How to make an extension from cinder block. How to create extensions to a wooden house from foam blocks? How to make an extension of foam blocks: the main steps

Foam blocks - inexpensive modern material perfect for building outbuildings. With their use, you can assemble a very comfortable structure, warm and durable. Despite the fact that this material looks similar to traditional cinder blocks and bricks, its masonry is made using a slightly different technology. An extension to the house of foam blocks must be erected in compliance with certain rules, which cannot be violated.

What buildings can be attached to

Foam blocks can be used to expand the area of ​​houses built from any materials. Such an extension is perfect for a chopped building, and for brick, and for concrete. Sometimes in this way the area of ​​\u200b\u200beven light frame structures is increased.

Actually, the very question of how to make an extension to a house from a foam block comes down mainly to the following:

  • to right choice foundation type,
  • compliance with masonry technology,
  • the correct choice of the method of pairing the details of the extension and the main building.

What you need to know

Foam blocks are a material characterized by ease of installation, low thermal conductivity and low cost. This is what determines its popularity. However, this material also has one fairly serious drawback. Foam blocks are fragile. Therefore, despite the fact that they have a small weight, the foundation for the walls of them should be built as reliable as possible. Only in this case will a durable extension to the house of foam blocks be obtained. It is not difficult to build a strong foundation with your own hands. The most important thing is not to save on materials and to choose the right laying depth depending on the type of soil. The width of the foundation should be approximately 10 cm greater than the thickness of the foam block walls.

Do you need a clean finish?

Another slight disadvantage of this material is its not too high resistance to high humidity. Therefore, when drawing up a project, among other things, it will be necessary to decide on the type fine finish walls. It can be plaster, siding or lining. In the event that the extension is residential, the walls should also be insulated. The thickness of the foam blocks to save comfortable temperature indoors in winter in the conditions of the Russian climate is still not enough.

The construction of the strip foundation

Usually, an extension to a foam block house is built on this basis. A columnar foundation for it is arranged only if the walls of the main building are made of wood. This is due to the fact that the base of the extension must have the same design as the building itself. Under wooden structures, it is usually a columnar foundation that is arranged. The only thing is that this option cannot be used under two-story extensions from foam blocks. In this case, a more reliable concrete tape should be poured.

The foundation is built like this:

  • A pit is dug around the entire perimeter of the extension, the depth of which is equal to the depth of the base of the house.
  • Formwork is installed, which can be knocked down from wooden boards.
  • Sand is poured at the bottom with a layer of 5-15 cm.
  • Next, the footing is poured with a thickness of about 5 cm.
  • The reinforcing frame is installed. It is knitted from 12 mm rods. The base of the extension cannot be rigidly connected to the foundation of the house. Otherwise, it may simply break due to the shrinkage of the new structure. Between the foundations, you should simply lay tarred boards.
  • The concrete mixture is being poured. The proportions of binder and filler should be 1:3. Cement should take brands not lower than M400. The batch itself is best done in a concrete mixer.

The finished base for the extension must stand for at least 30 days.

Column Foundation

Extension from foam blocks to wooden house can be built, as mentioned above, and on this basis. When pouring column foundation along the perimeter of the future structure, they first dig holes with a step of no more than one and a half meters. Next, they lower the formwork from the roofing material rolled into a roll. Then crushed stone is poured onto the bottom and reinforcement is installed from four bars connected with a clamp. Produce pouring concrete mixture. Above the ground, the posts should rise to the level of the grillage of the house. The bars are released by 20 cm. Subsequently, they will need to be connected with the reinforcement of the grillage. The latter is poured into formwork knocked down from boards, just like a strip foundation. Before pouring, soil is raked under the bottom of the future tape. After the concrete has hardened, it will simply need to be removed. Rigidly with the foundation of the house, the base of the extension in this case is also not connected.

Wall masonry

So, how is an extension to a foam block house made? The photos of structures made of this material, presented on the page, seem to demonstrate the usual uncomplicated masonry with elementary dressing of the seams. However, in reality, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, the assembly of walls from foam blocks is carried out exclusively along the mooring cord. The laying must be perfectly flat. Otherwise, due to internal stresses, a rather fragile wall may subsequently crack.

Secondly, you should be aware of what cement mortar only the first row of foam blocks is laid. All subsequent ones are assembled using special glue with careful fitting. The thickness of the seam of the first row should be about 1.5 cm. Adhesive - no more than 1 mm. Before applying a mixture of sides of foam blocks and upper part the previous row is moistened with water.

You should also be aware that for the strength and durability of the walls, foam block masonry in without fail reinforced. To do this, in every fourth row, two grooves are made on top of the grinder and steel bars are placed in them. To build an extension to the house from foam blocks without reinforcement means you will almost certainly get a number of problems in the future. Walls can crack even from minor movements.

The masonry itself is carried out with dressing of the seams with an offset of ½ block. over finished walls armopoyas is arranged. This will prevent cracking due to roof pressure. The armored belt is poured with concrete with reinforcement.

Roof extension

The assembly of the roof is what the construction of such a structure as an extension to the house should end with. From foam blocks (the photo on the page confirms this), you can build a fairly convenient and, most importantly, durable structure. But, of course, only if the roof is mounted in accordance with all the rules. For example, roofing materials that are too heavy for an extension from foam blocks should not be taken. For such walls, light metal tiles or profiled sheets are more suitable.

As for the design, most often the roof on the extension is installed shed. In this case, a Mauerlat is placed on the armored belt. The upper beam is fixed along the upper edge of the wall of the house. Next, the rafters are installed. Then the crate is stuffed and mounted roofing material. The rafters on the upper and lower beams should be fixed not on the corners, but on special sled fasteners. It is very important. If rigid elements are used, subsequently, during the settlement of a new structure, intractable problems may arise associated with the displacement of roof structures.

Wall joints

An extension of foam blocks to a wooden house, just like a stone house, is not rigidly attached. It's all about the same shrinkage. gaps between the new building and stone house usually fill mounting foam. With a wooden structure, the extension is connected a little differently. The gap is closed with bars. They need to be stuffed on the walls of the house itself on both sides of the extension.

After a few years, the connection can be made rigid - with the help of special brackets.

As you can see, using foam blocks to make an extension to a building made of brick, concrete or wood is not too difficult. The most important thing is to pour solid foundation and observe the masonry technology. An extension to the house of foam blocks, built in accordance with all the rules, is able to serve long years- as much as the building itself.

Having settled down a little in the new house and putting it in order household plot, almost every homeowner begins to dream of an additional extension. Someone needs to expand dining area, and someone just wants to relax on a spacious veranda. For its construction, you can choose any quality material: brick, wood, cinder blocks or cellular concrete products. A do-it-yourself veranda to a house made of foam blocks will possess.

Before proceeding with the construction of a new part of the main building, you need to clearly know the size and type of foundation, as well as the condition of the walls, roof and soil. In addition, it will not be superfluous to draft a future veranda, or at least a clear drawing. At this stage, you need to decide whether the integrity of the roof will be violated or not, how the veranda will connect to the house and consider the entrance to it. Only after all these actions can proceed directly to the construction work.

Laying the foundation for the veranda and erecting walls

Before starting the construction of the foundation of a future building, you need to know at what depth the main foundation is located. For this, a pit is made, measuring 1 * 1 m. Its depth should be sufficient in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe old foundation of the house. The best option laying the basis for the veranda is the foundation of the same type and size as the main one. If this cannot be done for any reason, then it is necessary to create a good expansion joint. The sequence of its bookmarks is as follows:

  • A small distance of about 5 cm is left between the foundations, where boards are laid, pre-wrapped in roofing material.
  • At this stage of laying blocks, a gap of 2 cm is left between adjacent walls, which is filled with insulation and sealant. After completion of all work, the resulting seam is closed with panels. Ideal as an insulating material mineral wool.

As for the foundation, most often for foam concrete buildings they make tape shallow, but for the construction of a veranda, another option is also suitable - columnar brick. This type of base is not only strong enough, but also economical financially and in terms of labor costs.

Features of the construction of the veranda

A special place in the construction of the box walls additional extension is a jumper device. For the veranda, special ones are more applicable - U- figurative form they are quite light. Using them, critical loads do not affect the foundation. Thanks to such jumpers, it is possible to make openings more than 1.5 m long, in order to make them you need reliable U-shaped foam concrete, metal and wooden formwork, commodity heavy concrete mortar and of course fittings with a diameter of 10 mm.

First, blocks of a special shape are installed, then formwork, after which reinforcement is placed in a pre-prepared foam block, the final stage is the manufacture of a jumper - pouring the resulting structure with concrete, which is carefully rammed and leveled.

As for any structure made of lightweight concrete, an armored belt is required for a foam block veranda, it will stiffen the entire structure and protect its walls from cracking and destruction. For its device, you will need the same materials as for creating a specific jumper. The technology of filling the armored belt is similar to driving the same jumper.

Another significant feature of the extension is its attachment to the main building; reinforcement is used for these purposes. To produce such hard connection must be cut in every third row foam concrete wall small grooves 3 * 3 cm in size and 5 cm deep, reinforcement is inserted into them and poured concrete mortar or special. A hole is also drilled in the load-bearing wall of the house, the second end of the reinforcing bar is inserted and concreted. With the help of such a connection, the subsidence of the veranda from cellular concrete will be reduced to almost zero.

The construction of a foam concrete veranda next to a wooden house deserves special attention. This is due to the different density of materials and types of foundations. Usually under wooden buildings they are lighter, such differences can lead to excessive and uneven shrinkage of both structures. Such specific construction should only take place under the direction of experienced builders in this region.

Useful video


Choosing high-quality foam concrete products as the main wall material for an extension at an affordable price, you get a guarantee of durability and reliability of your future veranda.

I think many owners of their homes have a feeling that something is missing. Someone is tired of hustling big family in small house. Some people dream of having their own garage. And others even want to have a bathhouse and a luxurious veranda in their house, where they could relax after a busy day.

The best option for increasing the house are foam blocks. They seem to be created for building walls with their own hands: light, easy to install, unlike traditional materials (brick, cinder block). We will now tell you how to make an extension to the house from foam blocks.

How to build an extension to a house

Building a foundation

Before you build an extension to the house from the foam block, you need to decide on the layout of the future extension. And if you don’t know where to start, then we will offer you some of the most common projects. The figure below shows approximate examples.

After the selected project, we proceed to preparatory work for building a foundation. The depth of foundation for most of Russia is 170 cm, which eliminates the possibility of freezing.

But if this factor is excluded, then its depth can be only 40-60 cm. brick construction), after which it must be covered with waterproofing. Since the foam blocks absorb moisture very strongly.

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Building walls

When choosing how to build an extension to the house from foam blocks, you need Special attention give the connection of the walls with the main structure. You can connect them with metal brackets, after which the extension and the house become one.

At the junction of the walls of the extension, the house and the roof, it is necessary to make insulation and plaster. This is necessary to avoid blowing and wetting the wall, as a result of which it will collapse and which can lead to the formation of fungus.

Foam concrete should be laid strictly according to the instructions. But do not be afraid, the instructions for laying foam blocks are simple, and are easily mastered by any novice builder. So, laying should begin with the corner walls of the extension and continue over the entire area.

The initial row is laid out on a cement mortar mixed with sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. At the same time, the thickness of the first seam should not exceed 3 cm. After that, we check the masonry for level, and unevenness can be removed with any grinding tool.

Subsequent rows can be laid using a light mortar with a horizontal seam thickness of 1-1.5 cm and a vertical seam of 0.8-1.5 cm. When using special adhesive mixtures, the seam thickness should be about 2 mm. The solution is applied evenly over the entire area with a special spatula, after which the foam block is placed.

If the construction of an extension to the house from foam blocks takes place in hot weather, then you need to moisten the block before laying it.

The block itself is placed on top of the solution without shear, and the remnants of the solution squeezed out at the same time are immediately picked up. After the block is leveled and knocked out with a rubber mallet.

In order for the extension to the house of foam blocks to be strong, it is necessary to follow the rules of dressing during the construction of walls. The second row should start with an offset of at least 10/15 cm. The corners should be staggered.

Moreover, if the laying is carried out with an industrial foam block, you need to decide whether the walls will be plastered on one or both sides. If the wall will be plastered on both sides, then the key joints can be filled with mortar and not filled.

But if it is plastered, it will be on one side or it will not be plastered at all. Then be sure to fill the lock seam with mortar, which will help to avoid blowing masonry.

Wall opening equipment

over windows and doorways you can use special jumpers U-shaped. They are very light, and with their help it is possible to make door and window openings more than 1.75 m long without using lifting equipment.

To install the jumper, you need to install the formwork from wooden beam and metal profile. After we install the reinforcement, it is necessary to fill it with heavy concrete, so as to completely cover the metal reinforcement on all sides. Concrete must be compacted and leveled with neighboring blocks.

The brand of concrete and the diameter of metal fittings must be selected from the maximum possible load.

  1. Wall foam blocks
  2. U - shaped blocks
  3. formwork
  4. heavy concrete
  5. metal fittings

U - shaped blocks are also used to create the so-called reinforced belt. Metal fittings handles tensile stress quite well. And reliably protects the walls from cracks and destruction. The diameter of the reinforcement is usually 1 cm.

Such a metal belt is assembled already on the wall, due to the fact that the entire structure is quite heavy and it will be very difficult to install it in its place. The ends of the fittings are attached to the wall of the house. After installation, the reinforcement is completely poured with concrete so that there are no bare spots left and leveled. This design dries for about 30 days.

Building a roof

The roof at the extension can be made both single-pitched and double-pitched. shed roof, as a rule, colder than gable. But construction costs are less.

Also the construction of the roof for each extension is individual feature. And only specialists can predict which roof structure will be the most optimal.

To date, there are many materials designed to reduce heat loss through roofs. Namely, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, expanded clay, sawdust.

All of these materials have both disadvantages and advantages.

  • Mineral wool- used very often to reduce heat loss in wooden roofs houses. Indeed, this material has a lot of advantages, and this is low weight and fire safety. In addition, it does not contain harmful substances and has very high thermal insulation characteristics.
    The disadvantages of this material include the fact that it absorbs moisture very well. Therefore, when choosing this material, projects for extensions to a house made of foam blocks provide for the implementation of good hydro and vapor barrier.

  • Styrofoam- also often used to reduce heat loss through the roofs of houses. positive properties this material is very low vapor permeability, high thermal insulation characteristics even at high humidity, the material is not susceptible to wear and tear and hydrophobicity.
    From the lack of polystyrene foam, its flammability and increased noise can be noted.

Tip: If you want to quickly and safely insulate the roof, then it is better to choose polystyrene foam.
It is very easy to install and affordable.

  • Sawdustinexpensive material. It is used in the case of construction with a small budget. Among the shortcomings, if you use clean sawdust or shavings that are not impregnated with lime, then rodents can get into them over time. Also, from the point of view of protection, it will not withstand any criticism from fire.

  • Expanded clay- already a traditional material that has been used for more than half a century. Of the advantages of expanded clay, they note low moisture absorption, rather high thermal insulation characteristics, lack of flammability, and of course you will be pleased with the price of this material.

Construction of an extension to a wooden house

An extension to a wooden house made of foam blocks has its own characteristics. The main one is that the buildings will be built from different materials. And the foundations wooden houses are usually not deep.

From this it follows that these structures will not be equally displaced relative to each other in the case of seasonal, weather and geological factors. Therefore, it is better to contact the appropriate specialists.

An extension to a foam block house is one way to increase usable area your home. While doing construction works a series of mandatory requirements and established standards, as well as to know the features building material, methods of laying walls and features of foam concrete, its properties.

Wooden house with a block outbuilding.

You can independently build an extension from foam blocks saving your own money. The information article should help novice builders cope with the construction of an extension using foam blocks.

Foam blocks are a modern building material with an affordable price. It is suitable for building different outbuildings. Using foam blocks, you can install a convenient, in all respects, warm and durable structure.
Masonry is somewhat different from the technology of using bricks and cinder blocks. But before moving on to the process of describing the masonry and building the foundation for the building, let's look at its advantages and pay attention to the disadvantages.

Advantages of the blocks used

Advantages of building material.

  1. You can do the work yourself.
  2. Save money.
  3. The workflow is not stretched. The construction of an extension from foam blocks will not take much time.
  4. Foam concrete does not burn.
  5. Possessing a porous structure, foam concrete does not exert additional pressure on the entire structure, shrinkage is minimal.
  6. The material is considered environmentally friendly.
  7. Blocks have low thermal conductivity due to porosity.
  8. It is easy to process, including, it can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw for wood.
  9. The durability of structures where blocks were used is determined by 50 years of age. These are the minimum times.

Besides, foam concrete blocks perfectly "breathe" thanks to the cellular structure.
They can, without problems, be used in the construction of extensions on all types of soil.
Everyone knows the high strength of this material.

On a note!
The light weight of the blocks during the construction of the extension allows you to abandon the powerful foundation (foundation).
Not the last place in the choice of material is the speed of masonry.

About the shortcomings of the material

The main problem of using this building material is that it requires strong protection from the effects of precipitation.
Unpresentable appearance compels homeowners to resort to exterior finish which increases the cost of labor.

Which houses can be built on

Using blocks, you can expand the area of ​​​​an already built house. Moreover, it does not matter what material the house was built from, whether it be a chopped building, a brick structure or concrete structure. AT individual cases extension to light frame structures is allowed.

If the house to which the extension is planned is 15 years or more, it is necessary to make a careful calculation of the strength. This is the opinion of professional builders.

The question of how to make an extension of foam blocks comes down to:

  • to the choice of a certain type of foundation;
  • compliance with the technology of laying blocks;

It is important to consider a way to interface the details of the extension to the main structure.


Since construction work is being carried out from scratch, it is necessary to build a foundation. Let's take a look at pairing methods. Work can be done in two ways:

  1. The use of a rigid, reinforced connection. This option is suitable for the already established foundation of the main structure, which has undergone a drawdown, and the overhang of the new structure will not affect the strength. This type of foundation is recommended for use on non-rocky soils.
  2. The second option: arrangement expansion joint. This is, from an economic point of view, the most profitable option. The construction is much simpler than a reinforced connection. You can use one of three ways: on the screw piles, columnar or tape version.

Tape type foundation

First of all, you should dig a pit, at the level of the foundation of the erected structure. The pit should cover the entire perimeter of the extension.
The next step is the installation of formwork. The structure is built from wooden boards.
Further, the bottom of the pit is covered with sand. The embankment layer is within 5-15 cm and is poured with concrete (footing) about 5 cm thick.
The reinforcing cage is knitted with 12 mm rods. The frame should not be brought close to the main structure, so as not to cause shrinkage of the main structure. Just lay the tarred boards, and the issue will be closed.

The foundation of the tape type with a slight deepening.

We fill the base of the pit with a concrete mixture prepared in a ratio of 1/3. Experts recommend using cement M-400, not lower. You can knead the mortar by hand, but for the quality of the mixture it is better to do this using a concrete mixer.
Then it is necessary to withstand the time for the finished base to stand. The process usually takes 30 days.

Column foundation option

An extension to a house made of foam blocks, including a wooden house based on a columnar foundation. It must be dug around the entire perimeter of the future structure. The work is being done in stages. First, pits are arranged in increments of up to 1.5 meters, into which the formwork is lowered.
An extension to a wooden house made of foam blocks involves the arrangement of formwork, which is a roofing material rolled into a roll. The bottom is covered with rubble, fittings (4 bars) are put together with clamps. The structure is poured with a pre-prepared concrete mixture. It is important that the posts are at the level of the grillage of the house.
In this case, the bars should protrude 200 mm upwards, which should be connected with the grillage reinforcement during work.
The final stage of work involves pouring the formwork, knocked down from the boards, with a concrete mixture.
The analogy of execution does not differ from the arrangement strip foundation. Previously, soil is raked to the bottom of the tape. When the concrete hardens, it can be removed.

Pillar foundation.

having withstood necessary period solidification concrete mix you can go to masonry walls.

What you need to know about wall laying

Block laying starts from the corners.

To improve adhesion down side block is wetted with plain water. In order to prevent moisture seepage in the future, a waterproofing composition is laid in several layers as protection on the first row.
Before installing the next row, the previous "floor" is wetted with water. Close attention should be paid to the laying of the first row. The check is performed horizontally and vertically.
The further process and the correctness of the masonry depend on the quality of the initial structure. Subsequent work must be performed on the adhesive composition.
This will allow you to get seams of small thickness, about 1 mm. Usage adhesive composition reduces total area seams that can let in the cold. Seams are also called "cold bridges".
Each finished row of masonry is checked horizontally and rubbed with a grinding float. All work is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions. Having thus laid out 5 rows of the wall, reinforcement should be used at the corners, designed to more firmly bind the entire structure and prevent the formation of cracks.
Using circular saw you need to make a square cut to a depth of 50 mm. The cut edge should not exceed 30 mm.
Having knocked out a groove with a hammer and / or a chisel and having cleaned it, welded reinforcement is placed in the center of the groove. It must (mandatory) be filled with adhesive. An extension to the house from foam blocks involves the further arrangement of window and door lintels, the manufacture of a reinforced belt and ceiling.

You will learn more about how to connect the wall of the house and the extension from this video:

Window and door lintels

If the jumper is installed incorrectly (meaning a large clearance), an increased load will adversely affect it. In this case, you can make a brick lining, which will strengthen the structure.

Arrangement of jumpers.

But this situation rarely occurs. Arrangement of jumpers and window structures can be done using two methods: resorting to the installation of removable or fixed formwork.

reinforced belt

An extension of foam blocks is not possible without arranging a reinforced belt.


It is necessary to give the house stability, including strengthening bearing walls new building.


When an extension is installed from foam blocks, the ceiling is the final phase of construction work. The foundation of the house is poured, the openings are ready, the construction of the erected walls is not satisfactory, therefore, it is possible to proceed with the overlap.

Overlapping of an extension from foam concrete material.

After a pause of several days, after installing the reinforced belt, an overlap is made. The material for the work is most often wood and aerated concrete slabs.
If mounted wooden details they must be impregnated with a bio/protective and flame retardant composition. The foam block extension is ready. It is necessary to bring an external gloss, give a decent look to the walls, and insulate them. Decoration involves use in decoration artificial stone, decorative plaster or foam.


The foam block extension is completely ready. As you can see, there is nothing supernatural and archi-complex. It is necessary to have the desire and implementation of the planned plans to come true. For self-confidence, before starting work, look through the technical literature and see how others are building. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the video material, which is in sufficient quantity on YouTube.

Let's decide on the basis of what you made decisions and schemes.

1) The dimensions of your extension are larger than the dimensions of the house. As I understand it, you wanted to make an entrance through an existing vestibule, expanding it as well. Solution problems: If you combine the vestibule and the extension with a single foundation, then the place of their connection will be potentially dangerous in terms of cracking.

2) You are going to build walls of foam blocks and overlay bricks on the outside. I assume that this decision is only to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the building. Solution problems: The wall is made of two-layer materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion. Generally double layer wall behaves worse than a single layer. The thickness of the facing wall will be ½ of a brick, which will require the installation of flexible ties. brick wall will give additional weight, which will be comparable to the weight of the entire wall of foam blocks.

3) You want to tie the roofs of the extension and the house, combining them into 1 structure. Problems of solution: Precipitation of the extension in the next 3 years will be large (with gradual attenuation). If you arrange a roof in 1 year, especially a slate one, which is very sensitive to any deflections, then you will redo it several times. Pro total cost and I don’t say the laboriousness of the work, most likely, it will be equal to the device of a completely new roof for 2 buildings (in other words, you will demolish the roof over the house and make a new one).

4) You are considering the device pile foundations from asbestos-cement pipes, I am not a supporter of this technology as such, since they are usually used too thin pipes, which do not allow high-quality reinforcement, these pipes also have very smooth walls, which greatly reduce bearing capacity along the side surface. In general, how much it is realistic to hammer an asbestos-cement pipe into the ground (especially into clay like yours) is a mystery to me. In your case, most likely, the device of the strip foundation is more justified. Moreover, this is the foundation of the main building, which will allow them to work more or less the same (one depth and width, most likely).

Now about the good :). An extension on a separate foundation not connected with the main house - the right decision. It will be possible to attach houses almost close, but it will be necessary to build a 2nd wall at the junction. Please note that you will close the windows of one of the rooms. The groundwater you, most likely, however strange it may sound, are superficial, just a clay layer does not allow them to go into the ground. Water seeps into the black soil, stops above the clay, and then spreads in this plane. You need to figure out how quickly your trenches fill up with water. If this filling is slow, then big problems I don’t see, they won’t interfere with the concreting time, and then they are not terrible. If the filling is quite fast, then you will have to divert the water. This can be done in several ways. First, dig a canal around and use it to divert water down outside the house (where below, as a rule, can be recognized by the slope of the surface layer). The second is to make a clay castle either directly in the trenches under the foundations (expand it from the outside by 100mm and arrange a clay wall 100mm thick) along the outer contour, or at some distance from the whole house and the extension in a circle, thereby diverting water from the house as a whole. clay castle should go into the base clay by 100mm. It is only necessary to triple a drainage layer 150-250 mm high and 200 mm thick (from the lower clay layer) from crushed stone (pebbles) along the entire contour in front of the clay castle, so that the water leaves unhindered.

I would not combine the roof into 1 structure, but would make an intermediate connecting section between 2 roofs to drain water from galvanized iron.

Please read everything carefully, and think about what decisions to make, in the light of what I have said.