How to paint a lining with wood stain. What is the best way to paint the lining inside the house. Washable belinka paint for interior walls

The irrefutable advantages of wood have made it one of the most popular finishing materials even in the era of the "construction paradise", when every craftsman can choose the material for every taste. It is precisely due to the low thermal conductivity and other positive qualities, such as ease of fastening, the ability to hide surface defects, as well as environmental safety, that wooden eurolining has ensured stable popularity for a long time. The lining is a thin finishing panel made of selected wood, designed for interior and exterior decoration of premises and performing several functions, among which a special place is given to cosmetic, decorative and soundproofing. Despite the fact that there are several types of lining - wooden and plastic, experienced professionals prefer the first option, in view of its significant advantages. In most cases, clapboard is sheathed on the outside of the house, as well as verandas, loggias and balconies. After finishing the walls with clapboard, which hides their irregularities and other shortcomings, they acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance. The use of wooden lining contributes to the uniform distribution of humidity and the preservation of heat in the room, which, after finishing with this material, is filled with a pleasant woody smell. An ideal option for interior decoration is pine, which nature has endowed with a pleasant golden hue that darkens with time. Despite the fact that, theoretically, lining is a durable material, like any other, proper care is needed to extend its service life. The main component of proper care is painting the lining, which will protect the material from drying out, dust and damage by insects, as well as from changes in temperature and humidity. Due to the relevance of this issue, in this article we will answer the question: “How and with what to paint the lining inside the house?”

Painting lining: the relevance of the issue

We can talk for a long time about the advantages of wood as a finishing material. It is characterized by the ability to heat and sound insulation, and the ability to visually hide the irregularities of the finished surface, and ease of installation, and, of course, durability. Thus, lining is characterized by all the advantages inherent in wood. However, wood also has its own disadvantages, such as a tendency to ignite, rot, as well as susceptibility to damage by insects and fungus. In this regard, despite the fact that lining is a durable material, over time it loses its original characteristics. To avoid this, wood finishing materials must be properly maintained, one of the stages of which is painting the wooden lining.

Important! Painting the lining is the final stage of finishing activities, however, as well as the implementation of other stages, it must be approached with due responsibility. The operational life of the lining and its ability to maintain the original performance characteristics depend on the selection of the most effective paint and varnish composition.

lining photo

How to paint the lining: the choice of paint and varnish composition

The most susceptible to destruction and aging is the lining, which was used for cladding the facades of buildings. This is due to the fact that it is constantly influenced by negative environmental factors, such as microorganisms present in the environment and causing wood decay, ultraviolet radiation, as well as sudden changes in temperature and humidity, leading to mold growth. In this regard, for exterior decoration, experts recommend using lining made from coniferous wood, which contains resin that has antiseptic properties and prevents the development of mold and fungus. However, it must also be treated with special compounds to extend the performance. For the processing of wooden lining, functional and decorative compositions are used. The first group includes:

  • flame retardants- functional compounds used to reduce the combustibility of the material. Due to the fact that wooden lining is a fire hazardous material, flame retardant treatment is a must;

Important! According to experts, the most effective is the industrial processing of wooden lining with fire retardants, which involves the application of a protective composition under high pressure. Do-it-yourself flame retardant application is considered less effective.

  • Bactericidal and antiseptic compounds, penetrating into the wood structure to a depth of several millimeters and preventing its destruction under the influence of aggressive environmental factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, mold and rot. For processing wooden lining inside the house, compounds are used that indicate their purpose for interior work;
  • Drying oil- a composition that provides reliable protection of wood from decay, as well as giving it water-repellent characteristics. However, the disadvantages of drying oil, such as an unpleasant odor and a long drying time for each layer, significantly limit its use;
  • Acrylic varnishes- paint and varnish compositions that have not only functional, but also decorative characteristics. They are used for finishing the lining and are applied in two stages: the first layer involves the application of a transparent varnish, and the second - a varnish with the addition of a tinting composition. Choosing a water-based acrylic varnish is ideal for those who want to keep the original texture of the material;

  • Yacht varnish forms a reliable and durable coating of wooden lining, protecting the material from moisture, mold and fungus, as well as ultraviolet radiation. In view of the presence of solvents in the composition of the varnish, it is characterized by an unpleasant, but quickly weathered odor. There are matte, semi-gloss and glossy varnishes. The disadvantage of yacht varnish is its high cost, but it is fully consistent with the quality of the composition. In this regard, painting the lining with varnish can be significantly limited;
  • Synthetic varnishes- unlike water-based acrylic varnishes, they are more toxic, but during application they provide the lining with a rich shine and a smooth surface. Due to the fact that the composition of synthetic varnishes includes xylene and toluene, it can only be used for outdoor use;
  • A profitable alternative to varnishes is considered wax-based formulations, providing the lining with a semi-matt sheen. However, the limiting point in its use is the complexity of application.

If the first group of funds is focused on protecting the lining from operational factors and extending its use, then the use of the second group - decorative compositions is relevant if you plan to radically change the design of the room.

Decorative compositions for painting lining:

  • Oil paints, deeply penetrating into the structure of wood and effectively increasing its resistance to negative environmental influences, including moisture. However, they are characterized by a rather long drying time, as well as a gradual loss of color during operation. In addition, the peculiarities of the composition of oil paints contribute to the fact that the air permeability of wood is reduced, and therefore, they can only be used for painting individual elements indoors;
  • Acrylic paints in terms of performance, they are superior to oil compositions, which guarantees greater preservation of the color and luster of wooden lining. They are characterized by high elasticity, and therefore, they do not crack even with significant temperature changes and deformations, and painting the lining with paint can be used both for outdoor and indoor work;
  • Enamels based on alkyd allows you to paint the lining in a wide range of colors both inside and outside the room. After painting a wooden lining with alkyd-based enamel, a glossy surface forms on the surface of the material, which may fade over time, which leads to the need for re-painting;
  • Water-based paints do not hide the texture of wood, giving it a matte surface. They are characterized by the absence of an unpleasant odor and a quick drying time, but they are inferior to varnishes in terms of reliability. The construction market offers a wide variety of water-based paints and varnishes, among which there are facade, waterproof, washable, as well as enamels intended for interior use.

Important! For painting wooden lining in a bath or sauna, professionals recommend choosing special impregnations or varnishes that reliably protect the decorative coating from moisture and dirt, and also do not emit harmful volatile components when heated.

Lining painting technology: step by step instructions

Regardless of which paint you choose, painting a house, in which lining is the main finishing material, requires compliance with the technology for applying paint for lining. An important role in this process is given to preparatory activities.

What are the preparatory measures: we prepare the lining for painting

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean the lining from the old paint. If the layer of paintwork material is strong enough, the painted lining must be cleaned with a 2% soda solution, which will help to effectively remove the layer of old paint. If fragments of paint still remain on the surface of the lining, they can not be removed, as they make it possible to give the lining a new, original texture;
  • After cleaning the lining, it is necessary to polish it, for which it is recommended to use not a specialized grinder, but traditional sandpaper or even pumice;
  • After grinding, process the lining with drying oil;

Important! To improve the result of processing lining with drying oil, add 50 grams of turpentine and dry pigment to its composition, which can be used as minium or ocher;

  • The final stage of the preparatory measures is the primer, for which primers for wood or compounds that will be used for further painting are used.

Important! Experts recommend replacing the traditional primer with a primer antiseptic, which will increase the protective characteristics of the processed wooden lining to a greater extent. Despite the fact that this preparatory stage is not mandatory, experienced specialists do not recommend neglecting it, explaining that certain types of wood in the area of ​​sawn knots have specific formations - “tar pockets”, from which resin is released from time to time, reducing protective properties of paint or antiseptic. Currently, manufacturers offer many varieties of primers: both for outdoor and indoor use, as well as specialized antifungal and anti-mold primers that significantly extend the life of paint and varnish coatings.

Lining painting technology

  • Painting the lining, the video instruction for which is attached below, is a process that is not difficult and can be carried out even by a beginner. But, despite this, experts recommend following some tips, which can also be found in this article.
  • The application of paint must be carried out in a thin layer, making continuous movements along the wooden panel. It is important that in the process of painting the lining, only the tips of the bristles of the brush pass along its surface, but not its base;
  • Even if the paint or varnish does not completely cover the surface of the lining, it is not recommended to apply too thick a layer of paint and varnish composition, since several thin layers will provide a more durable coating than one thick layer;
  • In order to effectively paint over the lining in hard-to-reach places, as well as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bskirting and platbands, experts recommend using a thinner brush, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm;
  • The following advice will avoid the appearance of marks on the surface of a freshly dyed lining. To do this, the top coat of paint must be applied from top to bottom, which will most effectively smooth the surface of the freshly painted lining.

Important! In the process of painting vertical surfaces, for which wooden lining was used, a layer of paint must be applied continuously. At the same time, it is not recommended to paint over the same place more than two or three times, as this will lead to the fact that the painted surface will not be strong enough and will acquire a sloppy appearance. In addition, after applying each layer, it is necessary to wait for it to dry, and then proceed to apply the next layer of paint.

  • To improve the quality of your painting, follow the advice of our experts.
  • Before painting, as well as in the process of work, it is necessary to mix the paint thoroughly, which will achieve uniformity of color and gloss;
  • To make sure that the color match is correct, make a test paint, which involves applying paint to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe unused board;
  • To avoid uneven color and gloss, experts do not recommend applying too thick a layer of paints and varnishes, replacing it with several thinner layers;
  • The following fact may seem surprising to someone, but sometimes, in the course of painting the lining, zigey mittens may be required. Experts explain this by the fact that sometimes wooden lining can alternate with metal pipes and other metal elements that are quite difficult to paint, which is explained by the fact that one side is on the ground. To facilitate the dyeing process, it is enough to turn the zigey mitten with the fur outward, put it on your hand and, dipping it in the paint, use it instead of a brush. This method significantly speeds up the painting process and allows you to paint up to 5 meters of pipe in 1 minute;
  • Experts recommend tinting the primer in the color that best matches the color of the subsequently used paintwork;
  • It is not recommended to carry out paint and varnish activities in sunny weather or under the influence of direct sunlight, which can excessively speed up the drying time of the paintwork material. To avoid this, do not hold such events in hot sunny weather, as well as on rainy days. The most optimal weather for painting events is warm, cloudy and calm weather;

  • The weakest point in this case is the ends of the boards, through which water is absorbed at the highest rate, causing damage to the wood. This causes the most thorough approach to their processing, including the application of several layers of primer and paintwork materials;
  • An interesting fact is that in the process of re-painting the facade of the building (if there are no gross structural defects on it), the same or a different shade can be used. However, it is important to follow the rule that it is necessary to use the same paintwork material that was previously used.
  • Determining the types of paintwork can be done visually. For example, acrylate paint typically cracks along the grain and has a leathery surface. At the same time, it can be torn off and even rolled into a tube, which will not affect its integrity in any way. As for the antiseptic, it is characterized by a glossy surface. A surface previously painted with an antiseptic can be painted with it or with oil paints.

Some tips for choosing paints and varnishes:

  • Due to the fact that during the drying process oil paints change their color somewhat, in the process of choosing the tone of the paintwork composition, give preference to a darker one;
  • As for acrylic paints, they do not change their color in the process of work and do not crack;
  • Water-based paints are environmentally friendly, however, more expensive materials. Having given preference to them, you will be surprised at the vastness of the choice of color palette;
  • Using aqualak, pre-paint the lining with water-repellent and anti-slip compounds, and also treat the lining with an antiseptic and impregnation, which will increase the fire safety of the treated wood;
  • If you or your family members are allergic, give preference to scuba diving, which is the safest material;
  • If you are using lining made from precious woods and want to emphasize its texture and naturalness, give preference to transparent polyurethane varnishes;
  • To paint wooden lining in the dressing room, use urethane-alkyd varnish or antiseptic paint, the service life of which exceeds a decade. They will reliably protect wood from rot, mold and fungus, as well as increase its water and dirt-repellent characteristics.
  • Due to the fact that oil paints reduce the air permeability of wood, to create an optimal microclimate in the room, use a primer and acrylic scuba varnish, which will reliably protect wood from dirt and dust and emphasize its natural beauty.
  • Also remember that after applying the varnish, a translucent film forms on the surface of the lining, the paint contributes to the formation of a durable film, and the impregnations are not visible at all on the surface of the wood.

How to paint the lining: the choice of color scheme

Regarding the question: "What color to paint the lining?" , then we can safely say that there is no unequivocal answer to it, and the choice of colors depends only on your preferences.

But, despite this, certain trends dominate at one stage or another in the development of design, and at the moment they are in the "leadership" of white, which contributes not only to the visual expansion of the interior space, but also to raising the mood of the residents.

The interior decoration of a country house should be durable, safe and durable. And if in winter it is empty and not heated, then it is also moisture resistant, since the risk of condensation in this case is very high. Not every material will cope with such tasks, however, if properly processed and decorated with natural wood lining, it will last for decades.

Depending on how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, it will have a different appearance: it will retain its natural pattern and shade or acquire a new one. And protective compositions for wood impregnation improve its performance.

Lining in the design of a country house

Any material made of wood must be coated with protective compounds. Without them, the finish will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable. Paints, varnishes and impregnations perform several functions:

  • Improve the appearance of the front surface of the lining;
  • Prevent natural darkening of wood;
  • Protect against mold, fungus and rot;
  • Reduce the release of resin from conifers;
  • Improve water repellency, thereby preventing swelling and deformation;
  • Reduce the ability to ignite and spread fire.

Coatings of different types solve one or more problems. Therefore, for the best protection, you have to choose several compositions at once. How to paint the lining inside the house depends on exactly what functions are assigned to the coating and what kind of finish you would like to get in the end.

Types of compositions for lining

All means for wood processing are conditionally divided into protective and decorative. Some of them need to be combined, others can be used on their own. Ideally, primary processing should be carried out before the installation of wooden lining, so the products will be protected from adverse factors from all sides. If the skin is already installed and coated, it will need to be removed or sanded.

Note! Eurolining, if it is made according to the standard, is already covered with protective or protective and decorative compositions.

protective equipment

The primary tasks of these compositions are to protect the tree from pests, mold, fungus, moisture, temperature changes and extend the life of the lining and finish coating.

Covering the lining with a protective compound before installation

Common means for processing wooden surfaces:

  1. Primer. A popular decorative base. It improves adhesion, prevents the absorption of moisture and the release of resin, fills the pores and hides small irregularities. Compositions with an antiseptic additive are produced, they protect the tree from damage by mold and fungus.
  2. Oil-wax. Creates a dense film surface that perfectly repels water. This treatment is necessary for rooms with high humidity.
  3. Linseed oil. Deeply impregnates wood, hardens over time. Protects from moisture and gives the lining a pronounced structure.
  4. Drying oil. A once popular processing tool. Today, it is being replaced by more advanced formulations. Improves the hydrophobicity of wood, but the coating quickly changes color and sticks.
  5. Bleach. The material is more often used locally, where there are defects such as blue spots, natural darkening.
  6. Antiseptics. Protect the surface from pests, fungus and mold. They are already used on the affected areas of the finish.
  7. Flame retardants. Reduce the ability of wood to ignite and spread fire.

Oil-wax and linseed oil do not require additional processing, as they give the surface a pronounced pattern, and the color can be tinted. It is also permissible not to paint drying oil, but it will have to be updated often. Primer and antiseptics are used as a base for finishing.

Lining covered with drying oil

Decorative coatings

It is necessary to select these compositions taking into account the state of the finish. There are products that preserve and emphasize the natural look of wood, make annual rings more pronounced, give a shade. Others, on the contrary, hide the pattern under a dense colored layer. The former should be used if the lining has no defects (Extra, A and AB varieties) and old paint. The second, for products with numerous damages (grade B and C) and coatings that cannot be removed.

Transparent compositions for finishing wooden lining: varnishes, stain, some paints. Opaque: acrylic and oil paint, water-based.


Acrylic, alkyd and water-based varnishes are most suitable for interior work. Completely preserve the natural appearance of wood. Pigment can be added to the composition, which will give the lining a shade. The varnished surface has a glossy or matte texture. Additionally protect the finish from moisture, discoloration and minor mechanical damage. May contain antiseptic additives.

Lacquer coating for lining

Decorative azure

Gives wood a pronounced structure and any color. It does not form a film on the surface, but penetrates deep into. The material is transparent, so the lining under it should be without significant defects. In addition to being decorative, it also has a protective function.

Variants of shades of decorative azure

wood stain

It has almost the same effect as decorative azure. Paints wood in saturated brown color of different shades. Stain is often used for artificial aging of lining. It is important to consider that it does not sufficiently protect against moisture.

Stain shades

Acrylic water-based translucent paint

Forms a thin layer on the surface of the wood, through which the texture and natural shade of wood are visible. Such paints hide minor defects in the finish.

Translucent paint on lining

Oil paint

Thick opaque finish. Forms a film on the surface. May have any shade. Keeps color and integrity for a long time. This lining paint needs to be renewed approximately every 5 years. Has a pungent odor.

Covering lining with oil paint

acrylic paint

More durable opaque finish than oil paint. Virtually odorless, dries in a short time. Can create a matte and glossy finish. Its only drawback is its high cost.

Matte acrylic paint

water emulsion

The colors are odorless and dry quickly. Form a matte or semi-matte texture. Suitable for dry rooms only.

Water-based paint for decorating a country house

The video shows an example of a competent combination of protective and decorative coatings for wall paneling, applied at home, without the use of special tools.

Tips for choosing a finish coating and interesting ideas

A wide selection of coatings allows you to choose absolutely any color and texture for lining. In the conditions of a country house, it is better to give preference to the most persistent and unpretentious compositions that do not have to be updated frequently.

If the panels have many defects or an old coating, then dense, opaque paint is indispensable. It is possible to improve the appearance of the base surface by removing the top layer of wood, but this is too laborious and time consuming.

An unusual combination of shades of paint for lining

The colors and shades of lining can be combined in the decoration of one room. This technique allows you to divide a spacious room into zones. Decorate or diversify the design, place accents.

Color accents in clapboard trim

Due to the color of the finish, you can achieve some visual effects. Light shades expand the space, dark ones, on the contrary, make it smaller. A white ceiling looks taller than a brown one.

The color solution for lining can match the palette of shades used in the interior or contrast.

Harmonious combination of color palette of textiles and walls

Lining processing technology

Protection and painting of lining is carried out in several stages. The first one is preparation. If the finish is new, then before covering the lining, it is enough to clean its surface from dust with a solution of 5 liters of water and 150 gr. soda. After drying, the first layer can be applied.

In the presence of old coatings, grinding with pumice or sandpaper will be required. It is better to do it with a grinder. The task of this procedure is to create a rough texture that will easily adhere to the coatings.

Cleaning walls from old paint with a grinder

If dense paints are applied to the lining, then they can be cleaned off mechanically (with a building hair dryer and a spatula, grinder) or with special chemical solutions. Neither method guarantees perfect results, but it's worth a try. This option is better than painting the lining inside the house right on top of the old finish.

The coating can not be removed, but then it should be degreased. Without fail, remove areas with crumbling paint, air cavities and clean to smoothness.

In the presence of serious defects, such as fallen knots, it is necessary to putty the hole and clean it to smoothness.

Applying protection

If the coating could not be applied to an uninstalled lining, then the joints should be carefully coated in order to treat as large an area as possible. The composition must be applied in a thin and even layer. To do this, you can use both a brush and a roller, as well as mechanical tools. If the protection is applied in several layers, then it is important to dry each of them thoroughly before painting the lining with the next composition.


The method of applying the finish coat depends on its type. General rules for work:

  • Use two brushes (wide for the main part, narrow for joints) or an airbrush;
  • Painting starts from the top so that accidental drops do not spoil the finished surface;
  • Pass one section once, in a continuous line;
  • Some varnishes and paints are applied in two or three layers, each of which must dry naturally for several days;
  • It is better to make several thin layers than one thick layer;
  • Only painted finishes should not be exposed to UV rays and extreme temperature changes.

In hard-to-reach places, a foam rubber sponge can be used for staining. It is best to apply the composition over the entire area in a short time. If you want to take a break, then the joint must be located in an inconspicuous area.

Applying paint with a spray gun

For the interior decoration of a country house, lining is one of the best options. It does not require complex maintenance, and it is enough to restore the surface once every 7-10 years (depending on the type of coating). If you process it according to all the rules and taking into account the features of operation, the material will last at least 25 years.

How can lining be painted in a country house or in a city apartment? What properties should dyes and varnishes have? Finally, how to apply them correctly? Let's try to answer these questions.


Painting or varnishing combines several functions:

  • Hides defects of wood. The surface of the lining is not always ideal; often there are a large number of knots on it, oblique, and the appearance of the texture of the cheapest spruce and pine is not expressive;

  • Protects wood from temperature influences and humidity fluctuations, significantly reducing its service life;

Please note: this is especially important if wooden lining is used for exterior decoration - cladding the walls of a country house, filing the roof of an open terrace or roof overhangs.

  • Prevents fermentation- a process that leads to a darkening of the tree in bright light. Opaque paints completely block the impact of ultraviolet radiation that is detrimental to the appearance of wood; transparent varnishes for this purpose include special additives, combined under the general name - an ultraviolet filter.

In addition, many decorative and protective impregnations include flame retardants (additives that prevent fire) and antiseptics (kill fungus, mold and repel insects).

Alternatively, antiseptic and flame retardant treatment can be performed at the stage of preparation for painting: a transparent water-soluble composition is applied over the entire surface of the lining with a brush or by immersing individual boards in a container with antiseptic primer.

If the wood has darkened in bright light or is affected by a fungus, it is pre-treated with another compound - bleach. Active chlorine or oxygen oxidizes the fermentation products and kills mold, brightening (and, alas, partially destroying) the surface layer of the board.


In order to have a good idea of ​​the cost and functionality of different paints, primers and varnishes, we examine the most popular compositions from each category.


Dry antiseptics are most advantageous for purchase, diluted with water to the required concentration before use.

An example for us is the domestic antiseptic primer XMF from Ognebiozashchita LLC.

  • The powder is diluted with water in a volume ratio of 1:12;
  • The service life of the soil is estimated at 40 years;
  • The powder and its aqueous solution are odorless and are not washed out with water, chemically combining with wood cells;
  • The soil does not interfere with steam and air exchange through wooden structures.

Please note: CMF antiseptic treatment gives the wood a greenish tint. If the lining is subsequently covered with a transparent varnish, a transparent antiseptic should be preferred.

Decorative and antiseptic impregnations

How and how to paint the lining in the country, if you want to preserve the appearance of wood?

The perfect solution would be the decorative antiseptic impregnation Aquatex.

  • The composition in atmospheric conditions provides reliable protection of the lining for up to 5 years (up to 7 years, subject to preliminary priming of the surface with the Aquatex-Grunt composition;
  • It allows you to tint wood in one of the basic colors (white, mahogany, rosewood, pear, yellow, etc.). At the same time, to obtain intermediate shades, different tinting compositions can be mixed. Painting leaves visible texture of wood;

  • Aquatex can be used as an independent coating and as a primer before applying alkyd or oil paints, enamels and varnishes;
  • Impregnation is absorbed into the wood; however, a part of Aquatex remains on the surface of the lining, forming a transparent hydrophobic film;
  • The coating remains elastic after drying, which allows it to withstand significant fluctuations in humidity and temperature.

What else is useful to know about Aquatex?


How to paint the lining white with the same Aquatex, if it has noticeably darkened in sunlight? Obviously, you will have to pre-bleach its surface.

As an example of an effective bleach that can restore the appearance of wood after many years of exposure to bright light, we use the composition Senezh Effo.

  • Effo can be used indoors and outdoors. It is used to lighten wood that has not previously been treated with paints and varnishes;
  • The composition is applied to the darkened surface with a brush, brush or spray. Consumption should be at least 150 g/m2;
  • Clarification time - 2-3 hours;
  • Senezh Effo is sold in canisters with a capacity of 5 and 10 liters. The retail price of a liter is 80-90 rubles.

Oil paints

Not so long ago enjoyed the highest popularity, now oil paints for wood are almost not in demand on the market.

There are several reasons:

  1. Long drying. With the stated 24 hours, one layer dries for at least 3 days;
  2. Long-lasting unpleasant odor;
  3. Moderate resistance of the coating to atmospheric conditions and short service life.

The object for our study will be the domestic MA-15.

  • Drying oil (natural or composite) is used as a primer;

However: many manufacturers allow it to be replaced with a faster-drying acrylic primer for wood.

  • Service life in atmospheric conditions is vaguely estimated "up to a year or more";
  • Application of at least two coats is recommended.

Alkyd enamels

Dyes on pentaphthalic and glyphthalic varnishes are much more durable than oil ones and more wear-resistant. They create a thin and durable waterproof film on the surface of the wood, which, however, does not allow air to pass through.

The most famous and in demand in this family has been produced for more than half a century PF-115.

  • Enamel can be applied directly to dry wood or over glyptal primer GF-021;
  • The drying time of one layer at room temperature is 24 hours. Accelerated drying is allowed - 1 hour at a temperature of 100 - 110C.

Acrylic paints

Water-dispersion acrylic paints are noticeably more expensive than alkyd and oil paints, despite the cheaper base - water. The cost of painting the lining per m2 is 70 - 150 rubles versus 20 - 25 for PF-115.

What does the buyer get for the price difference?

  • Complete absence of odors during application and further operation of the coating;
  • Service life of 7 or more years in atmospheric conditions;
  • Resistant to washing with any non-abrasive cleaners;

To clarify: we are talking about. Interior stains for mineral substrates are less resistant to wet wear.

  • Drying time no more than 1 - 2 hours per layer.

To the author, the most attractive solution seems to be the so-called latex-modified rubber paints: they are a complete waterproofing coating that is compatible with any surface and most old paint and varnish coatings.

An example of such a composition is the Rezel + paint of the Sevastopol Accent LLC.

It attracts with its low cost and wear resistance: the manufacturer allows its use for waterproofing the floor and exploited roofs.

Alkyd varnishes

They have all the properties of alkyd enamels, however, leaving the texture of wood visible.

The most common representative of the family in the post-Soviet space is pentaphthalic varnish PF-170.

  • Varnish is suitable for outdoor and indoor use;

However: its weather resistance is limited. The author used varnish to finish the coffee table in the attic and the yard bench. If the table after two years of operation looks perfect, then the varnish on the bench has partially peeled off and darkened.

  • On dry wood it can be applied without a primer;
  • Dries in 72 hours at room temperature.

Here are other characteristics of the PF-170:

The main advantage of the solution is its cheapness: when applied in two layers, the cost of varnishing the lining will be no more than 40 rubles / m2.

Alkyd-urethane varnishes

This category of varnishes is attractive due to its exceptional weather resistance: with constant contact with water, the manufacturer promises at least three years of service. In reality, the coating lasts much longer: even the outer cladding of the house most of the time is dry.

Let's study the properties of alkyd-urethane yacht varnish from the Russian company Neomid.

In the photo - yacht varnish from the Neomid company.

  • The lacquer is resistant to water (including salt water) and any non-abrasive cleaners;
  • After varnishing, the lining has a glossy vitreous surface;
  • The cost of a liter of varnish is about 300 rubles;
  • It does not require a primer and can be applied directly to dry wood.


New lining

Painting begins with antiseptic treatment. We emphasize: it is better to process the board before installation, paying special attention to the ends and the back side, which will be inaccessible in the future.

Nuance: lining can be supplied with antiseptic treatment. Before purchasing an antiseptic, study the accompanying documentation.

After installation, the front surface is covered with one or two layers of primer compatible with the paint with intermediate drying. The painting itself is carried out with a wide soft brush, a roller with a medium pile (allowing you to paint over the seams between the boards) or with a sprayer.

It is most convenient to paint over the seams with a brush, and the surface of the boards with a roller.

When using decorative antiseptic impregnations and varnishes, priming is usually skipped.

Old lining

The painting algorithm looks somewhat different if we are dealing with an old lining.

Wood covered with old coatings is cleaned of them. For stripping, it is most convenient to use a building hair dryer and a steel spatula. The hair dryer softens the paint, after which it is easily removed with a spatula; the remains of the coating are cleaned by grinding.

We have already studied bleaching: wood is treated with oxygen or chlorine bleach and aged for 2-3 hours. Further work is carried out after the surface has completely dried.

Useful little things

When applying paint or varnish with your own hands, you should pay attention to a number of seemingly small details.

  • Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, all coatings are applied at temperatures from +5 to +30C. At low temperatures, the varnish or paint will become viscous and sag (and water-based paints will freeze altogether). If too high, drying too quickly can make the paint layer uneven;
  • When painting a wall with a brush or roller, move it from top to bottom. The instruction is related to the fact that in this case you can avoid the appearance of streaks;

  • Thin the paints to the consistency of fat milk. High viscosity will force you to apply an excessively thick layer, which will dry for a long time and again give streaks;
  • The edges of surfaces that are not planned to be painted are best protected with masking tape. Areas adjacent to the areas protected by tape should be painted with a brush with a small amount of paint, holding it perpendicular to the surface: it is easier to avoid flowing under the tape.


We hope that our miniature review of protective and decorative coatings will help the reader in choosing, and the description of the painting technology will help to avoid mistakes in finishing. Note that painting the lining in white can not only decorate the room, but also make it more spacious and lighter.

As always, additional materials will be offered to your attention by the video in this article. We will be grateful for your comments and additions. Good luck!

Wood is an excellent finishing material, but over time, the appearance of an unprotected lining surface deteriorates. In this article, we will consider how the lining is painted so that it retains its qualities for a long time.

Why does the lining need to be painted?

Proper wall treatment will protect the surface from the appearance of mold, damage by insects, and damage to the appearance from exposure to high humidity.

Unpainted wood darkens and loses its attractiveness. With changes in temperature and humidity, the tree tends to swell or crack when exposed to dry air. The surface protection of the lining is made to preserve its appearance for a long time. It is better to initially process the wood, since it will be difficult or almost impossible to restore the original shade of the raw material later.

Means for coloring wood

There are many paints and mixtures for wood surface treatment. To decide what is better to paint the lining inside the house, consider the properties of various types of coatings.

Means for processing lining inside the house are divided into two types:

  • to protect against the ingress and reproduction of microorganisms, mold, insects, various atmospheric influences, decay processes;
  • protective and decorative coatings.


  • antiseptics, primers, impregnations;

Protective and decorative:

  • different paints, varnishes, enamels.

Types of protective and decorative paints

You can cover the lining inside the house to give an aesthetic appearance with oil, acrylic, alkyd coloring compositions. The better to paint the lining - it is necessary to decide individually, depending on personal preferences.

Oil paints

It is necessary to carry out painting work in dry weather, so that it is possible to ventilate the room well.


  • has a service life without loss of gloss up to five years;
  • protects well from moisture;
  • dries up during the day;
  • perfectly absorbed into the surface of the wood;
  • low cost.


  • strong toxic smell;
  • when staining, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs with a respirator;
  • the surface covered with oil-based paint does not “breathe”, which can lead to cracking of the material;
  • after prolonged use, the surface loses its luster;
  • no other coating is taken on top of the oil paint.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paint is the most popular for painting lining. It is made from a mixture of water and acrylates.


  • ecological cleanliness;
  • protects the material from moisture;
  • the surface "breathes";
  • short drying time, does not create streaks;
  • does not have a strong odor;
  • solvents are water and alcohol;
  • frost-resistant;
  • retains its original appearance throughout the entire period of use.


  • cheap paints can change color after drying;
  • high duration of the surface treatment process - you need to carefully apply a thin layer, wait until it dries, and only then apply the next one.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd compounds are suitable for covering not only walls, but also floors. It is recommended to apply only on a dry surface, otherwise the coloring composition will bubble and peel off after drying.


  • low cost;
  • moisture resistance.

Other types of compounds

Transparent decorative glaze is able to emphasize the texture of wood. To give it some shade, an appropriate pigment is added - color.

To give the lining a noble sheen, a wax composition is used that is absorbed into the tree. To fix the layer on top, varnish can be applied.

Opaque enamels completely paint over the structure of the material - they are applied in three layers on a dry surface.

How to paint the lining inside the house must be chosen from personal preferences, the desire to preserve the natural color of the wood, partially or completely repaint it to match the interior of the room.

Decorative varnishes

How to cover the lining inside the room to preserve the structure of the tree? To preserve the magnificent original appearance, the lining is varnished.

There are many types of varnishes:

  • polyurethane varnishes protect the lining from various influences, as an example - from yellowing and ultraviolet radiation;
  • acrylic-polyurethane, suitable for rooms located on the sunny side, not subject to fading, used in baths, bathrooms, have excellent water-repellent properties;
  • water-based - environmentally friendly varnishes;
  • alkyd varnishes used to cover floors, walls, are resistant to abrasion, are used for interior and exterior work;
  • lacquer restoring with bleach based on chlorine and oxygen - will look beautiful, but the restored appearance of the surface of the board may be partially destroyed due to exposure to aggressive bleach;
  • water-based acrylic - there are matte and glossy, they are used to cover walls indoors, they are completely safe for human health, they will not harm allergy sufferers;
  • aqualak is well suited for covering the floor and ceiling, it is colorless, strong and durable;
  • stains for lining are used on surfaces without defects, discolor the wood.

Painting lining is done manually or with a spray gun. In order to paint the surface manually, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • primer, antiseptic, paint or varnish;
  • bucket, tray, molar brush, short-haired roller, fine sandpaper;
  • apron;
  • stairs.

Stages of work:

  1. We clean the lining from dust, dirt, old coating, degrease it with a washing alkaline solution.
  2. We rub the wood with fine sandpaper.
  3. We cover with stain for clarification.
  4. We treat with an antiseptic and a primer to protect against fungi, mold, insects and protect against darkening and the appearance of black spots. The antiseptic penetrates deep into the wood. To emphasize the structure of the tree, it is recommended to cover the surface with a transparent primer. To, on the contrary, hide the texture of wood, while maintaining the relief, you need to use a transparent composition.
  5. It is necessary to process the surface from the inside with paint or varnish in three layers. We apply the next layer only after the inner one is completely dry. The last layer is applied from top to bottom.

When painting, it is necessary to carefully treat the ends of the lining with a primer and top coat.

How to choose the right coverage?

How to cover the lining inside the house so that it fits into the overall design of the room? We select the appropriate color of the coating, combined with the interior and furniture in the house.

How to process the lining inside the house so that mold does not start in it? To protect against mold, various antiseptics are used.

How to paint the lining inside the house to visually expand the space? Light colors are suitable, painting in shades of white, milky, peach shades expands the space. Painting in a dark color visually reduces the room.

A few important tips:

  • color shades on the floor, ceiling, walls should be combined, you should not choose contrasting tones;
  • dirt is more visible on light walls;
  • for bedrooms, the color of natural wood is better;
  • for the walls of the office choose strict classic tones;
  • a country house, with varnished wooden walls, will look very natural;
  • in order for the color and gloss of the painted surface to be uniform, it is necessary to mix the paint well;
  • if the walls are painted in the heat, the coating will dry quickly and may crack;
  • when covering the walls with oil paint, it is recommended to use a coating that is a tone darker than desired, since the paint may acquire a lighter shade over time;
  • lining must be impregnated on both sides;
  • drying oil indoors is not recommended, as it contains toxic substances;
  • before applying aqualak, the surface of the lining is treated with impregnation, antiseptic, water-repellent, anti-slip solutions;
  • it is recommended to cover the eurolining with polyurethane varnish, it will emphasize the texture and naturalness of the wood.

What is the best way to cover the lining to prevent rotting and the appearance of fungus?

  • cover the lining in rooms with high humidity, to protect against fungus and decay processes, it is recommended to use polyurethane-alkyd varnish or antiseptic paint;
  • the lining can be cleaned from the fungus with the help of wood bleaches.

To cover expensive varieties of lining, it is important to use a good varnish.

The question of how and with what to paint the lining is not relevant in our time, since the choice of materials is great. The lining inside the house in the country can be covered with the composition most suitable for it. The walls are covered with a darker shade than the ceiling.

Most often, softwood lining is used indoors. To protect the wood from aging, swelling, cracking, mold and changes in appearance, it is coated with an antiseptic and varnished on top.

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Painting lining - the final finishing process. The quality and durability of the coating depends on the quality of work and the right material. Let's see how to do it right.

How to paint the lining?

The tree needs to be covered. The range of paints and varnishes is huge, so the choice of material for lining depends on specific goals:

  • protection against fungi / mold;
  • giving moisture resistance;
  • decorative;
  • save texture, etc.

The lining can be painted in different ways. All of them are divided into two groups.

Functional compositions

Ensure the safety of wood, extend the service life. Give it the necessary qualities, increase operational functions:

  • flame retardants- protective compounds that reduce the flammability of the material. They are mandatory coverage. They can be universal (with biosecurity) and give a shade.
  • Antiseptics, biopyrenes, bactericidal compounds- often called impregnation, as they penetrate into the depths of the wood. Protect from aggressive environments, UV rays, block the development of rot / mold. They are divided into subgroups: for internal work and external.

  • Drying oil - gives water-repellent properties, protects from rotting. It is used only for outdoor work, dries for a long time, has a smell. A surface covered in several layers may stick for 1-2 years.
  • Alkyd varnishes- retain texture, are considered universal: wood protection + decorative effect. Used for finishing. Applied in two layers: the first is a transparent varnish, the second is a varnish with tinting.

  • Synthetic varnishes- Compared to acrylic, they have an aggressive, difficult to weather smell. After application, they form a smooth surface with a rich sheen. The composition contains substances harmful to health (toluene, xylene), so they are used, as a rule, for outdoor work.
  • Yacht varnish- the most durable and reliable coating. Provides protection against moisture, ultraviolet, fungal formations. It contains strong-smelling solvents, but after drying, the smell disappears. There are three types: matte, glossy, semi-gloss.
  • Oil varnishes - contain resins, desiccants, oils, solvents. They form a high-quality protective film on the lining, giving an ocher hue. Used inside and outside the house.

  • Wax based formulations- are an advantageous alternative to varnishes. They give a matte shine, reliably protect the tree. Texturol does not need a primer and is available in 18 colors.
  • Aqualaki- the best option for lining. Produced on a water basis, they are matte, glossy, semi-gloss. They retain vapor permeability, may have bactericidal additives, color, UV filters.

Decorative compositions

They help to radically change the color of the tree, are used in design projects, serve as protection for wood fiber:

  • Oil paints- increase resistance to aggressive influences, including moisture. Easy to apply, but dry for a long time, reduce the air permeability of the tree. Oil paint is considered an impractical coating: after 2-3 years, it begins to change color (burns out). Recommended for interior work.
  • Alkyd enamels- suitable for interior decoration, have a wide color range. After drying, they bark a glossy sheen. Not durable, after a few years they require re-painting.
  • Acrylic, acrylic paints - durable, in many respects superior to oil. Acrylic gives elasticity, so they do not crack from temperature changes and minor deformations. Acrylic paint is versatile, effective for lining inside and outside the house.

  • Water-based paints - create a matte surface, leave a wooden texture, dry quickly, do not interfere with breathability, and do not have an unpleasant odor. In terms of reliability and durability, they are inferior to all types of varnish. A thick layer will completely hide the texture of the lining.
  • wood stain- completely preserves the texture, gives a shade / tones. The intensity of the color is achieved by the number of layers.

There are many mixed-type compounds that can be attributed to both groups. They can tint, give decorativeness and protect at the same time.

How to paint a lining

It is not difficult to paint the lining with your own hands. Surface preparation is an important step in painting technology. It must be cleaned of contaminants and treated with a solution of soda (2%). If the paint has already been applied and has peeling - apply mechanical cleaning with sandpaper.

Primary application involves the use of impregnations, but it is not necessary to impregnate a dry board. It is better to use universal formulations with protection. The lining is painted only on the front side, the back remains untreated.

Using water-based paint for lining, it is diluted with water - this will help to apply a thin layer and preserve the wood pattern. In a damp room, protective compounds must be used, preferably on both sides and at the places of cuts / cuts.

The high quality of the final result will be achieved by sanding and painting each board up to the moment of installation. Already processed boards are nailed to the walls / ceiling.

Consider the technology of piece staining:

  • The lining needs to be sorted. Deformed, cracked, knotty boards are rejected. They will go for undercuts, come in handy for testing paint and mounting in closed places.
  • Quality material is polished(front side and tenon/groove). It is more convenient to work with a grinder, you can use a bar with sandpaper. Grain is used Nos. 250–280. The back side can not be processed.

  • The prepared surface is cleaned from dust and paint with a roller, brush, spray. Using a brush, you need to blend the composition along the board, trying to get a uniform color.
  • Covering varnishes/paints can lift pile, after drying, leave roughness. In this case, the surface is ground again. Then a second layer is applied.

When painting, achieving the intended result, you can apply an unlimited number of layers of paintwork materials. Repeated painting is always carried out with a minimum composition on the brush and good shading, otherwise there will be smudges and uneven color.

Raw, semi-moist wood should be primed. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve uniform coloring. A matte colorless varnish is often used for a primer.

A photo Description

Tip 1

Before work, the paint is thoroughly mixed - this is the golden rule.

Tip 2

The paint will lay down better if you work not with the middle of the brush, but with the tip.

Tip 3

You can express the pattern and emphasize the texture of wood with wax, varnish, pigmented oil.

Tip 4

The saturation of the coating is obtained not by applying one thick layer, but by creating several thin layers.

Tip 5

The paint lays down best during long, continuous strokes.

Tip 6

To paint difficult places (junctions of skirting boards, corners), use a thin brush 2-4 cm.