Cats did not fight to decorate the walls. Tricks on how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture. Wallpaper resistant to cat claws

Anti-vandal wallpaper from cats is the dream of almost all owners of purring pets - it is an excellent protection for your walls and wallpaper. A cute fluffy ball grows and begins to show needs, and sharpening claws is one of them. It is laid down by nature genetic level, therefore, trying to wean an animal from sharpening its claws is a useless exercise, this is only possible if you simply remove these same claws from a cat. Veterinary clinics provide similar services, but felinologists unanimously argue that this is not worth doing if you really love your cat. Removing claws for an animal is pain and stress. Therefore, it is better to find another way out of the situation. In this article, we will talk about the main reasons why a cat tears up wallpaper, and also talk about what to do to prevent this from happening.

The cat is in the house. Problems or joy? How to save walls

How to finish the walls so that the cat cannot ruin the walls? Small children, begging for a cat from their mother, think that all that awaits them is rumbling and funny games. An adult, when getting a pet, should be aware that a cat means daily feeding, cleaning the tray, wool everywhere, broken cups and inverted flower pots, vaccinations and sterilization, diseases and many other “charms”, including scratched furniture and peeled wallpaper.

But not everything is so sad. Firstly, cats, if you love them, with their caress and energy are able to level all the negative aspects of their coexistence with a person. And secondly, now there are a lot of all kinds of devices and life hacks that can make our life easier: special gloves for combing wool, filler for trays that absorb smell, nail clippers, scratching posts and even anti-vandal wallpapers from cats.

Why do cats sharpen their claws?

Why does a cat tear up wallpaper, furniture and other objects that come under its paw? A cat is, first of all, an animal with instincts and needs, because a person has no doubt that a manicure and pedicure is necessary. This is not only for the sake of aesthetics, but also for the sake of hygiene and convenience. Regarding the cat, the situation is somewhat similar. The cat scratches the wallpaper for several reasons.

  1. The claws grow and exfoliate, which causes discomfort in the cat. For the cat family, claws are a formidable weapon, they help to hunt and defend themselves from enemies. A weapon must always be in combat readiness. The cat's claws grow all the time, but at home the animal does not have the opportunity to use them for their intended purpose. Therefore, they lengthen and begin to exfoliate. When this causes inconvenience to a cat, she looks for something to sharpen them, tries different surfaces. Most often, such “manicure files” are cushioned furniture, carpets or wallpaper.
  2. On the front paws there are special glands, they are located between the fingertips and secrete a secret. As we know, the smell for animals is a peculiar way of transmitting information. The cat, sharpening its claws on the surface, leaves its smell, and thus marks the territory, informing its relatives that it is the owner here and it is not worth invading.
  3. This is a kind of warm-up and gymnastics for the cat. The cat could, without really straining, sharpen its claws on the carpet? But no, he needs to stretch up to his full length, arch his back and work hard with his paws. Thus, the animal kneads the muscles and ligaments, and, perhaps, remembers: “how is it to release claws at prey?”.
  4. Removal of stress. Felinologists suggest that in the process of sharpening their claws, cats relieve stress, deliberately relieve negativity after some unpleasant or frightening situation. Sometimes pets do it just out of boredom.

So, with the nature of this phenomenon sorted out. Now no one will have any doubts that by peeling furniture and wallpaper, the cat does not take revenge on you for the untimely cleaned tray, but simply obeys its nature. Next, it is worth dealing with the question of what to do so that the cat does not tear the wallpaper and furniture, how to effectively protect your property from the paws of a fluffy robber. Let's make a reservation right away that we do not consider the “beat” option. It's not humane. In addition, the cat is unlikely to understand why she received a scruff of the neck. This will only lead to the fact that the animal will become embittered and will take revenge on you.

How to wean a cat to scratch furniture and wallpaper?

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and jump on walls? To solve this problem, you just need to create conditions for the cat so that he realizes his instinct in the right place.

You should buy at a pet store or make yourself a stable scratching post, then the cat will leave your interior alone. Although, in order for the fluffy to switch to a new “object”, you need to make an effort:

  • To get started, buy or make the right scratching post with your own hands. It is desirable that it be high (not less than the length of the entire cat with paws stretched upwards).
  • Usually such devices are wrapped around with sisal (coarse natural fiber twisted into cords) if the scratching post is in the form of a column. Or it is covered with sisal cloth, if the scratching post is in the form of a plank.
  • The device must be stable, otherwise, if it falls, the cat will get scared and will bypass the scratching post. Ideally, it should have wall or floor mounts.

Important! If you love and pamper your pet, then you can purchase a whole complex of posts, shelves, houses, ropes and toys. The elements of this design are covered with sisal. A cat can not only sleep, play or climb up and down, but also sharpen its claws at the same time.

If your cat tears up wallpaper and furniture in a certain place, then it’s worth imitating the same surface on the scratching post (paste over with a piece of the same wallpaper, pull the fabric on top, like on a sofa, and so on) and put such a scratching post near the place where the cat comes to sharpen claws. When the animal switches to this device, it can be moved gradually to the desired location.

If, despite your efforts, the cat tears up the wallpaper and continues to scratch the property with its claws, it needs to be weaned. How to process wallpaper so that the cat does not tear them? There is a special spray for cats - they need to sprinkle their favorite place of "hooliganism" (sold in pet stores). Alternatively, a vinegar solution or citrus tincture can be used.

Important! In addition to an unpleasant aroma for a cat, straws glued to the surface, strips can also scare away from scratching the wallpaper. double sided tape, foil or rustling film. Some people recommend clapping your hands loudly or splashing your cat with water when he starts to sharpen his claws in the wrong place.

There are even special installations with a special spray and a motion sensor that help to wean the cat from “vandalism”. But this is an expensive pleasure.

How to get your cat interested in a new scratching post?

  • A small kitten should be immediately accustomed not only to the tray, but also to the scratching post, do not let him tear up the wallpaper and furniture, otherwise it will become a habit.

Important! If you have already taken an adult animal from the previous owner, take its scratching post, to which it is accustomed, otherwise you risk your furniture.

  • Install the device in a conspicuous place, during the game, provoke the cat to cling to its surface with its claws.
  • You can simply bring the kitten to the scratching post, gently take it by the front paws, press the pads with your fingers so that the claws come out, and show him what to do.
  • In addition, you can hang a tempting toy on top of the installation so that the pet climbs on the surface of the scratching post in an attempt to get it. This should be done 3-4 times a day, unobtrusively, trying to provoke the desired process with the game.
  • Many owners recommend using another additional bait - catnip or valerian.

Important! When the cat understands what is required of him and begins to sharpen his claws in the right place, reward him with a treat at first to consolidate the result.

What to do so that the cat does not scratch the wallpaper? cat manicure

So that the cat does not tear the wallpaper, that is, he had less need to sharpen his claws, they need to be cut in time:

  • If you do not want to do this personally, just take your pet to the groomer - he will do it quickly and inexpensively.
  • If you want to do this procedure yourself in order to save your time and money, then you need to purchase special tool, since ordinary scissors and wire cutters are not suitable.
  • Special nail cutters are sold in the form of scissors of a special shape, wire cutters or a “guillotine”. The tool must be sharp and of high quality so as not to cause inconvenience to the cat.

Important! You should know that not the entire claw can be cut off, but only the tip, since in the middle of the claw there are blood vessels and nerve endings - they cannot be touched.

  • If you are engaged in this procedure, sit by the window so that when good lighting you could see the claw in the light.
  • The claw is sheared along the edge of the blood vessel at an angle of 45 degrees. The cut is leveled with a hard file or bar so that there are no notches left.

Important! Usually it is enough to carry out the procedure once a month. Although it's all individual. If you pay attention to the pigmentation of the claw, then light ones grow faster than dark ones.

  • Nail clipping should be done in a calm environment. You can even not at once, if the cat does not really like it.
  • If the animal flatly refuses to sit still, then you can swaddle it in a towel, exposing one paw at a time. If you do not want to suffer, cut your nails from a specialist.

What to do so that the cat does not tear the wallpaper and furniture? Anti-scratches

There is another answer to the question of what to do so that the cat does not tear the wallpaper. You can buy a newfangled device - special silicone caps. They are put on each claw and held on to them with a special glue. Such anti-scratches are sold both on the Internet and in pet stores. They are inexpensive.

How to use silicone nail caps?

  • First you need to clean the claws from dirt with any disinfectant and cotton pad.
  • Next you need to cut extra length, 1-2 mm.

Important! You should not be too zealous, as the cap will not hold well.

  • Pressing on the pad, when the claw came out, you need to try on the cap. If the length is too big, it can be reduced by cutting off the excess from the side of the hole.
  • Attach the cap with glue. It is necessary to squeeze a drop of glue into the cap so that it fills it by one third.

Important! To speed up the process, you can pour glue into all caps at once.

  • After that, you need to put a silicone pad on the claw and squeeze it on the sides for 5-10 seconds. Do the same with the rest of the caps.

Important! Usually, “anti-scratches” are worn only on the front paws.

  • It may happen that the cat will try to chew them. Be patient and anti-scratch. Replace damaged ones with new ones. Be patient. Over time, she will get used to them and will not pay attention to them.
  • These silicone caps are different colors. It is recommended to use them for adult cats (from 6 months and older) who do not go outside and there is a risk that they will damage furniture and wallpaper or scratch children.

Important! Pets that have the opportunity to walk in the yard do not need any trimming of claws or pads. Older animals usually lose interest in nail sharpening and scratching games.

  • Caps should be replaced about once a month. They themselves will begin to fall off when the upper stratum corneum of the claw comes off.

Wallpaper resistant to cat claws

If you are the owner of cats or dogs, you should understand that furniture, wallpaper and fragile things are the most vulnerable places in the apartment. Let's talk about wallpapers in more detail. During repairs, keep in mind that cats can tear wallpaper with their claws, big dogs during games or just walking around the rooms, wallpaper can pollute. If you do not want to re-paste the wallpaper every year, then you can use the following recommendations:

  • You can only wallpaper the upper half of the wall, and in the lower part (at least a meter from the floor) use a different type of finish: paint, decorative plaster, artificial stone.
  • Vinyl wallpaper is thick and durable. But in order not to attract the attention of your “predator”, the wallpaper must be pasted without flaws, so that not a single joint leaves, not a single edge sticks out.
  • Liquid wallpaper is no longer wallpaper, but a type of decorative plaster. For cats, such a surface is unattractive as a scratching post.
  • Special anti-vandal wallpaper. What it is? Such canvases have high density and strength. They can be non-woven for painting, fiberglass (heavy duty), contract vinyl wallpapers and vinyl wallpaper with lamination. All these species are able to withstand the onslaught of not only animals, small children, but also crowds of people, for example, in the corridor of an institution. Appearance- worthy, there are many colors and patterns. At a price, of course, they are more expensive than usual, but after all, it will also cost you a pretty penny to repair the walls every year. It would be more practical to invest once in an anti-vandal wall covering from cats and not worry about the integrity of the decor for several years.


Many lovers of “our smaller brothers” are at a loss and are looking for an answer to the question of what to do if the cat tears up the wallpaper on the walls or damages other furniture. There are several options for action. The main thing is not to give up, not to beat the pet and look for a suitable answer. In this article, you will definitely find the best option for you and your pet, which will not harm your wallet, nervous system and will satisfy all the requests of the “kote”. You can also find anti-claw reviews on the Internet and get your practical advice.

Kitty peeled off the wallpaper in the hallway? Don't scold the cattle! Better find out how to disguise Usatii's antics...

Your cat decided to thank you and left only shreds instead of new wallpaper? We know how to help. If question the cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate rises in front of you not for the first time, then you know the solution - to move your beloved animal to another room.

Or you can just buy new wallpaper. In general, any combination of calm and not pretentious wallpapers will show your style - today fading and calm prevail in the design of hallways. Such tapestries will be especially appropriate in the corridor or hallway. It’s good if the wallpaper adds lightness and increases the size of an already small corridor - the time has passed when excess and pretentiousness reigned. Today it is more important to demonstrate independence and flight - of course, this is also true for the hallway. In order to shift the focus from the small volume of the corridor, the wall must be made as saturated as possible, other walls can be decorated in intermediate colors.

The cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate - there are options and they are all different. There are wood, linen and others warm colors. In the corridor, such tapestries look like a matter of course - this happens because it perfectly exploits the theme of eclecticism. What is especially true for a large hallway. As for the small corridor, that's another matter. AT small corridors excessive variegation will be unacceptable. Custom are welcome color combinations- especially golden, olive, lime.

An excellent result gives a combination of two types of wallpaper. For example, textured and voluminous on top and dark dull on the bottom. It is good if the bottom wallpaper is washable, since it is this part that gets dirty faster. Liquid wallpapers are relatively new - you can add decorative paper, woolen threads, sand, sparkles and any other elements to them that will make the wallpaper bright and original.

Many ideas if the cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate is based on decoration, but sometimes it's easier to just paint over the problem area. Modern hallways often done in a Scandinavian vein. The Nordic style is, first of all, modesty, elegance, restraint and masculinity. The combination of white and gray tones, as well as wallpaper with ornaments, is especially relevant this year. Patterned wallpapers look favorably in combination with plain ones - such a solution will expand the corridor or hallway, add volume and air. Wallpapers with imitation of natural surfaces also remain popular, the main thing is not to overdo it and create accents where necessary. The main feature of the Scandinavian style is minimalism. This style always highlights the virtues of free space. This means that the design must be done in an easy way without bulky items.

All wallpaper in the hallway in the apartment photo design is different. In other words, there are no identical corridors. You can say for sure - there are narrow hallways, but there are wide ones. The unspoken rule says - when choosing a wallpaper design, you need to dance from the type of hallway. To from stripped wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate - think before asking this question. Cats can be declawed veterinary clinic, certainly, unless he walks outside.

Light and light wallpapers are perfect for a small hallway. Not necessarily white - you can use any sufficiently embossed wallpaper relevant tones. Will expand the space not only white, but also blue. A small hallway looks especially impressive if it is covered with wallpaper with an elegant, but simple gray pattern. The cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate? Wait - for starters, buy a cat nail brush.

Neutral tones stand out perfectly in combination with embossed wallpaper. A faded cell will create a mood of order and tranquility. If the hallway is narrow, then the wallpaper in the hallway in the apartment photo design implies an expansion of space. For these purposes, you need to use two means - this is light and color. The problems of a narrow hallway are solved by glossy type mirror wallpapers and point light sources.

Dark shades look perfect in wide corridors - they will give the room a special charm and elegance. In the case of a wide corridor, light walls in combination with darker skirting boards, as well as a light-colored floor with a natural finish, play well. the cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate? Take a sheet of metal or perforated plastic. A bright corridor passage can be crowned with colorful decor, for example, with pillows in bright colors. A colorful carpet, framed photos, canvases in the walls, vases and other decor components will look great in a spacious corridor.

If the wallpaper in the hallway in the apartment photo design has, as they say, the energy of movement, then in this case the corridor will be more visually enlarged. For example, it is possible to stick tapestries with a floating vessel or other moving object on one wall - in this way, the energy of movement or, more simply, movement, which is displayed on the wall, will pass to the entire hallway. the cat ripped off the wallpaper hallway how to decorate: you can ocombine 2 pieces of the insole along the corner and place a graceful duralumin corner between them.

It will transform the interior of an imitation type coating - brick, stone, wood. If for some reason it is not possible to use natural finishing materials, then surface imitation will be an excellent solution for any hallway.

We mask the tricks of the cat

You can choose wallpaper in the hallway not only immediately, but also in stages - a modern building market offers a huge range of prices, which allows you to choose wallpaper of any patterns, patterns, textures and colors. To figure out how this or that wallpaper will look in the interior, you need take advantage our guide. If you have read our previous material about wallpaper in the hallway, you know that the first impression of the apartment is formed in the hallway. That is why the wallpaper there should be as harmonious as possible - they should appeal not only to guests, but also to residents, and especially the latter. The cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate- the solutions are quite diverse, there are light options among them, even despite the fact that all the earth and dirt from the street accumulate in the corridor. But you most likely will not see very gloomy wallpapers, because the corridor is a place where light is always in short supply.

The dark texture of the wallpaper in the hallway will not attract the cat ...


What should be the texture of the wallpaper, which destined for the hallway? It is best to choose vinyl wallpaper with a washable backing. It should be noted that dirt cannot seep into their base, unlike paper ones - it simply remains on the surface layer. That is why vinyl washable wallpaper is enough to wipe with a damp cloth - this is all care. The cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate? Go to the store - wallpaper manufacturers continue to amaze us. This is how new types of wallpapers appear, which we will talk about right now.

Imitation wallpaper - popular in modern hallways

Great opportunities for the interior decoration of the hallway provide imitating wallpapers - these are wallpapers that can imitate the basis of natural leather, natural stone or natural wood. At the same time, such wallpapers have a stunning similarity - both in terms of color, and in terms of texture.

Old wallpaper - for the cat, new - for the owners

In general, if your cat ripped off the wallpaper in the hallway, how to decorate the question will be not as sharp as an example. Today there was a chance to buy the so-called glass wallpaper. What it is ? Glass fiber is a novelty in the construction market. Such wallpapers are completely resistant to abrasive compounds, moreover, they can be cleaned with a stiff brush and even painted an unlimited number of times. Today, to order, you can make such wallpapers that will have natural components in their composition - wallpapers with natural materials have a high cost, but at the same time they can give genuine aesthetic inspiration.

Another trend is liquid wallpaper. What is liquid wallpaper? These are wallpapers that have many advantages over the classic paper version. Liquid wallpaper is eco - friendly , it has an impressive contact area with the wall and has an original texture . In addition, using liquid wallpaper, you can not level the wall, since these wallpapers themselves fill in depressions and other wall defects. Liquid wallpaper can be repainted an unlimited number of times, and besides, they are resistant to physical damage and last a very long time. Question the cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway, how to decorate is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Quite often the wall has serious defects and it seems that alignment is indispensable. Stop ! The so-called embossed wallpapers will help - they perfectly hide the unevenness of the walls and allow you to make them beautiful. In order to add a characteristic sheen of metal to the embossed wallpaper, you can stick small pieces of foil on them - this solution will look great in any hallway.

It is unacceptable to glue wallpaper with impressive patterns in a small corridor - such patterns will reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway even more. To make the corridor bigger than it actually is, it's better to use wallpaper with miniature patterns. It should also be noted that the so-called wallpaper with a projection effect increases the area of ​​​​the corridor. In order to effectively zone the hallway, you can paste wallpaper with two contrasting tones - this solution will allow you to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor and make it visually more voluminous.

The cat tore off the wallpaper in the hallway how to decorate? Answer provide a variety of solutions - you need to take into account not only the furniture, but also the floor, lighting, walls and ceiling. Of course, it is necessary to take into account their color and texture - only in this case your entrance hall will become cozy and welcoming, creating unforgettable impressions for guests when visiting your apartment ...

Cats are one of the most common types of pets. These are smart and cute animals that bring joy and joy to the house. good mood. But along with positive moments, there may be some problems that require immediate resolution. Otherwise, they can ruin the relationship between the owner and the cat forever. One of these problems is the love of cats to scratch furniture and wallpaper. How to wean a cat to tear up furniture and wallpaper? First of all, you need to find the reason for this behavior. After that, you can safely take on the search for a suitable method for weaning a cat from destructive activities.

Very often in a house where there is a cat, you can find damaged furniture and wallpaper. What is natural for cats can cause a lot of trouble for their owners. After all, repairing and buying new furniture can be expensive, but there is no certainty that the cat will not do it again. In order to avoid this, when such behavior is detected in a cat, it is necessary to immediately fix this problem.

To wean a cat to tear wallpaper and spoil furniture, you need to find out what makes him do this. There may be several main reasons, and most of them justify cats.

Reasons why cats scratch furniture and wallpaper:

  • Performs exercises for sharpening claws and training muscles.
  • Expresses his emotions. Cats can express their love for their owners by scratching. favorite place owner.
  • It marks its territory with the help of pads on its paws, which contain sweat glands. Thanks to them, cats leave their scent on the interior.

When examining the causes and explanations for your pet's behavior, it is important to consider the fact that intimidation and threats will not help in combating such behavior. To do this, you need to include ingenuity in the arsenal in order to skillfully protect wallpaper and furniture from cat attacks.

If the cat tears up the wallpaper: what to do

The cat can tear the wallpaper by force different reasons. However, the problem remains the same - damaged wallpaper, which does not have enough strength and money to re-paste. There are several ways out of this situation.

You may have to use more than one method before you can wean the cat from his favorite pastime. And you can use these funds in the form of a set of measures to combat the seizure of territory.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • Using a claw point. To create it, use various materials medium hardness, which resemble a tree. You can buy a scratching post or make your own. Install it in places most favored by cats. The cat should like the material and the smell of the item. To do this, it is treated with special smelling agents.
  • Repelling. In this method, the main task is to catch the cat at the "crime scene", and it is better to catch the intention to do so. Then you need to make a piercing sound that will scare away the animal. It is necessary to raise the intonation and say “no”, “fu”, “no”. Instead of a voice, you can use the noise made by coins or stones in a jar. Sticky tape can be used to scare away.
  • Calling unpleasant associations. If the cat intends to sharpen its claws, you need to sprinkle water on it. It is important to do this in the first seconds of her actions so that a strong association with unpleasant sensations arises.

When using the last two methods, it is important to catch the cat on initial stage scratching. It makes no sense to scold him for the work already done, since he will not understand the reasons for your anger and indignation.

How to protect wallpaper from cats with scents

Weaning cats from their favorite activities can be very difficult. In this case, you need to use methods that will prevent cats from approaching the wallpaper.

It is convenient to carry out spraying from a spray bottle. It evenly distributes moisture, which allows not to damage the surface of the wallpaper.

What scents can you use?

  • Citrus;
  • Mixture of scents of eucalyptus and citrus oils;
  • Vinegar.

The best solution would be to use citrus scents, which will not only scare away cats from the wallpaper, but also fill the air in the apartment with a pleasant aroma.

Wallpaper that cats do not tear: types and materials

Experience says that cats tear up all the wallpaper. Another thing is that some of them may be strong enough not to be scratched.

Using ordinary wallpaper in most cases, the only option is to permanently re-paste the wallpaper in places chosen by cats.

There are several wallpaper options that can solve the problem.

Wallpaper types:

  • Non-woven. Have quite solid foundation from cellulose and chemical fibers. But the second vinyl layer is not very resistant to the sharp claws of the animal.
  • Bamboo. Durable wallpapers that will be able to withstand attacks for a certain period of time.
  • Combined. It is possible to use any type of wallpaper, with gluing at the bottom of a meter protective coating from plastic.
  • Glass fiber. Fiberglass is a reliable and durable material that is not afraid of sharp claws.

The best option to choose is gluing glass. Thanks to finishing material they have strength, durability, resistance to damage and the possibility of repainting.

Are liquid wallpapers and cats compatible?

Liquid wallpaper is a popular way to decorate walls. They are eco-friendly and breathable. If there is a pet in the house, it is likely that when decorating the walls with new wallpaper, the cat will be stressed. She can start tearing them with her paws, which will lead to disastrous results.

So that the cat does not tear the wallpaper, they need to be processed special glue to be applied after finishing.

It should be noted that while the glue is drying on the walls, the cat should not be in the room. The advantage of wallpaper is the possibility of their plywood.

Stages of correctional work:

  • Remove the damaged area from the walls.
  • Dilute right amount liquid wallpaper.
  • Apply wallpaper to a section of the wall.

Usually, wallpaper remains after finishing, so damaged obi can be quickly restored if you can’t wean your pet from scratching.

The cat tears up the wallpaper: how to decorate the walls

The combined finishing method will help prevent damage to the wallpaper. In this case, you can use any wallpaper, but the protective material must be selected so that the cat's claws do not damage it.

With the help of a designer, you can think of a combination of wallpaper and protective material that should cover the level of the wall accessible to the cat.

When designing protection, it is important to use only high-quality and natural materials that will not harm the health of humans and animals.

Protective finishing materials:

  • Tile;
  • Panels;
  • Sheets;
  • Laminate;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Dye.

Such materials are reliable protection from claws. They are durable and strong. If the panel is damaged, it can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.

How to wean a cat to tear furniture and wallpaper, 4 ways (video)

To wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture, first you need to figure out why she tears and scratches them. After that, you can begin to fight the destructive habit. There are methods that can redirect the attention of cats to other objects. These include the use of scratching posts. You can also cause persistent unpleasant associations with smells and sounds in a cat. If these methods do not work, then you will have to deal with the protection of furniture and wallpaper with a special finish.

It is already difficult for many of us to imagine our life without a pet - a cat or a dog. The owners constantly take care of their pets and patiently endure their petty pranks. For the time being, scratches on walls and furniture can be tolerated, but there comes a time when something needs to be done about it. Conversations for educational purposes are of little help here. Animals consider the interior of the apartment as their property and dispose of it according to their natural discretion. In their quest to protect household property, pet owners are trying different variants finishes. You can constantly replace torn wallpapers with new ones, or you can solve the issue radically and for a long time. But how is it better? Let's take a look at the most available ways which you can do by hand.


This is the most inexpensive way available to each of us. But washable vinyl wallpapers come in different strengths. There are loose coatings that can only cause destructive excitement, and you will have to change such wallpapers often. But there is a dense vinyl made using the silk-screen printing method. He easily bears frequent washing and is fairly resistant to animal claws.

To the delight of dog and cat owners, vinyl anti-vandal wallpaper has appeared on sale. Their density is impressive: almost half a kilo per square meter. The dye of such wallpaper is not applied to the surface, but is introduced into the material. Small scratches on such a coating do not stand out in color and are almost invisible already at a distance of a meter. Manufacturers go further, and now anti-vandal wallpapers with additional reinforcement with polymer fiber and a thin outer layer of extra-strong vinyl on cotton fabric protected by a Teflon layer are already on sale. Even the most aggressive dyes are easily washed off from such a film. Space technologies can make the life of animals more comfortable and people kinder.


This is true, and most importantly, it is the most a budget option according to the reviews of those who followed the path of trial and error. Glass fiber is produced in different patterns and different densities. To solve the problem, it is not necessary to use the most difficult ones. You should also refrain from acquiring a canvas with a rough relief; in cats, it is of particular interest. Sticking such wallpaper is not difficult, but requires some care in handling, as with any fiberglass. Glue is used in a special formula, specifically for glass, able to hold the weight of the coating and give it additional strength. After painting with washable water-dispersion acrylates, such a surface becomes completely uninteresting for dogs and cats. Glass fiber is also good because they can be periodically repainted in new color shades.


If you're willing to put in some work to preserve the beauty of your home interiors for a long time, then painting the walls may be just right. In this decision there is the circumstance that the base must be carefully prepared for painting. You will have to work hard to bring the surface of the walls to a perfect smooth state. Plaster, primer, putty and primer again before application finish coat. These time-consuming operations can be greatly simplified if you decide to use textured paint or textured plaster. The resistance of such coatings to claws is beyond doubt, and necessary work you can do it much faster.


It can really guarantee maximum wall protection, but many of us have the impression that this material is only suitable for bathrooms and kitchens. A close acquaintance with the range of Castorama will help to part with delusions. You will see new collections that are most wonderfully suited to the interiors of your hallway and corridors. Pay attention to porcelain stoneware with interesting pattern natural stone. It looks good on facades and can become worthy decoration inside your home. There is attractive design tiles imitating neat brickwork or panels from valuable breeds tree.

It must be said that when choosing any of the options, it is not at all necessary to make an anti-vandal coating up to the ceiling. The zone of active destruction usually ends a meter from the floor level, and you can securely protect this lower part of the wall, and use other coatings dear to your heart in the upper part.


Wall paneling is usually the first experience for pet owners. The variety of colors and patterns of PVC panels has reached the point where choosing the right one is no longer difficult. However, not everything is so simple here. Plastic panels have a honeycomb structure and transverse stiffeners. This rigidity is sufficient for delicate treatment, but large dogs can easily damage the coating. The panels become especially vulnerable to damage if they are installed on a batten. It is better to stick them directly to the wall using Liquid Nails adhesives.

Not best solution It turns out the use of MDF panels. But there is a difference in the quality of execution in their assortment. There are literally paper and short-lived coatings, but panels laminated with glossy vinyl film are more stable. Such panels can be coated with an additional layer of alkyd or polyurethane varnish which immediately makes them completely resistant to damage.


This coating, originally intended for the floor, has long been "passed" to the walls and even to the ceilings. Laminate panels are successfully used in the most sophisticated options when creating wall interiors. The beauty of wood grain will always grab our attention.

Installing laminate on walls is just as easy as installing it on the floor. But even here there are nuances. Panels can be assembled on the wall wooden crate, but then the question of attachment arises. Clamps are not suitable for this task, two remain technological solutions. Can be fixed thin self-tapping screws straight along the front panel, but only at the top and bottom edges, in order to then close these places with a plinth and a finishing profile. The second method is more time-consuming, and consists in fastening with screws through the lock groove. This requires special care and precision, but the result of fastening is impeccable.

“The cat tore all the wallpaper” is a well-known problem. You can spend all day chasing your pet with a water pistol, putting orange peels against walls, or locking your pet in the kitchen when you're away. Tried? After all, it is easier to foresee all the difficulties at the stage of choosing a material for wall decoration.

The cat fights because the wall gives in. Unattractive for a home climber, the surface must be hard so that the claw does not catch on.

Plaster beautifully and firmly

Decorative plaster decorates and protects walls, including from cat encroachments. It is sold in dry and pasty form. The first one needs to be diluted with water and mixed to a homogeneous mass, the second one is ready for use, but it costs more due to the impurities of acrylic and silicone. Consumption depends on the diameter of the grain: 3 kg per square meter for fine grain, 4 kg for coarse grain. Of course, graininess determines the degree of roughness of the walls and the texture of the pattern. Grouting with plastic trowels creates an original texture precisely when the grains rotate.

Application technology: remove old wallpaper, level the wall well, cover it with material without interruptions so as not to leave visible joints.

Fiberglass on guard of house order

Glass fiber is characterized by extreme strength and durability. They hide the imperfections of the walls well. Glass fiber has two huge pluses for interior design: a variety of patterns and the possibility of painting in any color.

Gluing features: glue is smeared on the walls, the canvases are cut with an allowance, which is cut off after the work is completed. Joints are wiped with a damp cloth. Before painting, cullets are primed with a diluted adhesive solution.

Color it to look good

Painting is the right way protect walls from claws. Designers advise to combine colors to dispel the boredom of the interior:

  • Make the border below the middle line for classic styles. You can use stucco moldings for styling.
  • Make the border higher middle line for creative design. This option is suitable for a child's room.
  • Divide the wall vertically - “draw” with adhesive tape and paint over many narrow strips or one wide one.
  • Make color inserts, decorating them with frames or in another creative way - rhombuses, squares.
  • Highlight accent wall bright color(red, orange, light green, turquoise), the rest - leave neutral.
  • Draw a contrasting strip along the entire perimeter of the walls, make several horizontal stripes of the same color, but different shades(gradient effect).
  • Paint the walls with some tinted white paint. Then apply stains with dark paint using a sponge dipped in water to water-based compositions or in white spirit for oil.

Sheathing, overlaying and pasting - original and practical

Decorative panels cover the walls from the cat, and from the eyes of the guests - defects and irregularities. Of course, against cat claws, you will have to choose plastic for sheathing. It is fixed on metallic profile(frame) and can imitate the surface of brick, wood, natural stone so it's not just for the kitchen.

Natural stone is expensive, but practical material. It is suitable for spacious and well-lit rooms in classic styles, goes well with decorative plaster. Fake diamond issued in the form facade tiles, which is attached to glue, and is not inferior in strength to natural materials.

Problem solving is creativity!

The cat is able to inspire a new and unusual repair. Of course, the listed methods of wall decoration have their own peculiarities. Some of them are best left to professionals. Write how you managed to save the new walls from pets?

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