How to calculate how much wallpaper you need per room. How to calculate the wallpaper for the room: the right repair without extra costs. Estimated web length, how to calculate

In order to determine the cost of services for wallpapering by a private master, you need to know the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and the perimeter of the room. There are services that are calculated by square meters, such as gluing or priming. And there are services for which you need to know the running meters, for example, installation of skirting boards or gluing curbs. It is not necessary to use the services of measurers, just remember the school curriculum in geometry. This information will also help in calculating the required amount of wallpaper, glue, and so on.

Wall area = room perimeter * ceiling height

First you need to measure the width and length of the room. We must say right away that the obtained measurements of the length and width of the room must be converted into meters. For example, if the length of the room is 325 centimeters, then we consider 3.25 meters.

Room length 4.75 meters
Room width 3.25 meters

Calculate the perimeter of the room, which is equal to the sum of all sides.

P \u003d (a + b) x2, where a and b are the width and length of the room. Therefore (4.75 + 3.25) x2 = 16 meters.
The perimeter of our room is 16 meters. P=16 meters.

Now you need to measure the height of the room. We measure the height of the wall - we got 2.71 meters.
h=2.71 meters.

To get the area of ​​the walls, you need to multiply the perimeter of the room by the height of the walls.

S walls \u003d Pxh, where h is the height of the walls.
S walls \u003d 16x2.71 \u003d 43.36 meters.

The area of ​​the walls of our room is 43.36 square meters. meters. S=43.36 m2.

From this figure, you need to subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors - after all, there is no need to glue wallpaper there. We have one window in the room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 1.95 m 2 (1.3m x 1.5m). Door area 1.17 m 2 (0.61m x 1.92m). The sum of the areas of windows and doors that are not involved in wallpapering is 3.12 m 2.

The net area of ​​​​the walls is 43.36 - 3.12 \u003d 40.24 m 2.

In cases where the room is of a non-standard size and does not look like a rectangle, you will have to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach wall separately and then sum them up.

Table of wall areas for wallpaper and painting

Below is a table that will help you quickly determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwalls for wallpapering (or painting). To calculate the indicators, the typical area of ​​windows and doors was used. Wall area indicators vary according to the height of the ceiling of the room:

Room area, m 2 Room ceiling height 2.50 m Room ceiling height 2.70 m Room ceiling height 3.0 m
10 29 31 33
11 30,5 32,5 34,5
12 32 34 36
13 33,5 35,5 37,5
14 35 37 39
15 36,5 38,5 40,5
16 38 40 42
17 39,5 41,5 43,5
18 41 43 45
19 42,5 44,5 46,5
20 44 46 48
21 45,5 47,5 49,5
22 47 49 51
23 48,5 50,5 52,5

The desire to make repairs and update the appearance of the walls always begins with the choice of material. In the vast majority of cases, this is wallpaper. However, the most common problem is not to decide on their color and texture, but not to make a mistake with the number of rolls. Therefore, it is important to know how to calculate the wallpaper for a room so that you do not have to buy more material or stock up extra, complaining about wasted finances.

The calculation of the number of wallpapers begins with the choice of the material itself for pasting a room or apartment. Even if the desired color and type of wallpaper are approximately known, there are nuances that are:

  • in wallpaper pattern;
  • in roll width;
  • in a roll.

All these factors directly affect the amount of purchased material, costs and the final result.

The information that will be required is contained in the roll label. The manufacturer must indicate the running meters and width. The width of the wallpaper can be as follows: 0.52 m, 0.53 m, 0.7 m, 0.75 m, 0.9 m, 1 m, 1.02 m, 1.06 m. There are canvases that have a larger width , most often these are stylistic prints (wallpaper). The length of the roll can also vary, but usually this value is 10.05 m, although there are options for 5.5 and 25 meters.

The pattern on the wallpaper plays an important role in the process of pasting the walls, it depends on how much the cutting of the roll will shift so that the finished wall looks solid and no joints are visible.

All wallpapers are made with the repetition of a certain pattern at regular intervals - rapport. The higher the repeat, the more centimeters from each roll will be cut to fit. Manufacturers indicate these parameters directly on the packaging, using special markings for the offset and joints of the panels.

Rapport is not taken into account when buying plain wallpaper with an abstract small pattern or stripes. In all other cases, it will have to be combined in a horizontal plane so that each cut starts from the same element. With rapport with butt-matching, the “superfluous” may turn out to be almost the entire height of the repeating pattern.

It is worth considering another option, when ornate patterns that look great on the wall, when glued, cause excessive consumption of linear meters of the roll. They dock with the greatest displacement. This value can be found by marking and a preliminary estimate of how much material will have to be cut, whether the appearance is worth the estimated financial costs.

Before you start calculating the number of wallpapers per room, you must first evaluate the range offered, focusing on several options. You should carefully consider the marking and remember or write down the data. This will help in further calculations.

How to calculate wallpaper for a room: options, formulas, features

  • along the perimeter of the walls and the number of cut strips;
  • by the area of ​​the walls and all pasted surfaces;
  • using online applications and wallpaper calculator services.

Each of these methods has its own calculation errors, but using them is much more efficient than buying wallpaper without any clarification at all. From improvised means it will be necessary to prepare a tape measure for measurements, paper and a pen for notes and a calculator. Calculating the number of wallpapers per room is simple, outstanding mathematical abilities are not needed here, the main thing is to understand the principle and follow it.

Important! All measurements should be performed only with a tape measure. Approximate data and large tolerances will not lead to accurate calculations.

How to calculate the number of wallpapers per room around its perimeter

The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the polygon. In this case, the polygon is the room in which the repair will be carried out. Take a tape measure and measure the lengths of all walls from corner to corner, excluding baseboards and frieze. If the room is made with a bay window, each of its walls must also be measured. Do not be too lazy to take measurements of all walls, because. it may turn out that surfaces that are visually parallel are not exactly the same length in reality.

  • P total = length 1 + length 2 + ... + length N,

where N is the number of walls in the room.

The next step is to measure the height of the room from floor to ceiling. To do this, again you need to use a tape measure.

Useful advice! Ceiling heights can vary within the same room by several centimeters. Therefore, you should take several measurements and choose the largest value.

When the height of the walls is known, you can find out the length of one cut of the wallpaper. In this case, you will need the marking data for the rolls selected earlier in the store:

  • canvas length \u003d room height + rapport height + offset value + allowances of 5 cm for the top and bottom for bleed

Now again you need to turn to the markings to find out the length of each roll, because the next step is to calculate the number of cuts of cloths in one roll:

  • number of cuts per roll = length of 1st roll / length of 1st blade

How to choose the right wallpaper in Provence style. Selection criteria for the design of the bedroom, kitchen, living room and children's room.

On the other hand, if the width of the new wallpaper matches the width of the old ones that the room is pasted over, you can calculate the number of canvases needed directly on the walls.

How to calculate wallpaper using online services

The Internet helps in solving many issues, so if you do not want to do the calculations manually, you can calculate the number of wallpapers online. Various types of counting programs are published on specialized sites. It is recommended to choose those where you need to specify the largest number of room parameters and characteristics of the selected material.

The online calculator builds the wallpaper calculation based on the data that is loaded into it for processing. Wall parameters are required: length and height. If the calculator is of high quality, then it will contain columns for filling in the dimensions of door and window openings, as well as taking into account the offset of the pattern.

Important! Pay attention to the units of measurement for all fields to be filled in the online calculator form. It is permissible to calculate the wallpaper for the room in meters or centimeters. For one form, only the same units of measure are used.

All that is required to get the result is to correctly fill in all the fields and click the count button. The program will instantly carry out the calculation. Using the online calculator, you can calculate the wallpaper directly in the store, so it's easier to navigate the price range of choice.

A way to calculate wallpaper for walls, adjusted for a design decision

Inspired by design solutions, you can paste in one room with a combination of several types of wallpaper. It will be bold and extraordinary if you choose the right combination. In this case, you can calculate the number of wallpapers in any of the above ways, only you need to take into account each type of material separately.

For example, an insert can occupy the entire area of ​​one of the walls. Then the number of basic wallpapers for 3 walls is determined, plus it is separately learned how many rolls will be needed to paste the insert. Difficulty can arise if the selected combination of materials has a different roll width, so be careful about the markings. Measurements should be taken especially carefully if a 3D print or photo wallpaper is used for insertion.

Another option: the decor does not occupy the entire wall, but only part of it, and there is a space filled with the main wallpaper on top, on the sides and, possibly, below (the organization of the panel). In this case, the decorated insert is taken as an additional wall opening. You can calculate the wallpaper for the room both with an online calculator and manually. The calculation of material consumption for decor is carried out separately in any way.

If it was planned to paste over the wall with the organization of panels and edging with a border, then for the wallpaper of the top and bottom (panels), calculations are made separately in a convenient way, taking into account the characteristics of the selected material.

Down with the calculator: how to calculate wallpaper for a room using tables

If it is difficult to calculate using simple but numerous formulas and a calculator, wallpaper for walls can be calculated in a different way. For this, reference auxiliary tables are used, compiled taking into account the width and length of the rolls, as well as the geometric dimensions of the premises. The values ​​indicated in them can serve as a guideline for the purchase of material for repairs, as well as verification of independently performed mathematical calculations along the perimeter and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.

The tables were compiled without taking into account the rapport of the pattern or its displacement, so the desired values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be corrected for the height of the ceilings, adding additional data to the features of the pattern to the measured values ​​of the room. Thus, the measured ceiling height will be greater by the repeat height plus the offset height. To be scrupulously accurate, then it is worth adding 5 cm allowances for the curvature of the walls for the bottom and top. According to the final value, you should be guided in choosing the number of rolls according to the table.

Important! In the tables, the floor area is taken as the calculated one, and not the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, as in mathematical calculations.

An example of a mathematical calculation of the required number of wallpapers for a room

To make it clear how the calculation methods described in the article work, let's calculate the amount of material using a specific example.

Suppose you need to paste over a room where there is one window and a door. Initially, we carry out measurements in the room. For the selected room example, we get:

  • room length - 7.5 m;
  • room width - 3 m;
  • ceiling height - 2.6 m;
  • window dimensions - 2.1x1.5 m;
  • door dimensions - 0.9x2.0 m.

Let us assume that wallpaper with a large pattern was previously selected for pasting: rapport height - 0.35 m and offset - 0.25 m. Roll dimensions: width - 0.53 m, length - 10.05 m. We also take into account that on There are irregularities on the walls of the room, so we will add allowances of 0.05 m to them.

Note! All values ​​for the calculation are given to one unit of measure.

Using the method of calculation along the perimeter, we find out how many rolls of the selected material will be required to paste over the room with the given parameters:

  1. Room perimeter: (7.5 + 3) x 2 = 21 (m).
  2. The height of the canvas, taking into account rapport, offset and allowances: 2.6 + 0.35 + 0.25 + 0.05 + 0.05 = 3.3 (m).
  3. Number of cuts per roll: 10.05: 3.3 = 3.05 (pcs.). We perform rounding down, we get 3 full-fledged canvases from the 1st roll and the rest 0.15 m long, i.e. almost the entire roll will be used.
  4. In total, you will need cuts per room: 21: 0.53 \u003d 39.62 (m). We round the obtained data up, we get 40 cuts.
  5. We consider how many rolls per room are needed: 40: 3 = 13.33 (rolls). We round up the data for a small margin: 14 rolls are needed.

Let's check the values ​​​​in another way of calculating - by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room:

  1. Total wall area: (7.5 x (2.6 + 0.35 + 0.25 + 0.05 + 0.05) + 3 x (2.6 + 0.35 + 0.25 + 0.05 + 0.05)) x 2 = 69.3 (m²). Do not forget that we have selected wallpaper with a pattern, so we add the height of the rapport and the offset to the height of the ceiling and additionally take into account allowances for wall irregularities.
  2. Window opening area: 2.1 x 1.5 = 3.15 (m²).
  3. Doorway area: 0.9 x 2 = 1.8 (m²).
  4. The total area of ​​the openings: 3.15 + 1.8 = 4.95 (m²).
  5. We find out the required area for gluing (the difference between the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and the total area of ​​the openings): 69.3 - 4.95 \u003d 64.35 (m²).
  6. Find the area of ​​the wallpaper roll: 0.53 x 10.05 = 5.33 (m²).
  7. We calculate the total number of rolls for pasting: 64.35: 5.33 = 12.07 (roll). We round up to a larger integer value and get the desired value - 13 rolls. You can take a chance and round the result down due to a small fractional part in the calculations, however, it is recommended that you always have a free supply of material when selecting a pattern.

If we compare the calculation data for the perimeter and area, a discrepancy of 1 roll will be found, because. in the second case, window and door openings were taken into account, which are not pasted over with wallpaper. You can additionally check the calculations with an online calculator to finally make sure that they are correct, and also clarify them in the reference tables.

Pro Tips for Counting Wallpapers

So that the result of the repair does not disappoint, when calculating the wallpaper and when buying them, you should pay attention to some details:

  1. Always purchase rolls from the same lot. Material from different batches may vary slightly in color. The shades are not too noticeable in the roll, but a serious flaw will come to light on the wall.
  2. Look carefully at the selected wallpaper. Even a small drawing can have a repeat, which can significantly increase material consumption. If the calculation was performed without taking into account the allowances for combining the pattern, then the wallpaper may not be enough.
  3. You can save on footage by using leftovers from cuts of solid panels. They are glued over doorways, as well as above and below the window. In this case, it is necessary that lateral docking according to the drawing is necessarily performed.
  4. If the repeat height is high and there is a large enough offset, it is worth buying an additional roll. With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to be glued, they buy 1 additional roll for 6 calculated ones.
  5. When cutting the canvas, always add allowances for the curvature of the walls, 5 cm is enough for the top and bottom. Take this parameter into account when calculating.
  6. For narrow door openings (less than 60 cm), their area is not calculated. In this case, they are not taken into account at all, but the assumption is made that a flat wall is located in their place.
  7. When paying for the material in the store, ask about the possibility of returning the wallpaper and be sure to keep the receipt. Returns are allowed within 14 days after purchase, if such a service is available in the store, the roll must be intact and unopened.

The methods outlined in the article on how to calculate how much wallpaper is needed for repairs are used, as a rule, when performing independent work on pasting premises. Each of them has a small error, but all cope with the main computational task.

Cosmetic or major repairs to the house should begin with the preparation of a preliminary estimate that can display the quantity and price of the necessary materials for restoration work. If you decide to only replace the wallpaper in the room, you will need an accurate calculation of the number of rolls. This will allow you to purchase the required amount of material, save money and avoid possible problems.

How to start calculating wallpaper on the wall?

Strange as it may seem, but for an accurate calculation, you do not have to take rolls and try in every possible way to find out how many square or linear meters of vinyl, paper, non-woven or fiberglass are in them.

Initially, it is necessary to find out the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that we will paste over. Of course, floors do not need to be taken into account, since we are interested in the walls and, possibly, the ceiling, if you plan to decorate it to match the walls. For measurements, it is enough to arm yourself with a tape measure and take measurements around the entire perimeter of the walls.

To get the most accurate result, measurements are performed twice: the first near the baseboards, and the second under the ceiling. Even with a slight curvature of the walls, there may be a discrepancy in the results. This will reveal the error that will have to be taken into account when calculating materials.

Quite often, a situation arises when the lower measurement at the plinth showed a result of 8 meters. That is, each of the four walls has 2 meters. Accordingly, the room has the shape of a perfect cube. But measurements near the ceiling can be several centimeters smaller. Based on this, we can conclude that the room in volume is not a cube, but a truncated pyramid or prism. Even small discrepancies will lead to the fact that the corners of the wallpaper at the top will deviate from the general pattern of the material.

Because of this, wallpaper should be glued horizontally. The transverse overlay of the material can hide the unevenness of the room. As a result, we can conclude that measurements allow you to find out not only the perimeter of the room, but also to find out the true geometry of the room, respectively, you can choose the most effective finishing option.

Further steps to calculate the number of wallpapers on the wall consist of a fairly simple miscalculation. To do this, the obtained values ​​​​are substituted into the formula S \u003d a * b. In this case, a and b are the sides of the rectangle that the wall protrudes. After that, it is necessary to measure the window and door openings, they are calculated using this formula, only the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bare subtracted from the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. As a result, you can get fairly accurate values ​​for the amount of wallpaper needed for pasting the walls.

To date, there are several options for calculating wallpaper on the wall:
  1. By the number of stripes and the perimeter of the room.
  2. According to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls that need to be pasted over.
  3. When using a special online calculator.

To choose the best option for you, consider each of the options in more detail.

  1. Calculation of wallpaper on the wall by the number of stripes and the perimeter of the room.

This option provides for an accurate determination of the number of strips of material that will be required for pasting a particular room. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Initially, the width and length of the room are measured. Based on the data obtained, the total perimeter of the room is determined.
  2. The width of the door and window opening is also measured. The data obtained must be subtracted from the total perimeter.
  3. After that, the resulting value is divided by the width of the wallpaper roll that is planned to be used.
  4. The resulting value should be rounded up to an integer value. This value will be the number of stripes required for gluing.
  5. When you know how many strips are needed for a particular wall, this value must be divided by the length of one roll.
  6. In order to have enough material, the obtained values ​​are rounded up.

In this way, the exact number of strips and rolls of wallpaper can be obtained. In order to get acquainted with the calculation methodology in more detail, it is necessary to consider all the steps on a specific example.

Calculation example. If you need to paste over a room with dimensions of 7 m by 3 m and a wall height of 2.5 m, which has a window opening of 2 m by 1.5 m and a doorway of 1 m by 2 m, you must specify the dimensions of the wallpaper roll: length 10 m, and width 53 cm.

To calculate the required number of rolls, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Determination of the perimeter of the entire room: (7 + 3) x2 \u003d 20 meters.
  2. Calculation of the width of the door and window opening: 3 + 1 = 3 meters.
  3. Calculation of the total perimeter minus openings: 20-3=17 meters.
  4. The resulting value must be divided by the width of the material roll: 17/0.53=32. The result shows that 32 strips of the selected wallpaper will be required for this room.
  5. To calculate the number of strips in a roll, it is worth dividing the total length of one roll by the height of the walls: 10/2.5=4. This indicates that there are 4 strips in one roll.
  6. The last step is the division of the number of all strips into the number of segments in one roll: 32/4=8.

Pretty simple mathematical calculations will allow you to get the answer that 8 rolls of the selected wallpaper will be required to paste this room. At the same time, it is worth remembering that this calculation method does not take into account the required amount of material under and above horse and door openings. Accordingly, you will have to buy a little more material.

  1. Calculation of the number of wallpapers on the walls by the area of ​​the pasted surfaces.

This is a more economical and accurate calculation method, especially when it comes to a room with a large area. This option is based on determining the entire area of ​​the wall surfaces that need to be pasted over.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Initially, the entire perimeter of the room is measured and multiplied by the height of the walls.
  2. At the same time, it is also worth calculating the openings of doors and windows. The data obtained must be subtracted from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, which will allow you to get the exact size of the surfaces to be glued.
  3. To calculate the area of ​​​​the web of the material used, it is enough to multiply the length of the roll by its width.
  4. After that, it is enough to divide the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material in one roll.
  5. The values ​​obtained must be rounded up. This data will be the number of rolls.

Consider this method of miscalculation on a specific example. We take the same data as for the first option.

  • To measure the perimeter: (7+3)x2=20 meters.
  • The pasting area is calculated by multiplying the perimeter by the height of the walls: 20 * 2.5 \u003d 50 sq.m.
  • The total area of ​​the room without door and window openings: (2*1.5)+(1*2)=5 sq.m.
  • As a result, you can get the exact amount of area that needs to be pasted over: 50-5 = 45 sq.m.
  • As for the calculation of the wallpaper in one roll, for this it is necessary to multiply its length by the width: 10 * 0.53 \u003d 5.3 sq.m.
  • The last step is the division of the area of ​​​​one roll into the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room: 45 / 5.3 = 8.4. Thus, we found out that 8.4 rolls of selected wallpaper will be required per room. As a result, it is necessary to round the received data and purchase 9 rolls of material.

The given examples show that the results of the first and second variants are almost identical. In this case, the second method allows you to take into account the space under and above the openings. Because of this, we can conclude that the calculation itself is not very complicated and both options can be applied in practice.

  1. Calculation of wallpaper on the wall using an online calculator.

If there is no possibility or desire to independently calculate the necessary materials for gluing a room, you can use a special online calculator. Today, there are a lot of sites on the Internet that allow you to use this service for free.

To carry out the calculations, you will have to take small measurements of the room, which will need to be entered into the program, namely:
  1. The length and width of the room.
  2. Wall height from floor to ceiling.
  3. The length and width of the wallpaper roll that you plan to use for pasting.

All of the above parameters must be entered in the appropriate fields of the online calculator. After that, you can get the finished result of the required number of wallpapers.

At the same time, it is worth noting that quite often wallpaper with drawings is used for pasting a room, which must be joined with an adjacent canvas. Accordingly, the calculation must be carried out from the size of the report (the size of the ornament or pattern). Some online calculators have the possibility of this type of calculation, which will save a lot of time, effort and money.

Features of the use of different methods for calculating wallpaper for walls

All of the above options for calculating the material for the walls allow you to quite accurately determine the amount of wallpaper needed. But this is only if the walls of the room have perfectly even parameters, and the wallpaper itself does not have large patterns that require additional adjustment when pasting.

If the walls have ledges or niches, their dimensions must also be taken into account in the calculation. To do this, make appropriate notes or records.

A more difficult task is to calculate the number of wallpapers with large patterns. When pasting, these materials require adjustment of the canvases at a certain distance. This interval of the pattern, which is repeated, is called a report. In order for the miscalculations to be accurate, one report length is added to each roll of wallpaper, as a rule, it does not exceed 25 centimeters. Quite often, the manufacturer indicates this parameter on the packaging of the material. If the value is missing, then you can take measurements yourself using a tape measure.

In this case, a 10-meter roll, which is used for a wall height of 2.5 meters, will have three strips, and not four, as was originally calculated. All this must be taken into account in order to avoid troubles and additional costs in the future. As practice shows, if you plan to paste over a room of 23-25 ​​sq.m., it is worth buying two additional rolls of wallpaper. If the room is larger, add one more for every 6 rolls.

Any repairs in the apartment should begin with the preparation of a preliminary estimate to determine the required amount of consumables that will be needed during the finishing work. If the task is to replace the wallpaper in the room, then first of all you need to determine the number of rolls required for pasting it. Correctly performed calculation will allow in the future to avoid unnecessary problems during the repair, as well as save your money.

Today, there are several well-known and affordable ways to calculate the required number of wallpaper rolls:

  • along the perimeter of the room and the number of stripes;
  • by the total surface area of ​​the walls required for gluing;
  • using online calculators.

Calculation along the perimeter of the room and the number of lanes

This method involves determining the required number of wallpaper strips required for pasting a particular room. For this:

  • the length and width of the room are measured, on the basis of which its total perimeter is determined;
  • the width of the window and door opening is measured, which is subtracted from the total perimeter;
  • the resulting value is divided by the width of the wallpaper rolls with which it is supposed to paste over the room;
  • the calculated value is rounded up to an integer value upwards and represents the required number of bands;
  • this value is divided by the number of strips that one roll of wallpaper contains, depending on its length;
  • the resulting value is also rounded up to an integer value, which is the required number of wallpaper rolls.

Consider this calculation method using a specific example:

Example. It is required to paste over an ordinary room measuring 7.5 m by 3 m, with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, a window opening of 2.1 m by 1.5 m and a door of 0.9 m by 2 m. Wallpaper 53 cm wide will be used for pasting and 10 m long.

To calculate the required number of wallpaper rolls, you need:

  1. Determine the total perimeter of the room: (7.5 + 3) * 2 = 21 m.
  2. Determine the total width of the window and door opening: 2.1 + 0.9 = 3 m.
  3. Subtract from the total perimeter the total width of the openings: 21-3=18 m.
  4. Divide the resulting value by the width of the wallpaper roll: 18 / 0.53 \u003d 33.9 and round the result to an integer value - you get 34 strips required for pasting the room.
  5. Calculate the number of wallpaper strips in one roll, for which you need to divide the length of the roll by the height of the stream: 10/2.5=4.
  6. Divide the required number of wallpaper strips by the number of strips in one roll: 34/4 = 8.5 and round this figure up to a whole value - it turns out 9.

Thus, for pasting this room, 9 rolls of wallpaper will be required. It should be borne in mind that this method does not take into account the surface of the walls above and below the window and door openings, so it is advisable to purchase an additional roll.
read in a separate review.

Calculation by the area of ​​the pasted surface of the walls

This method is considered more accurate and economical, especially for rooms with a large area. It is based on determining the total surface area of ​​the walls of the room to be wallpapered.

For this:

  • the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is calculated by measuring the perimeter of the room and multiplying it by the height of the ceiling;
  • the total area of ​​window and door openings is determined;
  • the resulting value is subtracted from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, resulting in a value equal to the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls that need to be wallpapered;
  • the area of ​​the wallpaper in one roll is calculated by multiplying the width of the roll by its length;
  • in conclusion, the total area of ​​​​walls for pasting is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwallpaper in one roll;
  • the resulting value, rounded up to an integer, will be the required number of rolls for pasting the room.

Using an online calculator

If there is no desire or opportunity to carry out the calculations yourself, you can use a special online calculator. Today, there are many sites on the Internet that allow you to use the services of such an online calculator for free.

To carry out the calculation, you must first measure the following quantities:

  • room length;
  • room width;
  • ceiling height;
  • wallpaper roll width;
  • wallpaper roll length

The obtained values ​​must be entered in the appropriate fields on the online calculator's web page and the finished result will be obtained.

For example, let's use the online calculator available on the site, using the same initial data as for the first two examples. We enter the available values ​​in the appropriate fields and we get the same result - 9 rolls of wallpaper required for pasting this room.

Good afternoon everyone! There are several ways to calculate wallpaper by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In addition, the calculation of the quantity depends on the pattern on the wallpaper, the method of gluing - whether there is a need to customize them or whether they are glued in a row, without selection.

Wallpaper is a magnificent type of decoration, there are a great many of them - for every taste. It is desirable to calculate the wallpaper as accurately as possible so that there is not much waste left, and most importantly, that the purchased amount is enough for the room.

How to calculate wallpaper correctly

We set the size of the room:

  • Width = 3 meters
  • Length = 5.5 meters
  • Height = 2.5 meters

To determine the area of ​​the sticker, you, the perimeter is the sum of all sides of the room, multiply by its height. In numbers it looks like this:

3+3+5.5+5.5= 17m x 2.5m = 42.5m2.

Now from the total area it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​​​openings - this is a door and a window or two. We measure the width and height of the window with a tape measure - they are all different for everyone, but in the example we use the size of the area - 1.5x1.5 = 2.25m2 .

If you also have a balcony door, then I suggest counting the entire balcony block together as a rectangle, since, as a rule, a battery is located under the window. Then the calculation will be: 1.7x 2.35 = 4m2, like mine.

Consider the door to the room. By area, it will be equal to 2.1x 0.8 \u003d 1.7 m2

Now let's calculate the total need for wallpaper:

42.5m2 (total area) - 2.25 (window) - 1.7 (door) = 38.6m2.

Or with a balcony 42.5 - 4 - 1.7 \u003d 36.8 m2.

Now you have to select the wallpaper to know its length and width and determine how many rolls you need. For example, you chose wallpaper 10 meters and a width of 0.53 meters, then the area of ​​the roll = 5.3 m2. You need to take 38.6: 5.3 = 7.3 rolls, that is, 8 pieces.

wide wallpaper

If the wallpaper is meter long, then the area of ​​the roll = 10.6 m2 and you will need 38.6: 10.6 = 3.64 or 4 pieces. If you plan to glue them, then check out the article - how to glue meter-long wallpaper correctly.

Suddenly, someone decided to stick wallpaper in two colors, then you can read about it in the article - sticking wallpaper in two colors. The total need for wallpaper will remain unchanged, just divide them into different colors.

My painter's workers calculate the number of wallpapers in their own way - they don't need the area, as the girls count the number of stripes on the old wallpaper on the walls. If the wallpaper has already been removed, then they measure the width of the wallpaper with a tape measure and apply the specified width around the entire perimeter of the room, calculating the number of stripes. Let's say it turned out 26 strips, which means you need 26: 4 \u003d 6.5 rolls. Round up to seven. And you know, they think just as well as I do with my arithmetic calculations.

Wallpaper calculation with pattern selection

  • Wallpaper with a selection of a pattern can be calculated according to the same principle, determining the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. To choose a pattern, you need to shift the canvases by 15-30cm. So calculate that each roll will take up to 1.2 meters (4 strips x 0.3 m offset). That is, you will already get 3 whole canvases and a piece. Moreover, there is a pattern - the larger the pattern in size, the more you need to move the wallpaper for selection.
  • Of course, it is possible, in order to save money, and we all strive for this, to put these pieces into action and paste them over the wall behind the wall, closet and other objects. This is especially true if the wallpaper is expensive, and we are financially economical. There are different situations.
  • But I want to tell you that it is not for nothing that they say that "need for inventions is cunning." It is possible to combine the bottom or top of one wall from these meter or one and a half meter pieces, and the second will be from wallpaper of a different tone, texture. Or from them to insert into the wallpaper of another room. Here you have waste-free production, and it will turn out in an original way by design.

Now they offer many tables and “calculators” for counting, but I am an “unbelieving Thomas” and I count everything myself, measure and calculate exactly according to the above method, which I shared with you.