How and how to wash the bath: the secrets of snow-white plumbing. How to clean even the most "killed" bathtub: super bath cleaner Acrylic bathtubs require delicate handling. The main thing for them is the regularity of care, which consists in rinsing with warm water.

Bright white plumbing simply transforms the room. However, over time, aggressive tap water, frequent washing and washing, improper care do their job - a gray coating appears on the bathroom, rusty spots that call into question the entire sanitation of the house. The burning question of how to clean the bath to white at home is heard by many, because the widely advertised bath cleaning products are sometimes completely useless, and in some cases, they can even ruin the plumbing completely. In addition, all chemicals are unsafe, especially for young children. But our grandmothers knew how to wash the bath to make it white, and at the same time they did not use aggressive chemicals.


In the article we will tell you how to clean the bath, depending on the material of the plumbing and the type of pollution, because each type of bath requires its own special care.

How to wash the bath from stubborn dirt at home?

It is necessary to think about the care of plumbing even at the time of its purchase, because different surfaces require their own special conditions, cleaning methods and products.

The following must be taken into account here:

  1. Acrylic bathtubs that are popular today need to be cleaned only with special products that are not so cheap.
  2. Some household products are designed for gentle cleaning, so they will not be able to remove stubborn stains and rust, regardless of the material of the sanitary bowl coating.
  3. Aggressive products that can remove any dirt, including washing the bath from stubborn dirt at home, can destroy the bath coating after 2-3 applications.

Important! The situation is similar with the use of a brush for cleaning sanitary ware: if acrylic or enameled sanitary ware can only be washed with a soft rag or sponge, then a cast-iron bath can also be cleaned with a stiffer brush.

Do not use metal brushes at all to clean plumbing, so as not to scratch or tear off the coating.

Preparing for cleaning

Before you clean the bath to white at home, you must:

  • choose an effective safe product that is suitable for the type of plumbing coverage;
  • be sure to read the composition and instructions for use.

Important! Remember that special acidic compounds and abrasive powders are not suitable for all types of coatings. Sometimes it is better to turn to alternative folk methods and means.

How to clean a cast-iron bath to white at home?

Cast iron bathtubs have been made for many years and are in steady demand. Of course, they are heavy, but reliable, especially the old ones. The peculiarity of old cast-iron bathtubs is also that dirt is very quickly clogged into numerous microcracks, and it has to be cleaned quite often, and even with great physical effort. However, modern models of cast-iron bathtubs are less heavy, more practical, and thanks to a special coating, they are easier to clean - any acid-containing substances will do to clean such a bathtub.

If you do not want to buy expensive store products or you are allergic to “chemistry”, then use simple folk methods that have been time-tested and have not lost popularity these days:

  • Cleaning powders. Any cleaning powders are suitable for a cast-iron font, and even washing powder if it is slightly dirty. Rub the powder onto the wet surface of the plumbing with a brush and leave for 20 minutes. Then, in a circular motion, remove all impurities with a brush, rinse abundantly with warm water.
  • Soda. Cleaning the bath to white with soda at home is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, use soda ash and baking soda in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply baking soda mixture to wet surface and leave for 30 minutes. After half an hour, treat the surface with a mixture of powdered bleach and vinegar, leave for another 40 minutes. After cleaning, rinse everything thoroughly and wipe dry.
  • Ammonia. Prepare the following mixture: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda + 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Apply the prepared powder with a sponge on the surface of the font and leave for half an hour. After that, wash off the mixture with warm water.
  • Bleach. Mix baking soda with whitening powder in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to the surface of the bath, and rinse with warm water after 40 minutes. The plaque will leave immediately after washing off the powder, further cleaning is not required.

How to clean a steel bath white?

Steel fonts, although more practical than acrylic, do not like abrasive powders either. Use the following simple and affordable means to clean up:

  • Liquid cleaners. Choose mild detergent products in gel form. Apply the product on the surface and rinse with warm water after 5-10 minutes. Light dirt can be removed with dishwashing detergent.
  • Soda. Wet the surface of the font and treat with soda ash or baking soda. Rinse off the mixture immediately after brushing. Soda effectively removes rust, so this particular tool is universal to wash the bath from stubborn dirt at home.
  • Ammonia. Prepare the following solution: for 1 glass of water - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia. Apply the solution to the surface and rinse with water after 10 minutes. Contaminants are removed and additional cleaning is not required.

Important! The coating of steel baths does not tolerate temperature effects. Therefore, when choosing a cleaning agent, make sure that the product does not heat up when it comes into contact with water. Work with chemicals only with gloves, as even baking soda in the wrong proportions can cause burns.

How to clean an enamel bath?

This type of hot tub is used most often, as enameled tubs can withstand temperatures up to 75 degrees, are very easy to maintain and are almost universal in cleaning.

Important! It should be remembered, like any enamel, the surface does not tolerate metal and abrasive brushes. When using coarse brushes, the enamel becomes rough and not respectable, moreover, when the coating is erased, cracks form.

To rid the enamelled bath of unwanted influences, use the following cleaning products:

  • Baking soda. Clean the enamel with baking soda, and then rinse with water. For heavy soiling, repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  • Lemon acid. Treat the surface of the font with a concentrated solution of citric acid, and rinse after 15-20 minutes.
  • Laundry soap + ammonia. Grate laundry soap (0.5 cup). Soak the chips in water for 5 minutes to get a homogeneous liquid mixture. Add 3-5 drops of ammonia to the solution. Treat the enamel with the prepared mixture. Wash off with water after 15 minutes. All dirt will be wiped off without much effort.
  • Detergents for plumbing. In household chemical stores, purchase detergents for cleaning stoves and plumbing that will cope with plaque, grease and rust with honor. The most popular: Сif, Comet. Apply the product on the enamel, rinse with water after 15 minutes. Contaminants are best removed after thorough cleaning before rinsing. For the safety of the coating, it is better to use liquid cleaners.

Is it possible to wash an acrylic bathtub with soda?

The most difficult to care for are acrylic bathtubs. When cleaning, do not use:

  1. Abrasives.
  2. Strong aggressive chemicals.
  3. Hard brushes.

Important! All these products can permanently ruin even a new acrylic bathtub.

As a rule, plaque does not accumulate on an acrylic coating, and the resulting yellowness can be easily removed with detergents. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between different types of coatings: bathtubs made of acrylic sheets and fonts with acrylic coating:

  1. Cracks can form on sprayed bathtubs if not properly maintained. The coating itself can be erased, even with aggressive cleaning agents, and not just with a rough brush.
  2. Products made of cast acrylic are much more practical and it will be much easier to clean the bath to white at home from just such a material. But when choosing a new model, keep in mind that the casting sanitary bowl will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

For delicate surfaces, use:

  • Mild detergents, preferably gels. Apply the product on the surface and rinse with water after 5-10 minutes.
  • You can also use dishwashing detergent (for light soiling).

To clean the bath to white at home, use the following tools:

  1. Lemon juice or acid. For one bath, use 2 cups of lemon juice or 1 sachet of citric acid. Treat the coating with juice or a concentrated acid solution. After 10-15 minutes, the pollution will depart along with the washed water. Citric acid is practically harmless to any enamel, unlike other acids.
  2. Vinegar. Soak paper towels in a 9% vinegar solution and spread over the entire surface of the font. Leave the bath to soak for 2-3 hours, and then rinse with plenty of vinegar and thoroughly with water.

  1. Clean the surface of the acrylic bathtub no more than once every two weeks, and disinfect once a week.
  2. If you do not have a special disinfectant, then use ordinary laundry soap. Apply a soapy solution to the surface of the acrylic tub and then rinse.

How to choose the right cleanser?

On the shelves of hardware stores now you can find gels, sprays, powders for cleaning plumbing. They quickly remove plaque, rust, disinfect, and some also protect the bathtub from new contaminants for some time.

Criterias of choice

What tools to use for plumbing depends on the following factors:

  • Type of plumbing coverage.
  • Type of pollution.
  • Safety.

Important! If the plumbing has not seen brushes for a long time, and the coating has darkened from time to time, then a simple ordinary remedy is unlikely to save. In this case, a strong chemical agent containing an acid is needed. If the plumbing is new and just needs regular cleaning, then you need to choose a less aggressive product.

Types of pollution

The surface of the bath is contaminated for various reasons, in particular:

  1. A simple coating is a type of dirt that remains when washing. It is a skin secretion, particles of the skin mixed with a soapy solution. To remove such a plaque is quite simple - wash off the pollution with hot water and a sponge every time after taking a bath.
  2. Lime scale. If your area has hard water containing various salts, then over time, a yellowish or white crumbling coating will be deposited on the surface of all plumbing. It must be removed using special products containing acids that can dissolve calcium compounds.
  3. Plaque from detergents. The compounds that make up shampoos, shower gels, soaps, over time, form a gray coating on the surface of the bath. You can't get rid of it by simple means. Here you have to work hard to clean the bath to white at home.
  4. Rust. This pollution appears due to the increased content of iron in the water. This type of plaque refers to stubborn dirt, the removal of which requires special tools.
  5. Yellowness on enamel. This contamination settles on the surface of plumbing if the house has old water pipes, from which various plumbing biofilms and oxides pour out.
  6. Old enamel. This type of dirt is very difficult to clean, as the surface is covered with small cracks into which dirt has eaten. Sometimes a complete replacement of the bath or its restoration is required.
  7. specific pollution. This type includes stains from paint or other building materials that have fallen on the surface during repairs, as well as mold. It is necessary to remove specific contaminants with the help of solvents and antifungal drugs.

Additional factors

The type of coating also greatly influences the choice of drug. For example:

  • acrylic cannot be exposed to abrasive substances, only gels and pastes can be used;
  • dense enameled surface is not afraid of almost all available detergents.

Important! Do not forget about safety, especially if there are children, allergy sufferers or just people with sensitive skin in the house. Therefore, after using the detergent, be sure to wash it off with a soft cloth or sponge, and do not spare water for rinsing.

Application rules

When using chemical household products, observe the following rules:

  1. Apply the product strictly following the instructions.
  2. Do not use the product more than once a week.
  3. Work with chemicals only with gloves.
  4. Do not keep harsh chemicals on the enamel for too long.
  5. Wipe the surface gently and carefully, using light force, only with deep contamination.
  6. Rinse off with warm (not hot) water.
  7. For acrylic bathtubs, use only special products designed for these coatings.

Important! The best cleaner is one that is effortless, easy to apply, won't damage the finish, and is safe for people and pets.

Popular brands

The most effective and gentle include the following means:

  1. "cif". Use gel - it is preferable. Cream-like product "Cif Active" will remove traces of limescale and rust. Use this product both for the care of metal parts of plumbing, and for mirror surfaces, as well as ceramic tiles.
  2. Comet. Products in the form of a gel are suitable not only for sanitary ware, but also for all kitchen surfaces. For baths, the “7 days of cleanliness” series is best suited. Such a cleaner will help get rid of complex dirt, even quickly clean the bath to white at home. And the effect of purity will last much longer.
  3. "Cillit" Use for regular cleaning. With limescale, rust, this tool may not cope.
  4. "Domestos". Liquid detergent or gel products are suitable for regular maintenance. The product will cope with pollution of medium complexity and not very neglected. The only downside is the smell of chlorine. Do not use products on metal parts of plumbing, covered with any kind of spraying.
  5. "Pemolux". Ideal for cleaning enameled bathtubs, as the product contains soda. For regular cleaning, it can be used for old bathtubs, as the powder scratches the enamel a little.
  6. “Sun Clean”, “Triton”, Mr. Chister” - designed for bathtubs covered with acrylic. Products do not contain acids, strong aggressive substances and do not scratch the surface.

Do not use toilet bowl cleaners in the bathroom, as these products are too aggressive.

Do not use products containing in their composition: hydrochloric acid, alkalis, aldehydes, oxalic acid, as these chemicals corrode the enamel.

Use mustard powder to clean contaminated areas of enamel. Prepare a paste from the powder and wipe the contaminated surface.

To clean the bath white at home from any contaminants, use a recipe for the lazy: draw water into the font and dissolve 0.5 liters of vinegar or 100 grams of citric acid in it, leave the bath overnight, and drain the water in the morning and rinse the surface.

How to clean the bath from limescale without damaging the enamel?

Mixtures can be prepared from home products that will help rid plumbing of limescale and rust. Here are some recipes.

Recipe #1 Mix borax (sodium tetraborate) with table vinegar in equal proportions.

Recipe #2 Mix salt and warm vinegar until a slurry is formed.

Recipe #3 Mix salt and turpentine in equal amounts.

How to use any tool:

Apply the prepared mixture to the stain, wipe off the plaque with a cloth.

Important! To remove rust, use the following products: Ammonia. Dissolve alcohol in water and apply the solution to the problem area. Rinse with water after 10-15 minutes. Lemon juice. Squeeze lemon juice on rust spots, rinse the surface after 10-15 minutes. Salt + vinegar. Rub the rust with a mixture of vinegar and salt.

How to clean the bath at home with baking soda and vinegar?

Many housewives are increasingly abandoning store-bought chemicals and prefer more gentle compositions that allow the bath to return to radiant whiteness and cleanliness, because the advantages of folk remedies are obvious:

  • Availability.
  • Safety.
  • Softer effect on enamel.
  • Low price.
  • Ease of use.
  • Persistent effect.

Of course, each housewife has her own recipe, but as a rule, the same products are the basis of all means.


An excellent bleaching agent is used to clean almost all contaminants, except for lime. Soda is absolutely harmless, has no unpleasant smell. It perfectly removes fat, yellowness, neutralizes the most persistent pollution.

Important! If you want to clean your bathtub to a shine, then use soda ash, which is sold in hardware stores. But be sure to protect your hands with gloves before using soda.

Application Tips:

  1. To remove light residue, rub the baking soda over the surface of the plumbing with a damp, soft sponge or brush.
  2. Leave the font to soak for an hour, then rinse off with a stream of warm water (not hot).
  3. To remove strong plaque, mix soda ash with a food analogue in a 1: 1 ratio, and proceed as follows:
  • Take the prepared mixture and add a little water to it until a gruel forms.
  • Apply the gruel to the contaminated surface.
  • Leave the font for 20-30 minutes.
  • Combine 0.5 cups of vinegar and 0.5 cups of bleach.
  • Apply the resulting composition to the soda layer.
  • Leave the product on for 30-40 minutes.
  • Wipe the surface of the plumbing with a soft washcloth or sponge.
  • Rinse the tub thoroughly with water.

Important! To whiten a bath, rub laundry soap and mix with baking soda. Dilute the prepared mixture with 5 drops of ammonia and 3-5 tbsp. spoons of water. Rub the prepared solution over the surface and leave for one hour. After - rinse with warm water.

To defeat dirt and rust - use vinegar. However, before applying acid, be sure to test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​plumbing.

Use 9% vinegar as follows:

  • Soak a large number of wipes liberally with vinegar.
  • Line the surface of the tub with towels.
  • Leave the bath to clean itself for 3-5 hours.
  • Remove paper napkins.
  • Rinse plumbing with water.

Important! Clean the font with baking soda and vinegar at the same time, proceeding as follows:

  • Humidify the bath, generously sprinkle with soda ash or baking soda.
  • Leave the font to soak for several hours, and then generously pour the surface with table vinegar.
  • Remember that such cleaning should be carried out with open windows and doors.

This method is suitable for cast iron and enameled bathtubs.


September 5, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Every housewife dreams that her bath is snow-white and shone just like in commercials for detergents. However, as practice shows, the result after using them is very different from what advertisers promise us. However, do not be upset, in this article I will tell you how to clean the bath at home with “improvised” means so that the plumbing becomes white and shiny again.

Before I tell you how to clean a bath white with folk remedies, I will give a few tips for care and maintenance. By adhering to them, you will greatly simplify the process of washing plumbing, as well as extend its service life and retain its original appearance for a long time:

  • after using the bath, wipe it with a dry soft cloth;
  • make sure that water does not drip from the faucet spout and shower, as this will lead to the formation of a rusty coating. If the faucet is leaking, it must be repaired;
  • in no case do not try to wipe off limescale, rust or any other dirt with a metal brush;

  • do not allow sudden temperature changes on the surface of the bath;
  • do not put metal objects in the bath. Buckets and basins must be plastic;
  • before using detergents, make sure they are suitable for your type of bath. This is especially true for acrylic baths, which are exposed to chemicals (acids, alkalis, solvents, etc.);
  • wash the bath to white with detergents (no difference folk or purchased in the store) at least twice a month.

If you follow these rules, you will not have to puzzle over how and with what to clean the surface to get rid of rust, limescale, black spots, etc. In addition, plumbing will always shine.

Folk ways to clean the bath

Now let's look at how to clean the bath to white with home remedies, if it so happened that the surface still managed to "acquire" all sorts of raids and other contaminants. I must say that there are a huge number of all kinds of cleaning methods. However, we will consider only the most effective and proven ones.

These methods include the following:

Method 1: baking soda with vinegar and bleach

First of all, I note that this cleaner is intended for a bathtub made of cast iron, since it contains quite aggressive components. To prepare it, you will need:

  • food and soda ash;
  • bleach;
  • vinegar.

  1. First of all, you need to mix baking soda with soda ash in equal proportions. Use a few tablespoons of each soda - this will be enough;
  2. then add quite a bit of water to get a slurry of the mixture;
  3. the resulting composition must be treated with contaminated areas;
  4. after that, you need to mix bleach with vinegar in equal proportions and apply the liquid on top of the soda;
  5. after half an hour, the surface should be wiped with a damp sponge and then rinsed with plenty of water.

As a rule, housewives are interested not only in how to wash the bath, but also in how to clean the tiles so that its surface shines. This tool is excellent for these purposes.

I must say that this composition does an excellent job with limescale, however, it can also be used to remove other types of pollution.

If you need to clean acrylic plumbing, you can use vinegar alone without baking soda and bleach. To do this, simply soak the wipes in vinegar and place them on the contaminated surface. After an hour, wipes should be removed and then wiped with a soft sponge and rinsed with plenty of water.

Method 2: citric acid

Citric acid is not only a very effective remedy for all types of plaque, but also a versatile one that can be used on both enameled sanitary ware and acrylic baths. The only thing, depending on the type of bath, it is applied in different ways.

If cast iron or metal, the instructions for using citric acid look like this:

  1. in a glass of water you need to dissolve one and a half tablespoons of citric acid;
  2. then the composition must be applied to the contaminated surface with a sponge or spray;
  3. after fifteen minutes, the contaminated areas should be wiped off with a sponge dipped in a solution of citric acid;
  4. when the surface is cleaned, the bath should be rinsed with cold water.

If the plumbing is acrylic, it is cleaned in a slightly different way:

  1. First of all, warm water must be taken into the bath;
  2. then add one and a half tablespoons of citric acid;
  3. after 12 hours, you need to drain the water from and rinse the surface of the plumbing. It is even advisable to wipe it with a sponge dipped in a solution of soda, and then wash it. In this case, no acid is guaranteed to remain on the surface, which has a detrimental effect on acrylic.

Method 3: Borax with Lemon Juice

If you're looking for something to clean up a rusty bathroom, you can use borax with lemon juice. Moreover, this composition is suitable for all types of plumbing.

This tool is used as follows:

  1. Pour a quarter cup of lemon juice into a container and pour borax into it. The amount of the latter should be such that a pasty consistency is formed, but at the same time the borax crystals dissolve;
  2. paste must be applied to rusty spots;
  3. When the paste dries, it must be washed off with water. The composition must go along with the rust;
  4. if the stains are not completely gone, the procedure must be repeated.

If you need to clean metal or cement, for example, that got on it during repairs, use sewer cleaning compounds such as Mole.

Method 4: Cleaning Powder Paste

This composition is also designed to remove rusty plaque. However, it can only be used for enamelled plumbing.

To make this cleaner with your own hands, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

This tool is used very simply:

  • all ingredients must be mixed with each other in any order;
  • the resulting paste should treat rusty spots;
  • after that, you need to wash off the paste along with the rust with running water.

Method: 5: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Now let's look at how to clean an enamel bathtub to remove limescale. For this you will need:

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to mix the components;
  2. apply the resulting solution to contaminated areas;
  3. after 15 minutes, wipe the treated areas with a damp sponge and then rinse the surface with water;
  4. if plaque is not completely removed, repeat the procedure again.

With this tool, you can clean not only plumbing, but also tiles from plaque. The only thing before you clean the tile, wash it with soapy water to first remove the top layer of dirt and dust.

Method 6: soda with washing powder

Cleaning the bathtub at home can be effectively done with a detergent and soda based product. To prepare it, prepare the ingredients in the following quantity:

This composition is applied as follows:

  1. dissolve baking soda and washing powder in hot water;
  2. after that, treat the contaminated areas with a sponge soaked in the solution;
  3. after 15-20 minutes, wipe off the contamination with a sponge dipped in the solution;
  4. after that, the surface should be rinsed with water.

If you need to remove blackness from a metal bath, you can use a regular bleach, such as Domestos. The composition should be applied to the contaminated area and then rubbed with a sponge after 15-20 minutes.

Method 7: soda ash with laundry soap

A fairly effective tool for cleaning the bath from various types of contaminants is laundry soap mixed with soda ash. It is applied as follows:

  1. laundry soap should be grated on a fine grater;
  2. after that, the soap must be mixed with soda in equal proportions;
  3. a small amount of water should be added to the mixture so that it becomes wet;
  4. the composition should be applied to the contaminated area and left for an hour;
  5. at the end of the work, the treated areas should be wiped with a sponge, and then rinsed with water.

Many housewives are interested in the forums - how to clean plastic panels? Soda ash with laundry soap does the job perfectly.

If the surface of the bath is too neglected and covered with plaque, a small amount of ammonia can be added to the mixture.

Method 8: Trisodium Phosphate and Hydrogen Peroxide

Another old proven tool that allows you to clean a metal or cast iron bath from rust is hydrogen peroxide and trisodium phosphate. To prepare this detergent, it is necessary to prepare the components in the following quantity:

This tool is made by hand as follows:

  1. dissolve trisodium phosphate in warm water;
  2. then gradually pour hydrogen peroxide into the solution;
  3. then you need to moisten the sponge in the solution and rub the rust with it;
  4. if there are barely noticeable spots on the surface that do not rub off, they need to be applied with a solution and left for 10-15 minutes;
  5. At the end of the work, the treated area must be washed with water.

Method 9: Oxalic Acid

If you need to remove rust from an acrylic bathtub, use oxalic acid. To prepare the composition, you need to dissolve the acid in water in a ratio of one to ten.

After that, the solution should be applied to the yellowed areas and left for an hour. After the specified time, the solution must be washed off with water.

Plastic panels for the bathroom, unlike the bath itself, are made of PVC, not acrylic. Thanks to this, chlorine, for example, whiteness, can be used to clean them. The only thing before cleaning plastic panels with chlorine is to take care of the ventilation of the room.

Method 10: table salt with wine vinegar

Finally, consider another effective remedy that allows you to get rid of even the oldest and stubborn rusty stains on the enamel surface. This tool is made as follows:

  1. pour 100 ml of vinegar into a container and add a tablespoon of salt to it;
  2. the container with the solution must be placed on the stove or in the microwave, and heated to a temperature of about 60 degrees.

When the solution is ready, it must be applied with a sponge to the rust and washed off with water after 20 minutes. As a rule, rust goes away after the first application of the composition.

Here, in fact, are all the folk ways to clean the bath from various contaminants. It should be noted that they are more effective than the advertised compositions. At the same time, the price of the components is usually several times less.


Each of the folk remedies described above is quite effective. Therefore, choose depending on the type of your bath, as well as the type of pollution and the presence of certain ingredients on hand. At the same time, do not forget that it is much easier to keep plumbing in a clean condition than to deal with dirt and plaque later.

For more information, see the video in this article. If you have any difficulties with cleaning the bath, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

September 5, 2016

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In order for the cast-iron bath to last as long as possible and at the same time retain a neat appearance, it must be regularly cleaned of dirt and plaque, and always with suitable means. Such a bath only at first glance seems “indestructible”: cast iron is indeed a very durable material, but the enamel with which it is covered requires careful treatment. The complexity of caring for a cast-iron bath depends on the state of the enamel coating and the quality of tap water.

When cleaning a bathtub, one has to deal with typical dirt: grease residues, soap stains, limescale and rusty streams.

If the product is new and without defects, the main principle of care is not to damage the enamel surface. Most mistakes are made out of ignorance or negligence. In order not to spoil the coating, manufacturers categorically do not recommend for washing enameled bathtubs:

  • metal and fiberglass brushes and scrapers;
  • abrasive powders;
  • aggressive acids;
  • concentrated chlorine compounds.

Note: The resistance of enamel to chemical influences depends on its thickness, the number of layers and the technology of application. Domestic and inexpensive Chinese baths are enamelled in an outdated way - in drying chambers (hot drying method). The surface of such products is fragile and often uneven. Spanish, French and German-made bathtubs are covered with ultraviolet curing powder enamels, which greatly increases their wear resistance. But such products are characterized by a high price and are not always available to the average consumer.

How to wash properly

Regardless of the quality of the coating, the rules for washing a cast-iron bath are as follows:

  1. The surface of the new enameled bathtub is non-porous, so it is enough to wash it with special products once a week. For everyday care, improvised products with a slightly alkaline reaction are suitable: baking soda, laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.
  2. Detergents are applied from a spray bottle or with the help of sponges, washcloths, napkins. Light friction of the surface with brushes or the hard side of a dish sponge is allowed.
  3. The method of cleaning the old bath depends on the condition of the enamel: if it is satisfactory, then available folk remedies can be used, depending on the type of pollution. If the coating is dull and rough, the enamel is damaged, and plaque can only be removed with aggressive or expensive professional compounds. But such a surface will still be heavily contaminated.

Prohibited funds

Common products Whiteness, Domestos, Komet, Silit or Bref are aggressive substances with a high concentration of chlorine or acids. They are designed for faience and ceramics (i.e. for toilets, sinks and tiles), but are not suitable for enamelled surfaces. Chlorine really washes the bath to white, but the regular use of products based on it leads to persistent yellowing of the enamel.

Concentrated acids (oxalic, phosphoric, hydrochloric) disrupt the structure of the enamel: microcracks appear on it, into which dirt begins to clog. First, the coating loses its luster, then it becomes porous and rough. Subsequently, it becomes more and more difficult to wash such a bath, because the destruction of damaged enamel continues, and any pollution is literally absorbed into it. In especially severe cases, concentrated acids simply corrode the enamel, forming ugly streaks and exposing the cast-iron base of the bath.

Often even a new bath turns yellow quickly due to the high concentration of impurities in tap water, and no “permitted” products help restore the surfaces to their former cleanliness. In such cases, many decide to clean the bath with aggressive compounds. This is always a risk for enamel, especially thin layers. But if a decision is made to clean yellow spots or rust with such means, it is better to prefer chlorine-containing acidic ones. They should be applied diluted and for as short a time as possible. There is a chance that the product will have time to corrode only plaque and not affect the coating. But for frequent use, this method is not suitable.

improvised means

Home recipes for cleaning cast iron bathtubs have been used for a long time, so there are many proven and safe products among them. Many recipes are universal and cope with various contaminants.

Whitening at home


Table vinegar is a low concentration acid that can safely whiten even an old cast iron bathtub. Used alone or in combination with other home remedies. The most popular and effective recipes:

  1. "Vinegar bath". 1 liter of vinegar is diluted in a bath with warm water and left for several hours (up to 12). The solution is drained, and the surface is wiped with a sponge and washed with water.
  2. Compress. Cover the bath with paper towels soaked in vinegar and leave for a long time (optimally overnight). Wipe, rinse with water.
  3. For bleaching old bathtubs and removing stubborn dirt. The bath is moistened with water and rubbed with a mixture of equal parts of baking soda and soda ash, left for 10 minutes. Mix vinegar and liquid bleach (50 g each). Without washing off the soda, distribute the composition over the surface. After 30 minutes, you can rub the bath with a sponge, leave for a few more minutes and rinse with water.

Laundry soap

This remedy is effective on its own or in combination with baking soda. With 72% soap, you can wash a cast-iron bath from limescale and yellowness: lather a sponge and treat the surface. Laundry soap is safe for enamel, so it can be left for as long as necessary, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

From laundry soap, you can prepare a universal washing gel, if you grate half a piece on a coarse grater, dilute with warm water and add 1 tbsp. l. food or soda ash. Soda enhances the alkaline action of soap and helps to clean the enamel even from stubborn dirt.

Oxygen bleaches

These are chlorine-free products that are effective against yellowness. They are found in most bleaching gels and laundry detergents. They can be liquid (the active substance is hydrogen peroxide) or powder (sodium percarbonate). Does not damage the enamel of cast iron bathtubs. To remove yellow plaque, bleaching laundry gels or liquid bleach such as Vanish are suitable. The product is distributed over the bathroom and left for a period of 15 to 30 minutes and rinsed thoroughly with water. You can follow the instructions on the package.

Note: It is important to apply bleaches evenly so that there are no bleached streaks and stains. If a washing gel is used, it should be of a uniform consistency, without any granules or abrasive.


Small stains from fresh yellow plaque can be cleaned with whitening toothpaste and an old toothbrush. To enhance the effect, you can add 3-5 drops of lemon essential oil to the paste, which is known for its mild whitening effect. Toothpaste gently polishes the surface of the enamel and gives it a shine.

Limescale removal

Lemon acid

An effective limescale remover that works in the same way as vinegar, so can replace it. Citric acid is available mostly in powder form, so it's best to dilute it with water before use to avoid scratching the surface. Pairs well with soda.


An alcohol solution of ammonia is diluted with warm water and applied to areas with plaque. Leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water.

Note: It is convenient to apply liquid formulations from a spray bottle, but ammonia when sprayed gets into the eyes and respiratory tract, causing them to become irritated. Therefore, it is better to apply such a solution with a sponge.

home remedies for rust

Vinegar + sodium tetraborate

With a mixture of vinegar and borax applied to a sponge, rub rusty spots until they lighten or disappear. The method is suitable for removing fresh rust.

Vinegar and table salt

Finely ground salt is distributed over rusty areas. Paper napkins are laid out on top and soaked with vinegar using a spray bottle. Instead of napkins, you can use unnecessary tissue. The duration of the "compress" - 15 - 30 minutes. Then the salt layer is removed, and the treated areas are wiped with the same napkins or cloth.


Turpentine is used to remove rust, which has not yet deeply ingrained. Due to the high concentration of essential oils, turpentine penetrates well into dirt and softens them. It is used alone or in combination with salt or mustard powder: they are mixed with turpentine until a slurry is obtained. Apply to the enamel and after 15 minutes try to scrub the stains with a sponge. If necessary, the exposure time can be extended up to 30 minutes. Turpentine polishes the surface and forms a protective film on it, which facilitates the removal of new plaque.

Synthetic detergents

Enamelled surfaces are chemically resistant to weak alkalis. Therefore, alkaline-based products are allowed for washing cast-iron bathtubs. The pH of such products is from 7 to 13. Compounds based on fruit acids are relatively harmless. Chemical products that are safe for enamelled baths are represented by such means:

  • Oxygen gel Sanelit. Contains acids of low concentration, therefore it can be used on enameled surfaces. The antibacterial composition gently and effectively cleans the surface from rust, lime and soap stains. Does not always cope with severe pollution.

    Oxygen gel Sanelit.

  • Sanita anti-rust gel. Suitable for short-term use on enamel. Cleans rust, stains, limescale. The product is kept for up to 7 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off. The gel protects the surface from re-rusting for several days.

    Anti-rust gel Sanita.

  • Cream Cif Ultra White. It whitens and cleans fresh limescale well, but does not remove rust.

  • Gel Sanoks "Clean bath". Eco-product based on fruit acids. Cleans all types of dirt, including old rust.

    Gel Sanoks for baths.

  • Bath gel Sanfor. Professional antibacterial agent for all surfaces. Removes yellowness, rust, lime deposits and prevents new contamination for up to 7 days.

    Sanfor for baths

  • Pemolux. Soda-based powder is one of the most popular and effective remedies. Due to its abrasive structure, it is undesirable to often use it on new products, but for old baths it is an indispensable option.

  • Luxus Professional for baths "Active foam". Phosphate-free aerosol based on fruit acids, designed to remove all types of contaminants.

  • Sarma bath gel. Universal antibacterial agent without chlorine from all types of pollution. The product is not recommended for refurbished enameled bathtubs.

    Sarma bath gel.

When Cleaning Doesn't Help

If the tried cleaning products have not brought results, they resort to radical measures - replacing or restoring the bathtub. Dismantling cast iron products is very time consuming. Therefore, in most cases, they try to restore the bath in one of three ways:

Care and Prevention

With proper care, the warranty period of a cast-iron bathtub reaches 25 years or more. To appreciate the reliability of such products, you should consider the rules for their operation:

  • After each use, rinse the bath with cold tap water - it contains less impurities than hot.
  • It is advisable not to allow prolonged drying of water on the surface. To do this, it is recommended to wipe the tub dry after each use.
  • Monitor air quality: high humidity contributes to the formation of rust on plumbing. It is advisable to organize forced ventilation in the bathroom and keep the doors of the room ajar more often.
  • Eliminate leaks in faucets, faucets, shower hoses in time: dripping water gradually forms yellow or rusty streaks on surfaces.
  • Periodically change the position of the gander in the bathroom so that the water does not constantly flow to the same place.
  • Monitor the complete emptying of the shower head: after use, water often remains in it, which can drip in drops for up to several hours. After a few days, traces of these drops will appear in the form of yellow streaks, often with lime deposits. Most modern faucets have a function to drain the water from the shower head (often for this it is enough to set the switch to the neutral position).
  • When making repairs, do not use the bath to drain consumables. Washing the product after repair can be very difficult, so the surface should be protected from the ingress of glue, sealants and mortars.

Advice! If you need a bathroom remodeler, there is a very convenient service for the selection of specialists from. Just fill in the details of the order, the masters themselves will respond and you can choose with whom to cooperate. Each specialist in the system has a rating, reviews and examples of work that will help with the choice. Looks like a mini tender. Submitting an application is FREE and there is no obligation. Works in almost all cities of Russia.

If you are a master, then go to, register in the system and be able to take orders.

A sparkling clean bathroom is a clear indicator of the level of cleanliness of the hostess. Snow-white plumbing can give the room a cozy and almost solemn look. Today we’ll talk about how to wash a bathtub from plaque at home so that it shines with cleanliness, and how to prevent damage to new models.

Causes of bath pollution

Before you learn how and with what to wash the bath, you should understand the causes of pollution. Enamel or metal can take on an untidy appearance for various reasons.

  • Soapy plaque. Those compounds that are included in the composition of shower gels, shampoos and soaps eventually turn into a grayish coating, which completely eats into the bottom and walls.
  • Ordinary dirt is skin particles, secretions and grease bound with a soap solution. It is better to clean such contaminants immediately after bathing, using hot water and a sponge.
  • Hard water. If hard water comes out of the tap in your area, then definitely its salts will remain on the surface. A crumbling white and yellowish coating is removed only with the help of special cleaning products, which contain acids that can dissolve calcium compounds.
  • Rust. May appear due to the increased content of iron in the composition. Experts classify it as a hard-to-remove contaminant.
  • Old enamel. Retro models are difficult to clean, as their coating is covered with a network of small cracks, which now and then eat dirt of a different nature.
  • Oxides and biofilms from the plumbing are deposited in the presence of old plumbing pipes in the house.
  • Specific dirt. We will include here paint, mold and other residues after repairs, moving, etc. Special preparations will help to cope with them.

How to clean the bottom and walls of the bath from rust

Most often, red spots eat into the surface of metal models. Cleaning a bath from rust is quite difficult. Many housewives purchase specialized preparations in the store, but expensive preparations do not always cope with the “redhead”. You can wash a metal surface from yellowness with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Take a glass jar and wash it thoroughly. Dry or wipe dry.
  2. Pour in 100 ml of ammonia.
  3. Add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide to the container and mix the solution well.
  4. Soak a piece of cloth in this liquid, and wipe the dirt with it.
  5. You can partially pour the solution on the spots and leave it there for 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse with warm water, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Rust is iron oxide, which can be removed with alkalis and acids. Should dissolve from vinegar, ammonia and other special means.

How to clean plumbing from yellow plaque

This method has been used by housewives for many years. The method consists in the use of wine vinegar and salt. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. Combine 50 g of salt and 100 ml of wine vinegar in a glass jar.
  2. Remove the container in the microwave and heat the solution to about 70 degrees.
  3. Soak a cloth with liquid and wipe the yellowed spots with it. Leave to act for half an hour.
  4. Do not keep the composition for a longer time, because this can damage the enamel.

Whitening sanitary models with enamel

It is most realistic to wash the bath white with oxygen-containing preparations. For best effect, warm up the plumbing. To do this, simply draw hot water, hold for 10 minutes, drain and wipe dry. Cleaning agents are applied only to the heated surface.

Important! In no case should you rub the enamel with metal scrapers or various kinds of abrasives. From this, the bottom can become covered with cracks, into which dirt immediately clogs and mold grows. Follow these instructions:

  1. Heating the product is necessary because this fact enhances the chemical reaction, due to which the purification occurs many times faster.
  2. Pour vinegar essence or undiluted vinegar onto contaminated areas.
  3. Oxalic acid can also effectively cope with plaque, but it needs to be applied for a short time.
  4. Wait 15 minutes and rinse well with warm water.

How to clean acrylic with citric acid

Before you learn how to wash an acrylic bath, remember that the use of abrasives or powders is unacceptable. This form of cleaning agent damages the product by scratching the polymer. Such drugs as Domestos, Silit, Cif have proven themselves in the market of household chemicals.

Important! It is possible to wash a homemade acrylic bathtub with products with a high content of chlorine, such as Whiteness, but this should be done carefully and in extreme cases. Chlorine soaks into polymer pores and can cause yellowing of plumbing.

The procedure for cleaning an acrylic model with citric acid is as follows:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of lemongrass in a glass of hot water.
  2. Apply the impregnated cloth to particularly soiled areas. You can wipe the entire area of ​​the bottom and walls.
  3. Rinse with warm water.

Important! It is acceptable to use the following types of household cleaning products for plastic models: Ravak, Eago, Riton, Delfin.

How to bleach cast iron

You can clean the cast iron bath with soda or other abrasive substances. We recommend using liquid chlorine, oxalic acid or soda.

Important! Scraping is undesirable, as such a mechanical method will destroy the enamel. You can wash the old bathtub from stubborn dirt like this:

  1. Rinse the product with as hot water as possible.
  2. Dry the entire area with a towel or dry cloth.
  3. Pour some Whiteness or liquid chlorine on the surface. Hedgehog or Domestos with bleach will also work.
  4. Leave the preparation for 15 minutes, and then wash the product with warm water.

Folk recipes against limescale in the bathroom

If you are not sure how and with what to clean the bath, we bring to your attention several effective and harmless folk recipes that do not affect the coating.

  • Mix vinegar and salt in proportion to a glass of liquid 3 tbsp. l. salt. Apply the composition to the walls and bottom, leave for 15 (maybe 20) minutes and rinse with a shower.
  • Combine ammonia and borax in equal proportions, apply to dirt and plaque. Wash off the residue after 15 minutes.
  • Pour citric acid onto the wetted coating, leave it for half an hour. Wash the cover well.

Cleaning acrylic products in different ways

Acrylic is a wayward material, it requires special care. On top of its surface is a protective antibacterial film that helps keep plumbing from mold growth and the penetration of destructive bacteria. It is possible to influence the product only by proven, safe methods, experiments are unacceptable.

  • Lemonka - not only helps to get rid of limescale, but also whitens plumbing. Type hot water, pour a package of citric acid into it and leave it for a couple of hours. Flush the water, rinse with a shower and wipe the product dry.

Important! The procedure can be repeated only once every six months.

  • To combat stains on acrylic, apply whitening toothpaste and rub it gently over the problem area with your fingers. Leave on the surface for 5 minutes, then rinse with water.

  • Soap and soda solution will help get rid of most stains. Leave the solution for half an hour, rinse. Wipe the product dry after each bath.
  • If the condition is especially polluted, then vinegar will help correct the situation. Take hot water and pour a liter of vinegar into it. Leave it to act for 12 hours. After that, rinse the residue with plenty of water and wipe the coating dry.

Now you know how to choose a bath detergent so that it is as effective as possible, and your plumbing shines with cleanliness. Remember that snow-white appliances are the face of a good housewife.

Video: The most effective bath cleaning methods

A neat and clean bathroom will become the hallmark of every owner of a house or apartment. There are many options for cleaning the bathroom at home. By choosing the most effective method from the proposed ones, you can easily cope with the task. During the cleaning process, household chemicals or improvised means are used, which everyone can find in the house.

Cleaning products and folk methods for washing the bathroom

Before you decide how to wash the bathroom, it is important to consider the features of the coating of the product. Acrylic models require special care, so not every tool is suitable for them. The use of powders or abrasive pastes for washing is not recommended, as they can leave scratches on the plastic. You can use acid detergents, but not too often. In the fight against rust, the ideal solution will be the means: "Mr. Chister", "Sanoks" and "Triton".

Do not forget that cast iron and acrylic baths are cleaned differently.

Enamelled steel and cast iron baths are washed with abrasive powders. When cleaning, it is better to refuse the use of caustic acids ("Adrilan") and the use of a metal brush. When choosing a detergent, carefully study the composition, as the regular use of aggressive chemicals can make plumbing rough and unpleasant to the touch.

Knowing which product will be effective for each type of soiling will make it much easier to deal with plaque in the bathroom. You can use at home not only professional, but also folk remedies that will help you quickly fix the problem at no extra cost. The methods listed below will allow you to effectively clean both walls and plumbing.

How to wash limescale?

Soda and vinegar will help to cope with this type of pollution. Process step by step:

  1. Pre-mix half a cup of baking soda and water, and add ¼ tbsp. vinegar.
  2. Treat the bathtub and walls with tiles with the prepared solution.
  3. Wipe the plumbing with a damp sponge, and then additionally rinse the surface with water.
  4. For acrylic models, use lemon juice instead of baking soda.

A solution of citric acid and soda will effectively deal with limescale on the walls and bath. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pre-cook the pasta by adding a small amount of water to the baking soda.
  2. Spread the consistency on the surface.
  3. Dilute citric acid with water (in a ratio of 1: 1) and apply on top of soda.
  4. After that, carefully wipe the problem area with a sponge and rinse with water.

When choosing household chemicals, give preference to the following products:

  • Ecover. You can safely use the liquid for sinks made of earthenware, acrylic baths, ceramic tiles, porcelain.
  • Spray Comet. Suitable for removing limescale and rust on faucets, showers, tiles. It is not recommended to use for a bathroom with an enameled bathtub and apply on walls made of natural stone.
  • Cilli Bang. Suitable for all types of bathtubs, tiled walls, sinks and toilets. The use of chemicals is not recommended for natural stone, copper and brass surfaces, galvanized products.

Before you clean sanitary ware or ceramics with one of the above products, carefully read the composition.

How to deal with mold and mildew

Using ordinary vinegar, you can wipe the mold from the joints between the tiles, as well as in the shower or on the side of the bathroom. In the process of cleaning, moisten the sponge in vinegar or, using a spray bottle, treat the problem area. Rinse off any dried residue with a damp cloth.

The real salvation against the fungus will be hydrogen peroxide or "Anti-fungus"

Pour the peroxide into a spray bottle and spray it onto walls, sinks, and showers. In the process of washing, do not forget to remove the remnants of fungus and mold with a damp sponge. Don't rub too hard on tile seams and dark plastics.

It will be possible to effectively clean the bathroom using professional tools:

  • Antiseptic "Dali". You can use the solution even when processing kitchen and wooden surfaces. Due to the safe composition, it will help to effectively cope with the fungus.
  • "Anti-fungus". Helps to forget about any manifestations of fungus and mold.

Cleaning the bath of paint

It is necessary to wash the bath from fresh paint as quickly as possible, until the substance has had time to dry. Before using a cleaning agent, carefully remove adhering silicone or paint from the enamel with a blade. After that, put a lotion on the surface with a solvent, which is selected in accordance with the type of dye. It will be possible to remove the paint with the help of "White spirit" or another substance.

Cleaning of cement and primer

Before you clean tiles or plumbing from cement or primer, enlist the help of ATLAS SZOP. This chemistry will help to quickly cope with the task, however, it is not recommended to use it when working with acid-resistant surfaces.

It will be much easier to remove the primer while it is still fresh. When working with the consistency, use acetone or a special wash. Vegetable oil will help clean the bathroom to a shine and effectively cope with cement dust. Add a few tablespoons of oil to a bucket of warm water and wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Cleaning the bathroom from glue and sealant

You can speed up the cleaning process if, before cleaning the walls in the bathroom with detergent, you first remove the adhesive base from the surface with a blade. Add a small amount of ammonia or vinegar to the water and leave the wet rag with the composition on the dried glue. The solution will quickly soften the product.

In the process of how you will wash the sealant, try to pre-clean the top layer. In the event that a greasy mark remains on the bath (after removing the silicone), enlist the help of table salt. Moisten it and apply on gauze, wipe the problem area without strong pressure. With the help of "White spirit" and gasoline, the process of cleaning the bathroom will be significantly accelerated.

We remove rust quickly and efficiently!

While you are cleaning plumbing from rust, actively use household improvised means. Lemon juice will help get rid of yellow spots. Squeeze a few drops of lemon on the rusted area and wait 15 minutes. Rinse the area with a clean damp sponge.

A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with the problem. Mix 50 ml of peroxide and 100 ml of ammonia. Soak a rag in the solution and treat the problem area. Wipe the surface with a clean sponge after 15 minutes.

Make a paste by adding a small amount of water to the baking soda, then apply the gruel to the rust. Wait 10 minutes and rinse the tub with water. Do not use the consistency when cleaning an acrylic bath.

Still looking for an effective rust remover? "Kama" or powder "Surge" will be an excellent choice!

In the process of cleaning the bath from rust, you can safely use household chemicals that are affordable. Powder "Surge" and paste "Kama" will effectively cope with the task.

How to clean grout between tiles in a bathroom

To return the grout between the seams to its original appearance and effectively remove the remnants of soap and dirt, household chemicals will help. Use for the bathroom Silit, Fairy, CIF, AOS. Domestos and "Whiteness" will help to cope with the fungus and mold that has formed in the tile joints.

Still not sure how to quickly clean the dirt between the tiles? Then use a steam generator or prepare a mixture of baking soda and bleach!

A steam generator will help remove dirt without leaving stains and smudges on the tile. After hot steam cleaning, mold residues can be removed with a normal damp cloth.

If you mix bleach and baking soda, you can clean the white grout between the seams. After applying the gruel, wait until it dries, and then sweep away the residue with a brush.

Seams can be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Dilute the liquid with water in a ratio of 1:2. The main plus is that you do not have to wash off such a tool. Mix water and vinegar in equal proportions, and then process the tiles and seams. Use a toothbrush for better cleaning.

How to clean natural stone tiles

To care for this type of surface, as in the case of PVC panels in the bathroom, you need to be as careful as possible. It will be much easier to get rid of dampness if you wipe the natural stone with a rubber brush after completing water procedures. Products that do not contain acids, as well as a solution of water with ammonia, will help to effectively remove the remaining foam. It is not recommended to use alcohol on a regular basis, as the stone may lose its brightness.

When caring for a stone, use Lindex spray, because it will help to effectively deal with stains. Brio Action is able to remove fungus and mold, Clean Ilpa is considered safe enough.
Before choosing an improvised product or household chemicals when cleaning the bathroom, be sure to consider the type of pollution. Carefully remove dirt from the acrylic bath and natural stone, as these surfaces are easily damaged.