How to install siding guides. Do-it-yourself siding installation. Finishing the house with vinyl, metal and basement siding. Panel type selection

Building facades with siding can be done by the homeowner himself, if he is guided by the appropriate instructions explaining how to properly mount the siding.

Calculation of siding and fittings

Calculation of siding for a house - a good example

To make it more convenient to conduct, it is necessary to mentally divide the surface of the house into the simplest elements: triangles and rectangles. Now we do the following:

  • For each rectangle, measure the width (height) and length in meters. We multiply the resulting numbers and get the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis section of the surface of the house
  • For triangles, you need to measure the length of the base and height. Multiply the values, and then divide the result by two - according to this formula, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle is calculated
  • Add up the calculated areas of all the areas into which you divided the surface of the building
  • Calculate the total area of ​​​​openings (door and window) and subtract it from total area surfaces of your home
  • Increase the resulting figure by 10% (just multiply it by 1.1). As a result of such simple manipulations, you calculated required amount siding, taking into account the cost of trimming and fitting
  • To convert square meters to packages, divide the total area of ​​the siding by 0.98 (the area of ​​one standard sheet) and by the number of sheets in a pack (10 pcs.)


The length of the starting and finishing strips is equal to the perimeter of the building plus 10% for trimming and fitting. The rest of the fittings are calculated according to detailed plan at home. This calculation can be entrusted to specialists performing facade cladding work.

Preparing for installation

Facade cladding with siding attracts homeowners with ease of installation and high speed of work. But these statements are true only if the work is properly organized: all the material has been purchased, the tools have been prepared.

But that's not all: how to fix the basement siding at a height? Mounting siding from the stairs is definitely inconvenient (if not impossible). This means that the preparation of scaffolding will have to be included in the preparatory work. They can be built from wooden beams with a section of 150x59 mm. For less critical parts, a 100x50 mm beam will go. The flooring is made from boards. Its thickness is from 25 to 40 mm.

Still need to organize a place for cutting blanks. It is most convenient to cut the siding on the table.


To perform siding work, you will need:

  • Saw - manual or electric (radial or easel) and panels with a fine tooth to it
  • Hacksaw with fine teeth
  • Square and tape measure
  • Sheet metal shears
  • Nail puller and hammer
  • Awl, knife and screwdriver
  • Punch for punching "lugs" along the edge of the siding for its fastening under windows and in the upper zone of the wall
  • Perforator
  • Level
  • Protective glasses

Now we will analyze what screws to fix the siding with.

To fix the siding, stock up on roofing steel nails. They can be replaced with aluminum heads with a diameter of 9.5 mm. The diameter of the nail rod must be at least 3 mm, and its length must be equal to the thickness of the entire sheathing cake plus at least 20 mm to enter the base (bearing wall).

Preparing the wall surface for cladding

  • Remove gutters, lighting fixtures, and other items that may interfere with proper siding installation.
  • Remove old window sills
  • Remove old putty from around window frames, sills, and other surfaces.
  • Prepare the walls especially carefully, if the house is old, all rotten wood must be removed, weakly fixed elements should be nailed
  • In many private courtyards, bushes grow close to the house, and tree branches knock on the window. Of course, they will interfere with installation facade decoration. But do not rush to take up the ax: take better pieces of rope and tie the unruly branches. In this way, you will expand the space for work and do not damage green spaces
Find out more about decorating the front of your home. The basement - or the face of your house, requires special attention. Learn more and the result will meet your expectations.

Still choose siding for the facade? - Types of siding for house cladding are presented in detail. Here you will definitely find the perfect solution for your home.


For the device of the crate, a wooden rail with a section of 40x60 mm is suitable. They are pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. The rail can be replaced with a galvanized profile. The step of the crate is from 30 to 40 cm. If the house is located in the zone strong winds, the step is reduced to 20 cm.

Around the openings of windows and doors, in places where lamps are installed and other elements are suspended, at all corners of the building, an additional crate is arranged along the top and bottom of the sheathing. The rail is located vertically, horizontal struts are not placed - they will lead to a clear deterioration in the ventilation of the under-siding space.

Wall insulation

Traditionally, insulation is placed under the siding. In this case, the thickness of the lath of the crate should exceed the thickness of the insulation by 15 - 20 mm. Due to this difference, a guaranteed gap between the siding and the heat-insulating layer will be provided. After installing the insulation on the crate, the waterproofing layer is strengthened, and only after that they begin to install the siding.

Setting the starting strip

Chalk mark the bottom level of the siding installation. It should be 75 - 80 mm from the level of the blind area. Now set the start profile to the chalk markings with the top edge and nail it. Between the profile sections and the corner (internal or external) a gap of 6 mm must be observed, designed to compensate for the expansion of the siding.

Hardware fixing

The general concept of "fittings" combines into a group a variety of elements designed for the convenience of attaching the siding to the wall. This group includes near-window strips, spotlights, moldings, external and internal corners, etc. All of them are attached in a certain way, specified by the manufacturer's instructions.

Installation of external corners

External corners are mounted on the corners of the house. The lower edge of the first element is set 6 mm below the starting strip. A gap of 6 mm is also left between the eaves and the upper edge of the last corner. If you later plan to hem eaves overhang soffit, increase this gap by its thickness.

Installation of J-bars around openings (doors and windows)

Photo of fastening the J-bar around the window

To join wall cladding with door and window openings, a J-bar is installed around them. To do this, in the bottom of the bar, located horizontally above the opening, an eyelet is cut out and lowered down. Then the bent front of the bar is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. At the vertical strips, a rectangular cutout is cut out in the bottom (its depth is 20 mm). After that, all the frame elements are connected at the junction.

Siding installation

Visual instruction: how to fix siding correctly

Installation of siding panels is carried out in the direction from the bottom up. You need to start working from the rear facade of the house towards the main one, then the overlaps will not spoil the front view.

Connection points must be displaced relative to each other. The minimum distance between the joints is 100 cm in the horizontal direction and at least two rows in the vertical direction. overlap horizontal panels is 225 mm. Excessive overlapping of the panels restricts movement and damages them.

[сaution] It takes about a week for an area of ​​112 square meters. Preparatory work (with the installation of insulation and installation of the crate) takes about 4 days. Siding can be mounted in three days of full-fledged work.

Video how to fix siding

Pneumatic tools adapted for siding fastening significantly speed up the installation process. The video shows in detail how to fix vinyl siding quickly and easily.

Installing siding on the walls of the facade of the house can be done quickly and easily if you know some important installation features. The technology of proper siding installation primarily provides for a thorough preparation of the base of the entire surface of the facade. Aligning the walls relative to the vertical level is the key to quick and correct installation siding. In the article, we will consider some important features of installing siding with our own hands, and the video instruction below will clearly help you understand the nuances of installation.

Do-it-yourself siding installation features

Today to the most popular and budget materials for finishing the facade, vinyl and metal siding can be attributed. Installation of vinyl or metal siding It is done quite easily and quickly, so it can be done by hand. Siding should always be installed on a pre-prepared frame, consisting of dry and even wooden bars (budget option), as well as on a metal profile crate.

Do-it-yourself siding installation technology

  • Experts recommend using dry wooden blocks or metal profiles as a material for installing battens for siding. The bars must be free of cracks and knots, be sure to be dry and even, and also not rotten. It is not recommended to use larch bars, because, firstly, they are heavy, uncomfortable, and secondly, self-tapping screws are poorly screwed into them and nails are hammered. An ideal and also economical option for bars is pine.
  • It is better to choose bars along the length of no more than 3 m, with such a length they are less susceptible to deformation during storage and transportation. The width of the bar should not be less than 30 mm, and the thickness should not be less than 25 mm. Ideally, it is better to use a bar of 30x40 mm, or 30x50 mm.
  • You can also make a crate for siding from a metal profile. Galvanized steel profiles are perfectly flat and strong enough, so this is the best option for a subsystem, although such a crate will cost a little more, unlike wooden bars.
  • Basically, for the installation of battens for siding, the PP profile brand (galvanized ceiling profile) is widely used. The length of such a profile is 3 m, width 60 mm, with a height of 27 mm. Usually the length of the profile is enough for the crate for cladding with siding one-story buildings, and with a facade height of more than 3 m, the profiles are extended, and the profile must also be inserted under the sheathing of the gable part of the wall.

The bars are installed to the wall as follows:

  • Depending on the type of siding, metal or vinyl make the necessary markings on the wall. So for vinyl siding, the step between the bars of the crate is no more than 300-400 mm, and for metal siding at least 400-600 mm. Marking for the installation of suspensions for mounting rails is best done with a pencil or chalk using a profile or bar for this, as well as a building level.
  • For quick marking, draw marks with a suitable pitch on the lower part of the facade and, relying on them using a profile and a level, draw marks for installing hangers in the upper part of the wall. Repeat the operation on the next walls.
  • At the height of one bar or profile of 3 m, it is necessary to fix at least 4-5 hangers approximately every 50-60 cm.

IMPORTANT! Metal straight hangers for the installation of siding battens are mainly used for a light type of finishing materials (vinyl or metal siding). In the case of heavy types of facing facade materials to fix the subsystem, use special metal brackets securely fixed to the wall.

  • To the wooden wall the suspension is fixed in the center of the marked line with two wood screws at least 30 cm long.
  • After that, the suspensions are bent in a U-shape and a profile is inserted into them.
  • Installation of all profiles should start from the installation of profiles at the corners of the wall. To do this, set the profile first in one corner by level, and then repeat the operation on the other.
  • Screw the self-tapping screws at the top and bottom of the corner profiles and, leaning on the fasteners, pull the construction control cord from below and above.

IMPORTANT! The cord is a control element, so when exposing all other profiles along it, try not to touch or knock down the lacing.

The crate is exposed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade, now you can start installing the siding with your own hands.

Features of installing horizontal siding

  • Horizontal installation of siding panels is the preferred option. This type of installation is used almost everywhere, as it has good aesthetic performance, and also better protects the facade from atmospheric phenomena.
  • It is necessary to fasten the siding horizontally to the crate mounted vertically. In this case, the starting profile is also fixed in a horizontal position, stepping back from the base 1-2 cm, (depending on the evenness of the foundation itself relative to the horizontal level).
  • You should install the siding panel with your own hands from the very bottom, hooking its lower edge to the initial profile and carefully screw it to the crate without tension, while the panel must be pushed almost back-to-back (retreating 3-5 mm) into the corner or connecting profile. This is necessary in order to compensate for the expansion and contraction of the panel during temperature changes, thereby preventing its deformation.

Vertical siding installation

To install siding vertically, you will need horizontal mounting accessories. In this case, the siding panel will have to be fixed from top to bottom, starting from the corner ( corner profiles are installed before the installation of the siding) into the groove of which it is necessary to slide the lower edge of the panel. The starting rail is not needed for this installation. Self-tapping screws should be screwed into the profiled holes of the siding panel in the upper part of the slot (not completely), leaving a small gap of about 1-1.5 mm, compensating for temperature effects.

How to properly install siding on a metal or wooden crate

  • Siding can be installed both on a wooden subsystem and on a metal one. Siding installation technology on wooden bars involves the use of wood screws with rare carvings of at least 30 cm in length. In rare cases, nails are used as a fastener (not recommended).
  • To the metal crate, the siding is installed on metal screws with a drilling or sharp tip, while the length of the screw should be a minimum of no more than 20 mm, so it is better, faster and more reliable to screw the screw into the metal profile.

IMPORTANT! Do-it-yourself self-tapping screws for installing siding with your own hands should be used galvanized, so you will prevent rusty smudges on the surface of the siding cladding.

  • The siding fastening technology provides for the preliminary installation of fittings of all additional accessories and elements. In a set for siding, you must purchase start and finish strips, connecting profiles, corner elements, slope strips, spotlights. Only after all additional elements are installed, you can proceed with the installation of the siding itself.


The price per square meter of siding from various companies can reach 500-1000 rubles. Therefore, it is advisable to take steps to do-it-yourself siding installation and save a lot of money at the same time. The money saved can be invested in the purchase of finishing materials or insulation.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in installing siding with your own hands. All you need is a little desire and a little bit of optimism, and also have a pencil, tape measure, level, screwdriver and grinder on hand.

Do-it-yourself siding installation: video instruction

Nowadays, many people choose siding for finishing exterior facades.

He gained quite a lot of popularity, which can be explained by quite significant advantages:

  • Profitability;
  • Durability;
  • impact resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Aesthetics.

In addition, do-it-yourself siding installation is simple, and the finished cladding does not require special care, sometimes it is enough to wash it from under the hose with water.

In order for the finished work to please the eye for a long time, the siding installation technology must be observed.

Material calculation

  1. We take a blank sheet of paper and make a sketch of our own house with the arrangement of all sizes.

  1. It is necessary to calculate the total length of the outer corners of the building and divide by the length of the standard element " outer corner". It should not be forgotten that the joints of these elements are not desirable, as they do not look aesthetically pleasing enough. It is better to buy an element than to close the corner with scraps.
  2. The requirements for the "inner corner" element are the same. Installing a profile in the form of an internal corner is often done in order to close the joint between the wall and the roof. However, this is done if the cornices are also lined with siding. If not, then set the finishing bar.
  3. Starting profile or starting strip of siding. We calculate the length based on the perimeter of the house, subtracting the width of all doors.
  4. If there are junctions of multi-level buildings, then the installation and installation of siding is carried out using J-profiles.

  1. The near-window profile has a length of about 3 meters and is necessary for framing windows and doors.
  2. How is siding installed if the length of the panels is less than the length of the wall? In this case, the use of H-profiles is appropriate. They are 3.66 meters long and give a beautiful and finished look to the finish. The place for their installation is chosen independently.

The total number of siding panels can be calculated in two ways. The simplest and most common way is to calculate the area. The entire area of ​​the sheathed walls of the building is calculated, subtracting the area of ​​window and door openings, and then dividing by the area of ​​​​one panel, equal to about 0.75 square meters.

More hard way requires scrupulousness and careful adherence to scale. The panel installation scheme is drawn in detail, all trimmings are taken into account, and the total number of panels is calculated.

The resulting number must be increased by 5-10%, depending on the complexity of the facade. Installing profiles for siding with an area of ​​​​100 m 2 will require about 2000 self-tapping screws. It is better to use self-tapping screws, as they are more reliable than nails.


The material is calculated, and you need to arm yourself with all the necessary tools, without which finishing is impossible.

You will need the most common tools for construction or carpentry, such as:

  • Metal square - for setting right angles;
  • Long level - to determine the horizontal;
  • Chalk - for pulling the cord;
  • If self-tapping screws are used, then it is better to choose a screwdriver, although a screwdriver is also suitable;
  • A hammer;
  • Metal ruler;
  • Roulette;
  • pliers;
  • Cord;
  • For cutting the bars of the crate - a hacksaw;
  • For cutting panels siding fit a hacksaw with fine teeth, although a grinder can be used instead of hacksaws. It depends on the preferences of the worker who will be doing the finishing.

In addition to tools, they also prepare a workplace. A workbench is used as a support. If the height of the finish is significant, scaffolding will be needed.

Preparatory work

To preparatory work include material counting, purchase necessary tool, surface preparation and direct installation of the frame. Compliance with all the rules will lead to the best result.

Wall preparation

If it is to be finished old house, then it is necessary to remove all decorative elements, platbands and the like. All holes in the walls are sealed. mounting foam. For the frame, either 50 * 50 bars or a galvanized profile are used.

Wooden bars have a very significant drawback, which relates to moisture. They can warp. Given this, it is preferable to use a galvanized profile, although it is more expensive.

If well-dried wood was found, the bars are even, then before installation they must be treated with impregnation in the form of an antiseptic.

Impregnation is necessary even if not dried wood is used. When attaching such bars, the distance to the crates should not exceed 30 centimeters.

The crate for siding is installed at the corners, around door and window openings and vertically at a distance of about 40 centimeters from each other. First, with the help of a level, corner bars or a profile are installed, then a cord is pulled, and the rest of the crate is attached.

In places of installation of street lamps, an element for fastening should be provided.

Insulation and waterproofing

The rules for installing siding panels recommend installing waterproofing, even in cases where insulation is not carried out. So, first a waterproofing film is attached to the wall, then the crate is installed. Thus, we obtain the desired ventilated gap between the wall and the finish.

Siding installation instructions provide for wall insulation. Waterproofing is required, but the mounting scheme is different. Insulation is placed between the bars of the frame. Waterproofing closes everything and the insulation, and the bars of the crate.

Then a counter-lattice is made, which is made of wooden slats and is attached to the frame. Thus, the necessary ventilated gap is created.

Main works

How to install siding with your own hands? First of all, it is best to carry out installation in the summer, but not in the heat and not under scorching sun. For cutting fittings and panels, it is best to use a small grinder.

Do-it-yourself installation begins in the same way as a professional one - with the installation of fittings.

Basic Rules:

  • Leave a gap of 5 mm, as the siding expands when heated;
  • Do not tighten the fastening screws to the limit, you need to leave a gap of 2 mm so that the panels move freely;
  • Self-tapping screws are installed only in the middle of the mounting hole.

First, vertical external and internal corners and H-profiles are attached. A 5 mm gap also remains between the plinth and panels, cornice and panels. Fittings are fastened after 25 cm.

If it is necessary to join the corners, then the cheeks are cut off at the lower element by about 2.5 cm and overlapped on the upper corner by about 2 cm. Thus, a gap between the cheeks of 5 mm is formed.

Internal corners, H-profiles and J-profiles obey this principle.

How to install siding correctly? Answering this question and adhering to the installation technology, the installation of horizontal elements begins. First of all, starting strips are installed along the perimeter of all walls to be finished.

With the help of a cord and a level, their straightness and horizontality are checked. The initial strips are also mounted with a gap.

How to properly install siding, or rather near-window profiles, is quite difficult to explain in words. However, we have a video at the end of the article, where everything is clearly and in detail.

However, it should be noted here that the inner part of the near-window bar is fixed with the help of a finishing panel.

How to install the siding yourself - you need the panel to enter the lock, either the starting bar or the previous panel. The panel should hang freely on self-tapping screws and move easily in its horizontal plane. There is no need to be afraid that she will fly away.

Siding is a modern, promising, cost-effective direction in the decoration of buildings of various types. The main mission of facing is protect the walls from the outside from the damaging effects natural factors, as well as to give them a special flavor and presentability.

Sheathing the facades of buildings with siding does not require large labor costs from the performers. The event can be performed using the simplest building tools and in relatively short time.

Varieties of material

Siding materials are: vinyl, metal, PVC, wood and cement.

If desired, the masters can successfully create an imitation other popular materials for home decoration. Depending on the main material, experts distinguish several varieties of siding.


In fact, these are PVC panels that can successfully imitate wood, stone or brick sheathing.


  • affordable price;
  • light weight structures;
  • vinyl cladding will last more than 50 years;
  • a huge variety of textures and colors;
  • absence of toxic substances;
  • resistance to deformation and cataclysms;
  • operating temperature: -50–+50 °C.

In order to avoid possible deformation of the material, the coefficient of expansion must be taken into account when installing the nodes.


If it is assumed that wooden siding will be used for facing country houses, then it is additionally treated with special antiseptics under high pressure conditions.


  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • presentability;
  • environmental friendliness.

Sheathing a building with wood siding is an expensive undertaking. Wherein this material requires special attention and special care.


Such cladding is made of steel, aluminum or zinc. For finishing country houses with metal siding it is preferable to use aluminum, which can be painted under a tree.


  • strength;
  • durability;
  • lack of microflora;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes.

Metal siding is subject to deformation and corrosion processes.


The main production material is high-quality cement, to which cellulose is added. This type of lining able to qualitatively replace the decorative stone.


  • fire resistance;
  • reliability and durability;
  • resistance to moisture and ultraviolet;
  • ease of restoration;
  • no rotting and mold formation processes.

The disadvantage of cement siding is considered big weight source material, which complicates the installation work.

Which siding to choose?

If timber or a solid log was used as a building material, then it is best to use vinyl siding for sheathing the erected log house.

PVC panels reliably protect the building from adverse weather conditions.

They are quite light, so do not create additional load to the foundation. Plastic panels are easy to install and clean. Such cladding will significantly extend the life of a wooden house and give it a unique appearance. Sheathing an old wooden house will give it a fresh look.

to sheathe frame house Wood siding is ideal. This type of cladding looks really expensive and spectacular. sheathing installed very quickly. The panels can be installed both vertically and horizontally.

Excellent breathability and no toxic fumes- main advantages wood siding. For cladding frame house experts recommend purchasing beech, spruce, pine or larch wood panels.

As for the brick building, when choosing finishing material the purpose of the building must be taken into account. If this is an industrial building, then it is best to finish with metal siding. Residential brick house it is better to sheathe vinyl siding. He allows you to successfully simulate other expensive materials.

For finishing houses made of foam blocks and aerated concrete, you can successfully use vinyl, metal, as well as basement siding. Ease of installation as well excellent performance characteristics installed panels will help to ennoble the facade of the house, it will look beautiful and stylish.

A high-quality frame for siding, where insulation is necessarily present, can significantly reduce heat loss and improve the waterproofing of the building.

Features of quality siding:

  1. Same panel thickness. Such facing will not be deformed and will serve the owner of the building as long as possible.
  2. The presence of a uniform layer of paint. If the panel is painted unevenly, then most likely, low-grade raw materials were used in the production process. Such panels do not withstand mechanical loads, quickly lose their color and deform with temperature fluctuations.
  3. Surface structure. There are no chips, stains or cracks on high-quality panels. They shouldn't loosen up.
  4. Plastic. All parts of the skin are required to demonstrate flexibility and strength.
  5. Availability of certificates. When purchasing material for facing a house, feel free to ask for a quality certificate. The document must contain, certified by the seal, the conclusions of experts that confirm the fire resistance and hygiene of the product.

How to calculate the required amount?

A competent calculation of the amount of material required in order to sheathe a house or a summer house will allow you to predict total cost activities and deadlines.

To organize the calculation process needs to be prepared in advance: tape measure, calculator, sheet of paper and pencil.

at first should draw up a blueprint at home. This will allow you to calculate as accurately as possible the required amount of materials and additional elements. So let's get started.

  1. Divide the facade into separate segments, determine the real area of ​​​​each wall, and then the facade as a whole.
  2. From the resulting amount, subtract the area of ​​door and window openings.
  3. The actual metric characteristics of the ridge and roof will indicate the dimensions of the overhangs. They should be hemmed with spotlights.
  4. For proper installation of siding panels, it is necessary to determine the true number of platbands, with window slats and other additional elements.

After completing all the calculations, you can independently determine the quantity of materials and approximate cost.

Since during the process of cutting and installing panels, a certain amount of material will become unusable, when calculating the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bsheathing, to its total value It is recommended to add another 15%. In this way. You will definitely not experience a shortage of material when facing a building.

In order to properly calculate right amount siding for the house, the surface area that needs to be covered with cladding, must be divided into the area of ​​​​one panel. To the value obtained should be added, the required stock.

Additional elements:

  1. In order to determine the number of starting strips, the length of the gap sections should be added to the length of the perimeter of the building, and the resulting amount should be divided by the size of the profile.
  2. The number of external and internal corners depends on the configuration of the building.
  3. The number of window profiles is determined by the length of the perimeter of recessed window openings.
  4. The number of finishing strips must correspond to the number of starting profiles.
  5. The number of J-slats is determined by the length of the frontal joints.
  6. The number of architraves depends on the parameters of the facade segments that need cladding.

How much does 1 m2 cost?

The total cost of house siding determined by several factors, namely:

  • surface area to be covered;
  • the cost of the source material;
  • the need to install fastening structures;
  • the complexity of the work;
  • installation of thermal insulation.

On average, 1 square meter of siding will cost the owner of an architectural structure about 200 rubles. Wherein the cost of all other works is considered separately.

Is it possible to clad a building in winter?

Naturally, it is best to sheathe a house with siding during the warm periods of the year. But, if this event has to be held in winter, then must be remembered several important points.

Because when exposed low temperatures vinyl panels may crack, then this type of sheathing is not recommended to be mounted in winter.

As for metal siding, its panels should be installed with some clearance, because when warmed, the material will expand. Since there is a gap between the panels and the insulation, the owners have no reason to worry about the accumulation of condensate.

How to sheathe a house with siding yourself?

Since the technology for installing siding sheathing is quite simple, this type of work can be done independently.

When installing cement panels, it is necessary to pre-strengthen the foundation, this is due to their large weight.

Preparatory work

Walls and surfaces around the perimeter of the house must get rid of mold, dirt, fungus, dust and moss. Places where such phenomena have been identified should be treated with special antiseptics.

The next step should carefully inspect the walls of the building. If cracks or other damage to the surfaces are detected, they must be rubbed with a building emulsion.

The territory of the site must be removed, and then a small canopy should be erected on it to protect power sources and power tools from possible precipitation.

For work you will need:

  • cross saw;
  • pliers;
  • metal ruler;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • level;
  • knife-cutter;
  • pliers;
  • awl;
  • protective glasses;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Lathing installation

To design siding held securely by the frame its creation must be approached as consciously as possible. If the project involves additional insulation walls, then the waterproofing should be placed under the insulation ball, and if not, under the crate.

First you need to determine the material from which the crate will be made. If it is planned to install wooden or vinyl panels, then both a metal profile and a beam can serve as a frame.

Other types of siding require the installation of a metal crate. If timber was chosen as the frame material, then it must be thoroughly dried and treated with an antiseptic. After these procedures, you can begin to collect the crate.

First you need to mark the areas for installation fasteners. The first profiles should be installed in the corners. They are should be perfectly aligned. Use the building level to control.

Next, you can mount horizontal beams below and above the surface that you are sheathing. Once everything is ready, you can safely mount the rest vertical elements over the entire surface area.

The distance between the profiles should be about 30–50 cm. The crate is recommended to be fixed directly to the walls of the building with dowels, the holes for which are made with a perforator.

Wall insulation

In order to qualitatively insulate the walls of the building, it is recommended to lay a heater between the profiles of the lathing (foam plastic, basalt or mineral wool). The choice of insulation depends on climatic conditions in the area where the house is located.

If the winter temperature does not fall below -15 °C, then experts recommend using foam. More severe climatic conditions require the use of mineral wool as a heater.

Insulation should shelter waterproofing film . It is attached directly to the crate. To do this, use a construction stapler. A counter-lattice must be installed on top of the waterproofing layer. This will create a ventilation space between the insulation and the panels.


Before installing panels, you must to fix additional elements structures (external and internal components, finishing and starting film, J, H-panels, water pipe segments, window film).

First panel fixed on the starting film, after which, moving from the bottom up, the rest of the siding segments are mounted. The last panel must be fixed on the finishing film.

Do not overtighten the screws. Between the surface plane and the head of the fastening element, leave a gap of 1–2 mm. This will allow the material to expand without harming the siding structure.

So, cladding a building with siding is an ideal, publicly available way to ensure the presentability and durability of a building.

What mistakes can be made when installing siding? See in the video: