What is planted in the ground to grow flowers. How beautiful it is to plant flowers in the country: rules, schemes, possible compositions. The most unpretentious flowers for summer cottages are annuals. Unpretentious flowers for giving

Summer residents who have recently joined the ranks of flower growers, as a rule, start from the same thing - from visiting all kinds of garden centers, Internet sites, exhibitions, collectors' sites. After all, there are so many interesting plants (mostly perennials) on offer, which “well, you just can’t pass by”!

Alas, the “buying rage” at the same time is often far ahead of planting planning and understanding which plants will actually feel good and look beautiful in your garden.

Therefore, the first advice to gardeners (and especially beginners): do not rush to immediately acquire a lot of perennial flowers! Limit yourself to those whose landing sites have already been prepared. And the craving for diversity can easily be satisfied by annuals. Most of these crops are easy to grow and can be restocked annually to change the look of the garden - a great planning aid! In addition, annuals are so bright and beautiful that it is difficult to imagine any garden or flower garden without them: from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

These luxurious dahlias can be grown from seed! F1 ‘Hello Gorgous Shades’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Raising the "virgin"

Letniki are especially useful when you are about to plant a flower garden on a new site with uncultivated soil. Many novice flower growers have an opinion that it is better to start with perennial plants: they say, once planted - and no worries. But what is really happening? After all, even if you don’t mess with capricious crops, of which there are quite a few among perennials, but plant the most undemanding species and varieties, but in a poorly prepared place, then:

In perennial flower beds, you do not have the opportunity to dig deep into the soil with organic fertilizers and thereby improve it;

Weeds, the seeds and pieces of rhizomes of which are difficult to get rid of in one digging of the soil, are intertwined with roots with cultivated plants, and it can be very difficult to remove them;

In new areas, it is difficult to immediately plan flower beds, and moving perennial bushes from place to place is often not very easy.

The second advice naturally follows from this: “development of virgin lands”, start with the planting of annual flowers. Indeed, as a result of autumn or spring digging of flower beds with the introduction of organic matter, it is possible to significantly increase the fertility and structure of the soil and clear the site of most weeds.

Convinced? Already going to the store for seeds? And for what?

Calendula medicinal series ‘Pacific’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

The smart choice

When choosing letniki for spring planting, you should not buy all the bags of seeds with the photos you like in a row. First evaluate your capabilities: can you grow them without too much hassle?

It is better for an inexperienced or busy grower to pay attention to those species that are sown directly into the ground. These are: helipterum pink (acroclinum), calendula, cosmos, clarkia, lavatera, annual poppies, matthiola, blue cornflower, godetia, dimorphoteka, escholcia, venidium, nemesia, iberis, mignonette, etc. In central Russia, you can immediately go to the flower garden sow some "seedling" crops - callistefus (annual aster), marigolds, especially - b. rejected, helichrysums, zinnias, Drummond's phloxes, sweet peas and some other species, but their flowering in this case will come late, only in the second half, or even at the end of summer.

Crops grown through seedlings are somewhat more complicated than the previous ones. However, they, in turn, can also be divided into several groups. Seedlings of species such as marigolds, zinnias, amaranths, annual dahlias, coleus, celosia, annual chrysanthemums are easiest to grow. Their seeds are sown in boxes (on window sills, loggias) or in the soil of greenhouses in mid-April, and planted in the ground at the end of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed.

The next group of flyers has a longer period of getting quality seedlings and requires a little more patience and experience. Their seeds are sown about a month earlier - in mid-March, boxes with crops are placed on bright windowsills or in greenhouses, greenhouses. Such crops include ageratum, alissum, arctotis, annual aster, verbena, gazania, Chinese carnation, helichrysum, sweet pea, cochia, levkoy, lobelia, snapdragon, perilla, petunia, salvia, fragrant tobacco, Drummond's phlox.

And finally, the last group includes species that have the longest period of development in seedlings. They are sown in January - February in heated greenhouses or at room conditions on special racks with light installations. For the first month or two, boxes with crops and seedlings must be illuminated with special lamps, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and die. These crops include: Shabo carnation, tuberous begonia, viola (Vitrocca violet), statice, heliotrope, fuchsia and some other species. I would not recommend inexperienced flower growers to grow them from seeds.

living rainbow

Let's get acquainted with the most interesting and relatively uncomplicated annual flower crops for beginner flower growers.


Calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis) is one of the most common and well-known plants that blooms in many flower beds and rural front gardens. Over many centuries of cultivation, dozens, if not hundreds, of calendula varieties have been created, differing in plant size - from low, curb, about 25-30 cm tall, to large bushes up to 80 cm high; the form of inflorescences, which can be non-double, chamomile, and double, tiled and even anemone. But the greatest variety is in its color: from common yellow, orange, apricot to cream, dark brown, burgundy, pinkish or greenish, plain or variegated.

Calendula officinalis ‘Apricot Twist’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

In the garden, calendula looks good in front gardens, mixborders, in flower beds, in ornamental gardens, on annual flower lawns. Low-growing varieties can be grown on balconies and in containers, made into borders and borders. In addition, its inflorescences are excellent for cutting.

How to grow?

Calendula is an extremely undemanding and easy-to-cultivate culture. Its seeds are sown in open ground from April to June inclusive, as well as before winter - in November. It is better to choose a bright place for her, but she is undemanding to soils, although she prefers neutral loams. If the shoots turned out to be too thick, it is advisable to thin them out to a distance of 5-10 cm. Plants should be watered moderately, only in dry times. On nutrient-poor soils, it is advisable to feed them every 2-3 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers. Flowering of plants begins 45-50 days after sowing and continues until late autumn.

What's in a name?

At home, in the Mediterranean countries, calendula blooms all year round, for which it got its name: calendae in Latin means "the first day of each month." The Russian name - ‘marigolds’ was given to the plant for the shape of the seeds, which really resemble the claws of animals and birds.

Calendula officinalis ‘Orange Button’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

It is interesting

Calendula is a valuable medicinal plant. Gargling with an infusion of its inflorescences perfectly heals a sore throat, compresses with a decoction of calendula will help heal wounds, bruises and dislocations faster, and calendula extract is widely used in skin and hair care cosmetics.


Cute multi-colored "daisies" of cosmos, or space (Cosmos), can often be found in home gardens and rural front gardens. They have long won the hearts of flower lovers with their cheerful disposition, diversity and unpretentiousness.

Currently, two types of cosmea can be found in our gardens. The most famous and familiar to us species is double-pinnate (C. bipinnatus) forms powerful (or not very) branched bushes 50-120 cm high, with strongly cut leaves and rather large inflorescences (from 5 to 12 cm in diameter) chamomile-shaped. The color of reed flowers can be white, pink, red, burgundy, the disc of tubular flowers is yellow.

Another species that appeared with us relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among flower growers, is gray-yellow cosmos (C. sulphureus). It has smaller inflorescences (4-7 cm in diameter), the petals of which are slightly bent inward in the form of a rose and are colored yellow-orange-red. Plant height can be from 30 to 150 cm.

Cosmos is double-pinnate terry. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

In terms of application in the garden, cosmeas are very similar to calendula. They are grown in flower beds and in mixborders, in the front gardens of rural houses. It is convenient to make scenes from high grades of kosmey, decorate fences and walls of buildings with them. From low grades, especially sulfur yellow, you can create borders, decorate containers and balcony boxes with them. Low, small-flowered forms of double-pinnate are often part of annual flower (Moorish) lawns.

Cosmos is doubly pinnate, a mixture of colors. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

Cosmos double-feathered - the plant is cold-resistant and light-loving, to. Sulfur-yellow - more thermophilic and feels good only in relatively hot summers. Both species are drought-resistant and undemanding to soils, but grow better on loose, not too nutritious - "overfed" plants grow powerful, but bloom poorly.

Just like calendula, cosmea is sown in open ground starting in April.

What's in a name?

Сosmos is translated from Greek as "decoration". Indeed, the name matches the plant!

Space yellow. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


The bright three-month-old lavatera, or khatma (Lavatera trimestris), always attracts attention in the garden. But not only for this, gardeners love her so much, but also for her long, abundant flowering and complaisant nature. Lavatera is a rather powerful, branchy, fast-growing plant with a height of 60 to 150 cm. At the time of flowering, from the end of June until autumn, it is covered with large (6-10 cm in diameter), funnel-shaped flowers, painted white, pink or red.

Lavatera three-monthly ‘Novella’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Long, generous, bright flowering and unpretentiousness make lavater desirable for any flower garden - flower beds, borders, borders, mixborders. The flowers are well cut. Compact varieties can be arranged in containers or garden vases.

Lavatera three-month-old ‘Mont Blanc’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

Lavatera is cold-resistant, photophilous, drought-resistant, does not like waterlogging. It grows well on various soils, but feels better and blooms more abundantly on light fertile soils.

Seeds are sown directly into the ground in early May, in nests of 2-3 seeds at a distance of 25-30 cm. It is also possible to sow seeds in a line at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. In dry weather, plants must be watered, otherwise their growth will slow down, and flowering will not be plentiful. In May - June, it is desirable to carry out 3-4 feedings with complex fertilizers at intervals of 10-15 days.

What's in a name?

Lavater got its name in honor of the Lavater brothers, famous German doctors and naturalists.


The multi-colored silky flowers of the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) are very similar to small poppies, for which they received the popular name California poppy. The plant forms a low branched shrub 15-30 cm high with numerous, rather long (up to 60 cm), decumbent shoots. At the top of the shoots are bright, shiny, large (up to 5-8 cm in diameter) single flowers: double or non-double, with smooth or corrugated petals of various colors - creamy white, yellow, orange, salmon, red. The leaves of the escholzia are also exceptionally elegant: strongly dissected, openwork, covered with a bluish wax coating.

Eschsholtzia Californian terry. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

California poppy can be grown in flowerbeds, in flowerbeds, mixborders, made from it borders, planted in patches on lawns, rockeries, ornamental gardens. They look beautiful in vases, containers and balcony boxes. Eschsholzia is often included in mixtures for annual flower ("Moorish") lawns. The flowers are well cut.

How to grow?

Eschscholzia is cold-resistant, photophilous, drought-resistant and very unpretentious. Prefers dry, sunny places and does not tolerate excess moisture. Blooms best and remains compact in nutrient-poor soils. In rainy weather, the flowers close.

Propagated by seeds, which are sown in early May in open ground. In areas with light soil, winter crops can be done. It is desirable to thin out too dense seedlings at a distance of 5-10 cm. Flowering begins in the first half of July and continues until frost. Some varieties of escholcia can produce abundant self-seeding.

What's in a name?

Eschsholzia is named after Dr. I. F. Eschsholz, a naturalist from the Baltic states, who lived in 1793-1831.

Eschsholzia Californian ‘Apple Blossom’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


Marigolds, marigolds, tagetes (Tagetes) are one of the most famous and loved by many annuals.

In horticulture, two types of marigolds are most often used: b. rejected, or French (T. patula), - with a strongly branched, spreading form of a bush 15-50 cm high, with non-double or double inflorescences of a single or variegated color, and b. erect, or African (T. erecta), - with more powerful and less branched plants 30-120 cm high and densely double inflorescences of a single color with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Recently, one more species can be found in gardens - b. thin-leaved, or Mexican (T. tenuifolia, sin. T. signata), with thin stems 20-60 cm high, graceful strongly dissected leaves and a huge number of small non-double inflorescences 2-3 cm in diameter. Monochromatic or with a contrasting spot in the center, they painted in bright yellow, lemon, orange tones.

Marigolds rejected ‘Carmen’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Marigolds look harmonious in any flower beds, flower beds, borders, mixborders, ornamental gardens. They can be used in containers and hanging baskets, planted in balcony boxes. Despite their love of light, they can tolerate slight shading, so they can be used to decorate areas on the north side of buildings. In addition, they have a sanitary effect on the soil, destroying or repelling nematodes with the secretions of their roots. For the same purpose, crushed marigold leaves can be added to the soil.

Marigolds are thin-leaved, a mixture of colors. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

All marigolds are thermophilic (do not withstand even slight frosts), photophilous (but can tolerate slight shading), drought-resistant and very undemanding to soils. They easily tolerate transplanting in any phase of development, even during the period of full flowering.

Propagated by seeds, in the conditions of central Russia - through seedlings, in the southern regions - by sowing in the ground. For seedlings, seeds are sown in the second half of April in greenhouses, but for earlier flowering, sowing is possible in March and even in February. Seedlings dive into boxes, pots or ridges of greenhouses at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. During the period of growing seedlings, it is desirable to make 2-3 fertilizing with nitrogen or complex mineral fertilizers with an interval of 7-10 days.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in early June, when the threat of spring frost has passed. The distance between plants during planting is from 15 to 40 cm, depending on the variety. Care consists in weeding and loosening the soil around the plants, and on weakly fertile soils, another 1-2 complex top dressings are carried out.

Flowering at b. rejected begins 2-2.5 months after sowing, b. upright - after 2.5-3 months and b. thin-leaved - after 2 months.

What's in a name?

The common name - marigolds, or marigolds, was given to these plants for the velvety flower petals, especially in dark-colored varieties, and they received the scientific name Tagetes in honor of the Etruscan god Tages, famous for his beauty and ability to predict the future.

Marigolds are upright. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


Who does not know the slender beauties of dahlia (Dahlia) with huge bright inflorescences that bloom in our gardens in late summer and autumn? True, most large-flowered varieties are perennials, and their tubers must be dug up and stored in cool rooms before the onset of cold weather. But doing this is not always possible, so annual dahlias can be a great substitute for them.

For a long time there was an opinion that annual dahlias are medium-sized plants with medium-sized non-double flowers, painted in various shades of white, yellow, orange and red. The people called them that - "Merry Fellows", after the name of the most famous, old variety. To date, many annual dahlias have been created, which are not inferior in beauty and variety to their perennial relatives.

Dahlia is an annual, collar form of inflorescences. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Annual dahlias are planted in flowerbeds, in discounts, and arrays. Low grades can be grown in containers and balcony boxes.

How to grow?

Dahlias are a rather demanding crop in terms of cultivation conditions. They are very thermophilic, love fertile, moderately moist soils and sunny, windless areas.

Dahlia annual ‘Art Deco’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Seeds are sown in boxes in the first half of April, later seedlings are planted at a distance of 7-8 cm in pots or boxes. Young plants tolerate transplanting well. They are planted in open ground in early June. The distance between plants depends on the variety and can be from 20 to 40 cm. It is very important to loosen the soil around the bushes in a timely manner, in hot weather - water abundantly and periodically, once every 2 weeks, feed with complex mineral or organic fertilizer. In August, feeding is stopped. Annual dahlias bloom in the first half of July and bloom profusely until the first frost.

What's in a name?

Dahlias, natives of Mexico, appeared in Europe in the 18th century, where they received two names at once - dahlias and dahlias. The first of them was given in honor of the famous Swedish botanist A. Dahl. And in 1803, the German botanist K. L. Vildenov gave the plant another name - dahlia (Georgina), in honor of his friend, botanist J. G. Georgi. Both names existed together for a long time, but recently the name of dahlia has become the official botanical name of the genus. The name "dahlia" has taken root only in our country.


Annual aster, or Chinese callistefus (Callistephus chinensis), is perhaps the most beloved "folk" flyer in our country. In nature, this plant is about 80 cm high, with chamomile inflorescences of lilac-lilac color. However, over several centuries of cultivation, the appearance of this culture has changed very much. Many hundreds of varieties have been created, differing in plant height (from 20 to 100 cm), bush shape (spherical, oval, columnar, pyramidal, sprawling), leaf color (from light green to dark green with a purple bloom), flowering time ( from early, blooming on the 70th day after germination, to late - on the 120th-130th day).

But the inflorescences of callistefus have undergone the greatest changes - in color, shape, size, doubleness, their number on the plant, etc. What colors are they not painted in! White, pink, red, salmon, yellow, blue, purple - almost every color of the rainbow, except for bright orange and black. There are varieties with two-color inflorescences.

According to the method of application, asters can be divided into casing (border) - low, compact, abundantly flowering, cut - high, with long strong peduncles and universal - suitable for both landscaping and cutting. Most varieties of asters belong to the latter group.

Callistefus chinensis, ‘Milady’ series. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

In garden plots, annual asters are planted in flowerbeds, rabatka, in mixborders, low varieties - in borders, containers, balcony boxes, rock gardens. Dwarf varieties are used as a pot culture. And, of course, do not forget that annual asters are one of the best garden cut crops.

Callistefus Chinese ‘Gala’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

One of the main reasons for the huge popularity of the annual aster is its undemanding nature. This plant is cold-resistant (it can endure frosts down to -3-4 ° C), photophilous, prefers sandy or loamy, loose, nutritious soils with a neutral reaction.

Astra is propagated by seeds both in seedlings and in seedlings. In the first case, the seeds are sown in late March - early April. Seedlings can be planted in open ground from mid-May. With seedless cultivation, seeds are sown in the ground in early spring, as soon as the soil is ready. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out or seated at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Depending on the variety and method of cultivation, asters begin to bloom from late June to mid-August and continue until frost.

Callistefus Chinese ‘Minuet’, a mixture of colors. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

What's in a name?

The name callistefus was given to this flower by the French botanist Antoine Jussier: translated from Latin, it means “beautiful wreath”.

Dacha is not only garden beds, berry bushes and fruit trees. Perennial flowers help to create beauty on the site. For a garden, unpretentious long-flowering plants are indispensable, like a magnificent frame for a canvas created by labor of a summer resident.

It may seem to novice gardeners that laying out a flower garden and caring for it is too troublesome. But with the right selection of crops, caring for flowers will not take much time, and the buds will open from early spring to late autumn.

The most unpretentious flowers for spring

Early spring in the middle lane does not please with colors. Annual flowers have not yet been sown, even the most unpretentious ones are just showing up from under the ground.

Are there really plants that are ready to bloom in the first warm days? Yes, wintering bulbous crops have formed the beginnings of buds since autumn and in spring they are the first to illuminate the flower beds with all the shades of the rainbow.


Corollas of white, blue, yellow and even striped crocuses appear practically from under the snow. Plants with a height of 7 to 15 cm bloom from March to May, and after the flowers fade, they retire. Planting of bulbs is carried out in the traditional terms for spring bulbous plants, from August to September. The best place for crocuses is well-lit areas or partial shade, for example, under the crowns of shrubs or trees that have not yet blossomed.


Tulip - not only the most common perennials in summer cottages, but also the most unpretentious flowers. Today, lovers of spring flowers have hundreds and thousands of magnificent varieties at their disposal. However, not everyone knows that these garden plants belong to several species that differ both in appearance and in the timing of flowering.

Having skillfully selected varieties, with the help of tulips alone, from 10 to 50 cm high, you can decorate the site up to the alpine hill. The flowering of the first tulips begins in March, and the latest varieties wither at the end of May.

Tulip bulbs are planted in the first half of autumn in sunny areas with loose, nutrient-rich soil.

During growth and flowering, plants need regular watering, which is stopped in the summer when the bulbs are resting.

Types of garden tulips react differently to frost. If in the southern regions the most lush terry and lily varieties can be considered unpretentious plants for summer cottages and gardens, then in the northern regions the common tulips of Greig, Gesner and Foster need to be dug up annually.

Undersized, but easily wintering in any climate, botanical tulips or Kaufman tulips will help to replace them.


Together with tulips, daffodils appear in garden beds. Flowering lasts from April to the last days of May, while the flowers illuminate the garden not only with bright sunny shades, but also with an exquisite aroma.

Depending on the variety, the plants reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. The flowers can be either simple or double, with a short or long crown. Daffodils prefer areas with loose fertile soil. They grow well in the sun and under the crowns that open at this time. The main thing is that the soil in which the bulbs were planted in the fall should not be oversaturated with moisture.

Daffodils are long-blooming, hardy garden flowers used successfully in mixed plantings with tulips, garden varieties, dicentra and other plants. For several years, daffodils feel great in one place. Growing, they form very dense clumps, which are planted after the leaves wither, that is, at the beginning of summer.

Wintering bulbous crops seem to appear “out of nowhere” in the spring, unpretentious and bright, but at the same time their foliage cannot retain decorative effect for a long time. It dies off, exposing a place in a flower bed, so you should take care in advance of planting a number of "replacement" crops, such as peony bushes, perennial poppies or aquilegia.


It's one thing to pick long-blooming perennials and hardy flowers for a sunny garden. Another is to find the same plants for both open and shady areas.

There are not so many shade-tolerant garden crops - a vivid example of one of them is the periwinkle. or small dwarf shrubs bloom in the midst of spring and spread quickly, rooting easily on contact with the ground.

Periwinkle cultivars create spectacular clumps of fresh greens flecked in all shades of blue, white, pink and purple. At the disposal of gardeners are specimens with simple and terry corollas, smooth and variegated foliage.

Romantic legends are associated with many ornamental plants. No exception - which, thanks to such a story, is better known not by its real name, but as a "broken heart".

Due to the powerful rhizomes of the dicentra, it tolerates winter cold without loss. The foliage that dies off in autumn rises again above the ground with the advent of heat, reaching a height of 30 to 100 cm in different varieties. A spectacular plant in May is covered with white, pink or two-tone corollas collected in racemose inflorescences of a bizarre heart-like shape. Flowering lasts about a month, and under the transparent shade of young foliage, the drooping inflorescences of an unpretentious plant for summer cottages and gardens look brighter and last longer.

Dicentra will be indispensable in a flower bed next to primroses and daffodils, muscari, ferns and ornamental varieties of onions.

A flowering plant is worthy of admiration in a single planting, and after the inflorescences wither, it will become an excellent background for other flowers.

Lily of the valley

The classics of spring flower beds are forest ones that bloom in May. Thanks to creeping rhizomes, plants hibernate. In the spring, leathery leaves folded into dense tubes first appear on the flowerbeds, then flower stalks up to 30 cm high rise above the unfolded rosettes. Each inflorescence has from 6 to 20 white or pinkish, fragrant bells. Flowering lasts until the beginning of summer, and then red rounded berries appear in place of the flowers.

The advantage of these unpretentious garden perennials is flowers that do not lose their beauty in the sun and in the shade, the ability to grow in one place up to 10 years.


In the forest, next to lily of the valley curtains, you can see graceful kupen plants. Blooming from May to June, the perennial is not as bright as other spring flowers.

But in shady areas, near coniferous crops and shrubs, a culture from 30 to 80 cm high with drooping white or greenish bell flowers is simply irreplaceable.


May is the month of the brightest greenery and unusually lush flowering of garden perennials.

At this time, under the crowns of trees, near paths and ponds, under the protection of walls and fences, blue brunner flowers appear. Plants with a height of 30 to 50 cm, with decorative pointed-heart-shaped foliage, prefer to settle in partial shade, where there is enough moisture and nutrition for lush deciduous rosettes and inflorescences towering above them.

Pale blue, unpretentious garden flowers enliven the most shady corners, do not require special care, thanks to their attractive, often variegated foliage, they protect their decorative effect for a long time and can do without a transplant for many years.

Under favorable conditions, Brunner grows excellently and reproduces by dividing the bush.

Summer, beautiful and unpretentious flowers for a summer residence

Bright, fast-growing letniki, 1-2 months after sowing, bloom flower beds in the most incredible colors. But autumn comes, and the plants complete their short life. The next spring, the summer resident begins with the selection of annual, ornamental crops, sowing and caring for young seedlings. It takes a lot of precious time that could be devoted to vegetable seedlings, caring for fruit and berry plantations.

Long-flowering, unpretentious flowers specially selected for the garden, blooming in different seasons and not requiring painstaking care, will help save time and energy. Although they bloom only in the second half of summer or in the second year, they live in one place without a transplant for several years.

Summer is the most fertile time for flowering plants. An incredible number of species are ready to give their flowers to the summer resident. The main thing is to choose them from those plants that can rightly be called non-capricious and beautiful.


When late tulips and daffodils bloom in the garden at the end of May, decorative foliage of aquilegia or catchment areas begins to rise above the ground. The bizarre bells of this, one of the most unpretentious perennials for giving, as on, are revealed on tall erect peduncles.

Flowering almost without interruption lasts from late May to September. And even without flowers, plants do not lose their charm. Their leaves take on purple and lilac tones by autumn. Depending on the variety, aquilegia can grow from 30 to 80 cm in height. All of this species grow well both in the shade and in open areas. Already by the name it is clear that the catchment loves moisture, but even with a lack of irrigation, it can find water thanks to its powerful taproots. Aquilegia grows best in light, well-drained soils.

Flowers appear in the second year of life. Mature plants can be divided. You can do this in early spring or autumn.

Although, under favorable conditions, aquilegia propagates by self-sowing, this method does not allow preserving the properties of hybrid and varietal specimens. Seedlings are most often purple or pink in color and can become a kind of weed if the immature seed pods are not removed in time or the flower beds are not weeded.

bathing suit

The moisture-loving unpretentious garden flowers also include the favorite of many summer residents.

Its yellow or orange flowers open in May and, with regular watering, do not disappear until the second half of summer. The plant, with a height of 50 to 90 cm, is noticeable enough to lead in group plantings near and in shady corners of the garden. Tall flower stalks will be safe next to fences and ornamental shrubs.


Although the flowering of arabis begins in the second half of spring, this unpretentious perennial can rightfully be considered summer, since its flowering does not end until the very frosts.

A ground cover or creeping plant with stems 20 to 30 cm long, the planting field quickly forms dense, cushion-like curtains covered with brushes of small white, pink or purple flowers.
Shearing helps to prolong flowering and maintain the shape of plantings. Arabis does best in open areas with light, aerated soil. This culture with variegated foliage is indispensable for decorating, slides and other parts of the garden.


At the junction of spring and summer, many rhizomatous perennials take the baton of flowering in bulbous plants. No exception - a bright doronicum with large yellow inflorescences-baskets resembling daisies. Flowers open on erect, bare or leafy stems 30–80 cm high. Unpretentious flowers for summer cottages and gardens are planted in the sun or in transparent shade, but not under the crowns of trees.

Doronicum plants love moisture in order to save it in the soil under light green foliage, the soil is mulched.

When flowering ends, the greens also wither. Ornamental ferns, curtains of leucanthemum and aquilegia, with which doronicum is perfectly combined, will help to hide the gap formed in the flower bed.


It's amazing how one type of perennial can decorate an entire garden. This is within the power of numerous, blooming from June to September. Lush inflorescences, racemose or panicle-like, are not the only decoration of this plant. Shade-tolerant carved foliage no less enlivens the site. To do this, you just need to cut the flower stalks with dead inflorescences in time.
Depending on the variety and species, plant height ranges from 40 to 120 cm. Astilbes bloom better with regular soil moisture, but do not like stagnant moisture. In garden plantings, these beautiful and unpretentious flowers for giving look great against the background of conifers, and they themselves will be a luxurious frame for.


Many cultivated varieties of garden perennials are descendants of wild-growing species, which can be found literally behind the fence of a summer cottage.

From May until the end of summer, amazingly quivering flowers continue to bloom. Single or collected in inflorescences corollas of all shades of pink, purple, lilac and blue are short-lived. Just a day, and in place of a wilted flower, a new one appears.

When the flowering season ends, the garden does not become empty thanks to the decorative cut foliage of geraniums. By autumn, it is painted in bright golden, orange and purple tones and enlivens faded flower beds and hills until the very snow.

The height of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for giving, depending on the type, is from 10 cm to a meter. All plants are unpretentious and do not impose special requirements on the soil; they grow in the light and under crowns.


If there is a place in the garden for, or you need to plant a tall plant with bright flowers and the same decorative leaves, there can be only one answer -!

How is this possible? We are talking about different types of loosestrife, equally unpretentious and suitable for decorating the site.

Depending on the variety and species, flowers easily adapting to different conditions have a height of 20 to 80 cm.

For shady corners and partial shade, the coin or meadow loosestrife is perfect with long lying stems covered with rounded leaves similar to coins. This culture is indispensable near the reservoir, in wet areas, which will be successfully revived by light green foliage and yellow flowers.

To decorate flower beds, mixborders and rocky hills, upright types of loosestrife with green or variegated foliage and yellow flowers are used, forming spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences in the upper part of the stem. All loosestrife are unpretentious, tolerate frost well and are rarely affected by pests.

Cornflower perennial

Annual cornflowers relatively recently moved from the meadow to the garden. They were followed by their perennial relatives. Blooming from June to September, plants form spectacular, thanks to the carved, rich green foliage of curtains from 40 cm to a meter high.

One of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for summer cottages, cornflowers grow well in the sun and in partial shade. They do not impose special requirements on the soil, get along well with other crops and will be an excellent backdrop for peonies, leucanthemum, low-growing flowering and decorative leafy plants in flower beds.

Today, gardeners have at their disposal varieties of perennial cornflower with flowers of purple-pink, lilac, purple and white. The large-headed cornflower has fluffy flowers of the original yellow color.

Turkish carnation

In June, the multicolored caps of the Turkish carnation open. Bright flowers with jagged petals are quite small, but collected in dense inflorescences, they will perfectly enliven the summer cottage, create a summer mood and color the flower beds in all shades from white to rich purple.

A distinctive feature of the plant is flowering, lasting until September, the possibility of reproduction by self-sowing and incredible combinations of colors. The height of the Turkish carnation, depending on the variety, ranges from 40 to 60 centimeters. Plants show maximum decorative effect in the light or in partial shade, if they are planted next to decorative leafy crops.


Not only belong to the most unpretentious garden flowers. This perennial culture alone can bloom the entire site. Blue, white, pink, purple and two-color spike-shaped inflorescences appear in the first half of June, and then re-blooming begins in the second half of summer.

Plants up to one meter high bloom magnificently in the sun, do not like too fertilized soils and, thanks to a powerful rhizome, are able to survive in conditions of moisture deficiency. In the garden, lupine is an ideal neighbor for leucanthemum, multi-colored aquilegia, perennial poppies.


In terms of flowering splendor, perennial poppies can only be compared with. Just one plant with corollas of scarlet, pink, white and purple is enough to change the look of the most inconspicuous corner of the garden.

Despite their exotic appearance, poppies are quite unpretentious. They are not afraid of frost, grow excellently on any soil and endure drought without loss. But they react negatively to excessive moisture. Once settled on the site, with the help of very small seeds, the poppy can settle on its own, creating spectacular clumps of densely pubescent carved foliage.


There are more than a hundred species of irises in the world, many of which are actively used as ornamental plants. The flowering of garden varieties begins at the border of spring and summer, and continues until mid-July.

With a difference in color, size, habitual habitat, these perennial rhizomatous plants have in common the appearance of pointed xiphoid leaves collected in flattened bunches, as well as the graceful shape of flowers. Although corollas that open for a day or a little more cannot be called centenarians, amia plants bloom profusely and for a long time due to the many simultaneous rising peduncles.

In the garden, irises choose light or barely shaded areas with light, loose soil.

During the growing season and flowering plants need regular soil moisture. But it is necessary to intervene in the development of the curtain carefully. Loosening and weeding can affect powerful rhizomes closely located below the surface.

Flowering shoots of irises rise 40–80 cm above the ground. White, yellow, pink, purple, cream, blue or light blue flowers make a great garden decoration and are ideal for cutting.


Daisies, along with cornflowers, are traditionally considered a symbol of Russian expanses. Garden varieties of leucanthemum are the same daisies, only much larger and more expressive. Simple and double inflorescences-baskets are crowned with erect stems from 30 to 100 cm high.

In the garden, cornflower prefers to grow in open, well-lit areas with loose, nutrient-rich, but not too light soil. The plant responds to the lack of moisture and organic matter with flowers shrinking over time and with the rapid withering of the baskets.

Nivyanik propagates by seeds, division of adult curtains, as well as self-sowing. This must be taken into account if all cultures have clearly defined boundaries in flowerbeds and mixborders. For the most lush flowering rosettes, it is advisable to divide the rosette every few years.

The best neighbors for one of the most unpretentious perennials to give, as in the photo, flowers, gypsophila, bright poppies and bluebells. White inflorescences look great against the background of carved greenery and cornflower inflorescences, next to decorative cereals and onions.


Growing bells in the country is not difficult even for beginners. Plants are unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests, winter well without shelter. The only thing that interferes with the perennial is an excess of moisture and dense, poorly drained soil.

In nature, there are many types of bluebells with simple, semi- and double flowers in white, blue, lilac, pink and deep purple tones. Plants from 20 to 120 cm tall, depending on the type and shape, find a place on the hills and as part of group plantings with cornflower, pyrethrum, lush peonies and strict cereals.


Easily tolerant of drought, with luxurious decorative greenery and racemose inflorescences, it can rightfully be considered the queen of the summer cottage. Plants up to 2 meters high are among the largest in Russian gardens. They rise above the rest of the flowers and even fruit bushes.

Stock roses or mallows can easily create a living wall or become the center of a lush flower bed. Beautiful, unpretentious flowers for summer cottages grow on light, well-drained soils, propagate by seeds, including self-sowing. But moving a large plant to another place will be problematic. Transplantation is hampered by powerful long rhizomes, damage to which leads to weakening and even death of the mallow.

Simple and double, white, yellow, pink and red, burgundy and bright crimson flowers on powerful erect stems are used to decorate hedges and walls, in flower beds and in, as background plants. Incredibly beautiful group plantings of mallows of different shades. In front of them, you can plant the same unpretentious phloxes, bells, decorative forms of onions, cornflowers and undersized varieties, as well as any letniki.

Spicy aromatic unpretentious perennials for summer cottages

When choosing long-blooming unpretentious flowers for the garden, one should not lose sight of plants that are more often popular as spicy, medicinal or fragrant herbs. At the same time, many of them are in no way inferior to flowering perennials, their flowers will decorate flower beds and can be used for cutting.

Today, numerous varieties are available to gardeners, lemon balm, catnip. On the site, if desired, you can plant hyssop, thyme and even lavender. These plants look great in a separate, “pharmaceutical” garden, but they can also be easily imagined as part of a mixborder, in a country-style flowerbed or in the form of free curtains near a hedge or wall of a house.

Unpretentious and useful perennials, thanks to lush greenery, are decorative from spring to frost. And during flowering, they attract a lot of bees and other pollinating insects.


Oregano is a native inhabitant of the European part of Russia. The plant, familiar to many by the characteristic aroma of greenery and pink-lilac caps of inflorescences, prefers to settle in open, well-lit areas with light soil. In nature, oregano can be seen in clearings and forest edges, in oak forests and in dry meadows.

The first green of oregano appears in March, literally from under the snow. By June, the plant forms a lush cap of densely leafy shoots from 20 to 50 centimeters high. A month later, stems with delicate inflorescences-baskets rise above the greenery.

The entire aerial part of the plant, incredibly revered in France, Italy, and the USA, has a spicy aroma. Here, oregano is grown as a natural seasoning for sauces, salads, pasta and poultry meat, pastries, in particular, in pizza. Tea with herbs and oregano flowers is no less tasty. Harvesting oregano or oregano is carried out from July to October, while the perennial blooms.

Herbaceous shrubs of oregano, covered with flowers, are magnificent in the company of nivyanik, lupins, rudbeckia, clouds of white-pink gypsophila and cereals.


Lofant or polygon with lilac-violet or white spike-shaped inflorescences is one of the most prominent medicinal and ornamental perennials. In the garden, the culture easily settles in the lightest areas, does not feel discomfort even in the sun itself and winters well, showing everyone the first green with a purple or bluish tint from early spring.

Lofant is so unpretentious that it grows and blooms not only with a lack of moisture, but also on poor soils. Simple care and a little attention - and an unpretentious plant will generously share with the summer resident a fragrant, smell reminiscent of anise or licorice, a herb rich in essential oils and useful for colds, diseases of the digestive system and urinary system.

In the garden, the spectacular inflorescences of the lofant will not go unnoticed by either people or bees. The plant, which blooms from June to the end of summer, is suitable for decorating front gardens and easily tolerates cutting.


Monarda with white, pink, purple and purple inflorescences is also a resident of the sunny, wind-protected corners of the garden with light soil.

For decorative purposes, this fragrant perennial is planted next to other similar plants, as well as in the vicinity of coreopsis and, nivyanik and undersized annuals, for which a monard up to a meter high will be a luxurious background.

The combination of this plant with annual, blue and white large-flowered bells, stonecrops and other crops is interesting, allowing you to imitate a corner of a wild meadow in the garden.

In summer cottages, you can often find lemon monarda. Its greenery during the flowering period, that is, from July to September, accumulates a lot of essential oils, close to the oils of lemon balm, hyssop, and other spicy-flavoring and medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family.

Autumn unpretentious flowers: long-blooming perennials for the garden

With the onset of September, autumn comes into its own faster and faster. But it is too early to part with the beauty of the garden. Until the snow falls, garden geranium curtains amaze with the play of bright colors, bergenia dresses up in purple tones, on hills and curbs they surprise with bizarre forms of stonecrop. There are many flowers of unpretentious garden perennials in the garden.


One of the brightest "stars" of the autumn flowerbed is considered. These plants overwinter excellently in most regions, form green clumps in spring, and bloom in the second half of summer, almost until October, retaining an incredible variety of colors and splendor of inflorescences.

Depending on the type and variety, phloxes will be indispensable on alpine slides and traditional flower beds, near small ponds and next to buildings that tall plants perfectly decorate at any time of the year.

The list of cultivated phlox today includes more than four dozen species, among which only Drummond's phlox is an annual. All other creeping, bushy, semi-lodging forms with stems from 20 to 150 cm tall are ready for many years to settle in the garden of a lover of decorative and unpretentious perennial flowers.

perennial asters

Annual asters are the unchanging leaders in the list of garden flyers for summer cottages and gardens. However, the true ones are often and undeservedly forgotten.

From August until the very snow, these plants bloom, illuminating the whole area with flashes of blue, white, pink, purple hues. There are more than 200 species of perennial asters, varying in size, lifestyle and shape. The Alpine aster is quite small, and its inflorescences-baskets are located on grassy erect stems, resembling the familiar chamomile. And in the Italian variety - the form of a grassy, ​​densely leafy shrub, completely covered with medium-sized flowers. Moreover, all types are extremely decorative and non-capricious.

The height of perennial asters varies from 20 centimeters to one and a half meters. Flowers can be not only different colors, but simple and double. These perennials form dense dark green clumps from spring, easily tolerate excess light and moisture deficiency in summer, and completely transform the garden in autumn.

Bush forms can be molded, they can be used to create dense living borders and picturesque groups with other autumn plants.

The only drawback of the perennial aster is inherent in many perennial crops. A plant that takes root in the garden begins to multiply uncontrollably, quickly mastering all new territories. So that the flowerbed that was previously motley does not turn into the “kingdom” of asters, you will have to monitor the resettlement of the shrub and regularly remove the shoots.

Each of the 30 described ornamental plants can claim the title of the most unpretentious perennial flower to give. All of them are beautiful and amazing in their own way. In fact, the list of non-capricious, requiring minimal attention and generously sharing their beauty of cultures is not three dozen, but much more. One has only to look around, notice and transfer an interesting plant to the garden, choosing a suitable place and neighborhood for the flower.

Video about ground cover perennials in the garden

Small seeds planted in the spring can bring great joy. It is annual flowers that bloom all summer, without seedlings, that are bright colors in the garden until late autumn, as well as enjoying the pleasant aroma of fragrant plants. Sometimes for this you don’t even need to mess around with seedlings, all that is required is to plant flowers immediately in the ground. A well-prepared, weed-free bed gives life to each seed so that it can establish itself in the new soil and germinate.

If there is not much space in the house to plant seedlings and keep them in trays and mini-greenhouses for several months, then flowers without seedlings would be ideal. Landing in this case is carried out immediately in the ground. Seeds are scattered either in a free order, right on the site of the future flower bed, or according to a predetermined color scheme.

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), Helianthus (Helianthus laetiflorus), Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Iberis (Iberis umbellata), Douglas Limnanthes (Limnanthes douglasii), Foxglove (Digitalis fontanesii), Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), Damask Nigella (Nigella), zinnia (Zinnia), shown in the photographs below.

Time and the whole process of landing

For seeds without seedlings to take root and germinate quickly, wait until the soil is warm and moist. Usually the best time is mid-spring and early summer (April-June) or pre-winter sowing in autumn. If it is possible to make a greenhouse, then the seeds can be planted in March. Sowing times are listed on seed packets, so check them out as well.

Outdoor planting tips:

  • The flower bed must be dug up to allow the seeds to germinate. It is enough to do this to the depth of a shovel. If you are going to sow in a new place, it is better to loosen the ground twice. You can pre-prepare fertilizer or manure.
  • Cover the ground with plastic or film, so you warm it up and additionally protect it from weeds.
  • When it's time to sow, lift up the foil and make a greenhouse awning. Be sure to water the ground with water before planting, otherwise you will flood the newly planted seeds.
  • Make shallow holes by sticking sticks into the ground, or use a rake, and then carefully place the seed on the bottom at least 10-15 mm deep. Don't overdo it, leave at least a finger width space for small seeds.
  • Carefully rake the ground with a rake and, if necessary, put up a canopy. If you cover with a film, you can put bricks or water bottles around the edges so that it is not blown away by the wind. Be careful, as the seeds can be pecked by birds, and caterpillars and snails are very fond of young bores.
  • In order not to forget what was planted and where exactly, put signs or stick labels with the name of the plant.

unpretentious pets

cornflowers(Centaurea cyanus).


It can be an annual, perennial or even a semi-shrub. For one and a half to two years unpretentious cornflowers (pictured) can grow to a height of 0.5-1 meters. And their blue and blue flowers will add spring mood to the garden. Prefer sunny places with sandy or clay soil, preferably with humus and good drainage. Pests are not attracted, but can suffer from powdery mildew in constant and abundant humidity.

helianthus, or decorative sunflower (Helianthus).


Perennial herb 1 to 2 meters tall. flower seeds planted straight into the ground, give shoots that open in late summer - early autumn, bright yellow spots will delight until the first frost, because this type of helianthus is frost-resistant. In addition, it is drought tolerant, but prefers the sun. As well as clay and sandy soils.

Iberis(Iberis umbellata).


Choose calcareous, clay or sandy soil for Iberis. Be sure to drain well and plant in full sun. Height - from 10 to 50 cm. Flowers can be white, raspberry, purple, pink. After the plant has faded, it must be cut, so that next year it will delight you again.

The success of any design is a harmonious combination of its key elements, which is achieved with the right…

Blooming all summer

Sweet pea(Lathyrus odoratus).

Sweet pea

A very easy plant to grow and care for. Most of its seeds are large and take root well if planted in open ground. The unpretentious well-known varieties Colorcade and Old Fashioned produce tall shoots. Slightly lower are Cupid, Bijou, and Potted Fragrance, which can pass as groundcovers.

Limnantes Douglas(Limnanthes douglasii).

Limnantes Douglas

A flower that looks like a boiled egg is yellow in the middle and white around the edges. Spreads by self-seeding, suitable for most types of soils and lawns. Its unobtrusive beauty will be revealed in rockeries and borders. Limnantes is such a compact plant that it fits perfectly in a small garden, growing up to 15 cm in length. Likes sun or a little shade.

Digitalis(Digitalis fontanesii).


It is a biennial or perennial that blooms for several years. The creamy yellow bells contrast with the dark green stem that can grow from 50 cm to 1 meter. Foxglove blooming all summer prefer chalky, clay and sandy soils. Drained, well-drained soil with an acidic or neutral pH is fine for them. They are undemanding to lighting, but partial shade is best for them. Cutting the stem will encourage the growth of new flowers. Please note that foxglove is susceptible to attacks by aphids and caterpillar nematodes.

Nasturtium(Tropaeolum majus).


A half-meter annual or perennial plant that can easily do without seedlings. Feels great in the bright sun, unpretentious to the soil composition. Shades are varied - from delicate cream and yellow to rich orange and red. Of course, nasturtium will fit into any garden composition, and if you cut it at the end of autumn, it will bloom next year. The only caveat is that it attracts caterpillars, midges and aphids. But the use of appropriate drugs can reliably secure it.

Nigella damask(Nigella damascena).

Nigella damask

Annual. Plant the flowers directly in the ground to admire their white and blue flowers in the summer. Sandy, clayey, calcareous soils and a sunny side are the necessary conditions for it. In one year, the nigella can grow up to 50 cm, which allows it to be used as a border plant or in mixborders.

Planting and caring for zinnia is not difficult and will not frighten even an inexperienced gardener. Perfect for a rustic garden.

A beautiful flower garden requires a lot of effort and time. If you visit the country house no more than once or twice a week, then take a look at the wonderful, beautiful and unpretentious flowers that you can grow for a “lazy” flower garden - that is, a flower garden that does not need to be given so much time.

One of the most undemanding flowers to grow is Echinacea. This is a perennial plant with beautiful tall flower stalks that can tolerate drought and severe frosts. Today, there are many types of echinacea for every taste, and each of them is characterized by unpretentious care.

Stonecrop will delight summer residents and gardeners with beautiful flowering for a long time. This hardy plant tolerates adverse weather conditions, but prefers to grow in a well-lit place. Both dwarf and tall flowers are unpretentious in care and very beautiful.

Decorative onion is another plant that can please summer residents with its incredible flowering. From early spring to late autumn, decorative onions will delight you with stunning flowers. This perennial does not require much time and effort to care for, it also does not need frequent watering, rather, on the contrary, they are strictly contraindicated for it.

Carnation grass is a close relative of the garden carnation. It is drought tolerant, requires little to no maintenance, easily propagated by self-sowing, and can last up to 7 years without a transplant. Carnation-grass forms small, but very beautiful flowers-asterisks. Depending on the variety, the plant can produce white, pink, purple, crimson or red flowers.

To please yourself and your family or to surprise your neighbors?
Each of these plants is able to cope with these tasks.


Unpretentious creepers with a varied palette of colors for every taste. Stunningly beautiful flowers that bloom profusely throughout the season will decorate any hedge or gazebo.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences, less often solitary. Flower color ranges from white and yellow to purple, blue, carmine red, with many shades.

Now this crop is grown in Siberia, the Far East and even the North. Clematis are divided into 2 main groups: small-flowered clematis with a flower size of 2 to 5 cm and large-flowered with a flower size of up to 15 cm. Small-flowered clematis species are less known in floriculture, although they are very decorative and at the same time unpretentious, more winter-hardy and drought-resistant than large-flowered.


If you really like orchids, but there is no way to give them proper care, you can plant flowers very similar to them and called "garden orchids".

A genus of flowering herbaceous plants of the Liliaceae family, native to Japan and the Himalayas.
Tritsirtis has another name - toad lily. This is because the natives of one Philippine island use the sap of the plant to attract edible frogs. They rub their skin with it, which makes it much easier to catch.

It prefers semi-shady moist forests and soils rich in humus.
Its flowering is long, but it begins only at the end of summer. Early frosts may prevent the flower from appearing in all its glory. Therefore, it is often planted in a tub.

Grouse (fritillaria).

In the spring, lush bluebells of hazel grouse will be the first to decorate the garden. The flower is very respected by gardeners, especially the imperial hazel grouse.
Fritillaria flower is called hazel grouse, because the petals of most species of these plants are dotted with small specks, like a bird of the same name.

Grouse Mikhailovsky.

Perennial bulbous flower.
There are several types: imperial, chess, radde, Russian.

Grouse Persica.

The plant prefers chernozems in well-heated, but shaded areas.
All types of hazel grouse can be used not only for growing in flower beds, but also for decorating alpine slides or planting in groups on borders along paths. They look just great, especially because they bloom when there are no other bright colors in the garden yet.

Chess grouse.

Beautiful fruit (callicarpa).

And this plant will please a little later. In autumn, it will be a bright eye-catcher against the backdrop of yellow fallen leaves and brown branches.

This shrub, unfortunately, is not as common in our areas as other ornamental shrubs, but recently it has become more and more often the highlight of flower beds. As it becomes clear from the name of the plant, the main thing in the bush is beautiful fruits. The purple-violet berries of the beautiful carp, which it does not shed for almost the entire winter, can decorate your landscape, while bright green foliage in summer and red and golden in autumn and purple, pink or white flowers in the leaf axils create mood and the necessary decorative effect in the rest seasons.

It is a shrub or small tree of the Verbena family. It grows wild in Southeast Asia (where most species grow), Japan, Australia, Madagascar, southern North America and South America.

The height of beautiful fruits, depending on the species, ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 meters.
Planting is possible throughout the season.
So far, these are all the unusual flowers that caught my attention.

Thank you for your attention!

The most unpretentious flowers for summer cottages are annuals. Unpretentious flowers for giving

City dwellers who go out to their dachas only for weekends are often limited in time. Caring for a personal plot, working in the beds, good rest - it is difficult to find free minutes for flower beds and flower beds.

In order for the summer cottage to please with an abundance of flowers all season, novice gardeners and experienced people choose the most unpretentious varieties of flowering plants. You can decorate the territory and avoid unnecessary trouble by choosing varieties of flowers that do not require special care.

Reproduction of flowers is carried out in several ways:

  • bulbs;
  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • self-seeding.

Depending on regional characteristics, plants are selected with which there will be no problems later. If it is possible to buy or grow seedlings yourself and plant them after the threat of frost, the flowers will bloom much faster than their counterparts grown from seeds.

Bulb crops in the northern regions are dug up for the winter period; in regions with a warm climate, such flowers remain in the ground and reproduce naturally. Flower crops are divided into two types: annual and.

annual flowers

Annuals are sown by seeds or grown by seedlings. They bloom only one season, so it is important to choose varieties that will delight you from early spring to late autumn.

The choice of flowering annuals should be carried out taking into account the timing of flowering, plant height, color palette.

Such species are most suitable for decorating flower beds. You can choose a picture for the composition, shades to your taste. With each new season, it is possible to change the filling of flower beds at will and mood.

There are many varieties of annuals that do not require special care, unpretentious to the soil, watering, regular fertilizing.

  1. Marigold. The most common annuals in the world. They can be found in summer cottages, city flower beds and in foreign resorts. They vary in color from light yellow to bright orange. Resistant to dry weather, do not require regular watering. Unpretentious plants easily take root in any area, perfectly tolerate shading.
  2. Aster. Colorful autumn flowers, with different shapes of petals. Frost-resistant, undemanding to the quality of the soil. Inflorescences shrink with thickened plantings.
  3. Nasturtium. The leaves and flowers look pretty too. Climbing bushes look great in flowerpots and flower beds. Calmly tolerate heat, resistant to diseases.
  4. Salvia. It is recommended to grow in areas with good sunlight.
  5. Calendula (marigolds). In addition to the aesthetic purpose, it has medicinal properties, repels pests from vegetable crops in the garden.
  6. Petunia. The most popular flower. It is used to decorate flower beds, grows well in flowerpots and planters. It has a very long flowering period and a huge number of varieties. Propagated by seedlings, self-sowing seeds, which greatly facilitates the task of gardeners.
  7. Asperula blue. Shade-loving species, does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  8. Loburyatia. Spreading shrub of small size with many small inflorescences. It differs from analogues in a short germination period and early friendly flowering. The color palette is from white to purple.
  9. Mathiola is bicornuate. Frost-resistant plant, seeds can be sown immediately after the snow melts. Flowers open only in the evening. Aromatic honey smell is the main distinguishing feature.
  10. Sweet pea. Variety of colors and long flowering period. Does not require regular watering, unpretentious to the soil.

When thinking about what flowers to plant in the garden, consider this option. According to their growth, these flowers are divided into three main categories: short, medium and tall. Let's briefly consider each of them.


Unpretentious perennial flowers for summer cottages include several popular species. These are, first of all, large-flowered flax, oak sage, cinquefoil, soft cuff, panicled gypsophila, geranium, gentian, dwarf phlox and some others. They do not require strict daily care and can be safely recommended for planting in a summer cottage. They can be used in the arrangement of flower beds or mixborders.

medium height

If we talk about the growth of such plants, then it is, as a rule, 0.3-0.8 meters. They are quite versatile, and such a significant difference in size makes them suitable for almost all types of flower beds.

Noting the names of medium-sized flowers for giving, I would like to highlight the following types:

  • Day-lily.
  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Yarrow.
  • Astilbe.
  • Double Monarda.
  • Cornflower.
  • Panicled phlox.
  • Peony (choose later varieties).


This group of perennial garden flowers includes some of the most popular names. Their height starts from 80 centimeters, which, on the one hand, somewhat limits the possibilities of their landing, and on the other hand, on the contrary, makes them more unique compared to their lower counterparts. Popular types:

  • Tricyrtis purple beauty.
  • Rose stock.
  • Helenium hybrid.
  • Vasilisnik.
  • Veronica long-leaved.
  • Willow sunflower.

Remember! Such plants can be used for flower beds, as well as for flower beds.

The use of perennials in a summer cottage is justified for many reasons. One of them is that it can take a long time to lay out a beautiful, well-formed flower garden, especially a mixborder. It often takes several years. Therefore, perennial plants will come in handy, just for such cases.


A hardy beautiful flower that is planted in flower beds, gardens, in the foreground of flower borders, in flowerpots on terraces and patios.

Pictured is a dimorphotheque

Dimorphoteka feels good on fertile and well-drained soil in high light. The flowering period is quite long - from the beginning of summer until October. Appreciate the magnificence of the dimorphotheca in the photo.

Dimorphoteka - a flower that blooms all summer until the frost

Unpretentious, photophilous and cold-resistant plant. It does not require special fertilization of the soil, but it should be light and loose.

In the photo - terry cosmea

Cosmea gives self-sowing next year, without reducing the decorative qualities.

Cosmea - a popular flower for giving

Eschscholzia Californian

Although it is a perennial, we use it as an annual. Beautiful flowers are often used for cutting. The photo provided shows that all parts of the bush have a high decorative effect: flowers and openwork leaves.

In the photo, Californian escholcia

Eschscholzia Californian begins to bloom from the very beginning of summer and fades in October, gives self-sowing. Shows special decorativeness when landing on a well-lit area with sandy soil. Additional soil fertilization is not required.

Eschscholzia California blooms all summer until October

Mattiola bicorne

The garden flower, popularly nicknamed the night violet, won the hearts of many gardeners not so much with its appearance as with its most delicate aroma. Being at the dacha in the evening, you will plunge into the world of fabulous fragrance, spreading everywhere. As you can see in the photo, night violet can have different variations in color and structure of flowers.

In the photo, Mattiola is bicornuate

Mattiola bicornu feels great on sandy soils with good drainage, located in open areas. Blooms all summer.


The second name of the flower is snapdragon. The popularity of the plant is increasing every year. The variety of varieties is striking: bushes can have different heights, colors and structures of flowers.

In the photo antirrinum

The wide variety allows each year to experiment with new varieties of the plant. Antirrinum will bloom luxuriantly all summer if planted in a sunny area.