Types and types of walls. Varieties of walls: elements, basic requirements. Walls with insulation - two-layer and three-layer

Read the article to the end and you will find out: what materials are best used today to build the walls of a house, what are their advantages and disadvantages. And also: at the end of the article - interesting reader poll regarding this issue.

Let's see what houses are built from today. More specifically, what materials are used to build the walls. We will present the information “without water” and structured. First, consider the most popular building materials, and then - those that are used less frequently.

Of course, each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, we will also talk about this. So…

Popular materials for building walls at home

There are many. Let's start with the most proven and reliable option.

Ceramic brick (red)

Made from clay - an environmentally friendly material. Firing gives it a red color, and also improves strength properties.

Previously, houses were built mainly of brick. And they performed well. We can say briefly about this material: this is a classic ... Time-tested.

Pros of red brick:

  • high strength;
  • reliability;
  • the ability to withstand heavy loads for a long time.

Cons of brick:

  • high cost of the material;
  • complex and expensive masonry (highly skilled workers are required);
  • relatively large construction time.

Red brick houses are always in price. They are reliable, durable, warm enough (with a wall thickness of 60 cm or more). Such a house after construction and after 25 years can be sold at a good price. because brick houses and serve for 100 years.

Ceramic blocks (porous ceramics)

Modern material for the walls of the house. In fact, the same red brick, only with numerous voids. It is made by firing the same clay. However, this creates voids in the material, which significantly improve its thermal insulation properties. In addition, sawdust is added to the raw material during production. When fired, they burn out, due to which microscopic pores are formed.

Advantages of porous ceramics:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • large-format blocks (laying is done quite quickly);
  • less weight (and therefore less load on the foundation).


  • high price;
  • reduced bearing capacity and strength (compared to solid ceramic bricks);
  • increased fragility (especially noticeable during transportation, loading / unloading);
  • easily absorbs moisture.

By the way, one point should be noted regarding the strength characteristics ... Manufacturers often claim that porous ceramic blocks(used for the construction of load-bearing walls) correspond in strength to concrete grade M100. For example, you can often hear that "the strength is the same as that of a regular solid red brick." However… in practice this does not always work out. At different manufacturers the strength of porous ceramics can be different. Therefore, when buying, you need to be vigilant.

Despite the shortcomings, now this material is very popular. It is used for the construction of luxury houses.

aerated concrete

The material is a kind cellular concrete. Produced from quartz sand, cement, special blowing agents. In addition, lime, gypsum, as well as slag and other industrial waste are used. The output is a material with an open porous structure (pore diameter is approximately equal to 1...3 mm).

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  • small mass;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of machining;
  • good strength;
  • relatively low price.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  • strongly absorbs moisture (due to the open porous structure);
  • increased brittleness (required solid foundation to eliminate even small drawdowns).

Now the popularity of aerated concrete is at its height. After all, for relatively small price you can get a warm and quite durable house. Due to the low thermal conductivity, it is possible to build walls of much thinner thickness than, for example, in the case of red brick. This further reduces the cost of masonry material. In addition, the labor cost of workers is noticeably lower. Aerated concrete houses are built relatively easily and quickly.

foam concrete

Also a type of cellular concrete. Unlike aerated concrete, this material has a closed porous structure. It is made from sand, cement, foaming agent and water.

The production technology of foam concrete is quite simple. The production does not require expensive equipment. And I must say that this fact gives not only a plus, but also adds an important minus: there is a lot of foam concrete on the market made by dubious private firms (handicraft production). Accordingly, the quality of such material cannot be high.

Advantages of foam concrete:

  • light weight;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • ease of processing (easy to drill, saw);
  • due to the closed porous structure (the pores are closed), foam concrete does not absorb moisture as much as aerated concrete.

Disadvantages of foam concrete:

  • poor vapor permeability (walls "do not breathe", a good ventilation system is required);
  • almost does not work on bending;
  • over time, it shrinks significantly (which means cracking is possible).

Despite significant disadvantages, foam concrete is used for the construction of residential buildings. Also, this material is used for sound and heat insulation - walls, roofs, floors, etc.


Natural material, time-tested. Wood houses have been built since ancient times. This material has not lost its popularity even today.

Moreover, there are different construction technologies wooden houses. So, they can be built from a log house ( old method) - when the trunks are cut to the required length, locks and grooves are made in them, and then they are laid, creating walls.

There is also a method of construction from rounded beams. In this case, the logs in production are processed to a smooth surface, marked. In this case, the bars can be planed, sawn, glued.

Advantages of wood:

  • relatively affordable price (compared to other expensive materials);
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • aesthetic and attractive appearance;
  • no need to build a strong foundation;
  • enough long term services (with proper construction and care) - naturally, different types of wood have different wear resistance;
  • ease of machining.

Disadvantages of wood:

Despite the shortcomings, houses built of wood have been and will always be in price. AT wooden house nice to be around, easy to breathe. It is cozy and comfortable. In a word, wood.

shell rock

It's completely ecological pure material, completely natural origin. The rock of this stone is porous, carbonate. It consists of pressed shells. Hence the name - "shell rock" (also called "shell rock", "limestone").

The stone is different in density, shape, type and number of shells that form its basis. Accordingly, the strength, aesthetic and other characteristics of different shells can vary greatly.

However, in general, the following can be said about the pros and cons of this stone.

Shell rock benefits:

  • complete ecological cleanliness (surpasses even wood, as it requires impregnation with special protective substances);
  • does not accumulate radiation (usually it is below the sensitivity level of measuring instruments);
  • relatively low price(excluding shipping)
  • high construction speed (for example, it can be sawn into blocks 490 × 240x188 mm in size);
  • dense stone has a fairly high strength (suitable for the construction of load-bearing walls).

Disadvantages of shell rock:

  • increased ability to absorb moisture (especially for porous and low-strength stone) - higher than that of ceramic bricks;
  • the dimensions of the blocks are inaccurate, significant deviations are often observed (due to the fact that the blocks are not stamped, but cut out);
  • in terms of thermal conductivity, it is inferior to brick, aerated concrete, wood and some other materials;
  • often there is heterogeneity in density and strength (the material is completely natural origin).

The attitude of people to this stone is ambiguous. In some regions, most of the houses are built from this stone. In others, they practically do not build because of the existing significant shortcomings and give preference to other building materials for building walls. Of course, this is also due to the fact that the delivery of stone to some regions can be expensive and unprofitable.

Other building materials for building walls

Now let's list what is used less often. And there are advantages here too.

Expanded clay concrete

It is made by pressing from a mixture of water, sand, cement and expanded clay (which is made from clay). Additionally, voids of various volumes and shapes (for example, rectangular, cylindrical) can be made in blocks.

Masonry is usually performed using a reinforcing mesh (after 3-4 rows).

Advantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good strength (higher than, for example, aerated concrete);
  • relatively low price;
  • environmental cleanliness (in fact, the basis is clay);
  • small mass (due to the presence of a porous and lightweight material - expanded clay);
  • manufacturing technology is quite simple (you can make it yourself);
  • durability (tested by time);
  • good vapor permeability (walls "breathe").

Cons of expanded clay concrete:

  • Increased water absorption (need waterproofing, protection from external atmospheric influences);
  • Requires a solid foundation;
  • The presence of cold bridges (it is problematic to make thin seams due to significant deviations in the size of the blocks);
  • There is a material of "handicraft" production with poor quality(due to the simplicity of manufacturing technology).

It should also be noted that expanded clay concrete is quite versatile. Suitable for both the construction of load-bearing walls in low-rise construction, and for the construction of partitions, floors, ceilings. This material is often used simply as a heater.


Refers to lightweight concrete. Another name is also used - wood concrete blocks. Cement, water, organic aggregates, chemical additives are used for manufacturing. Moreover, as fillers (80-90% of the total volume) can be used different materials - wood chips(often), flax or hemp fire, cotton stalks, etc.

Chemical additives are used to eliminate negative impact organics on the process of cement hardening. It can be: liquid glass, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate, etc.

Arbolite advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity (you can do without a heater);
  • good fire resistance (does not support combustion, and when exposed to fire it only chars);
  • the speed of building walls (blocks of sufficiently large sizes);
  • high bending strength (has the ability to restore shape after exposure to loads - due to the presence of wood particles);
  • a powerful foundation is not required (as, for example, for aerated concrete);
  • you can easily screw screws into the walls, hammer in nails (they hold securely).

Disadvantages of wood concrete:

  • protection from moisture is required (due to the presence of organic substances in the composition);
  • in some regions the material is difficult to find;
  • the price can be clearly overstated by the manufacturer (therefore, making wood concrete with your own hands is popular).

In general, we can say that this is a pretty good building material for building walls. Moreover, if you wish, you can make it yourself.

It is used for low-rise buildings (usually up to 3 floors). It could be like residential buildings and commercial buildings.

cinder block

This stone is produced by vibrocompression or is used natural shrinkage cinder block mortar. The binder is cement, the filler is slag from metallurgical production.

However, it must be emphasized right away that at present it is customary to consider all stones that are made by vibrocompression from concrete mortar as cinder blocks. As a filler, in addition to slag, granite screenings, broken bricks, hardened cement, cullet, etc. can also be used.

In this case, the resulting blocks can be both full-bodied and with voids (which, in turn, can be different shapes and size).

Advantages of cinder block:

  • does not burn;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • long service life (about 100 years);
  • affordable price;
  • good sound insulation;
  • retains heat well (due to the porous structure), although it is inferior in this regard to some other materials (for example, aerated concrete);
  • high strength;
  • building walls is easier than, for example, laying bricks (the block sizes are much larger).

Cons of cinder block:

  • Hygroscopic (capable of absorbing moisture by 75%) - waterproofing is needed;
  • The walls still need to be insulated;
  • The composition may contain substances of dubious origin that can have a toxic effect on the human body (production waste makes itself felt);
  • the environmental friendliness of the blocks depends on the integrity of the manufacturer;
  • the high strength of the material makes it difficult to lay cables and pipes in it;
  • the walls have an unpresentable appearance (therefore, finishing is required).

In general, we can say that cinder block is a good material for building walls. It is also used for laying the foundation, building partitions.

However, many are stopped by the question of harmfulness. Therefore, for residential buildings, they often prefer to use other options - brick, aerated concrete, etc. A cinder block - for outbuildings, garages, fences.

Building materials for the walls of the house: draw conclusions

As you can see, today the market offers many options for solving this issue. The house can be built the way you want - not only in appearance, but also in terms of thermal insulation, strength and other characteristics.

Therefore, choose the best material for building the walls of the house and ... for work.

And now, as promised, a survey among our readers.


What is better to build the walls of the house? How do you think?

Exterior walls- most complex structure building. They are subjected to numerous and varied force and non-force influences (Fig. 1). The walls perceive their own weight, permanent and temporary loads from ceilings and roofs, wind exposure, uneven deformations of the base, seismic forces, etc. From the outside, the outer walls are exposed to solar radiation, precipitation, variable temperatures and humid outside air, external noise, and from the inside - to the influence of heat flow, water vapor flow, noise. Performing the function of an external enclosing structure and composition element facades, and often the supporting structure, the outer wall must meet the requirements strength, durability and fire resistance, corresponding to the capital class of the building, to protect the premises and adverse external influences, to ensure the necessary temperature and humidity conditions of the enclosed premises, to have decorative qualities. At the same time, the design of the outer wall must meet the industrial requirements, as well as the economic requirements of minimum material consumption and cost, since the outer walls are the most expensive structure (20-25% of the cost of building structures)

In the outer walls, there are usually window openings for lighting the premises and doorways - entrances and exits to balconies and loggias. The complex of wall structures includes the filling of window openings, entrance and balcony doors, open space designs. These elements and their interfaces with the wall must meet the requirements listed above. Since the static functions of the walls and their insulating properties are achieved when interacting with internal load-bearing structures, the development of external wall structures includes a revival depending on the natural-climatic and engineering-geological conditions of construction, and also, taking into account the features of space-planning solutions, they are cut by vertical expansion joints various types: temperature-shrinkage, sedimentary, anti-seismic, etc.


By static function load-bearing, self-supporting or non-load-bearing structures.

load-bearing walls in addition to the vertical load from its own mass, they perceive and transfer to the foundations loads from adjacent structures: ceilings, partitions, roofs, etc. Self-supporting walls perceive the vertical load only from their own mass (including the load from balconies, bay windows, parapets and other wall elements) and transfer it to the foundations directly or through plinth panels, randbalki, grillage or other structures. Curtain walls floor by floor or through several floors supported on adjacent internal structures buildings (ceilings, walls, frame). They carry the load from their own weight and wind within the floor with a height of not more than 6m. Bearing and self-supporting walls perceive, along with vertical and horizontal loads, being vertical elements, the rigidity of structures.

Bearing and non-bearing external walls can be used in buildings of any number of storeys. The height of self-supporting walls is limited in order to prevent operationally unfavorable mutual displacements of self-supporting and internal load-bearing structures, accompanied by local damage to the finish of the premises and the appearance of cracks.

By material There are four main types of wall structures: concrete, stone, concrete materials and wooden. According to building system each type of wall contains several types of structures: concrete walls- from monolithic concrete, large blocks or panels; stone walls - hand-made, walls made of stone blocks and panels; walls made of non-concrete materials - fachwerk and panel frame and frameless; wooden walls - chopped from logs or bars, frame-sheathing, frame-panel, panel and panel.

Constructive decisions. Exterior walls can be single-layer or layered construction. Single layer walls are built from panels, concrete or stone blocks, cast-in-place concrete, stone, brick, wooden logs or beams. in layered walls performance of different functions is assigned to different materials. Strength functions provide concrete, stone, wood; durability features - concrete, stone, wood or sheet material(aluminum alloys, enameled steel, asbestos cement, etc.); thermal insulation functions - effective heaters (mineral wool boards, fibrolite, expanded polystyrene, etc.); vapor barrier functions - rolled materials (roofing felt, foil, etc.), dense concrete or mastics; decorative functions - various facing materials. An air gap can be included in the number of layers of such a building envelope. Closed - to increase its resistance to heat transfer, ventilated - to protect the room from radiation overheating or to reduce deformations of the outer facing layer of the wall.

Structures of single-layer and multi-layer walls can be made prefabricated or in traditional technique.

Walls made of small-sized elements (stone walls): scope; materials and types of masonry; basic measures to ensure strength, stability, durability, heat-shielding ability; details of stone walls (plinths, openings, cornices and parapets).

Handmade walls. Material for stone walls, bricks or stones of the correct form are used, made of natural or artificial (baked clay, concrete) materials, and a mortar (lime, lime-cement or cement), along which the stones are laid in horizontal rows with mutual dressing of the seams. Brick (clay and silicate, solid and hollow) has a mass of up to 4-4.3 kg, stones (ceramic hollow with a density of up to 1400 kg / m3, lightweight concrete hollow with a density of up to 1200 kg / m3, from autoclaved and non-autoclaved cellular concrete with a density of up to 800 kg / m3, from natural light stone materials with a density of up to 1800 kg / m3) have a height of up to 20 cm and a weight of up to 30 kg.

Structural strength of the wall ensure the strength of stone and mortar and laying stones with mutual ligation of vertical seams. At the same time, the dressing of the masonry seams is provided not only in the plane of the wall, but also in the plane of the transverse walls adjacent to it. The most common type of masonry is six-row, where five spoon rows successively laid with dressing in the plane of the wall are tied up (in the plane and from the plane of the wall) with the sixth row. Only with high requirements for the strength of the wall, a more labor-intensive two-row masonry is used with dressing of all vertical seams in each row (the so-called chain masonry).

Stability of stone exterior walls provided by their spatial interaction with internal load-bearing structures - walls and ceilings. To ensure spatial interaction, the outer walls are rigidly connected to the inner walls by bonding the masonry, and with the ceilings made of reinforced concrete flooring - by inserting the latter into the wall by at least 100 mm, resting on the wall through a layer of strong mortar and connecting the walls with the ceilings with steel anchors. When constructing ceilings along beams, the latter are inserted into the wall by 250 mm and connected with anchors to masonry every b m. In multi-storey buildings, in addition, floor-by-floor reinforcing belts are provided, located in the mortar joint under the ceiling or above it (with high window lintels).

Durability stone walls provides frost resistance of materials used for the outer part of the masonry. Accordingly, the brands of stones and facing materials in terms of frost resistance for the outer walls of residential buildings of medium and high-rise buildings built in a temperate climate, they take at least 15 Mrz, and for individual parts of the walls (cornices, parapets, window sills, belts, plinths, etc.) subject to especially intense atmospheric moisture - 35 Mr.

Heat shield ability exterior walls in the design is assigned in accordance with hygienic requirements and taking into account the need to save fuel resources. The wall thickness is taken according to the largest of the values ​​obtained as a result of calculations of the required R 0 tr, economically feasible heat transfer resistance R 0 eq and static calculation. Materials and designs of stone walls have a variety of thermal qualities. The thermal conductivity coefficient of solid masonry varies from 0.7 W/(m°C) for tuff masonry to 0.35 W/(m°C) for masonry of ceramic hollow stones. This makes it possible, by choosing the most heat-efficient material, to significantly reduce the cross section of a single-layer wall, its massiveness, cost and labor intensity of construction. Therefore, the solid masonry of the outer walls is mainly made of hollow ceramic, lightweight concrete stones or bricks. To save stone and labor costs while maintaining the required heat-shielding ability, lightweight multilayer walls are used. In residential buildings, the most common are three-layer lightweight masonry structures. They contain longitudinal walls half a brick thick and between them an internal insulating layer. Sometimes, according to the strength requirements, the inner layer of masonry, to which the load from the floors is transferred, is made 1 brick thick.

The differences in masonry designs are in the ways of ensuring joint static work of the outer layers of the masonry, as well as in the insulation material and the participation of this material in the static work of the wall. The bonds between the layers are designed to be flexible or rigid. Flexible connections are made in the form of steel brackets. With flexible connections, the brick layers of the wall separately perceive the loads that fall on them.

Rigid connections are made in the form of transverse diaphragms connecting the outer layers. According to the location of the transverse diaphragms, wall structures with horizontal and vertical ties are distinguished. In walls with horizontal diaphragms, the latter are performed every five rows; in walls with vertical diaphragms (well masonry), the step of the diaphragms is 0.65 or 1.17 m. mineral wool boards on a synthetic or bituminous bond, cement fiberboard, foam glass, liners made of lightweight or cellular concrete, monolithic lightweight concrete with a density of up to 1400 kg/m3 or mineral backfills with a density of up to 1000 kg/m3.

Stone wall details. plinths stone walls are made of durable solid brick solid masonry. Brick brand for frost resistance - 50 Mrz. At a distance of 15-20 cm from the top of the blind area, a horizontal waterproofing layer is laid that protects the ground part of the wall from ground moisture. The waterproofing layer is made of two layers of roofing material on mastic or cement mortar. In accordance with the compositional solution, cladding is sometimes used brick plinth natural stone slabs or leaning ceramic tiles.

When making a plinth from concrete foundation blocks or plinth panels, the latter are placed indented inward from the facade surface (the so-called undercut plinth). At the same time, in the outer wall hanging over the basement, the facade stones of the lower row of masonry are replaced with reinforced concrete bars. Plinths made of concrete blocks are usually lined with ceramic tiles, and plinth panels have a protective and finishing layer made at the factory from decorative concrete or facing tiles.

openings window and door windows in stone walls are made with quarters on the outside along the vertical and upper edges. The quarters protect the junction of the masonry with the carpentry block filling the opening from infiltration. The size of a quarter in brickwork is 65x120 or 88x120, in stone - 100x100mm. Openings are blocked, as a rule, by prefabricated reinforced concrete lintels, which perceive the vertical load from the overlying masonry, and in load-bearing walls from ceilings.

The crowning part of the outer walls is made in the form of a cornice with external drainage from the roof or a parapet with internal drainage.

Cornice in stone walls they are often laid out of brick or stone, however, the size of the removal of such cornices, according to strength conditions, is limited to half the thickness of the wall, and the successive overlap of bricks to form an overhang should be no more than 1/3 of the stone in each row. If it is necessary to install a cornice with a large extension, it is made from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs anchored in masonry.

Parapet is a part of the wall, rising above the roof, made in solid masonry. The thickness of the wall in the area of ​​the parapet is taken reduced (up to 1 stone). The elevation of the parapet above the roof surface must be at least 300 mm. Upper plane parapet masonry is protected from moisture by a galvanized steel drain or concrete parapet stone.

Large-block walls: scope; materials for large blocks; types of blocks depending on their location in the wall; cutting walls into large blocks; ensuring strength, stability, durability of block walls.

Large-block houses are usually designed frameless, based on two structural schemes: with longitudinal walls for 5-story buildings and with transverse walls for multi-story buildings. Sometimes (for separate sections volume of the building) use a combined structural system of large-block buildings with an internal frame. Accordingly, large-block walls are carried out as load-bearing or self-supporting with cutting along the floor height into 2, 3 or 4 rows of blocks. The choice of cutting type depends on the material and the static function of the walls.

Materials for large blocks, lightweight concrete with a density of up to 1600 kg/m3 on various porous aggregates, autoclaved cellular concrete with a density of up to 800 kg/m3, brick solid or lightweight masonry, natural stone (limestone, tuff, etc.) with a density of up to 1800 kg/m3 .

For any of the cuts, the principle of dressing the seams and laying blocks on the mortar is observed. In accordance with the location, there are wall, lintel, window sill, basement, cornice, parapet, ordinary and corner blocks. Jumper blocks have quarters with inside: on top to support the ceilings, on the bottom to set the filling of the opening. In the wall blocks for installing the filling of openings, quarters are provided along the vertical side faces. From the outside, the blocks have a protective and finishing layer.

Strength large-block walls are achieved by the strength of concrete blocks and mortar, bandaging of masonry blocks and their adhesion to the mortar, floor-by-floor strapping with lintel blocks connected by steel ties. The brand of concrete in terms of compressive strength for lightweight concrete blocks is assigned according to static calculation, but not less than M 50, and mortar - not less than M25.

Sustainability large-block external walls provide them with spatial interaction with ceilings and internal transverse walls, combined with external walls by special steel ties.

In mid-rise buildings, the connections of intersecting walls are designed from L- or T-shaped welded meshes, from strip or round reinforcing bars laid in a solution of horizontal seams.

Durability large-block walls are ensured by the use of concrete with a frost resistance grade of at least 25 Mrz with the corresponding frost resistance grades of concrete and solutions of protective and finishing layers. The frost resistance grade of concrete for cornice, parapet and basement blocks is 35-50 Mrz.

Panel concrete walls and their elements: scope; main types of wall cuts on the panel; material and design wall panels; rigid and flexible connections in three-layer wall panels.

External walls made of large panels can be load-bearing or non-bearing. The mass use of panel walls in almost all countries of the world determined the exceptional variety of their designs and cuts. However, in most cases, only single-row cutting is used (without ligation of vertical seams) and sometimes (for low and medium-rise buildings) two-row, vertical, cruciform and tee.

Panels made of concrete materials are designed as layered and single-layer. Bearing walls are designed from laminated reinforced concrete panels made of heavy or structural lightweight concrete. Single-layer panels made of lightweight structural and heat-insulating concrete are used for load-bearing walls of a building with a height of no more than 12 floors. Carriers panel walls from autoclaved cellular concrete is used only in low-rise buildings. Non-bearing walls are made of panels of any design.

Single layer concrete panels are made of lightweight or autoclaved cellular concrete. The density of concrete should be no more than 1400 kg/m3. Panels of load-bearing and self-supporting single-layer walls are designed as eccentrically compressed concrete structures. Nevertheless, single-layer panels of even non-load-bearing walls contain structural reinforcement that protects against brittle fracture and the development of cracks during transportation and installation.

The concept of "single-layer panel" is conditional. In fact, in addition to the main structural layer of lightweight or cellular concrete, such panels contain an outer protective and finishing layer and an internal finishing layer.

The facade protective and finishing layer of lightweight concrete panels is made with a thickness of 20-25 mm from vapor-permeable decorative concretes, mortars or from ordinary mortars (with subsequent painting), shrinkage deformations and modulus of elasticity of which are close in magnitude to those of the main concrete layer of the panel. For the facade layer, finishing with ceramic and glass plates, thin slabs of sawn natural stone, crushed stone materials. From the inside, a finishing layer of mortar with a density of up to 1800 kg/m3 and a thickness of no more than 15 mm is applied to the panels.

The required density and water resistance of the facade protective and finishing concrete layer is achieved when the panels are molded with the facade surface to the pallet of the “face down” form. The same molding method guarantees maximum adhesion of the concrete panel to the slab cladding.

concrete panels double layer construction have a bearing and insulating layers: bearing - from heavy or structural lightweight concrete, warming - from structural and heat-insulating lightweight concrete of a dense or cellular structure. A denser carrier layer has a thickness of at least 100 mm and is located on the inside.

concrete panels three-layer construction have outer and inner structural layers of heavy or light structural concrete and an insulating layer enclosed between them. The minimum grade of heavy concrete is M 150, light - M 100. For the insulating layer, the most effective materials with a density of not more than 400 kg / m3 are used in the form of blocks, slabs or mats of glass or mineral wool on a synthetic binder, foam glass, fiberboard, polystyrene or phenolic foam.

The concrete layers of the panel are combined with flexible or rigid connections, which ensure its assembly unity and meet the requirements of strength, durability and thermal insulation. The most perfect design of flexible connections consists of separate metal rods, which provide the mounting unity of the concrete layers with the independence of their static work. Flexible connections do not interfere with thermal deformations of the outer concrete layer of the wall and completely exclude the occurrence of thermal forces in the inner layer. Elements of flexible connections are made of low-alloy steels resistant to atmospheric corrosion or of ordinary structural steel with durable anti-corrosion coatings. In three-layer panels with flexible connections, the outer concrete layer performs only protective functions. The load from it, as well as from the insulation, is transmitted through flexible connections to the inner concrete layer. The outer layer is designed with a thickness of at least 50 mm from concrete of the Mrz 35 frost resistance grade and reinforced with a welded mesh. These measures provide the necessary durability and crack resistance of the facade layer. Along the butt edges of the panel and along the contour of the openings, the outer concrete layer is thickened for the device of waterproof profiling of the joints and edges of the openings. The thickness of the inner concrete layer of three-layer panels with flexible ties in load-bearing and self-supporting walls is prescribed at least 80 mm, and in non-bearing walls - 65 mm. Insulate panels the most effective materials- expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and glass wool plates. Steel elements designed to connect the panel with the rest of the building structures are located in its inner layer.

In three-layer concrete panels, along with flexible ones, rigid connections are also used between the layers in the form of transverse reinforced ribs molded from heavy or light concrete. Rigid connections provide joint static work of concrete layers, protection connecting fittings from corrosion, ease of implementation, allow the use of heaters of any type. The disadvantage of the design is the through heat-conducting inclusions formed by the ribs. They can lead to condensation on the inner surface of the wall in their area. To eliminate the danger of condensate, the heat capacity of the inner concrete layer is increased, thickening it to 80-120 mm (according to the results of calculating the temperature panels), and the thickness of the connecting ribs is set to no more than 40 mm.

Structural reinforcement of three-layer panels with rigid connections is performed on both sides. It consists of spatial reinforcing blocks, similar to those used in single-layer panels, but supplemented with a welded mesh with a cell of 200X200 mm, reinforcing the facade concrete layer.

Until now, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of what material is better to make the walls of a residential building. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Builders and designers cannot agree on the choice of the most optimal product for making walls. The thing is that in each case, the best material must be selected based on the purpose of the building, its configuration, climatic conditions terrain and financial capabilities of the owner. In our article, we will consider the most common wall materials, describe their properties, pros and cons, and you yourself will be able to choose the best one based on the construction conditions.

Factors affecting the choice

A quarter of all construction costs go to building walls. Since the wrong material for building walls in the future can lead to even more expenses, the following factors should be taken into account when choosing it:

  1. If you want to save on arranging the foundation by making a shallow lightweight version, then choose light material. Additional Savings in the case of using light elements for the walls of the house, it will be during transportation and installation, because it can be done by hand without the use of expensive lifting equipment.
  2. Choose building materials that are good thermal insulation characteristics. Otherwise, cold walls in winter will cost you dearly due to heating costs.

Tip: best to do thermotechnical calculation taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction region. This is the only way to be sure that you have chosen the right material and wall design. So, in the northern regions of our country, even walls made of materials with high thermal insulation properties need warming.

  1. If piece materials, for example, bricks, are used to build the walls of the house, then a significant proportion of the costs will be the cost of paying masons. Even if you do all the work yourself, then consider the time and physical costs. It is much more profitable and faster to build from large-sized elements. The highest speed of wall construction is for houses built using frame-panel and frame-panel technology.
  2. Choosing Construction Materials for walls, it is worth considering how easy they are to finish and whether they need it at all. For example, walls frame house from OSB, you can not finish it at all, but simply paint it, and a log house needs a thorough finish outside and inside.

To understand what to build your house from, you need to understand the characteristics of building materials, so further we will describe the properties of each of them, list the advantages and disadvantages.


A house built of brick can stand for a century, or even a century and a half. There are many varieties of bricks that differ in important operational and technical characteristics.

So, for the construction of walls, silicate and ceramic types of bricks are used. Consider their features:

  • ceramic brick made from fired red clay. It is durable, moisture resistant, environmentally friendly material. On sale there is a corpulent and hollow brick. The more voids in a brick, the higher its thermal insulation performance.
  • silicate brick is made on the basis of lime, sand and some additives. It also happens to be full-bodied and hollow. The latter option is characterized by lightness and improved thermal insulation qualities. Silicate full-bodied products are distinguished by good soundproof properties but high thermal conductivity.

Also, this wall material is divided into front and ordinary:

  • It is better to build the walls of the house from ordinary brick. Products may have small defects in the form of cracks and chips, but due to this, their price is more acceptable. In addition, for the internal masonry of walls, the appearance of the product is not as important as for the front masonry.
  • Facing brick (front)- this is the wall material with which the facade is made out. All products must have the correct geometric shape, smooth or embossed surface, be free of flaws and defects. The price of a front brick is higher than that of its ordinary counterpart.

The strength of this wall material is directly related to its brand, which can be from M 75 to M 300. The number indicates the load that one square centimeter of the product can withstand. The higher the brand, the more specific gravity products. To build 2 or 3 storey building, enough brick brand 100-125. To perform the foundation and base, products with the brand 150-175 are used.

Also, when choosing a brick, it is important to take into account its frost resistance, that is, the number of freeze and thaw cycles that the product can withstand without damage and a decrease in strength by no more than 20%. This indicator is marked with the letter F and a number from 15 and above. For warm regions, you can use products with a frost resistance grade of 15; in colder latitudes, bricks of the F25 grade are used. For facing works a brick with a frost resistance of at least 50 is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick

Among the advantages of this wall material, it is worth listing the following:

  • Impressive service life.
  • aesthetic appeal.
  • Unlimited possibilities in terms of design and implementation of the most complex projects.
  • The material is not susceptible to corrosion, damage by fungi and microorganisms.
  • The product does not burn.
  • High sound and heat insulation characteristics.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Due to the small size and large specific gravity, laying brick walls takes a long time and costs a lot.
  • Under brick walls, it is necessary to equip a solid buried foundation, and this entails increased costs for materials and earthworks.
  • In most cases brick walls needs additional insulation.

ceramic blocks

A ceramic block is a material made from a mixture of clay and sawdust, after which the element is fired in a kiln. This is a fairly durable product that allows you to quickly build the walls of the house. The strength of the ceramic block is so high that a multi-storey building can be made from it. Inside the material has a porous structure, and the outer surface is corrugated. For a tight connection, the ends of the material have grooves and ridges.

The height of the ceramic block is a multiple of the rows of brickwork, and the other dimensions may be different. Thus, it is possible to build from a ceramic block according to projects that are designed for bricks. But the speed of construction is much higher, since one ceramic block measuring 238x248x500 mm, which weighs 25 kg, is equal to 15 bricks, each of which weighs 3.3 kg. In addition to increasing the speed of construction, the cost of mortar is reduced, because it will be needed less.

Important: the width of the ceramic block can be 230, 240 and 250 mm, and the length is in the range of 250-510 mm. On the long side of the product there is a comb-groove lock.

Walls with a thickness of 380 mm or more made of this material do not need to be insulated, since the thermal conductivity of the product is only 0.14-0.29 W / m² x ° C. Marking wide blocks M 100. If you need to make thin but strong walls, then you can take elements marked 150. Frost resistance of ceramic blocks is at least 50 cycles.

Pros and cons of ceramic blocks

The advantages include:

  • The low specific weight and high strength significantly expand the scope of this material.
  • Installation of large-sized products is carried out quickly and without unnecessary labor.
  • Saving mortar due to the size of the elements and the absence of the need to make vertical seams.
  • The frost resistance of an ordinary ceramic block is higher than that of an ordinary brick.
  • Good fire resistance. The product is able to resist burning for 4 hours.
  • An optimal microclimate is created in the room from ceramic blocks, since the walls can "breathe" and regulate the humidity of the air.
  • The house can last a century and a half and at the same time will not lose its thermal insulation characteristics.

This material also has disadvantages, among which it is worth mentioning the following:

  • The price of ceramic blocks is quite high.
  • Since these products are relatively new in our market, it is difficult to find a good mason to perform masonry.
  • This fragile material needs to be stored and transported very carefully.

gas blocks

This material has excellent thermal insulation properties. In terms of thermal conductivity, a gas-block wall with a width of 300-400 mm is not inferior to a multi-layer brick structure. Walls of gas blocks maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions indoors. The material is not subject to rot and has an impressive service life. The thermal insulation qualities of a gas block are 3 times greater than those of a brick wall.

Aerated concrete is quite light, so it is easy to transport and stack. It is easily cut with a regular hacksaw to the desired size. The laying of elements is carried out on a solution or special glue, which requires little. Smooth Smooth surface gas blocks are easy to finish. Aerated concrete is considered environmentally friendly and non-combustible. It has a fairly high frost resistance.

Attention: for aerated concrete, the density characteristic is important. This indicator can be in the range of 350-1200 kg / m³. For an ordinary residential building, it is enough to take elements marked 500-900.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas blocks

The advantages of this wall product are many:

  • The laying of walls from gas blocks is carried out 9 times faster than the laying of bricks.
  • The low thermal conductivity of the product is a big plus in its favor.
  • Aerated concrete has a high fire resistance, it does not emit harmful substances even during combustion.
  • The porous structure of the material contributes to high frost resistance.
  • In terms of vapor permeability, aerated concrete is comparable only to wood.

Cons of aerated concrete:

  • Low bending strength.
  • The material is prone to cracking.
  • Hygroscopicity. After absorbing moisture, the thermal insulation performance of aerated concrete decreases, so the facade needs a protective finish.
  • It is impossible to lay floor slabs and beams directly on gas blocks, therefore, before laying them, you will have to make a monolithic armored belt. This entails additional expense and time costs.


Many people who decide to build a house make a choice in favor of wood. This natural material is environmentally friendly. It creates a favorable microclimate in the house, supports optimal humidity and saturates the air with healing phytoncides. In a wooden house it is warm in winter and not hot in summer, because wood has good thermal insulation characteristics.

A wooden house can be built from the following products:

  1. The log can be of natural shape or rounded. In the latter case, the material has the correct shape and smooth surface, but needs additional protective treatment, since the natural protective resin layer, which is located under the bark, is removed during the process of cylindering.
  2. You can use glued (profiled) and sawn or planed timber. More quality houses are obtained from glued laminated timber, which has special grooves and ridges for a snug fit of the elements. Sawn timber is more often used to make frame houses.
  3. Frame-panel houses are made of OSB, chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood, which are attached to the frame. Insulation is laid inside the wall.

The main advantages of wooden houses are their environmental friendliness, comfort and reasonable price. Under such a house, you can make a lightweight foundation. Disadvantages - fire hazard, shrinkage.

The external walls of a private house should be:

  1. Strong and durable
  2. Warm and energy saving
  3. Quiet
  4. Harmless to humans
  5. beautiful

Which walls of the house are stronger

Loads act on the wall of the house in several directions. Operating forces tend to compress, move sideways and turn the wall.

Compressive loads- these are vertical forces from the weight of the wall and above the underlying structures of the house. These forces tend to crush, flatten the material of the wall.

Low-rise private houses are relatively light in weight. Wall materials, as a rule, have a fairly large margin of compressive strength, which allows them to withstand vertical loads private house, even if.

Horizontal loads and torques act as a result of, for example, lateral wind pressure on the house or soil pressure on the basement wall, due to the support of the ceiling on the edge of the wall, due to the deviation of the walls from the vertical, and other reasons. These forces tend to move the wall or part of the wall from its position.

General rule for walls - the thinner the wall, the worse she stands side loads and turning points. If the wall does not withstand the specified loads, then it bends, cracks or even breaks.

It is the small margin of resistance to displacement that is weak point in ensuring the strength of the walls of a private house. The compressive strength value of most wall materials allows you to make a fairly thin wall for a private house, but the need to ensure the stability of the walls to displacement, often forces designers to increase the thickness of the walls.

The stability of the walls to lateral loads is significantly influenced by the design of the walls and the house as a whole. For example, reinforcement of masonry, device on walls monolithic belt at the level of floors, strong connections of external and internal walls among themselves, as well as with floors and foundations, create the power frame of the building, which holds the walls together and resists the displacement deformations of the walls.

In order to provide the necessary strength and durability of a private house with reasonable costs for construction, it is necessary to choose the right material and design of the walls, as well as the design of the power house frame, This choice is best entrusted to specialists - designers.

On sale there are projects of private houses with walls made of masonry materials with a masonry thickness of only 180 - 250 mm. . The thickness can be 100 - 200 mm.

The walls of the house are warm and energy efficient - what's the difference?

In order for a person in the house to feel thermal comfort, three conditions must be met:

The first condition is the air temperature in the room should be about +22 about C. To fulfill this condition in the house, it is enough to install a boiler or stove required power and drown them.

The temperature of the surface of the outer walls in the house is always lower than the air temperature in the room. According to the requirements of sanitary and hygienic rules, the temperature difference between the air and the surface of the outer wall in the house should be no more than 4 about C is the second condition.

With the specified temperature difference, the surface of the outer wall in the house will be warm enough (+18 about C). There will be no “breathing cold” from the wall, condensation or frost will not appear on the surface of the wall.

There will be thermal comfort in the house if the temperature difference between the air in the room and on the surface of the outer wall is no more than d t<4 о C. Обе стены на рисунке не соответствуют этим требованиям при температуре наружного воздуха t н =-26 о С и ниже.

To fulfill the second condition, the outer wall of the house must have certain thermal properties. The heat transfer resistance of the outer wall must be higher than the calculated value, m 2 * about C / W. For example, for the district of Sochi, this value should be more than 0.66, for Moscow - 1.38, and for Yakutsk at least - 2.13.

For example, an outer wall made of autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate) will be warm and provide thermal comfort in the house, with a thickness in Sochi - 90 mm, in Moscow — 210 mm., and in Yakutsk - 300 mm.

Third condition- building envelopes of the house must have. If the “clothes” of the house are blown by the wind, then there will be no heat, no matter how thick the thermal insulation is. Everyone knows this from their own experience.

Exterior walls with the above parameters will be warm and provide thermal comfort in the house, but they will not be energy efficient. Heat losses through the walls will significantly exceed the building regulations in force in Russia.

In order to comply with energy saving regulations, the heat transfer resistance of the outer walls should be several times higher. For example, for the district of Sochi - at least 1.74 m 2 * about C / W, for Moscow — 3.13 m 2 * about C / W, and for Yakutsk - 5.04 m 2 * about C / W.

Thickness of energy-saving walls from autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate) will also be more: for the area of ​​Sochi - 270 mm., for the Moscow region - 510 mm. for Yakutia - 730 mm.

Aerated concrete (gas silicate) is the warmest material for laying walls. The thickness of energy-saving walls made of more heat-conducting materials (brick, concrete blocks) should be even greater. (The figure above shows the heat transfer resistance of a masonry brick wall with a thickness of 2.5 bricks (640 mm.) = 0.79 and in one brick (250 mm) = 0,31 m2* o C/W. Compare with the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the examples and evaluate in which regions such walls will provide thermal comfort?)

Wooden walls made of timber or logs also do not meet the requirements of energy saving.

It should be noted that comply with the requirements of building regulations for the resistance to heat transfer of walls and other enclosing structures of the house not required for a private developer.

It is more important for the home owner to reduce overall heating costs.

It can be advantageous to give up the energy-saving properties of walls, but to increase the heat-saving parameters of ceilings, windows, ventilation systems in order to meet the norms of energy consumption for heating.

Heat loss through the walls is only 20 - 30% of the total heat loss in the house.

Do not forget about one more condition of an energy-saving house. The house must have a minimum- walls, ceilings, windows.

Which walls are better to make - single-layer or double-layer

From the data above, it can be seen that wall materials allow you to build strong, thin and fairly cheap walls private house. But such walls will not provide thermal comfort in the house or have the required energy-saving properties.

Technologies for building walls of a private house are developing in two main directions:

  1. Relatively thin and strong walls are insulated with highly effective insulation. The wall is made up of two layers.- a carrier layer that perceives mechanical loads, and a layer of insulation.
  2. For the construction of single-layer walls, materials are used that combine a sufficiently high resistance, both to mechanical stress and to heat transfer. The construction of single-layer walls made of cellular concrete (autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate) or porous ceramics is popular.

It should be noted that wall materials for single-layer walls have mediocre, both mechanical and thermal properties. We have to improve them with various constructive tricks.

A combination of these two technologies is also used when walls made of cellular and porous materials additionally insulate a layer of highly effective insulation. This combination allows make masonry walls and a layer of insulation of small thickness. This can be advantageous for structural reasons, especially when building a house in a cold climate.

Single-layer walls of a private house

Not so long ago, almost all private houses were built with single-layer walls. The thickness of the walls of the house was chosen from the conditions for ensuring thermal comfort and thought little about energy saving.

Currently, for the construction of single-layer walls, materials with sufficiently high thermal insulation properties are used, to make your home energy efficient.

What is better to make a single-layer wall of the house.

All materials for single-layer walls have a porous structure and a low density of 300 - 600 kg / m 3. With a decrease in density, heat-saving properties improve, but the mechanical strength of materials is reduced.

There are several types of cellular concrete, which differ in the way they create pores (cells). The best properties for the construction of single-layer exterior walls of the house are density (brand) 300-500 kg / m 3.

Aerated concrete blocks can have precise dimensions, which allows them to be placed on glue with a joint thickness of 2 mm. The ends of the blocks often have a groove-ridge profile and are joined without mortar in a vertical seam.

Aerated concrete has an open porous structure and therefore absorbs moisture well, but also easily breaks up with it.

Porous ceramics is made from raw materials and in a manner that is similar to the production of ordinary ceramic bricks. The difference is that components are added to the clay-based mass, which form pores during firing.

Hollow blocks are made from porous ceramics. Hollowness further enhances the heat-saving properties of block walls.

The thickness of the masonry of single-layer walls from blocks of porous ceramics 38 - 50 cm. Porous ceramic blocks are laid on a special heat-saving mortar with a joint thickness of 10-15 mm.

The exterior finish of single-layer walls, as a rule, is. Facing plates made of natural stone or artificial products can be glued to the walls. Finishing by the ventilated facade method (cladding along the crate) is used very rarely.

The plastering of walls made of porous ceramics or expanded clay concrete from the outside is performed with a traditional plaster composition with a thickness of about 2 cm. In addition to plaster, you can do it in other ways (see link).

From the inside, the walls are plastered or.

Building a house with single-layer walls is faster. In a new house with single-layer walls you can start living without waiting for the finishing of the facade. This work can be left for later.

Walls with insulation - two-layer and three-layer

For building a wall with insulation almost any masonry material can be used- ceramic and silicate brick, blocks of cellular and lightweight concrete, as well as porous ceramics.

The bearing layer of a double layer wall can also be make of monolithic concrete or wood- timber, logs. The choice of material is much more varied than with single-layer walls.

For walls with insulation use materials with higher mechanical strength and density than for single-layer walls. This circumstance makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the masonry of two-layer walls.

Thickness of masonry walls from 180 mm. - depends on the properties of the materials used, on the construction of the walls and the box of the house.

Wall masonry is most often carried out on ordinary masonry mortar, filling horizontal and vertical seams with mortar. The work is simpler, not requiring special qualifications from masons.

The mechanical strength of the wall material, as a rule, is sufficient for problem-free fastening to walls of various structures.

The thermal insulation properties of the wall depend mainly on the thermal conductivity and the thickness of the insulation layer.

The thermal insulation layer is placed outside ( double layer wall) or inside the wall, closer to the outer surface ( three-layer wall).

As thermal insulation, slabs of mineral wool or polymers - polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam are most often used. Less commonly used heat-insulating slabs of cellular concrete and foam glass, although they do have a number of advantages.

Mineral wool slabs for wall insulation must have a density of at least 60-80 kg / m 3. If it is used for facade decoration, then mineral wool boards with a density of 125-180 are used. kg / m 3 or slabs of extruded polystyrene foam.

Mineral wool insulation is plastered with a vapor-permeable composition - mineral or silicate plaster.

Thermal insulation of the facade with mineral wool is usually more expensive. and harder to work with. But a layer of wool insulation allows moisture to escape from the wall to the outside.

A continuous layer of thermal insulation on the outside allows block all cold bridges in double-layer walls without the use of special design tricks that have to be done in single-layer walls.

General thickness of two-layer walls (with plaster from 35 cm.) is usually less than a single layer wall.

The width of the foundation walls (basement) is also smaller, which allows save on their construction. This advantage does not apply to three-layer walls. The width of three-layer walls and their foundations is usually not less than that of single-layer ones.

Exterior finish of double-layer walls is performed thin-layer plaster on insulation. Insulation boards, preferably extruded polystyrene foam, are glued to the wall. The thickness of the insulation layer is not recommended to be more than 150 mm. A layer of plaster with a thickness of 5-7 mm.

Wall surface with thin-layer plaster more sensitive to point mechanical impacts than a single-layer wall with traditional plaster.

For double-layer walls often use ventilated cladding on the frame. In a ventilated facade, mineral wool insulation boards are placed between the frame posts. A cladding made of vinyl or plinth siding, wooden materials, or various slabs is mounted on the frame.

Fixing the insulation to the walls, installing a ventilated facade - all these works consist of many stages and operations, require skill, accuracy and responsibility from the performers. A variety of materials are used for work.

When installing double-layer walls in there is a risk that employees will do something wrong.

In three-layer walls a layer of highly effective insulation is placed inside the masonry or wall monolith. Three-layer walls also include walls with a lining of a layer of insulation with bricks or other masonry materials.

For the device of three-layer walls, a single-row masonry of (thermal wall, silicon granite, polyblock) is also used. Heat blocks have three layers of concrete-insulation-concrete fastened together.

Mineral insulation - low-density cellular concrete

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