Painting decorative stone from gypsum: the subtleties of the process. Gypsum coloring - creating new shades Is it possible to paint on plaster

I recently mastered the technology of painting gypsum tiles and today I want to tell you how to paint a decorative stone from gypsum. To date, I have identified 4 ways of painting for myself:

  1. Brush (superficially);
  2. In mass (adding pigment to gypsum);
  3. In mass + airbrush (airbrush).
  4. Applying pigments to molds before pouring stone.

Each method has its pros and cons, I will also try to talk about them.

Painting stone with a brush

To paint stone with a brush, you will need a bucket, warm water, brushes (narrow and wide) and iron oxide pigments. In our city, pigments are sold in kilogram cans and I found only 5 colors:

  1. Brown;
  2. Black;
  3. Red;
  4. Yellow;
  5. Orange.

In order to get a different color - they need to be mixed. I wanted to get beige, I mixed yellow and brown, but nothing came of it. It turned out to be a completely different color. Maybe I mixed it wrong.

Iron oxide pigments

So, first we need to dilute the pigments. I took black and brown, diluted them with warm water in different containers. Then he took an orange, about 15 grams, and dissolved it in a bucket. After 10 minutes, the pigment dissolved. I took a narrow brush and made a few stripes in brown and black. Then I dipped the tile in a bucket of orange pigment several times. The number of dips depends on what color you want to get, the more dips, the brighter the color. I dipped the tile 3 times, then took a wide brush and brushed it all over the surface. It turned out as in the photo below.

Painting a stone with a brush with the effect of aging

The arrow highlighted the area that was not painted over, this is due to.

Here is another photo in other colors.

Another option for painting with a brush


  1. This method is available to everyone;
  2. Nice aging effect.

Minus: It takes a lot of time to paint.

Bulk painting

There is nothing easier than painting an artificial stone in this way. We take the pigment, dissolve it in water, then fill in the gypsum and do it. Then we fill it in forms.


  1. Quick way to paint;
  2. The entire tile is stained (inside and outside);
  3. No fading.

Minus: You can only get 1 color.

After the stone has dried, the color will fade, so only testing can determine the final color of the stone. I took 1 kg of gypsum for kneading and added different amounts of pigment 3, 6, 10, 15 grams. The main thing is to write everything down so that later you don’t forget which stone how much pigment you added.

Coloring in mass with an airbrush

I painted the tile in bulk with a yellow pigment, then diluted caramel-colored paste with water and applied it to some areas of the tile with an airbrush.

Color paste

It turned out very nice.

Coloring in mass with the application of color paste

Minus: you need an airbrush, which costs about 3 thousand + a compressor (from 5 thousand and above).

A plus: a fairly quick method of dyeing, it is the most in production.

Applying pigment to molds

The essence of this method is that you need to dilute the pigment so that it is not too liquid. Apply it with a brush to some parts of the mold and pour in the gypsum mortar. The disadvantage of this method is that the forms will need to be washed if you want to make other colors, they say 1-2 fillings with cement remove the pigment completely. And I also didn’t like the fact that when pouring with gypsum, the paint (pigments) can blur.

Instead of pigment, you can use the usual grout for ceramic tiles, which you can see in the video below. Grout is much cheaper than pigments, so it turns out very profitable.


For streaming production of tiles, I would choose the third method of painting, it takes the least time and the stone turns out beautiful. You can use not 2, but 3 or 4 colors on one stone, the main thing is to choose colors harmoniously. If I made a stone for myself, I would most likely choose painting with a brush, a very beautiful aging effect is obtained. But first, of course, I would paint in bulk, and then apply pigments to the surface. And I also want to say a little. In 99%, they buy white stone from me, I also talked with other stonemakers, they also often take white stone from them, so if you are planning production, first “hone” it properly, and then paint it. Read more:

Painting decorative stone from gypsum will allow you to get a coating that is aesthetically pleasing and can be combined with a variety of interiors. It will additionally protect the surface, make its service life longer. However, it should be borne in mind that the process of staining such a base is characterized by certain difficulties. You can achieve remarkable results if you take into account a number of nuances.

What to choose?

You have to paint an artificial stone made of gypsum, cement or other material if you created any product yourself or simply bought unprocessed products. Painting a gypsum surface is usually not very easy and fast: you will have to be patient before such work. Everything will need to be done with the utmost care. The material will have to be tested on the surface in advance: as a result, the shade does not always turn out the way you expected. For gypsum, you can use different dyes.

acrylic materials

Acrylic paints are very popular: such coatings are beautiful and at the same time protect the surface well.

They have certain properties that are needed for artificial gypsum stone:

  • resistance to liquid, UV radiation;
  • vapor permeability (gypsum can create a certain microclimate in the room, because this material gives and absorbs liquid);
  • elasticity (cracks may occur on coatings over time, but with elastic paints in this regard it is much easier).

If you want even better moisture resistance of the paint, opt for a material in which silicone has been added.

Another important plus of acrylic dyes is the ability to change the shade (to get the right color, you should use a color scheme).


Copper or iron vitriol is used as an impregnation, such materials make the gypsum surface more durable. At the same time, they also give it certain shades: copper - bluish, iron - yellowish.

Dry material will need to be diluted in water. After that, put the products in a container (approximately two hours). They should not be in contact with each other - otherwise there will be areas that differ in color from others.

wood stain

To process gypsum, you can use a wood stain. When working with acid stain, maximum caution should be exercised. It is recommended that you first choose one tile and test the material on it: gypsum products come in different compositions.

Other solutions

For processing artificial gypsum stone with your own hands, you can use various impregnations, varnishes. With the help of such materials, you can get very interesting effects: the illusion of moisture, beautiful shine.

Suitable material can be prepared independently, but for this you will have to understand the intricacies of the process.

Modern stores sell special paints that make the surface look like natural stone. Such materials are quite expensive, but the result will be worth the money spent.


When applying dye to a plaster surface, you need to remember some rules.

  • Remember that some impregnations cannot be combined with paints. Before using this or that material, you must carefully read the instructions for it.
  • The previously painted surface will need to be pre-sanded. This is not a very easy job (especially in cases where the products are already on the walls).
  • Gypsum stone must be kept at home after purchase. Before staining, you should wait at least a day: the product must reach a balance of humidity and temperature.
  • Paint can only be applied to a completely dry surface.
  • The varnished surface has a beautiful sheen, but remember that such a coating weakens the feeling of naturalness.

Work must be carried out in a certain order. If you do not skip the necessary steps, then in the end you will be satisfied with the results.


Choosing the most suitable tools, you need to focus on what kind of product you have to work with. If the surface is old, more tools will be needed. For a new product, you will have to prepare fewer different devices.

The following tools are usually required:

  • a vacuum cleaner with which you will remove dirt and dust;
  • accessories necessary for grinding (sanding machine, sandpaper);
  • sponges, brushes (for highlighting and tinting);
  • airbrush or spray gun.


Before applying the dye, you will need to carefully prepare the surface.

The procedure should be like this:

  • Remove dirt and dust from the product. The surface should not be strongly moistened.
  • Sand if necessary.
  • Apply a suitable impregnation (for example, a material that makes the surface more resistant to liquid).
  • Dry the item thoroughly.

You will also need to inspect the surface. It should not have any defects.


Decorative stone is painted in different ways.

  • To make the color uniform, process each fragment individually.

  • If you do not want the surface to be uniform, use two tones of paint and a relief. First apply a darker paint, lightly sand the protruding texture. Then you can use a lighter shade.
  • Many paint decorative stone with a spray gun, but it is more convenient to use an airbrush to highlight certain lines. This way you can get the job done much faster. It is not recommended to use a brush for staining gypsum, because it is inconvenient and tiring.
  • Products can be completely omitted in the composition. How long to keep them there depends on the characteristics of the particular mixture.

When the dye dries, the gypsum product can become quite faded. If you do not want to spoil the naturalness with a glossy sheen, correct the situation with a matte varnish. After applying such a coating, the color of the product will become more saturated.

old marble

If you like the effect of aging, you can process the product so that the material looks like old marble.

Work is carried out in a certain order:

  • The acquired stone will need to be kept for two days in a dark room. If you created the product yourself, dry it thoroughly (maximum - at 55 degrees).
  • Warm up the oil. This should be done very carefully, you will need to use gloves when working.
  • The material is applied using a flute brush. It is recommended to apply it in 2 layers. Try not to leave unimpregnated places: the product must be processed evenly.
  • After a while, the surface will look like old marble.


To get a surface for terracotta, you need to treat the product with rosin and shellac varnish, diluted in technical alcohol. This method is similar to the previous one. The desired effect also appears after a while.

bronze tide

If you want to get a bronze finish on the surface, you will need to prepare the necessary materials and perform certain actions:

  • Apply drying oil to the gypsum surface (gypsum should be very well saturated with this material). Then the product will need to be dried: it usually takes from eight to ten hours.
  • Finish the product in 2 coats using bronze powder mixed with varnish.
  • Dry the material thoroughly.
  • Mix pure water (300 g), acetic acid (100 g) and silver nitrate (10 g will be enough). You can also add pigment.
  • Apply bronze powder to the surface (the layer should be as thin as possible). The solution will need to be applied from above. After that, oxidation will occur.
  • Take a piece of velvet and carefully wipe the surface.

If you want the effect to intensify, apply a solution of wax in turpentine to the plaster surface (this will need to be done until the composition stops being absorbed). A product with such a coating can be washed.

You can get a very beautiful surface with stain. An airbrush can be used to apply such material, but for best results, the product must be completely immersed. Lightly heat the composition, dip the plaster for a few seconds and dry it. If necessary, the product will need to be pre-wiped.

Painting artificial stone from gypsum is a great opportunity to get a finishing material that will meet individual decorative wishes. In addition, the layer will provide protection for facing products and increase their durability. With some diligence, all work can be done independently with available tools.

Painting the material at home is usually necessary in the case of the purchase of raw products or self-manufacturing of products. In the second option, it is better to provide for the coloring of the gypsum mass. This will allow surface staining only to emphasize the desired areas.

If, when making a stone on its own, you take care of its color in advance by adding color to the gypsum mass, then less time and effort will be spent on the entire staining process

Painting gypsum in general is not very easy, it will take accuracy and a lot of time. In addition, the result when choosing a certain color is not always the desired one. Therefore, all formulations are recommended to be tested in advance.

Various types of dyes can be used for the front coating, giving the details the desired shade.

acrylic paint

The water-based solution is quite popular, it allows you to decorate and protect the surface. Such a material has a number of properties necessary for an artificial stone from a gypsum mixture:

  • Elasticity. Cladding elements are subject to thermal expansion, which can lead to the formation of surface cracks. Due to the slight elasticity, this problem will be eliminated.
  • Vapor permeability. This parameter is very important for gypsum, especially inside the house. The fact is that this material contributes to the creation of a microclimate in the room due to the absorption and return of moisture.
  • Resistant to various kinds of influences. Of course, the paint will not protect the parts from strong mechanical influence, but it will protect them from ultraviolet radiation and excess water.

Painting with acrylic paint will add additional protective properties to the artificial stone, which is especially important in rooms with temperature extremes and high humidity.

If you want to get high moisture resistance, a mixture with the addition of silicone is purchased. A distinctive feature of acrylic compositions is that they easily change their color; for this, color is used.


Iron and copper sulfate are used as an impregnation. The main purpose of these mixtures is to increase the strength of parts, but there is also a side effect - coloring. The iron variety gives the stone a yellow tint, and the copper variety gives it a blue tint.

The dry composition is diluted with water in a suitable container, the elements are immersed in the solution for two hours. The main thing is to arrange the fragments so that they do not touch each other, otherwise there will be prominent areas.

wood stain

For gypsum, mainly compositions are used that are also suitable for concrete artificial stones. They are monophonic mixtures. There is a rich palette of shades, but if necessary, staining is done with wood stain.

There is also an acid stain. It should be handled with great care. Much depends on the composition, so it is recommended to test the mixture on one product.

Other types of solutions

Painting can be carried out with other varieties that paint the surface of the stone:

  • Any options designed for gypsum.
  • Lacquer of various modifications.
  • Impregnation. Many of them not only improve product quality, but also affect the appearance. For example, a penetrating mixture with a wet effect gives the surface a sheen and creates the illusion of moisture.
  • Self-prepared compositions. The main thing is the correct selection of components.

On a note! Currently, special paints have appeared on sale that create the appearance of natural stone. The cost of such materials is high, but the result is impressive.

Staining rules

Coating products with coloring compositions is carried out according to certain rules:

  1. Parts must be well dried according to the manufacturing technology.
  2. After the acquisition, the elements must be aged at home. It takes at least 1-2 days for the stone to reach the balance of temperature and humidity.
  3. If previously processed products are painted, they are pre-sanded. This is very difficult to do, especially when the products are already on the walls.
  4. Impregnations are used according to the recommendations that each manufacturer indicates on the label. Some are applied before painting, others after. Some options are not combined with coloring compositions.

Should know! Often there is advice on the use of varnish to give a gloss finish, but this is not always appropriate. This effect can weaken the feeling of naturalness.

How to paint decorative stone?

The technology assumes that the work will be carried out in stages. The exact procedure allows you to paint without any problems.

Tool selection

The necessary tool depends on what products need a decorative coating. If you paint new parts, then the list will be smaller than when working with elements that have an old layer. Also in the second case it is very difficult to achieve a qualitative result.

The following set of devices is being prepared:

  • Airbrush. An alternative would be an airbrush.

  • Brushes and sponge. Great for highlighting and highlighting.
  • Grinding tools. It can be sandpaper or a grinder.
  • A vacuum cleaner. To remove dust and dirt.

The necessary impregnations and paint (or its components) are also purchased.

Stone preparation

Preparation of products is not difficult:

All fragments are inspected: defective or unsuitable in shape are not used.


Painting a decorative stone is performed in different ways, but the general recommendations are as follows:

  • For uniform coloring, all fragments are processed individually.
  • If work is carried out on a finished surface, then options are immediately thought out that will avoid uniformity. The most common method is to use a relief and a two-tone coating. That is, a darker layer is first laid, then the protruding texture is slightly polished. If necessary, a lighter color is quickly applied afterwards.
  • For painting, it is preferable to use an airbrush, certain lines are highlighted with an airbrush. This will make the process go much faster. Coating stones with a strongly pronounced relief with paint (which is typical for gypsum products) with a brush is not only tiring, but also does not guarantee a quality result.
  • An excellent option is the complete immersion of parts in the composition. In this case, the duration depends solely on the individual characteristics of the mixture.

Important! To obtain the desired effect, a test coloring is carried out to select the shade and application technology.

Unusual staining of a plaster product

There are ways to paint gypsum with your own hands, which allow you to achieve an interesting look of the surface, including aging.

Under the old marble

Process algorithm:

  1. When self-made, the stone is thoroughly dried, the temperature should not exceed 55 degrees at the last stage of drying. The purchased product is aged for 48 hours in a warm room.
  2. Next, the drying oil is heated. Be careful and wear gloves.
  3. For application, a flute brush is used. The surface is impregnated in two layers, all areas are treated with great care to avoid gaps.
  4. Over time, the elements will take on a look reminiscent of old marble.

In addition, such impregnation reduces the hygroscopicity of gypsum.

Under terracotta

The technology is almost identical to the previous version, but shellac varnish and rosin are used as a coating composition, which are diluted in technical alcohol.

After a certain period of time after applying the composition, the surface becomes similar to terracotta.

A mixture of shellac lacquer and rosin makes the plaster brown.

Creating a bronze shimmer

The technology requires the presence of the necessary ingredients and the following steps:

  1. Gypsum figurines are well saturated with drying oil and are laid to dry for 8-10 hours.
  2. Bronze powder is prepared, diluted in varnish. This composition of the product is processed in two layers.
  3. The material dries well.
  4. A mixture of silver nitrate, acetic acid and water is prepared. Proportions: 10 g of silver, 100 g of vinegar and 300 g of pure water. If required, pigment is added.
  5. The product is covered with a thin layer of bronze powder and treated with a solution on top. Oxidation takes place.
  6. The surface is well rubbed with a piece of velvet.

On a note! If you need to enhance the effect, then the gypsum is additionally treated with a solution of wax in turpentine until the material stops absorbing the mixture. This cover can be washed.

Use of wood stain

Morilka is used quite often. It is well applied with a spray gun, but the best result is obtained with full immersion. To do this, the composition is slightly heated, the parts are dipped for a short time (from 5 to 10 seconds) and immediately sent to dry. If required, the fragments are pre-wiped.

Many parents try to give their kids the best. All girls and boys, regardless of age, love to draw on everything that first falls into their hands. In order for the children to have something to do and at the same time without the slightest harm to the environment, it is best to direct their creativity in the right direction. Therefore, master classes for children are organized.

How to color?

To paint plaster figures, you should stock up on the figures themselves and paints. You can choose a variety of figurines, depending on the age of the child and his capabilities:

  • small;
  • medium;
  • voluminous.

To make it more convenient to paint the figures, it is best to put them in a small amount on plastic plates so that the baby can draw calmly and at the same time not get very dirty. For painting small details, it is best to use thin brushes, but wide ones are useful for varnish. Gypsum figurines are best painted with brushes made of synthetic material. If there are very small details on the figures, then it is best to paint them with paints from small tubes.

When the figures dry, they must be covered with a shiny varnish, and the reverse sides should be cleaned with a metal nail file.

Child development

Painting plaster figures is a very useful activity for children, because with the help of such an exciting and interesting entertainment, the kid learns to be more accurate and accurate. Gypsum figurines are different in complexity and size, so even the smallest baby can safely draw with their parents.

Painting figures from plaster, children not only have fun, but also prepare their hand for mastering writing, form their skills, coordination of movements, muscle memory. Being constantly engaged in painting, children learn to be accurate, and their movements become clearer.

In addition, the child forms his imagination, works with paints. The creative imagination of a child should be formed from childhood, so that he can harmoniously combine different shades, navigate in space and have an idea about three-dimensional thinking.

Painting figurines will be an interesting activity not only for older children, but also for the smallest ones. Starting from the age of 18 months, the baby can be given a brush in his hands and together with him draw and paint figures that will become wonderful toys. This activity will also appeal to adults who love to be creative.

home » Materials for giving.

An excellent decoration of the interior of the cottage are various decorative elements. Depending on the style of interior design, antiques (a samovar, for example), ceramics or porcelain can be used as such elements. Small gypsum products designed in the appropriate style are suitable for almost any interior.

What are the advantages of gypsum products?

Gypsum decorative elements are distinguished by a variety of shapes and sizes, which allows you to choose the best one for exactly the interior design that seems optimal to you. Besides:

  • Plaster figurines and figurines are fairly cheap;
  • They can be installed anywhere, without special restrictions;
  • Gypsum products can be painted to match any color that dominates the interior;
  • They do not require special care.

What to use?

Acrylic, water-dispersion and water-based paints are well suited for painting gypsum products. The color is chosen based on the features of the figure or interior. Painting is done with a sprayer, brush or cotton (gauze) swab.

Gypsum can be covered with potal (a kind of gilding) or compositions that imitate bronze. This allows you to create elegant and original interior elements that can decorate any room in the country.

Another option for processing gypsum is coating with hot drying oil or shellac varnish. After drying, the surface of the product will resemble aged marble.

In addition to purely design tasks, painting gypsum products helps protect them from various negative factors. For example, gypsum is sensitive to high humidity, but after painting with a waterproof composition, this problem disappears.

How to paint plaster?

Painting should be carried out as soon as possible after the product has dried. Over time, the surface of the gypsum loses its adhesive properties, so the coating will be less likely to lay down.

The gypsum product should be painted in a ventilated area.

One of the most preferred methods for coloring single-color products is to add pigment when preparing a gypsum mortar. As a result, the product will initially be colored.

The advantage of this method is that the figure will be painted over the entire volume. That is, if a chip occurs, it will not sparkle with the whiteness of gypsum, but will be the same color as the surface. The main disadvantage of this approach to painting is the monochromaticity and the inability to imitate other materials (gold, bronze, marble).

The use of water-soluble paints for painting will achieve the effect of natural stone. Due to the ability of gypsum to absorb moisture unevenly, the coating forms veins and halftones, very similar to the texture of the stone. With the help of a combination of different shades, you can get a very reliable imitation.

It is most convenient to work with such paints with a cotton swab.

Please note that it is better to paint the figure in 2-3 layers. Thus, a more saturated color will be obtained.

Gypsum paint - a few secrets for work!

Gypsum, as a material, has a fairly large range of colors, from completely white to soft pink shades. But do not limit yourself - gypsum paint can transform the material into bronze or ivory, so why not do it!

Gypsum painting - what paints do gypsum like?

How to make plaster stronger - the secrets of reliable modeling!

Gypsum itself is a fairly strong material, but it will not be superfluous to make it even stronger, that way 10 times! This can be done both at the stage of mixing the solution, and after the product is ready. In the first case, for all the manipulations, you will only need knowledge and a little lime and PVA construction glue, but in the second case, you will have to go to a hardware store for iron sulfate or zinc sulfate. The easiest way to increase the strength is to reduce the proportion of water in the solution. If an ordinary solution is mixed at the rate of seven parts of water per ten gypsum, then a stronger one is made from six portions of water for all the same ten gypsum.

Paint for gypsum - how and how to process gypsum?

If you notice that the gypsum has lost its ability to absorb moisture, cover the surface of the product with shellac varnish or hot drying oil and dry at room temperature. By the way, after these actions, the figure can not be painted - over time, it will take on the appearance of aged marble. To make a plaster product similar to wax, it can be treated with a solution with wax in the composition, often these are made on the basis of turpentine or gasoline. For greater naturalness, oily yellow paint can be added to the solution. When the product dries (it may take only a few hours), the surface should be polished with a soft cloth to give the characteristic shine of wax.

Do-it-yourself painting of gypsum products has many more advantages over buying finished products. Firstly, you can paint, for example, after installing gypsum tiles, which allows you to make the pattern more uniform. Secondly, manufacturers on a large scale will not fiddle with each tile the way you do for yourself. After the paint dries, the surface will lose its brightness, so it is recommended to cover it with a matte or silky-matt varnish. In addition, it will give greater strength to products, protect it from moisture. It is recommended to use water-based varnishes - they do not have such a toxic smell and dry quickly.

How to paint bronze gypsum - the subtleties of the process

The second layer should be applied thick paint with the addition of bronze powder.

Gypsum coloring

After it dries, a third is applied, thinned with turpentine, containing beeswax, to give a matte sheen. When the last layer dries, it is lightly removed with sandpaper on the convex parts, after which the surface is wiped with a flannel cloth powdered with talc. To shade some places, you can still add chromium oxide to the talc, or to achieve a greater effect, treat it with a mixture of bronze powder and graphite powder.

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Gypsum paint - a few secrets for work!

Gypsum, as a material, has a fairly large range of colors, from completely white to soft pink shades.

How and how to paint plaster figurines for the garden

But do not limit yourself - gypsum paint can transform the material into bronze or ivory, so why not do it!

  1. Gypsum painting - what paints do gypsum like?
  2. How to make plaster stronger - the secrets of reliable modeling!
  3. Paint for gypsum - how and how to process gypsum?
  4. How to paint bronze gypsum - the subtleties of the process

1 Painting gypsum - what paints do gypsum like?

Gypsum is present both in plaster mixtures and as an independent material for the same modeling with which we decorate our houses. And not always its natural whiteness can suit you in terms of combination with other interior elements or simply not suit you - it's too easy to mess up such details during cleaning. It is much easier and more interesting to paint gypsum surfaces or elements! Of course, it will not work to take watercolor paints and give the desired color to gypsum products, there are secrets in this process. It's time to lift the veil of mystery!

In principle, gypsum, as well as almost any natural material, can easily be applied to all kinds of paints and varnishes, gilding and other simulators of silver, bronze, and at least ivory! Acrylic paints adhere well to the gypsum surface, however, adhesion with this material is high in almost all compositions. For better preservation of the paint layer, it does not hurt to apply an additional layer of colorless varnish, the paint should be completely dry by this time.

2 How to make gypsum stronger - the secrets of reliable modeling!

Gypsum itself is a fairly strong material, but it will not be superfluous to make it even stronger, that way 10 times! This can be done both at the stage of mixing the solution, and after the product is ready. In the first case, for all the manipulations, you will only need knowledge and a little lime and PVA construction glue, but in the second case, you will have to go to a hardware store for iron sulfate or zinc sulfate. The easiest way to increase the strength is to reduce the proportion of water in the solution. If the usual solution is mixed at the rate of seven parts of water per ten gypsum, then a stronger one is made from six servings of water for all the same ten gypsum.

Overdoing it with a decrease in the amount of liquid, you risk getting a plaster crumb. The risk can be reduced by adding PVA glue to the solution.

It takes only a couple of tablespoons for an average batch, so that the finished structure acquires greater strength - the glue binds the individual particles of gypsum. A mixture of gypsum and slaked lime demonstrates a stunning effect, and all that is needed is to add one part of calcium hydroxide to the standard ratio. Of course, the product or surface will not become invulnerable, but falling to the floor from the table or being hit by a blunt object can survive. If you have a finished product on hand, you can soak it with a concentrated solution of zinc sulfate or iron sulfate. Zinc salt will not change the color of the product, but vitriol will turn it yellow-brown.

3 Paint for gypsum - how and how to process gypsum?

It is best not to delay painting gypsum products, because over time the material loses its ability to absorb substances, which in turn impairs the adhesion of paints and varnishes to the surface. The product should dry properly, and even better, subject it to heat treatment - warm up for several hours at a temperature of 250-500 degrees, gradually increasing the degree to the upper mark. True, for this you need to have special equipment, in the absence of which you can do with ordinary drying in heat for 2-3 days.

If you notice that the gypsum has lost its ability to absorb moisture, cover the surface of the product with shellac varnish or hot drying oil and dry at room temperature.

By the way, after these actions, the figure can not be painted - over time, it will take on the appearance of aged marble. To make a plaster product similar to wax, it can be treated with a solution with wax in the composition, often these are made on the basis of turpentine or gasoline. For greater naturalness, oily yellow paint can be added to the solution. When the product dries (it may take only a few hours), the surface should be polished with a soft cloth to give the characteristic shine of wax.

When creating a decorative stone from gypsum, the most practical way is to color it at the stage of mixing the solution, when, thanks to the powder pigment, the desired color is given to the entire mass. The advantage of this method is that even inside the gypsum will be painted, and if a corner is chipped or the material is cracked, the defects will be less noticeable. True, it will be difficult to achieve such a resemblance to natural materials as is possible when painting with a brush, although nothing prevents you from combining the color in the manufacture of mortar with surface painting.

What gypsum is good for is its ability to absorb moisture, and with different intensity, forming veins on the surface that approximate the resemblance to natural stone. There is nothing complicated in the process of painting itself - you will need tinting paste for water-based paints, water and a brush. All that needs to be done is to dilute the color or several shades in water and paint or rather blot the surface with a brush. From 30 to 50% acrylic primer can be added to water, which will give additional strength to gypsum products.

After applying the first layer, you can go over some places with a darker paint or with a more concentrated content of coloring pigment. In addition to the brush, you can use the most common sprayers, even from household detergents, or an airbrush. It will be even more convenient to make several different solutions at once, which will be at hand, so the coloring process will be even faster and better.

Do-it-yourself painting of gypsum products has many more advantages over buying finished products. Firstly, you can paint, for example, after installing gypsum tiles. which makes the pattern more uniform. Secondly, manufacturers on a large scale will not fiddle with each tile the way you do for yourself. After the paint dries, the surface will lose its brightness, so it is recommended to cover it with a matte or silky-matt varnish. In addition, it will give greater strength to products, protect it from moisture. It is recommended to use water-based varnishes - they do not have such a toxic smell and dry quickly.

4 How to paint bronze gypsum - the subtleties of the process

Painting gypsum reliefs under metal is a very popular way to ennoble products. To do this, you will need oil paints, matched by color, a brush, fine sandpaper and acetone. Paint is applied in 3 layers, while the convex parts of the relief are covered with a more liquid paint, and the recesses with a thicker one. The first layer should always be light, when it dries, it must be artificially aged - treated with sandpaper, wiped with a cloth dipped in acetone.

The second layer should be applied thick paint with the addition of bronze powder. After it dries, a third is applied, thinned with turpentine, containing beeswax, to give a matte sheen. When the last layer dries, it is lightly removed with sandpaper on the convex parts, after which the surface is wiped with a flannel cloth powdered with talc. To shade some places, you can still add chromium oxide to the talc, or to achieve a greater effect, treat it with a mixture of bronze powder and graphite powder.

How to paint plaster?

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Please advise what is the best way to paint gypsum? It is necessary to paint the gypsum columns and also molding, but I don’t know how to paint them. How should such material be painted? Perhaps someone came across, tell me?

Acrylic paint is quite suitable for these purposes, but if you want it to leave its color longer, it is recommended to treat the product with varnish after painting, but only when the paint is already dry)))

To paint with acrylic paint is the best option, so that the color is saturated, you need to cover in three or more layers. Do not pull with painting, because over time the absorbency of the material is less.

I painted myself with acrylic paint in several layers, so the color becomes more saturated and lasts longer, and if the paint is varnished, it will retain its color even longer.

How can you paint a plaster figurine?

Varnish treatment is best done after a few days, so that the paint is completely dry, then there will be a full 100% effect.

Acrylics are of course suitable, but alkyd and conventional oil paints are also very suitable for covering gypsum (alabaster). And if you pre-primed the surface with an appropriate primer or simply cover it with heated drying oil (it is better to add paint which will be painted), then the color fastness will be much higher.

Vlad73September 28, 2014
at 16:30

I offer a creative solution for your columns. Cover the column itself with kerlite (flexible stone) or metal wallpaper, and paint the rest of the column with ordinary acrylic paint. Take Finnish production.

The easiest way to add dye is at the kneading stage, but you have the columns and stucco molding ready, don't be discouraged - gypsum is an extremely convenient material to process and decorate, you can use almost any paint, acrylic, watercolor, oil or even gouache.

You can use any water-based paint for these purposes. I prefer to take for facade work, as the surfaces painted with it can be wiped and washed. Water-based paint for interior work is erased when washing.

Before painting gypsum, it is necessary to prime it, at least with diluted PVA glue, otherwise you risk getting a “leopard color”. Gypsum is a porous material and absorbs paint unevenly. After priming, you can already use any suitable paint. Personally, I like acrylic paints, they lie more evenly.

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for the manufacture of artificial stone on a gypsum and cement basis

  • Mineral inorganic pigments

    For the production of artificial decorative stone, mineral iron oxide inorganic pigments are used.

    This is a common group of dyes derived from iron oxides, therefore, such pigments are called iron oxide or iron oxide. Inorganic synthetic pigments are distinguished by pure color, high dispersion and coloring power (intensity), the absence of abrasive impurities and easy dispersibility in film formers and polymers. Harmless. Light and weather resistant, i.e. they do not fade or wash out of the artificial stone body. Currently, pigments made in Germany, the Czech Republic, Korea, and China are available for sale in different regions of Russia. Powder pigments are optimally suited for volumetric coloring and applying a pigment mask, both for gypsum artificial stone and cement-based facade stone. The main consumption of the pigment is the coloring of the solution in bulk, but the result is “on the face”, if an accidental chip or scratch occurs, the defect will be invisible. Dry powder pigments, the consumption is very economical from 0.25% for light pastel tones, up to 2% for bright saturated colors. In most cases, the average consumption is about 1%. The percentage is calculated from the mass of the binder (gypsum, cement). When mixing six primary colors, in various combinations, you can get a huge palette of shades. It is advisable to add no more than 3% of pigments by weight of the binder, the excess can adversely affect the physical properties of the stone. Insufficient color intensity is usually associated not with a lack of pigment, but with an increased porosity of the finished product, which occurs due to an excess of water for preparing the solution. The less water, the denser the stone and the richer the color. Reducing the amount of water by 1.5-2 times allows the use of super- and hyperplasticizers, which will be discussed below.

    White pigment - titanium dioxide TiO2 (titanium white)

    White pigment, used to whiten the dissolved mass of gray cement, neutralize color contaminants and correct the color if necessary to obtain light tones of the stone. The use of imported titanium dioxide (dioxide) of Sachtleben, DuPont, HUNTSMAN brands is optimal. It is added in an amount of 1-5% by weight of cement.

    Superplasticizers and hyperplasticizers

    Plasticizers are modifying additives that are used to reduce the water-cement, water-gypsum ratio, increase the mobility of the solution and increase the workability of the mixture, as well as to improve the physical properties of decorative stone. The less water, the denser and therefore stronger artificial stone. The use of German or Swiss hyperplasticizers Melflux, Muraplast, Viscocrete is recommended - these are the latest generation plasticizers based on the steric effect of particle repulsion.
    Hyperplasticizer MELFLUX 2651 F(Manufacturer: Degussa Constraction Polymers (SKW Trostberg, Germany) is a powder product obtained by spray drying based on a modified polyester carboxylate. Technical data: form - yellowish powder; bulk density - 350–600 g/l; loss on heating - max. 2 0 wt %, 20% solution at 20°C has pH = 6.5–8.5 Features: Highly effective dispersant Reduces shrinkage Effective over a wide temperature range Provides high early strength Effective as for mortars based on cement, and for gypsum-containing mixtures.
    Dosage: 0.05–0.5% by weight of the binder (for PC); We recommend starting trial batches with 0.15 - 0.2%. (optimal for most mixtures).

    Concrete hardening (setting) accelerators

    Concrit-F significantly accelerates the hydration of cement, resulting in a reduction in the initial and final setting and shrinkage times, while at the same time increasing its advanced strength, surface wear, cold weather resistance and workability.
    The use of the concrete hardening accelerator KONKRIT-F makes it possible to increase productivity in the manufacture of cement products by 2–3 times by reducing the cement hardening time and improving the quality of manufactured products. The release of molds is 2-3 times faster, doubles the strength of one-day concrete, increases the surface strength of concrete by 1.5 times - fewer chips on products, better presentation!
    KONKRIT-F allows you to reduce the amount of water by increasing the mobility of the concrete mixture.

    What and how to paint the base of gypsum?

    When hardening concrete under normal conditions, you can enter the accelerator 0.5 - 2% by weight of cement. In non-reinforced concrete, this amount can be increased up to 3%. It dissolves well in water prepared for mixing the solution. The active ingredient of the KONKRIT-F accelerator is CaCl2.

    In almost every region there are firms selling such a chemical. products, you can buy them in our company. Prices for pigments and additives in the price list.