Why did the value not change after overclocking the processor. Overclocking the processor is the most effective way. Preparing to overclock the processor

02.02.2017 22:52

This guide will help you configure the UEFI BIOS settings to achieve a stable 5 GHz on unlocked 7th generation Kaby Lake processors (Intel Core i7-7700K, Intel Core i5-7600K and ).

Some practical statistics:

  • Approximately 20% of the 7th generation CPUs are stable at 5 GHz in any application, including Handbrake/AVX;
  • 80% of Kaby Lake samples are capable of operating at 5 GHz, however, in programs using the AVX command system, the frequency has to be reduced to a stable 4800 MHz (this happens in automatic format with the AVX offset parameter active in the BIOS);
  • Choice Kaby Lake samples can run four memory modules at DDR4-4133 (on ROG Maximus IX motherboards) and a dual kit at DDR4-4266 (tested on Maximus IX Apex).

What voltage is normal for 5 GHz?

Perhaps this is one of the most important questions that enthusiasts ask in the process of overclocking the CPU. After all, it is this parameter that has a key effect on the stability and final result of overclocking.

First, let's look at the power consumption level of the Intel Core i7-7700K in different operating modes:

  • nominally, the processor consumes about 45 W (in the ROG Realbench application);
  • at a frequency of 5 GHz and with the ROG Realbench test running, we get 93 W;
  • 5GHz and Prime95 - 131W.

For a stable 5 GHz CPU in the Prime95 test (and therefore in most commonly used applications), a voltage of 1.35 V (Vcore parameter in the BIOS) is required. It is not recommended to exceed this value in order to avoid degradation processor and overheating.

The Prime95 benchmark needs 1.35V for a stable 5GHz CPU.

It should be noted that the processors of the Kaby Lake family are extremely energy efficient. For comparison, a stable Skylake at 5 GHz in similar applications, for example, Prime95 consumes about 200 watts.

To cool the overclocked during stress tests, you will need a powerful CO, it can be either a CBO or a productive supercooler.

Verified options:

  • CBO with a three-section radiator (water temperature in the system is 18 degrees) cools a processor overclocked to 5 GHz at a voltage of 1.28 V to 63 degrees;
  • CBO with a two-section radiator at 1.32 V shows 72 degrees;
  • cooler at 5 GHz and 1.32 V - 78 degrees.

For constant use of Kaby Lake at 5 GHz, air cooling is not enough, but do not forget about the possibility of optimizing the load. The CPU will operate at full capacity only in the most necessary cases (more on that below).

Overclocking RAM

Select Kaby Lake samples can run four memory modules at DDR4-4133.

We remind you that Kaby Lake processors work fine with DDR-4133 RAM (tested on the ASUS ROG Maximus family of motherboards). The indicator in DDR4-4266 is available on the ASUS Maximus IX Apex and ASUS Strix Z270I Gaming models (it's all about two DIMM connectors that are optimized for such frequencies).

But for everyday use, you should not use RAM with a frequency higher than DDR4-3600; Leave the 4GHz mark on memory to enthusiasts, for a home or gaming system, the overall stability of the PC is more important.

The main thing is not to forget about the need to install paired RAM kits in the DIMM slots (that is, factory kits consisting of two or four modules). Self-selected single options may simply not start at the settings you need, timings, etc.

AVX offset parameter

This option helps stabilize the CPU at high frequencies by reducing the operating frequency when processing AVX code operations.

If you fix the processor multiplier at 50 units, BCLK at 100 MHz, and the AVX offset parameter at 0, the resulting frequency of 5000 MHz will be constant. But in this case, the system may be unstable. And the reason for this behavior will have to be identified for a very long time.

That is why experienced enthusiasts advise using the AVX offset option by setting its value to 2. This means that at constant 5 GHz, the system will automatically reduce the multiplier to 48 points (which corresponds to 4800 MHz) at the moment when AVX applications activity is noticed.

5 GHz without AVX load
4.8 GHz with AVX application active

This approach has a beneficial effect not only on the stability of the PC, but also on the competent power consumption, and hence the heat dissipation of the CPU.

For everyday use, you should not use RAM with a frequency higher than DDR4-3600.

The functionality of motherboards does not yet allow sharing the operating voltage of the processor in this way. But there is hope that this possibility will be realized in future generations.

Overclocking methodology, monitoring and checking the system for stability

No matter how trite it may sound, but before any overclocking process, it is worth testing the PC in normal mode. Run several benchmarks, monitor the current temperature and fix the identified bugs (if any).

If everything is in order, feel free to increase the processor multiplier and voltage (it is recommended to use the Adaptive voltage mode in the BIOS settings instead of Manual or Offset mode for the Vcore parameter).

Next, we look for a stable frequency and the minimum voltage at which the system behaves stably (passing POST, starting the OS, running service applications, stress tests, etc.). At the same time, do not forget to fix the operating temperature of the CPU, it should not exceed 80 degrees even in the hottest conditions.

As a rule, kits with DDR4-4000+ frequency do not require a voltage higher than 1.25 V for the System Agent parameter.

After overclocking the CPU, we move on to the RAM. The most preferred option is to enable the XMP option (if the modules and motherboard support this profile). Otherwise, you will have to look for the maximum operating frequency and timings on your own.

It is possible that when a stable RAM value is detected, the Vcore, System Agent (VCCSA) and VCCIO parameters will need to be adjusted, we will talk about this below.

Preferred Stress Tests:

  • ROG Realbench uses a combination of Handbrake, Luxmark and Winrar apps; the benchmark is good for checking RAM, 2-8 hours of running is enough;
  • HCI Memtest helps identify RAM and CPU cache errors;
  • AIDA64 is a classic software tool for any enthusiast; the built-in stress test is able to check the strength of the processor-memory bond (2-8 hours of running are enough).

Practice overclocking and tuning in UEFI BIOS

So, let's move on to the practical part, namely the settings in the BIOS and overclocking itself. We will need the Extreme Tweaker tab on ASUS motherboards.

Adjust the following options:

  • in the case of using CBO, set the value of Vcore to 1.30 V, the multiplier to 49; for air cooling - 1.25 V and 48, respectively;
  • the Ai Overclock Tuner parameter is set to Manual mode;
  • CPU Core Ratio to Sync All Cores;
  • for CPU/Cache Voltage (CPU Vcore) select Adaptive Mode;
  • for Additional Turbo Mode CPU Core Voltage, set the value to 1.30 V (when using CBO) or 1.25 V for level coolers.

For CPU/Cache Voltage (CPU Vcore) select Adaptive Mode
For Additional Turbo Mode CPU Core Voltage set to 1.30 V

Go to the Internal CPU Power Management submenu:

  • IA DC Load Line fixed at 0.01
  • IA AC Load Line at 0.01

Internal CPU Power Management

We save the settings and reboot the system, try to go through POST and enter the OS. If the system is stable, we increase the multiplier to 49-50 points, and to the current voltage, if necessary, throw up+0.02 V. But we try not to exceed critical mark at 1.35 V.

After that, we check the system for strength in Prime95 and monitor the CPU temperature (it should not be higher than 80 degrees).

For RAM in UEFI, select XMP mode. When looking for a stable memory frequency, it may be necessary to adjust the CPU VCCIO and CPU System Agent options according to the following guidelines:

  • for DDR4-2133 - DDR4-2800 frequency, CPU VCCIO and CPU System Agent voltage should be in the range of 1.05-1.15 V;
  • for DDR4-2800 - DDR4-3600 CPU VCCIO can be increased to 1.10-1.25 V, and CPU System Agent - 1.10-1.30 V;
  • DDR4-3600 - DDR4-4266: 1.15-1.30V and 1.20-1.35V respectively.

Choosing an XMP Profile
CPU VCCIO voltage

However, depending on the processor and memory used, the figures may vary. As a rule, kits with DDR4-4000+ frequency do not require a voltage higher than 1.25 V for the System Agent parameter.

Again we carry out stress tests with the applied parameters. Do not forget about the AVX Core Ratio Negative Offset option, which is recommended to be fixed at a value of 2 points (with a CPU clock speed of 4900 MHz, AVX applications will operate at 4700 MHz).

AVX Core Ratio Negative Offset


These tips will help you achieve the desired result in overclocking Intel Kaby Lake processors to 5 GHz and higher; potential stones imposing.

The main thing is not to neglect high-quality cooling and a long run of stress tests.

Each processor is designed for some nominal frequency. This frequency is indicated on its surface, indicated in price lists and other documentation. For example, the PentiumII-300 must operate at an external frequency of 300 MHz. But, as practice shows, more can be achieved from the processor. The fact is that the frequency at which the microprocessor will operate is set by the motherboard, so it becomes possible to increase it relative to the value specified on the processor. This is called overclocking.

Why you need to overclock the processor

Yes, in general, especially and for nothing. By overclocking the processor, you can increase the performance of your system by 10 percent. In addition, raise your opinion of yourself in the eyes of friends. And of course, get some information about the device of the computer. However, exceeding the nominal value of the processor clock frequency, the system loses reliability. However, in most cases it will be completely unnoticeable. So the main thing is the idea to save money by buying one processor and using it as another, faster one.

Why overclocking is possible

In order to understand overclocking theory, it is necessary to understand how processors are manufactured and tested. Models created in the same technological framework (for example, 0.25 µm, voltage 3.3 V) are produced on the same production line. Then some samples of the series are randomly tested. Testing takes place in extreme (voltage and temperature) conditions. Based on these tests, the processor is marked with the nominal frequency for which the processor is designed. Given that the frequency is taken with a certain margin of safety, and that not all crystals have been tested, it can be predicted with a high degree of probability that most products have a frequency margin of 10-15%, or even more. In addition, an additional overclocking resource can be obtained by providing the processor with good cooling, as the manufacturer tests its products in very harsh temperature conditions.

Almost all motherboards for Pentium and Pentium II processors are designed to work not with one type of crystal, but with several. That is, they provide the user with the opportunity to specify which processor is installed on them. The choice of its clock frequency is carried out by multiplying the external frequency (the one at which the system bus and PC RAM work) by one of the fixed multipliers (these multipliers are usually a multiple of 0.5 and are in the range of 1.5 - 4). The method of setting this or that multiplication and the external frequency is always indicated in the manual for the motherboard and sometimes on the board itself. The ability to select the external frequency and the multiplier of the internal frequency of the processor gives rise to the possibility of passing off the processor as a faster one.

Acceleration can be done in two ways. First, it is possible to increase the external frequency multiplier of the processor (for example, from 2.5 to 3), since in this case only the speed of the processor itself increases, while the speed of the system bus (memory) and other devices does not increase. However, this method, although reliable (failures can only be expected from the processor), does not give a large increase in the performance of the entire system as a whole. In addition, recently the leading manufacturer of processors for PCs, Intel, decided to block this possibility by fixing the multiplication in their crystals.

The second method is to increase the external frequency without changing the gain or both (for example, from 60 to 66 MHz). The fact is that the speed of such computer components as the second-level cache, RAM, and PCI and ISA buses (and, therefore, all expansion cards) depends on the external clock frequency. Currently, almost all motherboards support external frequencies of 50, 55, 60, 66, 75 and 83 MHz. However, when experimenting with an external frequency, it should be remembered that the risk of encountering system failures rises sharply, since not only the processor, but also all other system components are overclocked. Therefore, when overclocking the system in this way, you should be sure of the quality of the components (this is especially true for RAM modules).

Processor relabeling

However, it is unfair to think that only end users in Russia are so smart. Many Chinese, and even ours, offices specialize in re-marking crystals. That is, they, checking the overclockability of processors, destroy the old one and apply a higher clock frequency to it. In order to relabel the processor, it is enough to destroy (scrape off) the top layer of paint on its body and apply new marks corresponding to the older model. Having bought such a crystal, a person involuntarily overclocks it, and if the computer then works flawlessly, he may not know that his processor is sawn.

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from buying such a microprocessor. However, you can buy processors in a box or lower models in the same technological range (for example, Intel Pentium 166 MMX). There are only indirect signs to determine if a processor is sawn - an uneven surface, a discrepancy between the markings on the upper and lower sides of the crystal body, and poor-quality markings.

The danger of overclocking

The question that many people ask when overclocking is the question of whether the processor or other components of the system will burn out. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. However, cases of processor burnout are extremely rare. The statistics speak for it. Only in about 0.1% of cases are irreversible problems possible. Especially dangerous in this sense are Cyrix/IBM processors, which burn most often. In addition, if the motherboard is equipped with a linear power supply rather than a pulsed one (characterized by the presence of a toroidal coil on the board), then the motherboard may be damaged when overclocking Cyrix and AMD processors due to high current consumption. With an increase in the external frequency, and, consequently, the frequency of the PCI bus, data loss on the hard drive is possible, but the hard drive itself remains operational. In any case, most of the problems described can be solved. This is discussed below.

How to overclock a processor

  1. First you need to determine what to strive for. That is, decide for yourself what you will change - the external frequency or the multiplication factor. Keep in mind that you can almost always go up one step in frequency, and increasing the frequency multiplier will have a smaller effect than with the same increase in external frequency. In addition, new processors from Intel, in order to prevent overclocking and re-marking, have the ability to set only nominal coefficients for frequency multiplication. Therefore, in this case, only the manipulation of the external frequency is possible.
  2. Learn how the jumpers are set on your motherboard for the values ​​you choose. Many motherboard manufacturers do not document external frequencies above 66 MHz, because such frequencies are not documented for Intel chipsets, on which the vast majority of motherboards are assembled. You can see undocumented jumper settings for your motherboard. And yet, multiplying by 3.5 is set in the same way as 1.5. Therefore, if the manual for your motherboard does not indicate multiplication by 3.5, you can safely use the setting for a multiplier of 1.5
  3. Turn off the computer and reinstall the jumpers in accordance with step 2
  4. Turn on your computer. If the system does not start (black screen), then you have overclocked the processor and the computer will not work in this configuration.
  5. If the computer starts and boots, then you need to check the stability of its operation. This check is performed by running a multitasking operating system (Windows 95/NT) and running applications that require a lot of memory work, since data transfer operations heat up the crystal the most. As an example, we can offer the simultaneous launch of the pkzip archiver, viewing an mpeg file, and the operation of a pair of copies of the Quake game, continuously switching between them. Fifteen minutes of stable operation in this mode is enough to conclude that the system is stable.
  6. If the computer starts, but does not boot (hangs after the system configuration table is displayed), then you can fight for its stable operation. This behavior is most likely caused by the inability of the hard drive, memory, or ISA cards to function properly. How to overcome such problems is written below.
  7. With unstable operation of the operating system and applications, the root of the problem most likely lies in insufficient cooling of the crystal. Sometimes, however, such effects are observed when the level of the logical signal is insufficient. This problem is solved on motherboards equipped with the ability to select the processor supply voltage by increasing it by 0.1-0.2 V. However, in this case, you need to think even more about cooling. Cooling issues are discussed below.

CPU Cooling

One of the most important tasks that arise when overclocking a processor is its cooling. Overheating of the processor can be considered the main factor preventing overclocking. In 90 percent of cases where an overclocked system starts up, but after a while starts to crash and hangs or crashes when running applications that heavily load the processor, the cause should be looked for in the processor overheating.

Therefore, it is worth getting a good heatsink with a fan that provides the best heat dissipation. The better the entire system unit is ventilated, the more stable the computer will work. By the way, the ATX form factor is much better from this point of view, since PC cases and motherboards made in accordance with this form factor are very well ventilated due to the well-placed components. However, a regular Baby AT case can also be equipped with an additional fan.

How to choose the right fan? When choosing a radiator, you should pay attention to the height and structure of the iron part itself (the higher the radiator, and the more protrusions on it, the better), and the height of the fan (the higher, the better, usually 20 or 30 mm). It should also be taken into account that it is preferable to use fans that work "exhaust" (that is, they drive the air flow upwards from the radiator).

Secondly, when buying, it is very important to pay attention to the way the heatsink is attached to the processor. There are several types of fasteners.

However, in the best case, the heatsink is attached to the processor using a curved metal bracket that clings to the special protrusions of the Socket 7 (Pentium) and Socket 8 (Pentium Pro) sockets. This method should be recognized as the most acceptable, since the curved bracket presses the heatsink well against the processor, leaving almost no room for air cushions. But even with other radiator mounting schemes, good results can be achieved. The best mount is the one that minimizes the air gap between the processor and the heatsink. This can be achieved both by increasing the pressing force of the radiator surface, and by grinding the contacting planes.

It should be noted that the Pentium II solves the task of attaching the heatsink to the processor much better, however, some (especially early) models are supplied with only passive heatsinks (without a fan). Users of Pentium II processors may be advised to attach the fan to the heatsink themselves.

However, no matter how tightly you seat the heatsink on the processor, there will still be small air gaps between the surface of the heatsink and the top of the processor. And air, which has a very low thermal conductivity, greatly interferes with heat transfer between the processor and the heatsink. These interlayers are usually eliminated by using the heat-conducting paste KPT-8, made on the basis of beryllium oxide (BeO), it conducts heat well, is chemically low-active and is used in the nuclear industry as a neutron reflector. The paste is placed in a thin layer between the processor and the heatsink, providing better thermal conductivity.

Main problems

In unstable operation at frequencies of 75 and 83 MHz, the following are noted:

  • HDD Quantum Fireball, Fireball TM, Fireball ST (the problem is solved by using a cable no more than 10-15 centimeters)
  • SVGA on the ET6000 chip - mainly due to overheating of the chip.
  • SoundBlasters - older releases - problem solved by increasing IO Recovery

In addition, the following problems are possible:

  • Unstable work. This problem can be solved by changing the timing of your memory modules (SIMM/DIMM) in the setup. For example, increase the wait state.
  • Unstable operation of the disk subsystem. Either the operating system does not load at all, or messages like "Missing operation system" are displayed, when creating archives they are created with errors, when copying files are copied with errors, the CD-ROM drive is not recognized by the operating system. In this case, try to shorten the cables of IDE devices, or if that doesn't help, try to force the PIO-mode setup of your HDDs and CD-ROM drives to be one step lower.
  • Unstable operation of ISA devices. Set the setup to a larger dividing factor for the ISA bus clock rate and the I/O Recovery delay.

useful links

  • More information about overclocking and optimizing PC performance can be found on our partner's website www.sysopt.com

Everyone has long guessed that the developers of computer games and software are trying to force us to buy new hardware. Faster, cooler, more expensive - they demand. And sooner or later, the consumer, if he is not quite a Rockefeller, the question arises - how to overclock a computer?

First, let's figure out what this means. Overclocking a computer or overclocking is an increase in the clock frequency of its components (processor, RAM, video card) in order to increase performance. That is, you improve the technical characteristics of your PC without spending money on an upgrade. But you need to do it wisely (mistakes can be expensive) and imagine the consequences.

Even if you do everything right, there is a possibility of faster failure of components. In addition, after overclocking, they are not subject to warranty. Try to learn as much information as possible about improving the performance of your specific processor or video adapter model. It often happens that inexpensive models can easily be overclocked to the top ones of the same line. The benefit is there!

ATTENTION!!! Overclocking is not the only way to make a computer run faster. Before overclocking, read the pro article, which describes the safe steps to speed up your PC. Only after reading this article, start overclocking. In addition, please note that as a result of overclocking, including those described in this article, PC components may fail. The article describes how to overclock, but we do not recommend it for beginners.

Temperature regime

As the performance of computer components increases, they begin to heat up more and in most cases, the cooling system will need to be improved. Replace thermal paste, put additional coolers in the case or buy more efficient ones. Sometimes you may even need a water cooling system, although it will cost a lot.

Also, one of the good proven methods is to remove one of the walls of the system unit. So fans installed on heating elements will receive air directly from the room, and not from the closed heated space of the system unit. Although the coolers installed on the case drive air through it, the temperature inside is still higher than outside.

Processor and Memory

CPU overclocking

The text on overclocking the processor turned out to be too long to fit in this article, so I had to separate it into a separate one. The example shows overclocking of an Intel processor with pictures. In the case of AMD, the actions occur in the same order and also. Only names, frequencies and multipliers will differ.

Don't forget to replace the thermal paste before overclocking. It is sold in most computer stores and is applied to the processor cover, to which the cooler is attached.

Having dealt with the cooling, let's move on to the processor itself. There are two ways to increase its frequency:

  • increase the bus frequency multiplier;
  • increase the bus frequency.

The easiest way is to change the bus frequency multiplier. Unless, of course, the manufacturer has left such an opportunity, which happens less and less. In most modern Intel processors, for example, it is not possible to increase the multiplier. So, you have to increase the frequency of the bus. The product of the bus frequency and the multiplier is precisely the frequency of the processor. This is done in the BIOS.

The reverse side of the coin of overclocking the processor in frequency is that the bus frequency is tied to the frequency of the RAM, and they increase at the same time. That is, overclocking the processor is limited by the capabilities of RAM, take this into account. In order for the increase in the frequency of the memory to start from a minimum and leave more space for overclocking the processor, you need to find the option in the BIOS that is responsible for the RAM and set the minimum frequency from the available modes. Usually the chipset fixes them to standard values, but it won't be superfluous to see for yourself.

After all these manipulations, you can overclock the processor - let's say, for starters, by 10 MHz. After making sure that everything is working stably and the processor has really overclocked (a special utility will help you), slowly raise the megahertz - until the system works stably. And do not forget about the RAM, the performance of which is set to a minimum. They also need to be raised, selecting the optimal ones through testing.

Overclocking RAM

So, in the previous step, by overclocking the processor, we lowered the RAM frequencies to the minimum. At these frequencies, you need to stress test the processor, for example, with the OCCT program. If during testing there were no failures, then you can start overclocking the RAM.

The technical specifications of your motherboard indicate the modes of operation with RAM. For example, like this:

Suppose we have a memory installed with a frequency of 1333 MHz, you can try to run it in 1600 MHz or 1866 MHz mode. Also, the frequency may differ from the standard one due to the fact that when overclocking the processor, we changed the standard frequency.

So, go to the BIOS on the advanced settings tab for the processor and memory. In each motherboard, the tab may be called differently. Look for options: Advanced Settings, Overclocking, CPU Settigs. We need to find the Memory Clock line, as shown in the screenshot:

Next, select the desired multiplier and save the changes. After restarting the computer, the memory will start working at the new frequency. Or it won't start... Depends on the frequency you have chosen and on the memory itself. There was a time when Samsung supplied such a successful 1333 MHz memory that ran at 1866 MHz without any problems. But there are also cases when it is not possible to overcome even 1600 MHz.

If suddenly the computer could not start after your attempts to overclock it, then you need to find a battery on the motherboard. After turning off and de-energizing the computer, it is necessary to remove this battery from its socket for a while. All BIOS settings will be reset to default and you can start overclocking again. In order not to repeat this procedure many times, start with a small overclock. No need to immediately try to overclock the computer by more than 30%. If you manage to do this, then you are very lucky. In most cases, overclocking over 30% may cause errors during subsequent operation. For example, during intensive work, the computer will spontaneously restart. Don't forget to stress test again before saving your settings permanently.

video card

The next important point in answering the question of how to overclock a computer is overclocking a video card. It is desirable that this happens synchronously with the same manipulations on the processor. But you can effectively overclock only an external video card that uses independent RAM. Built-in video adapters in budget machines use computer memory and are not suitable for a large increase in performance.

It is worth noting that the video card should be overclocked only if you play games or use it for calculations. In other cases, overclocking is not required.

Increase productivity in two ways:

  • from the operating system using special programs;
  • by flashing the BIOS of the video card, corrections are made to the native one or a third-party one is installed - for example, from an older card model.

There are enough utilities for optimization, both paid and free, there are also those provided by video card manufacturers. You need to download and install one of them. Now check the temperature of the card under load and without it, if it is high, increase the cooler speed programmatically. As a rule, they increase megahertz either slowly, by 10-15, on the processor of the card and its memory in turn, each time checking the stability, or they look for already selected indicators for their model and set them.

There are also special programs for changing the BIOS of the card. They allow you to change timings (signal delay time in memory for processing), memory and chip frequencies, voltage, cooler speed and other indicators.

For simple and fast overclocking of the video card, you don’t even have to go into the BIOS. There is a wonderful program MSI Afterburner, which can be downloaded from the official website http://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner.

You can overclock the chip frequency and memory frequency. These are the Core Clock and Memory Clock sliders. Which frequency to set is up to you. You can look for reviews about a specific model, who managed to set what frequency. But we do not recommend adding more than 20%. Let's say you added 10%. After that, you need to click the “Apply” button, which applies the changes. Then you can save the profile and check the “Apply overclocking at system startup” checkbox - this means that the changes will be applied every time the computer is restarted. To check the stability, you can click on the letter “K”, which is located at the top left. The Kombuster stress test will start. The current version of the program launches the Fluffy Bagel shape:

If you are not satisfied with the performance of the PC, then upgrade it. First of all, a more modern processor is installed. But this is not the only way. You can get a more powerful computer without replacing its components without spending money. To do this, they overclock the processor, which means in slang - “overclocking”. How to overclock the processor through BIOS, we will tell in our article.

Why overclocking is possible

The power of the machine depends on the number of operations performed per unit of time. It is set by the clock frequency, the higher it is, the greater the performance. Therefore, the progress of computer technology was accompanied by a constant increase in this characteristic. If in the first computers, assembled on relays and lamps, it was a few hertz, today the frequency is already measured in gigahertz (10 9 Hz).

The standard value, which is automatically set by the generator on the motherboard, is set by the manufacturer for this processor model. But that doesn't mean it can't run faster. Reinsurance is always given by 20–30 percent, so that all microcircuits in the batch work stably even under adverse conditions. The frequency can be raised, and this is done in hardware, without making changes to the electrical circuit.

What, besides the speed of work, changes during acceleration

More intense work requires more energy. Therefore, when overclocking a laptop processor, it should be borne in mind that the battery will drain faster. For desktop machines, you need a spare power supply. The heating of the microcircuit also increases, therefore, if you decide to overclock, make sure that a powerful cooling system is installed, the regular cooler of your computer may not be able to cope with the increased temperature.

From the above, we can conclude: a more powerful power supply and cooling system will be required, it is necessary to control the temperature and stability of the equipment.

Is overclocking dangerous?

Early BIOS and processor models did not include temperature control. By overclocking the machine, it was possible to burn the processor, so few people took the risk. Today, this probability is small, if overheating occurs, the system itself switches to standard clock rates.

Overclocking with the help of programs and through BIOS, which is better

Processor overclocking can be done in two ways:

How to enter BIOS

Let's try, although it's a little difficult, since BIOS versions differ for different motherboards, give the most detailed instructions:

Overclocking by raising the bus frequency

This way is more profitable. It is also the only method for Intel processors that do not support multiplier upscaling. At the same time, not only the processor is accelerated, but also the rest of the system components. But there is one thing, but not always RAM can operate at an increased frequency, and the machine will be disrupted not because the processor is not stable at an increased frequency, but because of a memory failure. True, many motherboards allow you to adjust the clock speed of the RAM.

Now more about what to do:

Overclocking with a multiplier

The operating frequency of the processor is a multiple of the bus frequency. This parameter is set by the hardware multiplier. For example, the bus operates at 133.3 MHz, and the processor at 2.13 GHz - the multiplicity is 16. Changing the multiplicity to 17, we get 133.3 * 17 = 2266 - 2.26 GHz - the operating frequency of the processor. By changing the multiplicity, we do not touch the bus, so only the processor is overclocked, all other elements of the system work stably, just like before overclocking. Overclocking the processor through the BIOS in this way somewhat limits the frequency range that can be set, but this is not critical.

In order to do this operation, you need to find this parameter in the BIOS settings. His signatures are different - " CPU Clock Multiplier», « Multiplier Factor», « CPU Ratio», « CPU Frequency Ratio», « Ratio CMOS Setting". Similarly, we increase this parameter and look at the stability of work and temperature. It is not necessary to conjure with the frequency of RAM. The only pity is that this method does not work for all processors.

How to cancel overclocking

If something went wrong, then you can reset the BIOS settings through the menu item " Load Optimized Default". If, due to the settings, the BIOS itself has stopped loading, then you can exit to the standard mode using the following operations:

What else to consider when overclocking

Let's talk about the small nuances of overclocking:


This article talks about overclocking the processor, which can be done in two ways: through the BIOS or using special utilities, about which read our article on. More attention has been paid to overclocking through the BIOS by increasing the bus frequency or multiplier. This must be done gradually. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the processor and check its stability. That's all we wanted to talk about overclocking. We hope our article will help you increase the performance of your system.

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Avid gamers, people who work with bulky multimedia and those who need complex computing processes often face a lack of power in their equipment. And if they do not want to spend money on updating equipment, or there is no need for a dramatic increase in performance, then overclocking or overclocking the processor, video card or RAM will help.

Overclocking or overclocking is an increase in the performance of personal computer components by software or physical manipulations.

All devices in normal mode operate at 50-80% of maximum power. Restrictions are imposed by manufacturers and are designed to extend the life of the device. There are several ways to remove or circumvent these restrictions. True, this will significantly increase the load, and, consequently, the service life of the device will decrease.

Thus, by taking the right actions, you can increase the performance of the processor, video card or RAM by 20-50%. It is quite difficult to achieve the highest possible productivity - this is already a field of professional activity. But 20-30% of the increase can be obtained without delving into the constructive jungle.

IMPORTANT: Overclocking a processor on a laptop is an extremely risky step and it is strongly not recommended to take it. A weak cooling system will not prevent the consequences of a rise in temperature. Therefore, you need to think carefully before overclocking the laptop processor.

Next, tips will be provided on how to properly overclock the processor. On motherboards with built-in overclocking utilities, it is difficult to damage the computer. Special software fuses, when an excess of normal temperature is detected, reset the settings to their original state.

Despite all the precautions, it is better to play it safe and provide additional cooling before overclocking the processor.

Correct overclocking of the processor

There are two ways to effectively increase the processor clock speed: BIOS settings correction and special software. Both methods are relatively safe and accessible to users with modest knowledge in the field of computer technology.

IMPORTANT: Before increasing the performance of the processor, it is better to think carefully. If there are doubts about the successful completion of the overclocking procedure, then it is better not to start it. Incorrect actions are fraught with breakdowns of devices.

Correcting BIOS settings

Before you overclock the processor through the BIOS, you must carefully study the instructions for the motherboard. In it you can find all the necessary values. In addition, it indicates the presence on the board of special switches responsible for increasing performance. Using them can also improve system performance.

Increasing the clock frequency using the BIOS is due to a change in the FSB bus multiplier. This feature is only supported by processors with an open multiplier. Otherwise, you will have to resort to software overclocking or soldering contacts. The technical documentation for the motherboard must contain information about the FSB bus multiplier.

To overclock the processor through the BIOS, you must perform the following steps:

If a blue screen appears after loading the operating system or disks, sound cards or other elements are not recognized, then the overclocking threshold has been exceeded. You need to decrease the ratio and try again.

After completing these steps, you need to check the temperature of the processor (special programs like Everest or HWmonitor will help). The maximum allowable value at peak loads is 900С. If the indicator exceeds the permissible value, then it is necessary to reduce the coefficient or provide sufficient cooling.

It is better to increase performance gradually, increasing the total value in increments. Upon reaching the required frequency, you can stop, or you can continue to increase it. When the maximum value is reached, the computer will stop turning on.

To restore normal operation, you must reset the BIOS settings. You can do this by removing the battery on the motherboard for ten seconds. If the computer still does not turn on, then you need to remove the battery and close the jumper labeled CCMOS. It is usually located next to the battery socket.

Having found the optimal value, you need to work at the computer for half an hour. If during this time the temperature has not risen, there have been no failures in the system, then everything is in order - the overclocking was successful. Now you don't have to worry about how to speed up your processor.

CPU software overclocking

The debate about how best to overclock iron does not subside. Security advocates blame the unreliability of the software, while those who prefer overclocking the processor through the program retort its ease of use. With the right actions, any method will be effective.

There are several manufacturers of motherboards. Overclocking programs are also targeted at various manufacturers. Overclocking an intel processor with the wrong utility can cause serious damage to the system. The download sites of such programs usually contain information on the list of supported models of processors and motherboards. Therefore, before overclocking an intel processor, it is better to check the above list.

ASRock OC Tuner

A simple and functional program for overclocking the processor. OC Tuner combines overclocking and monitoring functions. With it, you can not only overclock the processor, but also get information about the state of the system, monitor the voltage in various elements of the system.

To change the processor frequency and the bus frequency multiplier in the "Over Clocking" section, just set the necessary parameters in the appropriate fields and click the "Go!" button. Along with the performance of the processor, you can also adjust the frequency of the PCIE bus. Voltage control works on the same principle, only there are more input fields (CPU, RAM, VTT, chipset bridges). A suitable program for overclocking an Intel processor.

MSI Control Center II

The program is designed to control the state of the system and its overclocking. The entire interface of the utility is divided into two main sections: "Oveclocking" and "Green Power". The functions for overclocking the system are grouped in the first section. It also contains information about the status of devices: temperature, power consumption, and more.

The second section "Green Power" contains information about the overall energy efficiency of the system. You can also turn the motherboard LEDs on and off from this menu.


Program for overclocking boards released by ASUS. Owners of motherboards from this manufacturer can instantly overclock their devices without learning the BIOS and other subtleties. To do this, just install TurboV EVO. Moreover, in some versions of the EFI BIOS, the utility is embedded.

Through TurboV EVO, you can control the processor clock speed and adjust the frequency of the RAM. The program also supports the function of voltage control in various elements of the system. It is possible to automatically overclock the system.

AMD Overdrive

How to overclock an AMD processor? There is an excellent AMD OverDrive utility for this. The program has several levels of settings. They adjust to the user's level of awareness. Inexperienced users will have access to monitoring the operation of the system. Those with a sufficient level of knowledge will be able to adjust the bus frequencies and the clock frequency multiplier.

In addition to fine-tuning the frequency of each core, OverDrive allows you to test the system with the selected settings. Monitoring functions greatly facilitate overclocking of the AMD processor. OverDrive turned out to be a powerful utility for fine-tuning systems to fit your needs.

Another useful program for overclocking the processor is CPU-Z. This is a good tool for monitoring the state of the system. The AMD overclocking tool provides information on how it works. Its model, total clock speed and frequency of each core, bus multiplier and much more other information.

CPU-Z is a portable program that does not require installation. Information about the system becomes available immediately after launch. In addition, the utility has a function for publishing and comparing the results obtained, which allows you to monitor the progress of other users who decide to overclock the processor.