How to paint a house from glued laminated timber. Processing of walls, ends of a house made of glued laminated timber, selection of composition and antiseptic technology. home painting prices

Painting houses from multilayer timber with outer side considered by many to be redundant. And, in fact, the walls made of high-quality wood blanks look simply amazing, and this beauty simply “does not raise a hand”.

However, if you leave everything as it is, after a couple of years there is no trace of all the splendor. Due to this, houses made of timber can be, if not covered with paint, then at least treated with specialized compounds for protection.

When needed painting houses from multilayer timber from the outside?

  • Primarily, the main task paintwork - increasing the attractiveness of the insulated surface. In the case of a wooden wall, you can easily emphasize the natural beauty of the material, since the cut wood looks quite beautiful without it.
  • The tree darkens after a certain time, and over time, its texture will have to be veiled. For this purpose, compositions with greater hiding power are used, which allow you to hide the pattern on the surface.
  • Painting compositions, impregnations and mastics make it possible to protect wood from adverse environmental influences. The time of preservation of natural beauty depends on the level of protection.
  • It should also be said that the prevention of wood contact with microbes and moisture is favorably reflected in its working properties: a well-painted house keeps its own bearing capacity and does not rot.
  • Another factor that has a bad effect on the condition of the timber is UV radiation. UV filters help protect against it, and specifically the substances that are part of many of today's paints.

As you can see, for the benefit of painting a house from multilayer timber From the outside, there are a lot of arguments. Now you need to decide on the type of painting and best technology its application.

What to choose for coloring?

Compositions for internal use

The main task interior paint consists in giving the walls of wood an aesthetic appearance. The greatest protection is required in the middle of the house, so we advise you to focus not on decorations.

In the role of materials that can be used to finish timber walls in the middle, experts recommend using:

  1. Impregnation compositions - waxes, drying oils, oils for wood, etc. All these funds do not form wooden surfaces films, thanks to this the appearance of the wall is almost permanent. This emphasizes the texture of real wood and the contrast of the fibers.
  2. Mastics - protect the velvety surface, and also set off the pattern on the saw cut of the timber. In addition, mastic allows you to veil small cracks and chips.
  3. Varnishes (glossy and matte) are the most popular compositions that are used for interior decoration. In most cases, a varnish with a tinting element is applied to the base, and then several translucent layers are applied. As a rule, the surface receives additional "depth". Varnish, first of all, is useful where the wall of the timber is most exposed to friction, for example, along the stairs.
  4. Decorative paints. Painting a tree in the middle of the house can be made with compositions with different hiding power - depending on what the actual task is before them. If you have a desire to preserve the natural pattern of the tree, then acrylic glazing compounds are used. If you need to give the wall new shade, then an alkyd or acrylic based topcoat is used.

To finish all kinds of wood elements in the middle of the house, almost similar paints and varnishes. The same way, painting imitation of timber or sheathing from a sheathing board in the middle of the room can be made by the same acrylic varnishes or paints, which is the processing of timber.

Painting houses from multilayer timber from the outside: varnishes, paints and impregnations

The external processing of a multi-layered timber, first of all, is aimed at protecting the house from the influence of negative environmental factors, and also at changing its appearance.

Analysis of the compositions used for finishing:

  1. Impregnation on organic or water based. As such, they are not considered paints, as they provide little to no effect on the look of the home. Their important function is microbial damage, fire protection, etc.
  2. Film-forming compositions (can be both covering and translucent). They protect wood from contact with moisture, while not interfering with the evaporation of liquid from the thickness of the wood.
  3. Coloring antiseptics- compositions intended for exterior finish timber houses.
  4. Paints for external works. They are similar in properties to film-forming compositions, but their main function considered a change in the color of the surface. Although painting log houses from the outside using paints from well-known manufacturers often replaces the protective finish.

Demanded exterior paint of houses from multilayer timber

houses from multilayer timber they look very nice, but from year to year their appearance deteriorates. It happens under negative impact external environment. decorative painting helps to solve this problem. Competent painting walls includes a set of actions that we will discuss below.

The color of the coating is selected in strict accordance with the decision of the designer of the house. Contrasting tinting will shade the natural pattern and emphasize the wood structure. Lacquers will give the walls juiciness and close the tree. But the final selection always depends on the inhabitants of the house. Whatever color you choose for the house from multilayer timber, it must meet the basic requirements.

  1. Company from Germany "Zobel". The paints of this brand are made on the basis of water, which means they stand out for their great environmental friendliness. They are comfortably applied on a wooden base, such material retains heat for a very long time. Paint and varnish materials are demonstrated in a rich assortment. The cost is in the middle. A serious disadvantage is the need to constantly change the coverage (every 5 years).
  2. Osmo company from Germany. The oil-based material, due to this, does not cause harm to human health. It highlights the wood structure very well and is very easy to apply. Keeps the original shade for a long time, does not require a permanent change. It is often used for outdoor and indoor work. Its main disadvantage is the unreasonably high price.
  3. Tikkurila is a company from Finland. It must be stated right away that the paints of this company are demonstrated in a rich assortment. Among positive qualities it should be noted low price, greater color stability and a pleasant color, of the minuses - the need for continuous change - approximately once every five years.
  4. Our company is Finn Color. Paints are offered in a rich assortment and at a minimal cost. For a long time they cherish their original color, but ask for constant tinting (at least 1 time in 5 years).
  5. Our thermal paints. Coatings are distinguished by high resistance to temperature changes, the influence of ultraviolet rays and moisture, the best way suitable for painting houses from multilayer timber from the outside. Prices are quite adequate, but the choice is not encouraging.

wall painting multilayer timber from the outside

Careful preparation is the key to a good result.

Multilayer timber is a material with ideal performance characteristics. It almost does not change its initial forms during shrinkage, and yet it is necessary to process or paint it with a different variant only if certain rules are strictly followed.

Attention! Experts recommend starting work no later than three months after construction works buildings. If you let the house stand for a longer time, then slowly beam will begin to crumble under the influence of climate conditions, which will be poorly displayed on the adhesion of paint to wood.

For high-quality surface preparation for painting works, here are the instructions:

  1. Painting is carried out at a temperature of at least +5 degrees. As for the work inside, the humidity must be less than 80%.
  2. To improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface of the timber, all painted surfaces must be plastered and sanded.

Attention! After grinding, it is necessary to “walk” along the walls with an industrial vacuum cleaner. The joints of the beams deserve special attention, since a large amount of very small sawdust and even wood dust accumulate there.

  1. We apply a specialized sealant to the ends of the bars.
  2. Primer polished surface. In most cases, the price of primer compositions is small, but they provide high-quality paint adhesion. Thanks to this, it is better to fork out for a primer, and save on buying expensive enamel or acrylic compositions.
  3. You can apply paint only after the primer is completely dry.

As for the technology of interior and exterior decoration of walls made of timber, it practically does not differ in anything. The only difference is in the number of layers of material that is applied to the base.

If you are planning to paint with my own hands stick to the following tips:

  1. Paints must be mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions. A similar situation with varnishes with tinting elements.
  2. Prepare a clean and large container for mixing.
  3. Before starting work, test the composition by applying it to small plot. Similarly, you will get an idea of ​​the appearance of the wall.

Attention! This must be done, as its own painting of wood has the maximum effect on the final result. Thanks to this, test painting allows you to make adjustments and, perhaps, increase or decrease the amount of pigment.

  1. For painting use a roller, brush or sprayer. Varnishing is recommended to be done with a brush.
  2. First of all, we apply the first layer of material to the wood coating. The thinner it becomes, the better.
  3. After it dries, we will continue painting. To finish the timber walls, 3 to 5 layers of material may be required. They all apply exclusively at the end of the drying of the previous one.

Upon completion of the painting, it is necessary to wait until the walls dry out. After 1-2 months, it is worth carefully inspecting the surfaces, and, if necessary, sealing the detected cracks and cracks with a sealant. Apply paint on top of the sealant, following the same technology as when painting a house.

A couple of tips for painting the house from multilayer timber from the outside

To paint the facade of a wooden house, you need to make preparations and follow certain rules. We provide some recommendations below.

  1. Before painting, the surface must be carefully cleaned from dirt and dust with a brush. This work is best done with water. To do this, use a garden sprayer and a brush of medium hardness, with which it is comfortable to remove dirt from the surface.
  2. Get rid of mold with specialized solutions. There are too many for sale. To look for mold, simply look at wall surfaces for grey-blue stains.
  3. To get rid of wood resin, you need to take a metal spatula. Once you remove the resin, it leaves only a small hole that can be sealed with varnish.
  4. If nails or other metal elements stick out of the surface, they should be treated with compounds that prevent corrosion.
  5. After completing all preparatory activities the tree is allowed to dry. This process takes about 2 weeks. To protect the material, it will be necessary to cover the structure with a polyethylene-based film, in which ventilation holes are provided.

How much does it cost to paint a house multilayer timber?

Undoubtedly, you can paint the house on your own by studying our material and getting acquainted with the photo, but it will take a lot of time and effort, especially if you have a large Vacation home. Because of this, many people still resort to the services of specialists.

Price wall painting from a multilayer beam depends on the following factors:

  • Prices of materials used;
  • Professionalism of workers;
  • Type of work required.

The average price of painting services in our state, we want to present you in the form of a table.

Servicesprice in rubles
sanding walls and other surfaces multilayer timber 120-160
painting multilayer timber(roof cornices, walls, beams, pillars, frontal board) in 1 layer90-100
cleaning lint from timber walls40-50
processing of the ends of the timber (sealing and grinding).360-400 per running m
painting platbands (including demolition and installation).140-150
painting fencing of extensions to the house and balconies700-800

The desire to decorate, and still secure own house, built from multilayer timber, has been fully proven. A building of this type will be expensive, which means it will be built for a long time. In addition, decor and wall painting will add personality to your home and express your fantasies and dreams. You have to agree, it's very important!


Internal and external painting log houses are considered mandatory conditions if you have a desire to give longevity to a building. Paying no attention to what multilayer timber it is stained very easily, it is necessary to adhere to separate tips. In this case, the paint will have to be updated less often, and the appearance of the house will be better.

Paint for glued laminated timber, technologies, features, professional advice

You can not buy one paint for glued laminated timber and paint the whole house with it. It is not recommended to use the same coating technology for the facade, fences, interior of the building. It is reckless to order the finish of glued laminated timber "cheaper" and count on an extended warranty. Want to know more about what color to paint wooden house and how to find a professional performer? Below we have collected expert advice, as well as photos of painted wooden houses outside and inside.

Painting a house from glued beams: interior and exterior work

Bright but natural facade colors

  1. The risk group includes railings, porch posts, terraces, fences, outdoor supporting pillars other external elements structures that are not protected from precipitation, sunlight. The finish requires a coating up to 20 microns thick, the plastic film stretches without tearing or cracking.
  2. The facade and the lower part of the overhangs are protected by a roof. Direct Sun rays fall on a tree 2-3 hours a day, and the rain passes over the surface in passing, without lingering. For decoration, a thicker glazing or covering layer is used, which reliably protects the wood, gives it the desired shade.
  3. Internal finishing of a glued bar. The surface of the walls inside the premises is considered stable, therefore the use of multi-layer wear-resistant products is acceptable. The main requirement is environmental Safety materials.

Natural coating of the interior with glazing compounds

Paint for glued laminated timber

Dozens of natural shades available


When working with the exterior, it is advisable to choose a neutral color or preserve the natural tone of the wood. Too much dark walls heat up quickly, it may cause deformation, resin emission. On too light more clearly visible possible defects wood.

Do you want a blue house? You are welcome!


High-quality paint, subject to the technology, is so deeply connected to the wood that it does not separate even after damage. For a tighter connection, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology: apply layers correctly, maintain pauses, remove dust, and work taking into account humidity.

The composition of paint for glued laminated timber

When building eco-friendly cottages from glued laminated timber, oil or nitro paint is not used, compositions based on hazardous to health chemicals. The main rule is to choose a product with the lowest content of "chemistry" or with guaranteed weathering. bad smell, a quick-drying mixture that does not release toxins when heated, does not interfere with natural air exchange.

  1. Water based paints. Considered the most environmentally friendly coating, diluted with water. After its evaporation, only a binder remains on the surface - acrylic, harmless, absolutely neutral.
  2. Oil impregnation. Penetrates deeply into pores, after hardening forms a strong protective film. To increase the strength, sedatives are added to the composition - fasteners based on metal oxides. Oil impregnation is more often used for outdoor work.
  3. Alkyd paints. When working, a solvent with a pungent odor is used, but after evaporation, the coating becomes safe. The main drawback is that the alkyd particles are too small, which fill the pores and block the air exchange. As a result, the tree loses its ability to remove excess moisture.

It is best to use safe water-based paints. This is exactly what the GOOD WOOD division, which is responsible for finishing houses from glued laminated timber, does.

Verified brands

It is precisely about professional means finishes. These formulas are specially designed for wooden buildings, meet the safety requirements:

  • Sikkens,
  • sedipan,
  • Remmers,
  • Zobel,
  • Teknos,
  • Farbraum.

GOOD WOOD used the products of most well-known manufacturers. Now we are working with Farbraum paint. The SEDIPAN WACT 650 range is suitable for finishing the facade and interior of a house made of glued laminated timber. The list includes glazing (translucent) and covering (hide texture) coatings. For the unstable street structures(handrails, stairs, railings, support posts) we use SEDIPAN WACT 640, an anti-peeling product. For sealing the ends we use SEDIPAN WV 024.

When to paint a house from glued laminated timber

Better right away: even for large companies, factory protection is designed for 6 months

Transport antiseptic is not applied by every manufacturer. In GOOD WOOD, antiseptic treatment of the finished kit and packaging in a protective film are included in the technical process.

When ordering a house kit from a manufacturer of glued laminated timber, be sure to check whether the wood was processed before shipping. It may be necessary to apply the composition immediately after construction is completed.

If you tighten with processing, then outer part begins to burn out, pests enter the wood - bacteria, insects, fungi. Usually, when building cottages from glued beams, the walls are painted after the doors and windows are installed.


The service life of the coating depends on the properties of the paint, compliance with the technology, the position of the building. Sunny sides fade faster, renewal may be required after 3-5 years. On the shadow side, the paint lasts longer - up to 7 years or more.

Winter or summer?

In practice, the processing season does not matter - painting work is carried out at any temperature. See how it is implemented in GOOD WOOD: work in greenhouses is in progress full swing even though it's snowing outside.

Teplyak maintains the right temperature for applying paint

Winter work a little more expensive - in the price of painting wooden house outside the costs for the use of additional equipment. But by spring, the owner receives walls completely protected from moisture and bright sun.

In summer, sometimes it is even more difficult to work - dust can fly onto the paint, ruin the coating. To avoid defects, use quick-drying products. Water-based paints dry in 30 minutes, ready to apply the next layer in 1.5-2 hours.

The only limitation when painting is the requirements for humidity. It is better not to paint wet wood: adhesion deteriorates, service life decreases, defects may appear. Before processing, the master must check the surface moisture. If this does not happen, it is better to clarify by what signs the readiness of the wall for painting is determined.

Humidity check is a mandatory step

Processing technology

  1. The choice of color and painting on the wall.
  2. Elimination of defects, chips, mechanical damage.
  3. Sanding, dust removal.
  4. Application of the first layer (primer).
  5. Light intermediate sanding.
  6. Application of base and finish coats.
  7. Measurement of coating thickness at different points.

If applicable regular paint, then before the primer is treated with an antiseptic. When using three-in-one products, the antiseptic is already included.

Cheap? Check what is included in the price!

Brigades often set the price of painting a house without taking into account materials, tools, transportation costs, and other related costs. As a result, the cost doubles. In GOOD WOOD, the price of painting a house is indicated for 1 m², it includes everything - from consultation on the choice of color and tinting to organization of the team's stay on the site. During the construction of houses from glued laminated timber on a turnkey basis, the price painting work discussed separately.

Advice: when choosing a team, pay attention to examples of work. Visit completed (or better yet, current) properties. Ask for certificates from the paint manufacturer - these are not just pieces of paper, they are issued after training. Passing a master class from manufacturers specific means, exact adherence to technology and work experience - an excellent combination for quality painting glued timber houses.

One of the GOOD WOOD houses after processing

GOOD WOOD workshops often discuss painting houses from glued laminated timber. Do you want to know all the subtleties of technology? Call and check the date.

Proper painting of a house from a bar not only gives its appearance the desired shades, but also protects the wood from various harmful effects. In this article we will talk about the technology of painting a wooden house, as well as about various materials that are used for this work.

Why you need to paint a house from glued laminated timber

The main purpose of painting is to give the appearance and inner view houses of the required shades, a change in the visual perception of the external and internal surface of the timber and the house as a whole. Proper painting does not hide the texture of the wood, but gives it new colors and emphasizes the pattern of the timber. However, applying paint or varnish is the final event in a whole range of actions aimed at protecting walls from damage by dampness, mold, ultraviolet radiation and fire. Therefore, before painting the walls inside and out, they are treated with antifungal, anti-rotten and. Often the treatment with protective substances and painting occur at the same time, but this approach is only acceptable with cheap paints. It is undesirable to mix more expensive paints with reagents and protective preparations in order to avoid color change. The final finish of painting a house from a bar is varnishing. It does not change the color of the wood, but protects against UV and scratches.

The choice of paint for timber

The choice of paint depends on the quality of the timber. If the beam is made of wood with beautiful pattern, then use impregnations, transparent and translucent varnishes. If you do not like the pattern and texture of the timber, you can use opaque paints. In this case, a house made of glued laminated timber will lose one of its main advantages - a unique texture pattern. natural wood. In addition, all materials that are used to paint a house from a bar must pass water vapor well. Otherwise, the tree will not be able to absorb and release moisture, which means it will begin to dampen and rot. In addition, the microclimate of the premises will worsen, because in a normally painted house made of timber, the walls absorb excess moisture in the rooms and bring it outside, from where it evaporates into the atmosphere. Therefore, paints must be chosen on a water basis, and varnishes on an oil basis.

When choosing impregnations, paints and other coatings(LMB) keep in mind that in Russia they produce very good ones, but they don’t make a single normal paint for wood. Therefore, you will have to choose only from imported materials. The best paints For wood, the following companies produce:

  • Zobel;
  • Osmo
  • Renner;
  • Tikkurila;
  • Sikkens;
  • Teknos;
  • Finncolor;
  • Belinka.

Good results are obtained with the use of Teknos Futura series paint, which forms a vapor-permeable film with varying degrees of haze. From universal means most effectively Osmo Holz-Schutz Öl Lasur. This tool is based on natural oil protects wood from ultraviolet radiation, does not prevent the removal of moisture and gives wood various shades, depending on the number indicated on the bank.

When painting a house that has stood for more than 5 years, you will need a bleach, such as Tikkurila Homeenpoisto. It will remove blue from the surface of the timber without changing its texture. In addition to factory paints and oils, you can use homemade formulations that give very good results. There is no single recipe or “correct” ratio of components, because everyone selects the proportions for themselves. Here are the most commonly used ingredients for such formulations:

  • natural turpentine (gum);
  • linseed oil;
  • wood resin;
  • beeswax;
  • palm wax;
  • water;
  • various natural pigments, dyes and colors.

How to paint a wooden house

The technology of painting a house from glued laminated timber includes the following operations:

  • removal of old paint (not necessary for new homes);
  • rough grinding;
  • treatment with protective impregnations;
  • medium grinding;
  • processing with color-impregnations and fine grinding;
  • applying protective varnish.

Rough grinding

Preparation for painting begins with the removal of the old paintwork (LCP). In new homes, this procedure is not required. If you do not remove the old paint, then you will not be able to properly treat the wood with protective reagents, as well as sand it to remove small scratches, improve color and texture. Grinding can be carried out both manually, using a large sandpaper(numbers 20 to 60) and with a grinder using medium sandpaper (numbers 100 to 140). If you are using a grinder, do not put coarse sandpaper on it. A trembling hand or an awkward movement will lead to the formation of a hole on the surface of the timber and it will take a lot of effort to eliminate it. In the process of rough sanding, you remove the old paintwork, as well as remove upper layer wood that has been discolored and grayed by exposure to ultraviolet light. The maximum layer that can be removed during rough grinding is 2 mm, but it is better not to bring it to such values ​​and limit (if possible) to a thickness of 0.5–1 mm.

Treatment with protective impregnations

Most protective impregnations penetrate to a shallow depth (up to 5 mm) and rains wash them out of the wood after a few years. So reprocessing impregnation after 3-5 years is a reliable means of protecting the timber from rot, mold, various bugs and fire. For a new and several years old house made of glued laminated timber, impregnations produced by Russian companies Senezh and Neomid. Somewhat worse and noticeably more expensive products from Tikkuril. When treating with impregnations, keep in mind that they should only be applied to well-dried wood. That is, it is necessary to process a house from glued laminated timber in early autumn, before the onset of the rainy season. Impregnation is applied with brushes, rollers or spray guns, whichever is more convenient for you. Neither method has any significant advantages.

Medium grinding

After treatment with water-based impregnations, a pile rises on the glued beam, which must be removed with a grinder. The depth of grinding should not exceed 0.5 mm. Grinding is carried out after the impregnation is completely absorbed and the pile rises. Move whenever possible grinder against pile, thanks to this it will be possible to improve the quality of the sanded surface and reduce the thickness of the layer to be removed. This operation is undesirable to perform manually due to the high probability of scuffing the pile. On the grinder install sandpaper size 160 to 200.

Processing with color impregnations and fine grinding

Perform this operation 20-30 hours after grinding, so that the tree has time to completely absorb antiseptics and other protective reagents. Apply impregnations with a brush, roller or spray gun. If you use universal tools (Osmo Holz-Schutz Öl Lasur and analogues), then processing protective equipment and colors are combined, after which they are ground, as described above. However, the use of universal means is not the best choice. and fungicides in their composition are much inferior to specialized Russian preparations, so the protection of the tree will be insufficient. After applying water-based impregnations, the beam is again covered with pile and must be sanded again. The only difference from the grinding described above is the size of sandpaper from 180 to 220.

Applying a protective varnish

The use of varnishes based on natural resins makes it possible to create a thin, durable film that is permeable to steam, but impervious to water. In addition, many varnishes can be mixed with different colors. In this case, the use of color impregnations is not required. thick protective compounds applied with a brush, carefully rubbing them into the wood. Liquid formulations applied with a spray gun. If you do not want to use a thick composition, dilute it with the solvent indicated on the can. Most often, white spirit, gasoline or water is used as a solvent. Apply water formulations in a thin layer, allowing to dry for at least 5 hours. This will save you from the appearance of piles on the beam and the need to polish the surface of the house. If you apply oil-based formulations, then lay them in 3-5 layers. If you apply water-based formulations, then the number of layers should be at least 10, preferably 15. This will create protective layer required thickness. When working with varnishes inside the house, be sure to open all windows and doors, this will help to avoid poisoning. Use safety goggles, rubber gloves and respirators.

Painting a house from profiled timber is considered by many to be unnecessary. And indeed, walls made of high quality from natural wooden blanks look just great, and literally “a hand will not rise to such beauty”.

However, if you leave everything as it is, then in a couple of years there will be no trace of splendor. That is why houses made of wooden beams must, if not painted, then at least be treated with special protective compounds.

Why do we need coloring

Painting houses from glued beams is carried out for the following purposes:

  • Firstly, the main task of any paint and varnish work is to increase the attractiveness of the appearance of the treated surface.. In case of wooden wall it is enough just to emphasize the natural beauty of the material, since the saw cut of wood looks quite aesthetically pleasing.
  • Secondly, over time, the wood darkens, and there comes a time when the texture needs to be masked.. For this purpose, compositions with high hiding power are used, which allow you to completely hide the pattern on the surface of the timber.
  • Thirdly, painting compounds, varnishes, mastics and impregnations help protect wood from contact with external environment . The more effective this protection is, the longer the house will retain its natural beauty.

  • Moreover, preventing the contact of wood with moisture and microorganisms has a positive effect on its performance characteristics : a well-painted house does not rot and retains its load-bearing capacity longer.
  • Another factor that negatively affects the condition of the timber is ultraviolet radiation.. Special UV filters help protect against it - substances that are part of many modern paints.

As you can see, there are quite enough arguments in favor of coloring. Now you need to decide on the composition for coloring and optimal technology its application.

What are we going to paint

Compositions for internal use

The main task of interior painting is to give the walls of timber an aesthetic appearance. Protection inside the house is minimal, so you can focus on decorating.

As materials that can be used for processing timber walls indoors, experts recommend using:

  • Impregnation compositions - oils for wood, drying oils, waxes, etc. All these products do not form films on the surface of the wood, therefore the appearance of the wall remains practically unchanged. This emphasizes the contrast of the fibers and the texture of natural wood.

  • Mastics - retain the velvety surface and set off the pattern on the saw cut of the timber. In addition, mastics make it possible to mask small cracks and chips.
  • Varnishes (glossy and matte) - the most common formulations used for interior decoration. As a rule, a mixture of varnish with a tinting component is applied to the base, and several translucent layers are laid on top. Due to this, the surface acquires additional "depth".

Lacquer will be especially useful where the wall of timber is regularly subjected to friction - for example, along the stairs.

  • Interior paints. Painting the timber inside the house can be done with compositions with different hiding power - depending on what task we are facing. If we want to preserve the pattern of the tree, then acrylic glazing compounds are used. If you need to give the wall completely new color, then an acrylic or alkyd-based topcoat is used.

Almost the same paints and varnishes are used to process any wooden parts inside the house. So, painting an imitation of a bar inside a room or lining from a lining can be done by the same acrylic paints or varnishes, which is the processing of timber.

To calculate the paint, you can use the calculator:

Paints, varnishes and impregnations for outdoor use

External processing of glued laminated timber is focused not so much on changing its appearance, but on protecting it from environmental factors.

Analyzing the compositions used for this, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • Impregnation on a water or organic basis. In fact, they are not paints, since they practically do not affect the appearance of the house. Their main function is protection from fire, damage by microorganisms, etc. (see article for more details)

  • Film-forming compositions (there are both covering and glazing, i.e. translucent). They protect the beams from contact with moisture, while not preventing the evaporation of the associated liquid from the thickness of the wood.
  • Paints for outdoor work. According to their characteristics, they are close to film-forming compositions, however, their main function is to change the color of the treated surface. However, painting a house from a bar on the outside with the use of paints from world-famous manufacturers often completely replaces protective treatment.
  • Coloring antiseptics - special formulations which are specifically designed for outdoor processing wooden houses.

We carry out coloring

Proper preparation is the key to the desired result

Experts recommend starting work no later than three months after the construction of the building.
If you let the house stand for longer, then the timber will gradually begin to collapse under the influence of climatic factors, which will adversely affect the adhesion of the paint to the wood.

For effective training surfaces for paint work below is the instruction:

  • Coloring is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 C. When internal works humidity in the room should be no more than 80%.
  • To improve the adhesion of paint to wood, all painted surfaces must be sanded and sanded.

After grinding, it is worth "walking" along the walls with an industrial vacuum cleaner.
Particular attention should be paid to the joints of the beams, since it is there that the bulk of fine sawdust and wood dust accumulate.

  • We apply a special sealant to the ends of the bars.

  • The sanded surface is carefully primed. The price of primers is usually low, but they contribute to the highest quality paint adhesion. So it's better to invest in a primer, but save on more expensive acrylic or enamel formulations.

Only after the primer has completely dried can you start painting.

The technology of applying varnishes and paints

The technology of internal and external processing of walls made of timber is practically the same. The difference lies only in the number of layers of material applied to the base.

If you want to do your own painting, follow these tips:

  • Paints should be mixed in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. The same applies to varnishes with a tinting component.
  • Use a sufficiently large and clean container for mixing.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to test the composition on small area. This will give us an idea of ​​the appearance of the future wall.

This must be done, since the own coloring of the wood greatly affects the final result.
So the test color will give you the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments, and possibly increase or decrease the amount of pigment.

  • To apply paint, use a brush, roller or sprayer. Varnishing is best done with a brush.
  • First on wooden base we apply the first - base - layer of material. The smaller its thickness, the better.
  • After the base layer has completely dried, we continue painting. In total, for processing walls from a bar, it may take from three to five layers of material, each of which we begin to apply only after the previous one has completely dried.

After painting is completed, the walls must be allowed to dry. After one and a half to two months, the painted surfaces should be carefully examined, and, if necessary, the cracks and cracks found should be sealed with sealant. We apply paint over the sealant using the same technology as when painting the whole house.

Filimonov Evgeny

Reading time: 9 minutes


Timber house painting

How the house is painted, options for choosing paints and varnishes, how interior and exterior painting works, preparatory work and stages of their implementation, advice and recommendations.

AT recent times log houses are gaining more and more popularity, many pay attention to the foundation, the reliability of the roof, the correct installation of the walls and the use of reliable insulation. This is all important, but do not forget about antiseptic treatment, one of which is painting a house from a bar, which improves not only the aesthetic appearance, but also improves the security of the bar from aggressive environmental influences.

This article describes in detail the moments of painting a wooden structure. How is the preparation of timber for painting, what important recommendations for reliable painting, how to choose the right paint and how to paint a house from a bar outside. What are the main criteria for choosing paint, especially the harmful effects on environment what are impregnations and what qualities they should have.

What paints and varnishes should be chosen for outdoor work, especially the choice of oil, alkyd and acrylic compounds. How the process of preparing for painting is carried out, how the impregnation and painting of the treated surface is carried out manually and with the help of sprayers and spray guns. How is the painting of glued or profiled timber.

Description of the cost of paint and varnish coatings and the work performed. Detailed description how to paint timber outside, important tips and recommendations for quality work. How does rough sanding, impregnation and medium sanding take place before the start of painting, especially the application of protective varnish.

Various color options log house how to paint a house indoors.

Surface preparation for paint application is a rather complicated process and takes a lot of time. But if this is not done, mold, fungus and other pests may appear on the timber over time. At best, the result of your work will be of poor quality, the surface may have roughness and dust under the varnish.

  • The first and most important thing in the process of painting a timber is its treatment with antiseptic agents;
  • If, according to its composition, the solution must be diluted before application, this must be done strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions;
  • Be very careful when applying the first layer of paint and varnish - the result of the entire staining depends on this;
  • Vacuum before painting the outside of the log house building hair dryer or vacuum all joints in which particles of chips or dust may remain;
  • To achieve a beautiful and saturated shade, the solution is applied to the same place with a brush in 2-3 layers, when using an airbrush - in 3-4 layers;
  • Decide on appearance end result of painting. If you apply paint with a spray gun, the result will be glossy, if you use a brush or roller, the timber will get a matte surface;
  • The masters recommend applying the first layer of the product after grinding the timber, and this should be done very carefully so that the surface has a flat and smooth base;
  • After grinding the timber, the paint lays down in an even layer, there are no roughness and bubbles on it;
  • When choosing a shade for painting a house from a bar outside, please note that the shade on the manufacturer's test board will differ slightly;
  • This color discrepancy is due to the fact that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpainting the house differs from the manufacturer's trial version.