame - rafters

The next most important element is the rafters. It is they who take on the weight of the roof, snow and wind, so these products are made from lumber of the first grade, not lower. If boards are used for them, then the thickness of the latter should not be less than 40 mm.

There are certain rules for installing rafter legs, depending on their length and section. Basically it concerns the distance between them. This ratio is shown in the table below.

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According to the type of installation, the rafters are hanging and layered. In the first case, their upper ends rest against each other. In the second case, they rest against the ridge run in the upper part.

If the length of the rafters exceeds 4.5 m, then props or struts made of timber or boards must be installed under them. Hanging rafter legs are necessarily pulled together by puffs. All these additional elements are installed either individually or all together.

Video description

The video shows how to choose a truss system for roofs of various types:

Skate run

An important element of the roof. It forms a ridge, but in a construction with layered rafter legs it is a support for them. The ridge run must be installed horizontally. And they are made of timber or double boards.

The run itself cannot stand, so racks are installed under it. They are placed evenly at the same distance from each other. Sometimes the place of the extreme supports is occupied by pediments erected from bricks or blocks.


Another important element of the roof structure. Its purpose is to support the racks under the ridge run. In fact, this is part of the Mauerlat, only optionally installed on the wall of the building. The bed can also act as a load-bearing beam.

We add that there can be several beds on the roof. Intermediate ones are installed under racks that support rafters more than 4.5 m long.

Other elements of the roof structure

Depending on the type of roof, other details are used in it. For example, the hip variety. Firstly, it is a hipped roof, where two opposite slopes are trapezoids, the other two are triangles. Therefore, the truss system here is divided into four equal constructions in pairs. But the basis of the system is the ridge run. The main part of the rafters of trapezoidal slopes rests against it.

All other rafter legs rest against diagonal rafters, they are also inclined ribs or skates. It is these elements that create the unusual shape of the roof. So the shortened rafters are called sprigs. They rest against the Mauerlat with their lower ends, and with diagonal ribs with their upper ends. Triangular slopes are completely formed by narozhniks.

One more element hip roof- sprengel. This is the name of the support post that supports the diagonal rafter.

In complex roof structures there are different elements, which are not found in simpler structures. For example, endova. This is the junction of two slopes, the connection of which is an internal corner. Along the valley, the rafter leg is necessarily laid, and on top they are covered with two boards on two different slopes as shown in the photo below.

In mansard roofs there is an element called the top trim. This is nothing more than the runs on which the rafters abut: the upper lower ends, the lower upper ones. Part top harness form pediments. It is clear that support racks are necessarily installed under the strapping.

So, we have considered the main elements of the roof with names and their exact purpose. It should be noted that it is necessary to approach the decision of choosing each detail with preliminary calculations. It's mostly about loads. In principle, there is nothing complicated in the calculations. But this is a topic for another article.

Video description

The video understands in detail all the elements of a complex roof:

Conclusion on the topic

We figured out the topic of what elements the roof and roof consist of. Most importantly, do not confuse both concepts anymore, and, accordingly, their structural elements. Although in everyday life, and even between builders, such a division is not observed. But if somewhere there is a conversation about the roof, then immediately understand that we will talk about the upper part of the roof.