High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at a reasonable cost. Courtyard of a private house: planning and creating functional areas (115 photos) Beautiful private courtyards

Your own house requires more attention than an ordinary apartment (even a 2- or 3-room apartment). A large part of the concerns is related to the area around the structure. In the old days, all owners of their own residential real estate with adjacent plots of land carried out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with their own hands (the photo below shows the trends of previous years). But what is today?

General information

Previously, do-it-yourself arranging the courtyard of a private house in a village (the photos presented in the article illustrate this) was quite simple. Most of the territory was allocated for vegetable crops, barns for animals. A small area was planted with flowers. Today, country preferences are almost completely forgotten, and the solutions that were used before are unpopular today. A solid cottage or a cozy small mansion, surrounded by a picturesque landscape, flower beds, and small architectural forms, is in fashion today. Next, we will figure out what the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house should be like. Photos of some solutions will also be presented in the article.

Territory as a whole

Each owner of his own cottage carries out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house in accordance with his personal preferences. Many turn to professionals for help. Professional landscape designers draw up projects, taking into account not only the wishes of customers, but also the characteristics of the area itself. Many owners carry out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with their own hands (photos illustrate several design options for the territory). Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a plan, in accordance with which certain structures will be erected on the ground.

Territory planning

Do-it-yourself arranging the courtyard of a private house begins with drawing up a diagram. There is a complex of objects that are present on the territory almost always. These include:

  • Courtyard (terrace).
  • Garage with parking.
  • Summer shower. This element, as a rule, is used when arranging the courtyard of a private house in the village (the photo shows how organically this detail can be entered into the landscape).
  • Playground.
  • Outbuildings.
  • Decorative elements, small architectural forms. These include garden lanterns, stone compositions, sculptures, alpine slides, and so on.
  • Green spaces: flower beds, trees, lawn, shrubs, etc.
  • An integral element, without which the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands is not complete, is the path. They not only create ease of movement, but also perfectly complement the landscape.

Of course, this list is not mandatory. When arranging the courtyard of a private house, one should be guided by common sense and understand exactly what is useful on the territory and what is not. In addition, there are a number of requirements that must be followed.

Location of objects

When arranging the courtyard of a private house (in a village or suburb of a metropolis), it is necessary to place the elements at a certain distance relative to each other. For example, if there is an aviary for a dog, then it must be removed from a residential building by at least 4 meters, a garage and outbuildings should be installed at a distance of 7 meters from each other. wells, a separate toilet should be built at least 15 meters away from housing. The fence is located from any buildings at a distance of 1-1.5 m, tall plants - up to 3 m.


You can proceed to their marking after the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house is fully planned. When designing paths, you also need to follow certain standards. The width of the paths should not be less than 75 cm. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory allows, you can make a circular path near the residential building. Thanks to this, it will be easy to get to different parts of the house. In addition, it can be a great bike track for children.

taking into account the characteristics of the territory

Of course, the easiest way to arrange the courtyard of a private house is when the terrain is flat: there are no hills, hillocks on it, and the surface itself is located horizontally, without a slope. In such a territory, a wide scope opens up for the realization of a variety of ideas. Of great importance are the composition of the soil, climatic features of the area. When arranging the territory, you need to know not only the nuances of landscape design, but also have "botanical" skills. They consist in the ability to competently arrange plants on the ground.

Environmental factors

They are of particular importance in the distribution of plantings. The following factors influence the development of plants:

  • Quantity, In this case, we are talking about its general distribution on the ground and specifically on the plot. Some plants like shady places, and some plantings feel better in an open lighted clearing.
  • Air temperature. When planning planting, the average indicators of the winter and summer periods are taken into account.
  • Humidity of the earth and air. In this case, the average amount of precipitation during the year and the proximity of groundwater to the soil surface are taken into account.
  • Terrain relief.
  • Features of the composition of air, water (acidity / alkalinity) and soil.

Given all these indicators, you can easily pick up plants that will decorate the site and at the same time feel comfortable.

Territory styles

How exactly to equip a personal plot is up to each owner to decide independently. There are several fairly common styles of landscape design:

  • Classical.
  • English.
  • French.
  • Japanese.
  • Slavic.
  • Country.
  • Modern.

Japanese style is very attractive in terms of compactness. You can arrange even a small area. Slavic style is perfect for a wooden structure. With it, you can completely implement the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands from improvised materials. European country in some way echoes the Slavic style, but it is more streamlined. The English design of the site is considered strict, but natural. The last word in landscape design is modern. With skillful use of it, you can create a unique design of the area. The classical style is considered traditional. Let's consider it in more detail.

Landscaping in a classic style

It is also called "regular". In the classical style, everything is designed in strict symmetry. Lines of paths and buildings should be clear. Geometric shapes are used. It is generally accepted that the classical style in the landscape can to some extent soften the storm of emotions that arise in urban residents plunging into nature. It should be noted that such a design of the site requires special and regular maintenance. Otherwise, the plantings will grow, and all clarity and rigor will be lost.

What materials can be used in the arrangement of the territory?

When designing the area, you can use various designs and elements. In this case, a variety of materials can be used. For example, plastic is popular. It can be used for the manufacture of Plastic delimit beds, flower beds, paths. This material is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. In addition, plastic is flexible. It can be used for the manufacture of arched structures and other things. Brick is considered a universal material. They are finishing residential buildings. A brick gazebo looks great on the site. The material can also be used to create flower garden fences. Successfully combined brick with tiles, metal, wood. Often used and improvised material in the design of the site. For example, borders made of plastic or glass bottles look original. When arranging paths, trimming boards, shavings, and wood chips are often used. In landscape design, metal is almost universally used. It can be ordinary rods covered with paint, along which ornamental plants will curl. Often, forged elements are installed on the plots. They give lightness to the surrounding landscape. Metal is in perfect harmony with other materials.


When arranging the site, a place for recreation is of particular importance. The gazebo effectively complements the design, gives more comfort to the territory. The building may be open or closed. Barbecue ovens are often built in the gazebo or a portable or built-in barbecue is installed. Often this building becomes a favorite place throughout the site.


This is an integral element of many personal plots. When arranging a playground, it is necessary to choose materials that are safe for kids. Today, the range of children's sports complexes on the market is very wide. They come in different sizes, collapsible or stationary. A playground can be a wonderful continuation of a gazebo or located in an open meadow not far from a residential building.


If there is a car, then a parking place must be arranged for it. As a rule, the garage is attached to the house. Parking can also be a simple canopy of profile pipes. Polycarbonate can be used as a roof. It is better, of course, to make a closed garage. In this case, the car will be protected from bad weather. The room must be large enough to carry out repairs or wash the vehicle.

architectural forms

These elements are quite often used in the arrangement of a personal plot. Near the gazebo, you can install a small fountain or draw a stream. Original compositions are created from natural stone. They can also use a combination of different materials. Small sculptures in flower beds look very attractive. It can be heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. The original garden lights look impressive. They can be placed along the paths, around the flower beds, near the gazebo.

How beautiful can the courtyard of a private house be if you consistently and thoughtfully make efforts to improve it? Let's look at the example of a photo of this courtyard, how its landscape design was created and the site was landscaped.

The front flower bed with unpretentious perennials tolerates well both the heat and the lack of regular watering.

Courtyard of a private house: flowerbed photo

This beautiful flower bed in the yard of a private house did not appear immediately, at first, while the house was being completed and all the time and effort was spent on its arrangement, there was just a lawn in front of the house.

In order to prevent the chaotic diversity of the landscape design of the yard, a simple and practical decision was made - to form flower beds according to the color of the plants.

And the first was a flowerbed in violet-blue tones and its main accent was the luxurious Katevbinsky rhododendron.

It is one of the most frost tolerant rhododendron species and tolerates both sun and partial shade well.

The flower bed next to the terrace in the garden was formed in silver tones - chistets, cineraria, wormwood, silver willow. The fashion for such flower beds in landscape design is not accidental - these silvery laces will look elegant and stylish in any yard.

And it was a period of passion for pink.

There is nothing nicer than making exceptions to the rules for yourself - this flower bed turned out to be quite colorful due to the blooming Japanese quince.

But blooming quince is a truly luxurious sight in the garden.

In the farthest and shady corner of the yard, a white flower garden was laid out. Such a flower garden simply looks magical in the evenings, it seems to glow in the dark - the so-called "moon garden" effect. The landscaping of the yard uses these flower beds both to brighten the dark corners of the garden, and to visually expand the size of the site.

This was an attempt to make a garden in the Japanese style: driftwood, gravel, conifers. Alas, the attempt was unsuccessful.

This is another experiment in the courtyard of a private house - a small pond with a flower garden. The flower garden received universal approval, the pond was small and unsightly - and they abandoned it.

Another flower bed with a delphinium in the yard.

And the unpretentious cuff fills any place in the yard with pleasure.

As practice has shown, the most beautiful flower beds in the courtyard of a private house are those with plants that are a meter high or more. They can be seen from afar and they create the main background in the garden. It is important to choose plants that retain their decorative effect throughout the season - ideal if they bloom all summer, but quite acceptable if the foliage remains neat and beautiful after flowering. Flowering shrubs (rhododendron, hydrangea, jasmine, lilac, quince, elderberry) are best suited for the base of flower beds - they create a large volume of flowers and are unpretentious. In order for their flowering to be luxurious, you need to cut and feed them on time.

Courtyard of a private house: photo of a veranda, a garage and a bath.

The best place to enjoy the garden view is on the veranda.

You can enjoy here not only from the beautiful view of the courtyard, but also from a good conversation in close company at the table.

Appetizing country delicacies are also part of the delights of country life.

A cozy home seduces with saving coolness in the summer heat.

A calm rustic interior creates a more prosperous light mood than trendy modern design finds.

“Time for business, hour for fun” - this old rule makes it possible to work well and relax with pleasure.

The yard of this private house is being improved gradually - last year a beautiful flower bed was laid out near the garage.

And another flower bed in the same style from the back of the yard.

Flowers have found their place even on the path.

One of these paths in the yard leads to a small bathhouse.

From which in the evenings a stunning view of the river opens.

Your yard of a private house can be made in a different style - it can be bright and energetic or gentle and thoughtful. All this is created by the colors of the flower beds - from exquisite whites, blues and silvers to bright yellows, reds and raspberries. On the other hand, there is no need to make cardinal turns in landscape design - I liked everything - tomorrow I will remove all the old plants, I will buy fashionable flowers. Harvesting plants is always easier than planting and growing. Therefore, take care of the existing plants and build your yard design, taking into account what you already have.

Courtyard of a private house: photo of a greenhouse and a summer kitchen.

To grow seedlings, a small greenhouse was attached to the south side of the barn. In winter, it is used as an additional storage space.

The presence of a personal plot opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of different ideas. In a beautiful frame, the main will look spectacular. On the territory you can mark, and recreation for adults. Qualified landscaping of the territory of a private house will help to increase the level of comfort and successfully solve a number of practical problems.

Read in the article

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

To simplify the formulation of your own wishes and the preparation of technical specifications, you need to familiarize yourself with the implemented projects. The following photo examples are accompanied by comments that explain the individual solutions.

This technology allows you to create a reliable coating with your own hands, providing good protection of the foundation from moisture. Install behind the outer edge. Reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure.

Reinforced concrete products are durable. They are able to perform their functions without damage for decades. But on large areas, such coatings do not look expressive enough. It should not be forgotten that this technique is associated with "wet" labor-intensive processes. To ensure high quality, it will be necessary to perform work at air temperatures above 0 ° C, in dry weather.

Note! Asphalt paving is not recommended. Evaporation of petrochemical products can have a negative impact on human health.

Note! In order to figure out how to plant greenery in a house adjoining area correctly, it is necessary to take into account additional important factors in addition to plant parameters. You should consider the location of the flower beds and the design of the relevant structures, the laying of water supply, drainage, and electrical networks. A comprehensive preliminary analysis will help optimize the project of a summer cottage, accurately calculate the cost estimate.

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An ideal solution for fencing a site, which will not only perform protective functions, but also delight the eye with its beauty and shape. How to choose plants, what are the nuances in planting and caring for them - read our article.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

You can create a documentation package with your own hands. In any case, it should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How beautiful it is to plant flowers in the yard so that they look good from important viewpoints (entrance group, recreation area, from the windows of a residential building).
  • What to plant to ensure uniform flowering cycles, create expressive compositions throughout the season.
  • What flowers fit the overall design style.
  • How to equip engineering networks, passageways to facilitate.

Plants for the yard in a private house are selected taking into account the exact landing site.

Note! To study the implemented ideas, use thematic photos that are not difficult to find on the Internet. When studying different options, one should evaluate the complexity of the work, the reality of repeating technological processes on their own without unnecessary labor and monetary costs.

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A photo of a garden on a private plot demonstrates zoning using green spaces. The passage is decorated with an arch. This design is not difficult to make from metal or wooden parts. To create a beautiful private garden, a sufficient area will come in handy. Original flower beds can be made from old car tires with your own hands. This material is easily processed, so the design of the garden can be diversified without any extra physical effort. Finished products keep consumer characteristics in good condition for a long time. Yard and garden furniture This figure shows the initial stage of documentation preparation. It must be supplemented with the sizes of individual elements, the parameters of the parts. Next, they make a list of purchases, consumables, and tools necessary for the construction of a children's playground in the yard.

Note! If you do not know how to build a yard or individual structures correctly, contact the experts. When placing an order with them, profile enterprises themselves prepare a package of project documentation at no additional charge.

Construction of a gazebo in the courtyard of a private house, photo

Note! The final price of arranging a yard area in a private house depends on the cost of parts and materials, transportation costs, and the cost of reproducing technological operations. An attentive owner also takes into account the total cost of repairs during the future operation.


A well-groomed yard allows for a favorable frame of the house, provides a self-presentation and a basis for further impressions. Well thought out and organized yard design and landscaping should complement the natural setting and continue the design of the interior. About everything in more detail later in the article.

5 Essential Landscape Aspects

When designing a landscape design, it is important to think not only about aesthetics, but also about the contribution you will make to the environment.

Customizing your outdoor space starts with proper landscaping. First of all, answer yourself the following questions:

  • Do you rarely spend time in the backyard?
  • Do you have a dilapidated porch or an old patio?
  • Do you hate wasting time and water to maintain a large lawn?
  • Does your backyard have no room for entertainment?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it sounds like you might be ready for a backyard makeover. Get to know the key factors to consider when planning your yard.

At times, starting a landscaping project can feel overwhelming. But with these five tips, you can design the landscaping and yard you've always wanted, either on your own or with the help of a landscape designer.

Use and purpose

When you start a landscaping project, the first thing to consider is how you want to use the space. Decide what the purpose or goals of your ideal yard are before making any other decisions.

Popular outdoor uses include:

  • entertainment;
  • summer kitchen and dining room;
  • swimming;
  • game Zone;
  • rest zone;
  • garden.

Next, you need to think about who will be using the space. Will this area be needed to accommodate small children, or will it be primarily an adult shelter? Don't forget to think about pets - animals often dictate landscaping decisions too.

Environment and climate

Now it's time to take inventory. You will want to mark areas such as:

  • sunny areas;
  • shady areas;
  • review;
  • Direction of the wind;
  • water supply and drainage.

Next, your attention should be turned to the soil. It's important to make sure your soil has the nutrients to support your chosen plant material. Your soil, which may be mostly sand, clay, or gravel, will dictate which plants you should grow. A landscape designer can perform soil tests for you and make soil amendments if necessary.

drop zone

An important factor to consider when choosing is the drop zone for them. It is determined by climatic conditions such as temperature and rainfall. Knowing your area to plant will help you and your designer choose plants that are suitable for your location and thus more likely to establish.


Once you have an idea of ​​what plants will be used, start thinking about how the water behaves in your yard. If there are certain areas where water is collected, you will want to create a group of plants that need a lot of water. On the other hand, if there are certain areas where water drains quickly, you'll want to have a group of plants there that like dry conditions. This process is often referred to as hydrozone planting.

garden style

The last thing to think about is the aesthetic appeal and style of your landscape design. Consider interior and exterior styling and try to create unity between home and landscaping. Make an open space that reflects your personality and makes you feel happy and relaxed. For a little inspiration, browse through these garden styles, which include Japanese, modern, cottage, and desert.

backyard makeup ideas

After considering the basic rules of landscape design, move on to landscaping the space. Check out the ideas below for decorating your backyard.

Replace obsolete materials

For this, solid concrete with brick strips is now often used. Make a patio area with concrete, fill with white sand and add a fountain to make it stand out.

Expand your patio area

A common backyard mistake is making the patio look too small. When you're working on your backyard makeover, consider extending your patio to accommodate larger furniture and allow for walking around the space.

Redo the paving

Plain gray concrete can be pretty boring. Transform your backyard paving to transform the feel of the whole area. When remodeling paving slabs, you have two options: remove the existing pavement, or transform what you have. Create stains and engravings on the concrete path to make it look like natural stone. If you want to remodel an existing paving, you will save money on materials and labor.

Don't let small or awkward spaces limit you.

Narrow spaces can present a problem and often end up being unused. However, you can turn a narrow space into a backyard fully equipped for outdoor activities. Creative and space-saving techniques can be used to accommodate more options for a small or inconvenient backyard.

DIY your backyard

You can redo the backyard on your own, without professionals with their resources, if the matter is limited to feasible work. However, this does not include demolition and installation of new landscaping, as this work will take the average homeowner weeks to complete, while a team of professionals can complete it within days.

Additionally, projects that include the installation of running water, gas or electric lines can be complicated. If you want a fountain, a built-in grill, or lots of lighting, your best bet is to hire a licensed professional. However, for a DIY option that will save you some money, consider planting your own plants. If Make sure you know the requirements for each plant, to choose the best place. Consider also the option of installing a patio area yourself.

Patio Design Ideas

Patio is outdoor living. You are likely to spend many hours with friends and family on your patio. Instead of buying a big house, many people are looking to expand their outdoor living space. As a result, the patio area is becoming larger, more luxurious and more protected.

Outdoor patios have become activity centers focused on fun and relaxation. A well-designed patio will not only add extra living space to your home, it will also increase its resale value.

Since your patio will provide the foundation for outdoor living space, it needs to be solid, well constructed. You can choose from a variety of patio and sidewalk materials. Determine what size, shape, and patio style best suits your needs. Use the information here to start gathering ideas for your new patio.

It's time to stop thinking of your patio as just a place to spend time outdoors. It can serve as a hub for a variety of functions, including dining, cooking, socializing, and relaxing. The style of your patio will change depending on what features you want it to feature.

concrete patios

The durability and versatility of concrete makes it an excellent choice for paving patios. A concrete patio has many advantages over corrugated board and other surfaces.

Benefits of concrete patios:

  • High strength.
  • Low operating costs.
  • Adaptable to any style.
  • Can be poured into any shape.

Decor options:

  • Colored concrete. There are several ways to paint concrete, including contrasting, integrating, solid and liquid painting methods (used in combination with embossing) and full coloring.
  • Embossed Concrete - The surface of your particular patio can be embossed to create a texture that mimics stone, brick, or other materials.

If you already have a patio that is cracked or dirty, you can clean it up with concrete. Concrete sanding will make your patio look like new. A reclaimed concrete patio can be painted and stamped.

Another strong trend is to integrate plants into places where expansion joints would otherwise be located. They help create a more breathable surface and dilute the vast structure with greenery. It is not uncommon to use artificial turf in these areas, especially in areas where moisture needs to be maintained.

Are concrete patios prone to cracking?

Concrete is good for warm climate landscapes that do not experience the extreme cold and thaw cycles of northern regions that cause uncontrolled cracking. Other factors can also lead to cracking.

Ideas for gazebos

Pergolas and other shady structures are another way to enjoy nature, even if the conditions outside are not the best. In the hot summer, you can relax and have fun outdoors without being exposed to sunstroke. Shady structures also extend the season into autumn and winter. If your structure is built with a solid roof or even insulated walls, you can enjoy a calm winter morning while sipping your tea without the worry of rain or snow.

Types of shadow buildings

Pergolas are a self-contained structure, organically placed in the landscape. They can stand on the path and define a space for a walk, or they can designate a patio area or outdoor entertainment space. A pergola usually has open sides, as well as a slatted or solid roof.

Patio structures are similar to pergolas, except they are attached to the house. This can be an advantage because a patio area can use the house for support and therefore can cost less than a structure on its own.

Pergolas of an octagonal shape with a solid roof are most often used in traditional landscape gardening areas. They can be an attractive addition if the style of the surrounding landscape works with the structure.

A canvas canopy is a modern way to get relief from the sun. The fabric is stretched across specially designed poles to accent and cover a seating area or patio. A canvas canopy looks great with the straight lines and simple geometry used in contemporary homes and doubles as a decorative and artistic part of the landscape.

A mesh deck is built right outside the house, usually at the back door for easy access. Instead of glass windows, she has large nets that keep out insects. The netted terrace is great for dining as you get a quality outdoor experience without intruders.

A solar room is also being built right outside the house. Since it can be fully insulated and built with double panel windows, it is a four season structure that acts as an addition to your home. The sun room is completely weatherproof so you can watch birds and wildlife in comfort even in winter. The sun room is really different from the rest of your home in that it has many windows that enhance the outside view.

Terrace decoration

No matter what size backyard you have, you can make the most of the available space and live the dream. Here are some simple DIY landscaping ideas to make a great outdoor space that you can enjoy day and night.

Customize your space with flooring

There's nothing better than a new terrace to turn your backyard into an outdoor living room or a great party space. It's an easy and affordable way to expand your living space that will last for many years, and with a little know-how, you can build it yourself.

Terrace - a room with flooring

There are several flooring material options. In addition to traditional wooden decking, there is an environmentally friendly alternative. Composite decking can be made from recycled plastic, which is durable, easy to install and maintain, and resistant to rot and pests.

Build with beams

You can shape your backyard to any size and give it a natural, earthy look with treated pine beams. Treated pine beams are resistant to decay, fungus, and pests, making them one of the most versatile, easy-to-use, and hard-wearing landscape materials on the market. They can be used to create a retaining wall, a stepped garden, a flower bed, or as a border along your garden beds.

Space with retaining walls

Retaining walls are a great way to create interesting steps to decorate your backyard. You can use them to create a raised garden to surround your entertaining space or make a quiet corner to relax. Retaining walls are also a good way to flatten areas of a sloped block and add extra space for the kids to play or for you to have fun. Depending on the look you want, retaining walls can be made from logs or treated pine sleepers. Use purpose-built wall retaining materials that are interlocking, durable, and available in a range of colors.

Own paving

You can bring some real definition to your backyard and create a great look with paving stones. In addition, it will be an easy project that you can do yourself. Paving stones make a solid base for your outdoor entertainment area, or you can make a walkway through your garden. There are various colors and paving designs on the market to suit any backyard, from concrete textured, panel and sand paving.

Add color and texture with pebbles

Pebbles are an easy way to bring different colors and textures to your backyard. You can use it to fill in empty spaces in garden beds or as ground cover to complement a paved or slatted area.

For a clean decorative look, you can use pebbles to create a border or landscape path. There are many colors and styles to choose from in white, blue, orange, red, green, lime, silver or gold. Using the same colored pebbles, you can create solid areas or mix colors to create a more vibrant look.

Front yard landscaping

When it comes to decorating your front yard, you'll want to think about what features of your home will be highlighted, as well as how you can turn it into an open space that will be actively used. If you want to spend relaxing time there, then privacy will be a key factor. Privacy can be created with a wall or hedge.

Get a new perspective

Before choosing a project, look at your landscape with fresh eyes and more broadly. We are so used to our landscape that it can be difficult to determine what others might see. There are two easy tricks to see the landscape from a new perspective. When using both of these methods, the goal is to forget what you think about your landscape and instead see what actually exists.

The first is the old artist's trick. Get far enough away from your landscape so that you can see everything at once. Then squint your eyes until the picture blurs and try to clear your memory.

"Paint" your picture to create a landscape

There may be areas that become dark and overgrown with a blurry look. Some areas may look dirty because there are too many small plantings, statues or pots. Or, you might have an area that is bright and clean, but a bit too empty. All of these ideas can give you a general idea of ​​which projects to tackle first.

The second technique you can use to give your landscape a new look is to take black and white photographs of your landscape design. By adding color, you can make a familiar space feel new, so you can see it with objective eyes. Most digital cameras these days have a black and white setting, so it's easy to do even if you're not a techno-genius.

Define boundaries and add mulch

Clean edges deceive the eye, creating a neat and well-groomed landscape. If the lawn has crept into the flower beds in the garden and created a jagged line, then defining a border can improve the look of the entire landscape.

Start by laying out a garden hose to define the new boundary. Don't make the beginner's mistake by creating a wavy "drunken snake" line. Instead, make wide curves that scale to the size of your home. Then use a hoe to trim the grass until you have a clean, attractive line.

Once you've established a neat border, add a layer of wood chip mulch for a sophisticated look. The bright color is attractive, smooths out uneven ground surfaces, and generally gives the landscaping a professional finish.

Trim huge bushes

If the plant is clearly not intended to be a hedge, then it must be pruned. Otherwise, there will be a feeling that the service is out of control.

Trim the shrub at the base, removing any branches that are 15 cm from the ground. This gives a more open look and works wonders on Rhododendrons and other shrubs that can appear gloomy and overwhelming when spreading across the ground.

Another good task is to carefully prune any plant that touches the house. Plants that lean on the house can cause paint cracking as well as mold and ants. Trimming the plants 20 to 30 cm from the house will give the landscaping a more open look, as well as give you the opportunity to wash the house or touch up if necessary.

45 trendy front yard ideas

Modern front yard designs lean more towards a minimalist and desert look. Volumetric forms and an abundance of color have disappeared. The modern look consists of clean lines, earthy colors, the creative use of stone, and the absence of atypical colors.

Steps and paving stones

We are seeing a move away from hard pavement overweight towards patterned paving stones interspersed with round stones.

Horizontal Guardrail

The lines are more pronounced with a clean horizontal fence. Aluminium, vinyl, steel, and wood are popular materials for trendy vegetable gardens.

metal parts

The idea of ​​a metal house number plate is modern, clear fonts that are made of brass, aluminum or chrome. Simple and stylish.

Herbal tie-ins

These are sidewalks covered with grass gaps so that the grass can grow right under your feet. Traditional white or light-colored patio paving stones combined with green give a clearer view of the courtyard.

Cinder blocks for the garden

Gardening is still relevant to both front and backyards, although it has become more restrained. If you love flowers, use block gardening, which introduces an interesting and new dimension.

large pots

Among the modern facade courtyards, large plant pots are very noticeable. The bigger they are, the better. The main shapes are round, square, cylindrical or conical.

Stone and succulents

The use of large and small stones is common among modern front yards. And what grows and looks best with stones? Succulents!

wall garden

Don't limit your landscaping to the ground. Picturesque wall gardens are eye-catching, innovative and look like the centerpiece of a front yard.

Clusters of color

Many modern front yards still include many colorful flowering plants. Keep them under control and in a good color ratio to avoid a messy look. Plants that require less time work well.

Illuminated paths

Illuminated pathways define and enhance your front yard design. It is also expedient and attractive.

Combination of fence and benches

It's time to replace the sleek iron seats in favor of more discreet, integrated nooks and crannies. And if they are made in the same technique with a perimeter fence, this will make the design the most harmonious.

minimalist fencing

Fence off your front yard with subdued and minimalist fencing. No more grandiose curls, monograms and bright colors.

Combination of green and white

Modern front yards are decorated in natural colors. White hydrangeas against lush greenery make your front yard pop.

Combination of stone and wood

Let's go back to basics. Rough stone and wood planks give character to the clean lines of modern front yards.

terrace gardening

Don't let an uneven façade get in the way of creating a beautiful front garden. Make it work for your space: For a sloping surface, the idea of ​​a stepped garden with a terrace will do.

Red flower pots for plants

Bright red pots against quiet earthy flowers look defiant and striking. Use them when you want to divert attention to certain areas.

modern pergola

The gazebos are romantic and charming. Create a modern minimalist pergola to suit your garden.

stone with stone

Modern front yard designs use a variety of natural elements. The various irregularities and textures of the stones are best shown together.

The charm of the ornamental bow

The plants in today's front yards are structured and have a strong character. The decorative bow has height, shape and color: ideal for front yards.

Black flowerpots

Modern outdoor plant pots have become large, shaped and basic bold colors - especially black.

Wooden fences for succulents

A tree with a rich dark shade will shade and line dark green succulents well.

ancient greek amphora

Make your yard inviting with decorations like an ancient Greek amphora. Use the sculpture as a central focal point for your front yard.

The combination of black and green

The combination of black and green is interesting and expressive. Black makes green more fresh and vibrant.

Wooden and bamboo facade

The basic, classic and minimalist look of bamboo brings a touch of Japan to your home.

4 seasons garden

The Four Seasons Garden is a selection of those plants that become expressive in different seasons, making the composition interesting in any season. You may need the services of a landscape designer to properly place the landscaping.

horsetail hedge

Riverside horsetail is suitable for hedges, accented partitions, or as an independent decoration. A vibrant green hue, clean vertical stems and black details create a striking design.

Equipped water source

Transform a humble garden faucet into a creative project. It will serve its purpose, but it will be complemented by a wonderful design.

Any owner of a country residence understands that the arrangement of a private territory does not end with the construction and decoration of a residential building. The creation of a modern design of the courtyard of a private house is an integral step on the way to decorating and organizing not only a beautiful, but also a functional area.

So that all work on the improvement of the local area takes place harmoniously and correctly, and the end result can only please its owners, neighbors and guests, planning should be approached very deliberately and seriously.

Planning stage

A beautiful courtyard, located around the house, is the first thing that falls on the eyes of anyone who enters the territory. It is by its arrangement and appearance that the owners themselves, their taste and aesthetic views are evaluated.

When starting landscape work on the site, you should first answer a number of questions, on which it will depend on what the result will be in the end. Will the practical component be preferred, or will the goal be to create a beautiful image.

Are there small children in the family who need a play area, or do the owners prefer noisy gatherings around the fire with barbecue. All these points are important in the organization of territorial space.

The design of the courtyard of a private house will also depend on its size. If the area is large, then you can only be limited here by your own imagination and money. If there is only a small backyard, then practicality and ergonomics are at the forefront.

After the priorities are set, a plan should be drawn up, which will mark all the necessary segments, communication systems, lighting and decorative compositions. It is the laying of communications and the arrangement of artificial reservoirs that is the initial stage of work on landscape design.

Track organization

The paths that run throughout the site are an integral part of the design. Their main task is to safely move around the territory, as well as zoning and decoration.

Various materials can become raw materials for laying paths: stone flat elements, slabs, brickwork, fine gravel or pebbles. It is advisable to organize low curbs, which will become an additional means of security.

Passages can have a clear geometry, or they can playfully go around buildings and plantings. Here the choice depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the site.

flower beds

Flowerbeds in the courtyard of a private house can create a magical fairytale atmosphere. Such plantings will become the main decoration of any land allotment.

When designing a flower bed, one rule should be taken into account: plant varieties are selected so that the flowering period alternates. The result is a bright flower arrangement that can "please the eye" all year round.

Organization of the reservoir

Thinking about how to decorate the yard, many come to the conclusion that the construction of a reservoir is the best idea. Water, according to Japanese masters, is a symbol of life and harmony. Indeed, the cascading cascades of waterfalls and smooth backwaters with fish look fascinating on the plot.

To organize your own reservoir, it is better to use the services of professional organizations that will conduct all the necessary studies of the soil composition, lay communications, and, in accordance with all the rules, build a fountain or cascade.

Territory lighting

Properly organized lighting throughout the suburban area is the key to safety. First of all, it is necessary to think over the functional component: illumination of the facade of the house, entrance / exit, all walkways, steps and places of rest.

Then you can consider the organization of decor-lighting systems. You can highlight flower beds, sculptures, ponds. Spotlights built into the surface of the earth look absolutely fabulous, creating the illusion of scattered stars, as in the photo of a beautiful courtyard of a private house.

Rest zone

The organization of a cozy area for outdoor recreation with the possibility of cooking on fire is a priority when organizing household leisure.

Around the open hearth in the form of a fireplace or stove, a recreation area is arranged, represented by comfortable garden furniture. Plants are used for decoration.

If the territory allows, then it is advisable to construct a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, under which the furniture of the recreation area will be placed. Such a canopy will be able to protect in the summer from annoying sunlight, and during the rain it will not let you get wet.

back patio

Often, country estates are not equipped with a large adjacent territory. The place in front of the house, as a rule, is occupied by a parking area, and only the rear part of the yard is allocated for the arrangement of the recreation area.

To equip a modern small courtyard of a private house, it is advisable to construct a deck or platform made of wood on which furniture will be placed.

Flowerbeds with perennial plantings, which will not only decorate the territory, but also become a kind of tool for hiding from prying eyes, are located along the fence.

Furniture equipment

When choosing garden furniture items, you need to focus on the monetary equivalent and personal preferences. Stationary items are made from stone raw materials or solid wood. It is impossible to remove them, and wooden objects will have to be constantly maintained in good condition.

The most popular are folding models made of plastic. Such items can be removed when they are not needed, and their maintenance is minimal - just wipe with a damp cloth from dust.

Due to the large range of colors and possible constructive configurations, plastic furniture can be matched to any style of landscape design.

A cheaper analogue of wooden furniture is rattan products, which have an expensive, respectable look.

Numerous figurines and figurines can be picked up as elements for decorating the backyard territory, and if you wish and have a lot of free time, you can make decorative elements yourself.

Photo of courtyards of a private house